W2188: Characterizing Mass and Energy Transport at Different Vadose Zone Scales
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Acharya, K. C. Schulman, M.H. Young. 2009. Physiological response of Daphnia magna to Linear Anionic Polyacrylamide: Ecological Implications for Receiving Waters. Archives of Environ. Contam. and Tox. Accepted.
Al-Mulla, Y., J. Q. Wu, P. Singh, M. Flury, W. F. Schillinger, D. R. Huggins, and C. O. Stockle. 2009. Soil water and temperature in chemical versus reduced-tillage fallow in a Mediterranean climate. Appl. Eng. Agric. 25:4554.
Andersen, D.S., R.T. Burns, L.B. Moody, M.J. Helmers, and R. Horton. 2009. Comparison of the Iowa State University effluent limitation guidelines model with the soil-plant-air-water model for evaluating containment basin performance. Transactions ASAE. (in press).
Bakker, M. and J.L. Nieber, 2009. Damping of Sinusoidal Surface Flux Fluctuations with Soil Depth, Vadose Zone Journal, 8: 119-126.
Baumhardt, R.L., R.C. Schwartz, L.W. Greene, and J. Macdonald. 2009. Cattle gain and crop yield for a dryland wheat-sorghum-fallow rotation. Agron. J. 101:150-158.
Benning, J.L. and D.L. Barnes. 2009. Comparison of Methods for the Determination of Diffusion Coefficients and Effective Porosities in Through-Diffusion Tests. Water Resources Research. 45, W09419, doi:10.1029/2008WR007236.
Bittelli, M., and M. Flury. 2009. Errors in water retention curves determined with pressure plates and their effect on soil hydraulic functions. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 73:14531460.
Botros, F.E. T. Harter, Y. S. Onsoy, A. Tuli, and J.W. Hopmans. 2009. Spatial Variability of Hydraulic Properties and Sediment Characteristics in a Deep Alluvial Unsaturated Zone. Vadose Zone Journal. doi: 10.2136/vzj2008.0087
Bradford, S. A., and E. Segal. 2009 Fate of indicator microorganisms under nutrient management plan conditions. Journal of Environmental Quality, 38:1728-1738.
Bradford, S. A., H. N. Kim, B. Z. Haznedaroglu, S. Torkzaban, and S. L. Walker. 2009. Coupled factors influencing concentration dependent colloid transport and retention in saturated porous media, Environmental Science & Technology, 43, 6996-7002.
Bradford, S. A., S. Torkzaban, F. Leij, J. Simunek, and M. Th. van Genuchten. 2009. Modeling the coupled effects of pore space geometry and velocity on colloid transport and retention. Water Resources Research, 45, W02414, doi:10.1029/2008WR007096.
Caldwell, T.G., D.W. Johnson, W.W. Miller, R.G. Qualls, and R.R. Blank. 2009. Prescription fire and anion retention in Tahoe forest soils. Soil Science 174:594-600.
Caldwell, T.G., E.V. McDonald, and M.H. Young. 2009. The seedbed microclimate and the active revegetation of disturbed lands in the Mojave Desert. Journal of Arid Environments 73:563-573.
Chen, J., J. Zhu, M. H. Young, and R. B. Susfalk. 2009. An Integrated Approach for Modeling Solute Transport in Streams and Canals with Applications. Journal of Hydrology 378:128136, doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2009.09.012.
Chen, W., L. Wu, A. Chang, Z. Hou. 2009. Assessing the effect of long-term crop cultivation on distribution of Cd in the root zone. Ecological Modeling. 220:18361843.
Daanen, R.P. and J.L. NIEBER, 2009. Model for coupled liquid water flow and heat transport with phase change in a snowpack, J. Cold Regions Engineering, 23 (2): 43-68.
Davis, D.D., R. Horton, J.L. Heitman, and T. Ren. 2009. Wettability and hysteresis effects on water sorption in relatively dry soil. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 73:19471951.
Deng H., M. Ye, M. G. Schaap, R. Khaleel (2009), Quantification of uncertainty in pedotransfer function-based parameter estimation for unsaturated flow modeling, Water Resour. Res., 45, W04409, doi:10.1029/2008WR007477.
Derby, N.E., F.X.M. Casey, and R.E. Knighton. 2009. Long-Term Observations of Vadose Zone and Groundwater NO3-N Concentrations under Irrigated Agriculture. Vadose Zone J. 8:290-300, DOI: 10.2136/vzj2007.0162
Dostert, P., Y. Efendiev, and B.P. Mohanty. Efficient uncertainty Quantification Techniques in Inverse Problems for Richards Equation Using Coarse-Scale Simulation Models. Advances of Water Resources. 32, 329339, 2009.
Dun, S., J.Q. Wu, W.J. Elliot, P.R. Robichaud, D.C. Flanagan, J.R. Frankenberger, R.E. Brown, and A.C. Xu. 2009. Adapting the Water Erosion Prediction Project (WEPP) model for forest applications, J. Hydrol. 466, 4654.
Estevez, R. and S.B. Jones. 2009. Frequency Domain Soil Moisture Determination Using an Open-Ended Dielectric Probe. ASABE Paper No. 097130. St. Joseph, Mich.: ASABE.
Evett, S.R. and R.C. Schwartz. 2009. Comments on J. Vera et al., Soil water balance trial involving capacitance and neutron probe measurements [Agric. Water Manage. 96 (2009) 905911]. Agric. Water Mgmt. 97:182-184.
Evett, S.R., R.C. Schwartz, J.A. Tolk and T.A. Howell. 2009. Soil profile water content Determination: Spatiotemporal Variability of Electromagnetic and Neutron Probe Sensors in Access Tubes. Vadose Zone J. 8:926-941.
Fan, J., M. Shao, Q. Wang, S. Li and S.B. Jones. 2009. Landscape Changes and Vegetation Restoration in the Wind-Water Crisscross Region of the Loess Plateau, China. ASABE Paper No. 097022. St. Joseph, Mich.: ASABE.
Flury, M. 2009. Water conservation using wheat straw residues. CSA News 54(2):4.
Flury, M., J. B. Mathison, J. Q. Wu, W. F. Schillinger, and C. O. Stockle. 2009. Water vapor diffusion through wheat straw residues. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 73:3745.
Fu, X., M. Shao, X. Wei, and R. Horton. 2009. Soil organic carbon and total nitrogen as affected by vegetation types in Northern Loess Plateau of China. Geoderma (in press).
Fu, X., M. Shao, X. Wei, and R. Horton. 2009. Effects of two perennials, fallow and millet on distribution of phosphorous in soil and biomass on sloping loess land, China. Catena 77:200206.
Fu, X., M. Shao, X. Wei, and R. Horton. 2009. Urea-derived nitrogen losses in a semiarid region of China Loess Plateau. SAGB: Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Plant Soil Science (in press).
Han, X., M. Shao, A. Tsunekawa, and R. Horton. 2009. Estimating van Genuchten model parameters of undisturbed soils using an integral method. Pedosphere (in press).
Hanson, B.R., D.E. May, J. Simunek, J.W. Hopmans, and R.B. Hutmacher.2009. Drip irrigation provides for profitable irrigation of tomatoes in the San Joaquin Valley. California Agriculture paper. 63(3):131-136.
Haznedaroglu, B. Z., H. N. Kim, S. A. Bradford, and S. L. Walker. 2009. Relative transport behavior of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella enterica serovar Pullorum in packed bed column systems: Influence of solution chemistry and cell concentration. Environmental Science & Technology, 43, 1838-1844.
Heinse, R., S.B. Jones, M. Tuller, G.E. Bingham, I. Podolskiy, and D. Or, 2009. Providing Optimal Root-Zone Fluid Fluxes: Effects of Hysteresis on Capillary-Dominated Water Distributions in Reduced Gravity. Proceedings of the 39th International Conference on Environmental Systems (ICES), July 2009, Savannah, GA. SAE Technical Paper 2009-01-2360.
Hou, Z., W. Chen, X. Li, L. Xiu, L. Wu. 2009. Effects of salinity and fertigation practice on cotton yield and 15N recovery. J. Ag. Water Manage. 96:1483-1489.
Hu, W., M. Shao, Q. Wang, J. Fan, and R. Horton. 2009. Temporal changes of soil hydraulic properties under different land uses. Geoderma 149:355-366.
Iassonov, P., T. Gebrenegus, and M. Tuller, 2009. Segmentation of X-Ray CT Images of Porous Materials: A Crucial Step for Characterization and Quantitative Analysis of Pore Structures. Water Resour. Res., 45, W09415, doi:10.1029/2009WR008087.
Ines, A.V.M. and B.P. Mohanty. Near-Surface Soil Moisture Assimilation to Quantify Effective Soil Hydraulic Properties Using Genetic Algorithm. 2. with Air-Borne Remote Sensing During SGP97 and SMEX02. Water Resources Research. 44, 10.1029/2007WR007022, 2009.
Jiménez-Martínez, J., T.H. Skaggs, M.Th. van Genuchten, and L. Candela. 2009. A root zone modelling approach to estimating groundwater recharge from irrigated areas. J. Hydrol. 367:138149.
Jones, S.B., R.M. Estevez and D.A. Robinson. 2009. Novel mobile soil water content sensing techniques. ASABE Paper No. 097158. St. Joseph, Mich.: ASABE.
Jones, S.B., R. Heinse, B. Bugbee, D. Or and G.E. Bingham. 2009. Porous plant growth media design considerations for Lunar and Martian habitats. SAE Technical Paper no. 2009-01-2361.
Kamai, T. N. Weisbrod, and M.I. Dragila. 2009. Impact of ambient temperature on evaporation from surface-exposed fractures. Water Resources Research. 45. W02417. soi:10.1029/2008WR007354.
Kamai, T., A. Tuli, G. J. Kluitenberg, and J. W. Hopmans. 2008. Soil water flux density measurements near 1 cm d1 using an improved heat pulse probe design. Water Resour. Res., 44, W00D14, doi:10.1029/2008WR006956.
Kamai, T., G.J. Kluitenberg, and J.W. Hopmans. 2009. Design and numerical analysis of a button heat pulse probe for soil water content measurements. Vadose Zone Journal. 8:1-7. Doi:10.2136/vzj2008.0106.
Kavouras, I.G., V. Etyemezian, G. Nikolich, M.H. Young, J. Gillies, D.S. Shafer. 2009. A New technique for characterizing the efficacy of fugitive dust suppressants. J. Air Waste Mgmt. Assoc. 59:603-612.
Kelleners, T.J., E.S. Ferre-Pikal, M.G. Schaap, G.B. Paige, 2009, Calibration of Hydra Impedance Probes Using Electric Circuit Theory. Soil Soc. Am. J., 73(2):453-465.
