NCCC208: Nutrition and Management of Feedlot Cattle to Optimize Performance, Carcass Value and Environmental Compatibility (NCT192)
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SAES-422 Reports
Iowa State:
Strohbehn, Daryl, Dan Loy, Joe Sellers, Kevin Maher and Dennis Maxwell. 2009. Use of wet distillers grains with soluble mixed with ground hay and bunker stored in a heifer development program. Iowa State Univ. Anim. Industry Rep. ASL-2410
Strohbehn, Daryl, Dan Loy, Joe Sellers, Kevin Maher and Dennis Maxwell. 2009. Evaluation of mixing wet distillers grains with ground hay in a bunker and covering modified distillers grains to extend storage lifea demonstration. Iowa State Univ. Anim. Industry Rep. ALS-R2411
Loy, Dan, Daryl Strohbehn, Dan Morrical, Joe Sellers and Allen Trenkle. 2009. Animal performance, storage losses and feasibility of ensiling a mixture of tub ground low quality hay and wet distillers grains for growing cattle. Iowa State Univ. Anim. Industry Rep. ASL-R2412.
Loy, Dan and Allen Trenkle. 2009. Evaluation of beef growing and finishing systems to reduce corn use. Iowa State Univ. Anim. Industry Rep. ASL-R2413.
Loy, Dan, Daryl Strohbehn, Joe Sellers and Dan Morrical. 2009. Effectiveness of mixing wet distillers grains and hay with a mixer wagon or a front end loader for long term storage. Iowa State Univ. Anim. Industry Rep. ASL-R2414.
Baskett, Joel, Ashley Nelson, Kelsey Vincent, Daryl Strohbehn, Dan Loy, Carl Bern and Thomas Brumm. 2009. Storage and handling of high moisture co-products from ethanol production in beef operationsbeef producer study. Iowa State Univ. Anim. Industry Rep. ASL-R2416.
Baskett, Joel, Ashley Nelson, Kelsey Vincent, Daryl Strohbehn, Dan Loy, Carl Bern and Thomas Brumm. 2009. Storage and handling of high moisture co-products from ethanol production in beef operationsfeed specialist and veterinarian study. Iowa State Univ. Anim. Industry Rep. ASL-R2417.
Kansas State:
Reinhardt, C.D., and L.R. Corah. 2010. Effects of anabolic implants on growth and carcass traits of feedlot steers and heifers: A meta-analysis. J. Anim. Sci. 88 (supp. 2).
Lee, T., L.K. Mamedova, S. Guillossou, B.J. Bradford, C.D. Reinhardt, and D.U. Thomson. Effects of nutrient balance and implant status on IGF-1 and PUN concentrations of feedlot calves. J. Anim. Sci. 88 (supp. 2).
Thompson, L. K., C. J. Schneider, G. L. Parsons, K. A. Miller, C. D. Reinhardt and J. S. Drouillard. 2010. Effects of initial body composition on carcass characteristics of heifers when fed Zilmax. J. Anim. Sci. 88 (supp. 1).
Drouillard, J.S., and C.D. Reinhardt. 2009. Nutritional regulation of intramuscular fat deposition. J. Anim. Sci. 86 (E-supp. 2):124.
Parsons, G. L., B. E. Depenbusch, C. D. Reinhardt, D. A. Yates, J. P. Hutcheson, and J. S. Drouillard. 2009. Effects of extended zilpaterol hydrochloride withdrawal on performance, carcass traits, and shear-force value of steaks from finishing heifers. J. Anim. Sci. (supp.2):519.
Parsons, G. L., B. E. Depenbusch, C. D. Reinhardt, D. A. Yates, J. P. Hutcheson, and J. S. Drouillard. 2009. Effects of Extended Zilmax Withdrawal on Performance, Carcass Traits, and Shear-force Value of Steaks from Finishing Heifers. Plains Nutrition Council Spring Conference, San Antonio, TX April 8-10, 2009.
Refereed Journal Articles and Book Chapters:
S. Uwituze, G. L. Parsons, M. K. Shelor, B. E. Depenbusch, K. K. Karges, M. L. Gibson, C. D. Reinhardt, J. J. Higgins, and J. S. Drouillard. 2010. Evaluation of dried distillers grains and roughage source in steam-flaked corn finishing diets. J. Anim. Sci. 88: 258-274.
Reinhardt, C. D., W.D. Busby, and L.R. Corah. 2009. Relationship of various incoming cattle traits with feedlot performance and carcass traits. J. Anim. Sci. 87: 3030-3042.
Wallace, Justin O., MS; Chris D. Reinhardt, PhD; Daniel U. Thomson, DVM, PhD. 2009. Effects of Concurrent Metaphylaxis with Chlortetracycline and Tulathromycin on High-Risk Cattle Health and Performance. Bov. Pract. 43 (1) : 14-17.
Donley, H. J., C.D. Reinhardt, J. J. Sindt, S. P. Montgomery, and J. S. Drouillard. 2009. Evaluating relationships among blood glucose, plasma urea nitrogen, performance, morbidity, and mortality in high-risk feedlot heifers. Bov. Pract. 43 (2):122-127.
May, M. L., M. J. Quinn, C. D. Reinhardt, L. Murray, M. L. Gibson, K. K. Karges, and J. S. Drouillard. 2009. Effects of Dry-Rolled or Steam-Flaked Corn Finishing Diets with or without 25% Distillers Dried Grains on Ruminal Fermentation and Apparent Total Tract Digestion. J. Anim. Sci. 87: 3630-3638.
Wileman, B.W., D. U. Thomson, C.D. Reinhardt, and D. G. Renter. 2009. Analysis of modern technologies commonly used in beef cattle production: Conventional beef production verses non-conventional production using meta-analysis. J. Anim. Sci. 87: 3418-3426.
Stevens, Elliot T., MS, DVM; Daniel U. Thomson, PhD, DVM; Christopher D. Reinhardt, PhD; Nels Lindberg, DVM. 2009. Effect of Testing and Removal of Feeder Calves Persistently Infected with Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus at the Time of Feedlot Arrival and Outcome on Health, Performance, and Carcass Characteristics. Bov Pract 43(2): 117-121
Proceedings and Technical Reports:
Chris Reinhardt, Ph.D. 2009. Corn Processing: Getting More Out of What Youve Got. Land O Lakes/Quality Liquid Feeds Feedlot Symposium Series. Cedar Rapids, IA; Council Bluffs, IA; Sioux Falls, SD; March 3-5, 2009.
Chris Reinhardt, Ph.D. 2009. Use of Byproduct Feeds for Pasture Supplementation. KSU Hay and Grazing Conference, Manhattan, KS January 14, 2009.
J.S. Drouillard and C.D. Reinhardt. 2009. Nutritional influences on marbling score. Midwest Section ASAS, DesMoines, IA March 28, 2009.
Experiment Station Publications:
Reinhardt, C.D. Implant Programs Affect Performance and Quality Grade. 2010 Beef Cattle Research Report, Report of Progress 1029, Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service.
Thompson, L., C. Schneider, G. Parsons, K. Miller, C. Reinhardt, and J. Drouillard. 2010. Among heifers fed Zilmax leaner, heavier heifers with smaller initial ribeye areas experience more ribeye area growth. 2010 Beef Cattle Research Report, Report of Progress 1029, Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service.
Wallace, J. O., C. D. Reinhardt, and D. U. Thomson. 2009. Concurrent Metaphylaxis with Aureomycin and Draxxin in High-Risk Calves Has No Additive Effects on Cattle Health and Performance. 2009 Beef Cattle Research Report. Report of Progress 1010, Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service.
Wallace, J. O., J. S. Drouillard, and C. D. Reinhardt. Dried Corn Germ in Natural Finishing Programs Reduces Incidence of Liver Abscess. 2009 Beef Cattle Research Report. Report of Progress 1010, Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service.
Black, P. L., G. L. Parsons, M. K. Shelor, K. K. Karges, M. L. Gibson, C. D. Reinhardt, and J. S. Drouillard. 2009. Feeding Steam-Flaked Diets With and Without Dry-Rolled Corn and Dried Distillers Grains Results in Similar Feedlot Performance. Report of Progress 1010, Kansas State University Agricultural Experiment Station and Cooperative Extension Service.
Michigan State:
Ungerfeld, E. M., S. R.Rust, R. Burnett. 2009. The effects of thiamine inhibition on ruminal fermentation: a preliminary study. Folia Microbiologica 54 (6): 521-526.
Proceedings and Technical Reports:
Casey, B.A., S. R. Rust, and D.B. Buskirk.. 2009. Incorporating distillers grain in beef cattle diets. Mich. State Univ. Extension Bull. E-3074, November
Casey, B. A., S.R. Rust, and J.P. Grobbel. 2009. Effects of feeding distiller's grains on fat deposition in feedlot cattle. American Society of Animal Science, March 17.
University of Minnesota:
J. M. Cassady, T. D. Maddock, A. DiCostanzo and G. C. Lamb. 2009. Body composition and estrous cyclicity responses of heifers of distinct body conditions to energy restriction and repletion. J. Anim. Sci. 87:22552261.
J. M. Cassady, T. D. Maddock, A. DiCostanzo and G. C. Lamb. 2009. Initial body condition score affects hormone and metabolite response to nutritional restriction and repletion in yearling postpubertal beef heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 87:22622273.
M. Blanch, S. Calsamiglia, N. DiLorenzo, A. DiCostanzo, S. Muetzel and R. J. Wallace. 2009. Physiological changes in rumen fermentation during acidosis induction and its control using a multivalent polyclonal antibody preparation in heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 87:17221730.
J. M. Kelzer, C. R. Dahlen, G. I. Crawford, and A. DiCostanzo. 2009. Timing of Optaflexx inclusion in feedlot diets on performance and carcass characteristics of beef steers. J. Anim. Sci. 87E(Suppl. 3.):79-80.
DiCostanzo, A. 2009. Nutritional Effects of Cow Size. MN Cow-Calf and Cattle Feeder Days Proceedings. 2009. CD format.
University of Nebraska:
Corrigan, M. E., G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, M. K. Luebbe, K. J. Vander Pol, N. F. Meyer, C. D. Buckner, S. J. Vanness, and K. J. Hanford. 2009. Effect of corn processing method and corn wet distillers grains plus solubles inclusion level in finishing steers. J. Anim. Sci. 87: 3351-3362.
Folmer, J. D., T. B. Farran, G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, C. D. Reinhardt, B. D. Dicke, J. S. Drouillard, M. N. Streeter, and J. T. Vasconcelos. 2009. Evaluation of Revalor-IH and Revalor-IS as initial implants compared with traditional initial implants for finishing heifers and steers. Prof. Anim. Scient. 25:580-585.
Griffin, W. A., G. E. Erickson, B. D. Dicke, T. J. Klopfenstein, R. J. Cooper, D. J. Jordon, R. S. Swingle, W. M. Moseley, G. E. Sides, and D. J. Weigel. 2009. Effects of ractopamine (optaflexx) fed in combination with melengesterol acetate on feedlot heifer performance. Prof. Anim. Scient. 25:33-40.
Harrelson, F. W., M. K. Luebbe, N. F. Meyer, G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, D. S. Jackson, and W. A. Fithian. 2009. Influence of corn hybrid and processing method on nutrient digestibility, finishing performance, and carcass characteristics. J. Anim. Sci. 87:2323-2332.
Luebbe, M. K., G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, and W. A. Fithian. 2009. Influence of corn hybrid traits and processing method on nutrient digestibility. Prof. Anim. Scient. 25:496-509.
Meyer, N. F., G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, M. A. Greenquist, M. K. Luebbe, P. Williams, and M. A. Engstrom. 2009. Effect of essential oils, tylosin, and monensin on finishing steer performance, carcass characteristics, liver abscesses, ruminal fermentation, and digestibility. J. Anim. Sci. 87:2346-2354.
Vander Pol, K. J., M. K. Luebbe, G. I. Crawford, G. E. Erickson, and T. J. Klopfenstein. 2009. Performance and digestibility characteristics of finishing diets containing distillers grains, composites of corn processing coproducts, or supplemental corn oil. J. Anim. Sci. 87:639-652
Corrigan, M. E., T. J. Klopfenstein, G. E. Erickson, N. F. Meyer, K. J. Vander Pol, M. A. Greenquist, M. K. Luebbe, K. K. Karges, and M. L. Gibson. 2009. Effects of level of condensed distillers solubles in corn dried distillers grains on intake, daily body weight gain, and digestibility in growing steers fed forage diets. J. Anim. Sci. 87:40734081.
Greenquist, M. A., T. J. Klopfenstein, W. H. Schacht, G. E. Erickson, K. J. Vander Pol, M. K. Luebbe, K. R. Brink, A. K. Schwarz, and L. B. Baleseng. 2009. Effects of nitrogen fertilization and dried distillers grains supplementation: Forage use and performance of yearling steers. J. Anim. Sci. 87: 3639-3646.
Griffin, W. A., T. J. Klopfenstein, G. E. Erickson, D. M. Feuz, K. J. Vander Pol, and M. A. Greenquist. 2009. Effect of sorting and optaflexx supplementation on feedlot performance and profitability of long yearling steers. Prof. Anim. Scient. 25:273-282.
Liska, A. J., H. S. Yang, V. R. Bremer, T. J. Klopfenstein, D. T. Walters, G. E. Erickson, and K. G. Cassman. 2009. Improvements in life cycle energy efficiency and greenhouse gas emissions of corn-ethanol. J. Industrial Ecology 13:58-74.
Moxley R. A., D. R. Smith, M. Luebbe, G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, and D. Rogan. 2009. Escherichia coli O157:H7 vaccine dose-effect in feedlot cattle. Foodborne Pathog. Dis. 6:879-884.
Sellin, M. K., D. D. Snow, S. T. Gustafson, G. E. Erickson, A. S. Kolok. 2009. The endocrine activity of beef cattle wastes: Do growth-promoting steroids make a difference? Aquatic Toxicology 92:221-227.
Smith, D. R., R. A. Moxley, T. J. Klopfenstein, and G. E. Erickson. 2009. A randomized longitudinal trial to test the effect of regional vaccination within a cattle feedyard on Escherichia coli O157:H7 rectal colonization, fecal shedding, and hide contamination. Foodborne Pathog. Dis. 6:885-892.
Smith, D. R., R. A. Moxley, R. E. Peterson, T. J. Klopfenstein, G. E. Erickson, G. Bretschneider, E. M. Berberov, and S. Clowser. 2009. A two-dose regimen of a vaccine against type III secreted proteins reduced Escherichia coli O157:H7 colonization of the terminal rectum in beef cattle in commercial feedlots. Foodborne Pathog. Dis. 6:155-161.
Adams, D. R., M. K. Luebbe, W. A. Griffin, T. J. Klopfenstein, and G. E. Erickson. 2009. Effects of sorting cattle by weight and time of year on finishing performance, carcass characteristics and economics. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP92:43-46.
Benton, J. R., G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, M. K. Luebbe, and R. U. Lindquist. 2009. Effects of wet corn gluten feed and roughage inclusion levels in finishing diets containing modified distillers grains plus solubles. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP92:70-72.
Benton, J. R., G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, N. F. Meyer, and C. D. Buckner. 2009. Effects of roughage source and level with the inclusion of wet distillers grains on ruminal metabolism and nutrient digestibility. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP92:73-75.
Bremer, V. R., J. R. Benton, M. K. Luebbe, K. J. Hanford, G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, and R. A. Stock. 2009. Wet distillers grains plus solubles or solubles in feedlot diets containing wet corn gluten feed. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP92:64-65.
Bremer, V. R., T. J. Klopfenstein, G. E. Erickson, R. K. Koelsch, R. E. Massey, and J. Vasconcelos. 2009. Effects of feeding wet distillers grains plus solubles on feedlot manure value. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP92:89-90.
de Mello Jr., A. S., C. R. Calkins, B. E. Jenschke, L. S. Senaratne, M. E. R. Dugan, T. Carr, and G. E. Erickson. 2009. Fatty acid profile of three beef muscle from yearlings and calf-fed steers fed wet distillers grains plus solubles. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP92:107-109.
de Mello, Jr., A., C. R. Calkins, B. E. Jenschke, L. S. Senaratne, M. E. R. Dugan, T. Carr, and G. E. Erickson. 2009. Modified wet distillers grains finishing diets may increase the levels of polyunsaturated and trans fatty acids of beef. MP92:118-119.
Godsey, C. M., M. K. Luebbe, J. R. Benton, G. E. Erickson, and T. J. Klopfenstein. 2009. Effect of the grains-to-solubles ratio in diets containing wet distillers grains ± solubles fed to finishing steers. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP92:59-61.
Godsey, C. M., W. A. Griffin, M. K. Luebbe, J. R. Benton, G. E. Erickson, and T. J. Klopfenstein. 2009. Cattle performance and economic analysis of diets containing wet distillers grains and dry-rolled or steam-flaked corn. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP92:66-69.
Greenquist, M. A., T. J. Klopfenstein, W. H. Schacht, G. E. Erickson, K. J. Vander Pol, M. K. Luebbe, K. R. Brink, A. K. Schwarz, and L. B. Baleseng. 2009. Replacing fertilizer nitrogen with dried distillers grains supplement to yearling steers grazing bromegrass pastures: Daily gain and nitrogen use efficiency. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP92:22-24.
Greenquist, M. A., T. J. Klopfenstein, W. H. Schacht, and G. E. Erickson. 2009. Replacing fertilizer nitrogen with dried distillers grains supplement to yearling steers grazing bromegrass pastures: Economics and modeling. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP92: 25-27.
Huls, T. J., M. K. Luebbe, W. A. Griffin, G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, and R. A. Stock. 2009. Using wet corn gluten feed to adapt cattle to finishing diets. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP92:53-55.
Huls, T. J., N. F. Meyer, G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, and R. A. Stock. 2009. The effects on ruminal pH, feed intake and digestibility when using wet corn gluten feed to adapt cattle to finishing diets. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP92:56-58.
Kovarik, L. M., M. K. Luebbe, R. J. Rasby, and G. E. Erickson. 2009. Limit feeding beef cows with bunkered wet distillers grains plus solubles or distillers solubles. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP92:11-12.
Luebbe, M. K. Luebbe, G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, M. A. Greenquist, and J. R. Benton. 2009. Effect of dietary cation-anion difference on feedlot performance, nitrogen mass balance and manure pH in open feedlot pens. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP92:91-93.
Luebbe, M. K., G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, and N. F. Meyer. 2009. Effect of dietary cation-anion difference on intake and urinary pH in high concentrate diets. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP92:94-95.
Luebbe, M. K., G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, and J. R. Benton. 2009. Composting or stockpiling feedlot manure: Nutrient concentration and recovery. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP92:96-98.
Meyer, N. F., G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, J. R. Benton, M. K. Luebbe, and S. B. Laudert. 2009. Effects of Rumensin® and Tylan® in finishing diets with wet distillers grains plus solubles. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP92:86-88.
Nichols, C. A., M. K. Luebbe, G. E. Erickson, R. A. Stock, and T. J. Klopfenstein. 2009. Effects of substituting wet distillers grains with solubles in a wet corn gluten feed-based diet on finishing performance. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP92:62-63.
Nuttelman, B. L., M. K. Luebbe, J. R. Benton, T. J. Klopfenstein, L. A. Stalker, and G. E. Erickson. 2009. Energy value of wet distillers grains in high forage diets. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP92:28-29.
Peterson, M. M., M. K. Luebbe, R. J. Rasby, T. J. Klopfenstein, G. E. Erickson, and L. M. Kovarik. 2009. Level of wet distillers grains plus solubles and solubles ensiled with wheat straw for growing steers. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP92: 35-36.
Rolfe, K. M., N. F. Meyer, G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, and R. A. Mass. 2009. Impact of a new direct-fed microbial on intake and ruminal pH. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP92:99-101.
Senartatne, L. S., C. R. Calkins, A. S. de Mello Jr., T. P. Carr, and G. E. Erickson. 2009. Fatty acid composition of beef from cattle fed set distillers grains diets supplemented with vitamin E. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP92:110-112.
Senaratne, L. S., C. R. Calkins, A. S. de Mello Jr., and G. E. Erickson. 2009. Vitamin E mitigates the boost in lipid oxidation of beef due to wet distillers grains feeding. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP92:113-115.
Senaratne, L. S., C. R. Calkins. A. S. de Mello Jr., G. A. Sullivan, and G. E. Erickson. 2009. Effect of set distillers grain feeding supplemented with vitamin E on case life of beef. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP92:116-117.
Vanness, S. J., T. J. Klopfenstein, G. E. Erickson, and K. K. Karges. 2009. Suflur in distillers grains. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP92:79-80.
Vanness, S. J., N. F. Meyer, T. J. Klopfenstein, and G. E. Erickson. 2009. Ruminal sulfide levels in corn byproduct diets with varying roughage levels. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP92:81-83.
Vanness, S. J., N. F. Meyer, T. J. Klopfenstein, and G. E. Erickson. 2009. Hydrogen sulfide gas levels post feeding. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP92:84-85.
