NC219: Using Stage Based Interventions to Increase Fruit and Vegetable Intake in Young Adults
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Refereed papers
Ma, J., Betts, N.M., Horacek, T., Georgious, B., White, A., Nitzke, S. 2002. The importance of decisional balance and self-efficacy in relation to stages of change for fruit and vegetable intakes by young adults. Am. J. Health Promot., 16: 157-166.
Horacek, T., White, A., Betts, N., Hoerr, S., Georgious, C., Nitzke, S., Ma, J., Greene, G. 2002. Self-efficacy, perceived benefits and weight satisfaction discrimination among Stages of Change for fruit and vegetable intakes for young men and women. J. Am. Diet. Assoc. 102: 1466-1470.
Hoerr, S.L., Bokram, R., Lugo, B., Bivins, T., Keast, D.R. Risk for disordered eating among college students relates to gender and ethnicity. Journal of the American College of Nutrition. 2002. 21(3): 1-8.
Rossi, S.R., Greene, G.W., Rossi, J.S., Plummer, B.A., Benisovich, S.V., Keller, S., Velicer, W.F., Redding, C.A., Prochaska, J.O., Pallonen, U.E., Meier, K.S. (2001). Validation of decisional balance and temptations measures for dietary fat reduction in a large school-based population of adolescents. Eating Behaviors, 2, 1-18.
Jones, H., Ruggiero, L., Edwards, L., Vallis, T.M., Rossi, S., Rossi, J.S., Greene, G., Kelly, K., Prochaska, J.O., & Zinman, B. (2001). Diabetes Stages of Change (DiSC): Evaluation methodology for a new approach to diabetes management. Canadian Journal of Diabetes Care, 25, 97107.
In Press
Horacek, R., Greene, G., Georgiou, C., White, A., Ma, J. Comparison of three methods for assessing fruit, vegetalbe and grain stages of change for young adults. Topics in Clin Nutr.
Ma, J., Bett, N., Horacek, T., Georgiou, C., White, A., Nitzke, S., Swanson, M. Assessing stages of change for fruit and vegetable intake in young adults: A combination of traditional staging algorithms and food frequency questionnaires. Health Educ Res: Theory and Practice.
Clark, PG, Nigg, CR, Greene, G, Riebe, D, Saunders, SD (in press). The study of exercise and nutrition in older Rhode Islanders (SENIOR): Translating theory into research. Health Education Research.
Horacek T, White A, Betts N, Hoerr S, Georgiou C, Nitzke S, Ma J, Greene G. (in press) Self-efficacy, perceived benefits and weight satisfaction discriminate among Stages of Change for fruit and vegetable intake for young men and women. Journal of the American Dietetic Association.
Riebe D, Greene G, Ruggiero L, Stillwell K, Blissmer B, Nigg C, Caldwell M. (in press) Evaluation of a healthy-lifestyle approach to weight management Evaluation of a Healthy-Lifestyle Approach to Weight Management. Preventive Medicine.
Cynthia A. Padula, C, Rossi, S, Nigg, C, Lees, F, Fey-Yensan, N, Greene, G, Clark, P (in press) Using Focus Groups for Instrument Development: Application of the Transtheoretical Model to Fruit and Vegetable Behaviors of Older Adults. Journal of Nutrition in the Elderly.
In Print Abstracts
Lee, S.Y., Hoerr, S.L., Schiffman, R., Fitzgerald, H. Poor mother-toddler interaction predicts poor dietary quality in limited income mothers. World Association for Infant Mental Health‘s 8th Congress, Amsterdam, 2002
Omar, M., Hoerr, S.L., Coleman, G. Perceptions and reality mothers feeding toddlers. Society for Nutrition Education, Minneapolis, MN 2002.
Lee, S.Y., Hoerr, S.L., Schiffman, R., Fitzgerald, H.E. Dietary quality and beverage consumption of mothers and toddlers in low indome families. Am. Diet. Assoc. Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, 2002.
Knous, B.L., Oakland, M.J. Satter, E., Wooden, J., Barrett, E. Construct validation of 16-item survey to assess eating competence. Society for Nutrition Education, Minneapolis, MN. 2002.
