WERA_OLD72: Agribusiness Scholarship Emphasizing Competitiveness

(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports


"Johnson, Aaron J., Heather C. Johnson, Stephen Devadoss, and John Foltz. (2010). "Strategic Group Analysis of U.S. Food Businesses Using the Two-Step Clustering Method." International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. Forthcoming.

"Johnson, Aaron J., Thorsten Egelkraut, and Cyrus Grout. (2010). "Market Intelligence Utilization by Small Food Companies: An Application of Grounded Theory Method in Exploratory Research" Journal of Food Distribution Research. Forthcoming.

"Johnson, Aaron J., Clay Dibrell and Eric Hansen. (2009). "Market Orientation and Innovativeness in Agribusiness: Impacts on Performance." Journal of Agribusiness.27(1/2): pp 85-106.

" Novotorova, Nadezhda and Michael A. Mazzocco. Impact of Product Attribute Wording on Consumer Acceptance of Biotechnology Applications in Produce. Journal of Food Distribution Research. 40(3):91-104 (2009).

" Elepu, Gabriel, and Michael A. Mazzocco. Consumer Segments in Urban and Suburban Farmers Markets. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. 13(2): 1-18 (2010).

" Micheels, E.T. and H.R. Gow. 2009. Do Market Oriented Firms Demonstrate Clarity on Their Value Discipline? Evidence from Illinois Beef Producers International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. 12 (3): 127-152.

" Micheels, E.T. 2010. Market Orientation in Production Agriculture. VDM Verlag Dr. Muller.
"Xu, Pei, Shi Zheng, and Mesbah Motamed (2010) Perceived Risks and Safety Concerns about Fluid Milk Among Chinese College Students The journal of Agricultural Economics  Czech, 56 (2):67-78.

"Xu, Pei, Shi Zheng, and Song Zhou Family and Western Style Fast Food: Influences on Chinese College Students Dairy Consumption The Journal of Food Products Marketing, forthcoming, 2011, 17(1)

"Nganje, W.E., C.J. Wachenheim, and W.C. Lesch. 2009. A Comparison between
Perception of Risk and Willingness to Serve GM foods. Journal of Food
Distribution Research 40(2), pp. 57-71. [Received the 2009 Food
Distribution Research Society Presidential Award for Excellence in
Research and Communications.]

" Wachenheim, C.J. 2009. Final Exam Scores in Introductory Economics
Courses: Effect of Course Delivery Method and Proctoring. Review of
Agricultural Economics 31(3), pp. 640-652

Collins, Robert and Gregory A. Baker. 2009. Of Junk Food and Junk Science. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. Volume 12, No. 3.

Atkinson, R, D. Sanders, K. Jones, I. Altman. An Evaluation of Purebred Bull Pricing: Implications for Beef Herd Management. Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers. In Press.

" Hambleton Heins, L., J. Beaulieu, I. Altman. The Effectiveness of Women's Agricultural Education Programs: A Survey from Annie's Project. Journal of Agricultural Education. In Press.

" Altman, I and T. Johnson. Organization of the Current U.S. Biopower Industry: a Template for Future Bioenergy Industries. Biomass and Bioenergy. 33(5): 799-784. 2009.

" Sanders, Dwight, I. Altman, Mark Manfredo, and Rachel Anderson. Using USDA Production Forecasts: Adjusting for Smoothing. Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers. 72(1): 134-142. 2009.

Ng, D. and Goldsmith, P.G. 2010. Bio Energy Entry Timing from a Resource Based View and Organizational Ecology Perspective, International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 13 (2): 69-100.

"Ng, D., and Siebert, J. 2010. Toward Better Defining the Field of Agribusiness Management International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 12 (4): 1-20.

"Ng, D, Westgren, R., and Sonka, S. 2009. Competitive Blind Spots in an Institutional Field Strategic Management Journal 30 (4): 349-269. (Lead Article)


Stanton, John L., James B. Wiley and Ferdinand F. Wirth. 2011. Who are the Locavores? Journal of Consumer Marketing. (Accepted)

John L. Stanton, James B. Wiley and Ferdinand Wirth. 2011. Marketing Contra to the Trend: Back to Basics. Romanian Distribution Committee Magazine, Scientific Review of the Romanian Distribution Committee, 4(4): 22-27.

Wirth, Ferdinand F., John L. Stanton and James B. Wiley. 2011. The Relative Importance of Search versus Credence Product Attributes: Organic and Locally Grown. Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 40(1): 48-62.

Clark, Jennifer L., Richard N. Weldon, Charles M. Adams and Ferdinand F. Wirth. 2010. Risk Assessment of a Shrimp Aquaculture Investment in Florida. Aquaculture Economics and Management, 14(4): 332357.

Palma, Marco A., Ferdinand F. Wirth, Charles M. Adams, and Robert L. Degner. 2010. Market Preferences toward Farm-Raised Sturgeon in the Southeastern United States: A Conjoint Analysis. Aquaculture Economics and Management, 14(3): 235-253.

Refereed Proceedings:

Stanton, John, James Wiley and Ferdinand Wirth. 2010. Locavores: To Target or Not to Target. Proceedings of the Australian & New Zealand Marketing Academy (ANZMAC) Conference 2010, November 29  December 1, 2010, Christchurch, New Zealand.

Wirth, Ferdinand F. 2011. Branding M.G. Kailis Exmouth Prawns. Case Study and Instructor Manual submitted to Enhancing Global Competitiveness of the U.S. Seafood Industry: Educational Case Studies in International Trade and Marketing. United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Cooperative State Research, Education, and Extension Service (CSREES), International Science and Education Competitive Grants Program through Coastal Oregon Marine Experiment Station, Oregon State University.

Wirth, Ferdinand F. 2010. Pennsylvania Dairy Industry Image Study: Consumer Attitudes about Dairy Farmers. Research Report presented to the PA Center for Dairy Excellence and the Mid-Atlantic Dairy Association, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. July 15, 2010.

" Baylis, Kathy, Lia Nogueira and Kathryn Pace. 2011. Food Import Refusals: Evidence from the European Union. American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 93(2): 566-572.
" Elepu, Gabriel, and Michael A. Mazzocco. Consumer Segments in Urban and Suburban Farmers Markets. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. 13(2): 1-18 (2010).

. Busdieker, Nichole, Lia Nogueira, Hayri Onal and David Bullock. 2011. Welfare Effects of New Fire Blight Control Methods on the U.S. Apple Industry. Western Extension and Research Activities Committee on Agribusiness Annual Meeting Proceedings.
Invited Presentations:
" Trumping Tortillas: Substituting Away from Poverty. El Impacto de la Crisis sobre la Pobreza y la Desigualdad, Network of Inequality and Poverty, Mexican Chapter, October 2010, presented by Benjamin Wood.

Woods, T., J. Schieffer, and S. Saghaian. (2011). Winery Integration Strategies in the MidSouth and MidAtlantic States. Journal of Agribusiness, 29(1):83-95.

Zheng1, Z. and S. Saghaian. (2011). Time Series Analysis of U.S. Pistachios Export Demand in North America. Journal of Food Distribution Research, 42 (1): 124-129.

