NC_old1189: Understanding the Ecological and Social Constraints to Achieving Sustainable Fisheries Resource Policy and Management
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
Date of Annual Report: 12/01/2011
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 09/07/2011
- 09/07/2011
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2010 - 09/01/2011
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2010 - 09/01/2011
Taylor, Bill (taylorw@msu.edu) - Michigan State University (Committee Chair);Buhler, Douglas (buhler@anr.msu.edu) - Michigan State University, AES (Administrative Advisor);
Biedron, Ingrid (ib49@cornell.edu) - Cornell University;
Harrell, Reginal (rharrell@umd.edu) - University of Maryland;
Knuth, Barbara (bak3@cornell.edu) - Cornell University;
Pegg, Mark (mpegg2@unl.edu) - University of Nebraska - Lincoln;
Simon, Carrie (cns44@cornell.edu) - Cornell University;
Sullivan, Mazeika (sullivan.191@osu.edu) - Ohio State University;
Vondracek, Bruce (bvondrac@umn.edu) - University of Minnesota;
Wahl, Dave (d-wahl@uiuc.edu) - University of Illinois;
Wuellner, Melissa (melissa.wuellner@sdstate.edu) - South Dakota State University;
Zuccarino-Crowe, Chiara (zuccari3@msu.edu) - Michigan State University
Bailey, Conner - Auburn University (Alabama);
Bertrand, Katie - South Dakota State University;
DeVries, Dennis - Auburn University (Alabama);
Ferreri, Paola - Penn State University;
Gido, Keith - Kansas State University;
Graeb, Brian - South Dakota State University;
Hayward, Rob - University of Missouri - Columbia;
Kraft, Clifford - Cornell University;
Nelson, Stacy - North Carolina State University;
Perry, Jim - University of Minnesota;
Willis, David - South Dakota State University
Brief Summary of Minutes
Please note: This annual report is actually covering the FY11 activities of the NCDC218 project since the NC1189 project was not yet officially in place at the time of the meeting.NC1189 officially began on October 1, 2011, but the meeting was held on September 7, 2011 during the FY pertaining to the development project, NCDC218.
The proposed project developed as part of NCDC218 was approved as a formal multi-state AES project (NC1189).<br /> <br /> <b>OUTPUTS:</b><P><br /> <u>Publications pertaining to project objectives</u>:<br /> <p>Taylor, W. W., A. J. Lynch, M. G. Schechter, eds. 2011. Sustainable Fisheries: Multi-Level Approaches to a Global Problem. AFS Press: Bethesda, MD. 377 pp.<br /> <br /> Lynch, A. J., C. M. Zuccarino-Crowe, W. W. Taylor, E. A. Puchala. 2011. Sustainable Fisheries: An Overview Addressing a Global Problem. Pages XIII-XXIV <em>in</em> W.W. Taylor, A. J. Lynch, M. G. Schechter, eds.<br /> Sustainable Fisheries: Multi-Level Approaches to a Global Problem. AFS Press: Bethesda, MD.<br /> <br /> Lynch, A. J., W. W. Taylor, and K. D. Smith. 2010. The Influence of Changing Climate on the Ecology and Management of Selected Great Lakes Fisheries. Journal of Fish Biology. 77: 1964-1982.<br /> <br /> Taylor, W. W., A. J. Lynch, and M. G. Schechter. 2010. Unsustainable Global Fisheries Need a Unified Call for a UN Conference. Fisheries. 35: 84-85.<br /> <p><br /> <br /> <b>ACTIVITIES:</b><p><br /> Due to planning work of the Committee, a successful and productive meeting was held during the American Fisheries Society (AFS) Annual Meeting on September 7th, 2011 in Seattle, WA. <br /> <br /> The discussion held during this meeting allowed the group to address how to best guide the future progress of this project, now that it had been approved. Major discussion points included: how to refine the project scope to be more cohesive and focused; project reporting and committee logistics; and planning for future activities.<br /> <br /> This meeting also resulted in the development of plans to organize a symposium at the 2012 AFS Annual Meeting. This symposium will be led by a group of collaborators from the project research team, and it focus on subject areas that pertain to the NC1189 project objectives. We will hold the next annual meeting to occur after this symposium, so it will also therefore help facilitate further refinement of the project's future focus. <p><br /> <br /> <p><u>Grants awarded</u>:<p><br /> Title: Governance and Social Capacity for Sustainable Fisheries in Great Lakes and Marine Coastal Areas; PI: Barbara Knuth; Duration: 5 years, beginning in October 2011; Granting Institution: Cornell University's New York State Agricultural Experiment Station<br /> <p><br /> Title: Designing a decision support system for harvest management of Great Lakes Lake Whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) in a changing climate; PIs: Lynch, A. J. and W. W. Taylor; Duration: 1 year, beginning in July 2011; Granting Institution: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration<br /> <p><br /> <p><u>Support for graduate students</u>:<br /> Several graduate students are also conducting research of interest to project objectives at participating institutions.<br /> <br /> <br />Publications
(Please see publications noted above in the Accomplishments>Outputs section.)Impact Statements
- (Please see "Grants awarded" in above Accomplishments>Activities section)
Date of Annual Report: 11/13/2012
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 08/21/2012
- 08/21/2012
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2011 - 09/01/2012
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2011 - 09/01/2012
(Please see meeting minutes for a list of meeting attendees.)Brief Summary of Minutes
Outcomes are pending. Some examples of key activities and progress are highlighted below.<br /> <br /> OUTPUTS: Project research activities have resulted in the production of graduate student and postdoctoral fellows positions, undergraduate research internships, scientific presentations, and publications in peer reviewed journals and books. <br /> <p><br /> Large amounts of quatitative and qualitative observations and data have been collected and collated for projects related to New York and Great Lakes community's capacity for Ecosystem Based Management (sub-project 6) and the management of lake whitefish in the Great Lakes under different climate change scenarious (sub-project 7). Statistical models have also been generated to help predict variations in lake whitefish production in different management units of Michigan's Great Lakes waters.</p><br /> <br /> ACTIVITIES:<br /> <p>A major accomplishment of this group was the successful organization and completion of a day-long research symposium at the 2012 American Fisheries Society meeting prior to the NC1189 research team annual meeting. An overview of the symposium is included in the appendix of the attached meeting minutes. Highlights include: The development of a collaboration on symposium planning with a group of scientists studying VHS in the Great Lakes (a virus threatening local fish health) and resulted in various discussions regarding the future of associated management actions in the region.</p><br /> <br /> <p>Additionally, the NC1189 project has garnered the interest of scientists from other regions and universities who subsequently attended our recent annual research team meeting this past August. Specifically, individuals from the Northeast AES region are now potential collaborators on the project, and some have already become official participants.</P<br /> <br /> <p>One NC1189 project collaborator, Dr. Connor Bailey, has also been engaged with wetlands restoration in Louisiana. He recently completed two years of work with the Special Engineering and Science Team working for the National Wildlife Federation, the National Audubon Society, and the Environmental Defense Fund on issues of wetlands restoration in Louisiana. This outcome is related to the focus on fisheries habitat in the NC1189 project's first objective.<br /> <br /> Dr. Bailey also served as co-PI on a project funded by the Mississippi-Alabama Sea Grant Consortium (A Unified Approach for Analyzing Socioeconomic Impacts from Meteorological, Technological, and Economic Shocks in Coastal Alabama and Mississippi), a project combining sociologists, economists and biologists. $250,000, 2011-2013. This project has fisheries-related applications, and is linked to NC1189 Objectives 3 and 4.</p><br /> <br /> <br /> <p><br /> MILESTONES:<br /> <br /> *Sub-project 4 (INTRINSIC AND EXTRINSIC INFLUENCES ON FISH GROWTH RATES: A CASE EXAMPLE USING YELLOW PERCH) continues to work towards their first milestone - Identify and request participation from potential partners, and identify potential funding sources. While it did not result in an award, a recent pre-proposal was submitted to NSF's Division of Biology (Population and Community Ecology):<br /> Wuellner, M., B. Graeb, and K. Bertrand. Prevalence and Persistence of Stunted Populations and the Effects of Directional Selection.<br /> <br /> <br /> *Sub-project 6 (COMMUNITY CAPACITY FOR ECOSYSTEM-BASED MANAGEMENT IN NEW YORK'S GREAT LAKES AND MARINE COASTAL AREAS) has continued to make progress toward its first several milestones. This work is evidenced by the numerous presentations given by graduate students in the past year, such as:<br /> <br /> Biedron, Ingrid. Presentation Title: Social Influences on Adoption of Ecosystem-based Fisheries Management In Marine Systems: Potential Relevance for Great Lakes Fisheries. AFS Annual meeting; St. Paul, MN. August 20-23, 2012.<br /> <br /> Biedron, I. Fishery Management Councils: Decision-making, Communication, and Social Factors Associated with Ecosystem-based Fisheries Management. <br /> New England Fishery Management Council Meeting; Newport, RI. November 17, 2011; Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council Meeting; Williamsburg, VA. December 15, 2011.<br /> <br /> Simon, Carrie. Interpretation and Adoption of Ecosystem-Based Management by State Agencies and Organizations in New York State. AFS Annual meeting; St. Paul, MN. August 20-23, 2012. <br /> <br /> Simon, Carrie. Institutional dimensions of Ecosystem-based Management Among New York Ocean and Great Lakes Ecosystem Conservation Council Agencies. Oikos Young Scholars Organizations Academy 2012.<br /> <br /> <br /> *Sub-project 7 (PRODUCTION DYNAMICS, GOVERNANCE, AND SUSTAINABILITY OF FISHERIES RESOURCES) has successfully achieved its first milestone (to assess the status of fisheries and climate change research in the Great Lakes), and is making progress on the remaining milestones, including achievement of manuscript preparation.<br />Publications
Bailey, Conner. 2012. Addictive Behavior and Faustian Bargains. Pp. 124-125 in, Allen Furr and Jay Lamar (eds.), Auburn Speaks: The Oil Spill of 2010. Auburn, AL: Office of the Vice President for Research, Auburn University.<br /> <br /> Bailey, Conner, Shirley Laska and Robert Gramling. 2012. Pp. 24-27 in Restoration and Communities. Answering 10 Fundamental Questions about the Mississippi River Delta. A Report by the Mississippi River Delta Science and Engineering Special Team. Baton Rouge, LA: National Audubon Society, Environmental Defense Fund, and the National Wildlife Federation. 36 p.<br /> <br /> Lynch, A.J., E. Varela-Acevedo, W.W. Taylor. 2012. Decision-Support Tool for a Changing Climate: Application to Inland Fisheries Management. Journal of Fisheries Management and Ecology. <br /> <br /> Pracheil, B.M., L.A. Powell, G.E. Mestl, and M.A. Pegg. 2012. Movement and survival of paddlefish on a range-wide scale: how movement and time-scale can influence migratory fish management outcomes. Fisheries 37:449-457.<br /> <br /> Steffensen, K.D., L.A. Powell, and M.A. Pegg. 2012. Using mark-recapture to estimate population size of pallid sturgeon in the upper channelized Missouri River. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 32:159-166.<br />Impact Statements
- In terms of impacts, the Pracheil et al. paper (listed in the "publications" section of the report) proposes a much more broad perspective on management of highly mobile, riverine species that would provide oversight at the basin level rather than at individual state levels. The state harvest and/or conservation status is not currently a cohesive approach. This could provide a substantial paradigm shift for management of large river species if adopted.