Greene, G., Riebe, D., Ruggiero, L., Caldwell, M., & Blissmer, B, (2002, April). A home-based, healthy lifestyle weight management program. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 24 (supplement), S112 (Abstract).
Prochaska, J.O., Velicer, W.F., Rossi, J.S., Redding, C.A., Greene, G.W., Rossi, S.R., Sun, X., Fava, J.L., Laforge, R., & Plummer, B. (2002, April) Impact of simultaneous stage-matched expert systems for multiple behaviors in a population of parents. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 24 (supplement), S192 (Abstract).
Redding, C.A., Prochaska, J.O., Goldstein, M., Velicer, W.F., Rossi, J.S., Sun, X., Rakowski, W., Rossi, S.R., Greene, G.W., DePue, J., Fava, J., Laforge, R., & Ehrlich, B (2002, April). Efficacy of stage-matched expert systems in primary care patients to decrease smoking, dietary fat, sun exposure and relapse from mammography. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 24 (supplement), S192 (Abstract).
Rossi, J.S., Ruggiero, L., Rossi, S., Greene, G., Prochaska, J., Edwards, L., Vallis, M., Jones, H., Zinman, B., Chung, R., & Shikuma, N. (2002). Effectiveness of stage-based multiple behavior interventions for diabetes management in two randomized clinical trials. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 24 (supplement), S192 (Abstract).
Ruggiero, L., Edwards, L., Greene, G., Jones, H., Prochaska, J., Rossi, J., Rossi, S., Vallis, M., Zinman, B. (2002, June) The Relation between Blood Glucose Self-Testing and Glycemic Control: Diabetes Stages of Change (DiSC) Study. American Diabetes association 62nd Scientific Sessions, San Francisco, CA.
Greene, G., L., Edwards, L., Jones, H., Prochaska, J., Rossi, J., Rossi, Ruggiero, L., S., Vallis, M., Zinman, B. (2002, June) Dietary Fat Reduction in Overweight Persons: Diabetes Stages of Change (DiSC) Study. American Diabetes association 62nd Scientific Sessions, San Francisco, CA.
Vallis, M, L., Edwards, L., Greene, G., Jones, H., Prochaska, J., Rossi, J., Rossi, S., Ruggiero, L., Zinman, B. (2002, June) Improving Quality of Life Using Readiness To Change Interventions. American Diabetes association 62nd Scientific Sessions, San Francisco, CA.
Jones, H., L., Edwards, L., Greene, G., Prochaska, J., Rossi, J., Rossi, Ruggiero, L., S., Vallis, M., Zinman, B. (2002, June) 3 behaviors: Diabetes Stages of Change (DiSC) Study. American Diabetes association 62nd Scientific Sessions, San Francisco, CA.
Rossi, J.S., Ruggiero, L., Rossi, S., Greene, G., Prochaska, J., Edwards, L., Vallis, M., Jones, H., Zinman, B., Chung, R., & Shikuma, N. Effectiveness of stage-tailored multiple behavior interventions for diabetes management in two randomized clinical trials. In S. S. Johnson (Chair), Innovations in Trantheortical Model Research: Multiple Behavior Change Interventions. Symposium, 1st annual meeting of the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, Seattle, WA. (2002, July).
Greene, G., Peterson, K., Elliot, D., Domas, A., Toobert, D., Resnicow, K., Clark, P., Breger, R., Rossi, S., Williams, G., Nebeling, L. Behavioral Change Consortium dietary validation studies. Poster presentation, 1st annual meeting of the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, Seattle, WA. (2002, July).
Nigg, C., Riebe, D., Greene, G., Clark, P., Rossi, J., Lees, F., Burbank, P., Owens, P., English, C. Garber, C., Fey-Yensan, N., Luisi, A., Padula, C. Dufresne, R., Rossi, S., Ruggiero, L., Jordan, P., Saunders, s., Stillwell, K., Greany, M., Prochaska, J. Mediators of behavior change: Comparing exercise with fruit and vegetable consumption. Paper presentation, 1st annual meeting of the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, Seattle, WA. (2002, July).
