W3003: Parental practices supporting positive eating behaviors during independent eating occasions among early adolescent children
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
No abstracts or publications have been submitted yet for W3003.
Reicks M, Banna J, Cluskey M, Gunther CW, Hongu NK, Richards R, Topham G, Wong SS. (2015) Influence of parenting practices on eating behaviors of early adolescents during independent eating occasions: implications for obesity prevention. Nutrients. 7:8783-8801.
Banna J, Reicks M, Gunther C, Richards R, Bruhn B, Cluskey M, Wong SS, Misner S, Hongu N, Johnston NP. (2016) Perceived effects of emotion-based messages on motivation of Hispanic and Asian parents of early adolescents to engage in calcium-rich food and beverage parenting practices. Nutr Res Pract. 10:e26.
Martinez Y, Bellajos M, Bruhn C, Cluskey M, Gunther C, Johnston P, Misner S, Reicks M, Richards R, Wong SS, Banna JC. Evaluation of Messages to Motivate Parents to Promote Intake of Calcium-Rich Foods in Early Adolescents. Accepted at Community Scholarship and Engagement.
Vyduna JL, Boushey CJ, Bruhn CM, Reicks M, Auld GW, Cluskey M, Edlefsen M, Misner S, Olson B, Schram J, Zaghloul S. Field testing a questionnaire to identify parental psychosocial factors related to consumption of calcium-rich foods of their early adolescent children. Ecol Food Nutr. 2016;55(1):1-15.
Cluskey M, Wong SS, Richards R, Ballejos M, Reicks M, Auld G, Boushey C, Bruhn C, Misner S, Olson B, Zaghoul S. Dietary sources of calcium among parents and their early adolescent children in the United States by parent race/ethnicity and place of birth. J Immigr Minor Health. 2015;17(2):432-440.
Banna JC, Reicks M, Gunther C, Richards R, Bruhn C, Cluskey M, Wong SS, Misner S, Hongu N, Johnston NP. (2016). Evaluation of emotion-based messages designed to motivate Hispanic and Asian parents of early adolescents to engage in calcium-rich food and beverage parenting practices. Nutr Res Pract. 10:456-463.
Martinez Y, Bellajos M, Bruhn C, Cluskey M, Gunther C, Hongu, N, Johnston P, Misner S, Reicks M, Richards R, Wong SS, Banna JC. (2016). Evaluation of messages to promote intake of calcium-rich foods in early adolescents. J Community Engagement and Scholarship. 9:109-119.
Reicks M., Davey, C., Anderson, A. K., Banna J., Cluskey M., M., Gunther, C., Jones, B., Richards, R., Topham, G. L., Wong, S. S. (Under review). Frequency of Eating Alone among Adolescents is Associated with Dietary Intake, Perceived Parent Support and Weight Status: Cross-sectional FLASHE Study Results. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity.
Papers and posters presented last year:
Suzuki A, Anderson A, Choi SY, Cluskey M, Gunther C, Hongu N, Jones B, Lora K, Misner S, Monroe-Lord L, Penicka C, Reicks M, Richards R, Topham G, Wong SS, Banna JC. Characterizing Eating Behaviors of Adolescents Ages 10-13 in Hawaii While Eating Alone. University of Hawai‘i College of Tropical Agriculture and Human Resources Research Symposium. Honolulu, Hawai‘i; 2018, oral presentation by Asuka Suzuki (PhD student).
Suzuki A, Anderson A, Cluskey M, Ganganna P, Gunther C, Hongu N, Jones B, Litchfield R, Lora K, Misner S, Monroe-Lord L, Penicka C, Reicks M, Richards R, Topham G, Wong SS, Banna JC. Characterizing eating behavior during independent eating occasions among early adolescents in Hawaii. East-West Center International Graduate Student Conference. Honolulu, Hawai‘i, 2018, oral presentation by Asuka Suzuki (PhD student).
Papers and Posters to be Presented During the Upcoming Year
Richards R, Jones B, Anderson A, Banna JC, Cluskey M, Gunther C, Hongu N, Lora K, Misner S, Monroe-Lord L, Reicks M, Topham G, Wong SS. Parental practices and its impact on 10-13 year-old children. Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo, 2018, Washington, D.C., presentation by Rickelle Richards.
