OLD SERA8: Fescue Endophyte Research and Extension (IEG-37)

(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports


The reports published and distributed at the meeting will be presented on the home page for this group as titles with email addresses for contact person for anyone seeing more information.


The reports published and distributed at the meeting will be presented on the home page for this group as titles with email addresses for contact person for anyone seeing more information.


The reports published and distributed at the meeting will be presented on the home page for this group as titles with email addresses for contact person for anyone seeing more information.


a. Refereed journal articles/refereed book chapters
Coffey, K. P., W. K. Coblentz, D. A. Scarbrough, J. B. Humphry, B. C. McGinley, J. E. Turner, T. Smith, D. Hubbell, III, Z. B. Johnson, D. H. Hellwig, M. P. Popp, and C. F. Rosenkrans, Jr. 2005. Impact of rotation frequency and weaning date on forage availability and nutrient composition, species composition, and growth performance by cows and calves grazing endophyte-infected tall fescue pastures overseeded with crabgrass, and legumes. J. Anim. Sci. (In press).

b. Books, chapters (non-refereed) in books, proceedings, and theses
Caldwell, J. D., K. P. Coffey, W. K. Coblentz, R. K. Ogden, J. A. Jennings, T. F. Smith, and D. S. Hubbell, III. 2005. Growth performance by fall-calving cows grazing tall fescue pastures with different proportions stockpiled until late fall. Proc. Am. For. Grassl. Council.

Ogden, R. K., M. J. Alman, K. P. Coffey, W. K. Coblentz, J. K. Reynolds, and C.V. Maxwell. 2005. In situ solubility of macrominerals from tall fescue fertilized with different swine manure treatments and harvested on four dates. Am. For. Grassl. Council

c. Abstracts
Coffey, K., W. Coblentz, R. Ogden, T. Smith, D. Scarbrough, D. Hubbell, III, C. Rosenkrans, J. Jennings. 2005. Effect of weaning date and pasture rotation frequency effects on weaning and post-weaning growth performance by fall-born calves grazing tall fescue pastures. J. Anim. Sci. 83(Suppl. 2): in press.
Flores, R., M. L. Looper, K. P. Coffey, W. K. Coblentz, and C. F. Rosenkrans, Jr. 2005. Relationship of prepartum concentrations of insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) in cows with birth weight, concentrations of IGF-1, and weaning weights of calves. J. Anim. Sci. 83(Suppl. 2):in press.
Rosenkrans, Jr., C., M. Nihsen, T. Yazwinski, D. Kreider, K. Coffey, W. Coblentz. 2005. Effects of anthelmintic treatment on calf gains while grazing tall fescue. J. Anim. Sci. 83(Suppl. 2):in press.

a. Refereed journal articles
Looper, M.L., G.E. Aiken, R. Flores, and C.F. Rosenkrans, Jr. 2005. Influence of nutrient supplementation on body weight and condition, and pregnancy of market beef cows grazing stockpiled and spring-growth tall fescue. Prof. Anim. Sci. 21:225-231.

Looper, M.L., T.S. Edrington, R. Flores, C.F. Rosenkrans, Jr., M.E. Nihsen, and G.E. Aiken. 2005. Prevalence of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella in beef steers grazing different forages. Lett. Appl. Micro. (Submitted).

Looper, M.L., T.S. Edrington, R. Flores, C.F. Rosenkrans, Jr., and G.E. Aiken. 2005. Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella in water and soil from tall fescue pastures. Foodborne Path. Disease. (In review).

b. Proceedings
Looper, M.L., G.E. Aiken, S.F. Tabler, R. Flores, C.F. Rosenkrans, Jr., and J.R. Miesner. 2005. Quantity, quality, and ergovaline concentrations of burned stockpiled tall fescue. Proc. Am. Forag. Grass. Counc. 14:196-200.

Rosenkrans, Jr., C., M. Nihsen, R. Flores, T. Yazwinski, D. Kreider, K. Coffey, W. Coblentz, C. West, M. Looper, and N. Schrick. 2005. Effects of forage cultivar and anthelmintic on steer responses to immune challenge. Proc. Western Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. 56:243-245.

