NC_OLD1178: Impacts of Crop Residue Removal for Biofuel on Soils (formerly NC1017)
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Blanco-Canqui, H. and R. Lal. 2009. Crop residues removal impacts on soil productivity and environmental quality. Crit. Rev. Plant Sci. 28:139-163.
Blanco-Canqui, H. and R. Lal. 2009. Indiscriminate corn stover removal reduces soil fertility, soil organic carbon and crop yield. CSA News 54:8-9.
Blanco-Canqui, H. and R. Lal. 2010. Corn stover removal for expanded uses reduces soil fertility and structural stability. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 73: 418-426.
Cihacek, L. J., B. B. Botnen and E. N. Steadman. 2010. A sampling protocol for monitoring, measurement, and verification of terrestrial carbon sequestration in soils. Plains CO2 Reduction Partnership (PCO2R) Value-Added Report. Univ. of North Dakota, Grand Forks, ND. April 2010. 16 p.
Farenhorst, A., D.A.R. McQueen, I. Saiyed, C. Hilderbrand, S. Li, D.A. Lobb, P. Messing, T.E. Schumacher, S.K. Papiernik, M.J. Lindstrom. 2009. Variations in soil properties and herbicide sorption coefficients with depth in relation to PRZM (pesticide root zone model) calculations. Geoderma 150:267-277.
Guzman, J. and M. Al-Kaisi. 2009. Landscape position and age of reconstructed prairies effect on soil organic carbon sequestration rate and aggregate associated carbon. Journal of Soil and Water Cons. J. 65:9-21.
Guzman, J. and M. Al-Kaisi. 2010. Soil Carbon Dynamics and Carbon Budget of Newly Reconstructed Tall-grass Prairies in South Central Iowa. J. Environ. Qual. 39:136-146.
Jimba, S.C., and B. Lowery. 2010. Automation of the water-drop method for soil aggregate stability analysis. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 74:38-41.
Karlen, D., R. Lal, R.F. Follett, J.M. Kimble, J.L. Hatfield, J.M. Miranowski, C.A. Camberdella, A. Manale, J. Doran, J.M. Baker and C.W. Rice. 2009. Crop residues: The rest of the story. Env. Sci. & Tech. 43:8011-8015.
Lal, R. and D. Pimentel. 2009. Beware crop residues. Science 326:1345-1346.
Lowery, B.C. Cox, D. Lemke, P. Nowak, K R. Olson and J. Strock. 2009. The 2008 Midwest flooding impact on Soil Erosion and Water Quality: Implications for Soil Erosion control practices. Journal Soil Water Conservation. 64:166A.
Mikhailova, E., C. Post, L. Cihacek, and M. Ulmer. 2009. Soil inorganic carbon sequestration as a result of cultivation in the Mollisols. pp. 129-133. In B. J. McPherson and E. T. Sundquist (eds.). Carbon Sequestration and Its Role in the Global Carbon Cycle. Geophys. Mono. Ser. 183.
Olson, K. R., S. A. Ebelhar and J.M. Lang. 2010. Cover crop effects on crop yields and soil organic carbon content. Soil Science 175:89-98.
Olson, K.R. 2009. Impacts of 2008 Flooding on Agricultural Lands in Illinois, Missouri and Indiana. Journal Soil Water Conservation.64:167A-171A.
Papiernik, S.K., T.E. Schumacher, D.A. Lobb, M.J. Lindstrom, M.L. Lieser, A. Eynard, and J.A. Schumacher. 2009. Soil Properties and Productivity as Affected by Topsoil Movement within an Eroded Landform. Soil & Tillage Research 102 : 67-77
Pikul Jr., Joseph L., Gabriela Chilom, James Rice, Anna Eynard, Thomas Schumacher, Kristine Nichols, Jane M. F. Johnson, Sara Wright, TheCan Caesar, and Michael Ellsbury. 2009. Soil aggregate stability and components of organic matter affected by tillage. Soil Sci Soc Am J 73: 197-206
Riedell, Walter E., Joseph L. Pikul, Jr., Abdullah A. Jaradat, and Thomas E. Schumacher. 2009. Crop rotation and nitrogen input effects on soil fertility, maize mineral nutrition, yield, and seed composition. Agronomy Journal 101:870-879.