Greene, G., Horacek,T. White, A., and Ma, J. 2003. Use of a diet interview method to define Stages of Change in young adults for fruit, vegetable and grain intake.Top.Clin.Nutr.18:35-44.
Horacek,T., Greene, G., Georgiou, C., White, A., Ma, J. 2002. Comparison of three methods for assessing fruit, vegetable, and grain Stages of Change for young adults. Top. Clin. Nutr. 7(5): 36-61.
Ma, J., Betts, N. M., Horacek, T., Georgiou, G., White, A. 2003. Assessing stages of change for fruit and vegetable intake in young adults: A combination of traditional staging algorithms and food frequency questionnaires. Health Educ Res: Theory Practice.18:101-113.
Parham, E.S., White, A.A. 2003. Women and weight: A model-based perspective, in Nutritional Concerns of Women, 2nd ed, Klimis-Zacas, D, Ed., CRC Press, Boca Raton, 367-397.
Ganji V, Hampl JS, Betts NM. Race, gender and age-specific differences in dietary micronutrient intakes of US children. International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition, 54:485-490, 2003.
Chung SJ, Hoerr SL, Levine R, Song WO, Coleman G. Validity for classifying the stages of change among dietary assessment methods on eating fruits and vegetables for American College students. Korean Journal Community Nutrition. 2002. 4(3):143-150.
Clark, P.G., Nigg, C.R., Greene, G., Riebe, D., Saunders, S.D., Burbank, P., Dufresne, R., English, C., Garber, C., Lees, F., Luisi, A., Owens, N., Padula, C., Prochaska, J., Rossi, J., Rossi, S., Ruggiero, L., Stillwell, K., Fey-Yensan, N. (2002). The Study of Exercise and Nutrition in Older Rhode Islanders (SENIOR): Translating theory into research. Health Education Research. 17:552?561.
Horacek T, White A, Betts N, Hoerr S, Georgiou C, Nitzke S, Ma J, Greene G. (2002). Self-efficacy, perceived benefits and weight satisfaction discriminate among Stages of Change for fruit and vegetable intake for young men and women. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 102:1466-1470
Riebe D, Greene G, Ruggiero L, Stillwell K, Blissmer B, Nigg C, Caldwell M. (2003) Evaluation of a healthy-lifestyle approach to weight management. Preventive Medicine 36:45-54.
Jones, H, Edwards, L., Vallis, M, Ruggiero, L., Rossi, S., Rossi, J., Greene, G., Prochaska, J., Zinman, B. (2003) Changes in diabetes self-care behaviors make a difference to glycemic control: the Diabetes Stages of Change (DISC) study. Diabetes Care. 26:732-737.
Greene, G, Riebe, D, Ruggiero, L, Caldwell, M, Blissmer, B. (2003). A pilot home-based, healthy lifestyle weight management program. Topics in Clinical Nutrition. 18:135-141.
Vallis, M., Ruggiero, L, Greene, G., Jones, H., Zinnman, B., Rossi, R., Edwards, L., Rossi, J., Prochaska, L. (2003). Stages of change for healthy eating in diabetes: Relationships to Demographic, eating related, health care utilization and psychosocial factors. Diabetes Care. 26:1468-1474.
Padula, CA, Rossi, S, Nigg, C, Lees, F, Fey-Yensan, N, Greene, G, Clark, P (2003) Using Focus Groups for Instrument Development: Application of the Transtheoretical Model to Fruit and Vegetable Behaviors of Older Adults. Journal of Nutrition for the Elderly. 22:13-33.
Greene, GW, Fey-Yensan, N, Padula, C, Rossi, S, Rossi, JS, Clark, PG (In Press). Differences in Psychosocial Variables by Stage of Change for Fruits and Vegetables in Older Adults. Journal of the American Dietetic Association.
Prochaska J.O., Velicer WF, Rossi J.S., Redding C.A., Greene G.W., Rossi S.R., Sun X,, Fava J.L., Laforge R., & Plummer, B. (in press). Impact of simultaneous stage-matched expert systems for multiple behaviors in a population of parents. Health Psychology.
