NCERA_OLD210: Improving the management and effectiveness of cooperatively owned business organizations
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
Date of Annual Report: 01/06/2009
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 11/19/2008
- 11/20/2008
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2007 - 09/01/2008
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2007 - 09/01/2008
Brief Summary of Minutes
Please see attachment or visit:http://www.agecon.ksu.edu/accc/ncera210
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 08/25/2010
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 11/10/2009
- 11/10/2009
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2008 - 09/01/2009
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2008 - 09/01/2009
Brief Summary of Minutes
Please see attached file for meeting minutes.Accomplishments
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 01/12/2011
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 12/07/2010
- 12/08/2010
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2009 - 09/01/2010
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2009 - 09/01/2010
Brief Summary of Minutes
Please see attached file for meeting minutes.Accomplishments
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 11/02/2011
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 11/02/2011
- 11/03/2011
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2010 - 09/01/2011
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2010 - 09/01/2011
Brief Summary of Minutes
See attached "Copy of Minutes" file for full, NCERA210 annual report.Accomplishments
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 12/19/2012
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 11/07/2012
- 11/07/2012
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2011 - 09/01/2012
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2011 - 09/01/2012
Vice Chair: John Park, Texas A&M University Treasurer. Mike Boland, University of Minnesota. Members in attendance: Courtney Berner, UW-Madison(Center for Cooperatives; Brian Briggeman, Kansas State University; Lisa Brown, Oklahoma State University; Michael Cook, University of Missouri; Adam DeRosier, Land O'Lakes, Inc.; Brent Hueth, UW-Madison(Center for Cooperatives; Keri Jacobs, Iowa State University; Phil Kenkel, Oklahoma State University; Jessica Lamker, CHS, Inc.; Robert Ludwig, The Hale Group; Gregory McKee, North Dakota State University; William Nelson, CHS, Inc.; Brian Oleson, University of Manitoba;(John Park, Texas A&M University; Tom Pierson, CHS Inc.; Lynn Pitman, UW-Madison(Center for Co-ops; Anne Reynolds, UW-Madison(Center for Co-ops; Bruce Reynolds, Cooperative Programs/USDA; Todd Schmit, Cornell University; Ran Shang, NDSU; Jennifer Thatcher, CHS Inc.;(Jim White, UW-River Falls;Brief Summary of Minutes
NCERA-210 Business MeetingRadisson Plaza Hotel Minneapolis
November 7, 2012
In Attendance
Courtney Berner, UW-Madison(Center for Cooperatives; Brian Briggeman, Kansas State University; Lisa Brown, Oklahoma State University; Michael Cook, University of Missouri; Adam DeRosier, Land O'Lakes, Inc.; Brent Hueth, UW-Madison(Center for Cooperatives; Keri Jacobs, Iowa State University; Phil Kenkel, Oklahoma State University; Jessica Lamker, CHS, Inc.; Robert Ludwig, The Hale Group; Gregory McKee, North Dakota State University; William Nelson, CHS, Inc.; Brian Oleson, University of Manitoba;(John Park, Texas A&M University; Tom Pierson, CHS Inc.; Lynn Pitman, UW-Madison(Center for Co-ops; Anne Reynolds, UW-Madison(Center for Co-ops; Bruce Reynolds, Cooperative Programs/USDA; Todd Schmit, Cornell University; Ran Shang, NDSU; Jennifer Thatcher, CHS Inc.;(Jim White, UW-River Falls;
John Park called the meeting to order at 5:00 pm.
Discussion for group about why we exist. Discussed the need to strengthen executive committee.
Kenkel reported on the reauthoriziation. Tried (successfully) to keep our old number 210. Need outcomes, educational plan and governance. All by Nov. 15 with current report. Need list publications and activities etc. Group activities include web page, annual meetings, presented papers. Need more outcomes possibly with eXtension. Last year we did a pre-conference. Also by Nov. 15 need everyone enrolled through NIMS system. Final report by Dec. 1. People need to enroll in "temporary" 210 which will roll over into the "new" 210.
Officers. John Park moves up to Chair and Sanjib Buyan moves to vice chair. Julie Hogeland moves off.
Brent H. nominates Brian Briggeman, for secretary. Greg M. seconds.
