S1032: Animal Production Systems: Synthesis of Methods to Determine Triple Bottom Line Sustainability from Findings of Reductionist Research
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Journal Articles
Ayadi, F. Y., Cortus, E. L., Spiehs, M. J., Miller, D., & Gemechis, D. 2014. Ammonia and greenhouse gas concentrations at surfaces of simulated beef cattle bedded manure packs. Transactions of the ASABE 58(3):783-795.
Ayadi, F. Y., Spiehs, M. J., Cortus, E. L., & Miller, D. 2014. Physical, chemical and biological properties of simulated beef cattle bedded manure packs. Transactions of the ASABE, 58(3), 797-811.
Baimatova, N., J.A. Koziel, B. Kenessov. 2015. Quantification of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and o-xylene in internal combustion engine exhaust with time-weighted average solid phase microextraction and gas chromatography mass spectrometry. Analytica Chimica Acta, 873, 38-50.
Cai, L. J.A. Koziel, M. O’Neal. 2015. Studying plant – insect interactions with solid phase microextraction: screening for airborne volatile emissions of soybeans to the soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura (Hemiptera: Aphididae). Chromatography, 2, 265-276.
Chiavegato, M. B., J. Rowntree, D. Carmichael, W. Powers. 2015. Enteric methane from lactating beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. 93:1365-1375.
Chiavegato, M. B., J. Rowntree, D. Carmichael, W. Powers. 2015. Pasture derived greenhouse gas emissions in cow-calf production systems. J. Anim. Sci. 93:1350-1364.
Chiavegato, M. B., N. Palumbo, W. Powers. 2015. Ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions from housed Holstein steers fed different levels of dietary crude protein. J. Anim. Sci. 93(1):395-404.
Collins E., J. A. Ogejo, L. Krometis. 2015. Treating separated liquid dairy manure derived from mesophilic anaerobic digester effluent to reduce indicator pathogens and Salmonella concentrations for use as organic fertilizer. J. of Environ. Science and Health Part A 50:1-9.
Cortus, E. L., Al Mamun, M. R. H., Spiehs, M. J., Ayadi, F. Y., Doran, B. E., Kohl, K., . . . Nicolai, R. 2014. Site, environmental and airflow characteristics for mono-slope beef cattle facilities in the Northern Great Plains. Transactions of the ASABE 58(1):123-145.
Cortus, E.L., L.D. Jacobson, B.P. Hetchler, A.J. Heber, B.W. Bogan, B.W. 2014. Methane and nitrous oxide analyzer comparison and emissions from dairy freestall barns with manure flushing and scraping. Atmospheric Environment, available online: 22-OCT-2014 DOI information: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2014.10.039.
Janni, K.A., L. D. Jacobson, B. P. Hetchler, J. P. Oliver, L. J. Johnston. 2014. Semi-continuous air sampling versus 24-hour bag samples to evaluate biofilters on a swine nursery in warm weather. Trans. of ASABE 57(5): 1501-1515
Kafle, G.K., L. Chen, H. Neibling, B. He. 2015. Field evaluation of wood bark-based down-flow biofilters in terms of mitigation of odor, ammonia, and hydrogen sulfide emissions and pressure drop from confined swine nursery barns. Journal of Environmental Management 147: 164-174.
Li, Q.-F, N. Trottier, W. Powers. 2015. Feeding reduced crude protein diets with crystalline amino acids supplementation reduce air gas emissions from housing. J. Anim. Sci. 93:721-730.
Meyer, D., P.H. Robinson, P.L. Price, J. Heguy. 2015. Determination of silage face surface area on commercial California dairy farms. Grass and Forage Science in press. doi: 10.1111/gfs.12160.
Newbold, J. R., S. M. van Zijderveld, R. B. A. Hulshof, W. B. Fokkink, R. A. Leng, P. Terencio, W. J. Powers, H. B. Perdok. 2014. The effect of incremental levels of dietary nitrate on methane emissions in Holstein steers and performance in Nelore bulls. J. Anim Sci. 92:5032-5040.
Rasmussen, M.L., J.A. Koziel, J.-L. Jane, A.L. Pometto. 2015. Reducing bacterial contamination in fuel ethanol fermentation by ozone treatment of uncooked corn mash. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 63, 5239-5248.
Safferman, S. I., J.M. Wallace. 2015. Cow Manure: Waste or Resource? IEEE Potentials, 34(1):25-29.
Spiehs, M. J., Cortus, E. L., Holt, G. A., Kohl, K., Doran, B. E., Ayadi, F. Y., . . . Nicolai, R. 2014. Particulate matter concentrations for mono-slope beef cattle facilities in the Northern Great Plains. Transactions of the ASABE 57(6):1831-1837.
Todd, R. W., N. A. Cole, G. R. Hagevoort, K. D. Casey, B. W. Auvermann. 2015. Ammonia losses and nitrogen partitioning at a southern High Plains open lot dairy. Atmospheric Environment 110(1):75-83.
Wallace, J. M., S.I. Safferman. 2014. Anaerobic membrane bioreactors and the Influence of space velocity and biomass concentration on methane production for liquid dairy manure. Biomass and Bioenergy, 66:143-150.
Woolcock, P.J., J.A. Koziel, P.A. Johnston, R.C. Brown, K.M. Broer. 2015. Analysis of trace contaminants in hot gas streams using time-weighted average solid-phase microextraction: pilot-scale validation. Fuel, 153, 552-558.
Yan, M., G. Kandlikar, L.D. Jacobson, C. Clanton, B. Hu. 2014. laboratory storage simulation to study swine manure foaming. Transactions of the ASABE. 57(3):907-914.
Yegemova S., N.V. Bakaikina, B. Kenessov, J.A. Koziel, M. Nauryzbayev. 2015. Determination of 1-methyl-1H-1,2,4-triazole in soils contaminated by rocket fuel using solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography - mass spectrometry. Talanta, 143, 226-233.
Zhu, W., J.A. Koziel, L. Cai, H.D. Ozsoy, J.H. van Leeuwen. 2015. Quantification of carbonyl compounds generated from ozone-based food colorants decomposition using on-fiber derivatization-SPME-GC-MS. Chromatography, 2015, 2, 1-18.
Conference Proceedings
Auvermann, B. W. 2015. “Livestock environmental quality research factors,” presented to the High Plains Air Park Workshop, Amarillo, TX, February 5.
Auvermann, B. W., D. Meyer. 2015. Animal Production Systems: Looking for Structure, presented to the Spring 2015 quarterly webinar of NIFA Multistate Committee S-1032, March 26.
Auvermann, B. W., et al. 2015. Evolution of a research community in sustainable production of animal protein, presented at the Innovations in Collaborative Modeling conference, East Lansing, MI, June 4.
Brittenham, B., A.M. Schmidt, D. Miller, R. McGhee. 2015. Lime application to manure as a management strategy for porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV). ASABE Annual International Meeting, New Orleans, LA, July 26-29, 2015.
Casey, K.D., H.M. Waldrip, R.W. Todd. N.A. Cole. 2014. Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Beef Cattle Feedlot Pen Surfaces in Texas. In: Proc of ASA, CSSA, & SSSA International Annual Meeting, Nov 2-5. 2014, Long Beach, CA. [Abstract & Presentation]
Casey, K.D., H.M. Waldrip, R.W. Todd. N.A. Cole. 2015. Greenhouse gas emissions from beef cattle feedlot pen surfaces in Texas. In: Proc of the ASABE International Annual Meeting, Jul 27-29. 2015, New Orleans, LA. [Abstract & Presentation]
Casey, K.D., H.M. Waldrip, R.W. Todd. N.A. Cole. 2015. Measuring Nitrous Oxide and Methane from Feedlot Pen Surfaces: Experience with NFT-NSS Chamber Technique. In: Proc of Waste 2 Worth 2015, Mar 30 – Apr 3. 2015, Seattle, WA. [Abstract & Presentation]
Casey, K.D., H.M. Waldrip, R.W. Todd. N.A. Cole. 2015. Nitrous oxide and methane emissions from beef cattle feedyard pen surfaces in the High Plains of Texas. In: Proc of World Congress on Integrated Crop-Livestock-Forestry Systems, Jul 13-17. 2015, Brasilia, Brazil. [Abstract & Poster]
Chen, L., K. K. Gopi, H. Neibling. 2015. On-farm evaluation of biofilters in terms of mitigation of odor, ammonia, and hydrogen sulfide. Proceedings of the Idaho Association of County Agricultural Agents Conference. Hailey, Idaho, June 10-12, 2015. P.15-17.
Drennan, C.L., R. DeOtte, T. Lawrence, 2015. Documentation of fifty percent water conservation in a single process at a beef abattoir, student poster, Reciprocal Meats Conference, Lincoln, NE. June 13 -17, 2015.
Jacobson, L.D. Environmental Control & Energy Use of U.S. Pig Production Buildings. Invited presentation at Animal Science Institute of Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Science Gungouco, China on Nov. 19, 2014.
Jacobson, L.D. Fossil Fuel Energy Consumption & Efficiency. Presented at the 2014 Swine Education In-Service in Seattle, WA – Oct 1, 2014.
Liu, Y., Z. Liu, P. Murphy, R. Maghirang, J. DeRouchey. Vegetative Environmental Buffers (VEBs) for Mitigating Multiple Air Pollutants Emissions from a Research Swine Barn. ASABE paper No. 2190126. New Orleans, Louisiana, 2015. Oral presentation.
Liu, Z., P. Murphy, R. Maghirang, J. DeRouchey. Mitigation of Air Emissions from Swine Buildings through the Photocatalytic Technology Using UV/TiO2. ASABE paper No. 2189332. New Orleans, Louisiana, 2015. Oral presentation.
Liu, Z., Y. Liu, and X. Shi. Improving estimation of enteric methane emissions from dairy and beef cattle: A meta-analysis. Presented in the "From Waste to Worth" national conference, Seattle, Washington March 30 – April 4. Oral presentation
Robinson, P.H., N. Swanepoel, J. Heguy, D. Meyer. 2015. ‘Shrink’ in Corn Silage Piles. What are the Real Losses? Presented at Western Dairy Management Conference, Sparks, Nevada, March 3 through March 5. Available at: http://www.wdmc.org/2015/Robinson.pdf.
Schmidt, A.M. 2015. Mortality and manure management in a farm biosecurity plan for PEDV. Waste to Worth Conference, Seattle, WA, March 30 – April 3, 2015.
Schmidt, A.M., D. Miller, J.D. Loy, S. Vitosh. 2015. PEDv survivability in manure-amended soils. ASABE Annual International Meeting, New Orleans, LA, July 26-29, 2015.
Schmidt, A.M., J.D. Loy, C. Kelling, J. Galeota. 2015. Evaluation of mortality composting parameters necessary for inactivation of PEDv. ASABE Annual International Meeting, New Orleans, LA, July 26-29, 2015.
Schuster, N.R., A.M. Schmidt, and J. Peterson. Soil arthropod populations as an indicator of soil health following swine manure application. 2015. ASABE Annual International Meeting, New Orleans, LA, July 26-29, 2015.
Schuster, N.R., A.M. Schmidt, J. Peterson. 2015. Swine manure application method impact on soil arthropods. Waste to Worth Conference, Seattle, WA, March 30 – April 3, 2015.
Shen, J., J. Zhu. 2015. Determination of kinetic parameters in methane production of anaerobic co-digestion from methane volume and COD Balance. ASABE Annual International Meeting paper#: 152187873, New Orleans, LA. July 26-29, 2015.
Shen, J., J. Zhu. 2015. Optimization of methane production in anaerobic co-digestion at different solid concentrations and ratios of poultry litter to wheat straw using a developed statistical model. ASABE Annual International Meeting paper#: 152187836, New Orleans, LA. July 26-29, 2015.
Todd, R.W., N.A. Cole, R. Hagevoort, K.D. Casey. 2014. Ammonia Losses from an Open Lot Southern High Plains Dairy during Summer. In: Proc of ASA, CSSA, & SSSA International Annual Meeting, Nov 2-5. 2014, Long Beach, CA. [Abstract & Poster].
Waldrip, H.M., K.D. Casey, R.W. Todd. N.A. Cole. 2014. Predicting Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Beef Cattle Feedyard Manure. In: Proc of ASA, CSSA, & SSSA International Annual Meeting, Nov 2-5. 2014, Long Beach, CA. [Abstract & Poster]
Chiavegato, M. B. The influence of cow-calf grazing systems on carbon flux. 2014. Ph.D. dissertation. Michigan State University
Somchai Rice. Investigating the aroma of marijuana, cocaine, and heroin for forensic applications using simultaneous multidimensional gas chromatography- mass spectrometry – olfactometry. M.S. thesis defended in June 2015. Available from ISU on-line library.
Extension and Outreach
Koziel, J.A., D. Maurer, K. Bruning, K. Kruger. D. Parker. Soybean peroxidase for swine manure treatment and mitigation of odorous volatile organic compounds, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and greenhouse gas emissions. Environmental Protection Commission, Department of Natural Resources, State of Iowa, February, 2015 (invited presentation).
Maurer, D., Koziel, J.A., J. Harmon, S. Hoff, A. Rieck-Hinz. Air Management Practices Assessment Tool (AMPAT) Literature Database. Environmental Protection Commission, Department of Natural Resources, State of Iowa, February, 2015 (invited presentation).
Chen, L., H. Neibling. 2015. Reducing ammonia emissions through dairy manure land injection. Nutrient Digest Newsletter. Vol. 7(1). Spring, 2015.
Chen, L. 2015. Does manure land injection reduce ammonia emissions? Idaho Crops Soils News. Issue 2. March, 2015.
Chen, L., H. Neibling. 2014. An educational video titled “Agriculture Biofilter Basics”
Powers, W., B. Auvermann, N. A. Cole, C. Gooch, R. Grant, J. Hatfield, P. Hunt, K. Johnson, A. Leytem, W. Liao, J. M. Powell. 2014. Chapter 5: Quantifying greenhouse gas sources and sinks in animal production systems. In: Quantifying greenhouse gas fluxes in agriculture and forestry: methods for entity-scale inventory. Technical Bulletin 1939. Office of the Chief Economist, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. 606 pages. M. Eve, D. Pape, M. Flugge, R. Steele, D. Man, M. Riley-Gilbert, and S. Biggar (Eds).
Michigan Waste Biomass Inventory to Support Renewable Energy Development (http://mibiomass.rsgis.msu.edu/).
Anaerobic Digestion Development Iterative Tool (http://www.egr.msu.edu/~steves/Renewable%20Energy.html).