Greene, GW. Stages of Change for Healthy Eating. American Dietetic Association. Philadelphia, PA October, 2002 J Am Dietet Assoc 102:9 Suppl 2 abstract).
Greene, G., Fey-Yensan, N., Padula, C., Rossi, S. (2002) Differences in psychosocial variables by stage of change for fruits and vegetables in older adults. The Gerontologist; 42 (S):157 (Abstract).
Blissmer, B., Riebe, D., Ruggiero, L., Greene, G., & Caldwell, M. 2 year changes in health-related quality of life: Effects of a 6-month clinical weight management program. Society for Behavioral Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT July 2003, (Abstract)
Rossi, S., Rossi, J.S., Greene, G., Fey-Yensan, N., Padula, C., Nigg, C., Owens, N.J., & Clark, P. Development of a brief measure of self-efficacy for fruit and vegetable consumption in older adults. Society for Behavioral Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT July 2003, (Abstract)
Rossi, S., Greene, G., Rossi, J.S., & Betts, N.M. Young adult fruit and vegetable self-efficacy measure. Society for Behavioral Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT July 2003, (Abstract)
Greene, G. Self-Assessment of Servings of Fruits and Vegetables in Young Adults. 2nd Annual Meeting of the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, Quebec, CA. July 2003, (Abstract)
Betts, N., Nitzke, S., Kritsch, K., Greene, G., Lohse Knous, B., Transforming young adult?s perceptions about eating fruits and vegetables into a stage-tailored intervention. SNE Conference Preceedings, 2003, 36(1).
Gunnink S, Hoerr SL, Mannie K, Wellman A, Monroe J. Fruit, vegetable and dairy intake of collegiate varsity football players. SNE Conference Preceedings, 2003, 36(1)
Frank S, Georgiou C, Ellis K. 2002. New BMI-for-age percentiles relate to blood pressure, diet and phppysical activity in preschoolers. J Am Dietet Assoc 102:9 Suppl 2 p. A-70.
Koorndyk T, Georgiou C. 2002. Young adults‘‘‘‘ beliefs about and use of herbal supplements in relation to their dietary attitudes and behaviors. J Am Dietet Assoc 102:9 Suppl 2 p. A-50.
Betts N, Nitzke S, Greene G. Identifying dietary processes of change using qualitative interview methods. Fourth International Interdisciplinary Conference, Advances in Qualitative Methods, Banff, Alberta, Canada, May 2, 2003 (Abstract)
Shafer K, McCabe A, Condron E, Lohse Knous B, Satter E, Stotts J, Morcos S. Examining eating competence change in a general nutrition course reveals gender and food preparation issues. Society for Nutrition Education Annual Conference Proceedings 36(1):43;2003.
Lohse B, Shafer K. Problem-based learning is effective for extension education about omega-3 fats. Society for Nutrition Education Annual Conference Proceedings 36(1):33;2003.
Lohse B, Edens K, Hess MA. Grain-based foods portion size recall compared to portion photo selection. The FASEB Journal 17(4):A281;2003.
Lohse B, Oakland MJ, Satter E, Wooden J, Barrett E. Characteristics of persons who under perceive consumption of three or more daily servings of vegetables. The FASEB Journal 17(4):A287;2003.
Chang M, Nitzke S, Brown R, Baumann L. Development and validation of a self-efficacy measure for dietary fat intake behaviors in low-income women. Society of Behavioral Medicine, Salt Lake City, UT, March 20, 2003.
Nitzke S, Chang M, Baumann L. Usefulness of a diet habit questionnaire in low-income young mothers. SNE Conference Preceedings, 2003, 36 (1), 24.
Hague A, White A. Negative Attitudes of Obesity: A Web-based Intervention to Effect Change. SNE Conference Preceedings, 2003, 36 (1), 24.