Looper, M.L., T.S. Edrington, C.F. Rosenkrans, Jr., J.M. Burke, R. Flores, T.R. Callaway, and G.E. Aiken. 2005. Effects of feeding endophyte-infected tall fescue seed to sheep experimentally infected with Escherichia coli O157:H7. Invited - Proc. Western Sec. Am. Soc. Anim. Sci. 56:213-216.

c. Abstracts
Aiken, G.E., and M.L. Looper. 2005. Temporal changes in rectal temperature and serum prolactin of weaned Brahman-influenced heifers previously grazing endophyte-infected tall fescue pasture. J. Anim. Sci. 83 (Suppl. 1).

Looper, M.L., T.S. Edrington, R. Flores, C.F. Rosenkrnas, Jr., M.E. Nihsen, and G.E. Aiken. 2005. Incidence of fecal shedding of E. coli O157:H7 and Salmonella in stocker steers grazing different forages. J. Anim. Sci. (Suppl. 2):9.

Aiken, G.E., M.L. Looper, S.F. Tabler, and J.R. Strickland. 2005. Recovery of yearling calves from fescue toxicosis. XX Int. Graz. Con., Dublin, Ireland.

Looper, M.L., T.S. Edrington, R. Flores, G.E. Aiken, and C.F. Rosenkrans, Jr. 2006. Does consumption of endophyte-infected tall fescue affect the prevalence of E. coli O157:H7 and Salmonella in the feces of grazing ruminants? J. Anim. Sci. (Suppl. 2): (In press).

d. Miscellaneous publications
Looper, M. L., and G. E. Aiken. 2005. Supplementation may increase pregnancy and profits of cull cows. Arkansas Cattle Business 40(2):28 and Cattlemens News 8(2):8, 16.

a. Refereed journal articles/refereed book chapters
Bacon, C. W., and Lyons, P.C. 2005. Ecological Fitness Factors for Fungi within the Balansieae and Clavicipiteae. Pp. 519-532. In: The Fungal Community, its Organization and Role in the Ecosystem. Dighton, J., J. F. White, and P. Oudemans (Eds.) CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL.

Timper, P., R.N. Gates, & J.H. Bouton. 2005. Response of Pratylenchus spp. in tall fescue infected with different strains of the fungal endophyte Neotyphodium coenophialum. Nematology 7:105-110.

Franzluebers, A.J. and N.S. Hill. 2005. Soil carbon, nitrogen, and ergot alkaloids with short- and long-term exposure to endophyte-infected and free tall fescue. SSSA 69:404-412.

Hill, N.S. 2005. Absorption of ergot alkaloids in the ruminant. p. 271-290 In C.A. Roberts, C.P. West, and D.E. Spiers (eds.). Neotyphodium in cool-season grasses. Blackwell Publishing, Ames, IA

Hill, N.S., J.H. Bouton, E.E. Hiatt, III and B. Kittle. 2005. Seed maturity, germination, and endophyte relationships in tall fescue. Crop Sci. 45:859-863.

Ju, H.J., N.S. Hill, and K. Ingram. 2006. Seasonal variation and environmental effects on endophyte transmission in tall fescue. Crop Sci. (In press).

Realini C.E., S.K. Duckett, N.S. Hill, C.S. Hoveland, B.G. Lyon, J.R. Sackman and M.H. Gillis. 2005. Effect of endophyte type on carcass traits, meat quality, and fatty acid composition of beef cattle grazing tall fescue. J. of Anim. Sci. 83:430-439.

Roberts C.A., H.R. Benedict, N.S. Hill, R.L. Kallenbach, and G.E. Rottinghaus. 2005. Determination of ergot alkaloid content in tall fescue by near-infrared spectroscopy. Crop Science 45:778-783.

Roberts, C. and J. Andrae. 2005. Chapter 18: Public Education on Tall Fescue Toxicosis. In: Neotyphodium/Grass Interactions. C.A. Roberts, C.P. West, and D.E. Spiers (Eds.) Blackwell Publishing Professional. Ames, IA. pp. 361-379.

b. Books, chapters (non-referred) in books, proceedings, and theses
Andrae, J.G. Tall Fescue Endophyte Solutions. Proceedings of 2005 Appalachian Grazing Conference. March 21-23, 2005.

d. Abstracts
Andrae, J.G., N.S. Hill, T. Murphy, G. Durham, and B. Kittle. 2004. Chemical alternatives to the spray-smother-spray method of toxic tall fescue replacement. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting. Seattle, WA.