Najarzadeh, R., R. Rezagholizadeh, S. Saghaian, M. Reed, and M. Aghayie. (2011). The Impact of Trade Liberalization on Persian Rugs: A Policy Analysis Matrix Approach. Journal of Food Distribution Research, 42 (1): 91-95.

Staley, D. and S. Saghaian. (2011). Government Policy and Ethanol, What does the future hold? Journal of Food Distribution Research, 42 (1): 111-115.
Najarzadeh, R. M. Reed, S. Saghaian, M. Aghayie, and R. Rezagholizadeh. (2011). A Study of Irans Comparative Costs in Saffron. Journal of International Agricultural Trade and Development, 5(1): 1-10.

Ward, Ruby, Allen Wysocki, and Timothy Woods, Agribusiness Extension: The Past, Present, and Future?, International Food and Agribusiness Review; 14(5):125-140, 2011

Marvin T. Batte, Wuyang Hu, Tim Woods, and Stan Ernst, Assessing the Contribution of Local Production, Organic Certification, Nutritional Claims, and Product Branding on Consumer Food Choices: A Conjoint Experiment forthcoming in European Review of Agricultural Economics, doi: 10.1093/erae/jbr039

Hu, W., T. A. Woods, S. Bastin and L. J. Cox, Analyzing the Demand for New Value-Added Product: Case of Pure Blueberry Sweetener Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing. 23(1): 56-72, 2011.

Hu, Wuyang, Timothy Woods, Sandra Bastin, Linda Cox, and Wen You, Assessing Consumer Willingness to Pay for Value-Added Blueberry Products Using a Payment Card Survey, Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 43(2):243-258, 2011.

Babool, A.I. and S. Saghaian. (2011). The Recession and its Impact on Foreign Direct Investment Flows into the Food System of Less Developed Countries. Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics. 43, 3 (August), 508.

Gunderson, Michael A., Joshua D. Detre, Christine A. Wilson, and Brian C. Briggeman, Ag Lending: The Next Generation, Agricultural Finance Review. Vol. 71, No. 3, 2011 (280-294).

Detre, Joshua D., and Michael A. Gunderson, "The Triple Bottom Line: What is the Short Run Impact on the Returns to Agribusiness Stocks," International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. Vol. 14, No. 4, 2011 (165-178).

Detre, Joshua D., Aaron J. Johnson, and Allen W. Gray, " Innovativeness and Innovation: Implications for the Renewable Materials Supply Chain," International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. Vol. 14, No. 2, 2011 (17-34).

Ross. R. B. 2011. Entrepreneurial Behavior in Agri-Food Supply Chains: The Role of Supply Chain Partners. Journal of Chain and Network Science 11(1): 19-30.
Rich, K.M., R.B. Ross, D. Baker, & A. Negassa. 2011. Quantifying value chain analysis in the context of livestock systems in developing countries. Food Policy 36(2): 214-222.

University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Dennis M. Conley, U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission vs.
Marketing Advisory Services, Inc.: A Case Study, International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, Volume 14, Issue 3, 2011

Saleem Shaik and Miljkovic, Dragan: The Impact of Trade Openness on Technical Efficiency in U.S. Agriculture, Journal of International Agricultural Trade and Development (2011), 7(2).

Rimal, Arbindra, Dragan Miljkovic, and Won Kee Moon: Self-Efficacy as a Mediator of the Relationship between Dietary Knowledge and Behavior, Journal of Food Distribution Research (2011), XLII(3).

Miljkovic, Dragan and Renan Zhuang: The Exchange Rate Pass-through into Import Prices: The Case of Japanese Meat Imports, Applied Economics (2011), 43(26): 3745-3754.

Miljkovic, Dragan: The Rationale for the Importance of the Rational Choice Theory in Contemporary Economics, Journal of Ideology (2011), 33 (http://www.lsus.edu/offices-and-services/community-outreach/the-journal-of-ideology).

Miljkovic, Dragan and William W. Wilson: The Impact of Emergence of Chinese International Corn Markets on Chinese and U.S. Corn Prices, Applied Economics Letters (2011), 18: 449-454.

Serfling, Matt and Dragan Miljkovic: Time Series Analysis of The Relationships among (Macro) Economic Variables, The Dividend Yield and The Price Level of The S&P 500 Index, Applied Financial Economics (2011), 21: 1117-1134.

Nganje, William, Dragan Miljkovic, and Elvis Ndembe: Offsetting Behavior and the Benefits of Food Safety Policies in Vegetable Preparation and Consumption, Agribusiness: An International Journal (2010), 26(4): 557-572.

Jin, Hyun and Dragan Miljkovic: Test for Multiple Structural Changes in Relative Farm Prices, Applied Economics (2010), 42: 3253-3265.

Shaik, Saleem, and Dragan Miljkovic: Nature of Dynamic Relationships between Farm Real Estate Values and Federal Farm Program Payments, Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics (2010), 35(1): 153-168.

Lambert, David, and Dragan Miljkovic: The Sources of Variability in U.S. Food Prices, Journal of Policy Modeling (2010), 32(2): 210-222.

Miljkovic, Dragan and Cary Effertz: Analyzing Consumer Behavior and the Demand for Broilers: A Reference Point Approach, British Food Journal (2010), 112(1): 32-43.

Porter, Justin K., Gregory A. Baker, and Narendra Agrawal. 2011. "The U.S. Produce Traceability Initiative: Analysis, Evaluation, and Recommendations." International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 14:3. (PRJ, S)

Rodrigues, Jon and Gregory A. Baker. Forthcoming. "Grameen Danone Foods Limited (GDF)." International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. Forthcoming. (PRJ, L)

Sanders, Dwight, Ira Altman, and Gary Apgar. Determinants of Profitability in Niche Swine Production. Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers. 2012. In Press.

Ng, D. 2011. Thinking Outside the Box: An Absorptive Capacity approach to the product development process, International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, 14, 3, 67-94.

Ng, D. 2011. Absorptive link: an absorptive capacity and alliance approach to Biotechnology product success, Journal of Chain and Network Science, 11, 1: 31-47


Accomplishments (Organized by School):
Arizona State University

Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications:
Timothy Richards and William Nganje. Welfare Effects of Food Recall. Paper Accepted for Publication, Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics. October, 2012.

William Nganje, Renée Shaw Hughner, and Paul M. Patterson. Perception of Risks and Preferences for Locally Grown Produce: A Marketing System Approach Paper Accepted for Publication, Journal of Food Product Marketing, August 2012.

Timothy Richards, Lisa Mancino and William Nganje. Nutrient Demand in Food Away from Home: the Role of Physical Activity, Obesity and Health. Paper Accepted for Publication, Forum for Health Economics and Policy, February, 2012.

Claudia Dumitrescu, William Nganje, and Clifford Schultz II. Market Opportunities and Challenges for U.S. Wheat Exports in the Balkans and Black Sea Region. Accepted for Publication, British Food Journal, March 2012.

William Nganje, and Paul Skilton. Food Risks and Type I & II Errors, International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, Volume 14, (Issue 5):109-124, 2011.

Winifred Scott and William Nganje. An Ex-Post Evaluation of Sarbanes-Oxley Act on Firms Intrinsic Value: A Principal- Agent Framework, Paper Accepted for Publication, Academy of Accounting and Financial Studies Journal, Vol 15(3), 2011.