Vahyala, I.E., B. Shmagin, and T.E. Schumacher. 2009. Annual and seasonal patterns of soil profile temperature for 2003 in Brookings, South Dakota. Proceedings of the South Dakota Academy of Science 88:81-90
Zhou, X., M. Al-Kiaisi, and M. Helmers. 2009. Cost Effectiveness of Conservation Practices in Controlling Water Erosion in Iowa. Soil & Tillage Res. J. 106:71-87.
Zhou, X., M. Helmers, M. Al-Kiaisi, and M. Hanna. 2009. Cost-benefit analysis of conservation management practices for sediment reduction in an Iowa agricultural watershed. Soil and Water Cons. J. 64:314-323.
Annam, D. 2011. Factors influencing carbon sequestration in northern Great Plains grasslands. M.S. Thesis. North Dakota State Univ., Fargo, ND
Gennadiyev, A.N., A.P. Zhidkin, K.R. Olson, and V.L. Kachinskii. 2010.Soil erosion under different land uses: Assessment by the magnetic tracer method. Eurasian Soil Science 43(9):1047-1054.
Hammerbeck, Amber. 2011. Evaluation of the impact of corn residue removal on soil quality. MS Thesis, South Dakota State University, Brookings, SD.
Ihde, Nicholas Adam. 2011. Implications of residue removal on soil quality in southwest Kansas. M.S. Thesis. Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS.
Mahli, S.S., R.L. Lemke, M.A. Liebig, B. McConkey, J.J. Schoenau, L.J. Cihacek, and C. Campbell. 2010. Management strategies and practices for increasing storage of organic C and N in soil in cropping systems in the Northern Great Plains of North America. Pp. 325-384. In S.S. Mahli, Y. Gan, J.J. Schoenau, R.L. Lemke, and M.A. Liebig (eds.), Recent Trends in Soil Science and AQgronomy Research in the Northern Great Plains of North America. Research Signpost Press, Kerala, India.
Miles, R.J. and J.R. Brown. 2011. The Sanborn field experiment: Implications for long-term soil organic carbon levels. Agron J. 103:268-278.
Myers, D.B., N.R. Kitchen, K.A. Sudduth, R.J. Miles, and E.J. Sadler. 2011. Peak functions for modeling high resolution and soil profile data. (In Press) Geoderma
ODonnell, T.K., K.W. Goyne, R.J. Miles, C. Baffaut, S.H. Anderson, and K.A. Sudduth. 2010. Identification and quantification of soil redoximorphic features by digital image processing. Geoderma 157:86-96.
Olson, K.R. 2010.Impacts of tillage, slope, and erosion on soil organic carbon retention. Soil Science 175:562-567.
Olson, K.R., A.N. Gennadiyev, A.N., A.P. Zhidkin, and M.V. Markelov. 2011. Impact of land use change and soil erosion in Upper Mississippi River Valley on soil organic carbon retention and greenhouse gas emissions. Soil Science 176 (9): 449-458.
Riedell, Walter E., Shannon L. Osborne, Thomas E. Schumacher, Joseph L. Pikul, Jr., 2010. Grassland canopy management and native tallgrass species composition effects on C and N in grass canopies and soil. Plant Soil 338:51-61
Steele, Amber Marshaus. 2011. Regional and geomorphic influence on soil genesis and oak ecosystems in the Chariton River Hills of Missouri. M.S. Thesis, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri.
Stiles, C.A., R.D. Hammer, R. Ferguson, M.G. Johnson, J. Galbraith, T. OGeen, T. Arriage, J. Shaw, A. Falen, R. Miles, and P. McDaniel. 2011. Validation of a portable kit for measuring an active soil carbon fraction. (In Press) Soil Sci Soc Am J.
Al-Kaisi, M. and J. Guzman. 2013. Effects of tillage and nitrogen rate on decomposition of transgenic Bt and near-isogenic non-Bt maize residue. Soil and Tillage Research Journal. 129: 32-39.
Al-Kaisi, M., R. Elmore, J. Guzman, H. Hanna, C. Hart, M. Helmers, E. Hodgson, A. Lenssen, A. Mallarino, A. Robertson, and J. Sawyer. 2013. Drought impact on crop production and soil environment: 2012 experiences from Iowa. JSWC. 68 (1): 19-24.
