NC_old1189: Understanding the Ecological and Social Constraints to Achieving Sustainable Fisheries Resource Policy and Management
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
(Please see publications noted above in the Accomplishments>Outputs section.)
Bailey, Conner. 2012. Addictive Behavior and Faustian Bargains. Pp. 124-125 in, Allen Furr and Jay Lamar (eds.), Auburn Speaks: The Oil Spill of 2010. Auburn, AL: Office of the Vice President for Research, Auburn University.
Bailey, Conner, Shirley Laska and Robert Gramling. 2012. Pp. 24-27 in Restoration and Communities. Answering 10 Fundamental Questions about the Mississippi River Delta. A Report by the Mississippi River Delta Science and Engineering Special Team. Baton Rouge, LA: National Audubon Society, Environmental Defense Fund, and the National Wildlife Federation. 36 p.
Lynch, A.J., E. Varela-Acevedo, W.W. Taylor. 2012. Decision-Support Tool for a Changing Climate: Application to Inland Fisheries Management. Journal of Fisheries Management and Ecology.
Pracheil, B.M., L.A. Powell, G.E. Mestl, and M.A. Pegg. 2012. Movement and survival of paddlefish on a range-wide scale: how movement and time-scale can influence migratory fish management outcomes. Fisheries 37:449-457.
Steffensen, K.D., L.A. Powell, and M.A. Pegg. 2012. Using mark-recapture to estimate population size of pallid sturgeon in the upper channelized Missouri River. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 32:159-166.
Bailey, Conner, Bob Gramling, and Shirley Laska. In Press. Complexities of Resilience: Adaptation and Change within Human Communities of Coastal Louisiana. In The Once and Future Delta. Editors, J. Day, P. Kemp, A. Freeman, and David Muth. Springer.
Bailey, Conner. In Press. Remaking Fish for Aquaculture in the United States: From Selective Breeding to Genetic Engineering. Working Paper. The Research Council of Norway (Project number 202374/I10) Governing Food in a Globalising Environment. Oslo: Research Council of Norway.
DeVries, D.R. 2013. A tale of two animals: the importance of aquatic habitat and flow. Pages 136-139 in Auburn Speaks: On Water. Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama.
DeVries, D.R., R.A. Wright, D.C. Glover, T.M. Farmer, M R. Lowe, A.J. Norris, and A.C. Peer.
in press. Largemouth Bass in coastal estuaries: A comprehensive study from the Mobile-Tensaw
River Delta, Alabama. In Black Bass Diversity: Multidisciplinary Science for Conservation.
American Fisheries Society Special Publication. (30 MS pages, 1 figure).
Farmer, T.M, D.R. DeVries, R.A. Wright, and J.E. Gagnon. 2013. Using seasonal variation in otolith microchemical composition to indicate Largemouth Bass and Southern Flounder residency patterns across an estuarine salinity gradient. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142: 1415-1429.
Glover, D.G., D.R. DeVries, and R.A. Wright. 2013. Growth of largemouth bass in a dynamic estuarine environment: an evaluation of the relative effects of salinity, diet, and temperature. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 70:485-501.
Hamel, M.J., K.D. Steffensen, J.J. Hammen, and M.A. Pegg. 2013. Evaluation of passive integrated transponder tag retention from two tagging locations in juvenile pallid sturgeon. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 29:41-43.
Lynch, A.J. and W.W. Taylor. 2013. The Four Fs of Fish: Communication of Public Value of Fish and Fisheries. Fisheries 38(1): 43-33.
Parasiewicz, P., J.N. Rogers, P. Vezza, J. Gortazar, T. Seager, M. Pegg, and W Wisniewolski. 2013. Applications of MesoHABSIM simulation model. Pages xx-yy in, Maddock, and Kemp, editors. Ecohydraulics - an integrated approach, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
Penaskovic, R., D.R. DeVries, and N.E. Chadwick. in press. Teaching about sustainability: raising consciousness and taking action. In K.D. Thomas and H.E. Muga, editors. Cases on Pedagogical Innovations for Sustainable Development. IGI Global. (23 text pages, 1 Table).
Purcell, T.R., D.R. DeVries, and R.A. Wright. 2013. The relationship between shoreline development and resident fish communities in a Southeastern U.S. reservoir. Lake and Reservoir Management 29:270-278.