Vote: approve.
Phil K. nominates slate. Mike B. second.
Vote: approve.
Brent Hueth is treasurer.
2013 Planning: Farmer Cooperatives Conference and NCERA-210 Meeting
The group approved of future coordination with the Farmers Cooperative Conference, but insisted on greater coordination and improved planning in order to attract both members and nonmembers to the NCERA 210 meeting. The group is viewed as an important link between academia and industry and will strive to improve its alignment to the needs of industry. The annual meeting is an important venue in this regard.
Phil. Should we have a pre or post conference? Discussion.
Build complementary conference in afternoon after FCC conference?
Mike: Bring more Universities to out meeting.
Mike C. and William N. agreed to committee to recruit.
Adam D. and William N. advocate thinking about how to engage industry better.
Brian -- education session parallel (or pre or post) with FCC? Discussion
AFRI grant proposal discussion.
A question arose on the procedures for membership in NCERA-210. Phil Kenkel described the procedures for membership in NCREA-210 which requires the experiment station director enrolling the member. There is also a procedure for those outside the land grant system to gain membership. A discussion on the need to update the group membership list and listserv ensued.
Journal of Cooperatives
The Journal of Cooperatives is still active and felt to be an important outlet for the group. The journal had published 2 articles in the 2012 volume and was accepting manuscripts. The group brainstormed on ideas for a special edition of the Journal.
The website has been successfully moved to Wisconsin. This puts the treasurers account, website and registration at the same institution and should improve future coordination.
6:00pm Move to adjourn. Second.
Objective 1. To promote and coordinate timely research on cooperatively owned business organizations for agricultural marketing, agricultural input supply, vertical coordination through value added processing, and rural services. <br /> Accomplishments of Objective 1 during 2012: <br /> Members of NCERA-210 continue to coordinate research and education efforts for the improvement of cooperative performance. A major accomplishment of the NCERA-210 is the continued publication of the Journal of Cooperatives. NCERA-210 member Phil Kenkel serves as editor for the Journal and NCERA-210 members are frequent contributors as well as frequently serving as reviwers.<br /> In addition to these major national activities, NCERA-210 members are making full use of the committee infrastructure to communicate the results of their research to each other. During 2012 NCERA-210 members disseminated research results during the annual meeting. NCERA-210 members also used the NCERA-210 web page and the list-server (described in more detail below) to communicate with each other. NCERA-210 members, as well as others interested in cooperatives, can access the selected papers presented at the each all meetings from the committee web page. Members also made use of the List Server (ncr-194-net@macc.wisc.edu) to facilitate communications among members. Messages sent to the list server are forwarded to all NCERA-210 participants. <br /> Objective 2. To serve as a forum for industry and government decision makers in management and staff research positions to interact with land grant researchers and extension specialists to share research results and discuss implications for cooperative business organizations, their producer members, farm structure, efficiencies in food production and distribution, the environment and economic well being of rural communities. <br /> Accomplishments of Objective 2 during 2012<br /> Members are intricately involved in the eXtension Cooperatives Community of Practice, and have initiated some promotion and education of cooperatives with FFA and other youth groups. Internship programs for college students seeking employment in the cooperative industry have been developed at Oklahoma State University, Texas A&M University, and elsewhere. <br /> In addition to these major activities as forum for industry decision maker, there were numerous collaborations among NCERA 210 members on education programs for cooperative directors. 2012, as the international year of the cooperative, has generated increased interest in the cooperative model. Leaders of NCERA-210 have received increased requests for information on membership and participation. A committee has been organized to recruit new members and improve member communication. <br />Publications