Kelleners, T.J., D.G. Chandler, J.P. McNamara, M.M. Gribb, and M.S. Seyfried. 2009. Modeling the water and energy balance of vegetated areas subject to snow accumulation. Vadose Zone J. 8:1013-1030.
Kelleners, T.J., E.S. Ferre-Pikal, M.G. Schaap, and G.B. Paige. 2009. Calibration of Hydra impedance probes using electric circuit theory. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 73:453-465.
Kelleners, T.J., G.B. Paige, and S.T. Gray. 2009. Measurement of the dielectric properties of Wyoming soils using electromagnetic sensors. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 73:1626-1637.
Kim, H. N., S. A. Bradford, and S. L. Walker. 2009. Escherichia coli O157:H7 transport in saturated porous media: Role of solution chemistry and surface macromolecules. Environmental Science & Technology, 43 (12), 4340-4347
Kim, H. N., S. L. Walker, and S. A. Bradford. 2009. Coupled factors influencing the transport and retention of Cryptosporidium Parvum oocysts in saturated porous media. Water Research, In Press.
Kim, H. N., S. L. Walker, and S. A. Bradford. 2009. Macromolecule mediated transport and retention of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in saturated porous media. Water Research, In Press.
Kim, H. N., Y. Hong, I. Lee, S. A. Bradford, and S. L. Walker. 2009. Surface characteristics and adhesion behavior of Escherichia coli O157:H7: Role of extracellular macromolecules. Biomacromolecules, 10, 2556-2564.
King, A.P., K. J. Evatt, J. Six, R.M. Poch, D.E. Rolston, and J.W. Hopmans. 2009. Annual carbon and nitrogen loadings for a furrow-irrigated field. Agric. Water Management. Doi:10.1016/j.agwat.2009.01.001.
Labahn, S.K. J.C. Fisher, M.H. Young., E. Robleto, D.P. Moser. 2009. Microbially-mediated aerobic and anaerobic degradation of acrylamide in a western U.S. irrigation canal. J. Env. Qual. Accepted.
Lee, J. E.A. Laca, Ch van Kessel, D.E. Rolston, J. W. Hopmans and J. Six. 2009. Tillage effects on spatiotemporal variability of particulate organic matter. Applied and Environmental Soil Science, doi:10.1155/2009/219379.
Lee, J., J. W. Hopmans, D.E. Rolston, S.G. Baer, and J. Six. 2009. Determining soil carbon stock changes: Simple bulk density corrections fail. Agricultural and Ecological Ecosystems: 134:251-256. Doi:10.1016/j.agee.2009.07.006.
Leek, R., J.Q. Wu, L. Wang, T.P. Hanrahan, M.E. Barber, and H. Qiu. 2009. Heterogeneous characteristics of streambed saturated hydraulic conductivity of the Touchet River, southeastern Washington, USA, Hydrol. Process. 23, 12361246.
Leij, F. J., and S. A. Bradford. 2009. Combined physical and chemical non-equilibrium transport model: Analytical solution, moments, and application to colloids. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology, 110, 87-99.
Li , Y., R. Horton, T. Ren and C. Chen. 2009. Investigating time scale effects on reference evapotranspiration from Epan data in north China. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, doi: 10.1175/2009JAMC2130.1.
Li , Y., R. Horton, T. Ren and C. Chen. 2010. Prediction of annual reference evapotranspiration using climatic data. Agricultural Water Management (in press).
Li, H., L. Wu, H. Zhu, and J. Hou. 2009. Ion Diffusion in the Time-Dependent Potential of the Dynamic Electric Double Layer. J. Phys. Chem. C. 113:13241-13248.
Liu, J., X. Chen, J. Zhang, and M. Flury. 2009. Coupling the Xinanjiang model to a kinematic flow model based on digital drainage networks for flood forecasting. Hydrol. Processes 23:13371348.
Lü, H., Y. Zhu, T.H. Skaggs, Z. Yu. 2009. Comparison of measured and simulated water storage in dryland terraces of the Loess Plateau, China. Agric. Water Manage., 96:299306.
Lu, J., L. Wu and B. Faber. 2009. Erosion control and runoff management. In J. Newman (ed.) Greenhouse and Nursery Management Practices to Protect Water Quality (Division of Agricultural and Natural Resources Publication, in press).
Lu, S., Z. Ju, T. Ren, and R. Horton. 2009. A general approach to estimate soil water content from thermal inertia. Agric. Forest Meteorol., doi:10.1016/j.agrformet.2009.05.011.
Magri, A., D. A. Haith, A. M. Petrovic, L. Wu, and R. L. Green. 2009. Development and testing of a comprehensive model of pesticide losses from turf. In: M. Nett, A. M. Petrovic, M. J. Carroll, and B. H. Horigan (eds.) The Role of Turfgrass Management in the Water Quality of Urban Environments. Am. Chem. Soc.,Oxford Press (in press).
Mangiafico, S., J. Newman, D.J. Merhaut, J. Gan, B. Faber, and L. Wu. 2009. Survey of nutrients and pesticides in runoff from production nurseries and citrus and avocado orchards. HortTechnology. 19: 360 367.
MattheesDose, H.L. 2009. Soil Properties Affecting Oil Well Access Road Reclamation. M.S. thesis North Dakota State Univ., Fargo.
Mohanty, B.P. and N.N. Das. A New Multiscale Data Assimilation Algorithm to Downscale Satellite-Based Surface Soil Moisture Data, Procs. of 8th International Association of Hydrologic Sciences Assembly (IAHS), September 6-12, 2009, Hyderabad, India, CD-Rom, 2009.
Mohanty, B.P., N.N. Das, R.B. Jana, and A.V.M. Ines. Effective Soil Hydraulic Parameter Estimation at Different Spatial Scales, Procs. of Water, Environment, Energy, and Society (WEES), January 12-17, New Delhi, India, pp. 188-196, 2009.
Nasta P., T. Kamai, G.B. Chirico, J. W. Hopmans and N. Romano. 2009. Scaling soil water retention functions using particle-size distribution. J. Hydrology 374:223-234. doi:10.1016/j.hydrol.2009.06.007
Oduor, P.G., X.T. Santos, and F.X.M. Casey. 2009. Solute Exclusionary Properties of Porous Shale Wafers. J. Porous Media. 12(6): 501-518.
Oduor, P.G., X.T. Santos, K. Forward, N. Sharp, C. Bue, F.X.M. Casey, and J. Abwawo. 2009. Semi-Empirically Derived Petrophysical and Thermodynamical Coefficients of Permselective Shales -Implications on Ore Mineralization. Membrane Sci. (In press).
Or, D., M. Tuller, and S.B. Jones, 2009. Liquid Behavior in Partially-Saturated Porous Media under Variable Gravity. Soil Sci Soc Am J, 73:341350, doi:10.2136/sssaj2008.0046.
Pan, F., M. Ye, J. Zhu, Y.-S. Wu, B. X. Hu, and Y. Yu. 2009. Effect of Water Retention Parameters on Predictive Uncertainty of Unsaturated Flow and Contaminant Transport. Vadose Zone Journal 8: 158-166, doi:10.2136/vzj2008.0092.
Pan, F., M. Ye, J. Zhu, Y.-S. Wu, B. X. Hu, and Z. Yu. 2009. Incorporating Layer- and Local-Scale Heterogeneities in Numerical Simulation of Unsaturated Flow and Tracer Transport. Journal of Contaminant Hydrology 103:194-205, doi:10.1016/j.jconhyd.2008.10.012.
Pérez Guerrero, J.S., L.C.G. Pimentel, T.H. Skaggs, and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2009. Analytical solution of the advection-diffusion transport equation using a change-of-variable and integral transform technique. Int. J. Heat Mass Transf. 52:32973304
Pérez Guerrero, J.S., T.H. Skaggs, and M.Th. van Genuchten. 2009. Analytical Solution for Multi-Species Contaminant Transport Subject to Sequential First-Order Decay Reactions in Finite Media. Transp. Porous Media, 80:373387.
Porter, M.L., M.G. Schaap, and D. Wildenschild, 2009, Lattice-Boltzmann Simulations of the Capillary Pressure -Saturation - Interfacial Area Relationship in Porous Media, Accepted by Advances in Water Resources., 32(11):1632-1640.
Qazi, A.M., M. Akram, N. Ahmad, J. Artiola, and M. Tuller, 2009. Economical and Environmental Implications of Solid Waste Compost Applications to Agricultural Fields in Punjab, Pakistan. Waste Management, Waste Management, 29(9):2437-2445, doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2009.05.006.
Or, D., M. Tuller and S.B. Jones. 2009. Liquid Behavior in Partially-Saturated Porous Media under Variable Gravity. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 73:341-350, doi:10.2136/sssaj2008.0046.
Ranft, R.D., S.S. Seefeldt, M. Zhang, and D.L. Barnes. Accepted. Development of a Soil Bioassay for Triclopyr Residues and Comparison with a Laboratory Extraction. Weed Technology.
Robinson, D.A., I. Lebron, R.J. Ryel and S.B. Jones. 2009. Soil Water Repellency, a Method of Soil Moisture Sequestration in Pinyon Juniper Woodland. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 74(2).
Robinson, D.A., S.B. Jones, J.M.Jr. Blonquist, R. Heinse, I. Lebron, and T.E. Doyle. 2009. The Dielectric Response of the Tropical Hawaiian Mars Soil Simulant JSC Mars-1. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 73 (4):1113-1118.
Sawatzky, D.A. 2009. Hydraulic Efficiency in Biofilm Affected Tile Drains. M.S. thesis North Dakota State Univ., Fargo.
Schwartz, R.C., Evett, S.R. and Bell, J.M.. Complex permittivity model for time domain reflectometry soil water content sensing. II. Calibration. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 73:898-909.
Schwartz, R.C., Evett, S.R., Pelletier, M.G., and Bell, JM. Complex permittivity model for time domain reflectometry soil water content sensing. I. Theory. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 73:886-897.
Segal, E., P. Shouse, and S. A. Bradford. 2009. Deterministic analysis and upscaling of bromide transport in a heterogeneous vadose zone. Vadose Zone Journal, 8:601-610.
Segal, E., P.J. Shouse, S.A. Bradford, T.H. Skaggs, and D.L. Corwin. 2009. Measuring Particle Size Distribution Using Laser Diffraction: Implications for Predicting Soil Hydraulic Properties. Soil Sci., 174:639645.
Shang, J., M. Flury, and Y. Deng. 2009. Force measurements between particles and the air- water interface: Implications for particle mobilization in unsaturated porous media. Water Resour. Res. 45:W06420, doi:10.1029/2008WR007384.