Rasmussen, J., H.A. Regier, R.E. Sparks and W.W. Taylor 2013. Aquatic Invasive Species Risks to the Great Lakes and Mississippi River Basins: Asian Carp as a Case for Serious Consideration of Hydrologic Separation. In: Taylor, W.W., A.J. Lynch, N.J. Leonard, (eds.) Great Lakes Fisheries Policy and Management: A Binational Perspective (Second Edition). MSU Press: East Lansing, MI. pp 767-786.
Steffensen, K.D., B.L. Eder, and M.A. Pegg. 2013. Trotline efficiencies and catch dynamics in a large river system. Fisheries Ecology and Management.
Steffensen, K.D., M.A. Pegg, and G.L. Mestl. 2013. Pallid sturgeon life-history model. Journal of Applied Ichthyology.
Steffensen, K.D., M.A. Pegg, and G. Mestl. 2013. Population characteristics of pallid sturgeon in the lower Missouri River. Journal of Applied Ichthyology.
Taylor, W. W., A. J. Lynch, and N. J. Leonard, eds. 2013. Great Lakes Fisheries Policy and Management: A Binational Perspective (Second Edition). MSU Press: East Lansing, MI. 865pp
Taylor, W.W., K.B. Mueller and J.T. Martin 2013. Epilogue: Fisheries sustainability and water policy: The need to think beyond the basin boundaries. In: Taylor, W.W., A.J. Lynch, N.J. Leonard, (eds.) Great Lakes Fisheries Policy and Management: A Binational Perspective (Second Edition). MSU Press: East Lansing, MI. pp. 787-792
Tran, Nhuong Van, Conner Bailey, Norbert Wilson, and Michael Phillips. 2013. Governance of Global Value Chains in Response to Food Safety and Certification Standards: The Case of Shrimp from Vietnam. World Development 45:325-336.
Turek, K.C., M.A. Pegg, and K.L. Pope. 2013. Review of the influences of non-native salmonids on species of concern. Great Plains Research 23:39-49.
Woodard, S.R., R.A. Wright, and D.R. DeVries. 2013. Growth and survival of largemouth bass following supplemental feeding of bluegill in small impoundments. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 33:170-177.
Bailey, C. Aquaculture, Ecology, and International Public Health. Invited Guest Lecture. Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health. January 29, 2014.
Bailey, C., and N. V. Tran. 2014. Deltaic Systems, Sea Level Rise, and Disruption of Coastal Aquaculture in the Tropics. 2014. Paper presented at the 2014 meetings of the Rural Sociological Society, New Orleans, July 31 – August 3, 2014.
Biedron, I. S. 2014. Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management: Perspectives of fishery management councils and stakeholders in the New England and Mid-Atlantic regions. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
Biedron, I. S. and Knuth, B. A. 2014. Stakeholder perspectives and social factors: Driving factors in the Mid-Atlantic and New England fishery management council transition to Ecosystem-Based Fisheries management. Poster at the Regional Association for Research on the Gulf of Maine (RARGOM) Annual Science meeting, Boston, MA, September 30.
Biedron, I. S. and Knuth, B. A. 2014. Stakeholder perspectives and social factors: the Mid-Atlantic and New England Fishery Management Council transition to Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management. Presentation at the American Fisheries Society (AFS) Meeting, Quebec City, QC, August 19.
Biedron, I. S. and Knuth, B. A. 2014. Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management: Perspectives of fishery management councils and stakeholders in New England and the Mid-Atlantic. Presentation at New England Fishery Management Council (NEFMC) EBFM Oversight Committee meeting, Danvers, MA, July 31.
Biedron, I. S. 2014. Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management: Perspectives of fishery management councils and stakeholders in New England and the Mid-Atlantic. Doctoral Presentation for the Natural Resources Departmental Seminar, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, June 10.
Biedron, I. S. and Knuth, B. A. 2014. Stakeholder communication and the transition to Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management for the Mid-Atlantic and New England fishery management councils. Presentation for the Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (NEAFWA) Conference, Portland, ME, April 15.
