W_OLD6: Management and Utilization of Plant Genetic Resources
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
See Attachment.
Atwater D.Z. and R.M. Callaway. 2015. Testing the mechanisms of diversity-dependent overyielding in a grass species. Ecology. 96:3332-3342. doi:10.1890/15-0889.1.
Bhattarai, G. 2015. Microsatellie marker development, characterization and mapping in European hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.), and investigation of novel sources of eastern filbert blight resistance in Corylus. M.S. thesis, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR
Bhattarai, G. and S. A. Mehlenbacher. 2015. Microsatellite development and characterization in hazelnut. Abstracts of the annual meeting of the American Society for Horticultural Science. New Orleans, LA. August 4-7, 2015.
Bhattarai, G. and S.A. Mehlenbacher. 2016. Mapping new simple sequence repeat markers in hazelnut. Poster 1141. Abstracts of the Plant and Animal Genome Meeting, Jan 8-13, San Diego.
Bhattarai, G., S.A. Mehlenbacher and D.C. Smith. 2015. Novel sources of resistance to eastern filbert blight in hazelnut. Abstracts of the annual meeting of the American Society for Horticultural Science. New Orleans, LA. August 4-7, 2015.
Blake, N.K., J. M. Martin, H.-Y. Heo, K. D. Kephart, S. P. Lanning and L. E. Talbert . 2015. Registration of Near-Isogenic Lines for Photoperiod Response in Hard Red Spring Wheat. Journal of Plant Registrations. 9:239-243 doi:10.3198/jpr2014.12.0088crg.
Briggs J., S. Chen, W. Zhang, S. Nelson, J. Dubcovsky, M.N. Rouse. 2015. Genetic mapping of SrTm4, a recessive stem rust resistance gene from diploid wheat effective to Ug99. Plant Diseases 105: 1347-1354.
Brouwer, B. and S. Jones. 2016. Selecting and Breeding Barley for Craft Malt and Organic Production in Western Washington. Tilth Producers Quarterly. 26 (1).
Brouwer, B., P. Hayes, P. Schwarz, K. Murphy, S. Lyon, and S. Jones. 2014. Breeding barley for organic production and craft malt in Western Washington. 7th Organic Seed Growers Conference Proceedings. Organic Seed Alliance. Port Townsend, WA. Pages: 17-20.
Bulli, P., Zhang, J., Chao, S., Chen, X. and Pumphrey, M., 2016. Genetic Architecture of Resistance to Stripe Rust in a Global Winter Wheat Germplasm Collection. G3:g3-116.
Chen S., M.N. Rouse, W. Zhang, Y. Jin, E. Akhunov, Y. Wei, J. Dubcovsky. 2015. Fine mapping and characterization of Sr21, a temperature-sensitive diploid wheat resistance gene effective against the Puccinia graminis f. sp. tritici Ug99 race group. Theor Appl Genet. 128:645-656.
Cheng, P., W. Holdworth. Y. Ma, C.J. Coyne, M. Mazourek, M.A. Grusak, S. Fuchs and R.J. McGee. 2015. Association mapping for agronomic and quality traits in USDA Pea Single-Plant collection. Molecular Breeding 35(2):75. DOI 10.1007/s11032-015-0277-6
Colburn, B.C., S.A. Mehlenbacher, V.R. Sathuvalli and D.C. Smith. 2015. Novel sources of eastern filbert blight resistance in hazelnut accessions 'Culpla', 'Crvenje' and OSU 495.072. J. Amer. Soc. Hort. Sci. 139:191-200.
Cooper, W.R., and J.B. Bamberg. 2016. Variation in susceptibility to potato psyllid, Bactericera cockerelli (Hemiptera: Triozidae), among Solanum verrucosum germplasm accessions. Am. J. Pot. Res. In press. DOI: 10.1007/s12230-016-9512-x.
Coyne, C.J., M.-L. Pilet –Nayel, R. J. McGee, L.D. Porter, P. Smykal, N.J. Grünwald. 2015. Identification of QTL controlling high levels of partial resistance to Fusarium solani f. sp. pisi in pea. Plant Breeding 134:446-453. doi:10.111/pbr.12287.
Dugan, F.M. 2015. Fungi, p. 231 in: Beaudry, M.C., and Bescherer Metheny, K., (eds.), Archaeology of Food: An Encyclopedia. Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, Maryland.
Dugan, F.M. 2015. Hidden Histories and Ancient Mysteries of Witches, Plants and Fungi. APS Press, St. Paul, MN. 180 pp.