Waterbury, J. A., D. R. Mark, R. J. Rasby, and G. E. Erickson. 2009. An economic budget for determining co-product storage costs. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP92:20-21.
Waterbury, J. A., D. R. Mark, S. M. Thoms, G. E. Erickson, and T. J. Klopfenstein. 2009. An economic overview of ethanol co-product utilization in Nebraska. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP92:50-52.
Wilken, M. F., M. K. Luebbe, G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, and J. R. Benton. 2009. Feeding corn distillers solubles or wet distillers grains plus solubles and cornstalks to growing calves. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP92:30-32.
Wilken, M., T. L. Mader, G. E. Erickson, and L. J. Johnson. 2009. Comparison of dry distillers or modified wet distillers grains plus solubles in wet or dry forage-based diets. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP92:33-34.
Wilken, M. F., M. K. Luebbe, G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, and J. R. Benton. 2009. Effects of feeding high levels of byproducts in different combinations to finishing steers. Nebraska Beef Cattle Report. MP92:76-78.
Erickson, G. E., and T. J. Klopfenstein. 2009. Nutritional and management methods to decrease nitrogen losses from beef feedlots. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 87. E-Suppl. 2:370.
Benton, J. R., G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, M. K. Luebbe, and R. U. Lindquist. 2009. Effects of wet corn gluten feed and roughage inclusion levels in finishing diets containing modified distillers grains plus solubles. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 87, E-Suppl. 3:266.
Bremer, V. R., J. R. Benton, K. J. Hanford, G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, and R. A. Stock. 2009. Corn wet distillers grains plus solubles or solubles in feedlot diets containing wet corn gluten feed. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 87, E-Suppl. 3:265.
Godsey, C. M. Williams, G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, M. Greenquist, P. Guiroy, C. Ibanez, and J. Kazin, 2009. Evaluation of feedlot and carcass performance of steers fed different levels of ECORN", a potential new feed product from ethanol plants. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 87. E-Suppl. 2: 257.
Griffin, W. A., G. I. Crawford, K. M. Rolfe, T. J. Klopfenstein, G. E. Erickson, P. S. Miller, and R. M. Diedrichsen. 2009. Relationship between metabolizable protein balance, purine derivative excretion, 3-methyl histidine excretion, to feed efficiency in individually-fed heifers. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 87. E-Suppl. 2:127
Griffin, W. A., V. R. Bremer, T. J. Klopfenstein, L. A. Stalker, L. W. Lomas, J. L. Moyer, and G. E. Erickson, 2009. A meta-analysis evaluation of supplementing dried distillers grains plus solubles to cattle consuming forage based diets. . J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 87. E-Suppl. 2:136.
Griffin, W. A., T. J. Klopfenstein, G. E. Erickson. D. R. Mark, and K. M. Rolfe. 2009. The economic impact of increasing corn price and supplementation decisions on economics of beef production systems. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 87, E-Suppl. 3:56.
Griffin, W. A., B. L. Nuttelman, T. J. Klopfenstein, G. E. Erickson, L. A. Stalker, J. A. Musgrave, and R. N. Funston. 2009. The effect of supplementing dried distillers grains to steers grazing cool season meadow. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 87, E-Suppl. 3:99.
Huls, T. J., M. K. Luebbe, T. J. Klopfenstein, G. E. Erickson, W. A. Griffin, R. A. Stock, and D. R. Mark. 2009. Utilizing wet corn gluten feed instead of roughage during grain adaptation in finishing feedlot cattle. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 87, E-Suppl. 3:262.
Nichols, C. A., G. E. Erickson, J. T. Vasconcelos, M. N. Streeter, B. D. Dicke, D. J. Jordon, R. J. Cooper, T. L. Scott, and T. J. Klopfenstein. 2009. Comparison of Revalor XS, a new single dose implant, to a Revalor IS and Ravalor S implant strategy in finishing steers. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 87, E-Suppl. 3:252.
Nichols, C. A. Nichols, J. T. Vasconcelos, G. E. Erickson, S. A. Frman, J. J. Sindt, and T. J. Klopfenstein. 2009. Evaluation of component TE-IS with Tylan followed by componet TE-S with Tylan vs. a single component TE-200 with Tylan or a single Ravalor XS implant in beef finishing steers. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 87, E-Suppl. 3:253.
Nichols, M. K. Luebbe, G. E. Erickson, R. A. Stock, and T. J. Klopfenstein. 2009. Effects of substituting wet distillers grains with solubles in a wet corn gluten feed based diet on finishing performance. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 87, E-Suppl. 3:264.
Nuttelman, B. L., M. K. Luebbe, J. R. Benton, T. J. Klopfenstein, and G. E. Erickson. 2009. Comparing the energy value of wet distillers grains to dry rolled corn in forage based diets. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 87, E-Suppl. 3:261.
Rich, A. R., M. K. Luebbe, G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, and J. R. Benton. 2009. Effect of feeding fiber from wet corn gluten feed and silage in diets containing 30% modified wet distillers grains plus solubles on feedlot cattle performance and nitrogen mass balance. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 87. E-Suppl. 2:253.
Rich, A. R., A. N. Jepson, M. K. Luebbe, G. E. Erickson, T. K. Klopfenstein, D. R. Smith, and R. A. Moxley. 2009. Vaccination to reduce the prevalence of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in feedlot cattle fed wet distillers grains plus solubles. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 87, E-Suppl. 3:268
Rolfe, K. M., G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, and J. T. Vasconcelos. 2009. Effects on ruminal pH, hydrogen sulfide concentration, and feed intake when using wet distillers grains with solubles to adapt cattle to finishing diets compared to forage J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 87. E-Suppl. 2:254.
Rolfe, K. M., M. K. Luebbe, W. A. Griffin, T. J. Klopfenstein, and G. E. Erickson. 2009. Impact of supplementing modified wet distillers grains with solubles to long yearling steers grazing native range. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 87, E-Suppl. 3:57.
Vanness, S., N. Meyer, T. Klopfenstein, and G. Erickson. 2009. Feedlot incidences of polio and ruminal hydrogen sulfide levels with varying hay level inclusion. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 87, E-Suppl. 3:273.
Waterbury, J. A., D. R. Mark, R. J. Rasby, and G. E. Erickson. 2009. An economic budget for determining co-product storage costs. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 87, E-Suppl. 3:59.
Watson, A. K., M. K. Luebbe, T. J. Klopfenstein, G. E. Erickson, K. R. Brink, and W. H. Schacht. 2009. Supplementing dried distillers grains to growing calves on smooth bromegrass pastures. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 87, E-Suppl. 3:259.
The Ohio State:
Radunz, A. E., H. N. Zerby, S. C. Loerch, G. D. Lowe, and F. L. Fluharty. 2009. Effect of Angus- vs Wagyu-sired calves on feedlot performance, carcass characteristics and tenderness. JAS. 87:2971-2976.
Radunz, A. E., L. A. Wickersham, S. C. Loerch, F. L. Fluharty, C. K. Reynolds, and H. N. Zerby. 2009. Effects of dietary polyunsaturated fatty acid supplementation on conjugated linoleic acid concentrations in muscle and subcutaneous adipose tissue of lambs. JAS. 87:4082-4091.
Oklahoma State:
Burciaga-Robles, L. O., B. P. Holland, D. L. Step, C. R. Krehbiel, G. L. McMillen, C. J. Richards, L. Sims, J. D. Jeffers, K. Namjou, and P. J. McCann. 2009. Measurement of breath biomarkers and serum haptoglobin to predict bovine respiratory disease in newly received heifers. Amer. J. Vet. Res. 70:1291-1298.
Hilton, G. G., J. L. Montgomery, C. R. Krehbiel, J. J. Cranston, D. A. Yates, J. P. Hutcheson, W. T. Nichols, M. N. Streeter, J. R. Blanton, Jr., and M. F. Miller. 2009. Effects of dietary zilpaterol hydrochloride on carcass cutability and meat palatability of beef steers fed with and without monensin and tylosin. J. Anim. Sci. 87:1394-1406.
Lamm, C. G., D. L. Step, C. R. Krehbiel, B. C. Love. 2009. Myositis due to Mannheimia haemolytica infection in a beef heifer. Bovine Practitioner. 43:1-5.
Leheska, J. M., J. L. Montgomery, C. R. Krehbiel, D. A. Yates, J. P. Hutcheson, W. T. Nichols, M. Streeter, J. R. Blanton, Jr., and M. F. Miller. 2009. Dietary zilpaterol hydrochloride. II. Carcass composition and meat palatability of beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 87:1384-1393.
Montgomery, J. L., C. R. Krehbiel, J. J. Cranston, D. A. Yates, J. P. Hutcheson, W. T. Nichols, M. N. Streeter, D. T. Bechtol, E. Johnson, T. N. TerHune, and T. H. Montgomery.. 2009. Dietary zilpaterol hydrochloride. I. Feedlot performance and carcass traits of steers and heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 87:1374-1383.
Montgomery, J. L., C. R. Krehbiel, J. J. Cranston, D. A. Yates, J. P. Hutcheson, W. T. Nichols, M. N. Streeter, R. S. Swingle, and T. H. Montgomery. 2009. Effects of dietary zilpaterol hydrochloride on feedlot performance and carcass characteristics of beef steers fed with and without monensin and tylosin. J. Anim. Sci. 87:1013-1023.
Shook, J. N., D. L. VanOverbeke, L. A. Kinman, C. R. Krehbiel, B. P. Holland, M. N. Streeter, D. A. Yates, and G. G. Hilton. 2009. Effects of zilpaterol hydrochloride and zilpaterol hydrochloride withdrawal time on beef carcass cutability, composition, and tenderness. J. Anim. Sci. 87:3677-3685.
Step, D. L., C. R. Krehbiel, L. O. Burciaga-Robles, B. P. Holland, R. W. Fulton, A. W. Confer, D. T. Bechtol, D. L. Brister, J. P. Hutcheson, and H. L. Newcomb. 2009. Comparison of single vaccination versus revaccination with a modified-live virus vaccine containing bovine herpesvirus-1, bovine viral diarrhea virus (types 1a and 2a), parainfluenza type 3 virus, and bovine respiratory syncytial virus in the prevention of bovine respiratory disease in cattle. J. Amer. Vet. Med. Assoc. 235:580-587.
Sullivan, M. M., D. L. VanOverbeke, L. A. Kinman, C. R. Krehbiel, G. G. Hilton, and J. B. Morgan. 2009. Comparison of the Biobullet versus traditional injection techniques on tissue damage and tenderness in beef subprimals. J. Anim. Sci. 87:716-722.
Winterholler, S. J., B. P. Holland, C. P. McMurphy, C. R. Krehbiel, G. W. Horn, and D. L. Lalman. 2009. Use of dried distillers grains in preconditioning programs for weaned beef calves and subsequent impact on wheat pasture, feedlot, and carcass performance. Prof. Anim. Sci. 25:722-730.
Krehbiel, C. R., and B. P. Holland. 2009. Methods to improve feed efficiency in feedlot cattle. Pages 90-107 in Proceedings of the 30th Western Nutrition Conference, Optimizing Efficiency of Animal Production. Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.
Krehbiel, C. R., C. J. Richards, R. B. Hicks, D. L. VanOverbeke, D. L. Step, B. P. Holland, L. O. Burciaga-Robles, and L. E. Sims. 2009. Oklahoma State University - Interaction of nutrition, health, management, and technology to improve the efficiency of cattle feeding. Plains Nutr. Council Spring Conf. Publ. No. AREC 09-18. pp. 72-74. Texas A&M Research and Extension Center, Amarillo.
Carlos-Valdez, L., L. O. Burciaga-Robles, D. L. Step, A. W. Confer, R. W. Fulton, U. DeSilva, X. Gou and C. R. Krehbiel. 2009. Effect of timing of Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus exposure in relation to Mannheimia haemolytica challenge on immune response and muscle and fat gene expression changes in growing steers. Plains Nutr. Council Spring Conf. Publ. p. 106. Texas A&M Research and Extension Center, Amarillo.
Carlos-Valdez, L., L. Burciaga-Robles, D. L. Step, R. W. Fulton, A. W. Confer, U. DeSilva, and C. R. Krehbiel. 2009. Effect of timing of Mannheimia haemolytica challenge following short-term exposure to bovine viral diarrhea virus type 1b on serum cytokine concentrations and muscle and fat gene expression changes in growing beef steers. J. Anim. Sci. 87(E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 92, E-Suppl. 1):392.
Guillen, L. M., S. McCoy, M. R. Bible, L. O. Burciaga-Robles, M. M. James, C. R. Krehbiel, and S. E. Gilliland. 2009. Determination of the mechanism(s) by which direct-fed microbials control Escherichia coli O157:H7 in cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 87(E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 92, E-Suppl. 1):221.
Holland, B. P., L. O. Burciaga-Robles, C. J. Richards, D. L. Step, and C. R. Krehbiel. 2009. Feedlot growth performance and carcass characteristics of heifers treated for clinical signs of bovine respiratory disease during preconditioning. J. Anim. Sci. 87(E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 92, E-Suppl. 1):530.
Holland, B. P., L. O. Burciaga-Robles, D. L. Step, D. L. VanOverbeke, and C. R. Krehbiel. 2009. Bovine respiratory disease: Effect of morbidity during preconditioning on feedlot growth performance and carcass characteristics. Plains Nutr. Council Spring Conf. Publ. p. 95. Texas A&M Research and Extension Center, Amarillo.
Hudelson, K. E., C. R. Krehbiel, G. W. Horn, J. W. Dillwith, M. P. McCurdy, R. D. Madden, and R. G. Mateescu. 2009. Effects of growing phase diet on fatty acid profile of beef steers. J. Anim. Sci. 87(E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 92, E-Suppl. 1):530.
Johnson, J., D. R. Stein, L. O. Burciaga-Robles, B. P. Holland, D. L. Step, U. DeSilva, and C. R. Krehbiel. 2009. Use of microarray to determine genes differentially expressed in muscle and subcutaneous fat of heifers never treated or considered chronically morbid after a 63-d preconditioning program. J. Anim. Sci. 87(E-Suppl. 3):65.
Johnson, J., D. R. Stein, L. O. Burciaga-Robles, B. P. Holland, D. L. Step, U. DeSilva, and C. R. Krehbiel. 2009. Use of microarray to determine genes differentially expressed in muscle and subcutaneous fat of heifers never treated or considered chronically morbid after a 63-d preconditioning program. Plains Nutr. Council Spring Conf. Publ. p. 95. Texas A&M Research and Extension Center, Amarillo.
Johnson, J., D. R. Stein, L. O. Burciaga-Robles, B. P. Holland, D. L. Step, J. W. Ritchey, U. DeSilva, and C. R. Krehbiel. 2009. Effect of times treated for bovine respiratory disease during preconditioning on gene expression in muscle and adipose tissue of beef heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 87(E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 92, E-Suppl. 1):527.
Kinman, L.A., D.L. VanOverbeke, C.J. Richards, J. Morgan, G. Hilton, C. Krehbiel, and R. Hicks. 2009. The influence of feeding various levels of wet and dry corn distillers grains to yearling steers on carcass characteristics, meat quality, retail case life and fatty acid profiles of longissimus muscle. Annual Meeting of the Institute of Food Technology. 027-25.
Lancaster, P. A., E. D Sharman, G. W. Horn, C. R. Krehbiel, D. R. Stein, and U. DeSilva. 2009. Effects of starch versus fiber-based supplements on adipose tissue gene expression of stocker cattle grazing dormant native range. J. Anim. Sci. 87(E-Suppl. 3):115.
Lunsford, A. K., J. W. Dillwith, C. R. Krehbiel, and R. G. Mateescu. 2009. Comparison of fatty acid profiles of longissimus muscle from Angus and Charolais finishing steers. J. Anim. Sci. 87(E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 92, E-Suppl. 1):530.
Mills, R. L., L. Carlos-Valdez, L. O. Burciaga-Robles, D. Stein, D. L. Step, R. W. Fulton, U. DeSilva, and C. R. Krehbiel. 2009. Microarray analysis of muscle tissue from beef calves using an experimental model of acute bovine respiratory disease. Page 83 in Proc. Bovine Respiratory Disease Symposium, Colorado Springs, CO.
Mills, R. L., L. Carlos-Valdez, L. O. Burciaga-Robles, D. Stein, D. L. Step, R. W. Fulton, U. DeSilva, and C. R. Krehbiel. 2009. Transcriptome analysis of muscle tissue from calves infected with bovine viral diarrhea virus and Mannheimia haemolytica. J. Anim. Sci. 87(E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 92, E-Suppl. 1):526.
Sharman, E. D., P. A. Lancaster, G. G. Hilton, C. R. Krehbiel, H. T. Purvis, and G. W. Horn. 2009. Performance and carcass characteristics of stocker cattle grazing dormant native range. J. Anim. Sci. 87(E-Suppl. 3):114.
Sharman, E. D., P. A. Lancaster, G. G. Hilton, C. R. Krehbiel, H. T. Purvis, D. R. Stein, U. DeSilva, and G. W. Horn. 2009. Effects of type and amount of supplementation on performance, carcass characteristics, and gene expression of adipose tissue in steers wintered on dormant native range. Plains Nutr. Council Spring Conf. Publ. p. 103. Texas A&M Research and Extension Center, Amarillo.
Sims, L. E., T. K. Dye-Rose, C. L. Goad, B. P. Holland, L. O. Burciaga-Robles, D. L. Step, C. R. Krehbiel, and C. J. Richards. 2009. Use of rumen temperature for health monitoring in cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 87(E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 92, E-Suppl. 1):120.
Sims, L. E., T. K. Dye-Rose, B. P. Holland, L. O. Burciaga-Robles, D. L. Step, C. R. Krehbiel, and C. J. Richards. 2009. Continuous rumen temperature monitoring for bovine respiratory disease detection. Page 77 in Proc. Bovine Respiratory Disease Symposium, Colorado Springs, CO.
Stein, D., A. Pillai, U. DeSilva, C. R. Krehbiel, G. W. Horn, M. McCurdy, J. J. Wagner, P. Ayoubi, J. B. Morgan, and R. D. Geisert. 2009. Effects of different winter growing programs and subsequent finishing on gene expression in different adipose tissue depots in beef steers. J. Anim. Sci. 87(E-Suppl. 3):75.
Terrill, S. J., C. R. Krehbiel, R. D. Madden, J. W. Dillwith, and L. O. Burciaga-Robles. 2009. Identification of bovine respiratory disease related metabolic fingerprints in beef steers. Plains Nutr. Council Spring Conf. Publ. p. 104. Texas A&M Research and Extension Center, Amarillo.
Wahrmund, J. L., B. P. Holland, C. R. Krehbiel, M. N. Streeter, D. A. Yates, J. P. Hutcheson, W. T. Nichols, C. L. Goad, and C. J. Richards. 2009. Performance, carcass traits, and core body temperature of finishing beef cattle offered zilpaterol hydrochloride. Plains Nutr. Council Spring Conf. Publ. p. 107. Texas A&M Research and Extension Center, Amarillo.
Wahrmund, J. L., B. P. Holland, C. R. Krehbiel, M. N. Streeter, D. A. Yates, J. P. Hutcheson, W. T. Nichols, C. L. Goad, and C. J. Richards. 2009. Zilpaterol hydrochloride impact on core body temperature, performance, and carcass characteristics of finishing steers. J. Anim. Sci. 87(E-Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 92, E-Suppl. 1):293.
Dye-Rose, T.K., C.J. Richards, L.O. Burciaga-Robles and C.R. Krehbiel. 2009. Effect of diet on rumen temperature during grain adaptation and finishing in individually fed calves. OSU Animal Science Research Report. http://www.ansi.okstate.edu/research/2009/index.htm
Lancaster, P. A., E. D. Sharman, G. W. Horn, C. R. Krehbiel, D. R. Stein, and U. DeSilva. 2009. Effects of starch versus fiber-based supplements on adipose tissue gene expression by stocker cattle grazing dormant native range. http://www.ansi.okstate.edu/research/research-reports-1/2009/Lancaster_2009%20Research%20report.pdf
Sharman, E. D., P. A. Lancaster, G. G. Hilton, C. R. Krehbiel, and G. W. Horn. 2009. Effects of starch- versus fiber-based supplements during winter grazing on growth rate of stocker cattle and final carcass characteristics. http://www.ansi.okstate.edu/research/research-reports-1/2009/Sharman_Research%20Report%202009%20.pdf
Shook, J. N., D. L. VanOverbeke, L. A. Kinman, C. R. Krehbiel, B. P. Holland, M. N. Streeter, D. A. Yates, and G. G. Hilton. 2009. Effects of zilpaterol hydrochloride and zilpaterol hydrochloride withdrawal time on beef carcass cutability and tenderness. http://www.ansi.okstate.edu/research/research-reports-1/2009/shook%20research%20report%201.pdf
Wahrmund, J.L., B.P. Holland, C.R. Krehbiel, D.L. VanOverbeke, and C.J. Richards. 2009. Zilpaterol hydrochloride impact on core body temperature, performance, and carcass characteristics in finishing beef steers. http://www.ansi.okstate.edu/research/2009/index.htm
Purdue University:
J. M. Reecy, R. G. Tait, D. L. VanOverbeke, A. J. Garmyn, R. G. Mateescu, A. L. Van Eenennaam, Q. Duan, Q. Liu, J. P. Schoonmaker, M. E. Drewnoski, D. C. Beitz, K. Kizilkaya, R. L. Fernando, and D. J. Garrick. 2010. Use of genomics to improve healthfulness and quality of meat. 10th World Congress of Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Leipzig, Germany (submitted).