Biedron, I. S. and Knuth, B. A. 2013. A survey of stakeholder perspectives about Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management and the Mid-Atlantic and New England Fishery Management Councils. Presentation at the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council MAFMC Meeting, Annapolis, MD. December 12, 2013.
Bailey, C., B. Gramling, and S. Laska. 2014. Complexities of Resilience: Adaptation and Change within Human Communities of Coastal Louisiana. Pages 125-140 in The Once and Future Delta. Editors, J. Day, P. Kemp, A. Freeman, and David Muth. New York: Springer.
Infante, D. M., W. M. Daniel, K. Herreman, J. Nohner, and W. W. Taylor. Invited. 2014. Enhancing assessments of river condition for improved conservation and management of fluvial fish habitat. 144th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, August 17-21, 2014, Quebec City, Quebec.
Lima, J. S.G. and C. Bailey. 2014. Shrimp Farming as a Coastal Zone Challenge in Sergipe State, Brazil: Balancing Goals of Conservation and Social Justice. Forthcoming in C.W. Finkl and C. Makowski (eds.), Environmental Management and Governance: Advances in Coastal and Marine Resources. Coastal Research Library 8. London: Springer International Publishing. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-06305-8_9.
Lynch, A. J., W. W. Taylor, T. D. Beard, and B. M. Lofgren. Revision submitted to Journal of Great Lakes Research. Projected changes in Lake Whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) recruitment with climate change in the 1836 Treaty Waters of Lakes Huron, Michigan, and Superior.
Lynch, A. J., W. W. Taylor, A. M. McCright. In prep. Perceptions of management and willingness to use decision support: Integrating the potential impacts of climate change on the Lake Whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) fishery into harvest management in the 1836 Treaty Waters of Lakes Huron, Michigan, and Superior.
Lynch, A. J. 2013. One Fish, Two Fish, Where Fish for Whitefish? Fisheries 38(8):356.
Lynch, A.J. 2013. Designing a Climate Change Decision-Support Tool for Great Lakes Whitefish. Online decision support tool available at: http://www.miseagrant.umich.edu/explore/fisheries/climate-change-whitefish.
Simon, C. 2014. Understanding ecosystem based management: A content analysis of publications in select environmental and natural resource journals 1993-2013. The Department of Natural Resources Graduate Student Symposium, Cornell University, January 2014.
Stewart, J. S., and D. M. Infante. Invited. 2014. Enhancing decision making for managing fluvial habitats: Current status and future opportunities with FishVis. Great Lakes Fishery Trust Aquatic Connectivity Workshop, September 4-5, 2014, Lansing, Michigan.
Youn, S. J., W. W. Taylor, A. J. Lynch, I. G. Cowx, T. D. Beard Jr., D. Bartley, F. Wu. In press. Inland capture fishery contributions to global food security and threats to their future. Global Food Security.
Bailey, Conner. 2013. Remaking Fish for Aquaculture in the United States: From Selective Breeding to Genetic Engineering. Working Paper. The Research Council of Norway (Project number 202374/I10) Governing Food in a Globalising Environment. Oslo: Research Council of Norway.
Bailey, C. Aquaculture, Ecology, and International Public Health. Invited Guest Lecture. Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health. January 29, 2014.
Bailey, C., and N. V. Tran. 2014. Deltaic Systems, Sea Level Rise, and Disruption of Coastal Aquaculture in the Tropics. 2014. Paper presented at the 2014 meetings of the Rural Sociological Society, New Orleans, July 31 – August 3, 2014.
Bailey, Conner, Bob Gramling, and Shirley Laska. 2014. Complexities of Resilience: Adaptation and Change within Human Communities of Coastal Louisiana. In The Once and Future Delta. Editors, J. Day, P. Kemp, A. Freeman, and David Muth. Springer.
Bartley, D. M. N. J. Leonard, S. Youn, W. W. Taylor, C. Baigún, C. Barlow, J. Fazio, C. Fuentevilla, J. Johnson, B. Kone, K. Meira, R. Metzner, P. Onyango, D. Pavlov, B. Riley, J. Ruff, P. Terbasket, and J. Valbo-JørgensenMoving towards effective governance of fisheries and freshwater resources. In: Taylor, W. W., D. M. Bartley, C. I. Goddard, N. J. Leonard, and R. Welcomme (eds.) Freshwater, Fish and the Future: Proceedings of the Global Cross-Sectoral Conference. American Fisheries Society, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and Michigan State University.