Dugan, F.M. 2015. Mead, pp. 308-309 in: Beaudry, M.C., and Bescherer Metheny, K., (eds.), Archaeology of Food: An Encyclopedia. Rowman & Littlefield, Lanham, Maryland.
Forrest, K., V. Pujol, P. Bulli, M. Pumphrey, C. Wellings, S. Herrera-Foessel, J. Huerta-Espino, R. Singh, E. Lagudah, M. Hayden, and W. Spielmeyer. 2014. Development of a SNP marker assay for the Lr67 gene of wheat using a genotyping by sequencing approach. Mol. Breeding. 2014, 34(4) 2109-2116. doi: 10.1007/s11032-014-0166-4
Govindarajulu, R., M. Parks, J.A. Tennessen , A. Liston, and T.-L. Ashman. 2015. Comparison of nuclear, plastid and mitochondrial phylogenies and the origin of wild octoploid strawberry species. American Journal of Botany 102:544-554.
Goyer, A. and V. Sathuvalli. 2015. Shrinkage and bruising characteristics of seven russet potato varieties during cold storage. Am. J. Potato Res. 92:189. (Abstr.)
Hu, J., S.J. Kwon, J.J. Park, E.J. Landry, D.S. Mattinson and D.R. Gang. 2015. LC-MS determination of L-DOPA concentration in the leaf and flower tissues of six faba bean (Vicia faba L.) lines with common and rare flower colors. Functional Foods in Health and Disease. 5(7):243–250.
Hystad, S. M., J. M. Martin, R.A. Graybosch and M.J. Giroux. 2015) Genetic characterization and expression analysis of wheat (Triticum aestivum) line 07OR1074 exhibiting very low polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity. Theor. and Appl. Genet. 128: 1605-1615.
Johnson, R.C., M.E. Horning, E.K Espeland, and K. Vance-Borland. 2015. Relating adaptive genetic traits to climate for Sandberg bluegrass from the intermountain western United States. Evolutionary Applications, 8:172–184. doi: 10.1111/eva.12240
Johnston, W., R. Johnson, C. Golob, K. Dodson, M. Nelson, G. Stahnke, E. Guertal. 2015. Development of turf-type Poa pratensis L. germplasm for seed production without field burning. Athens Journal of Sciences 2: 9-15.
Jordan, K. W., S. Wang, Y. Lun, L.-J. Gardiner, R. Maclachlan, P. Hucl, K. Wiebe, D. Wong, K. Forrest, IWGSC, A. G. Sharpe, C. H. D. Sidebottom, N. Hall, C. Toomajian, T. Close, J. Dubcovsky, A. Akhunova, L. Talbert, U. Bansal, H. S. Bariana, M. Hayden, C. Pozniak, J. J. Jeddeloh, A. Hall and E. Akhunov. 2015. A haplotype map of allohexaploid wheat reveals distinct patterns of selection on homoeologous genomes. Genome Biology 16:48.
Kippes N., J.M. Debernardi, H. Vasquez-Gross, B.A. Akpinar, B.H., K. Kato, S. Chao, E. Akhunov and J. Dubcovsky. 2015. Identification of the VERNALIZATION 4 gene reveals the origin of spring growth habit in ancient wheats from South Asia. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 112: E5401–E5410. PMC4593092
Landry, E., C.J. Coyne and J. Hu. 2015. Agronomic performance of spring planted faba bean (Vicia faba L.) in southeastern Washington. Agronomy Journal 107: 574-578
Landry, E.J., J.E. Lafferty, C.J. Coyne, W.L. Pan and J. Hu. 2015. Registration of four winter-hardy faba bean germplasm lines for use in winter pulse and cover crop development. Journal of Plant Registrations 9:367-370.
Leadbetter, C.W., J. M. Capik, S.A. Mehlenbacher and T.J. Molnar. 2016. Hazelnut accessions from Russia and Crimea transmit resistance to eastern filbert blight. J. Amer. Pomol. Soc. (in press)
Maccaferri, M., J. Zhang, P. Bulli, Z. Abater, S. Chao, D. Cantu, E. Bossolini, X. Chen. M. Pumphry, and J. Dobocovsky. 2015. A genome-wide association study of resistance to stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici) in a worldwide collection of hexaploid spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). G3. 2015, 5(3)449-465. doi: 10.1534/g3.114.014563.
Mehlenbacher, S.A., D.C. Smith and R.L. McCluskey. 2016. 'McDonald' hazelnut. HortScience (in press).
Patel, G.K., C.R. Brown and V. Sathuvalli. 2015. Development of molecular markers linked to Columbia root-knot nematode tuber resistance. Am. J. Potato Res. 92:202 (Abstr.)
