NE1014: Development of New Potato Clones for Improved Pest Resistance, Marketability, and Sustainability in the East

(Multistate Research Project)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports


Christ, B.J., K.G. Haynes, and B.T. Vinyard. 2002. Inheritance of early blight resistance from open-pollinated 4x-2x potato hybrids. Am J Potato Res 79:403-410.

Haynes, K.G., G.A. Porter, B.J. Christ, R.W. Goth, K.O. DeLong, D.E. Halseth, J.B. Sieczka, M.R. Henninger, S.B. Sterrett, G.C. Yencho, and R.E. Webb. 2001. Amey: A multi-purpose, russet-skinned cultivar for baking and specialty markets. Am J Potato Res 78:175-182

Haynes, K.G., B.J. Christ, D.P. Weingartner, D.S. Douches, C.A. Thill, G. Secor, W.E. Fry, and D.H. Lambert. 2002. Foliar resistance to late blight in potato clones evaluated in national trials in 1997. Amer. J. Potato Res. 79:451-457.

Porter, G.A. 2002. Eastern regional potato trials - 2000. 71st National Potato Germplasm Evaluation and Enhancement Report, 2000, K. G. Haynes, editor . 71:20-31.

Porter, G.A., J.A. Sisson, P. Ocaya, B. MacFarline, and P. Wardwell. 2002. Maine potato variety trials - 2000. 71st National Potato Germplasm Evaluation and Enhancement Report, 2000, K. G. Haynes, editor . 71:144-166

Porter, G.A., J.A. Sisson, P. Wardwell, B. Plummer, and B. MacFarline. 2002. Potato variety trials in Maine - 2002. PSE Departmental Mimeo 2002-02.

Sisson, J.A., G.A. Porter, H. DeJong, T.R. Tarn, G.C. Yencho, M.R. Henninger, J.B. Sieczka, D.E. Halseth, M. Kleinhenz, B.J. Christ, S.B. Sterrett, P. Turcotte, D. Lambert, P. Scott, W.J. Arsenault, P. Boswall, D.P. Weingartner, and J.M. White. 2002. Performance evaluations of potato clones and varieties in the Northeastern states  1999. MAFES Misc Public #751. 130 pp.



Sterrett, S.B., M.R. Henninger, G.C. Yencho, W.Lu, B. Vinyard, and K.G. Haynes. 2003. Stability of internal heat necrosis and specific gravity in tetraploid x diploid potatoes. Crop Science. 43: 790-796.

Porter, G.A. 2003. Eastern regional potato trials - 2001. 72nd National Potato Germplasm Evaluation and Enhancement Report, 2001, K. G. Haynes, editor . 72:1-14.

Porter, G.A., J.A. Sisson, P. Ocaya, B. MacFarline, and P. Wardwell. 2003. Maine potato variety trials - 2001. 72nd National Potato Germplasm Evaluation and Enhancement Report, 2001, K. G. Haynes, editor . 72:111-135

Porter, G.A., P. Ocaya, P. Wardwell, B. Plummer, and B. MacFarline. 2003. Potato variety trials in Maine - 2003. PSE Departmental Mimeo 2003-01.


De Jong W.S., Eannetta N.T., De Jong D.M., Bodis M. 2004. Candidate gene analysis of anthocyanin pigmentation loci in the Solanaceae. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 108: 423-432.

Thompson, J.R., Perry, K.L., and De Jong, W. 2004. A new potato virus in a new lineage of picorna-like viruses. Arichives of Virology 149:2141-2154.

Haynes, K.G. and D.P. Weingartner. 2004. The use of area under the disease progress curve to assess resistance to late blight in potato germplasm. Am J Potato Res 81:137-141.

Porter, G.A., D.H. Lambert, A.A. Bushway, R.L. Plaisted, K.M. Paddock, W.S. DeJong, and D.E. Halseth. 2004. Monticello: A mid-season variety with good tuber appearance and chipping potential from mid- to long-term storage. Amer J Potato Res 81: 143-152.

Simko, I., K.G. Haynes, E.E. Ewing, S. Costanzo, B.J. Christ, and R.W. Jones. 2004. Mapping genes for resistance to Verticillium albo-atrum in tetraploid and diploid potato populations using haplotype association tests and genetic linkage analysis. Mol Gen Genomics. 271:522-531.

Simko, I., S. Costanzo, K.G. Haynes, B.J. Christ, and R.W. Jones. 2004. Linkage disequilibrium mapping of Verticillium dahliae resistance quantitative trait locus in tetraploid potato (Solanum tuberosum) through a candidate gene approach. Theor Appl Genet 108:217-224.

Thompson J.R., Perry K.L., De Jong W. 2004. A new potato virus in a new lineage of picorna-like viruses. Archives of Virology 149: 2141-2154.

Published Abstracts:

Simko, I., K.G. Haynes, B.J. Christ, and R.W. Jones. 2004. Linkage disequilibrium mapping of a Verticillium dahliae resistance QTL in tetraploid potato (Solanum tuberosum) through a candidate gene approach. Amer. J. Potato Res. 81:88-89. (Abstract)

Sterrett, S.B., G.C. Yencho, M.R. Henninger, and K.G. Haynes. 2004. Internal heat necrosis resistant potato clones have higher tuber concentrations of magnesium, sulfur, manganese, and calcium, and lower concentrations of potassium than susceptible clones in the Mid-Atlantic States. Amer. J. Potato Res. 81: 90 (Abstract)

Valluru, R., B.J. Christ, and K.G. Haynes. 2004. Inheritance of resistance to Fusarium tuber rot in potatoes. Amer. J. Potato Res. 81:91 (Abstract)



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