Combustion Renewable Energy Iterative Development Tool (http://www.egr.msu.edu/~steves/Renewable%20Energy.html).
Wallace, J. and Safferman, S. (2015). “Discharge Quality Water from Dairy Manure: a Summary of the McLanahan Nutrient Separation System.” Waste 2 Worth 2015 Advancing Sustainability in Animal Agriculture, Seattle, Washington, MI.
Smith, J., Safferman, S., and Thomas, M. 2014). Building on Solid Ground: Providing Renewable Energy Project Support. 2014 National Extension Energy and Environment (E3) Conf., Ames, IA.
Workshop: National Workshop on Carcass Management Logistics, 18 – 19 March 2015, Kansas City, MO. Funded by USDA APHIS VS and DHS Science and Technology and hosted by West Texas A&M University and North Carolina Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services
Liu, Z. 2014. Gas emissions from beef and dairy operations. Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service. MF3185.
Liu, Z. 2014. Anaerobic digestion of livestock manure: feasibility and factors to consider. Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service. MF3184.
Liu, Z. 2014. Carbon footprint of livestock production. Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service. MF3180.
Journal Articles
Cai, L., J.A. Koziel, S. Zhang, A.J. Heber, E.L. Cortus, D.B. Parker, S.J. Hoff, G. Sun, K.Y. Heathcote, L.D. Jacobson, N. Akdeniz, B.P. Hetchler, S.D. Bereznicki, E.A. Caraway, T.T. Lim. 2015. Odor and odorous chemical emissions from animal buildings: Part 3 - chemical emissions. Trans. of ASABE. 58(5), 1333-1347. doi.10.13031/trans.58.11199.
Campbell, E. L. and S. I. Safferman. 2015. Design criteria for the treatment of milking facility wastewater in a cold weather vertical flow wetland. Trans of the ASABE, 58(6):1509-1519.
Chiavegato, M. B., J. Rowntree, D. Carmichael, and W. Powers. 2015. Enteric methane from lactating beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. 93:1365-1375.
Chiavegato, M. B., J. Rowntree, D. Carmichael, and W. Powers. 2015. Pasture derived greenhouse gas emissions in cow-calf production systems. J. Anim. Sci. 93:1350-1364.
Chiavegato, M. B., N. Palumbo and W. Powers. 2015. Ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions from housed Holstein steers fed different levels of dietary crude protein. J. Anim. Sci. 93(1):395-404.
Classen, J.J. 2015 Sustainable waste practices. International Innovation 189, 57-59. http://www.internationalinnovation.com/sustainable-waste-practices/
Das, L., P. Kolar, J. A. Osborne, R. R. Sharma-Shivappa, J. J. Classen. 2016. Selective oxidation of lignin into aromatic aldehydes using niobium oxalate. Trans of the ASABE, 59(2): 724-735. doi: 10.13031/trans.59.10908
Gautam, D. P., S. Rahman, A. Fortuna, M. S. Borhan, B. Saini-Eidukat, and A. N. Bezbaruah. 2016. Characterization of zinc oxide nanoparticles (nZnO) alginate beads in reducing gaseous emission from swine manure. Environ. Tech., Accepted .
Gautam, D. P., S. Rahman, A. N. Bezbaruah, and M. S. Borhan. 2016. Evaluation of calcium alginate entrapped nano zinc oxide to reduce gaseous emissions from liquid dairy manure. Applied Eng. in Agric., 32(1): 89-102
Glanville, T.D., H.K. Ahn, N. Akdeniz, B.P. Crawford, J.A. Koziel. 2016. Performance of a plastic- wrapped composting system for biosecure emergency disposal of disease-related swine mortalities. Waste Management, 48, 483-491.
Heguy, J. M., Meyer, D., & Silva-del-Río, N. (2016). A survey of silage management practices on California dairies. Journal of dairy science, 99(2), 1649-1654.
Hu, D., Wang-Li, L., Simmons III, O. D., Classen, J. J., & Osborne, J. A. (2016). Size Distributions of Bioaerosols in an Egg Production Facility and Its Vicinity. Environmental Engineering Science, 33(4), 215-223.
Hu, D., Wang-Li, L., Simmons III, O. D., Classen, J. J., & Osborne, J. A. (2015). Spatiotemporal Variations of Bioaerosols in the Vicinity of an Animal Feeding Operation Facility in the US. Journal of Environmental Protection,6(6), 614..http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/jep.2015.66056.
Joo, H., Ndegwa, P. M., Wang, X., Heber, A. J., Ni, J. Q., Cortus, E. L., ... & Chai, L. (2015). Ammonia and hydrogen sulfide concentrations and emissions for naturally ventilated freestall dairy barns. Transactions of the ASABE, 58(5), 1321-1331. doi: 10.13031/trans.58.11267
Julien, R. and S. I. Safferman. 2015. Evaluation of food processing wastewater loading characteristics on metal mobilization within the soil. J. Environ. Sci. and Health, Part A, 50(14):1411-1416.
Kafle, G. K., L. Chen, B. Glaze, and T. Tindall. 2016. Aerobic treatment of liquid swine manure using polymer: evaluation for ammonia gas emission reductions and nitrogen retention. Engineering in Agriculture, Environment and Food, 7(3), 257-263 (2016). http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eaef.
Kafle, G. K., L. Chen. 2016. Comparison on batch anaerobic digestion of five different livestock manures and prediction of biochemical methane potential (BMP) using different statistical models. Waste Management 48, 492-502 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2015.10.021
Kenessov, B., J.A. Koziel, N. Baikakina, D. Orazbayeva. 2016. Perspectives and challenges of on-site quantification of organic pollutants in soils using solid-phase microextraction. Trends in Analytical Chemistry, in press.
Li, Q.-F, N. Trottier, W. Powers. 2015. Feeding reduced crude protein diets with crystalline amino acids supplementation reduce air gas emissions from housing. J. Anim. Sci. 93:721-730.
Liu, Z., J. Harmon and W. Powers. 2016. Estimating ventilation rates of animal houses through CO2 balance. Trans. ASABE. 59(1): 321-328.
Liu, Z, Y. Liu, R. Maghirang, D. Delvin, C. Blocksome. 2016. Estimate contribution of prescribed rangeland burning in Kansas to ambient PM2.5 through source apportionment with Unmix receptor model. Trans. ASABE. Accepted, 2016.
Liu, Z, Y. Liu, X. Shi. J. DeRouchey. 2016, Causes of variations in ammonia emissions from cattle operations. Trans. ASABE. Under review, 2016.
Liu, Z, Y. Liu, X. Shi, R. Maghirang. 2016. Enteric methane conversion factor for dairy and beef cattle: Effect of feed digestibility and intake level. Trans. ASABE. Under review, 2016.
Marek, G. W., P. H. Gowda, T. H. Marek, B. W. Auvermann, S. R. Evett, P. Colaizzi, and D. K. Brauer. 2015. Estimating preseason irrigation losses by characterizing evaporation of effective precipitation under bare soil conditions using large weighing lysimeters. Agricultural Water Management, 169, 115-128.
Maurer, D., J.A. Koziel, J.D. Harmon, S.J. Hoff, A.M. Rieck-Hinz, D.S Andersen. Summary of performance data for technologies to control gaseous, odor, and particulate emissions from livestock operations: Air Management Practices Assessment Tool (AMPAT). Data in Brief, 7, 1413-1429. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2016.03.070.
Oliver JP, Janni KA, Schilling JS. 2016. Bait and scrape: An approach for assessing biofilm microbial communities on organic media used for gas-phase biofiltration. Ecological Engineering 91:50-57. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2016.02.010
Parker, D.B., M. Hayes, T. Brown-Brandl, B.L. Woodbury, M.J. Spiehs, J.A. Koziel. Topical application of soybean peroxidase and calcium peroxide for reducing odorous VOC emissions from swine manure slurry. Applied Eng. in Agric., in press.
Powers, W. and M. Capelari. 2016. Quantifying greenhouse gas fluxes in animal production. Invited symposia paper. J. Anim. Sci. (accepted December 30, 2015).
Robinson, P. H., Swanepoel, N., Heguy, J. M., Price, P., & Meyer, D. M. (2016). Total ‘shrink’losses, and where they occur, in commercially sized silage piles constructed from immature and mature cereal crops. Sci. of The Total Environ. 559, 45-52. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.03.103.
Robinson, P. H., Swanepoel, N., Heguy, J. M., Price, T., & Meyer, D. M. (2016). ‘Shrink’losses in commercially sized corn silage piles: Quantifying total losses and where they occur. Sci. of The Total Environ., 542, 530-539. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.10.090
Shen, J. and J. Zhu. 2016. Optimization of methane production in anaerobic co-digestion of poultry litter and wheat straw at different percentages of total solid and volatile solid using a developed response surface model. J. Environ. Sci. Health Part A 51(4): 325-334. DOI: 10.1080/10934529.2015.1109395.
Yang, X., W. Zhu, J.A. Koziel, L. Cai, W. Jenks, Y. Laor, H. van Leeuwen, S. J. Hoff. 2015. Improved quantification of livestock associated odorous volatile organic compounds in a standard flow-through system using solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography - mass spectrometry. J. Chromatography A, 1414, 31-40.
Zhang, S., J.A. Koziel, L. Cai, S.J. Hoff, K. Heathcote, L. Chen, L. Jacobson, N. Akdeniz, B. Hetchler, D.B. Parker, E. Caraway, A.J. Heber, S. Bereznicki. 2015. Odor and odorous chemical emissions from animal buildings: Part 5 - correlations between odor intensities and chemical concentrations (GC-MS/O). Trans. of ASABE, 58(5) 1349-1359. doi.10.13031/2013.32645.
Zhu, W., J.A. Koziel, L. Cai, D. Wright, F. Kuhrt. 2015. Testing odorants recovery from a novel metalized fluorinated ethylene propylene gas sampling bag. J. Air & Waste Mgmt. Assoc., 65(12), 1434-1445
Conference Proceedings
Bokova, A., C. Diaz, J.A. Koziel, M. McGinley, J. Barclay. 2016. Overview of the odour legislation in selected countries of Europe, North America, and Oceania. In Proc. 1st International Odor Conf. Gdansk, Poland.
Casey, K. D., G. Galvin, R. W. Todd. D. B. Parker, H. M. Waldrip. 2016. Investigating the potential for using passive diffusion samplers to measure fenceline concentration and emission fluxes of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide at beef cattle feedyards. In: Proc of the ASABE International Annual Meeting, Jul 18-20. 2016, Orlando, FL.
Casey, K. D., H. M. Waldrip, R. W. Todd, N. A. Cole. 2015. Optimizing NFT-NSS Chamber Techniques for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Measurements from Feedyard Pen Surfaces. In: Proc of the ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings:, Nov 15-18. 2015, Minneapolis, MN.
Chen, L., G. Kafle, B. Glaze, and T. Tindall. 2016. Evaluation of a polymer for reduction of ammonia emission from and nitrogen retention in swine manure. In Proc. Idaho Nutrient Management Conf. pp. 50-57. Jerome, Idaho.
Chen, L., G.K. Kafle, H. Neibling, and B. He. 2015. On-farm evaluation of wood bark-based biofilters for reduction of odor, ammonia, and hydrogen sulfide. In Proc. Intl. Symp. Animal Environment and Welfare. pp. 99-106. Chongqing, China.
De Haro-Marti, M.E., M. Chahine, H. Neibling, and L. Chen. 2016. Use of zeolites to retain nitrogen during composting treatment of dairy manure. In Proc. of the Idaho Nutrient Management Conf. pp. 32-35.Jerome, Idaho.
Jacobson, L., Johnston, L., Hetchler, B., Reese, C., Hilbrands, A. 2016. Research room design using ambient winter cooling to implement pig heat stress studies. Presented at CIGR-AgEng Conference, June 26-29, 2016 Aarhus, Denmark.
Johnston, L.J., Jacobson, L.D., Hetchler, B.P., Reese, C.M., Hilbrands, A.M. 2016. Performance response of grow-finish pigs to simulated heat stress under commercial-like conditions. Abstract presented at the 16th International Conference on Production Diseases in Farm Animals (ICPD) on 20 to 23 June 2016 in Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Kalus, K, S. Opalinski, D. Maurer, S. Rice, J.A. Koziel, M. Korczyński, Z. Dobrzanski, R. Kołacz, B. Gutarowska. 2016. Odor reducing microbial-mineral additive for poultry manure treatment. In Proc. Livestock Waste 2016 Conf. Galway, Ireland.
Koziel, J.A. Simultaneous chemical and sensory analyses of aromas. In Proc. 7th Intl Conf. on Quality and Safety in Food Production Chain, Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences. Wroclaw, Poland.
Koziel, J.A. 2015. Simultaneous chemical and sensory analyses: application to agriculture. In: Proc. of the XXXVIII Miedzynarodowe Seminarium Naukowo-Techniczne 'Chemistry for Agriculture. Karpacz, Poland, December.
Koziel, J.A., D. Maurer, J. Harmon, S. Hoff, A. Rieck-Hinz., D. Andersen. 2016. Air Management Practices Assessment Tool (AMPAT): On-line resource for odors and air quality associated with U.S. livestock production systems. In Proc. of the 1st International Odour Conf. Gdansk, Poland.
Kruger, K., L. Chen, B. He. 2016. Cultivation of duckweed on anaerobically digested dairy manure for nutrient uptake and macroalgal biomass production. In Proc. Idaho Nutrient Management Conf. pp. 16-22. Jerome, Idaho.
Li, Q.-F., D. Rozeboom, Y. Liu, W. Liao, W. Powers. 2015. Microalgae cultivation from animal production exhaust air: mitigate air emissions and recovery nutrients. In Proc. ASAE Annual Intl Meeting. Paper number 15218910. Montreal, New Orleans, LA.
Lim, T.-T., and J. M. Zulovich. 2015. Case study: a solid-liquid manure separation swine operation for resource conservation. In Proc. Waste to Worth Conf. Seattle, WA.
Lim, T.-T., B. C. Harvey, and J. M. Zulovich. 2015. Start-up of a Pilot Scale Anaerobic Digestion System for Deep-Pit Swine Finishing Barn. In ASABE Annual Intl Meeting. Paper No. 152190240. St. Joseph, Mich.
Liu, Z., P. Murphy, R. Maghirang, J. DeRouchey. Mitigation of Air Emissions from Swine Buildings through the Photocatalytic Technology Using UV/TiO2. ASABE Paper 2189332. New Orleans, Louisiana, 2015.
Liu, Y., Z. Liu, P. Murphy, R. Maghirang, J. DeRouchey. Vegetative Environmental Buffers (VEBs) for Mitigating Multiple Air Pollutants Emissions from a Research Swine Barn. ASABE Paper 2190126. New Orleans, Louisiana, 2015.
