W2010: Integrated Approach to Enhance Efficiency of Feed Utilization in Beef Production Systems
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Iowa State University
Saatchi, M., J. E. Beever, J. E. Decker, D. B. Faulkner, H. C. Freetly, S. L. Hansen, H. Yampara-Iquise, K. A. Johnson, S. D. Kachman, M. S. Kerley, J. Kim, D. D. Loy, E. Marques, H. L. Neibergs, E. J. Pollak, R. D. Schnabel, C. M. Seabury, D. W. Shike, W. M. Snelling, M. L. Spangler, R. L. Weaber, D. J. Garrick, and J. F. Taylor. 2014. QTL, candidate genes, metabolic and signaling pathways associated with growth, metabolic mid-test weight, feed intake and feed efficiency in beef cattle. BMC Genomics. Under review.
Russell, J. R., N. O. Minton, W. J. Sexten, M. S. Kerley, and S. L. Hansen. 2014. Feedlot performance and diet digestibility of feed efficiency-ranked beef steers fed corn or roughage-based diets and finished with corn or byproduct-based diets. J. Anim. Sci. 92 (Suppl. 2) Abst 589.
Russell, J., E. Lundy, and S. Hansen. 2014. Growth and Carcass Characteristics of Feed Efficiency Sorted Cattle Fed Corn or Roughage-Based Diets and Finished with Corn or Byproduct-Based Diets. Iowa State University Animal Industry Report: 2864.
Montana State University
Boles, J. A., K. S. Kohlbeck, M. C. Meyers, K. A. Perz, K. C. Davis, and J. Thomson. 2015. The use of blood lactate concentration as an indicator of temperament and its impact on growth rate and tenderness of steaks from Simmental x Angus steers. Meat Sci. 103:68-74.
Lean, Ian, M. Lucy, J. McNamara, B. Bradford, E. Block, J. Thomson, J. Morton, P. Celi, A. Rabiee, J. Santos, W. Thatcher, and S. LeBlanch. 2015. Invited Review: Recommendations for reporting intervention studies on reproductive performance in dairy cattle: Improving design, analysis, and interpretation of research on reproduction. J. Dairy Sci. In Press.
Perz, K., J. Berardinelli, R. Shevitski, J. White, and J. Thomson. 2015. Use of human tri-axial pedometer for measurement of sheep activity. Animal Behavior Science. In review.
The Ohio State University
Yilmaz, A., N. Mohamed, K. A. Patterson,Y. Tang, K. Shilo, M. A. Villalona-Calero, M. E. Davis, X. Zhou, W. Frankel, G. A. Otterson, and W. Zhao. 2014. Clinical and metabolic parameters in non-small cell lung carcinoma and colorectal cancer patients with and without KRAS mutations. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2014, 11, 8645-8660;doi:10.3390/ ijerph110908645
Yilmaz, A., N. Mohamed, K. A. Patterson, Y. Tang, K. Shilo, M. A. Villalona-Calero, M. E. Davis, X. Zhou, W. Frankel, G. A. Otterson, H. D. Beall, and W. Zhao. 2014. Increased NQO1 but not c-MET and Survivin expression in non-small cell lung carcinoma with KRAS mutations. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2014, 11, 9491-9502; doi:10.3390/ijerph110909491
Chung, H. Y., Y. C. Choi, and M. E. Davis. 2015. Associations between genetic variants in the promoter region of the insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) gene and blood serum IGF-1 concentrations in Hanwoo cattle. Genet. Mol. Res. 14 (2): 3026-3035.
Hong, Joonki, Duwan Kim, Kyuho Cho, Soojin Sa, Sunho Choi, Younghwa Kim, Juncheol Park, Gilberto Silber Schmidt, Michael E. Davis, and Hoyoung Chung. 2015. Effects of genetic variants for the swine FABP3, HMGA1, MC4R, IGF2, and FABP4 genes on fatty acid composition. Meat Sci. 110:46-51.
