W3150: Breeding Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) for Resistance to Abiotic and Biotic Stresses, Sustainable Production, and Enhanced Nutritional
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Annual/Termination Reports:
[12/23/2015] [01/27/2017] [04/05/2018] [10/30/2018] [12/20/2019] [10/21/2020]Date of Annual Report: 12/23/2015
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2014 - 09/30/2015
PARTICIPANTS (* Indicates participation via conference call)Beaver, Jim (james.beaver@upr.edu) - University of Puerto Rico
Cannon, Ethy (ekcannon@iastate.edu) - Iowa State University
Campbell, J.D. (jdjax@iastate.edu) - Iowa State University
Cichy, Karen (karen.cichy@ars.usda.gov) - USDA-ARS, East Lansing
Goswami, Rubella S (rgoswami@desu.edu)- Delaware State University
Grusak, Mike (mike.grusak@ars.usda.gov) - USDA-ARS Houston, TX
Hossain, Khwaja (k.hossain@mayvillestate.edu) - Mayville State University
Hart, John (john.hart@ars.usda.gov) - USDA-ARS
Heitholt, Jim (jim.hyotholt@uwyo.edu) - University of Wyoming
Hu, Jinguo (jinguo.hu@ars.usda.gov) USDA-ARS
Kalavacharla, Venu (Kal) (vkalvacharla@desu.edu) - Delaware State University
Karasev, Alex (akarasev@uidaho.edu) - University of Idaho
Kelly, Jim (kellyj@msu.edu) - Michigan State University
Kisha, Ted (tkisha@wsu.edu; theodore.kisha@ars.usda.gov) - USDA-ARS
Kmiecik ,Ken (kakmiecik@sbcglobal.net)
McClean, Phil (phillip.mcclean@ndsu.edu) - North Dakota State University
Miklas, Phil (phil.miklas@ars.usda.gov) - USDA-ARA, Prosser
Nienhaus, Jim (nienhaus@wisc.edu) University of Wisconsin
Osorno, Juan (juan.osorno@ndsu.edu) - North Dakota State University
Pasche, Julie (julie.pasche@ndsu.edu) - North Dakota State University
Pastor-Corrales, M.A. (talo.pastor-corrales@ars.usda.gov) –USDA-ARS, Beltsville, MD
Porch, Tim (timothy.porch@ars.usda.gov) - USDA-ARS-Mayaguez
Raatz, Bodo (b.aatz@cgiar.org) - CIAT
Rosas, Juan Carlos (jcrosas@zamorano.edu) - Zamonaro/Honduras
Rueda, Janice (rueda@wayne.edu) - Wayne State University/Archer Daniels Midland
Scholz, Todd (tscholz@usapulse.org) - American Pulse Association
Singh, Shree (singh@uidaho.edu)- University of Idaho
Qijian Song, (Qijian.Song@ARS.USDA.GOV) - USDA-ARS, Beltsville, MD
Souza, Maria (mariamartiniano@hotmail.com) - Universidad Equaduar De Marinaa
Steadman, Jim (jsteadman@unl.edu) - University of Nebraska
Uebersax, Mark (ubersax@msu.edu)- Michigan State University (retired)
Urrea, Carlos (currea2@unl.edu) - University of Nebraska
Wiesinger, Jason (wiesinge@mdsu.edu) - USDA-ARS
Wahlquist, Dan (dan.wahlquist@syngenta.com) - Syngenta
Brief Summary of Minutes
The meeting was called to order 10:50 am by Julie Pashe, Chair, W-3150. Julie Pasche welcomed everyone and introduced Khwaja Hossain as Vice Chair. Jim Kelly made a motion to elect Rubella Goswami as the Secretary and the motion was 2nd by Phil McClean. The motion passed with all in favor and Rubella Goswami started serving as secretary immediately. This need was brought about by the inability of the secretary elect (Vicki Schelgal, U of NE) to attend this meeting. Dr. Schegal will be nominated to serve as secretary in 2016.
A motion was made by Juan Osorno and seconded by Phil Miklas to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Introductions of attendees followed.
Janice Rueda, Past Chair, reported that the submission for the 5 year renewal of the W2150 (now W3150) had gone smoothly and thanked members for their inputs.
Julie Pasche, informed the group that the minutes for the meeting along with the State Reports had to be submitted within 60 days from the date of the meeting and requested each state representative to send their reports to any of the office bearers. The length of the report was limited to 1-1.5 pages.
Dr. Mike Harring provided administrative update via phone. Dr. Harring’s comments included the possibility of an increase in budget and AFRI funds, changes in the IPM program and creation of an agriculture research institute. There were no questions from the attendees.
Qijian Song, USDA-ARS, Beltsville, MD presented “Development of SNP BeadChips in Common Bean”. Using a set of 17 diverse accessions from major market classes, nearly 2 million SNPs were identified. A series of 3 Bead chips have been designed and used to identify genes or QTL associated with resistance to bean common mosaic virus, root rot, rust, bacterial blight and leaf hopper as well as root architecture, drought and multiple stress tolerance. He also discussed the availability of the Soybean Bead Chip available through the BARCSoy6K BeadChip Consortium, where additional SNPs can be added to existing SNPs. His presentation was followed by a discussion that Bead Chips may be a better option than GBS as it reduces the need for bioinformatics and results are delivered directly in a spread-sheet.
State reports were given. See meeting minutes for state reports.
<p><strong>Major activities completed:</strong></p><br /> <ul><br /> <li>Development and release of bean cultivars ‘Beniquez’ and ‘Badillo’ and improved bean germplasm TARS LFR1, PR0806-80, PR0806-81, PR0401-259, PR0650-31, TARS-MST1 and SB-DT1.</li><br /> <li>Identification of genes for resistance to common bacterial blight.</li><br /> <li>Characterization of the virulence patterns of isolates of the angular leaf spot and ashy stem blight and common bacterial blight pathogens.</li><br /> <li>The project made progress toward all of the specific objectives:</li><br /> <li>Conduct a bean breeding program by crossing promising parents and selecting breeding lines for adaptation, agronomic traits and disease resistance and evaluate the performance of advanced generation breeding lines on experiment stations and farms</li><br /> <li>Study the inheritance of resistance to common bean diseases,</li><br /> <li>Isolate and characterize bean pathogens in Puerto Rico</li><br /> <li>Provide a winter nursery service for U.S. bean breeding programs</li><br /> </ul><br /> <p><strong>Tim Porch, USDA-ARS-TARS, Mayaguez, PR</strong></p><br /> <p>Breeding lines developed from a second cycle of recurrent selection for drought in the collaborative shuttle breeding with the U. of Nebraska were evaluated in Nebraska and in Puerto Rico in 2015. In collaboration with USDA-ARS-Prosser, over 200 bulk breeding populations have been developed for abiotic and biotic traits in Mesoamerican and Andean genetic backgrounds and are freely available. A diversity analysis of angular leaf spot isolates from Central America, Puerto Rico, and Tanzania is being conducted through sequencing of specific loci in collaboration with the U. of Puerto Rico. Evaluation methods, virulence analysis, and the genetics of the response to ashy stem blight is being conducted on both a RIL population and on the panel with the U. of Puerto Rico. GWAS analysis is being conducted on a number of abiotic stress traits in the ADP and BASE120 panels and in a Mesoamerican RIL population.</p><br /> <p>A tepary diversity panel (TDP) was developed and genotyped using genotyping-by-sequencing. The TDP was evaluated for response to <em>bean common mosaic virus</em> and biological nitrogen fixation, and a small set of accessions were identified with BCMV resistance. Agronomic traits were evaluated in Puerto Rico, Arizona, and Colorado. In addition, advanced lines of tepary (<em>Phaseolus acutifolius</em>) in a tepary adaptation trial (TAT) were generated, and are currently being tested at Colorado State through a shuttle breeding effort, and in Central America.</p><br /> <p>A database of the Andean Diversity Panel (ADP), and SNP genotypic information on the ADP generated through genotyping-by-sequencing are being made available for use through the FtF-ARS Grain Legumes Project website <a href="http://arsftfbean.uprm.edu/bean/">http://arsftfbean.uprm.edu/bean/</a>.</p><br /> <p><strong>Washington</strong></p><br /> <p>Theodore Kisha, Giuliana Naratto</p><br /> <p>Dry bean nutrient analysis and characterization of exotic germplasm research at Washington State University in 2015 are summarized below:</p><br /> <p><em>Nutrient analysis of selected dry beans: </em>Of the more than 20,000 <em>Phaseolus </em>accessions held at the Western Regional Plant Introduction Station (WRPIS), the most abundant species by far is <em>P. vulgaris </em>L. with over 17,000 accessions. Of these, 177 are described as “snap” varieties, grown for harvest as fresh vegetable, while the remainder are described as “dry beans”. Among these, 90 are classified as nuña beans, or the Peruvian “popping” bean. These beans have been selected and raised among the Andean natives in the high mountains for millennia and have the unique characteristic of bursting when subjected to heat, making them a high protein food in conditions where boiling would consume scarce fuel. This property also makes these beans a potential nutritious snack food, both in and of itself, as well as in the form of an extruded product. We analyzed the molecular diversity of 35 nuña and 8 common dry bean accessions and compared a range of nutritional factors, including protein, starch, sugars, phytate, and antioxidant activity. Genetic analysis using AFLP markers showed nuñas were distinct from the common dry beans analyzed, and there were two distinct groups within the nuñas. There was a similar wide range of nutritional characteristics within both the common dry beans and the nuñas. Values for nuñas and common bean respectively were: protein (18-25 and 17-27%), extractable polyphenols (50-350 and 50-450 mg GAE/100g), non-extractable polyphenols (50-220 and 70-175 mg GAE/100g), phytate (0.45-1.2 and 0.6-1.0%), and total antioxidant activity (8-52 and 7-48 mgTE). There is enough genetic variation in both nuña and common dry beans to breed popping beans adapted to a temperate, long-day environment and to develop a highly nutritious snack food for America.</p><br /> <p><em>Genetic Diversity of North American wild kidney bean (Phaseolus polystachios) in the eastern United States:</em> North American wild kidney bean or thicket bean (<em>Phaseolus polystachios </em>(L.) Britton, Sterns, & Poggenb.) is a perennial vine found in the eastern United States from Texas to Connecticut. Habitat destruction and urbanization are limiting its distribution: e.g., it was once prevalent in the Detroit River International Wildlife Refuge, but has not been seen there since the late 1800’s. Crop wild relatives are a critical source of genetic diversity, often holding untapped genes for breeding of domesticated plants in agriculture for disease resistance, yield, quality, and adaptation to climate change, as well as ecologically important members of natural habitat. The closest cultivated relative of <em>P. polystachios </em>is <em>P. lunatus, </em>the lima bean. Through coevolution in its natural habitat, <em>P. polystachios </em>may have acquired true resistance to the ubiquitous pathogen white mold (<em>Sclerotinia sclerotiorum</em>) and provide a source for interspecific transfer. The Western Regional Plant Introduction Station of the National Plant Germplasm System holds over 17,000 accessions of <em>Phaseolus</em> from 47 species groups, but has only 10 accessions of the wild <em>Phaseolus polystachios</em>, 5 of which were only recently collected in Florida. Understanding genetic diversity is critical for identifying areas to target for recovering maximum genetic representation. Molecular markers are an important tool for analyzing the extent and distribution of genetic diversity within and among wild populations and are important for identifying geographic gaps for collecting underrepresented genotypes. We analyzed nine accessions from the USDA collection along with sixteen herbarium samples provided by the Smithsonian Institution using 231 AFLP molecular markers from six primer combinations. While the DNA from the herbarium samples was somewhat degraded, markers at and below 200 bp were readily discernible and showed four distinct clusters. One herbarium sample from Florida was distinct from the others and, because of the lobed leaves, is likely <em>P. smilacifolius.</em> The USDA accession from Texas was very unique and has been reclassified as <em>P. texensis. </em>The level of distinction among the samples studied here reinforces the need for continued collection of this diverse species. A collection expedition was carried out in October and additional populations were collected in Ohio, Indiana, West Virginia, and Missouri.</p><br /> <p><strong>Nebraska</strong></p><br /> <p>Jim Steadman and Carlos A. Urrea</p><br /> <p>Root, stem and crown rots are increasingly becoming a yield constraint to dry bean production. The major soil-borne pathogens we have found associated with root, stem and crown rots include <em>Fusarium solani</em>, <em>Fusarium oxysporum</em>, Pythium ultimum, <em>Rhizoctonia solani</em> and <em>Macrophomina phaseolina</em>. Identification of the major pathogens causing root rots helps direct breeding program efforts for disease resistance. Symptomatic bean samples were collected from bean fields in Nebraska and Puerto Rico. Traditional fungal isolation and molecular and morphological identification and sequencing DNA from root tissue guided fungal genus and species information. <em>Fusarium</em> species were detected in 82% of DNA sequenced from all Nebraska root samples and 83% of the isolated pathogenic fungi. Nearly 50% of the isolates from Puerto Rico were <em>Macrophomina phaseolina</em>. Both DNA analysis with species specific primers and sequencing of pathogenic isolates identified<em> Fusarium</em> spp. as the most common pathogens in Nebraska and <em>Macrophomina phaseolina</em> to be more dominant in Puerto Rico.</p><br /> <p>The main pathogens reported to cause root and crown rots of dry bean are <em>Fusarium solani</em>, <em>Fusarium oxysporum</em>, <em>Pythium ultimum</em>, <em>Rhizoctonia solani</em> and <em>Macrophomina phaseolina</em>. Determining pathogenicity of putative causal agents in the root and crown rot complex is required but no simple tests were found in the literature. We compared 4 previously published fungal aggressiveness tests: detached leaf, stem, cup and straw and found significant differences among the pathogenicity testing methods (P<0.001 at 0.05 significance). The straw test had the highest disease incidence (100%) and highest mean disease damage score (5.8 <strong>±</strong> 1.87 SD on the CIAT 1 – 9 scale) for all the tested pathogens. The straw test can be used as an easy and inexpensive method to separate pathogenic from non-pathogenic isolates for the major fungal and oomycete root pathogens of dry bean.</p><br /> <p>Multisite screening was used to identify and verify partial resistance to white mold in common bean. There were 6 field tests conducted in 6 locations testing 7 lines. In the field tests, all 7 lines were significantly more resistant than Beryl. The results of the 4 field tests reported were that 3 bean lines, GN 031-A-11, pinto USPT-WM-12 and snap bean ASR 1002 were similar to the resistant check G122 with intermediate resistance while black B10244 and red R12859 were similar to Bunsi. Navy N11283 and GN G12901 were less susceptible than Beryl. The greenhouse trials tested 11 entries, plus 3 controls, using the straw test on 21- to 28-day-old G122 bean plants. The greenhouse results indicate that 3 bean lines had ratings similar to G122 including 031-A-11 and USPT-WM-12 while 7 lines had ratings similar to Bunsi; however, greenhouse conditions are move favorable and allow the fungus to grow in optimal conditions which is less likely to be encountered in the field. All field entries including pinto, great northern, black, navy and cranberry seed classes were rated lower in susceptibility than Beryl. Progress in incorporating WM resistance into dry bean lines with commercial potential validates use of multisite screening</p><br /> <p>The 2015 evaluation of NE great northern and pinto lines with the rust pathogen under field conditions was conducted at Beltsville, MD. Almost all of the NE lines in the pinto nursery were resistant to the prevalent races of rust. However, the great northern nursery had several entries with intermediate rust resistance. One GN entry had a susceptible reaction. As in previous years, the spreader rows were inoculated with five races of the rust pathogen: 38, 39, 40, 41, and 43.</p><br /> <p>Coordinated, participated in, and distributed the regional WRBT trial planted at CO, ID, WA, and NE. Participated in the regional MRPN trial planted at ND, MI, CO, and NE. Contributed two great northern and two Nebraska pinto bean lines to both trials. Coordinated, participated in, and distributed the DBDN. Most of the DBDN lines are from the Shuttle Breeding between NE and PR. This trial was conducted in CO, NE, MI, and is being planted in PR.</p><br /> <p>The second generation of dry bean lines from the Shuttle Breeding between NE and PR was tested in 2015 under drought stress and non-stress conditions. Irrigation was stopped at flowering stage (terminal stress). Lines from the first cycle of Shuttle Breeding were used as reference checks. Data are being complied and analyzed. This summer a set of drought tolerant lines from previous years were screened for heat tolerance. Data are being analyzed.</p><br /> <p>In the next few days a great northern line will be released as a cultivar based on its performance in Nebraska since 2010. A set of elite great northern/pinto lines have been tested in growers’ fields under the ‘Mother and Baby’ Trial scheme. Data from these trials, the regional trials described above, and disease screening trials are being compiled. Data from trials evaluating the yield of different market classes (great northern, pinto, reds, blacks, light red kidney, and cranberries) are being analyzed. Several lines within each market class appeared to perform better than the reference checks.</p><br /> <p>Three bacterial wilt RILs were advanced to F2:3 through single seed descent. We will continue selfing the RILs until F4:5.</p><br /> <p><strong>Wisconsin</strong></p><br /> <p>James Nienhuis, Dept. of Horticulture, University of Wisconsin-Madison</p><br /> <p>Understanding and improving flavor in beans : screening the USDA <em>Phaseolus </em>core collection for pod sugar and flavor compounds in snap and dry bean accessions</p><br /> <p>The objective of our W3150 research is to gain knowledge regarding variation in sugar and flavor content among a sample of dry bean and green pod-type PI accessions from the USDA Phaseolus Germplasm Core Collection, Pullman, WA. Knowledge of the variation will allow better utilization of germplasm resources in the development of new bean cultivars with more desirable sugar and flavor profiles. The results of this project could be used to market product quality and offer unique opportunities to expand market share to an increasingly health conscious population.</p><br /> <p>Dr. Kisha USDA-ARS, Pullman, WA developed a diverse sub-core of 94 Plant Introductions (PI) characterized as snap beans, Romano-types, and other beans eaten as edible immature pods, and 20 dry bean PI accessions. In addition checks included a kidney bean (Montcalm, Andean gene pool) as well as 8 cultivars (e.g. Caprice, Huntington, 04-88, OSU5402, OSU5630, Masai, Slenderpack, Tapia) representing the various market classes consumed as edible green pods currently grown commercially in the United States.</p><br /> <p>A large positive correlation (r=0.79**)was observed between the simple sugars Glucose and Fructose. In contrast a large negative correlation was observed beweeen the disaccharide sucrose with both monosaccharides, glucose (r=-0.37) and fructose (r=-0.43). Glucose concentration had a mean of 19.96 mg g-1 dry weight, and ranged from near zero to over 40mg g<sup>-1</sup> dry weight. P.I accessions with high concentrations of sucrose were generally both heirloom and modern commercial snap beans cultivars, e.g. Provider, Eagle, Cascade, Hystyle and BBL47. Fructose concentration had a mean of 19.9 mg g-1 dry weight, and ranged from near zero to over 50mg g<sup>-1</sup> dry weight. Sucrose had a much lower concentration of 3.7 mg g-1 dry weight, and ranged from near zero to over 14 mg g<sup>-1</sup> dry weight.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p><strong>Michigan</strong></p><br /> <p>James D. Kelly and Karen A. Cichy</p><br /> <p>Plant, Soil and Microbial Sciences, USDA-ARS, Michigan State University, East Lansing MI 48824</p><br /> <p><em>Bean Breeding Nurseries</em></p><br /> <p>The MSU dry bean breeding and genetics program conducted 12 yield trials in 2015 in ten market classes and participated in the growing and evaluation of the Cooperative Dry Bean, Midwest Regional Performance, National Drought and the National Sclerotinia Nurseries in Michigan and winter nursery in Puerto Rico. All yield trials at Frankenmuth were direct harvested. Large-seeded kidney and cranberry trials, at Montcalm were rod-pulled. The white mold trial was direct harvested. Temperatures were moderate for the 2015 season and only exceeding 90F for a few days in July. Overall rainfall for the 3-summer months at the Saginaw Valley Research and Extension Center (SVREC) was equivalent to the 30-year average of 8.5”. A moderate dry period occurred from June 16-July 13 with only 0.7” of rainfall which reduced the overall plant size and resulted in lower overall yields. A high incidence of common bacterial blight resulted in the nurseries and allowed for selection of resistant lines in a range of seed types. Rainfall patterns at the Montcalm Research Farm (MRF) were more extreme with a total rainfall of over 5” within two days of planting. This resulted in major flooding in some areas, soil crusting and compaction in other areas which resulted in low germination. In addition soil temperatures remained low in this critical period and a high incidence of root rots diseases occurred which also reduced germination and stands. The Andean kidney and cranberry beans were the most affected by the stresses whereas the Mesoamerican small and medium seeded black, navy, pinto, GN, and red beans managed to tolerate the conditions and had near normal stands. Overall vigor of the kidney and cranberry beans was poor resulting in small plants that had low overall yields. Plots at MRF had supplemental irrigation did contribute to the development of white mold. Incidence in the National Sclerotinia Initiative nursery was very low in the susceptible checks despite the overall lower temperatures and excess irrigation. The major problem at MRF was the presence of severe root rots mainly Fusarium that was accentuated by the cooler soil conditions early in the season. The unfavorable condition allowed for the selection of lines with tolerance to root rot and with resistance to common bacterial blight in the kidney bean nurseries.</p><br /> <p><em>Black Bean Color Retention</em></p><br /> <p>Color retention after canning is a major concern for the bean canning industry. Significant genetic variability exits and a molecular marker for color retention would be very useful to breeders. A panel of 71 black bean breeding lines was compiled from the major public U.S. black bean breeding programs, including Colorado State University, Michigan State University, North Dakota State University, University of Nebraska, USDA-ARS in East Lansing, MI, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, and Prosser, Washington. These lines were grown in replicated field trials at the SVREC, Richville, MI in 2013 and 2014. Each year beans were canned and evaluated for canning quality and color retention. Anthocyanins were also measured on raw and canned samples. The variability for color retention in the panel ranged from a low of 1.75 to a high of 4.75. These values are based on a scale of 1 to 5, where 1 is light brown and 5 is dark black. The ratings were given by a sensory panel of ~20 individuals. Each of the bean lines were genotyped with the BARCBean6K_3 SNP array of 5,398 SNP markers. In total, 2,799 SNP markers were polymorphic. The phenotypic and genotypic information was used for genome wide association analysis. Genomic regions associated with color retention were found on chromosomes Pv02, Pv03, Pv04, Pv05, Pv06, Pv09, and Pv11.</p>Publications
<p>Astudillo-Reyes, C., A.C. Fernandez, K.A. Cichy. 2015. Transcriptome Characterization of developing bean (<em>Phaseolus vulgaris</em> L.) pods from two genotypes with contrasting seed zinc concentrations. PLoS ONE 10(9): e0137157. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0137157. </p><br /> <p>Beaver, J.S., J.C. Rosas, T.G. Porch, M.A. Pastor-Corrales, G. Godoy-Lutz and E.H. Prophete. 2015. Registration of PR0806-80 and PR0806-81 white bean germplasm with resistance to BGYMV, BCMV, BCMNV and rust. J. Plant Reg. 9:208-211.</p><br /> <p>Beaver, J.S., G. Godoy-Lutz, J.R. Steadman and T.G. Porch. 2011. Release of ‘Beníquez’ white bean (<em>Phaseolus vulgaris</em> L.) cultivar. J. of Agric. of the Univ. of Puerto Rico. 95:237-240. </p><br /> <p>Beaver, J.C., E.H. Prophete, J.C. Rosas, G. Godoy-Lutz, J.R. Steadman and T.G. Porch. 2014. Release of ‘XRAV-40-4’ black bean (<em>Phaseolus vulgaris</em> L.) Cultivar. J. of Agric. of the Univ. of Puerto Rico. 98:83-87. </p><br /> <p>Berry, M., K.A. Cichy, Y. Ai, and P.K.W. Ng. 2015. Phytoheamagglutination activity in extruded dry bean powder. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 58:1-2.</p><br /> <p>Burt, A.J., H. M. William, G. Perry, R. Khanal, K. P. Pauls, J. D. Kelly, A. Navabi. 2015. Candidate gene identification with SNP marker-based fine mapping of anthracnose resistance gene Co-4 in common bean. PLoS ONE 10(10): e0139450. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0139450. </p><br /> <p>Estevez de Jensen, C., A. Vargas, T.G. Porch, and J.S. Beaver. 2014. Evaluation of virulence of different isolates <em>of Macrophomina phaseolina</em> in common bean using two inoculation methods. Bean Improv. Coop. 57:227-228. </p><br /> <p>Cichy, K.A., T.G. Porch, J.S. Beaver, P. Cregan, D. Fourie, R.P. Glahn, M.A. Grusak, K. Kamfwa, D.N. Katuuramu, P. McClean, E. Mndolwa, S. Nchimbi-Msolla, M.A. Pastor-Corrales and P.N. Miklas. 2015. A <em>Phaseolus vulgaris</em> diversity panel for Andean bean improvement. Crop Science 55:2149-2160. doi:10.2135/cropsci2014.09.0653. </p><br /> <p>Cichy, K.A., J.A. Wiesinger, and F.A. Mendoza. 2015. Genetic diversity and genome wide association analysis of cooking time in dry bean (<em>Phaseolus vulgaris</em> L.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics 128:1555-1567.</p><br /> <p>Ghising, K., J. Vasquez-Guzman, S. Schroder, A. Soltani, S.M. Moghaddam, S. Mamidi, P. McClean, J. M. Osorno, K. McPhee, J. Pasche, and R. Lamppa. 2015. Genome-wide approaches for identification of genomic regions associated with halo blight resistance in the USDA core collection of common bean. Presented at: Annu. Meet. American Society of Agron.-Crop Sci. Society of America, Soil Sci. Society of America (ASA-CSSA-SSSA); Nov. 15-18; Minneapolis, MN.</p><br /> <p>Ghising, K., J. Vasquez-Guzman, S. Schroder, A. Soltani, S.M. Moghaddam, S. Mamidi, P. McClean, J. M. Osorno, K. McPhee, J. Pasche, and R. Lamppa. 2015. Identifying genomic regions associated with halo blight resistance within the USDA core collection of common bean. Presented at: Bean Improv. Coop. Biennial Meeting; Nov. 2-4; Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.</p><br /> <p>Guachambala Cando, M.S., M. Zapata, J.S. Beaver and T.G. Porch. 2014. Inheritance of high levels of resistance to common bacterial blight caused by <em>Xanthomonas axonopodis</em> pv. <em>phaseoli</em> in common bean. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 57:179-180.</p><br /> <p>Halvorson, J., R.S. Lamppa, and J.S. Pasche. 2015. Characterization of <em>Colletotrichum lindemuthianum</em> races infecting dry edible bean in North Dakota. Canadian J. Plant Path. (Accepted 11/2/2015).</p><br /> <p>Halvorson, J.M., K. Simons, R.L. Conner, and J.S. Pasche. 2015. Seed-to-seedling transmission of <em>Colletotrichum lindemuthianum</em> in dry edible beans. Presented at: Bean Improv. Coop. Biennial Meeting; Nov. 2-4; Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.</p><br /> <p>Hart, J.P. and P.D. Griffiths. 2015. Genotyping-by-sequencing enabled mapping and marker development for the By-2 potyvirus resistance allele in common bean. Plant Genome 8:1-14.</p><br /> <p>Hart, J.P. and P.D. Griffiths. 2014. Resistance to Clover yellow vein virus in common bean germplasm. Crop Sci. 54: 2609-2618.</p><br /> <p>Hoyos-Villegas, V., W. Mkwaila, P.B. Cregan and J.D. Kelly. 2015. QTL analysis of white mold avoidance in pinto bean (<em>Phaseolus vulgaris</em>). Crop Sci. 55:2116-2129. doi:10.2135/cropsci2015.02.0106.</p><br /> <p>Lamppa, R.S., J.M. Halvorson, and J.S. Pasche. 2015. Production of anthracnose infected dry bean seed under greenhouse conditions. Presented at: Bean Improv. Coop. Biennial Meeting; Nov. 2-4; Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.</p><br /> <p>Kamfwa, K., K.A. Cichy, and J.D. Kelly. 2015. Genome-wide association analysis of symbiotic nitrogen fixation in common bean. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 128:1999-2017. doi. 10.1007/s00122-015-2562-5.</p><br /> <p>Kamfwa, K., K.A Cichy, and J. Kelly. 2015. Genome-wide association study of agronomic traits in common bean. The Plant Genome 8: doi:10.3835/plantgenome2014.09.0059.</p><br /> <p>Kelly, J.D., G.V. Varner, K.A. Cichy, and E.M. Wright. 2015. Registration of ‘Alpena’ Navy Bean. J. Plant Registrations 9:10-14.</p><br /> <p>Kelly, J.D., G.V. Varner, K.A. Cichy, and E.M. Wright. 2015. Registration of ‘Zenith’ Black Bean. J. Plant Registrations 9:15-20.</p><br /> <p>Kelly J.D., J. Trapp, P. Miklas, K.A. Cichy, and E.M. Wright. 2015. Registration of ‘Desert Song’ Flor de Junio and ‘Gypsy Rose’ Flor de Mayo Common Bean Cultivars. J. Plant Registrations 9:133-137.</p><br /> <p>Khankhum S., R. Valverde, M. Pastor-Corrales, J.M. Osorno, and S. Sabanadzovic. 2015. Two endornaviruses show differential infection patterns between gene pools of <em>Phaseolus vulgaris</em>. Arch. Virol. 160:1131-1137.</p><br /> <p>Mathew, F.M., L.A. Castlebury, K. Alananbeh, J.G. Jordahl, C.A. Taylor, S.M. Meyer, R.S. Lamppa, J.S. Pasche, and S.G. Markell. 2015. Identification of <em>Diaporthe longicolla</em> on dry edible pea, dry edible bean, and soybean in North Dakota. Plant Health Progress 16:71-72. doi:10.1094/PHP-RV-14-0045.</p><br /> <p>Pasche, J.S., R.S. Lamppa, J.M. Osorno, and P. Miklas. 2015. Multiple disease resistance in dry edible pinto bean breeding lines obtained by marker-assisted selection. Phytopathology 105(Suppl. 4):S4.108.</p><br /> <p>Porch, T.G., J.S. Beaver, G. Abawi, C. Estévez de Jensen and J.R. Smith. 2014. Registration of a small-red dry bean germplasm, TARS-LFR1, with multiple disease resistance and superior performance in low nitrogen soils. Journal of Plant Registrations 8:177-182.</p><br /> <p>Porch, T.G., J.S. Beaver, S. Colom, A. Vargas, Y. Trukhina and C. Estevez de Jensen. 2014. Development of tools for <em>Macrophomina phaseolina</em> evaluation and for genetic improvement of common bean. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 57:189-190.</p><br /> <p>Schröder S., S. Mamidi, R. Lee, M.R. McKain, P.E. McClean, and J.M. Osorno. 2015. Optimization of genotyping by sequencing (GBS) data in common bean (<em>Phaseolus vulgaris</em> L.). Mol. Breeding (Accepted).</p><br /> <p>Schröder S., S. Mafi-Moghaddam, A. Soltani, R. Lamppa, S. Mamidi, P.E. McClean, J.S. Pasche, and J.M. Osorno. 2015. Alternative screening method reveals partial anthracnose resistance to race 73 in 18 genotypes of the mesoamerican diversity panel. Presented at: Bean Improv. Coop. Biennial Meeting; Nov. 2-4; Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.</p><br /> <p>Singh, S.P., and P.N. Miklas. 2015. Breeding common bean for resistance to common blight: A review. Crop Sci. 55:971-984.</p><br /> <p>Soltani A., M. Bello, J.M. Osorno, P.M. Miklas, P.E. McClean. 2015. Phenotypic and molecular analysis of the transition to type II growth habit in common bean Presented at: Bean Improv. Coop. Biennial Meeting; Nov. 2-4; Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.</p><br /> <p>Soltani A., S. Mafi-Moghaddam, K. Walter, K. Ghising, J. Vasquez-Guzman, S. Schröder, C.F. Velasquez, E.G. Escobar, R. Lee, P. McClean, and J.M. Osorno. 2015. Developing a waterproof dry bean (<em>Phaseolus vulgaris</em> L.): identifying genotypes and genomic regions associated with waterlogging tolerance. Presented at: Bean Improv. Coop. Biennial Meeting; Nov. 2-4; Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada. </p><br /> <p>Soltani A., S. Mafi-Moghaddam, J.M. Osorno, P. McClean. 2015. Identifying genomic regions controlling plant architectural characteristics in dry bean (<em>Phaseolus vulgaris</em> L.). Presented at: Plant and Animal Genome XXIII; Jan. 10-14; San Diego, CA.</p><br /> <p>Song Q., G. Jia, D.L. Hyten, J. Jenkins, E.Y. Hwang, S.G. Schroeder, J.M. Osorno, J. Schmutz, S.A. Jackson, P.E. McClean, and P.B. Cregan. 2015. SNP assay development for linkage map construction, anchoring whole genome sequence and other genetic and genomic applications in common bean. G3: 5:2285-2290. doi:10.1534/g3.115.020594.</p><br /> <p>Sousa, L.L., A.O. Gonçalves, M.C. Gonçalves-Vidigal, G.F. Lacanallo, A.C. Fernandez, H. Awale, and J.D. Kelly. 2015. Genetic characterization and mapping of anthracnose resistance of Corinthiano common bean landrace cultivar. Crop Sci. 55:1900-1910. doi:10.2135/cropsci2014.09.0604.</p><br /> <p>Traub, J., M. Naeem, J. Kelly, G. Austic, D. Kramer, and W. Loescher. 2015. Phenotyping for heat tolerance in bean (<em>Phaseolus</em> spp.) using new and conventional fluorescence and gas exchange parameters. Poster presented at: JAHS Annual Meeting; Aug. 1-4; New Orleans, LA.</p><br /> <p>Tvedt, C., S.G. Markell, and J.S. Pasche. 2015. Efficacy of in-furrow fungicides for management of Rhizoctonia root rot of dry bean. Phytopathology abstract (In Press).</p><br /> <p>Viteri, D., K. Otto, H. Terán, H. Schwartz, and S.P. Singh. 2015. Use of four <em>Sclerotinia sclerotiorum</em> isolates of different aggressiveness with multiple inoculations and evaluations to select common beans with high levels of white mold resistance. Euphytica 204:457-472.</p><br /> <p>Viteri, D. and S.P. Singh. 2015. Inheritance of white mold resistance in an Andean common bean A 195 and its relationship with G122. Crop Sci. 55:44-49.</p><br /> <p>Walter K., A. Soltani, C.F. Velasquez, E.G. Escobar, and J.M. Osorno. 2015. Identifying waterlogging tolerant dry bean (<em>Phaseolus vulgaris</em> L.) genotypes using chlorophyll content. Presented at: Bean Improv. Coop. Biennial Meeting; Nov. 2-4; Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada.</p><br /> <p>Zuiderveen, G.H., K. Kamfwa and J.D. Kelly. 2015. Anthracnose resistance in Andean beans. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 58:9-10.</p><br /> <p>Zuiderveen, G.H., and J.D. Kelly. 2015. Genome-wide association study of anthracnose resistance in Andean beans. Poster presented at: JAHS Annual Meeting; Aug. 1-4; New Orleans, LA.</p>Impact Statements
- Recommendations for bean production in Puerto Rico is available to farmers, extensionists and students at the following web site http://academic.uprm.edu/jbeaver/ Improved bean germplasm: Participation in the development and release of bean cultivars ‘Beniquez’ and ‘Badillo’ and improved bean germplasm TARS LFR1, PR0806-80, PR0806-81, PR0401-259, PR0650-31, TARS-MST1 and SB-DT1
Date of Annual Report: 01/27/2017
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2015 - 09/30/2016
• Bett, Kristin (k.bett@usask.ca) – University of Saskatchewan, Canada• Bulyaba, Rosemary (rbulyaba@iastate.edu) – Iowa State University
• Cheng, Wen-Hsing (wc523@msstate.edu) – Mississippi State University
• Cichy, Karen (karen.cichy@ars.usda.gov) - USDA-ARS, East Lansing, MI
• Feng, Xue (xfeng@uidaho.edu) – University of Idaho
• Gang, David (gangd@wsu.edu) – Washington State University
• Goswami, Rubella (rgoswami@desu.edu) – Delaware State University
• Heitholt, Jim (Jim.Heitholt@uwyo.edu) – University of Wyoming
• Hossain, Khwaja (k.hossain@mayvillestate.edu) - Mayville State University, ND
• Karasev, Alex (akarasev@uidaho.edu) – University of Idaho
• Kelly, Jim (kellyj@msu.edu) - Michigan State University
• Kisha, Ted (theodore.kisha@ars.usda.gov) – Western Region Plant Introduction Station
• McClean, Phil (phillip.mcclean@ndsu.edu) North Dakota State University
• Medina Meza, Ilce (ilce.medinameza@wsu.edu) – Washington State University
• Miklas, Phil (phil.miklas@ars.usda.gov) - USDA-ARA, Prosser, WA
• Moyer, Jim (j.moyer@wsu.edu) – Washington State University
• Myers, Jim (james.myers@oregonstate.edu) – Oregon State University
• Nienhuis, Jim (nienhuis@wisc.edu) – University of Wisconsin
• Osorno, Juan (juan.osorno@ndsu.edu) - North Dakota State University
• Pastor-Corrales, Talo (talo.pastor-corrales@ars.usda.gov) – USDA-ARS
• Porch, Tim (timothy.porch@ars.usda.gov) - USDA-ARS, Mayaguez, PR
• Rumney, Jeff (jrumney@usapulses.org) – USA DPLC American Pulse Assoc.
• Schlegel, Vicki (vshlegel@unl.edu) – University of Nebraska
• Scholz, Todd (tscholz@usapulses.org) – American Pulses Assoc. & USA Dry Pea & Lentil Assoc.
• Sharp, Richard (rsharpe@wsu.edu) – Washington State University
• Steadman, Jim (jsteadman1@unl.edu) – University of Nebraska
• Stephens, Janice (janice@centralbean.com) – Central Bean Co., Inc.
• Trapp, Jennifer (jtrapp@senecafoods.com) – Seneca Foods
• Urrea, Carlos (currea2@unl.edu) - University of Nebraska,
• Waines, J. Giles (giles.waines@ucr.edu) – Univ. of California Riverside
• Williamson, Bruce (b.williamsonbenavid@wsu.edu) – Washington State University
• Winham, Donna (dwinham@iastate.edu) – Iowa State University
• Woolf-Weibye, Andi (bean@bean.idaho.gov) – Idaho Bean Commission
Brief Summary of Minutes
Before meeting was called to order, the Germplasm group held their meeting which was led by Dr. Ted Kisha. Administrative update was provided by Dr. Jim Meyers and who was connected to Washington State University. Role of Meyers is to be the director for the Bean Multistate the North Pacific Region. He emphasized the need for four; maybe five, new directors in the upcoming years for represent different regions. The responsibilities of the directors were to provide impedance to obtain external funding. He talked about crops and current status of cropping pattern in the Washington State and participation of Washington State University in different areas of crop research. He also mentioned about the importance of multistate program and sharing of information among researchers.