Liu, Y., Z. Liu, X. Shi. A Meta-analysis of Ammonia Emissions from Cattle Production Facilities. ASABE Paper 152190145. New Orleans, Louisiana, 2015.
Liu, Z., Y. Liu. Contribution of Kansas pasture burning to ambient ozone: a combination of receptor modeling, time series and regression analysis. ASABE Paper 162460949. Orlando, Florida, 2016
Liu, Y., Z. Liu. Source apportionment of ambient PM2.5 by using Unmix and PMF reception models at Flint Hills rural site and Kansas City urban site. ASABE Paper 162447784. Orlando, Florida, 2016
Maurer, D., C.K. Ellis, T. Thacker, S. Rice, J.A. Koziel. 2016. Screening of microbial volatile organic compounds for detection of disease in cattle: development of lab-scale method. In Proc. ExTech 2016 18th Intl Symp of Advances in Extraction Technologies & 22nd Intl Symp of Separation Sciences. Torun, Poland.
Maurer, D., J.A. Koziel, K. Bruning. 2016. Field scale measurement of greenhouse gas emissions from land applied swine manure. In Proc. Livestock Waste 2016 Conf. Galway, Ireland.
Maurer, D., J.A. Koziel, K. Kalus, D.S. Andersen, S. Opalinski. 2016. Pilot-scale testing of biochar for swine manure treatment and mitigation of odorous VOCs, ammonia, hydrogen sulphide and greenhouse gas emissions. In Proc. Livestock Waste 2016 Conf. Galway, Ireland.
Nelson, C.R., Janni, K.A. 2016. Modeling dairy cow thermoregulation during warm and hot environmental conditions 1: model development. ASABE Paper 162462138. St. Joseph, MI: ASABE.
Nelson, C.R., Janni, K.A., Heins, B.J. 2016. Modeling dairy cow thermoregulation during warm and hot environmental conditions 1: model application. ASABE Paper 162462140. St. Joseph, MI: ASABE.
Nogueira, R.G.S., T.-T. Lim, and H. Wang. 2016. Laboratory Evaluation of Co-digesting Beef Manure and Waste Kitchen Oil. In Proc. Annual Intl ASABE Meeting. Paper No. 2461767. St. Joseph, Mich.: ASABE. Orlando, FL.
Powers, W., M. Eve and A. Leytem. 2015. What are the best tools developed to predict GHG? In Proc. Dairy environmental systems and climate change conf. and tour. Ithaca, NY.
Rajan, R., S. Sharma, K. D. Casey, S. Maas. 2015. Effect of Soil Moisture and Temperature on Soil Carbon Flux from a Conventional Cotton Cropping System. In: Proc of the ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings:, Nov 15-18. 2015, Minneapolis, MN.
Shen, J., J. Zhu. 2015. Determination of Kinetic Parameters in Methane Production of Anaerobic Co-Digestion from Methane Volume and COD Balance. In ASABE Annual Intl. Meeting. Paper: 152187873, New Orleans, LA.
Shen, J., J. Zhu. 2015. Optimization of Methane Production in Anaerobic Co-Digestion at different Solid Concentrations and ratios of Poultry Litter to Wheat Straw using a Developed Statistical Model. In ASABE Annual Intl. Meeting. Paper: 152187836, New Orleans, LA.
Waldrip, H. M., K. D. Casey, R. W. Todd, N. A. Cole. 2015. Predicting Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Beef Cattle Feedyard Manure. In: Proc of the ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings:, Nov 15-18. 2015, Minneapolis, MN.
Waldrip, H. M., K. D. Casey, R. W. Todd, N. A. Cole. 2015. Factors Affecting Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Beef Cattle Feedyard Manure: A Laboratory Study. In: Proc of the ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings:, Nov 15-18. 2015, Minneapolis, MN.
Gross, M. Dec 2015. Development of a biofilm based algal cultivation system for treatment of municipal and agricultural wastes. Fermentation of syngas. MS thesis. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University, Agricultural Engineering.
Heflin, K. R. 2016. Life-cycle greenhouse-gas emissions of five beef production systems typical of the southern High Plains. PhD dissertation. Canyon, TX: West Texas A&M University, Systems Agriculture program.
Regan, K. August 2015. Evaluation of manure nutrient value. MS thesis. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University, Agricultural Engineering.
Schuster, N. R 2015. The Effect of Manure Application Method on Nutrient and Microbial Runoff Transport and Soil Biological Health Indicators. MS thesis. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska, Agricultural and Biological Systems Engineering.
Smith, J. S. 2015. Development and application of a decisions support tools for biomass co-firing in existing coal fired power plants. MS thesis. East lancing, Michigan: Michigan State University, Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering.
Wang, Q. 2016. Study of odors from paunch and grit materials generated by cattle slaughtering facilities. M.S. non-thesis option – creative component project. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University.
Extension and Outreach
Koziel, J.A. 2015. Funding scientific research in USA. University Presidents Meeting of Polish agricultural universities, Wroclaw-Pawlowice, Poland, November 2015.
Journal Articles
Cai, L., J.A. Koziel, S. Zhang, A.J. Heber, E.L. Cortus, D.B. Parker, S.J. Hoff, G. Sun, K.Y. Heathcote, L.D. Jacobson, N. Akdeniz, B.P. Hetchler, S.D. Bereznicki, E.A. Caraway, T.T. Lim. 2015. Odor and odorous chemical emissions from animal buildings: Part 3 - chemical emissions. Trans. of ASABE. 58(5), 1333-1347. doi.10.13031/trans.58.11199.
Campbell, E. L. and S. I. Safferman. 2015. Design criteria for the treatment of milking facility wastewater in a cold weather vertical flow wetland. Trans of the ASABE, 58(6):1509-1519.
Chiavegato, M. B., J. Rowntree, D. Carmichael, and W. Powers. 2015. Enteric methane from lactating beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. 93:1365-1375.
Chiavegato, M. B., J. Rowntree, D. Carmichael, and W. Powers. 2015. Pasture derived greenhouse gas emissions in cow-calf production systems. J. Anim. Sci. 93:1350-1364.
Chiavegato, M. B., N. Palumbo and W. Powers. 2015. Ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions from housed Holstein steers fed different levels of dietary crude protein. J. Anim. Sci. 93(1):395-404.
Classen, J.J. 2015 Sustainable waste practices. International Innovation 189, 57-59. http://www.internationalinnovation.com/sustainable-waste-practices/
Das, L., P. Kolar, J. A. Osborne, R. R. Sharma-Shivappa, J. J. Classen. 2016. Selective oxidation of lignin into aromatic aldehydes using niobium oxalate. Trans of the ASABE, 59(2): 724-735. doi: 10.13031/trans.59.10908
Gautam, D. P., S. Rahman, A. Fortuna, M. S. Borhan, B. Saini-Eidukat, and A. N. Bezbaruah. 2016. Characterization of zinc oxide nanoparticles (nZnO) alginate beads in reducing gaseous emission from swine manure. Environ. Tech., Accepted .
Gautam, D. P., S. Rahman, A. N. Bezbaruah, and M. S. Borhan. 2016. Evaluation of calcium alginate entrapped nano zinc oxide to reduce gaseous emissions from liquid dairy manure. Applied Eng. in Agric., 32(1): 89-102
Glanville, T.D., H.K. Ahn, N. Akdeniz, B.P. Crawford, J.A. Koziel. 2016. Performance of a plastic- wrapped composting system for biosecure emergency disposal of disease-related swine mortalities. Waste Management, 48, 483-491.
Heguy, J. M., Meyer, D., & Silva-del-Río, N. (2016). A survey of silage management practices on California dairies. Journal of dairy science, 99(2), 1649-1654.
Hu, D., Wang-Li, L., Simmons III, O. D., Classen, J. J., & Osborne, J. A. (2016). Size Distributions of Bioaerosols in an Egg Production Facility and Its Vicinity. Environmental Engineering Science, 33(4), 215-223.
Hu, D., Wang-Li, L., Simmons III, O. D., Classen, J. J., & Osborne, J. A. (2015). Spatiotemporal Variations of Bioaerosols in the Vicinity of an Animal Feeding Operation Facility in the US. Journal of Environmental Protection,6(6), 614..http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/jep.2015.66056.
Joo, H., Ndegwa, P. M., Wang, X., Heber, A. J., Ni, J. Q., Cortus, E. L., ... & Chai, L. (2015). Ammonia and hydrogen sulfide concentrations and emissions for naturally ventilated freestall dairy barns. Transactions of the ASABE, 58(5), 1321-1331. doi: 10.13031/trans.58.11267
Julien, R. and S. I. Safferman. 2015. Evaluation of food processing wastewater loading characteristics on metal mobilization within the soil. J. Environ. Sci. and Health, Part A, 50(14):1411-1416.
Kafle, G. K., L. Chen, B. Glaze, and T. Tindall. 2016. Aerobic treatment of liquid swine manure using polymer: evaluation for ammonia gas emission reductions and nitrogen retention. Engineering in Agriculture, Environment and Food, 7(3), 257-263 (2016). http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eaef.
Kafle, G. K., L. Chen. 2016. Comparison on batch anaerobic digestion of five different livestock manures and prediction of biochemical methane potential (BMP) using different statistical models. Waste Management 48, 492-502 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.wasman.2015.10.021
Kenessov, B., J.A. Koziel, N. Baikakina, D. Orazbayeva. 2016. Perspectives and challenges of on-site quantification of organic pollutants in soils using solid-phase microextraction. Trends in Analytical Chemistry, in press.
Liu, T., Green, A. R., Rodríguez, L. F., Ramirez, B. C., & Shike, D. W. (2015). Effects of Number of Animals Monitored on Representations of Cattle Group Movement Characteristics and Spatial Occupancy. PLoS ONE, 10(2), e0113117.
Li, Q.-F, N. Trottier, W. Powers. 2015. Feeding reduced crude protein diets with crystalline amino acids supplementation reduce air gas emissions from housing. J. Anim. Sci. 93:721-730.
Liu, Z., J. Harmon and W. Powers. 2016. Estimating ventilation rates of animal houses through CO2 balance. Trans. ASABE. 59(1): 321-328.
Liu, Z, Y. Liu, R. Maghirang, D. Delvin, C. Blocksome. 2016. Estimate contribution of prescribed rangeland burning in Kansas to ambient PM2.5 through source apportionment with Unmix receptor model. Trans. ASABE. Accepted, 2016.
Liu, Z, Y. Liu, X. Shi. J. DeRouchey. 2016, Causes of variations in ammonia emissions from cattle operations. Trans. ASABE. Under review, 2016.
Liu, Z, Y. Liu, X. Shi, R. Maghirang. 2016. Enteric methane conversion factor for dairy and beef cattle: Effect of feed digestibility and intake level. Trans. ASABE. Under review, 2016.
Marek, G. W., P. H. Gowda, T. H. Marek, B. W. Auvermann, S. R. Evett, P. Colaizzi, and D. K. Brauer. 2015. Estimating preseason irrigation losses by characterizing evaporation of effective precipitation under bare soil conditions using large weighing lysimeters. Agricultural Water Management, 169, 115-128.
Maurer, D., J.A. Koziel, J.D. Harmon, S.J. Hoff, A.M. Rieck-Hinz, D.S Andersen. Summary of performance data for technologies to control gaseous, odor, and particulate emissions from livestock operations: Air Management Practices Assessment Tool (AMPAT). Data in Brief, 7, 1413-1429. doi: 10.1016/j.dib.2016.03.070.
Oliver JP, Janni KA, Schilling JS. 2016. Bait and scrape: An approach for assessing biofilm microbial communities on organic media used for gas-phase biofiltration. Ecological Engineering 91:50-57. doi: 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2016.02.010
Parker, D.B., M. Hayes, T. Brown-Brandl, B.L. Woodbury, M.J. Spiehs, J.A. Koziel. Topical application of soybean peroxidase and calcium peroxide for reducing odorous VOC emissions from swine manure slurry. Applied Eng. in Agric., in press.
Powers, W. and M. Capelari. 2016. Quantifying greenhouse gas fluxes in animal production. Invited symposia paper. J. Anim. Sci. (accepted December 30, 2015).
Robinson, P. H., Swanepoel, N., Heguy, J. M., Price, P., & Meyer, D. M. (2016). Total ‘shrink’losses, and where they occur, in commercially sized silage piles constructed from immature and mature cereal crops. Sci. of The Total Environ. 559, 45-52. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.03.103.
Robinson, P. H., Swanepoel, N., Heguy, J. M., Price, T., & Meyer, D. M. (2016). ‘Shrink’losses in commercially sized corn silage piles: Quantifying total losses and where they occur. Sci. of The Total Environ., 542, 530-539. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2015.10.090
Shen, J. and J. Zhu. 2016. Optimization of methane production in anaerobic co-digestion of poultry litter and wheat straw at different percentages of total solid and volatile solid using a developed response surface model. J. Environ. Sci. Health Part A 51(4): 325-334. DOI: 10.1080/10934529.2015.1109395.
Yang, X., W. Zhu, J.A. Koziel, L. Cai, W. Jenks, Y. Laor, H. van Leeuwen, S. J. Hoff. 2015. Improved quantification of livestock associated odorous volatile organic compounds in a standard flow-through system using solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography - mass spectrometry. J. Chromatography A, 1414, 31-40.
Zhang, S., J.A. Koziel, L. Cai, S.J. Hoff, K. Heathcote, L. Chen, L. Jacobson, N. Akdeniz, B. Hetchler, D.B. Parker, E. Caraway, A.J. Heber, S. Bereznicki. 2015. Odor and odorous chemical emissions from animal buildings: Part 5 - correlations between odor intensities and chemical concentrations (GC-MS/O). Trans. of ASABE, 58(5) 1349-1359. doi.10.13031/2013.32645.
Zhu, W., J.A. Koziel, L. Cai, D. Wright, F. Kuhrt. 2015. Testing odorants recovery from a novel metalized fluorinated ethylene propylene gas sampling bag. J. Air & Waste Mgmt. Assoc., 65(12), 1434-1445
Conference Proceedings
Bokova, A., C. Diaz, J.A. Koziel, M. McGinley, J. Barclay. 2016. Overview of the odour legislation in selected countries of Europe, North America, and Oceania. In Proc. 1st International Odor Conf. Gdansk, Poland.
Casey, K. D., G. Galvin, R. W. Todd. D. B. Parker, H. M. Waldrip. 2016. Investigating the potential for using passive diffusion samplers to measure fenceline concentration and emission fluxes of ammonia and hydrogen sulfide at beef cattle feedyards. In: Proc of the ASABE International Annual Meeting, Jul 18-20. 2016, Orlando, FL.