Choi, Yoonjeong, Michael E. Davis, and Hoyoung Chung. 2015. Effects of genetic variants in the promoter region of the bovine adiponectin (ADIPOQ) gene on marbling of Hanwoo beef cattle. Meat Sci. 105:57-62.
Zhang, J., Y. Suh, Y. M. Choi, P. Chen, M. E. Davis, and K. Lee. 2015. Differential expression of cell cycle regulators during hyperplastic and hypertrophic growth of broiler subcutaneous adipose tissue. Lipids 50:965-976.
Zhang, J., J. Ahn, Y. Suh, S. Hwang, M. E. Davis, and K. Lee. 2015. Identification of CTLA2A, DEFB29, WFDC15B, SERPINA1F and MUP19 as novel tissue-specific secretory factors in mouse. PLoS ONE 10(5): e0124962. doi:10.1371/journal. pone.0124962.
University of California-Davis
Oltjen, J.W. 2014. Criterios para la correcta determinacion del punto de terminacion de los animales en el confinamiento: Ventajas y desventajas del confinamiento, desde el punto de vista del dueño del confinamiento y del dueño de los animales. Proceedings Praderas y Forrajes-XXII Congreso Internacional de Transferencia de Tecnología agropecuaria CEA 2014, Asunción, Paraguay 3-4 November 2014, pp. 41-52.
Oltjen, J. W., and S. A. Gunter. 2015. Managing the herbage utilization and intake by cattle grazing rangelands. Animal Production Science 55:397-410.
Sainz, R. D., and J. W. Oltjen. 2015. Incorporation of a variable maintenance coefficient into calculations of residual feed intake. Canadian Journal of Animal Science vol. 95, DOI: 10.4141/cjas-2015-501.11111111
University of Illinois
Cassady, C., J. Adcock, K. M. Retallick, and D. W. Shike. 2015. Heifer intake and feed efficiency as indicators of cow intake and efficiency. Midwest Section of Animal Sciences Meeting. Des Moines, IA. J. Anim. Sci. 93 (E-Suppl. 2): 050.
University of Kentucky
Cerny, K. L., L. Anderson, W. R. Burris, M. Rhoads, J. C. Matthews, and P. J. Bridges. 2015. Form of supplemental selenium fed to cycling cows affects systemic concentrations of progesterone, but not estradiol. Theriogenology doi:10.1016/j.theriogenology.2015.10.022.
Liao, S. F., J. A. Boling and J. C. Matthews. 2015. Gene expression profiling indicates an increased capacity for proline, serine, and ATP synthesis and mitochondrial mass, by the liver of steers grazing high vs. low endophyte-infected tall fescue. J. Anim. Sci. 93:1-13. doi:10.2527/jas2015-9193.
Miles, E. D., B. W. McBride, Y. Yang, S. F. Liao, J. A. Boling, P. J. Bridges, and J. C. Matthews. 2015. Glutamine synthetase (GS) and alanine transaminase expression are decreased in livers of aged vs. young beef cows and GS can be up-regulated by 17β-estradiol implants. J. Anim. Sci. 93:4500-4509. doi 10.2527/jas2015-9294.
Cerny, K. L., S. Garbacik, C. Skees, W. R. Burris, J. C. Matthews, P. J. Bridges. 2015. Gestational form of selenium in free-choice mineral mixes affects transcriptome profiles of neonatal calf testis, including those of steroidogenic and spermatogenic pathways. Biological Trace Element Research doi:10.1007/s12011-01500386-4.
Steele, M. A., Schiestel C., O. AlZahal, L. Dionissopoulus, A. H. Laarman, J. C. Matthews, and B. W. McBride. 2015. The periparturient period is associated with structural and transcriptomic adaptations of rumen papillae in dairy cattle. J. Dairy Sci. 98:2583-2595. doi: 10.3168/jds.2014-8640.
- C. Matthews, and P. J. Bridges. 2014. NutriPhysioGenomics applications to identify adaptations of cattle to consumption of ergot alkaloids and inorganic versus organic forms of selenium: altered nutritional, physiological and health states? Animal Production Science 54:1594-1604. doi.org/10.1071/AN14274.
