NE1045: Design, Assessment, and Management of Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems: Addressing the Challenges of Climate Change
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Amador, J.A., and J. A. Atoyan. 2012. Structure and composition of leachfield bacterial communities: Role of soil texture, depth and septic tank effluent inputs. Water 4: 737-749.
Bradshaw, J., Radcliffe, D. E. (2011). Nitrogen losses in a Piedmont onsite wastewater system. Abstract. SSSA.
Farrell-Poe, K., J. Garrett, and D. Long. 2012. What you should know when youre having your septic system inspected for the Transfer of Ownership Program. UA Extension publication, AZ1554. Tucson, AZ: UA. [http://cals.arizona.edu/pubs/water/az1554.pdf]
Farrell-Poe, Kitt. 2012. Maintaining your septic tank. In Backyards & Beyond: Rural Living in Arizona. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. 6(1): 18, Winter/Spring.
Farrell-Poe, Kitt and Dawn Long. 2012. 10 things REALTORS® should know about septic systems. In Arizona REALTOR® Magazine. May. [http://www.aaronline.com/azr/2012/may/10-things-to-know-about-septic-systems.aspx]
Lee, B.D. 2012. Septic system maintenance: Care and feeding of your system. University of Kentucky bulletin. HENV-501.
Lee, B.D. 2012. Septic system failure and environmental impacts. University of Kentucky bulletin. HENV-502.
Lee, B.D. 2012. Septic tanks: the primary treatment device of septic systems. University of Kentucky bulletin. HENV-503.
Lee, B.D. and M. Coyne. 2012. Importance of wastewater biological oxygen demand in septic systems. University of Kentucky bulletin. HENV-504.
Lee, B.D. and M. Coyne. 2012. Impacts of additives on septic system performance. University of Kentucky bulletin. HENV-505.
Lee, B.D. and G. Munshaw. 2012. Turfgrass color: Indicator of septic system performance. University of Kentucky bulletin. HENV-506.
Lee, B.D. 2012. Flood conditions and your septic system. University of Kentucky bulletin. HENV-507.
McCray, J.E., M. Geza, K.S. Lowe, M.B. Tucholke, A. Wunsch, S. Roberts, J. Drewes, J. Amador, J. Atoyan, D. Kalen, G. Loomis, T.B. Boving, and D. Radcliffe. 2011. Quantitative tools to determine the expected performance of wastewater soil treatment units: Guidance manual, toolkit user's guide and visual graphic tools. Water Intelligence Online 10:1476-1777.
Onsite Sewage Treatment Program. 2011. Manual for Septic System Professionals in Minnesota. University of Minnesota, Water Resource Center. St. Paul, MN.
Radcliffe, D. E., Bradshaw, J. K. (2011). A nitrogen chain model for on-site wastewater systems.Abstract. SSSA.
Safferman, S. I., Fernandez-Torres, I, Pfiffner, S. M., Larson, R. A., Mokma, D. L. (2011). Strategy for Land Application of Wastewater using Soil Environment Sensor Monitoring and Microbial Community Analyses. Journal of Environmental Engineering, 137(2) 97-107.
Wheeler, D. and S Heger. 2011. Rice County Seepage Pit (Dry Well) Research Summary. University of Minnesota, Water Resource Center. St. Paul, MN.
Wittwer, Jessica and S. Heger. 2011. Laboratory Manufactured High Strength Waste Study. University of Minnesota, Water Resource Center. St. Paul, MN.
Abit, S.M. 2013. Soil-based Septic System Decisions in Oklahoma. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Publication PSS-2271.
Abit, S.M. 2013. Land Buyers' Septic System Guide for Oklahoma. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Publication L-430.
Buchanan J.R. (in press) Decentralized Wastewater Treatment. In: Ahuja S. (ed.) Comprehensive Water Quality and Purification, vol. 3, pp. 244-267. United States of America: Elsevier.
Cooper, J., G. Loomis, D. Kalen, and J. Amador. (in preparation) Evaluation of Water Quality Renovation by Advanced Soil-Based Wastewater Treatment Systems.
Farrell-Poe, Kitt. 2013. What you should know when youre having your septic system inspected for the transfer of ownership program. In Backyards & Beyond: Rural Living in Arizona. University of Arizona Cooperative Extension. 7(1): 4-7, Winter.
Heger, S. 2013. Septic System Improvement Estimator Users Guide. University of Minnesota, Water Resource Center. St. Paul, MN.
Lee, B.D. G. Munshaw, R.E. Durham, M.V. Mickelbart, T. Powell. 2013. Native plant landscaping of septic systems. University of Kentucky bulletin. HENV-508.
Lee, B.D. 2013. How water use impacts septic system performance. University of Kentucky bulletin. HENV-509.
Loomis, G. and D. Kalen. 2013. Guidelines for the Design, Use, and Maintenance of Pressurized Drainfields. Prepared for Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management. Providence, RI. 50 pp. http://www.dem.ri.gov/programs/benviron/water/permits/isds/pdfs/pdflds.pdf
Morales, I., T. Boving, J.A. Atoyan, and J. A. Amador. (in preparation) Transport of Pathogen Surrogates in Soil Treatment Units: Numerical Modeling.
Safferman, S.I., Shirin Saber, L., Helferich, R.L., Schorr, J.R., Sengupta, S., and Revur, R. 2012. (in preparation) Phosphorus Removal from Wastewater using Nano Enhanced Iron Media.
Schorr, R.J., Sengupta, S., Revur, R., Helferich, R.L., and Safferman, S. (in press) Phosphorous Removal and Recovery using Nano Technology in Aquananotechnology: Global Prospects, Ed. Reisner, D.E.; Pradeep, T. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.
