W3190: Management and Policy Challenges in a Water-Scarce World
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Hansen, K., R. Howitt, and J. Williams. 2015. “An Econometric Test of Water Market Institutions.” Natural Resources Journal 55(1): 127-152.
Hansen, K. 2015. “Water Markets from Theory to Practice.” In Handbook of Water Economics, eds. A. Dinar and K. Schwabe. Edward Elgar Publishing, pp. 355-371.
Hansen, K., C. Nicholson and G. Paige. 2015. “Wyoming’s Water: Resources and Management.” UW Extension Bulletin B-1272. Laramie, WY: University of Wyoming Extension.
Hodges, A., K. Hansen and D. McLeod. 2014. “The Economics of Bulk Water Transport in Southern California.” Resources 3(4):703-720.
Bonnie Colby, George Frisvold and Matthew Mealy, “Reallocating Climate Risks Through Water Trading”, Chapter 16 in Handbook of Water Economics, James Roumasset, editor, Springer-Verlag Co 2014.
Bonnie Colby, “Innovative Water Transactions to Meet Urban and Environmental Demands in the Face of Climate Change” Chapter 10 in Innovations in Water Markets, William Easter, editor, Springer book series on Global Issues in Water Policy, 2014.
Navigating a Pathway Toward Colorado’s Water Future A Review and Recommendations Colorado’s Draft Water Plan, Report of the Getches-Wilkinson Center Colorado Water Working Group, April 30, 2015. Principal Author Lawrence J. MacDonnell, University of Colorado [Working Group Members Reed Benson, University of New Mexico Bonnie Colby, University of Arizona Robert Glennon, University of Arizona Brad Udall, Colorado State University Charles Wilkinson, University of Colorado.]
Clarke, Andrew. Come Hell Or High Water Prices: A Household-Level Analysis Of Residential Water Demand In Tucson, Arizona, M.S. thesis, May, 2015, Department Of Agricultural And Resource Economics, Dr. Bonnie Colby, thesis director.
Duval, Dari. M.S. thesis, The Influence of Colorado River Flows on the Upper Gulf of California Fisheries Economy, May, 2015, Department Of Agricultural And Resource Economics, Dr. Bonnie Colby, thesis director.
Kahil, M. T., A Dinar, J. Albiac, Cooperative Water Management and Ecosystem Protection under Scarcity and Drought in Arid and Semiarid Regions. Water Resources & Economics (Accepted for Publication, October 5, 2015).
Esteban, E. and A. Dinar, The Role of Groundwater-dependent Ecosystems in Groundwater Management. Natural Resource Modeling (Accepted for Publication September 23, 2015).
Nigatu, G. and A. Dinar, Economic and Hydrological Impacts of the Grand Ethiopian Renais-sance Dam on the Eastern Nile River Basin. Environment and Development Economics (Ac-cepted for Publication September 16, 2015). doi:10.1017/S1355770X15000352, 24 pgs.
Dinar, A. and M. Hogarth, Game Theory and Water Resources: Critical Review of its Contribu-tions, Progress and Remaining Challenges. Foundations & Trends (Accepted for Publication March 7, 2015), 11(1–2):1–139, 2015.
Kahil, M. T., A Dinar, J. Albiac, Modeling Water Scarcity and Droughts for Policy Adaptation to Climate Change in Arid and Semiarid Regions. Journal of Hydrology (Accepted for Publi-cation December 16, 2014), 522:95–109, 2015.
Kovacs, K., M. Mattia, G. West. 2015. “Landscape irrigation management for maintaining an aquifer and economic returns.” Journal of Environmental Management, 160, 271-282.
Kovacs, K., M. Popp, K. Brye, G. West. 2015. “On-Farm Reservoir Adoption in the Presence of Spatially Explicit Groundwater Use and Recharge.” Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 40(1), 23-49. 2015
Nalley, M. Anders, K. Kovacs, B. Linquist. 2015. “The Economic Viability of Alternative Wetting and Drying Irrigation in Arkansas Rice Production.” Agronomy Journal, 107(2), 579-587.
Kovacs, K., E. Wailes, G. West, J. Popp, K. Bektemirov. 2014. “Optimal Spatial-Dynamic Management of Groundwater Conservation and Surface Water Quality with On-Farm Reservoirs.” Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 46(4), 409-437.
Schmidt R.D., and Garth Taylor. Evaluating Water Conservation Infrastructure. Water Economics and Policy Forthcoming. 2015.
Taylor, R. Garth, R. D. Schmidt, B. Contor, and L. Stodick. 2014. Modeling Conjunctive Water Use as a Reciprocal Externality. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. 96(3): 753-768.
McKean, J. R. Donn Johnson, R.G. Taylor. 2014. Estimating Tournament Effects on Sportfishing Demand. Tourism Economics. 20(5): 1067-1086.
Quall, Russ, Garth Taylor, Joel Hamilton, and Ayodeji Arogundade. Climate Change Opportunities for Idaho Irrigation Supply and Deliveries. Climate Variability and Water-Dependent Sectors: Impacts and Potential Adaptations. Eds J. Peterson and D. Peck, Routledge Taylor and Francis Group. Oxford England 2014.
Huffaker, R. (2015) “Building Economic Models Corresponding to the Real World.” Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy, doi:10.1093.
Huffaker, R. (2015). Tradeoffs: fish, farmers, and energy on the Columbia in Routledge Handbook of Water Economics and Institutions, edited by K. Burnett, R. Howitt, J. Roumasset, and C. Wada, Routledge, N.Y.
Choi, J., R.R. Hearne, K. Lee, and D.C. Roberts. 2015. “The Relation between Water
Pollution and Economic Growth Using the Environmental Kuznets Curve: A Case Study in South Korea.” Water International 40(3):499-512.
Hearne, R. S. Shakya, and Q. Yin. 2015. “The value of fracking wastewater treatment and recycling technologies in North Dakota.” Journal of Water Reuse and Desalination 5(2):211-222.
Hearne, R. and T. Prato. forthcoming. "Institutional Evolution of Missouri River Management" accepted for publication in Water Policy.
Garnache, C. (2015) “Fish, Farmers, and Floods: Coordinating Institutions to Optimize the Provision of Ecosystem Services.” Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 2(3):367--399.
Adam, Jennifer, J. Stephens, S. Chung, M. Brady, R. Evans, C. Kruger; B. Lamb, M. Liu, C. Stöckle, J. Vaughan, K. Rajagopalan, J. Harrison, C. Tague, A. Kalyanaraman, Y. Chen, A. Guenther, F. Leung, L. Leung, A. Perleberg, J. Yoder, E. Allen, S. Anderson, B. Chandrasekharan, K. Malek, T. Mullis, C. Miller, T. Nergui, J. Poinsatte, J. Reyes, J. Zhu, J. Choate, X. Jiang, R. Nelson, J. Yoon, G. Yorgey, K. Johnson, K. Chinnayakanahalli, A. Hamlet, B. Nijssen, & V. Walden. 2014. BioEarth: Envisioning and Developing a New Regional Earth System Model to Inform Natural and Agricultural Resource Management. Climatic Change 129(3-4). http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10584-014-1115-2
Yoder, Jonathan, Jennifer Adam, Michael Brady, Joseph Cook, Stephen Katz, Daniel Brent, Shane Johnston, Keyvan Malek, John McMillan, and Qingqing Yang. 2014. Benefit-Cost Analysis of the Yakima Basin Integrated Plan Projects. State of Washington Water Research Center. December. Available at https://swwrc.wsu.edu/2014ybip. 196.pp.
Yoder, Jonathan. 2015. Yakima Basin Integrated Plan Benefit-Cost Analysis: An appeal for evidence-based discourse about the State of Washington Water Research Center study of the Yakima Basin Integrated Plan. The Water Report 135(May): 9-17, 20. Response to Malloch and Garrity (Same issue).