Beard, Jr., T. D., E. H. Allison, D. M. Bartley, I. G. Cowx, S. J. Cooke, C. Fuentevilla, A. J. Lynch, and W. W. Taylor. Inland fish and fisheries: a call to action. In: Taylor, W. W., D. M. Bartley, C. I. Goddard, N. J. Leonard, and R. Welcomme (eds.) Freshwater, Fish and the Future: Proceedings of the Global Cross-Sectoral Conference. American Fisheries Society, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and Michigan State University.
Biedron, I. S. 2014. Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management: Perspectives of fishery management councils and stakeholders in the New England and Mid-Atlantic regions. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
Biedron, I. S. and Knuth, B. A. 2014. Stakeholder perspectives and social factors: Driving factors in the Mid-Atlantic and New England fishery management council transition to Ecosystem-Based Fisheries management. Poster at the Regional Association for Research on the Gulf of Maine (RARGOM) Annual Science meeting,Boston, MA, September 30.
Biedron, I. S. and Knuth, B. A. 2014. Stakeholder perspectives and social factors: the Mid-Atlantic and New England Fishery Management Council transition to Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management. Presentation at the American Fisheries Society (AFS) Meeting, Quebec City, QC, August 19.
Biedron, I. S. and Knuth, B. A. 2014. Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management: Perspectives of fishery management councils and stakeholders in New England and the Mid-Atlantic. Presentation at New England Fishery Management Council (NEFMC) EBFM Oversight Committee meeting, Danvers, MA, July 31.
Biedron, I. S. 2014. Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management: Perspectives of fishery management councils and stakeholders in New England and the Mid-Atlantic. Doctoral Presentation for the Natural Resources Departmental Seminar, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, June 10.
Biedron, I. S. and Knuth, B. A. 2014. Stakeholder communication and the transition to Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management for the Mid-Atlantic and New England fishery management councils. Presentation for the Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (NEAFWA) Conference, Portland, ME, April 15.
Biedron, I. S. and Knuth, B. A. 2013. A survey of stakeholder perspectives about Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management and the Mid-Atlantic and New England Fishery Management Councils. Presentation at the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council MAFMC Meeting, Annapolis, MD. December 12, 2013.
Boyer, T. A., R. T. Melstrom, L. D. Sanders. 2017. Effects of climate variation and water levels on reservoir recreation. Lake and Reservoir Management 33:223-233.
Carlson, A. K. 2016. In the footsteps of a heroine: honoring Janice Lee Fenske. Fisheries 41:574-575.
Carlson, A. K., T. G. Zorn. 2018. Values, opinions, and behavior of inland trout anglers in Michigan. Michigan Department of Natural Resources. Fisheries Report No. 29. Lansing, Michigan.
Carlson, A. K., W. W. Taylor. In the footsteps of a heroine: honoring Janice Lee Fenske’s fisheries legacy. Annual Meeting of the Michigan Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Mackinaw City, Michigan. (Best Student Paper)
Carlson, A. K., W. W. Taylor, D. M. Infante. 2017. Accounting for groundwater and precipitation dynamics in stream temperature modeling to achieve resilient salmonid management in a changing climate. 147th Annual AFS Meeting, Tampa, Florida.
Carlson, A. K., W. W. Taylor, D. M. Infante. 2017. Going against the flow: modeling coldwater stream temperatures from above and below. 77th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Lincoln, NE.
Carlson, A. K., W. W. Taylor, D. M. Infante. 2018. Impact of changes in precipitation and groundwater on brook charr thermal habitat in Michigan streams. 9th Annual International Charr Symposium. Duluth, Minnesota.
Carlson, A. K., W. W. Taylor, D. M. Infante. In review. Applying precipitation- and groundwater-corrected stream models to brook charr management in a changing climate.
Carlson, A. K., W. W. Taylor, J. Liu. 2018. Using the metacoupling framework to enhance fisheries management and governance. 148th Annual AFS Meeting, Atlantic City, New Jersey.
Carlson, A. K., W. W. Taylor, J. Liu, I. Orlic. 2017. The telecoupling framework: an integrative tool for enhanced fisheries management. Fisheries 42:395-397.