William Nganje, Renee Hughner, Nicholas Lee. State Branded Programs and Consumer Preference for Locally Grown Produce, Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 40/1 (April):110, 2011.
Other Refereed Publications:
Nganje, William. Food Import Safety and Quality: Food Safety and Food Defense Risks. Book Chapter, Forthcoming, Chapter 11, Improving Food Import Safety and Trade, USDA-Markets and Trade.

Nganje, William, Na Hu, and Timothy Richards. Improving the Safety of Imported Foods with Intelligent Systems: The Case of U.S.-Mexico Fresh Produce Supply Chain, Book Chapter, Forthcoming 2012 Wiley & Blackwell.
Selected Presentations and Posters:
Firm Response to Food Recalls Information: Implication for Welfare Effects, Paper Presented at the AAEA Annual Meeting, August 2, 2012, Seattle Washington.

Methods to Translate Impact Evaluation into Policies: The Case of Electronic Traceability and the 2010 Food Safety Modernization Act. Invited Paper, 3ie, Amman Jordan, April, 2011.

California Polytechnic State University

Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications:
Higgins, L.M., W.D. Shaw, and A. Egbendewe. (2011). Attributes Affecting Preferences for (Traffic Safety Camera Programs. Accident Analysis and Prevention. 43 (3): 1042-1048.
Selected Presentations and Posters:
Williams, E., L.M. Higgins, et al. Extension Producer Marketing Programs: The Factors that Lead to Producer Success. Poster selected for presentation at the Food Distribution Research Society annual conference. San Juan, Puerto Rico. October 2012.
Higgins, L.M. and A. Maddox. Comparing Wine Labels: Can Consumers Correctly Identify Redesigned Labels? Paper presented at the American Association of Wine Economists annual meeting. Princeton, NJ. June 2012.
Higgins, L.M. and M. Witherwax. Brand Personality and Social Media Involvement by Wineries. Paper presented at the American Association of Wine Economists annual meeting. Princeton, NJ. June 2012.
Wolf, M.M., L.M. Higgins, and M. Rice. Does Family on a Label Increase Purchase Interest for a Wine, or Just a Halo Effect? Paper presented at the American Association of Wine Economists annual meeting. Princeton, NJ. June 2012.
Wolf, M.M, M. Wolf, L. Brady, H. Peszynski, and L.M. Higgins. Using Social Media for Collaboration About Industry News in Higher Education. Paper presented at the American Association of Wine Economists annual meeting. Princeton, NJ. June 2012.
Wolf, M.M, M. Wolf, and L.M. Higgins. Using Social Media to Provide More Efficient Collaboration Between Professors, Students, and Industry About Relevant Information. Panel discussion presented at the 2012 WERA-72 meetings. West Lafayette, IN. June 2012.
Wolf, M.M, L.M. Higgins, and B. Greenwood. Social Media in Higher Education: Interaction and Learning Enhancement. Invited panel presentation, Center for Teaching and Learning, California Polytechnic State University. San Luis Obispo, CA. April 2012.
Gao, X, A. Ishdorj, L.M. Higgins. Impact of the National School Lunch Program on Childrens Food Security. Selected paper presented at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association annual meeting. Birmingham, AL. February 4-7, 2012.

Colorado State University
Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications
Nurse, G., Y. Onozaka and D. Thilmany McFadden.2012. Consumer Motivations and Buying Behavior: The Case of the Local Food System Movement. Journal of Food Products Marketing. Forthcoming. Fall 2012.

Thilmany McFadden, D. and S. Low. 2012. Will Local Foods Influence American Diets? CHOICES, 2nd Quarter 2012.

Other Refereed Publications:
Gunter, A. and D. Thilmany. 2012. Economic Implications of Farm to School for a Rural Colorado Community. WRDC Rural Connections. Issue 21. May 2012. Online at: http://wrdc.usu.edu/.

Thilmany, D. 2012. Local Food, Organics and Sustainability. Invited chapter to The Federal Policy Role In Today's Food and Agricultural Markets. Forthcoming.

Selected Presentations and Posters:
Ahearn, M., P. Davis, J. Ifft, S. Low and D. Thilmany. Issues and Opportunities Surrounding Small Farm Transition and Succession. Organized panel for the 6th National Small Farms Conference. Memphis, TN. Sept. 2012.

Thilmany, D. Panelist in Session, To Nest in the Wind - Implementation and Impacts of Career Development for Women in Personal Growth and Balancing Life. 2012 AAEA Annual Meetings. Seattle, WA.

Thilmany, D. Moderator and Discussant for Session, Understanding the Multiple Impacts from Marketing Locally Grown Food, Food Products, and Agri-Recreational Services. 2012 AAEA Annual Meetings. Seattle, WA.

Thilmany, D and M. Costanigro. Ethical Considerations in Food Labeling. For Organized Session, Ten Thousand Labels: Credence Attributes, Product Differentiation, and Information Flows in the Food System. 2012 AAEA Annual Meetings. Seattle, WA.

Invited Papers and Presentations:
Thilmany, D. Understanding Alternative Livestock Marketing Dynamics: The Case of Colorado Homestead Ranches. Invited talk at Strengthening Agricultures Infrastructure: Adding Value, Breaking Down Barriers, Increasing Profits. December 2012. Portland, OR.

Deselnicu, O., M. Costanigro, D.M. Souza-Monteiro and D. Thilmany McFadden. What Drives the Premium for Origin in Food? A Meta-Analysis of Geographical Indication Studies. Invited presentation to the Grenoble Applied Economic Laboratory. May 2012.

Thilmany, D. Local Food Market Dynamics: An Analysis of Consumer Motivations, Marketing Choices and Welfare Implications. The Ohio State University Van Buren lecture. April 2012.

Thilmany McFadden, D. What Is Driving Consumer Demand for Local Foods? Presentation at the USDA Ag Outlook Forum. February 2012. Washington, DC.

Louisana State University
Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications
Mishra, Ashok K., Michael J. Harris, Kenneth W. Erickson Charles B. Hallahan, and Joshua D. Detre, Drivers of Agricultural Profitability in the US: An Application of the DuPont Expansion Method, Agricultural Finance Review, Vol. 72, No. 3, 2012.

Clark, Benjamin M., Joshua D. Detre, Jeremy DAntoni, and Hector O. Zapata, The Role of an AG Index in a Modern Portfolio, Agricultural Finance Review, Vol. 72, No. 3, 2012.

Mark, Tyler B., Joshua D. Detre, Jeremy DAntoni, and Ashok K. Mishra, " Factors Influencing Farm Operator Expectations on Future Levels of Government Support," Journal of the American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers, Vol. 75, No. 1, 2012 (148-164).

Briggeman, Brian C., Joshua D. Detre, Notie Lansford, and Damona Doye, Experiential Learning on the Internet: The Case of the Internet Agricultural Bank Simulation Game," North American Colleges and Teachers of Agriculture Journal. Vol. 46, No. 2, 2102 (63-67).

Zapata, Hector O., Joshua D. Detre, and Tatsuya Hanabuchi, Historical Performance of Commodity and Stock Markets, Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Vol. 44, No. 3, 2012 (339-357).