Andrae, J.G., C.S. Hoveland, J. Bouton, and G. Durham. 2004. Productivity of components in tall fescue-white clover mixtures as affected by fungal endophyte and clover cultivar. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting. Seattle, WA.

Andrae, J.G., N.S. Hill, and R.G. Durham. 2005. Methods to replace toxic tall fescue with MaxQ tall fescue. Are summer smother crops necessary? Vol 14 American Forage and Grassland Council Proceedings. Bloomington, IL. Pg 70

Bacetty, A, Snook, M., Glenn, A., Noe, J., and Bacon, C.W. 2005. Correlation of endophyte-infected tall fescue root extract fractions with pathogenic activity measured in an in vitro assay system. Phytopathology. 95(No. 6, Supplement):s5 (abstract)

Kuldau, G.A., and Bacon, C.W. 2005. Clavicipitaceous endophytes: Their ability to enhance plant resistance to multiple stresses. Phytopathology. 95(No. 6, Supplement):s5 (abstract)

d. Miscellaneous publications
Bacon, C. W. 2004. Indirect Actions: Mycotoxins and the drive toward mutualisms. Mycological Society of America 2004 Annual Meeting, University of North Carolina, Asheville, N.C., July 15-21, Program & Abstracts. p. 37.

Andrae, J.G., N.S. Hill, and R.G. Durham. 2005. Methods to replace toxic tall fescue with MaxQ tall fescue. Are summer smother crops necessary? Interpretive Summary. Vol 14 American Forage and Grassland Council Proceedings. Bloomington, IL. Pg 14.

a. Refereed journal articles/refereed book chapters
Jones, K.L., C.R. McCleary, S.S. King, G.A. Apgar, K.E. Griswold. 2004. Consumption of toxic fescue impairs bull reproductive parameters. Prof Anim Sci. 20: 437-442.

Jones, K.L., S.S. King, M.J. Iqbal. 2004. Endophyte-infected tall fescue diet alters gene expression in heifer luteal tissue as revealed by interspecies microarray analysis. Mol Reprod Dev. 67: 154-161.

a. Refereed journal articles/refereed book chapters
Breeden, D. E. and W. W. Witt. 2004. Impact of pasture herbicides on seedling cool season grasses. Proc. Southern Weed Sci. Soc. 57:132

Looper, M.L., Aiken, G.E., Flores, R. and Rosenkrans, C.F., Jr. Influence of nutrient supplementation on body weight and condition, and pregnancy of market beef cows grazing stockpiled and spring-growth tall fescue. Prof. Anim. Sci. 2005. 21:225-231.

Aiken, G.E., Looper, M.L., Tabler, S.F., and Strickland, J.R.. Recovery of yearling steers from fescue toxicosis. XX International Grassland Congress Papers. F.P. OMara et al (ed). P. 305. Wageningen Academic Publishers.

C. L. Schultz, S. L. Lodge-Ivey, A. M. Craig, J. R. Strickland, and L. P. Bush. 2005. The effects of short- and long-term exposure to endophyte-infected tall fescue seed on serum, fecal and urine concentrations of ergovaline and lysergic acid in mature gelding horses. XX International Grassland Congress Papers. F.P. OMara et al (ed). P. 308. Wageningen Academic Publishers.

a. Refereed journal articles/refereed book chapters
Orr AI, Rude, BJ, Christiansen DL, Filipov NM, Hill NS, Fitzgerald BP, Ryan PL. 2005. Dietary ergot alkaloid adsorbance by glucomannan and apparent fecal and urinary excretion of ergot alkaloids non-pregnant, non-lactating mares J Anim Sci (in review)
Youngblood RC, Filipov NM, Rude BJ, Christiansen DL, Hopper RM, Gerard PD, Hill N, Fitzgerald BP, Ryan PL. 2004. Effects of short-term early gestational exposure to endophyte-infected tall fescue diets on plasma 3-4-dihydroxyphenyl acetic acid and fetal development in mares. J Anim Sci 2004, 82:2919-2929.

b. Books, chapters (non-refereed) in books, proceedings, and theses
c. Abstracts
Macoon, B., and J.D. Perkins III. 2005. Novel endophyte tall fescue responses to grazing. In Annual Meetings Abstracts [CD-ROM]. ASA, CSSA, SSSA, Madison, WI.

