WERA1009: Systems to Improve End-use Quality of Wheat
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Akman, H., M. Giroux, P. Bruckner, and A. Topal. 2012. Wheat root systems, genetics and methodology for evaluation of root characteristics: A review. Selçuk Tar1m ve G1da Bilimleri Dergisi 25(4):109-117 http://www.ziraat.selcuk.edu.tr/ojs/index.php/ziraat/article/view/142/208
Baik, B.-K., E. P. Fuerst, T. Harris, E. A. Wegner, and S. Fulton. 2012. Influences of mill type on baking properties and lipid oxidation of whole grain wheat flour during storage. AACCI Annual Meeting, Hollywood, FL, September 30-October 3. Poster. http://www.aaccnet.org/meetings/Documents/2012Abstracts/p12ma177.htm
Beecher B.S.*, A.H. Carter, and D.R. See. 2012. Genetic mapping of a new family of seed-expressed polyphenol oxidase genes in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Theoretical and Applied Genetics 124:1463-1473
Cai, L., Hyun, J., Kim, K., Choi, I., and Baik, B.-K. 2012. Significance of bran particle size on bread-baking quality of whole grain wheat flour. AACCI Annual Meeting, Hollywood, FL, September 30-October 3. Poster. http://www.aaccnet.org/meetings/Documents/2012Abstracts/p12ma21.htm
Carter, A.H.*, D.K. Santra, and K.K. Kidwell. 2012. Assessment of the effect of the GPC-B1allele on senescence rate, grain protein concentration and mineral content in hard red spring wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) from the Pacific Northwest region of the USA. Plant Breeding 131:62-68
Chen, J., Ch. Chu, E.J. Souza, M.J. Guttieri, X. Chen, S. Xu, D. Hole, and R. Zemetra. 2012. Whole genome-wide mapping for high-temperature adult-plant resistance to stripe rust (Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici) in a hard red winter wheat germplasm IDO444. Molecular Breeding 29: 791 800
Choi, H.-W., and Baik, B.-K. 2012. Use of dried egg powder in sponge cake baking test and flour-water batter viscosity as an estimate of sponge cake baking quality. AACCI Annual Meeting, Hollywood, FL, September 30-October 3. Poster. http://www.aaccnet.org/meetings/Documents/2012Abstracts/p12ma23.htm
Choi, H.-W., and Baik, B.-K. 2012. Significance of starch property and quantity on sponge cake baking quality of soft white wheat. AACCI Annual Meeting, Hollywood, FL, September 30-October 3. Poster. http://www.aaccnet.org/meetings/Documents/2012Abstracts/p12ma22.htm
Choi, H.-W., Harris, T., and Baik, B.-K. 2012. Improvement of sponge cake baking test procedure for simple and reliable estimation of soft white wheat quality. Cereal Chem. 89:73-78
Flowers M, Hamm PB, Carter AH, and Murray TD*. 2012. Reaction of winter wheat cultivars and breeding lines to soilborne wheat mosaic. Plant Disease Management Reports 6:CF025
Guomei Wang, Jeff M. Leonard, Andrew S. Ross, C. James Peterson, Robert S. Zemetra, Kimberly Garland-Campbell, Oscar Riera-Lizarazu. 2012. Identification of Genetic Factors Controlling Kernel Hardness and Related Traits in a Recombinant Inbred Population Derived from a Soft X Extra-soft Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Cross. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 124: 207-221
Haley, S.D., J.J. Johnson, F.B. Peairs, J.A. Stromberger, E.E. Hudson, S.A. Seifert, R.A. Kottke, V.A. Valdez, J.B. Rudolph, G. Bai, X. Chen, R.L. Bowden, Y. Jin, J.A. Kolmer, M.-S. Chen, and B.W. Seabourn. 2012. Registration of 'Byrd' wheat. J. Plant Reg. 6:302-305
Haley, S.D., J.J. Johnson, F.B. Peairs, J.A. Stromberger, E.E. Hudson, S.A. Seifert, R.A. Kottke, V.A. Valdez, J.B. Rudolph, G. Bai, X. Chen, R.L. Bowden, Y. Jin, J.A. Kolmer, M.-S. Chen, and B.W. Seabourn. 2012. Registration of 'Denali' wheat. J. Plant Reg. 6:311-314