Detre, Joshua D., and Michael A. Gunderson, Doing More with Less in a Rapidly Changing Discipline  Smaller Agribusiness Faculties Teaching More Students," International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, Vol. 15, No. Special Issue A Global Networks, Global Perspectives and Global Talent, 2012 (31-36).

Fannin, James M. and Joshua D. Detre, Red Light Ahead! Preparing Local Governments Financially for the Next Disaster," Choices, Vol. 27, No. 1 (2012), Available at http://www.choicesmagazine.org/choices-magazine/theme-articles/rural-wealth-creation/red-light-ahead-preparing-local-governments-financially-for-the-next-disaster.

Fannin, James M., John D. Barreca, and Joshua D. Detre, Estimating GDP at the Parish (County) Level: An Evaluation of Alternative Approaches," Louisiana State University Agricultural Center Experiment Station Bulletin, No. 890, 2012.
Fannin, J. Matthew, John D. Barreca, and Joshua D. Detre, The Role of Public Wealth on Recovery and Resiliency to Natural Disasters in Rural Communities, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 94, No. 2, 2012 (549-555).

Michigan State University
Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications

Dentoni, D., O. Hospes, & R.B. Ross. (Eds.) 2013. Managing Wicked Problems in Agribusiness: The Role of Multi-stakeholder Engagement in Value Creation. International Food and Agribusiness Review (Special Issue).
Selected Presentations and Posters:
Ross, R. B., K. Sprouse, F. R. Chaddad, M. I. Gomez. Forthcoming. The Market Legitimacy of Cool Climate Wineries: Distribution Challenges and Strategies for a Nascent Food Industry. Journal of Food Distribution Research (Proceedings Issue).
Ross, R. B., N. Victor. Forthcoming. The Role of Social Capital in Nascent Agri-Food Industries: A Case Study of Michigan Chestnut Growers. Journal of Food Distribution Research (Proceedings Issue).
Ross, R. B., N. Paulson, & E.T. Micheels. Entrepreneurial Orientation and the Farm Performance of Illinois Grain Producers. Paper presented at the 2012 International Food and Agribusiness Management Association World Symposium, Shanghai, China, June 2012.
Lovgren, A., R. B. Ross, F. R. Chaddad, & M. I. Gomez. Too Legit to Fail? Identifying the Influence of Legitimacy on the Success and Survival of Cool Climate Wine Producers. Paper presented at the 2012 International Food and Agribusiness Management Association World Symposium, Shanghai, China, June 2012.
Miguel Vieira-Lopes, & R. B. Ross. The Future of Michigan Agribusiness: A Survey of Challenges and Expectations. Presentation at the 2012 Michigan Agribusiness Association Outlook Conference, Mackinac Island, MI, September 2012.
Ross, R. B. What is Agribusiness Saying? Survey Results. Presentation at the 2013 Michigan Agribusiness Association Winter Conference, Lansing, MI, January 2013.

Purdue University
Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications
Downey, W. S. & Schetszle, S. L.(2012) Asynchronous assessment in a large lecture marketing course. Marketing Education Review, 22(2), 97-108.

Downey, W. S. (2012). Experiential Learning through Industry Interaction in a Large Lecture Agribusiness Course. NACTA Journal, (In Press).

Selected Presentations and Posters:
Johnson, A., Perry, G., & Downey, W. S. Agribusiness Management Curriculum Review. Presentation at WERA, Purdue University, June, 2012.

Johnson, A. J. & Downey, W. S. Discovered Knowledge: A Framework For Understanding Customers And Influencers. Presentation at WERA, Purdue University, June, 2012.

Wysocki, A., Litzenberg, K., Johnson, A. J. & Downey, W. S. Changing Undergraduate Student Attitudes for Sales Careers. Presentation at WERA, Purdue University, June, 2012.

Diebel, P., Perry, G., Gunderson, M. & Downey, W. S. Teaching Outcomes for Agribusiness Management Programs. Presentation at AAEA in Seattle, WA, August, 2012.

Downey, W. S. Teaching Tips. Presentation at AAEA, Seattle, WA, August, 2012.
Saint Josephs University
Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications
Wirth, Ferdinand F. 2012. Consumers Shrimp Purchasing Preferences: An Application of Conjoint Analysis Journal of Food Products Marketing, 20(5). (Accepted)

Stanton, John L., James B. Wiley and Ferdinand F. Wirth. 2012. Who are the Locavores? Journal of Consumer Marketing, 29(4): 248  261.

Other Refereed Publications:
Wirth, Ferdinand F. 2012. Consumers Shrimp Purchasing Preferences: An Application of Conjoint Analysis. Proceedings of the International Food Marketing Research Symposium, June 21-22, 2012, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Invited Papers and Presentations:
Wirth, Ferdinand F. 2012. Understanding Marketing Functions for Direct Marketers. Invited Presentation, Aquaculture America 2012, Las Vegas, Nevada, March 1, 2012.

Wirth, Ferdinand F. 2012. Cashing in on Current Trends in Food Marketing. Invited Presentation, Aquaculture America 2012, Las Vegas, Nevada, March 1, 2012.

Selected Presentations and Posters

Wirth, Ferdinand F. 2012. The Aquaculture Regulatory Climate Scale Re-visited: Has There Been Progress in Reducing Regulatory Stringency? Selected paper presented at AQUA2012, combined meeting of the World Aquaculture Society and the European Aquaculture Society, Prague, Czech Republic, September 1  5, 2012.

Wirth, Ferdinand F. 2012. Consumers Shrimp Purchasing Preferences: An Application of Conjoint Analysis. Selected paper presented at the International Food Marketing Research Symposium, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, June 21-22, 2012.

Santa Clara University

Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications

Rodrigues, Jon and Gregory A. Baker. 2012. "Grameen Danone Foods (GDF)." International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, Volume 15, No. 1.

Presentations at Professional Meetings
Harwood, Michael J. and Gregory A. Baker. 2012. Healthy Food Costs for Low-Income Families: Santa Clara County, California. International Food and Agribusiness Management Association Annual Meeting.

Southern Illinois University

Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications

Altman, Ira and Dwight Sanders. Producer Willingness and Ability to Supply Biomass: Evidence From The U.S. Midwest. Biomass and Bioenergy. 36(1):176-181. 2012.

Texas Tech University

Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications
Belasco, Eric, Benaissa Chidmi, Conrad Lyford and Margil Funtanilla. Using Quantile Regression to Measure the Differential Impact of Economic and Demographic Variables on Obesity, Health Behaviour and Pubic Health (2012 2(2): 35-45.

Gong, Gordon, Eric Belasco, Kristopher A Hargrave, Conrad Lyford and Billy U Philips. Determinants of Delayed Detection of Cancers in the Texas Counties in the United States of America. International Journal of Equity in Health (2012 May 29, 11 (1): 29). http://www.equityhealthj.com/content/pdf/1475-9276-11-29.pdf

Pence, Barbara, Eric Belasco and Conrad Lyford. Prevention of Colorectal Cancer by Aspirin and/or Calcium: Efficacy, Mechanisms, and Cost Effectiveness, Current Colorectal Cancer Reports (5; January 2012): 1-6.

