NC_OLD1187: The Chemical and Physical Nature of Particulate Matter Affecting Air, Water and Soil Quality. (NCR174)
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Aouad, A., A.S. Anastacio, F. Bergaya, and J.W. Stucki. 2010. A Mossbauer spectroscopic study of aluminum- and iron-pillared clay minerals. Clays and Clay Minerals 58:164-173.
Baker, L.L., D.G. Strawn, and R.W. Smith. 2010. Cation Exchange on Vadose Zone Research Park Subsurface Sediment, Idaho National Laboratory. Vadose Zone Journal 9:476-485.
Basso, B., M. Amato, G. Bitella, R. Rossi, A. Kravchenko, L. Sartori, L.M. Carvahlo, and J. Gomes. 2010. Two-Dimensional Spatial and Temporal Variation of Soil Physical Properties in Tillage Systems Using Electrical Resistivity Tomography. Agronomy Journal 102:440-449.
Biasioli, M., J.K. Kirby, G.M. Hettiarachchi, F. Ajmone-Marsan, and M.J. McLaughlin. 2010. Copper Lability in Soils Subjected to Intermittent Submergence. (in English) Journal of Environmental Quality 39:2047-2053.
Boparai, H.K., S.D. Comfort, T. Satapanajaru, J.E. Szecsody, P.R. Grossl, and P.J. Shea. 2010. Abiotic transformation of high explosives by freshly precipitated iron minerals in aqueous Fe-II solutions. Chemosphere 79:865-872.
Breier, J.A., K. Anantharaman, B.M. Toner, and G.J. Dick. 2010. Biotic-abiotic interactions in deep-sea hydrothermal plumes. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 74:A120-A120.
Breier, J.A., C.G. Rauch, K. McCartney, B.M. Toner, S.C. Fakra, S.N. White, and C.R. German. 2009. A suspended-particle rosette multi-sampler for discrete biogeochemical sampling in low-particle-density waters. (in English) Deep-Sea Research Part I-Oceanographic Research Papers 56:1579-1589.
Feng, X.H., M.Q. Zhu, M. Ginder-Vogel, C.Y. Ni, S.J. Parikh, and D.L. Sparks. 2010. Formation of nano-crystalline todorokite from biogenic Mn oxides. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 74:3232-3245.
Ginder-Vogel, M., G. Landrot, J.S. Fischel, and D.L. Sparks. 2009. Quantification of rapid environmental redox processes with quick-scanning x-ray absorption spectroscopy (Q-XAS). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106:16124-16128.
Han, T., H.R. An, and G. Mainelis. 2010. Performance of an Electrostatic Precipitator with Superhydrophobic Surface when Collecting Airborne Bacteria. Aerosol Science and Technology 44:339-348.
Heller, H., A. Bar-Tal, G. Tamir, P. Bloom, R.T. Venterea, D. Chen, Y. Zhang, C.E. Clapp, and P. Fine. 2010. Effects of Manure and Cultivation on Carbon Dioxide and Nitrous Oxide Emissions from a Corn Field under Mediterranean Conditions. (in English) Journal of Environmental Quality 39:437-448.
Hettiarachchi, G.M., E. Lombi, M.J. McLaughlin, D.J. Chittleborough, and C. Johnston. 2010. Chemical behavior of fluid and granular Mn and Zn fertilisers in alkaline soils. Australian Journal of Soil Research 48:238-247.
Khalid, S., W. Caliebe, P. Siddons, I. So, B. Clay, T. Lenhard, J. Hanson, Q. Wang, A.I. Frenkel, N. Marinkovic, N. Hould, M. Ginder-Vogel, G.L. Landrot, D.L. Sparks, and A. Ganjoo. 2010. Quick extended x-ray absorption fine structure instrument with millisecond time scale, optimized for in situ applications. Review of Scientific Instruments 81.
Khwaja, A.R., P.R. Bloom, and P.L. Brezonik. 2010. Binding Strength of Methylmercury to Aquatic NOM. (in English) Environmental Science & Technology 44:6151-6156.
Kim, H.M., S.H. Anderson, P.P. Motavalli, and C.J. Gantzer. 2010. Compaction effects on soil macropore geometry and related parameters for an arable field. Geoderma 160:244-251.
Kumar, S., S.H. Anderson, and R.P. Udawatta. 2010a. Agroforestry and Grass Buffer Influences on Macropores Measured by Computed Tomography under Grazed Pasture Systems. (in English) Soil Science Society of America Journal 74:203-212.
Kumar, S., S.H. Anderson, R.P. Udawatta, and C.J. Gantzer. 2010b. CT-measured macropores as affected by agroforestry and grass buffers for grazed pasture systems. (in English) Agroforestry Systems 79:59-65.
Kwon, L.W., K.L. Armbrust, and K. Xia. 2010. Transformation of Triclosan and Triclocarban in Soils and Biosolids-applied Soils. Journal of Environmental Quality 39:1139-1144.
Kwon, J. W., K. L. Armbrust, D. Vidal-Dorsch, S. M. Bay, K. Xia*. 2009. Determination of 17±-ethynylestradiol, carbamazepine, diazepam, simvastatin, and oxybenzone in fish livers. J. AOAC International. 92: 359-370.
Lafferty, B.J., M. Ginder-Vogel, and D.L. Sparks. 2010a. Arsenite Oxidation by a Poorly Crystalline Manganese-Oxide 1. Stirred-Flow Experiments. Environmental Science & Technology 44:8460-8466.
Lafferty, B.J., M. Ginder-Vogel, M.Q. Zhu, K.J.T. Livi, and D.L. Sparks. 2010b. Arsenite Oxidation by a Poorly Crystalline Manganese-Oxide. 2. Results from X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and X-ray Diffraction. Environmental Science & Technology 44:8467-8472.
Landrot, G., M. Ginder-Vogel, and D.L. Sparks. 2010b. Kinetics of Chromium(III) Oxidation by Manganese(IV) Oxides Using Quick Scanning X-ray Absorption Fine Structure Spectroscopy (Q-XAFS). Environmental Science & Technology 44:143-149.
Langell, M.A., E. Kadossov, H. Boparai, and P. Shea. 2009. Effect of sodium dithionite on the surface composition of iron-containing aquifer sediment. Surface and Interface Analysis 41:941-950.
Lioy, P.J., Y. Nazarenko, T.W. Han, M.J. Lioy, and G. Mainelis. 2010. Nanotechnology and Exposure Science What Is Needed To Fill the Research and Data Gaps for Consumer Products. (in English) International Journal of Occupational and Environmental Health 16:378-387.
Liyanapatirana, C., S.R. Gwaltney, and K. Xia. 2010. Transformation of Triclosan by Fe(III)-Saturated Montmorillonite. Environmental Science & Technology 44:668-674.
Mainelis, G., and M. Tabayoyong. 2010. The Effect of Sampling Time on the Overall Performance of Portable Microbial Impactors. Aerosol Science and Technology 44:75-82.
Oram, L.L., D.G. Strawn, M.J. Morra, and G. Moller. 2010. Selenium Biogeochemical Cycling and Fluxes in the Hyporheic Zone of a Mining-Impacted Stream. Environmental Science & Technology 44:4176-4183.