Gene Expression Omnibus (microarray datasets) deposited by James C. Matthews
GSE62570 - Affymetrix WT Btau 4.0 Array (version 1) Gene Chip experiment (16 microarrays) associated with “Pituitary Gene Expression Profiles of Growing Beef Steers Grazing High versus Low Endophyte-Infected Tall Fescue Grass”. James C. Matthews (PI). Released October 23, 2014.
University of Nebraska
Allison L. Knoell, Christopher L. Anderson, Anna Pesta, Galen Erickson, Terry Klopfenstein, and Samodha C. Fernando. 2015. Effect of diet on the rumen microbial community composition of growing cattle and the role it plays in methane emissions. Nebraska 2015 Beef Cattle Report.
Anna C. Pesta, Andrea K. Watson, Robert G. Bondurant, Samodha C. Fernando, and Galen E. Erickson. 2015. Effects of Dietary Fat Source and Monensin on Methane Emissions, VFA Profile, and Performance of Finishing Steers. Nebraska 2015 Beef Cattle Report.
Allison L. Knoell, Christopher L. Anderson, Anna Pesta, Galen Erickson, Terry Klopfenstein, Samodha C. Fernando. 2015. Understanding interactions between diet, methane emissions and microbial community composition in growing and finishing beef cattle. Midwest Animal Science Meeting Des Moines, IA (March 16-18, 2015)
University of Tennessee
Barbero, R. P., Malheiros, E. B., Araújo, T. L. R., Nave, R. L. G., Mulliniks, J. T., Berchielli, T. T., Ruggieri, A. C., and Reis, R, A. 2015. Combining Marandu grass grazing height and supplementation level to optimize growth and productivity of yearling bulls. Animal Feed Science and Technology, 209, pp.110-118.
Mulliniks, J. T., Sawyer, J. E., Harrelson, F. W., Mathis, C. P., Cox, S. H., Löest, C. A. and Petersen, M. K., 2015. Effect of late gestation bodyweight change and condition score on progeny feedlot performance. Animal Production Science.
Petersen, M. K., Mueller, C. J., Mulliniks, J. T., Roberts, A. J., DelCurto, T. and Waterman, R. C., 2014. Beef Species Symposium: Potential limitations of NRC in predicting energetic requirements of beef females within western US grazing systems. J. Anim. Sci. 92(7), pp.2800-2808.
Barbero, R., Nave, R. L. G., and Mulliniks, J. T. 2014. Effect of forage species on the rumen microbial population to estimate methane production. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA International Annual Meeting.
University of Califonia-Davis
Dykier, K. C., and R. D. Sainz. 2016. Performance and net energy in high and low RFI beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci 94 (E-Suppl. 5): 7.
Dykier, K. C., and R. D. Sainz. 2016. Performance and net energy in High and Low RFI beef cattle on restricted intake. J. Anim. Sci 94 (E-Suppl. 5): 115.
Werth, S. J., J. W. Oltjen, E. Kebreab, and F. M. Mitloehner. 2016. A life cycle assessment of a beef feedlot finishing ration supply chain in California. J. Anim. Sci 94 (E-Suppl. 5): 568.
Iowa State
Russell, J. R., and S. L. Hansen. 2015. Influence of Feed Efficiency Ranking on Diet Digestibility and Performance of Beef Steers. Iowa State University Animal Industry Report:2960.
Russell, J., E. Lundy, S. L. Hansen. 2016. Growth and Carcass Characteristics of Feed Efficiency Classified Cattle Fed Corn or Roughage-Based Diets and Finished with Corn or Byproduct-Based Diets. Iowa State University Animal Industry Report.
Russell, J. R., E. L. Lundy, N. O. Minton, W. J. Sexten, M. Kerley and S. L. Hansen. 2016. Influence of growing phase feed efficiency classification on finishing phase growth performance and carcass characteristics of beef steers fed different diet types. J. Anim. Sci. 94 (Suppl. 3) (Abstr.) 2nd place PhD poster competition.