Date of Annual Report: 11/01/2013
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 09/10/2013
- 09/10/2013
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2012 - 09/01/2013
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2012 - 09/01/2013
Buhler, Doug (buhler@anr.msu.edu)- Michigan State University;Katie Bertrand (Katie.Bertrand@sdstate.edu)- South Dakota State University;
Ingrid Biedron (ib49@cornell.edu)-Cornell University;
Kyle Hartman (hartman@wvu.edu)-West Virginia University;
Dana Infante (infanted@anr.msu.edu)- Michigan State University;
Joe Nohner (jnohner@msu.edu)-Michigan State University;
William Taylor (taylorw@msu.edu)-Michigan State University
Brief Summary of Minutes
Please see the attached minutes from the annual meeting.Accomplishments
Short-term outcomes<br /> <br /> Most outcomes are pending. Some examples of key activities and progress are highlighted below. One short-term outcome is the use of sub-project 6 findings in ODNR conservation and reintroduction efforts of rare fishes. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Outputs<br /> <br /> Project research activities have resulted in the production of graduate student and postdoctoral fellow positions, undergraduate research internships, scientific presentations, and publications in peer reviewed journals and books.<br /> <br /> Dr. Mazeika Sullivans efforts under sub-project 1 (TIPPING THE BALANCE: IDENTIFYING THRESHOLD CONDITIONS FOR OHIOS FISHERIES) have produced publications (listed below) and presentations including at annual meetings of the OH Fish and Wildlife Management Association, Society for Freshwater Science, EcoSummit, and the Ohio Biodiversity Conservation Partnership.<br /> <br /> Results from sub-project 6 (COMMUNITY CAPACITY FOR ECOSYSTEM-BASED MANAGEMENT IN NEW YORKS GREAT LAKES AND MARINE COASTAL AREAS) have been presented at the annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, the oikos Young Scholars Organization Academy, the Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference, and the Managing Our Nations Fisheries 3 conference. Interviews of key staff were completed in New York State agencies charged with implementing an ecosystem-based approach to their activities. These included environment-related agencies such as Department of Environmental Conservation and Agriculture and Markets, and general agencies such as Department of State and Department of Transportation. <br /> <br /> Additional activities include work by new project members Dr. Conner Bailey, Dr. Dennis Devries, and Dr. Russell Wright at Auburn University. A journal article was published that examines the impact on small scale shrimp farmers of certification systems for shrimp created in industrialized nations. A Working Paper was prepared for the Norwegian Research Council on genetic modification of key species used in aquaculture with a focus on transgenic salmon developed by AquaBounty Technologies. A separate manuscript was developed out of this Working Paper for submission to a peer reviewed academic journal. A pre-proposal was submitted to the Louisiana Sea Grant program to compare oyster production in Louisiana and Alabama and likely receptivity to off-bottom production systems using hatchery-raised triploids. A book chapter was written examining the resiliency of coastal communities of Louisiana in the face of eustatic sea level rise. Projects were completed that quantified the movement of fish along the Alabama River as hindered by lock/dam structures, and the quantified the impacts of introduced yellow perch populations in two different reservoirs on the resident aquatic communities. Work was continued in freshwater/coastal areas relative to effects of the 2010 BP oil spill on the fish communities. Studies were conducted on freshwater pond communities via an assessment of the effects of pellet feeding on largemouth bass-bluegill pond communities, as well as the effects of threadfin shad presence on these pellet-feeding effects. Further research was conducted to quantify the respiration of non-game fishes that serve as mussel hosts across various temperatures and dissolved oxygen concentrations to determine the influence of impoundment presence on downstream fishes that serve as mussel hosts. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Activities<br /> <br /> The team made considerable progress throughout the year and at the annual meeting to build a synthetic, innovative research plan. The first step is to produce a cohesive grant proposal and potential core funding for a cohesive research project. Additional researchers have been brought on to the project, and we are in the process of identifying a social scientist to assist with our new research focus. These activities will be supported by a symposium we are planning to hold the American Fisheries Society in 2014: Ecosystem Services: Bridging Natural and Social Sciences toward Sustainable Policies. The synthesis overview of the symposium will be published in a peer-reviewed journal.<br /> <br /> In support of our overarching goals, activities in each of the subprojects have progressed with good results and as planned. Sub-project 1 (TIPPING THE BALANCE: IDENTIFYING THRESHOLD CONDITIONS FOR OHIOS FISHERIES) has continued to work within the Scioto River basin, a major Ohio tributary of the Ohio River to investigate the distribution and composition of stream and river fish communities and their role in larger riverine food webs. This work has involved 3 graduate students and multiple undergraduate students. Ongoing linkages with multiple stakeholders, including Ohio EPA and Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR), continue to strengthen the project. Educational outreach activities including stream fish demonstrations to local youth groups and classes link the project to the community. <br /> <br /> Sub-project 4 (INTRINSIC AND EXTRINSIC INFLUENCES ON FISH GROWTH RATES: A CASE EXAMPLE USING YELLOW PERCH) formed a collaboration with Casey Schoenebeck (University of Nebraska at Kearney) to revise the preproposal (Wuellner, M., B. Graeb, and K. Bertrand. Preliminary Proposal: Prevalence and Persistence of Stunted Populations and the Effects of Directional Selection) that had been submitted to NSFs Population Biology panel for consideration. A revised pre-proposal was submitted as a small grant to the same NSF panel on January 23, 2013 (Wuellner, M., B. Graeb, K. Bertrand and C. Schoenebeck. Preliminary Proposal: SG: Understanding the Influence of Extrinsic Factors and Compensatory Growth Responses on Stunted Growth).<br /> <br /> The researchers in sub-project 6 (COMMUNITY CAPACITY FOR ECOSYSTEM-BASED MANAGEMENT IN NEW YORKS GREAT LAKES AND MARINE COASTAL AREAS) have developed and implemented survey instruments focusing on analysis and comparison of perceptions, understanding, and support associated with the concept of ecosystem-based fisheries management among diverse stakeholders associated with the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council and the New England Fishery Management Council. Groups surveyed included council members, Scientific and Statistical Committee members, commercial fishers, recreational fishers, and members of environmental non-governmental organizations; 5,500 questionnaires were mailed to selected stakeholders. A Communications Coorientation framework is being used to conceptualize the inquiry. Data analysis is underway. <br /> <br /> Other accomplishments under sub-project 6 focus on improving and diversifying the nations intellectual workforce. Both Ph.D. students associated with this sub-project are women, as is the PI for this portion of the project, contributing to federal goals to diversity the advanced research community. Both Ph.D. students have exhibited an increase in knowledge, evidenced by their ability to articulate and present their research plans in public forums and to conduct research and analyze data. Both Ph.D. students have completed research integrity training in research methods involving human participants. Both have demonstrated improved skills in writing, oral presentations, research techniques, and analytical tools. Both have passed their admission-to-candidacy exams.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Milestones<br /> <br /> (1) TIPPING THE BALANCE: IDENTIFYING THRESHOLD CONDITIONS FOR OHIOS FISHERIES:<br /> <br /> (2013): Collect field data related to fish-dominated food webs and aquatic habitat in representative Ohio drainages. <br /> Milestone Status: Partial Completion; Ongoing<br /> <br /> <br /> (3) FACTORS INFLUENCING RECRUITMENT OF SPORT FISH POPULATIONS IN ILLINOIS:<br /> <br /> (2013-17): Collect data on factors influencing recruitment in sportfish populations. <br /> Milestone Status: Partial Completion; Ongoing<br /> <br /> <br /> (4) INTRINSIC AND EXTRINSIC INFLUENCES ON FISH GROWTH RATES: A CASE EXAMPLE USING YELLOW PERCH:<br /> <br /> (2013): Collect extant data on yellow perch populations and categorize populations as exhibiting stunted body size or not.<br /> Milestone Status: Partial Completion; Ongoing<br /> <br /> <br /> (5) GENETIC, ECOLOGICAL, AND BEHAVIORAL DETERMINANTS OF LIFE HISTORY VARIATION IN BROOK TROUT (Salvelinus fontinalis):<br /> <br /> (2011-2013): Identification and study of populations of interest in the U.S. and Canada. <br /> Milestone Status: Partial Completion<br /> <br /> <br /> (6) COMMUNITY CAPACITY FOR ECOSYSTEM-BASED MANAGEMENT IN NEW YORKS GREAT LAKES AND MARINE COASTAL AREAS:<br /> <br /> (2012-2013): Implementation of surveys, data collection. <br /> Milestone Status: Complete<br /> <br /> (2013): Data analysis, draft report and manuscript preparation. <br /> Milestone Status: Partial Completion; Ongoing <br /> We completed interviews of key staff in New York State agencies charged with implementing an ecosystem-based approach to their activities. These included environment-related agencies such as Department of Environmental Conservation and Agriculture and Markets, and general agencies such as Department of State and Department of Transportation. Data analysis is underway.<br /> <br /> (2013): Sharing of draft reports with stakeholders in case study communities, and with key Council members.<br /> Milestone status: Complete <br /> Presentations of preliminary results were given to Fishery Management Councils.<br /> <br /> <br /> (7) PRODUCTION DYNAMICS, GOVERNANCE, AND SUSTAINABILITY OF FISHERIES RESOURCES:<br /> <br /> (2011-2014): Collect field data evaluating environmental and social resilience in the face of changing demands on fish and fish habitats and analyze related fish population dynamics. <br /> Milestone Status: Partial Completion; Ongoing<br /> <br /> (2012-2015): Develop and evaluate feasibility of a decision support tool for fishery harvest management in a changing climate. <br /> Milestone Status: Partial Completion; Ongoing<br /> <br /> (2015-2016): Preparation of final project reports and manuscripts. <br /> Milestone Status: Partial Completion; Ongoing<br />Publications