Parikh, S.J., B.J. Lafeerty, T.G. Meade, and D.L. Sparks. 2010. Evaluating Environmental Influences on As-III Oxidation Kinetics by a Poorly Crystalline Mn-Oxide. Environmental Science & Technology 44:3772-3778.
Peltier, E., D. van der Lelie, and D.L. Sparks. 2010. Formation and Stability of Ni-Al Hydroxide Phases in Soils. Environmental Science & Technology 44:302-308.
Premarathna, H.L., M.J. McLaughlin, J.K. Kirby, G.M. Hettiarachchi, D. Beak, S. Stacey, and D.J. Chittleborough. 2010. Potential Availability of Fertilizer Selenium in Field Capacity and Submerged Soils. Soil Science Society of America Journal 74:1589-1596.
Quazi, S., B. Toner, and P. Bloom. 2010b. The fate of phosphorus in biosolids treated soils: Speciation, transport and accumulation. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 74:A841-A841.
Shang, J.Y., M. Flury, J.B. Harsh, and R.L. Zollars. 2010. Contact angles of aluminosilicate clays as affected by relative humidity and exchangeable cations. (in English) Colloids and Surfaces a-Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 353:1-9.
Shimizu, M., M. Ginder-Vogel, S.J. Parikh, and D.L. Sparks. 2010. Molecular Scale Assessment of Methylarsenic Sorption on Aluminum Oxide. Environmental Science & Technology 44:612-617.
Smucker, A., E.J. Park, W. Wang, W.J. Sul, and M. Rivers. 2009. Forms and functions of meso and micro-niche capacities within soil aggregates. Journal of Nematology 41:381-381.
Smucker, A.J.M., W. Wang, A.N. Kravchenko, and W.A. Dick. 2010a. Forms and Functions of Meso and Micro-niches of Carbon within Soil Aggregates. Journal of Nematology 42:84-86.
Strawn, D.G., and L.L. Baker. 2009. Molecular characterization of copper in soils using X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Environmental Pollution 157:2813-2821.
Sunil, V.R., K.J. Patel, G. Mainelis, B.J. Turpin, S. Ridgely, R.J. Laumbach, H.M. Kipen, Y. Nazarenko, M. Veleeparambil, A.J. Gow, J.D. Laskin, and D.L. Laskin. 2009. Pulmonary effects of inhaled diesel exhaust in aged mice. Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology 241:283-293.
Sverjensky, D.A., C.M. Jonsson, C.L. Jonsson, C.F. Estrada, N. Lee, K. Klochko, H.J. Cleaves, R.M. Hazen, S.J. Parikh, J.D. Kubicki, and D.L. Sparks. 2010. Attachment of acidic amino acids to mineral surfaces: Implications for prebiotic chemistry. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 74:A1011-A1011.
Thelen, K.D., B.E. Fronning, A. Kravchenko, D.H. Min, and G.P. Robertson. 2010. Integrating livestock manure with a corn-soybean bioenergy cropping system improves short-term carbon sequestration rates and net global warming potential. Biomass & Bioenergy 34:960-966.
Tomanek, L., J.M. Diehl, S.E. Johnson, K. Xia, and S.J. Teh. 2010. Nonylphenol in marine organisms in North American estuaries: Trophic chain accumulation and proteomic responses. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology a-Molecular & Integrative Physiology 157:S47-S48.
Toner, B.M. 2010. Retention of biogeochemical signatures by iron oxyhydroxide minerals in deep-sea deposits. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 74:A1048-A1048.
Toner, B.M., R.A. Lesniewski, J.J. Marlow, C.M. Santelli, W. Bach, B.N. Orcutt, and K.J. Edwards. 2010. Mineralogy selects microbial community characteristics at low-temperature along the global mid-ocean ridge. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 74:A1049-A1049.
Vasilyeva, G.K., E.R. Strijakova, S.N. Nikolaeva, A.T. Lebedev, and P.J. Shea. 2010. Dynamics of PCB removal and detoxification in historically contaminated soils amended with activated carbon. Environmental Pollution 158:770-777.
Verma, K.S., and K. Xia. 2010. Analysis of Triclosan and Triclocarban in Soil and Biosolids Using Molecularly Imprinted Solid Phase Extraction Coupled with HPLC-UV. Journal of Aoac International 93:1313-1321.
Williams, M. A., K. Xia. 2009. Characterization of the water soluble soil organic pool following the rewetting of dry soil in a drought prone tallgrass prairie. Soil Biology Biochem.41:21-28.
Xia, K., J. Atkins, C. Foster, and K. Armbrust. 2010. Analysis of Cyromazine in Poultry Feed Using the QuEChERS Method Coupled with LC-MS/MS. J. Agricul. Food Chem. 58:59455949.
Xia, K., L.S. Hundal, K. Kumar, K. Armbrust, A.E. Cox, and T.C. Granato. 2010. Triclocarban, triclosan, polybrominated diphenyl ethers, and 4-nonylphenol in biosolids and in soil receiving 33-year biosolids application. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 29:597-605.
Yao, M.S., Y. Wu, S.Q. Zhen, and G. Mainelis. 2009. A comparison of airborne and dust-borne allergens and toxins collected from home, office and outdoor environments both in New Haven, United States and Nanjing, China. Aerobiologia 25:183-192.
Zhu, M.Q., M. Ginder-Vogel, and D.L. Sparks. 2010a. Ni(II) Sorption on Biogenic Mn-Oxides with Varying Mn Octahedral Layer Structure. Environmental Science & Technology 44:4472-4478.
Zhu, M.Q., M. Ginder-Vogel, S.J. Parikh, X.H. Feng, and D.L. Sparks. 2010b. Cation Effects on the Layer Structure of Biogenic Mn-Oxides. Environmental Science & Technology 44:4465-4471.
Aramrak, S., M. Flury, and J.B. Harsh. 2011. Detachment of Deposited Colloids by Advancing and Receding Air-Water Interfaces. Langmuir 27:9985-9993.
Baker, L.L., D.G. Strawn, K.L. Vaughan, and P.A. McDaniel. 2010. XAS STUDY OF Fe MINERALOGY IN A CHRONOSEQUENCE OF SOIL CLAYS FORMED IN BASALTIC CINDERS. Clays and Clay Minerals 58:772-782.
Baker, L.L., D.G. Strawn, W.C. Rember, and K.F. Sprenke. 2011. Metal content of charcoal in mining-impacted wetland sediments. Science of the Total Environment 409:588-594.
Barrocas, P.R.G., W.M. Landing, and R.J.M. Hudson. 2010. Assessment of mercury(II) bioavailability using a bioluminescent bacterial biosensor: Practical and theoretical challenges. Journal of Environmental Sciences-China 22:1137-1143.
Beak, D.G., J.K. Kirby, G.M. Hettiarachchi, L.A. Wendling, M.J. McLaughlin, and R. Khatiwada. 2011. Cobalt Distribution and Speciation: Effect of Aging, Intermittent Submergence, In Situ Rice Roots. Journal of Environmental Quality 40:679-695.