Russell, J. R., W. J. Sexten, M. S. Kerley, and S. L. Hansen. 2015. Relationship between antioxidant capacity, oxidative stress and feed efficiency in beef steers. J. Anim. Sci. 93 (Suppl. 3):334. (Abstr.)
Russell, J. R., N. O. Minton, W. Sexten, M. Kerley, S. L. Hansen. 2016. Influence of feed efficiency classification on diet digestibility and growth performance of beef steers. J. Anim. Sci. First look. doi: 10.2527/jas.2015-9949.
Russell, J. R., E. L. Lundy, N. O. Minton, W. J. Sexten, M. S. Kerley, S. L. Hansen, and National Program for Genetic Improvement of Feed Efficiency in Beef Cattle. 2016. Influence of growing phase feed efficiency classification on finishing phase growth performance and carcass characteristics of beef steers fed different diet types. J. Anim. Sci. 94:1610–1619. doi: 10.2527/jas.2015-0267
Russell, J. R., N. O. Minton, W. J. Sexten, M. S. Kerley, S. L. Hansen, and National Program for Genetic Improvement of Feed Efficiency in Beef Cattle. 2016. Influence of feed efficiency classification on diet digestibility and growth performance of beef steers. J. Anim. Sci. (in press). doi:10.2527/jas.2015-9949.
Russell, J. R., W. J. Sexten, M. S. Kerley, and S. L. Hansen. 2016. Relationship between antioxidant capacity, oxidative stress, and feed efficiency in beef steers. J. Anim. Sci. (in press) doi:10.2527/jas.2016-0271.
Russell, J. R. 2015. Feed efficiency in beef cattle: relationship with digestibility, antioxidant activity, oxidative stress, growth performance and carcass characteristics. Ph.D. Diss. Iowa State Univ., Ames.
Russell, J. R. 2015. Update on the feed efficiency project. Iowa State University Beef Nutrition Research Showcase. October. Ames, IA.
Hansen, S. L. and D. L. Loy. 2015. Update on the feed efficiency project. NCCC-308 Regional Feedlot Committee Report. May. Scottsbluff, NE.
Montana State University
Lean, Ian, M. Lucy, J. McNamara, B. Bradford, E. Block, J. Thomson, J. Morton, P. Celi, A. Rabiee, J. Santos, W. Thatcher, S. LeBlanch. 2016. Invited Review: Recommendations for reporting intervention studies on reproductive performance in dairy cattle: Improving design, analysis, and interpretation of research on reproduction. Journal of Dairy Science. 99:1-17
Thomson, J. M. 2016. Impacts of Environment on Gene Expression and Epigenetic Modification in Grazing Animals. J Anim Sci. Accepted for publication
M.D. Miller, G. E. Carstens, J. M. Thomson, J. G. Berardinelli, M.R. Herrygers, J. White, L. O. Tedeschi, P. K. Riggs. 2016. Associations between RFI, and metabolite profiles and feeding behavior traits in feedlot cattle. J. Anim Sci. 94 (E-suppl 5):1491
M.R. Herrygers, J. M. Thomson, K. A. Perz, K. B. Herrygers, K. Metcalf, M. Knerr, P. Merta, J. G. Berardinelli. 2016. Long-term progesterone influence on feed efficiency, body composition, non-esterified fatty acids and metabolic hormones in mature Rambouillet ewes. Proc. West. Sec. Am Soc. Anim. Sci. Vol. 68
- A. Perz. J. G. Berardinelli, R. A. Shevitshi, J. W. White, J. M. Thomson. 2016. Use of a human tri-axial pedometer for measurement of sheep activity. Proc. West. Sec. Am Soc. Anim. Sci. Vol. 68
- F. Williams, J. A. Boles, M. R. Herrygers, J. G. Berardinelli, M. C. Meyers, J. M. Thomson. 2016. Relationship between current temperament measures and physiological responses to handling of feedlot cattle. Proc. West. Sec. Am Soc. Anim. Sci. Vol. 68
- A. Perz, J. G. Berardinelli, L. N. Park, R. K. Pollard, C. M. Page, W. C. Stewart, J. M Thomson. 2016. Repeatability of residual feed intake and indices of body composition in growing Columbia ewes fed the same diet. J. Anim Sci. 94 (E-suppl 5):777
Ohio State University
Davis, M. E., P. A. Lancaster, J. J. Rutledge, and L. V. Cundiff. 2016. Life cycle efficiency of beef production: VIII. Relationship between residual feed intake of heifers and subsequent cow efficiency ratios. J. Anim. Sci. (in review).