Haley, S.D., J.J. Johnson, P.H. Westra, F.B. Peairs, J.A. Stromberger, E.E. Hudson, S.A. Seifert, R.A. Kottke, V.A. Valdez, J.B. Rudolph, G. Bai, X. Chen, R.L. Bowden, Y. Jin, J.A. Kolmer, M.-S. Chen, and B.W. Seabourn. 2012. Registration of 'Brawl CL Plus' wheat. J. Plant Reg. 6:306-310
Kang, C.-S., Jeung, J.-U., Baik, B.-K., and Park, C. S. 2012. Effects of allelic variations in Wx-1, Glu-D1, Glu-B3 and Pinb-D1 loci on flour characteristics and white salted noodle making quality of wheat flour. Cereal Chem. 89:296-306
Kidwell, K. K., G. Shelton, V. Demacon, X. Chen, S. O. Gyu, J. S. Kuehner, B.-K. Baik, D. A. Engle, and N. Bosque-Perez. 2012. Registration of Babe wheat. J. Plant Registrations 6:156-160
Kim, K-H., L. Feiz, A.T. Dyer, W. Grey, A.C. Hogg, J.M. Martin, and M.J. Giroux. 2012. Increased resistance to Penicillium seed rot in transgenic wheat over-expressing puroindolines. J Phytopathology 160 (5):243-247
Kim, K.-H., L. Feiz, J.M. Martin, and M.J. Giroux. 2012. Puroindolines are associated with decreased polar lipid breakdown during wheat seed development. J Cereal Science 56(2):142-146
Lanning, S. P., P. Hucl, M. Pumphrey, A. H. Carter, P. F. Lamb, G. R. Carlson, D. M. Wichman, K. D. Kephart, D. Spaner, J. M. Martin and L. E. Talbert. 2012. Agronomic performance of spring wheat as related to planting date and photoperiod response. Crop Sci. 52:1633-1639
Lanning, S. P., J. M. Martin, R. N. Stougaard, F. R. Guillen-Portal, N. K. Blake, J. D. Sherman, A. M. Robbins, K. D. Kephart, P. Lamb, G. R. Carlson, M. Pumphrey, and L. E. Talbert. 2012. Evaluation of near-isogenic lines for three height-reducing genes in hard red spring wheat. Crop Sci. 52:1145-1152
Lanning, SP, Hucl P, Pumphrey M, Carter AH, Lamb PF, Carlson GR, Wichman DM, Kephart KD, Spaner D, Martin JM, and Talbert LE*. 2012. Agronomic performance of spring wheat as related to planting date and photoperiod response. Crop Science 52:1633-1639
Liu, S.Y., C.A. Griffey, M.D. Hall, J. Chen, S. Liu, D. Tucker, W.S. Brooks. 2012. Registration of Becker/Massey Wheat Recombinant Inbred Line Mapping Population. J. Plant Registration 3:358-362
Moffett, M., M. Burrows, P. Bruckner, and J. Berg. 2012. Evaluation of fungicides for control of stem rust in Montana, 2011. Plant Disease Management Reports 6:CF012. Online publication. doi: doi:10.1094/PDMR06
Naruoka, Y., J. D. Sherman, S. P. Lanning, N. K. Blake, J. M. Martin, and L. E. Talbert. 2012. Genetic analysis of green leaf duration in spring wheat. Crop Sci. 52:99-109
Park, E. Y., and Baik, B.-K. 2012. Effects of phytates on dough and bread characteristics of wheat flour. AACCI Annual Meeting, Hollywood, FL, September 30-October 3. Poster. http://www.aaccnet.org/meetings/Documents/2012Abstracts/p12ma59.htm
Poole GJ, R.W. Smiley, T.C. Paulitz, A.H. Carter, D.R. See, and K. Garland-Campbell*. 2012. Identification of microsatellite markers Xgwm247 and Xgwm299 linked to quantitative trait loci for resistance to Fusarium crown rot (Fusarium pseudograminearum) in two spring wheat populations. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 125:91-107
Ross A.S., Flowers M.D., Zemetra R.S., Kongraksawech T. 2012. Effect of grain protein concentration on Falling Number of un-germinated soft-white winter wheat. Cereal Chemistry 89: 307-310
Schlosser, A. J., J. M. Martin, L.C. Hannah, and M.J. Giroux. 2012. The maize leaf starch mutation agps-m1 has diminished field growth and productivity. Crop Sci. 52(2): 700-70
J. Chen*, J. Wheeler, K. O’Brien, W. Zhao, N. Klassen, J. Zhang, B. Bowman, Y. Wang, C.
Jackson, J. M. Marshall, X.M. Chen. 2015. Release of ‘UI Platinum’ Hard White Spring
Wheat. J. Plant Registration (online first).
Bowman, B., J. Chen*, J. Zhang, J. Wheeler, Y. Wang, W. Zhao, S. Nayak, N. Heslot, H.