Al-Kaisi, M., and J. Guzman. 2011. Residue biomass removal and potential impact on production and environmental quality. p.131-138. In Proc. 23th Annual Integrated Crop
Management Conference, Iowa State University, Ames, IA. Nov. 30 to Dec.1.
Blanco-Canqui, H. 2013. Crop residue removal for bioenergy reduces soil carbon pools: How can we offset carbon losses? Bioenerg. Res. 6:358-371.
Blanco-Canqui, H., Benjamin, J.G. 2013. Impacts of soil organic carbon on soil physical behavior. 2012. Advances in Agricultural Systems Modeling. Soil Science Society of America, Inc. 3:11-40.
Bonin, C. and R. Lal. 2012. Bioethanol potentials and life-cycle assessments of biofuel feedstocks. Crit. Rev. Plant Sci. 31:271-289.
Bonin, C. and R. Lal. 2012. Agronomic and ecological implications of biofuels. Adv. Agron. 117:1-50.
Johnson, J.M.F., W.W. Wilhelm, D.L. Karlen, D.W. Archer, B.J. Wienhold, D.T. Lightle, D.A. Laird, J.M. Baker, T.E. Ochsner, J.M. Novak, A.D. Halvorson, F.J. Arriaga, and N.W. Barbour. 2010. Nutrient removal as a function of corn stover cutting height and cob harvest. BioEnergy Res. 3:342-352.
Karlen, D.L. Varvel, G.E., Johnson, J.M-F., Baker, J.M., Osborne, S.L., Novak, J.M., Adler, P.R., Roth, G.W. and Birrell, S.J. Monitoring soil quality to assess the sustainability of harvesting corn stover. Agron. J. 103:288-295. 2011.
Lal, R., J.A. Delgado, J. Gulliford, D. Nielsen, C.W. Rice and R.S. Van Pelt. 2012. Adapting agriculture to drought and extreme events. J. Soil and Water Conserv. 67(6): 162A-166A.
Olson, K.R., A. N. Gennadiyev, A. P. Zhidkin, M. V. Markelov, V.N. Golosov and J. M. Lang. 2013. Magnetic tracer methods to determine cropland erosion rates. Catena. 104:103-110.
Olson, K.R. 2013. Soil organic carbon sequestration in U.S. cropland: Protocol development. Geoderma 195-196: 201-206.
Olson, K.R., S.A. Ebelhar and J.M. Lang. 2013. Effects of 24 years of tillage on SOC and crop productivity. Special edition. Soil Management for Sustainable Agriculture 2013. Applied and Environmental Soil Science 2013 (1):1-10.
Olson, K.R. A. N. Gennadiyev, R. G. Kovach and J. M. Lang. 2013. The use of fly ash to determine the extent of sediment transport on nearly level western Illinois landscapes. Soil Science 178(1):24-28.
Shaver, T., R. Ferguson, G. Hergert, Shapiro, C. Wortmann, and S. van Donk. 2013. Stover harvest through grazing and baling and the effects on soil properties. Crop Production Clinics 2103 Proceedings. University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Extension.
van Donk, S.J., D.L. Martin, S. Irmak, S.R. Melvin, J.L. Petersen, and D.R. Davison. 2010. Crop residue cover effects on evaporation, soil water content, and yield of deficit-irrigated corn in west-central Nebraska. Transactions of the ASABE 53:1787-1797.
van Donk, S.J., T.M. Shaver, J.L. Petersen, and D.R. Davison. 2012. Effects of crop residue removal on soil water content and yield of deficit-irrigated soybean. Transactions of the ASABE 55:149-157.
Vogel, K.P., Follett, R.F., Varvel, G.E., Mitchell, R.B., and Kimble, J.M. Soil carbon sequestration by maize and switchgrass grown for bioenergy. BioEnergy Research. 5(4): 866-875. 2012, DOI: 10.1007/s12155-012-9198-y.
Wienhold, B.J. and J.E. Gilley. 2010. Cob removal effect on sediment and runoff nutrient loss from a silt loam soil. Agron. J. 102:1448-1452.
Wienhold, B.J., G.E. Varvel, and V.L. Jin. 2011. Corn cob residue carbon and nutrient dynamics during decomposition. Agron. J. 103:1192-1197.