Philips, Billy, Gordon Gong, Kristopher Hargrave, Eric Belasco and Conrad Lyford. Correlation of the ratio of metastatic to nonmetastatic cancer cases with the degree of socioeconomic deprivation among Texas counties. International Journal of Health Geographics, 2011, 10:12.

Selected Presentations and Posters:
Lyford, Conrad. Using a Living Marketing Problem to Teach Marketing Research Methods, 2012 WERA-72 Western Education\Extension and Research Activities Committee on Agribusiness Annual Meeting, June 24-26, 2012, Lafayette, Indiana.

Lyford, Conrad, Jaime Malaga and Benaissa Chidmi. Evaluating the Sub-Saharan Sorghum Market for US Exports, 2012 WERA-72 Western Education\Extension and Research Activities Committee on Agribusiness Annual Meeting, June 24-26, 2012, Lafayette, Indiana.

Lyford, Conrad, Janani Thapa, Eric Hequet and Jeff Johnson.Comparing the Economics of Stripper and Picker Harvesting in West Texas, 2012 Beltwide Cotton Conferences, January 3-6, 2012, Orlando, Florida.

Lyford, Conrad P, Eric Belasco, Barent McCool, Audrey McCool, Tyra Carter and Barbara Pence. Health Attitudes, Knowledge and Behavior in Rural Communities, Track paper, 2012 American Agricultural Economics Association meeting, August 12-14, 2012, Seattle, Washington.

McCool, B, McCool, A, Hensarling, N, Lyford, C, Pence, B, Belasco E, & Carter, T. Interventions to Reduce Cancer Risk in Rural West Texas Communities. Texas Dietetic Association Food & Nutrition Conference & Exhibition, San Antonio, TX April 12 - 14, 2012.

McCool B, Pence B, Lyford C, Hensarling N, McCool A, Carter T. Working with the local supermarket to bring cancer prevention information and encouragement to rural communities. Texas Public Health Association annual conference, Arlington TX, March 21-23, 2012.

Gordon Gong, Kristopher Hargrave, Eric Belasco and Conrad Lyford, Billy Philips. Identification of Hot Spots of Delayed Cancer Diagnosis by Wellbeing Index in Texas. Poster presented at the 2011 Innovations in Cancer Prevention and Research Conference, Austin, TX, November 14-18, 2011.

Conrad Lyford, Barent McCool, Audrey McCool, Eric Belasco, Barbara Pence and Tyra Carter. Working with the Local Supermarket to Bring Cancer Prevention Information and Encouragement to Local Communities. Poster presented at the 2011 Innovations in Cancer Prevention and Research Conference, Austin, TX, November 14-18, 2011.

Non-refereed Publications:
Lyford, Conrad, Jaime Malaga, Benaissa Chidmi, Pablo Mejia-Martinez and Tim Snyder. Expanding US Sorghum Exports to Sub-Saharan Africa: A Key Fast Growing Market, United States Department of Agriculture, Foreign Agricultural Service, June 2012.
Murova, Olga and Conrad Lyford. Program Assessment for Hometown Stars and Bootstrap Bucks, 2010-2011. Texas Department of Agriculture, November 2011.
Grants and Awards:
Texas Tech Transdisciplinary Research Academy, Texas Tech University. June 2012 to August 2012. ($5,400, my share $5,400)

University of Kentucky

Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications
Ward, Ruby, Allen Wysocki, and Timothy Woods, Agribusiness Extension: The Past, Present, and Future?, International Food and Agribusiness Review; 14(5):125-140, 2011, also available on-line

Woods, Timothy, Jack Schieffer, and Sayed Saghaian, Winery Integration Strategies in the Mid-South and Mid-Atlantic States, forthcoming in Journal of Agribusiness

Marvin T. Batte, Wuyang Hu, Tim Woods, and Stan Ernst, Assessing the Contribution of Local Production, Organic Certification, Nutritional Claims, and Product Branding on Consumer Food Choices: A Conjoint Experiment European Review of Agricultural Economics, doi: 10.1093/erae/jbr039, 2011.

Hu, W., T. A. Woods, S. Bastin and L. J. Cox, Analyzing the Demand for New Value-Added Product: Case of Pure Blueberry Sweetener Journal of International Food and Agribusiness Marketing. 23(1): 56-72, 2011.

Hu, Wuyang, Timothy Woods, Sandra Bastin, Linda Cox, and Wen You, Assessing Consumer Willingness to Pay for Value-Added Blueberry Products Using a Payment Card Survey, Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, 43(2):243-258, 2011.

Other Refereed and Numbered Publications
Woods, Timothy, Matt Ernst, and Kevin Heidemann, 2012 Kentucky Produce Planting and Marketing Intentions Grower Survey and Outlook, AEC Extension Publication 2012-15, http://www.uky.edu/Ag/NewCrops/plantingsurvey2012.pdf, University of Kentucky, July 2012.

Woods, Timothy and Matt Ernst, 2011 Regional Winegrape Marketing and Price Outlook, Crop Diversification & Biofuels Research & Education Center Report, University of Kentucky, http://www.uky.edu/Ag/NewCrops/winegrapesurvey11.pdf, May 2012.

Woods, Timothy, Ani Katchova, and Matt Ernst, 2011 Retail Food Cooperative Member Survey: Focus on Local Foods, AEC Extension Publication 2012-05, April 2012.

Holland, Rob, Matt Ernst and Tim Woods, Consideration for the Tennessee Produce Industry, Center for Profitable Ag publication, University of Tennessee, p.36., March, 2012.

Coolong, Timothy, Kenneth Seebold, Ric Bessin, Timothy Woods, and Sarah Fannin, Sweetpotato Production for Kentucky, University of Kentucky College of Agriculture ID-195, February, 2012.

Woods, Timothy, 2011 Nursery Products Buyer Survey, AEC Extension Publication 2012-01, December 2011.
Selected Presentations and Posters:
Woods, Timothy and Shang-Ho Yang, Assessing Consumer Willingness to Pay for Ground Bison Given Nutrition Information, Selected Paper prepared for presentation at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Birmingham, AL, February 4-7, 2012.

Woods, Timothy and Shang-Ho Yang, Farm Market Patron Behavioral Response to Sampling, Selected Paper prepared for presentation at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Birmingham, AL, February 4-7, 2012.

Vassalos, Michael, Carl Dillon, Jack Schieffier, Wuyang Hu and Timothy Woods, Fresh Vegetable Growers Risk Perception, Risk Preference and Choice of Marketing Contracts: A Choice Experiment, Selected Paper prepared for presentation at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Birmingham, AL, February 4-7, 2012.

Woods, Timothy and Bruce Yang, Picking up Pawpaws  An Evaluation of Consumer Willingness to Sample Unusual Regional Products, presented paper also contributed to meeting proceedings, Food Distribution Research Society, San Juan , Puerto Rico, October, 2012.

Woods, Timothy and Miranda Hileman, Farms to Food Banks: 2012 Impact on Consumers, poster presentation at Food Banks Fighting Hunger Conference, Frankfort, KY, September 2012.
Katchova, Ani, and Timothy Woods, Marketing Local Foods by Food Cooperatives, poster presentation, International Association of Agricultural Economics, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil, August 2012.
Vassalos, Michael, Wuyang Hu, Timothy Woods, Jack Schieffer, and Carl Dillon, Marketing Contracts for Fresh Tomato Production: A Choice Based Experiment, Poster at the American Applied Economics Association annual meetings, Seattle, WA, August, 2012.