Bedmar, F., P.E. Daniel, J.L. Costa, and D. Gimenez. 2011. SORPTION OF ACETOCHLOR, S-METOLACHLOR, AND ATRAZINE IN SURFACE AND SUBSURFACE SOIL HORIZONS OF ARGENTINA. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 30:1990-1996.
de Livera, J., M.J. McLaughlin, D. Beak, G.M. Hettiarachchi, and J. Kirby. 2011a. Release of Dissolved Cadmium and Sulfur Nanoparticles from Oxidizing Sulfide Minerals. Soil Science Society of America Journal 75:842-854.
de Livera, J., M.J. McLaughlin, G.M. Hettiarachchi, J.K. Kirby, and D.G. Beak. 2011b. Cadmium solubility in paddy soils: Effects of soil oxidation, metal sulfides and competitive ions. Science of the Total Environment 409:1489-1497.
Gonzalez-Chavez, M.d.C.A., J.A. Aitkenhead-Peterson, T.J. Gentry, D. Zuberer, F. Hons, and R. Loeppert. 2010. Soil microbial community, C, N, and P responses to long-term tillage and crop rotation. Soil & Tillage Research 106:285-293.
Guido, A.S., G.M. Hettiarachchi, C. Attanayake, P. Defoe, and M. Palomo. 2011. Bioavailability of lead in urban soil environments. Abstracts of Papers of the American Chemical Society 241.
Han, T., Y. Nazarenko, P.J. Lioy, and G. Mainelis. 2011. Collection efficiencies of an electrostatic sampler with superhydrophobic surface for fungal bioaerosols. Indoor Air 21:110-120.
Hass, A., R.H. Loeppert, M.G. Messina, and T.D. Rogers. 2011. Determination of Phosphate in Selective Extractions for Soil Iron Oxides by the Molybdenum Blue Method in an Automated Continuance Flow Injection System. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 42:1619-1635.
Kang, D.-H., S.C. Gupta, P.R. Bloom, A.Z. Ranaivoson, R. Roberson, and J. Siekmeier. 2011. Recycled Materials as Substitutes for Virgin Aggregates in Road Construction: II. Inorganic Contaminant Leaching. Soil Science Society of America Journal 75:1276-1284.
Kaufhold, S., K. Ufer, A. Kaufhold, J.W. Stucki, A.S. Anastacio, R. Jahn, and R. Dohrmann. 2010. QUANTIFICATION OF ALLOPHANE FROM ECUADOR. Clays and Clay Minerals 58:707-716.
Khaokaew, S., R.L. Chaney, G. Landrot, M. Ginder-Vogel, and D.L. Sparks. 2011. Speciation and Release Kinetics of Cadmium in an Alkaline Paddy Soil under Various Flooding Periods and Draining Conditions. Environmental Science & Technology 45:4249-4255.
Kim, H., S.H. Anderson, P.P. Motavalli, and C.J. Gantzer. 2010. Compaction effects on soil macropore geometry and related parameters for an arable field. Geoderma 160:244-251.
Kravchenko, A., R.E. Falconer, D. Grinev, and W. Otten. 2011a. Fungal colonization in soils with different management histories: modeling growth in three-dimensional pore volumes. Ecological Applications 21:1202-1210.
Kravchenko, A.N., A.N.W. Wang, A.J.M. Smucker, and M.L. Rivers. 2011b. Long-term Differences in Tillage and Land Use Affect Intra-aggregate Pore Heterogeneity. Soil Science Society of America Journal 75:1658-1666.
Kravchenko, A.N., A.N.W. Wang, A.J.M. Smucker, and M.L. Rivers. 2011c. Long-term Differences in Tillage and Land Use Affect Intra-aggregate Pore Heterogeneity. Soil Science Society of America Journal 75:1658-1666.
Kumar, S., R.P. Udawatta, and S.H. Anderson. 2010. Root length density and carbon content of agroforestry and grass buffers under grazed pasture systems in a Hapludalf. Agroforestry Systems 80:85-96.
Kwon, H.-Y., and R.J.M. Hudson. 2010. Quantifying management-driven changes in organic matter turnover in an agricultural soil: An inverse modeling approach using historical data and a surrogate CENTURY-type model. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 42:2241-2253.
Lafferty, B.J., M. Ginder-Vogel, and D.L. Sparks. 2010a. Arsenite Oxidation by a Poorly Crystalline Manganese-Oxide 1. Stirred-Flow Experiments. Environmental Science & Technology 44:8460-8466.
Lafferty, B.J., M. Ginder-Vogel, M. Zhu, K.J.T. Livi, and D.L. Sparks. 2010b. Arsenite Oxidation by a Poorly Crystalline Manganese-Oxide. 2. Results from X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy and X-ray Diffraction. Environmental Science & Technology 44:8467-8472.
Lee, S.S., C.J. Gantzer, A.L. Thompson, and S.H. Anderson. 2011. Polyacrylamide efficacy for reducing soil erosion and runoff as influenced by slope. (in English) Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 66:172-177.
Li, T., Z. Di, X. Yang, and D.L. Sparks. 2011. Effects of dissolved organic matter from the rhizosphere of the hyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii on sorption of zinc and cadmium by different soils. Journal of Hazardous Materials 192:1616-1622.
Lombi, E., G.M. Hettiarachchi, and K.G. Scheckel. 2011. Advanced in situ Spectroscopic Techniques and Their Applications in Environmental Biogeochemistry: Introduction to the Special Section. Journal of Environmental Quality 40:659-666.
Masue-Slowey, Y., R.H. Loeppert, and S. Fendorf. 2011. Alteration of ferrihydrite reductive dissolution and transformation by adsorbed As and structural Al: Implications for As retention. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 75:870-886.
Munoz, J.D., and A. Kravchenko. 2011. Soil carbon mapping using on-the-go near infrared spectroscopy, topography and aerial photographs. Geoderma 166:102-110.
Nazarenko, Y., T.W. Han, P.J. Lioy, and G. Mainelis. 2011. Potential for exposure to engineered nanoparticles from nanotechnology-based consumer spray products. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology 21:515-528.
Oram, L.L., D.G. Strawn, and G. Moeller. 2011. Chemical Speciation and Bioavailability of Selenium in the Rhizosphere of Symphyotrichum eatonii from Reclaimed Mine Soils. Environmental Science & Technology 45:870-875.
Parikh, S.J., J.D. Kubicki, C.M. Jonsson, C.L. Jonsson, R.M. Hazen, D.A. Sverjensky, and D.L. Sparks. 2011. Evaluating Glutamate and Aspartate Binding Mechanisms to Rutile (alpha-TiO2) via ATR-FTIR Spectroscopy and Quantum Chemical Calculations. Langmuir 27:1778-1787.
Paudel, B.R., R.P. Udawatta, and S.H. Anderson. 2011. Agroforestry and grass buffer effects on soil quality parameters for grazed pasture and row-crop systems. Applied Soil Ecology 48:125-132.
Pereira, M.C., L.C.D. Cavalcante, F. Magalhaes, J.D. Fabris, J.W. Stucki, L.C.A. Oliveira, and E. Murad. 2011. Composites prepared from natural iron oxides and sucrose: A highly reactive system for the oxidation of organic contaminants in water. Chemical Engineering Journal 166:962-969.
Shalat, S.L., A.A. Stambler, Z. Wang, G. Mainelis, O.H. Emoekpere, M. Hernandez, P.J. Lioy, and K. Black. 2011. Development and In-Home Testing of the Pretoddler Inhalable Particulate Environmental Robotic (PIPER Mk IV) Sampler. Environmental Science & Technology 45:2945-2950.
