NC1202: Enteric Diseases of Food Animals: Enhanced Prevention, Control and Food Safety
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Active
Date of Annual Report: 03/20/2023
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 01/21/2023
- 01/21/2023
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2021 - 09/30/2022
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2021 - 09/30/2022
In-person (n = 25): Ruizhong Shen (Merck), Babafela Awosile (Texas Tech U), Glenn Zhang (Oklahoma State U), M.M. Chengappa (Kansas State U), Torey Looft (USDA ARS), Jun Lin (U of Tennessee), T.G. Nagaraja (Kansas State University), Rodney Moxley (U of Nebraska-Lincoln), Morgan Farnell (Texas A&M), Yuhua Farnell (Texas A&M), Linda Mansfield (Michigan State), Qijing Zhang (Iowa State U), Smriti Shringi (Texas Tech U), Devendra Shah (Texas Tech U), Orhan Sahin (Iowa State U), Kurt Piepenbrink (U of Nebraska-Lincoln), Gireesh Rajashekara (The Ohio State U), Milena-Saqui Salces (U of Minnesota), Xiaolun Sun (U of Arkansas), Yung-Fu Chang (Cornell U), Kush Kumar Yadav (student, The Ohio State University), Menuka Bhandari (student, The Ohio State University), Michelle Colby (USDA NIFA rep), Kathe Bjork (USDA NIFA rep), Tim Sullivan (USDA NIFA rep).Remote (n = 6): Frank Blecha (Kansas State U), Jennifer Auchtung (U of Nebraska-Lincoln), Scott Kenney (The Ohio State University), Joy Scaria (South Dakota State U), Viju Vijayan Pillai (South Dakota State U), Connie Gebhart (U of Minnesota)
Brief Summary of Minutes
- Welcome, Drs. Orhan Sahin (Chair) and Glenn Zhang (Secretary)
- Opening remarks - Dr. Frank Blecha, NC1202 Administrative Advisor (via Zoom)
- Self-introductions among onsite and remote attendees
- Recognition of the NC1202 members who were recently elected to the National Academy of Sciences, the American Academy of Microbiology, or the CRWAD
- Business Meeting: Discussed budget, student awards, initiation of 1-2 keynote talks each year in the future, the possibility of having a luncheon or mixer
- USDA-NIFA updates on funding and perspectives - Dr. Michelle Colby (National Program Leader for Animal Biosecurity) and Dr. Kathe Bjork (National Program Leader for Animal Health). Dr. Michelle Colby gave a presentation and participated the entire meeting. Also, Dr. Bjork and Dr. Tim Sullivan joined the afternoon session.
- 10 Progress Reports and Presentations (25 min + 5 min Q&A; 11am – 6:15)
<ol><br /> <li>Demonstrated that inhibitors for a unique bacterial-type lactate dehydrogenase (CpLDH) and plant-like pyruvate kinase (CpPyK) enzymes of the glycolytic pathway can stop the growth of <em>Cryptosporidium parvum</em> and prevent disease development in a mouse model.</li><br /> <li>Demonstrated the efficacy of a multivalent vaccine, MecVax, against ETEC toxin-mediated clinical diarrhea in pigs and against intestinal colonization in rabbits.</li><br /> <li>Developed and evaluated multivalent vaccine candidates for cross-protection against different <em>Shigella</em> species and serogroups or different <em>Vibrio cholerae</em> serotypes in a mouse pulmonary model or cholera in a rabbit model.</li><br /> <li>Cloned and expressed <em>bsh</em> gene and evaluated its efficacy of deconjugating taurodeoxycholic acid to deoxycholic acid on inhibiting <em>Clostridium perfringens</em></li><br /> <li>Identified and evaluated microbiota-metabolized cholic acid and chenodeoxycholic acid on influencing <em>Campylobacter jejuni</em></li><br /> <li>Collected 200 <em> coli</em> isolates from fecal cattle samples and performed whole genome sequencing for future comparison with wildlife samples to assess antimicrobial resistance.</li><br /> <li>Found CD45RO not to be ubiquitously expressed in cattle and thus challenged the current paradigm of CD45RO<sup>+</sup>and CD45RA<sup>-</sup> as markers specific for bovine memory T cells.</li><br /> <li>Showed that sialylated oligosaccharide motifs on the lipooligosaccharide (LOS) of Guillain Barré Syndrome-associated <em> jejuni</em> strains act as both the Siglec-1-ligand for phagocytosis, as well as the epitope for autoimmunity.</li><br /> <li>Showed that host genetic background, <em>Campylobacter</em> <em>jejuni</em> genome sequence and surface modifications, and gut microbiota all impact susceptibility to Guillain Barré Syndrome.</li><br /> <li>Engineered a recombination-resistant porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) by targeting the transcriptional regulatory sequences for live attenuated vaccine development</li><br /> <li>Studied the role of stress-induced proteins, RpoS and YicC, in the persistence of <em>Salmonella </em>Typhimurium in tomato plants</li><br /> <li>Studied host factors involved in combatting disease caused by coronavirus infections</li><br /> <li>Defined the pathogenesis in extraintestinal organs of porcine deltacoronavirus, which is a newly emerged coronavirus that causes diarrhea, dehydration, and anorexia, leading to decreased body weight gain and deaths.</li><br /> <li>Studied the impact of vitamin A deficiency and supplementation on gut-mammary gland immune trafficking in sows and passive protection of the piglets against PEDV and rotavirus A infection and diseases</li><br /> <li>Generated a rotavirus A reverse genetics system to study the mechanisms of the virus virulence and receptor interactions</li><br /> <li>Discovered that the globally disseminating fluoroquinolone-resistant <em>Salmonella</em> Kentucky ST198 strains are metabolically more efficient than the domestically prevalent fluoroquinolone-susceptible <em>Salmonella </em>Kentucky ST152 strains</li><br /> <li>Identified two novel regulatory mechanisms essential for high-level polymyxin resistance in <em> coli</em>, which are controlled by the RpoE stress response pathway and PmrR.</li><br /> <li>Determined global microRNA profile underlying interferon-mediated antiviral response in porcine macrophages and determined phylogenic diversification of non-classical interferon subtypes in Xenopus and livestock</li><br /> <li>Investigated the effect of subcutaneous enrofloxacin and danofloxacin on local and systemic pharmacokinetics values, gut microbiota, and fluoroquinolone resistance development in <em> jejuni</em> in healthy and diseased calves.</li><br /> <li>Developed swine enteroids, which represent a novel model for the evaluation of new therapeutics, vaccine candidates, and host-pathogen interactions.</li><br /> <li>Developed a rapid and cost-effective diagnostic tool for multidrug-resistant <em>Salmonella enterica</em> typing in cattle.</li><br /> </ol>Publications
