NCR201: Integrated Pest Management
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
Participant List
Participant Name | Is Head | Contact Info |
Hogg, David dhogg@cals.wisc.edu |
Wisconsin - University of Wisconsin Entomology 608-262-9812 |
Jensen, Bryan bmjense1@facstaff.wisc.edu |
Wisconsin - University of Wisconsin Horticulture 608-263-4073 |
Latin, Rick rlatin@purdue.edu |
Indiana - Purdue University Botany 765-494-4639 |
Smeda, Reid smedar@missouri.edu |
Missouri - University of Missouri Plant Sciences 573-882-6361 |
Fishel, Fred fishelf@missouri.edu |
Missouri - University of Missouri Plant Sciences 573-882-1329 |
Brewer, Michael brewerm@msu.edu |
Michigan - Michigan State University Integrated Plant Systems |
Stahlman, Phillip stahlman@ksu.edu |
Kansas - Kansas State University KSU Agricultural Research Center - Hays 785-625-3425 |
McMullen, Marcia Marcia.McMullen@ndsu.edu |
North Dakota - North Dakota State University Plant Pathology 701-231-7627 |
Lym, Rod Rod.Lym@ndsu.edu |
North Dakota - North Dakota State University Soil Science 701-231-8903 |
Dobesh, Sharon M. sdobesh@k-state.edu |
Kansas - Kansas State University Entomology 785-532-4748 |
Kovach, Joseph kovach.49@osu.edu |
Ohio - Ohio State University Entomology 330-263-3846 |
Curtis, Charles R. curtis.6@osu.edu |
Yes |
Ohio - Ohio State University Plant Pathology 614-292-4854 |
Clay, Sharon sharon.clay@sdstate.edu |
South Dakota - South Dakota State University Plant Science 605-688-4757 |
Tollefson, Jon tolly@iastate.edu |
Yes |
Iowa - Iowa State University Entomology 515-294-7400 |
Brewer, *Gary Gary.Brewer@ndsu.edu |
North Dakota - North Dakota State University Entomology 701-231-7908 |
Wright, Robert J rwright2@unl.edu |
Nebraska - University of Nebraska Entomology 402-762-4439 |
Deneke, Darrell darrell.deneke@sdstate.edu |
South Dakota - South Dakota State University Plant Science 605-688-4595 |
Lindquist, John jlindquist1@unl.edu |
Nebraska - University of Nebraska Agronomy & Horticluture 402-472-2771 |
Hart, L. Patrick hartl@msu.edu |
Michigan - Michigan State University Plant Pathology 517-353-9428 |
Ragsdale, David ragsd001@umn.edu |
Minnesota - University of Minnesota Entomology 612-624-6771 |
Bissonnette, S. sbissonn@uiuc.edu |
Illinois - University of Illinois Crop Sciences 217-333-4901 |
Foster, Ricky E rfoster@purdue.edu |
Indiana - Purdue University |
Ratcliffe, Susan sratclif@uiuc.edu |
Illinois - University of Illinois Dept. of Crop Science 217-333-9656 |
Ostlie, Kenneth R. ostli001@umn.edu |
Minnesota - University of Minnesota Entomology 612-624-9272 |