Ruud, J.S., Betts, N.M., Kritsch, K, Nitzke, S., Lohse, B., Boeckner, L. Acceptability of stage-tailored newsletters about fruits and vegetables by young adults. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. (In Press)
Greene, GW, Fey-Yensan, N, Padula, C, Rossi, S, Rossi, JS, Clark, PG (2004). Differences in Psychosocial Variables by Stage of Change for Fruits and Vegetables in Older Adults. Journal of the American Dietetic Association. 104:1236-1243.
Nitzke, S., Kritsch, K., Lohse, B., Horacek, T., White, A., Greene, G., Georgiou, C., Betts, N., Boeckner, L. (2004). Extension and research professionals join forces to address a critical nutrition issue. Journal of Extension 42(5):1-7. Accessed at: http://www.joe.org/joe/2004october/iw1.shtml.
The F&V Connection to feeling good and looking hot. The Initiative for Future Agriculture and Food Systems (IFAFS) Multi-state Research Team. Supported by the USDA grant to Iowa State University, Kansas State University, University of Maine, Michigan State University, University of Nebraska, Oregon State University, University of Rhode Island, South Dakota State University, Syracuse University, Tuskegee University and the University of Wisconsin-Madison. URI NFS Department 2003.
Shafer KJ, Lohse B, Carbone ET. Cognitive interviewing in nutrition education: Development of a user manual for Native Americans. Journal of Nutrition Education 36 (Suppl 1):S51; 2004.
Stotts J, Lohse B, Shafer K, Boeckner J, Kritsch K, Nitzke S. Educational telephone calls in a stage-of-change tailored intervention serve a dual purpose as an intervention and in-progress quality measure. The FASEB Journal 18(5):A847;2004.
Leek, V. Jan 2005 Best method to recruit 18-24 year old low-income, thesis. South Dakota State University.
Deana Novembrino: Differences between perceived intake and measured intake of fruits and vegetables in college aged students. May 2004. University of Rhode Island.
Doctoral Dissertation. Shafer, Kimberly. January 7, 2005. A Descriptive Study of Native American Young Adults' Cognitive Reactions to Components of a Stage-Based Nutrition Education Intervention about Fruits and Vegetables. Kansas State University.
Ruud, J.S., Betts, N.M., Kritsch, K, Nitzke, S., Lohse, B., Boeckner, L. (In press). Acceptability of stage-tailored newsletters about fruits and vegetables by young adults. Journal of the American Dietetic Association.
Park A, Nitzke S, Kritsch K, Greene G, White A, Doong J, Hoerr S, Boeckner L, Kattelmann K, Lohse B, Betts N, Oakland MJ. Development of an interactive, stage-based web site aimed to increase fruit and vegetable intake among 18 to 24 year olds. Society for Nutrition Education Annual Conference, Orlando, FL. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 2005:S75-S76.
Park, A.L., Nitzke, S.A., Kritsch, K.R., Lohse, B.A., Kattelmann, K.K., Boeckner, L.S., White, A.A., Oakland, M.J., Hoerr, S.L. Fruit and Vegetable Express: An interactive, stage-tailored web program designed to increase fruit and vegetable intake among 18-24 year olds. Journal of the American Dietetic Association 2005:A-11.
Esters, O, Oakland, MJ, Nitzke, S, Kritsch, K, Boeckner, L, Lohse, B, Greene,G. Educational telephone calls as a tool by extension paraprofessionals to change dietary behavior in low-income young adults. JNEB 37 (Suppl. 1):S32, 2005.
Coleman G, Horodynski M, Contreras D, Hoerr SL. (2005) Nutrition Education Aimed at Toddlers. J Nutr Educ Behav. 37(2):96-97.
Hoerr SL, Utech A, Ruth E. (2005) Child Control of Food Choices in Head Start Families. J Nutr Educ Behav. 37(4):185-190.
Henry M, Hoerr SL. Horodynski M, Lee SY. Mothers poor diet quality signals risk for her toddler. Society for Nutrition Education, Orlando, FL, 2005.
Shafer KJ, Lohse B. Use of Cognitive Interview Techniques in the Development of Fruit and Vegetable Nutrition Education for American Indian Young Adults Aged 18-24 Years. Submitted to Journal of Healthcare for the Poor and Underserved, (in review).