Texas A&M University
Carstens, G.E. How between-animal variation in feed efficiency and carcass-quality traits impacts profit of feedlot steers. Proc. of XVIII Symposium on Feedlot Cattle. Monterrey, Mexico. Pp. 20-25.
Jackson, K.S., G.E. Carstens, L.O. Tedeschi, and W.E. Pinchak. 2016. Changes in feeding behavior patterns and dry matter intake prior to clinical symptoms associated with bovine respiratory disease in growing bulls. J. Anim. Sci. 94:1644-1652. Jenks, M.L., G.E. Carstens, A.G. Cupples, J.E. Sawyer, W.E. Pinchak, K.S. Barling and E. Chevaux. 2015. Effects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae boulardii supplementation during the receiving period on growth efficiency, and behavioral and health responses in newly-weaned beef heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 93(E-Suppl. S3):606. Jackson, K.S., G.E. Carstens, A.G. Cupples, D.S. Hale, M.L. Jenks, J.R. Johnson, and R.K. Miller. 2105. Impact of between-animal variation in performance, carcass-quality and feed efficiency on profitability of Brangus steers. J. Anim. Sci. 93(E-Suppl. 2):21. Lancaster, P.A., G. E. Carstens, L.O. Tedeschi, T.P. Vining, N. DiLorenzo, and G.C. Lamb. 2015. Relationships between feed efficiency traits and indicators of energy expenditure in growing cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 93(E-Suppl. S3):835. Miller, M.D., G. E. Carstens, J. M. Thomson, J. G. Berardinelli, M. R. Herrygers, J. White, L. O. Tedeschi, and P. K. Riggs. 2016. Associations between residual feed intake and metabolite profles and feeding behavior traits in feedlot cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 94(E-Suppl. 5):711.
University of Illinois
Cassady, C., T. L. Felix, D. W. Shike. 2016. Effects of diet type and feeding phase on intake and feed efficiency of beef cattle. Midwest Section of Animal Sciences Meeting. Des Moines, IA. J. Anim. Sci. 94 (E-Suppl. 2): 379
Shike, D.W., C. J. Cassady, T. L. Felix, and J. E. Beever. 2016. Effects of timing and duration of test period and diet type on intake and feed efficiency in Charolais-sired cattle. Proc. 2016 Beef Improvement Federation: Research Symposium & Annual Meeting. Manhattan, KS p. 57-64.
University of Kentucky
Liao, S. F., J. A. Boling, and J. C. Matthews. 2015. Gene Expression Profiling Indicates an Increased Capacity for Proline, Serine, and ATP Synthesis and Mitochondrial Mass, by the Liver of Steers Grazing High vs. Low Endophyte-infected Tall Fescue. Journal of Animal Science 93:5659-5671. doi:10.2527/jas2015-9193.
University of Tennessee
Myer, P.R., Wells, J.E., Smith, T.P.L., Kuehn, L.A. and Freetly, H.C., 2016. Microbial community profiles of the jejunum from steers differing in feed efficiency. Journal of Animal Science, 94(1), pp.327-338. doi:10.2527/jas2015-9839.