Casey, K. D., H. M. Waldrip, R. W. Todd, N. A. Cole. 2015. Optimizing NFT-NSS Chamber Techniques for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Measurements from Feedyard Pen Surfaces. In: Proc of the ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings:, Nov 15-18. 2015, Minneapolis, MN.
Chen, L., G. Kafle, B. Glaze, and T. Tindall. 2016. Evaluation of a polymer for reduction of ammonia emission from and nitrogen retention in swine manure. In Proc. Idaho Nutrient Management Conf. pp. 50-57. Jerome, Idaho.
Chen, L., G.K. Kafle, H. Neibling, and B. He. 2015. On-farm evaluation of wood bark-based biofilters for reduction of odor, ammonia, and hydrogen sulfide. In Proc. Intl. Symp. Animal Environment and Welfare. pp. 99-106. Chongqing, China.
De Haro-Marti, M.E., M. Chahine, H. Neibling, and L. Chen. 2016. Use of zeolites to retain nitrogen during composting treatment of dairy manure. In Proc. of the Idaho Nutrient Management Conf. pp. 32-35.Jerome, Idaho.
Jacobson, L., Johnston, L., Hetchler, B., Reese, C., Hilbrands, A. 2016. Research room design using ambient winter cooling to implement pig heat stress studies. Presented at CIGR-AgEng Conference, June 26-29, 2016 Aarhus, Denmark.
Johnston, L.J., Jacobson, L.D., Hetchler, B.P., Reese, C.M., Hilbrands, A.M. 2016. Performance response of grow-finish pigs to simulated heat stress under commercial-like conditions. Abstract presented at the 16th International Conference on Production Diseases in Farm Animals (ICPD) on 20 to 23 June 2016 in Wageningen, The Netherlands.
Kalus, K, S. Opalinski, D. Maurer, S. Rice, J.A. Koziel, M. Korczyński, Z. Dobrzanski, R. Kołacz, B. Gutarowska. 2016. Odor reducing microbial-mineral additive for poultry manure treatment. In Proc. Livestock Waste 2016 Conf. Galway, Ireland.
Koziel, J.A. Simultaneous chemical and sensory analyses of aromas. In Proc. 7th Intl Conf. on Quality and Safety in Food Production Chain, Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences. Wroclaw, Poland.
Koziel, J.A. 2015. Simultaneous chemical and sensory analyses: application to agriculture. In: Proc. of the XXXVIII Miedzynarodowe Seminarium Naukowo-Techniczne 'Chemistry for Agriculture. Karpacz, Poland, December.
Koziel, J.A., D. Maurer, J. Harmon, S. Hoff, A. Rieck-Hinz., D. Andersen. 2016. Air Management Practices Assessment Tool (AMPAT): On-line resource for odors and air quality associated with U.S. livestock production systems. In Proc. of the 1st International Odour Conf. Gdansk, Poland.
Kruger, K., L. Chen, B. He. 2016. Cultivation of duckweed on anaerobically digested dairy manure for nutrient uptake and macroalgal biomass production. In Proc. Idaho Nutrient Management Conf. pp. 16-22. Jerome, Idaho.
Li, Q.-F., D. Rozeboom, Y. Liu, W. Liao, W. Powers. 2015. Microalgae cultivation from animal production exhaust air: mitigate air emissions and recovery nutrients. In Proc. ASAE Annual Intl Meeting. Paper number 15218910. Montreal, New Orleans, LA.
Lim, T.-T., and J. M. Zulovich. 2015. Case study: a solid-liquid manure separation swine operation for resource conservation. In Proc. Waste to Worth Conf. Seattle, WA.
Lim, T.-T., B. C. Harvey, and J. M. Zulovich. 2015. Start-up of a Pilot Scale Anaerobic Digestion System for Deep-Pit Swine Finishing Barn. In ASABE Annual Intl Meeting. Paper No. 152190240. St. Joseph, Mich.
Liu, T., Rodriguez, L. F., Lehman, B. E., Green, A. R., Villamil, M. B., & Shike, D. W. (2016). A spatially explicit, agent-based model for simulating movements of cattle grazing corn residues. Presented at the 2013 ASABE Annual International Meeting, Paper No. 162460297. http://doi.org/10.13031/aim.20162460297
Liu, Z., P. Murphy, R. Maghirang, J. DeRouchey. Mitigation of Air Emissions from Swine Buildings through the Photocatalytic Technology Using UV/TiO2. ASABE Paper 2189332. New Orleans, Louisiana, 2015.
Liu, Y., Z. Liu, P. Murphy, R. Maghirang, J. DeRouchey. Vegetative Environmental Buffers (VEBs) for Mitigating Multiple Air Pollutants Emissions from a Research Swine Barn. ASABE Paper 2190126. New Orleans, Louisiana, 2015.
Liu, Y., Z. Liu, X. Shi. A Meta-analysis of Ammonia Emissions from Cattle Production Facilities. ASABE Paper 152190145. New Orleans, Louisiana, 2015.
Liu, Z., Y. Liu. Contribution of Kansas pasture burning to ambient ozone: a combination of receptor modeling, time series and regression analysis. ASABE Paper 162460949. Orlando, Florida, 2016
Liu, Y., Z. Liu. Source apportionment of ambient PM2.5 by using Unmix and PMF reception models at Flint Hills rural site and Kansas City urban site. ASABE Paper 162447784. Orlando, Florida, 2016
Maurer, D., C.K. Ellis, T. Thacker, S. Rice, J.A. Koziel. 2016. Screening of microbial volatile organic compounds for detection of disease in cattle: development of lab-scale method. In Proc. ExTech 2016 18th Intl Symp of Advances in Extraction Technologies & 22nd Intl Symp of Separation Sciences. Torun, Poland.
Maurer, D., J.A. Koziel, K. Bruning. 2016. Field scale measurement of greenhouse gas emissions from land applied swine manure. In Proc. Livestock Waste 2016 Conf. Galway, Ireland.
Maurer, D., J.A. Koziel, K. Kalus, D.S. Andersen, S. Opalinski. 2016. Pilot-scale testing of biochar for swine manure treatment and mitigation of odorous VOCs, ammonia, hydrogen sulphide and greenhouse gas emissions. In Proc. Livestock Waste 2016 Conf. Galway, Ireland.
Nelson, C.R., Janni, K.A. 2016. Modeling dairy cow thermoregulation during warm and hot environmental conditions 1: model development. ASABE Paper 162462138. St. Joseph, MI: ASABE.
Nelson, C.R., Janni, K.A., Heins, B.J. 2016. Modeling dairy cow thermoregulation during warm and hot environmental conditions 1: model application. ASABE Paper 162462140. St. Joseph, MI: ASABE.
Nogueira, R.G.S., T.-T. Lim, and H. Wang. 2016. Laboratory Evaluation of Co-digesting Beef Manure and Waste Kitchen Oil. In Proc. Annual Intl ASABE Meeting. Paper No. 2461767. St. Joseph, Mich.: ASABE. Orlando, FL.
Powers, W., M. Eve and A. Leytem. 2015. What are the best tools developed to predict GHG? In Proc. Dairy environmental systems and climate change conf. and tour. Ithaca, NY.
Rajan, R., S. Sharma, K. D. Casey, S. Maas. 2015. Effect of Soil Moisture and Temperature on Soil Carbon Flux from a Conventional Cotton Cropping System. In: Proc of the ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings:, Nov 15-18. 2015, Minneapolis, MN.
Shen, J., J. Zhu. 2015. Determination of Kinetic Parameters in Methane Production of Anaerobic Co-Digestion from Methane Volume and COD Balance. In ASABE Annual Intl. Meeting. Paper: 152187873, New Orleans, LA.
Shen, J., J. Zhu. 2015. Optimization of Methane Production in Anaerobic Co-Digestion at different Solid Concentrations and ratios of Poultry Litter to Wheat Straw using a Developed Statistical Model. In ASABE Annual Intl. Meeting. Paper: 152187836, New Orleans, LA.
Waldrip, H. M., K. D. Casey, R. W. Todd, N. A. Cole. 2015. Predicting Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Beef Cattle Feedyard Manure. In: Proc of the ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings:, Nov 15-18. 2015, Minneapolis, MN.
Waldrip, H. M., K. D. Casey, R. W. Todd, N. A. Cole. 2015. Factors Affecting Greenhouse Gas Emissions from Beef Cattle Feedyard Manure: A Laboratory Study. In: Proc of the ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings:, Nov 15-18. 2015, Minneapolis, MN.
Gross, M. Dec 2015. Development of a biofilm based algal cultivation system for treatment of municipal and agricultural wastes. Fermentation of syngas. MS thesis. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University, Agricultural Engineering.
Heflin, K. R. 2016. Life-cycle greenhouse-gas emissions of five beef production systems typical of the southern High Plains. PhD dissertation. Canyon, TX: West Texas A&M University, Systems Agriculture program.
Regan, K. August 2015. Evaluation of manure nutrient value. MS thesis. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University, Agricultural Engineering.
Schuster, N. R 2015. The Effect of Manure Application Method on Nutrient and Microbial Runoff Transport and Soil Biological Health Indicators. MS thesis. Lincoln, Nebraska: University of Nebraska, Agricultural and Biological Systems Engineering.
Smith, J. S. 2015. Development and application of a decisions support tools for biomass co-firing in existing coal fired power plants. MS thesis. East lancing, Michigan: Michigan State University, Department of Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering.
Wang, Q. 2016. Study of odors from paunch and grit materials generated by cattle slaughtering facilities. M.S. non-thesis option – creative component project. Ames, Iowa: Iowa State University.
Extension and Outreach
Koziel, J.A. 2015. Funding scientific research in USA. University Presidents Meeting of Polish agricultural universities, Wroclaw-Pawlowice, Poland, November 2015.
Journal Articles
Akdeniz,N., K.A. Janni, B.P. Hetchler. (2016) Mitigation of multiple air emissions from swine buildings using corn cob biofilters. Trans of ASABE 59(5): 1413-1420. (doi: 10.13031/trans.59.11873)
Baimatova, N, J.A. Koziel, B. Kenessov. 2017. Passive sampling and analysis of naphthalene in internal combustion engine exhaust with retracted solid phase microextraction device and GC-MS. Atmosphere, 8(7), 130. doi. 10.3390/atmos8070130.
Cai, L., S. Rice, J.A. Koziel, M. Dharmadhikari. 2017. Development of an automated method for selected aromas of red wines from cold-hardy grapes using solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography - mass spectrometry – olfactometry. Separations, 2017, 4(3), 24. doi: 10.3390/separations4030024.
Cortus, E.L., B. Kasu, J. Jaquet, N. Embertson, A. Schmidt, T.T. Lim and J. Heemstra. 2017. Relevant information sources in the vast and complex manure nutrient management network. Submitted to Journal of Extension. Under Review.
Dobrzanski, Z., B. Buszewski, S. Opalinski, R. Kolacz, J.A. Koziel. 2017. Xenobiotics, toxic compounds, mutagens and carcinogens substances. Classification and regulatory challenges. Przemysl Chemiczny, 96(1), 76-84. doi:10.15199/62.2017.1.5.
Ellis, C., S. Rice, D. Maurer, R. Stahl, R. Waters, M. Palmer, P. Nol, J. Rhyan, K. VerCauteren, J.A. Koziel. 2017. Use of fecal volatile organic compound analysis to discriminate between non-vaccinated and BCG-vaccinated cattle prior to and after Mycobacterium bovis challenge. PLoS ONE, 2017, 12(7): e0179914. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0179914.
Kalus, K., S. Opalinski, D. Maurer, S. Rice, J.A. Koziel, M. Korczynski, Z. Dobrzanski, R. Kolacz, B. Gutarowska. Odour reducing microbial-mineral additive for poultry manure treatment. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2017, 11(3), 7. doi: 10.1007/s11783-017-0928-4.
Kenessov, B., J.A. Koziel, N. Baikakina, D. Orazbayeva. 2016. Perspectives and challenges of on-site quantification of organic pollutants in soils using solid-phase microextraction. Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 85, 111-122.
Koziel, J.A. Successful grant-writing strategies for junior scientists: An American public university perspective. Higher School's Pulse, 2016, 10(4), 21-25. doi: 10.5604/20812021.1225356.
Koziel J.A., T.S. Frana, H.K. Ahn, T.D. Glanville, L.T. Nguyen, H. van Leeuwen. 2017. Efficacy of NH3 as a secondary barrier treatment for inactivation of Salmonella Typhimurium and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in digestate of animal carcasses: Proof-of-concept. PLoS ONE, 2017, 12(5): e0176825. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0176825.
Koziel, J.A., Nguyen, L.T., T.D. Glanville, H.K. Ahn, T.S. Frana, J.H. van Leeuwen. 2017. Method for sampling and analysis of volatile biomarkers in process gas from aerobic digestion of poultry carcass using time-weighted average SPME and GC-MS. Food Chemistry, 232, 799-807. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2017.04.062.
Liu, Y., Liu, Z., Murphy, J., & Maghirang, R. 2017. Source apportionment of ambient PM2.5 by using UNMIX and PMF at rural and urban site in Kansas. J. Environ. Sci. Under review.
Liu, Z, Y. Liu, J. Murphy, and R. Maghirang. 2017. Contributions of Kansas rangeland burning to ambient O3: analysis of data from 2001 to 2016. Sci. Total Environ. Special issue: Health impact of wildland fire smoke exposure. Under review.
Liu, Z, Y. Liu, J. Murphy, and R. Maghirang. 2017. Ammonia and methane emission factors from cattle operations expressed as losses of dietary nutrients or energy. Agriculture. 7(3),16; doi:10.3390/agriculture7030016.
Liu, Z, Y. Liu, J. Murphy, and R. Maghirang. 2017. Estimating ambient ozone effect of Kansas rangeland burning with receptor modeling and regression analysis. Environments. (4)14; doi:10.3390.
Liu, Z, Y. Liu, X. Shi, J. Murphy, and R. Maghirang. 2017. Enteric methane conversion factor for dairy and beef cattle: Effects of feed digestibility and intake level. Trans. ASABE. (60)2 459-464.
Liu, Z, Y. Liu, X. Shi. J. Murphy, and R. Maghirang. 2017. Variations of ammonia emissions from cattle operations: Effects of temperature and dietary crude protein content. Trans. ASABE. (60)1: 215-227.