Shafer KJ, Lohse BA. How to Conduct a Cognitive Interview, A Nutrition Education Example. Cooperative State Education, Research and Extension Service. http://www.csrees.usda.gov/nea/food/pdfs/cog_interview.pdf; 2005
Lohse B, Shafer K. Culturally sensitive fruit and vegetable nutrition education for American Indian young adults. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 37 (Suppl 1) S33; 2005.
Lohse B, Shafer KJ, Theory-driven n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acid education delivered by written correspondence and problem-based approaches. Nutrition Research. (In Press).
Lohse B, Stotts, JL, Priebe J. Survey of herbal usage by Kansas and Wisconsin WIC
participants reveals moderate, appropriate usage and identifies herbal education needs.
Journal of the American Dietetic Association (accepted for publication).
Gromis J, Stotts J, Lohse B. Reach and Behavioral Impact of Nutrition Education Newsletters. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 37 (Suppl 1) S70; 2005.
Lohse B, Nelson T, Shunk J, Gromis J, Poorbaugh R. Reach and impact of radio-driven campaign to increase food stamp program participant attendance at farmers market events. The FASEB Journal 19(4):A459; 2005.
Oakland, MJ, Mao, J, Yuxia, M. Effects of urban residence on nutrition transition in low-income young adults migrating from rural areas in Hebei, China. JNEB 37 (Suppl. 1):S60, 2005.
Hague A, White A. 2005. Web-Based Intervention for Changing Attitudes of Obesity among Current and Future Teachers. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior. 37:58-66.
Chang, MW, Baumann LC, Nitzke S, Brown R. Predictors of fat intake behavior differ between normal weight and obese WIC mothers. American Journal of Health Promotion 2005;19(4):269
Nitzke S, Kritsch K, Lohse B, Horacek T, White A, Greene G, Georgiou C, Betts N, Boeckner L. Extension and research professionals join forces to address a critical nutrition issue. Journal of Extension [On-line], 2004;42(5). Available at: http://www.joe.org/joe/2004october/iw1.shtml.
White AA, Nitzke S, Peterson K. Viewpoint: Are soft drinks getting a bum rap? We dont think so. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 2004;36:266-271.
Chang MW, Nitzke S, Baumann, Brown R. Predictors of fat intake behavior in obese WIC mothers. Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions, Boston MA, April 2005.
Chang MW, Nitzke S. Baumann L, Brown R. Should the DHQ be used with WIC mothers? and How do WIC mothers interpret items on the DHQ? Two posters at the Society for Nutrition Education Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, July 2005.
Esters O, Oakland MJ, Nitzke S, Kritsch L, Boeckner L, Lohse B and Greene G. Educational telephone calls as a tool by extension professionals to change dietary behavior in low-income young adults. (Presentation at SNE 2005 Annual Conference in Orlando, Florida, July 26, 2005) Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior 2005:S30.
Rasmussen, D., Kattelmann, K. (2005) Practitioner perception of nutrition education in medical curriculum for diagnosis of failure to thrive in infants and children. J. Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics submitted August 14, 2005.
Kattelmann, K., Mary, H., Russell, M., Charney, P., Stokes, M., & Compher, C. (2005) Preliminary evidence for a medical nutrition therapy (MNT) protocol: enteral feedings of the critically ill. Submitted and in review to J. Amer. Dietetics Assoc.
Hise, M., Kattelmann, K., Parkhurst, M. (2005) Evidence-based clinical practice: dispelling the myths. Nutrition in Clinical Practice. 20:294-302.
Richards, A., Kattelmann, K., Ren, C. (2005) Motivating 18 to 24 year olds to increase their fruit and vegetable consumption. Submitted to J. Am. Dietetic Assoc and is in review.
Invited presentations:
Extension Nutrition Aides Participate in Research to Increase Fruit and Vegetable Intakes of Young Adults. Nutrition, Food and Physical Activity Symposium. Cooperative Extension Symposium. Wells Conference Center, April 27, 2005.