J. P. Schoonmaker, A. H. Trenkle, and D. C. Beitz. 2010. Effect of feeding wet distillers grains on performance, marbling deposition, and fatty acid content of beef from steers fed low or high forage diets. J. Anim. Sci. (submitted).
Schoonmaker, J. P. 2010. Nutrition of Ruminants. (Chapter 6). In: Animal Science and Industry, 8th Edition, Pearson& Prentice Hall (in press).
Proceedings and Technical Reports: None
J. P. Schoonmaker, M. E. Persia, and D. C. Beitz. 2010. Effect of corn modified to contain amylase on performance and carcass characteristics of feedlot steers. J. Anim. Sci 88(E-Suppl. 3):abstract # 281
South Dakota State:
Delvaux, C. L., J. S. Jennings, A. E. Wertz-Lutz. 2010. Abundance of growth hormone secreteagogue receptor and PPARy2 in longissimus dorsi of beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 87 (Suppl.1):Abstr.
Jennings, J.S., R.H. Pritchard, D.H. Keisler, A.D. Weaver, J.A. Clapper, and A. E. Wertz-Lutz. 2010. The relationship between plasma leptin and ghrelin concentrations and the presence of the ghrelin receptor in beef cattle exhibiting differences in composition of gain. J. Anim. Sci. 88 (Suppl. 2):Abstr 274.
Jennings, T. D., K. R. Underwood, A. E. Wertz-Lutz, and A. D. Weaver. 2010. Maternal nutrition differentially influenced expression of genes responsible for fetal adipocyte development. J. Anim. Sci. 87 (Suppl.1)1:Abstr.
Utah State:
Eun, J.-S., D. R. ZoBell, C. M. Dschaak, D. E. Diaz, and J. M. Tricarico. 2009. Case Study: Effects of supplementing a fibrolytic feed enzyme on the growth performance and carcass characteristics of beef steers. Prof. Anim. Sci. 25:382-387.
Eun, J.-S., D. R. ZoBell, R. D. Wiedmeier. 2009. Influence of replacing barley grain with corn-based dried distillers grains with solubles on production and carcass characteristics of growing and finishing beef steers. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 152:72-80.
Waldron, B. L., J.-S. Eun, D. R. ZoBell, and K. C. Olson. 2010. Review: Forage kochia for fall and winter grazing. Small Rumin. Res. http://www.sciencedirect.com/dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.smallrumres.2010.01.011
Eun, J.-S., D. R. ZoBell, and Suhubdy. 2009. Improvement of in vitro ruminal fermentation of ensiled peppermint (Mentha piperitae) byproduct when combined with alfalfa hay or corn silage. Pages 174-175 in Ruminant Physiology: Digestion, metabolism, and effects of nutrition on reproduction and welfare. Proceedings, XIth International Symposium on Ruminant Physiology, Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen, the Netherlands.
Vera, J. M.a, J.-S. Eun*, A. J. Young, and D. R. ZoBell. 2009. Effects of exogenous proteolytic enzyme to improve in vitro degradation of dried distillers grains with solubles for ruminants. ASAS-CAAV Pacific Rim Conference. Beijing, China.
West Texas A&M University
Defoor, P. J., Brown, M. S. , & Owens, F. N. (2009). Reconstitution of grain sorghum for ruminants. In F. N. Owens (Ed.) Proceedings of the Cattle Grain Processing Symposium MP-177, (pp. 94-99). Stillwater, OK: Oklahoma State University.
Cole, N. A., Galyean, M. L. , MacDonald, J. C. , & Brown, M. S. (2009). Interaction of grain co-products with grain processing: associative effects and management. In F. N. Owens (Ed.) Proceedings of the Cattle Grain Processing Symposium MP-177, (pp. 193-206). Stillwater, OK: Oklahoma State University.
Brown, M. S. (2009). Need for ruminally degraded nitrogen by finishing cattle fed processed grains. In F. N. Owens (Ed.) Proceedings of the Cattle Grain Processing Symposium MP-177, (pp. 146-150). Stillwater, OK: Oklahoma State University.
Brown, M. S. & Nagaraja, T. G. (2009). Direct-fed microbials for growing and finishing cattle. Plains Nutrition Council (09-18), Texas A&M Research and Extension Center, 42-61.
Brown, M. S. (2009). Ruminal fermentation and ecology - adaptation of beef cattle to high-concentrate diets. 2nd Brazilian Ruminant Nutrition Conference.
Brown, M. S. (2009). Grain adaptation practices. 2nd Brazilian Ruminant Nutrition Conference.
Maxwell, C. L., Brown, M. S., Coufal, B., Wallace, J. O., & Ponce, C. H. (2009). Effects of a commercial product containing Morinda citrifolia extract on growth performance and health of calves with a high risk of developing bovine respiratory disease. J Anim Sci 87(E-Suppl 2):83.
Ponce, C. H., Brown, M. S. , Cole, N. A. , Maxwell, C. L. , & Silva, J. C. (2009). Effects of ruminally degradable N in diets containing wet corn distiller's grains and steam-flaked corn on feedlot cattle performance and carcass characteristics. Plains Nutrition Council, Texas A&M Research and Extension Center, 101.
Ponce, C. H., Brown, M. S. , Cole, N. A. , Maxwell, C. L. , & Silva, J. C. (2009). Effects of ruminally degradable N in diets containing wet corn distillers grains and steam-flaked corn on feedlot cattle performance and carcass characteristics. J Anim Sci 87(E-suppl. 2):190.
Vann, R. C., Willard, S. T. , Schenck, E. L. , Martin, J. M. , Moulton, K., W. Holmes, A. Brown, B. Thomas, T. E. Lawrence, and M. S. Brown, (2009). Growth and carcass characteristics of steers fed an omega-3-fatty acid-fortified supplement from flaxseed while on improved pastures and following feedlot finishing. J Anim Sci 87(E-suppl. 2):368.
University of Wisconsin
Larraín, R. E., D. M. Schaefer, S. C. Arp, J. R. Claus, and J. D. Reed. 2009. Finishing steers with diets based on corn, high-tannin sorghum or a mix of both: feedlot performance, carcass characteristics and beef sensory attributes. J. Anim. Sci. 87:2089-2095.
Guo, W. S., D. M. Schaefer., X. X. Guo., L. P. Ren., and Q. X. Meng. 2009. Nitrate as a sole dietary nitrogen source to improve rumen microbial nitrogen synthesis and to inhibit methane production in vitro. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. 22:542-549.
Section C: Publications
2010 Refereed Journal Articles and Book Chapters:
Iowa State University
Fry, R.S., T.T. Brown Jr, K.E. Lloyd, S.L. Hansen, L.R. Legleiter, W.P. Robarge and J.W. Spears. 2010. Effect of dietary boron on physiological responses in growing steers inoculated with bovine herpesvirus type-1. Res. Vet. Sci. doi:10.1016/j.rvsc.2010.04.016.
Hansen, S.L., M.S. Ashwell, A.J. Moeser, R.S. Fry, M.D. Knutson, and J.W. Spears. 2010. High dietary iron reduces transporters involved in iron and manganese metabolism and increases intestinal permeability in calves. J. Dairy Sci.93(2):656-665.
Hansen, S.L., Trakooljul, H.C. Liu, J.A. Hicks, M.S. Ashwell, and J.W. Spears. 2010. Proteins involved in iron metabolism in beef cattle are affected by copper deficiency in combination with high dietary manganese, but not by copper deficiency alone. J. Anim. Sci. 88(1):275-83.
Hansen, S.L., Trakooljul, N., Spears J.W., and H.C. Liu. 2010. Age and dietary iron affect expression of genes involved in iron acquisition and homeostasis in young pigs. J. Nutr. 140:271-277.
University of Minnesota
Zehnder, C. M., T. D. Maddock, A. DiCostanzo, L. R. Miller, J. M. Hall and G. C. Lamb. 2010. Using alfalfa leaf meal as a supplement in late-gestation beef heifer and nursing beef calf diets. J. Anim. Sci. 88:2132-2138.
The Ohio State University
Relling, A. E., J. L. Pate, C. K. Reynolds, and S. C. Loerch. 2010. Effect of feed restriction and supplemental dietary fat on gut peptide and hypothalamic neuropeptide mRNA concentrations in growing wethers. J. Anim. Sci. 88:737-748.
Relling, A. E., S. C. Loerch, and C. K. Reynolds. 2010. Effects of Abomasal Soybean Oil, Corn Starch and Casein Infusion on Plasma Ghrelin and Oxyntomodulin Concentration in Lactating Dairy Cows. Dom. Anim. Endocr. 38:284-288.
Pickworth, C. L., S. C. Loerch, S. G. Velleman, J. L. Pate, D. H. Poole, F. L. Fluharty. 2010. Adipogenic differentiation state-specific gene expression as related to bovine carcass adiposity. J. Anim. Sci. 88:3229.
Radunz, A. E., F. L. Fluharty, M. L. Day, H. N. Zerby, and S. C. Loerch. 2010. Prepartum dietary energy source fed to beef cows: I. Effects on pre- and postpartum cow performance. JAS. 88:2717-2728.
Cernicchiaro, N., H. N. Zerby, F. L. Fluharty, and S. C. Loerch, M. D. Kauffman, and J. T. LeJeune. 2010. A randomized controlled trial to assess the impact of dietary energy sources, feed supplements, and the presence of super-shedders on the detection of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in feedlot cattle using different diagnostic procedures. Foodborne Pathogens and Disease. 9:1071-1081.
Smith, S. N., M.E. Davis, and S. C. Loerch. 2010. Residual feed intake of Angus beef cattle divergently selected for feed conversion ratio. Livestock Science. 132:41-47.
Oklahoma State University
Holland, B.P., L.O. Burciaga-Robles, D.L. VanOverbeke, J.N. Shook, D.L. Step, C.J. Richards, and C.R. Krehbiel. 2010. Effect of clinical bovine respiratory disease during the growing phase on subsequent feedlot growth performance, carcass characteristics, and beef attributes. J. Anim. Sci. 88:24862499.
Burciaga-Robles, L.O., C.R. Krehbiel, D.L. Step, B.P. Holland, C.J. Richards, M.A. Montelongo, A.W. Confer, and R.W. Fulton. 2010. Effects of exposure to calves persistently infected with bovine viral diarrhea virus type 1b and subsequent infection with Mannheima haemolytica on clinical signs and immune parameters: Model for bovine respiratory disease via viral and bacterial interaction. J. Anim. Sci. 88:21662178.
Burciaga-Robles, L.O., C.R. Krehbiel, D.L. Step, B.P. Holland, C.J. Richards, M.A. Montelongo, A.W. Confer, and R.W. Fulton. 2010. Effects of exposure to calves persistently infected with bovine viral diarrhea virus type 1b and Mannheimia haemolytica challenge on animal performance, N balance, and visceral organ mass in beef steers. J. Anim. Sci. 88:21792188.
Dye, T.K., L.O. Burciaga-Robles, C.R. Krehbiel, D.L. Step, R.W. Fulton, A.W. Confer, and C.J. Richards. 2010. Rumen temperature change monitored with remote reporting rumen temperature boluses following challenges with Bovine Viral Diarrhea Virus and Mannheimia haemoytica. J. Anim. Sci. (published online Dec. 17, 2010).
Kinman, L.A., G.G. Hilton, C.J. Richards, J.B. Morgan, C.R. Krehbiel, R.B. Hicks, J.W. Dillwith, and D.L. VanOverbeke. 2010. Impact of feeding various levels of wet and dry distillers grains to yearling steers on palatability, fatty acid profile, and retail case life of longissimus muscle. J. Anim. Sci. (published online Oct. 8, 2010).
Purdue University
Garmyn, A. J., G. G. Hilton, R. G. Mateescu, J. B. Morgan, J. M. Reecy, R. G. Tait, D. C. Beitz, Q. Duan, M. S. Mayes, J. P. Schoonmaker, and D. L. VanOverbeke. 2011. Estimation of relationships between mineral concentration and fatty acid composition of longissimus muscle and beef palatability traits. J. Anim. Sci. (accepted).
South Dakota State University
Wertz-Lutz, A. E., J. S. Jennings, and J. A. Clapper. 2010. Plasma ghrelin concentrations of beef cattle consuming a similar amount of dietary energy supplied by different ingredients. J. Anim. Sci. 88:2289-2299.
Proceedings and Technical Reports:
Iowa State University
Hansen, S.L. 2011. Alleviating Sulfur Toxicity- ISU Research Update. Plains Nutrition Council.
Utah State University
Noviandi, C. T., J.-S. Eun, D. R. ZoBell, R. D. Stott, B. L. Waldron, and M. D. Peel. 2011. Growth performance and carcass characteristics of beef steers grazing tall fescue without and with nitrogen fertilization. Western Section, American Society of Animal Science. (accepted)
Eun, J.-S., B. R. Min, B. J. Min, D. R. ZoBell, and A. J. Young. Effects of tannin extracts on in vitro growth of pathogenic and ruminal acidosis-causing bacteria. 8th International Symposium on the Nutrition of Herbivores. (submitted)
University of Minnesota
Crawford, G. I. and R. B. Cox. 2010. The effect of distillers grains on meat quality. Proc. 2010 Lewis and Clark Veterinary Conference.
Crawford, G. I. 2010. Feeding the next generation of corn ethanol byproducts to beef cattle. Proc. 2010 Minnesota Nutrition Conference. pp. 90-101.
DiCostanzo, A., and G. I. Crawford. 2010. Considerations on feedlot facility design, retrofitting, and maintenance. Proc. 2010 Cargill Feedlot Conference.
South Dakota State University
Bruns, K. W., and R. H. Pritchard. 2010. Duration of Feeding: Decision Points. Proc. The Plains Nutrition Council Spring Conference. Pub. AREC 10-57 Tex. A&M Univ. Res. and Ext. Ctr., Amarillo.
University of Wisconsin
Radunz, A. E., 2010. Considerations for feeding 2009 poor corn crop to beef cattle. UW Extension Cattle Feeder Clinics Proceedings. http://fyi.uwex.edu/wbic/resources/feedlot/
Radunz, A. E., 2010. Feedlot management strategies to improve feed efficiency. UW Extension Cattle Feeder Clinics Proceedings. http://fyi.uwex.edu/wbic/resources/feedlot/
Iowa State University
Drewnoski, M.E., D.C Beitz, D.D. Loy, S.M. Ensley and S.L. Hansen. 2011. Factors affecting ruminal hydrogen sulfide concentration of cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 89, E-Suppl. 2 (Abstr. 310).
Morine, S.J., M.E. Drewnoski and S.L. Hansen. 2011. Effects of corn addition to fiber-based supplements on growing cattle performance and forage digestion. J. Anim. Sci. 89, E-Suppl. 2 (Abstr. 355).
Pogge, D.J. and S.L. Hansen. 2011. Effect of supplemental vitamin C on performance and carcass characteristics of cattle fed varying concentrations of dietary sulfur. PNC.
Richter, E.L., M.E. Drewnoski, C.J. Ziemer and S.L. Hansen. 2011. High dietary sulfur modifies volatile fatty acid profiles and increases hydrogen sulfide gas production. J. Anim. Sci. 89, E-Suppl. 2 (Abstr. 313).
Drewnoski, M.E., E.L. Richter, and S.L. Hansen. 2010. Days on feed and dietary sulfur content affect rumen hydrogen sulfide concentrations in feedlot steers J. Anim. Sci. 88, E-Suppl. 2 (Abstr. 558).
Hansen, S.L., J.W. Spears and R.S. Fry. 2010. Using nutrigenomics to elucidate interrelationships in trace mineral metabolism. J. Anim. Sci. 88, E-Suppl. 2 (Abstr. 159).
Hansen, S.L., E.L. Richter, and M.E. Drewnoski. 2010. Angus and Simmental calves exhibit differential trace mineral metabolism. J. Anim. Sci. 88, E-Suppl. 2 (Abstr. 388).
Loy, D.D., D.R. Strohbehn, H.J. Sellers and D.G. Morrical. 2010. Extended storage of modified distillers grains. J. Anim. Sci. 88, Suppl. 3:60 (Abstr. 55).
Loy, D.D., D.R. Strohbehn, H.J. Sellers and D.G. Morrical. 2010. Extended storage of wet distillers grains mixed with ground hay. J. Anim. Sci. 88, Suppl. 3:60 (Abstr. 56).
Richter, E.L., M.E. Drewnoski, and S.L. Hansen. 2010. Dietary sulfur negatively affects gain and mineral status in beef steers. J. Anim. Sci. 88, E-Suppl. 2 (Abstr. 552).
University of Minnesota
Fink, R. C., J. M. Popowski, J. P. Jaderborg, D. M. Paulus, K. M. McClelland, J. L. Dahlberg, G. I. Crawford, A. DiCostanzo, R. B. Cox, and F. Diez-Gonzalez. 2011. The prevalence of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in cattle fed distillers grains and harvested through an abattoir in Minnesota. J. Anim. Sci. 89 (E-Suppl. 2): 305(Abstr.).
Jaderborg, J. P., G. I. Crawford, and A. DiCostanzo. 2011. Effect of length of hay access on body weight gain and hay waste in beef cows. Midwest Section Meeting of ASAS/ADSA. Des Moines, Iowa. J. Anim. Sci. 89 (E-Suppl. 2): 318(Abstr.).
Kelzer, J. M. Popowski, S. Bird, R. Cox, G. I. Crawford, and A. DiCostanzo. 2011. Effects of including low fat dried distillers grains in finishing diets on feedlot performance and carcass characteristics of beef steers. Midwest Section Meeting of ASAS/ADSA. Des Moines, Iowa. J. Anim. Sci. 89 (E-Suppl. 2): 104(Abstr.).
Paulus, D. M., J. P. Jaderborg, C. Belknap, G. I. Crawford, and A. DiCostanzo. 2011. Effect of inclusion of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae fermentation product in feedlot diets with two different sulfur concentrations. Midwest Section Meeting of ASAS/ADSA. Des Moines, Iowa. J. Anim. Sci. 89 (E-Suppl. 2): 96(Abstr.).
Popowski, J. M., R. C. Fink, J. P. Jaderborg, D. M. Paulus, K. M. McClelland, J. L. Dahlberg, G. I. Crawford, A. DiCostanzo, R. B. Cox, and F. Diez-Gonzalez. 2011. Prevalence of Escherichia coli O157 in cattle fed distillers grains in Minnesota feedlots. Midwest Section Meeting of ASAS/ADSA. Des Moines, Iowa. J. Anim. Sci. 89 (E-Suppl. 2): 304(Abstr.).
Popowski, J., J. Kelzer , G. I. Crawford, A. DiCostanzo, and R. Cox. 2011. Effect of low fat dried distillers grains on consumer sensory characteristics of longissimus strip steaks and cooked sausage. Midwest Section Meeting of ASAS/ADSA. Des Moines, Iowa. J. Anim. Sci. 89 (E-Suppl. 2): 149(Abstr.).
Ruiz Moreno, M., E. Seitz, G. Crawford, A. DiCostanzo, and M. D. Stern. 2011. In vitro effect of starch and sulfur on rumen gas production and hydrogen sulfide release. Midwest Section Meeting of ASAS/ADSA. Des Moines, Iowa. J. Anim. Sci. 89 (E-Suppl. 2): 312(Abstr.).
Jaderborg, J. P., S. L. Bird, G. I. Crawford, R. Walker, B. J. Funnell, and A. DiCostanzo. 2010. Effects of feeding site and hay processing on dry matter intake and hay waste by wintering beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. 88(E-Suppl. 3):132(Abstract 294).
Jaderborg, J. P., S. L. Bird, G. I. Crawford, R. Walker, B. J. Funnell, and A. DiCostanzo. 2010. Supplement moisture and feeding site affect feed intake and waste by wintering beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. 88(E-Suppl. 3):66(Abstract 85).
Jaderborg, J. P., G. I. Crawford, C. Lahr, H. Blalock, and A. DiCostanzo. 2010. Nutrient concentration as affected by supplement form (liquid vs dry) in a high moisture finishing ration. J. Anim. Sci. 88(E-Suppl. 3):139(Abstract 323).
Kelzer, J. M., C. R. Dahlen, G. I. Crawford, and A. DiCostanzo. 2010. Effects of spaying and terminal implant strategy on performance and carcass characteristics of beef feedlot heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 88(E-Suppl. 3):71(Abstract 97).
Kelzer, J.M., M. V. Fossa, M. Ruiz-Moreno, G. I. Crawford, and A. DiCostanzo. 2010. Effect of dehydrated yeast culture on in vitro gas and hydrogen sulfide production in cultures using low- or high-sulfur feedlot diets as substrate. J. Anim. Sci. 88(E-Suppl. 3):125(Abstract 266).