Michael Brady, Tongzhe Li, & Jonathan Yoder. 2015. The Columbia River Treaty Renegotiation from the Perspective of Contract Theory. Contemporary Water Research and Education 150:53-62
Yoder, Jonathan, Adrienne Ohler, & Hayley Chouinard. 2014. What floats your boat? Preference revelation from lotteries over complex goods. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 67:412-430. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/ S0095069614000163. Winner of the Western Agricultural Economics Association Outstanding Published Research Award for 2014.
Ohler, Adrienne, Hayley Chouinard, & Jonathan Yoder. 2014. Interest group incentives for post-lottery trade restrictions. Journal of Regulatory Economics 45(3):281-304. DOI: http: //dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11149-014-9246-y.
Eiswerth, M.E. (with W. Breffle, D. Muralidharan, and J. Thornton). 2015. “Understanding How Income Influences Willingness to Pay for Joint Programs: A More Equitable Value Measure for the Less Wealthy.” Ecological Economics 109: 17-25.
Schoengold, K., P. Shrestha, and M. Eiswerth. 2014. The joint impact of drought conditions and media coverage on the Colorado rafting industry. In: Dannele E. Peck and Jeffrey M. Peterson (Eds.), Climate Variability and Water Dependent Sectors: Impacts and Potential Adaptations. Oxford: Routledge Publishing. 132 pp. October 2014.
Peck, D.E. and J.M. Peterson, Editors. Climate Variability and Water-Dependent Sectors: Impacts and Potential Adaptations. London: Taylor and Francis. 2015. ISBN: 978-1-13-880733-4
Quintana Ashwell, N.E. and J.M. Peterson. “The Impact of Irrigation Capital Subsidies on Common-pool Groundwater Use and Depletion: Results for Western Kansas. Water Economics and Policy. 2015: 1550004. http://dx.doi.org/10.1142/S2382624X15500046
Peterson, J.M., C.M. Smith, John C. Leatherman, Nathan P. Hendricks, and John A. Fox. “Transaction Costs in Payment for Environmental Service Contracts.” American Journal of Agricultural Economics 97(January 2015): 219-238. doi: 10.1093/ajae/aau071
Edwards, Eric C. and Gary D. Libecap. 2015. Water Institutions and the Law of One Price. Halvorsen and D.F. Layton eds. Handbook on the Economics of Natural Resources, Edward Elgar Publishing, p. 442-473.
Wolfson, Lois. 2014. Water-Climate Decision Support System. Bulletin of the Institute of Water Research, Michigan State University. 2pp.
Seedang, Saichon, Jon Bartholic, and Frank Lupi. 2015. The Potential for Incorporating Economics into Decision Support Tool. White Paper. Institute of Water Research. May 2015. 23 pages. Supported by U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)
Seedang, Saichon. 2015. Estimating the Economic Value of Ecosystems Services for Supporting the Implementation of Payment for Environmental Services and Bio-carbon Financial Mechanisms in Thailand Watershed Pilot Sites. Under Project "Integrated Community-based Forest and Catchment Management Through an Ecosystem Service Approach". Technical Report (Inception Report). June 2015. 112 pages. Supported by Global Environmental Facility (GEF), Thailand Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE), United Nations Development Programme ( UNDP)
Seedang, Saichon. 2015. Estimating the Economic Value of Ecosystems Services for Supporting the Implementation of Payment for Environmental Services and Bio-carbon Financial Mechanisms in Four Watershed Pilot Sites. Under Project "Integrated Community-based Forest and Catchment Management Through an Ecosystem Service Approach". Technical Report (Progress Report). August 2015. 70 pages. Supported by Global Environmental Facility (GEF), Thailand Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Fernald, A., Guldan, S., Boykin, K., Cibils, A., Gonzales, M., Hurd, B. H., Lopez, S., Ochoa, C. G., Ortiz, M., Rivera, J., Rodriguez, S., and Steele, C. M. (2015). Linked hydrologic and social systems that support resilience of traditional irrigation communities, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 19, 293-307, 2015. doi:10.5194/hess-19-293-2015.
Hurd, Brian. 2015. Concepts and Methods for Assessing Economic Impacts from Climate Change on Water Resources. In The Handbook of Water Economics, Ariel Dinar and Kurt Schwabe (eds.), Edward Elgar Publishers. DOI 10.4337/9781782549666. 515p.
Habteyes, B.C., H.A.E. El-Bardisy, S.A. Amer, V.R. Schneider, and F.A. Ward (2015), Mutually beneficial and sustainable management of Ethiopian and Egyptian dams in the Nile Basin, Journal of Hydrology, 529, 1235-1246.
Ward, F.A. and N. Becker (2015), Economic Cost of Water Deliveries for Peace and the Environment in Israel: An Integrated Water Resources Management Approach, Water Resources Research, 51(7), 5806-5828.
Gohar, A. A., Amer, S. A., & Ward, F. A. (2015). Irrigation infrastructure and water appropriation rules for food security. Journal of Hydrology, 520, 85-100.
Li, J., H.A. Michael, J.M. Duke, K.D. Messer, and J.F. Suter. 2014. Impact of risk information in a spatially explicit groundwater environment with contamination risk: experimental evidence. Water Resources Research. 50: 6390–6405.
Strong, Aaron and C. Goemans. 2015. “The Impact of Real-time Quantity Information on Residential Water Demand.” Water Resources and Economics, Volume 10, pages 1-13.
Maas, Alex, Andre Dozier, Dale Manning, and Christopher Goemans. 2015. The Value of Stored Water and Trading in the West: Lessons from the Colorado Big-Thompson. Colorado Water, Volume 32, Issue 1, 2015.
Sun, J. Sesmero, and K. Schoengold, "The Role of Common Pool Problems in Irrigation Inefficiency: A Case Study in Groundwater Pumping in Mexico", accepted for publication in Agricultural Economics. 2015.
Sun, J. Sesmero, and K. Schoengold, "The Roles of Cost Sharing Rules and Well Sharing in Irrigation Inefficiency: A Case Study in Groundwater Pumping in Mexico", Cornhusker Economics, June 2015.
Schaible, Glenn., Ashok Mishra, Dayton Lambert, and George Panterov. 2015. Factors Influencing Environmental Stewardship in U.S. Agriculture: Conservation Program Participants vs. Non-Participants, Land Use Policy, 46 (March): pp. 125-141 (http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.landusepol.2015.01.018).
Schaible, G.D. & M. Aillery. 2015. Irrigation and Water Use. [Revised/extended ERS webpage, 11p. (9/24/15) at: http://www.ers.usda.gov/topics/farm-practices-management/irrigation-water-use.aspx .
Schaible, Glenn D. 2015. ERS Agricultural Normalized Price Estimates for 2015. [ERS Data Product (posted: 9/30/15), a congressionally-mandated ERS obligation. These prices are used by multiple Federal/State agencies to evaluate benefits of resource-related projects (water and/or land) affecting agriculture.]
Hansen, LeRoy. 2015. The Cost Effectiveness of Removing Nitrogen by Restoring and Protecting Wetlands Varies Geographically. Amber Waves. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service (October), at: http://ers.usda.gov/amber-waves/2015-october/the-cost-effectiveness-of-removing-nitrogen-by-restoring-and-protecting-wetlands-varies-geographically.aspx.
Hansen, LeRoy. 2015. Wetlands benefits and costs vary by location. Amber Waves. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, (May), at: http://cms.usda.net/52752.aspx#.VUJC0pNRSiw .
Hansen, LeRoy, Daniel Hellerstein, Marc Ribaudo, James Williamson, David Nulph, Charles Loesch, and William Crumpton. 2015. Targeting Investments to Cost Effectively Restore and Protect Wetland Ecosystems: Some Economic Insights. Economic Research Report (ERR 183), U.S. Department of Agriculture, Economic Research Service, (February), 56 p., at: http://www.ers.usda.gov/media/1784721/err183.pdf .
Guilfoos, Todd, and Andreas Duus Pape. "Predicting human cooperation in the Prisoner’s Dilemma using case-based decision theory." Theory and Decision (2015): 1-32.