Research Applications of the Transtheoretical Model to Change Food-Related Behaviors. Maine Nutrition Council Quarterly Meeting. University of Maine, May 18, 2005
Food and Society Meeting. National Roundtable Discussion on Obesity and Youth. Best Practices Applying the Transtheoretical Model in a Fruit and Vegetable Intervention for Low Income Young Adults. NASULGC and USDA/CSREES. Washington, DC. July 19-20, 2005.
NC-219 Using Stages of Change Model to promote consumption of grains, vegetables and fruits by young adults
NC219 Refereed Publications
Ma J, Betts NM, Horacek T. (2001). Measuring stage of change for assessing readiness to increase fruit and vegetable intake. Am J Health Promot. 16(2):88-97.
Shafer, KJ, Knous, BL. (2001). A Longitudinal Study of Cognitive and Affective Behavior in a Didactic Program in Dietetics: Implications for Dietetics Education. J Am Diet Assoc. 101:1051-1054.
Chung SJ, Hoerr SL, Levine R, Song WO, Coleman G. (2002). Validity for classifying the stages of change among dietary assessment methods on eating fruits and vegetables for American college students. Kor J Comm Nutr. 4(3): 143-150.
Horacek T, Greene G, Georgiou C, White A, Ma J. (2002). Comparison of three methods for assessing fruit, vegetable, and grain Stages of Change for young adults. Top Clin Nutr. 17(5): 36- 61.
Horacek T, White A, Betts N, Hoerr S, Georgiou C, Nitzke S, Ma J, Greene G. (2002). Stage of change for fruit and vegetable intake. Nutr Res Newsl. 21(11):7-11.
Horacek T, White A, Greene G, Betts NM, Hoerr S, Georgiou C, Nitzke S, Ma J. (2002). Decisional balance, self-efficacy and weight satisfaction discriminate stages of change for fruit and vegetable intakes among young men and women. J Am Diet Assoc. 102:1466-1470.
Ma J, Betts NM, Horacek T, Georgiou C, White A, Nitzke S. (2002). The importance of decisional balance and self-efficacy in relation to stages of change for fruit and vegetable intakes by young adults. Am J Health Promot. 16:157-166.
Greene G, Horacek T, White A, Ma J. (2003). Use of a diet interview method to define Stages of Change in young adults for fruit, vegetable and grain intake. Top Clin Nutr 18(1): 32-41.
Ma J, Betts NM, Horacek T, Georgiou C, White A. (2003). Assessing stages of change for fruit and vegetable intake in young adults: A combination of traditional staging algorithms and food frequency questionnaires. Health Educ Res. 18:224-236.
Nitzke, S. N., K.R. Kritsch, B. Lohse, T. Horacek, A. White, G. Greene, C. Georgiou, N. Betts, L. Boeckner. (2004). Extension and research professionals join forces to address a critical nutrition issue. J. Extens. 42(5):1-7, Accessible at: wwwjoe.org/joe/2004october/iwl.shtmi
Chung SJ, Hoerr SL. (2005). Predictors of fruit and vegetable intakes in young adults by gender. Nutr Res. 25(5):413-513.
Ruud JS, Betts NM, Kritsch K, Nitzke S, Lohse B, Boecker L. (2005). Acceptability of stage-tailored newsletters about fruits and vegetables by young adults. J Am Diet Assoc. 105:174-178.
Richards A, Kattelmann K, Rem C. (2006). Motivating 18 to 24 year olds to increase their fruit and vegetable consumption. J Am Diet Assoc. 106:1405-1411.
Chung SJ, Hoerr SL, Coleman G, Levine R. (In press, 2006) Processes underlying young women's decisions to eat fruits and vegetables. Br J Nutr Diet. 19(4).
Nitzke S, Kritsch K, Boeckner L, Greene G, Hoerr S, Horacek T, Kattelmann K, Lohse B, Oakland MJ, Phillips B, White A. (In review: accepted with revisions, 2006). A stage-based intervention increases fruit and vegetable intakes of low-income young adults. Am J Health Promot.