Myer, P., M. Kim, H. C. Freetly, and T. P. L. Smith. 2016. Evaluation of 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing using two next generation sequencing technologies for phylogenetic analysis of the rumen bacterial community in steers. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 127:132–140. doi:10.1016/j.mimet.2016.06.004
Myer, P., M. Kim, H. C. Freetly, and T. P. L. Smith. 2016. Metagenomic and near full-length 16S rRNA sequence data in support of the phylogenetic analysis of the rumen bacterial community in steers. Data in Brief, 8:1048-1053. doi:10.1016/j.dib.2016.07.027
Mulliniks, J.T., Rius, A.G., Edwards, M.A., Edwards, S.R., Hobbs, J.D. and Nave, R.L.G., 2015. FORAGES AND PASTURES SYMPOSIUM: Improving efficiency of production in pasture-and range-based beef and dairy systems. Journal of Animal Science, 93(6):2609-2615. doi:10.2527/jas.2014-8595
Abstracts from scientific or discipline meetings; papers from conference proceedings
Myer, P., M. Kim, H. C. Freetly, and T. P. L. Smith. 2016. Evaluation of 16S rRNA Amplicon Sequencing Using Two Next-Generation Sequencing Technologies for Phylogenetic Analysis of the Rumen Bacterial Community in Steers. Microbe 2016; American Society for Microbiology General Meeting, Boston, MA.
- C. Freetly, and P. Myer. 2016. Feed efficiency and the microbiota of the alimentary tract. Proceedings of the Beef Improvement Federation Annual Meeting and Symposium, June 14-17, 2016, Manhattan, KS. p. 65-74. (invited)
Myer, P., J. E. Wells, T. P. L. Smith, L. A. Kuehn, and H. C. Freetly. 2016. Gut bacterial communities and their association with production parameters in beef cattle. Journal of Animal Science, 94(Supplement 2)183-184. (invited)
Myer, P., J. E. Wells, T. P. L. Smith, L. A. Kuehn, and H. C. Freetly. 2016. Analysis of the gut microbiome in beef cattle and its association with feed intake, growth, and efficiency. Journal of Animal Science, 94 (E-Supplement 5) 211-212. (invited)
University of Nebraska
Paz, HA, Anderson, CL, Muller, MJ, Kononoff, PJ, and Fernando SC. 2016. Rumen Bacterial Community Composition in Holstein and Jersey Cows Is Different under Same Dietary Condition and Is Not Affected by Sampling Method. Frontiers in Microbiology http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2016.01206
Christopher L. Anderson, Galen E. Erickson, Jim C. MacDonald, and Samodha C. Fernando. 2016. Rumen bacterial communities can be adapted faster to high concentrate diets than currently implemented feedlot programs. Journal of Applied Microbiology. 120 (3): 588-599 doi: 10.1111/jam.13039
Ramirez-Ramirez, Hugo; Harvatine, Kevin; Castillo Lopez, E; Fernando, SC; Aluthge, N; Jenkins, Chad; Anderson, Christopher; Kononoff, Paul.. 2015. Reduced fat dried distillers grains with solubles reduces the risk for milk fat depression and supports milk production and ruminal fermentation in dairy cows. Journal of Dairy Science. 99 (3): 1912-1928
Sanjay Antony-Babu, Jennifer Clarke and Samodha C. Fernando. 2016. Metagenomics reveals larger role of syntrophic eubacteria in rumen methane production. International Society of Microbial Ecology, Montreal, Canada. August 21st to 26th
Tom, W.T., Judy, J.J., Kononoff, P.J., Fernando, S. C. (2016, July). 16S rRNA Bacterial sequences suggest dietary intervention can be used to change microbial community structure to reduce methane emission in Holstein dairy cattle. Joint Annual Meeting of the American Society of Animal Science (ASAS), The American Dairy Science Association (ADSA), the Western Section of the American Society of Animal Science (WSASAS), and the Canadian Society of Animal Science (CSAS), Salt Lake City, UT