<ol><br /> <li>Khan S.M., Hernandez A.G., Allaie I.M., Grooms G.M., Li K., <strong>Witola W.H</strong>., Stec J. 2022. Activity of (1-benzyl-4-triazolyl)-indole-2-carboxamides against <em>Toxoplasma gondii </em>and <em>Cryptosporidium parvum</em>. J. Parasitol. Drugs Drug Resist. 19: 6-20.</li><br /> <li>Khan S.M., Zhang X., <strong>Witola W.H.</strong> <em>Cryptosporidium parvum </em>pyruvate kinase inhibitors with <em>in vivo </em>anti-cryptosporidial efficacy. Front. Microbiol. 12: 800293.</li><br /> <li>Upadhyay I, S Li, H Seo, DA Sack, <strong>W Zhang</strong>. A polyvalent protein antigen and rabbit colonization and infant passive protection models for a multivalent cholera vaccine. Proc Natl Acad Sci USA, 119(50): e2202938119.</li><br /> <li>Upadhyay I, KL Lauder, S Li, G Ptacek, <strong>W Zhang</strong>. Intramuscularly administered enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli (ETEC) vaccine candidate MecVax prevented H10407 intestinal colonization in an adult rabbit colonization model. Microbiol Spect 10(4): e0147322.</li><br /> <li>Li, S, X Han, I Upadhyay, <strong> Zhang</strong>. 2022. Characterization of functional B-cell epitopes at the amino terminus of <em>Shigella </em>invasion plasmid antigen B (IpaB). Appl Environ Microbiol 88(15):e0038422.</li><br /> <li>Seo H, Q Duan, I Upadhyay, <strong>W Zhang</strong>. Evaluation of multivalent enterotoxigenic <em>E. coli</em> vaccine candidate MecVax antigen dose-dependent effect in a murine model. Appl Environ Microbiol 88(17):e0095922.</li><br /> <li>Brumfield KD, H Seo, NIC Artman, <strong>W Zhang</strong>, D Sack, J Goepp. 2022. Feasibility of Avian Antibodies as Prophylaxis against Diarrheal Illness. Front Immun 13: e1011200.</li><br /> <li>Garcia YC, H Seo, DA Sack, <strong> Zhang</strong>. 2022. Intradermally administered enterotoxigenic <em>E. coli</em> vaccine candidate MecVax induces functional serum IgG antibodies against seven adhesins (CFA/I, CS1-CS6) and both toxins (STa, LT). Appl Environ Microbiol, 88(4):e0213921.</li><br /> <li>Jones R, H Seo, <strong>W Zhang</strong>, DA Sack. A multi-epitope fusion antigen (MEFA) candidate vaccine for ETEC is protective against strain B7A colonization in a rabbit model. PLOS Negl Trop Dis, 16(2):e0010177.</li><br /> <li>Li S, KH Lee, <strong>W Zhang</strong>. Multiepitope fusion antigen: MEFA, an epitope- and structure-based vaccinology platform for multivalent vaccine development. Methods Mol Biol 2412:151-169.</li><br /> <li>Seo H, C Garcia, XS Ruan, QD Duan, DA Sack, <strong>W Zhang</strong>. MecVax, a novel structure- and epitope-based multivalent enterotoxigenic<em> E. coli</em> vaccine for broad protection against ETEC-associated diarrhea. Infect Immun 89(7):e00106-21 (Spotlight Selection/Vaccines).</li><br /> <li>Fu, Y., Almansour, A., Bansal, M., Alenezi, T., Alrubaye, B., Wang, H., <strong>Sun, X.</strong> Vaccines using <em>Clostridium perfringens</em> sporulation proteins reduce necrotic enteritis in chickens. Microorganisms, 10(6), 1110.</li><br /> <li>Fu, Y., Alenezi, T., <strong>Sun, X.</strong> <em>Clostridium perfringens</em>-induced necrotic diseases: An Overview. Immuno 2 (2), 387-407.</li><br /> <li>Kandel, A., L. Li, A. Hada, <strong> Xiao</strong> 2022. Differential Expression of CD45RO and CD45RA in Bovine T Cells. Cells 11(11): 1844.</li><br /> <li>Kandel, A., A. Hada, <strong> Xiao</strong> 2022. Are CD45RO+ and CD45RA- genuine markers for bovine memory T cells? Animal Diseases 2 (1):23.</li><br /> <li>Brudvig J.M., Cluett M.M., Gensterblum-Miller E.U., Chen J., Bell J.A., and <strong>Mansfield L.S.</strong> Th1/Th17-mediated Immunity and Protection from Peripheral Neuropathy in Wildtype and IL10-/- BALB/c Mice Infected with a Guillain-Barré Syndrome-associated <em>Campylobacter jejuni</em> Strain. Comparative Medicine 72(2): 63-77.</li><br /> <li>Charles, J.L., Brooks, P.T., Bell, J.A., Manning S.D., <strong>Mansfield L.S.</strong> 2022. Zoonotic transmission of <em>Campylobacter jejuni</em> to caretakers from sick pen calves carrying a mixed population of strains with and without Guillain Barré Syndrome-associated lipooligosaccharide loci. Frontiers in Microbiology 2022; 13: 800269.</li><br /> <li>Malik A., Brudvig J.M., Gadsden B.J., Ethridge A.D., <strong>Mansfield L.S.</strong><em>Campylobacter jejuni </em>induces autoimmune peripheral neuropathy via Sialoadhesin and Interleukin-4 axes, Gut Microbes 2022; 14(1): 2064706.</li><br /> <li>Alhamo MA, PA Boley, M Liu, X Niu, KK Yadav, C Lee, <strong>LJ Saif</strong>, <strong>Q Wang</strong>, and <strong>SP Kenney</strong>. 2022. Characterization of the Cross-Species Transmission Potential for Porcine Deltacoronaviruses Expressing Sparrow Coronavirus Spike Protein in Commercial Poultry. Viruses 14: 1225.</li><br /> <li>Niu X, F Kong, J Xu, M Liu, <strong>Q Wang</strong>. 2022. Mutations in porcine epidemic diarrhea virus nsp1 cause increased viral sensitivity to host interferon responses and attenuation in vivo. J Virol. 96:e0046922.</li><br /> <li>Niu X, <strong>Q Wang</strong>. 2022. Prevention and Control of Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea: The Development of Recombination-Resistant Live Attenuated Vaccines. Viruses 14:1317.</li><br /> <li>Kong F, <strong>Q Wang</strong>, <strong>SP Kenney</strong>, K Jung, <strong>A Vlasova</strong>, <strong>LJ Saif</strong>. 2022. Porcine deltacoronaviruses: Origin, evolution, cross-species transmission and zoonotic potential. Pathogens 11(1): 79.</li><br /> <li>Helmy YA, Closs G Jr, Jung K, Kathayat D, Vlasova A, <strong>Rajashekara G</strong>. 