Bailey, Conner, Bob Gramling, and Shirley Laska. In Press. Complexities of Resilience: Adaptation and Change within Human Communities of Coastal Louisiana. In The Once and Future Delta. Editors, J. Day, P. Kemp, A. Freeman, and David Muth. Springer. <br /> <br /> Bailey, Conner. In Press. Remaking Fish for Aquaculture in the United States: From Selective Breeding to Genetic Engineering. Working Paper. The Research Council of Norway (Project number 202374/I10) Governing Food in a Globalising Environment. Oslo: Research Council of Norway. <br /> <br /> DeVries, D.R. 2013. A tale of two animals: the importance of aquatic habitat and flow. Pages 136-139 in Auburn Speaks: On Water. Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama. <br /> <br /> DeVries, D.R., R.A. Wright, D.C. Glover, T.M. Farmer, M R. Lowe, A.J. Norris, and A.C. Peer. <br /> in press. Largemouth Bass in coastal estuaries: A comprehensive study from the Mobile-Tensaw <br /> River Delta, Alabama. In Black Bass Diversity: Multidisciplinary Science for Conservation. <br /> American Fisheries Society Special Publication. (30 MS pages, 1 figure). <br /> <br /> Farmer, T.M, D.R. DeVries, R.A. Wright, and J.E. Gagnon. 2013. Using seasonal variation in otolith microchemical composition to indicate Largemouth Bass and Southern Flounder residency patterns across an estuarine salinity gradient. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142: 1415-1429. <br /> <br /> Glover, D.G., D.R. DeVries, and R.A. Wright. 2013. Growth of largemouth bass in a dynamic estuarine environment: an evaluation of the relative effects of salinity, diet, and temperature. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 70:485-501. <br /> <br /> Hamel, M.J., K.D. Steffensen, J.J. Hammen, and M.A. Pegg. 2013. Evaluation of passive integrated transponder tag retention from two tagging locations in juvenile pallid sturgeon. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 29:41-43.<br /> <br /> Lynch, A.J. and W.W. Taylor. 2013. The Four Fs of Fish: Communication of Public Value of Fish and Fisheries. Fisheries 38(1): 43-33.<br /> <br /> Parasiewicz, P., J.N. Rogers, P. Vezza, J. Gortazar, T. Seager, M. Pegg, and W Wisniewolski. 2013. Applications of MesoHABSIM simulation model. Pages xx-yy in, Maddock, and Kemp, editors. Ecohydraulics - an integrated approach, John Wiley & Sons, New York. <br /> <br /> Penaskovic, R., D.R. DeVries, and N.E. Chadwick. in press. Teaching about sustainability: raising consciousness and taking action. In K.D. Thomas and H.E. Muga, editors. Cases on Pedagogical Innovations for Sustainable Development. IGI Global. (23 text pages, 1 Table). <br /> <br /> Purcell, T.R., D.R. DeVries, and R.A. Wright. 2013. The relationship between shoreline development and resident fish communities in a Southeastern U.S. reservoir. Lake and Reservoir Management 29:270-278. <br /> <br /> Rasmussen, J., H.A. Regier, R.E. Sparks and W.W. Taylor 2013. Aquatic Invasive Species Risks to the Great Lakes and Mississippi River Basins: Asian Carp as a Case for Serious Consideration of Hydrologic Separation. In: Taylor, W.W., A.J. Lynch, N.J. Leonard, (eds.) Great Lakes Fisheries Policy and Management: A Binational Perspective (Second Edition). MSU Press: East Lansing, MI. pp 767-786.<br /> <br /> Steffensen, K.D., B.L. Eder, and M.A. Pegg. 2013. Trotline efficiencies and catch dynamics in a large river system. Fisheries Ecology and Management.<br /> <br /> Steffensen, K.D., M.A. Pegg, and G.L. Mestl. 2013. Pallid sturgeon life-history model. Journal of Applied Ichthyology.<br /> <br /> Steffensen, K.D., M.A. Pegg, and G. Mestl. 2013. Population characteristics of pallid sturgeon in the lower Missouri River. Journal of Applied Ichthyology.<br /> <br /> Taylor, W. W., A. J. Lynch, and N. J. Leonard, eds. 2013. Great Lakes Fisheries Policy and Management: A Binational Perspective (Second Edition). MSU Press: East Lansing, MI. 865pp<br /> <br /> Taylor, W.W., K.B. Mueller and J.T. Martin 2013. Epilogue: Fisheries sustainability and water policy: The need to think beyond the basin boundaries. In: Taylor, W.W., A.J. Lynch, N.J. Leonard, (eds.) Great Lakes Fisheries Policy and Management: A Binational Perspective (Second Edition). MSU Press: East Lansing, MI. pp. 787-792<br /> <br /> Tran, Nhuong Van, Conner Bailey, Norbert Wilson, and Michael Phillips. 2013. Governance of Global Value Chains in Response to Food Safety and Certification Standards: The Case of Shrimp from Vietnam. World Development 45:325-336.<br /> <br /> Turek, K.C., M.A. Pegg, and K.L. Pope. 2013. Review of the influences of non-native salmonids on species of concern. Great Plains Research 23:39-49.<br /> <br /> Woodard, S.R., R.A. Wright, and D.R. DeVries. 2013. Growth and survival of largemouth bass following supplemental feeding of bluegill in small impoundments. North American Journal of Fisheries Management 33:170-177. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Impact Statements
- All of the above research efforts have direct implications for development of management strategies. Information from these projects has been presented to the funding agencies, along with recommendations for potential application of these finding via management plans.
- Sub-project 1 is conducting research to improve understanding of how climate and land use affect aquatic ecosystems and fisheries resources in the Ohio River basin. We are gathering information related to fish community structure and function in Ohio River drainages, land-use and land-cover, and climate. We will develop predictive population and habitat models that allow for managers to quantify threshold levels of environmental change that will trigger drastic losses in the quality and productivity of fisheries and aquatic resources.
- Sub-project 6 is identifying barriers to Ecosystem-Based Fishery Management (EBFM): many different variables; economic impacts; lack of science; absence of a definitive action plan; and the constraints of relevant laws. Steps identified that could facilitate implementation of EBFM by Fisheries Management Councils include: creation of a clear action plan; council decision maker and stakeholder buy-in; legislation that requires and prioritizes EBFM; increased certainty in EBFM science; and additional information about the social impacts of transitioning from SSFM to EBFM.
- Research by Dr. Conner Bailey focusing on the response to eustatic sea level rise among coastal residents of Louisiana was commissioned by three major environmental groups (Nature Conservancy, National Audubon Society, and the Environmental Defense Fund), who are using this research in policy dialog with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the U.S. Geologic Survey and the State of Louisiana.
- Dr. Baileys research on certification systems affecting shrimp produced by small-scale farmers in the tropics will alert certification bodies that their well-intended governance system may have unintended consequences.
Date of Annual Report: 10/19/2014
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 08/20/2014
- 08/20/2014
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2013 - 09/01/2014
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2013 - 09/01/2014
Buhler, Doug (buhler@anr.msu.edu)- Michigan State University;Kyle Hartman (hartman@wvu.edu)- West Virginia University;
Dana Infante (infanted@anr.msu.edu)- Michigan State University;
Joe Nohner (jnohner@msu.edu)- Michigan State University;
William Taylor (taylorw@msu.edu)- Michigan State University;
Barbara Knuth (barbara.knuth@cornell.edu)- Cornell University;
Tracy Kolb (Kolbt@michigan.gov)- Michigan Department of Natural Resources
Brief Summary of Minutes
Short-term Outcomes<br /> <br /> Most outcomes are pending. Some examples of key activities and progress are highlighted below. <br /> <br /> Sub-project 6 findings have been used by the Ohio Department of Natural resources to conserve and reintroduce rare fishes to their native habitats. Project findings have also been used to inform restoration activities associated with dam removal.<br /> <br /> An outcome of sub-project 7 is improved recruitment estimates for Lake Whitefish stock assessment models under a climate change scenario. If incorporated by managers, these improved models will be used to establish total allowable catches and designate harvest regulations for 13 of the 15 Lake Whitefish management units in the 1836 Treaty Waters, a culturally and commercially important region for the Lake Whitefish fishery in the Great Lakes. These results can inform adaptive management strategies to ensure a sustainable and prosperous Lake Whitefish fishery, now and in the future climate conditions.<br /> <br /> <br /> Outputs <br /> <br /> Project research activities have resulted in the production of graduate student and postdoctoral fellow positions, undergraduate research internships, scientific presentations, and publications in peer reviewed journals and books.<br /> <br /> (1) TIPPING THE BALANCE: IDENTIFYING THRESHOLD CONDITIONS FOR OHIO’S FISHERIES<br /> We have continued to work within the Scioto River basin, a major Ohio tributary of the Ohio River to investigate the distribution and composition of stream and river fish communities and their role in larger riverine food webs. Over the course of the year, this work has involved 3 graduate students and multiple undergraduate students. Ongoing linkages with multiple stakeholders, including Ohio EPA and Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR), continue to strengthen the project. Educational outreach activities including stream fish demonstrations to local youth groups and classes link the project to the community. In June, we held a day in the field with a group of urban STEM students in the Olentangy River, Columbus, OH. Short-term outcomes include (1) use of project findings in ODNR conservation and reintroduction efforts of rare fishes and (2) linking project findings with restoration activities associated with dam removal. Outputs include publications (listed below) and presentations including at annual meetings of the Society for Freshwater Science and the Ohio Biodiversity Conservation Partnership. Indicators of progress include georeferenced assemblage and land-use data for all study sites as well as completed fish surveys. <br /> <br /> All of the above research efforts have direct implications for development of management strategies. Information from these projects has been presented to the funding agencies, along with recommendations for potential application of these finding via management plans. <br /> <br /> (5) GENETIC, ECOLOGICAL, AND BEHAVIORAL DETERMINANTS OF LIFE HISTORY VARIATION IN BROOK TROUT (Salvelinus fontinalis)<br /> <br /> Our research on Brook Trout provides an effective tool for predicting the future suitability of stream thermal habitat for Brook Trout. A methodology for predicting these conditions was developed by Kelsey Schlee and her thesis committee members, in conjunction with Michigan State University employees, the United States Geological Survey, and students and faculty at the University of North Carolina. By using this methodology, resource managers will be able to assess the future viability of streams for Brook Trout, enabling them to take steps toward mitigating and preventing habitat loss due to changing air temperatures. This air temperature-based tool allows for stream temperature prediction even when stream-related data are limited. The outputs of this project are: a thesis report “The impact of climate change on Brook Trout (Salvelinus fontinalis) thermal habitat in the United States”, a manuscript of the same title due for submission in May 2015, a public outreach factsheet, and a presentation of these results to the Michigan Natural Resources Commission.<br /> <br /> (7) PRODUCTION DYNAMICS, GOVERNANCE, AND SUSTAINABILITY OF FISHERIES RESOURCES<br /> <br /> Lake whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) is an ecologically, culturally, and economically important species in the Laurentian Great Lakes. Lake Whitefish have been a staple food source for thousands of years and, since 1980, have supported the most economically valuable (annual catch value of approximately US$16.6 million) and productive (annual harvest of approximately 15 million lbs.) commercial fishery in the upper Great Lakes (Lakes Huron, Michigan, and Superior). Climate change, specifically change in temperature, wind, and ice cover, is expected to impact the ecology, production dynamics, and value of this fishery, because the success of recruitment to the fishery has been linked with these climatic factors. <br /> <br /> To determine if key climate variables improve the modeled recruitment estimates, we examined the following variables for inclusion in multiple linear regressions: Temperature, wind speed and wave height, ice cover. To determine the best fitting model for each management unit, we compared all possible combinations of models including climate variables to the standard stock-recruitment Ricker model (without the addition of any climate variables) using corrected Akaike’s Information Criterion (AICC). To project the relationships described by the best fitting models of climate and recruitment, we used the Coupled Hydrosphere-Atmosphere Research Model (CHARM), a simulation model of climate and water resources in the Great Lakes Region. We projected Lake Whitefish recruitment for each management unit using these CHARM outputs as inputs into the models identified through AICC selection for each management unit to generate projections of Lake Whitefish recruitment for 2050-2070. <br /> Corrected Akaike’s Information Criterion comparisons indicated that the inclusion of selected climate variables significantly improved model fit in eight of the 13 management units evaluated. Isolating the climate-recruitment relationship and projecting recruitment using the Coupled Hydrosphere-Atmosphere Research Model (CHARM) suggested increased Lake Whitefish recruitment in the majority of the 1836 Treaty Waters management units given projected changes in climate. Projected recruitment changes from the 2007 estimates to the 2050-2070 projections range from over a 250% increase to almost an 80% declines. As discussed above, these improved models may influence total allowable catches and designate harvest regulations for the Lake Whitefish fisheries in the Great Lakes. These results can inform adaptive management strategies to ensure a sustainable and prosperous Lake Whitefish fishery, now and in the future climate conditions.