Liu, Z., Murphy, J., Maghirang, R. and Devlin, D. 2016. Health and environmental impacts of smoke from vegetation fires: a review. J. Environ. Prot. 7, 1860-1885. doi: 10.4236/jep.2016.712148.
Liu, Z, Y. Liu, R. Maghirang, D. Delvin, C. Blocksome. 2016. Estimate contributions of prescribed rangeland burning in Kansas to ambient PM2.5 through source apportionment with the Unmix receptor model. Trans. ASABE. 59(5).
Maurer, D., J.A. Koziel, K. Bruning, D.B. Parker. 2017. Farm-scale testing of soybean peroxidase and calcium peroxide for surficial swine manure treatment and mitigation of odorous VOCs, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide emissions. Atmospheric Environment, 166, 467-478. doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2017.07.048.
Maurer, D., J.A. Koziel, K. Kalus, D. Andersen, S. Opalinski. 2017. Pilot-scale testing of non-activated biochar for swine manure treatment and mitigation of ammonia, hydrogen sulphide, odorous VOCs, and greenhouse gas emissions. Sustainability, 9(6), 929, doi: 10.3390/su9060929.
Maurer, D., J.A. Koziel, K. Bruning. 2017. Field scale measurement of greenhouse gas emissions from land applied swine manure. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2017, 11(3), 1, doi: 10.1007/s11783-017-0915-9.
Maurer, D., J.A. Koziel, K. Bruning, D.B. Parker. 2017. Pilot-scale testing of renewable biocatalyst for swine manure treatment and mitigation of odorous VOCs, ammonia, and hydrogen sulfide gas emissions. Atmospheric Environment, 150, 313-321. doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2016.11.021.
Miller, C.M.. P.L. Price and D. Meyer. 2017. Mass balance analyses of nutrients on California dairies to evaluate data quality for regulatory review. Science of the Total Environment 579 (2017) 37–46. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.10.092
Onuki, S., J.A. Koziel, W.S. Jenks, L. Cai, D. Grewell, J.H. van Leeuwen. 2016. Taking ethanol quality beyond fuel grade: a review. Journal of the Institute of Brewing, 122(4), 588-598. doi: 10.1002/jib.364.
Orazbayeva, D., B. Kenessov, J.A. Koziel, D. Nassyrova, N.V. Lyabukhova. 2017. Quantification of BTEX in soil by headspace SPME-GC-MS using combined standard addition and internal standard calibration. Chromatographia, 80(8), 1249-1256. doi: 10.1007/s10337-017-3340-0.
Parker, D.B., M.B. Rhoades, B.H. Baek, J.A. Koziel, H.M. Waldrip, R.W. Todd. 2016. Urease inhibitor for reducing ammonia emissions from an open-lot beef cattle feedyard in the Texas High Plains. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 32(6), 823-832. doi: 10.13031/aea.32.11897.
Shen, J. and J. Zhu. 2016. Kinetics of batch anaerobic co-digestion of poultry litter and wheat straw including a novel strategy of estimation of endogenous decay and yield coefficients using numerical integration. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering 39(10): 1553-1565.
Soso, S.B., J.A. Koziel. 2017. Characterizing the scent and chemical composition of Panthera leo marking fluid using solid-phase microextraction and multidimensional gas chromatography-mass spectrometry-olfactometry. Scientific Reports, 7(1):5137. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-04973-2.
Wu, S., J. Zhu, and L. Chen. 2017. Feeding schemes and C/N ratio of a laboratory-scale set-fed sequencing batch reactor for liquid swine manure treatment. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A (http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10934529.2017.1301748)
Zhu, W., J.A. Koziel, D.L. Maurer. 2017. Mitigation of livestock odors using a black light and a new titanium dioxide-based catalyst: proof-of-concept. Atmosphere, 8(6), 103. doi: 10.3390/atmos8060103.
Conference Proceedings
Brown, J.T., T.-T. Lim, J.M. Zulovich, C. Costello, 2017. Evaluation of mechanical scraper system finishing barn for solid-liquid separation. In: Annual International Meeting, ASABE Paper No. 1701558. St. Joseph, Mich.: ASABE. Spokane, Washington, July 16-19. Spokane, Washington.
Chen, L., K. Kruger. 2017. Cultivation of duckweed on anaerobically digested dairy manure for nitrogen and phosphorus removal. Proceedings of Waste to Worth 2017. Cary, North Carolina, April 17-21, 2017. (https://articles.extension.org/pages/74382/cultivation-of-duckweed-on-anaerobically-digested-dairy-manure-for-nitrogen-and-phosphorus-removal)
De Haro-Marti, M.E., M. Chahine, H. Neibling, and L. Chen. 2017. Composting of dairy manure with the addition of zeolites to reduce ammonia emissions. Proceedings of Waste to Worth 2017. Cary, North Carolina, April 17-21, 2017. (https://articles.extension.org/pages/74395/composting-of-dairy-manure-with-the-addition-of-zeolites-to-reduce-ammonia-emissions)
Dong, Y., Safferman, S. I., Tekesin, O., Sengupta, S., Schorr, J. R., and Revur, R. (2016). “Removal of Nutrients from Agricultural Drainage Water using Nano-Engineered Porous Ceramic Media.” 2016 Annual International ASABE Meeting, Orlando, Florida.
Janni, K.A., L.D. Jacobson, S.L. Noll, C.J. Cardona, H.W. Martin A.E. Neu (2016) Engineering challenges and responses to the highly pathogenic avian influenza outbreak in Minnesota in 2015. ASABE Paper No. 162537392. ASABE, St. Joseph, MI, 49085.
Janni, K.A., M. M. Torremorell, L.D. Jacobson, C. Alonso, B.P. Hetchler. (2017) Modeling airborne virus concentrations in filtered swine barns with negative-pressure ventilating systems. ASABE Paper No. 170058. St. Joseph, MI: ASABE.
Karunarathne, S.A., M. Chung, J.A. Ogejo. Compartmental process-based model for estimating ammonia emission from liquid dairy manure storage tank ASABE paper No. 1701433. Spokane, WA, 2017.
Kenessov, B., J.A. Koziel. 2017. Modelling of time-weighted average air sampling by retracted SPME fibers using COMSOL Multiphysics software. In the proceedings of the ExTech 2017 19th International Symposium of Advances in Extraction Technologies, Santiago de Compostela, June 2017.
Lim, T.-T., J.T. Brown, J.M. Zulovich, C. Christine, 2017. Evaluation of a solid-liquid manure separation barn. In: Waste to Worth Conference. Cary, NC, April 18-21, 2017. Cary, NC.
Liu, Y. and Z. Liu. Apportionment of visibility degradation to sources of PM2.5 in rural and urban Kansas. ASABE paper No. 1700420. Spokane, Washington. 2017.
Liu, Z., Y. Liu, Ronaldo Maghirang. Contribution of Kansas pasture burning to ambient ozone. The 2nd International Smoke Symposium (ISS2), Long Beach, November, 2016.
Liu, Z., Y. Liu. Contribution of Kansas pasture burning to ambient ozone: a combination of receptor modeling, time series and regression analysis. ASABE paper No. 162460949. Orlando, Florida, 2016.
Liu, Y., Z. Liu. Source apportionment of ambient PM2.5 by using Unmix and PMF reception models at Flint Hills rural site and Kansas City urban site. ASABE paper No. 162447784. Orlando, Florida, 2016
Liu, Z, Y. Liu, R. Maghirang, D. Delvin, C. Blocksome. Estimate contributions of prescribed pasture burning in Kansas to ambient PM2.5 through source apportionment using Unmix receptor model. ASABE paper No. 162459373. Orlando, Florida, 2016.
Maurer, D.L., J.A. Koziel, K. Bruning, D.B. Parker. 2017. Pilot-scale concept of real-time wind speed-matching wind tunnel for measurements of gaseous emissions. ASABE Paper #1701656. 2017 ASABE Annual International Meeting, Spokane, Washington, July, 2017. doi: 10.13031/aim.201701656.
Maurer, D.L., J.A. Koziel, K. Bruning, D.B. Parker. 2017. Renewable biocatalyst for swine manure treatment and mitigation of odorous VOCs, ammonia and hydrogen sulfide emissions: Review. ASABE Paper #1701655. 2017 ASABE Annual International Meeting, Spokane, Washington, July, 2017. doi: 10.13031/aim.201701655.
Rice, S., Tursumbayeva, M., Dharmadhikari, M., Fennel, A., Koziel, J.A. 2017. Effects of harvest time on aroma of wines made from Brianna and Frontenac Gris grapes using gas-chromatography-mass-spectrometry and olfactometry. Presentation at the 42nd Annual Conference and Symposium of the American Society for Enology and Viticulture - Eastern Section; Charlottesville, VA, July, 2017.
Shen, J., J. Zhu. 2016. Kinetics of biogas production in batch anaerobic co-digestion of poultry litter and wheat straw mixed with municipal wastewater. ASABE Annual International Meeting paper#: 162458093, Orlando, FL. July 17-20, 2016.
Shen, J., J. Zhu. 2016. Biogas production in a biofilm reactor of a two-phase anaerobic digestion system from hydrolysate derived from poultry litter at different organic loadings and retention times. ASABE Annual International Meeting paper#: 162460548, Orlando, FL. July 17-20, 2016.
Shen, J., J. Zhu. 2016. Development of a novel strategy for estimation of endogenous decay and yield coefficients in batch biogas production of anaerobic co-digestion of poultry litter and wheat straw using numerical integration. ASABE Annual International Meeting paper#: 162457488, Orlando, FL. July 17-20, 2016.
Smith, J. S., Safferman, S. I., Costantini, L., and Ikeda, N. (2016). “Laboratory Investigation of Nutrient Fate during Winter Manure Application.” International ASABE Meeting, Orlando, Florida.
Swaminathan, P., A. Fennell, K. Besler, Y. Yao, S. Rice, J. Koziel, M. Dharmadhikari, D. Maurer, E. Del Bel, Z. Vickers, K. Cook, A. Hegeman, J. Luby. Characterization of grape berry ripening - genomics to sensory. Ninth RECOMB/ISCB Conference on Regulatory & Systems Genomics, with DREAM Challenges & Cytoscape Workshop, Phoenix, AZ, November 2016.
Tursumbayeva, M., J.A. Koziel, D.L. Maurer. 2017. Novel method for quantification of odorous volatiles in the air with solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography - mass spectrometry. Presentation at the 129th Annual Meeting of the Iowa Academy of Science & 84th Iowa Junior Academy of Science Symposium, Cedar Falls, IA, April 2017.
Wallace, J. and Safferman, S. (2015). “Discharge Quality Water from Dairy Manure: a Summary of the McLanahan Nutrient Separation System.” Waste 2 Worth 2015 Advancing Sustainability in Animal Agriculture, Seattle, Washington.
Wang, H., T.-T. Lim, W. Wang, 2017. Feasibility of co-digesting swine manure with corn stover. In: Annual International Meeting, ASABE Paper No. 1701558. St. Joseph, Mich.: ASABE. Spokane, Washington, July 16-19. Spokane, Washington.
Madina Tursumbayeva. Simple and accurate quantification of odorous volatile organic compounds in air with solid phase microextraction and gas chromatography - mass spectrometry. M.S. thesis. Iowa State University, July 2017. Major professor = Jacek Koziel.
Extension and Outreach
Janni, K.A. 2016. Identifying Biosecurity Hazards by Considering Flows on Animal Farms. p.2. UM Extension. Online at http://www.extension.umn.edu/agriculture/poultry/biosecurity/beet/index.html
Janni, K.A. 2016 Biosecure entry education trailer (BEET). p.2. UM Extension. Online at http://www.extension.umn.edu/agriculture/poultry/biosecurity/beet/index.html
Liu, Z. 2017. A guide to composting animal manure. Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service. Under review.
Liu, Z. 2017. Design and management of biofilters for air pollution control in livestock facilities. Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service. MF3387.
Liu, Z. 2017. Diet and feed management to reduce gaseous emissions from livestock production: principles and practices. Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service. MF3386.
Liu, Z. 2017. National Air Quality Site Assessment Tool (NAQSAT) for livestock producers. Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service. MF3367.
Liu, Z. 2017. How much does Kansas rangeland burning contribute to ambient PM2.5? Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service. MF3358.
Liu, Z. 2017. How much does Kansas rangeland burning contribute to ambient ozone? Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service. MF3357.
Chen, L. 2016. Understand the 5 most influencing factors in composting manure. Progressive Dairyman November, 2016 (http://www.progressivedairy.com/topics/manure/understand-the-5-most-influencing-factors-in-composting-manure).
Chen, L. 2016. Achieve maturity at the end of the manure composting process. Progressive Dairyman September, 2016 (http://www.progressivedairy.com/topics/manure/achieve-maturity-at-the-end-of-the-manure-composting-process).
Janni, K.A. Enhancing Biosecurity Using Flow Analysis and Danish Entry Concepts. March 16, 2016. Midwest Poultry Convention. St. Paul, MN
Janni, K.A. Biosecure Entry Adaptations. June 16, 2016. Minnesota Turkey Growers Association Summer Conference, Duluth, MN
Janni, K.A. Prevention – Biosecurity Training, Plans and Execution. March 13 & 14, 2017. University of Missouri Extension Preventing and Responding to Disease Outbreak Workshops. Neosho and Buffalo, Missouri.
Lim, T.-T. 2017. Static Pile Aeration. Bi-State Compost School by University of Illinois and University of Missouri. Belleville, IL. June 21-22, 2017.
Lim, T.-T., C. Wang, A.J. Heber, N. Ji-Qin, L. Zhao, 2017. Effect of Electrostatic Precipiration on Particulate Matter Emissions from a high-rise layer house. In: Air Quality and Livestock Production. Australia: CRC Press. Eds., Banhazi, T., A. Aland, J. Hartung. (in press).
Meyer, D. 2017. California Plant and Soil Conference. Poster presentation. January 31 – February 1, 2017 DoubleTree Hotel, 2233 Ventura Street, Fresno, CA 93721
Journal Articles
Akdeniz,N., K.A. Janni, B.P. Hetchler. (2016) Mitigation of multiple air emissions from swine buildings using corn cob biofilters. Trans of ASABE 59(5): 1413-1420. (doi: 10.13031/trans.59.11873)
Baimatova, N, J.A. Koziel, B. Kenessov. 2017. Passive sampling and analysis of naphthalene in internal combustion engine exhaust with retracted solid phase microextraction device and GC-MS. Atmosphere, 8(7), 130. doi. 10.3390/atmos8070130.
Cai, L., S. Rice, J.A. Koziel, M. Dharmadhikari. 2017. Development of an automated method for selected aromas of red wines from cold-hardy grapes using solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography - mass spectrometry – olfactometry. Separations, 2017, 4(3), 24. doi: 10.3390/separations4030024.