Suzuki A, Anderson A, Choi SY, Cluskey M, Gunther C, Hongu N, Jones B, Lora K, Misner S, Monroe-Lord L, Penicka C, Reicks M, Richards R, Topham G, Wong SS, Banna JC. Characterizing eating behavior during independent eating occasions among early adolescents in Hawaii. Nutrition 2018, Boston, Massachusetts, poster presentation by Asuka Suzuki (PhD student).
Banna JC, Richards R, Jones B, Anderson A, Cluskey M, Gunther C, Hongu N, Lora K, Misner S, Monroe-Lord L, Reicks M, Topham G, Wong SS, Lim E. Describing independent eating occasions among low-income adolescents ages 10-13 in the United States: a multi-state study. Nutrition 2018, Boston, Massachusetts, poster presentation by Jinan Banna.
Anderson AK, Richards R, Jones B, Banna J, Gunther C, Hongu N, Lora K, Misner S, Monroe-Lord L, Reicks M, Topham G, Wong SS. Challenges in collecting pictorial data and identifying foods in dietary assessment of early adolescents. Dietary Intake 2018: Workshop on Innovative Technologies for Dietary Intake Measurements. September 17, Imperial College, United Kingdom, presentation by Alex Anderson
Reicks M, Davey C, Anderson AK, Banna J, Cluskey M, Gunther C, Jones B, Richards R, Topham G, Wong SS. Frequency of eating alone among adolescents, perceptions of parenting practices, and dietary intake: results from the FLASHE Study. Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior Annual Meeting July 2018, Minneapolis.
Reicks M., Davey, C., Anderson, A. K., Banna J., Cluskey M., M., Gunther, C., Jones, B., Richards, R., Topham, G. L., Wong, S. S. (2019). Frequency of Eating Alone among Adolescents is Associated with Dietary Intake, Perceived Parent Support and Weight Status: Cross-sectional FLASHE Study Results. Public Health Nutrition, (1), 1-12.
Gunther, C., Reicks, M., Banna, J., Suzuki, A., Topham, G. L., Richards, R., Jones, B., Lora, K., Anderson, A. K., Pernicka, C., Hopkins, L. C., Cluskey, M., Hongu, K., Monroe-Lord, L., Wong, S. (Under review). Food parenting practices that influence adolescents’ food choices during independent eating occasions. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior.
Papers and posters presented last year:
Richards R, Jones B, Anderson A, Banna JC, Cluskey M, Gunther C, Hongu N, Lora K, Misner S, Monroe-Lord L, Reicks M, Topham G, Wong SS. Parental practices and its impact on 10-13 year-old children. Food and Nutrition Conference and Expo, 2018, Washington, D.C., presentation by Rickelle Richards.
Suzuki A, Anderson A, Choi SY, Cluskey M, Gunther C, Hongu N, Jones B, Lora K, Misner S, Monroe-Lord L, Penicka C, Reicks M, Richards R, Topham G, Wong SS, Banna JC. Characterizing eating behavior during independent eating occasions among early adolescents in Hawaii. Nutrition 2018, Boston, Massachusetts, poster presentation by Asuka Suzuki (PhD student).
Banna JC, Richards R, Jones B, Anderson A, Cluskey M, Gunther C, Hongu N, Lora K, Misner S, Monroe-Lord L, Reicks M, Topham G, Wong SS, Lim E. Describing independent eating occasions among low-income adolescents ages 10-13 in the United States: a multi-state study. Nutrition 2018, Boston, Massachusetts, poster presentation by Jinan Banna.
Anderson AK, Richards R, Jones B, Banna J, Gunther C, Hongu N, Lora K, Misner S, Monroe-Lord L, Reicks M, Topham G, Wong SS. Challenges in collecting pictorial data and identifying foods in dietary assessment of early adolescents. Dietary Intake 2018: Workshop on Innovative Technologies for Dietary Intake Measurements. September 17, Imperial College, United Kingdom, presentation by Alex Anderson
Reicks M, Davey C, Anderson AK, Banna J, Cluskey M, Gunther C, Jones B, Richards R, Topham G, Wong SS. Frequency of eating alone among adolescents, perceptions of parenting practices, and dietary intake: results from the FLASHE Study. Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior Annual Meeting July 2018, Minneapolis, poster presentation by Marla Reicks.
Papers and Posters to be Presented During the Upcoming Year
Banna J, Richards R, Jones B, Anderson A, Cluskey M, Gunther C, Hongu NK, Lora K, Misner S, Monroe-Lord L, Reicks M, Topham G, Wong SS, Lim E. (in preparation). Describing independent eating occasions among low-income adolescents ages 10-13 in the United States A multi-state study.