Wilhelm, Wally W., Hess, J. Richard, Karlen, Douglas L., Johnson, Jane M.F., Muth, David J.,Baker, John M., Gollany, Hero T., Novak, Jeff M., Stott, Diane E., and Varvel, Gary E. Review: Balancing limiting factors & economic drivers for sustainable Midwestern U.S. agricultural residue feedstock supplies. Industrial Biotechnology 6(5): 271-287. 2010.
Wortmann, C.S., R.N. Klein, and C.A. Shapiro. 2012. Harvesting crop residues. University of Nebraska-Lincoln Exten. NebGuide G1846 (revised).
Peer-reviewed published manuscripts, including book chapters (10):
Baumhardt, R.L. and H. Blanco-Canqui. 2013. Soil conservation practices. Encyclopedia of Agriculture and Food Systems (AGRI). Elsevier Inc. (in press).
Blanco-Canqui, H., R.B. Ferguson, V.L. Jin, M.R. Schmer, B.J. Wienhold, and J. Tatarko. 2014. Can cover crop and manure maintain soil properties after stover removal from irrigated no-till corn? Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. (in press).
Blanco-Canqui, H., C.A. Shapiro, C.S. Wortmann, R.A. Drijber, M. Mamo, T.M. Shaver, and R.B. Ferguson. 2013. Soil organic carbon: The value to soil properties. J. Soil Water Conserv. 68:129A-134A.
Kahlon, M.S., R. Lal, M. Ann Varughese. 2013. Twenty-two years of tillage and mulching impacts on soil physical characteristics and carbon sequestration in Central Ohio. Soil & Tillage Res. 126:151-153.
Lal, R. 2013. Soil carbon management and climate change. Carbon Management, 4:4, 439-462.
Lal, R. 2013. Enhancing ecosystem services with no-till. Renewable Agric. & Food Syst. 28:2, 102-114.
Liska, A.J., H. Yang, M. Milner, S. Goddard, H. Blanco-Canqui, M.P. Pelton et al. 2014. Biofuels from crop residue can reduce soil carbon and increase CO2 emissions. Nature Climate Change. 4:398–401.
Olson, K.R, M.M Al-Kaisi., R. Lal and B. Lowery. 2014. Experimental consideration, treatments, and methods in determining soil organic carbon sequestration rates. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 2014. 78. http://doi:10.2136/sssaj2013.09.0412. (Note: This was based on research by the NC-1178 committee, and all authors are long-standing members of the committee).
Osborne, S. L., Johnson, J. M. F., Jin, V. L., Hammerbeck, A. L., Varvel, G. E., and Schumacher, T. E. (2014). The impact of corn residue removal on soil aggregates and particulate organic matter. BioEnergy Research, 1-9.
Palm, C., H. Blanco-Canqui, F. DeClerck, L. Gatere, and P. Grace. 2014. Conservation agriculture and ecosystem services: An overview. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment. 187:87-105.
Peer-reviewed Extension publications (3):
Al-Kaisi, M. and J. Guzman. 2014. Managing crop residue removal and soil quality. Iowa State University Extension PM3052A. Ames, IA.
Al-Kaisi, M. and J. Guzman. 2014. Managing crop residue removal and soil organic matter. Iowa State University Extension PM3052B. Ames, IA.
Presley, D.R., and C.R. Boyer. 2014. Crop Residues: Abundance and Considerations for Alternative Uses. Kansas State University Research and Extension. Manhattan, KS. http://www.ksre.ksu.edu/bookstore/pubs/MF3165.pdf
Conference presentations (3):
Cartier, J., and F.J. Arriaga. Runoff from corn and Switchgrass production fields grown as cellulosic bioenergy feedstocks. Wisconsin Section of the American Water Resources Association 37th Annual Meeting, March 7-8, 2013, Brookfield, WI.
Dungait J, Beniston J, Lal R, Horrocks C, Collins A, Mariappen S, Quine T. 2014. Novel approaches to understanding carbon redistribution at multiple scales. European Geophysical Union. Vienna, Austria.
Beniston J, Dungait J, Shipitalo M, Lal R, Jones FS, Dayton EA. 2012. Soil erosion and macronutrient fluxes under simulated rainfall: The effects of tillage and crop residue removal. Soil Science Society of America Annual Meeting. Cincinnati, OH