Cortus, E.L., B. Kasu, J. Jaquet, N. Embertson, A. Schmidt, T.T. Lim and J. Heemstra. 2017. Relevant information sources in the vast and complex manure nutrient management network. Submitted to Journal of Extension. Under Review.
Dobrzanski, Z., B. Buszewski, S. Opalinski, R. Kolacz, J.A. Koziel. 2017. Xenobiotics, toxic compounds, mutagens and carcinogens substances. Classification and regulatory challenges. Przemysl Chemiczny, 96(1), 76-84. doi:10.15199/62.2017.1.5.
Ellis, C., S. Rice, D. Maurer, R. Stahl, R. Waters, M. Palmer, P. Nol, J. Rhyan, K. VerCauteren, J.A. Koziel. 2017. Use of fecal volatile organic compound analysis to discriminate between non-vaccinated and BCG-vaccinated cattle prior to and after Mycobacterium bovis challenge. PLoS ONE, 2017, 12(7): e0179914. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0179914.
Kalus, K., S. Opalinski, D. Maurer, S. Rice, J.A. Koziel, M. Korczynski, Z. Dobrzanski, R. Kolacz, B. Gutarowska. Odour reducing microbial-mineral additive for poultry manure treatment. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2017, 11(3), 7. doi: 10.1007/s11783-017-0928-4.
Kenessov, B., J.A. Koziel, N. Baikakina, D. Orazbayeva. 2016. Perspectives and challenges of on-site quantification of organic pollutants in soils using solid-phase microextraction. Trends in Analytical Chemistry, 85, 111-122.
Koziel, J.A. Successful grant-writing strategies for junior scientists: An American public university perspective. Higher School's Pulse, 2016, 10(4), 21-25. doi: 10.5604/20812021.1225356.
Koziel J.A., T.S. Frana, H.K. Ahn, T.D. Glanville, L.T. Nguyen, H. van Leeuwen. 2017. Efficacy of NH3 as a secondary barrier treatment for inactivation of Salmonella Typhimurium and methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus in digestate of animal carcasses: Proof-of-concept. PLoS ONE, 2017, 12(5): e0176825. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0176825.
Koziel, J.A., Nguyen, L.T., T.D. Glanville, H.K. Ahn, T.S. Frana, J.H. van Leeuwen. 2017. Method for sampling and analysis of volatile biomarkers in process gas from aerobic digestion of poultry carcass using time-weighted average SPME and GC-MS. Food Chemistry, 232, 799-807. doi: 10.1016/j.foodchem.2017.04.062.
Liu, Y., Liu, Z., Murphy, J., & Maghirang, R. 2017. Source apportionment of ambient PM2.5 by using UNMIX and PMF at rural and urban site in Kansas. J. Environ. Sci. Under review.
Liu, Z, Y. Liu, J. Murphy, and R. Maghirang. 2017. Contributions of Kansas rangeland burning to ambient O3: analysis of data from 2001 to 2016. Sci. Total Environ. Special issue: Health impact of wildland fire smoke exposure. Under review.
Liu, Z, Y. Liu, J. Murphy, and R. Maghirang. 2017. Ammonia and methane emission factors from cattle operations expressed as losses of dietary nutrients or energy. Agriculture. 7(3),16; doi:10.3390/agriculture7030016.
Liu, Z, Y. Liu, J. Murphy, and R. Maghirang. 2017. Estimating ambient ozone effect of Kansas rangeland burning with receptor modeling and regression analysis. Environments. (4)14; doi:10.3390.
Liu, Z, Y. Liu, X. Shi, J. Murphy, and R. Maghirang. 2017. Enteric methane conversion factor for dairy and beef cattle: Effects of feed digestibility and intake level. Trans. ASABE. (60)2 459-464.
Liu, Z, Y. Liu, X. Shi. J. Murphy, and R. Maghirang. 2017. Variations of ammonia emissions from cattle operations: Effects of temperature and dietary crude protein content. Trans. ASABE. (60)1: 215-227.
Liu, Z., Murphy, J., Maghirang, R. and Devlin, D. 2016. Health and environmental impacts of smoke from vegetation fires: a review. J. Environ. Prot. 7, 1860-1885. doi: 10.4236/jep.2016.712148.
Liu, Z, Y. Liu, R. Maghirang, D. Delvin, C. Blocksome. 2016. Estimate contributions of prescribed rangeland burning in Kansas to ambient PM2.5 through source apportionment with the Unmix receptor model. Trans. ASABE. 59(5).
Maurer, D., J.A. Koziel, K. Bruning, D.B. Parker. 2017. Farm-scale testing of soybean peroxidase and calcium peroxide for surficial swine manure treatment and mitigation of odorous VOCs, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide emissions. Atmospheric Environment, 166, 467-478. doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2017.07.048.
Maurer, D., J.A. Koziel, K. Kalus, D. Andersen, S. Opalinski. 2017. Pilot-scale testing of non-activated biochar for swine manure treatment and mitigation of ammonia, hydrogen sulphide, odorous VOCs, and greenhouse gas emissions. Sustainability, 9(6), 929, doi: 10.3390/su9060929.
Maurer, D., J.A. Koziel, K. Bruning. 2017. Field scale measurement of greenhouse gas emissions from land applied swine manure. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2017, 11(3), 1, doi: 10.1007/s11783-017-0915-9.
Maurer, D., J.A. Koziel, K. Bruning, D.B. Parker. 2017. Pilot-scale testing of renewable biocatalyst for swine manure treatment and mitigation of odorous VOCs, ammonia, and hydrogen sulfide gas emissions. Atmospheric Environment, 150, 313-321. doi: 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2016.11.021.
Miller, C.M.. P.L. Price and D. Meyer. 2017. Mass balance analyses of nutrients on California dairies to evaluate data quality for regulatory review. Science of the Total Environment 579 (2017) 37–46. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.10.092
Onuki, S., J.A. Koziel, W.S. Jenks, L. Cai, D. Grewell, J.H. van Leeuwen. 2016. Taking ethanol quality beyond fuel grade: a review. Journal of the Institute of Brewing, 122(4), 588-598. doi: 10.1002/jib.364.
Orazbayeva, D., B. Kenessov, J.A. Koziel, D. Nassyrova, N.V. Lyabukhova. 2017. Quantification of BTEX in soil by headspace SPME-GC-MS using combined standard addition and internal standard calibration. Chromatographia, 80(8), 1249-1256. doi: 10.1007/s10337-017-3340-0.
Parker, D.B., M.B. Rhoades, B.H. Baek, J.A. Koziel, H.M. Waldrip, R.W. Todd. 2016. Urease inhibitor for reducing ammonia emissions from an open-lot beef cattle feedyard in the Texas High Plains. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 32(6), 823-832. doi: 10.13031/aea.32.11897.
Shen, J. and J. Zhu. 2016. Kinetics of batch anaerobic co-digestion of poultry litter and wheat straw including a novel strategy of estimation of endogenous decay and yield coefficients using numerical integration. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering 39(10): 1553-1565.
Soso, S.B., J.A. Koziel. 2017. Characterizing the scent and chemical composition of Panthera leo marking fluid using solid-phase microextraction and multidimensional gas chromatography-mass spectrometry-olfactometry. Scientific Reports, 7(1):5137. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-04973-2.
Wu, S., J. Zhu, and L. Chen. 2017. Feeding schemes and C/N ratio of a laboratory-scale set-fed sequencing batch reactor for liquid swine manure treatment. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A (http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10934529.2017.1301748)
Zhu, W., J.A. Koziel, D.L. Maurer. 2017. Mitigation of livestock odors using a black light and a new titanium dioxide-based catalyst: proof-of-concept. Atmosphere, 8(6), 103. doi: 10.3390/atmos8060103.
Conference Proceedings
Brown, J.T., T.-T. Lim, J.M. Zulovich, C. Costello, 2017. Evaluation of mechanical scraper system finishing barn for solid-liquid separation. In: Annual International Meeting, ASABE Paper No. 1701558. St. Joseph, Mich.: ASABE. Spokane, Washington, July 16-19. Spokane, Washington.
Chen, L., K. Kruger. 2017. Cultivation of duckweed on anaerobically digested dairy manure for nitrogen and phosphorus removal. Proceedings of Waste to Worth 2017. Cary, North Carolina, April 17-21, 2017. (https://articles.extension.org/pages/74382/cultivation-of-duckweed-on-anaerobically-digested-dairy-manure-for-nitrogen-and-phosphorus-removal)
De Haro-Marti, M.E., M. Chahine, H. Neibling, and L. Chen. 2017. Composting of dairy manure with the addition of zeolites to reduce ammonia emissions. Proceedings of Waste to Worth 2017. Cary, North Carolina, April 17-21, 2017. (https://articles.extension.org/pages/74395/composting-of-dairy-manure-with-the-addition-of-zeolites-to-reduce-ammonia-emissions)
Dong, Y., Safferman, S. I., Tekesin, O., Sengupta, S., Schorr, J. R., and Revur, R. (2016). “Removal of Nutrients from Agricultural Drainage Water using Nano-Engineered Porous Ceramic Media.” 2016 Annual International ASABE Meeting, Orlando, Florida.
Janni, K.A., L.D. Jacobson, S.L. Noll, C.J. Cardona, H.W. Martin A.E. Neu (2016) Engineering challenges and responses to the highly pathogenic avian influenza outbreak in Minnesota in 2015. ASABE Paper No. 162537392. ASABE, St. Joseph, MI, 49085.
Janni, K.A., M. M. Torremorell, L.D. Jacobson, C. Alonso, B.P. Hetchler. (2017) Modeling airborne virus concentrations in filtered swine barns with negative-pressure ventilating systems. ASABE Paper No. 170058. St. Joseph, MI: ASABE.
Karunarathne, S.A., M. Chung, J.A. Ogejo. Compartmental process-based model for estimating ammonia emission from liquid dairy manure storage tank ASABE paper No. 1701433. Spokane, WA, 2017.
Kenessov, B., J.A. Koziel. 2017. Modelling of time-weighted average air sampling by retracted SPME fibers using COMSOL Multiphysics software. In the proceedings of the ExTech 2017 19th International Symposium of Advances in Extraction Technologies, Santiago de Compostela, June 2017.
Lim, T.-T., J.T. Brown, J.M. Zulovich, C. Christine, 2017. Evaluation of a solid-liquid manure separation barn. In: Waste to Worth Conference. Cary, NC, April 18-21, 2017. Cary, NC.
Liu, Y. and Z. Liu. Apportionment of visibility degradation to sources of PM2.5 in rural and urban Kansas. ASABE paper No. 1700420. Spokane, Washington. 2017.
Liu, Z., Y. Liu, Ronaldo Maghirang. Contribution of Kansas pasture burning to ambient ozone. The 2nd International Smoke Symposium (ISS2), Long Beach, November, 2016.
Liu, Z., Y. Liu. Contribution of Kansas pasture burning to ambient ozone: a combination of receptor modeling, time series and regression analysis. ASABE paper No. 162460949. Orlando, Florida, 2016.
Liu, Y., Z. Liu. Source apportionment of ambient PM2.5 by using Unmix and PMF reception models at Flint Hills rural site and Kansas City urban site. ASABE paper No. 162447784. Orlando, Florida, 2016
Liu, Z, Y. Liu, R. Maghirang, D. Delvin, C. Blocksome. Estimate contributions of prescribed pasture burning in Kansas to ambient PM2.5 through source apportionment using Unmix receptor model. ASABE paper No. 162459373. Orlando, Florida, 2016.
Maurer, D.L., J.A. Koziel, K. Bruning, D.B. Parker. 2017. Pilot-scale concept of real-time wind speed-matching wind tunnel for measurements of gaseous emissions. ASABE Paper #1701656. 2017 ASABE Annual International Meeting, Spokane, Washington, July, 2017. doi: 10.13031/aim.201701656.
Maurer, D.L., J.A. Koziel, K. Bruning, D.B. Parker. 2017. Renewable biocatalyst for swine manure treatment and mitigation of odorous VOCs, ammonia and hydrogen sulfide emissions: Review. ASABE Paper #1701655. 2017 ASABE Annual International Meeting, Spokane, Washington, July, 2017. doi: 10.13031/aim.201701655.
Rice, S., Tursumbayeva, M., Dharmadhikari, M., Fennel, A., Koziel, J.A. 2017. Effects of harvest time on aroma of wines made from Brianna and Frontenac Gris grapes using gas-chromatography-mass-spectrometry and olfactometry. Presentation at the 42nd Annual Conference and Symposium of the American Society for Enology and Viticulture - Eastern Section; Charlottesville, VA, July, 2017.
Shen, J., J. Zhu. 2016. Kinetics of biogas production in batch anaerobic co-digestion of poultry litter and wheat straw mixed with municipal wastewater. ASABE Annual International Meeting paper#: 162458093, Orlando, FL. July 17-20, 2016.
Shen, J., J. Zhu. 2016. Biogas production in a biofilm reactor of a two-phase anaerobic digestion system from hydrolysate derived from poultry litter at different organic loadings and retention times. ASABE Annual International Meeting paper#: 162460548, Orlando, FL. July 17-20, 2016.
Shen, J., J. Zhu. 2016. Development of a novel strategy for estimation of endogenous decay and yield coefficients in batch biogas production of anaerobic co-digestion of poultry litter and wheat straw using numerical integration. ASABE Annual International Meeting paper#: 162457488, Orlando, FL. July 17-20, 2016.
Smith, J. S., Safferman, S. I., Costantini, L., and Ikeda, N. (2016). “Laboratory Investigation of Nutrient Fate during Winter Manure Application.” International ASABE Meeting, Orlando, Florida.
Swaminathan, P., A. Fennell, K. Besler, Y. Yao, S. Rice, J. Koziel, M. Dharmadhikari, D. Maurer, E. Del Bel, Z. Vickers, K. Cook, A. Hegeman, J. Luby. Characterization of grape berry ripening - genomics to sensory. Ninth RECOMB/ISCB Conference on Regulatory & Systems Genomics, with DREAM Challenges & Cytoscape Workshop, Phoenix, AZ, November 2016.
Tursumbayeva, M., J.A. Koziel, D.L. Maurer. 2017. Novel method for quantification of odorous volatiles in the air with solid-phase microextraction and gas chromatography - mass spectrometry. Presentation at the 129th Annual Meeting of the Iowa Academy of Science & 84th Iowa Junior Academy of Science Symposium, Cedar Falls, IA, April 2017.