Carlson, A. K., W. W. Taylor, J. Liu, I. Orlic. 2018. Peruvian anchoveta as a telecoupled fisheries system. Ecology and Society 23(1):35.
Carlson, A. K., W. W. Taylor, J. Liu, I. Orlic. 2018. Telecoupled fisheries: insights and applications for sustainability. Annual Meeting of the United States Regional Association of the International Association for Landscape Ecology. Chicago, Illinois.
Carlson, A. K., W. W. Taylor, K. M. Hartikainen, D. M. Infante, T. D. Beard, Jr., A. J. Lynch. 2017. Comparing stream-specific to generalized temperature models to guide coldwater salmonid management in a changing climate. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 27:443-462.
Carlson, A. K., W. W. Taylor, K. M. Schlee, T. G. Zorn, D. M. Infante. 2017. Projected impacts of climate change on stream salmonids with implications for resilience-based management. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 26:190-204.
Carlson, A. K., W. W. Taylor, K. M. Schlee, T. G. Zorn, D. M. Infante. 2016. Projected impacts of climate change on stream salmonids with implications for resilience-based management. 76th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. January 24-26, 2016. Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Carlson, A. K., W. W. Taylor, K. M. Schlee, T. G. Zorn, D. M. Infante. 2016. Resilience-based management of coldwater streams and their salmonid populations in a changing climate. 7th World Fisheries Congress. May 23-27, 2016. Busan, South Korea.
Carlson, A. K., W. W. Taylor, T. Douglas Beard, Jr., D. M. Infante. 2017. Stream science to action: a decision-support tool for salmonid thermal habitat management amidst climate change. 77th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Lincoln, NE.
Carlson, A. K., W. W. Taylor, Z. Basher, T. D. Beard, Jr., D. M. Infante. 2017. Linking stream temperature modeling with decision-support tools for resilience-based salmonid management in a changing climate. 147th Annual AFS Meeting, Tampa, Florida.
Carlson, A. K., W. W. Taylor, Z. Basher, T. D. Beard, Jr., D. M. Infante, T. G. Zorn. 2017. Integrating decision-support and stream temperature modeling for resilience-based salmonid management in a changing climate. Wild Trout Symposium XII. West Yellowstone, Montana.
Carlson, A. K., W. W. Taylor, Z. Basher, T. D, Beard, Jr., and D. M. Infante. 2018. Resilient trout management in a changing climate: integrating stream temperature modeling and decision-support. 78th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Carlson, A. K., W. W. Taylor, Z. Basher, T. D. Beard, Jr., D. M. Infante. 2018. Science to action: decision-support to advance stream trout management in a changing climate. Proceedings of the Wild Trout XII Symposium 12:85-92.
Cooke, S. J., D. M. Bartley, T. D. Beard, I. G. Cowx, C. I. Goddard, C. Fuentevilla, N. J. Leonard, A. J. Lynch, K. Lorenzen, and W. W. Taylor. From ideas to action: ten steps to responsible inland fisheries that support livelihoods, food security, and healthy aquatic ecosystems. In: Taylor, W. W., D. M. Bartley, C. I. Goddard, N. J. Leonard, and R. Welcomme (eds.) Freshwater, Fish and the Future: Proceedings of the Global Cross-Sectoral Conference. American Fisheries Society, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and Michigan State University.
DeVries, D.R. 2013. A tale of two animals: the importance of aquatic habitat and flow. Pages 136-139 in Auburn Speaks: On Water. Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama.
DeVries, D.R., R.A. Wright, D.C. Glover, T.M. Farmer, M R. Lowe, A.J. Norris, and A.C. Peer. 2015. Largemouth Bass in coastal estuaries: A comprehensive study from the Mobile-Tensaw River Delta, Alabama. In Black Bass Diversity: Multidisciplinary Science for Conservation. American Fisheries Society Special Publication. (30 MS pages, 1 figure).
Farmer, T.M, D.R. DeVries, R.A. Wright, and J.E. Gagnon. 2013. Using seasonal variation in otolith microchemical composition to indicate Largemouth Bass and Southern Flounder residency patterns across an estuarine salinity gradient. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142: 1415-1429.