The W-3150 meeting was called to order at approximately 10:15 am by Dr. Khwaja G Hossain (Mayville State University), Chair for W-3150 group. Dr. Hossain welcomed everyone and introduced the Vice Chair Dr. Rubella Goswami (Delaware State University). A motion to recruit Vick Schlegel as the Secretary for W-3150 meeting was made by Dr. Hossain and second by Dr. Goswami. Dr. Schlegel was to serve in this capacity beginning at this meeting as she was elected for the 2015 term, but could not attend. A secretary for 2107 has yet to be determined.
A deadline to send state reports to Dr. Hossain and other committee members was discussed, and it became clear that harvesting had to be finished first, it was determined that the deadline would have to be moved to mid to late October. However, progress report from last year was requested to be sent out to everyone. It was also mentioned that Ellen Yates and Karen Lucas from Colorado State University could help in compiling the report.
Ted Kisha (Western Region Plant Introduction Station) then provided an overview of his collection highlighting the differences between the compositions in beans from different regions. He mentioned that he has been able to secure multiple heirloom beans.
Pulse Initiative was passed but not approved, and may not occur during the Year of the Pulse (2016).
It was noted that some members have retired or will be soon and should be taken off the list for the 3150 Multistate Program and two new members were recommended to join the multistate group.
A crop vulnerability statement and out line was provided in the meeting and plans to publish a paper was discussed with all of the members being authors.
Dr. Jim Kelly mentioned about next BIC biennial meeting at East Lancing, MI from Oct. 29-31st, 2017.
State reports followed. Click on the Attachments link to view the full State Reports
<p><strong>Puerto Rico</strong> <strong><em>(James Beaver, Mildred Zapata and Consuelo Estevez, University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus):</em></strong></p><br /> <p>The specific objectives of project H-351 are: 1) Conduct a bean breeding program by crossing promising parents and selecting lines in the F<sub><span style="font-size: small;">2 </span></sub>to F<sub><span style="font-size: small;">6</span></sub> generations for adaptation, agronomic traits and disease resistance, 2) Evaluate the performance of advanced generation breeding lines on experiment stations and farms, 3) Screen breeding lines with molecular markers linked to disease resistance genes, 4) Study the inheritance of resistance to common bacterial blight, angular leaf spot and ashy stem blight, 5) Isolate and characterize pathogenic strains of bacteria and fungi.</p><br /> <p>F<sub><span style="font-size: small;">2</span></sub> populations; F<sub><span style="font-size: small;">2:3</span></sub> and F<sub><span style="font-size: small;">3:4</span></sub> generation nurseries; F<sub><span style="font-size: small;">4:5 </span></sub>lines of some populations were planted at the Isabela Substation in October 2015 and January 2016. Pedigree selections were made for growth habit, pod set, seed yield potential and disease resistance. White-seeded bean lines with resistance to BGYMV, BCMNV and bruchids were selected in nurseries planted at the Isabela Substation. Several performance trials including promising bean breeding lines were conducted such as; pink bean F<sub><span style="font-size: small;">6</span></sub> lines with resistance to BGYMV, BCMNV and resistance to common bacterial blight were planted in field trials at the Isabela Substation in October and December 2015. White bean lines with resistance to BGYMV, BCMNV and angular leaf spot were selected in collaboration with Dr. Consuelo Estevez de Jensen. Snap bean breeding lines developed from a cross between a source of BGYMV and BCMV resistance and a snap bean with heat tolerance and rust resistance genes (<em>Ur-</em>4 and <em>Ur-11</em>) were advanced to the F<sub><span style="font-size: small;">5</span></sub> generation in trials planted at the Isabela Substation. These lines were screened with molecular markers for genes for resistance to BGYMV, and in the greenhouse for resistance to BCMV. Lines such as PR0806-80, 81, 82, 83 and 84 were evaluated and found to possess resistance to various diseases including bacterial blights and rust. UPR also participated in the release of the black bean cultivar XRAV-40-4 which is resistant to BGYMV, BCMV and BCMNV and is well adapted to local conditions. Additionally, the project planted 4,791 bean breeding lines in winter nurseries as a cooperative activity of Regional Hatch Project W-3150.</p><br /> <p>In a study on resistance to angular leaf spot involving 63 lines twelve lines that exhibited a susceptible reaction, 31 lines with an intermediate reaction and 16 lines that showed a resistant reaction with no symptoms were identified. Five lines were identified with the SCAR marker SBA16 linked to resistance genes (Phg-ON) and the resistance was confirmed through phenotypic evaluation. Another study identified eight resistance lines.</p><br /> <p>Studies on the resistance to ashy stem blight showed that virulence varied among the three isolates and the genotypes evaluated differed in their response to the pathogen depending on the isolate. Of the 93 genotypes evaluated, only six genotypes had low disease severity.</p><br /> <p><strong><em>USDA-ARS-TARS (Tim Porch):</em></strong></p><br /> <p>The USDA-ARS was among institutions that collaborated with the University of Puerto Rico in the development of several disease resistant common bean lines that were released. This included PR1146-138, a yellow bean with resistance to BCMV, BGYMV and leaf hoppers; PR0806-80 and PR0806-81, white beans with resistance to BGYMV, BCMV, BCMNV and rust; and AO-1012-29-3-3A, a red kidney bean line with resistance to bean weevil, BCMV, and BCMNV. The unique contribution of weevil resistance was introgressed from tepary bean into common bean by collaborators at Oregon State University and Sokoine University. Breeding lines for drought tolerance from a second cycle of recurrent selection and new bulk breeding Durango populations (collaboration with U. of Nebraska) are currently being considered for release. Over 70 Andean bulk breeding populations were evaluated and single plants selected for heat tolerance and root rot resistance (collaboration with ARS-Prosser). Initial identification of several QTLs for heat tolerance was also conducted. A data collection cart was developed and implemented for high throughput evaluation of canopy height, canopy temperature, and NDVI (collaboration with ARS-Arizona). Additionally, a collaborative effort between ARS researchers, Colorado State University and the University of Puerto Rico found that Tepary bean has similar cooking time and nutritional composition as common bean. It also showed that Tepary bean had reduced fat and ash concentration, and higher sucrose concentration as compared to common bean. It is believed that the variability for seed composition and cooking traits found within tepary bean can be exploited for its improvement.</p><br /> <p><strong><em>New York (P. Griffiths,</em></strong> <strong><em>SIPS-Horticulture Section, Cornell NYSAES, Geneva NY):</em></strong></p><br /> <p>A major emphasis of the variety testing program was on light red kidneys developed with resistance to white mold including ‘Cornell 605’, ‘Cornell 612’, DRK-1 and LRK-1. One of the primary purposes of the breeding program was to identify LRK lines with yield and canning quality comparable to or higher than ‘RedKanner’, but with earlier maturity similar to CELRK. New populations that were developed to transfer and select upright vine architecture in red kidney breeding lines were also planted in Geneva/Ithaca NY and thirty selected lines were planted and evaluated in Freeville and Geneva NY in 2016. Previously selected heat tolerant germplasm were incorporated in crosses and field-tested in June 2016 at sites in Western Kenya. These genotypes were evaluated for yield under heat stress in collaboration with USDA-TARS Mayaguez, Puerto Rico and with ACL in Homabay Kenya. Snap bean breeding lines with rust resistance (Ur4 and Ur11) were also increased and tested in Kenya in 2016. New upright types have been identified based on field, greenhouse and seed quality selections based on 2016 field trials. These include new black kidney lines with excellent canning and color retention being advanced as a potential new market class of dry beans. Virus resistance in snap bean breeding lines has been selected in multiple greenhouse screens in 2016. Evaluating breeding lines selected for resistance to multiple viruses based on the sources initially selected for CMV, BYMV, CYVV and BCMV sources has resulted in a major step forward in understanding the genetic control mechanisms and the desirable gene combinations resulting in cross resistance. Resistance to the viruses has been introgressed into the same recurrent parent type, and the pyramided genes provide resistance to CMV, not seen in any other genotypes. This is currently being stabilized and advanced in F<sub><span style="font-size: small;">8</span></sub> lines. Populations of the Andean market classes of snap beans and red kidney beans are also being developed with the upright vine architecture for increased yield and as options for smallholder growers. Lines developed will be tested in Mayaguez Puerto Rico in collaboration with Tim Porch and in Kenya in collaboration with Charles Wasonga.</p><br /> <p><strong><em>Washington (David Gang, </em></strong><strong><em>Theodore Kisha and Philip Miklas, USDA-ARS)</em></strong><strong><em>: </em></strong></p><br /> <p><em><span style="text-decoration: underline;">David Gang and </span></em><em><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Theodore Kisha</span></em><em><span style="text-decoration: underline;">:</span></em> Approaching at the end of FY2106, the collection totaled 17,302 accessions, 13, 092 of which have a PI number, while 4,213 are listed in the W6 category and are pending decision for PI assignment. The program is on track to regenerate about 700 accessions this year and all accessions are regenerated in the greenhouse to avoid virus contamination. So far, no virus testing was performed and a more modern ELISA system is being investigated to streamline the process. This group received 28 new accessions, including 166 heirloom varieties, distributed 4579 accessions (4075 to 46 states, 504 to 18 countries). 4336 accessions were sent to Svalbard. Also, 8032 images and 38,679 data points from 36 descriptors from 14,170 accessions were added to GRIN. The program received a grant for the collection of <em>Phaseolus polystachios </em>in the State and National Forests in Ohio. The collection trip proceeded in October of last fiscal year in partnership with a botanist of the Smithsonian Institution and found seven populations in Ohio, two populations in Indiana, two in Missouri, and one more in West Virginia. Several of the sites had either no seed, or the seed had been weevil infested, and may not germinate. The populations are currently being increased in the greenhouse and will be available for distribution. Molecular marker analyses showed each population is genetically distinct, prompting the need for continued collection in intermediate states from the Midwest to Florida. In collaboration with the Washington State University Food Science and Human Nutrition Department, about 100 accessions were sampled for protein, phenolics, antioxidant activity, raffinose, stachyose, and sucrose and descriptors for nutrients have been added to GRIN. Information contained in the GRIN web-page descriptor site has been updated and continues to be monitored and changed as additional data is obtained. Descriptors for <em>Phaseolus</em> can be found at: <a href="http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/crop.pl?83">http://www.ars-grin.gov/cgi-bin/npgs/html/crop.pl?83</a>. A targeted region amplified polymorphism (TRAP) and AFLP study has been completed on the 200 accessions of <em>Phaseolus acutifolius</em>. Additionally, an AFLP study of the populations of <em>Phaseolus polystachios </em>collected in the Midwest has also been completed.</p><br /> <p><em>Phillip Miklas </em>- Participated in four cooperative trials of dry bean nurseries along with Carlos Urrea and obtained the drought intensity index of 68% indicating severe drought stress. Two pintos UI35-37 from Univ of Idaho and PT9-5-6 from USDA-ARS (Prosser) were identified as the best performers in this nursery. A slow darkening breeding line SF103-8 was released as Palomino in collaboration with J. Osorno (NDSU). In collaboration with NDSU (McClean), OSU (Myers), and international partners form Spain and Brazil. Thirty seven QTLs for white mold resistance were identified which condensed into 17 named loci and nine of them were defined as meta-QTLs with confidence intervals that ranged from 0.42 to 5.89 Mb. The meta-QTLs were recommended as potential targets for MAS for partial resistance to white mold in common bean. In Halo blight resistance research; this group identified a new QTL for resistance on Pv04 in Rojo/CAL 143 and Canadian Wonder/PI 150414 RIL populations that showed resistance to all nine differential races including the problematic Race 6. This group also identified a minor QTL on Pv05 in both populations which conferred resistance solely to Race 6. Three thousand single plant selections were obtained from 150 F4 bulk PIC (Phaseolus Improvement Cooperative) populations with abiotic and biotic stress resistance traits. These selections will be used to improve stress tolerance in U.S. large seeded market classes.</p><br /> <p><em><strong>Nebraska (James Steadman, Carlos Urrea and Vicki Schlegel, University of Nebraska): </strong></em></p><br /> <p>During 2016, Steadman and Urrea coordinated and participated in (1) the national CDBN with the 21 entries planted at 10 locations, (2) the regional WRBT trial with 13 entries planted at 4 locations (3) the regional MRPN trial planted at 3 states, and (4) the DBDN trial consisting of 14 of the 27 entries that originated in NE, while the remaining was distributed by MI, WA, CO for future planting in PR. One NE pinto entry was included in the CDBN trial, two great northern and two pinto bean lines were used in both the WRBT and MRPN trials. Additionally, a second generation of dry bean lines from the Shuttle Breeding between NE and PR was tested under drought stress and non-stress conditions. Another set of elite six great northern and six pinto lines were tested in growers’ fields under the ‘Mother and Baby’ Trial scheme by Urrea. Trials are also in progress to evaluate the yield of different market classes (great northern, pinto, reds, blacks, light red kidney, and cranberries). The lines within each market class have been identified with improved performance. Twenty-four pinto beans lines and 18 great northern lines were identified with resistance to rust and CBB, respectively. The results of multi-year and multi-site tests have identified highly aggressive, low aggressive, white mold widely distributed in the U.S. and single location isolates (mycelial compatibility groups) that can be made available for screening bean germplasm/breeding lines. Research was also initiated on genotyping and fungicide sensitivity testing of 366 isolates from U.S., France, Mexico and Australia. Importantly a great northern bean ‘Panhandle Pride’ was released as a cultivar based on its performance in Nebraska since 2010. Moreover, field tests demonstrated that the recently released USPT-WM-12 and 039-A-5 pinto beans lines were rated much lower in disease severity than the susceptible control Beryl at some locations. Greenhouse tests across four states also confirmed moderate resistance for USPT-WM-12 and the great northern 031-A-11. Lastly, research conducted in the laboratory of Schlegel showed that different phenols present in most dry bean market classes act synergistically to remediate the pro-inflammatory state (M1) using a macrophage cell line to an inactive state or to an anti-inflammatory (M2) state. Research has also been initiated using macrophages derived from mouse bone marrow, as they elicit the M1-M2 switch more readily, with different cultivars of the same bean and/or the same market class grown in different places (i.e., Colorado vs Nebraska) to determine if locations thus this health benefit due to differences in phenol composition. </p><br /> <p><strong>Wisconsin</strong><em> <strong>(Jim Nienhuis, University of Wisconsin):</strong></em></p><br /> <p>Research was conducted research on nitrogen use efficiency but findings were not convincing because the experiments were conducted in low nitrogen content soil. The other research conducted was to gain knowledge regarding variation in sugar and flavor content among a sample of dry bean and green pod-type PI accessions from the USDA Phaseolus Germplasm Core Collection, Pullman, WA. Ninety-four diverse Plant Introductions (PI) developed which characterized as snap beans, Romano-types, and other beans eaten as edible immature pods, and 20 dry bean PI accessions were used in this study. A large positive correlation was observed between the simple sugars Glucose and Fructose. In contrast, a large negative correlation was observed between the disaccharide sucrose with monosaccharides, glucose and fructose. Glucose concentration ranged from near zero to over 40 mg g-1 dry weights. P.I accessions with high concentrations of sucrose were generally both heirloom and modern commercial snap beans cultivars, e.g. Provider, Eagle, Cascade, Hystyle and BBL47. Fructose and sucrose concentration ranged from near zero to over 50mg g<sup><span style="font-size: small;">-1</span></sup> and from near zero to over 14 mg g<sup><span style="font-size: small;">-1</span></sup> dry weight respectively. Sugar content of snap beans was evaluated and association QTLs with high sugar content studied. Core samples of <em>Phaseolus</em> Germplasm were screened to identify the pod stage suitable for analyzing sugar content. Development of sequences for glucose, sucrose, and fructose changes over developmental stages was emphasized.</p><br /> <p><strong>Michigan (</strong><strong><em>James D. Kelly and Karen A. Cichy, Michigan State University):</em></strong></p><br /> <p>The MSU dry bean breeding and genetics program conducted 14 yield trials in 2016 with ten market classes and participated in the growing and evaluation of the Cooperative Dry Bean, Midwest Regional Performance, National Drought and the National Sclerotinia Nurseries in Michigan and the winter nursery in Puerto Rico. GGE biplots were used to rank <em>Mesoamerican Bean Panel</em> according to environments and treatments (irrigated and rainfed) within environments. Rainfed environments were better at discriminating high performing genotypes in Michigan and significantly negative correlation was found between growth habit and seed yield. A composite linkage map using single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers from the three RIL populations provided an improved version of the individual linkage maps with genome coverage 909 cM. QTLs for seed yield, seed size, days to flowering, days to maturity, lodging score, and canopy height were identified. GWAS was conducted on a group of 230 Andean beans for resistance to eight of anthracnose. Twenty-eight lines were resistant to six out of the eight races screened, but only one cultivar was resistant to all included in the study. A machine vision system was implemented and tested for automatic inspection of color (COL) and appearance (APP) and showed that machine vision system showed potential for the automatic evaluation of canned black beans by COL or/and APP as a professional visual inspection. The impact of extrusion cooking on the chemical composition and functional properties of bean powders was evaluated. No substantial change in the protein and starch contents was observed but extrusion cooking caused complete starch gelatinization and protein denaturation of the bean powders and thus changed their pasting properties and solvent-retention capacities. A set of 69 black bean breeding lines and cultivars from the major U.S. public bean breeding programs was analyzed for genotypic and phenotypic diversity. Each of the lines was grown in field trials in 2013 and 2014 and evaluated for agronomic, canning characteristics and anthocyanin profile of raw and canned seed. The anthocyanin malvidin-3-glucoside was found to be retained after canning more than the other two anthocyanins. Genome wide association analysis was conducted to determine genomic regions responsible for color retention and canning quality in black beans that were genotyped with 5398 SNP markers. A region on Pv05 at 39Mb was associated with color retention and was polymorphic and could be a candidate for MAS.</p><br /> <p><strong>Iowa (</strong><strong><em>Donna M. Winham, Iowa State University):</em></strong></p><br /> <p>At Iowa State, the Winham lab has been conducting research in two main areas: 1) In vitro iron bioavailability of tepary beans, and 2) consumer knowledge of the health benefits of beans.</p><br /> <p><strong><em>Iron Bioavailability: </em></strong>In collaboration with Timothy Porch, ARS/Puerto Rico, Karen Cichy, ARS/Michigan State University, and Mark Brick, Colorado State University, a diverse sample of pinto, black, and tepary beans were received for analysis at Iowa State. The study purpose was exploratory with the intent to determine in vitro iron bioavailability, proximate analysis, polyphenol, and phytic acid content of the samples. Since iron deficiency remains an intractable public health problem in many developing countries, increased iron bioavailability in a bean with arid climate resiliency such as tepary, can offer a sustainable solution towards improving human nutrition and health. Both tepary white and tepary brown groups showed significant differences in PP content in comparison to the black and pinto (p≤0.05), whereas PA, amongst all groups, showed no significant differences (p>0.05). Iron content ranged from 29.8 µg/g to 78.47 µg/g, with pinto beans having significantly lower iron concentration (mean = 33.64 µg/g). Significant differences in percent solubility were found between the pinto bean and tepary varieties (p≤0.05), but not the black. Iron bioavailability of the tepary white showed a negative correlation with PP content (high iron, low PP). The tepary white showed significantly higher iron bioavailability (p≤0.02) in comparison to both pinto and black beans. Our data suggests that the low PP and PA contributes to higher iron bioavailability in the white varieties of <em>Phaseolus acutifolius</em>. Further studies to replicate these findings are needed, followed by clinical testing of tepary white iron bioavailability in humans. Preliminary results from this study were presented at the Pan African Grain Legume conference in Livingstone, Zambia, March 2016, and at the American Society of Nutrition, San Diego, California, April 2016. Manuscript submission is in progress.</p><br /> <p><strong><em>Consumer knowledge of the health benefits of beans. </em></strong>Data on the knowledge of low-income women in Arizona on the health benefits of beans (Winham et al., 2016) was recently published. As part of the efforts to increase bean consumption as well as add to the body of evidence supporting the health benefits of beans in human nutrition, the group is assessing the knowledge, attitudes, and consumption practices of dry beans among low-income women in Iowa. Data collection for this survey will conclude in November 2016. Results will be reported at the American Society of Nutrition conference in Chicago, April 2017.</p><br /> <p><strong><em>Upcoming projects. </em></strong>Glycemic response to tepary bean-and-rice meals among persons with type 2 diabetes in Spring 2017 will be evaluated. Protocol and human subjects approval are in progress.<strong> </strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Idaho </strong><strong>(</strong><strong><em>Alaxander Karasev-</em></strong><strong> <em>University of Idaho</em></strong><strong><em>):</em></strong></p><br /> <p>Strain composition of <em>Bean common mosaic virus </em>and <em>Bean common mosaic necrosis virus </em>isolates from field samples of common bean was studies. Between 2013 and 2016, over 30 samples were submitted to the University of Idaho Plant Virology laboratory from heirloom cultivars of common bean with symptoms of mosaic, leaf distortion, and stunting. All samples came from California or Oregon, and were subjected to species-specific serotyping suggesting that samples were infected with <em>Bean common mosaic virus</em> (BCMV) or <em>Bean common mosaic necrosis virus</em> (BCMNV). These field isolates of BCMV and BCMNV were typed using a panel of bean differentials to determine their pathotype, and subjected to partial sequencing. BCMNV isolates were grouped in pathogroups (PGs) III and VI, while BCMV isolates were grouped in PG-I, III, IV, and VI. PG-VI isolates of BCMV were found to have sequences closely related to the RU-1 strain of BCMV. This data confirms a wide presence of the RU-1 related isolates of BCMV in heirloom cultivars of common bean. Several BCMV field isolates represented mixtures between different PGs, which were successfully separated using bean differentials. In at least two cases, field samples contained both BCMV and BCMNV.</p><br /> <p><strong>Maryland</strong> <strong><em>(Talo Pastor-Corrales, USDA-ARS Beltsville, MD):</em></strong></p><br /> <p>Nurseries for rust are run in Beltsville, MD and it was reported that rust pathogens are diversified and a project to sequence genome of bean rust pathogen has been submitted. A student working with Pastor-Corrales found new sources of resistance rust. Research is being conducted towards identifying resistance gene for anthracnose in bean and it was reported that Andean genes provide resistance to rust in Mesoamerican beans. Pastor-Corrales has been collaborating with Phil Miklas of USDA-Prosser, WA and Phil McClean from NDSU and working on epistasis of different rust pathogens. </p><br /> <p><strong>North Dakota <em>(Juan M. Osorno, Julie Pasche, Phil McClean, North Dakota State University):</em></strong></p><br /> <p>The primary focus of research activities included collaborative work on: i) Midwest Regional Performance Nursery (MRPN), ii) development of pinto lines with Multiple Disease Resistance (MDR) to rust, anthracnose, and common bacterial blight (CBB), iii) Evaluation of the Andean Diversity Panel (ADP) and Mesoamerican Diversity Panel (MDP) for resistance to <em>Rhizoctonia solani</em> under greenhouse conditions, iv) evaluation of NDSU breeding lines for CBB resistance, v) development of slow darkening pinto lines, and vi) identification of genomic regions associated with plant architectural traits. As a result of these activities a new slow darkening pinto was jointly released between USDA-ARS and NDSU and named ND-Palomino. More than 6 pinto MDR breeding lines that offer moderate to high levels of multiple disease resistance and agronomic performances were identified. Potential new sources of resistance to the root rot complex and halo blight within the Andean gene-pool, which is the most susceptible group to this problem were identified. Several genomic regions associated with architectural traits such as lodging, stem diameter, stem stiffness, and plant height, were identified. Routine screening of NDSU breeding lines also led to the identification of breeding lines with high levels of resistance to CBB.</p><br /> <p><strong>Oregon</strong><em> <strong>(Jim Myers, Oregon State University)</strong></em></p><br /> <p>Around 10,000 acreage decrease for bean was reported along with the fact that white and gray mold are important diseases in that region. The group has evaluated 134 bush snap bean lines for white mold and identified several resistance lines. Bi-parental crosses have also been evaluated for white mold disease and six QTLs fairly tightly linked with the resistance gene identified. Correlation of roots traits with biomass and released a variety “Patron” was reported.<strong> </strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Delaware <em>(Venugopal Kalavacharla and Rubella Goswami, Delaware State University)</em>:</strong> Delaware State University is not a formal member of the W3150 Multi-state project, however, researchers in this institution have been involved in research on dry beans and work closely with several members of W3150. The common bean (<em>Phaseolus vulgaris</em>) research in the Molecular Genetics and Epigenomics lab, headed by Venu (Kal) Kalavacharla, encompasses a multitude of skills and expertise spanning from molecular techniques to bioinformatics. Over the past year, several lab members have published work in common bean, including epigenetic mechanisms in histone modifications, methylome work, RNA-seq, and the release of a novel ChIP library, which is the first of its kind. Drought, cold tolerance, and disease resistance in bean are just a few of the focal points for these studies. Dr Goswami’s Plant Pathology laboratory, initiated towards the end 2015, was fully established and research initiated on dry beans evaluating the effect of abiotic stress on root diseases. Additionally, the laboratory has also been involved in the identification of pathogens on lima beans prevalent in the Mid-Atlantic region during the 2016 growing season and is in the process of reporting the detection of bacterial blight in lima bean fields in southern Delaware. </p><br /> <p><strong>Wyoming</strong> (<strong><em>Jim Heitholt- University of Wyoming)</em></strong></p><br /> <p>In 2015, 50 cultivars were screened at two locations for tolerance to drought. At Lingle, canopy temperature was negatively correlated to yield. In 2016, studies with 24 entries were conducted at Lingle and another study with 36 entries was conducted at Powell (Andi Pierson, Vivek Sharma, Camby Reynolds). Entries from the drought nursery were supplied by Urrea at Lingle; whereas Mike Moore conducted the CDBN at Powell and Heitholt conducted the CDBN at Lingle. Although a hail storm on 28 July 2016 at Lingle completely destroyed all plots, some data was collected some data prior to that time. At Powell in 2016, canopy temperatures were recorded mid-morning and early-afternoon on one day during bloom (18 July) for all 216 plots, half well-watered, half subjected to drought. No cultivar-by-irrigation interactions were detected. Within the drought plots, mid‑morning and early-afternoon canopy temperatures for the 36 cultivars were correlated (r = 0.82 and r = 0.75) for the drought and well-watered plots, respectively. Plant stand was rated visually in June. Plant stand varied across cultivars and was negatively correlated to early‑afternoon canopy temperature indicating that hotter canopies could have been partly caused by poor stands (possibly due to albedo from exposed soil surface). ) (Refer to the original reports for more data correlation to the Lingle experiment and those published below.) In Powell, for a given cultivar, canopy temperatures for the two times of day were correlated. Within drought‑treated plots, late-morning and mid-afternoon canopy temperatures were correlated (r = 0.39; n=24) but the in well-watered plots the correlation was stronger (r = 0.79). Throughout 2015 and 2016, Alhasan and Heitholt have launched greenhouse and field studies to identify genotypes with greater N use efficiency. So far, no conspicuous N-by-genotype interactions have been observed. Nevertheless, significant and consistent differences occurred among cultivars in leaf chlorophyll and other physiological/ morphological traits associated with N. In the greenhouse (spring/summer 2016), cv ‘Othello’ was grown at six N rates but it did not effect seed yield, pod number, or seed size significantly. Pod harvest index negatively correlated with N yields of from 82% at the two lowest N levels (0 and 20 pounds per acre) to 79% at the two highest N levels (80 and 100 pounds per acre. At 30 and 33 days after planting (DAP), leaf chlorophyll was positively and linearly related to N rate ranging from 38 to 43 SPAD units for 0 and 100 pounds of N, respectively. At 36 and 41 DAP, the same trend was observed with SPAD readings increasing from 35 to 42 at 36 DAP and from 39 to 44 at 41 DAP. At other dates, no effect of N rate was observed except at 54 DAP when the two highest N rates showed slightly reduced leaf chlorophyll. Mid-season specific leaf weight was unaffected by N rate as was average leaf area, length, and width in the Lingle field. Hail destroyed all plots in July and thus, no yield data was obtained. Overall, there continues to be some evidence to suggest that Wyoming producers could use less N fertilizer on dry bean than the current rate.</p><br /> <p><strong>Nitirogen:</strong> In one greenhouse study, ammonium nitrate, urea, and potassium nitrate (and an unfertilized check) were compared using three cultivars (Rio Rojo, CO-46348, UI -537). As was observed in the first N source greenhouse experiment, few effects of N source were found. A significant interaction between N source and cultivar was observed for specific leaf weight (SLW). Four cultivars exhibited a slightly higher SLW when fertilized with ammonium nitrate but UI-537 had an SLW of 4.22 with urea and 3.64 with ammonium nitrate. Chlorophyll concentration was highest in Poncho and CO-46348 and lowest in Rio Rojo. Rhizobia strain-by-genotype tests are planned for 2017.</p><br /> <p><strong><em>Other </em></strong>Andrew Kniss is conducting tests that will give us a better understanding of how Wyoming might utilize direct harvest more frequently. In 2016, his lab has measured cotyledon height and unifoliate height among 18 cultivars and found significantly higher values in several pinto releases from North Dakota as compared to other entries.</p><br /> <p><strong>e-reports</strong></p>Publications
<p>Alhasan, A, A. Piccorelli, and J. Heitholt. 2016. Effect of two nitrogen levels on growth traits of nine dry bean cultivars in the field. Univ. Wyoming Agr. Exp. Stn. Field Days Bull., p. 25-26. <a href="http://www.uwyo.edu/uwexpstn/_files/docs/2016-field-days-bulletin.pdf">http://www.uwyo.edu/uwexpstn/_files/docs/2016-field-days-bulletin.pdf</a>.</p><br /> <p>Alhasan, A., A. Piccorelli, and J. Heitholt. 2016. Influence of nitrogen fertility level on growth, grain yield, and yield components of different dry bean cultivars. Bean Improv. Coop. Ann. Rep. 59:173-174 (<a href="http://bic.css.msu.edu/Reports.cfm">http://bic.css.msu.edu/Reports.cfm</a>).</p><br /> <p>Alhasan, A., and J. Heitholt. 2016. Effect of soil nitrogen rate on leaf chlorophyll and vegetative growth of dry bean. Univ. Wyoming Agr. Exp. Stn. Field Days Bull., p. 23-24. <a href="http://www.uwyo.edu/uwexpstn/_files/docs/2016-field-days-bulletin.pdf">http://www.uwyo.edu/uwexpstn/_files/docs/2016-field-days-bulletin.pdf</a>.</p><br /> <p>Beaver, J.S., E. Prophete, G. Démosthène, and T.G. Porch. 2016. Registration of PR1146-138 Yellow Bean Germplasm Line. J. Plant Registrations. 10:145-148.</p><br /> <p>Beaver, J.S., J.C. Rosas, T.G. Porch, M.A. Pastor-Corrales, G. Godoy-Lutz and E.H. Prophete. 2015. Registration of PR0806-80 and PR0806-81 white bean germplasm with resistance to BGYMV, BCMV, BCMNV and rust. J. Plant Reg. 9:208-211.</p><br /> <p>Berry, M., Wiesinger, J., Nchimbi-Msolla, S., Miklas, P., Porch, T., Fourie, D., and Cichy, K.A. (2016) Breeding for a Fast Cooking Bean: Study of Genotypes across Environments to Determine Phenotypic Stability in <em>Phaseolus vulgaris. </em>Poster Presentation, Pan African Grain Legumes Research Conference, Livingstone, Zambia March 3.</p><br /> <p>Cichy, K.A. and Rueda, J.A. (2016). “Beans as Ingredients in “Better for You” Foods” at the Michigan Agri-Business Association Winter Conference, Michigan Bean Shippers. Dramadri, I. and J. D. Kelly. 2016. Genome wide association analysis for drought tolerance responses in Andean common beans, Poster presented NAPB conference, NCSU. Meeting Jan 12.</p><br /> <p>Cichy, K.A., T.G. Porch, J.S. Beaver, P. Cregan, D. Fourie, R. Glahn, M.A. Grusak, K. Kamfwa, D.N. Katuuramu, P. McClean, E. Mndolwa, S. Nchimbi-Msolla, M.A. Pastor-Corrales and P.N. Miklas. 2015. A <em>Phaseolus vulgaris </em>diversity panel for Andean bean improvement. Crop Sci. 55:2141-2160.</p><br /> <p>Cichy, K.A., Wiesinger, J., Mendoza, F., Hooper, S., Grusak, M.A., Glahn, R., and Kelly, J. (2016) A Nutritional Profile of Fast Cooking Bean Germplasm. Poster Presentation, Pan African Grain Legumes Research Conference, Livingstone, Zambia March 4.</p><br /> <p>Crampton, M., Sripathi, V. R., Hossain, K, Kalavacharla, V. 2016. Analyses of Methylomes Derived from Meso-American Common Bean (<em>Phaseolus vulgaris</em> L.) Using MeDIP-Seq and Whole Genome Sodium Bisulfite-Sequencing. Front Plant Sci. 2016; 7: 447.</p><br /> <p>De Ron, A.M., Papa, R., Bitocchi, E., González, A.M., Debouck, D.G., Brick, M.A., Fourie, D., Marsolais, F., Beaver, J., Geffroy, V., McClean, P., Santalla, M., Lozano, R. Yuste-Lisbona, F.J. and P.A. Casquero. 2015. Common bean. P. 1-36. <em>In</em> Handbook of Plant Breeding: Grain Legumes. Springer-Verlag, New York.</p><br /> <p>Hagerty C.H., Cuesta-Marcos A., Cregan P., Song Q., McClean P., Myers J.R. 2016. Mapping snap bean pod and color traits, in a dry bean × snap bean recombinant inbred population. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science, 141:131-138.</p><br /> <p>Hayford, R., Osena-Ligaba, A., Subramani, M., Brown, A., Melmaiee, K., Hossain, K.G, Kalavacharla, V. 2016. Characterization and expression analysis of common bean HISTONE DEACETYLASE6 during development and cold stress response, International Journal of Genomics (In press)</p><br /> <p>Heitholt, J., A. Pierson, C. Reynolds, and A. Piccorelli. 2016. Growth and pod traits correlate with grain yield among 50 dry bean cultivars. Univ. Wyoming Agr. Exp. Stn. Field Days Bull., p. 59-60. <a href="http://www.uwyo.edu/uwexpstn/_files/docs/2016-field-days-bulletin.pdf">http://www.uwyo.edu/uwexpstn/_files/docs/2016-field-days-bulletin.pdf</a>.</p><br /> <p>Heitholt, J., and A. Piccorelli. 2016. Yield component response to water stress among six dry bean genotypes. Bean Improv. Coop. Ann. Rep. 59:235-236 (<a href="http://bic.css.msu.edu/Reports.cfm">http://bic.css.msu.edu/Reports.cfm</a>).</p><br /> <p>Heitholt, J., and B. Baumgartner. 2016. Drought susceptibility index and canopy traits of 49 dry bean genotypes subjected to water stress. Univ. Wyoming Agr. Exp. Stn. Field Days Bull., p. 99-100. <a href="http://www.uwyo.edu/uwexpstn/_files/docs/2016-field-days-bulletin.pdf">http://www.uwyo.edu/uwexpstn/_files/docs/2016-field-days-bulletin.pdf</a>.</p><br /> <p>Heitholt, J., and C. Reynolds, Screening and development of dry bean genotypes for drought tolerance. 2015. Univ. Wyoming, Field Days Bulletin. p. 47. <a href="http://www.uwyo.edu/uwexpstn/_files/docs/2015-field-days-bulletin.pdf">http://www.uwyo.edu/uwexpstn/_files/docs/2015-field-days-bulletin.pdf</a>.</p><br /> <p>Jain, S., Chittem K., Brueggeman R., Osorno J.M., Richards J., and Nelson Jr B.D. 2016. Comparative Transcriptome Analysis of Resistant and Susceptible Common Bean Genotypes in Response to Soybean Cyst Nematode Infection. PloS one, 11(7), e0159338.</p><br /> <p>Katuuramu, D.N., Kelly, J.D., Glahn, R.P., and Cichy, K.A. (2016) Field Evaluation of Nutritionally Superior Common Bean Genotypes with Farmers in Three Agro-ecological Zones in Uganda. Oral Presentation, Pan African Grain Legumes Research Conference, Livingstone, Zambia Feb 29.</p><br /> <p>Kisha, T.J. and A. Egan. 2016 Genetic Diversity of North American Wild Kidney Bean (Phaseolus Polystachios) Collected in the Midwest. American Society of Horticultural Science. Abstracts: Aug 8-11. New Orleans, LA.</p><br /> <p>Kusolwa P.M, J.R. Myers, T.G. Porch, Y. Trukhina, A. González-Vélez and J.S. Beaver. 2016 Registration of AO-1012-29-3-3A Red Kidney Bean Germplasm Line with Bean Weevil, BCMV, and BCMNV Resistance. Journal of Plant Registrations 10:149-153.</p><br /> <p>Mamidi, S., Miklas P.N., Trapp J., Felicetti E., Grimwood J., Schmutz J., Lee R., McClean P.E. 2016. Sequence-based introgression mapping identifies candidate white mold tolerance genes in common bean. The Plant Genome 9 doi: 10.3835/plantgenome2015.09.0092.</p><br /> <p>Moghaddam. S.M., Mamidi S., Osorno J.M., Lee R. Brick M., Kelly J., Miklas P., Urrea C., Song Q., Cregan P., Grimwood J., Schmutz J., McClean P. 2016. Genome-wide Association Study Identifies Candidate Loci Underlying Agronomic Traits in a Middle American Diversity Panel of Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Plant Genome. doi: 10.3835/plantgenome2016.02.0012; Date posted: July 25, 2016</p><br /> <p>Osorno J.M., Grafton K.F., Vander Wal A.J., Kloberdanz M., Schroder S., Vasquez J.E., Ghising K., and Pasche J.S. 2016. Improved Tolerance to Root Rot and Bacterial Blights in Kidney Bean: Registration of ‘Talon’ Dark Red Kidney and ‘Rosie’ Light Red Kidney. J. Plant Registrations (doi:10.3198/jpr2016.02.0008crc).</p><br /> <p>Porch, T.G., K. Cichy, W. Wang, M. Brick, J.S. Beaver, D. Santana-Morant, and M. Grusak. 2016. Nutritional composition and cooking characteristics of tepary bean (<em>Phaseolus acutifolius</em> Gray) in comparison with common bean (<em>Phaseolus vulgaris</em> L.). Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution doi:10.1007/s10722-016-0413-0</p><br /> <p>Soltani A., Bello M., Mndolwa E., Schroder S., Moghaddam S.M., Osorno J.M., Miklas P., McClean P.E. 2016. Targeted Analysis of Dry Bean Growth Habit: Interrelationship Among Architectural, Phenological, and Yield Components. Crop Sci. doi: 10.2135/cropsci2016.02.0119; Date posted: June 15, 2016</p><br /> <p>Nakeddi, F.J.Ibarra Perez, C. Makankusi, J.G. Waines, J.D. Kelly. 2016. Mapping of QTL associated with Fusarium root rot resistance and root architecture traits in black beans. Euphytica DOI 10.1007/s10681-1755-6</p><br /> <p>Valentín Torres, S., M.M. Vargas, G. Godoy-Lutz, T.G. Porch, and J.S. Beaver. 2016. Isolates of <em>Rhizoctonia solani</em> can produce both web blight and root rot symptoms in common bean (<em>Phaseolus vulgaris</em> L.). Plant Disease 110-1351-1357.</p><br /> <p>Vandenlangenberg, KM, Bethke, PC and J Nienhuis. 2012. Identification of quatitative trait loci associated with fructose, glucose and sucrose concentration in snap beans. Crop Sci. 52:1593-1599</p><br /> <p>Vandenlangenberg, KM, Bethke, PC and J Nienhuis. 2012. Patterns of fructose, glucose and sucrose accumulation in snap and dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). HortScience 47: 874-878.</p><br /> <p>Wang, W, Cichy, KA, Kelly, JD, Mukankushi, CM. “QTL Analysis for Fusarium Root Rot Resistance in Common Bean (<em>Phaseolus vulgaris</em>)”. Biennial Bean Improvement Cooperative Meeting, Niagara Falls, Canada. November 1-4, 2015</p><br /> <p>Winham DM, Florian TL, Thompson SV. Low-Income US Women Under-informed of the Specific Health Benefits of Consuming Beans. PloS one. 2016 Jan 28;11(1):e0147592.</p><br /> <p>Zhang L. Gezan S., Vallejos C.E., Jones J., Boote K., Clavijo-Michelangeli J., Bhakta M., Osorno J.M., Rao I., Beebe S., Roman-Paoli E., Gonzalez A., Beaver J., Ricaurte J., Colbert R., Correll M. 2016. Development of a QTL-environment-based predictive model for node addition rate in common bean. Theor. Appl. Genet. (Submitted).</p>Impact Statements
- Information regarding bean cultivation and research on this has been generated and shared by members of this team in the form of several presentations and over thirty publications
Date of Annual Report: 04/05/2018
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2016 - 09/30/2017
Beaver, J.S., (j_beaver@hotmail.com) - University of Puerto Rico, PR;Brick, Mark, (Mark.Brick@ColoState.EDU) - Colorado State University, CO;
Cheng, Wen-Hsing, (wc523@msstate.edu) - Mississippi State University, MI;
Cichy, Karen, (karen.cichy@ars.usda.gov) - USDA-ARS, East Lansing, MS;
Gepts, Paul, (plgepts@ucdavis.edu) University of California – Davis, Davis, CA;
Gilbertson, Robert L., (rlgilbertson@ucdavis.edu) University of California – Davis, Davis, CA;
Griffiths, Phillip, (pdg8@cornell.edu) – Cornell University, Geneva NY;
Heitholt, Jim, (Jim.Heitholt@uwyo.edu) - University of Wyoming, WY;
Jackson, Scott, (sjackson@uga.edu) –University of Georgia, GA;
Karasev, Alex (akarasev@uidaho.edu) – University of Idaho, ID;
Kelly, Jim (kellyj@msu.edu) - Michigan State University, MI;
Kisha, Ted (theodore.kisha@ars.usda.gov) – Western Region Plant Introduction Station, ARS-WA;
Myers, Jim (james.myers@oregonstate.edu) – Oregon State University, OR;
Nienhuis, Jim (nienhuis@wisc.edu) – University of Wisconsin, Madison WI;
Noratto, Giuliana (giuliana.noratto@wsu.edu) – Washington State University, WA;
Osorno, Juan (juan.osorno@ndsu.edu) - North Dakota State University, ND;
Steadman, Jim (jsteadman1@unl.edu) – University of Nebraska, NE;
Urrea, Carlos (currea2@unl.edu) - University of Nebraska, NE;
Winham, Donna (dwinham@iastate.edu) – Iowa State University, IA
Cainongy, Joey-Delaware State University, DE;
Campbelly, Jacqueline – Iowa State University, IA;
Fisher, Isaac – Delaware State University, DE;
Marsolais, Frederic – Canada;
Song, Qijian – ARS;
Weisinger, Jason- ARS-Cornell;
Woolf, Andy – Weibye
Brief Summary of Minutes
Meeting Notes:
- The W-3150 meeting was called to order at approximately 10:00 am by Dr. Donna Winham, (Iowa State University), who was chairing in place of the current President, Vicki Schlegel. Each member and guest in attendance introduce himself/herself.