Shimizu, M., Y. Arai, and D.L. Sparks. 2011. Multiscale Assessment of Methylarsenic Reactivity in Soil. 1. Sorption and Desorption on Soils. Environmental Science & Technology 45:4293-4299.
Somenahally, A.C., E.B. Hollister, R.H. Loeppert, W. Yan, and T.J. Gentry. 2011. Microbial communities in rice rhizosphere altered by intermittent and continuous flooding in fields with long-term arsenic application. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 43:1220-1228.
Son, E.K., V. Krumins, B.J. Schwab, G. Mainelis, and D.E. Fennell. 2009. Monitoring Growth and Activity of Bacteria in Air. Abstracts of the General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology 109.
Stucki, J.W. 2011. A review of the effects of iron redox cycles on smectite properties. Comptes Rendus Geoscience 343:199-209.
Tamir, G., M. Shenker, H. Heller, P.R. Bloom, P. Fine, and A. Bar-Tal. 2011. Can Soil Carbonate Dissolution Lead to Overestimation of Soil Respiration? Soil Science Society of America Journal 75:1414-1422.
Udawatta, R.P., S.H. Anderson, P.P. Motavalli, and H.E. Garrett. 2011. Calibration of a water content reflectometer and soil water dynamics for an agroforestry practice. Agroforestry Systems 82:61-75.
Urbanek, E., A.J.M. Smucker, and R. Horn. 2011. Total and fresh organic carbon distribution in aggregate size classes and single aggregate regions using natural C-13/C-12 tracer. Geoderma 164:164-171.
Wang, W., A.N. Kravchenko, A.J.M. Smucker, and M.L. Rivers. 2011a. Comparison of image segmentation methods in simulated 2D and 3D microtomographic images of soil aggregates. Geoderma 162:231-241.
Wang, W., A.N. Kravchenko, A.J.M. Smucker, and M.L. Rivers. 2011b. Comparison of image segmentation methods in simulated 2D and 3D microtomographic images of soil aggregates. Geoderma 162:231-241.
Baker, L.L., W.C. Rember, K.F. Sprenke and D.G. Strawn. 2012. Celadonite in continental flood
basalts of the Columbia River Basalt Group. American Mineralogist 97: 1284-1290.
Baker, L.L. and D.G. Strawn. 2012. Fe K-edge XAFS spectra of phyllosilicates of varying
crystallinity. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals 39: 675-684. doi:10.1007/s00269-012-
Bangira, C., Y. Deng, R.H. Loeppert, C.T. Hallmark and J.W. Stucki. 2011. Soil Mineral
Composition in Contrasting Climatic Regions of the Great Dyke, Zimbabwe. Soil
Science Society of America Journal 75: 2367-2378. doi:10.2136/sssaj2011.0134.
Bloom, P.R., G.W. Rehm, J.A. Lamb and A.J. Scobbie. 2011. Soil Nitrate is a Causative Factor
in Iron Deficiency Chlorosis in Soybeans. Soil Science Society of America Journal 75:
2233-2241. doi:10.2136/sssaj2010.0391.
Breier, J.A., B.M. Toner, S.C. Fakra, M.A. Marcus, S.N. White, A.M. Thurnherr, et al. 2012.
Sulfur, sulfides, oxides and organic matter aggregated in submarine hydrothermal plumes
at 9 degrees 50 ' N East Pacific Rise. Geochimica Et Cosmochimica Acta 88: 216-236.
Brown, S.L., I. Clausen, M.A. Chappell, K.G. Scheckel, M. Newville and G.M. Hettiarachchi.
2012. High-Iron Biosolids Compost-Induced Changes in Lead and Arsenic Speciation
and Bioaccessibility in Co-contaminated Soils. Journal of Environmental Quality 41:
1612-1622. doi:10.2134/jeq2011.0297.
Diehl, J., S.E. Johnson, K. Xia, A. West and L. Tomanek. 2012. The distribution of 4-
nonylphenol in marine organisms of North American Pacific Coast estuaries.
Chemosphere 87: 490-497. doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2011.12.040.
Dong, H. and J.W. Stucki. 2011. ADVANCES IN CLAY SCIENCE IN CHINA. Clays and Clay
Minerals 59: 435-437. doi:10.1346/ccmn.2011.0590500.
Edwards, K.J., B.T. Glazer, O.J. Rouxel, W. Bach, D. Emerson, R.E. Davis, et al. 2011. Ultradiffuse
hydrothermal venting supports Fe-oxidizing bacteria and massive umber
deposition at 5000 m off Hawaii. Isme Journal 5: 1748-1758. doi:10.1038/ismej.2011.48.
Einstein, S.A., C.-H. Yu, G. Mainelis, L.C. Chen, C.P. Weisel and P.J. Lioy. 2012. Design and
validation of a passive deposition sampler. Journal of Environmental Monitoring 14:
2411-2420. doi:10.1039/c2em30174a.
Fortuna, A.-M., C.W. Honeycutt, G. Vandemark, T.S. Griffin, R.P. Larkin, Z. He, et al. 2012.
Links among Nitrification, Nitrifier Communities, and Edaphic Properties in Contrasting
Soils Receiving Dairy Slurry. Journal of Environmental Quality 41: 262-272.
Han, T. and G. Mainelis. 2012. Investigation of inherent and latent internal losses in liquid-based
bioaerosol samplers. Journal of Aerosol Science 45: 58-68.
Holden, J.F., J.A. Breier, K.L. Rogers, M.D. Schulte and B.M. Toner. 2012. Biogeochemical
Processes at Hydrothermal Vents Microbes and Minerals, Bioenergetics, and Carbon
Fluxes. Oceanography 25: 196-208.
Ippolito, J.A., D.G. Strawn, K.G. Scheckel, J.M. Novak, M. Ahmedna and M.A.S. Niandou.
2012. Macroscopic and Molecular Investigations of Copper Sorption by a Steam-
Activated Biochar. Journal of Environmental Quality 41: 1150-1156.
Jassogne, L., G. Hettiarachchi, A. McNeill and D. Chittleborough. 2012. Characterising the
chemistry of micropores in a sodic soil with strong texture-contrast using synchrotron Xray
techniques and LA-ICP-MS. Soil Research 50: 424-435. doi:10.1071/sr11312.
Jones, L.C., B.J. Lafferty and D.L. Sparks. 2012. Additive and Competitive Effects of Bacteria
and Mn Oxides on Arsenite Oxidation Kinetics. Environmental Science & Technology
46: 6548-6555. doi:10.1021/es204252f.
Kelly, J.G., F.X. Han, Y. Su, Y. Xia, V. Philips, Z. Shi, et al. 2012. Rapid Determination of
Mercury in Contaminated Soil and Plant Samples Using Portable Mercury Direct
Analyzer without Sample Preparation, a Comparative Study. Water Air and Soil
Pollution 223: 2361-2371. doi:10.1007/s11270-011-1030-3.
Khaokaew, S., G. Landrot, R.L. Chaney, K. Pandya and D.L. Sparks. 2012. Speciation and
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Anderson, S.H., and J.W. Hopmans. 2013. Soil-water-root processes: Advances in tomography and imaging. 304 pp. Soil Science Society of America Special Publication 61, Madison, WI.