Kahil, M. T., J. Albiac, A. Dinar, E. Calvo, E. Esteban, L. Avella, M. Garcia-Molla, The Debate on Water Policies: Evidence from Drought in Spain, Water, 8(2), 34. doi:10.3390/w8020034, 2016.
Kahil, M. T., A Dinar, J. Albiac, Cooperative Water Management and Ecosystem Protection under Scarcity and Drought in Arid and Semiarid Regions. Water Resources & Economics,13:60-74, 2016.
Tellez-Foster, A. Dinar, and A. Rapoport. Comparing Alternative Modifications of Energy Subsidies: The Case of Groundwater Extraction. UCR SPP Working Paper Series, July 2016, WP# 16-02.
Tellez-Foster, A. Rapoport, and A. Dinar. Groundwater and Electricity Consumption un-der Alternative Subsidies: Evidence from Laboratory Experiments. UCR SPP Working Paper Series, July 2016, WP# 16-03.
Tellez-Foster, A. Rapoport, and A. Dinar. Alternative Policies to Manage Electricity Subsi-dies for Groundwater Extraction: A Field Study in Mexico. UCR SPP Working Paper Series, July 2016, WP# 16-05.
Grismer, M.E. 2015. Use of shallow groundwater for crop production. UC - ANR Drought Tip Publication 8521. June.
Grismer, M.E. and K.M. Bali. 2015. Use of saline drain water for crop productions. UC - ANR Drought Tip Publication 8554. October
Jones, S., A.M. Michelsen, E. Evenson and D. Blodgett. 2015. The National Water Availability and Use Science Program. IMPACT. American Water Resources Association. Middleburg, VA. Vol. 17(6): 18-20.
Sheng, Z., A.M. Michelsen and Y. Liu. 2015. Comparing Long-term Water Resources Planning for Two Large Cities: Houston and Shanghai. IMPACT. American Water Resources Association. Middleburg, VA. 17:1. January. Invited.
Sun, G., A.M. Michelsen, Z. Sheng, A.F. Fang, Y. Shang and H. Zhang. 2015. Featured Collection Introduction: Water for Megacities - Challenges and Solutions. Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 51(3):585-588. DOI:10.1111/1752-1688.12317.
Garnache, C. (2015). “Fish, Farmers, and Floods: Coordinating Institutions to Optimize the Provision of Ecosystem Services.” Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists. 2(3):367-399.
Garnache, C., Lopez, M.C., Pearson, A.L., Richardson, R.B., and Zwickle, A. (2015). “Institutional Analysis, Participatory Mapping, and Water Assessment for Sustainable Community Development in Tanzania.” Report to the Center for Advanced Study of International Development, Michigan State University. International Strategic Partnership Funding.
Seedang, Saichon and Chutima Noinard. 2015. Estimating the Economic Value of Ecosystems Services for Supporting the Implementation of Payments for Environmental Services and Bio-carbon Financial Mechanisms in Thailand Watershed Pilot Sites. Under Project "Integrated Community-based Forest and Catchment Management through an Ecosystem Service Approach ". Technical Report (Final Report). November, 2015. 220 pages. (Supported by Global Environmental Facility (GEF), Thailand Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment (MONRE), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)).
Kovacs, K., M. Mancini. 2017. “Conjunctive water management to sustain agricultural economic returns and a shallow aquifer at the landscape level.” Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, forthcoming.
Hurd, Brian. 2015. Concepts and Methods for Assessing Economic Impacts from Climate Change on Water Resources. In The Handbook of Water Economics, Ariel Dinar and Kurt Schwabe (eds.), Edward Elgar Publishers. DOI
Fernald, A., Guldan, S., Boykin, K., Cibils, A., Gonzales, M., Hurd, B. H., Lopez, S., Ochoa, C. G., Ortiz, M., Rivera, J., Rodriguez, S., and Steele, C. M. (2015). Linked hydrologic and social systems that support resilience of traditional irrigation communities, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci. 19, 293-307, 2015. doi:10.5194/hess-19-293-2015.
Benjamin Turner, Vincent Tidwell, Alexander Fernald, Jose Rivera, Sylvia Rodriguez, Steven Guldan, Carlos Ochoa, Brian Hurd, Kenneth Boykin, and Andres Cibils. 2016. “Modeling acequia irrigation systems using System Dynamics: model development, evaluation, and sensitivity analyses to investigate socio-economic and biophysical feedbacks,” Sustainability, 8(10), 1019; doi:10.3390/su8101019
Eiswerth, M.E., R. Epanchin-Niell, K. Rollins, M.H. Taylor. Economic Modeling and the Management of Exotic Annual Bromus Species: Accounting for Ecosystem Dynamics, Ecological Thresholds, and Spatial Interdependencies. Chapter 15 in: Exotic Brome-Grasses in Arid and Semi-arid Ecosystems of the Western U.S.: Causes, Consequences, and Management Implications. Edited by M.J. Germino, J.C. Chambers, and C.S. Brown. New York, NY: Springer Publishing. 2016. pp. 429-456.
Gitau, M.W. 2016. Long-term seasonality of rainfall in the Southwest Florida Gulf coastal zone. Climate Research. DOI 10.3354/cr01399.
Guilfoos, T., Khanna, N., & Peterson, J. M. (2016). Efficiency of Viable Groundwater Management Policies. Land Economics, 92(4), 618-640.
Miao, H., Fooks, J. R., Guilfoos, T., Messer, K. D., Pradhanang, S. M., Suter, J. F., Trandafir, S., and Uchida, E. (2016). The impact of information on behavior under an ambient-based policy for regulating nonpoint source pollution. Water Resources Research. 52(5): 3294-3308.
Booth, P. L., Guilfoos, T., & Uchida, E. (2016). Endowment Effects and Drinking Water Quality. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 45(02), 338-366.
Kim, C. S., & Guilfoos, T. (2016). The Effect of Cost-share Programs on Ground Water Exploitation and Nonpoint-source Pollution under Endogenous Technical Change. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 45(02), 394-417.
Boslett, A., Guilfoos, T., & Lang, C. (2016). Valuation of expectations: a hedonic study of shale gas development and New York’s Moratorium. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 77, 14-30.
Delgado M., Guilfoos T., Boslett A. (2016) The Cost of Hydraulic Fracturing: A Hedonic Analysis. Resource and Energy Economics, 46, 1-22.
Ziolkowska, J.R. and J.M. Peterson, Editors. Competition for Water Resources: Experiences and Management Approaches in the US and Europe. Elsevier. 2016. ISBN: 978-0-12-803237-4
Peterson, J.M. Water-Energy-Food Nexus: Commonalities and Differences in the US and Europe. In J. Ziolkowska and J. Peterson, eds. Competition for Water Resources: Experiences and Management Approaches in the US and Europe. Elsevier. 2016.
Peterson, J.M. and N. Hendricks. “Economics of Water.” K. Conca and E. Weinthal, eds. Oxford Handbook of Water Politics and Policy. Oxford University Press. 2016 (forthcoming).
Walter, J. and J.M. Peterson. “Strategic R&D and the Innovation of Products: Understanding the Role of Time Preferences and Product Differentiation.” Economics of Innovation and New Technology. In press.
Caldas, M.M., J.S. Bergtold, J.M. Peterson, and D. Earnhart. “Land-use Choices: The Case of Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) re-enrollment in Kansas, USA.” Journal of Land Use Science. In press. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1747423X.2016.1215563
Kulcsar, L.J., J. Aistrup, T. Bulatewicz, J.M. Peterson, S.M. Welch, and D.R. Steward. “Water and Society: Interdisciplinary Education in Natural Resources.” Journal of Contemporary Water Research and Education 158(August 2016): 120-131. http://ucowr.org/files/Journal/Issues/158/158_Kulcsar_et_al.pdf
Schaible, Glenn. D., Marcel P. Aillery. 2016. Challenges for U.S. Irrigated Agriculture in the Face of Emerging Demands and Climate Change. Chapter 2.1.1 in Competition for Water Resources: Experiences and Management Approaches in the US and Europe, eds. J. Ziolkowska and J. Peterson, Elsevier Publishing (September 30, 2016), at: http://store.elsevier.com/Competition-for-Water-Resources/isbn-9780128032374/.