- Nomination of new officers:
- Nominations for the open positions of Secretary and Vice President. Paul Gepts nominated Karen Cichy for secretary, which was seconded by a group member. Juan Osorno nominated Donna Winham for Vice President, which confirmed by all participants. There were no other nominations, and both Cichy and Winham assumed their duties without further vote.
- Old Business: Status of Pulse Initiative: b. Status of Addition of New Members: c. Status of Retiring Members: Giles Waines stated he has retired from UC Riverside.
4. New Business
- Phil McClean introduced Qiang Song from ARS. Dr. Song provided a 30 minute presentation and discussion of a new genotyping chip now available. Individuals were asked to contact him directly for more information.
- 2018 meeting – There was discussion for determine the next location and time of the 2018 meeting. Three members offered to host: Ted Kisha – Washington State; Paul Gepts – UC Davis; and xxx.
After discussion, the majority vote was to go to UC Davis in the summer of 2018. Paul Gepts will provide further details as planning evolves.
5. State Reports were presented. See the Accomplishments section for the summaries.
<p><strong><strong><span>Accomplishments for Each State: </span></strong></strong></p><br /> <p><strong><strong>1. California (<em>Paul Gepts University of California-Davis</em>) </strong></strong></p><br /> <p>Whole genome sequencing was conducted on 16 common bean lines and the results were pooled with those obtained at the International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT, Cali, Colombia). A recombinant inbred population of the cross of ICA Bunsi and SXB 405, from the Mesoamerican genepool, was evaluated for the effects of drought on productivity and its components, as related to pod photosynthate remobilization. Several QTLs for pod harvest index were detected, including major stable QTL in chromosome Pv07. Although the QTLs for yield were not stable across water/regime combinations, we three that were on the overall mean were detected. The ensuing 8 QTLs for yield, 3 of which co-localized with PHI QTLs, underlies the importance of photosynthate remobilization in productivity. Moreover, three domesticated by wild backcrossed recombinant inbred line populations (BC1S4) were developed, using three wild accessions representing the extreme range of rainfall of the Mesoamerican wild bean distribution. The goal of this study was to determine if these populations responded differently to drought stress and to detect yield-associated genomic regions that could be related to local adaptation. The populations from the wild parents of the low rainfall part of the distribution showed higher yield production. Alternatively, the average allele effects from the parent of the wettest environment were lower through all the test environments. Our results underlie the potential of wild variation for bean crop improvement as well the identification of regions for efficient marker-assisted introgression and candidate genes. The Cooperative Dry Bean Nursery was grown at UC Davis and results were communicated to the coordinator, Dr. C. Urrea (NE).</p><br /> <p><strong>2. Colorado (<em>Mark Brick, Colorado State University</em>) </strong></p><br /> <p>The Dry Bean Breeding Project released two traditional pinto bean cultivars and two slow darkening pinto bean cultivars since 2012. The two most recent pinto bean variety releases, 'Long's Peak' and' Centennial' continue to provide the public with adapted high yielding cultivars with excellent seed quality. Yield performance of these cultivars is approximately 2 to 3 cwt higher and have provided growers with upright architecture for direct or semi-direct harvest compared to the cultivars they replaced. Information on production and pest management from CSU programs contribute to reduced yield losses to white mold, common bacterial blight, and rust diseases as well as improved seed quality and harvest management duet to upright Type II architecture. CSU cultivars account for approximately 40% of cultivars grown in CO and to lesser extent in Wyoming, Nebraska, Kansas and the western US. Outreach activities included grower/industry and stakeholder meetings, scientific presentations at the national meeting of the Rocky Mountain Bean Dealers Association, the newsletter the Colorado Bean News distributed twice annually, and numerous contacts with growers via the telephone and internet.</p><br /> <p><strong>3. Iowa (</strong><strong><em>Donna M. Winham, Iowa State University)</em></strong></p><br /> <p>At Iowa State University, Dr. Winham conducted research to evaluate knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding bean acculturation, knowledge of health benefits, and legume consumption patterns. We purposefully oversampled for Latinas. Work under this project is expanding our knowledge on the health benefits of beans and their consumer acceptability. With our recent survey work among low-income women including Latinas, we have identified areas of knowledge gaps. We are continuing this work in our next project period by conducting focus groups to identify barriers and motivators to bean consumption among these same target audiences</p><br /> <p><strong>4. Idaho </strong><strong>(</strong><strong><em>Alaxander Karasev-</em></strong><strong> <em>University of Idaho</em></strong><strong><em>):</em></strong></p><br /> <p>Recessive resistance to <em>Bean common mosaic virus</em> (BCMV) and to <em>Bean common mosaic necrosis virus</em> (BCMNV) conferred by <em>bc-1</em> and <em>bc-2 </em>genes was studied in common bean (<em>Phaseolus vulgaris</em> L.) in order to determine its mode of action. A series of new and control isolates of BCMNV (5 isolates) and BCMV (8 isolates) representing all pathogroups except pathogroup II, were screened on 12 bean differentials and tested for the ability to replicate and move cell-to-cell in inoculated leaves, and also for the ability to systemically spread in <em>P. vulgaris</em>. All studied BCMV and BCMNV isolates were able to replicate and spread in inoculated leaves of bean cultivars harboring <em>bc-u</em>, <em>bc-1</em>, <em>bc-1<sup><span style="font-size: small;">2</span></sup></em>, <em>bc-2</em>, and <em>bc-2<sup><span style="font-size: small;">2</span></sup></em> alleles and their combinations, while no BCMV or BCMNV replication was found in inoculated leaves of ‘IVT7214’ carrying the <em>bc-u</em>, <em>bc-2</em> and <em>bc-3</em> genes, except for isolate 1755a capable of overcoming the resistance conferred by <em>bc-2</em> and <em>bc-3</em>. In contrast, the systemic spread of all BCMV and BCMNV isolates from pathogroups I, III, IV,VI, VII, and VIII was impaired in common bean cultivars carrying <em>bc-1</em>, <em>bc-1<sup><span style="font-size: small;">2</span></sup></em>, <em>bc-2</em>, and <em>bc-2<sup><span style="font-size: small;">2</span></sup></em> alleles. The data suggest that <em>bc-1</em> and <em>bc-2</em> recessive resistance genes have no effect on the replication and cell-to-cell movement of BCMV and BCMNV, but affect systemic spread of the viruses in common bean. The BCMV resistance conferred by <em>bc-1</em> and <em>bc-2</em> and affecting systemic spread was found only partially effective when these two genes were expressed singly. The efficiency of the restriction of the systemic spread of the virus was greatly enhanced when the alleles of <em>bc-1</em> and <em>bc-2</em> genes were combined together.</p><br /> <p><strong>5. Michigan (</strong><strong><em>James D. Kelly and Karen A. Cichy, Michigan State University):</em></strong></p><br /> <p>The MSU dry bean breeding and genetics program conducted 20 yield trials in 2017 in ten market classes and participated in the growing and evaluation of the Cooperative Dry Bean, Midwest Regional Performance, National Drought and the National Sclerotinia Nurseries in Michigan and winter nursery in Puerto Rico. A study was undertaken to investigate the chemical composition, functional properties, starch digestibility, and cookie-baking performance of bean powders from 25 dry bean varieties grown in Michigan. The varieties represented ten commercial classes and most varieties were released by the dry bean breeding program at MSU. Generally, the cookies baked from the fine bean powders had smaller diameters, greater thicknesses, and greater hardness values than those from the coarse counterparts. The baking test could differentiate the cookie-baking performances of the bean powders obtained from the 25 studied varieties. Larger proportions of resistant starch were retained in the bean-based cookies than in the wheat-flour-based cookies after baking. With higher contents of resistant starch and protein, the bean-based cookies had more desirable nutritional profiles than those baked from wheat flour. In addition, A project to develop and evaluate single a variety fresh dry bean pastas for nutritional profile and consumer acceptability was conducted. Dry bean pastas retained the nutritional profile of boiled whole seeds with respect to protein, starch as well as iron concentrations. They are also nutritionally superior to wheat pasta with higher protein, iron and resistant starch concentrations and lower starch content. Resistant starch (a component of dietary fiber) concentrations were improved in the bean pastas when compared to their boiled whole seed counterparts. Varietal and genotypic differences were observed in the colors and texture of dry bean pastas. No statistically significant differences were observed among the bean pastas for the attributes of appearance, aroma, flavor, texture and overall acceptability when evaluated by 100 consumer panelists. Based on nutritional and consumer evaluations, single variety dry bean pastas have commercial potential in the market place as healthy gluten free pasta options. Another project was conducted to develop low phytate black beans and evaluate their end use quality to improved the bioavailability of multiple micronutrients. Reducing the levels of inhibitors present in seeds also improves bioavailability. Numerous low phytate grain and legume crops have been thus been developed with enhanced nutritional value. The goal of this study was to transfer the <em>lpa1</em> low phytic acid source into U.S. adapted black bean germplasm and to evaluate the agronomic and end use quality attributes of improved lines.</p><br /> <p><strong>6. Nebraska</strong><strong><em> (James Steadman, Carlos Urrea and Vicki Schlegel, University of Nebraska)</em></strong><strong>: </strong></p><br /> <p>During 2016, Steadman and Urrea coordinated and participated in (1) the national CDBN with the 21 entries planted at 10 locations, (2) the regional WRBT trial with 13 entries planted at 4 locations (3) the regional MRPN trial planted at 3 states, and (4) the DBDN trial consisting of 14 of the 27 entries that originated in NE, while the remaining was distributed by MI, WA, CO for future planting in PR. Additionally, a second generation of dry bean lines from the Shuttle Breeding between NE and PR was tested under drought stress and non-stress conditions. Another set of elite six great northern and six pinto lines were tested in growers’ fields under the ‘Mother and Baby’ Trial scheme by Urrea. Trials are also in progress to evaluate the yield of different market classes (great northern, pinto, reds, blacks, light red kidney, and cranberries). Research was also initiated on genotyping and fungicide sensitivity testing of 366 isolates from U.S., France, Mexico and Australia. Importantly a great northern bean ‘Panhandle Pride’ was released as a cultivar based on its performance in Nebraska since 2010. Moreover, field tests demonstrated that the recently released USPT-WM-12 and 039-A-5 pinto beans lines were rated much lower in disease severity than the susceptible control Beryl at some locations. Greenhouse tests across four states also confirmed moderate resistance for USPT-WM-12 and the great northern 031-A-11. Lastly, research conducted in the laboratory of Schlegel showed that different phenols present in most dry bean market classes act synergistically to remediate the pro-inflammatory state (M1) using a macrophage cell line to an inactive state or to an anti-inflammatory (M2) state. Research has also been initiated using hamsters induced for intestinal hypoxia and inflammation. Initially studies demonstrate that different market classes of beans initiate different protective responses (great northern and pinto beans) but both protected the hamster at least partially from intestinal stress. </p><br /> <p><strong>7. North Dakota <em>(Juan M. Osorno, Julie Pasche, Phil McClean, North Dakota State University):</em></strong></p><br /> <p>The main target audience is bean scientists within the W-3150 multistate group, bean industry including both breeding and processing, bean growers, and general public interested in learning about beans. This interdisciplinary, multi-state, collaborative W-3150 project proposal comprises several complementary sub-projects. Key collaboration among participants in these sub-projects is designed to achieve our overall goals and objectives of developing high yielding cultivars with enhanced culinary and nutritional qualities and resistance to major abiotic and biotic stresses. These cultivars will help reduce production costs and pesticide use, increase yield and competitiveness of the U.S. bean growers, and sustain production for domestic consumption and export. Researchers participating in each sub-project have complementary expertise and represent two or more institutions. This research scheme has been very successful as evidenced by the “Excellence in Multistate Research Award” given to the W-1150 multistate project by the Western Association of Agricultural Experiment Station Directors (WAAESD). For simplicity, these projects are grouped into the following priorities: biotic stresses, abiotic stresses, characterization/utilization of exotic germplasm, applied genomics, nurseries, nutritional and health related benefits in the human diet, and production/sustainability. Additional details of each sub-project can be provided upon request. However general activities within this project included collaborative work on: i) evaluation of the Andean Diversity Panel (ADP) and Mesoamerican Diversity Panel (MDP) for resistance to <em>Rhizoctonia solani</em> and <em>Fusarium solani</em> under greenhouse conditions, ii) evaluation of NDSU breeding lines for CBB resistance, iii) characterizing <em>Uromyces appendiculatus</em> races present in North Dakota. Consistent protocols were developed to screen dry beans for resistance to Rhizoctonia and Fusarium root rot in the greenhouse, and lines in the MDP and ADP were identified with resistance to both pathogens. SNPs were associated with these phenotypic traits in both diversity panels. Lines with resistance to CBB were identified in the NDSU breeding material. A new QTL consisting of SNPs spanning a 1.6 kb region was identified in the NDSU breeding lines in the Andean gene pool. Among the 88 <em>U. appendiculatus</em> isolates collected from North Dakota in 2015 and 2016, 99% were virulent on the widely deployed gene <em>Ur-3</em>. Nearly 75% of isolates were race 20-3; however, a total of ten new races identified overcome all but one known host resistance gene, <em>Ur-11</em>.</p><br /> <p><strong>8. Oregon</strong><em> <strong>(Jim Myers, Oregon State University)</strong></em></p><br /> <p>A nested association mapping (NAM) population with the common parent WM904-20-3 crossed to four different lines was screened for white mold resistance in the field. Populations were grown in a replicated trialat the Vegetable Research Farm. Normal cultural practices were used except beginning at flowering, plots were irrigated by solid set sprinklers for ½ hour in evenings to increase leaf wetness period and create conditions more favorable for disease development. The populations were screened for white mold reaction at OSU. Additionally, incidence and severity were measured as parameters of disease in three replicates arranged in a randomized complete block design at the vegetable research farm. The analysis of variance showed highly significant differences among families although allpa rents within the populations had some degree of partial resistance to white mold. Population distributions were skewed towards resistance for all crosses as would be expected for resistant x resistant combinations. WMG904-20-3 had the lowest incidence, severity and disease severity index compared with all others parents and the resistant check. The next step is genotyping the NAM population to conduct GWAS. The DNA has been isolated at OSU/Center for Genome Research an. A genome wide association mapping study (GWAS) was also conducted using the Bean CAP Snap Bean Diversity Panel and the Snap bean Association Panel. The objectives of the present study were: 1) to verify previously reported QTLs detected in other populations and studies, 2) to detect novel QTLs associated with white mold resistance and 3) to identify new sources of resistance to this disease in common bean, with particular emphasis on snap bean. The SBDP was phenotyped for white mold reaction in the field in 2012 and 2013, while the SnAP was screened for white mold reaction in 2016 greenhouse only using the seedling straw test. Twenty significant SNPs were detected by the seedling straw test while 126 significant SNPs were detected in one or both years. The 146 significant SNPs could be grouped into 39 regions distributed across all chromosomes. Twenty-five associations were unique to this study. NY6020-5 and Unidor were the most outstanding snap bean cultivars in the field tests for both years while Homestyle and Top Crop were the most resistant snap beam cultivars in straw test. Lastly, in a preliminary trial to investigate the resistance carried by Unidor, the population Unidor/OSU5630 (n=190, F4:5) was phenotyped using seedling straw test in 2016 and genotyped in 2017 using Illumina iSelect 6K SNPchip. Quantitative trait loci analysis was conducted implementing multiple QTL mapping (MQM) using MapQTL6.</p><br /> <p><strong>9. Puerto Rico</strong> <strong><em>(James Beaver , University of Puerto Rico, Mayagüez Campus):</em></strong></p><br /> <p>White-seeded bean lines with resistance to BGYMV, BCMNV and bruchids were multiplied to permit future evaluation in replicated field trials. Elite pink bean breeding lines with resistance to BGYMV, BCMNV and common bacterial blight had erect plant type and seed yields > 2,000 kg/ha over five planting dates. The project has also developed pinto bean lines that combine BGYMV, BCMV and BCMNV that are well adapted to local conditions. In addition, Bella’ is a multiple disease resistant white-seeded common bean cultivar adapted to the humid tropics was developed and released cooperatively by the University of Puerto Rico Agricultural Experiment Station and the USDA-ARS. Additionally, in December 2016, the project planted 3,876 bean breeding lines from Michigan State, the University of Nebraska and North Dakota State Universities in winter nurseries as a cooperative activity of Regional Hatch Project W-3150. Moreover, an isolate from Phaeoisariopsis griseola was used to inoculate 63 white bean breeding lines and susceptible check cultivars. Lastly, bacterial blight greenhouse assays were completed in an attempt to identify common bean lines useful for the differentiation of Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli races (Xap).</p><br /> <p><strong>10. Washington<em> (David Gang, </em></strong><strong><em>Theodore Kisha and Philip Miklas, USDA-ARS)</em></strong><strong><em>: </em></strong>A written report was not submitted for the W3150 Multistate meeting as they sent their report to REEport System; NIMSS Multistate System and Travel. The group did not send me a complimentary report for this manuscript. </p><br /> <p><strong>11. Wisconsin</strong><em> <strong>(Jim Nienhuis, University of Wisconsin): </strong></em> A written report was not submitted for the W3150 Multistate meeting. </p><br /> <p><strong>12. Wyoming</strong> (<strong><em>Jim Heitholt- University of Wyoming)</em></strong></p><br /> <p>Nineteen F<sub><span style="font-size: small;">4</span></sub>-lines from a cross between Long's Peak and UI 537 were grown at three locations in 2017. In one location, the lines were grown under full irrigation and under drought stress. Two lines exhibited upright growth habit and yields were competitive with varieties grown in a nearby test. The other low-performing lines will likely be discarded. We also grew the Cooperative Dry Bean Nursery at two Wyoming locations, Lingle and Powell. Results were submitted to the CDBN coordinator and will be published during 2018. At Lingle, WY, we grew 33 advanced lines from other breeding programs in what is called the Dry Bean Drought Nursery. All 33 lines were grown under full irrigation and deficit irrigation, two replicates each. Results showed that yield was negatively correlated with canopy temperatures collected in late July and again in early August regardless of the irrigation regime. Results from this test were provided to the Drought Nursery coordinator. At both Lingle and Powell, WY, we grew 25 and 36 varieties, respectively, under two irrigation regimes. Although we did not find a significant genotype-by-irrigation interaction we did find that several varieties performed well under both irrigation regimes. These included Poncho and Desert Song. We also measured canopy temperature (CT) and normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and found yield to be negatively correlated with CT at both locations and NDVI positively correlated with yield at Lingle. In another set of studies with soil N level, 15 varieties were compared at 0 and 60 pounds N per acre. The site was low in residual N. Nevertheless, we did not find a significant effect of N nor a significant genotype-by-nitrogen interaction. In another N study, we grew Centennial at 0, 30, 60, and 90 pounds of N per acre and did not find any effects. Although 60 to 90 pounds of N is routinely applied to dry bean in Wyoming, our data suggests that this practice be reconsidered.</p>Publications
<p>Ai, Y., Y. Jin, J. D. Kelly, and P. K.W. Ng. 2017. Composition, functional properties, starch digestibility, and cookie-baking performance of dry bean powders from 25 Michigan-grown varieties. Cereal Chem 94:400.</p><br /> <p>Alladassi, B.M.E., S.T. Nkalubo, C, MukanKusi, E.S. Mwale, P.T. Gibson, R. Edema, C.A. Urrea, J.D. Kelly, and P.R. Rubaihayo. 2017. Inheritance of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) resistance to commonbacterial blight disease in fourselected genotypes. J. of Plant Breed. & Crop Sci. 9(6):71. </p><br /> <p>Arkwazee, H. and J. R. Myers 2017. Seedling straw test: A rapid and resource-efficient method for evaluating white mold resistance. Annu. Rept. Bean Improv. Coop. 60:39-40. </p><br /> <p>Arkwazee, H., J. Davis and J.R. Myers 2017. Comparison of the conventional and seedling straw tests for quantifying white mold resistance. Ann. Rep. Bean Impr. Coop. 60:41-42. </p><br /> <p>Brick, M. A., and H. J. Thompson. 2016. Toward closing the dietary fiber gap: candidate genes associated with dietary fiber content in common bean. FASEB J 30.1 Supplement (2016): 421. </p><br /> <p>Bornowski, N., F. A. Mendoza, and J. D. Kelly. 2017. Mapping and predicting color retention and other quality traits in black bean populations. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 60:151-152. </p><br /> <p>Feng, X., P. Guzmán, J.R Myers, A. V. and Karasev, 2017. Resistance to <em>Bean common mosaic necrosis virus</em> conferred by the <em>bc-1</em> gene affects systemic spread of the virus in common bean. Phytopathology 107: 893. </p><br /> <p>Feng X., J.R. Myers, and A.V. Karasev. 2015. A bean common mosaic virus isolate exhibits a novel pathogenicity profile in common bean, overcoming the bc-3 resistance allele coding for the mutated eIF4E translation initiation factor. Phytopathology 105:1487-1495.</p><br /> <p>Haidar A., J. Myers. 2017. Characterizing a new common bean recombinant inbred population (Unidor/OSU5630) for white mold resistance. National Sclerotinia Initiative Meetings, 18-20 Jan., Bloomington, MN.(<a href="https://www.ars.usda.gov/ARSUserFiles/30000000/WhiteMoldResearch/2017meeting/2017%20Program.pdf">https://www.ars.usda.gov/ARSUserFiles/30000000/WhiteMoldResearch/2017meeting/2017%20Program.pdf</a>)</p><br /> <p>Haidar A., J. P. Hart, J. Myers. 2017. Association mapping to Identify QTL conferring white mold resistance in the wnap bean association Panel (SnAP). National Sclerotinia Initiative Meetings, 18-20 Jan., Bloomington, MN. (<a href="https://www.ars.usda.gov/ARSUserFiles/30000000/WhiteMoldResearch/2017meeting/2017%20Program.pdf">https://www.ars.usda.gov/ARSUserFiles/30000000/WhiteMoldResearch/2017meeting/2017%20Program.pdf</a>) </p><br /> <p>Halvorson, J., C, Tvedt, J. Pasche, R. Harveson, S.G. Markell. 2017. Fusarium root rot (PP1820-1) in: Markell, S.,Harveson, R., and Pasche, J. Dry Edible Bean Disease Diagnostic Series. North Dakota Cooperative Extension Service Publication PP1820. Pp. 3-4. </p><br /> <p>Halvorson, R., J. Pasche, R. Harveson, S.G. Markell, S. 2017. Rhizoctonia root rot (1820-3) in: Dry Edible Bean Disease Diagnostic Series. North Dakota Cooperative Extension Service Publication PP1820. Pp. 7-8. </p><br /> <p>Harveson, R., S.G. Markell, and J. Pasche. 2017. Pythium diseases (PP1820-2) in: Dry Edible Bean Disease Diagnostic Series. North Dakota Cooperative Extension Service Publication PP1820. Pp. 5-6. </p><br /> <p>Harveson, R., S.G. Markell, and J. Pasche. 2017. Bacterial wilt (PP1820-6) in: Dry Edible Bean Disease Diagnostic Series. North Dakota Cooperative Extension Service Publication PP1820. Pp. 13-14. </p><br /> <p>Harveson, R., S.G. Markell, and J. Pasche. 2017. Stem rot (PP1820-8) in: Dry Edible Bean Disease Diagnostic Series. North Dakota Cooperative Extension Service Publication PP1820. Pp. 17-18. </p><br /> <p>Harveson, R., S.G. Markell, and J. Pasche. 2017. Bacterial brown spot (PP1820-11) in: Dry Edible Bean Disease Diagnostic Series. North Dakota Cooperative Extension Service Publication PP1820. Pp. 23-24. </p><br /> <p>Harveson, R., S.G. Markell, and J. Pasche. 2017. Bean common mosaic (PP1820-12) in: Dry Edible Bean Disease Diagnostic Series. North Dakota Cooperative Extension Service Publication PP1820. Pp. 25-26. </p><br /> <p>Harveson, R., S.G. Markell, and J. Pasche. 2017. Common bean rust (PP1820-13) in: Dry Edible Bean Disease Diagnostic Series. North Dakota Cooperative Extension Service Publication PP1820. Pp. 27-28. </p><br /> <p>Harveson, R., S.G. Markell, and J. Pasche. 2017. Halo blight (PP1820-15) in: Dry Edible Bean Disease Diagnostic Series. North Dakota Cooperative Extension Service Publication PP1820. Pp. 31-32. </p><br /> <p>Harveson, R.M., S.G. Markell, J. Pasche, J.M. Osorno, and C.A. Urrea. 2017. Añublo sureño (PP1820-1) in: Diagnóstico Enfermedades del Frijol Común. North Dakota Cooperative Extension Service Publication PP1820. </p><br /> <p>Harveson, R.M., S.G. Markell, J. Pasche, J.M. Osorno, and C.A. Urrea. 2017. Pudrición carbonosa o gris (PP1820-8) in: Diagnóstico Enfermedades del Frijol Común. North Dakota Cooperative Extension Service Publication PP1820. </p><br /> <p>Harveson, R.M., S.G. Markell, J. Pasche, J.M. Osorno, and C.A. Urrea. 2017. Mancha angular (PP1820-12) in: Diagnóstico Enfermedades del Frijol Común. North Dakota Cooperative Extension Service Publication PP1820. </p><br /> <p>Harveson, R.M., S.G. Markell, J. Pasche, J.M. Osorno, and C.A. Urrea. 2017. Mustia hilachosa (PP1820-15) in:Diagnóstico Enfermedades del Frijol Común. North Dakota Cooperative Extension Service Publication PP1820. </p><br /> <p>Heilig, J.A. J. S. Beaver, E. M. Wright, Q. Song, and J. D. Kelly. 2017. QTL analysis of symbiotic nitrogen fixation in a black bean population. Crop Sci. 57: 118-129.</p><br /> <p>Heilig, J.A., E.M. Wright, and J.D. Kelly. 2017. Symbiotic N fixation of black and navy beans under organic production systems. Agron. J. 109:1-8. doi: 10.2134/agronj2017.01.0051 doi:10.2135/cropsci2016.05.0348</p><br /> <p>Hooper, S., J. A. Wiesinger, D. Echeverria, Thompson, M. A. Brick, M. A., Nchimbi-Msolla, S., & Cichy, K. A. 2017. Carbohydrate profile of a dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris l.) panel encompassing broad genetic variability for cooking time. Cereal Chemistry, 94(1), 135-141 </p><br /> <p>Kamfwa, K., D. Zhao, J. D. Kelly and K. A. Cichy. 2017. Transcriptome analysis of two recombinant inbred lines of common bean contrasting for symbiotic nitrogen fixation. PLoS ONE 12(2):e0172141. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0172141 </p><br /> <p>Lobaton J, D., T. Miller, J. Gil, D. Ariza J. F. de la Hoz, A. Soler, S. Beebe, J. Duitama, P. Gepts B Raatz. Resequencing of common bean identifies regions of inter-gene pool introgression and provides comprehensive resources for molecular breeding. The Plant Genome, in press </p><br /> <p>Markell, S., G. Yan, B. Nelson, J. Pasche, and R. Harveson. 2017. Soybean cyst nematode soil sampling (1820-5) in: Dry Edible Bean Disease Diagnostic Series. North Dakota Cooperative Extension Service Publication PP1820. Pp. 11-12. </p><br /> <p>Markell, S.G., R.M. Harveson, R.M., J. Pasche, J.M. Osorno, and C.A. Urrea. 2017. Mancha de Hoja/Mancha Foliar/Tizóndel Frijol (PP1820-14) in: Diagnóstico Enfermedades del Frijol Común. North Dakota Cooperative Extension Service Publication PP1820. </p><br /> <p>McClean, P.E., S.M. Moghaddam, A-F. Lopez-Millan, M. A. Brick, J. D. Kelly, P. N. Miklas, J. M. Osorno, T. G. Porch, C.A. Urrea, A. Soltani and M. A. Gruzak. 2017. Phenotypic diversity for seed element concentration in North American dry bean (<em>Phaseolus vulgaris</em> L.) germplasm of Middle American Ancestry. Crop Sci. 57: 3129-3144. doi:10.2135/cropsci2017.04.0244</p><br /> <p>Mendoza, F.A., K.A. Cichy, C. Sprague, A. Goffnett, R. Lu, and J.D. Kelly. 2017. Prediction of canned black bean texture (<em>Phaseolus vulgaris</em> L.) from intact dry seeds using visible/near-infrared spectroscopy and hyperspectral imaging data. J. Sci. Food Agric. doi: 10.1002/jsfa.8469 </p><br /> <p>Mendoza, F.A., J.D. Kelly, and K.A. Cichy. 2017. Automated prediction of sensory scores for color and appearance in canned black beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) using a color imaging technique. International Journal of Food Properties 20:83-99.doi:10.1080/10942912.2015.1136939 </p><br /> <p>Monclova-Santana, C. Markell, S. G., Acevedo, M., and Pasche, J. S. 2018. <em>Uromyces <em>Appendiculatus</em> prevalence in dry bean fields in North Dakota. Annu. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 60: In Press. </em></p><br /> <p>Myers, J. R., K. Kmiecik. Economic and Academic Significance of Common Bean. 2017. Marcelino Pérez de laVega, Marta Santalla, and Frédéric Marsolais (Eds.) The Common Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Genome. Springer DOI 10.1007/978-3-319-63526-2. </p><br /> <p>Nkalubo, S.T., B.A. Odogwu, B.M.E. Alladassi, E. Basil, I. Dramadri, D. Katuramu, G. Luyima, K. Cichy, C. Urrea, J.Steadman and J. Kelly. 2017. Genetic improvement in Uganda’s Andean bean breeding program. Presented during the Feed the Future Legume Innovation Lab Grain Legume Research Conference 13 to 18 August 2017, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.</p><br /> <p>Odogwu, B.A., S. T. Nkalubo, C. Mukankusi, T. Odong, H. E. Awale, P. Rubaihayo, and J. D. Kelly. 2017. Phenotypic and genotypic screening for rust resistance in common bean germplasm in Uganda. Euphytica 213:49. doi: 10.1007/s10681-016-1795-y</p><br /> <p>Padder, B.A., P.N. Sharma, H.E. Awale, and J.D. Kelly. 2017. <em>Colletotrichum lindemuthianum</em>, the causal agent of bean anthracnose. J. Plant Pathol 99: 317. doi: 10.4454/jpp.v99i2.3867</p><br /> <p>Palmer S, D. Winham Consumer Definitions of a “Healthy” Food: A Pilot Survey. J Acad Nutri Dietet. 2017 Sep 1;117(9):A84. </p><br /> <p>Pasche, J., G. Yan, B. Nelson, S.G. Markell, and R. Harveson. 2017. Soybean cyst nematode (SCN) (1820-4) in: DryEdible Bean Disease Diagnostic Series. North Dakota Cooperative Extension Service Publication PP1820. Pp. 9-10. </p><br /> <p>Pasche, J., R. Harveson, and S.G. Markell. 2017. White mold (PP1820-9) in: Dry Edible Bean Disease Diagnostic Series. North Dakota Cooperative Extension Service Publication PP1820. Pp. 19-20. </p><br /> <p>Phillip E. McClean, P .E., S.M. Moghaddam, A.F Lopéz-Millán, M. A. Brick, J. D. Kelly, P. N. Miklas, J. Osorno, T. G. Porch, C. A. Urrea, A. Soltani, M. A. Grusak. 2017. Phenotypic diversity for seed mineral concentration in North American dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) germplasm of Middle American ancestry. Crop Sci. 57: 3129. doi:10.2135/cropsci2017.04.0244 </p><br /> <p>Porch, T., K. A. Cichy, W. Wang, M. Brick, J. Beaver, D, Santana, M Grusak. 2017. Nutritional composition and cooking characteristics of tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius Gray) in comparison with common bean (P. vulgaris L.). Genetic Res Crop Evol 64: 935. </p><br /> <p>Raboy, V., A, Johnson, K. Bilyeu, H. Brinch-Pedersen, K. Cichy, R. F. Hurrell, C. Zeder, S. K. Rasmussen, T. D. Warkentin, P. Thavarajah, P. and J. Shi. 2017. Evaluation of simple and inexpensive high-throughput methods for phytic acid determination. JOAC 94: 353 </p><br /> <p>Rossman, D.R., A. Rojas, J.L. Jacobs, C. Mukankusi, J.D. Kelly, and M.I. Chilvers. 2017. Pathogenicity and virulence of soilborne oomycetes on dry bean (<em>Phaseolus vulgaris</em>). Plant Disease 101:1851-1859. doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-02-17-0178-RE </p><br /> <p>Nguyen, A. T., A. Althwab, S., H. Qiu, C. A. Urrea, T. Carr, V. Schlegel. 2017. Great northern and pinto beans lower cholesterol in hamsters fed a high fat diet by promoting cholesterol excretion. The Bean Bag. 35(2): 16. </p><br /> <p>Simons, K. J., R. S Lamppa, P. E. McClean, J. M. Osorno, J. S. and Pasche. 2018. SNPs identified for common bacterial blight resistance in dry bean. Annu. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 60: In Press. </p><br /> <p>Singh, S.P., P.N. Miklas, M.A. Brick, H.F. Schwartz, C.A. Urrea, H. Terán, C. Centeno, B. Ogg, Otto, and A. Soler. 2017. Pinto bean cultivars blackfoot, Nez Perce, and Twin Falls. J. Plant. Reg. 0. doi:10.3198/jpr2016.06.0030crc. </p><br /> <p>Shree P. S. P., Singh, P.N. Miklas, M.A. Brick, H.F. Schwartz, C.A. Urrea, H. Terán, Centeno, B. Ogg, and K. Otto. 2017. Pinto common bean cultivars blackfoot, Nez Perce, and Twin Falls. J. Plant Reg. doi: 10.3198/JPR2016.o6.0030crc. </p><br /> <p>Thompson, H.J., J.N. McGinley, E. S. Neil, M. A. Brick. 2017. Beneficial effects of common bean on adiposity and lipid metabolism. Nutrients 2017, 9, 998; doi:10.3390/nu9090998. </p><br /> <p>Tock, A., D. Fourie, P. Walley, E, Holub, A Soler, K. Cichy, M. Pastor-Corrales, Q. Song, T, Porch, J. Hart, R. Vasconcellos, J. Vicente, G. Barker, P. Miklas. 2017 Genome-wide linkage and association mapping of halo blight resistance in common bean to Race 6 of the globally important bacterial pathogen. Frontiers in Plant Science 8: 1170 <a href="http://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2017.01170">http://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2017.01170</a> </p><br /> <p>Traub, J., J. D. Kelly, and W. Loescher. 2017. Early metabolic and photosynthetic responses to drought stress in common and tepary bean. Crop Sci. 57:1-17. doi:10.2135/cropsci2016.09.0746 </p><br /> <p>Urrea, C.A., and E.V. Cruzado. 2017. University of Nebraska Dry bean breeding activities. The Bean Bag. 35(2): 9 & 10. </p><br /> <p>Urrea, C. A., S. Nkalubo, K. Muimui, J. D. Kelly, J. Steadman, and E.V. Cruzado. 2017. Effect of drought on bean cooking time using germplasm selected for drought, common bacterial blight, and root rot resistance forUganda and Zambia. Presented during the Feed the Future Legume Innovation Lab Grain Legume Research Conference 13 to 18 August 2017, Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. </p><br /> <p>Urrea, C. A., and J. Steadman. 2017. Great northern ‘Panhandle Pride’ bred for blight resistance. The StarHerald. May 21, 2017. </p><br /> <p>Vandemark, G.J., M. A. Brick, J. D. Kelly, J.M. Osorno, and C.A. Urrea. 2017. Yield gains in dry beans in the U.S. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 60: 183. </p><br /> <p>Vasconcellos, R.C.C., O. B. Oraguzie, A. Soler, H. Arkwazee, J. R. Myers, J .J. Ferreira, Q. Song, P. McClean, P.N. Miklas. 2017. Meta-QTL for resistance to white mold in common bean. PLoS ONE 12(2): e0171685. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0171685 </p><br /> <p>Winham D. M., A. M. Hutchins, S. V. Thompson. 2017 Glycemic Response to Black Beans and Chickpeas as Part of a Rice Meal: A Randomized Cross-Over Trial. Nutrients. 2 Oct 4;9(10): 1095. </p><br /> <p>Winham D. M., S. M. Palmer, J. L. Baier, T. A. Roe Low-income women in Iowa lack awareness of the health benefits of beans. The FASEB Journal. 2017 Apr 1;31(1 Supplement):956-12. </p><br /> <p>Yan, G. P., A. Plaisance, I. Chowdhury, R. Baidoo, A, Upadhaya, J. Pasche, S. Markell, B. Nelson, and S. Chen. 2017. First report of the soybean cyst nematode <em>Heterodera glycines</em> infecting dry bean (<em>Phaseolus vulgaris</em> L.) in a commercial field in Minnesota. Plant Dis. 101:391. </p><br /> <p>Zitnick-Anderson. K., C. Modderman, L. E. Hanson, J. S. Pasche, J. S. 2018. A repeatable protocol for Fusarium Root rot phenotyping of common bean. Annu. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 60: In Press. </p><br /> <p><strong>Bulletins</strong><strong>: </strong></p><br /> <p>Kelly, J. D., E. . Wright, G. V. Varner, C. L. Sprague, 2017. <em>‘Samurai’: A new otebo bean variety for Michigan and Ontario </em>[E3356]. East Lansing: Michigan State University, MSU Extension.</p>Impact Statements
- Information regarding bean cultivation and research on this has been generated and shared by members of this team in the form of several presentations and over thirty publications.