Bhuyan, S. 2012. "Are Cooperative Members better off than Non-members?<br /> Comparing Member and Non-member Dairy Farmers in the Northeast United<br /> States." Jr. Of Cooperative Studies (UK). 45 (2):25-41.<br /> <br /> Boland, M.A. "Cooperative Finance and Equity Management." 9 pages. Available online at www.chscenterforcooperativegrowth.com<br /> <br /> Gabriel J. Power, Victoria Salin, John L. Park, (2012) "Strategic options associated with cooperative members' equity", Agricultural Finance Review, Vol. 72 Iss: 1, pp.48 67<br /> Alexander, C.. and P. Kenkel "Economics of Raw Commodity Storage In D. W. Hagstrum, T. W. Phillips and G. Cuperus (eds.). Stored Product Protection. Kansas State University Research and Extension Manhattan, KS. Publication S156, 2012.<br /> Kenkel P. and B. Adam. "Economics of Commodity Grading and Segregation" In D. W. Hagstrum, T. W. Phillips and G. Cuperus (eds.). Stored Product Protection. Kansas State University. Research and Extension Manhattan, KS. Publication S156, 2012.<br /> Kenkel, P. J. Park, G. McKee and M. Schultz, "Creating National Presence and Local Value: Perspectives from the Cooperatives CoP" presentation at National eXtension Conference, Oklahoma City, OK 10-2012<br /> Brown, L.N., P. Kenkel, R.B. Holcomb and T.J. Naile, "Analysis of Communicating the Cooperative Value Package to Member-owners" proceedings NCERA-210 Annual Meeting, Minneapolis MN, Nov 7, 2012.<br /> Reynolds, Bruce J. (2012) Joint Ventures and Subsidiaries of Agricultural Cooperatives, USDA Rural Development, RBS Research Report 226.<br /> Royer, Jeffrey S. 2012. "Implications of the Cooperative Organizational Form for Vertical Expansion." Journal of Rural Cooperation 40 (2): 162-182.<br /> Royer, Jeffrey S. 2012. "The Increasing Use of Unallocated Retained Earnings by Farmer Cooperatives." Cornhusker Economics, March 14, pp. 1-2.<br /> Chaddad, F.R. (2012). "Advancing the Theory of the Cooperative Organization: The Cooperative as a True Hybrid," Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics 83(4): 445-461.<br /> Chaddad, F.R. and Chaddad, Fernando (2012). "Coming Full Circle: Prudential Insurance Company," in A Co-operative Dilemma: Converting Organizational Form, Jorge Sousa and Roger Herman (eds.), University of Saskatchewan Press, pp. 73-93.<br /> Chaddad, F.R. and Cook, M.L. (2012). "Legal Frameworks and Property Rights in U.S. Agricultural Cooperatives: The Hybridization of Cooperative Structures," in The Cooperative Business Movement: 1950 to Present, Patrizia Battilani and Harm Schroeter (eds.), Cambridge University Press, chapter 7, pp. 175-194, 2012.<br /> J. Guenthner. "The Development of United Potato Growers Cooperatives" ((<br /> C. Gingrich and E. King. "Does Fair Trade Fulfill the Claims of its Proponents? Measuring the Global Impact of Fair Trade on Participating Coffee Farmers"<br />Impact Statements
- 1. Critical issues for agricultural cooperatives were identified during a national project, providing NCERA-210 to focus research efforts. Measurable impacts include (1) 45 individuals, including leaders of the largest cooperatives in the U.S, attended the Washington D.C. panel session. (2)In the first four months, the 6 peer-reviewed articles were accessed over 2600 times. (3) Individuals in 75 separate sites across the continental U.S., Hawaii and Europe participated in the webinar. The webinar was archived on the Cooperative COP and continues to be accessed. (4) 80 industry professionals and researchers attended the second panel session at the Critical Issues pre-conference (8) publications were developed and published in Choices Magazine and disseminated on the eXtension Cooperative COP
- 2. Education of cooperative boards of directors improved through jointly organized education programs conducted by NCERA members. Various members collaborated to conduct workshops in California, Colorado, Indiana, Kansas, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, Ohio, Oklahoma, Texas, and Wyoming. The programs focused on strategic thinking, finance, governance, and mergers.
- 3. Research proposals regarding cooperatives were facilitated; members developed two research proposals to USDA Rural Development for a national study of the economic impact of cooperatives
- 4. Continuing development of a cooperative textbook for use in college and university courses was supported. Seven NCERA-210 members have completed preliminary drafts of 21 chapters of the textbook. NCERA-210 member Mike Boland was awarded funding from foundations to support a retreat to complete the textbook
- Committee members are contributing to the peer-reviewed journal, Journal of Cooperatives, under the editorship of the NCERA-210 member Phil Kenkel.