Olsen G, Sykes D, Filipov N, Christiansen D, Gerard P, Fitzgerald B, Sheerin P, Ryan P. 2005. Effects of endophyte-infected tall fescue forage consumption in stallions. Theriogenology 64:808.

Christiansen DL, Hopper RM, Filipov NM, Hill HS, Fitzgerald BP, Ryan PL. 2004. A novel approach to alleviate ergot alkaloid toxicosis of mares in early gestation. Society for Theriogenology, Lexington, KY, August 4-8th, 2004, pp 5.
Orr AI, Christiansen DL, Rude BJ, Filipov NM, Ryan PL. 2004. Effects of feeding a modified yeast cell wall extract upon the occurrence of fescue toxicosis in mares. ASAS Southern Section, Tulsa, OK, Feb 14-18, 2004.

d. Miscellaneous publications
Best, T.F., J.E. Huston, R.R. Evans. 2004. Evaluation of fungus infected, fungus free and novel endophyte fescues as roughage sources for stocker cattle. Annual Research Report of the North Mississippi Research and Extension Center, Mississippi Agricultural & Forestry Experiment Station Information Bulletin 419.

Macoon, B., D. St. Louis, T. Stratton, and J.D. Perkins III. 2005. Adaptation of advanced breeding lines of novel endophyte-infected grasses to non-traditional growing areas. Central Mississippi Research and Extension Center 2004 Annual Report Summary. MAFES Information Bull. 420:44.

Orr AI, Christiansen DL, Rude BJ, Filipov NM, Hill NS, Fitzgerald BP, Ryan PL. 2005. Effects of feeding FEB-200TM, a modified yeast cell wall preparation, on the occurrence of fescue toxicosis in open mares. Proceedings Alltech 21st Annual Symposium (Suppl 1), pp 15 , Lexington, KY, May 22-25, 2005.

Christiansen DL, Hopper RM, Filipov NM, Hill HS, Fitzgerald BP, Ryan PL. 2005. Dietary FEB-200TM as a novel approach to alleviate ergot alkaloid toxicosis of mares in early gestation. Proceedings Alltech 21st Annual Symposium (Suppl 1), pp 15, Lexington, KY, May 22-25, 2005.

b. Books, chapters (non-refereed) in books, proceedings, and theses
Hopkins, A.A. 2005. Performance of animals grazing various tall fescue endophyte combinations. p. 304. Proc. 20th Int. Grassl. Congress, Dublin, Ireland. 26 June  July 2, 2005. Wageningen Academic Publishers, The Netherlands.

Schuenemann, G.M., J.L. Edwards, M.D. Davis, H.E. Blackmon, F.N. Scenna, N.R. Rohrbach, A.M. Saxton, H.S. Adair, F.M. Hopkins, J.C. Waller and F.N. Schrick. 2005. Effects of administration of ergotamine tartrate on fertility of yearling beef bulls. Theriogenology 63:1407-1418.

Seals, R.C., G.M. Schuenemann, J.W. Lemaster, A.M. Saxton, J.C. Waller and F.N. Schrick. 2005. Follicular dynamics in beef heifers consuming ergotamine tartrate as a model of endophyte-infected tall fescue consumption. Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 4 (1): 97-102.

Schuenemann, G.M., J.L. Edwards, F.M. Hopkins, F.N. Scenna, J.C. Waller, J.W. Oliver, A.M. Saxton, and F.N. Schrick. 2005. Fertility aspects in yearling beef bulls grazing endophyte-infected tall fescue pastures. Reproduction Fertility Development 17:479-486.

Schuenemann, G.M., M.E. Hockett, J.L. Edwards, N.R. Rohrbach, K.F. Breuel, and F.N. Schrick. 2005. Embryo development and survival in beef cattle administered ergotamine tartrate to simulate fescue toxicosis. Reproductive Biology 5:137-150.