Abit, S.M. 2014. Aerobic Treatment Systems. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Publication PSS-2275.
Abit, S.M. 2014. Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems Permitted in Oklahoma. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Publication PSS-2913.
Abit, S.M. 2014. Keep Your Septic System in Working Order. Oklahoma Cooperative Extension Publication PSS-2914.
Abit, S.M., A. Amoozegar, M. J. Vepraskas, C. P. Niewoehner and E. Dell. 2014. Hydrologic Effects on Subsurface Transport of Surface-Applied Solutes and Bacteria in a Vadose Zone-Shallow Groundwater Continuum. SSSA Onsite Wastewater Conference. April 7-8, 2014. Albuquerque, NM.
Amador, J.A. 2014. Infiltration Systems and Nitrate Removal. In: Encyclopedia of Natural Resources, pp. 754-757. Taylor & Francis, New York, NY.
Buchanan, J.R. 2014. Decentralized Wastewater Treatment. In: Ahuja, S. (ed.) Comprehensive Water Quality and Purification, vol. 3, pp. 244-267. United States of America: Elsevier.
Cooper, J. A., G. W. Loomis, D. V. Kalen, and J. A. Amador. 2015. Evaluation of Water Quality Functions of Conventional and Advanced Soil-Based Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems. Journal of Environmental Quality (In revision).
Heger, S. 2014. Milk house Improvement Estimator Users Guide. University of Minnesota, Water Resource Center. St. Paul, MN.
Morales, I., T. B. Boving, J. A. Atoyan, and J. A. Amador. 2014. Transport of pathogen surrogates in soil treatment units: Numerical modeling. Water 6: 818-838.
Morales, I., Amador, J.A., Cooper, J., Boving, T.B. Transport of Escherichia coli in a Simulated Soil-based Wastewater Treatment System. (In preparation)
Oliver, C.W., D.E. Radcliffe, L.M. Risse, M. Habteselassie, R. Mukundan, and J. Jeong. 2014. Quantifying the contribution of on-site wastewater treatment systems to stream discharge using the SWAT model. J. Environ. Qual. 43:539-548.
Oliver, C.W., L.M. Risse, D.E. Radcliffe, M. Habteselassie, and J. Clarke. 2014. Evaluating potential impacts of on-site wastewater treatment systems on the nitrogen load and baseflow in streams of watersheds in Metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia. Trans. ASABE. 57:1121-1128.
Richard, J. T., D. A. Potts, and J. A. Amador. 2014. Mechanisms of ammonium transformation and loss in intermittently aerated leachfield soil. Journal of Environmental Quality, 43: 2130-2136.
Schorr, J.R., S.Sengupta, R.Revur, R. Helferich, S. Safferman. 2014. Phosphorous Removal and Recovery Using Nano Technology, Aquananotechnology: Global Prospects. Editors, D. E. Reisner and T. Pradeep. CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group.
Sowah, R., H. Zhang, D.E. Radcliffe, E. Bauske, and M. Habteselassie. Evaluating the influence of septic systems and watershed characteristics on stream fecal pollution in suburban watersheds in Georgia, USA. J. Applied Microbiology. In press.
Cooper, J. A., G. W. Loomis, D. V. Kalen, and J. A. Amador. 2015. Evaluation of Water Quality Functions of Conventional and Advanced Soil-Based Onsite Wastewater Treatment Systems. Journal of Environmental Quality 44(3): 953-962.
Cooper, J. A., I. Morales, and J. A. Amador. 2015. Nitrogen Transformations in Different Septic System Drainfield Types. Ecological Engineering (In review).
Dong, Y., Safferman, S. I., Herold, T., Ostahowski, J., and Panter, R. 2014. Enzyme Pretreatment of Fats, Oil and Grease from Restaurant Waste to Prolong Drain Field Effectiveness. 2014 National Onsite Water Resources Association, Denver Colorado.
Julien, R., Safferman, S.I. 2015. Evaluation of Food Processing Wastewater Loading Characteristics on Metal Mobilization within the Soil. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A, 50(14): 1452-1457.
Morales, I., Amador, J.A., Cooper, J., Boving, T.B. Transport of Escherichia coli in a Simulated Soil-based Wastewater Treatment System. (In preparation)
Morales, I. 2015. Modeling onsite wastewater treatment system contaminants in current and climate changing conditions. Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Rhode Island, 154 pages.
Safferman, S. I., Gibb, T., and Bhakta, N. 2015. MSUE Comprehensive Onsite Wastewater Management Education Program. Michigan Environmental Health Association, Traverse City, MI.
Safferman, S. I. and Dong, Y. 201). Enzyme Pretreatment of Fats, Oils, and Grease from Restaurant Waste to Prolog Drain Field Effectiveness. Michigan Environmental Health Association, Traverse City, MI.
Szmurlo, M., S. Heger, D. Wheeler, and D. Gustafson. 2014. Online Training Opportunities for Septic Professionals in Minnesota. In proceeding of NOWRA 23rd Annual Conference. Alexandria, VA.
Sowah, R., H. Zhang, D.E. Radcliffe, E. Bauske, and M. Habteselassie. 2014. Evaluating the influence of septic systems and watershed characteristics on stream fecal pollution in suburban watersheds in Georgia, USA. J. Applied Microbiology. doi:10.1111/jam.12614.
Waak, M. and S. Heger. 2014. Adult Care Facility Septic System Evaluation. In proceeding of NOWRA 23rd Annual Conference. Alexandria, VA.