Udawatta, R.P., S.H. Anderson, C.J. Gantzer, and S. Assouline. 2013. Computed tomographic evaluation of earth materials with varying resolutions. p. 97-112. In S.H. Anderson and J.W. Hopmans (eds.) Soil-Water-Root Processes: Advances in Tomography and Imaging, Soil Science Society of America Special Publication 61, Madison, Wisconsin.
Anderson, S.H., B. Haeffner, and R.L. Peyton. 2013. Chemical dispersivity affected by homogeneous and fractal porous media. Procedia Computer Science 15:(in press).
Anderson, S.H., H.J. Shieh, and R.L. Peyton. 2013. Chemical transport in undisturbed soils estimated using transfer function models. Procedia Computer Science 15:(in press).
Anderson, S.H., H.J. Shieh, and R.L. Peyton. 2013. Chemical transport in undisturbed soils
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Senaviratne, A., R.P. Udawatta, C. Baffaut, and S.H. Anderson. 2013. APEX simulation: Environmental benefits of agroforestry and grass buffers for corn-soybean watersheds. 2013 American Society of Agronomy/Soil Science Society of America International Meeting Abstracts [CD-ROM]. 3-6 November, Tampa, Florida.
Senaviratne, A., R.P. Udawatta, S.H. Anderson, C. Baffaut, and A.L. Thompson. 2013. Performance of geno-fuzzy model on rainfall-runoff predictions in claypan watersheds. 2013 American Society of Agronomy/Soil Science Society of America International Meeting Abstracts [CD-ROM]. 3-6 November, Tampa, Florida.
Simmons, L.A., and S.H. Anderson. 2013. Soil physical properties as affected by logging activities in a Central Hardwood Forest. 2013 American Society of Agronomy/Soil Science Society of America International Meeting Abstracts [CD-ROM]. 3-6 November, Tampa, Florida.
Ananyeva, K., W. Wang, A.J.M. Smucker, M.L. Rivers, A.N. Kravchenko. 2013. Intra-aggregate pore structures are related to total C distribution within soil macro-aggregates. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 57:868-875.
Anderson, S.H., and J.W. Hopmans. 2013. Soil-water-root processes: Advances in tomography and imaging. 304 pp. Soil Science Society of America Special Publication 61, Madison, WI.
Anderson, S.H., B. Haeffner, and R.L. Peyton. 2013. Chemical dispersivity affected by homogeneous and fractal porous media. Procedia Computer Science 15:(in press).
Anderson, S.H., B. Haeffner, and R.L. Peyton. 2013. Chemical dispersivity affected by homogeneous and fractal porous media. Complex Adaptive Systems Conference Abstracts, 13-15 November, Baltimore, MD.
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Aramrak, S., M. Flury, J.B. Harsh, R.L. Zollars and H.P. Davis. 2013. Does Colloid Shape Affect Detachment of Colloids by a Moving Air-Water Interface? Langmuir 29: 5770-5780. doi:10.1021/la400252q.
Chu, B., K.W. Goyne, S.H. Anderson, C.H. Lin, and R.N. Lerch. 2013. Sulfamethazine sorption to soil: Vegetative management, pH, and dissolved organic matter effects. J. Environ. Qual. 42:794-805.
Chu, B., S.H. Anderson, K.W. Goyne, C.H. Lin, and R.N. Lerch. 2013. Sulfamethazine transport in agroforestry and cropland soils. Vadose Zone J. 12(2):1-14. http://dx.doi.org/doi:10.2136/vzj2012.0124
Fahrenfeld, N., K. Knowlton, L. A. Krometis, W. C. Hession, K. Xia, E. Lipscomb, K. Libuit, B. L. Green, A. Pruden. 2013. Effect of Manure Application on Abundance of Antibiotic Resistance Genes and their Attenuation Rates in Soil: Field-Scale Mass Balance Approach. Environ. Sci. Technol. (in review).
Giménez , D., G.B. Runion, J.S. Caplan, B. Clough, S.A. Prior, and H. A.Torbert. 2013. Changes in Soil Structure Resulting From Elevated Carbon Dioxide and Nitrogen Levels in a Pasture System. ASA-CSSA-SSSA 2013 International Annual Meetings, November 3-6, Tampa, Florida.
Gunatilake, S. R., S. Steelhammer, J. W. Kwon, J. Rodriguez, K. Xia, K. Armbrust, and T. E. Mlsna. 2013. Analysis of Estrogens in Wastewater using solid phase extraction, the QuECHERS cleanup, and liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry. J. AOAC International. 96: 1440-1447.
Hildebrandt, B., A.N. Kravchenko, T.L. Marsh. 2013. Biogeochemical processes controlling soil carbon storage in conventional and cover-crop-enhanced row crop agro-ecosystems. Presented at the 5th Annual Argonne Soil Metagenomics Meeting, Oct 24, Bloomingdale, IL.
Ippolito, J.A., D.G. Strawn, and K.G. Scheckel. 2013. Investigation of copper sorption by sugar beet processing lime waste. J. Environ. Qual., 42:919-924.
Kravchenko A., H.-C. Chun, M. Mazer, W. Wang, J.B. Rose, A. Smucker, and M. Rivers. 2013. Relationships between intra-aggregate pore structures and distributions of Escherichia coli within soil macro-aggregates. Applied Soil Ecology 63:134-142.
Lami, R., L.C. Jones, M. Cottrell, B. Lafferty, M. Ginder-Vogel, D.L. Sparks, and D. Kirchman. 2013. Arsenite modifies structure of soil microbial communities and arsenite oxidation potential. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 84:270-279.
Li, J., G. Evanylo, K. Xia, J. Mao. 2013. Soil carbon characterization ten to fifteen years after organic residuals application: Carbon (1s) K-edge Near Edge X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (NEXAFS) Spectroscopy Study. Soil Science. (in press).
Li, W., X. Feng, Y. Yan, D.L. Sparks, and B.L. Phillips. 2013. Solid state NMR spectroscopic study of phosphate sorption mechanisms on aluminum (hydr)oxides. Environ. Sci. Technol. 47(15): 8308-8315.
Li, W., Y. Wang, M. Zhu, T.T. Fan, D-M. Zhou, B.L. Phillips and D.L. Sparks. 2013. Inhibition mechanism of Zn precipitation on aluminum oxide by glyphosate. A 31P NMR and Zn EXAFS study. Environ. Sci. Technol. 47(9):4211-4219.
Liu, Z.R., M. Flury, J.B. Harsh, J.B. Mathison and C. Vogs. 2013. Colloid mobilization in an undisturbed sediment core under semiarid recharge rates. Water Resources Research 49: 4985-4996. doi:10.1002/wrcr.20343.
Liu, Z.R., M. Flury, Z.F. Zhang, J.B. Harsh, G.W. Gee, C.E. Strickland, et al. 2013. Transport of Europium Colloids in Vadose Zone Lysimeters at the Semiarid Hanford Site. Environmental Science & Technology 47: 2153-2160. doi:10.1021/es304383d.
Ma, L., K. Xia, M. A. Williams, and D. B. Smith. Bioavailable Amino Acids in Soils of North-South and West-East Transects of Continental United States. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings, Tampa, FL. Nov. 3-6, 2013.