Williamson, Sara and Timothy Woods, Local Foods Consumers: A Look Under the Hood, paper presented at the WERA-72 Regional Research in Agribusiness meetings, West Lafayette, IN , June, 2012.

Williamson, Sara, Stan Ernst, Timothy Woods, and Wuyang Hu, Characteristics of Local Foods Consumers: a Fresh Look, Selected Paper prepared for presentation at the Southern Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, Birmingham, AL, February 4-7, 2012.

Woods, Timothy, Marketing Specialty Crops, Third International Pawpaw Conference, Frankfort, KY, September, 2011.
Woods, Timothy A., Food Safety  Curriculum and Outreach, Contribution to the symposium - The Role of Agricultural Economics in Food Safety Standard Development, Education, and Evaluation, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association, Pittsburgh, PA, July, 2011.
Williamson, Sara, Tim Woods, and Ani Katchova, Perspectives on Local Foods: A Survey of General Managers and the Patrons They Serve, Presented at the annual meeting of the Consumer Cooperative Marketing Association Conference, San Diego, CA, June 2011.
Lindsey Mayes, Tammy Stephenson, Laura Stephenson, Tim Woods, Sara Williamson, Nutrition knowledge and dietary habits of Farmers Market patrons: implications for promoting consumption of locally grown fruits and vegetables, Poster at the 2011 American Dietetic Association Annual Meeting (FNCE) in San Diego September 2011
Guzhen Zhou, Wuyang Hu, Marvin Batte, Timothy Woods and Stanley Ernst, Household Grocery Shopping Destination Allocations: Have Local Stores Caught on with the Rise of Local Foods? Poster at the 2011 AAEA Meetings in Pittsburgh, PA, July 2011

Katchova, A.L. and T.A. Woods. The Effectiveness of Local Food Marketing Strategies of Food Cooperatives Selected paper, Agricultural and Applied Economics Association Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA 24-26 July 2011.

Woods, Timothy and Ani Katchova, Local Sourcing Strategies for Food Consumer Cooperatives, USDA Rural Development Cooperatives Webinar Series, July, 2011.

Jordan Shockley, Carl Dillon, and Tim Woods, Estimating the Economic Viability of a New Crop Alternative for the U.S. Organic Market: Edamame  A Vegetable Soybean, Poster at the 2011 AAEA Meetings in Pittsburgh, PA, July 2011

Katchova, A.L., and T.A. Woods. The Role of Food Cooperatives in Local Food Networks Selected symposium paper, International Food and Agribusiness Management Association World Forum and Symposium, Frankfurt, Germany, 20-21 June, 2011.

Woods, T.A. and A.L. Katchova. Local Food Procurement and Promotion Strategies of Food Cooperatives Selected paper, Southern Agricultural Economics Association Meeting, Corpus Christi, TX, 5-8 February, 2011. http://ageconsearch.umn.edu/handle/98853

University of Missouri

Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications

Chaddad, F.R. and Mondelli, M.P. Sources of Firm Performance Differences in the U.S. Food Economy, Journal of Agricultural Economics 64(2), forthcoming June 2013.

Chaddad, F.R. (2012). Advancing the Theory of the Cooperative Organization: The Cooperative as a True Hybrid, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics 83(4): 445-461.

Chaddad, F.R. and Chaddad, Fernando (2012). Coming Full Circle: Prudential Insurance Company, in A Co-operative Dilemma: Converting Organizational Form, Jorge Sousa and Roger Herman (eds.), University of Saskatchewan Press, pp. 73-93.

Chaddad, F.R. and Cook, M.L. (2012). Legal Frameworks and Property Rights in U.S. Agricultural Cooperatives: The Hybridization of Cooperative Structures, The Cooperative Business Movement: 1950 to Present, Patrizia Battilani and Harm Schroeter (eds.), Cambridge University Press, chapter 7, pp. 175-194, 2012.

Costa, D.M., Chaddad, F.R. and Azevedo, P.F. (2012). Separação entre Propriedade e Decisão de Gestão nas Cooperativas Agropecuárias Brasileiras [Separation of Ownership and Decision Management in Brazilian Farmer-Owned Cooperatives], Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural 50(2): 285-300.

Costa, D.M., Azevedo, P.F. and Chaddad, F.R. (2012). Determinantes da Separação entre Propriedade e Gestão nas Cooperativas Agropecuárias Brasileiras [Determinants of the Separation of Ownership and Decision Management in Brazilian Farmer-Owned Cooperatives], Revista de Administração da Universidade de São Paulo (RAUSP), 47(4), forthcoming 2012.

Lazzarini, S.L., Brito, L. and Chaddad, F.R. (2012). Conduits of Innovation or Imitation? Assessing the Effect of Alliances on the Persistence of Profits in U.S. Firms, Brazilian Administration Review 9, forthcoming 2012.

Moura, P.T. and Chaddad, F.R. (2012). Collective Action and the Governance of Multistakeholder Initiatives: A Case Study of Bonsucro, Journal on Chain and Network Science 12(1): 13-24.

University of Saskatchewan

Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications

Micheels, E.T. and H.R. Gow, 2012. The Effect of Alternative Market Orientation Strategies on Firm Performance: Customer versus Competitor Orientation. International Journal of Marketing Studies 4 (3): 2-15.

Selected Presentations and Posters:

Micheels, E.T. and M. Blumthal, 2012. Using Industry Interactions to Enhance Experiential Learning in Undergraduate Agribusiness Curricula. Selected Paper presented at the International Food and Agribusiness Management Association World Forum and Symposium, Shanghai, China.

Ross, R.B., N.D. Paulson, and E.T. Micheels, 2012. The Performance Implications of an Entrepreneurial Orientation within Commercial Grain Operations in Illinois. Selected Paper presented at the International Food and Agribusiness Management Association World Forum and Symposium, Shanghai, China.


Higgins, L.M., M. Wolf, and A. Torres. (2013). Opening Doors to a Global Classroom: An International Social Media Collaboration. NACTA Journal. Forthcoming.

. Washington D.C. August 2013.
Thilmany, D., E. Tegegne and B. Hines. 2012.Farmers Markets and Direct Marketing in the Western US: Market Trends and Linkages with Food System Issues. Western Economics Forum. Winter 2012.

Thilmany, D. O. Deselnicu and M. Costanigro. 2013. How Consumers Respond to Corporate Social Responsibility Initiatives: A Cluster Analysis of Dairy Consumers. Journal of the Food Distribution Research Society Proceedings. Forthcoming

Ahearn, M., J. Ifft, S. Low, D. Thilmany McFadden and M. Sullins. Issues and Opportunities Surrounding Small Farm Transition. Proceedings of the USDA Small Farms Conference. Forthcoming.

Wang, M. and P.D. Goldsmith. 2013. Industrial Agglomeration of Chinese Food Processing. American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Under Review, August.