2022. Effect of Probiotic <em> coli</em> Nissle 1917 Supplementation on the Growth Performance, Immune Responses, Intestinal Morphology, and Gut Microbes of <em>Campylobacter jejuni</em> Infected Chickens. Infect Immun. 90(10): e0033722.</li><br /> <li>Cruz-Pulido, D; Ouma, W.Z., <strong>Kenney, S.P.</strong> Differing coronavirus genres alter shared host signaling pathways upon viral infection. Sci Rep 12: 9744.</li><br /> <li>Boley, P.A., <strong>Kenney, S.P.</strong> Luminescent Immunoprecipitation System (LIPS) Development for the Specific Detection of PDCoV and SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies. In: Wang, L. (eds) Animal Coronaviruses. Springer Protocols Handbooks. Humana, New York, NY.</li><br /> <li><strong>Wang, Q.</strong> Isolation of porcine epidemic diarrhea virus from clinical samples. In: Wang, L. (eds) Animal Coronaviruses. Springer Protocols Handbooks. Humana, New York, NY.</li><br /> <li>Keusch, G.T., Amuasi, J.H., Anderson, D.E., Daszak, P., Eckerle, I., Field, H., Koopmans, M., Lam, S.K., Das Neves, C.G., Peiris, M., Perlman, S., Wacharapluesadee, S., Yadana, S., <strong>Saif, L</strong>. 2022. Pandemic origins and a One Health approach to preparedness and prevention: Solutions based on SARS-CoV-2 and other RNA viruses. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA 119, e2202871119.</li><br /> <li>Chepngeno, J., Amimo, J.O., Michael, H., Jung, K., Raev, S., Lee, M.V., Damtie, D., Mainga, A.O., Vlasova, A.N., <strong>Saif, L.J.</strong> Rotavirus A Inoculation and Oral Vitamin A Supplementation of Vitamin A Deficient Pregnant Sows Enhances Maternal Adaptive Immunity and Passive Protection of Piglets against Virulent Rotavirus A. Viruses 14(11): 2354</li><br /> <li>Guedes RMC, Vannucci F, and <strong>Gebhart C</strong>. 2022. <em>Lawsonia intracellularis</em>. In: Pathogenesis of Bacterial Infections in Animals. 5th Edition, Prescott J, AN Rycroft, J. Boyce, JI MacInnes, F. Van Immerseel, JA Vázquez-Boland, eds. Wiley.</li><br /> <li>Adetunji A, Casey T, Franco J, <strong>Shah D</strong>, Fasina Y. 2022. Proteomic Analysis of the Effect of <em>Salmonella</em> Challenge on Broiler Chicken. Molecules 27(21): 7277.</li><br /> <li>Xu J, Xie Y, Paul NC, Roopesh MS, <strong>Shah DH</strong>, Tang J. 2022. Water sorption characteristics of freeze-dried bacteria in low-moisture foods. Int J Food Microbiol. 362:109494.</li><br /> <li><strong>Awosile B</strong>, Rahman MK, Williams RB, Loneragan GH. 2022. Resistance to extended-spectrum cephalosporins in <em>Escherichia coli</em> and <em>Salmonella enterica</em> isolated from food-producing animals: Ecological study from selected national surveillance programs. Prev Vet Med. 206: 105710.</li><br /> <li><strong>Awosile BB</strong>, Agbaje M, Adebowale O, Kehinde O, Omoshaba E. 2022. Beta-lactamase resistance genes in Enterobacteriaceae from Nigeria. Afr J Lab Med. 2022 Feb 22;11(1):1371.</li><br /> <li>Nguyen, X. D.; Zhao, Y.; Evans, J. D.; <strong>Lin, J.</strong>; Voy, B., Purswell, J. L. (2022). Effect of ultraviolet radiation on reducing airborne <em>Escherichia coli</em> carried by poultry litter particles. 12, 1370.</li><br /> <li>Hinenoya, A., H. Wang, E.M. Patrick, X. Zeng, L. Cao, X.P. Li, R.L. Lindsey, B. Gillespie, Q. He, S. Yamasaki, <strong> Lin.</strong> 2022. Longitudinal surveillance and comparative characterization of <em>Escherichia albertii</em> in wild raccoons in the United States. <em>Microbiological Research</em>. 262:127109.</li><br /> <li>Cui, Y., H. Wang, F. Guo, X. Cao, X. Wang, X. Zeng, G. Cui, <strong> Lin</strong>, F. Xu. 2022. Monoclonal antibody-based indirect competitive ELISA for quantitative detection of <em>Enterobacteriaceae</em> siderophore enterobactin. <em>Food Chemistry</em>. 391:133241.</li><br /> <li>Nguyen, X.D., Y. Zhao, <strong> Lin</strong>, L. Schneider, B. Voy, S. Hawkins, J. Purswell. 2022. Evaluation of bioaerosol samplers for airborne Escherichia coli carried by poultry litter particles. <em>Journal of the ASABE. </em>65(4): 825-833. </li><br /> <li>Poudel, S., G.T. Tabler, <strong> Lin</strong>, W. Zhai, L. Zhang. 2022. Riboflavin and <em>Bacillus subtilis</em> effects on growth performance and woody-breast of Ross 708 broilers with or without Eimeria spp. challenge. <em>Journal of Animal Science and Technology </em>64(3): 443–461.</li><br /> <li>Wang, H., L. Zhang, L. Cao, X. Zeng, B. Gillespie, <strong> Lin.</strong> 2022. Isolation and characterization of <em>Escherichia albertii</em> originated from the broiler farms in Mississippi and Alabama. <em>Veterinary Microbiology</em> 267:109379.</li><br /> <li>Tang, B., J. Chang, Y. Chen, J.H. Lin, X.N. Xiao, X.D. Xia, <strong> Lin</strong>, H. Yang, G. Zhao. 2022. <em>Escherichia fergusonii</em>, an underrated repository for antimicrobial resistance in food animals. <em>Microbiology Spectrum</em> 10: e01617-21</li><br /> <li>Nguyen, X. D., Y. Zhao, J. D. Evans, <strong> Lin</strong>, J. L. Purswell. 2022. Survival of <em>Escherichia coli</em> in airborne and settled poultry litter particles. <em>Animals</em> 12(3):284.</li><br /> <li>Li J, Sang ER, Adeyemi O, Miller LC, <strong>Sang Y.</strong> Comparative transcriptomics reveals small RNA composition and differential microRNA responses underlying interferon-mediated antiviral regulation in porcine alveolar macrophages. Front Immunol. 13:1016268.</li><br /> <li>Fleming DS, Miller LC, Li J, Geelen AV, <strong>Sang Y.</strong> Transcriptomic Analysis of Liver Indicates Novel Vaccine to Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Virus Promotes Homeostasis in T-Cell and Inflammatory Immune Responses Compared to a Commercial Vaccine in Pigs. Front. Vet. Sci. 9:791034</li><br /> <li>Brito-Goulart D, AF Beyi, Z Wu, MC Adiguzel, S Wilson, C Xu, J Pang, R Dewell, G Dewell, PJ Plummer, <strong>Q Zhang, O Sahin</strong>. 2022. Influence of Single Dose Enrofloxacin Injection on Development of Fluoroquinolone Resistance in <em>Campylobacter jejuni</em> in Calves. <em>Antibiotics</em> 2022, 11, 1407.</li><br /> <li>Brito-Goulart D, AF Beyi, Z Wu, MC Adiguzel, A Schroeder, K Singh, C Xu, MM Ocal, R Dewell, G Dewell, PJ. Plummer, <strong>Q Zhang, O Sahin</strong>. 