Bockelman, and J.M. Bonman. 2015. Evaluating grain yield in spring wheat with canopy
spectral reflectance. Crop Sci. 55:1881 – 1890.
X. Liang, Y. Liu, B. Bowman, and J. Chen. 2015. Physiological Responses and Yield
Component Changes of Winter Wheat Genotypes under Three Water Regimes. Poster
presentation and abstract in the proceedings of ASA, CSSA and SSSA Int’l Annual
meeting, St. Paul, Minnesota, Nov. 15-18.
J. Chen*, J. Zhang, W. Zhao, J. Wheeler, N. Klassen, and J. Anderson. 2015. Assessment of
resistance to Fusarium head blight in spring wheat lines grown in the Pacific Northwest
and CIMMYT. Poster at Annual FHB Forum, St. Louis, MS, Dec. 7 -9, 2015.
J. Chen*, X. Chen, J. Zhang, D. See, Sh. Chao and J.M. Bonman. 2015. Identifying
quantitative trait loci for high-temperature adult-plant resistance to stripe rust of wheat
(Triticum aestivum L.). Poster presentation at 2015 Borlaug Global Rust Initiative, Sydney,
Australia, Sep. 17 to 20, 2015.
Bowman, B., J. Zhang, J. M. Bonman, H. Bockelman, J. Wheeler, and J. Chen. 2015.
Association Analysis of Yield in a Diverse Panel of Spring Wheat (T. aestivum L.)
Genotypes. Poster presentation at PAG meeting, San Diego, California, Jan. 10-11, 2015.
El-Feki, W.M., P.F. Byrne, S.D. Reid, and S.D. Haley. 2015. Registration of CO940610/‘Platte’
wheat doubled haploid mapping population. J. Plant Reg. 9:419-423.
Manmathan, H., V.A. Anderson, and S.D. Haley. 2015. Combining genotyping-by-sequencing
and functional marker genotyping in wheat. Proc. CROPS 2015, Improving Agriculture with
Genomics, HudsonAlpha Institute for Biotechnology, Huntsville, AL, May 2015.
Stromberger, J., S.D. Haley, and J. Johnson. 2015. Wheat quality evaluations from the 2014
CSU dryland and irrigated variety trials. p. 34-40. In Colorado State University Agric. Exp. Stn.
Technical Report, Wheat Field Days Edition, July 2015.
Vinson, E.R., J. Chaparro, S.D. Haley, and A.L. Heuberger. 2015. Integrating metabolomics
profiling and sensory analysis to improve flavor quality in bread wheat. 2015. Proc. Colorado
Biological Mass Spectroscopy Society, Boulder, CO, 29 Oct. 2015.
Varella, A. C., D. K. Weaver, J. D. Sherman, N. K. Blake, H-Y. Heo, J. Kalous, S. Chao, M. L. Hofland,
J. M. Martin, K. D. Kephart, and L. E. Talbert. 2015. Association analysis of stem solidness and wheat
stem sawfly resistance in a panel of spring wheat germplasm from North America. Crop Sci. 55:2046-
Kalous, J. R., J. M. Martin, J. D. Sherman, H. –Y. Heo, N. K. Blake, S. P. Lanning, J. L. A. Eckhoff, S.
Chao E. Akhunov and L. E. Talbert. 2015. Impact of the D genome and quantitative trait loci
on quantitative traits in a spring durum by spring bread wheat cross. Theor. Appl. Genet.
Blake, N. K., J. M. Martin, H.-Y. Heo,K. D. Kephart, S. P. Lanning and L. E. Talbert. 2015.
Registration of near-isogenic lines for photoperiod response in hard red spring wheat. J. Plant.
Reg. 9:239-243.
Jordan, Katherine W., Shichen Wang, Yanni Lun, Laura-Jayne Gardiner, Ron Maclachlan, Pierre Hucl,
Krysta Wiebe, Debbie Wong, Kerrie Forrest, IWGSC, Andrew G Sharpe, Christine HD
Sidebottom, Neil Hall, Christopher Toomajian, Timothy Close, Jorge Dubcovsky, Alina
Akhunova, Luther Talbert, Urmil Bansal, Harbans S Bariana, Matthew Hayden, Curtis Pozniak,
Jeffrey J Jeddeloh, Anthony Hall and Eduard Akhunov. 2015. A haplotype map of allohexaploid
wheat reveals distinct patterns of selection on homoeologous genomes. Genome Biology
Sherman, J. D.,N. K. Blake, J. M. Martin, K. D. Kephart, J. Smith, D. R. Clark, M. L. Hofland, D. K.
