NCERA_OLD210: Improving the management and effectiveness of cooperatively owned business organizations
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Bhuyan, S. 2012. "Are Cooperative Members better off than Non-members?
Comparing Member and Non-member Dairy Farmers in the Northeast United
States." Jr. Of Cooperative Studies (UK). 45 (2):25-41.
Boland, M.A. "Cooperative Finance and Equity Management." 9 pages. Available online at www.chscenterforcooperativegrowth.com
Gabriel J. Power, Victoria Salin, John L. Park, (2012) "Strategic options associated with cooperative members' equity", Agricultural Finance Review, Vol. 72 Iss: 1, pp.48 67
Alexander, C.. and P. Kenkel "Economics of Raw Commodity Storage In D. W. Hagstrum, T. W. Phillips and G. Cuperus (eds.). Stored Product Protection. Kansas State University Research and Extension Manhattan, KS. Publication S156, 2012.
Kenkel P. and B. Adam. "Economics of Commodity Grading and Segregation" In D. W. Hagstrum, T. W. Phillips and G. Cuperus (eds.). Stored Product Protection. Kansas State University. Research and Extension Manhattan, KS. Publication S156, 2012.
Kenkel, P. J. Park, G. McKee and M. Schultz, "Creating National Presence and Local Value: Perspectives from the Cooperatives CoP" presentation at National eXtension Conference, Oklahoma City, OK 10-2012
Brown, L.N., P. Kenkel, R.B. Holcomb and T.J. Naile, "Analysis of Communicating the Cooperative Value Package to Member-owners" proceedings NCERA-210 Annual Meeting, Minneapolis MN, Nov 7, 2012.
Reynolds, Bruce J. (2012) Joint Ventures and Subsidiaries of Agricultural Cooperatives, USDA Rural Development, RBS Research Report 226.
Royer, Jeffrey S. 2012. "Implications of the Cooperative Organizational Form for Vertical Expansion." Journal of Rural Cooperation 40 (2): 162-182.
Royer, Jeffrey S. 2012. "The Increasing Use of Unallocated Retained Earnings by Farmer Cooperatives." Cornhusker Economics, March 14, pp. 1-2.
Chaddad, F.R. (2012). "Advancing the Theory of the Cooperative Organization: The Cooperative as a True Hybrid," Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics 83(4): 445-461.
Chaddad, F.R. and Chaddad, Fernando (2012). "Coming Full Circle: Prudential Insurance Company," in A Co-operative Dilemma: Converting Organizational Form, Jorge Sousa and Roger Herman (eds.), University of Saskatchewan Press, pp. 73-93.
Chaddad, F.R. and Cook, M.L. (2012). "Legal Frameworks and Property Rights in U.S. Agricultural Cooperatives: The Hybridization of Cooperative Structures," in The Cooperative Business Movement: 1950 to Present, Patrizia Battilani and Harm Schroeter (eds.), Cambridge University Press, chapter 7, pp. 175-194, 2012.
J. Guenthner. "The Development of United Potato Growers Cooperatives" ((
C. Gingrich and E. King. "Does Fair Trade Fulfill the Claims of its Proponents? Measuring the Global Impact of Fair Trade on Participating Coffee Farmers"