2022. Effect of Danofloxacin Treatment on the Development of Fluoroquinolone Resistance in <em>Campylobacter jejuni</em> in Calves. <em>Antibiotics</em> 2022, 11, 531.</li><br /> <li>Beyi AF, D Brito-Goulart, T Hawbecker, B Ruddell, A Hassall, R Dewell, G Dewell, O <strong>Sahin, Q Zhang</strong>, PJ Plummer. 2021. Enrofloxacin Alters Fecal Microbiota and Resistome Irrespective of Its Dose in Calves. <em>Microorganisms</em>. 2021, 9, 2162.</li><br /> <li>Beyi AF, D Brito-Goulart, T Hawbecker, C Slagel, B Ruddell, A Hassall, R Dewell, G Dewell, <strong>O Sahin, Q Zhang</strong>, PJ Plummer. 2021. Danofloxacin Treatment Alters the Diversity and Resistome Profile of Gut Microbiota in Calves. <em>Microorganisms</em>. 2021, 9, 2023.</li><br /> <li>Beyi AF, JP Mochel, G Magnin, T Hawbecker, C Slagel, G Dewell, R Dewell, <strong>O Sahin</strong>, H Coetzee, <strong>Q Zhang</strong>, PJ Plummer. 2022. Comparisons of plasma and fecal pharmacokinetics of danofloxacin and enrofloxacin in healthy and <em>Mannheimia haemolytica</em> infected calves. <em>Scientific Reports</em> (2022) 12:5107.</li><br /> <li><strong>Moxley RA.</strong> Chapter 5. Family <em>Enterobacteriaceae</em>. In, McVey DS, Kennedy M, Chengappa MM, Wilkes R (editors), <em>Veterinary Microbiology</em>, 4th Ed., Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, NJ, pp.43-55.</li><br /> <li><strong>Moxley RA.</strong> Chapter 6. <em>Enterobacteriaceae</em>: <em>Escherichia</em>. In, McVey DS, Kennedy M, Chengappa MM, Wilkes R (editors), <em>Veterinary Microbiology</em>, 4th Ed., Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, NJ, pp. 56-74.</li><br /> <li><strong>Moxley RA.</strong> Chapter 7. <em>Enterobacteriaceae</em>: <em>Salmonella</em>. In, McVey DS, Kennedy M, Chengappa MM, Wilkes R (editors), <em>Veterinary Microbiology</em>, 4th Ed., Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, NJ, 75-87.</li><br /> <li><strong>Moxley RA.</strong> Chapter 8. <em>Enterobacteriaceae</em>: <em>Shigella</em>. In, McVey DS, Kennedy M, Chengappa MM, Wilkes R (editors), <em>Veterinary Microbiology</em>, 4th Ed., Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, NJ, 88-99.</li><br /> <li><strong>Moxley RA.</strong> Chapter 9. <em>Yersiniaceae</em>: <em>Yersinia</em>. In, McVey DS, Kennedy M, Chengappa MM, Wilkes R (editors), <em>Veterinary Microbiology</em>, 4th Ed., Wiley-Blackwell, Hoboken, NJ, 100-107.</li><br /> <li>Li J, Xiao Y, Fan Q, Yang H, Yang C, <strong>Zhang G</strong>, Chen S. Dietary bacitracin methylene disalicylate improves growth performance by modulating the gut microbiota in broilers. <em>Antibiotics</em> 2022, 11(6): 818.</li><br /> <li>Wang D, Kuang Y, <strong>Zhang G</strong>, Xiao K, Liu Y. Lysine-specific demethylase 1 in energy metabolism: a novel target for obesity. <em>Journal of Nutrition</em> 2022, 152 (7): 1611-1620.</li><br /> <li>Yang Q, Chen B, Robinson K, Belem T, Lyu W, Deng Z, Ramanathan R, <strong>Zhang G</strong>. Butyrate in combination with forskolin alleviates necrotic enteritis, increases feed efficiency, and improves carcass composition of broilers. <em>Journal of Animal Science and Biotechnology</em> 2022; 13(1): 3.</li><br /> <li>Ahmad R, Yu Y, Su C, Hsiao F, Liu H, Tobin I, <strong>Zhang G</strong>, Cheng Y. 2022. Influence of heat stress on poultry growth performance, intestinal health, and immune function and potential mitigation by probiotics. <em>Animals</em> 12, 2297.</li><br /> <li>Pi Y, Zhang X, Wu Y, Wang Z, Bai Y, Liu X, Han D, Zhao J, Tobin I, Zhao J, <strong>Zhang G</strong>, and Wang J. 2022. Alginate alleviates DSS-induced colitis by promoting <em>Bifidobacterium animalis</em> and intestinal hyodeoxycholic acid synthesis in mice. <em>Microbiology Spectrum</em> 10(6): e02979-22.</li><br /> <li>Han D, Lu D, Huang S, Pang J, Wu Y, Hu J, Zhang X, Pi Y, <strong>Zhang G</strong>, and Wang J. 2022. Small extracellular vesicles from <em>Ptpn1</em>-deficient macrophages alleviate intestinal inflammation by reprogramming macrophage polarization via lactadherin enrichment. <em>Redox Biology</em> 58, 102558.</li><br /> <li>Lyu W, Mi D, Vinson PN, <strong>Zhang G</strong>. Large-scale identification of multiple classes of host defense peptide-inducing compounds for antimicrobial therapy. <em>International Journal of Molecular Sciences</em> 2022, 23(15): 8400.</li><br /> <li>Deng Z, Lyu W, <strong>Zhang G</strong>. High-throughput identification of epigenetic compounds to enhance chicken host defense peptide gene expression. Antibiotics 2022, 11(7): 933.</li><br /> <li>Robinson K, Yang Q, Stewart S, Whitmore MA, <strong>Zhang G</strong>. Biogeography, succession, and origin of the chicken intestinal mycobiome. <em>Microbiome</em> 2022, 10: 55.</li><br /> <li>Yang Q, Burkardt AC, Sunkara LT, Xiao K, <strong>Zhang G</strong>. Natural cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitors synergize with butyrate to augment chicken host defense peptide gene expression. <em>Frontiers in Immunology</em> 2022, 13: 819222.</li><br /> <li>Whitmore MA, Li H, Lyu W, Khanam S, <strong>Zhang G</strong>. Epigenetic regulation of host defense peptide synthesis: Synergy between histone deacetylase inhibitors and DNA/histone methyltransferase inhibitors. <em>Frontiers in Immunology</em> 2022, 13: 874706.</li><br /> </ol>Impact Statements
- Enteric diseases account for multi-billion-dollar annual economic losses to the food animal industry due to reduced weight gain, mortality of young animals and treatment costs. Enteric pathogens of food animals not only cause diseases in animals but some are also zoonotic pathogens and often cause sporadic cases and outbreaks of gastroenteritis in humans. The collaborative efforts of the NC1202 multistate group focus on both applied and basic research, including the identification and characterization of emerging enteric pathogens, development of innovative preventative measures and interventions to reduce the incidence of enteric and foodborne pathogen infections in food animals. New knowledge is timely published and distributed among producers and shareholders.