Moon J., M. Williams, K. Xia. July 2013. Proteomics to characterize soil ecosystem development. Soil Ecology Society Meeting, Rutgers, New Jersey. July 2013.
Moon J., M. Williams, K. Xia. June 2013. Proteomics to characterize soil pedogenesis. DOE-JGI Workshop. Walnut Creek, California. June 2013.
Negassa W., A. Guber, A. Kravchenko, and M. Rivers. 2013. Soil pore structure influences rates of soil organic carbon and plant residue decomposition: Evidence from coupled incubation and X-Ray computed tomography analyses. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Agronomy, Nov 1-3, Tampa, FL.
Negassa W., A. Guber, A. Kravchenko, B. Hildebrandt, T. Marsh, and M. Rivers. 2013. Does X-ray computed Tomography affect soil respiration and microbial activity? Presented at the annual meeting of the American Society of Agronomy, Nov 1-3, Tampa, FL.
Senaviratne, A., R.P. Udawatta, C. Baffaut, and S.H. Anderson. 2013. APEX simulation: Environmental benefits of agroforestry and grass buffers for corn-soybean watersheds. 2013 American Society of Agronomy/Soil Science Society of America International Meeting Abstracts [CD-ROM]. 3-6 November, Tampa, Florida.
Senaviratne, A., R.P. Udawatta, S.H. Anderson, C. Baffaut, and A.L. Thompson. 2013. Performance of geno-fuzzy model on rainfall-runoff predictions in claypan watersheds. 2013 American Society of Agronomy/Soil Science Society of America International Meeting Abstracts [CD-ROM]. 3-6 November, Tampa, Florida.
Senaviratne, G.M.M.M.A., R.P. Udawatta, C. Baffaut, and S.H. Anderson. 2013. Agricultural Policy Environmental eXtender simulation of three adjacent row-crop watersheds in the claypan region. J. Environ. Qual. 42: 726-736.
Shi, Z., D.M. DiToro, H.E. Allen, and D.L. Sparks. 2013. A general model for kinetics of heavy metal adsorption and desorption on soils. Environ. Sci. Technol. 47(8):3761-3767.
Simmons, L.A., and S.H. Anderson. 2013. Soil physical properties as affected by logging activities in a Central Hardwood Forest. 2013 American Society of Agronomy/Soil Science Society of America International Meeting Abstracts [CD-ROM]. 3-6 November, Tampa, Florida.
Sosienski, T., K. Xia, R. O. Maguire, and S. Kulesza. Fate of Hormones in Surface-Applied and Subsurface Injected Poultry Litter. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings, Tampa, FL. Nov. 3-6, 2013.
Udawatta, R.P., S.H. Anderson, C.J. Gantzer, and S. Assouline. 2013. Computed tomographic evaluation of earth materials with varying resolutions. p. 97-112. In S.H. Anderson and J.W. Hopmans (eds.) Soil-Water-Root Processes: Advances in Tomography and Imaging, Soil Science Society of America Special Publication 61, Madison, Wisconsin.
Wang, W., A. N. Kravchenko, T. Johnson, S. Srinivasan, A. J. M. Smucker, J. B. Rose, and M. L. Rivers. 2013. Intra-aggregate pore structures and Escherichia coli distribution within and movement out of soil macro-aggregates. Vadoze Zone J. 12(4): doi:10.2136/vzj2013.01.0012.
Williams, M. A., and K. Xia. Protein As the Dominant Form of Soil Organic Matter: More Questions Than Answers About the Role of Enzymes in Soil. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings, Tampa, FL. Nov. 3-6, 2013.
Xia, K., L. Ma, J. Moon, M. A. Williams, D. B. Smith. Soil Organic C Speciation in Surface and Subsurface Soils of North-South and West-East Transects of Continental United States: Carbon K-Edge Nexafs Spectroscopic Investigation. ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meetings, Tampa, FL. Nov. 3-6, 2013.
1. Aramrak, S.; Flury, M.; Harsh, J. B.; Zollars, R. L., Colloid Mobilization and Transport during Capillary Fringe Fluctuations. Environmental Science & Technology 2014, 48, (13), 7272-7279.
2. Ash, P. W.; Boyd, D. A.; Hyde, T. I.; Keating, J. L.; Randlshofer, G.; Rothenbacher, K.; Sankar, G.; Schauer, J. J.; Shafer, M. M.; Toner, B. M., Local Structure and Speciation of Platinum in Fresh and Road-Aged North American Sourced Vehicle Emissions Catalysts: An X-ray Absorption Spectroscopic Study. Environmental Science & Technology 2014, 48, (7), 3658-3665.
3. Atkinson, C.; Pechanova, O.; Sparks, D. L.; Brown, A.; Rodriguez, J. M., Differentiation of Aflatoxigenic and Non-Aflatoxigenic Strains of Aspergilli by FT-IR Spectroscopy. Applied Spectroscopy 2014, 68, (8), 920-924.
4. Attanayake, C. P.; Hettiarachchi, G. M.; Harms, A.; Presley, D.; Martin, S.; Pierzynski, G. M., Field Evaluations on Soil Plant Transfer of Lead from an Urban Garden Soil. Journal of Environmental Quality 2014, 43, (2), 475-487.
5. Babu, A. G.; Shea, P. J.; Oh, B.-T., Trichoderma sp PDR1-7 promotes Pinus sylvestris reforestation of lead-contaminated mine tailing sites. Science of the Total Environment 2014, 476, 561-567.
6. Babu, A. G.; Shim, J.; Bang, K.-S.; Shea, P. J.; Oh, B.-T., Trichoderma virens PDR-28: A heavy metal-tolerant and plant growth-promoting fungus for remediation and bioenergy crop production on mine tailing soil. Journal of Environmental Management 2014, 132, 129-134.
7. Babu, A. G.; Shim, J.; Shea, P. J.; Oh, B.-T., Penicillium aculeatum PDR-4 and Trichoderma sp PDR-16 promote phytoremediation of mine tailing soil and bioenergy production with sorghum-sudangrass. Ecological Engineering 2014, 69, 186-191.
8. Baker, L. L.; Nickerson, R. D.; Strawn, D. G., XAFS STUDY OF Fe-SUBSTITUTED ALLOPHANE AND IMOGOLITE. Clays and Clay Minerals 2014, 62, (1-2), 20-34.
10. Baker, L. R.; Pierzynski, G. M.; Hettiarachchi, G. M.; Scheckel, K. G.; Newville, M., Micro-X-Ray Fluorescence, Micro-X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy, and Micro-X-Ray Diffraction Investigation of Lead Speciation after the Addition of Different Phosphorus Amendments to a Smelter-Contaminated Soil. Journal of Environmental Quality 2014, 43, (2), 488-497.
11. Bennett, S. A.; Toner, B. M.; Barco, R.; Edwards, K. J., Carbon adsorption onto Fe oxyhydroxide stalks produced by a lithotrophic iron-oxidizing bacteria. Geobiology 2014, 12, (2), 146-156.
12. Chen, C.; Dynes, J. J.; Wang, J.; Karunakaran, C.; Sparks, D. L., Soft X-ray Spectronnicroscopy Study of Mineral-Organic Matter Associations in Pasture Soil Clay Fractions. Environmental Science & Technology 2014, 48, (12), 6678-6686.