Mumm, R. H., P.D. Goldsmith, K.D. Rausch, and H.H. Stein. 2013. Future Use of U.S. Agricultural Land for Ethanol Production from Corn Grain. Energy & Environmental Science. Under review. August.

Goldsmith, P.D. and F. Pereira. 2013. Outlining a Strategic Legitimacy Assessment Method: The Case of the Illinois Livestock Industry. Journal of Agriculture and Human Values. In print. April.

Xing, L. and P.D. Goldsmith. 2012. Estimating the Non-Commercial  Commercial Feed Gap in China. Chinese Journal of Agricultural Economics. In Print. November.

Masuda, T. and P.D. Goldsmith. 2012. Chinas Meat and Egg Production and Soybean Meal Demand for Use as Feed: An Elasticity Analysis and Long-Term Projections. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. 15 (3): 35-54.

Research Articles:

Medeiros, J.A.V. e P.D. Goldsmith. 2013. Mapeando os armazéns particulares, comerciais e cooperativas em Mato Grosso. Em revisão. Boletim de Pesquisa de Soja. Fundação MT: 20 páginas. Mapping Private, Commercial, and Cooperative Storage in Mato Grosso.

Goldsmith, P.D. and M. Wang. 2012. The Economic Impact of Illinoiss Livestock Industry. June: pp. 142.

Wirth, Ferdinand F. 2013. Assessing the U.S. Market Economics for a Cultured Flounder, Paralichthys sp., Industry. Journal of International Food & Agribusiness Marketing. (Submitted)

Refereed Abstracts:

Wirth, Ferdinand F. 2013. Should the U.S. Invest in Developing a Cultured Flounder Industry? Proceedings of the International Food Marketing Research Symposium, June 20- 21, 2013, Budapest, Hungary.

Wirth, Ferdinand F. 2012. The Aquaculture Regulatory Climate Scale Re-visited: Has There Been Progress in Reducing Regulatory Stringency? AQUA2012 Book of Abstracts, World Aquaculture Society, Baton Rouge, LA.
Baker, Gregory A., Alana N. Sampson, and Michael J. Harwood. 2013. California Water Wars: Tough Choices for Woolf Farming. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, Volume 16, No. 2.
Pandey, Mukesh, Gregory A. Baker, and Deepali Tewari Pandey. 2013. Supply Chain Re-engineering in the Fresh Produce Industry: A Case Study of Adani Agrifresh. International Food and Agribusiness Management Review, Volume 16, No. 1.

Nogueira, Lia, Richard R. Barichello, Kathy Baylis and Hayley H. Chouinard. 2012. Policy Risk in the Canadian Dairy Industry. Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 34(1):147-166.
Wood, Benjamin D.K., Carl H. Nelson and Lia Nogueira. 2012. Poverty Effects of Food Price Escalation: The Importance of Substitution Effects in Mexican Households. Food Policy 37(1):77-85.
Dawn Thilmany, David Conner, Kynda Curtis, Kathleen Liang, Kranti Mulik, Jeffrey OHara, Martha Sullins, and Tim Woods, Researching Market and Supply Chain Opportunities for Local Foods Systems: Setting Priorities and Identifying Linkages, Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, forthcoming. 2013.
Katchova, A.L., and T.A. Woods. Food Cooperatives Innovations and System Dynamics in Local Food Networks. Proceedings in Food System Dynamics (2012):173-185.
Holland, Rob, Matt Ernst and Tim Woods, Consideration for the Tennessee Produce Industry, Center for Profitable Ag publication, University of Tennessee, p.36., March, 2012.
Chaddad, F.R. and Iliopoulos, C. (2013). Control Rights, Governance and the Costs of Ownership in Agricultural Cooperatives, Agribusiness: An International Journal, 29(1): 3-22.

Chaddad, F.R. and Mondelli, M.P. (2013). Sources of Firm Performance Differences in the U.S. Food Economy, Journal of Agricultural Economics, 64(2): 382-404.

Costa, D.M., Chaddad, F.R. and Azevedo, P.F. (2013). The Determinants of Ownership Structure: Evidence from Brazilian Agricultural Cooperatives, Agribusiness: An International Journal, 29(1): 62-79.

Lazzarini, S.L., Brito, L. and Chaddad, F.R. (2013). Conduits of Innovation or Imitation? Assessing the Effect of Alliances on the Persistence of Profits in U.S. Firms, Brazilian Administration Review, 10(1): 1-17.

Senesi, S., Palau, H., Chaddad, F.R. and Daziano, M. The Evolution of Farming Networks in a Fragile Institutional Environment: The Case of Argentina, Journal on Chain and Network Science, 13(1), 71-82, 2013.

Senesi, S., Chaddad, F.R. and Palau, H. Networks in Argentine Agriculture: A Multiple Case Study Approach, Revista de Administração de Empresas da Universidade de São Paulo [University of São Paulo Journal of Business Administration], 48(2), 281-294, 2013.

Chaddad, F.R. (2012). Advancing the Theory of the Cooperative Organization: The Cooperative as a True Hybrid, Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics, 83(4): 445-461.

Chaddad, F.R. and Chaddad, Fernando (2012). Coming Full Circle: Prudential Insurance Company, in A Co-operative Dilemma: Converting Organizational Form, Jorge Sousa and Roger Herman (eds.), University of Saskatchewan Press, pp. 73-93.

Chaddad, F.R. and Cook, M.L. (2012). Legal Frameworks and Property Rights in U.S. Agricultural Cooperatives: The Hybridization of Cooperative Structures, The Cooperative Business Movement: 1950 to Present, Patrizia Battilani and Harm Schroeter (eds.), Cambridge University Press, chapter 7, pp. 175-194.

Costa, D.M., Chaddad, F.R. and Azevedo, P.F. (2012). Separação entre Propriedade e Decisão de Gestão nas Cooperativas Agropecuárias Brasileiras [Separation of Ownership and Decision Management in Brazilian Farmer-Owned Cooperatives], Revista de Economia e Sociologia Rural, 50(2): 285-300.

Costa, D.M., Azevedo, P.F. and Chaddad, F.R. (2012). Determinantes da Separação entre Propriedade e Gestão nas Cooperativas Agropecuárias Brasileiras [Determinants of the Separation of Ownership and Decision Management in Brazilian Farmer-Owned Cooperatives], Revista de Administração da Universidade de São Paulo (RAUSP), 47(4): 581-595.

Moura, P.T. and Chaddad, F.R. (2012). Collective Action and the Governance of Multistakeholder Initiatives: A Case Study of Bonsucro, Journal on Chain and Network Science, 12(1): 13-24.

Micheels, E.T. and H.R. Gow, 2013. Market Driven Entrepreneurship in Primary Agriculture: The Convergence of Market Orientation and the Resource Based View. International Journal of Agricultural Management forthcoming [Accepted July 17, 2013].

Micheels, E.T. and H.R. Gow, 2012. The Value of a Positional Advantage for Agricultural SMEs. Small Enterprise Research 19 (2): 54-73.