Richards, C.J., Pugh R.B., J.B. Pulliam, and J.C. Waller. 2005. Influence of supplementing soybean hulls to steers consuming endophyte-infected tall fescue pasture. J. Anim. Sci. (accepted).

Waller, J. C., A.E. Fisher, H.A. Fribourg, and C.J. Richards. 2005. Reduce tall fescue toxicosis in Festuca arundinacea forage systems with legumes. Proc. XX Intern. Grassld. Cong., Dublin, Ireland, 26 June - 1 July. p. 306.

Prado, T.M., G.M. Schuenemann, F.M. Hopkins, J.L. Edwards, H.S. Adair and F.N. Schrick. 2005. Fescue toxicosis and bull fertility: evaluation of semen quality in yearling beef bulls grazing tall fescue. Proc. ACVIM Annual Forum. June 2005: 225-227.

W. Gill, A. Fisher, C. Lane, C. Richards, D. Joines, and J. Neel. 2005. Improving the mineral status of Tennessee beef cattle. Proceedings of the Music City Veterinary Conference. February, 2005.

Corrigan, A. 2005. Ruminal responses in cattle grazing tall fescue pastures differing in endophyte level. Masters Thesis at The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN.


TF 2004 Meeting Publications


Looper, M. L., T. S. Edrington, C. F. Rosenkrans, Jr., C. L. Schultz, T. R. Callaway, G. E. Aiken, R. Flores, and D. K. Brauer. 2004. Effects of the ergot alkaloids dihydroergotamine, ergonovine, and ergotamine on the growth of Escherichia col O157:H7 and Salmonella in vitro. Proc. 5th Int. Symp. Neotyphodium/Grass Inter. 503.

Looper, M. L., G.E. Aiken, R. Flores, C.F. Rosenkrans, Jr., and D.K. Brauer. 2004. Supplementation influences milk yield and milk components of cows grazing stockpiled tall fescue. Proc. 5th Int. Symp. Neotyphodium/Grass Inter. 502.

Aiken, G. E., S. F. Tabler, M. L. Looper, D. K. Brauer, and J. R. Strickland. 2004. Management of beef cattle to alleviate fescue toxicosis. Proc. 5th Int. Symp. Neotyphodium/Grass Inter. 410.

Looper, M. L., G. E. Aiken, R. Flores, and C. F. Rosenkrans, Jr. 2004. Effects of diet on performance, reproduction, and economics of market cows grazing stockpiled fescue. J. Anim. Sci. 82 (Suppl. 2):4.

Aiken, G. E., M.L. Looper, S. F. Tabler, and J. R. Strickland. 2004. Recovery of yearling calves from fescue toxicosis. XX Int. Graz. Con., Dublin, Ireland.

Burke, J. M., D. K. Brauer, and M. L. Looper. 2004. Use of novel endophyte-infected tall fescue for cow-calf production in Arkansas. J. Anim. Sci. 82 (Suppl. 1):91.

Burke, J. M., D. K. Brauer, and M. L. Looper. 2004. Calving rate and production responses of long-term exposure to endophyte-infected tall fescue. J. Anim. Sci. 82 (Suppl. 1):90.

Looper, M. L., G. E. Aiken, S. F. Tabler, R. Flores, and C. F. Rosenkrans, Jr. 2004. Performance of market cows grazing stockpiled tall fescue. AR Agr. Exp. Sta. Rep. (In press).

Belesky, D.P., and C.P. West. 2004. Abiotic stresses and endophyte effects. In Tall Fescue Information System. http://forages.oregonstate.edu/.

Carson, R.D., C.P. West, B. de los Reyes, S. Rajguru, and C.A. Guerber. 2004. Endophyte effects on dehydrin protein expression and membrane leakage in tall fescue. In R.L. Kallenbach, C.F. Rosenkrans, Jr., and T.R. Lock (eds.). Paper # 202. Abstracts and Proc. of 5th International Symposium on Neotyphodium/Grass Interactions.