13. Chimchart, B.; Kheoruenromne, I.; Suddhiprakarn, A.; Sparks, D. L., Role of Organic Matter on Charge Behavior of Oxisols and Ultisols Under Tropical Savanna and Tropical Monsoon Climates in Thailand. Soil Science 2013, 178, (10), 540-549.
14. Dallmann, T. R.; Onasch, T. B.; Kirchstetter, T. W.; Worton, D. R.; Fortner, E. C.; Herndon, S. C.; Wood, E. C.; Franklin, J. P.; Worsnop, D. R.; Goldstein, A. H.; Harley, R. A., Characterization of particulate matter emissions from on-road gasoline and diesel vehicles using a soot particle aerosol mass spectrometer. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2014, 14, (14), 7585-7599.
15. Dickson, J. O.; Harsh, J. B.; Flury, M.; Lukens, W. W.; Pierce, E. M., Competitive Incorporation of Perrhenate and Nitrate into Sodalite. Environmental Science & Technology 2014, 48, (21), 12851-12857.
16. Elbana, T. A.; Sparks, D. L.; Selim, H. M., Transport of Tin and Lead in Soils: Miscible Displacement Experiments and Second-Order Modeling. Soil Science Society of America Journal 2014, 78, (3), 701-712.
17. Fahrenfeld, N.; Knowlton, K.; Krometis, L. A.; Hession, W. C.; Xia, K.; Lipscomb, E.; Libuit, K.; Green, B. L.; Pruden, A., Effect of Manure Application on Abundance of Antibiotic Resistance Genes and Their Attenuation Rates in Soil: Field-Scale Mass Balance Approach. Environmental Science & Technology 2014, 48, (5), 2643-2650.
18. Fan, J.-X.; Wang, Y.-J.; Liu, C.; Wang, L.-H.; Yang, K.; Zhou, D.-M.; Li, W.; Sparks, D. L., Effect of iron oxide reductive dissolution on the transformation and immobilization of arsenic in soils: New insights from X-ray photoelectron and X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2014, 279, 212-219.
19. Garbuzenko, O. B.; Mainelis, G.; Taratula, O.; Minko, T., Inhalation treatment of lung cancer: the influence of composition, size and shape of nanocarriers on their lung accumulation and retention. Cancer Biology Medicine 2014, 11, (1), 44-55.
20. Gentner, D. R.; Ford, T. B.; Guha, A.; Boulanger, K.; Brioude, J.; Angevine, W. M.; de Gouw, J. A.; Warneke, C.; Gilman, J. B.; Ryerson, T. B.; Peischl, J.; Meinardi, S.; Blake, D. R.; Atlas, E.; Lonneman, W. A.; Kleindienst, T. E.; Beaver, M. R.; St Clair, J. M.; Wennberg, P. O.; VandenBoer, T. C.; Markovic, M. Z.; Murphy, J. G.; Harley, R. A.; Goldstein, A. H., Emissions of organic carbon and methane from petroleum and dairy operations in California's San Joaquin Valley. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2014, 14, (10), 4955-4978.
21. Gentner, D. R.; Ormeno, E.; Fares, S.; Ford, T. B.; Weber, R.; Park, J. H.; Brioude, J.; Angevine, W. M.; Karlik, J. F.; Goldstein, A. H., Emissions of terpenoids, benzenoids, and other biogenic gas-phase organic compounds from agricultural crops and their potential implications for air quality. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2014, 14, (11), 5393-5413.
22. Gentner, D. R.; Worton, D. R.; Isaacman, G.; Davis, L. C.; Dallmann, T. R.; Wood, E. C.; Herndon, S. C.; Goldstein, A. H.; Harley, R. A., Chemical Composition of Gas-Phase Organic Carbon Emissions from Motor Vehicles and Implications for Ozone Production. Environmental Science & Technology 2013, 47, (20), 11837-11848.
23. Grundtner, A.; Gupta, S.; Bloom, P., River Bank Materials as a Source and as Carriers of Phosphorus to Lake Pepin. Journal of Environmental Quality 2014, 43, (6), 1991-2001.
24. Gunatilake, S. R.; Craver, S.; Kwon, J.-W.; Xia, K.; Armbrust, K.; Rodriguez, J. M.; Mlsna, T. E., Analysis of Estrogens in Wastewater Using Solid-Phase Extraction, QuEChERS Cleanup, and Liquid Chromatography/Tandem Mass Spectrometry. Journal of Aoac International 2013, 96, (6), 1440-1447.
25. Guzman-Morales, J.; Frossard, A. A.; Corrigan, A. L.; Russell, L. M.; Liu, S.; Takahama, S.; Taylor, J. W.; Allan, J.; Coe, H.; Zhao, Y.; Goldstein, A. H., Estimated contributions of primary and secondary organic aerosol from fossil fuel combustion during the CalNex and Cal-Mex campaigns. Atmospheric Environment 2014, 88, 330-340.
26. Hartley, P. E.; Presley, D. R.; Ransom, M. D.; Hettiarachchi, G. M.; West, L. T., Vertisols and Vertic Properties of Soils of the Cherokee Prairies of Kansas. Soil Science Society of America Journal 2014, 78, (2), 556-566.
27. Hirmas, D. R.; Gimenez, D.; Subroy, V.; Platt, B. F., Fractal distribution of mass from the millimeter- to decimeter-scale in two soils under native and restored tallgrass prairie. Geoderma 2013, 207, 121-130.
28. Huang, Y. H.; Zhang, T. C.; Shea, P. J.; Comfort, S. D., Competitive Reduction of Nitrate, Nitrite, and Nitrobenzene in Fe-0-Water Systems. Journal of Environmental Engineering 2014, 140, (8).
29. Karathanasis, A. D., The Role of Colloidal Systems in Environmental Protection Foreword. 2014; p XV-XVI.
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37. Kravchenko, A. N.; Negassa, W.; Guber, A. K.; Schmidt, S., New Approach to Measure Soil Particulate Organic Matter in Intact Samples using X-Ray Computed Microtomography. Soil Science Society of America Journal 2014, 78, (4), 1177-1185.
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40. Li, T.; Tao, Q.; Liang, C.; Shohag, M. J. I.; Yang, X.; Sparks, D. L., Complexation with dissolved organic matter and mobility control of heavy metals in the rhizosphere of hyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii. Environmental Pollution 2013, 182, 248-255.
41. Ma, Y.; Zheng, X.; Anderson, S. H.; Lu, J.; Feng, X., Diesel oil volatilization processes affected by selected porous media. Chemosphere 2014, 99, 192-198.
42. Mainelis, G.; Seshadri, S.; Garbuzenko, O. B.; Han, T.; Wang, Z.; Minko, T., Characterization and Application of a Nose-Only Exposure Chamber for Inhalation Delivery of Liposomal Drugs and Nucleic Acids to Mice. Journal of Aerosol Medicine and Pulmonary Drug Delivery 2013, 26, (6), 345-354.
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45. Nazarenko, Y.; Lioy, P. J.; Mainelis, G., Quantitative assessment of inhalation exposure and deposited dose of aerosol from nanotechnology-based consumer sprays. Environmental Science-Nano 2014, 1, (2), 161-171.