Shaw, B.D., A. Tuli, J-B. Wei, and J.W. Hopmans. 2009. Analytical modeling of soil solution monitoring by diffusion in porous cups. Transport in Porous Media. DOI 10.1007/s11242-009-9404-3
Simunek, J., and J.W. Hopmans. 2009. Modeling compensated root water and nutrient uptake. Ecological Modeling. 120:505- 521. doi:10.1016/j.ecolmodel.2008.11.004
Singh, P., J.Q. Wu, D.K. McCool, S. Dun, C-H Lin, and J.R. Morse. 2009. Winter hydrological and erosion processes in the US Palouse region: Field experimentation and WEPP simulation, Vadose Zone J. 8, 426436.
Siripattanakul, S., W. Wirojanagud, J.M. McEvoy, F.X.M. Casey, and E. Khan. 2009. A Feasibility Study of Immobilized and Free Mixed Culture Bioaugmentation for Treating Atrazine in Infiltrate. J. Hazard. Mater., doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2009.03.025.
Siripattanakul, S., W. Wirojanagud, J.M. McEvoy, F.X.M. Casey, and E. Khan. 2009. Atrazine Removal in Agricultural Inltrate by Bioaugmented Polyvinyl Alcohol Immobilized and Free Agrobacterium radiobacter J14a: A Sand Column Study. Chemosphere.74:308313. Epub 2008 Oct 10.
Siyal, A.A., and T.H. Skaggs. 2009. Measured and simulated soil wetting patterns under porous clay pipe sub-surface irrigation. Agric. Water Manage., 96:893904.
Siyal, A.A., M.Th. van Genuchten, and T.H. Skaggs. 2009. Performance of Pitcher Irrigation System. Soil Sci. 174:312320.
Thompson, M.L., F.X.M. Casey, H. Hakk, and G.L. Larsen, T.M. DeSutter. 2009. Occurrence and Pathways of Manure-Borne 17²-Estradiol in Vadose Zone Water. Chemosphere doi:10.1016/j.chemosphere.2009.03.037.
Torkzaban, S., H. N. Kim, J. Simunek, and S. A. Bradford. 2009. Hysteresis of colloid retention and release in saturated porous media during transients in solution chemistry. Environmental Science & Technology, In Press.
Torkzaban, S., S. L. Walker, and S. A. Bradford. 2009. Reply to comment by William P. Johnson et al. on Transport and fate of bacteria in porous media: Coupled effects of chemical conditions and pore space geometry, Water Resources Research, 45, W09604, doi:10.1029/2008WR007576.
Toth, T., M.G. Schaap., and Z. Molnar, 2008, Utilization of soil-plant interrelations through the use of multiple regression and artificial neural network in order to predict soil properties in Hungarian solonetzic grasslands. Cereal Research Communications, 36:1447-1450 (Part 3, Suppl. S).
Tuli, A., J.-B. Wei, B. D. Shaw, and J.W. Hopmans. 2009. In situ monitoring of soil solution nitrate: Proof of concept. Soil Science Society Journal. 73(2). Doi: 10.2136/sssaj2008.0160 .
Twarakavi,N.K.C., J. `imonek and M. G. Schaap, 2009,. Development of Pedotransfer Functions for Estimation of Soil Hydraulic Parameters Using Support Vector Machine, Soil Science Society of Am. J., 73(5):1443-1452.
Vereecken, H., T. Kamai, T. Harter, R. Kasteel, J. W. Hopmans, J. A. Huisman, and J. Vanderborght. 2008. Comment on Field observations of soil moisture variability across scales by James S. Famiglietti et al., Water Resour. Res., 44, W12601, doi:10.1029/2008WR006911.
Viola, R., F. Zama, M. Tuller, E. Mesini, 2009. Simulation of Incompressible Flow through Rhombohedric Pores. Proceedings of the 2009 European COMSOL Conference, Milan, Italy, October 14-16.
Wang, C., R. Estevez, C.M.P. Vaz and S.B. Jones. 2009. Quantifying the Impact of Soil Properties on the Performance of Electromagnetic Water Content Sensors. ASABE Paper No. 096999. St. Joseph, Mich.: ASABE.
Wang T., V. A. Zlotnik, J. `imunek, M. G. Schaap (2009), Using pedotransfer functions in vadose zone models for estimating groundwater recharge in semiarid regions, Water Resour. Res., 45, W04412, doi:10.1029/2008WR006903.
Wang, L., R. Horton, and Z. Gao. 2009. Comparison of six algorithms to determine the soil apparent thermal diffusivity at a site in the Loess Plateau of China. Soil Sci. (in press).
Wang, Q., R. Horton, and J. Fan. 2009. An analytical solution for one-dimensional water infiltration and redistribution in unsaturated soil. Pedosphere 19:104110.
Wei, X., M. Shao, R. Horton, and X. Han. 2009. Humic acid transport in water-saturated porous media. Environ. Model. Assess. DOI 10.1007/s10666-008-9186-y.
Wei, X., M. Shao, X. Fu, and R. Horton. 2009. Changes in soil organic carbon and total nitrogen after 28 years grassland afforestation: Effects of tree species, slope position and soil order. Plant and Soil (in press).
Wei, X., M. Shao, X. Fu, R. Horton, Y. Li, and X. Zhang. 2009. Distribution of soil organic C, N and P in three adjacent land use patterns in the northern Loess Plateau, China. Biogeochemistry DOI 10.1007/s10533-009-9350-8.
Weisbrod, N., M.I. Dragila, U. Nachshon, and M. Pilldersdorf. 2009. Falling through the cracks: The role of fractures in Earth-atmosphere gas exchange. Geoph. Res. Let. 36:L02401, doi:10,1029/2008GL036096.
Wendroth, O., S. Koszinski, V. Vasquez. 2010. Soil Spatial Variability. In [Editor] Handbook of Soil Science (accepted).
Wu, L., W. Chen, C. French and A. Chan. 2009. Technical bulletin for the safe application of reclaimed water reuse in the southwestern United States (UC Division of Agricultural and Natural Resources peer-reviewed Publication) (http://ucanr.org/freepubs/finalpage.cfm?s=8357&cat=11&subcat=14).
Xu, J., L. Wu, W. Chen, P. Jiang, A. C. Chang. 2009. Pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs), and endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) in runoff from a potato field irrigated with treated wastewater in southern California. Journal of Health Science. 55:306-310.
Yang, C. and S.B. Jones. 2009. INV-WATFLX, a code for simultaneous estimation of soil properties and planer vector water flux from penta-needle heat-pulse probes. Computers & Geosciences. doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2009.04.005
Young, M. H., E. A. Moran, Z. Yu, J. Zhu and D. M. Smith. 2009. Reducing Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity of Soil with Polyacrylamide. Soil Science Society of America Journal 73:13-20, doi:10.2136/sssaj2007.0378.
Young, M.H., T.G. Caldwell, D.G. Meadows, and L.F. Fenstermaker. 2009. Variability of soil physical and hydraulic properties at the Mojave Global Change Facility, Nevada: Implications for water budget and evapotranspiration. Journal of Arid Environments 73:733-744.
Zhang, J., Z. Li, G. Ge, W., Sun, Y. Liang, and L. Wu. 2009. Impacts of soil organic matter, pH and exogenous copper on sorption behavior of norfloxacin in three soils. J. Environ. Sci. 21:1-9.
Zhang, J.X., J.Q. Wu, W.J. Elliot, S. Dun, and K-T Chang. 2009. Effects of DEM resolution on WEPP hydrologic and erosion prediction: a case study of two forest watersheds in northern Idaho, Trans. ASABE 52, 447457.
Zhou, J., X. Zheng, M. Flury, and G. Lin. 2009. Permeability changes during remediation of an aquifer affected by sea-water intrusion: a laboratory column study. J. Hydrol. (Amsterdam) 376:557566.
Zhu, J., and D. Sun. 2009. Effective Soil Hydraulic Parameters for Transient Flows in Heterogeneous Soils. Vadose Zone Journal 8:301-309, doi:10.2136/vzj2008.0004.
Zhu, J., and M. H. Young. 2009. Sensitivity and Uncertainty of Ground-Water Discharge Estimates for Semi-Arid Shrublands. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 45(3):641-653, doi:10.1111/j.1752-1688.2009.00312.x.
Zhu, J., and M. H. Young. 2009. Sensitivity of Unlined Canal Seepage to Hydraulic Properties of Polyacrylamide (PAM) Treated Soil. Soil Science Society of America Journal 73:695-703, doi:10.2136/sssaj2008.0261.
Zhu, J., K. F. Pohlmann, J. B. Chapman, C. E. Russell, R. W. H. Carroll, and D. S. Shafer. 2009. Sensitivity of Solute Advective Travel Time to Porosities of Hydrogeologic Units. Ground Water, in press.
Zhu, Y., L. Ren, T.H. Skaggs, H. Lü, Z. Yu, Y. Wu, and X. Fang. 2009. Simulation of Populus euphratica root uptake of groundwater in an arid woodland of the Ejina Basin, China. Hydrol. Process. 23: 24602469.
Book Chapters
Casey, F.X.M. and Shore, L.S. 2009. Physiochemical characterization of steroid hormones in soil columns. 2009. In Laurence Shore and Amy Pruden, eds. Hormones and Pharmaceuticals Generated by Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations and their Transport in Water and Soil. Pg. 29-36. ISBN: 978-0-387-92833-3.
Hunt AG and RP Ewing (2009). Percolation theory for flow in porous media. Lecture notes in physics 771, Springer, Berlin.
Shore, L.S., and F.X.M. Casey. 2009. Transport of steroid hormones in soil and groundwater. 2009. In Laurence Shore and Amy Pruden, eds. Hormones and Pharmaceuticals Generated by Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations and their Transport in Water and Soil. Pg. 3746. ISBN: 978-0-387-92833-3.
Acharya, K., Y. Li, M. Stone, Z. Yu, M. Young, D. Shafer, J. Zhu and J. Warwick, Spatiotemporal Distribution of Algal and Nutrient, and Their Correlations Based on Long-term Monitoring Data in Lake Taihu, China. AGU Fall Meeting, December 1418, 2009, San Francisco, CA.
Aravena, J.E., S.W. Tyler, and M. Berli, Effect of aggregates compaction on soil hydraulic properties due to root growth. AGU Fall Meeting, December 1418, 2009, San Francisco, CA.
Bacon, S.N., E.V. McDonald, T.G. Caldwell, and G.K. Dalldorf, Alluvial fan sedimentation in response to strengthening of late Holocene ENSO variability in the Sonoran Desert, southwest Arizona. Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, November 18-23, 2009, Portland, OR.