Date of Annual Report: 10/30/2018
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2017 - 09/30/2018
Cichy, Karen (Karen.cichy@ars.usda.gov) – USDA-ARS, East Lansing, MI;Gepts, Paul (plgepts@ucdavis.edu) – University of California-Davis;
Heitholt, Jim (Jim.Heithholt@uwyo.edu) – University of Wyoming;
Hulbert, Scot (scot_hulbert@wsu.edu) – Washington State University;
Kelly, Jim (kellyj@msu.edu) – Michigan State University;
Kisha, Ted (theodore.kisha@ars.usda.gov) – Western Region Plant Introduction Station, Pullman, WA;
McClean, Phillip (Phillip.mcclean@ndsu.edu) – North Dakota State University;
Miklas, Phil (phil.miklas@ars.usda.gov) – USDA-ARS, Prosser, WA;
Myers, Jim (james.myers@oregonstate.gov) – Oregon State University;
Nienhuis, Jim (nienhuis@wisc.edu) – University of Wisconsin-Madison;
Osorno, Juan (juan.osorno@ndsu.edu) – North Dakota State University;
Pasche, Julie (Julie.pasche@ndsu.edu) – North Dakota State University;
Porch, Tim (timothy.porch@ars.usda.gov) – USDA-ARS, TARS, Mayaguez, PR;
Pastor-Corrales, Talo (talo.pastor-corrales@ars.usda.gov) – USDA-ARS, Beltsville, MD;
Urrea, Carlos (currea2@unl.edu) – University of Nebraska
Brief Summary of Minutes
Karen Cichy called the meeting to order at 8:30 A.M. We discussed the midterm review and proposal renewal. Carlos Urrea was elected as secretary. Dr. Scot Hulbert, Washington State University, is the new W3150 administrator. He has been in this position for the last 2 months. Scot talked about the mid-term review document. It was recommended that the project be renewed. The proposal is due January 17, 2020. Phil Miklas, Tim Porch/Carlos Urrea, Karen Cichy, and Phil McClean will be responsible for writing the sections on biotic stresses, abiotic stresses, nutrition, and genomics, respectively. Carlos Urrea will prepare the overall document for submission. The general consensus was to keep the project alive because it has been extremely useful in guiding collaborative research and for sharing information and materials which has helped individual projects. This project has had really good collaboration between institutions and individuals across different disciplines. Although mainly focused on breeding and genetics, this project includes other disciplines such as plant pathology, genomics, food science, and nutrition. Jim Kelly mentioned that historically participants have been from western states. The group wants to recruit new people and bring more disciplines into the project. Members of the bean industry/community will be approached as well as other university partners. Those who are interested in joining the project will be registered as members by Scot Hulbert. We need to continue the national nursery trials because they are grown under diverse environments. Jim Myers noted that the “glue” in past iterations of W3150 were the various nurseries, such as the Cooperative Dry Bean Nursery. Going forward, one way to structure the new project would be around the various dry and snap bean diversity panels.
State Reports [In order of presentation]
WISCONSIN (Jim Nienhuis)
Jim Nienhuis thanked the W3150 group for their contribution to his research. He reported on N use efficiency and pod sugar concentrations in snap beans. Initially snap beans were crossed to Puebla 152. Puebla 152 was used because of its high N fixation. New lines derived from crosses and backcrosses to Puebla 152 are showing promising results (e.g. higher dry weight and higher stability index). It is difficult to set up experiments in the field because of high nitrate levels in the water. If N is added, nodulation is affected. A recent snap bean cultivar, ‘Huntington’, is responding to N fertilization because it is a non-nodulating cultivar. This will be a big issue later on. Jim Myers mentioned that nodulation is an issue at early stages. Nodulation needs to be evaluated at 50 days after planting. Screening 194 accessions from the USDA Core Collection for pod sugar concentration revealed that accessions with larger seeds had more sucrose in the pods. Therefore, an analysis of covariance was performed to adjust pod sucrose content by seed sucrose content. Paul Gepts asked if sugar in the pods was correlated with sugar in the seeds. Jim Nienhius was not sure. Snap beans are consumed because of the lower sugar content, but their flavor needs to be improved. Phil Miklas questioned whether high yielding materials under low N was a good strategy. Snap beans are rotated with potatoes. Potatoes are fertilized with 300 lbs/acre of N. Jim Kelly mentioned that higher N is associated with higher Fusarium and white mold incidence and more foliar diseases. Juan Osorno asked about inoculants. Paul Gepts mentioned that dry beans can grow without inoculants. Wild beans are less promiscuous to Rhizobium. Jim Myers mentioned that cultivated beans are losing that discrimination.
WYOMING (Jim Heitholt)
Progenies from different crosses are performing well in Powell and Lingle, WY. Jim Heitholt is participating in the regional Dry Bean Drought Nursery (DBDN), Midwest Regional Performance Nursery (MRPN) trials and the national Cooperative Dry Bean Nursery (CDBN) trial. He is also testing several genotypes for drought tolerance under five seeding rates and two row spacings. Jim is also evaluating popping beans. Jim found that canopy temperature is correlated with yield. The idea is to predict and identify high yielding genotypes. Phil Miklas suggested evaluating whether there is a correlation between leaf temperature and yield in other trials and across locations.
WASHINGTON (Ted Kisha and Phil Miklas)
Ted Kisha is developing popping beans in collaboration with the University of Wyoming and is collaborating with the Food Science and Horticulture Departments at Washington State University to acquire funding for mapping the genes for photoperiod sensitivity and popping ability. Additional characteristics evaluated include the protein, phenol, and sugar content. Phenol content is a simple spectrophotometer test. Juan Osorno suggested including the black bean cultivar, Eclipse, in the study because it represents 96% of black bean production in ND.
Phil Miklas found a new SNP closer to the I gene as validated by MAS conducted by CIAT. Regarding the new SNP for the bc-12 gene, the SNP is not too far from the previously published SCAR marker. GWAS was used to identify a candidate gene for Beet curly top virus resistance in the snap bean association panel (375 accessions). Phil also worked with a private bean seed/breeding company in applying MAS for anthracnose, BCMV, common bacterial blight, curly top, rust, and halo blight resistance. Phil is conducting experiments on terminal drought in Othello, WA and low fertility in Prosser and Paterson, WA. The Prosser trial focused on low P (6 ppm) and low N (6 lbs/A). The Durango lines were more resilient under this environment than the Andean beans. The Paterson trial focused on low N (≤ 20 lbs/acre). Phil is also selecting for heat tolerance. Regarding bean golden mosaic virus (BGMV) resistance, Phil went back to previous RILs and found new QTLs, but phenotyping to validate these QTL has been difficult.
PUERTO RICO (Tim Porch and Jim Beaver)
Tim Porch talked about the Phaseolus Improvement Cooperative (PIC) populations he developed with Phil Miklas, and Karen Cichy. Most of the PIC populations are a combination of ADP lines, single, double and three-way crosses, tested in Tanzania and Malawi. The PIC populations were bulked and selected in targeted environments with a focus on selecting for/incorporating tolerance to abiotic stresses (heat, drought, low fertility) and resistance to biotic stresses [angular leaf spot (ALS), rust, root rot]. A subset of the PIC bulks are being tested in Nebraska for tolerance to drought and high temperatures and in Michigan. Tim Porch presented the DBDN results based on geometric mean collected in PR in 2017 and 2018. PT9-5-6, SB815, Black Foot, Cayenne, Matterhorn, NE1-16-10, TARS-MST1, and Zorro performed well under both stress and non-stress growing conditions. Once a week, Tim records plant height, canopy temperature, and NDVI. Shuttle breeding between Puerto Rico and Nebraska is combining Mesoamerican and Durango sources of drought tolerance and is continuing to introgress exotic tropical germplasm from CIAT (drought) and from Central America (heat and drought). A great northern (G08119) and a pinto line (P08166) with resistance to Empoasca kraimeri and E. fabacea were identified in collaboration with MSU and are being considered for release. Tim also reported on the sequencing of the tepary bean G40001 that is being led by MSU and NDSU. The University of Puerto Rico has released two cultivars. Bella (PR1217-16) was released and has high yield potential in low N soils, resistance to bean common mosaic virus (BCMV) and BCMNV, BGYMV, common bacterial blight (CBB), web blight, drought and heat. Hermosa (PR1147), a black bean, was released and has high yield potential, SW12 QTL, bgm1, and I resistance genes, and low fertility, root rot, CBB, BCMV, BGYMV and web blight resistance. Jim Kelly asked about Jim Beaver’s retirement. Jim Beaver will continue to participate as a Co-Investigator in W3150 research and winter nursery activities in Puerto Rico. Consuelo Estévez will serve as the PI for the W-3150 project in Puerto Rico. She plans to participate in the preparation of a proposal for the next period of funding.
OREGON (Jim Myers)
Jim Myers, a half time snap bean breeder, is combining snap beans of Mesoamerican origin with those of Andean origin to pyramid white mold resistance QTL. In terms of the processing industry in the Pacific Northwest, Oregon is down to two processors. There was over-production in 2016 and processors are sitting on high inventories and as a result are more carefully managing production. Acres were around 10,000 in 2017. The industry seems to be shifting from a model of maximizing quality to that of maximizing yield (similar to the approach taken in the Midwest). White mold, root rots, yield, and flavor volatiles are the main breeding targets. In 2018, Jim is evaluating the Snap Bean Association Panel (SnAP) (378 accessions) for flavonoids, pod and leaf color, and fiber in the pods and suture string. Jim released ‘Patron’, a Peruano yellow bean in 2016. The cultivar is in a ‘Peruano 87’ background with the addition of I gene and bct resistance alleles from ‘Cardinal’ cranberry bean. It has been very high yielding in most environments throughout the US. Dry bean seed dealers have concerns about a brown pigment found on the distal ends of some seed, which may limit its marketability. He continues crosses with ‘Higuera’, mainly using MAS for BCMV and bean curly top virus resistance to combine with the more intense yellow color found in ‘Higuera’. A green bean flavor traits project was funded by private industry to identify volatiles associated with flavor and to map QTL for variation in these using snap bean biparental populations and diversity panels. Two volatiles (1-octen 3-ol and linalool) are the most important to snap bean flavor. Jim ran GWAS mapping for various compounds in the snap panel using frozen pods and several SNPs were found. Genetic analysis of two mapping populations, A195/OSU6137 and G122/WM90420-3, for white mold resistance has led to the discovery of several QTLs, some of them novel. GWAS was also conducted on field and greenhouse data from the Bean CAP Snap Bean Diversity Panel and the SnAP. One-hundred forty-six SNPs were identified as associated with resistance traits; these could be grouped into 34 regions in the bean genome. There was an overlap between GWAS and the bi parental populations. Jim’s graduate student (Haidar Arkwazee) also developed a seedling straw test, which permits evaluation of bean lines more rapidly than the conventional straw test.
NORTH DAKOTA (Juan Osorno, Phil McClean, and Julie Pasche)
Juan Osorno mentioned that this is a good season. Slow darkening pintos are priority number one. There are some concerns about slow darkening pintos at the elevators because of the high frequency of seed splits. Preliminary results using an electron microscope, Juan found that the 2nd seed coat cell layer seems thinner in slow darkening pinto beans but more research needs to be done. Juan asked if anyone knew a good seed physiologist to collaborate with about this. He is releasing a white kidney with high yield potential and resistance to CBB; the SAP6 marker is present. A regular pinto line with rust resistance (Ur11, and perhaps Ur3 and Ur6) is in the pipeline. A black bean with better color retention might replace Eclipse. Through a Specialty Crop Block Grant Initiative, Juan, Phil Miklas, and Julie Pasche have generated 200 lines with multiple disease resistance using MAS. Rust, CBB and white mold resistance has been combined into several of these lines. After additional testing and selection, the group was narrowed down to 12. Since there were no dry beans plots in Colorado, Jim Heitholt (Lingle, WY), offered to be member of the MRPN. In collaboration with Julie Pasche, Juan is testing the ADP and MDP for Rhizoctonia and Fusarium resistance. He has a PhD student working on plant architecture and lodging. The DDP was screened and it looks like there is a candidate gene on chromosome 7 linked to the lignin accumulation in stems. A white mold MAGIC population was developed, 1096 lines are available. Most of this population has Durango parental lines. From the MDP panel, a peak on chromosome 4 was found to be linked to anthracnose race 73. P. coccineus is doing better under water lodging stress than common and tepary beans because of its fibrous root system.
Phil McClean mentioned that Alice McQueen used CDBN historical data (since 1981), including about 534 entries and some climatological variables, to develop a yield prediction model (NSF grant funding). Yield gain of the 200 lines that did not make it into releases was similar to the yield gains published in the ASA book chapter. Ten lines (the best and worst yielding based on environmental data) are being tested in several locations in replicated trials to validate her yield prediction model. The P locus in the Andean bean is different than in the Mesoamerican bean. The tepary genome sequencing is in progress. The Durango genome (from pinto UI 111), 1044 contigs and 499 scaffolds, was assembled with 96% of the Stampede/Red Hawk reference map. All bean common rust, anthracnose, and ALS resistance genes are being sequenced. Phil is working with Bodo Raatz at CIAT in cloning the C locus. A version 2 of the G19883 map is ready.
Julie Pasche is working on a survey of root rot in ND, with focus on Pythium. They will be evaluating for fungicide resistance in Pythium ultimum isolates recovered during the survey and evaluating germplasm for resistance. Julie is multiplexing previously developed PCR assays to distinguish bacteria pathogens in seeds that may eventually be used in the seed certification program. Julie identified 14 bean rust races in ND, race 20-3 is most prevalent. Next generation sequencing supports previous reports that the U. appendiculatus population in ND is undergoing sexual reproduction. Germplasm from the NDSU breeding program and the Mesoamerican diversity have been screened with several U. appendiculatus races identified during the survey.
NEBRASKA (Carlos Urrea, Jim Steadman, and Bob Harveson)
Carlos Urrea reported that the beans are blooming and setting pods in Nebraska. In 2018, the bean acreage was reduced from 155,000 acres to about 110,000 acres. Yield could be above average. There have been some hail storms and strong winds in some areas. The 68th annual CDBN report was compiled and distributed in March, 2018. This year the CDBN includes 21 entries that are being tested in replicated trials in 9 locations in the U.S. and Canada. Carlos participated in the MRPN, 4 Nebraska lines are being tested. The WRBT was not assembled because the bean breeders from Colorado State University and the University of Idaho retired. In the case of drought, the national DBDN was assembled and distributed. Thirty-two lines from MI, WA, NE, CO, and PR are being tested in MI, WA, PR, NE and WY. About 216 lines from the 4th shuttle breeding cycle between Nebraska and Puerto Rico are being tested in Scottsbluff under drought and non-drought stress environments. The national BWMN was assembled and distributed to 6 locations. White mold resistance will be screened in the greenhouse this fall. One small red and one pinto line with drought tolerance will be released as germplasm. The studies of bacterial wilt resistance continue. Three RILs are being advanced. Raven is used as the susceptible parent. Carlos has been increasing breeder seed of one upright northern line (NE1-17-10) and two slow darkening pinto lines (NE2-17-18 and NE2-17-39) in Burlington, WY. NE1-17-10 has an upright plant architecture, carries the Ur3 and Ur6 rust resistance genes and the I BCMV resistance gene, shows tolerance to CBB, and has high yield potential. NE2-17-18 and NE2-17-39 carry the Ur11 rust resistance and the I BCMV resistance genes. Both, have high yield potential and large seed size. Carlos is studying the effect of 3 row spacings and 4 plant populations on yield of great northern and pinto beans (one upright and one prostrate cultivar within each market class). Carlos’ collaborations include increasing new lines to be tested for ALS resistance and participating in the screening of the yellow bean panel led by Karen Cichy. Carlos and Bob Harveson will screen the U.S. Dry Bean Core Collection for CBB pv. Fuscans resistance. Bob Harveson continues his studies evaluating the efficacy of various new commercially available chemical products as alternatives to copper-based chemicals for bacterial disease management. He is also characterizing different bacterial wilt isolates obtained from crops grown in rotation with dry beans in Nebraska.
MICHIGAN (Jim Kelly and Karen Cichy)
Jim is currently working half time and is primarily focusing on breeding. To ease the transition, he will work with his successor for at least one year. Jim has a Postdoc, Dr. Andrew Wiersma, working on the Puebla/Zorro RILs and MDP in nitrogen fixation. Dr. Wiersma is interested in wild beans because they are less promiscuous to rhizobium. Jim is also collaborating with the Plant Resilient Institute on drought. Zenith has low germination (< 70%) which is a major problem for producing seeds. Cayenne was released in 2018. It is similar to Merlot and cans well. The light red kidney, Red Cedar, shows slow initial growth, has root rot and CBB resistance, and has a better finish. Jim is studying navy beans, particularly the issues of beans staying green at maturity and white mold problems. It is hard to get into the system (farmers-canners). Bush Brothers has a list of preferred navies, mostly ADM’s. Samurai was the first Otebo bean released. Anthracnose race 109 was found in Zenith in Northern Michigan. Race 109 is similar to the one found in Manitoba. No bean cultivar has resistance to race 109 so KASP markers linked to resistance locus Co-4 on Pv08 have been developed to assist in breeding. Color retention in processed black beans is a major problem. In Zenith RIL population, QTL were identified for color retention on chromosomes Pv03, Pv08, and Pv11. Karen Cichy is working to improve the convenience, nutrition and taste of yellow beans (NIFA grant funding).
Karen has grouped yellow beans within different market classes into categories (e.g. green yellows, amarillos, canarios, mayocobas, mantecas, soya njano). About 308 lines are being evaluated in Montcalm, MI, Scottsbluff, NE (in collaboration with Carlos Urrea), and Fort Collins, Co (in collaboration with Barry Ogg). Besides yield, she will be evaluating cooking time, mineral content, and seed coat color. Karen is collaborating with Ray Glahn at USDA-ARS in Ithaca, NY working on assessing the iron bioavailability of yellow beans. She is also conducting organic bean breeding and genetics research with a current focus on reducing seed coat cracking in kidney beans.
MARYLAND (Talo Pastor Corrales)
Talo reported that the Andean landrace Amendoin Cavalo showed resistance to 10 Mesoamerican and five Andean races of the rust pathogen. Amendoin Cavalo was crossed to G2333 and PI207262. An anthracnose resistance locus was discovered. Two Andean gene pool specific SNP markers flanked this locus on chromosome 1 present in a 631 kbp genomic region. The bean rust genome was sequenced. This genome is bigger than the genome of the common bean host. These results increase our knowledge of the evolution of the rust pathogen. Talo found 8 SNP markers that can separate the Mesoamerican and the Andean races. G19833, an Andean bean used to obtain the sequence of the common bean genome, is resistant to many races of the rust pathogen and this resistance can protect the common bean against the Mesoamerican races of the rust fungus. He continues developing molecular markers for rust. Talo is collaborating with Nebraska, Washington, and North Dakota in the identification of advanced lines with different rust resistant genes. He is also supervised a student form NDSU that characterized the virulence of bean anthracnose pathogen in the highlands of western Guatemala. Six races were characterized. Most of the Andean cultivars were resistant. Talo is working on identifying new ALS differential cultivars to be used in Africa and America. Carlos Urrea is helping with the seed increase.
Lima beans are the major legume crop grown in California followed by garbanzo and black eye peas. Lima bean and garbanzos are considered a summer and a winter crop, respectively. Dry beans have been pushed into the Central Valley from coastal growing areas. In 2014, 26% of U.S. bean exports were from California. They were exported mainly to European countries, Canada, and India. Paul developed a mapping population of UC92/UC Haskell. It is a cross between an Andean bushy large lima bean, and a Mesoamerican bushy baby lima bean. About 230 RILs were developed. There are currently 370,000 SNPs available. Lygus bug is the major insect problem in lima beans. It is a very mobile insect and travels between plots. The parent line resistant to lygus bugs is a viny baby lima bean, however, the industry also demands bushy big lima beans. One RIL – viny baby lima line – is a candidate for release. Paul is also studying whether the polygalacturonase inhibiting protein is a lygus bug resistance factor. Cyanide acid in wild lima beans is a lot higher than in cultivated lima beans. Garbanzo cultivar Sutter is getting out of the market because its seeds are too small. Two varieties – Vega (multi-leaf type) and Pegasus (single-leaf type are being released with PVP). Paul screened 500 chickpeas from the USDA Core Collection for yield, drought tolerance, canning quality, grain flavor, texture, color, and size. UC27 is the standard check for canning. He is also screening landraces that originated from drought-prone areas in the world for drought and heat tolerance. He collaborates with ICARDA to genotype and phenotype a recombinant inbred population mainly for drought tolerance. The genus Phaseolus originated from Mexico. The ancestor of wild common bean migrated 500,000 years ago to Ecuador and northern Peru, and 100,000 years ago to the southern Andes. Mesoamerican wild beans are more heat tolerant. From greenhouse experiment carried out at UC Davis, there was a significant difference in root biomass of beans grown under well-watered and drought conditions. Jorge Berny, Eneas Konzen, and Paul are developing a Mesoamerican drought magic population. About 960 RILs are being developed after 3 generations of intercrossing and 6 generations of selfing. Paul found that tepary and lima beans are more adapted to terminal and intermittent drought stress, respectively. Paul is trying to identify lines that grow quickly. These lines will be suitable for organic production because they will suppress weeds. Jim Kelly mentioned that Andean beans grow faster than the Mesoamerican beans. The Mesoamerican beans spend more time developing a deeper root system in earlier stages of development.
Future Items
The next meeting will be in Fargo, ND in November, 2019 after the Bean Improvement Cooperative (BIC) meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 6:00 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted:
Carlos A. Urrea, Secretary
<p><strong>Iowa</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Participants: Winham, D. </strong>We published our findings on the knowledge of low-income women in Iowa on the health benefits of beans (Palmer et al., 2018), and Registered Dietitians knowledge of the same (Winham 2018). We conducted 7 focus groups among low income White and African American women to generate new information about the barriers and motivators to bean consumption, such as preparation and household member taste preferences. </p><br /> <p><strong><em>Upcoming and ongoing projects</em></strong></p><br /> <p>Dr. Winham is testing the glycemic response to whole pulse vs. pulse flour meals among persons with type 2 diabetes. This project will help determine if the effects of a matched amount of whole vs. flour pulse has the same effect in persons with type 2 diabetes. The results are important in enabling the pulse industry to put forth health claims for flours based on data derived from whole pulse clinical studies.</p><br /> <p>Dr. Winham is collaborating with Dr. Tim Porch, ARS/Puerto Rico on a project which will look at the macronutrient and micronutrient differences in three improved tepary varieties and similar common bean lines (black, navy, and pinto). Common meals or style of food preparation will be evaluated for sensory attributes. For example, refried beans made from tepary will be compared to the Stampede pinto cultivar. With increasing land pressure and climate shifts, the tepary variety may be better suited to abiotic stress in some regions. Confirming consumer acceptance may allow for greater crop production to improve human health and well-being.</p><br /> <p>Dr. Karen Cichy at ARS/Michigan and Dr. Winham are testing new bean pasta formulations for sensory evaluation and their effects on metabolic markers in adults. Americans consume pasta frequently and bean pastas offer an improved nutritional profile in terms of micronutrients and phytochemicals. The consumer acceptability of these pastas has not been tested in a broader audience. We will compare changes in acute biomarkers such as glucose, insulin, and oxidative stress.</p><br /> <p><strong>Michigan</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Participants: Kelly, J and Cichy, K </strong>The MSU dry bean breeding and genetics program conducted 23 yield trials in 2018 in ten market classes and participated in the growing and evaluation of the Cooperative Dry Bean, Midwest Regional Performance, National Drought and the National Sclerotinia Nurseries in Michigan and winter nursery in Puerto Rico. The USDA-ARS Dry Bean Genetics Program has breeding trials within the cranberry, kidney, yellow, and black market classes. A yellow bean diversity panel of ~300 lines was planted in a replicated trial at the Montcalm Research Farm in Michigan, Colorado, and Nebraska. An organic kidney bean breeding program was begun this year and selection and evaluation will be conducted on certified organic farms in Michigan. Recombinant inbred line populations Cal96 x MLB49-89A and Stampede x Red Hawk were planted in 2018 to evaluate Fusarium root rot and root system architecture interactions.</p><br /> <p>In 2017, anthracnose was observed in fields of Zenith black bean in Northern Michigan. Zenith is resistant to the current races 7 and 73 known to be present in Michigan. A disease survey was conducted across nine counties of the Michigan bean growing region and 39 infected pod samples were collected. Isolates were characterized for their reaction on twelve differential cultivars of <em>Phaseolus vulgaris</em>. Twenty-seven isolates were identified as Race 73 that commonly occurs when conditions are conducive for disease development. An isolate from western Michigan was identified as Race 7, which overcomes the <em>Co-1</em> gene present in kidney beans. Six isolates from Northern Michigan were characterized as Race 109, previously reported in Manitoba, but not found in Michigan before. Race 109 is virulent on the <em>Co-1<sup>2</sup></em> gene possessed by Zenith, which previously conferred resistance to all known races found in Michigan. Due to the emergence of Race 109, KASP markers will be deployed to pyramid additional resistance genes such as <em>Co-4<sup>2</sup>, Co-5 </em>and<em> Co-6</em> genes into future dry bean cultivars.</p><br /> <p>A study was initiated to determine the genetics of color retention in black beans following processing. Two half-sib recombinant inbred line (RIL) populations segregating for post-processing color retention were developed and evaluated for color retention following canning over two growing seasons. QTL governing color retention and other quality traits were identified and compared to previous studies. QTL for post-processing color retention were detected on six chromosomes, with QTL on Pv03, Pv08, and Pv11 being the most consistent across both subjective and objective phenotyping methods. The QTL on Pv08 had high LOD scores (8) and explained a large amount of phenotypic variation, but mapped to a large physical interval due to low marker coverage. Overall, the region from 1.5-7.25 Mb on Pv08 was found to be a key determinant of post-processing color retention in both populations. The Co-4 locus conditioning resistance to anthracnose (<em>Colletotrichum lindemuthianum</em>) resides within this interval at approximately 2.8 Mb (Oblessuc et al., 2015), and the complex C locus [C R Prp] also maps in this region (McClean et al., 2002). Interestingly, all loci within the complex C locus are involved in pigmentation: C determines seed coat patterning (Prakken, 1974); R determines red seed coat coloration (Prakken, 1974); and Prp determines pod pigmentation (Bassett, 1994). While the complex C locus is an important determinant of pigmentation of dry beans, it is unknown if it also plays a role in seed coat color retention of canned black beans. This region of Pv08 is crucial to dry bean pigmentation and canned color retention, but additional markers are needed to determine the actual physical location of the color QTL identified in this study. Additional QTL for color retention co-localized to a region near 52.5 Mb on Pv11. This relatively tight physical interval explained a large amount of phenotypic variation (R<sup>2</sup>≈20%) and had a large effect on post-processing color retention across populations, years, and methods of measurement. QTL for Lab color traits previously identified by Cichy et al. (2014) mapped to the same physical region as the co-localizing QTL for color retention identified in the present study.</p><br /> <p>A study was conducted to determine if fast cooking bean germplasm can be useful for the canning industry by adapting retort time. In this study 10 fast and 10 slow cooking yellow bean lines of the ADP0512 (fast cooking manteca yellow, Ervilha) x ADP0468 (slow cooking green-yellow) RIL population were evaluated for canning quality under five different retort processing times between 10 and 45 minutes. Faster cooking beans were fully cooked after 10 minutes at 250 °F in the retort, while slower cooking beans required up to 20 minutes to cook fully. The differences in texture between fast and slow cooking lines are less pronounced with longer retort times since even the slower cooking samples become fully cooked. Color of the canned product changed depending on the retort time such that longer retort times lead to darker beans with more prominent red and yellow hues. While canning protocols may vary across processors and market classes, this finding indicates faster cooking varieties may be beneficial to the dry bean canning industry by reducing the processing time and energy expenditure required to can beans.</p><br /> <p>The physiology of FRR resistance in CALxMLB high and low performers was evaluated. From the CAL96 xMLB49-89A RIL population screening for Fusarium root rot, the 10 most susceptible and 10 most resistance lines were screened in a growth chamber for various physiological responses. At 7 days, plants were inoculated with either mock or <em>Fusarium brasiliense</em> inoculum. At 14 days, plants were destructively sampled. Many non-root phenotypes, such as photosynthetic rate and stomatal density, were not strongly correlated with disease severity. The severity of disease symptoms on roots did not directly correspond to disease severity on the hypocotyl. Some resistant lines have high hypocotyl DS but very low root DS, however, the susceptible lines tend to have higher root disease severity scores. In fungal treated plants, root disease severity was correlated with taproot length (-0.49), basal root width (0.52), root growth per day (-0.54), and shoot growth per day (-0.66). From these data, we have identified four lines that consistently resistant or susceptible to FRR across field, greenhouse, and growth chamber environments (CM517-res, CM521-res, CM299-sus, and CM222-sus).</p><br /> <p><strong>Mississippi</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Participants: Cheng, W. </strong>We published our findings entitled “Fecal fermentation products of common bean-derived fiber inhibit C/EBPα and PPARγ expression and lipid accumulation but stimulate PPARδ and UCP2 expression in the adipogenesis of 3T3-L1 cells” (Lu et al., 2018). We conducted that fecal fermentation of dietary fiber derived from <em>in vitro</em> digestion of common bean temporally and dose-dependently inhibits adipogenesis and key adipogenic transactivators, but activates two energy expenditure proteins in 3T3-L1 cells. These results may have human implications among overweight and obese individuals through common bean consumption for optimal health.</p><br /> <p><strong>Nebraska</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Participants Urrea, C., Harveson, Bl, Steadman, J., and Schlegel, V.</strong> Carlos Urrea coordinated, participated in, and distributed the national CDBN (21 entries comprising 10 pintos, 4 blacks, 1 red, 1 dark red kidney, 1 white kidney, 1 light red kidney, 1 otebo, and 2 navies) planted at CA, CO, MI, MD, MT, WA, WY, ON, NE, and PR, and the WRBT (13 entries comprising 4 great northern, and 9 pintos) planted at CO, ID, WA, and NE and participated in the MRPN planted at ND, MI, CO, and NE. I contributed one pinto line to the CDBN and two great northern and two Nebraska pinto bean lines to both the WRBT and MRPN trials. I also coordinated, participated in, and distributed the DBDN (27 entries comprising 9 lines from the shuttle breeding between NE and PR, 5 lines from MI, 4 lines from NE, 2 lines from WA, 3 lines from CO, and 4 checks) planted at WA, CO, NE, and MI, and to be planted in PR. The DBDN planted in NE was not irrigated. The fourth generation of dry bean lines from the shuttle breeding program between NE and PR is being tested in 2018 under drought stress and non-stress conditions. A set of five great northern elite lines were tested in growers’ fields under the ‘Mother and Baby’ Trial scheme. Data from these trials, the regional trials described above, and disease screening trials are being compiled. Breeder and foundation seed of ‘Panhandle Pride,’ a great northern bean named and released in 2016, was increased in Burlington, WY and Kimberly, ID in 2018. </p><br /> <p>Breeder seed of two slow darkening pinto beans, NE2-17-18 and NE2-17-39 and one great northern, NE1-17-10 are being increased in Burlington, WY. One red and one pinto line from the shuttle breeding program between Nebraska and Puerto Rico will be released as germplasm. Several Nebraska lines within different market classes (great northern, pinto, reds, blacks, light red kidney, and cranberries) had higher yields than the commercial cultivars and showed resistance to common bacterial blight, bean rust, and bean mosaic virus. Elite lines were fingerprinted to several molecular markers for multiple disease resistance. Three bacterial wilt resistant Recombinant Inbred Lines (RILs) were advanced to F5:6 through single seed descent. Determining mechanisms of inheritance and mapping genes of bacterial wilt resistance will be pursued in 2019. Bob Harveson is evaluating the efficacy of various new commercially available chemical products as alternatives to copper-based chemicals for bacterial disease management. Harveson is also assisting in my efforts to develop new improved cultivars with resistance to bacterial wilt, bacterial brown spot, and fuscans blight. In addition, we are characterizing different wilt isolates obtained from other pulse crops grown in rotation with dry beans in Nebraska. </p><br /> <p>In addition, I provided beans to Vicky Schlegel for studies aimed at developing functional foods (foods that prevent or remediate cellular stress, such as inflammation or energy dysfunction that lead to a disease, or the condition itself). One such study was completed this year. Its objective was to determine whether the digestive metabolites of phenols present in most bean market classes were able to modulate the macrophages from their anti-inflammatory state (M1), to their basal state (MO) or even their pro-inflammatory state (M2). The results showed that at very high levels, the phenols actually caused the anti-inflammatory state (ug/ml), but at very low concentration (ng/ml), those present in dry beans, they were able to modulate the M1 state to the MO or even the M2 state. When combined, the phenolic levels dropped and were even more effective. Thus, the significance of this study is that phenols present in different market classes of beans were highly potent at preventing macrophage mediated inflammation, and this occurred after they had been metabolized by the digestive system. Although this study was completed in vitro, another study using hamsters fed a diet with 10% saturated fat, which is common in western diets, caused intestinal stress by modulating energy and redox stress, but this stress was remediated, in part, by adding both great northern beans and pinto beans to the diet at only 5% (w/w). </p><br /> <p><strong>North Dakota</strong><strong> </strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Participants, Osorno, J., Pashe, J, and McClean, P.