NCERA_OLD3: Soil and Landscape Assessment, Function and Interpretation
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
See state reports in annual meeting minutes.
Golosov, V.N, Gennadiyev, A.N., K.R. Olson,M.V. Markelov, A. P. Zhidkin, Yu. G. Chendev, and R. G. Kovach. 2011. Spatial and temporal features of soil erosion in the forest-steppe zone of the East-European Plain. Eurasian Soil Science 44 (7):794-801.
Olson, K.R., M. Reed and L W. Morton. 2011. Multifunctional Mississippi River leveed bottomlands and settling basins: Sny Island Levee Drainage District. J of Soil and Water Conservation 66 (4) :104A-110A.
Olson, K.R., A.N. Gennadiyev, A.P. Zhidkin and M.V. Markelov. 2011 Impact of land use change and soil erosion in Upper Mississippi River Valley on soil organic carbon retention and greenhouse gas emissions. Soil Science. 176 (9): 449-458.
Olson, K.R. and L W. Morton. 2012. The impacts of 2011 man-induced levee breaches on agricultural lands of the Mississippi River Valley J. Soil Water Conservation.67 (1):5A-10A.
Olson, K.R. and L. W. Morton. 2012. The effects of 2011 Ohio and Mississippi River Valley flooding on Cairo, Illinois area. JSWC 67 (2): 42A-46A.