Coblentz, W.K., K.P. Coffey, D.A. Scarbrough, T.F. Smith, K.F. Harrison, J.B. Hum¬phry, B.C. McGinley, D.S. Hubbell III, J.E. Turner, and C.P. West. 2004. Using orchard¬grass and endophyte-free fescue versus endophyte-infected fescue overseeded on bermuda¬grass for cow herds: Four-year summary. In R.L. Kallenbach, C.F. Rosenkrans, Jr., and T.R. Lock (eds.). Paper # 414. Abstracts and Proc. of 5th International Symposium on Neotyphodium/¬Grass Interactions.

Coffey, K.P., W.K. Coblentz, T.F. Smith, J.E. Turner, D.S. Hubbell, III, D.A. Scarbrough, B.C. McGinley, C.F. Rosenkrans, Jr. 2004. Weaning date and pasture rotation frequency effects on forage measurements and performance by fall-born calves grazing tall fescue pastures. J. Anim. Sci. 82(Suppl. 2):24

Coblentz, W.K., K.P. Coffey, D.A. Scarbrough, T.F. Smith, D.S. Hubbell, III, K.F. Harrison, B.C. McGinley, J.E. Turner, and J.B. Humphry. 2004. Using orchardgrass and endophyte-free fescue versus endophyte-infected fescue overseeded on bermudagrass for cow herds: four-year summary of cattle performance. J. Anim. Sci. 82(Suppl. 1):91.

Coblentz, W.K., K.P. Coffey, D.A. Scarbrough, T.F. Smith, K.F. Harrison, D.S. Hubbell, III, B.C. McGinley, J.E. Turner, and J.B. Humphry. 2004. Using orchardgrass and endophyte-free fescue versus endophyte-infected fescue overseeded on bermudagrass for cow herds: four-year summary of forage characteristics. J. Anim. Sci. 82(Suppl. 1):92.

Gunter, S.A., P.A. Beck, K.S. Lusby, C.P. West, and D.S. Hubbell III. 2004. Comparison of three tall fescues containing novel endophytes for stocker cattle weight gain. In R.L. Kallenbach, C.F. Rosenkrans, Jr., and T.R. Lock (eds.). Paper #418. Abstracts and Proc. of 5th International Symposium on Neotyphodium/Grass Interactions.

Jennings, J.A., C.P. West, A.S. Moubarak, C.R. Rosenkrans, Jr., D.E. Kratz, M.S. Gad¬berry, and T.R. Troxel. 2004. Endophyte Status of Stockpiled Fescue Demonstrations in Arkansas. In R.L. Kallenbach, C.F. Rosenkrans, Jr., and T.R. Lock (eds.). Paper # 516. Abstracts and Proc. of 5th International Symposium on Neotyphodi¬um/¬Grass Interactions.

Nihsen, M.E., E.L. Piper, C.P. West, R.J. Crawford, T.M. Denard, Z.B. Johnson, C.A. Roberts, D.A. Spiers, and C.F. Rosenkrans, Jr. 2004. Growth rate and physiology of steers grazing tall fescue inoculated with novel endophytes. J. Anim. Sci. 82:878-883.

Reynolds, J.L., R.K. Ogden, K.P. Coffey, W.K. Coblentz, C.V. Maxwell, and K. VanDevender. 2004. In situ digestibility of tall fescue fertilized with different swine manure treatments and harvested on four dates. J. Anim. Sci. 82(Suppl. 1):90.

Secks, M.E., M.D. Richardson, C.P. West, and J.B. Murphy. 2004. Carbohydrate profiles of Neotyphodium coenophialum. In R.L. Kallenbach, C.F. Rosenkrans, Jr., and T.R. Lock (eds.). Paper #214. Abstracts and Proc. of 5th International Symposium on Neotypho¬dium/Grass Interactions.

Secks, M.E., M.D. Richardson, and C.P. West. 2004. Field performance of novel endo¬phyte/tall fescue combinations under water deficit. In R.L. Kallenbach, C.F. Rosenkrans, Jr., and T.R. Lock (eds.). Paper # 405. Abstracts and Proc. of 5th International Symposium on Neotyphodium/Grass Interactions.

West, C.P., and S.A. Gunter. 2004. Persistence of HiMag tall fescue inoculated with nontoxic endophytes. In R.L. Kallenbach, C.F. Rosenkrans, Jr., and T.R. Lock (eds.). In R.L. Kallenbach, C.F. Rosenkrans, Jr., and T.R. Lock (eds.). Paper #518. Abstracts and Proc. of 5th International Symposium on Neotyphodium/Grass Interactions.