Date of Annual Report: 03/18/2024
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 01/20/2024
- 01/20/2024
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2022 - 09/30/2023
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2022 - 09/30/2023
• In-person (n = 37): Raghavendra Amachawadi, Jennifer Auchtung, Menuka Bhandari, Yung-Fu Chang, Morgan Farnell, Yuhua Farnell, Aradhya Gourapura, Dylan Harris, Scott Kenney, Saroj Khatiwada, Gizem Levent, Wenli Li, Yu Li, Jun Lin, George Liu, Jing Liu, Melha Mellata, Melissa Monson, Shafeekh Muyyarikkandy, TG Nagaraja, Xiaoyu Niu, Gireesh Rajashekara, Sheela Ramamoorthy, Orhan Sahin, Linda Saif, Milena Saqui-Salces, Elizabeth Shepherd, Xiaolun Sun, Anusree Thenissery, Isabel Tobin, Qiuhong Wang, Carmen Wickware, Melanie Whitmore, Kush Kumar Yadav, Qijing Zhang, Glenn Zhang, Weiping Zhang• Remote (n = 3): Michelle Colby, Torey Looft, Peixin Fan
• These investigators came from at least 20 different universities and institutions including Cornell U, Iowa State U, Kansas State U, Mississippi State U, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State U, North Dakota State U, Ohio State U, Oklahoma State U, South Dakota State U, Texas A&M, Texas Tech, U of Arkansas, U of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, U of Minnesota, U of Nebraska-Lincoln, U of Tennessee, USDA ARS, USDA NIFA, U.S. Dairy Forage Research Center, and USDA National Animal Disease Center.
Brief Summary of Minutes
- Welcome: Drs. Orhan Sahin (Chair) and Glenn Zhang (Secretary)
- Opening remarks: Dr. Milena Saqui-Salces, NC1202 Administrative Advisor
- Self-introductions among onsite and remote attendees
- Business Meeting: Discussed budget and student awards; appointed Dr. Glenn Zhang as new chair; elected Dr. Scott Kenney as new secretary for a 2-year term; discussed the ways to strengthen collaborations within the group.
- USDA-NIFA updates: Dr. Michelle Colby, National Program Leader for Animal Biosecurity, provided an update on the USDA funding perspectives remotely.
- Progress reports and presentations: Dr. Linda Saif gave a keynote presentation, followed by another seven progress reports, with each 25 min presentation plus 5 min Q&A.
<ol><br /> <li>Optimized the porcine epidemic diarrhea virus (PEDV) recombination-resistant platform for live attenuated vaccine development.</li><br /> <li>Elucidated how vitamin A status modulates maternal/lactogenic immunity and the gut-mammary gland-secretory IgA(sIgA) axis in sows.</li><br /> <li>Characterized extraintestinal infection of porcine deltacoronavirus (PDCoV) by demonstrating that PDCoV RNA could be detected in low to moderate quantities in multiple organs or extraintestinal fluids, such as bronchoalveolar lavage and bile.</li><br /> <li>Isolated and characterized current bovine coronavirus (BCoV) strains from dairy cows, dairy calves, and beef cattle for infectious clone establishment to study BCoV gene functions, tissue tropisms, and attenuated vaccine development.</li><br /> <li>Constructed broadly immunogenic multivalent antigens for broad immunity and cross-protection against pig post-weaning diarrhea and moderate-to-severe diarrhea in humans using a novel multiepitope-fusion-antigen (MEFA) vaccinology platform.</li><br /> <li>Identified three inhibitors of <em>Cryptosporidium parvum</em> glycolytic enzymes to be efficacious in treating cryptosporidiosis in infected bovine neonatal calves.</li><br /> <li>Demonstrated that clathrin is involved in the endocytosis of <em>Lawsonia intracellularis</em>.</li><br /> <li>Characterized two novel regulatory mechanisms that play a critical role in polymyxin resistance in Gram-negative pathogens and revealed novel targets for combating polymyxin resistance, a significant issue in animal health and food safety.</li><br /> <li>Demonstrated that small molecules, GI-7 and QSI-5, possess a higher anti-APEC efficacy than sulfadimethoxine without a negative impact on growth performance of chickens.</li><br /> <li>Revealed that <em>Clostridium perfringens</em> virulence was reduced by secondary bile acid deoxycholic acid (DCA) and isoallolithocholic acid (isoalloLCA).</li><br /> <li>Developed a microbiota-based treatment that significantly altered the host gut innate immune response and provided protection to <em>Enterobacteriaceae</em> and <em>Salmonella</em> in chickens.</li><br /> <li>Deciphered the association between <em>Campylobacter jejuni</em> colonization and gut microbiota composition of commercial broilers, and demonstrated fecal microbiota transplantation reduced cecal <em>Campylobacter</em> colonization significantly in broilers.</li><br /> <li>Established avian and porcine organoid models for studying host-pathogen interactions.</li><br /> <li>Validated digital PCR for monitoring priority antibiotic resistance genes in wastewater plants representing municipalities of different sizes in Wyoming.</li><br /> <li>Collaborated with the USDA-APHIS to conduct in-depth molecular characterization of SARS-CoV-2 in white-tail deer and seroprevalence over the course of several years.</li><br /> </ol>Publications