Kelzer, J.M., T. D. Maddock, T. N. Holt, A. DiCostanzo, G. I. Crawford, and G. C. Lamb. 2010. Effects of supplemental manganese on performance and stress responses in beef cattle fed low- and high-sulfur finishing diets containing distillers grains plus solubles. J. Anim. Sci. 88(E-Suppl. 2):512 (Abstract 556).
Kelzer, J. M., T. D. Maddock, M. Ruiz-Moreno, A. DiCostanzo, G. I. Crawford, and G. C. Lamb. 2010. Effects of supplemental manganese on ruminal pH and hydrogen sulfide concentration in beef steers fed high-sulfur diets containing distillers grains plus solubles. J. Anim. Sci. 88(E-Suppl. 2):512 (Abstract 555).
Kelzer, J.M., M. Ruiz-Moreno, A. DiCostanzo, and G. I. Crawford. 2010. Effect of manganese oxide on in vitro gas and hydrogen sulfide production in cultures using high-sulfur distillers grains based substrate. J. Anim. Sci. 88(E-Suppl. 3):125(Abstract 267).
Michigan State University
Cross, L.D., S. R. Rust, and W. J. Powers. 2010. Inclusion of molybdenum and copper with high distillers grain diets as a strategy to mitigate hydrogen sulfide emissions. American Society of Animal Science Annual Meeting. J. Anim. Sci., 88(E-Suppl. 2):511.
Grooms, D.L., J. Schweihofer, K. Metz, and S.R. Rust. 2010. Effect of tail-docking on health and performance on feedlot calves housed in confined slatted floor facilities. Amer. Assoc. Bovine Prac.
The Ohio State University
Felix, T.L., and S.C. Loerch. 2010. Effects of copper supplementation on performance and carcass characteristics of cattle fed diets containing 60% DDGS. Joint Mtg. Abstracts. J. Anim. Sci. 88:E-Suppl. 2.
Felix, T.L., and S.C. Loerch. 2010. Effects of limit feeding corn or dried distillers grains (DDGS) at two intakes during the growing phase on feedlot cattle performance. Sect. Mtg. Abstracts. J. Anim. Sci. 88:E-Suppl. 3.
Oklahoma State University
Burken, D.B., J.L. Wahrmund, B.P. Holland, C.R. Krehbiel, and C.J. Richards. 2010. Two ration blending vs. traditional step-up adaptation to finishing diets: Performance and carcass characteristics. Plains Nutr. Council Spring Conf. Publ. p. 99. Texas A&M Research and Extension Center, Amarillo.
Wahrmund, J.L., D.B. Burken, B.K. Wilson, S.J. Terrill, D.L. Step, C.R. Krehbiel, C.L. Goad, and C.J. Richards. 2010. Bovine respiratory disease identification in newly received feedlot cattle using remote ruminal temperature monitoring: Performance, health, and carcass characteristics. Plains Nutr. Council Spring Conf. Publ. p. 124. Texas A&M Research and Extension Center, Amarillo.
Burken, D.B., K.G. Hanger. R.B. Hicks, D.L. VanOverbeke, J.L. Wahrmund, B.P. Holland, J.J. Martin, P.K. Camfield, and C.J. Richards. 2010. Supplemental vitamin E concentration in beef finishing diets containing wet distillers grains with solubles: feedlot performance and carcass characteristics. J. Anim. Sci. 88(E-Suppl. 2):702.
Wahrmund, J.L., J.R. Ronchesel, C.R. Krehbiel, and C.J. Richards. 2010. Ruminal and rectal temperatures during acidosis challenge. J. Anim. Sci. 88(E-Suppl. 2):573.
Wahrmund, J.L., D.B. Burken, B.K. Wilson, S.J. Terrill, D.L. Step, C.R. Krehbiel, C.L. Goad, and C.J. Richards. 2010. Newly received feedlot heifers managed with three respiratory disease protocols. J. Anim. Sci. 88(E-Suppl. 2):738.
Purdue University
Reecy, J. M., R. G. Tait, D. L. VanOverbeke, A. J. Garmyn, R. G. Mateescu, A. L. Van Eenennaam, Q. Duan, Q. Liu, J. P. Schoonmaker, M. E. Drewnoski, D. C. Beitz, K. Kizilkaya, R. L. Fernando, and D. J. Garrick. 2010. Use of genomics to improve healthfulness and quality of meat. Proceedings of the 9th World Congress of Genetics Applied to Livestock Production, Leipzig, Germany.
Nafikov, R. A., J. P. Schoonmaker, K. T. Korn, K. Noack, D. J. Garrick, K. J. Koehler, J. Minick-Bormann, J. M. Reecy, D. E. Spurlock, and D. C. Beitz. 2010. Association of polymorphisms in GPAT4 and SLC27A6 genes with bovine milk fat percentage and fatty acid composition. J. Anim. Sci. 88, E. Suppl./J. Dairy Sci. 93, D. Suppl./Poult. Sci. 89, E. Suppl./i-ii.
Korn, K. T., M. C. Claeys, R. P. Lemenager, and J. P. Schoonmaker. 2011. Vitamin D3 effect on performance and meat tenderness in steers fed zilpaterol hydrochloride. J. Anim. Sci. 89, E. Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. 94, E. Suppl. P 120
Reecy, J. M., R. G. Tait, D. L. VanOverbeke, A. J. Garmyn, R. G. Mateescu, A. L. Van Eenennaam, Q. Duan, Q. Liu, J. P. Schoonmaker, M. E. Drewnoski, D. C. Beitz, K. Kizilkayal, R. L. Fernando, and D. J. Garrick. 2011. Use of genomics to improve the fatty acid composition of meat. J. Anim. Sci. 89, E. Suppl. 2/J. Dairy Sci. 94, E. Suppl. P 51.
South Dakota State University
Beck, R. M., A. E. Wertz-Lutz, J. Held. C. Wright, R. D. Zelinsky, and C. L. Delvaux. 2010. Effects of glycerol and sire breed on growth and carcass traits of finishing whether lambs. J. Anim. Sci. 88 (Suppl. 2): Abstr. 81.
Delvaux, C. L., J. S. Jennings, A. E. Wertz-Lutz. 2010. Abundance of growth hormone secreteagogue receptor and PPARy2 in longissimus dorsi of beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 88 (Suppl.2):Abstr. W157.
Jennings, T. D., K. R. Underwood, A. E. Wertz-Lutz, and A. D. Weaver. 2010. Maternal nutrition differentially influenced expression of genes responsible for fetal adipocyte development. J. Anim. Sci. 88 (Suppl.1)2:Abstr. 636.
Jennings, J.S., R.H. Pritchard, D.H. Keisler, A.D. Weaver, J.A. Clapper, and A. E. Wertz-Lutz. 2010. The relationship between plasma leptin and ghrelin concentrations and the presence of the ghrelin receptor in beef cattle exhibiting differences in composition of gain. J. Anim. Sci. 88 (Suppl. 2): Abstr. 274.
Mrozinski, J. M., R. H. Pritchard, B. P. Holland, and G. W. Warmann. 2011. Cost Analysis of Cattle Feeding Systems. Pub. AREC 2011-15 Tex. A&M Univ. Res. and Ext. Ctr., Amarillo.
Utah State University
Min, B. J., B. R. Min, J. M. Sieg, J.-S. Eun, D. R. ZoBell, and D. C. Tice. Effects of tannin extracts on in vitro growth of selected food-borne pathogenic bacteria. 2011 ADSA-ASAS Annual Meeting. (accepted)
Eun, J.-S., B. R. Min, J. M. Sieg, D. R. ZoBell, and A. J. Young. Tannin extracts decrease in vitro growth of ruminal acidosis-causing bacteria in pure culture. 2011 ADSA-ASAS Annual Meeting. (accepted)
Vera, J. M., C. T. Noviandi, A.-H. Smith, D. R. ZoBell, and J.-S. Eun. Effects of supplementing an exogenous proteolytic enzyme on growth performance in finishing beef steers. 2011 ADSA-ASAS Annual Meeting. (accepted)
Vera, J. M., T. Astuti, A.-H. Smith, D. R. ZoBell, and J.-S. Eun. Effects of supplementing an exogenous proteolytic enzyme in beef finishing diets on ruminal fermentation in continuous cultures. 2011 ADSA-ASAS Annual Meeting. (accepted)
Noviandi, C. T., R. E. Ward, J.-S. Eun, D. R. ZoBell, R. D. Stott, T. Astuti, B. L. Waldron, and M. D. Peel. Fatty acid profiles in adipose tissue of grazing and feedlot beef steers. 2011 ADSA-ASAS Annual Meeting. (accepted)
Experiment Station Publications:
Iowa State University
IBC 46. Drewnoski, M.E., S.L. Hansen, D.D. Loy. 2011. How much distillers can I include in my feedlot diet? A Factsheet about managing risk of sulfur toxicity when feeding high levels of distillers grains in feedlot cattle diets.
AS Leaflet-R2581 Fed Cattle Performance in Open Lots and Bedded Confinements (Authors: Jeff Pastoor, Dan Loy)
AS Leaflet-R2582 Environmental Conditions in Beef Deep-Bedded Mono-Slope Facilities (Authors: Mindy Spiehs, Bryan Woodbury, Beth Doran, Roger Eigenberg, Kris Kohl, Vince Varel, Elaine Berry, James Wells)
AS Leaflet-R2583 A Summary of Iowa Cattle Market Data (Authors: Garland Dahlke, Daryl Strohbehn)
AS Leaflet-R2584 Diesel Fuel Price as a means of Forecasting Livestock Yardage Costs (Author: Garland Dahlke)
AS Leaflet-R2586 Potential of Chemically Treated Corn Stover and Modified Distiller Grains as a Partial Replacement for Corn Grain in Feedlot Diets (Authors: Jim Russell, Dan Loy, Jessica Anderson, Mike Cecava)
AS Leaflet-R2587 Factors Affecting Ruminal Hydrogen Sulfide Concentration of Cattle (Authors: Mary Drewnoski, Don Beitz, Dan Loy, Stephanie Hansen, Steve Ensley)
AS Leaflet-R2588 Days on Feed and Dietary Sulfur Content Affect Rumen Hydrogen Sulfide Concentrations in Feedlot Steers (Authors: Mary Drewnoski, Erin Richter, Stephanie Hansen)
AS Leaflet-R2589 Effects of Dietary Sulfur Concentration on Carcass Quality, Performance and Mineral Status of Beef Cattle (Authors: Erin Richter, Mary Drewnoski, Stephanie Hansen)
AS Leaflet-R2590 Mixing Wet Distillers Grain in Beef Feed Rations (Authors: Nathan Schuler, Daryl Strohbehn, Dan Loy, Carl Bern, Thomas Brumm)
AS Leaflet-R2591 The Feeding Value of Heat Damaged Corn Grain in Cattle Diets (Authors: Garland Dahlke, Mary Drewnoski)
AS Leaflet-R2593 Trace Mineral Clearance from Plasma and Liver Following Injection is Affected by Cattle Breed (Authors: Danielle Pogge, Erin Richter, Mary Drewnoski, Stephanie Hansen)
Michigan State University
Rust, S. R. 2010. What is the cost of a poor receiving program? Anim. Sci. Staff Paper #557
Rust, S. R. 2010. Getting the most out of a poor corn crop. Anim. Sci. Staff Paper #558
Rust, S.R. 2010. Feeding distillers soluble to beef cattle. Anim. Sci. Staff Paper # 559.
Rust, S. R. 2010. E coli O157:H7- What is it, why is the beef industry being criticized and how to prevent it. Anim. Sci. Staff Paper # 560.
Rust, S. R. 2010. Feeding vomitoxin contaminated corn. Anim. Sci. Staff Paper # 561.
South Dakota State University
Wertz-Lutz, A. E., R. H. Pritchard, D. C. McFarland, and K.W. Bruns. 2010. Effects of dietary energy source and corn oil inclusion on plasma metabolite and lipid profiles and intramuscular adipose and muscle accretion in beef cattle. 2010-10. Pages 52-63. South Dakota Ag. Exp. Sta. Beef Report, Brookings.
Jennings, J. S. R. H. Pritchard, K. W. Bruns, D. H. Keisler, and A. E. Wertz-Lutz. 2010. Relationship of circulating ghrelin and leptin concentrations in beef cattle exhibiting differences in composition of gain. 2010-08. Pages 34-43. South Dakota Ag. Exp. Sta. Beef Report, Brookings.
Jennings, J. S., J. A. Clapper, A. D. Weaver, and A. E. Wertz-Lutz. 2010. The presence of growth hormone secretagogue receptor (ghrelin receptor) in metabolic tissues of beef cattle with differences in composition of gain. 2010-09. Pages 44-51. South Dakota Ag. Exp. Sta. Beef Report, Brookings.
Jennings, T. D., K. R. Underwood, A. E. Wertz-Lutz, and A. D. Weaver. 2010. Effect of maternal nutrition on fetal adipocyte development. South 2010-11. Pages 64-70. South Dakota Ag. Exp. Sta. Beef Report, Brookings.
Pritchard, R. H., A. Wertz-Lutz, K. W. Bruns, and D. M. Wulf. 2010. Influence of dietary corn oil on production efficiencies and adipose and muscle accretion in beef cattle. 2010-04. Pages 1319. South Dakota Ag. Exp. Sta. Beef Report, Brookings.
Bartosh, A. J., A. E. Wertz-Lutz, and C. L. Wright. 2010. Effect of supplemental fat from dried distillers grains with solubles or corn oil on nutrient digestibility. 2010-05. Pages 20-26. South Dakota Ag. Exp. Sta. Beef Report, Brookings.
Section D. Extension/Outreach Activities
Publications including Trade Publications and Newsletters:
Iowa State University
Loy, D. 2010. Background systemsadding value, adding pounds. Proceedings 2010 Iowa
Beef Center Winter Cow Meeting Series-Doing Business in an Information-based Marketplace (11 meetings across Iowa)
Loy, D. 2010. Feed Managementbunker to bunk. Proceedings 2010 Iowa Beef Center Feedlot Forum (6 meeting series across Iowa)
Loy, D. 2010. Supplementing beef rations with byproducts (Three meetings across West Virginia)
University of Minnesota
Crawford, G. I. The importance of carcass data for the beef cow/calf producer. Minnesota Farm Guide. September 2010.
Crawford, G. I. Backgrounding provides opportunity to add value to beef calves after weaning. Minnesota Farm Guide. July 2010.
Crawford, G. I. Dairy steers present challenges, opportunities for feedlot producers. Minnesota Farm Guide. June 2010.
Crawford, G. I. Development of youth in the beef industry the focus of the Minnesota Beef Industry Partners Conference. Minnesota Farm Guide. June 2010.
Michigan State University
Cross, L.D., S. R. Rust. 2010. Levels of distillers grain plus soluble in feedlot diets and strategies to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions. The Michigan Cattleman. Vol 25:16-17.
South Dakota State University
Holland, B. P. 2010. Expectations of cattle performance. The South Dakota Cattleman. Sept.-Oct. 2010. Pierre, SD.
Holalnd, B. P. 2011. Profit trends and optimum end points for cattle. The South Dakota Cattleman. May-June 2011. Pierre, SD.
Holland, B. P. 2010. West River Beef Days. 5 locations in western SD.
Holland, B. P. 2011. BeefSD. 3 locations in western SD.
University of Wisconsin
Radunz, A. E. 2010. Beef Quality Assurance: Return on Investment. UW Extension Dairy and Beef Cattle Husbandry Conference
Miller, Z., B. Halfman, and A. E. Radunz. 2010. Receiving health program critical for cattle purchased at sale barn.
Courses or Conferences Organized:
Iowa State University
Sulfur and distillers grains-what are the limits? 2011. Webinar. Iowa State University and University of Nebraska-Lincoln joint production.
University of Minnesota
Minnesota Beef Industry Partners Conference, June 2010
Carcass Merit Program Open House, September 2010
Minnesota Beef Expo Youth Beef Experience, October 2010
Northwest Minnesota Fall Beef Roundup, November 2010
Minnesota Cattle Feeder Days, December 2010
Minnesota Beef Cow/Calf Days, February 2011
Michigan State University
Great Lakes Professional Cattle Feeding and Marketing Shortcourse
Oklahoma State University
Oklahoma Cattlemens College. July 2010.
OSU Beef Industry Conference. April 2010.
5-State Beef Conference. September 2010.
South Dakota State University
FEDs Summer Feedlot and Marketing Considerations. July 2010.
Opportunities Farm Livestock Seminar. July 2010.
Beginning Entrepreneurs Expanding the Future of South Dakota (BEEFSD). 2011-2014.
University of Wisconsin
UW Extension Cattle Feeder Clinics 11 locations, Feb. 2010
Section E. Activities
In addition to the NCCC-208 annual meeting hosted by South Dakota State University in Brookings, SD May 24-26, 2011, the committee held a preliminary planning meeting at the Midwest Section of the American Society of Animal Science annual meeting in Des Moines, IA March 19, 2011. Additional collaborative activities involving members of the committee included the ISU-UNL Sulfur webinar held 1/6/11. Collaborative grant submissions to the USDA-AFRI included multiple submissions with 2 or more committee member collaborators.
Section C: Publications
2011 Refereed Journal Articles and Book Chapters:
Iowa State University
Fry, R.S., T.T. Brown Jr, K.E. Lloyd, S.L. Hansen, L.R. Legleiter, W.P. Robarge and J.W. Spears. 2011. Effect of dietary boron on physiological responses in growing steers inoculated with bovine herpesvirus type-1. Res. Vet. Sci. doi:10.1016/j.rvsc.2010.04.016.
Koknaroglu, H., D. Loy, M. Hoffman, A. Trenkle and J. Lawrence. 2011. Integration of pasture systems for cattle finishing programs. Asian Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 6 (2):132-154.
Pastoor, J. W., D. D. Loy, A. Trenkle, and J. D. Lawrence. 2011. Comparing Fed Cattle Performance in Open lot and bedded confinement feedlot facilities. Professional Animal Scientist (submitted)
Pogge, D.J., E. L. Richter, M. E. Drewnoski and S. L. Hansen. 2012. Mineral concentrations of plasma and liver following injection with a trace mineral complex differ among Angus and Simmental cattle. J. Animal. Sci. Papers in press: doi:10.2527/jas.2011-4482.
Drewnoski, M.E., S.M. Ensley, D.C. Beitz, D.D. Loy, P.M. Imerman, J.A. Rathje, and S.L. Hansen. 2012. Assessment of ruminal hydrogen sulfide or urine thiosulfate as diagnostic tools for sulfur induced polioencephalomalacia in cattle. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation (accepted).
N. J. Schuler, C. J. Bern, D. D. Loy, T. J. Brumm, D. R. Strohbehn. 2012. Mixing beef feed rations containing wet distillers grains. Applied Engineering in Agriculture (submitted)
University of Minnesota
Marino, C.T., W.G. Otero, P.H.M. Rodrigues, A. DiCostanzo, D.D. Millen, R.L.D. Pacheco, N. DiLorenzo, C.L. Martins, and M.D.B. Arrigoni. 2011. Effects of adding polyclonal antibody preparations on ruminal fermentation patterns and digestibility of cows fed different energy sources. J.Anim. Sci. 89:3228-3235.
DiCostanzo, A. and C.L. Wright. 2011. Distillers Grains for Beef Cattle. In: Distillers Grains: Production, Properties and Utilization. (K. Liu and K.A. Rosentrater, editors). AOCS Publishing. 2011.
University of Nebraska
Bremer, V. R., A. K. Watson, A. J. Liska, G. E. Erickson, K. G. Cassman, K. J. Hanford, and T. J. Klopfenstein. 2011. Impact of distillers grains moisture and inclusion level in livestock diets on greenhouse gas emissions in the corn ethanol livestock life cycle. Prof. Anim. Sci. 27:449-455.
Buckner, C. D., V. R. Bremer, T. J. Klopfenstein, G. E. Erickson, K. J. Vander Pol, K. K. Karges, and M. L. Gibson. 2011. Evaluation of a prefermentation-fractionated by-product corn grain dry milling ethanol process in growing and finishing cattle diets. Prof. Anim. Sci. 27:295-301.
Buckner, C. D., M. F. Wilken, J. R. Benton, S. J. Vanness, V. R. Bremer, T. J. Klopfenstein, P. J. Kononoff, and G. E. Erickson. 2011. Nutrient variability for distillers grains plus soluble and dry matter determination of ethanol by-products. Prof. Anim. Scient. 27:57-64.
Driskell, Judy A., Young-Nam Kim, David W. Giraud, Fayrene L. Hamouz, Amilton S. de Mello Jr., Galen E. Erickson, and Chris R. Calkins. 2011. Vitamin and mineral content of value cuts from beef steers fed distillers grains. J. Food Comp. Analy. 24:362-367.
Jenkins, K. H., K. J. Vander Pol, J. T. Vasconcelos, S. A. Fruman, C. T. Milton, G. E. Erickson, and T. J. Klopfenstein. 2011. Effect of degradable intake protein supplementation in finishing diets containing dried distillers grains or wet distillers grains pus solubles on performance and carcass characteristics. Prof. Anim. Sci. 27:312-318.