</strong> <strong> </strong>Research activities within this project included collaborative work on: i) Midwest Regional Performance Nursery (MRPN), ii) development of pinto lines with Multiple Disease Resistance (MDR) to rust, anthracnose, and common bacterial blight (CBB), iii) evaluation of NDSU breeding lines for CBB resistance, vi) development of slow darkening pinto lines, and vii) identification of genomic regions associated with plant architectural traits. </p><br /> <p>All this collaborative work allowed the identification of at least 6 pinto MDR breeding lines that offer good levels of disease resistance and agronomic performance, and the release of ND-Palomino slow darkening pinto with competitive seed yield and agronomic performance in comparison to the commercial checks. Genomic regions associated with resistance to these diseases have been identified. In addition, several genomic regions have been identified that are associated with architectural traits such as lodging, stem diameter, stem stiffness, and plant height, among others. A total of 64 out of 125 MDR pinto breeding lines have been selected for further evaluation and selection. The Cooperative Dry Bean Nursery (CDBN) and the Midwest Regional Performance Nursery (MRPN) were planted at Hatton-ND and Staples-MN, with excellent quality of data. In collaboration with the Univ. of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez, a total of 1700 early-generation lines (F<sub>3</sub> to F<sub>5</sub>) were planted at the winter nursery at Isabela, Puerto Rico.</p><br /> <p>Among nine products evaluated for efficacy in management of common bacterial blight (CBB), hydrogen peroxide products generally performed better than did traditional copper-based products under North Dakota field conditions. These results provide our growers with additional options for the management of CBB.</p><br /> <p>RAD-GBS was performed on 67 single pustule <em>U. appendiculatus </em>isolates using the Ion-Torrent S5 sequencing platform. The relatedness measure suggested the presence of diversity within and among the isolates belonging to the same race, providing further evidence that the <em>U. appendiculatus </em>population in North Dakota is undergoing sexual reproduction and is more diverse than virulence phenotypes suggest. Results from this research increase our understanding of population dynamics and diversity in <em>U. appendiculatus</em> and will assist common bean breeding for rust resistance.</p><br /> <p>A total of 163 lines from the North Dakota Experimental Agricultural Station breeding program, 29 commonly grown cultivars and 85 accessions from the Mesoamerican Diversity Panel (MDP) from 7 dry bean market classes were evaluated for reaction to <em>U. appendiculatus</em> races 20-3 and 29-3. Sources of resistance were found in each market class. This identified germplasm is being utilized in crosses by the NDAES breeding program for incorporation into future cultivars. The identification of resistant germplasm in each market class among the advanced germplasm in the NDAES program is of utmost importance in the race to incorporate resistance into adapted cultivars. </p><br /> <p>Mean Disease Severity (MDS) calculated by averaging virulence score across the 12 standard dry bean differential lines indicated the most virulent <em>U. appendiculatus</em> isolates are located in pockets where dry beans are most intensely farmed. While not surprising, this confirmation will allow us to track the movement of these isolates across years and provides a better understanding of the overall race diversity in the state.</p><br /> <p><strong>Oregon</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Participants: Myers, J.:</strong> Breeding for White Mold Resistance: The project contains four parts: 1) QTL mapping of G122/WM904-20-3 recombinant inbred (RI) population, 2) conduct QTL mapping of A195/OSU6137 RI population. 3) screen of a 'Unidor/OSU5630 RI population for white mold reaction and 4) a genome wide association mapping study (GWAS) conducted using the Bean CAP Snap Bean Diversity Panel (SBDP) (n = 146) and the Snap bean Association Panel (SnAP) (n = 376), 1) Quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis was conducted on the G122/WMG904-20-3, recombinant inbred population (n=82 with both parents), to detect QTL associated with partial resistance to white mold. The population was evaluated for white mold in the field for two consecutive years and in the greenhouse using the seedling straw test. Using composite interval mapping (CIM) and interval mapping (IM), we detected two significant QTL that were associated with partial resistance to white mold. The QTL that was detected by CIM was located on Pv08 and explained 18.8% of the variation for the field and greenhouse tests; while the QTL that was detected by IM was located on Pv07 which accounted for 19.1% of the phenotypic variation for both field and greenhouse tests. A few lines were more resistant than both parents for the field and greenhouse tests, including B8346/6-59, B8346/6-79, B8346/6-76 and B8346/6-39.</p><br /> <p>2) Quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis conducted on the A195/OSU6137 RI population (n=116) detected new QTL associated with partial resistance to white mold. The population was evaluated for white mold in the field for two consecutive years and in the greenhouse using the seedling straw test. CIM detected seven significant QTL that were associated with partial resistance to white mold. Three QTL located on Pv01, Pv03 and Pv09 and accounting for 17.5, 21.3 and 21.8% of the variation respectively, were identified in the field test. Four significant QTL on Pv01, Pv05, Pv07 and Pv09 were detected by the seedling straw test which explained 13.7, 14.7, 13.7 and 13.4% of the disease reaction, respectively.</p><br /> <p>3) Unidor/OSU5630, RI population (n=190 plus both parents) was screened for white mold reaction in the greenhouse using the seedling straw test. The population was genotyped using the Illumina 6000 SNP BARCbean6K_3 Beadchip. Out of 5,398 bead types, 1,296 SNPs were polymorphic and were used to construct the linkage map. Multiple QTL mapping (MQM) was used to implement QTL analysis. One significant QTL was detected on Pv03. The QTL was located at the proximal end between 1.07 and 2.57Mb with LOD score 3.11. The QTL explained 7.2% of the variation with additive effect of -0.31.</p><br /> <p>4) A genome wide association study (GWAS) was conducted to detect markers significantly associated with white mold resistance in two panels of snap bean cultivars: BeanCAP SBDP (Coordinated Agriculture Project Snap Bean Diversity Panel) (n= 138) and the Snap Bean Association Panel (SnAP) consists of 376 cultivars and breeding lines. The BeanCAP SBDP was evaluated for white mold reaction in the field in summer 2012 and 2013, while the SnAP was screened in greenhouse only using the seedling straw test method in 2016. The population was genotyped using genotyping by sequencing (GBS) for which 40,023 SNPs were generated. GWAS was analyzed using FarmCPU. One-hundred forty-six significant SNPs that were associated with white mold were detected on all (11) common bean chromosomes. Twenty significant SNPs were detected by the seedling straw test while 126 significant SNPs were detected in one or both years of field testing; 51 SNPs in 2012 and 75 SNPs in 2013. The significant SNPs (146) grouped into 39 regions distributed across all chromosomes. The regions overlapped with 13 previously identified QTL (WM1.1, WM2.2, WM3.1, WM3.3, WM5.5, WM6.1, WM6.2, WM7.1, WM7.4, WM7.5, WM8.1, WM8.3 and WM9.3) that have been found in bi-parental populations. Also, the associations in the present study overlapped with 13 significant markers that were associated with white mold detected by GWAS in a dry bean panel. 'NY6020-5' and 'Unidor' were the most outstanding snap bean cultivars in the field tests for both years while 'Homestyle' and 'Top Crop' were the most resistant snap bean cultivars in the straw test.</p><br /> <p><strong>Puerto Rico</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Participants: Beaver, J and Porch, T. : </strong>A white bean line that combines resistance to <em>Bean golden yellow mosaic virus</em> (BGYMV), <em>Bean common mosaic virus</em> (BCMV), and <em>Bean common mosaic necrosis virus</em> (BCMNV) and common bacterial blight (CBB) was released as ‘Bella’. This line also had superior performance in low-N trials conducted at the Isabela, Puerto Rico. A black bean line PR1147-1 that combines resistance to BGYMV, BCMV, CBB, web blight and superior performance in low N soils was released as ‘Hermosa’. This represents the first release of a black bean cultivar for Puerto Rico. A pink bean breeding line with resistance to BGYMV, BCMV and BCMNV will be considered for release as improved germplasm. These race Mesoamerican pink lines have erect plant type, resistant CBB scores like the white bean cultivar ‘Verano’ and mean seed yields > 2,000 kg/ha over five planting dates. Although endemic isolates of the angular leaf spot pathogen have been found to have high levels of virulence, white bean breeding lines with resistance have been identified. Six lines were selected that had less severe ashy stem blight symptoms when inoculated with a <em>Macrophomina phaseolina</em> isolate from Juana Diaz, Puerto Rico. Four bean lines were identified to have resistance to a <em>Fusarium solani </em>isolate from Isabela, Puerto Rico. The white bean cultivar ‘Verano’ and the light red kidney bean cultivar ‘Badillo’ were resistant to <em>Xanthomonas axonopodis</em> pv. <em>phaseoli</em> and <em>Xanthomonas fuscans </em>isolates from different seed sources. Common bean lines were identified that can be used to identify different pathotypes of the common bacterial blight pathogen. The project planted 4,768 bean breeding lines from Michigan State, the University of Nebraska and North Dakota State Universities in winter nurseries as a cooperative activity of Regional Hatch Project W-3150.</p><br /> <p>A set of advanced Andean lines from PIC populations derived from the Andean Diversity Panel (ADP) are being evaluated for potential release to broaden the genetic diversity of the Andean genepool. These PIC populations were developed collaboratively between WA, PR, MI, and ARC-South Africa. A multiple disease resistant common bean (<em>Phaseolus vulgaris</em> L.) germplasm, ‘Bella’, was released by the University of Puerto Rico and USDA-ARS that has superior performance in low nitrogen (N) soils, drought and heat tolerance, and resistance to web blight, common bacterial blight, BGYMV, BCMV, and BCMNV. SB-815, a drought tolerant pinto germplasm, has been selected for release from the U. of Nebraska and ARS-PR shuttle breeding program. Shuttle breeding lines developed from the third cycle of recurrent selection for drought representing Durango x Mesoamerican crosses with pinto and Great Northern seed types show high levels of drought tolerance. Several germplasms have been identified for release in collaboration with Michigan State University with leaf hopper resistance. Advanced lines of tepary (<em>Phaseolus acutifolius</em>) have been generated with combinations of resistance to leaf hopper, common bacterial blight, angular leaf spot, and web blight, in addition to abiotic stress tolerance.</p><br /> <p><strong>Wyoming </strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Participants Heithold, J. </strong>Yield of progeny lines somewhat competitive with commercial checks (unreplicated though). Genotype-by-Drought, Lingle: 25 varieties, correlation between canopy temperature and yield (cooler canopies had higher yield). Poncho and Desert Song led the way. Genotype-by-Drought, Powell, 36 varieties, similar correlation as Lingle. Drought Nursery, Lingle – also found same correlation between canopy temperature and yield. Drought-by-Genotype interactions conspicuously absent except for some traits such as seed size. Genotype-by-Nitrogen, Lingle not finding any interactions. Also, finding less than expected response to N.</p>Publications
<p><strong>Peer reviewed</strong></p><br /> <p>Alladassi, B., S. Nkalubo, C. Mukankusi, H. Kayaga, P. Gibson, R. Edema, et al. 2018. Identification of common bean genotypes with dual leaf and pod resistance to common bacterial blight disease in Uganda. African Crop Science Journal 26: 63-77.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Beaver, J.S., C. Estévez de Jensen, G. Lorenzo-Vázquez, A. González, H. Martínez and T.G. Porch. 2018. Registration of ‘Bella’ White-Seeded Common Bean Cultivar. Journal of Plant Registrations 12: 190-193. doi:10.3198/jpr2017.05.0029crc.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Bhakta, M.S., S.A. Gezan, J.A. Clavijo Michelangeli, M. Carvalho, L. Zhang, J.W. Jones, et al. 2017. A Predictive Model for Time-to-Flowering in the Common Bean Based on QTL and Environmental Variables. G3: Genes|Genomes|Genetics. doi:10.1534/g3.117.300229.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Bitocchi, E., D. Rau, A. Benazzo, E. Bellucci, D. Goretti, E. Biagetti, et al. 2017. High Level of Nonsynonymous Changes in Common Bean Suggests That Selection under Domestication Increased Functional Diversity at Target Traits. Frontiers in Plant Science 7. doi:10.3389/fpls.2016.02005.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Cappa, C., J.D. Kelly and P.K.W. Ng. 2018. Seed characteristics and physicochemical properties of powders of 25 edible dry bean varieties. Food Chemistry 253: 305-313. doi:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2018.01.048.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Izquierdo, P., C. Astudillo, M.W. Blair, A.M. Iqbal, B. Raatz and K.A. Cichy. 2018. Meta-QTL analysis of seed iron and zinc concentration and content in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics 131: 1645-1658. doi:10.1007/s00122-018-3104-8.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Jain, S., P. Chitrampalam, J.M. Osorno, J.S. Pasche and N.J.B. D. 2018. Interaction of Fusarium solani species complex and Soybean Cyst Nematode on Root Rot Severity in Dry Bean. Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative 61: 87-88.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Kamfwa, K., J.S. Beaver, K.A. Cichy and J.D. Kelly. 2018. QTL Mapping of Resistance to Bean Weevil in Common Bean. Crop Science 58: 2370-2378. doi:10.2135/cropsci2018.02.0106.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Katuuramu, D.N., J.P. Hart, T.G. Porch, M.A. Grusak, R.P. Glahn and K.A. Cichy. 2018. Genome-wide association analysis of nutritional composition-related traits and iron bioavailability in cooked dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Molecular Breeding 38: 44. doi:10.1007/s11032-018-0798-x.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Kelly, J.D., G.V. Varner, M.I. Chilvers, K.A. Cichy and E.M. Wright. 2018. Registration of ‘Red Cedar’ Dark Red Kidney Bean. Journal of Plant Registrations 12: 199-202. doi:10.3198/jpr2017.05.0034crc.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Kelly, J.D., G.V. Varner, P.N. Miklas, K.A. Cichy and E.M. Wright. 2018. Registration of ‘Cayenne’ Small Red Bean. Journal of Plant Registrations 12: 194-198. doi:10.3198/jpr2017.05.0033crc.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Lorang, J.M., C.H. Hagerty, R. Lee, P.E. McClean and T.J. Wolpert. 2018. Genetic Analysis of Victorin Sensitivity and Identification of a Causal Nucleotide-Binding Site Leucine-Rich Repeat Gene in Phaseolus vulgaris. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 31: 1069-1074. doi:10.1094/MPMI-12-17-0328-R.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Lu, H.Y., Zeng, H., Zhang, L., Porres, J.M. and Cheng, W.H., 2018. Fecal fermentation products of common bean-derived fiber inhibit C/EBPα and PPARγ expression and lipid accumulation but stimulate PPARδ and UCP2 expression in the adipogenesis of 3 T3-L1 cells. The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>McClean, P.E., K.E. Bett, R. Stonehouse, R. Lee, S. Pflieger, S.M. Moghaddam, et al. 2018. White seed color in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris) results from convergent evolution in the P (pigment) gene. New Phytologist 219: 1112-1123. doi:doi:10.1111/nph.15259.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>McClean, P.E., S.M. Moghaddam, A.-F. Lopéz-Millán, M.A. Brick, J.D. Kelly, P.N. Miklas, et al. 2017. Phenotypic Diversity for Seed Mineral Concentration in North American Dry Bean Germplasm of Middle American Ancestry. Crop Science 57: 3129-3144. doi:10.2135/cropsci2017.04.0244.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Mendoza, F.A., K.A. Cichy, C. Sprague, A. Goffnett, R. Lu and J.D. Kelly. 2018. Prediction of canned black bean texture (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) from intact dry seeds using visible/near infrared spectroscopy and hyperspectral imaging data. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 98: 283-290. doi:doi:10.1002/jsfa.8469.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Modderman, C.T., S. Markell, M. Wunsch and J.S. Pasche. 2018. Efficacy of In-Furrow Fungicides for Management of Field Pea Root Rot Caused by Fusarium avenaceum and F. solani Under Greenhouse and Field Conditions. Plant Health Progress 19: 212-219.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Moghaddam, S.M., M.A. Brick, D. Echeverria, H.J. Thompson, L.A. Brick, R. Lee, et al. 2017. Genetic Architecture of Dietary Fiber and Oligosaccharide Content in a Middle American Panel of Edible Dry Bean. The Plant Genome.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Monclova-Santana, C., S.G. Markell, M. Acevedo and J.S. Pasche. 2018. Uromyces appendiculatus prevalence in dry bean fields in North Dakota. Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative 61: 7-8.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Palmer, S., D. Winham, A. Oberhauser and R. Litchfield. 2018. Socio-Ecological Barriers to Dry Grain Pulse Consumption among Low-Income Women: A Mixed Methods Approach. Nutrients 10: 1108.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Palmer, S.M., D.M. Winham and C. Hradek. 2018. Knowledge gaps of the health benefits of beans among low-income women. American Journal of Health Behavior 42: 27-38.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Singh, S.P., P.N. Miklas, M.A. Brick, H.F. Schwartz, C.A. Urrea, H. Terán, et al. 2017. Pinto Bean Cultivars Blackfoot, Nez Perce, and Twin Falls. Journal of Plant Registrations 11: 212-217.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Soltani, A., S. MafiMoghaddam, A. Oladzad-Abbasabadi, K. Walter, P.J. Kearns, J. Vasquez-Guzman, et al. 2018. Genetic Analysis of Flooding Tolerance in an Andean Diversity Panel of Dry Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Frontiers in Plant Science 9: 767. doi:10.3389/fpls.2018.00767.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Souter, J.R., V. Gurusamy, T.G. Porch and K.E. Bett. 2017. Successful Introgression of Abiotic Stress Tolerance from Wild Tepary Bean to Common Bean. Crop Science 57: 1160-1171. doi:10.2135/cropsci2016.10.0851.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Thompson, H.J., J.N. McGinley, E.S. Neil and M.A. Brick. 2017. Beneficial Effects of Common Bean on Adiposity and Lipid Metabolism. Nutrients 9: 998.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Tock, A.J., D. Fourie, P.G. Walley, E.B. Holub, A. Soler, K.A. Cichy, et al. 2017. Genome-Wide Linkage and Association Mapping of Halo Blight Resistance in Common Bean to Race 6 of the Globally Important Bacterial Pathogen. Frontiers in plant science 8: 1170.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Todd, A.R., N. Donofrio, V.R. Sripathi, P.E. McClean, R.K. Lee, M. Pastor-Corrales, et al. 2017. Marker-Assisted Molecular Profiling, Deletion Mutant Analysis, and RNA-Seq Reveal a Disease Resistance Cluster Associated with Uromyces appendiculatus Infection in Common Bean Phaseolus vulgaris L. International journal of molecular sciences 18: 1109.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Traub, J., T. Porch, C. Naeem, C. Urrea, G. Austic, J. Kelly, et al. 2018. Screening For Heat Tolerance In Phaseolus Spp. Using Multiple Methods. Crop Science. doi:doi:10.2135/cropsci2018.04.0275.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Vasconcellos, R.C., O.B. Oraguzie, A. Soler, H. Arkwazee, J.R. Myers, J.J. Ferreira, et al. 2017. Meta-QTL for resistance to white mold in common bean. PloS one 12: e0171685.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Wang, W., J.L. Jacobs, M.I. Chilvers, C.M. Mukankusi, J.D. Kelly and K.A. Cichy. 2018. QTL Analysis of Fusarium Root Rot Resistance in an Andean × Middle American Common Bean RIL Population. Crop Science 58: 1166-1180. doi:10.2135/cropsci2017.10.0608.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Winham, D.M., A.M. Hutchins and S.V. Thompson. 2017. Glycemic Response to Black Beans and Chickpeas as Part of a Rice Meal: A Randomized Cross-Over Trial. Nutrients 9: 1095.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Winham, D.M., A.M. Hutchins, S.V. Thompson and M.K. Dougherty. 2018. Arizona Registered Dietitians Show Gaps in Knowledge of Bean Health Benefits. Nutrients 10: 52.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Zhang, L., S.A. Gezan, C. Eduardo Vallejos, J.W. Jones, K.J. Boote, J.A. Clavijo-Michelangeli, et al. 2017. Development of a QTL-environment-based predictive model for node addition rate in common bean. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 130: 1065-1079. doi:10.1007/s00122-017-2871-y.</p><br /> <p><strong> </strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Book Chapters</strong></p><br /> <p>Kelly, J.D. 2018. Developing improved varieties of common bean. Achieving sustainable cultivation of grain legumes Volume 2. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing. p. 25-40.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Kelly, J.D. and N. Bornowski. 2018. Marker-Assisted Breeding for Economic Traits in Common Bean. In: S. S. Gosal and S. H. Wani, editors, Biotechnologies of Crop Improvement, Volume 3: Genomic Approaches. Springer International Publishing, Cham. p. 211-238.</p><br /> <p><strong> </strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Reports</strong></p><br /> <p>Arkwazee, H., J. Hart, T. Porch, P. Griffiths, J. Davis and J.P. Myers. 2018. Genome wide association study (GWAS) for white mold resistance in snap bean. Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative. p. 85-86.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Awale, H.E., N. Bornowski, E.M. Wright, G.V. Varner and J.D. Kelly. 2018. Characterization and distribution of a new emerging race of anthracnose in Michigan. Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative. p. 113-114.</p><br /> <p>Heitholt. J, A. Alhasan, A. Homer and K. Madden. 2018. 2017 (CDBN) Dry bean performance evaluation (Lingle). Wyoming Agriculture Experiment Station 2018 Field Days Bulletin. University of Wyoming. p. 98-99.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Zitnick-Anderson. K., C. Modderman, L.E. Hanson and J.S. Pasche. 2018. A Repeatable Protocol for Fusarium Root Rot Phenotyping of Common Bean. Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative p. 3-4.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Moore, M., C. Reynolds, J. Sweet and A. Pierson. 2018. 2017 (CDBN) Dry bean performance evaluation (Powell). Wyoming Agriculture Experiment Station 2018 Field Days Bulletin. University of Wyoming. p. 70-71.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Myers, J., H. Arkwazee, J. Davis, P. Miklas, J. Hart and P. McClean. 2018. GWAS and QTL mapping of white mold resistance in common bean. National Sclerotinia Initiative Meetings. Bloomington, MN.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Myers, J.R., J. Davis, H. Arkwazee, L. Wallace, R. Lee, S. Mafi Moghaddam, et al. 2018. Why wax beans lack carotenoids. Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative. p. 29-30.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Myers, J.R., A. Huster, L. Wallace and C. Hagerty. 2017. Genome Wide Association Study (GWAS) of Fusarium solani Resistance using the Bean CAP Snap Bean Diversity Panel. 7th International Legume Root Disease (ILRD) Workshop. East Lansing, MI.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Norton, J. and J. Heitholt. 2018. Edible dry bean as part of improved crop rotations in Wyoming. Wyoming Agriculture Experiment Station 2018 Field Days Bulletin. University of Wyoming. p. 72-73.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Rosas, J.C., J.S. Beaver, T.G. Porch, S.E. Beebe, J.P. Lynch and J. Burridge. 2018. Heat tolerance of common bean lines in Honduras. Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative</p><br /> <ol start="180"><br /> <li>179-180.</li><br /> </ol><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Rosas, J.C., H.D. Martínez Figueroa, P. T.G., C. Estévez de Jensen, A. González and J.S. Beaver. 2018. Evaluation of common bean lines for heat tolerance and web blight resistance. Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative. p. 47-48.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Sharma, V. and J. Heitholt. 2018. Screening dry bean genotypes for drought tolerance in Wyoming. Wyoming Agriculture Experiment Station Field Days Bulletin. University of Wyoming Agriculture Experiment Station. p. 74-75.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Simons, K.J., R.S. Lamppa, P.E. McClean, J.M. Osorno and J.S. Pasche. 2018. SNPs Identified for Common Bacterial Blight Resistance in Dry Bean. Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative p. 91-92.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Urrea, C. 2018. Great northern ‘Panhandle Pride’. The Bean Bag, Scottsbluff, NE. p. 12.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Urrea, C. and E. Valentin-Cruzado. 2018. Cooking time of slow darkening beans. The Bean Bag, Scottsbluff, NE. p. 17.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Urrea, C. and E. Valentin-Cruzado. 2018. Effect of bean cooking time and water absorption of selected root rot germplasm. The Bean Bag, Scottsbluff, NE. p. 22-23.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Wright, E., J. Kelly, J. Osorno, A. Vandermal, T. Smith, T. Heitholt, et al. 2018. 2017 Cooperative Dry Bean Nursery (CDBN) results across locations. The Bean Bag, Scottsbluff, NE. p. 11-12.</p>Impact Statements
- W-3150 members continue to share results from this project and learn from colleagues involved with various research and extension projects (e.g., CAP, translational genomics, pathogen diagnostics, root rot, climate resilient beans, legume innovation lab) funded in recent years by the USDA-NIFA, USAID and Specialty Crop Research Initiative (SCRI) regarding issues of relevance to the national bean industry.
Date of Annual Report: 12/20/2019
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2018 - 09/30/2019
Avican, Omer (Omer.Avican@may.com.tr) – May Seed, Turkey;Baetsen-Young, Amy (Amy.Baetsen-Young@syngenta.com) – Syngenta Seeds;
Beebe, Steve (s.beebe@cgiar.org) – CIAT, Colombia;
Cichy, Karen (Karen.Cichy@usda.gov) – USDA-ARS, East Lansing, MI;
Emmalea, Ernest (emmalea@udel.edu) – University of Delaware;
Gang, David (gangd@wsu.edu) – Washington State University;
Glahn, Ray (Raymond.Glahn@usda.gov) – USDA-ARS;
Gomez, Francisco (gomez225@umn.edu) – University of Minnesota;
Grusak, Mike (Mike.Grusak@usda.gov) – USDA-ARS, Fargo, ND;
Heitholt, Jim (Jim.Heitholt@uwyo.edu) – University of Wyoming;
Hoyos-Villegas, Valerio (Valerio.Hoyos-Villegas@mcgill.ca) – McGill University;
Hou, Anfu (Anfu.Hon@canada.ca) – Ag-Canada;
Humann, Jodi (jhumann@wsu.edu) – Washington State University- pulsedd.org;
Hyten, David (David.Hyten@unl.edu) – University of Nebraska;
Kelly, Jim (kellyj@msu.edu) – Michigan State University;
Mazourek, Michael (mm284@cornell.edu) – Cornell University;
McClean, Phillip (Phillip.McClean@ndsu.edu) – North Dakota State University;
Munoz-Amatriain, Maria (Maria.Munoz_Amatriain@colostate.edu) – Colorado State University;
Miklas, Phil (Phil.Miklas@usda.gov) – USDA-ARS, Prosser, WA;
Myers, James (james.myers@oregonstate.edu) – Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR;
Osorno, Juan (Juan.Osorno@ndsu.edu ) – North Dakota State University;
Porch, Tim (Timothy.Porch@usda.gov) – USDA-ARS, TARS, Mayaguez, PR;
Pastor-Corrales, Talo (Talo.Pastor-Corrales@usda.gov) – USDA-ARS, Beltsville, MD;
Trapp, Jennifer (jtrapp@senecafoods.com – Seneca Foods;
Safe, Jeff (jeff@critessed.com) – Crites Seed, Inc.;
Scholz, Todd (tscholz@usapulses.org) – American Pulse Association;
Shi, Ainong (ashi@uark.edu) – University of Arkansas;
Uebersax, Mark (uebersax@msu.edu) – Michigan State University (retired);
Urrea, Carlos (currea2@unl.edu) – University of Nebraska;
Wahlquist, Dan (Dan.Wahlquist@syngenta.com) Syngenta Seeds;
Wiesinger, Jason (Jason.Wiesinger@usda.gov) – USDA-ARS, Ithaca, NY;
Woolf-Weibye, Andy (bean@bean.idaho.gov) – Idaho Bean Commission
Brief Summary of Minutes
Carlos Urrea called the meeting to order at 8:00 A.M. He shared a draft agenda for the meeting.
First item on the agenda was introductions of members (including new members) and guests. After this, the group elected a new Secretary: Maria Munoz-Amatriain from Colorado State University.
The minutes from the previous meeting at UC Davis (2018) were approved (Jim Heitholt made the motion, Tim Porch seconded it, all members approved).
The Project Renewal occupied most of the meeting time.
Dr. David Gang, current project Administrator, explained in detail how to renew the Multistate Research Project for another 5 years. Draft proposal should be done by end of November. The full proposal needs to be completed and approved by David Gang by the middle of December, and submitted before January 15, 2020 for review by the Western Association of Agriculture Experiment Station Directors (WAAESD). David explained that we don’t need to make major changes to the project, the most important thing is that we show that the project is evolving. We need to demonstrate a continuous need. The topics from the previous proposal need to be updated. The title can change but can also remain the same. David Gang also mentioned that proposals requesting renewal have the possibility of being rejected (one was rejected recently according to David).
Juan Osorno asked David about how the Multistate allocations are distributed across the W‑3150 project. Osorno mentioned that the process seems quite unclear and that he does not know how much money the North Dakota Agricultural Experimental Station receives for the W-3150 project and how the money is allocated between the different participants. David Gang explained that Experimental Stations of each state participating in the W-3150 Project receive and allocate dollars. These dollars support the Project in a variety of ways, including paying faculty salaries. Usually participants receive some amount of money (for traveling to the Annual Meeting, for example). Until now the accountability has been fairly loose, but USDA-NIFA is being audited and they need to start specifying where money has been going. Right now, the amount of money that each state receives is based on a complicated formula (USDA-NIFA has not published the exact formula according to sources in attendance). In the future, Agricultural Experiment Stations will need to be transparent about the total amount received and how that money is distributed. In the next 5 years every university must go through this accounting process.
Juan Osorno also mentioned that there are members registered who are not doing much for the project and brought up the question of how we should manage that. David responded that every participant needs to allocate at least 10% of their time to this project. And that states get the money based on that formula, regardless of how many people signed-up for the project.
One attendee asked how independent this project needs to be from another projects, and if there could be an overlap with another project that a researcher has. David Gang replied that yes, there can be an overlap, and that that situation would actually be good. David also reminded everybody that we should acknowledge W-3150 funding from this Project in presentations, papers, etc. The number of presentations and publications could be documented and presented to congressional representatives to justify this project and other multistate projects.
Phil McClean mentioned that this year has more attendees than previous years, although not as many as the multistate corn meeting, a very formal meeting with 200-300 members. Juan Osorno added that this was the first time the project Administrator is attending the meeting in person.
Carlos Urrea asked if we should submit a Renewal or a Replacement of the W-3150 project. David mentioned that renewal involves adjustments and updates, while project replacement involves a change of direction. In the past, a different project number meant that either the project was submitted for Replacement or that, even if a Renewal was submitted, reviewers decided that the content was different enough to be given a new number. Everybody agreed that we should try a Renewal of the project, even if we adjust the title.
Carlos Urrea started talking about the steps on the Project Renewal process. The process starts now but the new project (if awarded) would start in October 2020.
Next steps in the renewal process:
- By mid-November a draft of the sections “Issues” and “Justification” needs to be submitted with a 20,000 character maximum length. David Gang mentioned that NIFA moved offices to Kansas City, MO and lost 80% of their employees. NIFA is starting to replace personnel now and we are most likely going to be interacting with new people. Some of the new NIFA employees may not know the topics or the process as well as previous employees; thus, a less-technical and shorter proposal is better. Carlos proposed that he will write a draft for the Issues and Justification sections and pass it to other members for review.
- By the end of November, a full proposal needs to be submitted for review. Somebody reminded the group that there is a writing committee.
Carlos Urrea mentioned that it is important to make sure that we all agree on the Objectives. He had worked a bit on it prior to this meeting and showed those objectives to the group. We all spent time working on those objectives until we agreed to the following:
Objective 1: Increasing common bean productivity and sustainability
Objective 2: Exploiting the nutritional value and quality of common bean to promote human health and well-being
Objective 3: Development and application of genetic tools and bionformatic databases
Another task that is due 60 days from the meeting date is the submission of the State Reports. Every member needs to submit a report from each state, and someone needs to compile them. Jim Heitholt volunteered to help with that the compilation. Everybody agreed that those reports should be sent to Carlos Urrea by November 28.
The last item on the agenda was to decide where the next W-3150 Annual Meeting will be held. There was discussion on the choice of location between Scottsbluff, NE and Lincoln, NE (where the NAPB meeting will be held from Sunday 16 August to Wednesday 19 August). Scottsbluff was finally proposed for the 2020 W-3150 meeting and organized for after the NAPB meeting, perhaps on August 21st. Juan Osorno made the motion to choose Scottsbluff, Tim Porch seconded it, and all members approved it.
The meeting was adjourned at 10:15 A.M.