Glover, D.G., D.R. DeVries, and R.A. Wright. 2013. Growth of largemouth bass in a dynamic estuarine environment: an evaluation of the relative effects of salinity, diet, and temperature. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 70:485-501.
Good, M. 2015. Law Enforcement: A Critical Management Tool for Ensuring Fisheries Sustainability. Presentation to the American Fisheries Society. Portland, Oregon.
Good, M. 2015. Legally Licensed - the Conservation Benefits of Buying a Fishing License. Presentation to the American Fisheries Society. Portland, Oregon.
Guthrie, A., C. Zuccarino-Crowe, R. Brock, and A. Mabrouk. 2015. Evaluating Protected Area Approaches to Fisheries Conservation in Marine and Freshwater Systems. Presentation to the American Fisheries Society. Portland, Oregon.
Hamel, M.J., K.D. Steffensen, J.J. Hammen, and M.A. Pegg. 2013. Evaluation of passive integrated transponder tag retention from two tagging locations in juvenile pallid sturgeon. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 29:41-43.
Hartman, K.J. 2017. Bioenergetics of brown bullhead in a changing climate. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 146:634-644.
Hartman, K. J., O. Jensen. 2017. Anticipating climate change impacts on Mongolian salmonids: bioenergetics models for lenok and Baikal grayling. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 26:383-396.
Infante, D. M., W. M. Daniel, K. Herreman, J. Nohner, and W. W. Taylor. Invited.Enhancing assessments of river condition for improved conservation and management of fluvial fish habitat. 144th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, August 17-21, 2014, Quebec City, Quebec.
Kinnison, M. T, S. A. Carlson. 2017. An introduction to redefining Darwinian Fisheries. 147th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Tampa, FL.
Lima, J. S.G. and C. Bailey. 2014. Shrimp Farming as a Coastal Zone Challenge in Sergipe State, Brazil: Balancing Goals of Conservation and Social Justice. Forthcoming in C.W. Finkl and C. Makowski (eds.), Environmental Management and Governance: Advances in Coastal and Marine Resources. Coastal Research Library 8. London: Springer International Publishing. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-06305-8_9.
Lynch, A. J. 2013. One Fish, Two Fish, Where Fish for Whitefish? Fisheries 38(8):356.
Lynch, A.J. 2013. Designing a Climate Change Decision-Support Tool for Great Lakes Whitefish. Online decision support tool available at: http://www.miseagrant.umich.edu/explore/fisheries/climate-change-whitefish.
Lynch, A.J. and W.W. Taylor. 2013. The Four Fs of Fish: Communication of Public Value of Fish and Fisheries. Fisheries 38(1): 43-33.
Lynch, A. J., T. D. Beard, Jr., A. Cox, Z. Zarnic, S. C. Phang, C. C. Arantes, R. Brummett, J. f. Cramwinckel, L. J. Gordon, Md. A. Husen, J. Liu, P. H. Nguyen, and P. K. Safari. Drivers and synergies in the management of inland fisheries: searching for sustainable solutions. In: Taylor, W. W., D. M. Bartley, C. I. Goddard, N. J. Leonard, and R. Welcomme (eds.) Freshwater, Fish and the Future: Proceedings of the Global Cross-Sectoral Conference. American Fisheries Society, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and Michigan State University.
Lynch, A. J., S. J. Cooke, A. M. Deines, S. D. Bower, D. B. Bunnell, I. G. Cowx, V. M. Nguyen, J. Nohner, K. Phouthavong, B. Riley, M. W. Rogers, W. W. Taylor, W. Woelmer, S. Youn, T. D. Beard Jr. 2016. The social, economic, and environmental importance of inland fish and fisheries. Environmental Reviews 24:115-121.
Nohner, J. K. and W. W. Taylor. 2015. Effects of Macrophytes on Growth of Age-0 Largemouth Bass in Experimental Enclosures. Presentation to the American Fisheries Society. Portland, Oregon.
Nohner, J. K., F. Lupi, and W. W. Taylor. 2018. Lakefront property owners' willingness to accept easements for conservation of water quality and habitat. Water Resources Research 54:1-16.