Barnes, D.L. 2009. Fate and Transport of Petroleum Spills in Arctic Soil and Gravel Pads. Presented at the 2009 Alaska Forum on the Environment, Anchorage, Alaska, February 2-6.
Berger, P.A., R. Heinse, H. Abdu, M. Tuller, and S.B. Jones, 2009. Geophysical Characterization of Inactive Mine Tailings A First Step for Revegetation. SSSA International Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, November 1-5, 2009.
Berger, P.A., R. Heinse, M. Tuller, S.B. Jones. Geophysical Characterization of Inactive Mine Tailings A First Step for Revegetation. 2009. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA - Nov. 1-5, See Agronomy Abstracts, ASA, Madison, WI.
Berli, M., M. Menon, T. A. Ghezzehei, N. Pillai, E.E. Regentova, P.S. Nico, M.H. Young, and S.W. Tyler, A step toward unraveling rhizosphere physics, AGU Fall Meeting, December 1418, 2009, San Francisco, CA.
Caldwell, T.G., E.V. McDonald, S.N. Bacon, M.H. Young, and R. Schumer, Paleoclimate simulations and solute nitrate accumulation in a hyper-arid desert soil, ASA-CSA-SSSA Annual Conference, November 2-6, 2009, Pittsburgh, PA.
Carlisle, J, S.B. Jones, D.G. Tarboton, L. Hipps and J.L. Boettinger. 2009. Instrumentation Enhancement at the T.W. Daniel Experimental Forest: A Drought Management Initiative Project. Spring Runoff Conference, Eccles Conference Center, Utah State University, Logan, UT, April 2-3.
Casey, F.X.M. 2009. Reproductive Hormones in the Environment. Coalition of National Science Foundation. Capitol Hill, Washington D.C.
Casey, F.X.M., S. Shrestha, H. Hakk, D. Smith, G.L. Larsen, and G. Padmanabhan. 2009. The Fate and Transport of Reproductive Hormones in the Environment. In Fate and Transport of Microconstituents within the Subsurface Environment During Water Reuse Applications. American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, December 14-18, 2009.
Chen, L., L. Xiang, M.H. Young, Z. Yu., Parameter optimization for Green-Ampt infiltration model, AGU Fall Meeting, December 1418, 2009, San Francisco, CA.
Chen-Lopez, J.C., M. Tuller, G.A. Giacomelli, and P. Waller, 2009. Optimization of Root Zone Fluid Fluxes in Greenhouse Substrates. SSSA International Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, November 1-5, 2009.
Chief. K, T. Caldwell, and M.H. Young, Spatial variability of air and water permeability for two watersheds in the Mojave and Sonoran Deserts, ASA-CSA-SSSA Annual Conference, November 2-6, 2009, Pittsburgh, PA.
Dalldorf, G.K., T. G. Caldwell, S.N. Bacon, M. H. Young, J. Miller and E.V. McDonald, Rapid characterization of runoff potential on arid alluvial fans using terrain prediction and geomorphic mapping, American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, March 26, 2009, Las Vegas, NV.
Derby, N.E., F.X.M. Casey, T.M. DeSutter, H. Hakk and W. Shelver. 2009. The Effects of Composting On Swine Manure Nutrients and Hormones. In Annual Meetings Abstracts [CD-ROM]. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Madison, WI. - Advisee
DeSutter, T., D. Franzen, F.X.M. Casey, D. Hopkins, B. Saini-Eidukat and A. Akyuz. 2009. Distribution of Total Hg in North Dakota Soils. In Annual Meetings Abstracts [CD-ROM]. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Madison, WI.
Devitt, D.A., L.K. Fenstermaker, M.H. Young, B. Conrad and B. Bird, Evapotranspiration of mixed shrub communities in phreatophytic zones of the Great Basin, AGU Fall Meeting, December 1418, 2009, San Francisco, CA. (Invited)
Doyle, T.E., A.T. Tew, D.A. Robinson, and S.B. Jones. 2009. Modeling the Dielectric Response of Aggregated Soils. Spring Runoff Conference, Eccles Conference Center, Utah State University, Logan, UT, April 2-3.
Dragila, M.I., and N. Weisbrod. 2009. Impact of atmospheric boundary layer temperature variations on moisture venting from fractures and cracks. American Geophysical Union Conference, San Francisco, December 2009. H51B-0770.
Dragila, M.I.. 2009 Armored Water Droplets: How They Form and Their Role in Water Redistribution and Soil Erosion.
Estevez, R.M. and S.B. Jones. 2009. Frequency Domain Soil Moisture Determination Using an Open-Ended Dielectric Probe. ASABE Annual Meeting, Reno Nevada, June 21-24.
Fan J. and S.B. Jones. 2009. Limitations for Applying the Gradient-Based Soil CO2 Efflux Method. Spring Runoff Conference, Eccles Conference Center, Utah State University, Logan, UT, April 2-3.
Fan, J., M. Shao, Q. Wang, S. Li and S.B. Jones. 2009. Landscape Changes and Vegetation Restoration in the Wind-Water Crisscross Region of the Loess Plateau, China. ASABE Annual Meeting, Reno Nevada, June 21-24.
Fang, Z. ; M. G. Schaap and S. P. Neuman. 2009. Comparison of vadose zone flow simulations based on hydraulic parameters derived from lab data, pedotransfer functions, Bayesian updating and inverse modeling, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 17, H43F-1084.
Fenstermaker, L., and M.H. Young, Carbon flux and spectral response of biological soil crust to soil moisture status, ASA-CSA-SSSA Annual Conference, November 2-6, 2009, Pittsburgh, PA.
Guy, A., T. DeSutter, F.X.M. Casey and J. Leitch. 2009. Major Flooding of the Red River of the North: Impacts On Water and Soil Qualities in An Urban Environment. In Annual Meetings Abstracts [CD-ROM]. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Madison, WI. - Student Advisee
Heinse, R., Jones, S.B., H. Abdu and D.A. Robinson. Time-lapse Characterization of Soil Moisture Dynamics A First Step towards Ecological Integrity. 2009. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, San Francisco, CA, December 14-18.
Heinse, R., S.B. Jones, M. Tuller, G. Bingham, I. Podolskiy, and D. Or, 2009. Providing Optimal Root-Zone Fluid Fluxes: Effects of Hysteresis on Capillary-Dominated Water Distributions in Microgravity. 39th International Conference on Environmental Systems (ICES), Savannah, Georgia, USA, July 12-16, 2009
Heinse, R., S.B. Jones, M. Tuller, G.E. Bingham, I. Podolskiy and D. Or (2009). Providing Optimal Root Zone Fluxes: Challenges of Capillary-Driven Hysteretic Water Distributions in Microgravity. 39th International Conference on Environmental Systems (ICES), Hyatt Regency, Savannah, Georgia, USA, July 12 - 16.
Jana, R., and B.P. Mohanty, Physical Controls of Soil Hydraulic Parameter Scaling. AGU Fall Meeting Abstract. 2009.
Jones, S.B., C. Wang, D.A. Robinson and M. Tuller. Exploring Soil Properties through Electromagnetic Sensor-based Complex Dielectric Permittivity. 2009. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, San Francisco, CA, December 14-18.
Jones, S.B., C. Wang, D.A. Robinson, and M. Tuller, 2009. Exploring Soil Properties through Electromagnetic Sensor-Based Complex Dielectric Permittivity. Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H33A-0847.
Jones, S.B., C. Yang, and M. Tuller, 2009. Soil Infiltration and Evaporation Determination using Heat-Pulse Measurements and Energy Balance Modeling. Spring Runoff Conference, Logan, UT, April 2-3, 2009.
Jones, S.B., H. Abdu, R. Heinse, D.A. Robinson and R.J. Ryel. 2009. Identifying Soil Resource Pools within Forest Communities using Eco-Geophysics. ASA-CSSA-SSSA Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA - Nov. 1-5, See Agronomy Abstracts, ASA, Madison, WI.
Jones, S.B., I. Podolskiy, R. Heinse, S.T. Topham, V.N. Sytchev, D. Or and G.E. Bingham. 2009. Porous Media Fluid Transport in Microgravity: The ORZS Flight Experiments. Presented at the 17th International Academy of Astronautics Humans in Space Symposium, Moscow, Russia, June 7-11.
Jones, S.B., R. Heinse, B. Bugbee, D. Or and G.E. Bingham. Porous plant growth media design considerations for Lunar and Martian habitats. 2009. 39th International Conference on Environmental Systems (ICES), Hyatt Regency, Savannah, Georgia, USA, July 12 - 16.
Jones, S.B., R.M. Estevez and D.A. Robinson. 2008. Mobile Soil Water Content Derived from Time Domain Reflectometry and an Open-Ended Dielectric Probe. ASABE Annual Meeting, Reno Nevada, June 21-24.
Keller, T., M. Stettler, J. Arvidsson, M. Lamandé, P. Schjønning, M. Berli, and T. Rydberg, Stress propagation in arable soil: Determination and estimation of the concentration factor, 18th Conf. ISTRO. ISTRO, 2009, Izmir, Turkey.
Koonce, J., D. Sada, M.H. Young, M. Stone, Z. Yu, Evaluating groundwater and surface water exchange in Travertine Spring, Death Valley, CA, using temperature coupled with soil and water chemistry and moisture content AGU Fall Meeting, December 1418, 2009, San Francisco, CA.
Li, Y., K. Acharya, D. Chen, M. Stone, Z. Yu, M. Young, J. Zhu, D. Shafer and J. Warwick, Circulation and temperature stratification of Lake Mead under changing water levels, AGU Fall Meeting, December 1418, 2009, San Francisco, CA.
Martin, M.A., F. San Jose Martinez, J. Caniego, M. Tuller, A. Guber, Y. Pachepsky, and C. Garcia-Gutierrez, 2009. Macropore structures of discretized X-ray CT of undisturbed soil columns and long rage dependencies. 1st International Conference "Challenges of Porous Media", Kaiserslautern, Germany, March 11-14, 2009.
Meyer, W.J., M.H. Young, J.J. Miller, D. S. Shafer, S. Ahmad, Spatial and temporal variability of antecedent moisture content on model-generated runoff from a watershed, ASA-CSA-SSSA Annual Conference, November 2-6, 2009, Pittsburgh, PA.
Meyer, W.J., S. Ahmad, M.H. Young, D.S. Shafer, J.J. Miller, K. Chief, A Multi-platform approach to examine spatial and temporal variability of antecedent moisture content on model-generated runoff from a watershed, AGU Fall Meeting, December 1418, 2009, San Francisco, CA.