Wallace, J. and Safferman, S. (2015). “Discharge Quality Water from Dairy Manure: a Summary of the McLanahan Nutrient Separation System.” Waste 2 Worth 2015 Advancing Sustainability in Animal Agriculture, Seattle, Washington.
Wang, H., T.-T. Lim, W. Wang, 2017. Feasibility of co-digesting swine manure with corn stover. In: Annual International Meeting, ASABE Paper No. 1701558. St. Joseph, Mich.: ASABE. Spokane, Washington, July 16-19. Spokane, Washington.
Madina Tursumbayeva. Simple and accurate quantification of odorous volatile organic compounds in air with solid phase microextraction and gas chromatography - mass spectrometry. M.S. thesis. Iowa State University, July 2017. Major professor = Jacek Koziel.
Extension and Outreach
Janni, K.A. 2016. Identifying Biosecurity Hazards by Considering Flows on Animal Farms. p.2. UM Extension. Online at http://www.extension.umn.edu/agriculture/poultry/biosecurity/beet/index.html
Janni, K.A. 2016 Biosecure entry education trailer (BEET). p.2. UM Extension. Online at http://www.extension.umn.edu/agriculture/poultry/biosecurity/beet/index.html
Liu, Z. 2017. A guide to composting animal manure. Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service. Under review.
Liu, Z. 2017. Design and management of biofilters for air pollution control in livestock facilities. Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service. MF3387.
Liu, Z. 2017. Diet and feed management to reduce gaseous emissions from livestock production: principles and practices. Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service. MF3386.
Liu, Z. 2017. National Air Quality Site Assessment Tool (NAQSAT) for livestock producers. Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service. MF3367.
Liu, Z. 2017. How much does Kansas rangeland burning contribute to ambient PM2.5? Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service. MF3358.
Liu, Z. 2017. How much does Kansas rangeland burning contribute to ambient ozone? Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service. MF3357.
Chen, L. 2016. Understand the 5 most influencing factors in composting manure. Progressive Dairyman November, 2016 (http://www.progressivedairy.com/topics/manure/understand-the-5-most-influencing-factors-in-composting-manure).
Chen, L. 2016. Achieve maturity at the end of the manure composting process. Progressive Dairyman September, 2016 (http://www.progressivedairy.com/topics/manure/achieve-maturity-at-the-end-of-the-manure-composting-process).
Janni, K.A. Enhancing Biosecurity Using Flow Analysis and Danish Entry Concepts. March 16, 2016. Midwest Poultry Convention. St. Paul, MN
Janni, K.A. Biosecure Entry Adaptations. June 16, 2016. Minnesota Turkey Growers Association Summer Conference, Duluth, MN
Janni, K.A. Prevention – Biosecurity Training, Plans and Execution. March 13 & 14, 2017. University of Missouri Extension Preventing and Responding to Disease Outbreak Workshops. Neosho and Buffalo, Missouri.
Lim, T.-T. 2017. Static Pile Aeration. Bi-State Compost School by University of Illinois and University of Missouri. Belleville, IL. June 21-22, 2017.
Lim, T.-T., C. Wang, A.J. Heber, N. Ji-Qin, L. Zhao, 2017. Effect of Electrostatic Precipiration on Particulate Matter Emissions from a high-rise layer house. In: Air Quality and Livestock Production. Australia: CRC Press. Eds., Banhazi, T., A. Aland, J. Hartung. (in press).
Meyer, D. 2017. California Plant and Soil Conference. Poster presentation. January 31 – February 1, 2017 DoubleTree Hotel, 2233 Ventura Street, Fresno, CA 93721
Journal Articles
Andersen, D.S., Yang, F. Trabue, S., Kerr, B., How. A. 2018. Narsin as a manure additive to reduce methane production from swine manure. Trans. of the ASABE (In Press).
Borhan, M.S., S. Rahman, and N. Sarker. 2017. Dry scrubbing of hydrogen sulfide gas using nano zinc oxide coated glass beads. Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 33(3): 407- 418.
Cortus, E.L., B. Kasu, J. Jaquet, N. Embertson, A. Schmidt, T.T. Lim and J. Heemstra. 2017. Relevant information sources in the vast and complex manure nutrient management network. Journal of Extension 56(3), Article 3FEA6. Available at: https://www.joe.org/joe/2018june/a6.php
Gautam, D. P., S. Rahman, A. Fortuna, M. S. Borhan, B. Saini-Eidukat, and A. N. Bezbaruah. 2017. Characterization of zinc oxide nanoparticles (nZnO) alginate beads in reducing gaseous emission from swine manure. Environmental Technology, 38(9): 1061- 1074
Jadhav, H.T., Hoff, S.J., Harmon, J.D., Alvarex, I. Andersen, D.S., Passe, U. 2018. Swine finishing room air infiltration: Part 1. Quantification and Prediction. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 34(2): 413-424.
Janni, K.A., M. M. Torremorell, L.D. Jacobson, C. Alonso, B.P. Hetchler. 2018. Modeling airborne virus concentrations in filtered swine barns with negative-pressure ventilating systems. Trans of ASABE 61(3):1089-1099 doi.org/10.13031/trans.12561.
Kerr, B.J., Trabue, S.L., Van Weelden, M.B., Andersen, D.S., & Pepple, L.M. 2018. Impact of narasin on manure composition, microbial ecology, and gas emissions from finishing pigs fed either a corn-soybean meal or a corn-soybean meal-dried distillers grans with solubles diets. J. of Animal Science 96(4): 1317-1329.
Kick, E.L., Tiezzi, F., & Pena, P. (2017) Food Production or Food Distribution: The Key to Global Food Security. Perspectives on Global Development and Technology 16: 1-17.
Kick, E.L., Burns, T., & McKinney, L. (2017) The Coupling Effects of World-System Position and National Capitals on Relative Economic Growth in Developing Countries”. Agricultural Research and Technology 11: 1-15.
Kick, E.L. (2017) The Participation of Diverse Faculty and Graduate Students in U.S. Engineering Programs Implications for Future Agricultural Technology”. Agricultural Research and Technology 9: 1-5.
Kick, E.L., Zering, K. & Classen, J. (2017) Approaches to Agricultural Innovation and Their Effectiveness”. Agriculture and Food 2: 370-373.
Kick, E.L., Zering, K. & Classen, J. (2017) Elucidating the Specifics of Food Security: Diverse Challenges, Differing Perspectives, and Ranges of Solutions. Agriculture and Food 2: 1.
Kick, E.L., May, J.E., Schnake, D.K. & Thomson, G. (2017) The Sustainable Management of Privately-Owned US Forests. Agricultural Research and Technology 4: 1-11.
Koziel, J.A., H.K. Ahn, T.D. Glanville, T.S. Frana, H. van Leeuwen, L.T. Nguyen. 2018. Lab-scale evaluation of aerated burial concept for treatment and emergency disposal of infectious animal carcasses. Waste Management,76, 715-726.
Liu,Z. and Y. Liu. 2018. Review: Mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions from animal production. Greenh. Gases. S. 00:1–12; DOI: 10.1002/ghg.
Maurer, D.L, A. Bragdon, B. Short, H.K. Ahn, J.A. Koziel. 2018. Improving environmental odor measurements: comparison of lab-based standard method and portable odour measurement technology. Archives of Environmental Protection, 44(2), 100-107. DOI: 10.24425/119699.
Maurer, D., J.A. Koziel, T.J. Engelken, V.L. Cooper, J.L. Funk. 2018. Detection of volatile compounds emitted from nasal secretions and serum: Towards non-invasive identification of diseased cattle biomarkers. Separations, 5(1), 18. doi: 10.3390/separations5010018.
Miller, CMF, JG Fadel, JM Heguy, BM Karle, PL Price, D Meyer. 2018. Optimizing accuracy of protocols for measuring dry matter and nutrient yield of forage crops. Science of the Total Environment 624: 180-188.
Ni, J. Q., Diehl, C. A., Chai, L., Chen, Y., Heber, A. J., Lim, T. T., & Bogan, B. W. (2017). Factors and characteristics of ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, and particulate matter emissions from two manure-belt layer hen houses. Atmospheric Environment, 156, 113-124. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.atmosenv.2017.02.033.
Ni, J. Q., A. J. Heber, T. T. Lim, S. M. Hanni, and C. A. Diehl. 2017. Laboratory evaluation of a manure additive for mitigating gas and odor releases from layer hen manure. Aerosol and Air Quality Research 17(10): 2533-2541. http://dx.doi.org/10.4209/aaqr.2016.07.0327.
Ni, J.Q., S. Liu, C.A. Diehl, T.T. Lin, B.W. Bogan, L. Chen, L. Chai, K. Wang, and A.J. Heber. 2017. Emission factors and characteristics of ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, carbon dioxide, and particulate matter at two high-rise layer hen houses. Atmospheric Environment (154) 260-273.
Parker D. B., H. M. Waldrip, K. D. Casey, B. L. Woodbury, M. J. Spiehs, K. Webb and W. M. Willis. 2018. How do temperature and rainfall affect nitrous oxide emissions from open-lot beef cattle feedyard pens? Transactions of the ASABE 61(3): 1049-1061. http://dx.doi.org/10.13031/trans.12788
Parker, D. B., K. D. Casey, R. W. Todd, H. M. Waldrip, G. W. Marek, B. W. Auvermann, T. H. Marek, K. Webb, W. M. Willis, B. Pemberton, and B. Meyer. 2017. Improved chamber systems for rapid, real-time nitrous oxide emissions from manure and soil. Transactions of the ASABE 60(4): 1235-1258. http://dx.doi.org/10.13031/trans.12151
Rice, S., N. Lutt, J.A. Koziel, M. Dharmadhikari, A. Fennell. 2018. Determination of selected aromas in Marquette and Frontenac wine using headspace-SPME coupled with GC - MS and simultaneous olfactometry. Separations, 5(1), 20. doi: 10.3390/separations5010020.
Rice, S., J.A. Koziel, M. Dharmadhikari, A. Fennell. 2017. Evaluation of tannins and anthocyanins in Marquette, Frontenac, and St. Croix cold-hardy grape cultivars. Fermentation, 3(3), 47. doi: 10.3390/fermentation3030047.
Safferman, S.I.; J. Smith; Y. Dong; C.M. Safferon; J.M. Wallace; D. Binkley; MR.. Thomas; S.A. Miller; E, Bissel; J. Booth; J. Lentz. (2017). Resource Recovery from waste: benefits and complexity. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 143(11).
Sharma, S., N. Rajan, S. Cui, K. D. Casey, S Ale, R. Jessup, and S. Maas. 2017. Seasonal variability of evapotranspiration and carbon exchanges over a biomass sorghum field in the Southern US Great Plains. Biomass and Bioenergy 105, 392-401. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biombioe.2017.07.021
Shen, J., J. Zhu. 2017. Development of general Gompertz models and their simplified two-parameter forms based on specific microbial growth rate for microbial growth, bio-products and substrate consumption. Advances in Biotechnology & Microbiology 4(3): 555640. DOI: 10.19080/ AIBM.2017.04.555640.
Shen, J., J. Zhu. 2017. Methane production in an upflow anaerobic biofilm digester from leachates derived from poultry litter at different organic loading rates and hydraulic retention times. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 5:5124-5130.
Shen, J., J. Zhu. 2017. Modeling kinetics of anaerobic co-digestion of poultry litter and wheat straw mixed with municipal wastewater in a continuously mixed digester with biological solid recycle using batch experimental data. Chemical Engineering Communications 204(4):501-511.
Waldrip, H. M., K. D. Casey, R. W. Todd, and D. B. Parker. 2017. Nitrous oxide emissions from Southern High Plains beef cattle feedyards: Measurement and modelling. Transactions of the ASABE 60(4): 1209-1221. http://dx.doi.org/10.13031/trans.12085
Wu, SX., L. Chen, J. Zhu, M. Walquist, D. Christian. 2018. Pre-digestion to enhance volatile fatty acids (VFAs) concentration as a carbon source for denitrification in treatment of liquid swine manure. Journal of Environmental Science and Health Part A. In Press.
Wu, S. and J. Maskaly. 2017. In-depth study on the effect of total dissolved solids (TDS) on the performance of an SBR for COD and nutrients removal. Journal of Environmental Science and Health. Journal of Environmental Science and Health. 53(2): 146-153.
Wu, S. 2017. Nutrients removal and nitrous oxide emission by a two-step fed SBR in treating dairy manure wastewater. Transactions of the ASABE. 60(5): 1729-1736
Conference Proceedings
Andersen, D.S. 2018. Getting the most from manure- an ancient fertilizer in a precision age.
Baimatova, N., O. Demyanenko, B. Kenessov, J. Koziel. 2017. Disclosing potential sources of uncertainties during determination of time-weighted average concentrations of BTEX in air by SPME-GC-MS using COMSOL Multiphysics. In the proceedings of the 23rd International Symposium on Separation Sciences (ISSS 2017), Vienna, Austria, September 2017.
Brown, J. T., T.-T. Lim, J. M. Zulovich, and C. Costello. 2018. Evaluation of Mechanical Scraper System Finishing Barn for Solid-Liquid Separation. In ASABE Annual International Meeting. ASABE Paper No. 1801273. St. Joseph, Mich.: ASABE.
Casey, K., R. Todd, M. Rhoades, and D. Parker. 2018. Emissions of hydrogen sulfide from the pen area of a beef cattle feedyard in the Texas High Plains. In: Proc of the 10 th International Livestock Environment Symposium (ILES X). Sep 25-27. 2018, Omaha, NE.
Casey, K. D., D. B. Parker, H. M. Waldrip, and R. W. Todd. 2017. Diurnal variation in greenhouse fluxes from a feedyard pen surface. In: Proc of the ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings, Oct 23-25. 2017, Tampa, FL.
Chen, B., J.A. Koziel, Z. Meiirkhanuly, D. Anderson, D.B. Parker. 2018. Evaluation of current products for use in deep pit swine manure storage structures for mitigation of odors and reduction of NH3, H2S, and VOC emissions from stored swine manure. Oral presentation at the 5th Graduate and Professional Student Research Conference, Ames, IA, April 2018.
Harner, J. P., Marin, J. G., Zulovich, J. M., & Brouk, M. J. (2017). Water Conservation for Next Gen Dairies. In: Western Dairy Management Conference, Reno, NV. http://wdmc.org/proceedings/
Justino E., F. Maluf, and K. Casey. 2018. Impact of pig farm construction and environmental management practices on nursery pig performance – A Brazilian case study. In: Proc of the 10 th International Livestock Environment Symposium (ILES X). Sep 25-27. 2018, Omaha, NE.