Timper, P. and J.H. Bouton. 2004. Effect of endophtye status and tall fescue cultivar on reproduction of lesion and stubby root nematodes. Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Neotyphodium/Grass Interactions, R. Kallenbach, C. Rosenkrans, Jr., and T.R. Lock (eds.). University of Arkansas Press #406.

Timper, P., R.N. Gates, and J.H. Bouton. 2005. Reproduction of Pratylenchus spp. in tall fescue infected with different strains of the fungal endophyte Neotyphodium coenophialum. Nematology 7: submitted.

Hill, N.S., J.H. Bouton, E.E. Hiatt, III and B. Kittle. 2004. Seed maturity, germination, and endophyte relationships in tall fescue. Crop Sci. (In press)

C.E. Realini, S.K. Duckett, N.S. Hill, C.S. Hoveland, B.G. Lyon, J.R. Sackman and M.H. Gillis.2004 Effect of endophyte type on carcass traits, meat quality, and fatty acid composition of beef cattle grazing tall fescue. J. of Anim. Sci. (In Press)

R. C. Youngblood, N. M. Filipov, B. J. Rude, D. L. Christiansen, R. M. Hopper, P. D. Gerard, N. S. Hill, B. P. Fitzgerald and P. L. Ryan. 2004. Effects of short-term exposure to endophyte-infected tall fescue diets on the plasma catecholamine metabolite (DOPAC) in mares during early gestation. J. of Animal Sci. (In Press)

Franzluebers, A.J. and N.S. Hill. 2004. Soil carbon, nitrogen, and ergot alkaloids with short- and long-term exposure to endophyte-infected and free tall fescue. SSSA (In press)

C.A. Roberts, H.R. Benedict, N.S. Hill, R.L. Kallenbach, and G.E. Rottinghaus. 2004. Determination of ergot alkaloid content in tall fescue by near-infrared spectroscopy. Crop Science (in press).

Andrae, J.G. 2004. Replacing endophyte-infected tall fescue stands. Vol 13. American Forage and Grassland Council Proceedings. Roanoke, VA. Pg 131-137.
Barker, David J., Nicholas S. Hill, and John G. Andrae. 2003 Measuring endophyte in tall fescue- plants, fields and farms. Chapter VI Tall Fescue Information System. In review.

Lacy, Curt, John D. Anderson, and John Andrae. 2003. Economic analysis of replacing wild-type endophyte infected tall fescue with novel endophyte-infected tall fescue. Selected paper prepared for presentation at Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Mobile AL, February 1-5 2003. Posted at http://www.agecon.lib.umn.edu/. 17 pgs.

Roberts, C. and J. Andrae. 2004. Chapter 18: Public Education on Tall Fescue Toxicosis. In: Neotyphodium/Grass Interactions. In press.

Roberts, C.A., and J.G. Andrae. 2004. Tall Fescue Toxicosis and Management. Crop Management doi:10.1094/CM-2004-0427-01-MG. Online. Posted at: http://www.plantmanagementnetwork.org/sub/cm/management/2004/toxicosis/Roberts.pdf

Stuedemann JA, Seman DH. 2004. Integrating genetics, environment, and management to minimize animal toxicoses. In: Roberts CA, Spiers DA (Editors), Neotyphodium in Cool-Season Grasses, ASA Monogr. (in press).

Franzluebbers AJ, Hill NS, Jenkins MB, Zuberer DA, Humayoun SB, Stuedemann JA. 2004. How does soil respond to wild-type endophyte infection? Paper #310. Proc. 5th Int. Symp. Neotyphodium/Grass Interaction, 23-26 May 2004, Fayetteville AR.

Stuedemann JA, Seman DH. 2004. Integrating genetics, environment, and management to minimize animal toxicoses. Proc. 5th Int. Symp. Neotyphodium/Grass Interaction, 23-26 May 2004, Fayetteville AR.


Jones, K.L., C.R. McCleary, S.S. King, G.A. Apgar, K.E. Griswold. 2004. Consumption of toxic fescue impairs bull reproductive parameters. Prof
Anim Sci. 20:1-6.


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