Luebbe, M. K., G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, M. A. Greenquist, and J. R. Benton. 2011. Effect of dietary cation-anion difference on urinary pH, feedlot performance, nitrogen mass balance and manure pH in open feedlot pens. J. Anim. Sci.89:489-500.
Luebbe, M. K., G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, M. A. Greenquist, and J. R. Benton. 2011. Composting or stockpiling of feedlot manure in Nebraska: Nutrient concentration and mass balance. Prof. Anim. Scient. 27:83-91.
The Ohio State University
Relling, A. E., C. K. Reynolds, and S. C. Loerch. 2011. Effect of feeding fat or intra-jugular infusion of glucagon-like peptide-1 and cholecystokinin on dry matter intake, digestibility, and digesta rate of passage in growing wethers. J. Anim. Sci. 89:168-178.
Pickworth, C. L., S. C. Loerch, S. G. Velleman, J. L. Pate, D. H. Poole, F. L. Fluharty. 2011. Adipogenic differentiation state-specific gene expression as related to bovine carcass adiposity. J. Anim. Sci. 88:355-366.
Radunz, A. E., F. L. Fluharty, H. N. Zerby, and S. C. Loerch. 2011. Winter feeding systems for gestation sheep: I. Effects on pre- and postpartum ewe performance and lamb progeny preweaning performance. J. Anim. Sci. 89:467-477.
Radunz, A. E., F. L. Fluharty, I. Susin, T. L. Felix, H. N. Zerby, and S. C. Loerch. 2011. Winter feeding systems for gestation sheep: II. Effects on feedlot performance, glucose tolerance, and carcass composition of lamb progeny. J. Anim. Sci. 89:478-488.
Zerby, H. N., J. L. Bard, S. C. Loerch, P. S. Kuber, A. E. Radunz, and F. L. Fluharty. 2011. Effects of diet and Aspergillus oryzae extract or Saccharomyces on growth and carcass characteristics of lambs and steers fed to meet requirements of natural markets. J. Anim. Sci. 89:2257-2264.
Rodriguez-Palacios, A., C. Pickworth, S. Loerch, and J. T. LeJeune. 2011. Clostridium difficile in finishing beef cattle: Transient fecal shedding and limited animal-to-animal transmission in a naturally infected feedlot. Applied Environmental Microbiology. 77:3391-3397.
Felix, T. L. , A. E. Radunz, and S. C. Loerch. 2011. Effects of limit feeding corn or dried distillers grains with solubles at two intakes during the growing phase on the performance of feedlot cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 89:2273-2279.
Felix, T. L. and S. C. Loerch. 2011. Effects of haylage and monensin supplementation on performance, carcass characteristics, and ruminal metabolism of feedlot cattle fed diets containing 60% dried distillers grains. J. Anim. Sci. 89:2614-2623.
Ferreira, E. M., A. V. Pires, I. Susin, C. Q. Mendes, M. A. A. Queiroz, R. C. Araujo, F. S. Urano, G. H. Rodrigues, and S. C. Loerch. 2011. Growth performance, carcass characteristics, and eating behavior of feedlot lambs fed high-concentrate diets containing soybean hulls. J. Anim. Sci. 89:4120-4126.
Ferreira, E. M., A. V. Pires, I. Susin, C. Q. Mendes, M. A. A. Queiroz, R. C. Araujo, F. S. Urano, G. H. Rodrigues, and S. C. Loerch. 2011. Apparent digestibility, nitrogen balance, and ruminal constituents in ram lambs fed high-concentrate diets containing soybean hulls. J. Anim. Sci. 89:4127-4133.
Gibb, D. J., F. H. Herk, P. S. Mir, S. C. Loerch, and T. A. McAllister. 2011. Removal of supplemental vitamin A from barley-based diets improves marbling if feedlot heifers. Canadian J. Anim. Sci. 91:669-674.
Purdue University
Garmyn, A. J., G. G. Hilton, R. G. Mateescu, J. B. Morgan, J. M. Reecy, R. G. Tait, D. C. Beitz, Q. Duan, M. S. Mayes, J. P. Schoonmaker, and D. L. VanOverbeke. 2011. Estimation of relationships between mineral concentration and fatty acid composition of longissimus muscle and beef palatability traits. J. Anim. Sci. 89:2849-2858.
Schoonmaker, J. 2012. Nutrition of Ruminants. (Chapter 6). In: Animal Science and Industry, 8th Edition, Edit. M. Cunningham, M. A. Latour, and D. Acker., Pearson & Prentice Hall, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ.
Schoonmaker, J. P., and D. C. Beitz. 2012. Hydrogen sulphide: synthesis, physiological roles and pathology associated with feeding cattle maize co-products of the ethanol industry. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. (in press)
South Dakota State University
Mueller, C. J., H. M. Blalock, and R. H. Pritchard. 2011. Use of soybean hulls as a replacement for dry rolled corn in beef cattle feedlot receiving diets. J. Anim. Sci. 89:3954-3972
Jennings, J.S., A.E. Wertz-Lutz, R.H. Pritchard, A.D. Weaver, D.H. Keisler, and K.W. Bruns. 2011. Circulating ghrelin and leptin concentrations and growth hormone secretagogue receptor abundance in liver, muscle, and adipose tissue of beef cattle exhibiting differences in composition of gain. J. Anim. Sci. 89:3954-3972
Utah State University
Noviandi, C. T., R. E. Ward, D. R. ZoBell, R. D. Stott, B. L. Waldron, M. D. Peel, and J.-S. Eun. 2011. Fatty acid composition in adipose tissue of pasture- and feedlot-finished beef steers. Prof. Anim. Sci.28:184193.
Vera, J. M., A. H. Smith, D. R. ZoBell, A. J. Young, and J.-S. Eun. 2011. Effects of an exogenous proteolytic enzyme on growth performance of beef steers and in vitro ruminal fermentation in continuous cultures. Prof. Anim. Sci. (manuscript in press)
Proceedings and Technical Reports:
Iowa State University
Hansen, S.L. 2011. Alleviating Sulfur Toxicity- ISU Research Update. Plains Nutrition Council.
Michigan State University
Rust, Steven R. 2011. "Potential Uses of Algal Products in Agriculture." July.
Utah State University
Eun, J.-S., B. R. Min, B. J. Min, D. R. ZoBell, and A. J. Young. 2011. Effects of tannin extracts on in vitro growth of pathogenic and ruminal acidosis-causing bacteria. Advances in Animal Biosciences 2:299.
Noviandi, C. T., J.-S. Eun, D. R. ZoBell, R. D. Stott, B. L. Waldron, and M. D. Peel. 2011. Growth performance and carcass characteristics of beef steers grazing tall fescue without or with nitrogen fertilization. Pages 337-340 in Proceedings, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science, Montana State Univ., Miles City, MT.
University of Minnesota
Jaderborg, J. P., G. I. Crawford, and A. DiCostanzo. 2011. Access time to hay feeder by gestating beef cows affects dry matter intake and hay waste. University of Minnesota Beef Report. BR-1103.
Kelzer, J. M., J. M. Popowski, S. Bird, R. B. Cox, G. I. Crawford, and A. DiCostanzo. 2011. Effects of including low fat, high protein dried distillers grains in finishing diets on feedlot performance and carcass characteristics of steers. University of Minnesota Beef Report. BR-1104.
Paulus, D. M., J. P. Jaderborg, C. Belknap, G. I. Crawford, and A. DiCostanzo. 2011. Effect of inclusion of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae fermentation product in feedlot diets with two different sulfur concentrations. University of Minnesota Beef Report. BR-1105.
University of Wisconsin
Radunz, A. E. 2011. Dairy Beef Production as an Alternative Enterprise. In: National Dairy Calf and Heifer Conference Proceedings.
University of Illinois
Pickworth, C.L., T.L. Felix, I. Susin, L.M. Shoup, and S.C. Loerch. 2011. Effects of supplemental dried distillers grains on performance and internal parasites of grazing lambs. Joint Mtg. Abstracts. J. Anim. Sci. 89:E-Suppl. 1.
Retallick1, K.M., D.B.Faulkner, T.G. Nash, R.L.Botts, N.A. Pyatt, and J.L. Bargen. 2011. Impact of Component TE-S and Component TE-S with Tylan on implant defects and performance in steers implanted under clean and dirty conditions. Plains Nutrition Council, April 2011.
Loerch, S.C., F.L. Fluharty, L.A. Morrow, S.A. Metzger, and T.L. Felix. 2012. Effects of dietary sulfur on rumen hydrogen sulfide concentrations over time. Sect. Mtg. Abstracts. J. Anim. Sci. 90: E-Suppl. 2.
Morrow, L.A., T.L. Felix, F.L. Fluharty, S.A. Metzger, and S.C. Loerch. 2012. Effects of hay supplementation in corn and dried distillers grains based diets on performance and rumen metabolism in feedlot cattle. Sect. Mtg. Abstracts. J. Anim. Sci. 90: E-Suppl. 2.
Retallick1, K.M., D.B.Faulkner, T.G. Nash, R.L.Botts, N.A. Pyatt, and J.L. Bargen. 2012. Impact of Component TE-S and Component TE-S with Tylan on implant defects and performance in steers implanted under clean and dirty conditions. Sect. Mtg. Abstracts. J. Anim. Sci. 90: E-Suppl. 2.
Welker, L.R., T.L. Felix, F.A. Ireland, and D.B. Faulkner. 2012. Effects of supplemented dried distillers grains versus corn on internal parasites and performance in growing beef heifers. Sect. Mtg. Abstracts. J. Anim. Sci. 90: E-Suppl. 2.
Wilson, T.B, D. W. Shike, D. B. Faulkner, T. G. Nash, and N. Post. Influence of prepartum diet type on cow performance and subsequent calf performance. 2012. J. Anim. Sci. 90: E-Suppl. 2.
Wilson, T.B., D. W. Shike, D. B. Faulkner, A. R. Schroeder, T. G. Nash, and F. A. Ireland. Effects of prepartum distillers grains supplementation on subsequent steer feedlot performance. 2012. J. Anim. Sci. 90: E-Suppl. 2.
Iowa State University
Drewnoski, M.E., P. Doane, and S.L. Hansen. 2011. Ferric citrate decreases ruminal hydrogen sulfide production in feedlot cattle fed diets high in sulfate. Late Breaking Abstract. J. Anim. Sci.(Suppl. 1) 89:iii.
Pogge, D.J. and S.L. Hansen. 2011. Effect of supplemental vitamin C on performance and antioxidant capacity of cattle fed varying concentrations of dietary sulfur. J. Anim. Sci.(Suppl. 1) 89:259.
Drewnoski, M.E. and S.L. Hansen. 2011. Effect of delaying the feeding of high sulfur diets to feedlot cattle until after adaptation to a finishing diet. J. Anim. Sci.(Suppl. 1) 89:451.
Drewnoski, M.E., D.C Beitz, D.D. Loy, S.M. Ensley and S.L. Hansen. 2011. Factors affecting ruminal hydrogen sulfide concentration of cattle. J. Anim. Sci.(Suppl. 2) 89:149.
Morine, S.J., M.E. Drewnoski and S.L. Hansen. 2011. Effects of corn addition to fiber- based supplements on growing cattle performance and forage digestion. J. Anim. Sci.(Suppl. 2) 89:163. *Undergraduate Poster Competition Paper-1st place
Richter, E.L., M.E. Drewnoski, C.J. Ziemer and S.L. Hansen. 2011. High dietary sulfur modifies volatile fatty acid profiles and increases hydrogen sulfide gas production. J. Anim. Sci.(Suppl. 2) 89:150.
Russell, J. R., D. D. Loy, and M. Cecava. 2011. Potential of calcium oxide-treated corn stover and modified distillers grains as a partial replacement for corn grain in feedlot diets. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 89:362, E-Suppl. 1 (Abstr. T291).
Taylor, J. F., J.E. Beever, S.C. Fahrenkrug, D.B. Faulkner, H.C. Freetly, D.J. Garrick, K.A. Johnson, S.L. Hansen, M.S. Kerley, D.D. Loy, H.L. Neibergs, E.J. Pollak, D. Pomp, C.M. Seabury, R.D. Schnabel, D.W. Shike, T.S. Sonstegard, M.L. Spangler, J.R. Tait, R.L. Weaber. 2011. US consortium for the genetic improvement of feed efficiency in beef cattle. International WorkshopBovine Genetics Contributions to the Future of Livestock. INRA (France). Oct. 2011.
Michigan State University
Venegas, C, R. Mosci, L. Ouellete, A. Khare, P. Singh, S.R. Rust, P. Bartlett, D. Grooms, and S. Manning. 2011. . Prevalence of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) genes by multiplex PCR in cattle and their environment, Michigan 2011. [Abstract] CRWAD.
Cross, L. D., Rust, Steven R., Powers, Wendy J. 2011. Effects of distillers grain with soluble and supplemental copper and molybdenum on ammonia emissions and nitrogen retention. J. Anim. Sci. 90(Suppl. 3):Abstract 121.
University of Minnesota
Fink, R.C., J.M. Popowski, J.P. Jaderborg, D.M. Paulus, K.M. McClelland, J.L. Dahlberg, G.I. Crawford, A. DiCostanzo, R.B. Cox, and F. Diez-Gonzalez. 2011. The prevalence of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in cattle fed distillers grains and harvested through a commercial abattoir in Minnesota. J. Anim. Sci. 89(E-Suppl. 2):147 (Abstract 305).
Jaderborg, J., G. Crawford, and A. DiCostanzo. 2011. Access time to hay feeder by gestating beef cows affects dry matter intake and hay waste. J. Anim. Sci. 89(E- Suppl. 2):151 (Abstract 318).
Ruiz-Moreno, M., E. Seitz, G. Crawford, A. DiCostanzo, and M.D. Stern. 2011. In vitro effect of starch and sulfur on rumen gas production and hydrogen sulfide release. J. Anim. Sci. 89(E-Suppl. 2):150 (Abstract 312).
Kelzer, J.M., J.M. Popowski, S. Bird, R. Cox, G.I. Crawford, and A. DiCostanzo. 2011. Effects of including low fat dried distillers grains in finishing diets on feedlot performance and carcass characteristics of beef steers. J. Anim. Sci. 89(E-Suppl. 2):78 (Abstract 104).
McClelland, K.M., J. P. Jaderborg, D. M. Paulus, J. M. Popowski, G. I. Crawford, A. DiCostanzo, and R. B. Cox. 2011. Effect of Modified Distillers Grains with Solubles and Crude Glycerin Inclusion in Beef Cattle Finishing Diets on Shear Force and Moisture Loss of Beef Strip Steaks. AMSA 64th Reciprocal Meats Conference Manhattan, KS. June 20-22, 2011. Abstract no. 47822.
McClelland, K.M., J. P. Jaderborg, D. M. Paulus, J. M. Popowski, G. I. Crawford, A. DiCostanzo, and R. B. Cox. 2011. Effect of Modified Distillers Grains with Solubles and Crude Glycerin Inclusion in Beef Cattle Finishing Diets on Shelf Life and Sensory Characteristics of Beef Strip Steaks and Ground Beef. AMSA 64th Reciprocal Meats Conference Manhattan, KS. June 20-22, 2011. Abstract no. 47824
Paulus, D.M., J.P. Jaderborg, C. Belknap, G.I. Crawford, and A. DiCostanzo. 2011. Effects of inclusion of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae fermentation product in feedlot diets with two different sulfur concentrations. J. Anim. Sci. 89(E-Suppl. 2):75 (Abstract 96).
Popowski, J.M., R.C. Fink, J.P. Jaderborg, D.M. Paulus, K.M. McClelland, J.L. Dahlberg, G.I. Crawford, A. DiCostanzo, R.B. Cox, and F. Diez-Gonzalez. 2011. Prevalence of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in cattle fed distillers grains Minnesota feedlots. J. Anim. Sci. 89(E-Suppl. 2):147 (Abstract 304).
Popowski, J.M., J. M. Kelzer, G.I. Crawford, A. DiCostanzo, R. B. Cox. 2011. Effect of High Protein Dried Distillers Grains Used in Beef Finishing Diets on Carcass Characteristics, Shear Force, and Moisture Loss of Beef. AMSA 64th Reciprocal Meats Conference Manhattan, KS. June 20-22, 2011. Abstract no. 47846
Popowski J.M., J. M. Kelzer, G.I. Crawford, A. DiCostanzo, R. B. Cox. 2011. Effect of High Protein Dried Distillers Grains Used in Beef Finishing Diets on Fatty Acid Profile, and Retail Shelf Life in Fresh and Further Processed Products. AMSA 64th Reciprocal Meats Conference Manhattan, KS. June 20-22, 2011. Abstract no. 47842
Popowski, J.M., J.M. Kelzer, G.I. Crawford, A. DiCostanzo, and R.B. Cox. 2011. Effect of low fat dried distillers grains on consumer sensory characteristics on Longissimus strip steaks and cooked sausage. J. Anim. Sci. 89(E-Suppl. 2):93 (Abstract 149).
Purdue University
Gunn, P. J., J. P. Schoonmaker, R. P. Lemenager, and G. A. Bridges. 2011. Feeding distillers grains as an energy source to gestating and lactating heifers: Impact on calving and pre-weaning progeny performance. J. Anim Sci 89(E-Suppl 1):627.
Gunn, P. J., J. P. Schoonmaker, R. P. Lemenager, and G. A. Bridges. 2011. Feeding distillers grains as an energy source to gestating and lactating heifers: Impact on milk production, composition, and fatty acid profile. J. Anim Sci 89(E-Suppl 1):627.
Gunn, P.J., J. P. Schoonmaker, R. P. Lemenager, and G. A. Bridges. 2011. Feeding distillers grains as an energy source to gestating and lactating heifers: Impact on ovarian function and reproductive efficiency. J. Anim Sci 89(E-Suppl 1):729.
Schoonmaker, J. P., M. C. Claeys, and R. P. Lemenager. 2012. Effect of increasing distillers grains inclusion on performance and carcass characteristics of early- weaned steers. J. Anim. Sci. 90 (Supplement 2):124.
Condron, K.N., R. P. Lemenager, M. C. Claeys, and J. P. Schoonmaker. 2012. Effect of ²-carotene supplementation on plasma vitamin A, growth, performance, and carcass characteristics of feedlot cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 90 (Supplement 2):80.
Shee, C.N., R. P. Lemenager, M. C. Claeys, and J. P. Schoonmaker*. 2012. Effect of feeding distillers dried grains with solubles during lactation on cow performance, milk composition and pre-weaning progeny performance. J. Anim. Sci. 90 (Supplement 2):42.
South Dakota State University
Holland, B.P., E.R. Loe, and R.H. Pritchard. 2011. Cattle performance comparison in three feedlot facility designs in South Dakota. J. Anim. Sci. 89 (E-Suppl. 1):501
Pritchard, R.H. 2011. Cow size and keeping perspective. J. Anim. Sci. 89 (E-Suppl. 1):161
Winterholler, S.J., N.L. Hojer, R.H. Pritchard, and K. VanderWal. 2011. The influence of glycerol supplementation during late gestation on beef cow performance and dietary digestibility. J. Anim. Sci. 89 (E-Suppl. 1):360
Utah State University
Min, B. J., B. R. Min, J. M. Sieg, J.-S. Eun, D. R. ZoBell, and D. C. Tice. 2011. Effects of tannin extracts on in vitro growth of selected food-borne pathogenic bacteria. J. Anim. Sci. 89 (E-Suppl. 1):136. (Abstr.)
Eun, J.-S., B. R. Min, J. M. Sieg, D. R. ZoBell, and A. J. Young. 2011. Tannin extracts decrease in vitro growth of ruminal acidosis-causing bacteria in pure culture. J. Anim. Sci. 89 (E-Suppl. 1):136. (Abstr.)
Vera, J. M.a, C. T. Noviandi, A.-H. Smith, D. R. ZoBell, and J.-S. Eun. 2011. Effects of supplementing an exogenous proteolytic enzyme on growth performance in finishing beef steers. J. Anim. Sci. 89 (E-Suppl. 1):612. (Abstr.)
Vera, J. M., T. Astuti, A.-H. Smith, D. R. ZoBell, and J.-S. Eun. 2011. Effects of supplementing an exogenous proteolytic enzyme in beef finishing diets on ruminal fermentation in continuous cultures. J. Anim. Sci. 89 (E-Suppl. 1):612. (Abstr.)
Noviandi, C. T., R. E. Ward, J.-S. Eun, D. R. ZoBell, R. D. Stott, T. Astuti, B. L. Waldron, and M. D. Peel. 2011. Fatty acid profiles in adipose tissue of grazing and feedlot beef steers. J. Anim. Sci. 89 (E-Suppl. 1):617. (Abstr.)