2009-2013 Publications reported in Annual reports

2013-2014 Publications (Organized by Institution)
Cal Poly – San Luis Obispo
Higgins, L.M., M. McGarry Wolf, and M. Wolf. (2014). “Disruption in the Wine Market: The Impact of Technology on How Consumers Purchase Wine.” Wine Economics and Policy 3: 19-27.
Schroeter, C. and L.M. Higgins. (2014). “Food Marketing Information Literacy: Pedagogical Approaches and Student Success.” Journal of Food Distribution Research. Proceedings Issue. 45 (1).

North Dakota State University

Timothy Richards and William Nganje. “Welfare Effects of Food Recall.” Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 62, Issue 1, p. 107-124, 2014.

William Nganje, Renée Shaw Hughner, and Paul M. Patterson. “Perception of Risks and Preferences for Locally Grown Produce: A Marketing System Approach,” Journal of Food Product Marketing, Vol. 20, Issue 2, p. 196-214, 2014.

Jesus Bravo, Ignacio Molina and William Nganje. “Understanding intentional food
contamination attitudes: applying Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behavior to a sample of fruit and vegetable industry workers.” International Journal of Agricultural Management, Volume 3 Issue 1, p.43-52, 2013.

Claudia Dumitrescu, William Nganje, and Clifford Schultz II. “Market Opportunities and Challenges for U.S. Wheat Exports in the Balkans and Black Sea Region.” British Food Journal, Vol. 156, No. 10, p. 1518-1536, 2013.

Santa Clara University

Lakner, Zoltan, and Gregory A. Baker. “Struggling with Uncertainty: The State of Global Agri-food Sector in 2030.” International Food and Agribusiness Management Review. Forthcoming.

University of Kentucky
Woods, Timothy A., “Innovation in Agri-Food Clusters: Theory and Case Studies: Book Review”, American Journal of Agricultural Economics, doi: 10.1093/ajae/aat082, 2014.
Woods, Timothy, Margarita Velandia, Rodney Holcomb, Rebecca Dinning, and Eric Bendfeldt, “ Local Food Systems Markets and Supply Chains”, Choices, 28(4), 2013, available on line at: http://www.choicesmagazine.org/choices-magazine/theme-articles/developing-local-food-systems-in-the-south/local-food-systems-markets-and-supply-chains
Palma, Marco A., Kim Morgan, Tim Woods, and Sean McCoy, “Response of Land Grant Universities to the Increase in Consumer Demand for Local Foods in the South”, Choices, 28(4), 2013, available on line at: http://www.choicesmagazine.org/choices-magazine/theme-articles/developing-local-food-systems-in-the-south/response-of-land-grant-universities-to-the-increase-in-consumer-demand-for-local-foods-in-the-south
Woods, Timothy, Lia Noguiera, and Shang-Ho Yang, “Linking Wine Consumers to the Consumption of Local Wines and Winery Visits in the Northern Appalachian States”, International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 16(4):181-204, 2013.
Thilmany, Dawn, David Conner, Kynda Curtis, Kathleen Liang, Kranti Mulik, Jeffrey O’Hara, Martha Sullins, and Tim Woods, “Researching Market and Supply Chain Opportunities for Local Foods Systems: Setting Priorities and Identifying Linkages”, Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development, 3(4):131-137, http://dx.doi.org/10.5304/jafscd.2013.034.018, 2013.
Lamie, David, Matt Ernst, Tim Woods, Gary Bullen, and Blake Lanford, “Choosing Wholesale Markets for Local Food Products”, peer reviewed eXtension eCoP Community Local Regional Food Systems paper, http://www.extension.org/pages/71021/choosing-wholesale-markets-for-local-food-products#.U6mZQfldWSo, June 26, 2014.

Woods, Tim, “Horticulture”, in The Kentucky Agricultural Outlook for 2014, ed. W. Snell, K. Heidemann, and S. Isaacs, AEC Extension Publication AEC-2013-21, December 2013.
Woods, Tim, Miranda Hileman and Bruce (Shang-Ho) Yang,” Impact of the Farms to Food Banks Produce Sourcing Project”, AEC Extension Publication AEC-2013-04, March, 2013.

University of Missouri
Chaddad, F.R. (2014). “BrasilAgro: Organizational Architecture for a High Performance Farming Corporation,” American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 96(2): 578-588.
Miranda, B.V. and Chaddad, F.R. (2014). “Explaining Organizational Diversity in Emerging Industries: The Role of Capabilities,” Journal on Chain and Network Science, forthcoming.
Sun, L., Gómez, M.I., Chaddad, F.R. and Ross, R.B. (2014). “Distribution Channel Choices of Wineries in Emerging Cool Climate Regions,” Agricultural and Resource Economics Review, 43(1): 87-103.
Vinholis, M.M.B., Souza Filho, H.M., Carre, M.J. and Chaddad, F.R. (2014). “Transaction Attributes and Adoption of Hybrid Governance in the Brazilian Cattle Market,” Journal on Chain and Network Science, forthcoming.
Yang, S. and Chaddad, F.R. (2014). “The Relationship between Performance and Governance in Agricultural Cooperatives: A Structural Equation Modeling Approach,” International Journal of Co-operative Management, 7(1): 43-57.
Chaddad, F.R. and Iliopoulos, C. (2013). “Control Rights, Governance and the Costs of Ownership in Agricultural Cooperatives,” Agribusiness: An International Journal, 29(1): 3-22.
Chaddad, F.R. and Mondelli, M.P. (2013). “Sources of Firm Performance Differences in the U.S. Food Economy,” Journal of Agricultural Economics, 64(2): 382-404.
Costa, D.M., Chaddad, F.R. and Azevedo, P.F. (2013). “The Determinants of Ownership Structure: Evidence from Brazilian Agricultural Cooperatives,” Agribusiness: An International Journal, 29(1): 62-79.
Lazzarini, S.L., Brito, L. and Chaddad, F.R. (2013). “Conduits of Innovation or Imitation? Assessing the Effect of Alliances on the Persistence of Profits in U.S. Firms,” Brazilian Administration Review, 10(1): 1-17.
Senesi, S., Palau, H., Chaddad, F.R. and Daziano, M. (2013). “The Evolution of Farming Networks in a Fragile Institutional Environment: The Case of Argentina,” Journal on Chain and Network Science, 13(1), 71-82, 2013.

University of Nebraska
Woods, Tim, Lia Nogueira and Shang-Ho Yang. 2013. “Linking Wine Consumers to the Consumption of Local Wines and Winery Visits in the Northern Appalachian States.” International Food and Agribusiness Management Review 16(4):181-205.
“Local Wine Expenditure Determinants in the Northern Appalachian States.” Western Extension and Research Activities Committee on Agribusiness Annual Meeting, July 2014.
“Technical Barriers to Trade: Effect on Revenue and Surplus.” Western Agricultural Economics Association Annual Meeting, June 2014.

University of Saskatchewan
Micheels, E.T. and H.R. Gow, Forthcoming. The Effect of Market Orientation on Organizational Learning, Innovativeness, and Performance in Primary Agriculture. Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics.
Micheels, E.T, 2014. Experience and Learning in Beef Production: Results from a Cluster Analysis. International Journal of Agricultural Management. 3(3): 154-163.
Micheels, E.T. and H.R. Gow, 2013. Market driven innovation and entrepreneurial behaviour: The strategic value of a market orientation in primary agriculture. International Journal of Agricultural Management 3 (1): 21-29.

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