<p><strong>Grants and Contracts </strong>(Names in bold denote the NC1202 participants)<strong> </strong></p><br /> <ol><br /> <li>Zhao L (PI), <strong>Wang Q, Bielke L,</strong> Nazmi A (co-PIs). USDA-NIFA. Abate poultry disease and heat stress by climate-smart housing and environment control intervention for sustainable cage-free egg production. #2023-68014-39720. 6/1/2023 – 5/31/2027. $1,000,000.</li><br /> <li><strong>Yoo DW (PI),</strong> <strong>Wang Q</strong> <strong>(co-PI).</strong> USDA-NIFA. Recombination-negative, immune-enhanced, and clinically attenuated PRRSV as a vaccine. #2023-67015-39710. 4/15/2023-4/14/2027. $650,000.</li><br /> <li><strong>Vlasova A (PI), Saif L (Co-PI).</strong> NIH-NIAID. rotavirus reverse genetics system to study viral pathogenesis and receptor interactions. #1R21AI173880-01A1. 7/10/2023-6/30/2025. $393,750.</li><br /> <li>Labbe N, Rajan K, <strong>Lin J (Co-PI),</strong> D’Souza D. USDA-NIFA. production and valorization of hemicellulosic biorefining streams as functional feed ingredients for the poultry industry. #2023-67021-39644. 01/01/2023 – 12/31/2025. $626,713.</li><br /> <li><strong>Sang Y (PI).</strong> USDA-NIFA. Whole-transcriptomic profiling of non-coding RNAs for antiviral regulation in porcine alveolar macrophages. #TENX-2132-GFSHAP. 09/30/2023-09/29/2026. $123,000</li><br /> <li><strong>Mellata M</strong> <strong>(PI),</strong> Kogut M (Co-PI). USDA-NIFA. A novel probiotic to increase chicken gut integrity and maturation at early life to improve health and disease resistance. #2023-67015-39078. 02/01/2023-01/31/2027. $635,000.</li><br /> <li>Sibley D (PI), <strong>Witola WH (Co-PI).</strong> NIH-NIAID. Genetic basis of host infectivity by <em>Cryptosporidium</em>. #1R01AI175150-01. 12/2023-02/2028. $3,396,385.</li><br /> <li><strong>Zhang W</strong> <strong>(PI),</strong> Silvera P, Sack DA. NIH-NIAID. Development of MecVax, a cross-protective subunit vaccine for ETEC. #R01AI177144-01. 6/1/2023–5/30/2028. $5,643,881.</li><br /> <li>Sack DA, <strong>Zhang W (Co-PI).</strong> NIH-NIAID. A cross-protective multivalent vaccine for Shigella and ETEC #R01AI175214-01. 3/6/2023 – 2/29/2028. $3,921,648.</li><br /> <li><strong>Piepnbrink KH (PI).</strong> structural mechanisms of bacterial extracellular DNA-recognition. #2310647. 07/2023 – 07/2026. $630,746.</li><br /> <li><strong>Farnell YF</strong> <strong>(PI).</strong> USDA-ARS. Establishment and characterization of liver organoids from layer chickens. # 5070-31320-001-011-S. 7/1/2023 -6/30/2026. $112,611.</li><br /> <li><strong>Farnell, MB (PI)</strong>. USDA-APHIS. Evaluation and identification of psycho-socio-demographic factors impacting the implementation of and compliance to biosecurity plans for relevant infectious diseases in poultry farmers in Texas. #TX04.22. $306,042.</li><br /> <li><strong>Bisha B (PI).</strong> USDA-APHIS. Laboratory capacity for wildlife-focused diagnostics. #AP23WSNWRC00C038. 05/24/2023 - 05/23/2026. $6,000,000.</li><br /> <li><strong>Bisha B (PI).</strong> USDA-APHIS. Development, validation, and implementation of diagnostic tests for SARS-CoV-2 and other pathogenic microorganisms of wildlife. #AP23WSNWRC00C036. 05/15/2023 - 05/14/2026. $6,276,250.</li><br /> <li><strong>Bisha B (PI).</strong> USDA-APHIS. Spillover of SARS-CoV-2 into wildlife from wastewater treatment plants in the U.S. #AP23WSNWRC00C028. 06/01/2023 – 06/01/2025. $1,362,664.</li><br /> <li><strong>Zhang G (PI).</strong> USDA-NIFA. Epigenetic regulatory mechanism of host defense peptide synthesis. # 2023-67015-39095. 01/15/2023 – 01/14/2027. $650,000.</li><br /> </ol><br /> <p><strong>Publications </strong>(Names in bold denote the NC1202 participants) </p><br /> <ol><br /> <li>Su CM, Du Y, Rowland RRR, <strong>Wang Q,</strong> <strong>Yoo D</strong>. Reprogramming viral immune evasion for a rational design of next-generation vaccines for RNA viruses. <em>Front Immunol.</em> 2023; 14: 1172000.</li><br /> <li>Niu X, Liu M, Yang S, Xu J, Hou YJ, Liu D, Tang Q, Zhu H, <strong>Wang Q.</strong> A recombination-resistant genome for live attenuated and stable PEDV vaccines by engineering the transcriptional regulatory sequences. <em>J Virol</em>. 2023; 97: e0119323.</li><br /> <li>Chepngeno J, Amimo JO, Michael H, Raev SA. Jung K, Lee MV, Damtie D, Omwando A, <strong>Vlasova AN, Saif LJ.</strong> Vitamin A deficiency and vitamin A supplementation affect innate and T cell immune responses to rotavirus A infection in a conventional sow model. <em>Front Immunol.</em> 2023; 14: 1188757.</li><br /> <li>Bedsted AE, Jung K, <strong>Saif LJ.</strong> Detection of porcine deltacoronavirus RNA in the upper and lower respiratory tract and biliary fluid and the effect of infection on serum cholesterol levels and blood T cell population frequencies in gnotobiotic <em>Vet Sci.</em> 2023; 10: 117.</li><br /> <li>Raev SA, Raque M, Kick MK, <strong>Saif LJ, Vlasova AN</strong>. Differential transcriptome response following infection of porcine ileal enteroids with species A and C rotaviruses. <em>Virol J</em>. 2023; 20: 238.</li><br /> <li>Raque M, Raev SA, Guo Y, Kick MK, <strong>Saif LJ, Vlasova AN</strong>. Host cell response to rotavirus infection with emphasis on virus-glycan interactions, cholesterol metabolism, and innate immunity. <em>Viruses</em> 2023; 15: 1406.</li><br /> <li>Yadav KK, <strong>Kenney SP</strong>. Animal Models for Studying Congenital Transmission of Hepatitis E Virus. <em>Microorganisms</em>. 2023; 11: 618.</li><br /> <li>Bhandari M, Poelstra JW, Kauffman M, Varghese B, Helmy YA, <strong>Scaria J, Rajashekara G</strong>. Genomic diversity, antimicrobial resistance, plasmidome, and virulence profiles of <em>Salmonella</em> isolated from small specialty crop farms revealed by whole-genome sequencing. <em>Antibiotics</em> 2023; 12: 1637.</li><br /> <li>Deblais L, Jang H, Kauffman M, Gangiredla J, Sawyer M, Basa S, Poelstra JW, Babu US, Harrison LM, Hiett KL, Balan KV, <strong>Rajashekara G.