Schaible, Glenn D. 2016. ERS Agricultural Normalized Price Estimates. [ERS Data Product (posted by 9/30/16), a congressionally-mandated ERS obligation.
Wallander, S., M. Aillery, and G. Schaible. Long-Term Response to Water Scarcity in California, Amber Waves Statistic: Farm Practices & Management, USDA/ERS (November 02, 2015), 6 p.
Schaible, G. and M. Aillery. More Efficient Irrigation Methods are being Adopted on Farmland in the Western U.S., ERS Chart of Note, USDA/ERS (January 6, 2016).
Sneeringer, Stacy. Comparing Participation in Nutrient Trading by Livestock Operations to Crop Producers in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed, Economic Research Report (ERR-216), Economic Research Service, USDA (September 2016): 71 p.
Marshall, Elizabeth, Marcel Aillery, Scott Malcolm, and Ryan Williams. Climate Change, Water Scarcity, and Adaptation in the U.S. Fieldcrop Sector, Economic Research Report (ERR-201), Economic Research Service, USDA (November 2015): 110 p.
Blevins, S., K. Hansen, G. Paige, and A. MacKinnon. 2016. “The True Value of Flood Irrigation: What’s Seen as Wasteful Water Use Has Hidden Benefits.” Western Confluence: Natural Resource Science and Management in the West. UW Ruckelshaus Institute publication, Laramie, WY, pp. 38-40.
Hansen, K. 2016. “Meeting the Challenge of Water Scarcity in the Western U.S.” In Competition for Water Resources: Experiences and Management Approaches in the US and Europe (J. Ziolkowska. and J. Peterson, editors). Elsevier: Cambridge, MA.
Kim, C.S., R.M. Adams and D. Peck. 2016. “Multiyear Discrete Stochastic Programming with a Fuzzy Semi-Markov Process.” Applied Mathematics 7:482-495.
Yoder, Jonathan, Michael Brady, and Joseph Cook. 2016. Water markets and storage: Substitutes or complements for drought risk mitigation? Water Economics and Policy 2(2):21 pp.
Hearne, R. and F. Fernando. 2016. “Strategies for Community and Industry Water Management in the Oil Producing Region of North Dakota” Water 2016, 8, 331; doi:10.3390/w8080331
Hearne, R. and T. Prato. 2016. “Institutional Evolution of Missouri River Management.” Water Policy. 18 (3) 619-634.
Amir Mani, Frank T-C. Tsai, Krishna Paudel. 2016. Mixed integer linear fractional programming for conjunctive use of surface water and groundwater. Journal of Water Resources Planning and Management 142(11): 10.1061/(ASCE)WR.1943-5452.0000676
Krishna Paudel, Mahesh Pandit, and Roger Hinson. 2016. Irrigation Water Sources and Irrigation Application Methods Used by U.S. Plant Nursery Producers. Water Resources Research DOI: 10.1002/2015WR017619
Atreya, A., W. Kriesel, and J. Mullen. "Valuing Open Space in a Marshland Environment: Development Alternatives for Coastal Georgia" Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics (in press).
Edwards, E.C. 2016. “What Lies Beneath? Aquifer Heterogeneity and the Economics of Groundwater Management.” Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, vol. 3 no. 2, pp. 453-91.
Cobourn, K.M., L. Elbakidze, and S. Ghosh. 2016. “Conjunctive Water Management in Hydraulically Connected Regions in the Western U.S.” solicited chapter for inclusion in Competition for Water Resources: Experiences and Management Approaches in the U.S. and Europe, eds. J. Ziolkowska and J. Peterson
Speir, S. Pittman and D. Tomberlin. 2015. “Uncertainty, Irreversibility and the Optimal Timing of Large-Scale Ecosystem Restoration.” Frontiers in Marine Science 2: 101. doi: 10.3389/fmars.2015.00101.
Mieno, T. and Brozović, N., 2016, Price elasticity of groundwater demand: Attenuation and amplification bias due to incomplete information, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, in press.
Kuwayama, Y. and Brozović, N., 2016, Optimal management of environmental externalities with time lags and uncertainty, Environmental and Resource Economics, in press.
O’Keeffe, J., Buytaert, W., Mijic, A., Brozović, N., and Sinha, R., 2016, The use of semi-structured interviews for the characterisation of farmer irrigation practices, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, v. 20, 1911-1924, DOI: 10.5194/hess-20-1911-2016.
Sharma, S. and Schoengold, K., 2016, Do Hypothetical Choices Indicate True Risk Preferences? A comparison of stated and revealed data on decisions over risky outcomes, Cornhusker Economics. Department of Agricultural Economics, University of Nebraska-Lincoln.
Speir, C., Han, J. and Brozović, N., 2016, Spatial dynamic optimization of groundwater use with ecological standards for instream flow, Water Economics and Policy, DOI: 10.1142/S2382624X16500132.
Young, R.K. and Brozović, N., 2016, Innovations in groundwater management: Smart markets for transferable groundwater extraction rights, Technology and Innovation, v. 17, 219-226, DOI: 10.3727/194982416X14520374943220.
Kuwayama, Y., Young. R.K., and Brozović, N., 2016, Groundwater scarcity: Management approaches and recent innovations, in J. Ziolkowska and J. Peterson (eds.), Competition for Water Resources: Experiences and Management Approaches in the U.S. and Europe, in press, Elsevier.
Wheeler, S., Schoengold, K. and Bjornlund, H., 2016, Lessons to be Learned from Groundwater Trading in Australia and the United States in A. Jakeman et al. (eds.), Integrated Groundwater Management, in press, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-23576-9_20.
Montginoul, M., Rinaudo, J.D., Brozović, N., and Donoso, G., 2016, Controlling groundwater exploitation through economic instruments: Current practices, challenges and innovative approaches, in A. Jakeman et al. (eds.), Integrated Groundwater Management, in press, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-23576-9_22.
Awada, T., Brozović, N., and Koelsch, R., 2016, Implications of Climate Change on Nebraska’s Agriculture, Food and Water, in The Implications of Climate Change for Nebraska: Summary Report of Sector-Based Roundtable Discussions, Wilhite, D., and Morrow, K., School of Natural Resources, University of Nebraska, Lincoln, Nebraska, 55p.
Sun, S., J.P. Sesmero, and K. Schoengold (2016) “The Role of Common Pool Problems in Irrigation Inefficiency: A Case Study in Groundwater Pumping in Mexico” Agricultural Economics, 47(1): 117-127, available online 7-JAN-2016, DOI: 10.1111/agec.12214.
Brozović, N., 2015, What policy instruments help to manage agricultural groundwater use sustainably? in Drying Wells, Rising Stakes: Towards Sustainable Agricultural Groundwater Use, OECD Studies on Water, OECD Publishing, Paris, http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/9789264238701-en.
Foster, T., Brozović, N., and Butler, A.P., 2015, Why well yield matters for managing agricultural drought risk, Weather and Climate Extremes, DOI: 10.1016/j.wace.2015.07.003.
Foster, T., Brozović, N., and Butler, A.P., 2015, Analysis of the impacts of well yield and groundwater depth on irrigated agriculture, Journal of Hydrology, v. 523, 86-96, DOI: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2015.01.032.
Singletary, L., Sterle, K.a, & Simpson, K. a (2016). Assessing the Climate Resiliency and Adaptive Capacity of the Truckee-Carson River System: Results of a Survey of Local Organizations. UNCE Special Publication [SP-16-03]. Reno, NV: University of Nevada, Reno - Cooperative Extension.
