NC1202: Enteric Diseases of Food Animals: Enhanced Prevention, Control and Food Safety
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Active
Participant List
Participant Name | Is Head | Contact Info |
Nagaraja, T.G. Tnagaraj@vet.k-state.edu |
Yes |
Kansas - Kansas State University |
Mansfield, Linda mansfie4@cvm.msu.edu |
Yes |
Michigan - Michigan State University |
Lin, Jun jlin6@utk.edu |
Yes |
Tennessee - University of Tennessee |
Saqui-Salces, Milena msaquisa@umn.edu |
Minnesota - University of Minnesota |
Gebhart, Connie gebha001@umn.edu |
Yes |
Minnesota - University of Minnesota Veterinary Pathobiology |
Vannucci, Fabio vannu008@umn.edu |
Minnesota - University of Minnesota |
Fasina, Yewande yfasina@ncat.edu |
NC A&T State University |
Sun, Xiaolun xiaoluns@uark.edu |
Yes |
Arkansas - University of Arkansas |
Wang, Qiuhong wang.655@osu.edu |
Yes |
Ohio - Ohio State University FAHRP 330-263-3960 |
Kenney, Scott kenney.157@osu.edu |
Ohio - Ohio State University |
Witola, William whwit35@illinois.edu |
Illinois - University of Illinois |
Yoo, Dongwan dyoo@illinois.edu |
Illinois - University of Illinois Department of Pathobiology 217-244-9120 |
Moxley, Rodney rmoxley1@unl.edu |
Yes |
Nebraska - University of Nebraska Veterinary & Biomedical Sciences |
Reynolds, Donald dreynolds2@unl.edu |
Nebraska - University of Nebraska Veterinary Medicine |
Reddy, Jay nreddy2@unl.edu |
Nebraska - University of Nebraska |
Ramamoorthy, Sheela sheela.ramamoorthy@ndsu.edu |
Yes |
North Dakota - North Dakota State University Vet Micro Sciences 701-231-8504 |
Jin, Yong-Su ysjin@illinois.edu |
Illinois - University of Illinois |
Mellata, Melha mmellata@iastate.edu |
Yes |
Iowa - Iowa State University |
Zhang, Glenn zguolon@okstate.edu |
Yes |
Oklahoma - Oklahoma State University Animal Science 405-744-6619 |
Xiao, Zhengguo xiao0028@umd.edu |
Yes |
Maryland - University of Maryland |
Farnell, Yuhua yfarnell@tamu.edu |
Yes |
Texas AgriLife Research |
Piepenbrink, Kurt kurt.piepenbrink@unl.edu |
Nebraska - University of Nebraska |
Auchtung, Jennifer jauchtung2@unl.edu |
Nebraska - University of Nebraska |
Farnell, Morgan B morgan.farnell@ag.tamu.edu |
Texas AgriLife Research Poultry Science 979-845-4319 |
Shah, Devendra Devendra.Shah@ttu.edu |
Texas Tech University Veterinary Microbiology and Pathology |
Bisha, Bledar bbisha@uwyo.edu |
Yes |
Wyoming - University of Wyoming Animal Science (307) 766-31 |
Geisbrecht, Brian geisbrechtb@ksu.edu |
Kansas - Kansas State University |
Chang, Kyeong-Ok kchang@vet.ksu.edu |
Kansas - Kansas State University |
Klebba, Philip peklebba@ksu.edu |
Kansas - Kansas State University |
Bangoura, Berit bbangour@uwyo.edu |
Wyoming - University of Wyoming |
Saif, Linda J. saif.2@osu.edu |
Ohio - Ohio State University Food Animal Health Research Program 330-263-3742 |
Zhang, Weiping wpzhang@illinois.edu |
Yes |
Illinois - University of Illinois |
Zhang, Qijing Zhang123@iastate.edu |
Iowa State University - College of Vet Med Vet Microbiology & Preventive Medicine; Vet Med Admin |
Sahin, Orhan osahin@iastate.edu |
Iowa State University - College of Vet Med |
Looft, Torey Torey.Looft@ARS.USDA.GOV |
National Animal Disease Center |
Obe, Tomi toobe@uark.edu |
Arkansas - University of Arkansas |
Liu, Yanhong yahliu@ucdavis.edu |
California -Davis : University of California, Davis |
Awosile, Babfela babafela.awosile@ttu.edu |
Yes |
Texas Tech University |
Shringi, Smriti Smriti.Shringi@ttu.edu |
Texas Tech University |
Zhou, Huaijun hzhou@ucdavis.edu |
California -Davis : University of California, Davis Animal Science 530-752-1034 |
Hemida, Maged maged.hemida@liu.edu |
Yes |
Long Island University |
Li, Wenli wenli.li@usda.gov |
USDA-ARS-Dairy Forage Research Center, Madison, WI |
Shen, Ruizhong ruizhong.shen@merck.com |
Merck Animal Health |
Fan, Peixin pf324@msstate.edu |
Mississippi - Mississippi State University |
Bobik, Thomas bobik@iastate.edu |
Iowa - Iowa State University |
Vlasova, Anastasia vlasova.1@osu.edu |
Ohio - Ohio State University |
Amachawadi, Raghavendra agraghav@vet.ksu.edu |
Kansas - Kansas State University |
Shepherd, Elizabeth eshephe4@utk.edu |
Tennessee - University of Tennessee |
Chang, Yung-Fu yc42@cornell.edu |
New York -Ithaca : Cornell University 607-253-3675 |
Niu, Xiaoyu xniu2@ncat.edu |
Yes |
North Carolina A&T State University |
Bielke, Lisa lbielke@ncsu.edu |
North Carolina - North Carolina State University |
McElroy, Audrey amcelroy@tamu.edu |
Texas AgriLife Research |
Pattnaik, Asit K apattnaik2@unl.edu |
Nebraska - University of Nebraska |
Gomes Neto, Joao Carlos gomesneto.2@osu.edu |
Ohio - Ohio State University |
Levent, Gizem gizemlevent@tamu.edu |
Texas AgriLife Research |
Helmy, Yorsa A. yosra.helmy@uky.edu |
Yes |
Kentucky - University of Kentucky |
Liu, George George.Liu@usda.gov |
USDA-ARS/Maryland |
Muyyarikkandy, Muhammed Shafeekh msm@udel.edu |
Yes |
Delaware - University of Delaware |
Gebhardt, Jordan jgebhardt@vet.k-state.edu |
Kansas - Kansas State University |
Rajashekara, Gireesh gireesh2@illinois.edu |
Illinois - University of Illinois |
Fang, Wenjuan wenjuan.fang@ndsu.edu |
North Dakota - North Dakota State University |