</strong> Whole genome characterization of thermophilic <em>Campylobacter</em> species isolated from dairy manure in small specialty crop farms of Northeast Ohio. Front Microbiol. 2023; 14: 1074548.</li><br /> <li>Deblais L, Ranjit S, Vrisman C, Antony L, <strong>Scaria J</strong>, Miller SA, <strong>Rajashekara G</strong>. Role of stress-induced proteins <em>RpoS</em> and <em>YicC</em> in the persistence of <em>Salmonella enterica</em> <em>enterica</em> Serotype Typhimurium in tomato plants. <em>Mol Plant Microbe Interact</em>. 2023; 36: 109.</li><br /> <li>Helmy YA, Kathayat D, Closs G Jr, Galgozy K, Fuchs JR, <strong>Rajashekara G</strong>. Efficacy of quorum sensing and growth inhibitors alone and in combination against avian pathogenic <em>Escherichia coli</em> infection in chickens. <em>Poult Sci</em>. 2023; 102: 102543.</li><br /> <li>Deblais L, Ojeda A, Brhane M, Mummed B, Hassen KA, Ahmedo BU, Weldesenbet YD, Amin JK, Ahmed IA, Usmane IA, Yusuf EA, Seran AJ, Abrahim FI, Game HT, Mummed BA, Usmail MM, Umer KA, Dawid MM, Gebreyes W, French N, Hassen JY, Roba KT, Mohammed A, Yimer G, Saleem C, Chen D, Singh N, Manary MJ, McKune SL, Havelaar AH, <strong>Rajashekara G</strong>. Prevalence and load of the <em>Campylobacter</em> genus in infants and associated household contacts in rural eastern Ethiopia: a longitudinal study from the campylobacter genomics and environmental enteric dysfunction (CAGED) project. <em>Appl Environ Microbiol</em>. 2023; 89: e0042423.</li><br /> <li>Nguyen, X.D., Y. Zhao <strong> Lin</strong>, J. L. Purswell, T. Tabler, B. Voy, S. Hawkins, J.D. Evans. Modeling long-distance airborne transmission of highly pathogenic avian influenza carried by dust particles. <em>Sci Rep.</em>.2023; 13: 16255.</li><br /> <li>Wang, H., C.M. Logue, L.K. Nolan, <strong> Lin.</strong> Assessment of an enterobactin conjugate vaccine in layers to protect the offspring from colibacillosis. <em>Pathogens</em> 2023; 12: 1002.</li><br /> <li>Kumar, V., J. Boorman, W.J. Greenlee, X. Zeng, <strong> Lin</strong>, F. van den Akker. Exploring the inhibition of the soluble lytic transglycosylase Cj0843c of <em>Campylobacter jejuni</em> via targeting different sites and different scaffolds. <em>Prot Sci. </em>2023; 32: e4683.</li><br /> <li>Zeng, X., J. Vidlund, B. Gillespie, L. Cao, G. Agga, <strong> Lin</strong>, O. Kerro Dego. Evaluation of immunogenicity of enterobactin conjugate vaccine for the control of <em>E. coli</em> mastitis in dairy cows. <em>J Dairy Sci.</em> 2023; 106: 7147-7163.</li><br /> <li>Cao, L., X. Zeng, <strong> Lin</strong>. Generation of polystyrene-specific antibodies for developing efficient immunoassays to analyze microplastics. <em>Chem Eng J</em>. 2023; 465: 142843.</li><br /> <li>Wang, H., Q. Zhong, <strong> Lin</strong>. Egg yolk antibody for passive immunization: status, challenges, and prospects. <em>J. Agric Food Chem.</em> 2023; 71: 5053-5061.</li><br /> <li>Dmitry, S. K., S. L Long, X. Zeng, F. Xu, K. Lal, L. Cao, K. Hayoun, <strong> Lin</strong>, S. A. Joyce, I., Tikhonova. Characterization of the mechanism of bile salt hydrolase substrate specificity by experimental and computational analyses. <em>Structure</em> 2023; 31: 629-638.</li><br /> <li>Zeng, X., A. Hinenoya, Z. Guan, F. Xu, <strong> Lin</strong>. Critical role of the <em>RpoE</em> stress response pathway in polymyxin resistance of <em>Escherichia coli.</em> <em>J Antimicrob Chemother.</em> 2023; 78: 732-746.</li><br /> <li>Wang, H., L. Cao, C.M. Logue, N. L. Barbieri, L.K. Nolan, <strong> Lin.</strong> Evaluation of immunogenicity and efficacy of the enterobactin conjugate vaccine in protecting chickens from colibacillosis. <em>Vaccine</em>. 2023; 41: 930-937.</li><br /> <li>Li, P.X., Y.F. Cui, F.F. Guo, J.H.Guo, X.Y. Cao, <strong> Lin</strong>, B. Ding, F. Xu. <em>Campylobacter jejuni</em> infection induces dynamic expression of avian host defense peptides <em>in vitro</em> and <em>in vivo</em>. <em>Vet Microbiol. </em>2023; 277: 109631.</li><br /> <li>Sarlo Davila KM, Nelli RK, Phadke KS, Ruden RM, <strong>Sang Y</strong>, Bellaire B, Gimenez-Lirola LG, Miller LC. How do deer respiratory epithelial cells weather the initial storm of SARS-CoV-2? <em>Microbiol Spec.</em> 2023; 12: e02524-232.</li><br /> <li>Dimitrakopoulou D, Khwatenge CN; James-Zorn C, Paiola M, Bellin EW, Tian Y, Sundararajm N, Grayfer L, Barnard D, Ohta Y, Horb M, <strong>Sang Y</strong>, Robert J Advances in the xenopus immunome: diversification, expansion, and contraction. <em>Dev Comp Immunol</em>. 2023; 145: 104734.</li><br /> <li>Adeyemi OD, Khwatenge CN, Tian Y, Grayfer L, <strong>Sang Y</strong>. Molecular diversity and functional implication of amphibian interferon complex: remarking immune adaptation in vertebrate evolution. <em>Dev Comp Immunol</em>. 2023; 140: 104624.</li><br /> <li>Pereira CER, Resende TP, <strong>Vannucci FA</strong>, <strong>Gebhart C</strong>, Guedes RMC. Evaluation of the role of clathrin and bacterial viability in the endocytosis of <em>Lawsonia intracellularis</em>. <em>Front Vet Sci</em>. 2023; 10: 1005676.</li><br /> <li>Hada A, Li L, Kandel A, Jin Y, <strong>Xiao Z</strong>. Characterization of bovine intraepithelial T lymphocytes in the gut. <em>Pathogens</em> 2023; 12: 1173.</li><br /> <li>Meinen-Jochum J, Ott LC, <strong>Mellata M</strong>. Segmented filamentous bacteria-based treatment to elicit protection against <em>Enterobacteriaceae </em>in layer chickens. <em>Front Microbiol</em>. 2023; 14: 1231837.</li><br /> <li>Pang J, <strong>Looft T, Zhang Q, Sahin O</strong>. Deciphering the association between Campylobacter colonization and microbiota composition in the intestine of commercial broilers. <em>Microorganisms</em> 2023; 11: 1724.