<br /> <br /> In support of the research theme agreed upon by the team for the next synthetic multistate project discussed in the Activities below, we have begun compiling a variety of datasets from throughout the Great Lakes region. These efforts are also in support of addressing Objective 1 (Understanding of the causes underlying the changes in habitat, such as climate change, invasive species, and land use, and the associated effects on the production and resilience of fisheries and aquatic communities) and Objective 3 (Improve understanding of the factors underlying public awareness, engagement and public support for fisheries resources, aquatic ecosystems, and fisheries sustainability) in this sub-project. We are linking these data to a standardized spatial framework to map and conduct spatial analyses that may be broadly used to understand production potential and resilience of stream fisheries currently and into the future. Data sets include distributions and abundances of stream fish assemblages, stocking locations for stream fishes, and creel survey data. We have also incorporated current stream habitat factors as well as projected changes in stream flow and thermal characteristics anticipated to occur under multiple future climate scenarios. A third type of data include natural and anthropogenic landscape factors known to influence distributions of fishes throughout the region (and influencing fisheries potential of waterbodies). These include factors such as geology, natural landscape covers like forest and wetlands, and human land uses such as urbanization, agriculture, and mines.<br /> By integrating these datasets into a common spatial framework, we have the potential for conducting analyses that 1) identify current limits to stream fish and fisheries and 2) identify changes in habitats to occur with climate that may influence the potential and/or resilience of waterbodies to support fisheries into the future. A next step that will build on this work is to link additional large-scale, socioeconomic datasets to the spatial framework that may yield new insights into other ecosystem services provided by waterbodies and/or that may characterize angler preferences related to fishing. Integration of such datasets into a common spatial framework will aid in decision making on where and how to prioritize management of stream fishes into the future, can be used to better understand angler preferences, and may be useful in garnering future public support to ensure sustainable fisheries into the future.<br /> <br /> <br /> Activities <br /> <br /> Organized and specific functions or duties carried out by individuals or teams using scientific methods to reveal new knowledge and develop new understanding. <br /> A major focus for this multistate project has been the formulation of a synthetic research program for the next multistate cycle, with the intent to submit future research proposals to external funding sources. The team has agreed upon a refined research program focusing on a spatial, socioeconomic analysis of fisheries production across multiple states. Our multistate team is ideal for this research, as members have contacts across the nation in state, tribal, and federal fisheries management agencies as well as with academic and government researchers. The team will leverage this unique network to accomplish the research goals in multiple states and regions. Next year, we will conduct a pilot-level spatial assessment of interactions between socioeconomic factors and fisheries. The results of this pilot assessment, including feasibility for scaling-up to regional and national levels, will be discussed at the next research team annual meeting. The next multistate meeting will be a “stand-alone” meeting to focus our efforts on the development and implementation of our next more synthetic proposal related to inland fisheries sustainability. One objective will be to identify a set of standards for angler surveys that facilitate interstate analyses of the socioeconomic factors that drive or are influenced by fisheries production. An analysis of angler surveys across states could lead to better fisheries management, outreach, and participation in recreational fisheries. This spatial, socioeconomic analysis of fisheries production could connect to land cover or climate change to determine the socioeconomic impacts of these ecosystem changes. These results will provide for better fisheries management as the ecosystems in which fish live are affected by anglers, land use, and climate change. <br /> <br /> <br /> Milestones<br /> <br /> (1) TIPPING THE BALANCE: IDENTIFYING THRESHOLD CONDITIONS FOR OHIO’S FISHERIES:<br /> (2013): Collect field data related to fish-dominated food webs and aquatic habitat in representative Ohio drainages. <br /> Milestone Status: Partial Completion; Ongoing<br /> Milestones include the graduation of the first PhD student linked to this project by December, 2014.<br /> <br /> (3) FACTORS INFLUENCING RECRUITMENT OF SPORT FISH POPULATIONS IN ILLINOIS:<br /> <br /> (2013-17): Collect data on factors influencing recruitment in sportfish populations. <br /> Milestone Status: Partial Completion; Ongoing<br /> <br /> (4) INTRINSIC AND EXTRINSIC INFLUENCES ON FISH GROWTH RATES: A CASE EXAMPLE USING YELLOW PERCH:<br /> <br /> (2013): Collect extant data on yellow perch populations and categorize populations as exhibiting stunted body size or not.<br /> Milestone Status: Partial Completion; Ongoing<br /> <br /> <br /> (5) GENETIC, ECOLOGICAL, AND BEHAVIORAL DETERMINANTS OF LIFE HISTORY VARIATION IN BROOK TROUT (Salvelinus fontinalis):<br /> <br /> (2011-2013): Identification and study of populations of interest in the U.S. and Canada. <br /> Milestone Status: Partial Completion<br /> <br /> <br /> (6) COMMUNITY CAPACITY FOR ECOSYSTEM-BASED MANAGEMENT IN NEW YORK’S GREAT LAKES AND MARINE COASTAL AREAS:<br /> <br /> (2012-2013): Implementation of surveys, data collection. <br /> Milestone Status: Complete<br /> <br /> (2013): Data analysis, draft report and manuscript preparation. <br /> Milestone Status: Partial Completion; Ongoing <br /> <br /> (2013): Sharing of draft reports with stakeholders in case study communities, and with key Council members.<br /> Milestone status: Complete <br /> <br /> (7) PRODUCTION DYNAMICS, GOVERNANCE, AND SUSTAINABILITY OF FISHERIES RESOURCES:<br /> <br /> (2011-2014): Collect field data evaluating environmental and social resilience in the face of changing demands on fish and fish habitats and analyze related fish population dynamics. <br /> Milestone Status: Complete<br /> <br /> (2012-2015): Develop and evaluate feasibility of a decision support tool for fishery harvest management in a changing climate. <br /> Milestone Status: Complete<br /> <br /> (2015-2016): Preparation of final project reports and manuscripts. <br /> Milestone Status: Partial Completion; Ongoing<br /> <br />Publications
Bailey, C. Aquaculture, Ecology, and International Public Health. Invited Guest Lecture. Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health. January 29, 2014. <br /> <br /> Bailey, C., and N. V. Tran. 2014. Deltaic Systems, Sea Level Rise, and Disruption of Coastal Aquaculture in the Tropics. 2014. Paper presented at the 2014 meetings of the Rural Sociological Society, New Orleans, July 31 – August 3, 2014.<br /> <br /> Biedron, I. S. 2014. Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management: Perspectives of fishery management councils and stakeholders in the New England and Mid-Atlantic regions. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.<br /> <br /> Biedron, I. S. and Knuth, B. A. 2014. Stakeholder perspectives and social factors: Driving factors in the Mid-Atlantic and New England fishery management council transition to Ecosystem-Based Fisheries management. Poster at the Regional Association for Research on the Gulf of Maine (RARGOM) Annual Science meeting, Boston, MA, September 30.<br /> <br /> Biedron, I. S. and Knuth, B. A. 2014. Stakeholder perspectives and social factors: the Mid-Atlantic and New England Fishery Management Council transition to Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management. Presentation at the American Fisheries Society (AFS) Meeting, Quebec City, QC, August 19. <br /> <br /> Biedron, I. S. and Knuth, B. A. 2014. Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management: Perspectives of fishery management councils and stakeholders in New England and the Mid-Atlantic. Presentation at New England Fishery Management Council (NEFMC) EBFM Oversight Committee meeting, Danvers, MA, July 31.<br /> <br /> Biedron, I. S. 2014. Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management: Perspectives of fishery management councils and stakeholders in New England and the Mid-Atlantic. Doctoral Presentation for the Natural Resources Departmental Seminar, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, June 10.<br /> <br /> Biedron, I. S. and Knuth, B. A. 2014. Stakeholder communication and the transition to Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management for the Mid-Atlantic and New England fishery management councils. Presentation for the Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (NEAFWA) Conference, Portland, ME, April 15.<br /> <br /> Biedron, I. S. and Knuth, B. A. 2013. A survey of stakeholder perspectives about Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management and the Mid-Atlantic and New England Fishery Management Councils. Presentation at the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council MAFMC Meeting, Annapolis, MD. December 12, 2013. <br /> <br /> Bailey, C., B. Gramling, and S. Laska. 2014. Complexities of Resilience: Adaptation and Change within Human Communities of Coastal Louisiana. Pages 125-140 in The Once and Future Delta. Editors, J. Day, P. Kemp, A. Freeman, and David Muth. New York: Springer. <br /> <br /> Infante, D. M., W. M. Daniel, K. Herreman, J. Nohner, and W. W. Taylor. Invited. 2014. Enhancing assessments of river condition for improved conservation and management of fluvial fish habitat. 144th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, August 17-21, 2014, Quebec City, Quebec.<br /> <br /> Lima, J. S.G. and C. Bailey. 2014. Shrimp Farming as a Coastal Zone Challenge in Sergipe State, Brazil: Balancing Goals of Conservation and Social Justice. Forthcoming in C.W. Finkl and C. Makowski (eds.), Environmental Management and Governance: Advances in Coastal and Marine Resources. Coastal Research Library 8. London: Springer International Publishing. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-06305-8_9. <br /> <br /> Lynch, A. J., W. W. Taylor, T. D. Beard, and B. M. Lofgren. Revision submitted to Journal of Great Lakes Research. Projected changes in Lake Whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) recruitment with climate change in the 1836 Treaty Waters of Lakes Huron, Michigan, and Superior.<br /> <br /> Lynch, A. J., W. W. Taylor, A. M. McCright. In prep. Perceptions of management and willingness to use decision support: Integrating the potential impacts of climate change on the Lake Whitefish (Coregonus clupeaformis) fishery into harvest management in the 1836 Treaty Waters of Lakes Huron, Michigan, and Superior.<br /> <br /> Lynch, A. J. 2013. One Fish, Two Fish, Where Fish for Whitefish? Fisheries 38(8):356. <br /> <br /> Lynch, A.J. 2013. Designing a Climate Change Decision-Support Tool for Great Lakes Whitefish. Online decision support tool available at: http://www.miseagrant.umich.edu/explore/fisheries/climate-change-whitefish.<br /> <br /> Simon, C. 2014. Understanding ecosystem based management: A content analysis of publications in select environmental and natural resource journals 1993-2013. The Department of Natural Resources Graduate Student Symposium, Cornell University, January 2014.<br /> <br /> Stewart, J. S., and D. M. Infante. Invited. 2014. Enhancing decision making for managing fluvial habitats: Current status and future opportunities with FishVis. Great Lakes Fishery Trust Aquatic Connectivity Workshop, September 4-5, 2014, Lansing, Michigan.<br /> <br /> Youn, S. J., W. W. Taylor, A. J. Lynch, I. G. Cowx, T. D. Beard Jr., D. Bartley, F. Wu. In press. Inland capture fishery contributions to global food security and threats to their future. Global Food Security.<br />Impact Statements
- All of the above research efforts have direct implications for development of management strategies. Information from these projects has been presented to the funding agencies, along with recommendations for potential application of these finding via management plans.