Miller, J., G. Dana, and T.G. Caldwell, Effectiveness of erosion-reduction techniques used in watershed restoration activities, 33rd IAHR 2009 Congress - Water Engineering for a Sustainable Environment, August 9-14, 2009, , Vancouver, Canada.
Mirjat, M.S., and M. Tuller, 2009. Optimization of Zone Leaching for Salinity Control in Arid and Semiarid Regions. SSSA International Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, November 1-5, 2009.
Mohanty, B.P. Estimating van Genuchten Soil Water Retention Parameters Using Remote Sensing. Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting Abstract. 2009
Mohanty, B.P. Physical Controls of Soil Moisture Across Space and Time Scales A Grand Challenge Problem and Opportunity in Soil Hydrology for the next Decade. Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting Abstract. 2009
Mohanty, B.P., and C. Joshi, Soil Moisture Time Stability in Two Hydro-climatic Regions. AGU Fall Meeting Abstract. 2009.
Pollacco, J., and B.P. Mohanty, Can Hydraulic Parameters of a Physically Based Model be Identified by Time Series Soil Moisture Data? AGU Fall Meeting Abstract. 2009.
Sakai, M., Jones, S.B. and M. Tuller. Numerical Evaluation of Heat Pulse Technology for Estimation of Evaporation Rates from a Subsurface Drying Front. 2009. AGU Fall Meeting Abstracts, San Francisco, CA, December 14-18.
Sakai, M., S.B. Jones, and M. Tuller, 2009. Numerical Evaluation of Heat Pulse Technology for Estimation of Evaporation Rates from a Subsurface Drying Front. Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H33A-0848.
San Jose Martinez, F., J. Caniego, F.J. Munoz, M.A. Martin, M. Tuller, A. Guber, and Y. Pachepsky, 2009. Singularity features of pore size distribution of structured soil columns. 1st International Conference "Challenges of Porous Media", Kaiserslautern, Germany, March 11-14, 2009.
Sawatzky, D.A., F.X.M. Casey, N.E. Derby, S. Korom and X. Jia. 2009. Hydraulic Efficiency in Biofilm Affected Tile Drain. In Annual Meetings Abstracts [CD-ROM]. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Madison, WI. - Student Advisee
Schaap, M.G. and P. Gallo, 2009. Measurement and Modeling on Flow Hydrodynamics in Crushed Basalt in Support of Constructed Hillslopes in Biosphere 2. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, December 18, 2009, EP53C-0636.
Schaap, M.G., Hydraulic Functions: The Good, The Bad and The Challenges. Invited Talk for Symposium--Application of Soil Physics to Resolving Environmental Problems: Honoring the Impact of Martinus Th. Van Genuchten, November 2, 2009.
Schaap, M.G., M. Tuller, A. Guber, and Y. Pachepsky, 2009. Lattice Boltzmann Modeling of Macro-Porous Flow: Effects of Image Segmentation Algorithms and Comparisons with Observed Data. SIAM Conference on Mathematical & Computational Issues in the Geosciences, Leipzig, Germany, June 15-18, 2009.
Seefeldt, S.S., D.L. Barnes, R. Ranft, W. Rhodes. 2009. Persistence of Triclopyr in Alaska Subarctic Environments. Presented at the annual meeting of the Weed Science Society of America, Orlando, FL, February 9-13.
Shin, Y., B.P. Mohanty, and A.V.M. Ines, Combining SEBAL Model and NMCGA Algorithm for the Estimation of Effective Soil Hydraulic Properties. AGU Fall Meeting Abstract. 2009.
Shrestha, S. F.X.M. Casey, D. Smith, H. Hakk, G. L. Larsen, and G. Padmanabhan. Fate of Glucuronide Conjugated Estradiol in Soil. Environmental & Water Resources Institute of ASCE (EWRI of ASCE) and the Asian Institute of Technology (AIT). Pathumtani, Thailand, on January 5-7, 2009.
Sun, D., and J. Zhu, Averaging schemes of hydraulic properties in large scale heterogeneous soils, 2009 GSA Annual Meeting, October 18-21, Portland, OR.
Sun, D., and J. Zhu, Effective soil hydraulic properties for transient evaporation in heterogeneous soils, AGU Joint Assembly, May 24-27, 2009, Toronto, Canada.
Sun, D., and J. Zhu, Soil hydraulic parameters for evaporation in large scale heterogeneous soils, ASA-CSA-SSSA Annual Conference, November 2-6, 2009, Pittsburgh, PA.
Sun, D., and J. Zhu, Soil hydraulic properties and large scale evapotranspiration in desert ecosystem, 94th ESA Annual Meeting, August 27, 2009, Albuquerque, NM.
Sun, D., J. Zhu, M. Young, T. Caldwell, E. McDonald, Effect of canopy patterns on large scale water budgets in arid environments, AGU Fall Meeting, December 1418, 2009, San Francisco, CA.
Tuller, M., and P. Iassonov, 2009. Sequential Segmentation for Correction of Intensity Bias in X-Ray CT Grayscale Images. SSSA International Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, November 1-5, 2009.
Tuller, M., and Th. Gebrenegus, 2009. Polypropylene Fiber Amendments to Alleviate Initiation and Evolution of Desiccation Cracks in Bentonite Liners. Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H23F-1029.
Vaz, C.M.P., P.R.O. Lasso, I.C. de Maria, P. Iassonov, and M. Tuller, 2009. Application of a Benchtop MicroCT Scanner to Determine Soil Pore Size and Aggregate Distributions at Different Scales and Resolutions. Eos Trans. AGU, 90(52), Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H23F-1031.
Vaz, C.M.P., P.R.O. Lasso, I.C. de Maria, P. Iassonov, and M. Tuller, 2009. Estimation of Soil Water Retention Properties from X-Ray Microtomography Observations. SSSA International Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, November 1-5, 2009.
Wang, C. and S.B. Jones. 2009. Evaluating Soil Water Content Sensors by Simulating High Clay Content Soils with Varied Relaxation- and Electrically Conductive-Dielectric Liquids. Spring Runoff Conference, Eccles Conference Center, Utah State University, Logan, UT, April 2-3.
Wang, C., R.M. Estevez, C.M.P. Vaz and S.B. Jones. 2009. Quantifying the Impact of Soil Properties on the Performance of Electromagnetic Water Content Sensors. ASABE Annual Meeting, Reno Nevada, June 21-24.
Weisbrod, N., and M.I. Dragila. 2009. Soil Cracks Intensify Soil-Atmosphere Gas Exchange. Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting, Pittsburg, PA, November 2009.
Wells, S.G., E.V. McDonald, T.G. Caldwell, M.H. Young, and K. Al-Quda, Role of desert pavement/soil development and hydrology on long-term landscape evolution in arid regions, International Union of Quaternary Research Conference on Paleohydrology, October 28-November 3, 2009, Hebrew University, Jerusalem.
Young, M., L. Fenstermaker, and J. Zhu, Near-surface water content and carbon flux in biological soil crust, AGU Chapman Conference on Examining Ecohydrological Feedbacks of Landscape Change along Elevation Gradients in Semiarid Regions, 5 9 October 2009, Sun Valley, ID.
Young, M., L. Fenstermaker, L., and J. Zhu, Dynamics of very near-surface water contents in an arid setting, ASA-CSA-SSSA Annual Conference, November 2-6, 2009, Pittsburgh, PA.
Zhu, J., and D. Sun, Effect of spatial soil hydraulic properties on large scale evapotranspiration, AGU Joint Assembly, May 24-27, 2009, Toronto, Canada.
Zhu, J., and D. Sun, Effective soil hydraulic properties for infiltration and redistribution in unsaturated zone, AGU Fall Meeting, December 1418, 2009, San Francisco, CA.
Zhu, J., and M. Young, sensitivity of evapotranspiration estimates for semi-arid shrublands, 94th ESA Annual Meeting, August 27, 2009, Albuquerque, NM.
Zhu, J., Capillary Pressure-dependent anisotropy of unsaturated layered soils, ASA-CSA-SSSA Annual Conference, November 2-6, 2009, Pittsburgh, PA.
Zitnick, K., H. Hakk, F.X.M. Casey, T. DeSutter, N. Shappell and E. Khan. 2009. Effects of Liquid Swine Manure On Sorption of 17ß-Estradiol to Soil. In Annual Meetings Abstracts [CD-ROM]. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Madison, WI. - Student Advisee
Ahuja., L.R., L. Ma, T.R. Green. 2010. Effective soil properties of heterogeneous areas for modeling infiltration and redistribution. Soil Science Soc. Amer. J. 74(5):1469-1482.
Andersen, D.S., R.T. Burns, L.B. Moody, M.J. Helmers, and R. Horton. 2010. Comparison of the Iowa State University effluent limitation guidelines model with the soil-plant-air-water model for evaluating containment basin performance. Trans. ASABE 53:207-217.
Andersen, D.S., R.T. Burns, L.B. Moody, M.J. Helmers, R. Horton, C. Pederson. 2010. The use of the soil-plant-air-water model to predict the hydraulic performance of vegetative treatment areas for controlling open lot runoff. Trans. ASABE 53:537-543.
Brockhoff, S.R., N.E. Christians, R.J. Killorn, R. Horton, and D. Davis. 2010. Physical and mineral-nutrition properties of sand-based turfgrass root-zones amended with biochar. Agron. J. 102:1627-1631.
Buckley, M. E., G. J. Kluitenberg, D. W. Sweeney, K. W. Kelley, and L. R. Stone. 2010. Effect of tillage on the hydrology of a claypan soil in Kansas. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 74:2109-2119.
Das, N.N., B.P. Mohanty, Y. Efendiev. 2010. Characterization of Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity in Agricultural Field Using Karhunen-Loève Expansion with the Markov Chain Monte Carlo Technique. Water Resources Research. 46, 10.1029/2007WR007100.
Das, N.N., B.P. Mohanty, E.G. Njoku. 2010. Profile Soil Moisture Across Spatial Scales Under Different Hydroclimatic Conditions. Soil Science 175(7):315-319.
DeSutter, T., E. Viall, I. Rijal, M. Murdoff, A. Guy, X. Pang, S. Koltes, R. Luciano, X. Bai, K. Zitnick, S. Wang, F. Podrebarac, F. Casey, and D. Hopkins. 2010. Integrating Field-Based Research into the Classroom: An Environmental Sampling Exercise. J. Nat. Resour. Life Sci. Educ. 39:132-136.
Elsadek A., M. Bleiweiss, M.K. Shukla, S. Guldan and S. Fernald. 2010. Alternative climate data sources for distributed hydrologic modeling on a daily time step. Hydrological Processes Journal. DOI: 10.1002/hyp.7917.