46. Ortega, J.; Turnipseed, A.; Guenther, A. B.; Karl, T. G.; Day, D. A.; Gochis, D.; Huffman, J. A.; Prenni, A. J.; Levin, E. J. T.; Kreidenweis, S. M.; DeMott, P. J.; Tobo, Y.; Patton, E. G.; Hodzic, A.; Cui, Y. Y.; Harley, P. C.; Hornbrook, R. S.; Apel, E. C.; Monson, R. K.; Eller, A. S. D.; Greenberg, J. P.; Barth, M. C.; Campuzano-Jost, P.; Palm, B. B.; Jimenez, J. L.; Aiken, A. C.; Dubey, M. K.; Geron, C.; Offenberg, J.; Ryan, M. G.; Fornwalt, P. J.; Pryor, S. C.; Keutsch, F. N.; DiGangi, J. P.; Chan, A. W. H.; Goldstein, A. H.; Wolfe, G. M.; Kim, S.; Kaser, L.; Schnitzhofer, R.; Hansel, A.; Cantrell, C. A.; Mauldin, R. L.; Smith, J. N., Overview of the Manitou Experimental Forest Observatory: site description and selected science results from 2008 to 2013. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2014, 14, (12), 6345-6367.
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48. Pusede, S. E.; Gentner, D. R.; Wooldridge, P. J.; Browne, E. C.; Rollins, A. W.; Min, K. E.; Russell, A. R.; Thomas, J.; Zhang, L.; Brune, W. H.; Henry, S. B.; DiGangi, J. P.; Keutsch, F. N.; Harrold, S. A.; Thornton, J. A.; Beaver, M. R.; St Clair, J. M.; Wennberg, P. O.; Sanders, J.; Ren, X.; VandenBoer, T. C.; Markovic, M. Z.; Guha, A.; Weber, R.; Goldstein, A. H.; Cohen, R. C., On the temperature dependence of organic reactivity, nitrogen oxides, ozone production, and the impact of emission controls in San Joaquin Valley, California. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics 2014, 14, (7), 3373-3395.
49. Rabolt, J. F.; Tang, W.; Chase, D. B.; Sparks, D. L. Nanocomposite structure for sensor, has outermost third polyelectrolyte layer that is disposed on each gold nanorod of charged nanorod, and having change that is opposite charge of second polyelectrolyte. WO2014159521-A1.
50. Ramagopal, M.; Wang, Z.; Black, K.; Hernandez, M.; Stambler, A. A.; Emoekpere, O. H.; Mainelis, G.; Shalat, S. L., Improved exposure characterization with robotic (PIPER) sampling and association with children's respiratory symptoms, asthma and eczema. Journal of Exposure Science and Environmental Epidemiology 2014, 24, (4), 421-427.
51. Sang, W.; Stoof, C. R.; Zhang, W.; Morales, V. L.; Gao, B.; Kay, R. W.; Liu, L.; Zhang, Y.; Steenhuis, T. S., Effect of Hydrofracking Fluid on Colloid Transport in the Unsaturated Zone. Environmental Science & Technology 2014, 48, (14), 8266-8274.
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53. Sarkar, S.; Zhang, L.; Subramaniam, P.; Lee, K.-B.; Garfunkel, E.; Strickland, P. A. O.; Mainelis, G.; Lioy, P. J.; Tetley, T. D.; Chung, K. F.; Zhang, J.; Ryan, M.; Porter, A.; Schwander, S., Variability in Bioreactivity Linked to Changes in Size and Zeta Potential of Diesel Exhaust Particles in Human Immune Cells. Plos One 2014, 9, (5).
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66. Therkorn, J. H.; Mainelis, G., Effect of Agar Plate Volume on Accuracy of Culturable Bioaerosol Impactors. Aerosol Science and Technology 2013, 47, (12), 1353-1362.
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69. Wang, W.; Kravchenko, A. N.; Johnson, T.; Srinivasan, S.; Ananyeva, K. A.; Smucker, A. J. M.; Rose, J. B.; Rivers, M. L., Intra-Aggregate Pore Structures and Escherichia coli Distribution by Water Flow within and Movement Out of Soil Macroaggregates. Vadose Zone Journal 2013, 12, (4).
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71. Womack, E. D.; Brown, A. E.; Sparks, D. L., A recent review of non-biological remediation of aflatoxin-contaminated crops. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 2014, 94, (9), 1706-1714.
72. Worton, D. R.; Isaacman, G.; Gentner, D. R.; Dallmann, T. R.; Chan, A. W. H.; Ruehl, C.; Kirchstetter, T. W.; Wilson, K. R.; Harley, R. A.; Goldstein, A. H., Lubricating Oil Dominates Primary Organic Aerosol Emissions from Motor Vehicles. Environmental Science & Technology 2014, 48, (7), 3698-3706.
73. Yan, Y. P.; Liu, F., Jr.; Li, W.; Liu, F.; Feng, X. H.; Sparks, D. L., Sorption and desorption characteristics of organic phosphates of different structures on aluminium (oxyhydr)oxides. European Journal of Soil Science 2014, 65, (2), 308-317.
74. Yan, Y.; Li, W.; Yang, J.; Zheng, A.; Liu, F.; Feng, X.; Sparks, D. L., Mechanism of Myo-inositol Hexakisphosphate Sorption on Amorphous Aluminum Hydroxide: Spectroscopic Evidence for Rapid Surface Precipitation. Environmental Science & Technology 2014, 48, (12), 6735-6742.
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76. Zhang, H.; Ruehl, C. R.; Chan, A. W. H.; Nah, T.; Worton, D. R.; Isaacman, G.; Goldstein, A. H.; Wilson, K. R., OH-Initiated Heterogeneous Oxidation of Cholestane: A Model System for Understanding the Photochemical Aging of Cyclic Alkane Aerosols. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2013, 117, (47), 12449-12458.
77. Zhang, J.; Nazarenko, Y.; Zhang, L.; Calderon, L.; Lee, K.-B.; Garfunkel, E.; Schwander, S.; Tetley, T. D.; Chung, K. F.; Porter, A. E.; Ryan, M.; Kipen, H.; Lioy, P. J.; Mainelis, G., Impacts of a Nanosized Ceria Additive on Diesel Engine Emissions of Particulate and Gaseous Pollutants. Environmental Science & Technology 2013, 47, (22), 13077-13085.
78. Zhao, Y.; Kreisberg, N. M.; Worton, D. R.; Isaacman, G.; Gentner, D. R.; Chan, A. W. H.; Weber, R. J.; Liu, S.; Day, D. A.; Russell, L. M.; Hering, S. V.; Goldstein, A. H., Sources of organic aerosol investigated using organic compounds as tracers measured during CalNex in Bakersfield. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 2013, 118, (19), 11388-11398.
79. Zhen, H.; Han, T.; Fennell, D. E.; Mainelis, G., Release of Free DNA by Membrane-Impaired Bacterial Aerosols Due to Aerosolization and Air Sampling. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 2013, 79, (24), 7780-7789.
80. Zhen, H.; Han, T.; Fennell, D. E.; Mainelis, G., A systematic comparison of four bioaerosol generators: Affect on culturability and cell membrane integrity when aerosolizing Escherichia coli bacteria. Journal of Aerosol Science 2014, 70, 67-79.