<ul><br /> <li><strong>Short-term Outcomes</strong>:</li><br /> </ul><br /> <p>Improved high yielding bean cultivars resistant to multiple abiotic and biotic stresses (especially multiple diseases) will continue positively impacting regional and national production. Area planted to new cultivars may increase by more than 10% leading to substantial production increases in the participating states. </p><br /> <p>Adoption of multiple-disease resistant cultivars may reduce fungicide use by 25% or more resulting in savings to producers and contribute to a cleaner environment. Adoption of cultivars that will require less irrigation, less N, and less P fertilizer while maintaining profitable yield and quality. </p><br /> <p>The genes responsible for key agronomic, disease, nutrient and health-related traits will be discovered with novel diversity panels, genomic tools and databases, and innovative analysis methods. </p><br /> <p>The development and implementation of novel molecular markers for agriculturally important traits will accelerate the process of cultivar development. </p><br /> <p>The human health effects studies will yield data on the capabilities of important bean market classes to protect against inflammation, a cellular stressor that has been linked to heart disease and other inflammatory based diseases. These data will benefit our stakeholders, as the information can be used to promote the consumption of dry beans and thus increase market demands. </p><br /> <p>Additionally, the health effects research has the potential to advance our understanding of potential differences between bean market classes and develop new dietary practices to help address major health concerns.<strong> </strong></p><br /> <ul><br /> <li><strong>Outputs</strong>:</li><br /> </ul><br /> <p>Our group’s outputs consist of variety releases, identification of genes that confer tolerance to stress, utilizing new germplasm under more sustainable agronomic practices, improved nutritional quality, and better products that satisfy processor and consumer demands. Three categories of outputs are provided below along with the project’s plans for 2020. </p><br /> <p><strong>Release of New Lines </strong></p><br /> <p>Great Northern line NE1-17-10 and slow darkening pinto NE2-17-18 are being released as cultivars by the Univ. Nebraska. Breeder seed was increased at the Kimberly Experimental Station in Idaho. A new Great Northern line, NE1 17 36, and a slow darkening pinto line, NE2-17-37, will be increased in Idaho in 2020. Several lines from the shuttle-breeding program between Nebraska and Puerto Rico are out-yielding the drought tolerant Matterhorn line under both drought and non-drought stress experiments and are being released. </p><br /> <p>A light red kidney bean (cv. Coho) was developed and released by Michigan State University AgBioResearch in 2019 as an upright, full-season cultivar that possesses acceptable canning quality, tolerance to common bacterial blight [CBB; caused by Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. phaseoli (Smith) Dye], and root rots. Coho was developed using the pedigree breeding method to the F4 generation followed by pure line selection for disease, agronomic and quality traits. In 4 yrs of field trials, Coho yielded 3644 kg/ha, flowered in 39 d and matured in 99 d on average. Plants averaged 50 cm in height, with a lodging resistance score of 1.1 and a seed weight of 53.8 g/100 seeds. Coho is resistant to race 73 of anthracnose [caused by Colletotrichum lindemuthianum (Sacc. et Magnus) Lams.-Scrib], is partially resistant to local isolates of CBB, is sensitive to strain NL 3 of Bean common mosaic necrosis virus (BCMNV) but is resistant to all common strains of BCMV. Coho produces seed that meets industry standards for dry seed packaging and was rated satisfactory in overall canned bean quality in the light red kidney bean seed class. </p><br /> <p>NDSU released three new cultivars in early 2019. ND Falcon pinto has resistance to rust and to the soybean cyst nematode in addition to good agronomic performance. ND Pegasus is a Great Northern cultivar that is very upright and high yielding and has excellent seed quality and good levels of tolerance to white mold. ND Whitetail white kidney is a high yielding cultivar with high levels of resistance to bacterial diseases and white mold.</p><br /> <p><strong>Tolerance to Biotic Stress</strong></p><br /> <p>A manuscript describing the release of pinto bean germplasm that combines resistance to BGYMV, BCMNV and rust (Ur-11, Ur-3) was submitted to the J. Plant Reg by the team in Puerto Rico. This was a collaborative release of USDA ARS, UPR, IDIAF and Zamorano University. In Washington, the physical position of the bc-2 gene (for bean common mosaic virus) was associated with a deletion in a candidate gene on Pv11. The bc-2 gene interacts with different bc-u and bc-u(s) (gene symbols pending) loci to give resistance to different strains. For instance, bc-2 and bc-u is resistant to NL-3 (pathogroup VI) but susceptible to NL-4 (Pathogroup VII), whereas the bc-2 and bc-u(s) combination is susceptible to NL-3 but resistant to the NL-4 strain. </p><br /> <p>Six tepary beans were immune to six Mesoamerican and two Andean bean common rust races. This type of reaction is not observed in common bean cultivars. </p><br /> <p>A manuscript describing bean research contributions in Puerto Rico during the past 100 years was prepared and submitted to the J. Agric. UPR. Six lines were identified with intermediate levels of resistance to Macrophomina phaseolina isolate Mph-JD2 Genbank Acc # MH805833. Four bean lines were identified to have resistance to a Fusarium solani isolate from Isabela, Genbank Acc # MH795800. Advanced lines of tepary bean (Phaseolus acutifolius) have been generated with resistance to leaf hopper, common bacterial blight, and rust, in addition to abiotic stress tolerance and good cooking and nutritional quality in collaboration with PR, MI, IA, MD, and the Dominican Republic. </p><br /> <p>In Delaware, several possible sources of downy mildew (Phytophthora phaseoli) resistance were identified in field and dew chamber screens in 2016 and 2017. In winter 2017/2018, several of these lines were crossed with bush, heat tolerant PI 534918 to develop populations for breeding and genetics studies: PI 224713, PI 257548, PI 355837, PI 256816, PI 256417 and PI 355839. F2 plants from these crosses were grown in the field in 2019 and seeds were collected from plants with bush growth habit. The F3 generation is being screened for race F downy mildew resistance in the greenhouse in winter 2019/2020. One F2 population derived from PI 256417/PI 534918 was reserved for a genetics and marker development study in winter 2019/2020. </p><br /> <p>Researchers in the state of Washington identified a new QTL RUST3.1 of Andean origin on linkage group Pv03 with a major effect on quantitative resistance. The Washington group is in the process of releasing to the public, Andean germplasm lines which combine four genes (Pse-2, Pse-3, HB4.2, and HB5.1) conditioning resistance to halo bacterial blight. The lines are currently being tested for agronomic performance. </p><br /> <p><strong>Tolerance to Abiotic Stress</strong></p><br /> <p>In Delaware, additional heat tolerant germplasm lines were identified in a 2018 field and greenhouse screen. To determine which of these lines to use as parents in the breeding program bush (15 lines) and vining (23) heat tolerant germplasm lines were evaluated for yield and days to harvest in field trials in 2019. F2, F4 and F6 breeding lines derived from one or two heat tolerant parents were evaluated in the field and selections were made. Some F6 lines were also evaluated in a greenhouse heat tolerance screen. </p><br /> <p>During 2016, 2017, and 2018, the team at the University of Wyoming screened cultivars for drought tolerance and this project has ended for now. It appears that Poncho, CO-46348, Powderhorn, CO91216-15, UI-537, ND Palomino, PT9-5-6, and Desert Song showed respectable yield under both deficit and full irrigation when grown in Powell. This project may resume in 2021. </p><br /> <p>From 2016 to 2018, a graduate student in Wyoming completed a series of nine greenhouse and field trials with multiple genotypes and varying N rates. There is evidence supporting the idea that producers may be applying too much N fertilizer. Two cultivars (La Paz and ND-307) warrant further examination as being N efficient. In a separate 2019 Wyoming study, foliar-applied phosphate (Ortho and Poly) 6 24-6 fertilizer at different timings (V2, prior to R1, and both), with and without Cu supplement, is underway. </p><br /> <p>Two 42-entry black bean trials were conducted side-by-side where no N was applied to one trial at the Saginaw Valley Research and Extension Center. Data was collected on a range of traits throughout the season using unmanned aerial devices (drones) and plots were sampled at key growth stages to determine N content. Symbiotic N2-fixation will be determined using 15N natural abundance method. Yields in the non-fertilized trial ranged from 10.7 to 25.3 cwt/acre, mean 19.3 cwt/acre, compared to range from 16.6 to 24.5, mean 21.7 cwt/acre. The none nodulation check was the lowest yielding entry in both trials, but some lines produced consistently high yields in both trials. </p><br /> <p>In New York, new upright LRK and DRK breeding lines have been selected following crosses with Middle American market classes that have the upright vine morphology from Michigan State University (navy, great northern and black bean parents). Selections from these populations have been used to improve plant architecture in the LRK and DRK market classes potentially enabling higher yields in combination with improved tolerance to white mold and other diseases. The pink seed-coat genotype UPRK27 also looks highly promising with a plant type similar to an upright black bean cultivar. The upright line UPRK49, which has chestnut seed-coat color, has the most promising upright architecture for high density planting and disease avoidance in kidney beans. The yields of UPRK49 are currently not competitive, but this plant type has been crossed to Cornell DRK1 and LRK6 and populations developed to select higher yielding types in with this architecture. Selection of new cultivars in this type going forward could result in the development of new kidney bean varieties for NY that could be planted at higher density with reduced disease spread and easier cultivation. A new, intriguing line is a mini-dark red kidney bean that cans very well. Due to the small seed size of this line, and the upright architecture, it could lead to a variety where pod shattering is not a concern enabling harvest using similar equipment for upright black beans. </p><br /> <p><strong>Plans for 2020</strong></p><br /> <p>The project team has recently submitted a proposal for renewal (W_TEMP_4150) entitled ‘Breeding Phaseolus Beans for Resilience, Sustainable Production, and Enhanced Nutritional Value.’ During 2020, the project will transition from the expiring W-3150 to the new project but research and outreach activities will be seamless. The primary focus will be on breeding for tolerance to viral, fungal, and bacterial diseases. Concomitantly, breeders will work with geneticists and plant pathologists to identify more precise genetic markers and so that new lines with more robust resistance to pathogens can be released. Work is also planned to identify QTLs associated with drought and heat tolerance. Multiple teams are working directly to breed for improved nutritional quality of dry bean or work concurrently with breeders developing lines tolerant to biotic and abiotic stress. Additionally, the Multistate group is poised to develop a 50K SNPchip and update the PhaseolusGene database to a sequence-based database. </p><br /> <ul><br /> <li><strong>Activities</strong>:</li><br /> </ul><br /> <p>The full version of the current Multistate project’s objectives are stated elsewhere but are briefly summarized below:</p><br /> <ol><br /> <li>Improve bean yield potential through multiple breeding and genetic approaches.</li><br /> <li>Develop beans with enhanced nutritional qualities.</li><br /> <li>Implement sustainable and profitable dry bean agricultural.</li><br /> <li>Ensure the project team collaborates by sharing data, protocols, markers, and germplasm. </li><br /> </ol><br /> <p><strong>Activities for Improving Bean Yield (Objective 1)</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Phenotyping and Screening</strong></p><br /> <p>In Puerto Rico, a set of advanced Andean lines from PIC populations derived from the Andean Diversity Panel (ADP) are being evaluated for potential release to broaden the genetic diversity of the Andean genepool in the U.S. and Sub-Saharan Africa. The PIC lines were developed collaboratively between WA, PR, MI, Tanzania, and ARC-South Africa. The NE and PR shuttle breeding program breeding lines have developed from the third cycle of recurrent selection pinto, Great Northern, and black lines with good levels of drought tolerance and broad adaptation. A new release is forthcoming. </p><br /> <p>The U.S. Dry Bean Core Collection was screened for CBB pv. fuscans resistance by UNeb-Scottsbluff in the Nebraska Panhandle. Only one entry showed intermediate resistance to pv. fuscans. The Scottsbluff team continues to collaborate to evaluate Phaseolus breeding lines and germplasm to develop new regionally adapted cultivars with resistance to bacterial diseases (wilt, fuscans blight, and brown spot). The team continued testing new copper-alternative chemicals for managing bacterial diseases in Nebraska, and are conducting four additional industry projects evaluating new fungicidal products and application methods for root diseases, rust, and white mold. </p><br /> <p>Rust screening was performed at Colorado State University on the MRPN, CDBN, Michigan St. Univ. lines, USDA-ARS Prosser WA lines, and tepary lines from Puerto Rico following the CIAT scale for pustule size (1983 International Bean Rust Workshop). </p><br /> <p>Experimental green baby lima varieties with RKN resistance were yield trialed for a second year in Delaware. Additional green baby lima breeding lines with RKN resistance were selected based on greenhouse and inoculated field screening. Seed of these lines is being increased for trials in 2020. Also, in Delaware, five upright architecture lima bean breeding lines and three standard varieties with sprawling plant habit were evaluated for yield, disease incidence and severity, in separate plots inoculated with downy mildew (Phytophthora phaseoli) and Phytophthora capsici. These plots were misted to encourage disease development. A third trial to test white mold avoidance was planted in collaboration with a grower cooperator but disease did not develop due to dry weather conditions. This is part of a two-year project to determine whether upright versus sprawling plant architecture influences disease avoidance. </p><br /> <p>In Wyoming, five pinto bean cultivars (Othello, ND-Palomino, Snowy Mountain #7, Montrose, Long’s Peak) were grown in four environments across two years and treated with in-furrow Quadris or Headline (Bill Stump and Kyle Webber). Interestingly, fungicides have reduced the disease symptoms but Othello seems to yield the highest even though it exhibited the most fungal damage (Rhizoctonia and Fusarium).</p><br /> <p> <strong>Genotyping and Gene Mapping</strong></p><br /> <p>Genome-wide association studies continued in North Dakota and allowed the identification of genomic regions associated with resistance/tolerance to biotic/abiotic factors. For example, new genomic regions for resistance to white mold have been identified using a MAGIC population. Also, genomic regions associated with Uromyces appendiculatus, Rhizoctonia solani and Fusarium solani resistance as well as soybean cyst nematode have been found. Several Pythium (Globisporangium) species have been identified as causing root rot in ND and MN. A multiplex qPCR assay was developed for the detection of four bacterial pathogens of dry bean. </p><br /> <p>In the state of Washington, the Durango Diversity Panel was screened using two Xap (CBB) strains in the greenhouse. GWAS using SNPs from McClean’s lab (ND) narrowed the QTL interval for the SAP6 QTL on Pv10. A new SNP marker for MAS, to replace SAP6 which does not exhibit limitations in Middle American background, is in development. </p><br /> <p>Studies of bacterial wilt resistance continue in Nebraska. The G18829/Raven RIL composed of 303 lines, the parental lines, the F1s, the F2s in both directions, and the backcrosses to both resistant and parental lines were tested against a pathogenic bacterial wilt isolate. DNA is being extracted from the RILs. Mapping of the bacterial wilt resistance is in progress. </p><br /> <p>Two new KASP markers tightly-linked to the Ur-4 (SS208) and Ur-5 (SS183) rust resistance genes were developed in Beltsville, MD. </p><br /> <p><strong>Regional Trials and Nurseries</strong></p><br /> <p>The 69th annual Cooperative Dry Bean Nursery (CDBN) report was compiled and distributed in March, 2019 by C. Urrea in Scottsbluff, NE. During the 2018 CDBN, 21 entries were tested in trials at 7 locations in the U.S. and Canada. Final results were compiled and distributed to all project members and made available to the public via the https://cropwatch.unl.edu/Varietytest-DryBeans/2019%20CDBN%20Final.pdf web page. In 2019, 25 entries were tested in replicated trials at 8 locations in the U.S. and Canada. The national Dry Bean Drought Nursery (DBDN) was assembled and distributed with 26 lines from MI, WA, NE, and PR and tested in MI, WA, PR, NE and WY. NE2-18-2, NE4-18-63, Cayenne, and NE2-18-3 had the highest geometric mean yield. Project participants in Puerto Rico planted 5,145 bean breeding lines from the USDA-ARS, Michigan State University, the University of Nebraska and North Dakota State University in winter nurseries as a cooperative activity of Regional Hatch Project W-3150. </p><br /> <p>The CDBN, MRPN, and DBDN were grown at Lingle, WY in 2018 and the CDBN was grown at Lingle and Powell, WY in 2019. Nebraska grew the 2019 Mid-west Regional Performance Nursery (MRPN); The Michigan State Univ. dry bean breeding and genetics program conducted 17 yield trials in 2019 in ten market classes and participated in the growing and evaluation of the CDBN, MRPN, DBDN and the National Sclerotinia Nurseries in Michigan and winter nursery in Puerto Rico. The USDA-ARS-Michigan Dry Bean Genetics Program has breeding trials for cranberry, kidney, yellow, and black-market classes and organic beans. The national White Mold Monitor Nursery (WMMN) planted in Scottsbluff, NE was destroyed by hail on August 15, 2019. Studies of bacterial wilt resistance continue. </p><br /> <p>The state of Washington participated in the DBDN, White Mold (BWMN), and CDBN dry bean nurseries and contributed entries to each of the nurseries as well. PT16-9, NE2-18-2, PK9 15, and B18504 had exceptional yields in the drought nursery; SR9-5 and NDF120287 performed well in the BWMN; and PT11-13-1 and ND-Pegassus had the highest yields in the CDBN. </p><br /> <p>Baby lima bean breeding lines from the University of Delaware breeding program (71), seed company entries (12), and standard cultivars (4) were evaluated for yield, days to maturity and seed quality in a replicated trial in Georgetown, Delaware. Fordhook breeding lines (15) and the standard cultivar (1) were also evaluated in a separate trial at the same location. The breeding program is seeking collaborators for seed production for new green baby lima bean varieties. Six trial Fordhook varieties have been shared with two vegetable processing companies which are handling seed increase and additional trialing. </p><br /> <p>Five pairs of near isogenic lima bean lines (NILs) with lanceolate and ovate leaflets were evaluated for yield, disease incidence and severity in separate plots inoculated with downy mildew and Phytophthora capsici in Delaware. These plots were misted to encourage disease development. A third trial to test avoidance of white mold was planted in collaboration with a grower cooperator but disease did not develop due to dry weather conditions. This is part of a two-year project to determine whether leaflet shape influences disease avoidance. Also, in Delaware, two trials of flat-podded snap-bean varieties and experimental lines were planted to evaluate yield, heat tolerance, days to harvest and quality. One variety, Usambara (Seminis), performed exceptionally well in both trials planted on May 21 and July 11. The Delaware team is recommending this variety for trial by processors. </p><br /> <p><strong>Activities for Enhanced Nutritional Quality (Objective 2)</strong></p><br /> <p>Nutritional analysis was conducted at the laboratory of the Univ. Nebraska and included characterization of the components, such as both the micronutrients and macronutrients, with an emphasis on phenols. Minerals and lipid characterization were also completed on the following pinto beans, small red beans and black bean seed types. </p><br /> <p>Coupled with these analyses, two animal studies, using a hamster model, were completed with small red beans and black beans serving as supplement to a high saturated fat diet. These results are currently being analyzed through metabolomics and transcriptomics to understand the mechanisms of remediating inflammation. However, during these studies as well as in past trials, we determined that dry beans maintain the energy balance in the presence of high saturated fats, which left unchecked deregulates the glycolic, TCA, and mitochondria function in the large intestine. It must be noted this is the fundamental condition then leads to multiple stresses, including inflammation. Interestingly, each bean market has different efficacies as well as different mechanisms in remediating the detrimental effects on energy metabolism caused by typical western diets. These studies were conducted on beans obtained from Western Nebraska. The next two years of this project will use beans from the same seed classes but sourced from Colorado so that the environmental effects can be studied. </p><br /> <p>A yellow bean diversity panel of ~300 lines was planted in replicated trials in Michigan and Nebraska, and a study was conducted on the development and nutritional evaluation of pastas made from dry bean flour. Whole dry beans were milled into flour and used to make gluten free fresh pastas. Six bean cultivars, each from a different market class, including white kidney-Snowdon, navy-Alpena, otebo Samurai, cranberry-Etna, dark red kidney Red Hawk and black-Zenith, were made into pasta. All cultivars were developed by Michigan State University except Etna which was developed by Seminis. The sensory appeal of each of the bean pastas was evaluated by 100 consumer panelists. While consumers preferred the flavor, texture and appearance of the wheat pasta to the dry bean pasta, 36% of participants said they would definitely or probably purchase the dry bean pastas from the light-colored beans. Nutritional value of the bean pastas was also determined and compared to cooked whole beans of the same cultivar and to fresh wheat pasta. Although, dry bean and wheat pastas have similar caloric (402–409 kcal) and fat (2.2–2.6%) contents, bean pastas were nutritionally superior to wheat pastas in regard to protein (16 vs. 19 22%) and mineral (0.6–0.9 vs. 2.5–2.7%) contents. Varietal differences existed among the selected dry bean pastas in terms of protein (19–22%), total starch (43–47%) and resistant starch (3.2–3.6%) concentrations. There was some loss of nutritional value of bean pasta vs. whole boiled beans but this can mostly be attributed to the bean pasta being 90% bean. These results suggest that single variety fresh dry bean pastas have commercial potential in the U.S. as healthy gluten free pasta options. </p><br /> <p>In NY in 2019, a greater focus was placed on development of new black bean breeding lines with very high color retention, including evaluation of nutritional components. Additionally, the kidney bean lines Cornell LRK-6, Cornell DRK-1 and Cornell 612 have high promise for commercialization as varieties based on replicated research plots, on-farm trials and performance in national dry bean nursery trials. Line DRK-1 shows promise in the dark red market class and LRK-6 also shows high promise based on high yields against checks over multiple seasons. Based on these findings, new crosses have been made between DRK-1 and LRK 6 to move superior canning quality into an early maturing, high yielding dark red kidney variety going forward. The upright line ‘Cornell 612’ also looks promising as a potential variety especially for organic systems based on its yield, upright plant type and tolerance to white mold. Based on increased consumer demand for more color and variability within products, introgressions of novel colors have also been targeted. These 'rainbow kidney' lines include the introgression of black and purple seed color into a kidney bean background with multiple additional colors selected out of upright architecture populations providing white, pink, mottled and chestnut seed-coat colors. Based on initial canning studies, black kidney beans have had excellent color retention when compared to black bean controls, and good canning quality based on can-pour and splitting. To circumvent the canning differences for fixed cooking protocols at canning facilities, Cornell 612 has been crossed to DRK-1 and LRK-6 to normalize the seed size and type. New lines have now been selected out of these crosses, the most promising of which is RK33, with a very attractive elongated seed shape. </p><br /> <p>A collaboration led by Iowa State Univ. (with two of our USDA-ARS participants) examined cooking time, percent hard shell, and mineral content differences in four common bean and five tepary bean (P. acutifolius) lines cultivated in the same environment. Sensory evaluation of black common bean vs. black tepary beans in traditional Central American recipes is in progress. Iowa State is conducting a consumer survey with low-income adults on their bean consumption practices and knowledge of nutrition and health benefits. In a separate project, participants from Wyoming and Washington are advancing, developing, and testing new lines of popping bean variants originally developed by project participants from Colorado and Wisconsin. Popping beans offer a shorter cooking time and possible snack food. </p><br /> <p>A collaboration led by Oregon State University with NDSU and CSU conducted a genome wide association mapping study of phenolics in a snap bean diversity panel. In addition to a strong association of the p gene with SNPs on Pv07, 10 other significant associations were observed between total phenolic content and SNPs on Pv01, Pv03, Pv04, Pv09, Pv10 and Pv11. Five potential candidate genes were also identified. </p><br /> <p><strong>Activities for Sustainability (Objective 3)</strong></p><br /> <p>ARS-Prosser continues to breed Andean beans for enhanced yield under stress (terminal drought, low fertility, and multiple stress) and non-stress environments in WA. In 2019 at Powell, WY, six progeny lines (from Long’s Peak × UI 537) were compared against three popular commercial lines La Paz, Snowy Mountain #7, Poncho, and the progeny’s two parents (a 120-plot study). Treatments included withholding N, withholding P, withholding both N and P, or applying both N and P. Days to flower, leaf chlorophyll, NDVI, canopy temperature, plant height, leaf blade mineral status, nodule counts, soil mineral status, maturity date, and lodging data were collected. Entries were significantly different for all ecophysiological traits measured. The progeny lines appeared to lodge much more than La Paz, Snowy Mountain #7, and Long’s Peak but less than UI-537. </p><br /> <p>Also, in Wyoming, results from two years of row spacing research in Wyoming combined with irrigation rates, three cultivars (included an upright and prostrate), and five seeding rates has found that 7-inch rows outyield the traditional 22-inch rows. A yield plateau was reached at 75K seed per acre (with three higher rates tested). Four cultivars were compared across strip-till vs. conventional and across 100% ET irrigation vs. 75% deficit irrigation and it appears that use of different cultivars is warranted depending up the tillage-irrigation combination. </p><br /> <p><strong>Activities Demonstrating Team Collaborations (Objective 4)</strong></p><br /> <p>About 100 lines from the first through fourth cycles of shuttle breeding between Nebraska and Puerto Rico were tested in Scottsbluff and will be tested in Puerto Rico under drought and non-drought stress environments. A couple of shuttle breeding lines have the potential to be released as sources of drought tolerance. Wyoming established F3 lines from multiple crosses at Powell (WY) during 2019. Seed quality appeared good to very good for early and mid-maturing lines although an early frost compromised seed quality of the late-maturing lines. More than 100 single-plant selections from various progeny were made. Seed from these selections will be grown plant-to-row in 2020.</p><br /> <p>Nebraska increased breeder seed of one upright northern line (NE1-17-10) and one slow darkening pinto line (NE2-17-18) at the Kimberly Experimental Station in Idaho. NE1-17-10 has an upright plant architecture, carries the Ur-3 and Ur-6 rust resistance genes and the I gene for bean common mosaic virus (BCMV) resistance gene, shows tolerance to common bacterial blight (CBB), and has high yield potential. NE2-17-18 carries the Ur-11 rust resistance and the I BCMV resistance genes. Both lines have high yield potential and large seed size.</p><br /> <ul><br /> <li><strong>Milestones</strong>:</li><br /> </ul><br /> <p>(2019) Release of the great northern bean cultivar ND Pegasus. </p><br /> <p>(2019) Release of the pinto bean cultivar ND Falcon. </p><br /> <p>(2019) Release of the white kidney bean cultivar ND Whitetail. </p><br /> <p>(2019) Release of the light red kidney bean cultivar Coho. </p><br /> <p>(2020) Release of new upright great northern bean cultivar (NE1-17-10) with enhanced levels of common bacterial blight resistance. </p><br /> <p>(2020) Release of new slow darkening pinto bean cultivar (NE2-17-18). </p><br /> <p>(2020) Release of Mesoamerican bean germplasm line(s) that combines disease resistance with greater tolerance to high temperatures and low N soils (derived from crosses between elite lines from the BASE 120 trial). </p><br /> <p>(2020) Release of a determinate red mottled cultivar that combines multiple virus resistance. </p><br /> <p>(2020) Release of tepary bean with leafhopper resistance, disease resistance, and improved culinary characteristics.</p>Publications
<p><strong>Peer-Reviewed</strong></p><br /> <p>Abbasabadi, A.O., T. Porch, J. Rosas, S.M. Moghaddam, J. Beaver, S. Beebe, J. Burridge, C. Jochua, M. Miguel, P. Miklas, B. Raatz, J. White, J. Lynch, P. McClean. 2019. Single and multi-trait GWAS identify genetic factors associated with production traits in common bean under abiotic stress environments. G3. doi: 10.25387/g3.7965305. </p><br /> <p>Beaver, J.S., C. Estévez de Jensen, G. Lorenzo-Vázquez, A. González, H. Martínez and T. G. Porch. 2018. Registration of ‘Bella’ White-Seeded Common Bean Cultivar. J. Plant Reg. 12:190-193. </p><br /> <p>Cappa, C., J. D. Kelly, and P.K.W. Ng. 2019. Baking performance of 25 edible dry bean powders: correlation between cookie quality and rapid test indices, Food Chemistry, doi: <a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2019.125338">https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2019.125338</a>. </p><br /> <p>Cichy, K.A., Wiesinger, J.A., Berry, M., Nchimbi-Msolla, S., Fourie, D., Porch, T.G., Ambechew, D., Miklas, P.N. (2019) The role of genotype and production environment in determining the cooking time of dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Legume Science, e13. </p><br /> <p>Cichy, K., J.A. Wiesinger, M. Berry, S. Nchimbi-Msolla, D. Fourie, T.G. Porch, D. Ambechew, P.N. Miklas. 2019. The role of genotype and production environment in determining the cooking time of dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Legume Science. DOI: 10.1002/leg3.13. </p><br /> <p>Dramadri, I.O., S. Nkalubo, and J. D. Kelly. 2019. Identification of QTL associated with drought tolerance in Andean common bean. Crop Sci. 59:1–14. doi: 10.2135/cropsci2018.10.0604. </p><br /> <p>Farooq, M., B. A. Padder, N. N. Bhat, M.D. Shah, A. B. Shikari, H. E. Awale, and J. D. Kelly. 2019. Temporal expression of candidate genes at the Co-1 locus and their interaction with other defense related genes in common bean. Physiol. Mol. Plant Path. doi: <a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pmpp.2019.101424">https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pmpp.2019.101424</a>.</p><br /> <p> Feng, X., G.E. Orellana, J.R. Myers, and A.V. Karasev. 2018. Recessive resistance to bean common mosaic virus conferred by the bc-1 and bc-2 genes in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) affects long distance movement of the virus. Phytopathology 108:1-8. <a href="https://doi.org/10.1094/PHYTO-01-18-0021-R">https://doi.org/10.1094/PHYTO-01-18-0021-R</a> </p><br /> <p>Harveson, R.M. 2019. Managing dry bean bacterial diseases in Nebraska with new copper-alternative chemicals. Plant Health Progress 20: 14-19. </p><br /> <p>Hooper, S.D., Glahn, R.P., and Cichy, K.A. (2019) Single Varietal Dry Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Pastas: Nutritional Profile and Consumer Acceptability. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 1-8. </p><br /> <p>Jacobs, J.L., J. D. Kelly, E. M. Wright, G. Varner, and M. I. Chilvers. 2019. Determining the soilborne pathogens associated with root rot disease complex of dry bean in Michigan. Plant Health Progress 20:122-127. doi.org/10.1094/PHP-11-18-0076-S.</p><br /> <p>Jain, S., Poromarto, S., Osorno, J. M., McClean, P. E., & Nelson, B. D. (2019). Genome wide association study discovers genomic regions involved in resistance to soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines) in common bean. PloS one, 14(2), e0212140. </p><br /> <p>Jiménez-Galindo, J.C., Álvarez-Iglesias L., Revilla P., Jacinto-Soto R., García-Domínguez L.E., de La Fuente M., Malvar R.A., Ordás B., Vander Wal A.J., and Osorno J.M. 2018. Screening for Drought Tolerance in Tepary and Common Bean Based on Osmotic Potential Assays. Planta 6:24-32. </p><br /> <p>Kamfwa, K., Cichy, K.A., Kelly, J.D. (2019) Identification of quantitative trait loci for symbiotic nitrogen fixation in common bean. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. Available: <a href="https://doi.org/10.1007/s00122-019-03284-6">https://doi.org/10.1007/s00122-019-03284-6</a>.</p><br /> <p>Long, Y., Bassett, A., Cichy, K., Thompson, A., & Morris, D. (2019). Bean Split Ratio for Dry Bean Canning Quality and Variety Analysis. In: Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops (pp. 0-0). </p><br /> <p>Mndolwa E.J., S.N. Msolla, T.G. Porch and P.N. Miklas. 2019. GGE biplot analysis of yield stability for Andean dry bean accessions grown under different abiotic stress regimes in Tanzania. African Crop Science Journal. 27: 413-425. </p><br /> <p>Myers, J. R., Wallace, L. T., Moghaddam, S. M., Kleintop, A. E., Echeverria, D., Thompson, H. J., Brick, M. A., Lee, R., McClean, P. E. (2019) Improving the health benefits of snap beans: genome wide association studies of total phenolic content. Nutrients 11, 2509; doi:10.3390/nu11102509. </p><br /> <p>Nguyen, A.T., S. Althwab, H. Qiu, R.Zbasnik, C. Urrea, T.P. Carr, and V. Schlegel. 2019. Pinto beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) lower non-HDL cholesterol in hamsters fed a diet rich in saturated fat and act on genes involved in cholesterol homeostasis. J. of Nutr. 149(6): 996-1003. <a href="https://doi.org/10.1093/jn/nxz044">https://doi.org/10.1093/jn/nxz044</a>. </p><br /> <p>Oladzad, A., Zitnick-Anderson, K., Jain, S., Simons, K., Osorno, J. M., McClean, P. E., and Pasche, J. S.* 2019. Identifying genotypes and genomic regions associated with Rhizoctonia solani resistance in common bean. Frontiers in Plant Sci. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2019.00956. </p><br /> <p>Oladzad, A., Porch, T., Rosas, J. C., Moghaddam, S.M., Beaver, J., Beebe, S.E., Burridge, Jochua, C. N, Miguel, M. A., Miklas, P. N., Ratz, B., White, J. W., Lynch, J., McClean, P. E., (2019) Single and multi-trait GWAS identify genetic factors associated with production traits in common bean under abiotic stress environments. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics 9:1881-1892. </p><br /> <p>Porch, T.G., E.I. Brisco-McCann, G. Demosthene, R.W. Colbert, J.S. Beaver, J.D. Kelly. Release of TARS-LH1 a pinto bean germplasm with resistance to the leafhopper pest. J. of Crop Reg. (accepted). </p><br /> <p>Strock C., J. Burridge, A. Massas, J.Beaver, S. Beebe, S. Camillo, D. Fourie, C. Jochua, M. Miguel, P. Miklas, E. Mndolwa, S. Nchimbi-Msolla, T. Porch, J.C. Rosas, J. Trapp, J. Lynch. 2019. Seedling root architecture predicts yield across diverse environments in Phaseolus vulgaris. Field Crops Res. 237:53-64. </p><br /> <p>Soltani, A., MafiMoghaddam, S., Oladzad-Abbasabadi, A., Walter, K., Kearns, P. J., Vasquez-Guzman, J., Mamidi, S., Lee, R., Shade, A.L., Jacobs, J.L. Chilvers, M.I., Lowry D., McClean P.E., and Osorno, J.M. 2018. Genetic Analysis of Flooding Tolerance in an Andean Diversity Panel of Dry Bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Frontiers in Plant Science, 9, 767. <a href="http://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2018.00767">http://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2018.00767</a>. </p><br /> <p>Urrea, C.A., O.P. Hurtado-Gonzales, M.A. Pastor-Corrales, and J.R. Steadman. 2019. Registration of great northern common bean cultivar ‘Panhandle Pride’ with enhanced disease resistance to bean rust and common bacterial blight. J. of Plant Reg. 13(3): 311-315. </p><br /> <p>Wallace, L., H. Arkwazee, K. Vining, and J.R. Myers. 2018. Genetic diversity within snap beans and their relation to dry beans. Genes 9(587); doi:10.3390/genes9120587. <a href="http://www.mdpi.com/2073-4425/9/12/587/htm">http://www.mdpi.com/2073-4425/9/12/587/htm</a>. </p><br /> <p>Wiesinger, J., Cichy, K.A, Tako, E., Glahn, R. (2018) The fast cooking and enhanced iron bioavailability properties of the Manteca yellow bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Nutrients. 10:1609. </p><br /> <p>Wiesinger, J.A., Glahn, R.P., Cichy, K.A., Kolba, N., Hart, J.J. and Tako, E. (2019) An in vivo (Gallus gallus) feeding trial demonstrating the enhanced iron bioavailability properties of the fast cooking manteca yellow bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Nutrients, 11(8), p.1768. </p><br /> <p>Winham, D.M., Tisue, M.E., Palmer, S.M., Cichy, K.A., Shelley, M.C. (2019) Dry bean preferences and attitudes among Midwest Hispanic and non-Hispanic white women. Nutrients. 11:178. </p><br /> <p><strong>Book Chapters</strong></p><br /> <ol start="2019"><br /> <li>M. De Ron, V. (K.) Kalavacharla, S. Álvarez-García, P. A. Casquero, G. Carro-Huelga, S. Gutiérrez, A. Lorenzana, S. Mayo-Prieto, A. Rodríguez-González, V. Suárez-Villanueva, A. P. Rodiño, J. S. Beaver, T. Porch, M. Z. Galván, M. C. Gonçalves Vidigal, M. Dworkin, A. Bedmar Villanueva and L. De la Rosa. 2019. Common bean genetics, breeding, and genomics for adaptation to changing to new agri-environmental Conditions. pp. 1-106. In: Genomic designing of climate-smart pulse crops (Ed: C. Kole). Springer Nature, Cham, Switzerland. 469 pages. </li><br /> </ol><br /> <p>Myers, J.R., L. Brewer, and M. Al Jadi. 2018. The Importance of Cosmetic Stay-green in Specialty Crops. Plant Breeding Reviews 42:219-256. </p><br /> <p>Osorno, J.M., P.E. McClean, and T. Close. 2018. Advanced breeding techniques for grain legumes in the genomics era. In Sivasankar, S. et al. (ed.), Achieving sustainable cultivation of grain legumes Volume 1: Advances in breeding and cultivation techniques, Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Cambridge, UK (ISBN: 978-1-78676-136-1; www.bdspublishing.com) </p><br /> <p><strong>Bulletins, Proceedings, and Reports</strong></p><br /> <p>Beaver, J.S., T.G. Porch, G. Lorenzo Vázquez, A. González and C. Estevez de Jensen. 2019. Performance of Mesoamerican beans in a low fertility soil. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 62:91-92. </p><br /> <p>Broderick, K., R. Harveson, T. Jackson-Ziems, and S. Wegulo. 2019. Nebraska plant pathology: A culture of new diseases. Crop Watch, Crop Protection Clinic Proceedings, and Crop Management Conference Proceedings, January 2019. </p><br /> <p>Godoy-Lutz, G., J. Steadman, A. Mitra, and C.A. Urrea. 2019. Examining the fungal rhizobiome associated with resilient dry beans bred for changing climate conditions in western Nebraska. The Bean Bag 37(3): 19. </p><br /> <p>Hart, J.P., A.G. Vargas, J.S. Beaver, D.G. DeBouck and T.G. Porch. 2019. Genotyping the Ex Situ genetic resources of wild and cultivated tepary bean. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 62:109-110. </p><br /> <p>Harveson, R.M. 2019. Specialty crop diseases observed after hailstorms, Extension Circular EC3029.</p><br /> <p>Harveson, R.M., and T.A. Jackson-Ziems. 2019. Puzzling out two closely related corn, dry bean diseases. 2019. Crop Watch, November, 2019. </p><br /> <p>Harveson, R.M. 2019. Specialty crops update. Proceedings of the Crop Production Clinic, University of Nebraska, Cooperative Extension, pages 46-48. </p><br /> <p>Harveson, R M. 2019. New studies on managing diseases in pulse crops in 2019. Bean Bag, Summer Issue. </p><br /> <p>Harveson, R.M. 2019. New studies for managing Fusarium root rot in dry beans. Bean Bag, Summer Issue. </p><br /> <p>Harveson, R.M. 2019. Bacterial wilt color variants, Bean Bag, Autumn Issue. </p><br /> <p>Harveson, R.M. 2019. Nebraska – A hotbed for new plant diseases. Scottsbluff Star-Herald, May 2019. </p><br /> <p>Harveson, R.M. 2019. Origin of the great northern bean. Scottsbluff Star-Herald, May 2019. </p><br /> <p>Harveson, R.M. 2019. Bacterial wilt – One for the Thumb (The Rest of the Story). Phytopathology News, October, 2019. </p><br /> <p>Harveson, R.M. 2019. The curious story of the reappearance of Goss’ wilt of corn and bacterial wilt of dry beans in the Central High Plains (The rest of the story). Phytopathology News, November, 2019. </p><br /> <p>Harveson, R.M. 2019. Did you know? The dry bean bacterial wilt pathogen can be different colors. Scottsbluff Star-Herald, September, 2019. </p><br /> <p>Harveson, R.M. 2019. Did you know? – Goss’ wilt of corn and bacterial wilt of dry beans both re-emerged in Nebraska at the same time after an absence of 25+ years. Scottsbluff Star-Herald, October, 2019.</p><br /> <p>Higgins, R., S.E. Everhart and J.R. Steadman, J. Kelly, M. Wunch, J. Myers, P. Miklas, E. Berghauer, and C. Urrea. 2019. New sources of white mold resistance derived from wide crosses in common bean and evaluated in the greenhouse and field using Multi-site screening nurseries. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 62: 27-28. </p><br /> <p>Heitholt, J., A. Pierson, C. Eberle, V. Sharma. 2019. Performance of Segregating Progeny from a Pinto-by-Pink Dry Bean Cross in the Bighorn Basin of Wyoming. Wyo. Agric. Exp. Stn. Field Day Bulletin.</p><br /> <p>Heitholt, J., C. Eberle, V. Sharma. 2019. Performance of Segregating Progeny from a Pinto-by-Pink Dry Bean Cross in SE Wyoming after Several Hail Storms. Wyo. Agric. Exp. Stn. Field Days Bulletin. </p><br /> <p>Jackson-Ziems, T.A., A.O. Adesemoye, R.M. Harveson, S.N. Wegulo, A. Timmerman, K. Broderick, S. Sivits, and T. Hartman. 2019. Plant disease management. Pages 241 281. In: 2019 Guide for weed, disease, and insect management in Nebraska. Nebraska Extension EC130. 342 pp. </p><br /> <p>Kamfwa, K., J.S. Beaver, K.A. Cichy and J.D. Kelly. 2018. QTL Mapping of resistance to bean weevil in common bean. Crop Sci. 58:1-9. </p><br /> <p>Kandel, H.J. J.M. Osorno, et al. 2019. North Dakota dry bean performance testing 2018. NDSU Ext. Serv. Doc. A-654, Fargo, ND. </p><br /> <p>Keith, J. and J. Heitholt. 2019. Potential of Seed Production of Photoperiod-Sensitive and Photoperiod-Insensitive Popping Bean Lines of Phaseolus vulgaris under Greenhouse Conditions during the Winter Months. Wyo. Agric. Exp. Stn. Field Days Bulletin. </p><br /> <p>Keith, J. and J. Heitholt. 2019. The Effect of Two Nitrogen Sources (and Rates) on Seed Yield of Six Greenhouse-Grown Common Bean Genotypes that Express the ‘Popping’ Trait. Wyo. Agric. Exp. Stn. Field Day Bulletin. </p><br /> <p>Kelly, J. D., Wright, E. M., Varner, G. V., Chilvers, M. I., & Sprague, C. L. (2019). ‘Coho’: A new light red kidney bean variety for Michigan [E3432]. East Lansing: Michigan State University, MSU Extension. </p><br /> <p>Kelly, J. D., Wright, E. M., Varner, G. V., & Sprague, C. L. (2019). ‘Cayenne’: A new small red bean variety for Michigan [E3405]. East Lansing: Michigan State University, MSU Extension.</p><br /> <p> Kelly, J. D., Wright, E. M., Varner, G. V., Chilvers, C. I., & Sprague, C. L. (2019). ‘Red Cedar’: A new dark red kidney bean variety for Michigan [E3404]. East Lansing: Michigan State University, MSU Extension. </p><br /> <p>Knodel, J. J., Beauzay, P. B., Endres, G. J., Franzen, D. W., Ikley J., Kandel, H, J., Markell, S. G., Osorno, J. M., and Pasche, J. S. 2019. 2018 Dry Bean Grower Survey of Production, Pest Problems and Pesticide Use in Minnesota and North Dakota. North Dakota Cooperative Extension Service Publication, E1902. 40 Pp. </p><br /> <p>Norton, J. and J. Heitholt. 2019. Sustainable Production Practices for Edible Dry Beans. Wyo. Agric. Exp. Stn. Field Day Bulletin. </p><br /> <p>Urrea, C.A., and E. Valentin-Cruzado. 2019, 2018 Nebraska dry bean variety trials. The Bean Bag 37(1): 11-20. </p><br /> <p>Urrea, C.A. 2019. National Cooperative Dry Bean Trial. 2019. The Bean Bag 37(2): 10-11. </p><br /> <p>Urrea, C.A., and E. Valentin-Cruzado. 2019. Comparison between regular and slow darkening pinto beans for water absorption, cooking time, and bean dough color. The Bean Bag 37(2): 13-14. </p><br /> <p>Urrea, C.A., and E. Valentin-Cruzado. 2018 Nebraska dry bean variety trials. The Bean Bag 37(1): 11-20. </p><br /> <p>Urrea, C.A., and E. Valentin-Cruzado. 2018 Nebraska dry bean variety trials. Nebraska Extension MP107. 12 p.</p><br /> <p>Urrea, C.A. 2019. 69th Annual report National Cooperative Dry Bean Nurseries. Crop Watch. <a href="https://cropwatch.unl.edu/2018%20CDBN%20Final.pdf">https://cropwatch.unl.edu/2018%20CDBN%20Final.pdf</a> </p><br /> <p>Urrea, C.A., and E. Valentin-Cruzado. 2018 Nebraska dry bean variety trials. Crop Watch. https://cropwatch.unl.edu/Varietytest DryBeans/2018%20Nebraska%20Dry%20Bean%20Variety%20Trials-Crop%20Watch%20revision%202.pdf</p>Impact Statements
- Regional Meetings, Outreach and Extension: Nebraska hosted two meetings with bean growers on February 13 and August 29, 2019. A total of 160 bean growers attended. Wyoming hosted one winter meeting and two summer field days covering dry bean and other crops. About 50 attended the winter meeting and there were over 100 attendees at each summer meeting. North Dakota held a Bean Day in January in Fargo, ND where results from this multistate project are shared with ~500 growers and stakeholders. We also had field days at Carrington and Minot ND in July where ~150 growers attended.