Ewing, R. P., Q. Hu, and C. Liu. 2010. Scale-dependence of intragranular porosity, tortuosity, and diffusivity. Water Resour. Res. 46, doi. 10.1029/2009WR008183.
Fan, Z., F.X.M. Casey, H. Hakk, G.L. Larsen, and E. Khan. 2010. Sorption, Fate, and Mobility of Sulfonamides in Soils. Water, Air, & Soil Pollution. DOI 10.1007/s11270-010-0623.
Fang, Q-X., T.R. Green, L. Ma, R. Malone, R.H. Erskine, and L.R. Ahuja. 2010. Optimizing soil hydraulic parameters in RZWQM2 using automated calibration methods. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 74(6):1897-1913.
Fang, Q-X., L. Ma, T.R. Green, Q. Yu, Q., T.D. Wang, and L.R. Ahuja. 2010. Water resources and agricultural water use in the North China Plain: Current status and management options. Agric. Water Management 97:1102-1116.
Fu, W., M. Huang, M. Shao, and R. Horton. 2010. Soil CO2 efflux of two shrubs in response to plant density in the northern Loess Plateau of China. African J. Biotech. 9:6916-6926.
Fu, X., M. Shao, X. Wei, and R. Horton. 2010. Potential urea-derived nitrogen losses caused by ammonia volatilization and nitrogen leaching in a rainfed semiarid region, China. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B - Plant Soil Science 60:560-568.
Fu, X., M. Shao, X. Wei, and R. Horton. 2010. Soil organic carbon and total nitrogen as affected by vegetation types in Northern Loess Plateau of China. Geoderma 155:31-35.
Gao, Z., R. Horton, H.P. Liu. 2010. Influence of wave phase difference between surface soil heat flux and soil surface temperature on soil surface energy balance closure. J. Geophys. Res., 115, D16112, doi:10.1029/2009JD013278.
Green, T.R., Q. Yu, L. Ma, and T.D. Wang. 2010. Crop water use efficiency at multiple scales. Agric. Water Management 97:1099-1101.
Guan, H., J. Simunek, B. D. Newman, and J. L. Wilson. 2010. Modeling investigation of water partitioning at a semiarid ponderosa pine hillslope, Hydrological Processes, 24(9):1095-1105.
Gutierrez, I. R., N. Watanabe, T. Harter, B. Glaser, and M. Radke, 2010. Effect of sulfonamide antibiotics on microbial diversity and activity in a Californian Mollic Haploxeralf, J. Soils and Sediments 10(3):537-544, DOI: 10.1007/s11368-009-0168-8.
Han, X., M. Shao, and R. Horton. 2010. Estimating van Genuchten model parameters of undisturbed soils using an integral method. Pedosphere 20:55-62.
He, W., H. Liu, Y. Xing, and S.B. Jones. 2010. Comparison of three soil-like substrate production techniques for a bioregenerative life support system. Advances in Space Research 46:1156-1161.
Heitman, J.L., R. Horton; T.J. Sauer, T. Ren and X. Xiao. 2010. Latent heat in soil heat flux measurements. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 150:1147-1153.
Iassonov, P. and M. Tuller, 2010. Application of Image Segmentation for Correction of Intensity Bias in X-Ray CT Images. Vadose Zone J., 9:1-5, doi:10.2136/vzj2009.0042.
Jia, X., M. Shao, X. Wei, D. She, X. Li, and R. Horton. 2010. Estimating total net primary productivity of managed grasslands by a state-space modeling approach in a small catchment on the Loess Plateau, China. Geoderma, doi:10.1016/j.geoderma. 2010.09.016.
Jiang, S., L. Pang, G. D. Buchan, J. Simunek, M. J. Noonan, and M. E. Close. 2010. Modeling water flow and bacterial transport in undisturbed lysimeters under irrigations of dairy shed effluent and water using HYDRUS-1D, Water Research, special issue, doi:10.1016/j.watres.2009.08.039, 44:1050-1061.
Johnson, J., W. Wilhelm, D. Karlen, D. Archer, B. Wienhold, D. Lightle, D. Laird, J. Baker, T. Ochsner, J. Novak, A. Halvorson, F. Arriaga, and N. Barbour. 2010. Nutrient removal as a function of corn stover cutting height and cob harvest. BioEnergy Research 3:342-355.
Joshi, C. and B.P. Mohanty. 2010. Physical controls of nearsurface soil moisture across varying spatial scales in an agricultural landscape during SMEX02. Water Resources Research., doi:10.1029/2010WR009152.
Joshi, C., B.P. Mohanty, J. Jacobs, and A.V.M. Ines. 2010. Spatiotemporal analyses of soil moisture from point to footprint scale in two different hydroclimatic regions. Water Resources Research. doi:10.1029/2009WR009002.
Kamai, T., A. Tuli, G.J. Kluitenberg, and J.W. Hopmans. 2010. Correction to Soil water flux density measurements near 1 cm d-1 using an improved heat pulse probe design. Water Resources Research 46: doi:10.1029/2010WR009423.
Kandelous, M. M. and J. Simunek. 2010. Numerical simulations of water movement in a subsurface drip irrigation system under field and laboratory conditions using HYDRUS-2D, Agricultural Water Management 97:1070-1076.
Kandelous, M. M. and J. Simunek. 2010. Comparison of numerical, analytical and empirical models to estimate wetting pattern for surface and subsurface drip irrigation. Irrigation Sci., 28(5), 10.1007/s00271-009-0205-9:435-444.
Kelleners, T.J. and A.K. Verma. 2010. Measured and modeled dielectric properties of soils at 50 MHz. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 74:744-752.
Kelleners, T.J., D.G. Chandler, J.P. McNamara, M.M. Gribb, and M.S. Seyfried. 2010. Modeling runoff generation in a small snow-dominated mountainous catchment. Vadose Zone J. 9:517-527.
Kluitenberg, G. J., T. Kamai, J. A. Vrugt, and J. W. Hopmans. 2010. Effect of probe deflection on dual-probe heat-pulse thermal conductivity measurements. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 74:1537-1540.
Ko, J., L.R. Ahuja,, B. Kimball, A. Ruane, S.A. Anapalli, L. Ma, T.R. Green, G. Wall, P. Pinter, and D. Bader. 2010. Simulation of free air CO2 enriched wheat growth and interactions with water, nitrogen, and temperature. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 150:1331-1346.
Kodeaová, R., J.Simunek, A. Nikodem, and V. Jirko. 2010. Estimation of the dual-permeability model parameters using tension disk infiltrometer and Guelph permeameter, Vadose Zone Journal, Special Section: "Preferential Flow", doi:10.2136/vzj2009.0069, 9(2):213-225.
Krueger, E.S., T.E. Ochsner, M. Kantar, C. Sheaffer, and P.M. Porter. 2010. Growth stage at harvest of a winter rye cover crop influences soil moisture and nitrogen. Crop Management.
Laird, D.A, P. Fleming, D.L. Karlen, D.D. Davis, R. Horton, and B. Wang. 2010. Impact of biochar amendments on the quality of a typical midwestern agricultural soil. Geoderma 158:443-449.
Laird, D.A., P.D. Fleming, B. Wang, R. Horton, and D.L. Karlen. 2010. Biochar impact on nutrient leaching from a midwestern agricultural soil. Geoderma 158:436-442.
Lee J, Hopmans J.W., Rolston D.E., et al. 2010. Determining soil carbon stock changes: Simple bulk density corrections fail. Agriculture Ecosystems & Environment 138 (3-4):355-355. doi: 10.1016/j.agee.2010.04.016.
Li, Y., R. Horton, T. Ren and C. Chen. 2010. Prediction of annual reference evapotranspiration using climatic data. Agricultural Water Management 97:300-308.
Li, Y., R. Horton, T. Ren and C. Chen. 2010. Investigating time scale effects on reference evapotranspiration from Epan data in north China. doi: 10.1175/2009JAMC2130.1. J. Applied Meteorology and Climatology 49:867-878.
Logsdon, S., T.R. Green, M. Seyfried, and J. Bonta. 2010. Comparison of electrical and thermal conductivities for soils from five states. Soil Sci. 175:573-578.
Logsdon, S., T.R. Green, M. Seyfried, S.R. Evett, and J. Bonta. 2010. Hydra probe and twelve-wire probe comparisons in fluids and soil cores, Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 74(1):5-12.
Lü, H., Z. Yu, R. Horton and Y. Zhu. 2010. The retrieval of the root zone soil moisture by the H-infinity filter assimilation procedure. Hydro. Process. 24: 3648-3660.
Miller, J.O., A.D. Karathanasis, and O.O.B. Wendroth. 2010. In-situ colloid generation and transport in 30 year old mine soil profiles receiving biosolids. Intl. J. Mining, Reclam. Environ. 24:95-108.
Nippert, J. B., J. J. Butler, Jr., G. J. Kluitenberg, D. O. Whittemore, D. Arnold, S. E. Spal, and J. K. Ward. 2010. Patterns of Tamarix water use during a record drought. Oecologia 162:283-292.
Pontedeiro, E. M., M. Th. van Genuchten, R. M. Cotta, J. Simunek. 2010. The effects of preferential flow and soil texture on the risk assessments of a NORM waste disposal site, Journal of Hazardous Materials, doi:10.1016/j. jhazmat.2009.09.100, 174(1-3), 648-655.
Ochsner, T.E., K.A. Albrecht, T.W. Schumacher, J.M. Baker, and R.J. Berkevich. 2010. Water balance and nitrate leaching under corn in kura clover living mulch. Agron. J. 102:1169-1178.
Sabo, J.L., T. Sinha, L.C. Bowling, G. H. W. Schoups, W.w. Wallender, M.E. Campana, K.A. Cherkauer, P. Fuller, W.L. Graf, J.W. Hopmans, J.S. Kominoski, C. Taylor, S.T. Trimble, R. H. Webb, and E.E. Wohl. 2010. Climate Change and Water in Southwestern North America Special Feature: Reclaiming freshwater sustainability in the Cadillac Desert PNAS. 107(50):21263-21269.
San Jose Maartinez, F., M.A. Martin, F.J. Caniego, M. Tuller, A. Guber, Y. Pachepsky, and C. Garcia-Gutierrez. 2010. Multifractal analysis of discretized X-ray CT images for the characterization of soil macropore structures. Geoderma, doi:10.1016/j.geoderma.2010.01.004.
Schaapp, M.G., and M. Tuller, 2010. Quantitative Pore-Scale Investigations of Multiphase Bio/Geo/Chemical Processes. Vadose Zone J., 9:573-575, doi:10.2136/vzj2010.0090.