- We hosted fishery managers and interdisciplinary researchers to discuss new approaches to fisheries challenges at the ?Ecosystem services: Bridging natural and social sciences toward sustainable polices? symposium held August 20, 2014 during the American Fisheries Society Annual Conference in Quebec City. The session focused on communicating the value of inland fisheries, the ecosystem services framework, using interdisciplinary approaches to balance stakeholder demands, integrating new knowledge and technology, and more effective fisheries regulations enforcement.
- Sub-project 1 is conducting research to improve understanding of how climate and land use affect aquatic ecosystems and fisheries resources in the Ohio River basin. We are gathering information related to fish community structure and function in Ohio River drainages, land-use and land-cover, and climate. We will develop predictive population and habitat models that allow for managers to quantify threshold levels of environmental change that will trigger drastic losses in the quality and productivity of fisheries and aquatic resources.
- Sub-project 6 is identifying barriers to Ecosystem-Based Fishery Management (EBFM): many different variables; economic impacts; lack of science; absence of a definitive action plan; and the constraints of relevant laws. Steps identified that could facilitate implementation of EBFM by Fisheries Management Councils include: creation of a clear action plan; council decision maker and stakeholder buy-in; legislation that requires and prioritizes EBFM; increased certainty in EBFM science; and additional information about the social impacts of transitioning to EBFM.
- Sub-project 7 quantified the relationship between Lake Whitefish recruitment and climate variables such as temperature, wind, and ice cover in the 1836 Treaty Waters of the Great Lakes. Projecting the relationship between these climate variables and recruitment forward with climate change will help the fishery and fishery managers anticipate changes in recruitment and prepare adaptive management strategies to maintain sustainable harvest of the fishery into the future.
Date of Annual Report: 10/23/2018
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 08/10/2016
- 08/12/2016
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2011 - 09/30/2016
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2011 - 09/30/2016
Taylor, William (taylorw@msu.edu) - Michigan State University; Buhler, Doug (buhler@msu.edu) - Michigan State University; Infante, Dana (infanted@msu.edu) - Michigan State University; Venturelli, Paul (paventurelli@bsu.edu) - Ball State University; Melstrom, Max (rmelstrom@luc.edu) - Loyola University Chicago; Hartman, Kyle (hartman@wvu.edu) - West Virginia University; Carlson, Andrew (carls422@msu.edu) - Michigan State University; Bertrand, Katie - formerly South Dakota State University; Wuellner, Melissa (wuellnermr@unk.edu) - University of Nebraska Kearney; Kinnison, Michael (mkinnison@maine.edu) - University of Maine; NC1189 partners not present at meeting: Sullivan, Mažeika (sullivan.191@osu.edu) - Ohio State University; Weber, Michael (mjw@iastate.edu) - Iowa State University; Newman, Raymond (newma004@umn.edu) -University of Minnesota; Zydlewski, Gayle (gayle.zydlewski@maine.edu) - University of Maine; DeVries, Dennis (devridr@auburn.edu) - Auburn University; Gray, Suzanne (gray.1030@osu.edu) - Ohio State University; Pegg, Mark (mpegg2@unl.edu) - University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Harrell, Reginal (rharrell@umd.edu) - University of Maryland; Todgham, Anne (todgham@ucdavis.edu) - University of California-DavisBrief Summary of Minutes
See attached meeting minutes
<p><em><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Short-term Outcomes</span></em><em>:</em> Described below in Outputs and Activities.</p><br /> <p><em><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Outputs</span></em></p><br /> <p>Project activities have resulted in a variety of outputs, as described in the following bullet points.</p><br /> <ul><br /> <li>A collaborative, coupled human and natural systems research framework for investigating interactions between invasive species, climate change, and the productivity and sustainability of inland fisheries and aquatic resources.</li><br /> <li>An assessment of the ecological and socioeconomic effects of climate change and invasive species on inland fisheries and aquatic resources. This assessment integrated data across disciplines to gain robust insights into climate change and invasive species problems, in order to make specific interdisciplinary management recommendations for mitigating detrimental effects on fisheries productivity.</li><br /> <li>An assessment of data sets and syntheses of existing work that identify factors influencing individual and organizational responses to invasive species and climate change.</li><br /> <li>An integrated model-building and data analysis framework for linking and merging biological and human dimensions databases.</li><br /> <li>A prioritized list of data requirements for interdisciplinary questions that cannot be answered yet due to a lack of data.</li><br /> <li>Meetings and workshops that conveyed information on how to influence individual behavior and organizational responses to invasive species and climate change in ways that benefit the management of inland fisheries and aquatic resources</li><br /> <li>Peer-reviewed publications, research reports, and professional presentations communicating the results of this project (see below).</li><br /> <li>Graduate student and postdoctoral fellow positions and undergraduate research internships.</li><br /> </ul><br /> <p>In addition, outputs specific to particular subprojects are described below.</p><br /> <ul><br /> <li>Subproject 1 – TIPPING THE BALANCE: IDENTIFYING THRESHOLD CONDITIONS FOR OHIO’S FISHERIES: Outputs included undergraduate and graduate student training and educational outreach activities, including stream fish demonstrations to local youth groups and classes. We also created georeferenced fish assemblage and land-use data for all study sites.</li><br /> <li>Subproject 5 – GENETIC, ECOLOGICAL, AND BEHAVIORAL DETERMINANTS OF LIFE HISTORY VARIATION IN BROOK TROUT (<em>Salvelinus fontinalis</em>): Outputs included an M.S. thesis focused on using air temperatures to predict stream temperatures and manage thermal habitats for Brook Trout. In addition, we developed regional models of climate change and its effect on growth and survival of Michigan stream trout, publishing this research in multiple peer-reviewed manuscripts. We also partnered with Michigan fisheries professionals to produce a decision-support tool that they can use to manage trout streams amid climatic changes.</li><br /> <li>Subproject 6 – COMMUNITY CAPACITY FOR ECOSYSTEM-BASED MANAGEMENT IN NEW YORKS GREAT LAKES AND MARINE COASTAL AREAS: Outputs included oral presentations at regional and national fisheries/aquatic conferences, interviews with key staff of environmental agencies, and peer-reviewed publications.</li><br /> <li>Subproject 7 - PRODUCTION DYNAMICS, GOVERNANCE, AND SUSTAINABILITY OF FISHERIES RESOURCES: Outputs included multiple linear regression models to predict Lake Whitefish recruitment based on environmental variables (i.e., temperature, wind speed, wave height, ice cover) and integration of fisheries-related datasets throughout the Great Lakes regions (e.g., distributions and abundances of stream fish assemblages, stocking locations for stream fishes, creel survey data).</li><br /> </ul><br /> <p><em><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Activities</span></em></p><br /> <p>Project activities were abundant and diverse across the various NC1189 subprojects, as described below.</p><br /> <p>Subproject 1 – TIPPING THE BALANCE: IDENTIFYING THRESHOLD CONDITIONS FOR OHIO’S FISHERIES: We worked within the Scioto River basin, a major Ohio tributary of the Ohio River, to investigate the distribution and composition of stream and river fish communities and their role in larger riverine food webs. Over the course of the project, this work involved three graduate students and multiple undergraduate students. Linkages with multiple stakeholders, including Ohio EPA and Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ODNR), strengthened the project throughout its duration. Educational outreach activities, including stream fish demonstrations to local youth groups and classes, linked the project to the community. For instance, we held a day in the field with a group of urban STEM students in the Olentangy River, Columbus, Ohio. Additional outputs included publications and presentations including at annual meetings of the Society for Freshwater Science and the Ohio Biodiversity Conservation Partnership. Indicators of progress include georeferenced fish assemblage and land-use data for all study sites as well as completed fish surveys. All of the above research and outreach efforts have direct implications for development of management strategies. Information from these projects has been presented to funding agencies, along with recommendations for potential application of these finding via management plans.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Subproject 4 - INTRINSIC AND EXTRINSIC INFLUENCES ON FISH GROWTH RATES:</p><br /> <p>A CASE EXAMPLE USING YELLOW PERCH: We formed a collaboration with Casey Schoenebeck (former professor at University of Nebraska at Kearney) to revise the preproposal (Wuellner, M., B. Graeb, and K. Bertrand. Preliminary Proposal: Prevalence and Persistence of Stunted Populations and the Effects of Directional Selection) that had been submitted to NSFs Population Biology panel for consideration. A revised pre-proposal was submitted as a small grant to the same NSF panel on January 23, 2013 (Wuellner, M., B. Graeb, K. Bertrand and C. Schoenebeck. Preliminary Proposal: SG: Understanding the Influence of Extrinsic Factors and Compensatory Growth Responses on Stunted Growth).</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Subproject 5 – GENETIC, ECOLOGICAL, AND BEHAVIORAL DETERMINANTS OF LIFE HISTORY VARIATION IN BROOK TROUT (<em>Salvelinus fontinalis</em>): Our research on Brook Trout provides an effective tool for predicting the future suitability of stream thermal habitat for this species. A methodology for predicting these conditions was developed by Kelsey Schlee and her thesis committee members, in conjunction with Michigan State University employees, the United States Geological Survey, and students and faculty at the University of North Carolina. By using this methodology, resource managers will be able to assess the future viability of streams for Brook Trout, enabling them to take steps toward mitigating and preventing habitat loss due to changing air temperatures. This air temperature-based tool allows for stream temperature prediction even when stream-related data are limited. The outputs of this project are: a thesis report “The impact of climate change on Brook Trout (<em>Salvelinus fontinalis</em>) thermal habitat in the United States”, a public outreach factsheet, and a presentation of these results to the Michigan Natural Resources Commission.