University of Wisconsin
Burgett, R.L., D. M. Schaefer, and A. E. Radunz. 2011. Effects of forage type and inclusion level of dried distillers grains plus solubles on feedlot cattle performance and carcass characteristics. Midwest ASAS-ADSA Meetings
Schaefer, M.R., A. E. Radunz, and D. M. Schaefer. 2011. Economic and feedlot responses to the addition of current technologies in yearling cattle. Midwest ASAS-ADSA Meetings
Experiment Station Publications:
Iowa State University
IBC 46. Drewnoski, M.E., S.L. Hansen, D.D. Loy. 2011. How much distillers can I include in my feedlot diet? A Factsheet about managing risk of sulfur toxicity when feeding high levels of distillers grains in feedlot cattle diets.
AS Leaflet-R2683 The Feeding Value of Heat Damaged Soybeans in Cattle Diets (Authors: Garland Dahlke, Mary Drewnoski)
AS Leaflet-R2688 Revalidation of a REA, IMF and BF Projection Model Using Real-time Ultrasound Imaging and Feeding Data in Cattle (Authors: Garland Dahlke)
AS Leaflet-R2689 Effect of Vitamin C on Performance and Antioxidant Capacity of Cattle Fed Varying Concentrations of Dietary Sulfur (Authors: Danielle Pogge, Stephanie Hansen)
AS Leaflet-R2693 Investigation of the Impact of Mineral Status and Use of an Injectable Mineral on Beef Cattle Performance (Authors: Olivia Genther, Stephanie Hansen)
AS Leaflet-R2694 Effect of Delaying the Feeding of High Sulfur Until After Adaptation to a Finishing Diet (Authors: Mary Drewnoski, Stephanie Hansen)
AS Leaflet-R2695 Determining the Influence of Dietary Roughage Concentration and Source on Rumen Parameters related to Sulfur Toxicity (Authors: Sara Morine, Mary Drewnoski, Stephanie Hansen)
AS Leaflet-R2696 Effects of Dietary Sulfur Source on Rumen pH and Hydrogen Sulfide Gas Concentration (Authors: Carmen Brasche, Mary Drewnoski, Stephanie Hansen)
AS Leaflet-R2697 Effects of Stocking Density on Steer Performance and Carcass Characteristics in Bedded Hoop Barns (Authors: Mark Honeyman, Dallas Maxwell, Darrell Busby, Shawn Shouse)
University of Nebraska
Dib, M. G., J. O. Sarturi, K. M. Rolfe, G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, and R. Lindquist. 2012. Feeding modified distillers grains with solubles and wet corn gluten feed (Synergy) to adapt cattle to finishing diets. Neb. Beef Cattle Rep. MP95:94-95.
Doerr, A. J., B. L. Nuttelman, W. A. Griffin, G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, J. R. Benton, and M. J. Rincker. 2012. Effect on performance and nutrient mass balance of feeding micro-aid in wet distillers grains plus solubles diets. Neb. Beef Cattle Rep. MP95:98-100.
Harding, J. L., J. E. Cornelius, K. M. Rolfe, A. L. Shreck, G. E. Erickson, and T. J. Klopfenstein. 2012. Effect of storage method on nutrient composition and dry matter loss of wet distillers grains. Neb. Beef Cattle Rep. MP95:58-60.
Harding, J. L., K. M. Rolfe, C. J. Schneider, B. L. Nuttelman, G. E. Erickson, and T. J. Klopfenstein. 2012. Spoilage of wet distillers grains plus solubles and feed value. Neb. Beef Cattle Rep. MP95:61-63.
Hussey, E. M., G. E. Erickson, R. E. Peterson, L. O. Burciaga-Robles. 2012. Effects of barley diets with distillers grains plus solubles on feedlot performance and N and P balance. Neb. Beef Cattle Rep. MP95:101-103.
Hussey, E. M., G. E. Erickson, B. L. Nuttelman, W. A. Griffin, T. J. Klopfenstein, and K. J. Vander Pol. 2012. Impact of sorting prior to feeding zilpaterol hydrochloride on feedlot steers. Neb. Beef Cattle Rep. MP95:115-118.
Nichols, C. A., K. H. Jenkins, G. E. Erickson, M. K. Luebbe, S. A. Furman, B. L. Sorensen, K. J. Hanford, and T. J. Klopfenstein. 2012. Wet distillers grains and ratios of steam-flaked and dry-rolled corn. Neb. Beef Cattle Rep. MP95:70-72.
Nichols, C. A., M. K. Luebbe, K. H. Jenkins, G. E. Erickson, S. A. Furman, and T. J. Klopfenstein. 2012. Effect of corn processing on feedlot steers fed sugarbeet pulp. Neb. Beef Cattle Rep. MP95:73-74.
Nichols, C. A., V. R. Bremer, A. K. Watson, C. D. Buckner, J. L. Harding, D. R. Smith, G. E. Erickson, and T. J. Klopfenstein. 2012. Meta-analysis of the effect of dietary sulfur on feedlot health. Neb. Beef Cattle Rep. MP95:82-84.
Pesta, A. C., B. L. Nuttelman, W. A. Griffin, T. J. Klopfenstein, and G. E. Erickson. 2012. Increasing levels of condensed distillers solubles and finishing performance. Neb. Beef Cattle Rep. MP95:64-65.
Pesta, A. C., B. L. Nuttelman, W. A. Griffin, T. J. Klopfenstein, and G. E. Erickson. 2012. Feeding condensed distillers solubles in finishing diets containing WDGS or synergy. Neb. Beef Cattle Rep. MP95:66-67.
Pesta, A. C., A. L. Shreck, T. J. Klopfenstein, and G. E. Erickson. 2012. Metabolism of finishing diets containing condensed distillers solubles and WDGS. Neb. Beef Cattle Rep. MP95:68-69.
Pesta, A. C., S. A. Furman, M. K. Luebbe, G. E. Erickson, and K. H. Jenkins. 2012. Feeding field peas in finishing diets containing wet distillers grains plus solubles. Neb. Beef Cattle Rep. MP95:77-78.
Rolfe, K. M., W. A. Griffin, T. J. Klopfenstein, D. R. Mark, G. E. Erickson, and D. E. Bauer. 2012. Grazing supplementation and subsequent feedlot sorting of yearling cattle. Neb. Beef Cattle Rep. MP95:112-114.
Sarturi, J. O., G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, K. M. Rolfe, C. D. Buckner, and M. K. Luebbe. 2012. Ruminal degradable sulfur and hydrogen sulfide in cattle finishing diets. Neb. Beef Cattle Rep. MP95:79-81.
Schneider, C. J., B. L. Nuttelman, K. M. Rolfe, W. A. Griffin, G. E. Erickson, and T. J. Klopfenstein. 2012. Complete-feed diet RAMP in grain adaptation programs. Neb. Beef Cattle Rep. MP95:85-86.
Schneider, C. J., B. L. Nuttelman, K. M. Rolfe, W. A. Griffin, D. R. Smith, T. J. Klopfenstein, and G. E. Erickson. 2012. Use of complete-feed diets RAMP and test starter for receiving cattle. Neb. Beef Cattle Rep. MP95:87-88.
Schneider, C. J., A. L. Shreck, G. E. Erickson, and T. J. Klopfenstein. 2012. Effects of RAMP on feed intake and ruminal pH during adaptation to finishing diets. Neb. Beef Cattle Rep. MP95:89-90.
Schneider, C. J., M. K. Luebbe, K. H. Jenkins, S. A. Furman, G. E. Erickson, and T. J. Klopfenstein. 2012. Using beef pulp to adapt cattle to finishing diets. Neb. Beef Cattle Rep. MP95:96-97.
Shreck, A. L., B. L. Nuttelman, W. A. Griffin, G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, and M. J. Cecava. 2012. Chemical treatment of low-quality forages to replace corn in cattle finishing diets. Neb. Beef Cattle Rep. MP95:106-107.
Shreck, A. L., B. L. Nuttelman, W. A. Griffin, G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, and M. J. Cecava. 2012. Reducing particle size enhances chemical treatment in finishing diets. Neb. Beef Cattle Rep. MP95:108-109.
Varnold, K. A., C. R. Calkins, A. L. Haack, J. E. Hergenreder, S. Pokharel, L. S. Senaratne, A. C. Pesta, and G. E. Erickson. 2012. Condensed distillers solubles and beef shelf life. Neb. Beef Cattle Rep. MP95:119-121.
Watson, A. K., G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, R. K. Koelsch, R. E. Massey, and J. H. Harrison. 2012. Feedlot manure utilization as influenced by application scheme and diet. Neb. Beef Cattle Rep. MP95:104-105.
Section D. Extension/Outreach Activities
Publications including Trade Publications and Newsletters:
University of Illinois
Felix, Tara and Steve Loerch. Reducing sulfide toxicosis key. Feedstuffs. June 20, 2011.
Iowa State University
Loy, Dan. 2011. Dietary sulfur recommendations are changing. January 2011 Iowa Cattleman and Iowa Beef Center Growing Beef Newsletter.
Loy, Dan. 2011. Why beef research? February 2011 Iowa Cattleman and Iowa Beef Center Growing Beef Newsletter
Loy, Dan. 2011. People, cattle, land and water. March 2011 Iowa Cattleman and Iowa Beef Center Growing Beef Newsletter
Loy, Dan and Mary Drewnoski. 2011. Grass tetanyan ounce of prevention. April Iowa Beef Center Growing Beef Newsletter.
Loy, Dan. 2011. Optimism in May. May 2011 Iowa Cattleman and Iowa Beef Center Growing Beef Newsletter
Loy, Dan. 2011. Is it time to reconsider corn silage? June 2011 Iowa Beef Center Growing Beef
Loy, Dan. 2011. Measuring and managing costs. August 2011 Iowa Cattleman and Iowa Beef Center Growing Beef Newsletter
Loy, Dan. 2011. Fall is time for change. September 2011 Iowa Cattleman and Iowa Beef Center Growing Beef Newsletter
Loy, Dan. 2011. From one extreme to another. October 2011 Iowa Cattleman and Iowa Beef Center Growing Beef Newsletter
Loy, Dan. 2011. Managing Feed Costs. Iowa Cattleman. October 2011.
Loy, Dan 2011. Making the most of weaning. October 2011 Iowa Beef Center Growing Beef Newsletter.
Loy, Dan. 2011. Should Iowa cattlemen feed the world? November 2011 Iowa Cattleman and Iowa Beef Center Growing Beef Newsletter
Loy Dan. 2011. Time for learning. December 2011 Iowa Cattleman and Iowa Beef Center Growing Beef Newsletter.
Michigan State University
Rust, S. R. 2011. Feeding beta-agonists to beef cattle and their impact on profitability. The Michigan Cattleman 26(4), 1st Quarter/Winter, 16-17.
Rust, S. R., D. Grooms, and J.R. Black. 2011. What can I do to improve my net returns with high corn prices?. The Michigan Cattleman 26(3), 4th Quarter/Autumn, 16-17.
Rust, S. R. 2011. What can I afford to pay for feeder cattle during 2011-2012?. Cattle Trader Center, December 6. www.cattletradercenter.com/news/industry-headlines/What can I afford to pay for feeder cattle during 2011-2012?
Black, J. R. and S.R. Rust. 2011. "Guidelines for Pricing Corn Silage and Earlage from Immature Corn." 4th Quarter/Autumn. beefteam.msu.edu.
Gould, K and S.R. Rust. 2011. "Ration formulation with distiller grains with solubles." August 4. beefteam@msu.edu.
Rust, S R., and J.R Black. 2011. "What can I afford to pay for feeder cattle during 2011-2012?." Merck Animal Health, August 4. www.beefteam.msu.edu.
Rust, S R., and J.H. Hilker. 2011. "Why are Michigan farms getting bigger?." August 4, 2011.
University of Minnesota
Look at various factors when considering feedlot facility expansion. Minnesota Farm Guide. November 2011.
Grazing cornstalk residue after harvest an option for cows and calves. Rock County Ag Newsletter. October 2011.
Nutrition and management for newly received cattle. Minnesota Farm Guide. September 2011. Co-authored with Alfredo DiCostanzo.
Management and awareness of feed shrink as important as ever when feeding cattle. Rock County Ag Newsletter. September 2011.
Consider harvesting corn earlage for cattle feed this fall. Minnesota Farm Guide. August 2011.
Consider harvesting earlage for cattle feed this fall. Rock County Ag Newsletter. August 2011.
Stretch cattle feeding dollar to compensate for high feed prices. Tri-State Neighbor. August 2011.
Incorporating alternative feedstuffs into beef feedlot rations. Minnesota Farm Guide. July 2011.
The next generation of distillers grains. Progressive Cattlemen Magazine. May 2011. Co-authored with Mark Corrigan.
New developments in the management of sulfur in beef cattle feedlot diets. Minnesota Farm Guide. April 2011.
The Ohio State University
OSU Beef Team Newsletter (weekly)
University of Wisconsin
Radunz, A. E. 2011. Feedlot Cost of Gain Assessment. UW Extension Cattle Feeder Clinic Proceedings. http://fyi.uwex.edu/wbic/resources/feedlot/
Halfman, B., and A. E. Radunz. 2011. Considerations for Implant Strategies. UW Extension Cattle Feeder Clinic Proceedings. http://fyi.uwex.edu/wbic/resources/feedlot/
Website: Wisconsin Beef Information Center (http://fyi.uwex.edu/wbic/) articles:
" A. Radunz and B. Halfman. 2011 Fall Feedlot Projections 10.3.11
" A. Radunz. 5 Tips to Reduce Heat Stress in Cattle. 7.21.11
" A. Radunz. Use of Beta Agonists in Beef Cattle. 3.4.11
Courses or Conferences Organized:
University of Illinois
Adding value to southern Illinois beef and improving marketing options, April 2011 Benton, IL
Dudley Smith Summer Field Day, June 2011 - Pana, IL
Orr Beef Research Center Field Day, August 2011 - Perry, IL
Beef Day at DSAC, August 2011 - Simpson, IL
Dudley Smith Fall Field Day, November 2011 - Pana, IL
Heart of America Grazing Conference, January 2012 - Mt. Vernon, IL
Fulton Co. Beef Day, January 2012 - Lewistown, IL
Northern IL Cow-Calf Conference, February 2012 - Kewanee, IL
Central IL Cow-Calf Conference, February 2012 - Springfield, IL
IL Cattle Feeders Meeting, March 2012 - Dixon, IL
Cattle breeding and synchronization workshop, March 2012 - Simpson, IL
Iowa State University
Heifer Development Clinics, Winter/Spring 2012
Michigan State University
Great Lakes Professional Cattle Feeding and Marketing Shortcourse
University of Nebraska
Nebraska Feedlot Roundtable, February 8-10
Feedlot School, June 29, August 15, August 18
Husker Nutrition Conference, October 28
The Ohio State University
OSU Beef Team Feedlot cattle short course (Jan and Feb, 2012).
Purdue University
Purdue Workshop for Youth, Beef section, June 2011.
Utah State University
Utah Beef Cattle Field Day, January, 2012
University of Wisconsin
Wisconsin Cattle Feeder Clinics, January 2012 held in 10 locations throughout Wisconsin.
Steer to Steak Workshop. Feb. 2012 held at UW- Madison campus.
2012 Refereed Journal Articles and Book Chapters:
Purdue University
Drewnoski, M.E., S. M. Ensley, D. C. Beitz, J. P. Schoonmaker, D. D. Loy, P. M. Imerman, J. A. Rathje, and S. L. Hansen. 2012. Assessment of ruminal hydrogen sulfide or urine thiosulfate as diagnostic tools for sulfur induced polioencephalomalacia in cattle. J. Vet. Diag. Invest. 24(4):702-709.
Schoonmaker, J. 2012. Nutrition of Ruminants. (Chapter 6). In: Animal Science and Industry, 8th Edition, Edit. M. Cunningham, M. A. Latour, and D. Acker., Pearson & Prentice Hall, Inc. Upper Saddle River, NJ.
Schoonmaker, J.P., and D. C. Beitz. 2012. Hydrogen sulphide: synthesis, physiological roles and pathology associated with feeding cattle maize co-products of the ethanol industry. In Biofuel co-products as livestock feed: Opportunites and challentes. Pp. 101-113. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations. Rome, Italy.
Iowa State University
Drewnoski, M. E., E. L. Richter, and S. L. Hansen. 2012. Dietary roughage level, days on finishing diet, and dietary sulfur content affect rumen hydrogen sulfide concentrations of steers. Journal of Animal Sci. 90:4478-4486.
Pastoor, J. W., D. D. Loy, A. Trenkle, and J. D. Lawrence. 2012. Comparing fed cattle performance in open lot and bedded confinement feedlot facilities. Professional Animal Scientist 28:410-416.
Pogge, D.J., E. L. Richter, M. E. Drewnoski and S. L. Hansen. 2012. Mineral concentrations of plasma and liver following injection with a trace mineral complex differ among Angus and Simmental cattle. J. Animal. Sci. 90:2692-2698.
Richter, E. L., M. E. Drewnoski, and S. L. Hansen. 2012. Effects of increased dietary sulfur on beef steer mineral status, performance, and meat fatty acid composition J. Animal. Sci. 90:3945-3953.
Drewnoski, M.E., S.M. Ensley, D.C. Beitz, D.D. Loy, P.M. Imerman, J.A. Rathje, and S.L. Hansen. 2012. Assessment of ruminal hydrogen sulfide or urine thiosulfate as diagnostic tools for sulfur induced polioencephalomalacia in cattle. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation. 24(4):702-9.
Jurgens, M., K. Bregendahl, J. Coverdale, and S. Hansen. 2012. Animal Feeding & Nutrition, 11th Ed. Kendall Hunt Publishers. Dubuque, IA.
University of Minnesota
Pacheco, R.D.L., D.D. Millen, N. DiLorenzo, C.L. Martins, C.T. Marino, M.V. Fossa, S.L. Beier, A. DiCostanzo, P.H.M. Rodrigues, and M.D.B. Arrigoni. 2012. Effects of feeding a multivalent polyclonal antibody preparation on feedlot performance, carcass characteristics, rumenitis and blood gas profile in Bos indicus biotype yearling bulls. J. Anim. Sci. doi:10.2527/jas.2010-3521
Otero, W.G., C.T. Marino, C. Barreto, V.H. Pellizari, D.D. Millen, R.D.L. Pacheco, F.L. Ferreira, A. DiCostanzo, M.D.B. Arrigoni, and P.H.M. Rodrigues. 2012. Rumen microbial diversity under influence of a polyclonal antibody preparation against lactate-producing and proteolytic bacteria in cows fed different energy sources. Rev. Bras. Saúde Prod. Anim. 13:491-502.
Rodgers, J. C., S. L. Bird, J. E. Larson, N. DiLorenzo, C. R. Dahlen, A. DiCostanzo, and G.C. Lamb. 2012. An economic evaluation of estrous synchronization and timed artificial insemination in suckled beef cows. J. Anim. Sci. 90:4055-4062.
University of Nebraska
Erickson, G. E., Klopfenstein, T. J., and A. K.. Watson. 2012. Utilization of feed byproducts from the wet and dry milling industry for beef cattle. Pp 77-99. In FAO. Biofuel co-products as livestock feed - Opportunities and challenges, edited by Harinder P.S. Makkar. Rome. Italy.
Harrison, J., R. White, V. Ishler, G. Erickson, A. Sutton, T. Applegate, B. Richert, T. Nennich, R. Koelsch, R. Burns, D. Meyer, R. Massey, and G. Carpenter. 2012. Implementation of feed management as part of whole farm nutrient management. Prof. Anim. Scient. 28:364-369.
Luebbe, M. K., G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, and M. A. Greenquist. 2012. Nutrient mass balance and performance of feedlot cattle fed corn wet distillers grains plus solubles. J. Anim. Sci. 90:296-306.
Mello, Jr., A. S., C. R. Calkins, B. E. Jenschke, T. P. Carr, M. E. R. Dugan, and G. E. Erickson. 2012. Beef quality of calf-fed steers finished on varying levels of corn-based wet distillers grains plus solubles. J. Anim. Sci. 90:4625-4633.
Mello, Jr., A. S., B. E. Jenschke, L. S. Senaratne, T. P. Carr, G. E. Erickson and C. R. Calkins. 2012. Effects of feeding modified distillers grains plus solubles on marbling attributes, proximate composition, and fatty acid profile of beef. J. Anim. Sci. 90:4634-4640.
Pesta, A. C., A. H. Titlow, J. A. Hansen, A. L. Berger, S. A. Furman, M. K. Luebbe, G. E. Erickson, and K. H. Jenkins. 2012. Effects of feeding field peas in combination with distillers grains plus solubles in finishing and growing diets on cattle performance and carcass characteristics. Prof. Anim. Scient. 28:534-540.
North Dakota State University
Salim, H., K. M. Wood, M. K. Abo-Ismail, P. L. McEwen, I. B. Mandell, S. P. Miller, J. P. Cant, and K. C. Swanson. 2012. Influence of feeding increasing levels of dry corn distillers grains plus solubles in whole corn grain-based finishing diets on total tract digestion, nutrient balance, and excretion in beef steers. J. Anim. Sci. 90:4441-4448.