Karunarathne, S.A., M. Chung, J.Ogejo. 2017. Compartmental process-based model for estimating ammonia emission from liquid dairy manure storage tank ASABE Annual International Meeting. ASABE Paper No. 1701433. St. Joseph, Mich.: ASABE. DOI: 10.13031/aim.201701433
Kenessov, B., J.A. Koziel, M. Derbissalin, O. Demyanenko. 2018. Improved model of air sampling by porour SPME fibers based on COMSOL Multiphysics software. Oral presentation at ExTech 2018 20th International Symposium of Advances in Extraction Technologies, Ames, IA, June 2018.
Kick, E.L. and McKinney. L. 2016 A Cross-National SEM Analysis of Geographical, Institutional, and Agricultural Systems as Determinants of Food Insecurity and Obesity. Presented at the annual meetings of the Rural Sociological Society in Toronto, Canada.
Kick, E.L. 2016 The Use of Structural Equation Modeling in Estimating Livestock Production and Food Security Systems. Presented at the annual meetings of the S-1032 Multi-state meetings. Raleigh:NC.
Koziel, J.A., D.L. Maurer, W. Zhu, W.S. Jenks. Using light to mitigate odor and improving air quality. Poultry Science Association 2018 Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas, July 2018.
Koziel, J.A., D. Maurer, T.J. Engelken, V.L. Cooper, J.L. Funk. 2018. Detection of volatile compounds emitted from nasal secretions and serum: Towards non-invasive identification of diseased cattle biomarkers. Oral presentation at ExTech 2018 20th International Symposium of Advances in Extraction Technologies, Ames, IA, June 2018.
Lim, T.-T., C. B. Bromfield, J. A. Zulovich, and R. Massey. 2017. Biosecurity: Collaboration to ensure state of readiness. In International Symposium on Animal Environment and Welfare. Rongchang, Chongqing, China.
Maurer, D.L, A. Bragdon, B. Short, H.K. Ahn, J.A. Koziel. 2017. Improving environmental odour measurements: comparison of lab-based standard method and portable odour measurement technology. In the proceedings of the 7th International Water Association Conference on Odours and Air Emissions, Warsaw, Poland, September, 2017.
Maurer, D., J.A. Koziel, T.J. Engelken, V.L. Cooper, J.L. Funk. 2018. Detection of volatile compounds emitted from nasal secretions and serum: Towards non-invasive identification of diseased cattle biomarkers. Oral presentation at Academy of Veterinary Consultants summer meeting, Denver, CO, August 2018.
Miller, S.R., Mann, J.T., Rozeboom, D.W., Safferman, S.I., Leschewski, A., and Smith, J. (2017). Survey of Winter Manure Handling Practices on Small-to-Medium-Sized Michigan Farms and an Economic Assessment of Policy Change. 2017 Annual International ASABE Meeting, Spokane, Washington, Paper Number 1701423.
Meyer, D. Carbon the next frontier. Presented at the Golden State Dairy Management Conference. March 29, 2018. UC ANR
Norris, A. B., L. O. Tedeschi, K. D. Casey, J. C. B. Dubeux, J. L. Foster, J. P. Muir, and W.E. Pinchak. 2018. Quebracho (Schinopsis balansae) extract in beef cattle fed high-roughage total mixed ration affects manure gas emissions. In: Proc of the 10 th International Symposium on the Nutrition of Herbivores (ISNH 2018). Sep 2-6. 2018, Clermont-Ferrand, France.
Norris, A. B., L. O. Tedeschi, K. D. Casey, J. C. B. Dubeux, J. L. Foster, J. P. Muir, and W. E. Pinchak. 2018. Effects of feeding different levels of Quebracho (Schinopsis balansae) extract in a high-roughage total mixed ration on manure gas emissions. In: Proc of the American Society of Animal Science, Southern Section Meeting. Feb 3-6. 2018, Fort Worth, TX.
Parker, D., K. Casey, H. Waldrip, J. Jennings, and R. Todd. 2018. Enteric and simulated pen surface emissions of nitrous oxide from beef cattle feedyards. In: Proc of the 10 th International Livestock Environment Symposium (ILES X). Sep 25-27. 2018, Omaha, NE
Parker, D. B., E. L. Cortus, K. D. Casey, G. W. Marek, K. R. Heflin, and H. M. Waldrip. 2018. Empirical model of annual nitrous oxide emissions from open-lot beef cattle feedyard pens in the Southern High Plains. ASABE Paper 1800508. St. Joseph, MI: ASABE.
Parker, D. B., T. Jennings, B. Meyer, J. Jennings, A. Cole, H. Waldrip, and K. Casey. 2018. Enteric nitrous oxide emissions from beef feedlot Cattle. In: Proc of the American Society of Animal Science, Mid-West Section Meeting. Mar 13-15. 2018, Omaha, NE.
Rajan, N., R. Schnell, M. Bagavathiannan, S. Nair, D Constance, K. Casey, D. Zapata, J. Moreno, S. Samuelson. 2017. Transitioning organic grain and soybean cropping systems in Texas: Challenges and benefits. In: Proc of the ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings, Oct 23-25. 2017, Tampa, FL.
Sarker, N. C., S. Rahman, Md. Borhan, P. Rajasekaran, S. Santra, and A.Ozcan. 2017. Efficacy of Different Nanoparticles in Mitigating Gaseous Emissions from Liquid Dairy Manure Stored Under Anaerobic Condition. 2017 ASABE Annual International Meeting, Paper #1700994, Spokane, Washington, July 16-19, 2017.
Shen, J., J. Zhu. 2017. Role of Hydrolysis in Two-phase Anaerobic Digestion System for Poultry Litter. ASABE Annual International Meeting paper#: 1700072, Spokane, WA. July 17-20, 2017.
Shen, J., J. Zhu. 2017. Simulation of Unstable Kinetics of Continuously Mixed Anaerobic Digester with Biological Solid Recycle using Parameters Obtained from Batch Experiments. ASABE Annual International Meeting paper#: 1700073, Spokane, WA. July 17-20, 2017.
Waldrip, H., D. Parker, S. Miller, K. Casey, R. Todd. 2018. Unscrambling nitrous oxide production in beef cattle feedyard manure: effect of temperature and water content on denitrification rates. In: Proc of the 10 th International Livestock Environment Symposium (ILES X). Sep 25-27. 2018, Omaha, NE.
Zhu, W., J.A. Koziel, D.L. Maurer. 2017. Mitigation of livestock odours using a black light and a new titanium dioxide-based catalyst: proof-of-concept. In the proceedings of the 7th International Water Association Conference on Odours and Air Emissions, Warsaw, Poland, September, 2017.
Zulovich, J. A., and T.-T. Lim. 2017. Initial technical feasibility of air conditioning to eliminate heat stress in swine grow-finish facilities. In International Symposium on Animal Environment and Welfare. Rongchang, Chongqing, China
Zulovich, J. M., Milhollin, R. K., Horner, J. L., Harner, J. P., Lim, T.T. (2018) Air conditioning for naturally ventilated dairy barns. 10th International Livestock Environment Symposium. Paper ILES18-109. St. Joseph, MI: ASABE
Zulovich, J. M., Milhollin, R. K., Horner, J. L., Harner, J. P., Lim, T.T. (2018) Air conditioning for mechanically ventilated LPCV dairy barns. 10th International Livestock Environment Symposium. Paper ILES18-110. St. Joseph, MI: ASABE
Zulovich, J. M., Milhollin, R. K., Harner, J. P., Horner, J. L. (2018) Robotic Rotary Parlor Systems for Dairy Operations. 10th International Livestock Environment Symposium. Paper ILES18-111. St. Joseph, MI: ASABE.
Zulovich, J. M., Milhollin, R. K., Harner, J. P., Horner, J. L. (2018) Automated Milking Systems for Dairy Operations. 10th International Livestock Environment Symposium. Paper ILES18-112. St. Joseph, MI: ASABE
Kevin C. Kruger (2017) “Utilizing anaerobically digested dairy manure for the cultivation of duckweed for biomass production, nutrient assimilation, and sugar production” Master student thesis
Mario E. de Haro Marti (2018) “On-farm use of clinoptilolite zeolite with composting and air filtration technologies to control ammonia emissions, odor, and nitrogen retention from dairy manure” PhD student thesis.
Niloy C. Sarker. 2018. Application of nanoparticle in livestock manure and characterization of pollutant gas reduction mechanisms, Ph.D. Dissertation, North Dakota State University.
Sampath A. Karunarathne (2018) “Compartmental Process-based Model for Estimating Ammonia Emission from Stored Scraped Liquid Dairy Manure” PhD student thesis.
Extension and Outreach
Meyer, D. 2018. Extension publications and quarterly newsletter articles in California Dairy Newsletter http://ucanr.edu/sites/Dairy/California_Dairy_Newsletter/?close=yes
Chen, L. 2017. Understand the 5 most influencing factors in composting manure. Progressive Dairyman –Canada Edition. August 2017. Also available at: (http://www.progressivedairycanada.com/topics/manure/understand-the-5-most-influencing-factors-in-composting-manure).
Chen, L. 2017. Achieve maturity at the end of the manure composting process. Progressive Dairyman –Canada Edition. March 2017. Also available at: (http://www.progressivedairycanada.com/topics/manure/achieve-maturity-at-the-end-of-the-manure-composting-process).
Cortus, E. 2018. Swine & U: Sustainability requires definition, standards, measurements. 19 April 2018. The Land.
Haipeng, A., T. Lim, D. Brandt, S. Norkaew, R. Miles. 2017. Manure Land Application and Soil Health Indicators. Manure and Soil Health Working Group Report. http://soilhealthnexus.org/files/2018/02/ncrwn-manure-land-application-and-soil-health-indicators-report-FINAL.pdf 12 pages.
Haipeng, A., T. Lim, D. Brandt, S. Norkaew, R. Miles. 2017. Manure Land Application and Soil Health Indicators. Manure and Soil Health Working Group Data Brief. http://soilhealthnexus.org/files/2018/02/ncrwn-manure-land-application-and-soil-health-indicators-data-brief-FINAL.pdf 8 pages.
Harner, J. P., Zulovich, J. M., Kammel, D. W., & Tyson, J. T. (2017). Chapter 03-19: Feed center system design and management. In David K. Beede, Editor-in-Chief (Ed.), Electronic Book – Large Dairy Herd Management (3rd Edition). American Diary Science Association.
Janni, K. 2018. Do you need an engineer on your team? 27 January 2018. Dairy Star
Janni, K. 2018. Preparing for equipment breakdowns. 12 May 2018. Dairy Star
Janni, K. 2018. Remodel or retire? Hoard’s Dairyman. 25 May 2018. 163(10):337.
Janni, K. and Cortus, E. 2018. Learn More About Manure at 2018 North American Manure Expo. 14 July 2018. Dairy Star.
Kammel, D. W., Zulovich, J. M., & Harner, J. P. (2017). Chapter 03-12: A systems approach to dairy farmstead design. In David K. Beede, Editor-in-Chief (Ed.), Electronic Book – Large Dairy Herd Management (3rd Edition). American Diary Science Association.
Koziel, J.A., D. Maurer, T.J. Engelken, V.L. Cooper, J.L. Funk. 2018. Detection of volatile compounds emitted from nasal secretions and serum: Towards non-invasive identification of diseased cattle biomarkers. Poster presentation at ExTech 2018 20th International Symposium of Advances in Extraction Technologies, Ames, IA, June 2018.
Koziel, J.A. Review of livestock odor regulations, emissions and mitigation technologies. Oral presentation at the University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Poland, May 2018.
Koziel, J.A. Lessons learned from solving livestock odor problem. Oral presentation at the Korea Pork Producers Association, Republic of Korea, May 2018.
Koziel, J.A. Lessons learned from solving livestock odor problem. Graduate Seminar, Chungnam National University, Republic of Korea, May 2018.
Koziel, J.A. Lessons learned from solving livestock odor problem. Undergraduate Seminar, Chungnam National University, Republic of Korea, May 2018.
Koziel, J.A. Lessons learned from solving livestock odor problem. Oral presentation at the National Institute of Animal Science, Republic of Korea, May 2018.
Koziel, J.A. How to find opportunities to conduct research in the USA. Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Wroclaw, Poland, September 2017.
Koziel, J.A. Solving industry-outsourced problems: lessons learned. Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Wroclaw, Poland, September 2017.
Koziel, J.A. 2017. Odor mitigation. ISU In-Service Day. Agriculture Systems and Environmental Stewardship Team, Department of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, October 2017.
Koziel, J.A. 2017. Odor mitigation. ISU In-Service Day. Swine Specialists, Department of Animal Science, October 2017.
Lim, T.-T., C. Wang, A. J. Heber, N. Ji-Qin, and L. Zhao. 2018. Effect of Electrostatic Precipiration on Particulate Matter Emissions from a high-rise layer house. In Air Quality and Livestock Farming, 372 p. T. Banhazi, A. Aland, and J. Hartung, eds. Australia: CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group.
Ni, J.-Q., A. J. Heber, and T.-T. Lim. 2018. Ammonia and hydrogen sulfide in swine production. In Air Quality and Livestock Farming, 372 p. T. Banhazi, A. Aland, and J. Hartung, eds. Australia: CRC Press, Taylor and Francis Group.
Schott, L. and A. M. Schmidt. 2017. Synthesis of Short- and Long-term Studies Reporting Soil Quality Metrics under Agricultural and Municipal Biosolid Applications. Manure and Soil Health Working Group Report. http://soilhealthnexus.org/files/2018/02/ncrwn-synthesis-of-short-long-term-studies-reporting-soil-quality-metrics-report-FINAL.pdf . 48 pages.
Schott, L. and A. M. Schmidt. 2017. Synthesis of Short- and Long-term Studies Reporting Soil Quality Metrics under Agricultural and Municipal Biosolid Applications. Manure and Soil Health Working Data Brief. h http://soilhealthnexus.org/files/2018/04/ncrwn-synthesis-of-short-long-term-reporting-soil-quality-metrics-data-brief.pdf . 2 pages.
Smith, J.S., Crow, R., Safferman, S.I. (2017). Winter Manure Application: Management Practices and Environmental Impact. North Central Region Water Network, Soil Nexus. http://soilhealthnexus.org/files/2018/02/ncrwn-winter-manure-app-mngmt-practices-enviro-impact-report-FINAL.pdf.
Smith, J.S., Crow, R., Safferman, S.I. Winter Manure Literature Review – Document Summaries. North Central Regional Water Network, Soil Nexus. http://soilhealthnexus.org/files/2018/02/ncrwn-winter-manure-literature-review–document-summaries-FINAL.pdf
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