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>We also developed regional models of climate change and its effect on growth and survival of ecologically, socioeconomically valuable Michigan stream trout, including Brook Trout, Brown Trout (<em>Salmo trutta</em>) and Rainbow Trout (<em>Oncorhynchus mykiss</em>). In particular, we measured the accuracy of stream-specific air-water temperature regression models by backcasting Michigan stream temperatures in 2006 and 2012, years with pre-existing air and stream temperature metrics. Then, we forecasted stream temperatures in 2036 and 2056 and projected impacts on the thermal habitat suitability of aquatic habitats for Brook Trout, Brown Trout, and Rainbow Trout growth and survival. We found that stream-specific models accurately projected temperature</p><br /> <p>and thermal habitat suitability status in streams containing these fishes in Michigan. Under multiple scenarios of projected climate change, stream-specific models predicted thermal habitat status with 93.0% percent overall accuracy. As baseflow index (i.e., relative groundwater input) increased, stream thermal sensitivity (i.e., relative susceptibility to temperature change) decreased. Thus, the magnitude of temperature warming and frequency of thermal habitat degradation were lowest in streams with the highest baseflow indices.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>In addition, we compared the accuracy of stream-specific and generalized (region-specific) temperature models in groundwater-dominated to surface runoff-dominated streams in Michigan. Despite their lower accuracy in predicting exact stream temperatures, generalized models correctly projected trout thermal habitat suitability in 82% of groundwater-dominated</p><br /> <p>streams, including those with Brook Trout (80% accuracy), Brown Trout (89%), and Rainbow Trout (75%). In contrast, generalized models predicted thermal habitat suitability in runoff-dominated streams with much lower accuracy (54%). These results suggest that, amid climate change and constraints in resource availability (e.g., limited time, money, personnel), generalized models are useful for forecasting thermal conditions in groundwater-dominated streams and developing appropriate trout management strategies. We recommend fisheries professionals reserve resource-intensive stream-specific models for runoff-dominated systems containing high-priority fisheries resources (e.g. trophy individuals) that will be directly impacted by projected stream warming as opposed to those that will not be significantly affected. Overall, our</p><br /> <p>research provides a methodology for accurate stream temperature and thermal habitat suitability prediction and can thus be used to increase the thermal productivity and resilience of coldwater trout streams within and beyond Michigan. We used conference calls to consistently discuss stream temperature modeling methods, results, and conclusions as an NC1189 group, which allowed for cross-pollination of ideas across states and facilitated management-relevant research across the geographic area encompassed by our NC1189 partners.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Moreover, we also collaborated with Michigan fisheries professionals to produce a decision-support tool that they can use to manage trout streams amid climatic changes. To gather necessary information for the decision-support tool, we designed a 30-question survey instrument to evaluate the opinions and perspectives of Michigan fisheries professionals regarding the ecological, environmental, and socioeconomic aspects of trout production and management. The survey was sent to 40 Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) fisheries professionals (23% of fisheries staff) via SurveyMonkey, with reminder emails sent every three weeks during a 2.5-month time span in which the survey was open. The decision-support tool ranked trout streams based on manager-defined stream criteria (e.g., current and projected 2056 temperature, groundwater contribution, trout abundance, watershed land cover), enabling fisheries professionals to make ecologically, socioeconomically robust management decisions that promote thermally resilient and productive streams and trout populations. Stream ranking indicated that certain recreationally significant fisheries (e.g., Muskegon River) will experience warming that may cause them to become less important for trout management. However, lesser-known fisheries (e.g., Davenport Creek) were projected to become more thermally suitable for trout production and thus important for fisheries management. With this information available, managers can anticipate the future state of thermal, hydrological, and biological conditions in streams and thereby make informed, resilience-based management decisions to sustain trout fisheries in a changing climate.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Subproject 6 – COMMUNITY CAPACITY FOR ECOSYSTEM-BASED MANAGEMENT IN NEW YORKS GREAT LAKES AND MARINE COASTAL AREAS: Results from this project were presented at the annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, the oikos Young Scholars Organization Academy, the Northeast Fish and Wildlife Conference, and the Managing Our Nations Fisheries 3 conference. Interviews with key staff were completed in New York State agencies charged with implementing an ecosystem-based approach to their activities. These included environment-related agencies such as Department of Environmental Conservation and Agriculture and Markets, and general agencies such as Department of State and Department of</p><br /> <p>Transportation.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Additional activities include work by NC1189 member Dr. Dennis DeVries and colleagues at Auburn University. A journal article was published that examines the impact on small scale shrimp farmers of certification systems for shrimp created in industrialized nations. A Working Paper was prepared for the Norwegian Research Council on genetic modification of key species used in aquaculture with a focus on transgenic salmon developed by AquaBounty Technologies. A separate manuscript was developed out of this Working Paper for submission to a peer-reviewed academic journal. A pre-proposal was submitted to the Louisiana Sea Grant program to compare oyster production in Louisiana and Alabama and likely receptivity to off-bottom production systems using hatchery-raised triploids. A book chapter was written examining the resiliency of coastal communities of Louisiana in the face of eustatic sea level rise. Projects were completed that quantified the movement of fish along the Alabama River as hindered by lock/dam structures, and the quantified the impacts of introduced yellow perch populations in two different reservoirs on the resident aquatic communities. Work was continued in freshwater/coastal areas relative to effects of the 2010 BP oil spill on the fish communities. Studies were conducted on freshwater pond communities via an assessment of the effects of pellet feeding on largemouth bass-bluegill pond communities, as well as the effects of threadfin shad presence on these pellet-feeding effects. Further research was conducted to quantify the respiration of non-game fishes that serve as mussel hosts across various temperatures and dissolved oxygen concentrations to determine the influence of impoundment presence on downstream fishes that serve as mussel hosts.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>Subproject 7 - PRODUCTION DYNAMICS, GOVERNANCE, AND SUSTAINABILITY OF FISHERIES RESOURCES: To determine if key climate variables improve modeled recruitment estimates for Lake Whitefish (<em>Coregonus clupeaformis</em>), we examined the following variables for inclusion in multiple linear regressions: temperature, wind speed, wave height, and ice cover. To determine the best-fitting model for each management unit, we compared all possible combinations of models including climate variables to the standard stock-recruitment Ricker model (without the addition of any climate variables) using corrected Akaike’s Information Criterion (AICc). To project the relationships described by the best-fitting models of climate</p><br /> <p>and recruitment, we used the Coupled Hydrosphere-Atmosphere Research Model (CHARM), a simulation model of climate and water resources in the Great Lakes Region. We projected Lake Whitefish recruitment for each management unit using these CHARM outputs as inputs into the models identified through AICc selection for each management unit to generate projections of Lake Whitefish recruitment for 2050-2070. AICc comparisons indicated that the inclusion of selected climate variables significantly improved model fit in eight of the 13 management units evaluated. Isolating the climate-recruitment relationship and projecting recruitment using the</p><br /> <p>CHARM suggested increased Lake Whitefish recruitment in the majority of the 1836 Treaty Waters management units given projected changes in climate. Projected recruitment changes from the 2007 estimates to the 2050-2070 projections range from over a 250% increase to almost an 80% declines. As discussed above, these improved models may influence total allowable catches and designate harvest regulations for the Lake Whitefish fisheries in the Great Lakes. These results can inform adaptive management strategies to ensure a sustainable and prosperous Lake Whitefish fishery, now and in the future climate conditions.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>In support of the NC1189 research themes, we compiled a variety of datasets throughout the Great Lakes region. These efforts also support this subproject’s Objective 1 (Understanding of the causes underlying the changes in habitat, such as climate change, invasive species, and land use, and the associated effects on the production and resilience of fisheries and aquatic communities) and Objective 3 (Improve understanding of the factors underlying public awareness, engagement and public support for fisheries resources, aquatic ecosystems, and fisheries sustainability). We linked these data to a standardized spatial framework to map and conduct spatial analyses that may be broadly used to understand production potential and resilience of stream fisheries currently and into the future. Data sets included distributions and abundances of stream fish assemblages, stocking locations for stream fishes, and creel survey data. We also incorporated current stream habitat factors as well as projected changes in stream flow and thermal characteristics anticipated to occur under multiple future climate scenarios. A third type of data included natural and anthropogenic landscape changes known to influence fish distribution throughout the region (and influencing fisheries potential of waterbodies). These included factors such as geology, natural landscape covers like forest and wetlands, and human land uses such as urbanization, agriculture, and mines. By integrating these datasets into</p><br /> <p>a common spatial framework, we conducted analyses to 1) identify current limits to stream fish and fisheries productivity; and 2) identify changes in habitats that occur with climate change that may influence the potential and/or resilience of waterbodies to support fisheries into the future. Integration of datasets into a common spatial framework aided in decision-making on where and how to prioritize management of stream fishes into the future, can be used to better understand angler preferences, and may be useful in garnering future public support to ensure sustainable fisheries into the future.</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p><em><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Milestones</span></em></p><br /> <p>Milestones that encapsulate all of the project’s short-term outcomes, outputs, and activities were: </p><br /> <ul><br /> <li>Foster a collaborative, coupled human and natural systems research framework to assess the ecological and socioeconomic effects of climate change and invasive species on the productivity of inland fisheries and aquatic resources.