Judy, J.J., Brown-Brandi, T., Fernando, S. C., Kononoff, P.J. (2016, July). Manipulation of lactating dairy cows diets using reduced-fat distillers grains, corn oil and calcium sulfate to reduce methane production measured by indirect calorimetry. Joint Annual Meeting of the American Society of Animal Science (ASAS), The American Dairy Science Association (ADSA), the Western Section of the American Society of Animal Science (WSASAS), and the Canadian Society of Animal Science (CSAS), Salt Lake City, UT
Alterations of the rumen bacterial and archaeal communites in growing and Finishing beef cattle and its effects on methane emissions. Allison L. Knoell1, Christopher L. Anderson, Anna Pesta, Galen Erickson, Terry Klopfenstein, Samodha C. Fernando (2016). Midwest Animal Science Meeting Des Moines, IA (March 12-16
Effect of protein supplementation of low-quality forage diets on enteric methane production of beef steers. A.L. Shreck, N. D. Aluthge, J.S. Jennings, S.C. Fernando, and N.A. Cole (2015). Joint Annual Science Meeting held by the American Dairy Science Association, American Society of Animal Science and Canadian Society of Animal Science, Orlando, FL (July 12-16)
Greenhouse gas emissions and nitrogen cycling from beef production systems: Effects of climate, season, production system, and diet. Galen E. Erickson, Samodha C. Fernando, Terry J. Klopfenstein, Andrea K. Watson, James C. MacDonald, Anna C. Pesta, Allison L. Knoell, and Henry Paz (2015). Joint Annual Science Meeting held by the American Dairy Science Association, American Society of Animal Science and Canadian Society of Animal Science, Orlando, FL (July 12-16)
Cassady, C. J., T. L. Felix, J. E. Beever, D. W. Shike, and National Program for Genetic Improvement of Feed Efficiency in Beef Cattle. 2016. Effects of timing and duration of test period and diet type on intake and feed efficiency of Charolais-sired cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 94:4748-4758. Doi:10.2527/jas2016-0633
Davis, M. E., P. A. Lancaster, J. J. Rutledge, and L. V. Cundiff. 2016. Life cycle efficiency of beef production: VIII. Relationship between residual feed intake of heifers and subsequent cow efficiency ratios. J. Anim. Sci. 94:4860–4871. doi:10.2527/jas2016-0690.
Davis, ME, PA Lancaster, JJ Rutledge, LV Cundiff. 2016. Life cycle efficiency of beef production: VIII. Relationship between residual feed intake of heifers and subsequent cow efficiency ratios. J. Anim. Sci. 94:4860.
Edwards, S.E., Hobbs, J.D., and Mulliniks, J.T. 2017. High milk production decreases cow-calf productivity within a highly available feed resource environment. Translational Animal Science, 1(1), pp.54-59. doi:10.2527/tas2016.0006.
Jackson, J. J., M. D. Lindemann, J. A. Boling, and J. C. Matthews. 2015. Summer-long Grazing of High versus Low Endophyte (Neotyphodium coenophialum)-infected Tall Fescue by Growing Beef Steers Results in Distinct Temporal Blood Analyte Response Patterns, with Poor Correlation to Serum Prolactin Levels. Frontiers in Veterinary Science doi:10.3389/fvets.2015.00077.
Lean, Ian, M. Lucy, J. McNamara, B. Bradford, E. Block, J. Thomson, J. Morton, P. Celi, A. Rabiee, J. Santos, W. Thatcher, S. LeBlanc. 2016. Invited Review: Recommendations for reporting intervention studies on reproductive performance in dairy cattle: Improving design, analysis, and interpretation of research on reproduction. Journal of Dairy Science. 99:1-17
Matthews, J. C., J. Huang, and G. Rentfrow. 2016. High-affinity Glutamate Transporter and Glutamine Synthetase Content in Longissimus Dorsi and Adipose Tissues of Growing Angus Steers Differs Among Suckling, Weanling, Backgrounding, and Finishing Production Stages. Journal of Animal Science 94:1267-75. doi: 10.2527/jas.2015-9901.