Penmetsa RV, Carrasquilla-Garcia N, Bergmann EM, Vance L, Castro B, Kassa MT, Sarma BK, Datta S, Farmer AD, Kaashyap M, Baek JM, Coyne CJ, Varshney RK, von Wettberg EJB, Cook DR. 2016. Multiple post-domestication origins of kabuli chickpea through allelic variation in a diversification-associated transcription factor. New Phytologist. 211:1440-1451
Rwahnih, Maher Al, Adib Rowhani, Deborah A. Golino, Christina M. Islasa, John E. Preece and Mysore R. Sudarshana. 2015. Detection and genetic diversity of Grapevine red blotch-associated virus isolates in table grape accessions in the National Clonal Germplasm Repository in California. Canadian J. Plant Path. 37:1, 130-135, DOI: 10.1080/07060661.2014.999705
Sathuvalli, V., B.A. Charlton, S. Yilma and C.C. Shock. 2015. Genomics-assisted breeding: an update on Oregon potato breeding and variety development. Am. J. Potato Res. 92:206. (Abstr.)
Sathuvalli, V.R., K. Vining, B. Knaus and S.A. Mehlenbacher. 2016. Differential gene expression during sporophytic incompatibility in European hazelnut (Corylus avellana L.) Poster 1142. Abstracts of the Plant and Animal Genome Meeting, Jan 8-13, San Diego.
Smýkal, P., C.J. Coyne, et al. 2015. Legume crops phylogeny and genetic diversity for science and breeding. Critical Rev. Plant Sciences 34:43-104.
Syamaladevi, R.M., A. Adhikari, S.L. Lupien, F. Dugan, K. Bhunia, A. Dhingra, and S.S. Sablani. 2015. Ultraviolet-C light inactivation of Pencillium expansum on fruit surfaces. Food Control 50: 297-303.
van Oss, R., S. Abbo, R. Eshed, A. Sherman, C.J. Coyne, G.J. Vandemark, H. Zhang and Z. Peleg. 2015. Genetic Relationship in Cicer sp. Expose Evidence for Geneflow between the Cultigen and its Wild Progenitor. PLOS One 10(10): e0139789 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0139789
Vazquez, M.D., R. Zemetra, C.J. Peterson, and C.C. Mundt. 2015. Identification of Cephalosporium stripe resistance quantitative trait loci in two recombinant inbred line populations of winter wheat. Theor. Appl. Genet. 128:329-341.
Vazquez, M.D., R. Zemetra, C.J. Peterson, X. M. Chen, A. Heesacker, and C. C. Mundt. 2015. Multi-location wheat stripe rust QTL analysis: Genetic background and epistatic interactions. Theor. Appl. Genet. 128:1307-1318.
Warkentin, T., P. Smykal, C. Coyne, et al. 2015. Pea (Pisum sativum L.). IN: A. De Ron (editor) Grain Legumes, Series Handbook of Plant Breeding. Springer Science and Business Media, New York.
Wiseman, M.S., F.M. Dugan, Y.K. Kim, and C.L. Xiao. 2015. A postharvest fruit rot of apple caused by Lambertella corni-maris in Washington State. Plant Disease 99:201-206.
Yang L., R.M. Callaway, and D.Z. Atwater. 2015. Root contact responses and the positive relationship between intraspecific diversity and ecosystem productivity. AoB PLANTS 7: plv053; doi:10.1093/aobpla/plv053.
Yang, T., L. Fang, X. Zhang, J. Hu, S. Bao, J. Hao, L. Li, Y. He, J. Jiang, F. Wang, S. F. Tian and X. Zong. 2015. High-Throughput Development of SSR Markers from Pea (Pisum sativum L.) Based on Next Generation Sequencing of a Purified Chinese Commercial Variety. PLoS One, 10(10), e0139775.
Yilma, S., V. Sathuvalli, E. Karaagac and M.I. Vales. 2015. Genome-wide association study (GWAS) and mapping of late blight and potato virus X resistance loci in potato using genotyping-by-sequencing. Am. J. Potato Res. 92:213-214 (Abstr.)
Yu, L-X and T.L. Setter 2015. Comparative transcriptomes between viviparous1 and wildtype maize developing endosperms in response to water deficit. Env. Exp. Botany. 12: 116–124. DOI: 10.1016/j.envexpbot.2015.11.009
Zhang, T., L-X. Yu, P. Zheng, Y. Li, M. Rivera, D. Main and S. Greene. 2015. Identification of Loci Associated with Drought Resistance Traits in Heterozygous Autotetraploid Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) Using Genome-Wide Association Studies with Genotyping by Sequencing. PLoS ONE 10(9): e0138931. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0138931