</li><br /> <li>Analyze the ecological, environmental and socioeconomic factors which mitigate or exacerbate the introduction, establishment, or effects of invasive species and climate change effects at multiple spatial and ecological scales.</li><br /> <li>Determine the socioeconomic and environmental factors that influence the ways in which individuals and organizations respond to invasive species and climate change and the likely consequences of those responses for effective inland fisheries and aquatic resource management.</li><br /> </ul><br /> <p>In addition to these broad targets, key milestones for specific subprojects are described below.</p><br /> <p>Subproject 1 – TIPPING THE BALANCE: IDENTIFYING THRESHOLD CONDITIONS FOR OHIO’S FISHERIES:</p><br /> <p>(2013): Collected field data related to fish-dominated food webs and aquatic habitat in representative Ohio drainages. Milestone Status: Complete</p><br /> <p>Subproject 3 – FACTORS INFLUENCING RECRUITMENT OF SPORT FISH POPULATIONS IN ILLINOIS:</p><br /> <p>(2013-17): Collect data on factors influencing recruitment in sportfish populations. Milestone Status: Complete</p><br /> <p>Subproject 4 – INTRINSIC AND EXTRINSIC INFLUENCES ON FISH GROWTH RATES: A CASE EXAMPLE USING YELLOW PERCH:</p><br /> <p>(2013): Collect extant data on yellow perch populations and categorize populations as exhibiting stunted body size or not. Milestone Status: Complete</p><br /> <p>Subproject 5 – GENETIC, ECOLOGICAL, AND BEHAVIORAL DETERMINANTS OF LIFE HISTORY VARIATION IN BROOK TROUT (Salvelinus fontinalis):</p><br /> <p>(2011-2013): Identification and study of populations of interest in the U.S. and Canada. Milestone Status: Complete</p><br /> <p>Subproject 6 – COMMUNITY CAPACITY FOR ECOSYSTEM-BASED MANAGEMENT IN NEW YORKS GREAT LAKES AND MARINE COASTAL AREAS:</p><br /> <p>(2012-2013): Implementation of surveys, data collection. Milestone Status: Complete</p><br /> <p>(2013): Data analysis, draft report and manuscript preparation. Milestone</p><br /> <p>Status: Complete</p><br /> <p> </p><br /> <p>(2013): Sharing of draft reports with stakeholders in case study communities, and with key Council members. Milestone Status: Complete</p><br /> <p>Subproject 7 – PRODUCTION DYNAMICS, GOVERNANCE, AND SUSTAINABILITY OF FISHERIES RESOURCES:</p><br /> <p>(2011-2014): Collect field data evaluating environmental and social resilience in the face of changing demands on fish and fish habitats and analyze related fish population dynamics. Milestone Status: Complete</p><br /> <p>(2012-2015): Develop and evaluate feasibility of a decision support tool for fishery harvest management in a changing climate. Milestone Status: Complete</p><br /> <p>(2015-2016): Preparation of final project reports and manuscripts. Milestone Status: Complete</p>Publications
<p>Bailey, Conner. 2013. Remaking Fish for Aquaculture in the United States: From Selective Breeding to Genetic Engineering. Working Paper. The Research Council of Norway (Project number 202374/I10) Governing Food in a Globalising Environment. Oslo: Research Council of Norway.</p><br /> <p>Bailey, C. Aquaculture, Ecology, and International Public Health. Invited Guest Lecture. Johns Hopkins University Bloomberg School of Public Health. January 29, 2014.</p><br /> <p> Bailey, C., and N. V. Tran. 2014. Deltaic Systems, Sea Level Rise, and Disruption of Coastal Aquaculture in the Tropics. 2014. Paper presented at the 2014 meetings of the Rural Sociological Society, New Orleans, July 31 – August 3, 2014.</p><br /> <p>Bailey, Conner, Bob Gramling, and Shirley Laska. 2014. Complexities of Resilience: Adaptation and Change within Human Communities of Coastal Louisiana. In The Once and Future Delta. Editors, J. Day, P. Kemp, A. Freeman, and David Muth. Springer.</p><br /> <p> Bartley, D. M. N. J. Leonard, S. Youn, W. W. Taylor, C. Baigún, C. Barlow, J. Fazio, C. Fuentevilla, J. Johnson, B. Kone, K. Meira, R. Metzner, P. Onyango, D. Pavlov, B. Riley, J. Ruff, P. Terbasket, and J. Valbo-JørgensenMoving towards effective governance of fisheries and freshwater resources. In: Taylor, W. W., D. M. Bartley, C. I. Goddard, N. J. Leonard, and R. Welcomme (eds.) Freshwater, Fish and the Future: Proceedings of the Global Cross-Sectoral Conference. American Fisheries Society, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and Michigan State University.</p><br /> <p>Beard, Jr., T. D., E. H. Allison, D. M. Bartley, I. G. Cowx, S. J. Cooke, C. Fuentevilla, A. J. Lynch, and W. W. Taylor. Inland fish and fisheries: a call to action. In: Taylor, W. W., D. M. Bartley, C. I. Goddard, N. J. Leonard, and R. Welcomme (eds.) Freshwater, Fish and the Future: Proceedings of the Global Cross-Sectoral Conference. American Fisheries Society, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and Michigan State University.</p><br /> <p>Biedron, I. S. 2014. Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management: Perspectives of fishery management councils and stakeholders in the New England and Mid-Atlantic regions. (Unpublished doctoral dissertation). Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.</p><br /> <p>Biedron, I. S. and Knuth, B. A. 2014. Stakeholder perspectives and social factors: Driving factors in the Mid-Atlantic and New England fishery management council transition to Ecosystem-Based Fisheries management. Poster at the Regional Association for Research on the Gulf of Maine (RARGOM) Annual Science meeting,Boston, MA, September 30.</p><br /> <p> Biedron, I. S. and Knuth, B. A. 2014. Stakeholder perspectives and social factors: the Mid-Atlantic and New England Fishery Management Council transition to Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management. Presentation at the American Fisheries Society (AFS) Meeting, Quebec City, QC, August 19.</p><br /> <p>Biedron, I. S. and Knuth, B. A. 2014. Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management: Perspectives of fishery management councils and stakeholders in New England and the Mid-Atlantic. Presentation at New England Fishery Management Council (NEFMC) EBFM Oversight Committee meeting, Danvers, MA, July 31.</p><br /> <p>Biedron, I. S. 2014. Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management: Perspectives of fishery management councils and stakeholders in New England and the Mid-Atlantic. Doctoral Presentation for the Natural Resources Departmental Seminar, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, June 10.</p><br /> <p>Biedron, I. S. and Knuth, B. A. 2014. Stakeholder communication and the transition to Ecosystem-Based Fisheries Management for the Mid-Atlantic and New England fishery management councils. Presentation for the Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (NEAFWA) Conference, Portland, ME, April 15.</p><br /> <p>Biedron, I. S. and Knuth, B. A. 2013. A survey of stakeholder perspectives about Ecosystem Based Fisheries Management and the Mid-Atlantic and New England Fishery Management Councils. Presentation at the Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council MAFMC Meeting, Annapolis, MD. December 12, 2013.</p><br /> <p>Boyer, T. A., R. T. Melstrom, L. D. Sanders. 2017. Effects of climate variation and water levels on reservoir recreation. Lake and Reservoir Management 33:223-233.</p><br /> <p> Carlson, A. K. 2016. In the footsteps of a heroine: honoring Janice Lee Fenske. Fisheries 41:574-575.</p><br /> <p>Carlson, A. K., T. G. Zorn. 2018. Values, opinions, and behavior of inland trout anglers in Michigan. Michigan Department of Natural Resources. Fisheries Report No. 29. Lansing, Michigan.</p><br /> <p>Carlson, A. K., W. W. Taylor. In the footsteps of a heroine: honoring Janice Lee Fenske’s fisheries legacy. Annual Meeting of the Michigan Chapter of the American Fisheries Society. Mackinaw City, Michigan. (Best Student Paper)</p><br /> <p> Carlson, A. K., W. W. Taylor, D. M. Infante. 2017. Accounting for groundwater and precipitation dynamics in stream temperature modeling to achieve resilient salmonid management in a changing climate. 147th Annual AFS Meeting, Tampa, Florida.</p><br /> <p> Carlson, A. K., W. W. Taylor, D. M. Infante. 2017. Going against the flow: modeling coldwater stream temperatures from above and below. 77th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Lincoln, NE.</p><br /> <p>Carlson, A. K., W. W. Taylor, D. M. Infante. 2018. Impact of changes in precipitation and groundwater on brook charr thermal habitat in Michigan streams. 9th Annual International Charr Symposium. Duluth, Minnesota.</p><br /> <p>Carlson, A. K., W. W. Taylor, D. M. Infante. In review. Applying precipitation- and groundwater-corrected stream models to brook charr management in a changing climate.</p><br /> <p>Carlson, A. K., W. W. Taylor, J. Liu. 2018. Using the metacoupling framework to enhance fisheries management and governance. 148th Annual AFS Meeting, Atlantic City, New Jersey.</p><br /> <p>Carlson, A. K., W. W. Taylor, J. Liu, I. Orlic. 2017. The telecoupling framework: an integrative tool for enhanced fisheries management. Fisheries 42:395-397.</p><br /> <p> Carlson, A. K., W. W. Taylor, J. Liu, I. Orlic. 2018. Peruvian anchoveta as a telecoupled fisheries system. Ecology and Society 23(1):35.</p><br /> <p>Carlson, A. K., W. W. Taylor, J. Liu, I. Orlic. 2018. Telecoupled fisheries: insights and applications for sustainability. Annual Meeting of the United States Regional Association of the International Association for Landscape Ecology. Chicago, Illinois.</p><br /> <p>Carlson, A. K., W. W. Taylor, K. M. Hartikainen, D. M. Infante, T. D. Beard, Jr., A. J. Lynch. 2017. Comparing stream-specific to generalized temperature models to guide coldwater salmonid management in a changing climate. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries 27:443-462.</p><br /> <p> Carlson, A. K., W. W. Taylor, K. M. Schlee, T. G. Zorn, D. M. Infante. 2017. Projected impacts of climate change on stream salmonids with implications for resilience-based management. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 26:190-204.</p><br /> <p> Carlson, A. K., W. W. Taylor, K. M. Schlee, T. G. Zorn, D. M. Infante. 2016. Projected impacts of climate change on stream salmonids with implications for resilience-based management. 76th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. January 24-26, 2016. Grand Rapids, Michigan.</p><br /> <p>Carlson, A. K., W. W. Taylor, K. M. Schlee, T. G. Zorn, D. M. Infante. 2016. Resilience-based management of coldwater streams and their salmonid populations in a changing climate. 7th World Fisheries Congress. May 23-27, 2016. Busan, South Korea.</p><br /> <p>Carlson, A. K., W. W. Taylor, T. Douglas Beard, Jr., D. M. Infante. 2017. Stream science to action: a decision-support tool for salmonid thermal habitat management amidst climate change. 77th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Lincoln, NE.</p><br /> <p> Carlson, A. K., W. W. Taylor, Z. Basher, T. D. Beard, Jr., D. M. Infante. 2017. Linking stream temperature modeling with decision-support tools for resilience-based salmonid management in a changing climate. 147th Annual AFS Meeting, Tampa, Florida.</p><br /> <p> Carlson, A. K., W. W. Taylor, Z. Basher, T. D. Beard, Jr., D. M. Infante, T. G. Zorn. 2017. Integrating decision-support and stream temperature modeling for resilience-based salmonid management in a changing climate. Wild Trout Symposium XII. West Yellowstone, Montana.</p><br /> <p>Carlson, A. K., W. W. Taylor, Z. Basher, T. D, Beard, Jr., and D. M. Infante. 2018. Resilient trout management in a changing climate: integrating stream temperature modeling and decision-support. 78th Annual Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference. Milwaukee, Wisconsin.