Shelver, W.L., H. Hakk, G.L. Larsen, T.M. DeSutter, and F.X.M. Casey. 2010. Development of an ultra-high-pressure liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry multi-residue sulfonamide method and its application to water, manure slurry, and soils from swine rearing facilities. J. Chromatog. A 1217:1273-1282.
Sartori, F., T. L. Wade, J. L. Sericano, B.P. Mohanty, and K. A. Smith. 2010. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons in Soil of the Canadian River Floodplain in Oklahoma. J. Environmental Quality. 39:568-579.
Sharma P., M.K. Shukla and T. Sammis. 2010. Predicting soil temperature using air temperature and soil and meteorological parameters. Applied Engineering in Agriculture. 26(1):47-58.
Sowder, J.T., T.J. Kelleners, and K.J. Reddy. 2010. The origin and fate of arsenic in coalbed natural gas produced water ponds. J. Environ. Qual. 39:1604-1615.
Torkzaban, S., H., N. Kim, J. Simunek, and S. A. Bradford. 2010. Hysteresis of colloid retention and release in saturated porous media during transients in solution chemistry, Environ. Sci. and Technol., 44(5):1662-1669.
Twarakavi, N. K. C., J. Simunek, and M. G. Schaap. 2010. Can texture-based classification optimally classify soils with respect to soil hydraulics?, Water Resour. Res., 46, W01501, doi:10.1029/2009WR007939.
Twarakavi, N. K. C., H. Saito, J. Simunek, and M. Th. van Genuchten. 2010. Inverse modeling of vadose zone flow processes using squared e-insensitivity loss function, Journal of Hydrology and Hydromechanics, 58(3):188-200.
Venterea, R.T., M.S. Dolan, and T.E. Ochsner. 2010. Urea decreases nitrous oxide emissions compared with anhydrous ammonia in a Minnesota corn cropping system. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 74:407-418.
Wang, L., R. Horton, and Z. Gao. 2010. Comparison of six algorithms to determine the soil apparent thermal diffusivity at a site in the Loess Plateau of China. Soil Science 175:51-60.
Watanabe, N., B. A. Bergamaschi, K. A. Loftin, M. T. Meyer, and T. Harter, 2010. Use and environmental occurrence of antibiotics in freestall dairy farms with manure forage fields, Environ. Sci. Technol., 2010, 44 (17): 6591-6600, DOI:10.1021/es100834s. (free public access).
Wei, X., M. D. Hao, X. H. Xue, P. Shi, R. Horton, A. Wang, and Y. F. Zang. 2010. Nitrous oxide emission from highland winter wheat field after long-term fertilization. Biogeosciences, 7: 3301-3310.
Wei, X., M. Shao, X. Fu, and R. Horton. 2010. Changes in soil organic carbon and total nitrogen after 28 years grassland afforestation: Effects of tree species, slope position and soil order. Plant and Soil 331:165-179.
Wei, X., M. Shao, J. Zhuang, and R. Horton. 2010. Soil iron fractionation and availability at selected landscape positions in a loessial gully region. Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 56: 617-626.
Yakirevich, A., T. J. Gish, J.Simunek, M. Th. van Genuchten, Y. A. Pachepsky, T. J. Nicholson, and R. E. Cady. 2010. Potential impact of a seepage face on solute transport to a pumping well, Vadose Zone Journal, 9(3),686-696.
Radcliffe, D., and J. Simunek. 2010. Introduction to Soil Physics with HYDRUS: Modeling and Applications, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, ISBN-10: 142007380X, ISBN-13: 9781420073805, pp. 373.
Book Chapters
Hakk, H., F.X.M. Casey, Z. Fan and G.L. Larsen. 2009. A Review of the Fate of Manure-Borne, Land-Applied Hormones. In Keri Henderson and Joel Coats, eds. Veterinary Pharmaceuticals in the Environment. Pg. 11-26. Am. Chem. Soc. Symposium Series 1018. Washington, DC. ISBN: 978-0-8412-6962-0
Heinse, R. (2011). Space Soil Physics. In: Encyclopedia of Agrophysics (Encyclopedia of Earth Sciences Series), Jan Glinski, Jozef Horabik, Jerzy Lipiec (eds.) Springer.
Adhikari P., M. K. Shukla, and J. G. Mexal. 2010. Spatial variability of infiltration rate and soil chemical properties of desert soils: Implications for management of irrigation using treated wastewater. New Mexico Water Research Symposium, New Mexico Tech Socorro, NM, August 3, 2010.
Adhikari P., M. K. Shukla, and J. Mexal. 2010. Spatial variability of soil properties in an arid ecosystem irrigated with treated municipal and industrial wastewater. Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting held in Long Beach, CA, Oct. 31-Nov 3, 2010.
Bai, X., F.X.M. Casey, T. DeSutter, H. Hakk, P. Oduor and E. Khan. 2010. Sorption and Degradation of 17²-Estradiol-17 Sulfate in Agricultural Soils. In Annual Meetings Abstracts [CD-ROM]. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Madison, WI.
Carlisle, J., P. Szafruga, V. Mahat, B. Mace, K. Schreuders, S.B. Jones, D.G. Tarboton, L. Hipps and J.L. Boettinger. 2010. Instrumentation Enhancement and Data Processing at the T.W. Daniel Experimental Forest: A Drought Management Initiative Project. Combined Western Snow Conference and Spring Runoff Conference, April 19-22, Logan, UT.
Casey, F.X.M., and K.G. Richards. 2010. Assessing Persistence and Transport of Manure-Borne Estrogens with Passive Capillary Lysimeters. In Ecotrons & Lysimeters Conference. 29 to 31 March. Palais des Congres, Nancy France.
Chen-Lopez, J.C., M. Tuller, G.A. Giacomelli, and P. Waller, 2010. Numerical Simulations of Root Zone Fluid Fluxes in Greenhouse Substrates. SSSA International Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, Oct. 31-Nov. 4, 2010.
Deb S., M.K. Shukla and P. Sharma. 2010. Numerical Analysis of Coupled Liquid Water, Water Vapor, and Heat Transport in a Sandy Loam Soil. 19th World Congress of Soil Science. Brisbane, Australia.1-6 August.
Deb, S. K., M. K. Shukla, and J. G. Mexal. 2010. Soil moisture depletion patterns for some irrigated pecans. Technical Presentation, the 2010 New Mexico Section ASABE Meeting, April 23, New Mexico State University, Las Cruces, New Mexico.
Deb S., M. K. Shukla and J. Mexal. 2010. Water fluxes in the unsaturated zone of a mature pecan orchard in arid southern New Mexico. The 2010 New Mexico Water Research Symposium: Resource Interdependence, August 03, 2010, Macey Center, New Mexico Tech, Socorro, New Mexico.
Deb S. and M. K. Shukla. 2010. Numerical modeling of water vapor fluxes in the unsaturated zone of mature pecan orchards in arid southern New Mexico. The 2010 International Annual Meetings, ASA, CSSA and SSSA, Oct 31-Nov 04, 2010, Long Beach, CA.
Dontsova, K., E. Hunt, D. L. Gosch, S. Taylor, J. Simunek, J. Chorover, and T. E. Huxman, Dissolution of Unfired and Fired Propellants and Transport of Released Nitroglycerine, 2,4-Dinitrotoluine, and Nitroguanidine in Soils, Abstract H33E-1215 presented at Fall Meeting, AGU San Francisco, 13-17 December 2010.
Ducas, L., J. Leffler, R. Ryel, and S.B. Jones. 2010. Associations of near-surface soil moisture and annual plant community dynamics. 16th Wildland Shrub Symposium. Utah State University, Eccles Conference Center, May 19.
Ferre, T.P.A., and M. Tuller, 2010. Monitoring the Seawater Interface with Simple Resistance Measurements. SSSA International Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, Oct. 31-Nov. 4, 2010.
Gebrenegus, T., T. Ghezzehei, and M. Tuller, 2010. Physicochemical Controls on Initiation and Evolution of Desiccation Cracks in Sand-Bentonite Mixtures: X-Ray Imaging and Stochastic Modeling. SSSA International Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, Oct. 31-Nov. 4, 2010.
Gonzalez A. and M. K. Shukla. 2010. Transport of Nitrate and Chloride in Saturated Soil Columns. The 2010 New Mexico Water Research Symposium: Resource Interdependence, August 03, 2010, Macey Center, New Mexico Tech, Socorro, New Mexico.
Gonzalez A. and M. K. Shukla. 2010. Coupled Transport of Nitrate and Chloride in Unsaturated porous Media. 2010 International annual meetings, ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Oct. 31-Nov. 4, 2010, Long Beach, CA.
Guber, A., M. Tuller, F. San Jose Martinez, P. Iassonov, and M.A. Martin, 2010. The Through Porosity of Soils as the Control of Hydraulic Conductivity. Proceedings of the 19th World Congress of Soil Science, Brisbane, Australia, August 1-6.
Hanson, B. R., D. M. May, J. W. Hopmans, and J. Simunek, Drip irrigation as a sustainable practice under saline shallow ground water conditions, 19th World Congress of Soil Science, Soil Solutions for a Changing World, 1-6 August 2010, Brisbane, Australia (extended 4 pp abstract), Published on CDROM.
Heinse, R. and S.B. Jones. 2010. Identifying Thresholds for Water Storage and Transmission In Montane Watersheds From the Soil up. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA International Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, Oct. 31-Nov. 4.
Hopmans, J. W., P. Hartsough, J. A. Vrugt, J. Simunek, and P. Nasta, Root Water Uptake Modeling, XVIII International Conference on Computational Methods in Water Resources, CMWR 2010, Barcelona, Spain, June 21-24, 2010.
Jacques, D., J. Simunek, D. Mallants, and M.Th. van Genuchten, Simulating variably-saturated water flow, heat and solute transport and biogeochemistry in porous media using HP1, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12, EGU2010-4623, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, May 2-5, 2010.
Jacques, D., C. Smith, J. Simunek, and D. Smiles, Absorption of artificial piggery effluent by soils: Inverse optimization of hydraulic, solute transport, and cation exchange parameters using HP1 and UCODE, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12, EGU2010-4639, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, May 2-5, 2010.
Jacques, D., J. Simunek, D. Mallants, M. Th. van Genuchten, Reactive transport modelling for variably-saturated flow and contaminant transport problems: Recent HP1 developments, SSSA annual meeting, Long Beach, CA, Nov. 1-4, 2010.
Jones, S.B., Dani Or, Robert Heinse and Markus Tuller. 2010. Beyond Earth: Designing root zone environments for reduced gravity. 1st International Conference and Exploratory Workshop on Soil Architecture and Physico-Chemical Functions "CESAR". Aarhus University, Research Centre Foulum, Denmark, Nov. 30-Dec. 2.