Bonnie Colby, “Water Trading Innovations: Reducing Agricultural Consumptive Use to Improve Adaptation to Scarcity,” chapter in Competition for Water Resources: Experiences and Management Approaches in the US and Europe, edited by Jadwiga Ziolkowska and Jeffrey Peterson, November, 2016
Dari Duval and Bonnie Colby, “Colorado River Flows and the Fisheries Economy of the Upper Gulf of California”, Ecological Engineering, 2016
Ashley Kerna, Bonnie Colby, and Francisco Zamora, Valuing Environmental Flows in Mexico’s Colorado River Delta, Water Economics and Policy, in press.
Andrew Clarke, Bonnie Colby and Gary Thompson, Seasonal Elasticities of Household Water Demand: Application of the Stone-Geary Model Under an Increasing Block Rate Structure, Land Economics, forthcoming, 2017.
Bonnie Colby, Water Linkages beyond the Farm Gate: Implications for Agriculture, Federal Reserve Bank Economic Review, November, 2016.
Bonnie Colby, Lower Rio Grande Groundwater Banking White Paper, Report to New Mexico Interstate Stream Commission, November, 2015
Using Surveys to Inform Design and Implementation of System Conservation Programs, Dr. Bonnie G. Colby, Professor, Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, University of Arizona January, 2016 (approx. 130 pages)
Developing System Conservation Programs: A Guide For The Bureau Of Reclamation And Partner Organizations, January, 2016 (approx. 120 pages)
Fan, Yubing and Laura McCann. "Comparison and evolution of water institutions in the U.S. Midwest." XVI World Water Congress, Cancun, Mexico May 29-June 3, 2017
Fan, Yubing, Laura McCann and Hua Qin. "Households' Adoption of Drought Tolerant Plants: An Adaptation to Climate Change?" Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics May 2017, 42 (2):236-254.
Monger, R., J. Suter, D. Manning, J. Schneekloth, Forthcoming, "Retiring Land to Save Water: Participation in Colorado's Republican River Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program", Land Economics
Ashraf, A., A. Dinar, E. Monteiro, and T. Gaston, Adaptation in California Agriculture: What Have We Been Assessing for Two and a Half Decades? Climate Change Economics, 7(2), 2016, 1650001, DOI: 10.1142/S2010007816500019 (19 pp.).
Tellez-Foster E., A. Rapoport, and A. Dinar, Groundwater and Electricity Consumption under Alternative Subsidies: Evidence from Laboratory Experiments, Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics, 68:41-52, 2017.
Ayres, A.B., Edwards, E.C. and Libecap, G.D. Do Transaction Costs Obstruct Collective Action to Limit Common-pool Losses? Evidence from California's Groundwater. NBER Working Paper No. 23382.;
Edwards, E.C., Bosworth, R.C., Adams, P., Baji, V., Burrows, A., Gerdes, C., Jones, M. 2017. Economic Insight from Utah's Water Efficiency Supply Curve. Water, 9, 214.
Elbakidze, L. Brett Schiller, and R. Garth Taylor. 2017. Estimation of Short and Long Run Derived Irrigation Water Demands and Elasticities. Water Economics and Policy 03(01) p175.
Elbakidze, Levan, Fa'anunu, Benjamin, Mamula, Aaron, Taylor, R. Garth, 2017. Evaluating Economic Efficiency of a Water Buyback Program: The Klamath Irrigation Project. Journal of Energy and Resource Economics Vol. 48(2), p68-82. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.reseneeco.2017.02.001 Bryce A. Contor and R. Garth Taylor. 2016. A Framework for Assessing the Effect of Irrigation Improvements: Economic Rivalry, Irrigation Abstraction, and Partition to Fates. Water Economics and Policy. Vol. 2(2) p165.
Schmidt, R. D. and R. Garth Taylor. 2016. Evaluating a Water Conservation Response to Climate Change in the Lower Boise River Basin. Water Economics and Policy DOI: 10.1142/S2382624X16500120. 2016. Hines, Steve, Joel Packham, Carmen Wilmore, and Garth Taylor. 2016. Contribution of Agribusiness to the Magic Valley Economy, 2013. University of Idaho Extension CIS.
"Optimal Groundwater Extraction Under Uncertainty and a Spatial Stock Externality" (Merrill N., Guilfoos T.)- (Forthcoming AJAE)
Guilfoos, T., & Kurtz, K. J. (2017). Evaluating the role of personality trait information in social dilemmas. Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics 68, 119-129."
Rosa, L., K.F. Davis, M.C. Rulli, and P. D'Odorico, Can the extraction of shale oil and gas threaten water and food security?, in rev.;
Rosa L., M.C. Rulli, and P. D'Odorico, "Water-stranded assets in the food and energy sectors", in rev.;
Rosa, L., K.F. Davis, M.C. Rulli, and P. D'Odorico, Environmental consequences of oil production from oil sands, Earth's Future, 5, doi:10.1002/2016EF000484, 2017; Davis, K.F., A. Seveso, M.C. Rulli, and P. D'Odorico, "Water savings of crop redistribution in the United States", Water, 9, 83; doi:10.3390/w9020083, 2017; "
Huffaker, R., Bittellii, M., Rosa, R. (2017) Nonlinear Time Series Analysis with R. Oxford University Press. Huffaker, R., Canavari, M., Munoz-Carpena, R. (in press) Distinguishing between endogenous and exogenous price volatility in food security assessment: An empirical nonlinear dynamics approach. Agricultural Systems doi:10.1016/j.agsy.2016.09.019.
Sekaluvu, L., L. Zhang, and M.W. Gitau. 2017. Evaluation of constraints to water quality improvements in response to conservation measures in the Western Lake Erie Basin. Journal of Environmental Management. DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2017.09.063
Ramesh Ghimire, Gary T. Green, Krishna P. Paudel, Neelam C. Poudyal, and H. Ken Cordell. 2017. Visitor's Preferences for Freshwater Amenity Characteristics: Implications from the U.S. Household Survey. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 42(1):90-113.
Krishna P. Paudel, Nirmala Devkota and Ying Tan. 2016. Best management practices adoption to mitigate nonpoint source pollution: a conditional frailty model. China Agricultural Economics Review 8 (4): 534-552.
Mahesh Pandit and Krishna Paudel. 2016. Water pollution and income relationships: a seemingly unrelated partially linear analysis. Water Resources Research 52(10): 7668-7689. "
Derner, J., D. Briske, M. Reeves, T. Brown-Brandl, M. Meehan, D. Blumenthal, W. Travis, D. Augustine, H. Wilmer, D. Scasta, J. Hendrickson, J. Volesky, L. Edwards, D. Peck. 2017. Vulnerability of grazing and confined livestock in the Northern Great Plains to projected mid and late-21st century climate. Climatic Change doi 10.1007/s10584-017-2029-6. http://rdcu.be/uryL.
Bonnie Colby, Water Linkages beyond the Farm Gate: Implications for Agriculture, Federal Reserve Bank Economic Review, November, 2016. https://www.kansascityfed.org/~/media/files/publicat/econrev/econrevarchive/2016/si16colby.pdf
Bonnie Colby, "Water Trading Innovations: Reducing Agricultural Consumptive Use to Improve Adaptation to Scarcity," chapter in Competition for Water Resources: Experiences and Management Approaches in the US and Europe, edited by Jadwiga Ziolkowska and Jeffrey Peterson, Elsevier Publishing, August, 2016. https://www.elsevier.com/books/competition-for-water-resources/ziolkowska/978-0-12-803237-4
Ashley Kerna, Bonnie Colby, and Francisco Zamora, Valuing Environmental Flows in Mexico's Colorado River Delta, Water Economics and Policy, December, 2016. http://www.worldscientific.com/doi/abs/10.1142/S2382624X16500351
Mount, J., Hanak, E., Colby, B., et al, "Improving the Federal Response to Western Drought", Public Policy Institute of California, 2016. http://www.ppic.org/content/pubs/report/R_216JMR.pdf
California's Water: The Colorado River, Public Policy Institute of California Policy Briefing Paper, Ellen Hanak, Brian Gray, Jeffrey Mount, Kurt Schwabe, Timothy Bradley, Bonnie Colby, Douglas Kenney, Jose Medellin-Azuara, and Jean-Daniel Saphores, October 2016
Dari Duval and Bonnie Colby, "Colorado River Flows and the Fisheries Economy of the Upper Gulf of California", Ecological Engineering, 2016
Andrew Clarke, Bonnie Colby and Gary Thompson, Seasonal Elasticities of Household Water Demand: Application of the Stone-Geary Model Under an Increasing Block Rate Structure, Land Economics, 2017.