Nohner, J. K., W. W. Taylor, D. B. Hayes, and B. M. Roth. 2018. Influence of aquatic macrophytes on age-0 Largemouth Bass growth and diets. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. DOI:10.1002/tafs.10067
Parasiewicz, P., J.N. Rogers, P. Vezza, J. Gortazar, T. Seager, M. Pegg, and W Wisniewolski. 2013. Applications of MesoHABSIM simulation model. Pages xx-yy in,Maddock, and Kemp, editors. Ecohydraulics - an integrated approach, John Wiley & Sons, New York.
Penaskovic, R., D.R. DeVries, and N.E. Chadwick. in press. Teaching about sustainability: raising consciousness and taking action. In K.D. Thomas and H.E. Muga, editors. Cases on Pedagogical Innovations for Sustainable Development. IGI Global. (23 text pages, 1 Table).
Pope, K. L., L. A. Powell, B. S. Harmon, M. A. Pegg, C.J. Chizinski. 2017. Estimating the number of recreational anglers for a given waterbody. Fisheries Research 191:69-75.
Purcell, T.R., D.R. DeVries, and R.A. Wright. 2013. The relationship between shoreline development and resident fish communities in a Southeastern U.S. reservoir. Lake and Reservoir Management 29:270-278.
Rasmussen, J., H.A. Regier, R.E. Sparks and W.W. Taylor 2013. Aquatic Invasive Species Risks to the Great Lakes and Mississippi River Basins: Asian Carp as a Case for Serious Consideration of Hydrologic Separation. In: Taylor, W.W., A.J. Lynch, N.J. Leonard, (eds.) Great Lakes Fisheries Policy and Management: A Binational Perspective (Second Edition). MSU Press: East Lansing, MI. pp 767-786.
Reid, Andrea J., Andrew K. Carlson, Irena F. Creed, Erika J. Eliason, Peter A. Gell, Pieter T. J. Johnson, Karen A. Kidd, Tyson J. MacCormack, Julian D. Olden, Steve J. Ormerod, John P. Smol, William W. Taylor, Klement Tockner, Jesse C. Vermaire, David Dudgeon, and Steven J. Cooke. In press. Emerging threats and persistent conservation challenges for freshwater biodiversity. Biological Reviews.
Riley, B., J. Martin, and W. W. Taylor. Politics of change: what fisheries scientists and professionals can learn from political campaigns. Fisheries 41:271-273.
Siddons, S. F., Klein, G., N. P. Hogberg, M. A. Pegg. 2017. Borders and Barriers: Challenges of Fisheries Management and Conservation in Open Systems. River Research and Applications 33:578-585.
Simon, C. 2014. Understanding ecosystem based management: A content analysis of publications in select environmental and natural resource journals 1993-2013. The Department of Natural Resources Graduate Student Symposium, Cornell University, January 2014.
Spurgeon, J. J., M. A. Pegg. 2017. Fish growth and river flows: response of a non-fluvial specialist and applicability of current river production models. Freshwater Biology 62:291-302.
Steffensen, K.D., B.L. Eder, and M.A. Pegg. 2013. Trotline efficiencies and catch dynamics in a large river system. Fisheries Ecology and Management.
Steffensen, K.D., M.A. Pegg, and G.L. Mestl. 2013. Pallid sturgeon life-history model. Journal of Applied Ichthyology.
Steffensen, K.D., M.A. Pegg, and G. Mestl. 2013. Population characteristics of pallid sturgeon in the lower Missouri River. Journal of Applied Ichthyology.
Stewart, J. S., and D. M. Infante. Invited. 2014. Enhancing decision making for managing fluvial habitats: Current status and future opportunities with FishVis. Great Lakes Fishery Trust Aquatic Connectivity Workshop, September 4-5, 2014, Lansing, Michigan.
Taylor, W. W., A. J. Lynch, and N. J. Leonard, eds. 2013. Great Lakes Fisheries Policy and Management: A Binational Perspective (Second Edition). MSU Press: East Lansing, MI. 865pp.
Taylor, W. W., D. M. Bartley, C. I. Goddard, N. J. Leonard, and R. Welcomme. Freshwater, Fish and the Future: Proceedings of the Global Cross-Sectoral Conference. American Fisheries Society, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and Michigan State University.
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