Date of Annual Report: 10/21/2020
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2019 - 09/30/2020
PARTICIPANTS via Zoom call
Branham, Sandra sebranh@clemson.edu – Clemson University, South Carolina
Brown, Judith jbrown@ag.arizona.edu - University of Arizona
Cichy, Karen karen.cichy@ars.usda.gov - USDA, ARS, East Lansing
Emmalea, Ernest emmalea@udel.edu – Delaware University
Estevez De Jensen Consueloconsuelo.estevez@upr.edu -University of Puerto Rico
Gang, David gangd@wsu.edu – Washington State University
Gomez, Francisco gomezfr1@msu.edu – Michigan State University
Gepts, Paul plgepts@ucdavis.edu - University of California, Davis
Griffiths, Phillip pdg8@cornell.edu - Cornell University
Harveson, Robert rharveson2@unl.edu – University of Nebraska
Heitholt, Jim Jim.Heitholt@uwyo.edu - University of Wyoming
Kasarev, Alex akarasev@uidaho.edu – University of Idaho
Mazourek, Michael mm284@cornell.edu – Cornell University
McClean, Phil (phillip.mcclean@ndsu.edu) - North Dakota State University
Miklas, Phil phil.miklas@ars.usda.gov - USDA, ARS, Prosser
Myers, Jim James.Myers@oregonstate.edu – Oregon State University
Munoz-Amatriain, Maria maria.munoz_amatriain@colostate.edu - Colorado State University
Osorno, Juan juan.osorno@ndsu.edu - North Dakota State University
Pastor, Corrales talo.pastor.corrales@ars.usda.gov - ARS, Beltsville, MD
Porch, Tim timothy.porch@ars.usda.gov - USDA, ARS, Mayaguez
Urrea, Carlos currea2@unl.edu - University of Nebraska
Venugopal, Kalavacharla vkalavacharla@desu.edu - Delaware State University
Winham, Donna dwinham@iastate.edu – Iowa State University
Brief Summary of Minutes
The meeting was called to order 8:00 am MST by Carlos Urrea, Chair, W-3150. Carlos Urrea welcomed everyone. A motion was passed to nominate Francisco Gomez to secretary. Motion passed and Francisco Gomez started serving as secretary immediately to record meeting minutes. Maria Munoz Amatriain, vice chair, will compile the final report.
A motion was made by Carlos Urrea and seconded to approve the minutes of the previous meeting.
David R Gang (Admin Advisor), provided administrative update. Dr. Gang’s comments included acknowledgement of the great group collaboration among members of this project, noted a change in the reporting process which includes the multi-state project, and emphasized the importance of the impact statement to make sure that the land grant mission is supported nationally. Juan Osorno commented that NDSU Ag. Research Station recently requested impact statements demonstrating the importance of these statements.
Presentation meeting summaries followed:
California: Paul Gepts -
This year’s activities have been impacted severely by COVID-19. After a stay-at-home order, first from the county and then statewide, the activities at UC Davis were strongly limited to online teaching and very focused research activities aiming at those experiments with time limitations, but always under guidelines of distancing, masking, and hygiene. Therefore, we were limited to the following field experiments: a) Cooperative Dry Bean Nursery of common bean; and b) Advanced generation testing of lima bean lines, with emphasis on large-seeded cultivars. These experiments have been harvested; yields and seed weights are being measured and analyzed. Furthermore, certain greenhouse and lab activities continued, including crossing blocks and evaluations of certain metabolites potentially involved in resistance to Lygus bug.
Colorado: Maria Munoz-Amatriain –
Colorado State University has participated in the evaluation of the Cooperative Dry Bean Nursery (CDBN), the Midwest Regional Performance Nursery (MRPN), and the Dry Bean Drought Nursery (DBDN). Nurseries were planted on June 8th at CSU’s Agricultural Research Development and Education Center (ARDEC). This has been an exceptional dry year in Colorado, and the DBDN has only received 1.12’’ of rainfall this season. Colorado State University also evaluates a Rust Nursery including 486 entries from ProVita, 30 lines from Michigan State University, and 8 lines from Dr. Timothy Porch. Rust inoculations were conducted on July 8, and scoring is expected to occur at the end of August with the help of Barry Ogg.
Delaware: Emmalea Ernest -
Two snap bean yield trials were conducted at University of Delaware’s research farm located in Georgetown. A June-planted trial was exposed to significant nighttime heat stress during flowering and a July-planted trial experienced more favorable weather conditions. These trials continue efforts to identify heat tolerant snap bean varieties suitable for production in the Mid-Atlantic region. PV 857 (Crites Seed) performed well in the heat stressed trial, as it has in past heat trials in Delaware. Bridger (HM Clause) had not been trialed in the past but did well in the 2020 heat trial. Most other entries produced low marketable yields under heat stress. Seventy-nine advanced lines from the University of Delaware lima bean breeding program were tested for yield and maturity. In the early-June planted trial several lines matured earlier than the earliest standard variety (Cypress, ADM), with the fastest maturing line harvested at 62 DAP, which was 7 days earlier than Cypress. Some of the early maturing lines are heat tolerant and/or resistant to root-knot nematode and lima bean downy mildew (Phytophthora phaseoli).
Venu (Kal) Kalavacharla -
Currently, we are interested in identifying drought-related factors in various common bean genotypes. To overcome limitations, such as drought, plants have evolved a strategy, employing reversible modifications of its genome by external factors, which affect gene expression changes without altering the genetic makeup. These external factors are categorized as epigenetic factors. In our present study, we are growing identical genotypes of common bean in various locations, with differing weather conditions, such as in Delaware and Nebraska. The present study is aimed to identify the direct effect of drought on the region of the genome and induced modification on the regulatory sequence of genes related to important traits in common bean. Epigenetic modifications, such as histone modifications, DNA methylations, Nucleosome positioning affect gene expression changes in response to environmental cues.
Idaho: Alexander V. Karasev -
A new strain of bean common mosaic virus (BCMV), named BCMV-A1, was collected from lima beans in Hawaii in 2017, with the sequence 93% identical to the peanut stripe virus strain of BCMV. BCMV-A1 induced an unusually severe systemic necrosis in cultivar ‘Dubbele Witte’, and pronounced necrotic or chlorotic reaction in inoculated leaves of five other bean differentials. BCMV-A1 was able to partially overcome resistance alleles bc-1 and bc-2 expressed singly in common bean, inducing no systemic symptoms. Phylogenetic analysis of the BCMV-A1 sequence, and distinct biological reactions in common bean differentials suggested that BCMV-A1 represented a new, lima bean strain of BCMV. In 2017, two BCMV isolates were collected in Idaho from common bean, and based on partial genome sequences were found 99% identical to the BCMV-A1 sequence. The data suggest that the lima bean strain of BCMV may have a wider circulation, including common bean as a host. This new strain of BCMV may thus pose a significant threat to common bean production.
Iowa: Donna Winham -
Iowa State University has conducted collaborative research with MSU on the short-term effects of three different formulations of 100% black bean consumption on glucose in 18 healthy young adults. The pastas were made from the same harvest of Zenith – thus bean variation was controlled for. One pasta was made using a standard milling process, and the other two were formulated using a new milling technology. The 3 pastas were similar in their effect with no significant differences in blood glucose changes despite the variation in macronutrient content and processing. Sensory and satiety data analysis are in process. A second collaborative project with Puerto Rico on the sensory evaluation of black tepary vs. black common bean was shut down with COVID in March. Two consumer bean related surveys were completed in Iowa. One with low-income men at food pantries indicated high knowledge of pulses, but low consumption. An Iowa State University campus wide survey on pulse uses found low consumption, and limited knowledge of pulses. One manuscript is under review and a second is in preparation.
Maryland: Talo Pastor-Corrales -
During 2020, an important objective of the ARS-USDA common bean project at the Beltsville Agricultural Research Center, Beltsville, Maryland, was to characterize new genes conferring resistance to the pathogens that cause the rust and anthracnose diseases of common bean. These genes are present on three Andean common bean accessions: G 19833, Beija Flor, and PI 260418. Among these, G 19833 appears to be exceptional in its resistance spectrum to the known races (virulent strains) of the bean rust and anthracnose pathogens. This accession was used to sequence the first reference genome of common bean. Thus, a large quantity of sequence information (BAC and cDNA libraries, SNP databases, gene expression profiles, etc.) is available for G 19833. So far, we have evaluated the reaction of G 19833 to 17 races (12 Mesoamerican and five Andean) of the rust pathogen. None of the known genes in common bean conferring resistance to the rust pathogen are resistant to all the races used in these studies. In addition, other sources of broad rust resistance with unnamed or unmapped rust resistance genes were also susceptible to one or more of the 17 races to which G 19833 was resistant. Equally important, G 19833 is also highly resistant to many Andean and Mesoamerican races of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum, the bean anthracnose pathogen. So far G 19833 has been evaluated as resistant to 14 races (10 Mesoamerican races and to four Andean) of C. lindemuthianum. Currently, G 19833 appears to have broader rust and anthracnose resistance than all known sources of rust and anthracnose resistance in common bean. During 2020, we have also studied the inheritance of rust resistance present in G 18933 and PI 260418 and the anthracnose resistance present in bean Beija Flor. The results suggest that a single and dominant gene confers rust resistance in G19833 and anthracnose resistance in Beija Flor. However, it appears that there are two different genes conferring rust resistance in PI 260418. The results from using bulk segregant analysis and the SNP chip suggest that the rust resistance gene in G 19833 and one of the genes in PI 260418 are positioned on chromosome Pv04. Similarly, the anthracnose resistance gene in Beija Flor was also positioned on the same Pv04 chromosome. Additional genomic technologies such sequencing, genotyping and fine mapping, are in progress with the purpose of developing KASP makers linked to the two rust resistance genes in G 19833 and PI 260418 and for the anthracnose resistance gene in Beija Flor. During 2020, we have also completed studies of the epistatic interactions between the Ur-3 and Ur-5 and between the Ur-4 and Ur-5 rust resistance genes in common bean. To that end we have used phenotypic and molecular markers. Both the phenotypic and KASP markers reveled that Ur-3 was epistatic to Ur-5 and that Ur-5 was epistatic is to Ur-4. In addition, we have continued our collaborations with scientists from universities in the US (Nebraska, North Dakota, Puerto Rico) to detect rust resistance genes in Pinto, Great northern, Black bean lines/cultivars developed by bean breeders from these universities.
Michigan: Francisco Gomez -
The MSU dry bean breeding and genetics program has conducted 17 yield trials in 2020 in ten market classes and participated in the growing and evaluation of the Cooperative Dry Bean, Midwest Regional Performance, National Drought and the National Sclerotinia Nurseries in Michigan and winter nursery in Puerto Rico. The nurseries were planted (5 June and between 17-18 June). Research updated was given on major QTL available for anthracnose resistance and available color retention markers. Four new bean varieties were planted in Idaho in 2020 for Initial breeder/foundation seed production. These include a black bean ‘ADAMS’, pinto bean ‘CHARRO’, great northern ‘EIGER’ and a yellow bean ‘YELLOWSTONE’.
Karen A. Cichy -
Relationship between cooking time and canning quality: The study was conducted to determine if cooking time influences canning quality in dry beans and whether reducing processing time could improve canning quality of fast‐cooking genotypes. A set of 20 yellow bean genotypes including Ervilha, PI527538 and 18 recombinant inbred lines with fast, moderate, or slow cooking times were canned across five retort times (10, 15, 20, 30, and 45 min). All genotypes performed better when processed for less time than the standard 45 min, but canning quality was highest at 10 min for fast‐ and medium‐cooking genotypes and 15 min for slow‐cooking genotypes. Cooking time was correlated positively with texture and intactness. Color changed with retort processing such that longer times produced darker beans with more red and yellow.
Nebraska: Carlos Urrea -
In 2020, the University of Nebraska Dry Bean Breeding Program coordinated the national CDBN and DBDN trials (24 and 25 lines, respectively) and participated in the WMMN and MRPN (including six Nebraska lines). The program is also conducting studies on bacterial wilt resistance. From the six generations of G16829/Raven (including both parental lines, F1s, F2s, and backcrosses to both parental lines), we found a segregation of 13 susceptible: 3 resistant. We are currently proofing this 13: 3 segregation in F5:6 RILs. The shuttle breeding program between Nebraska and Puerto Rico is releasing one pinto (SB-DT2) and one small red (SB-DT3) line. Both lines have drought tolerance and multiple disease resistance. The University of Nebraska Dry Bean Breeding Program is releasing one great northern (NE1-17-10) and one pinto (NE2-17-18) line. NE1-17-10 has an upright plant architecture and Ur-3 and SAP6 markers for rust and common bacterial blight resistance, respectively. NE2-17-18, a slow darkening pinto bean, has a semi-upright plant architecture, larger seed size, and SAP6 and Ur-11 markers for common bacterial blight and rust resistance, respectively. Breeder to foundation seed increases of NE1-17-10 and NE2-17-18 and breeder to breeder seed increases of NE1-17-36 (a great northern line), and NE2-17-37 and NE4-17-6 (slow darkening pinto lines) are being carried out at the Kimberley Experimental Station in Idaho.
New York: Griffiths, Phillip -
The Cornell University vegetable breeding program has developed new kidney bean breeding lines in several seed colors including purple kidney bean and black kidney bean. The high seed coat color retention trait has been introgressed into two new black bean lines BB6 and BB13. This trait enables improved color following canning/cooking with a glossy appearance against standards such as ‘Zenith’. A new mini-kidney bean has also been developed.
North Dakota: Juan Osorno -
Research activities within this project included collaborative work on: i) the Cooperative Dry Bean Nursery (CDBN) and the Midwest Regional Performance Nursery (MRPN), ii) winter nurseries, iii) development of germplasm with Multiple Disease Resistance (MDR) to rust, anthracnose, and common bacterial blight (CBB), iv) Development of a MAGIC population for white mold resistance. The Cooperative Dry Bean Nursery (CDBN) and the Midwest Regional Performance Nursery (MRPN) were planted at Hatton-ND and Staples-MN, with excellent quality of data. In collaboration with the Univ. of Puerto Rico-Mayaguez, a total of ~1800 early-generation lines (F3 to F5) were planted at the winter nursery at Isabela, Puerto Rico. On the genetics side, genome-wide association studies continue to allow the identification of genomic regions associated with resistance/tolerance to biotic/abiotic factors. For example, new genomic regions for resistance to white mold have been identified using a MAGIC population. Also, genomic regions associated with Uromyces appendiculatus, Rhizoctonia solani and Fusarium solani resistance as well as soybean cyst nematode have been found. Several Pythium (Globisporangium) species have been identified as causing root rot in ND and MN. A multiplex qPCR assay was developed for the detection of four bacterial pathogens of dry beans. Just this last year, three new dry bean cultivars were released for the North Dakota/Minnesota region: ND Falcon pinto has resistance to rust and soybean cyst nematode in addition to good agronomic performance. ND Pegasus great northern is a very upright and high yielding cultivar with excellent seed quality and good level of tolerance to white mold. ND Whitetail white kidney is a high yielding cultivar with high levels of resistance to bacterial diseases and white mold. With 92% of the total acreage planted with black beans, Eclipse is the most important cultivar used in the region for black bean production. However, Eclipse was released in 2005 and therefore, intensive efforts are underway to find a good replacement for Eclipse. A new black bean (ND Twilight) was released in early 2020. ND Palomino (released in 2017) continues to be one of the most commonly grown slow darkening pinto cultivars in the region. Talon dark red kidney and Rosie light red kidney (released in 2015) continue to show higher seed yields than the commercial checks given their agronomic performance and quality, as well as intermediate resistance to the root rot complex and bacterial blights. New potential sources of resistance/tolerance to both biotic and abiotic stress are identified each year by intensive evaluation and phenotyping/genotyping of germplasm from different bean production areas around the world. Examples include resistance/tolerance to rust, anthracnose, root rots, common bacterial blight, halo blight, white mold, waterlogging/flooding, among others (see publications for details). The NDSU dry bean breeding project is also educating/training the next generation of plant breeders that will continue making North Dakota’s agriculture highly competitive. Each year, at least one individual on average complete their graduate studies (either M.S. or Ph.D.) doing genetic and agronomic research relevant to dry bean production. New germplasm, improved breeding lines, and cultivars of major market classes have been developed and shared among the multistate project members. The continuous sharing of germplasm is critical for the sustained increase of genetic gains and resilience across all the dry bean breeding programs in the country. For example, just in 2019, three new cultivars have been released in North Dakota and Minnesota that include parental genotypes from other U.S. dry bean breeding programs. Germplasm exchange, tropical germplasm characterization and conversion have provided researchers with novel genes to broaden the genetic base of U.S. cultivars (e.g., new resistance genes to abiotic and biotic stresses). The extent and nature of genetic diversity of the pathogens causing economically important diseases in the U.S. have been obtained through a collaborative effort using phenotypic analysis and genome sequencing. All the recently developed diversity panels, including the Mesoamerican Diversity Panel (MDP), the Andean Diversity Panel (ADP), the Durango Diversity Panel (DDP), the BASE120 panel, the MA96 Mesoamerican drought panel, the Snap bean diversity panel (SnAP), and the Tepary bean Diversity Panel (TDP), continue providing a broad framework for rapidly advancing the discovery of novel alleles for agriculturally important traits and for the development of markers for marker assisted selection. This can be measured based on the high number of publications using any of these panels either alone or in combination with others. Genome resequencing efforts are underway in both the Middle American and Andean common bean gene pools with about ~200 lines from each gene pool. This data will allow for the development of a SNP chip with at least 200k SNPs. Dry bean scientists now have several reference genomes available for genetic studies and improvement, which will allow for more accurate mapping and dissection of specific gene functions and networks. Association mapping analysis (GWAS) and QTL analysis have been conducted using cutting edge technologies, such as genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) and the available SNP chips, to accelerate the genotyping efforts for the identification of key regions and markers for important traits. New genes for resistance/tolerance and nutritional attributes have been discovered. Concurrently, KASP, Indel and other breeder-friendly molecular markers for existing and new resistance alleles, abiotic stresses, and nutritional and processing quality traits are being generated from this multi-state project. Novel information on nutrition, canning quality and color retention, traits affecting the marketability, nutritional quality and health benefits of eating dry beans and snap beans are being generated. W-3150 members continue to share results from this project and learn from colleagues involved with other specific/regional research and extension projects funded in recent years by the USDA-NIFA, USAID and Specialty Crop Research Initiative (SCRI) regarding issues of relevance to the national bean industry.
Oregon: James R. Myers -
Approximately 10,000 A of snap beans are grown in western Oregon for processing. With the bankruptcy of Norpac in 2019, we are now down to one major processor (National Frozen Foods) in the region. This processor has picked up the acreage dropped by Norpac, so there has been no net loss in acreage. The vegetable breeding program at Oregon State University focuses about 50% time on snap bean breeding with the primary objective being the development and release of bush blue lake type green beans for western Oregon growers and processors. The primary research objective has been to identify and introgress white mold resistance into elite cultivars. GWAS of snap bean diversity panels has been used to identify white mold resistance QTL in snap beans and a MAGIC population is being created to recombine resistance QTL into commercially desirable snap bean lines. We participate in growing the National Sclerotinia Initiative nursery and screen lines submitted by private industry for this disease. In addition to the white mold research, we have projects on pod and leaf color, and chlorophyll content to determine the interaction of these factors on pod quality and plant productivity. Mainly, we are measuring traits in the Snap Bean Diversity Panel using a colorimeter, Multispeq and unmanned aerial systems to acquire data. Another project involves examination of the microbiome of recombinant inbred snap bean populations selected in parallel under organic and conventional production systems. A graduate student recently completed a thesis project on the persistent color (pc) trait in snap beans. This trait confers superior color to pods but has deleterious effects on germination. First found in Flageolet dry bean types, pc is a member of the stay-green gene family. Beans with this trait have pods that are uniformly dark green, foliage that remains green during senescence, seeds that are pale green and bleached white cotyledons upon emergence. The stay-green phenotype is caused by a disruption of chlorophyll catabolism during senescence. Our research objective was to understand why pc seeds show reduced emergence when planted in the field. Key to this study was the use of near isogenic pairs that were with white- or green-seeded as well as a pair that had white- vs. colored-seed. No differences in germination percentage were observed in the laboratory. Treatment with fungicides increased field germination and emergence, and in untreated seeds, infections with rhizoctonia were prevalent. Pc seeds had significantly higher electrical conductivity, more rapid imbibition and had more seed coat cracking during imbibition. When seed coat anatomy was observed microscopically, a significantly thinner osteosclereid layer was found in pc types compared to white- and colored-seeded types. Our model for why pc types show reduced field emergence is that the thinner seed coat allows more rapid water uptake, which causes mechanical stress across the seed. Seeds coats are inherently more fragile and crack more easily which allows early and copious solute leakage into the surrounding spermosphere. Pathogens sense these solutes, migrate to and rapidly colonize seeds before seedlings have had a chance to emerge. One potential solution to this problem is to select for pc types with thicker, less fragile testas. The OSU vegetable breeding program continues to work on dry beans. We have developed improved virus resistant Peruano (or Mayo Coba) beans for the nascent U.S. yellow bean market and for export to Mexico. We released ‘Patron’ which has resistance to BCMV and BCTV in a high yielding yellow bean background. It is being grown commercially in Idaho and Wyoming. We continue to work on lines with more intense yellow color combined with BCMV & BCTV resistance. There is a concerted effort in western Oregon to grow dry beans without irrigation and relying only on residual moisture from winter rains. We have contributed three black bean advanced lines derived from crosses to tepary beans for trial in the Dry Farm Project. This project has also sourced lines from the USDA-ARS-TARS tepary breeding program in Puerto Rico for their trials.
Puerto Rico.
Tim Porch- TARS-LH1, a broadly adapted pinto bean germplasm with resistance to the leafhopper pest was released with resistance to E. krameri and E. fabae in collaboration with MI and PR. A description of germplasm was published in JPR of two ADP that are being released in Tanzania, ‘Yunguilla’, tested as ADP-447, and Baetao-Manteiga, tested as ADP-190, a collaborative effort with WA, Tanzania and South Africa. TARS-Tep 23 (Phaseolus acutifolius) with broad drought and heat adaptation and resistance to CBB and rust will be released in collaboration with PR, NE, CA, and Honduras. TARS-Tep 93 with improved culinary characteristics and with leaf hopper resistance and tolerance to BGYMV will be released in collaboration with PR, MI, IA, MD, and the Dominican Republic. The NE and PR shuttle breeding program will be releasing a small red and pinto with drought tolerance. A phylogenetic analysis on angular leaf spot, caused by Pseudocercospora griseola, using isolates from Puerto Rico, Central America and Tanzania confirmed the existence of the Afro-Andean clade. Sources of resistance to angular leaf spot were also identified in common bean through greenhouse screening.
Consuelo Estevez -
Released the white bean cultivar ‘Bella’ and the black bean cultivar ’Hermosa‘ that combine resistance to major bean diseases found in the Caribbean with superior performance in low N soils. Promising pink and a pinto bean breeding lines with resistance to BGYMV, BCMV and BCMNV are in advanced stages of testing and are potential candidates for release as improved germplasm or cultivars. Plant pathological research dealing with root and stem rot, common bacterial blight and angular leaf spot pathogens has contributed to the identification of bean genotypes with resistance to important diseases that limit bean production in the tropics. Dry bean winter nurseries are a cooperative activity of Regional Hatch Project W-3150. During the 19-20 winter growing season, the nursery included 5,145 bean breeding lines from Michigan State University, the University of Nebraska, North Dakota State University and the USDA-ARS. Project personnel were authors or co-authors of ten publications that included a book chapter entitled “Genomic designing of climate-smart pulse crops” and a feature article in the J. of Agric. of the University of Puerto Rico that describes bean research contributions in Puerto Rico during the past century. Early Generation Nurseries: F3 and F4 lines derived from crosses between elite lines having traits of economic value such as disease resistance and/or tolerance to abiotic stress were planted at the Isabela Substation. Pedigree selection was used to choose adapted individual plants with good pod set, erect growth habit and absence of disease symptoms. Individual plant selections were made from these nurseries based on seed type and agronomic traits including seed yield potential. The most promising F4 lines will be screened in the greenhouse for resistance to BCMNV and the presence of molecular markers for BGYMV, BCMNV, common bacterial blight (CBB) and rust resistance. Advanced Generation Nurseries: During 2019, several performance trials of promising bean breeding lines, that include elite pink bean and white bean breeding lines with resistance to BGYMV, BCMNV, CBB and ALS (white lines) were planted in field trials at the Isabela Substation. Pink bean and white lines were identified and mean seed yields > 2,000 kg/ha. Snap bean breeding lines developed between a cross of a source of BGYMV and BCMV resistance and a snap bean with heat tolerance were advanced to the F5 generation in trials planted at the Isabela Substation. These lines were screened with molecular markers for BGYMV and in the greenhouse for resistance to BCMV. Lines were selected that have the bgm gene and the SW12 QTL for BGYMV resistance. These lines will be tested in the field in 2021. Yield trials of Andean and Mesoamerican bean breeding lines that combine resistance to bruchids and diseases were planted at the Isabela in 2019. Andean lines that yielded as well as the light red kidney bean cultivar ‘Badillo’ were identified. Black, dark red and white bean lines with bruchid resistance and genes for resistance to BGYMV, BCMV and BCMNV also performed well. W-3150 Dry Bean Winter Nursery: In December 2018, the project planted 5,145 bean breeding lines from the USDA-ARS, Michigan State University, the University of Nebraska and North Dakota State University in winter nurseries as a cooperative activity of Regional Hatch Project W-3150. A few lines with traits of economic value were selected from the winter nursery for use as parents in the UPR bean breeding program. The Cooperative Dry Bean Nursery was planted at Isabela, Puerto Rico in January 2019. Local white bean cultivar ‘Bella’ and two pinto bean lines from Puerto Rico produced seed yields similar to elite bean cultivars from the U.S. Cultivar and Germplasm releases: A paper describing the release of the pinto bean lines PR1572-19 and PR1572-26 was published in the J. Plant Reg. A paper identifying recent releases of bean cultivars in Central America and the Caribbean was published in the 2020 Annual Report of the Bean Improvement Cooperative. Screening against Fusarium solani: The virulence of Fusarium solani isolate ISA-Fs-008 was characterized in the BASE 120 nursery. The severity in four plants form each genotype ranged from 1 to 7 and the genotypes with no visible symptoms of F. solani infection were: SEQ 342-39, SEQ 342-89, G21212, MEN 2201-64ML, SB2-170, RCB-593 and FBN 1205-31. Nodulation data was also recorded.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:00 PM MST. Due to time constraints, station reports from Washington and Wyoming were not presented.
<p>Sort-term Outcomes:</p><br /> <p>The W-3150 project produced a number of short-term outcomes benefitting stakeholders in the bean industry, among them:</p><br /> <p>A new black bean variety, ‘Zenith’, is grown on 50% of black bean acreage in Michigan and is replacing ‘Zorro’ that was formerly grown on 90% of black bean acreage. Both varieties allow direct harvesting, reducing grower costs. Estimated increase in value is $5 million per year based on a 10% yield advantage and time and equipment savings.</p><br /> <p>About 8% of great northern bean acreage in western Nebraska and the surrounding area is planted with ‘Panhandle Pride’; more seed of ‘Coyne’ and ‘Panhandle Pride’ will be available in 2021. About 1,200 dry bean producers in western Nebraska and eastern Colorado have access to dry bean varieties with multiple disease resistance and drought/heat tolerance, enabling them to reduce production costs and increase net income.</p><br /> <p>‘ND Palomino’ (2017 release) continues to be one of the most commonly grown slow darkening pinto cultivars in the North Dakota region. ‘Talon’, dark red kidney, and ‘Rosie’, light red kidney, (2015 releases) continue to out yield commercial cultivars, have desirable agronomic qualities, and intermediate resistance to the root rot complex and bacterial blights.</p><br /> <p>Oregon State University release (2018) ‘Patron’, a virus resistant and high yielding Peruano type yellow seeded bean, was commercially grown in Idaho and Wyoming in 2019 and 2020.</p><br /> <p><br />Outputs:</p><br /> <p>The W-3150 researchers produced a number of longer-term outputs benefitting the bean industry and the breeding community, among them:</p><br /> <p>Releases</p><br /> <p>California: Previous research with organic sectors led to the development and release of 6 heirloom lines (UC Four Corners Red, UC Sunrise, UC Southwest Red, UC Rio Zape, UC Southwest, UC Tiger’s Eye) with high yield and resistance to bean common mosaic virus (BCMV, I gene).</p><br /> <p>Michigan: Produced foundation and certified seed of two new varieties with excellent canning quality and uniform maturity, ‘Zenith’ (a high-yielding, disease resistant, upright full-season black bean with superior color retention following canning) and ‘Alpena’ (an upright navy bean with natural dry down at maturity). In 2020, Michigan State University released four cultivars: ‘Adams’ (high-yielding, upright, full-season black bean with anthracnose resistance and acceptable canning quality), ‘Charro’ (high-yielding, upright, full-season pinto bean with excellent canning quality), ‘Eiger’ (high-yielding, upright, full-season great northern bean with anthracnose resistance and acceptable canning quality), and ‘Yellowstone’ (determinate, virus resistant yellow bean with highly desirable vibrant dry seed coat color).</p><br /> <p>Nebraska: ‘Kikatiti,’ a pinto bean cultivar with high yield potential and multiple disease resistance developed by the dry bean breeding program at the University of Nebraska, Agricultural Research Division, was co-released with Sokoine University of Agriculture in Morogoro, Tanzania in 2020. It will positively impact dry bean production in Tanzania.</p><br /> <p>North Dakota: North Dakota State University has released six cultivars for the North Dakota/Minnesota region since 2014. Releases in 2019 include ‘ND Falcon’ (pinto with rust and soybean cist nematode resistance and good agronomic performance), ‘ND Pegasus’ (upright high yielding great northern with excellent seed quality and good white mold tolerance), and ‘ND Whitetail’ (high yielding white kidney with high bacterial disease and white mold resistance). Efforts are underway to develop a replacement for ‘Eclipse’ (released in 2005), the most important black bean cultivar in the region.</p><br /> <p>Puerto Rico: ‘Bella’ (white bean) and ‘Hermosa’ (black bean), cultivars with resistance to major Caribbean bean diseases and superior performance in low N soils were released. TARS-LH1, abroadly adapted pinto bean germplasm with resistance to leafhoppers and E. krameri and E. fabae, was released in collaboration with Michigan. Two lines produced through the shuttle breeding process, SB-DT2 (pinto) and SB-DT3 (small red), will be released as sources of drought tolerance and multiple disease resistance.</p><br /> <p>Washington: ‘USDA Rattler’ (PT11-13-31) a new pinto cultivar with drought and low fertility tolerance and the I and bc-3 genes for BCMV resistance and Ur-3 and Ur-11 genes for rust resistance were released. Two RILs from the Rojo/CAL 143 population with HBB4.1, HBB5.1, and Pse-2 for resistance to halo blight, QTL for rust resistance, protected I gene, and moderate resistance to Angular leaf spot (ALS, Pseudocercospora griseola) are pending release.</p><br /> <p>Publications</p><br /> <p>W-3150 collaborators authored or co-authored 56 referred (journal articles and a book chapter) and 48 non-referred publications. The latter included Bean Improvement Cooperative publications, extension publications, bean industry publications, meeting abstracts, and newspaper articles. Additional means of dissemination/outreach to stakeholders (growers/industry) and the bean breeding community include presentations and discussions at scientific and industry meetings, field days, and use of websites.</p><br /> <p>Student Training/Degrees</p><br /> <p>The W-3150 also provided the opportunity for students to receive training in bean breeding and to conduct thesis/dissertation research. This includes one undergraduate and two PhD students at the University of Nebraska, one MS student at the University of Idaho (2019 graduate), two MS and two undergraduate students at Iowa State University, and an average of one MS or PhD student completing their graduate studies per year at North Dakota State University.</p><br /> <p>Activities:</p><br /> <p>CALIFORNIA<br />University of California, Davis<br />A previously developed large recombinant inbred population (n~230, sequenced using Genotyping-By-Sequencing) was used to develop the first molecular map and conduct the first QTL analysis of lima bean. Traits mapped included determinacy and cyanide amounts. This map was integrated into an international effort to sequence the lima bean genome; this reference sequence is included in Phytozome version 13. This year’s activities were limited because of COVID-19 restrictions. Field experiments included the common bean Cooperative Dry Bean Nursery (CDBN) and lima bean advanced generation testing, emphasizing large-seeded cultivars. Data measurement/analysis are in progress. Certain greenhouse and lab activities continued, including crossing blocks and evaluating metabolites involved in Lygus bug resistance.</p><br /> <p>COLORADO<br />Colorado State University<br />Colorado State University participated in the 2020 CDBN, Midwest Regional Performance Nursery (MRPN), and Dry Bean Drought Nursery (DBDN). Conditions were exceptionally dry; the DBDN only received 1.23’’ of rainfall in the non-irrigated part of the field. Researchers also evaluated a Rust Nursery (486 entries from ProVita, 30 lines from Michigan State University, 8 lines from Puerto Rico); rust resistance/susceptibility and yield data were collected. Colorado State University Crops Testing evaluated bean lines from several W-3150 collaborators at Lucerne, CO; a virtual Dry Bean Field Day was held.</p><br /> <p>DELAWARE<br />University of Delaware<br />Researchers conducted two yield trials to identify heat tolerant snap bean varieties for production in the Mid-Atlantic region. ‘’PV 857’ (Crites Seed) and ‘Bridger’ (HM Clause) performed well in the 2020 heat stressed trial; most other entries produced low yields. Seventy-nine advanced lima bean lines were tested for yield and maturity. Several matured earlier than the earliest standard variety (‘Cypress’, ADM); the fastest matured 7 days earlier than ‘Cypress’. Some early maturing lines were heat tolerant and/or resistant to root-knot nematode and lima bean downy mildew (Phytophthora phaseoli).<br />Delaware State University<br />Previous research explored epigenomic changes caused by fungal pathogen stress using sodium bisulfite sequencing (BS-seq) to identify methylated cytosines across the common bean genome with the goal of correlating methylation patterns with resistance and susceptibility profiles of common bean genotypes. Current research focuses on drought-related epigenetic factors in various common bean genotypes. This involves growing identical common bean genotypes in locations with differing weather conditions (e.g. Delaware and Nebraska) to explore direct effects of drought on important traits and epigenetic modifications of gene expression in response to environmental cues. Findings may assist in breeding high yielding environmentally adaptable common bean genotypes.</p><br /> <p>IDAHO<br />University of Idaho<br />Recent research focused on a new strain of BCMV, BCMV-A1. BCMV-A1 induced severe systemic necrosis in cultivar ‘Dubbele Witte’ and pronounced necrotic or chlorotic reaction in inoculated leaves of five other bean differentials. BCMV-A1 partially overcame resistance alleles bc-1 and bc-2 expressed singly in common bean, inducing no systemic symptoms. Phylogenetic analysis and distinct biological reactions in common bean differentials, suggest that BCMV-A1 is a new lima bean strain of BCMV. In 2017, Partial genome sequences of two BCMV isolates collected from common bean in Idaho (2107) were 99% identical to the BCMV-A1 sequence. This new strain of BCMV may pose a significant threat to common bean production.</p><br /> <p>IOWA<br />Iowa State University <br />ISU researchers are studying the health benefits and consumer acceptability of beans. Studies include evaluating knowledge, attitudes, and practices regarding bean consumption and evaluating glycemic response, satiety, and gastrointestinal symptoms associated with consumption of bean foods (e.g. pasta). Findings will help support expansion of bean production and aid in developing approaches to increase bean consumption.