Bonnie Colby, Water Linkages beyond the Farm Gate: Implications for Agriculture, Federal Reserve Bank Economic Review, November, 2016.
Mullen, J.D., K. Calhoun, and G. Colson (2017). "Preferences for Policy Attributes and Willingness to Pay for Water Quality Improvements Under Uncertainty," Water Resources Research, in press.
Atreya, A., W. Kriesel, and J.D. Mullen (2016). "Valuing Open Space in a Marshland Environment: Development Alternatives for Coastal Georgia." Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 48 (4): 383-402. 2016.
Tack, J., A. Barkley, and N.P. Hendricks. 2017. "Irrigation Offsets Wheat Yield Reductions from Warming Temperatures." Environmental Research Letters, in press. Available at: http://iopscience.iop.org/10.1088/1748-9326/aa8d27
Hansen, K., E. Duke, C. Bond, M. Purcell and G. Paige. 2017. "Landowner Preferences for a Payment-for-Ecosystem Services Program in Southwestern Wyoming." Ecological Economics (forthcoming).
Hansen, K. 2016. Book Review of Golden Rules: The Origins of California Water Law in the Gold Rush. Water Economics and Policy 2(3): 1-4.
Carter, C., K. Hansen, W. Kelley and L. Pauley. 2017. "Irrigation Handbook for Small-Acreage Landowners in Wyoming." University of Wyoming Extension. Ed: J. Thompson.
Huang, Q., Y. Xu, K. Kovacs, G. West. 2017. "Analysis of factors that influence the use of irrigation technologies and water management practices in Arkansas." Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics.
Kovacs, K., A. Morad-Durat. 2017. "The influence of on- and off-farm surface water investment on groundwater extraction from an agricultural landscape." Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 1-24.
- Kovacs, G. West, Y. Xu. "The use of efficiency frontiers to evaluate the optimal land cover and irrigation practices for economic returns and ecosystem services." Journal of Hydrology, 547: 474-488.
Kovacs, K., M. Mancini. 2017. "Conjunctive water management to sustain agricultural economic returns and a shallow aquifer at the landscape level." Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 72 (2): 158-167.
West, G., K. Kovacs. 2017. "Addressing groundwater declines with precision agriculture: An economic comparison of monitoring methods for variable-rate irrigation." Water 9 (1): 28.
Kovacs, K., G. West. 2016. "The influence of groundwater depletion from irrigated agriculture on the tradeoffs between ecosystem services and economic returns" PLoS One, 11(12), e0168681.
Garnache, C., Merrel, P.R., Howitt, R.E., and Lee, J. (2017) "Calibration of Shadow Values in Constrained Optimization Models of Agricultural Supply." European Review of Agricultural Economics, 44(3): 363--397. (Lead article)
Garnache, C., Merel, P.R., Lee, J., and Six, J. (2017) "The Social Costs of Second-Best Policies: Evidence from Agricultural GHG Mitigation." Journal of Environmental Economics and Management. 82:39-73.
Schaible, Glenn. 2017. Irrigated Agriculture in the United States. An ERS Data Product at: https://www.ers.usda.gov/data-products/irrigated-agriculture-in-the-united-states/.
Schaible, G. and M. Aillery. 2017. Irrigation and Water Use. An ERS website page on U.S. irrigated agriculture at: https://www.ers.usda.gov/topics/farm-practices-management/irrigation-water-use/, (April).
Schaible, Glenn D. 2017. Understanding Irrigated Agriculture. Data Feature, Amber Waves, Economic Research Service, USDA (June), at: https://www.ers.usda.gov/amber-waves/2017/june/understanding-irrigated-agriculture/.
Hansen, LeRoy and Chuck Loesch. 2017. Targeting Waterfowl Habitat Restoration in the Prairie Pothole Region: A Spatial Analysis of Marginal Benefits and Costs. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 72(4) 299-307 (July/August), doi: 10.2489/jswc.72.4.299 http://www.jswconline.org/content/72/4/299.abstract.
Yoder, Jonathan, Jennifer Adam, Michael Brady, Joseph Cook, Stephen Katz, Shane Johnston, Keyvan Malek, John McMillan, and Qingqing Yang. 2017. Benefit-Cost Analysis of Integrated Water Resource Management: Accounting for interdependence in the Yakima Basin Integrated Plan. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 1-22. DOI: 10.1111/1752-1688.12507.
Yoder, Jonathan, Michael Brady, & Joseph Cook. 2016. Water markets and storage: Substitutes or complements for drought risk mitigation? Water Economics and Policy 2(2):21
Virgina (Cobourn)
Wade, C.M., K.M. Cobourn, G.S. Amacher, and E. Hester. 2018. Groundwater pumping decisions and land subsidence in the southern Chesapeake Bay region of Virginia,Water Resources Research, doi: 10.1029/2017WR022133.
Elbakidze, L., H.D. Vinson, K.M. Cobourn, G.Taylor. 2018. Efficient water allocation and binding hydrologic externalities,Resource and Energy Economics 53: 147-161.
Cobourn, K.M., C.C. Carey, K.J. Boyle, C. Duffy, H.A. Dugan, K.J. Farrell, L. Fitchett, P.C. Hanson, J.A. Hart, V.R. Henson, A.L. Hetherington, A.R. Kemanian, L.G. Rudstam, L. Shu, P.A. Soranno, M.G. Sorice, J. Stachelek, N.K. Ward, K.C. Weathers, W. Weng, and Y. Zhang. 2018. From concept to practice to policy: modeling coupled natural and human systems in lake catchments,Ecosphere 9(5)
Chance, E.W., K.M. Cobourn, and V.A. Thomas. 2018. Trend detection for the extent of irrigated agriculture in Idaho™s Snake River Plain, 1984-2016, Remote Sensing, 10(1): 145.
Ji, X., and K.M. Cobourn. 2018. The economic benefits of irrigation districts under prior appropriation doctrine: an econometric analysis of agricultural land-allocation decisions,Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, doi:10.1111/cjag.12165.
Chance, E.W., K.M. Cobourn, V.A. Thomas, B. Dawson, and A.N. Flores. 2017. Normalized Difference Moisture Index method for identifying irrigated areas in the Snake River Plain, Idaho, Remote Sensing, 9(7): 546.
Washington (Yoder)
Yoder, Jonathan. 2018. Fiscal Gridlock over the water budget in Washington State: The politics and economics of pouring exempt wells into the Prior Appropriations bucket}. Western Economics Forum 16(1):30-37.
Yoder, Jonathan, Jennifer Adam, Michael Brady, Joseph Cook, Stephen Katz, Shane Johnston, Keyvan Malek, John McMillan, & Qingqing Yang. 2017. Benefit-Cost Analysis of Integrated Water Resource Management: Accounting for interdependence in the Yakima Basin Integrated Plan. Journal of the American Water Resources Association 53(2):456-477. DOI: 10.1111/1752-1688.12507.
Indiana (Gitau)
Guo, T., S. Mehan, M. Gitau, Q. Wang, T. Kuczek, and D. Flanagan. 2017. Impact of number of realizations on the suitability of simulated weather data for hydrologic and environmental applications. Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment. DOI 10.1007/s00477-017-1498-5.