Jones, S.B., M. Sakai and G. Kluitenberg. 2010. Exploring Limits of Near-Surface Water Flux Determination from Penta-needle Heat Pulse-Based Measurements. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA International Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, Oct. 31-Nov. 4.
Jones, S.B., M. Sakai and M. Tuller. 2010. Snowmelt Infiltration and Soil-Water Evaporation Estimates using Heat-Pulse Measurements and Energy Balance Modeling. Combined Western Snow Conference and Spring Runoff Conference, April 19-22, Logan, UT.
Kamai, T., G. J. Kluitenberg, and J. W. Hopmans. 2010. An alternative heat pulse sensor design. In Annual Meetings Abstracts [CD-ROM]. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Madison, WI.
Kamai, T., A. Ngo, G. J. Kluitenberg, and J. W. Hopmans. 2010. Evaluation of robust heat pulse probes for water content measurement. Abstract H33E-1181. In Abstracts, Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA [CD-ROM]. December 13-17, 2010.
Kandelous, M. M., J. Simunek, M. Th. van Genuchten, and K. Malek, Evaluation of soil water content distribution in the subsurface drip irrigation system: field measurement and numerical simulation, SSSA annual meeting, Long Beach, CA, November 1-4, Abstract 300-7 (59877), 2010.
Kandelous, M. M., T. Kamai, J. A. Vrugt, J.Simunek, B. Hanson, and J. W. Hopmans, An optimization model to design and manage subsurface drip irrigation system for alfalfa, Abstract H53a-0982 presented at Fall Meeting, AGU San Francisco, 13-17 December 2010.
Kluitenberg, G. J., J. H. Knight, T. Kamai, and J. W. Hopmans. 2010. A semi-analytical solution for the dual-probe heat-pulse method that accounts for the presence of the probes. In Annual Meetings Abstracts [CD-ROM]. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA, Madison, WI.
Lassabatere, L., D. Yilmaz, R. Angulo-Jaramillo, J. M. S. Ugalde, I. Braud, and J. Simunek, Numerical evaluation of inverse modelling methods for 1D and 3D water infiltration experiments in homogeneous soils, 19th World Congress of Soil Science, Soil Solutions for a Changing World, 1-6 August 2010, Brisbane, Australia (extended 4 pp abstract), Published on CDROM.
Lazarovitch, N., L. Krounbi, and J. Simunek, Models for root water uptake under deficit irrigation, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12, EGU2010-6272, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, May 2-5, 2010.
Morari F., I. Coletto, M. Drigo, M. L. Menandro, J. Simunek, and M. Martini, Transport and deposition of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Enterococcus faecalis in three Italian soils, 19th World Congress of Soil Science, Soil Solutions for a Changing World, 1-6 August 2010, Brisbane, Australia (extended 4 pp abstract), Published on CDROM.
Neumann, L. E., J. Simunek, F. J. Cook, and D. Jacques, Implementation of quadratic upstream interpolation schemes and monotonic maintenance for evaluating reactive solute transport in HYDRUS-1D and HP1, SSSA annual meeting, Long Beach, CA, November 1-4, Abstract 302-1 (59275), 2010.
Peyrard, S., L. Lassabatere, R. Angulo-Jaramillo, and J.Simunek, An analytical model for cumulative infiltration into a dual-permeability media, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12, EGU2010-7787, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, May 2-5, 2010.
Ramos, T. B., J. Simunek, M. C. Gonçalves, J. C. Martins, A. Prazeres, N. L. Castanheira, and L. S. Pereira, Field evaluation of a multicomponent solute transport model in soils irrigated with saline waters, SSSA annual meeting, Long Beach, CA, November 1-4, Abstract 297-5, 2010.
Resurreccion, A.C., P. Moldrup, M. Tuller, T.P.A. Ferre, K. Kawamoto, and T. Komatsu, and L.W. De Jonge, 2010. Soil Water Retention at Dry Conditions and its Relation to Specific Surface Area and Texture. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference and Exploratory Workshop on Soil Architecture and Physico-Chemical Functions (CESAR), Research Centre Foulum, Denmark, Nov 30-Dec 2.
Resurreccion, A., P. Moldrup, P. Schjonning, M. Tuller, T.P.A. Ferre, K. Kawamoto, T. Komatsu, and L.W. De Jonge, 2010. The Soil Characteristic Curve at Low Water Contents: Relations to Specific Surface Area and Texture. SSSA International Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, Oct. 31-Nov. 4, 2010.
Robinson, D.A., S.B., Jones, S.P. Friedman and T.E. Doyle. Modeling Structural Effects on the Determination of Soil Moisture using Microwave Measurements in Granular Porous Media. GPR 2010 Workshop. Rome, Italy.
Sakai M., S.B. Jones and M. Tuller. 2010. Estimation of Evaporation Rates from a Subsurface Drying Front using a Penta-Needle Heat Pulse Probe. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA International Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, Oct. 31-Nov. 4.
Sakai, M., and S.B. Jones. 2010. Numerical Evaluation of Snowmelt Infiltration Using Soil Water Content Monitoring. Combined Western Snow Conference and Spring Runoff Conference, April 19-22, Logan, UT.
Sharma, P., M. K. Shukla, and J. Mexal. 2010. Spatial variability of soil hydraulic properties in agricultural fields of Southern New Mexico: Implication on irrigation management. New Mexico Water Research Symposium held in New Mexico Tech Campus, Scorro, NM, August 3, 2010.
Sharma, P., M. K. Shukla, J. Mexal, and T. W. Sammis. 2010. Spatial variability of soil properties in agricultural fields of Southern New Mexico. 2010 Int. annual meetings, ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Oct. 31-Nov. 4, 2010, Long Beach, CA.
Simunek, J., J. W. Hopmans, and N. Lazarovitch, A new compensated root water and nutrient uptake model implemented in HYDRUS programs, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12, EGU2010-3640, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, May 2-5, 2010.
Smith, C., D. Jacques, J. Simunek, and D. Smiles, Absorption of artificial piggery effluent by soils: Inverse optimization of hydraulic, solute transport, and cation exchange parameters using HP1 and UCODE, SSSA annual meeting, Long Beach, CA, November 1-4, Abstract 297-10 (59986), 2010.
Steenpass, C., J. Vanderborght, M. Herbst, J. Simunek, and H. Vereecken, Using IR-measured soil surface temperatures to estimate hydraulic properties of the top soil layer, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12, EGU2010-15021, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, May 2-5, 2010.
Sun, H., K. Kopp and S.B. Jones. 2010. Simulation of Water and Nutrient Transport in Three Turf Species. ASA, CSSA, and SSSA International Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, Oct. 31-Nov. 4.
Sun, H., K. Kopp, M. Dietz, S.B. Jones and J. Fan. 2010. A Comprehensive Research Method to Investigate the Environmental Issues of Urban Landscapes: Water Use and Nitrogen Leaching of Urban Landscapes on Community Water Quantity and Quality. American Society for Horticultural Science Annual Meeting. Palm Desert, CA, 2-5 August 2010.
Tuller, M., C.M.P. Vaz, and R. Kulkarni, 2010. A New Generation of High-Resolution Benchtop Micro-CT Scanners for Application in Soil Science. Proceedings of the 1st International Conference and Exploratory Workshop on Soil Architecture and Physico-Chemical Functions (CESAR), Research Centre Foulum, Denmark, Nov 30-Dec 2.
Tuller, M., C.M.P. Vaz, P.R.O. Lasso, R. Kulkarni, and T.P.A. Ferre, 2010. Evaluation of a High-Resolution Benchtop Micro-CT Scanner for Application in Porous Media Research. Eos Trans. AGU, Fall Meet. Suppl., Abstract H13D-1013.
Tuller, M., T.P.A. Ferre, and M.S. Mirjat, 2010. Optimization of Border Irrigation for Salinity Control in Arid and Semiarid Regions. SSSA International Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, Oct. 31-Nov. 4, 2010.
Twarakavi, N. K., and J. Simunek, A coupled modeling approach to incorporate vadose- zone flow and solute transport in ground water models, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12, EGU2010-7646, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, May 2-5, 2010.
Twarakavi, N. K., J. Simunek, and L. Bahaminyakamwe, A coupled modeling approach to incorporate vadose-zone flow and solute transport in ground water models, SSSA annual meeting, Long Beach, CA, November 1-4, Abstract 297-13, 2010.
van Genuchten, M. Th., D. Jacques, J. Simunek, and D. Mallants, Models for Predicting Radionuclide Transport in Soils and Groundwater, Keynote presentation, ENCIT 2010,13th Brazilian Congress of Thermal Sciences and Engineering, Dec. 5-10, 2010, Uberlandia, MG, Brazil.
Vaz, C.M.P., J.M. Manieri, I.C. De Maria, and M. Tuller, 2010. Modeling the Influence of Water Content and Bulk Density on Soil Penetration Resistance. SSSA International Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, Oct. 31-Nov. 4, 2010.
Vaz, C.M.P., P.R.O. Lasso, and M. Tuller, 2010. Quantification of Phase Distributions in Porous Media with High-Resolution Benchtop Micro-CT. SSSA International Annual Meeting, Long Beach, CA, Oct. 31-Nov. 4, 2010.
Vrugt, J. A., J. Hopmans, P. Hartsough, J. Simunek, and P. Nasta, Bayesian Calibration of a Soil-Root-Plant-Atmosphere Continuum Model Using Soil Moisture and Leaf Water Potential Data, Geophysical Research Abstracts, 12, EGU2010-12148, EGU General Assembly, Vienna, Austria, May 2-5, 2010.
Wendroth, O., V. Vasquez, and C. J. Matocha. 2010. Spatial Variation Scales of Rainfall Characteristics and Bromide Leaching. Poster. American Geophysical Union, Fall 2010, Dec. 13-18, San Francisco.
Wendroth, O. 2010. Combined space-time state space model for field soil water storage. Oral Presentation. Annual Meeting, ASA-CSSA-SSSA, Oct. 30-Nov. 4, 2010, Long Beach, CA.
Wendroth, O., C.J. Matocha, and V. Vasquez. 2010. Field-Scale Bromide Transport as a Function of Rainfall Amount, Intensity and Application Time Delay. Poster. 19th World Congress of Soil Science, IUSS, Brisbane, Australia, Aug. 01-06, 2010.
Wendroth, O., V. Vasquez, and C.J. Matocha. 2010. Impact of rainfall amount, intensity, and time lag on leaching behavior of a surface-applied Bromide tracer. Oral Presentation. Kentucky Water Resources Annual Symposium, March 22, 2010, Griffin Gate Marriott Resort, Lexington, KY.