McFarlane, Z. D., Myer, P. R., Cope, E. R., Evans, N. D., Bone, C., Biss, B. E., and Mulliniks, J. T. 2017. Effect of biochar type and size on in vitro rumen fermentation of orchardgrass hay. Agricultural Sciences. doi: 10.4236/as.2017.84023
Miles, E. D., B. W. McBride, J. A. Boling, P. J. Bridges, and J.C. Matthews. Effect of 17β-estradiol administration on hepatic glutamine synthetase, β-catenin, and GPR30 in young and aged beef cows. Accepted by Canadian Journal of Animal Sciences as manuscript CJAS1-2016-0002.R2.
Myer, P. R., Wells, J.E., Smith, T.P.L., Kuehn, L.A., and Freetly, H.C. 2017. Analysis of the gut bacterial communities in beef cattle and their association with feed intake, growth, and efficiency. Journal of Animal Science. doi: 10.2527/jas2016.1059. In-press
Perea, K., K. Perz, S. K. Olivo, A. Williams, M. Lachman, S. L. Ishaq, J. Thomson, C. J. Yeoman. 2017. Feed efficiency phenotypes in lambs involve changes in ruminal, colonic, and small intestine-located microbiota. J. Anim Sci. In Press
Old, C.A., J.W. Oltjen, J.R. Miller, N. Ohanesian, R.G. Hinders, W. Vogt and D.A. Sapienza. 2016. Reliability of in vivo, in vitro, in silico, and near infrared estimates of pure stand alfalfa hay quality: Component degradability and metabolizability of energy. The Professional Animal Scientist 32: 470-483.
Thomson, J. M. 2016. Impacts of Environment on Gene Expression and Epigenetic Modification in Grazing Animals. J Anim Sci. 94(S6):63–73
Proceedings and Technical Reports:
Garrott, Robert A., Kelly M. Proffitt, Jay J. Rotella, Jim Berardinelli, Jennifer Thomson, Elizabeth P. Flesch, Carson J. Butler, Ethan Lula, and Rashelle Lambert. “The Role of Disease, Habitat, Individual Condition, and Herd Attributes on Bighorn Sheep Recruitment and Population Dynamics in Montana.” Annual Report. Federal Aid in Wildlife Restoration Grant. Montana: Fish, Wildlife & Parks and Montana State University, February 15, 2017.
Hansen, S. L., J. R. Russell, N. O. Minton, W. J. Sexten, M. S. Kerley, E. L. Lundy, E. K. Niedermayer, and National Program for Genetic Improvement of Feed Efficiency in Beef Cattle. 2016. Effects of diet digestibility on feed efficiency and impact of diet type and feeding phase on repeatability of feed efficiency phenotype. Proceedings of the Beef Improvement Federation Conference. Manhattan, KS. Pgs. 75-89.
Oltjen, J.W., R.D. Sainz, L.G. Barioni and S.R. Medeiros. 2016. Rate of protein growth and energy for maintenance parameter changes in the Davis Growth Model. In: Energy and Protein Metabolism and Nutrition (J. Skomial and H. Lapierre, Eds.) pp. 69-70. European Assoc. for Anim. Prod. Publ. No. 137.
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Sainz, R.D., K.C. Dykier, F.M. Mitloehner and J.W. Oltjen. 2016. Performance and body composition in high and low RFI beef cattle. In: Energy and Protein Metabolism and Nutrition (J. Skomial and H. Lapierre, Eds.) pp. 101-102. European Assoc. for Anim. Prod. Publ. No. 137.
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Melchior, E.A., Hales, K.E., and Myer, P.R. 2017. The Effects of Feeding Monensin on Rumen Methanogenesis to a Group of Bred Heifers in a Drylot. Poster Presentation. Microbe 2017. New Orleans, LA.
Melchior, E.A., Mulliniks, J.T., Batesm G.E., Smith, J., and Myer, P.R. 2016. The effect of endophyte infected tall fescue and isoflavones on rumen microbial populations and beef cattle production in Tennessee. UTIA Animal Science Graduate Student Poster Competition, UT Beef and Forage Center Graduate Research and Poster Symposium, UT Beef and Forage Center Annual Research and Recommendation Meeting, Dec 2016, Knoxville, TN.