</p><br /> <p>MARYLAND<br />USDA-ARS<br />Researchers evaluated common bean landraces for broad resistance to rust (Uromyces appendiculatus) and anthracnose (Colletotrichum lindemuthianum) pathogens. Andean landrace, G19833 (Chaucha Chuga), showed broader resistance to rust than all known rust resistance genes in common bean and resistance to 14 races of the anthracnose pathogen. G 2333, with three anthracnose resistance genes, showed resistance to all but one known race of C. lindemuthianum and appears to be one of the best sources of broad resistance to rust and anthracnose. Researchers also studied inheritance of rust (G 18933, PI 260418) and anthracnose resistance (Beija Flor), using phenotypic and molecular markers to study epistatic interactions between rust resistance genes, and using genomic technologies and fine mapping to map the positions of the rust and anthracnose resistance genes and develop KASP markers.</p><br /> <p>MICHIGAN<br />Michigan State University and USDA-ARS<br />In 2020, Michigan State University conducted 17 yield trials (10 market classes) and participated in the CDBN, MRPN, DBDN, and Sclerotinia Initiative (SIN) nurseries in Michigan and winter nurseries in Puerto Rico. USDA-ARS performed breeding trials in four market classes (cranberry, kidney, yellow, black) and organic beans. Introgression and screening to breed anthracnose resistance into large-seeded beans (e.g. kidney, yellow beans) continued. Four new varieties were planted in Idaho for breeder/foundation seed production. Ongoing research to enhance N-fixation in black beans indicates that N-fixation can be increased by selecting for yield under low N soils; it also identified varieties with equivalent or higher yield potential under low N conditions. Other research explored relationships between cooking time and canning quality. All genotypes studied performed better when processed for less time than the standard 45 min.; cooking time affected texture, intactness, and color.</p><br /> <p>NEBRASKA<br />University of Nebraska<br />In 2020, the UNL dry bean breeding program conducted variety trials and participated in the CDBN, MRPN, DBDN, White Mold Monitor Nursery (WMMN), yellow bean panel screening (Dr. Cichy), and ongoing shuttle breeding program with Puerto Rico (4th cycle). Other studies identified tepary beans with resistance to eight of the most representative rust races in the US; four domesticated accessions (G40142, G40148, G40161, G40237A) and two improved lines (TARS-Tep 22 and Tep 23) were immune to all eight races. Bacterial wilt research continues. Evaluation of a G18829/Raven RIL population (303 lines) revealed a 13 susceptible: 3 resistant susceptibility ratio; mapping bacterial wilt resistance is in progress. Foundation to foundation (great northern: ‘Coyne’ & ‘Panhandle Pride’), breeder to foundation (great northern: NE1-17-10, slow darkening pinto: NE2-17-18), and breeder to breeder (great northern: NE1-17-36, slow darkening pintos, NE2-17-37 & NE4-17-6) seed increases were performed. Collaborations with University of Nebraska plant pathologist, Dr. Harveson, include: evaluating Phaseolus breeding lines and germplasm for resistance to bacterial diseases, evaluating new and alternative products/applications for managing rust, white mold, root rot, bacterial and fungal diseases, and evaluating the potential for pathogens associated with new pulse crops to become disease problems in dry beans.</p><br /> <p>NEW YORK<br />Cornell AgriTech<br />Research focus includes developing dry beans with improved seed-coat color and evaluating nutritional components. Promising lines include two new black bean breeding lines BB6 and BB13 (color retention), kidney bean lines Cornell LRK-6, Cornell DRK-1 and Cornell 612 (yield, upright, white mold tolerance), dark red lines DRK-1 (earlier maturity, high yields) and LRK-6 (high yields), and black kidney bean BK33 (color retention, canning quality). DRK-1 and LRK-6 were crossed to develop earlier maturing dark red kidneys with high canning quality and high yield. Other efforts include introgressing novel colors into kidney beans (producing 14 color types) and developing new upright light red kidney and dark red kidney breeding lines to improve yield and tolerance to white mold and other diseases. Promising upright selections include UPRK45 (purple), UPRK27 (pink), and UPRK49 (chestnut); increases, advances, and crossing continue. Selection continues toward developing kidney bean varieties for New York that can be planted at higher density with reduced disease spread and easier cultivation.</p><br /> <p>NORTH DAKOTA<br />North Dakota State University<br />The North Dakota State University dry bean breeding program continues to test and screen thousands of early generation genotypes, hundreds of preliminary and advanced breeding lines, commercial cultivars, and other genotypes and conduct Dry Bean Variety Trials every year in North Dakota and Minnesota. Research includes developing slow darkening pintos, waterlogging/flooding tolerance, and resistance to diseases [e.g. root rots, rust, anthracnose, common bacterial blight (CBB); a collaboration with Dr. Pasche], improving plant architecture (upright), studying soybean cyst nematode infection in dry bean, and exploring variation in seed nutritional content by cultivar and location. Association mapping of important traits (GWAS) and other genomic tools are underway (a collaboration with Dr. McClean). Greenhouse screenings have identified genotypes with improved resistance to rust, white mold, CBB, and anthracnose.</p><br /> <p>OREGON <br />Oregon State University<br />The main focus of the Oregon State University snap bean breeding program is identifying and introgressing white mold resistance into elite cultivars. Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) of snap bean diversity panels identified 39 regions associated with white mold resistance. Accessions with the highest genomic breeding values are being used to create two 8-parent MAGIC populations to facilitate recombination of snap bean resistance QTL; one population includes snap beans, the other includes both snap and dry beans to make the resistance QTL available for dry bean breeding. The snap bean project is also investigating effects of pod and leaf color and chlorophyll content on pod quality and plant productivity; 2 years of data have been acquired and being prepared for analysis and GWAS. A recently completed project on the persistent color (pc) trait in snap beans revealed the basis for poor germination of these types compared to white- and colored-seeded snap beans under field conditions. Oregon State University also participated in the common bean national SIN, provided a field nursery for screening for white mold resistance, and contributed three advanced black bean lines derived from crosses to tepary beans to the Dry Farm Project (trials also include lines from the USDA-ARS-TARS tepary breeding program in Puerto Rico).</p><br /> <p>PUERTO RICO<br />University of Puerto Rico<br />Early generation plants (F3 and F4) were selected based on seed type and agronomic traits; promising F4 lines will be screened for resistance to bean common mosaic necrosis virus (BCMNV) and the presence of resistance markers for bean golden yellow mosaic virus (BGYMV), BCMNV, CBB, and rust. Advanced generation pink and white bean breeding lines with multiple disease resistance (BGYMV, BCMNV, CBB, ALS) were evaluated in performance trials; mean seed yields were > 2,000 kg/ha. Yield trials identified Andean lines yielding as well as ‘Badillo’ (light red kidney) and promising black, dark red, and white bean lines with bruchid resistance and disease resistance genes for BGYMV, BCMV, and BCMNV. W-3150 Dry Bean Winter Nurseries included lines from the USDA-ARS, Michigan State University, University of Nebraska, and North Dakota State University; lines with desirable traits were selected for use in the University of Puerto Rico bean breeding program. The University of Puerto Rico participated in the CDBN; local white bean cultivar ‘Bella’ and two pinto bean lines yielded similar to elite US cultivars. Fusarium solani screenings characterized isolate ISA-Fs-008 and identified genotypes without symptoms (SEQ 342-39, SEQ 342-89, G21212, MEN 2201-64ML, SB2-170, RCB-593, FBN 1205-31). Snap bean breeding lines were advanced to F5 and screened for molecular markers and resistance; those with the bgm gene and the SW12 QTL for BGYMV resistance will be field tested.<br />USDA-ARS-TARS, Mayaguez, PR<br /> ‘Yunguilla’ (tested as ADP-447) and Baetao-Manteiga (tested as ADP-190) are being released in Tanzania, a collaborative effort with Washington, Tanzania and South Africa. TARS-Tep 23 (Phaseolus acutifolius) with broad drought and heat adaptation and resistance to CBB and rust will be released in collaboration with Puerto Rico, Nebraska, California, and Honduras. TARS-Tep 93 with improved culinary characteristics and leaf hopper resistance and tolerance to BGYMV will be released in collaboration with Puerto Rico, Michigan, Iowa, Maryland, and the Dominican Republic. The Nebraska and Puerto Rico shuttle breeding program will be releasing a small red and pinto with drought tolerance. A phylogenic analysis of ALS using isolates from Puerto Rico, Central America and Tanzania confirmed the existence of the Afro-Andean clade; greenhouse screening identified sources of ALS resistance in common bean.</p><br /> <p>WASHINGTON <br />USDA-ARS, Prosser, WA<br />USDA-WA identified new markers for MAS of rust resistance genes Ur-3, Ur-7, and Ur-11. Physical position for Ur-7 is between Ur-3 and Ur-11. Ur-3 and Ur-11 combinations exist but not Ur-3 and Ur-7 or Ur-7 and Ur-11, likely because of the tighter linkages. Researchers also determined that 5 bp deletion in a NAC gene is the likely causative mutation for bgm-1 gene. Characterizing the bc-u (3 loci) BCMV resistance gene continues; two of the genes are well characterized, the third is in progress. Researchers found two distinct mutations (Michigan Navy Robust, Durango Landrace). Research with the BAT 93 EMS tilling population revealed that while BAT 93 has the I gene for BCMV resistance, one mutant line has the I gene knocked out, making it susceptible to BCMV; deep resequencing is being used to identify the mutation that knocked out the I gene. Nebraska pinto, ‘Kikatiti’ (DDP-94), has I, bc-3, Ur-3, Ur-11, and SAP6 QTL for moderate CBB resistance, performs okay against ALS, and has upright architecture. USDA-WA also participated in the 2020 CDBN, BWMN, and DBDN.</p><br /> <p>WYOMING<br />University of Wyoming, Powell REC, and Department of Plant Sciences<br />Line development and progeny advancement continues with selections made from F3 progeny from about 20 crosses. Seed increases included five popping (nuña) beans lines (bred by Colorado State University and the University of Wisconsin). Other researchers (University of Wyoming, Washington State system) are performing additional yield trials and cooking and sensory analysis with this seed. About one fourth of the University of Wyoming breeding program focuses on popping beans; greenhouse work with photoperiod sensitive lines is in progress. The University of Wyoming participated in the CDBN; early July and late August hailstorms caused slight damage. Screening genotypes for tolerance to low soil N and P continues. Trials with six F5 progeny (sister) lines (Long’s Peak-by-UI537 cross), the parents, and three commercial checks did not detect any fertilizer by genotype interactions. Mean yield (4090 lbs./acre) and soil/leaf blade N/P concentrations were not affected by fertilizer, however, leaf blade N, P, K, Ca, Zn, Mn, Cu, Fe, and B concentrations differed among genotypes. Yields of the F5 progeny lines were competitive with all entries except La Paz; a negative correlation between yield and canopy temperature at some sampling dates suggests that low canopy temperature may be able to serve as a selection criterion. Several years of N fertilization (+/-) studies have not found N-by-genotype interactions (multiple plant traits evaluated). Other researchers have identified genotypes that are more N-use-efficient; crosses with these lines are yet to begin. Ongoing row spacing studies (7-inch vs. 22-inch) documented an 8-15% yield increase with 7 inch rows; spacing by genotype interactions varied between years (none in one year, La Paz but not Poncho responding to narrow rows in the other). These trials also evaluated seeding and irrigation rates (results not included). A newly initiated study is evaluating the effect of planting date (optimal, borderline, late) on six cultivars with differing in maturity.</p><br /> <p><br />Milestones:</p><br /> <p>Michigan: Researchers found that faster cooking bean genotypes require less retort processing time than genotypes with longer cooking times. Considering cooking time as a component of canning quality is recommended so breeders can develop varieties that are convenient and cost efficient for preparation for both consumers and the canning industry.</p><br /> <p>Nebraska: After nearly a decade of field research testing new chemicals for control of bacterial diseases, a manuscript on copper-alternatives was published in 2019. It was the first published work showing the efficacy of these products on dry beans and serves as a baseline on this topic. Efforts are now expanding to evaluate these products for managing fungal diseases. A 2020 article on bacterial wilt recognized the University of Nebraska Panhandle Research and Extension Center plant pathology and dry bean breeding programs as authorities on this disease.</p><br /> <p>Puerto Rico: Plant pathology research on root and stem rot, CBB, and ALS pathogens contributed to identifying bean genotypes with resistance to important diseases that limit bean production in the tropics.</p><br /> <p>Wyoming: Research evaluating cultivar interactions with planting configuration suggest that upright varieties may be better suited to narrow-row culture (15-inch or less). Therefore, current breeding efforts focus on developing lines with morphology that is better suited for narrow-row culture.</p><br /> <p>Plans for the Coming Year:</p><br /> <p>This is the final report for W-3150. This multi-state collaboration will continue as W-4150: “Breeding Phaseolus Beans for Resilience, Sustainable Production, and Enhanced Nutritional Value.”</p>Publications
<p><b>Refereed-Publications</b></p><br /> <p>Acevedo, M., Pixley, K., Nkulumo, Z., Meng, S., Tufan, H., Cichy, K.A., Bizikova, L., Issacs, K., Ghezzi-Kopel, K. 2020. A scoping review of adoption of climate-resilient crops by small-scale producers in low-and middle-income countries. Nature Plants, 6(10), 1231-1241.</p><br /> <p>Addy, S. N., Cichy, K. A., Adu-Dapaah, H., Asante, I. K., Emmanuel, A., & Offei, S. K. 2020. Genetic Studies on the Inheritance of Storage-Induced Cooking Time in Cowpeas [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp]. Frontiers in Plant Science, 11, 444.</p><br /> <p>Alvares, R. C., H. S. Pereira, L. C. Melo, P. N. Miklas, and P. G. S. Melo. 2020. Induction of seed coat darkening in common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) and the association with cooking time after storage. Austral. J. Crop Sci. 14:21-27.</p><br /> <p>Alvares, R. C., R. Stonehouse, T. L. P. Oliveria, P. G. Melo, P. N. Miklas, K. E. Bett, L. Melo, L. A. Rodrigues, L. L. Souza, and H. S. Pereira. 2019. Generation and validation of genetic markers for the selection of carioca dry bean genotypes with the slow darkening seed coat trait. Euphytica 215: 141. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10681-019-2461-y</p><br /> <p>Bassett, A., Dolan, K., and Cichy, K.A. 2020 Reduced retort processing time improves canning quality of fast-cooking dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture https://doi.org/10.1002/jsfa.10444</p><br /> <p>Beaver J.S., González A., Godoy-Lutz G., Rosas, J.C., Hurtado-González, O.P., Pastor-Corrales, M.A. and T.G. Porch. 2020. Registration of PR1572-19 and PRPR1572-26 pinto bean germplasm lines with broad resistance to rust, BGYMV, BCMV, and BCMNV. J. Plant Regist. 2020;1–7. https:doi.org/1010002/plr2.20027.</p><br /> <p>Beaver, J.S., González, A. Godoy-Lutz, G., Rosas, J.C., Hurtado-Gonzales, O.P., Pastor-Corrales, M.A., Porch, T.G. 2020. Registration of PR1572-19 and PR1572-26 pinto bean germplasm lines with broad resistance to rust, BGYMV, BCMV, and BCMNV. J. Plant Reg.: 1-7. DOI: 10.1002/plr2.20027.</p><br /> <p>Berny Mier y Teran J, Konzen E, Palkovic A, Tsai S, Gepts P. 2020. Exploration of the yield potential of Mesoamerican wild common beans from contrasting eco-geographic regions by nested recombinant inbred populations. Frontiers in Plant Science 11:346 doi: 10.3389/fpls.2020.00346</p><br /> <p>Berny Mier y Teran JC, Konzen ER, Palkovic A, Tsai SM, Rao IM, Beebe S, Gepts P. 2019. Effect of drought stress on the genetic architecture of photosynthate allocation and remobilization in pods of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.), a key species for food security. BMC Plant Biol 19:171 doi: 10.1186/s12870-019-1774-2</p><br /> <p>Berry, M., Izquierdo, P., Jeffery, H., Shaw, S., Nchimbi-Msolla, S., Cichy, KA. 2020 QTL analysis of cooking time and quality traits in dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) Theoretical and Applied Genetics Jul;133(7):2291-2305. doi: 10.1007/s00122-020-03598-w.</p><br /> <p>Bornowski, N., Q. Song, and J. D. Kelly. 2020. QTL mapping of post-processing color retention in two black bean populations. Theor. Appl. Genet. doi: 10.1007/s00122-020-03656-3</p><br /> <p>Bulyaba, R., D. M. Winham, A. W. Lenssen, K. J. Moore, J.D. Kelly, M. A. Brick, E. M. Wright, and J. B. Ogg. 2020. Genotype by environment effects on yield and seed nutrient composition of common bean. Agronomy 10:347; doi:10.3390/agronomy10030347</p><br /> <p>Cichy, K., J. A. Wiesinger, M. Berry; S. Nchimbi-Msolla, D. Fourie, T. G. Porch, D. Ambechew, and P. N. Miklas. 2019. The role of genotype and production environment in determining the cooking time of dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). Legume Science 1: e13. https://doi.org/10.1002/leg3.13</p><br /> <p>Cominell. E., Galimbert, M., Pongrac, P., Landoni, M., Losa, A., Paolo, D., Daminati, M.G., Bollini, R., Cichy, K.A., Vogel-Mikus, K., Sparvoli, F. 2020 Calcium redistribution induces hard-to-cook phenotype and increases PHA-L lectin thermal stability in common bean low phytic acid 1 mutant seeds. Food Chemistry, 321:126680 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2020.126680</p><br /> <p>Das, S., Plyler-Harveson, T., Santra, D. K., Harveson, R. M, Nielsen, K. A. 2020. A longitudinal study on morpho-genetic diversity of pathogenic Rhizoctonia solani from sugar beet and dry beans of western Nebraska. BMC Microbiology (accepted - in press).</p><br /> <p>De Ron, A.M., V. (K.) Kalavacharla, S. Álvarez-García, P. A. Casquero, G. Carro-Huelga, S. Gutiérrez, A. Lorenzana, S. Mayo-Prieto, A. Rodríguez-González, V. Suárez-Villanueva, A. P. Rodiño, J. S. Beaver, T. Porch, M. Z. Galván, M. C. Gonçalves Vidigal, M. Dworkin, A. Bedmar Villanueva and L. De la Rosa. 2019. Common bean genetics, breeding, and genomics for adaptation to changing to new agri-environmental conditions p. 1-106. In Genomic designing of climate-smart pulse crops. Chittaranjan Kole (ed.). Springer, New York, NY.</p><br /> <p>Dramadri, I.O., W. Amongi, J. D. Kelly, and C. M. Mukankusi. 2020. Genome-wide association analysis of resistance to Pythium ultimum in common bean. Plant Breeding doi: 10.1111/pbr.12855</p><br /> <p>Feng, X., *Orellana, G.E., Green, J.C., Melzer, M.J., Hu, J.S., and Karasev, A.V. 2019 A new strain of Bean common mosaic virus from lima bean (Phaseolus lunatus): biological and molecular characterization. Plant Disease 103: 1220-1227 (http://dx.doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-08-18-1307-RE).</p><br /> <p>Fernandes, S., G. Godoy-Lutz, J.R. Steadman, K. Eskridge, C. Urrea, C. Jochua and J.R. Herr. 2020. Root and crown rot pathogens found on dry beans grown in Mozambique. J. Of Tropical Plant Pathol. (submitted)</p><br /> <p>Gilio, T.A.S., Hurtado-Gonzales, O.P., Gonçalves-Vidigal, M.C., Valentini, G., Elias, J.C.F., Song, Q., and Pastor-Corrales, M.A. 2020. Fine mapping of an anthracnose-resistance locus in Andean common bean cultivar Amendoim Cavalo. Plos One 15(10): e0239763. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.</p><br /> <p>Haus, M.J., Wang, W., Peplinski, H., Jacobs, J., Chilvers, M., Buell, R., Cichy, K.A. 2020 Root Crown Response to Fungal Root Rot in Phaseolus vulgaris Middle American x Andean lines. Plant Disease https://doi.org/10.1094/PDIS-05-20-0956-RE<br /> <br />Heer MM, Winham DM. Bean preferences vary by acculturation among Latinas compared to non-Hispanic white women in the Southwest. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2020 Jan;17(6):2100.</p><br /> <p>Heer MM, Winham DM. Food Behaviors, Health, and Bean Nutrition Awareness among Low-Income Men: A Pilot Study.2020. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 17(3):1039</p><br /> <p>Hufford MB, Berny Mier y Teran JC, Gepts P. 2019. Crop biodiversity: an unfinished magnum opus of nature. Annual Review of Plant Biology 70: 727-751 DOI: 10.1146/annurev-arplant-042817-040240</p><br /> <p>Hutchins AM, Winham DM. Pinto beans and green beans result in comparable glycemic control in adults with type 2 diabetes. 2020. Food Science & Nutrition Technology5 (1), 10.23880/fsnt-16000211</p><br /> <p>Jain, S., Poromarto, S., Osorno, J.M., McClean, P.E., Nelson Jr., B.E. 2019. Genome Wide Association Study Discovers Genomic Regions Involved in Resistance to Soybean Cyst Nematode (Heterodera glycines) in Common Bean. PLOS One 14(2), p.e0212140. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0212140</p><br /> <p>Katuuramu, D.N., G. B. Luyima, S. T. Nkalubo, J. A. Wiesinger, J. D. Kelly, and K. A. Cichy. 2020. On-farm multi-location evaluation of genotype by environment interactions for seed yield and cooking time in common bean. Scientific Reports 10:3628 doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-60087-2</p><br /> <p>Kelly, J.D., G.V. Varner, M.I. Chilvers, K. A. Cichy and E.M. Wright. 2020. Registration of ‘Coho’ light red kidney bean. J. Plant Registrations14: 134-138. doi: 10.1002/plr2.20051</p><br /> <p>Konzen ER, Recchia GH, Cassieri F, Caldas DGG, Berny Mier y Teran JC, Gepts P, Tsai SM. 2019. DREB genes from common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) show broad to specific abiotic stress responses and distinct levels of nucleotide diversity. International Journal of Genomics 28 doi: 10.1155/2019/9520642</p><br /> <p>Kuzay S, Hamilton-Conaty PA, Palkovic A, Gepts P. 2020. Is the USDA core collection of common bean representative of genetic diversity of the species, as assessed by SNP diversity? Crop Science 60: 1398-1414 doi: 10.2135/cropsci2019.08.0497 <br />MacQueen, A.H., White, J.W., Lee, R., Osorno, J.M., Schmutz, J., Miklas, P.N., Myers, J., McClean, P.E. and Juenger, T.E., 2020. Genetic Associations in Four Decades of Multienvironment Trials Reveal Agronomic Trait Evolution in Common Bean. Genetics, 215(1), pp.267-284.</p><br /> <p>McQueen, A., J.W. White, R. Lee, J. Osorno, J. Schmutz, P.N. Miklas, J. R. Myers, P. McClean, and T. Juenger. 2020. Genetic associations in four decades of multi-environment trials reveal agronomic trait evolution in common bean. Genetics 215: 267-284.</p><br /> <p>Miklas, P.N., Osorno, J.M. Chaves, B. and Cichy, K.A. 2020 Agronomic performance and cooking quality characteristics for slow darkening pinto beans. Crop Science https://doi.org/10.1002/csc2.20220</p><br /> <p>Mukuma, C., G. Godoy-Lutz, K. Eskridge, J.R. Steadman, C. Urrea, and K. Muimui. 2020. Use of culture and molecular based methods for Identification and characterization of dry bean fungal root rot pathogens in Zambia. J. of Tropical Plant Pathol. 45: 385-396.</p><br /> <p>Mungalu H, Sansala M, Hamabwe S, Mukuma C, Gepts P, Kelly JD, Kamfwa K. 2020. Identification of race-specific quantitative trait loci for resistance to Colletotrichum lindemuthianum in an Andean population of common bean. Crop Science n/a doi: 10.1002/csc2.20191</p><br /> <p>Mungalu, H., M. Sansala, S. Hamabwe, C. Mukuma, P. Gepts, J. D. Kelly and K. Kamfwa. 2020. Identification of race-specific quantitative trait loci for resistance to Colletotrichum lindemuthianum in an Andean population of common bean. Crop Sci. doi:10.1002/csc2.20191.</p><br /> <p>Myers, J.R., L.T. Wallace, S.M. Moghaddam, A.E. Kleintop, D. Echeverria, H.J. Thompson, M.A. Brick, R. Lee and P.E. McClean. 2019. Improving the health benefits of snap bean: Genome wide association studies of total phenolic content. Nutrients 11(10), 2509; https://doi.org/10.3390/nu11102509.</p><br /> <p>Nay, M.M., Souza, L.P.O., Raatz, B., Mukankusi, C.M., Gonçalves-Vidigal, M.C., Abreu, A.F.B., Melo, L.C., and Pastor-Corrales, M.A. 2019. A Review of Angular Leaf Spot Resistance in Common Bean. Crop Sci. 59: 1376–1391. doi: 10.2135/cropsci2018.09.0596.</p><br /> <p>Nchimbi Msolla, S., P. Miklas, D. Fourie, M. Kilango, T. Porch. 2020. Description of Baetao‐Manteiga 41 and ‘Yunguilla’ superior Andean common beans for Tanzanian production environments. Journal of Plant Registrations. https://doi.org/10.1002/plr2.20072</p><br /> <p>Njobvu, J., S. M. Hamabwe, K. Munyinda, J. D. Kelly, and K. Kamfwa. 2020. Quantitative trait loci mapping of resistance to aluminum toxicity in common bean. Crop Sci. 60:1294–1302. doi: 10.1002/csc2.20043</p><br /> <p>Oladzad A., Zitnick-Anderson K., Jain S., Simons K., Osorno J.M., McClean P.E., and Pasche J.S. 2019. Identifying genotypes and genomic regions associated with Rhizoctonia solani resistance in common bean. Frontiers in Plant Sci. 10:956. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpls.2019.00956<br />Osdaghi, E., Young A. J., and Harveson, R. M. 2020. Bacterial wilt of dry beans caused by Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens pv. flaccumfaciens: A new threat from an old enemy. Molecular Plant Pathology 21: 605-621.</p><br /> <p>Osorno, J.M., Vander Wal, A.J., Posch, J., Simons, K., Grafton K.F., Pasche, J.S., D. Nelson, B.D., Jain, S., and Pastor-Corrales, M.A. 2020. ‘ND Falcon’ a new pinto bean with combined resistance to rust and soybean cyst nematode: J. Plant Reg. 14:117-125. DOI: 10.1002/plr2.20025.</p><br /> <p>Parker TA, Berny Mier y Teran JC, Palkovic A, Jernstedt J, Gepts P. 2019. Pod indehiscence is a domestication and aridity resilience trait in common bean. New Phytologist 225: 558-570 doi: 10.1111/nph.16164</p><br /> <p>Parker TA, Palkovic A, Gepts P. 2020. Determining the genetic control of common bean early-growth rate using unmanned aerial vehicles. Remote Sensing 12:1748 doi: 10.3390/rs12111748</p><br /> <p>Porch, T.G., E. I. Brisco-McCann, G. Demosthene, R. W. Colbert, J. S. Beaver, and J.D. Kelly. 2020. Release of TARS-LH1 a pinto bean germplasm with resistance to the leafhopper pest. J. Plant Registrations 14: 165-171. doi: 10.1002/plr2.20021</p><br /> <p>Sadohara, R., J. D. Kelly, and K. A. Cichy. 2020. Genotypic and environmental effects on paste quality of common beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) grown in Michigan. Hort Science, doi.org/10.21273/Hortsci14687-19</p><br /> <p>Sankaran, S., J. J. Quirós, and P. N. Miklas. 2019. Unmanned aerial system and satellite-based high resolution imagery for high-throughput phenotyping in dry bean. Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 165: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compag.2019.104965</p><br /> <p>Serrato-Diaz, L.M., E.D. Navarro-Monserrat, J.C. Rosas, L.A. Chilagane, P. Bayman-Gupta, and T.G. Porch. 2020. Phylogeny of Pseudocercospora griseola from Puerto Rico, Central America and Tanzania confirms the existence of an Afro-Andean clade. Eur. J. Plant Pathol. 1-15. 10.1007/s10658-020-02015-8</p><br /> <p>Song, G-q. X. Han, A. T. Wiersma, X. Zong, H. E. Awale, and J. D. Kelly. 2020. Induction of competent cells for Agrobacterium tumefaciens-mediated stable transformation of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.). PLoS ONE 15(3): e0229909. doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0229909</p><br /> <p>Strock, C. F., J. Burridge, A. S. F. Massas, J. Beaver, S. Beebe, S. A. Camilo, D. Fourie, C. Jochua, M. Miguel, P. N. Miklas, E. Mndolwa, S. Nchimbi-Msolla, J. Polania, T. G. Porch, J. C. Rosas, J. J. Trapp, and J. P. Lynch. 2019. Seedling root architecture and its relationship with seed yield across diverse environments in Phaseolus vulgaris. Field Crops Research 237:53-64</p><br /> <p>Urrea, C.A., Hurtado-Gonzales, O.P., Pastor-Corrales, M.A., and Steadman, J.R. 2019. Registration of Great Northern Common Bean Cultivar ‘Panhandle Pride’ with Enhanced Disease Resistance to Bean Rust and Common Bacterial Blight. J. Plant Reg. 13: 311-315.</p><br /> <p>Vidigal Filho, P.S., Gonçalves-Vidigal, M.C., Bisneta, M.V., Souza, V.B., Gilio, T.A.S., Calvi, A. A., Lima, L.R.L., Marcial A. Pastor-Corrales, M.A., Melotto, M. 2020. Genome-wide association study of resistance to the anthracnose and angular leaf spot diseases in Brazilian Mesoamerican and Andean common bean cultivars. Crop Sci. 1-20. doi.org/10.1002/csc2.20308.</p><br /> <p>Wiesinger, J.A., Cichy, K.A., Hooper, S.D., Hart, J.J. and Glahn, R.P. 2020 Processing white or yellow dry beans (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) into a heat treated flour enhances the iron bioavailability of bean-based pastas. Journal of Functional Foods, 71, p.104018.</p><br /> <p>Winham DM, Knoblauch ST, Heer MM, Thompson SV, Der Ananian C. 2020. African American views of food choices and use of traditional foods. American Journal of Health Behavior 44(6):848-863. <br /> <br />Winham DM, Nikl RR, Hutchins AM, Martin RL, Campbell CG. 2020. Dietitians vary in advising about beans to type 2 diabetes clients by counseling status. Food Science and Nutrition 00:1–9. https://doi.org/10.1002/ fsn3.1578</p><br /> <p><b>Non-Refereed Publications</b></p><br /> <p>Barrera, S., and C.A. Urrea. 2020. Use of tepary beans to overcome biotic and abiotic stresses in dry beans. The Bean Bag 38(2): 8-10.</p><br /> <p>Barrera, S., J.C.B. Myer y Teran, J. Diaz, R. Leon, S. Beebe, and C.A. Urrea. 2020. Identification and introgression of drought and heat adaptation from tepary beans to improve elite common bean backgrounds. The Bean Improv. Coop. 63: 21-22.</p><br /> <p>Barrera, S., P. Taming, C.A. Urrea, and M.A. Pastor-Corrales. 2020. Reaction of tepary beans to races of the bean rust pathogen that overcome all common bean rust resistant genes. The Bean Improv. Coop. 63: 43-44.</p><br /> <p>Beaver, J.S. 2020. The production and genetic improvement of beans in the Caribbean. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 63:7-12. <br />Beaver, J.S., Estévez de Jensen, C. Miklas, P.N. and T.G. Porch. 2020. Contributions in Puerto Rico to Bean, Phaseolus spp., research. J. Agric. Univ. Puerto Rico. 104:43-111. https://doi.org/10.46429/jaupr.v104i1.18287</p><br /> <p>Beaver, J.S., T. Porch, G. Lorenzo, A. González and C. Estévez de Jensen. 2019. Performance of Mesoamerican beans in a low fertility soil. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 62:91-92.</p><br /> <p>Escobar, E, Miklas P.N., Osorno J.M., McClean P.E. 2019. Genetic improvement of dry bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) for resistance to white mold (Sclerotinia sclerotiorum Lib de Bary) using a MAGIC population. Annual Meet National Sclerotinia Initiative, Fargo, ND.</p><br /> <p>Hamilton O., Osorno J.M., Nelson B.D. 2019. Resistance of commercial dry bean cultivars to soybean cyst nematode. APS Annual Meeting, Cleveland, OH.</p><br /> <p>Hart, J.P., A.G. Vargas, J.S. Beaver, D.G. DeBouck and T.G. Porch. 2019. Genotyping the Ex Situ genetic resources of wild and cultivated tepary bean. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 62:109-110.</p><br /> <p>Harveson, R. M. 2020. Plant Pathology Research at the Panhandle REC, Scottsbluff, Star-Herald, February 2020. This publication was also picked up and re-published (March 9, 2020) in the Fence Post, a weekly regional agricultural newspaper based out of Greeley CO.</p><br /> <p>Harveson, R. M. 2020. Specialty crops update. Proceedings of the Crop Production Clinic, University of Nebraska, Cooperative Extension, pages 46-48.</p><br /> <p>Harveson, R. M. 2020. Be Prepared for Dry Bean Rust in 2020! Star-Herald, June 2020.</p><br /> <p>Harveson, R. M. 2020. Dry Bean Disease Management Recommendations for Nebraska Producers, Bean Bag, Summer Issue.</p><br /> <p>Harveson, R. M. 2020. Pulse Crop Disease Research in 2020. Bean Bag, Spring Issue</p><br /> <p>Harveson, R. M., and Urrea, C. A. 2020. Fuscous Blight, a Bacterial Disease Caused by a Variant of the Common Blight Pathogen. Bean Bag, Winter Issue.</p><br /> <p>Heitholt, J., A. Pierson, C. Eberle, V. Sharma. 2019. Performance of Segregating Progeny from a Pinto-by-Pink Dry Bean Cross in the Bighorn Basin of Wyoming. Wyo. Agric. Exp. Stn. Field Day Bulletin. p. 45-46.</p><br /> <p>Heitholt, J., C. Eberle, V. Sharma. 2019. Performance of Segregating Progeny from a Pinto by Pink Dry Bean Cross in SE Wyoming after Several Hail Storms. Wyo. Agric. Exp. Stn. Field Days Bulletin. p. 84-85.</p><br /> <p>Higgins, R., S.E. Everhart and J.R. Steadman, J. Kelly, M. Wunch, J. Myers, P. Miklas, E. Berghauer, and C. Urrea. 2019. New sources of white mold resistance derived from wide crosses in common bean and evaluated in the greenhouse and field using Multi-site screening nurseries. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 62: 27-28.</p><br /> <p>Hurtado-Gonzales, O.P., Valentini, G., Gilio, T.A.S., Song, Q., and Pastor-Corrales, M.A. 2020. Development and Validation of a marker linked to the Ur-4 rust resistance gene in common bean. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 63: 49-50.</p><br /> <p>Jain S., Zitnick-Anderson K., Oladzad A., Simons K., Osorno J.M., McClean P.E., Pasche J.S. 2019. Fusarium root rot resistant genotypes and genomic regions identified in two major common bean gene pools. APS Annual Meeting, Cleveland, OH.</p><br /> <p>Kandel, H.J. J.M. Osorno, et al. 2019. North Dakota dry bean performance testing 2018. NDSU Ext. Serv. Doc. A-654, Fargo, ND.</p><br /> <p>Keith, J. and J. Heitholt. 2019. Potential of Seed Production of Photoperiod-Sensitive and Photoperiod-Insensitive Popping Bean Lines of Phaseolus vulgaris under Greenhouse Conditions during the Winter Months. Wyo. Agric. Exp. Stn. Field Days Bulletin. p. 11-12.</p><br /> <p>Keith, J. and J. Heitholt. 2019. The Effect of Two Nitrogen Sources (and Rates) on Seed Yield of Six Greenhouse-Grown Common Bean Genotypes that Express the ‘Popping’ Trait. Wyo. Agric. Exp. Stn. Field Day Bulletin. p. 13-14.</p><br /> <p>Kelly, J. D., Wright, E. M., Varner, G. V., & Sprague, C. L. 2019. ‘Cayenne’: A new small red bean variety for Michigan [E3405]. East Lansing: Michigan State University, MSU Extension.</p><br /> <p>Kelly, J. D., Wright, E. M., Varner, G. V., Chilvers, C. I., & Sprague, C. L. 2019. ‘Red Cedar’: A new dark red kidney bean variety for Michigan [E3404]. East Lansing: Michigan State University, MSU Extension.</p><br /> <p>Kelly, J. D., Wright, E. M., Varner, G. V., Chilvers, M. I., & Sprague, C. L. 2019. ‘Coho’: A new light red kidney bean variety for Michigan [E3432]. East Lansing: Michigan State University, MSU Extension.</p><br /> <p>Knodel, J.J., Beauzay P.B., Endres G.W., Franzen D.W., Ikley J., Kandel H.J., Markell S.G., Osorno J.M., and Pasche J.S. 2019. 2018 Dry bean grower survey of pest problems and pesticide use in Minnesota and North Dakota. NDSU Ext. Serv. Doc. E-1522, Fargo, ND.</p><br /> <p>Magallanes-Lopez A.M., Osorno J.M., and Simsek S. 2019. Varietal and location effects on antioxidant potential of pinto and black Beans. Cereals & Grains meeting, Denver, CO.</p><br /> <p>Miklas, P. Chilagane, L., Fourie, D., Nchimbi, S., Soler-Garzon, A., Hart, J., McClean, P., Pastor-Corrales, M, Song. Q., and Porch, T. 2020. QTL for resistance to angular leaf spot and rust in Tanzania vs South Africa for the Andean diversity panel & Rojo/CAL 143 RIL population. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 63: 83-84.</p><br /> <p>Norton, J. and J. Heitholt. 2019. Sustainable Production Practices for Edible Dry Beans. Wyo. Agric. Exp. Stn. Field Day Bulletin. p. 40-41.</p><br /> <p>Oladzad A., Tobar-Piñón M.G., Smasal A., Osorno J.M., McClean P.E. 2019. Genetic basis of seed size-related traits in the two major gene pools of common bean. Plant and Animal Genome Conference, San Diego, CA.</p><br /> <p>Pastor-Corrales, M.A. 2020. Epistasis between rust resistance genes in two common beans of Andean origin. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 63: 125-126.</p><br /> <p>Rai, A, V. Sharma, and J. Heitholt. 2019. Dry bean growth and yield relationships in response to irrigation gradient in the semi-arid climate of Wyoming. Wyo. Agric. Exp. Stn. Field Day Bulletin. p. 28-29.</p><br /> <p>Rodriguez, D., J. Beaver, C. Estevez de Jensen, and T.G. Porch. 2019. Identification of sources of resistance of common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) to angular leaf spot (Pseudocercospora griseola). Revista Facultad Nacional de Agronomia Medellin 72(2):8785-8791.</p><br /> <p>Rosas, J.C., Beaver, J.S. and T.G Porch. 2020. Bean cultivars and germplasm released in Central America and the Caribbean. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 63:107-108.</p><br /> <p>Sanchez-Betancourt, E., R.M. Harveson, D.L. Hyten, and C.A. Urrea. 2020. Inheritance of resistance to bacterial wilt in common beans. The Bean Bag 38(3): 11.</p><br /> <p>Sharma, V., A. Rai, and J. Heitholt. 2019. Dry bean yield dynamics in response to irrigation gradients under sprinkler and furrow irrigation system. Wyo. Agric. Exp. Stn. Field Day Bulletin. p. 30-32.</p><br /> <p>Sharma, V., E. Oleson, and J. Heitholt. 2019. Effects of seeding-rates and row-spacing on dry bean yield under full and deficit irrigation. Wyo. Agric. Exp. Stn. Field Day Bulletin. p. 36-37.</p><br /> <p>Simons K.J., Lamppa R.S., Pasche J.S., McClean P.E., Osorno J.M. 2019. Utilizing dry bean breeding populations in genome wide association studies. Plant and Animal Genome Conference, San Diego, CA.</p><br /> <p>Simons K.J., Penner W.C., Stoesz D.B., Schroeder S., Conner R.L., and Osorno J.M. 2019. Dry bean anthracnose: age-related resistance under field conditions. emerging opportunities for pulse production: Genetics, Genomics, Phenomics and Integrated Pest Management Conf., Washington St. Univ., Pullman, WA, USA.</p><br /> <p>Soler-Garzon A., Oladzad A., Lee R., Macea E., Rosas J.C., Beaver J., McClean P., Beebe S., Raatz B. and P. Miklas. 2020. Genome-wide association and fine mapping of bgm-1 gene and other QTLs for resistance to Bean golden yellow mosaic virus in dry beans. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 63:87-88.</p><br /> <p>Urrea, C.A. 70th Annual Report National Cooperative Dry Bean Nursery. http://cropwatch.unl.edu/varietytest-Drybeans/2019.</p><br /> <p>Urrea, C.A., and E. Valentin-Cruzado. 2020. 2019 Nebraska dry bean variety trials. Nebraska Extension MP109. 6 p.</p><br /> <p>Urrea, C.A., and E.V. Cruzado. 2019. Nebraska dry bean variety trials. The Bean Bag 38(1): 8-13.</p><br /> <p>Urrea, C.A., and E.V. Cruzado. 2020. 2019 Dry Bean Variety Trials. http://cropwatch.unl.edu/varietytest-Drybeans/2019.</p><br /> <p>Vidigal Filho, P.S., Goncalves-Vidigal, M.C., Sousa, V.B., Vaz Bisneta,M., Pastor-Corrales, M.A., Oblessuc, P.M, Melotto, M. 2020. Genome wide association analysis reveals markers tagging anthracnose and angular leaf spot resistance in common bean from Brazil. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 63: 81-82.</p><br /> <p>Xavier, L. F. S.; Valentini, G.; Pastor-Corrales, M. A. 2020. Simultaneous inoculation of common bean cultivars with multiple races of Colletotrichum lindemuthianum. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 63: 115-116.</p><br /> <p>Xavier, L. F. S.; Valentini, G.; Poletine, J. P; Gonçalves-Vidigal, M. C.; Silva, J. B.; Calvi, A. C.; Song, Q.; Pastor-Corrales, M. A. 2020. Phenotype and SNPs revealed an anthracnose resistance locus in Andean common bean landrace Beija Flor. Ann. Rep. Bean Improv. Coop. 63: 117-118.</p>Impact Statements
- Research in previous years led to the development of a large (n~230) recombinant inbred population, which was sequenced using Genotyping-By-Sequencing. In turn, this population was used to develop the first molecular map of lima bean and to conduct the first QTL analysis in this species. Traits mapped included determinacy and cyanide amounts. In turn, this map was integrated into an international effort to sequence the lima bean genome. This reference sequence has now been included in Phytozome version 13 (https://phytozome-next.jgi.doe.gov/info/Plunatus_V1)