Gitau, M.W., S. Mehan, and T. Guo. 2018. Weather Generator Effectiveness in Capturing Climate Extremes. Environmental Processes. 10.1007/s40710-018-0291-x.
Chen, J., M.W. Gitau, B.A. Engel, and D.C. Flanagan. 2018. Suitability of CLIGEN precipitation estimates based on an updated database and their impacts on urban runoff. Hydrological Sciences Journal. https://doi.org/10.1080/02626667.2018.1513655.
Arkansas (Kovacs)
Knapp, T., K. Kovacs, Q. Huang, C. Henry, R. Nayga, J. Popp, B. Dixon. 2018. Willingness to pay for irrigation water when groundwater is scarce. Agricultural Water Management, 195: 133-141.
Kovacs, K., A. Durand-Morat. 2017. The influence of on- and off-farm surface water investment on groundwater extraction from an agricultural landscape. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 49(3): 323-346.
Huang, Q., Y. Xu, K. Kovacs, G. West. 2017. Analysis of factors that influence the use of irrigation technologies and water management practices in Arkansas. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 49(2): 159-185.
Kovacs, K., G. West, Y. Xu. 2017. The use of efficiency frontiers to evaluate the optimal land cover and irrigation practices for economic returns and ecosystem services. Journal of Hydrology, 547: 474-488.
California (Dinar)
Tellez-Foster, E. A. Dinar, and A. Rapoport, Comparing Alternative Policies for Modification of Energy Subsidies: The Case of Groundwater Pumping for Irrigation, Journal of Hydrology (Accepted for Publication, August 28, 2018).
Esteban, E., A. Dinar, J. Albiac, A. Calera, M. García Mollá, L. Avellá, Interest Groups Perceptions on Water Policy Reforms: Insight from a Water Stressed Basin, Water Policy (Accepted for Publication April 18, 2018), 20:794–810.
Tellez-Foster E., A. Rapoport, and A. Dinar, Alternative Policies to Manage Electricity Subsidies for Groundwater Extraction: A Field Study in Mexico, Journal of Behavioral Economics for Policy (Accepted for Publication October 1, 2017).
Reznik, A., A. Dinar, and F. Hernandez-Sancho, An Economic Examination of Wastewater Recycling Role in Solving the Growing Scarcity of Natural Water Resources. UCR SPP Working Paper Series, June, 2018 WP# 03-18. http://spp.ucr.edu/publications/economic_examination_wastewater.pdf.)
Rosa, L and P. D’Odorico (2019), The water-energy-food nexus of unconventional oil and gas extraction in the Vaca Muerta Play, Argentina, J. Cleaner Production, 207:743-750. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.10.039.
D’Odorico, P. (2018), The challenges of meeting future food, energy, and water needs, Eos, 99, https://doi.org/10.1029/2018EO098891.
Seekell, D.A., P. D'Odorico, and G.K. MacDonald, Food, trade, and the environment, Environm. Res. Lett., 13(10),100201.
Rosa., L., M.C. Rulli, K.F. Davis, D. Chiarelli, C. Passera, P. D'Odorico, 2018. Closing the yield gap while ensuring water sustainability, Environm. Res. Lett., 13 104002.
Dell'Angelo, J., P. D'Odorico, and M.C. Rulli, 2018. The neglected costs of water peace, WIREs Water, ;5:e1316. https://doi.org/10.1002/wat2.1316.
D’Odorico, P., K.F. Davis, L. Rosa, J.A. Carr, D. Chiarelli, J. Dell’Angelo, J.A. Gephart, G.K. MacDonald, D.A. Seekell, S Suweis, M.C. Rulli, The global food-energy-water nexus, Reviews of Geophysics, 56, 456–531, https://doi.org/10.1029/2017RG000591
Rosa, L., K.F. Davis, M.C. Rulli, and P. D’Odorico, 2018. The water-energy nexus of hydraulic fracturing: a global hydrologic analysis for shale oil and gas extraction, Earth’s Future, 6, https://doi.org/10.1002/2018EF000809.
Chiarelli, D., L. Rosa, M.C. Rulli, and P. D’Odorico, 2018. The water-food nexus of natural rubber production, J. Clearner Production, 172, 1739-1747.
Dell’Angelo, J., P. D’Odorico, and M.C. Rulli, 2018. The Global Water Grab Syndrome, Ecological Economics, 143, 276-285.
Davis, K.F., M.C. Rulli, A. Seveso, and P. D’Odorico, 2017. Increase in food production and reduction in water use through optimized crop distribution, Nature Geosciences, doi.org/10.1038/s41561-017-0004-5.
Colorado(Suter, Goemans & Kroll)
Palm-Forster, L.H., J.F. Suter, K.D. Messer. Forthcoming. Experimental evidence on policy approaches that link agricultural subsidies to water quality outcomes. American Journal of Agricultural Economics.
Lauer M., M. Sanderson, D.T. Manning, J.F. Suter, A. Hrozencik, B. Guerrero, B. Golden. 2018. Values and groundwater management in the Ogallala Aquifer region. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 73(5): 593-600.
Monger, R., J.F. Suter, D.T. Manning, J.P. Schneekloth. 2018. Retiring Land to Save Water: Participation in Colorado’s Republican River Conservation Reserve Enhancement Program. Land Economics 94(1): 36-51.
Guerrero, B., B. Golden, K. Schoengold, J.F. Suter, A. Stoecker, C. Goemans, and D. Manning. 2017. Groundwater Laws Across the Ogallala Aquifer Region. Colorado Water, Nov/Dec: 12-15.
Ronayne, M., T. Sale, J.F. Suter, and D. Shugert. 2017. Evaluating the Energy Cost of Groundwater Production in the Denver Basin Aquifers. Colorado Water, Sep/Oct: 12-15.
Stone, Janine, Marco Costanigro, and Christopher Goemans. Public Opinion on Colorado Water Rights Transfers: Are Policy Preferences Consistent with Concerns over Impacts?. Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 43.3 (2018): 403-422.
Hrozencik, R. A., et al. 2018. The heterogeneous impacts of groundwater management policies in the Republican River Basin of Colorado. Water Resources Research 53.12: 10757-10778.
Burkhardt, J., M. Flyr, C. Goemans, L. Hans, A. Neel., A. Maas. Forthcoming. Modelling Commercial Demand for Water: Exploring alternative prices, instrumental variables, and heterogeneity. Land Economics
Kroll, Stephan and Aric Shafran. 2018. Spatial Externalities in Interdependent Security Games, Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 56/3, 237-257.
Eiswerth, M.E., C. Lawley, and M.H. Taylor. 2018. Economics of Invasive Species. In: Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Environmental Economics. Edited by J.R. Kahn, D. Biller, and J. Whitehead. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
Eiswerth, M.E., and G.C van Kooten. 2017. Maximizing Returns from Payments for Ecosystem Services: Incorporating Externality Effects of Land Management. Resource Economics and Policy Analysis Research Group Working Paper 2017-06, Department of Economics, University of Victoria.
US Forest Service (Warziniack)
Implications for US Trade and Nonindigenous Species Risk Resulting from Increased Economic Integration of the Asia-Pacific Region. AM Countryman, T Warziniack, E Grey - Society & Natural Resources, 2018
Binder, Seth, Robert G. Haight, Stephen Polasky, Travis Warziniack, Miranda H. Mockrin, Robert L. Deal, and Greg Arthaud. Assessment and valuation of forest ecosystem services: State of the science review. Gen. Tech. Rep. NRS-170. Newtown Square, PA: US Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Northern Research Station. 47 p. 170 (2017): 1-47.
Warziniack, Travis, Megan Lawson, and S. Karen Dante-Wood. Effects of climate change on ecosystem services in the Northern Rockies. In Climate Change and Rocky Mountain Ecosystems, pp. 189-208. Springer, Cham, 2018.
Holmes, Thomas P., James Vose, Travis Warziniack, and Bill Holman. Forest Ecosystem services: Water resources. General Technical Report SRS-226. Asheville, NC: US Department of Agriculture Forest Service, Southern Research Station. 226 (2017): 31-48.