Doelman, J., H. Cao, N. G. Purdie, J. J. M. Kim, K. C. Swanson, V. R. Osborne, J. Tey, A. Ali, Z. Feng, N. A. Karrow, J. P. Cant. 2012. Transcript profiling of the ruminant liver indicates a unique program of transcriptional regulation of ketogenic enzymes during food restriction. Comp. Biochem. Physiol. Part D: Genom. Proteom. 7:303-310.
Ohio State University
Owens, L. B., D.J. Barker, S.C. Loerch, M.J. Shipitalo, J.V. Bonta, and R.M. Sulc. 2012. Nitrate leaching from pastures as impacted by continuous or frequent rotational grazing. J. Environ. Quality. 41:106-113.
Relling, A. E., K. Lee, S. C. Loerch, and C. K. Reynolds. 2012. Effects of Glucose, Propionate and Splanchnic Hormones on Neuropeptide mRNA concentrations in the Ovine Hypothalamus. J. Anim. Physiol. and Anim. Nutr. 96:648-654.
Felix, T. L. , W. P. Weiss, F. L. Fluharty, and S. C. Loerch. 2012. Effects of copper supplementation on feedlot performance, carcass characteristics, and rumen sulfur metabolism of growing cattle fed diets containing 60% dried distillers grains. J. Anim. Sci. 90:2710-2716.
Pickworth, C. L., S. C. Loerch , and F. L. Fluharty. 2012. Restriction of vitamin A and D in beef cattle finishing diets on feedlot performance and adipose accretion. J. Anim. Sci. 90:1866-1878.
Pickworth, C. L., S. C. Loerch , R. E. Kopec, S. J. Schwartz, and F. L. Fluharty. 2012. Concentration of pro-vitamin A carotenoids in common beef cattle feedstuffs. J. Anim. Sci. 90:1553-1561.
Felix, T. L., H. N. Zerby, S. J. Moeller, and S. C. Loerch. 2012. Effects of increasing dried distillers grains with solubles on performance, carcass characteristics, and digestibility of feedlot lambs. J. Anim. Sci. 90:1356-1363.
Arnett, E. J., F. L. Fluharty, S. C. Loerch, H. N. Zerby, R. A. Zinn, and P. S. Kuber. 2012. Effects of forage level in feedlot finishing diets on carcass characteristics and palatability of Jersey beef. J. Anim. Sci. 90:960-972.
Felix, T. L. , I. Susin, L. M. Shoup, A. E. Radunz, and S. C. Loerch. 2012. Effects of supplemental dried distillers grains or soybean hulls on growth and internal parasite status of grazing lambs. Sheep and Goat Res. J. 27:1-8.
Felix, T. L., T. A. Murphy, and S. C. Loerch. 2012. Effects of dietary inclusion and NaOH treatment of dried distillers grains with solubles on ruminal metabolism of feedlot cattle. J. Anim. Sci. doi:10.2527/jas.2011-4736.
Pickworth, C. L., S. C. Loerch , and F. L. Fluharty. 2012. Effects of timing and duration of dietary vitamin A reduction on carcass quality of finishing beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 90:2677-2691.
Radunz, A. E., F. L. Fluharty, A. E. Relling, T. L. Felix, L. M. Shoup, H. N. Zerby, and S. C. Loerch. 2012. Prepartum dietary energy source fed to beef cows: II. Effects on progeny postnatal growth, glucose tolerance, and carcass composition. J. Anim. Sci. doi:10.2527/jas.2012-5098.
Felix, T. L., N. A. Pyatt, and S. C. Loerch. 2012. Effects of monensin supplementation on ruminal metabolism of feedlot cattle fed diets containing dried distillers grains. J. Anim. Sci. 90:3905-3913.
Morrow, L. A., T. L. Felix, F. L. Fluharty, and S. C. Loerch. 2013. Effects of hay supplementation in corn and dried distillers grains with solubles-based diets on performance and ruminal metabolism in feedlot cattle. Professional Animal Scientist. In press.
Morrow, L. A., T. L. Felix, F. L. Fluharty, K. M. Daniels, and S. C. Loerch. 2013. Effects of sulfur and acidity on performance and digestibility in feedlot lambs fed dried distillers grains with solubles. J. Anim. Sci. doi:10.2527/jas.2012-5866.
Oklahoma State University
Burken, D.B., K.G. Hanger, R.B. Hicks, D.L. VanOverbeke, G.G. Hilton, J.L. Wahrmund, B.P. Holland, C.R. Krehbiel, P.K. Camfield, and C.J. Richards. 2012. Vitamin E supplementation in wet distillers grains with solubles beef finishing diets: Feedlot performance and carcass characteristics. J. Anim. Sci. 90:1349-1355.
Wahrmund, J.L., J.R. Ronchesel, C.R. Krehbiel, C.L. Goad, and C.J. Richards. 2012. Ruminal acidosis challenge impact on ruminal temperature in feedlot cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 90:2794-2801.
Gifford, C.A., B.P. Holland, R.L. Mills, J.K. Farney, S.J. Terrill, D.L. Step, C.J. Richards, and L.O. Burciaga-Robles and C.R. Krehbiel. 2012. Impacts of inflammation on cattle growth and carcass merit. J. Anim. Sci. 90:1438-1451.
Wahrmund, J.L., D.B. Burken, B.K. Wilson, S.J. Terrill, D.L. Step, C.R. Krehbiel, S.M. Trost, and C.J. Richards. 2012. Impact of truck compartment on ruminal temperature during transit and subsequent health and performance of recently weaned beef heifers. Prof. Anim. Sci. 28:670-677.
USDAMeat Animal Research Center
Hales, K. E., K. J. Kraich, R. G. Bondurant, B. E. Meyer, M. K. Luebbe, M. S. Brown, N. A. Cole, J. C. MacDonald. Effects of crude glycerin on receiving performance and health status of beef steers and nutrient digestibility and rumen fermentation characteristics of Holstein steers. J. Anim. Sci. Submitted Feb 4, 2012.
Hales, K. E., H. C. Freetly, S. S. Shackelford, D. A. King. 2013. Effects of roughage concentration in dry-rolled corn-based diets containing wet distillers grains with solubles on performance, carcass characteristics, and in vitro dry matter digestibility of finishing beef steers. J. Anim. Sci. In Press.
Hales, K. E., R. G. Bondurant, M. K. Luebbe, N. A. Cole, J. C. MacDonald. 2013. Effects of crude glycerin in steam-flaked corn-based diets fed to growing feedlot cattle. J. Anim. Sci. In Press.
Hales, K. E., N. A. Cole, J. C. MacDonald. 2013. Effects of increasing concentrations of wet distillers grains with solubles on energy metabolism, carbon-nitrogen balance, and methane emissions of cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 91:819828.
Proceedings and Technical Reports:
University of Illinois
Felix, Tara L. 2012. Alternative Feedstuffs and Changing Co-products: Feedlot Cattle. Driftless Region Beef Conference. January 31, 2013.
University of Minnesota
DiCostanzo, A., G.I. Crawford, and R.B. Cox. 2012. Distillers grains research results at University of MinnesotaA Review. In Proc. Plains Nutrition Conference. Texas Agri Life Pub AREC 2012-26. pp 108-120. April 12-13, San Antonio, TX.
Jaderborg, J.P. and A. DiCostanzo. 2012. Managing feed storage, mixing and delivery for efficiency. In: Proc. 73rd Minnesota Nutrition Conference. Sep 18-19. Owatonna, MN,
Ohio State University
Loerch, S. C. Nutrition of newly arrived feedlot cattle. Brasil Nutrition Conference, Uberlandia, SP. March 11, 2012.
Loerch, S. C. Feed bunk management of cattle fed high-grain diets. Brasil Nutrition Conference, Uberlandia, SP. March 11, 2012.
Oklahoma State University
Richards, C.J., C.R. Krehbiel, D.L. Step, R.B. Hicks, J.L. Wahrmund, B.K. Wilson, C.L. Maxwell, J. Wagner, and B.T. Johnson. 2012. Evaluation of remote temperature monitoring for detection of bovine respiratory disease and use of wet distillers grains in receiving and finishing diets. Plains Nutr. Council Spring Conf. Publ. p. 99-102. Texas A&M Research and Extension Center, Amarillo.
Krehbiel, C.R., B.P. Holland, R.L. Mills, C.L. Maxwell, C. A. Gifford, J.K. Johnson, D.L. Step, C.J. Richards, and L.O. Burciaga Robles. 2012. Impact of Animal Health and Immune Function on Beef Animal Growth. 27th Ann. SW. Nutr. & Mgnt. Conf. p. 95-106.
Krehbiel, C.R., S.J. Terrill, R.L. Mills, C.A. Gifford, D.L. Step, C.J. Richards, and L.O. Burciaga Robles. 2012. Inflammation and Nutrient Metabolism in Ruminants. 23rd Annual Florida Ruminant Nutrition Symposium. p. 44-53.
South Dakota State University
Pritchard, R.H. 2013. Feedlot Technologies. Proc. Northern States Beef Conference. Watertown, SD.
Pritchard, R.H. 2013. Preparing the calf for feedlot: The role of nutrition and management in the pre-weaning period on future health and performance. Proc. of the 24th Florida Nutrition Conference. pp43-48.
Pritchard, R.H. 2013. Growing/Backgrounding Programs for Calves Management Regimens, Carryover Influences on Finishing Performance, Carcass Weights and Carcass Composition. Proc Plains Nutrition Council Spring Conference. TAMU Publ. No. AREC 2013-24 pp 65-75.
West Texas A&M University
Brown, M. S. Feed management practices and considerations. Novus Technial Symposium, Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. June 2012.
Brown, M. S. Reconstitution of sorghum grain. 7th International Beef Cattle Congress, Piricicba, Sao Paulo, Brazil. December 2012.
Brown, M. S. Assessment of steam-flaked grains. 7th International Beef Cattle Congress, Piricicba, Sao Paulo, Brazil. December 2012.
Brown, M. S. Key concepts in value ingredient exchanges. 15th International Symposium on Feedlot Cattle Production, Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. October 2012.
Brown, M. S. Mineral nutrition. Novus Technial Symposium, Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. June 2012.
Brown, M. S. Protein and fiber considerations in adaptation rations. Novus Technial Symposium, Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. June 2012.
Brown, M. S. Potential and limitations of feed additives. Brazilian Student Congress of Animal Science, Cuiaba, Mato Grosso, Brazil. May 2012.
Brown, M. S. A review of direct-microbial technology. South African Cattlemen's Conference, Pretoria, South Africa. March 2012.
Brown, M. S. Carcass gain concepts. South African Cattlemen's Conference, Pretoria, South Africa. March 2012.
USDAMeat Animal Research Center
Freetly, H. C. and K. E. Hales. U.S. MARC Research Update. Plains Nutrition Council, San Antonio, TX April 18 - 19, 2013.
Cole, N. A., K. E. Hales, R. W. Todd, and J. C. MacDonald. Effects of corn processing method and dietary inclusion of wet distillers grains with solubles on enteric methane emissions of finishing cattle. Livestock and Environmental Learning Center Conference, Denver, CO April 5 6, 2013.
University of Illinois
Odusote, Lanre, Wes Chapple, and Tara L. Felix. 2012. Use of chemically treated corn stover as a possible alternative to corn in feedlot cattle diets. Summer Research Opportunities Program. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Liu, T., L.F. Rodriguez, A.R. Green, D.W. Shike, and J.R. Segers. 2012. Cattle movement monitoring for the assessment of impacts on pasture based systems. ASABE Paper No. 1100006. Louisville, Ky. ASABE.
Liu, T., L. F. Rodríguez, A. R. Green, D. W. Shike, J. R. Segers, G. D. N. Maia, H. D. Norris. 2012. Assessment of cattle impacts on soil characteristics in integrated crop-livestock systems. ASABE Paper No. 121338321. Dallas, TX. ASABE.
Norris, H., L. Rodriguez, T. Liu, A. Green, D. Shike, J. Segers, G. Maia, B. Ramirez, 2012. Impact of Livestock on Soil Characteristics in a Crop-Livestock Agroecosystem. Heather Norris. Dallas, TX. ASABE AIM.
Duckworth, M.J., A.R. Schroeder, D.B. Faulkner, D.W. Shike, and T.L. Felix. 2013. Effects of feeding CaO treated WDGS or treated corn stover to cattle on performance, carcass characteristics, and ruminal metabolism. Sect. Mtg. Abstracts. J. Anim. Sci. 96: E-Suppl. 2.
Nunez, A.J. C., T.L. Felix, S.C. Loerch, R.P. Lemenager, and J.P. Schoonmaker. 2013. Effects of calcium oxide inclusion in beef feedlot diets containing 60% dried distillers grains with soluble on performance and carcass characteristics. Sect. Mtg. Abstracts. J. Anim. Sci. 96: E-Suppl. 2.
Long, C.J., T.L. Felix, and S.C. Loerch. 2013. Effects of dietary sulfur source on hydrogen sulfide gas concentrations in feedlot lambs. Sect. Mtg. Abstracts. J. Anim. Sci. 96: E-Suppl. 2.
Kloth, A.C., L. M. Shoup, and D. W. Shike. 2013. Effects of late-gestation coproduct supplementation and time of weaning on cow performance and reproduction. Sect. Mtg. Abstracts. J. Anim. Sci. 96:E-Suppl. 2.
Milnamow, M. R., T. B. Wilson, D. B. Faulkner, F. A. Ireland, and D. W. Shike. 2013. Effects of grazing novel endophyte-infected fescue following grazing endophyte-infected fescue on steer performance. Sect. Mtg. Abstracts. J. Anim. Sci. 96:E-Suppl. 2.
DelValle, T. P., C. F. Shipley, F. A. Ireland, H. M. French, V. L. Jarrell, D. B. Faulkner, J. Fuselier, and D. W. Shike. 2013 Effects of pyrethroid insecticides on reproductive parameters of beef bulls. Sect. Mtg. Abstracts. J. Anim. Sci. 96:E-Suppl. 2.
Cassady, C., T. B. Wilson, K. Retallick, D. B. Faulkner, and D. W. Shike. 2013. Relationship between heifer feed efficiency measures and intake of good-quality and poor-quality forage in mature beef cows. Sect. Mtg. Abstracts. J. Anim. Sci. 96:E-Suppl. 2.
Kloth, A. M., C. F. Shipley, H. M. French, V. L. Jarrell, D. B. Faulkner, and D. W. Shike. 2013. Effects of pyrethroid insecticide on reproductive parameters of beef cows. Sect. Mtg. Abstracts. J. Anim. Sci. 96:E-Suppl. 2.
Sneed, A., and T.L. Felix. 2013. Effects of increasing glycerin inclusion on beef cattle performance. Undergraduate Research Symposium. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Maia, G.D.N., A.R. Green, B.C. Ramirez, Y. Sun, J.R. Segers, D.W. Shike, R.S. Gates, and L.F. Rodriguez. 2013. Overview and Application of a Metabolic Chamber for Quanitification of Greenhouse Gas Generation from Enteric Fermentation. ASABE Intl. Mtg. July 21, Kansas City, MO. St. Joseph, MI: ASABE. (Accepted).
Segers, J.S., T.L. Felix, and D.W. Shike. 2013. Effects of energy source and dietary fat concentration from corn coproducts, during the growing phase, on beef cattle performance, carcass traits, digestibility, and ruminal metabolism. Joint Mtg. Abstracts. (Accepted)
Chapple, W.P., D.B. Faulkner, M.J. Cecava, P.H. Doane, A.H. Grusby, and T.L. Felix. Effects of feeding treated corn sotver and distillers grains to beef cattle on performance, carcass traits, digestibility, and ruminal metabolism. Joint Mtg. Abstracts. (Accepted).
Purdue University
J. P. Schoonmaker, M. C. Claeys, and R. P. Lemenager. 2012. Effect of increasing distillers grains inclusion on performance and carcass characteristics of early-weaned steers. J. Anim. Sci. 90 (Suppl. 2):124.
K. N. Condron, R. P. Lemenager, M. C. Claeys, and J. P. Schoonmaker. 2012. Effect of ²-carotene supplementation on plasma vitamin A, growth, performance, and carcass characteristics of feedlot cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 90 (Suppl. 2):80
C. N. Shee, R. P. Lemenager, M. C. Claeys, and J. P. Schoonmaker. 2012. Effect of feeding distillers dried grains with solubles during lactation on cow performance, milk composition and pre-weaning progeny performance. J. Anim. Sci. 90 (Suppl. 2):42.
J. P. Schoonmaker, K. T. Korn, K. N. Condron, C. N. Shee, M. C. Claeys, T. D. Nennich, and R. P. Lemenager. 2012. Effect of dietary cation anion difference (DCAD) on beef tenderness. J. Anim. Sci., 90(Suppl. 3):367.
K. N. Condron, J. N. Waddell, M. C. Claeys, R. P. Lemenager, and J. P. Schoonmaker. 2012. Effect of ²-carotene supplementation on fatty acid profile and expression of genes involved in vitamin A metabolism. J. Anim. Sci., 90(Suppl. 3):592.
P. J. Gunn, J. P. Schoonmaker, R. P. Lemenager, and G. A. Bridges. 2012. Feeding distillers grains as an energy source to gestating and lactating beef heifers: Impact on growth, ovarian function, puberty attainment and reproductive efficiency of female progeny. J. Anim. Sci,. 90(Suppl. 3):472.
P. J. Gunn, J. P. Schoonmaker, R. P. Lemenager, and G. A. Bridges. 2012. Feeding distillers grains as an energy source to gestating and lactating beef heifers: Impact on feedlot performance, carcass characteristics, and glucose tolerance of steer progeny. J. Anim. Sci., 90(Suppl 3): 432.
P. J. Gunn, G. A. Bridges, R. P. Lemenager, and J. P. Schoonmaker. 2012. Feeding distillers grains as an energy source to gestating and lactating beef heifers: Impact on steer progeny longissimus muscle fatty acid profile. J. Anim. Sci., 90(Suppl. 3):338.
P. J. Gunn, J. P. Schoonmaker, R. P. Lemenager, and G. A. Bridges. 2012. Meta-analysis on the effects of supplementing distillers grains to beef cows during early lactation on reproductive efficiency and pre-weaning progeny growth. J. Anim. Sci., 90(Suppl. 3):518.
A. J. C. Nunez, V. V. Almeida, J. P. Schoonmaker, F. T. Merdcado, F. Pinese, I. E. Borges, R. R. Casagrande, P. R. Leme, and J. C. M. Nogueira Filho. 2012. Concentrate level and combined used of ionophore and virginiamycin on feeding behavior of Nellore steers fed high grain diets. J. Anim. Sci., 90(Suppl. 3):631.
Iowa State University
Morine, S.J., M.E. Drewnoski, S.L. Hansen. 2012. Determining the influence of dietary roughage concentration and source on rumen parameters related to sulfur toxicity. J. Anim. Sci. (Suppl. 2) 90:15. *Undergraduate Oral Competition Paper
Daniels, L.J., M.E. Drewnoski, S.L. Hansen. 2012. Quick Test for Sulfur Level in Ethanol Co-products. J. Anim. Sci. (Suppl. 2) 90:131. *Undergraduate Poster Competition Paper
Brasche, C.J., M.E. Drewnoski, S.L. Hansen. 2012. Effects of dietary sulfur source on ruminal pH and hydrogen sulfide of feedlot steers. J. Anim. Sci. (Suppl. 2) 90:132. *Undergraduate Poster Competition Paper
Hansen, SL, D.J. Pogge and S.M. Lonergan. 2012. Effect of supplemental vitamin C on meat quality of cattle fed varying concentrations of dietary sulfur. Reciprocation session at 65th Reciprocal Meats Conference.
Genther, O.N. and S.L. Hansen. 2012. Use of an injectable mineral in beef cattle: Growth and carcass characteristics. J. Anim. Sci. (Suppl. 3)90:145.
Genther, O.N. and S.L. Hansen. 2012. Use of an injectable mineral in beef cattle: Mineral status. J. Anim. Sci. (Suppl. 3) 90:144.
Pogge, D.J., S.M. Lonergan, and S.L. Hansen. 2012. Supplemental vitamin C alleviates negative effects of high sulfur diets on beef quality. J. Anim. Sci. (Suppl. 3) 90:151.
Morine, S.J., M.E. Drewnoski, and S.L. Hansen. 2012. Determining the influence of dietary NDF concentration from bromegrass hay on performance of steers fed high sulfur diets. J. Anim. Sci. (Suppl. 3) 90:404.
Pogge, D.J, M.E. Drewnoski, and S.L. Hansen. 2012. High dietary sulfur decreases apparent absorption of copper and manganese by steers. J. Anim. Sci. (Suppl. 3) 90:402.
Michigan State University
Singh, Pallava, Jernigan, Katherine, Radek, Christopher, Britton, Robert, Venegas, Cristina, Rust, Steven R., Bartlett, Paul, Grooms, Daniel, Manning, Shannon D. 2012. Variation in microbiota diversity between beef and dairy cattle. [Abstract] American Society for Microbiology.
University of Minnesota
Ceconi, I., A.DiCostanzo, and G.I. Crawford. 2012. Effect of urea inclusion in diets containing distillers grains on feedlot cattle performance and carcass characteristics. J. Anim. Sci. 90:(Suppl. 2). Abstract 113.