Weaver, S. P. Lanning, H.-Y. Heo, M. Pumphrey, J. Chen, and L. E. Talbert. 2015. Agronomic
impact of a stem solidness gene in near-isogenic lines of wheat. Crop Sci. 55:514-520.
Berg, J.E., P.F. Lamb, J.H. Miller, D.M. Wichman, K.D. Kephart, R.N. Stougaard, G.P.
Pradhan, D.L. Nash, W.E. Grey, D. Gettel, S. Gale, Y. Jin, J.A. Kolmer, X. Chen, G. Bai, T.D.
Murray, and P.L. Bruckner. 2016. Registration of ‘Northern’ hard red winter wheat. J. Plant
Reg. In press.
Hystad, S.M., Martin, J.M., Graybosch, R.A., and M.J. Giroux. 2015. Genetic
characterization and expression analysis of wheat (Triticum aestivum) line 07OR1074 exhibiting very
low polyphenol oxidase (PPO) activity. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 128(8):1605-1615.
Hogg, A.C., J.M. Martin, F.A. Manthey, and M.J. Giroux. 2015. Nutritional and quality traits of pasta
made from SSIIa null high amylose-durum wheat. Cereal Chem. 92(4):395-400.
Kammeraad, J.D., M.J. Giroux, A.C. Hogg, and J.M. Martin. Mutagenesis derived Puroindoline alleles in
Triticum aestivum and their impacts upon end-product quality. Cereal Chemistry, accepted October
2015, in press.
Carter, A.H., Kidwell, K.K., DeMacon, V., Balow, K.A., Shelton, G.B., Higginbotham, R.W., Chen, X.M., Engle, D.A., Baik, B., and Morris, C.F. 2015. Registration of ‘Sprinter’ hard red winter wheat. J. Plant Registrations 9:196-200.
Carter, B.P., Galloway, M.T., Morris, C.F., Weaver, G.L., and Carter, A.H. 2015. The case for water activity as a specification for wheat tempering and flour production. Cereal Foods World 60:166-170.
Kiszonas, A.M., Fuerst, E.P., and Morris, C.F. 2015. Modeling end-quality in United States soft wheat germplasm. Cereal Chem. 92:57-64.
Kiszonas, A.M., Fuerst, E.P., and Morris, C.F. 2015. Repeatability of mice consumption discrimination of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) varieties across field experiments and mouse cohorts. J. Food Sci. 80:S1589-S1594.
Kiszonas, A.M., Fuerst, E.P., and Morris, C.F. 2015. Use of a students’s t statistic as a phenotype of relative consumption preference of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) grain. J. Cereal Sci. 65:285-289.
Kiszonas, A.M., Fuerst, E.P., Luthria, D., and Morris, C.F. 2015. Arabinoxylan content and characterisation throughout the bread-baking process. International J. Food Sci. Tech. 50:1911-1921. Kiszonas, A.M., Fuerst, E.P., Luthria, D., and Morris, C.F. 2015. Tracking arabinoxylans through the preparation of pancakes. Cereal Chem. 92:37-43.
Kowalski, R.J., Morris, C.F., and Ganjyal, G.M. 2015. Waxy soft white wheat: extrusion characteristics and thermal and rheological properties. Cereal Chem. 92:145-153.
Lu, Y., Fuerst, E.P., Lv, J., Morris, C.F., Yu, L., Fletcher, A., Kiszonas, A.M., Yu, L., and Luthria, D. 2015. Phytochemical profile and antiproliferative activity of dough and bread fractions made from refined and whole wheat flours. Cereal Chem. 92:271-277.
Morris, C.F., Casper, J., Kiszonas, A.M., Fuerst, E.P., Murray, J., Simeone, M.C., and Lafiandra, D. 2015. Soft kernel durum wheat–a new bakery ingredient? Cereal Foods World 60:76-83.
Morris, C.F. and Fuerst, E.P. 2015. Chapt. 30: Quality Characteristics of Soft Kernel Durum–A New Cereal Crop. In: Proceedings of the 12th International Wheat Genetics Symposium; Ogihara, Y., Takumi, S., and Handa, H., eds. Yokohama, Japan. Springer Publishing, pp. 275-278.
Park, E.Y., Baik, B.-K., Miller, P.R., Burke, I.C., Wegner, E.A., Tautges, N.E., Morris, C.F., and Fuerst, E.P. 2015. Functional and nutritional characteristics of wheat grown in organic and conventional cropping systems. Cereal Chem. 92:504-512.
Szymanski, R.M., and Morris, C.F. 2015. Internal structure of carbonized wheat (Triticum spp.) grains: relationships to kernel texture and ploidy. Vegetation History & Archaeobotany 24:503-515.