Warziniack, Travis, Chi Ho Sham, Robert Morgan, and Yasha Feferholtz. Effect of forest cover on water treatment costs. Water Economics and Policy 3, no. 04 (2017): 1750006.
Halofsky, Jessica E., Travis W. Warziniack, David L. Peterson, and Joanne J. Ho. Understanding and managing the effects of climate change on ecosystem services in the Rocky Mountains. Mountain Research and Development 37, no. 3 (2017): 340-352.
Kansas (Hendricks and Sampson)
Drysdale, K.M. and N.P. Hendricks. 2018. Adaptation to an Irrigation Water Restriction Imposed through Local Governance. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 91: 150-165.
Hendricks, N.P. 2018. Potential Benefits from Innovations to Reduce Heat and Water Stress in Agriculture. Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 5(3): 545-576.
Quintana-Ashwell, N.E., J.M. Peterson, and N.P. Hendricks. 2018. Optimal Groundwater Management under Climate Change and Technical Progress. Resource and Energy Economics 51: 67-83.
Michigan (Asher, Ghane, & Nejadhashemi)
Rojas-Downing, M.M., A. P. Nejadhashemi, K. A. Cassida, Daneshvar, J.S. Hernandez-Suarez, M. Abouali, S.A. Al Masraf, M. R. Herman, T. Harrigan, Food Footprint as a Measure of Sustainability for Grazing Dairy Farms, Environmental Management, DOI: 10.1007/s00267-018-1101-y.
Ghane, Ehsan. Carbon quality of four-year-old woodchips in a denitrification bed treating agricultural drainage water, Transactions of ASABE, vol 6, pp. 995-1000.
Minnesota (Peterson and Levers)
Levers, L., Skaggs, T., & Schwabe, K. (2018) Buying Water for the Environment: A Hydro-Economic Analysis of Salton Sea Inflows. Agricultural Water Management. Accepted with revisions.
Peterson, J.M. and A.E. Saak. (2018) Spatial Externalities In Aquifers With Varying Thickness: Theory And Numerical Results For The Ogallala Aquifer. Journal of Natural Resources Policy Research. In press.
Quintana Ashwell, N.E., J.M. Peterson, and N. P. Hendricks. (2018) Optimal Groundwater Management under Climate Change and Technical Progress. Resource and Energy Economics 51 (February 2018): 67-83. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.reseneeco.2017.10.005.
Symonik, D., Levers, L., & Calow, P. (2018) Lead and Minnesota’s Drinking Water: Assessment of Eliminating Lead in Minnesota Drinking Water. Submitted.
North Carolina (Edwards)
Edwards, E.C. and Null, S.E. The Cost of Addressing Saline Lake Decline and the Potential for Water Conservation Markets. Forthcoming February 2019 in Science of the Total Environment.
Edwards, E., Cristi, O., Edwards, G., & Libecap, G. 2018. An illiquid market in the desert: Estimating the cost of water trade restrictions in northern Chile. Forthcoming February, 2019 in Environment and Development Economics. doi:10.1017/S1355770X18000220
Edwards, E.C. and Smith, S.M. The Role of Irrigation in the Development of Agriculture in the United States. Forthcoming December 2018 in Journal of Economic History.
Ayres, A.B., Edwards, E.C. and Libecap, G.D. 2018. How Transaction Costs Obstruct Collective Action: Evidence from California's Groundwater. Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, vol. 91, Pages 46-65.
Wyoming (Hansen)
Khadem, M, C. Rougé, J.J. Harou, K.M. Hansen, J. Medellin-Azuara and J.R. Lund (forthcoming). Estimating the economic value of inter-annual reservoir storage in water resource systems. Water Resources Research. 10.1029/2017WR022336
Hansen, K., E. Duke, C. Bond, M. Purcell and G. Paige. 2018. Landowner Preferences for a Payment-for-Ecosystem Services Program in Southwestern Wyoming. Ecological Economics 146: 240-9.
Rhode Island (Guilfoos)
Brozyna, C., Guilfoos, T., & Atlas, S. (2018). Slow and deliberate cooperation in the commons. Nature Sustainability, 1(4), 184.
Guilfoos, T., Kell, D., Boslett, A., & Hill, E. L. (2017). The Economic and Health Effects of the 2014 Chemical Spill in the Elk River, West Virginia. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 100(2), 609-624.
Louisiana (Paudel)
Bijay Pokhrel, Krishna P. Paudel, and Eduardo Segarra. 2018. Factors affecting the choice, intensity, and allocation of irrigation technologies by U.S. cotton farmers. Water, 10(6), 706; https://doi.org/10.3390/w10060706 (MDPI journal impact factor 1.832)
Idaho (Taylor and Maas)
Burkhardt, J., M. Flyr, C. Goemans, L. Hans, A. Neel., A. Maas. Forthcoming. Modelling Commercial Demand for Water: Exploring alternative prices, instrumental variables, and heterogeneity. Land Economics.
Grigg, Neil. Theresa Connor, Alexander Maas. 2018. Financing Integration of Urban Water Systems: From Service Provision to Resource Management. Public Works Management & Policy, 2: 186-98.
Johnson, D. M., John R. McKean, and R. Garth Taylor. Comparing a Hierarchical-Decision Travel Cost Recreation Demand Model to the Traditional Model and Implications for Survey Design. Journal of Leisure Science Forthcoming.
Levan Elbakidze; Hannah Vinson; Kelly Cobourn; R. Garth Taylor. 2018 Efficient Groundwater Allocation and Binding Hydrologic Externalities Environmental and Resource Economics 53(1) 147-161.
Elbakidze, L. Brett Schiller, and R. Garth Taylor. 2017. Estimation of Short and Long Run Derived Irrigation Water Demands and Elasticities. Water Economics and Policy 03(01) p175.
Elbakidze, Levan, Fa’anunu, Benjamin, Mamula, Aaron, Taylor, R. Garth, 2017. Evaluating Economic Efficiency of a Water Buyback Program: The Klamath Irrigation Project. Journal of Energy and Resource Economics Vol. 48(2), p68–82. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.reseneeco.2017.02.001
Utah (Cardon)
Because Grant Cardon has not been the official representative to this committee for the past 4 years, his activities on the project have not been those reported for the state of Utah, therefore, the following publications are being included here so they can be entered into the record of work for this committee:
Amakor, Xystus N., Astrid R. Jacobson and Grant E. Cardon. 2013. Improving Estimates of Soil Salinity from Saturation Paste Extracts in Calcareous Soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal 77(3): 792-799 doi:10.2136/sssaj2012.0235
Amakor, Xystus N., Grant E. Cardon, Jargen Symanzik and Astrid R. Jacobson. 2013. A New Electromagnetic Induction Calibration Model for Estimating Low Range Salinity in Calcareous Soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal 77(3):985-1000 doi:10.2136/sssaj2012.0320
Amakor, Xystus N., Astrid R. Jacobson, Grant E. Cardon, and Austin Hawks. 2014. A Comparison of Salinity Measurement Methods based on Soil Saturated Pastes. Geoderma. Volumes 219220, May 2014, Pages 32-39, ISSN 0016-7061
Cardon, Grant, Brent Black and Sean Rowley. 2013. Year-To-Year Integration Of Yield Response To Fertilizer Application In Tree Fruits. Nutrient Digest: Nutrient Management Newsletter for the Western US. 5(4):1-3.
Rowley, S., G.E. Cardon and B. Black. 2013. Macronutrient management for Utah Orchards. USU Extension Publication Horticulture/Fruit/2013-02pr.
Black, Brent, Grant Cardon, and Robert Hill. 2016. Orchard Irrigation. Chapter 10 In: Intermountain Tree Fruit Production Guide. Marion Murray, Harold Larsen and Tony McCammon (eds). Joint publication of Utah State University, Colorado State University and University of Idaho.