Crawford, G.I., J.M. Kelzer, J. Jaderborg, and A. DiCostanzo. 2012. Effects of dietary inclusion of manganese oxide in beef cattle feedlot diets containing high concentrations of sulfur. J. Anim. Sci. 90:(Suppl. 2). Abstract 114.
Huber, G.M., A. DiCostanzo, and G.I. Crawford. 2012. Interaction of dietary roughage and sulfur concentration on performance of beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 90:(Suppl. 2). Abstract 117.
Kelzer, J.M., M. Ruiz-Moreno, G.I. Crawford, A. DiCostanzo, and G.C. Lamb. 2012. Effects of supplemental manganese oxide on ruminal hydrogen sulfide concentration, ruminal pH, and feedlot performance of beef cattle fed high-sulfur finishing diets. J. Anim. Sci. 90:(Suppl. 2). Abstract 116.
McClelland, K.M., J.P. Jaderborg, D.M. Paulus, J.M. Popowski, G.I. Crawford, A. DiCostanzo, and R.B. Cox. 2012. Effect of modified distillers grains with solubles and crude glycerin in finishing diets on fatty acid composition and oxidation of fresh beef. J. Anim. Sci. 90:(Suppl. 2). Abstract 242P.
Paulus, D.M., J.M. Kelzer, M.V. Fossa, C. Belknap, G.I. Crawford, and A. DiCostanzo. 2012. Effect of inclusion of a Saccharomyces cerevisiae fermentation product in beef cattle feedlot diets with two different sulfur concentrations on nutrient metabolism. J. Anim. Sci. 90:(Suppl. 2). Abstract 18.
University of Nebraska
Burken, D. B., J. L. Harding, T. C. Hoegemeyer, G. E. Erickson, and T. J. Klopfenstein. 2012. Corn hybrid and plant density effects on corn silage quality and yield. J. Anim. Sci. 90 (Suppl 3):461(Abstr.)
Fernando, S. C., A. K. Watson, Y. A. Wanniarachchi, T. J. Klopfenstein, G. E. Erickson, J. L. Harding, A. L. Shreck, C. J. Johnson, and M. M. Klosterman, 2012. Microbial community shifts during anaerobic digestion of finishing cattle manure with and without distillers grains in the diet. J. Anim. Sci. 90 (Suppl 3):337(Abstr.)
Harding, J. L., C. J. Schneider, B. L. Nuttelman, T. J. Klopfenstein, and G. E. Erickson. 2012. Effects of spoilage of wet distillers grains plus solubles on performance of growing steers. J. Anim. Sci. 90 (Suppl 2):43(Abstr.)
Nichols, C. A., M. K. Luebbe, K. H. Jenkins, G. E. Erickson, S. A. Furman, and T. J. Klopfenstein. 2012. Effect of corn processing on feedlot steers fed sugar beet pulp. J. Anim. Sci. 90 (Suppl 2):11(Abstr.)
Nuttelman, B. L., D. B. Burken, C. J. Schneider, G. E. Erickson, and T. J. Klopfenstein 2012. Comparing wet and dry distillers grains plus solubles for yearling finishing cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 90 (Suppl 3):711(Abstr.)
Nuttelman, B. L., A. L. Shreck, J. L. Harding, G. E. Erickson, and T. J. Klopfenstein. 2012. Comparing the digestibility of wet and dry distillers grains plus solubles in cattle finishing diets. J. Anim. Sci. 90 (Suppl 3):713(Abstr.)
Pesta, A. C., A. L. Shreck, T. J. Klopfenstein, and G. E. Erickson. 2012. Metabolism of finishing diets containing condensed distillers solubles and wet distillers grains plus solubles. J. Anim. Sci. 90 (Suppl 2):42(Abstr.)
Pesta, A. C., B. L. Nuttelman, W. A. Griffin, T. J. Klopfenstein, and G. E. Erickson. 2012. Feeding condensed distillers solubles in finishing diets containing modified distillers grains plus solubles or synergy. J. Anim. Sci. 90 (Suppl 2):42(Abstr.)
Sarturi, J. O., G. E. Erickson, and T. J. Klopfenstein. 2012. Ruminal degradable sulfur and ADG in beef cattle finishing diets. J. Anim. Sci. 90 (Suppl 2):127(Abstr.)
Schneider, C. J., B. L. Nuttelman, K. M. Rolfe, W. A. Griffin, T. J. Klopfenstein, and G. E. Erickson. 2012. Use of a complete-feed diet (RAMP) in grain adaptation programs compared to traditional grain adaptation programs. J. Anim. Sci. 90 (Suppl 2):80(Abstr.)
Schneider, C. J., B. L. Nuttelman, D. B. Burken, T. J. Klopfenstein, and G. E. Erickson. 2012. Use of a complete-feed diet (RAMP) to rapidly transition cattle to a finishing diet. J. Anim. Sci. 90 (Suppl 2):80(Abstr.)
Schneider, C. J., M. K. Luebbe, K. H. Jenkins, S. A. Furman, G. E. Erickson, and T. J. Klopfenstein. 2012. Using beet pulp to adapt cattle to finishing diets compared to traditional grain adaptation with alfalfa hay. J. Anim. Sci. 90 (Suppl 2):80(Abstr.)
Schneider, C. J., A. L. Shreck, R. A. Stock, T. J. Klopfenstein, and G.E. Erickson. 2012. Effects of RAMP on feed intake and ruminal pH during adaptation to finishing diets. J. Anim. Sci. 90 (Suppl 3):479(Abstr.)
Schneider, C. J., B. L. Nuttelman, W. A. Griffin, D. B. Burken, R. A. Stock, T. J. Klopfenstein, and G. E. Erickson. 2012. Evaluation of a complete-feed (RAMP) receiving diet. J. Anim. Sci. 90 (Suppl 3):478(Abstr.)
Semler, M., C. Calkins, and G. Erickson. 2012. Nutrient differences of beef from different genotypes. J. Anim. Sci. 90 (Suppl 2):100(Abstr.)
Shreck, A. L., C. J. Schneider, B. L. Nuttelman, D. B. Burken, G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, and M. J. Cecava. 2012. Performance by feedlot cattle fed varying proportions and amounts of lime treated crop residues and distillers grains as substitutes for corn grain. J. Anim. Sci. 90 (Suppl 3):711(Abstr.)
Shreck, A. L., J. L. Harding, G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, and M. J. Cecava. 2012. Evaluation of rumen metabolism and digestibility when treated crop residues are fed in cattle finishing diets. J. Anim. Sci. 90 (Suppl 3):712(Abstr.)
Shreck, A. L., B. L. Nuttelman, W. A. Griffin, G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfentein, and M. J. Cecava. 2012. Reducing particle size enhances chemical treatment in cattle finishing diets. J. Anim. Sci. 90 (Suppl 2):14(Abstr.)
Titlow, A. H., S. A. Furman, M. K. Luebbe, K. H. Jenkins, A. L. Shreck, and G. E. Erickson. 2012. Replacing steam-flaked corn or dry-rolled corn with condensed distillers solubles in feedlot finishing diets. J. Anim. Sci. 90 (Suppl 2):42(Abstr.)
Watson, A. K., T. K. Klopfenstein, L. W. Lomas, G. E. Erickson, and B. L. Nuttelman. 2012. Research results are dependent on accurate cattle weights. J. Anim. Sci. 90 (Suppl 2):82(Abstr.)
Watson, A. K., T. J. Klopfenstein, G. E. Erickson, S. C. Fernando, J. L. Harding, and A. L. Shreck. 2012. Anaerobic digestion of finishing cattle manure with and without distillers grains in the diet. J. Anim. Sci. 90 (Suppl 2):81(Abstr.)
Watson, A. K., G. E. Erickson, T. K. Klopfenstein, R. K. Koelsch, R. E. Massey, J. H. Harrison, and M. K. Luebbe. 2012. BFNMP$: A tool for estimating feedlot manure economics. J. Anim. Sci. 90 (Suppl 2):94(Abstr.)
North Dakota State University
Montanholi, Y. R., K. C. Swanson, R. Palme, G. Vander Voort, L. S. Haas, and S. P. Miller. 2012. Glucocorticoids as biomarkers for feed efficiency in cattle. Proceedings of the European Association of Animal Production 63rd Annual Meeting, page 184.
Rahman, S., and K. C. Swanson. 2012. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from beef cattle pen surfaces in North Dakota. American Society of Agricultural Engineers Annual Meeting. Paper# 121338102.
Prezotto, L. D., L. E. Camacho, C. O. Lemley, J. S. Caton, K. A. Vonnahme, M. Kapphahn, M. Van Emon, R. S. Goulart, R. D. Yunosova, T. J. Swanson, and K. C. Swanson. 2012. Effects of nutrient restriction in beef cows during early gestation on maternal and fetal small intestinal and hepatic mass and in vitro oxygen (O2) consumption. J. Anim. Sci. 90(Suppl. 3):50.
Doscher, F. E., A. M. Meyer, M. J. Ellison, K. M. Cammack, and K. C. Swanson. 2012. The relationship between feed efficiency and pancreatic ±-amylase and trypsin activity in growing lambs. J. Anim. Sci. 90(Suppl. 3):370.
Camacho, L. E., C. O. Lemley, K. C. Swanson, and K. A. Vonnahme. 2012. Maternal diet restriction in beef cows alters fetal cardiovascular hemodynamics and fetal placental development during early pregnancy. J. Anim. Sci. 90(Suppl. 3):151.
Camacho, L. E., C. O. Lemley, T. J. Swanson, K. C. Swanson, and K. A. Vonnahme. 2012. Maternal diet restriction effects on fetal organ weights in beef cows during early pregnancy. J. Anim. Sci. 90(Suppl. 3):324.
Reyaz, A., F. Yao, M. S. Sane, L. E. Camacho, C. O. Lemley, K. C. Swanson, S. T. ORourke, and K. A. Vonnahme. 2012. Nutrient restriction during early pregnancy alters cotyledon arterial vascular reactivity in response to bradykinin in beef cows. Proceedings ADSA, AMPA, ASAS, CSAS, WSASAS Joint Annual Meeting. J. Anim. Sci. 90(Suppl. 3):323.
Wood, K. M., C. J. Fitzsimmons, S. P. Miller, B. W. McBride, and K. C. Swanson. 2012. The effect of limiting feed intake on concentration of proteins associated with energy balance in the pregnant beef cow. J. Anim. Sci. 90(Suppl. 3):679.
Wood, K. M., C. J. Fitzsimmons, S. P. Miller, I. B. Mandell, B. W. McBride, and K. C. Swanson. 2012. The effect of limiting feed intake on visceral organ mass and performance in the pregnant beef cow. Proceedings ADSA, AMPA, ASAS, CSAS, WSASAS Joint Annual Meeting. J. Anim. Sci. 90(Suppl. 3):516-517.
Awda, B. J., S. P. Miller, Y. R. Montanholi, G. Vander Voort, T. Caldwell, M. M. Buhr, and K. C. Swanson. 2012. The relationship between feed efficiency traits and fertility in young beef bulls. J. Anim. Sci. 90(Suppl. 3):372.
Fitzsimmons, C., K. Wood, F. Paradis, B. McBride, S. Miller, I. Mandell, and K. Swanson. 2012. Maternal diet interactions with fetal sex in beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 90(Suppl. 3):51.
Paradis, F.,Wood, K.M., Swanson. K.C., Mandell, I.B., Miller, S.P., McBride, B.W., and Fitzsimmons, C.J. 2012. The impact of maternal nutrition during pregnancy on fetal calf growth and muscle gene expression in beef cattle. International Congress on Animal Reproduction, July 29- Aug. 2, 2012. Vancouver, BC, Canada. Ab#2001.
Wood, K.M., Kim, J.J., Fitzsimmons, C.J., Miller, S.P., McBride, B.W., and Swanson, K.C. 2012. Gene expression does not differ between proteins found to be associated with energy balance in pregnant beef cows fed either above or below maintenance energy requirements. Livestock Gentec: 3rd Annual Conference, Oct. 16 &17, 2012. Edmonton, Alberta. Abstract #20.
Paradis, F.,Wood, K.M., Swanson. K.C., Mandell, I.B., Miller, S.P., McBride, B.W., and Fitzsimmons, C.J. 2012. The impact of maternal nutrition during pregnancy on fetal calf growth and muscle gene expression in beef cattle. International Congress on Animal Reproduction, July 29- Aug. 2, 2012. Vancouver, BC, Canada. Ab#2001.
Abo-Ismail, M. K., G. Vander Voort, E. J. Squires, K. C. Swanson, J. Thomson, B. Karisa, G. Plastow, S. Moore, and S. P. Miller. 2012. Identification of single nucleotide polymorphisms for feed efficiency and performance in crossbred beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 90(Suppl. 3):453.
Swanson, K. C., A. M. Meyer, C. O. Lemley, J. S. Caton, and K. A. Vonnahme. 2012. Influence of nutrient restriction and melatonin supplementation of pregnant ewes on maternal and fetal pancreatic ±-amylase and trypsin activity. J. Anim. Sci 90(Suppl. 2):123.
Meyer, A. M., K. C. Swanson, B. J. Awda, M. Kapphahn, R. D. Yunusova, L. E. Camacho, J. S. Caton, K. A. Vonnahme, and C. O. Lemley. 2012. Effects of nutrient restriction and melatonin supplementation during mid- to late gestation on ewe and fetal lamb small intestinal and hepatic in vitro oxygen (O2) consumption. J. Anim. Sci 90(Suppl. 2):70.
Goulart, R. S., L. G. Nussio, K. Hongyu, A. V. Pires, J. L. P. Daniel, K. C. Swanson, and C. R. Dahlen. 2012. Effect of fiber source on ruminal mat consistency in diets for Nellore steers. J. Anim. Sci 90(Suppl. 2):126.
Goulart, R. S., L. G. Nussio, K. Hongyu, A. V. Pires, R. C. Amaral, K. C. Swanson, and C. R. Dahlen. 2012. Adjusted intake based on forage particle length of forage and nonforage fiber sources in diets for Nellore steers. J. Anim. Sci 90(Suppl. 2):127.
Awda, B. J., Y. R. Montanholi, S. P. Miller, and K. C. Swanson. 2012. The relationship between feed efficiency and pancreatic lipase, ±-amylase, and trypsin activity in beef steers. J. Anim. Sci 90(Suppl. 2):120.
Awda, B. J., K. M. Wood, L. Trouten-Radford, B. W. McBride, S. P. Miller, I. B. Mandell, C. J. Fitzsimmons, and K. C. Swanson. 2012. The influence of feed intake on hepatic oxygen consumption, citrate synthase activity and protein concentration in pregnant beef cows. J. Anim. Sci 90(Suppl. 2):122.
Awda, B. J., K. M. Wood, B. W. McBride, S. P. Miller, I. B. Mandell, C. J. Fitzsimmons, and K. C. Swanson. 2012. The influence of feed intake on pancreatic lipase, ±-amylase, and trypsin activities in pregnant beef cows. J. Anim. Sci 90(Suppl. 2):122.
Ohio State University
Loerch, S. C., F. L. Fluharty, L. A. Morrow, S. A. Metzger, and T. L. Felix. 2012.
Effects of dietary sulfur on ruminal hydrogen sulfide concentrations over time. J. Anim. Sci. 90 (suppl. 2): 44.
Radunz, A. E., F. L. Fluharty, G. D. Lowe, and S. C. Loerch. 2012. Effects of protein intake in late gestation beef cows on progeny postnatal growth and carcass traits. J. Anim. Sci. 90 (suppl. 2): 122.
Morrow, L. A., T. L. Felix, F. L. Fluharty, S. A. Metzger, and S. C. Loerch. 2012 Effects of hay supplementation in corn and dried distillers grains-based diets on performance and rumen metabolism in feedlot cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 90 (suppl. 2): 123.
Oklahoma State University
Johnson, B.T., C.L. Maxwell, B.K. Wilson, J.J. Wagner, S.L. Roberts, B.W. Woolfolk, C.R. Krehbiel, and C.J. Richards. 2012. Blended byproduct feeds in finishing rations on performance, carcass, and fecal characteristics of yearling heifers. Plains Nutr. Council Spring Conf. Publ. p. 128. Texas A&M Research and Extension Center, Amarillo.
Maxwell, C.L., B.T. Johnson, B.K. Wilson, J.J. Wagner, C.R. Krehbiel, L.J. McBeth, and C.J. Richards. 2012. The effects of titrating corn-based dried distillers grains plus solubles with sorghum-based wet distillers grains plus solubles on yearling heifers with I.C.E.® on feedlot performance and carcass characteristics. Plains Nutr. Council Spring Conf. Publ. p. 130. Texas A&M Research and Extension Center, Amarillo.
Wilson, B.K., C.L. Maxwell, D.L. Step, B.T. Johnson, J.J. Wagner, C.R. Krehbiel, and C.J. Richards. 2012. Factors influencing the subsequent receiving health and performance of high-risk steer and bull calves purchased at regional livestock markets in 2010 and 2011 Plains Nutr. Council Spring Conf. Publ. p. 144. Texas A&M Research and Extension Center, Amarillo.
Johnson, B.T., C.L. Maxwell, B.K. Wilson, J.J. Wagner, C.J. Richards, and C.R. Krehbiel. 2012. The effects of titrating corn-based dried distillers grains plus solubles with sorghum-based wet distillers grains plus solubles on yearling heifers feedlot performance and carcass characteristics. J. Anim. Sci. 90(Suppl. 3):714.
Johnson, B.T., C.L. Maxwell, B.K. Wilson, J.J. Wagner, S.L. Roberts, B.W. Woolfolk, C.J. Richards, and C.R. Krehbiel. 2012. Blended byproduct feeds in finishing rations on performance, carcass, and fecal characteristics of yearling heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 90(Suppl. 3):334.
Wagner, J.J., C.L. Maxwell, B.K. Wilson, B.T. Johnson, C.R. Krehbiel, D.L. Step, and C.J. Richards. 2012. Effects of energy density in high byproduct diets on health and performance of receiving calves. Plains Nutr. Council Spring Conf. Publ. p. 143. Texas A&M Research and Extension Center, Amarillo.
Johnson, B.T., C.L. Maxwell, B.K. Wilson, J.J. Wagner, S.L. Roberts, B.W. Woolfolk, C.J. Richards, and C.R. Krehbiel. 2012. Blended byproduct feeds in finishing rations on performance, carcass, and fecal characteristics of yearling heifers. J. Anim. Sci. 90(E-Suppl. 3):334.
Johnson, B.T., C.L. Maxwell, B.K. Wilson, J.J. Wagner, C.J. Richards, and C.R. Krehbiel. 2012. The effects of titrating corn-based dried distillers grains plus solubles with sorghum-based wet distillers grains plus solubles on yearling heifers feedlot performance and carcass characteristics. J. Anim. Sci. 90(E-Suppl. 3):714.
South Dakota State University
L. M. Hoffman, R. H. Pritchard, A. D. Weaver, S. M. Scramlin, M. G. Gonda, A. E. Wertz-Lutz, and K. R. Underwood. 2012. Leptin genotype and growing phase diet effects on carcass traits and meat quality. The 63rd Reciprocal Meat Conference, Fargo, ND. Amer. Meat Sci. Assoc.
Cox, C.L., R. H. Pritchard, B. P. Holland, and J. S. Jennings. 2012. Plasma metabolites and rumen ammonia concentration in steers fed high-forage diets and supplemented non-protein nitrogen. J. Anim. Sci. 90:(Suppl 3) p 623.
University of Wisconsin
Havens, S., T. Barry, C. Hedman, J. Hemming, M. Mieritz, M. Shafer, J. Schauer. Analysis of steroid hormones in surface water runoff from animal farms using sulfuric acid preservation and isotope dilution. Amer Chem Soc 239: 352-Envr. Mar 21 2010 (Abstr).
Plaster, S., C. T. Jobsis and D. M. Schaefer. 2011. Preference and lying time of beef steers housed on rubber-covered slats vs. concrete slats. Proc. Fifth Intl. Conf. Assessment of Anim. Welfare at Farm and Group Level, Univ. of Guelph, Guelph, Ontario, Canada. T. Widowski, P. Lawlis and K. Sheppard eds., Wageningen Acad. Publ. p. 121.
Wagner, D. R., E. L. Edgerton, C. T. Jobsis, M. R. Schaefer and D. M. Schaefer. 2012. Effect of rubber slatted flooring on behavior, joint health, and production measures of feedlot cattle. Beef Cattle Welfare Symposium, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada.
USDAMeat Animal Research Center
Hales, K. E. 2013. Environmental impact of new feeding choices in the feedlot industry. J. Anim. Sci. (E-Suppl.)
Jaderborg J. P., G. I. Crawford, A. DiCostanzo, M. J. Spiehs, K. E. Hales. 2013. Effects of corn processing method and dietary inclusion of corn wet distillers grains with solubles (WDGS) on nutrient metabolism and enteric gas production in finishing steers. J. Anim. Sci. (E-Suppl.)