</p><br /> <p>Carlson, A. K., W. W. Taylor, Z. Basher, T. D. Beard, Jr., D. M. Infante. 2018. Science to action: decision-support to advance stream trout management in a changing climate. Proceedings of the Wild Trout XII Symposium 12:85-92.</p><br /> <p>Cooke, S. J., D. M. Bartley, T. D. Beard, I. G. Cowx, C. I. Goddard, C. Fuentevilla, N. J. Leonard, A. J. Lynch, K. Lorenzen, and W. W. Taylor. From ideas to action: ten steps to responsible inland fisheries that support livelihoods, food security, and healthy aquatic ecosystems. In: Taylor, W. W., D. M. Bartley, C. I. Goddard, N. J. Leonard, and R. Welcomme (eds.) Freshwater, Fish and the Future: Proceedings of the Global Cross-Sectoral Conference. American Fisheries Society, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and Michigan State University.</p><br /> <p>DeVries, D.R. 2013. A tale of two animals: the importance of aquatic habitat and flow. Pages 136-139 in Auburn Speaks: On Water. Auburn University, Auburn, Alabama.</p><br /> <p>DeVries, D.R., R.A. Wright, D.C. Glover, T.M. Farmer, M R. Lowe, A.J. Norris, and A.C. Peer. 2015. Largemouth Bass in coastal estuaries: A comprehensive study from the Mobile-Tensaw River Delta, Alabama. In Black Bass Diversity: Multidisciplinary Science for Conservation. American Fisheries Society Special Publication. (30 MS pages, 1 figure).</p><br /> <p>Farmer, T.M, D.R. DeVries, R.A. Wright, and J.E. Gagnon. 2013. Using seasonal variation in otolith microchemical composition to indicate Largemouth Bass and Southern Flounder residency patterns across an estuarine salinity gradient. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 142: 1415-1429.</p><br /> <p>Glover, D.G., D.R. DeVries, and R.A. Wright. 2013. Growth of largemouth bass in a dynamic estuarine environment: an evaluation of the relative effects of salinity, diet, and temperature. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 70:485-501.</p><br /> <p>Good, M. 2015. Law Enforcement: A Critical Management Tool for Ensuring Fisheries Sustainability. Presentation to the American Fisheries Society. Portland, Oregon.</p><br /> <p>Good, M. 2015. Legally Licensed - the Conservation Benefits of Buying a Fishing License. Presentation to the American Fisheries Society. Portland, Oregon.</p><br /> <p>Guthrie, A., C. Zuccarino-Crowe, R. Brock, and A. Mabrouk. 2015. Evaluating Protected Area Approaches to Fisheries Conservation in Marine and Freshwater Systems. Presentation to the American Fisheries Society. Portland, Oregon.</p><br /> <p>Hamel, M.J., K.D. Steffensen, J.J. Hammen, and M.A. Pegg. 2013. Evaluation of passive integrated transponder tag retention from two tagging locations in juvenile pallid sturgeon. Journal of Applied Ichthyology 29:41-43.</p><br /> <p> Hartman, K.J. 2017. Bioenergetics of brown bullhead in a changing climate. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society 146:634-644.</p><br /> <p> Hartman, K. J., O. Jensen. 2017. Anticipating climate change impacts on Mongolian salmonids: bioenergetics models for lenok and Baikal grayling. Ecology of Freshwater Fish 26:383-396.</p><br /> <p>Infante, D. M., W. M. Daniel, K. Herreman, J. Nohner, and W. W. Taylor. Invited.Enhancing assessments of river condition for improved conservation and management of fluvial fish habitat. 144th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, August 17-21, 2014, Quebec City, Quebec.</p><br /> <p> Kinnison, M. T, S. A. Carlson. 2017. An introduction to redefining Darwinian Fisheries. 147th Annual Meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Tampa, FL.</p><br /> <p>Lima, J. S.G. and C. Bailey. 2014. Shrimp Farming as a Coastal Zone Challenge in Sergipe State, Brazil: Balancing Goals of Conservation and Social Justice. Forthcoming in C.W. Finkl and C. Makowski (eds.), Environmental Management and Governance: Advances in Coastal and Marine Resources. Coastal Research Library 8. London: Springer International Publishing. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-06305-8_9.</p><br /> <p> Lynch, A. J. 2013. One Fish, Two Fish, Where Fish for Whitefish? Fisheries 38(8):356.</p><br /> <p> Lynch, A.J. 2013. Designing a Climate Change Decision-Support Tool for Great Lakes Whitefish. Online decision support tool available at: <a href="http://www.miseagrant.umich.edu/explore/fisheries/climate-change-whitefish">http://www.miseagrant.umich.edu/explore/fisheries/climate-change-whitefish</a>.</p><br /> <p>Lynch, A.J. and W.W. Taylor. 2013. The Four Fs of Fish: Communication of Public Value of Fish and Fisheries. Fisheries 38(1): 43-33.</p><br /> <p>Lynch, A. J., T. D. Beard, Jr., A. Cox, Z. Zarnic, S. C. Phang, C. C. Arantes, R. Brummett, J. f. Cramwinckel, L. J. Gordon, Md. A. Husen, J. Liu, P. H. Nguyen, and P. K. Safari. Drivers and synergies in the management of inland fisheries: searching for sustainable solutions. In: Taylor, W. W., D. M. Bartley, C. I. Goddard, N. J. Leonard, and R. Welcomme (eds.) Freshwater, Fish and the Future: Proceedings of the Global Cross-Sectoral Conference. American Fisheries Society, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and Michigan State University.</p><br /> <p> Lynch, A. J., S. J. Cooke, A. M. Deines, S. D. Bower, D. B. Bunnell, I. G. Cowx, V. M. Nguyen, J. Nohner, K. Phouthavong, B. Riley, M. W. Rogers, W. W. Taylor, W. Woelmer, S. Youn, T. D. Beard Jr. 2016. The social, economic, and environmental importance of inland fish and fisheries. Environmental Reviews 24:115-121.</p><br /> <p>Nohner, J. K. and W. W. Taylor. 2015. Effects of Macrophytes on Growth of Age-0 Largemouth Bass in Experimental Enclosures. Presentation to the American Fisheries Society. Portland, Oregon.</p><br /> <p>Nohner, J. K., F. Lupi, and W. W. Taylor. 2018. Lakefront property owners' willingness to accept easements for conservation of water quality and habitat. Water Resources Research 54:1-16.</p><br /> <p> Nohner, J. K., W. W. Taylor, D. B. Hayes, and B. M. Roth. 2018. Influence of aquatic macrophytes on age-0 Largemouth Bass growth and diets. Transactions of the American Fisheries Society. DOI:10.1002/tafs.10067</p><br /> <p>Parasiewicz, P., J.N. Rogers, P. Vezza, J. Gortazar, T. Seager, M. Pegg, and W Wisniewolski. 2013. Applications of MesoHABSIM simulation model. Pages xx-yy in,Maddock, and Kemp, editors. Ecohydraulics - an integrated approach, John Wiley & Sons, New York.</p><br /> <p> Penaskovic, R., D.R. DeVries, and N.E. Chadwick. in press. Teaching about sustainability: raising consciousness and taking action. In K.D. Thomas and H.E. Muga, editors. Cases on Pedagogical Innovations for Sustainable Development. IGI Global. (23 text pages, 1 Table).</p><br /> <p> Pope, K. L., L. A. Powell, B. S. Harmon, M. A. Pegg, C.J. Chizinski. 2017. Estimating the number of recreational anglers for a given waterbody. Fisheries Research 191:69-75.</p><br /> <p>Purcell, T.R., D.R. DeVries, and R.A. Wright. 2013. The relationship between shoreline development and resident fish communities in a Southeastern U.S. reservoir. Lake and Reservoir Management 29:270-278.</p><br /> <p>Rasmussen, J., H.A. Regier, R.E. Sparks and W.W. Taylor 2013. Aquatic Invasive Species Risks to the Great Lakes and Mississippi River Basins: Asian Carp as a Case for Serious Consideration of Hydrologic Separation. In: Taylor, W.W., A.J. Lynch, N.J. Leonard, (eds.) Great Lakes Fisheries Policy and Management: A Binational Perspective (Second Edition). MSU Press: East Lansing, MI. pp 767-786.</p><br /> <p> Reid, Andrea J., Andrew K. Carlson, Irena F. Creed, Erika J. Eliason, Peter A. Gell, Pieter T. J. Johnson, Karen A. Kidd, Tyson J. MacCormack, Julian D. Olden, Steve J. Ormerod, John P. Smol, William W. Taylor, Klement Tockner, Jesse C. Vermaire, David Dudgeon, and Steven J. Cooke. In press. Emerging threats and persistent conservation challenges for freshwater biodiversity. Biological Reviews.</p><br /> <p>Riley, B., J. Martin, and W. W. Taylor. Politics of change: what fisheries scientists and professionals can learn from political campaigns. Fisheries 41:271-273.</p><br /> <p>Siddons, S. F., Klein, G., N. P. Hogberg, M. A. Pegg. 2017. Borders and Barriers: Challenges of Fisheries Management and Conservation in Open Systems. River Research and Applications 33:578-585.</p><br /> <p>Simon, C. 2014. Understanding ecosystem based management: A content analysis of publications in select environmental and natural resource journals 1993-2013. The Department of Natural Resources Graduate Student Symposium, Cornell University, January 2014.</p><br /> <p>Spurgeon, J. J., M. A. Pegg. 2017. Fish growth and river flows: response of a non-fluvial specialist and applicability of current river production models. Freshwater Biology 62:291-302.</p><br /> <p> Steffensen, K.D., B.L. Eder, and M.A. Pegg. 2013. Trotline efficiencies and catch dynamics in a large river system. Fisheries Ecology and Management.</p><br /> <p>Steffensen, K.D., M.A. Pegg, and G.L. Mestl. 2013. Pallid sturgeon life-history model. Journal of Applied Ichthyology.</p><br /> <p>Steffensen, K.D., M.A. Pegg, and G. Mestl. 2013. Population characteristics of pallid sturgeon in the lower Missouri River. Journal of Applied Ichthyology.</p><br /> <p> Stewart, J. S., and D. M. Infante. Invited. 2014. Enhancing decision making for managing fluvial habitats: Current status and future opportunities with FishVis. Great Lakes Fishery Trust Aquatic Connectivity Workshop, September 4-5, 2014, Lansing, Michigan.</p><br /> <p> Taylor, W. W., A. J. Lynch, and N. J. Leonard, eds. 2013. Great Lakes Fisheries Policy and Management: A Binational Perspective (Second Edition). MSU Press: East Lansing, MI. 865pp.</p><br /> <p> Taylor, W. W., D. M. Bartley, C. I. Goddard, N. J. Leonard, and R. Welcomme. Freshwater, Fish and the Future: Proceedings of the Global Cross-Sectoral Conference. American Fisheries Society, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, and Michigan State University.</p><br /> <p>Taylor, W. W., D. M. Bartley, N. J. Leonard, A. J. Lynch, S. Youn, E. Allison, F. Marttin, T. D. Beard Jr., S. Cooke, I. G. Cowx, and R. M. Entsua-Mensah. Global Conference on Inland Fisheries. 7th World Fisheries Congress. May 23 – 27, 2016. Busan, South Korea.</p><br /> <p>Taylor, W.W., K.B. Mueller and J.T. Martin 2013. Epilogue: Fisheries sustainability and water policy: The need to think beyond the basin boundaries. In: Taylor, W.W., A.J. Lynch, N.J. Leonard, (eds.) Great Lakes Fisheries Policy and Management: A Binational Perspective (Second Edition). MSU Press: East Lansing, MI. pp. 787-792.</p><br /> <p>Taylor, W. W., M. Good, T. Scholze, A. K. Carlson, H. Triezenberg, B. Lambe. 2017. The changing face of recreational fisheries in the Laurentian Great Lakes and its ecological and socio-economic consequences. 8th World Recreational Fishing Conference. Victoria, British Columbia.</p><br /> <p>Tran, Nhuong Van, Conner Bailey, Norbert Wilson, and Michael Phillips. 2013. Governance of Global Value Chains in Response to Food Safety and Certification Standards: The Case of Shrimp from Vietnam. World Development 45:325-336.</p><br /> <p>Tuckett, Q. M., K. S. Simon, M. T. Kinnison. 2017. Cultural eutrophication mediates the context-dependent ecoevolutionary feedbacks of a fish invader. 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- • Sub-project 7 quantified the relationship between Lake Whitefish recruitment and climate variables such as temperature, wind, and ice cover in the 1836 Treaty Waters of the Great Lakes. Projecting the relationship between these climate variables and recruitment forward with climate change has helped fishery managers anticipate changes in recruitment and prepare adaptive management strategies to maintain fish production and sustainable harvest into the future.