</li><br /> <li>Pang J, Beyi AF, <strong>Looft T, Zhang Q, Sahin O</strong>. Fecal microbiota transplantation reduces <em>Campylobacter jejuni</em> colonization in young broiler chickens challenged by oral gavage but not by seeder birds. <em>Antibiotics</em> 2023; 12: 1503.</li><br /> <li>Lewis GL, Fenton RJ, Moriyama EN, Loy JD, <strong>Moxley RA</strong>. Association of <em>ISVsa3</em> with multidrug resistance in <em>Salmonella enterica</em> isolates from cattle (<em>Bos taurus</em>). <em>Microorganisms</em> 2023; 11: 631.</li><br /> <li>Xu R, Beatty WL, Greigert V, <strong>Witola WH</strong>, Sibley LD. Multiple pathways for glucose phosphate transport and utilization support growth of <em>Cryptosporidium parvum</em>. <em>Nat Commun. </em>2023; 15: 380.</li><br /> <li>Greigert V, Saraav I, Son J, Dayao D, Antia A, Tzipori S, <strong>Witola WH</strong>, Stappenbeck TS, Ding S, Sibley LD <em>Cryptosporidium</em> infection of human small intestinal epithelial cells induces type III interferon and impairs infectivity of Rotavirus. <em>Gut Microbes </em>2023; 16: 2297897.</li><br /> <li>Khan SM, Bajwa MR, <strong>Witola WH</strong>. Combination of two glycolytic enzymes protrays high synergistic efficacy against <em>Cryptosporidium parvum</em>. <em>Antimicrob </em><em>Agents Chemother.</em> 2023; 67: e0056923.</li><br /> <li>Stec J, <strong>Witola WH</strong>. Alternatives to piperidine in Knoevenagel condensation of 2-cyanoacetamide with benzaldehydes. <em>Results Chem</em>. 2023; 6: 101212.</li><br /> <li>Liu M, Xia N, <strong>Witola WH</strong>, Li K. Editorial: Advances in molecular biology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, vaccines, and treatment of diseases caused by apicomplexan parasites. <em>Front Cell Infect Microbiol</em>. 2023; 13: 1205563.</li><br /> <li>Khan SM, <strong>Witola WH</strong>. Past, current, and potential treatments for cryptosporidiosis in humans and farm animals: A comprehensive review. <em>Front Cell Infect Microbiol</em>. 2023; 13: 1115522.</li><br /> <li>Khan SM, Hernandez AG, Allaie IM, Grooms GM, Li K, <strong>Witola WH</strong>, Stec J. Activity of (1-benzyl-4-triazolyl)-indole-2-carboxamides against <em>Toxoplasma gondii </em>and <em>Cryptosporidium parvum</em>. <em>Int J Parasitol Drugs Drug Resist.</em> 2022; 19: 6-20.</li><br /> <li>Khan SM, Zhang X, <strong>Witola WH</strong>. <em>Cryptosporidium parvum</em> pyruvate kinase inhibitors with <em>in vivo</em> anti-cryptosporidial efficacy. <em>Front Microbiol</em>. 2022; 12: 800293.</li><br /> <li>Upadhyay I, SM Parvej, Y. Shen, S Li, KL Lauder, C. Zhang, <strong> Zhang</strong>. Protein-based vaccine candidate MecVax broadly protects against intestinal colonization of ETEC strains expressing different adhesins (CS1 – CS6) in a rabbit model. <em>Infect Immun</em>. 2023; 91: e0027223.</li><br /> <li>Li S, S Anvari, G Ptacek, I Upadhyay, RW Kaminiski, DA Sack, <strong>W Zhang</strong>. A broadly immunogenic polyvalent <em>Shigella</em> multiepitope fusion antigen (MEFA) protein protects against <em> sonnei</em> and <em>S. flexneri</em> lethal pulmonary challenges in mice. <em>Infect Immun</em><strong>.</strong> 2023; 91: e0031623.</li><br /> <li>Li S, H Seo, I Upadhyay, <strong>W Zhang</strong>. A polyvalent adhesin-toxoid multiepitope-fusion-antigen (MEFA-IIb) induced functional antibodies against five enterotoxigenic <em>Escherichia coli </em>adhesins (CS7, CS12, CS14, CS17, and CS21) but not enterotoxins (LT and STa). <em>Microorganisms</em> 2023; 11: 11102473.</li><br /> <li>Upadhyay I, Parvej SM, S Li, KL Lauder, Y Shen, <strong>W Zhang</strong>. Polyvalent protein adhesin MEFA-II induces functional antibodies against enterotoxigenic <em>Escherichia coli</em> (ETEC) adhesins CS7, CS12, CS14, CS17, and CS21 and heat-stable toxin (STa). <em>Appl Environ Microbiol. </em>2023; 89: e0068323.</li><br /> <li>Alenezi T, Fu Y, Alrubaye B, Alanazi T, Almansour A, Wang H, <strong>Sun X</strong>. Potent bile acid microbial metabolites modulate <em>Clostridium perfringens</em> <em>Pathogens </em>2023; 12: 1202.</li><br /> <li>Dal Pont GC, Lee A, Bortoluzzi C, <strong>Farnell YZ,</strong> Gougoulias C, Kogut MH. Bacitracin supplementation as a growth promoter down-regulates innate and adaptive cytokines in broilers’ intestines. 2023; 2: 411-417.</li><br /> <li>Cardoso Dal Pont G, Lee A, Bortoluzzi C, <strong>Farnell YZ</strong>, Gougoulias C, Kogut MH. Novel model for chronic intestinal inflammation in chickens: (2) Immunologic mechanism behind the inflammatory response. <em>Dev Comp Immunol</em>. 2023; 138: 104524.</li><br /> <li>Osman M, Daaboul D, Tajani AG, El Omari K, <strong>Bisha B</strong>, Hassan J, Cazer CL, Fiorella KJ, Karah N, Abbara A, Hamze M, Cummings KJ, Naas T, Kassem II. Multidrug-resistant pathogens contaminate river water used in irrigation in disenfranchised communities: multidrug-resistant pathogens in irrigation waters. <em>J Glob Antimicrob Res.</em> 2023; 36: 175-180.</li><br /> <li>Lai M, Cao Y, Wulff SS, Robinson TJ, McGuire A, <strong>Bisha B</strong>. A time series-based machine learning strategy for wastewater-based forecasting and nowcasting of COVID-19 dynamics. <em>Sci Total Environ</em>. 2023; 897: 165105.</li><br /> <li>Liu J, Robinson K, Lyu W, Yang Q, Wang J, Christensen KD, <strong>Zhang G</strong>. <em>Anaerobutyricum</em> and <em>Subdoligranulum</em> are differentially enriched in broilers with disparate weight gains. <em>Animals</em> 2023; 13: 1834.</li><br /> <li>Tobin I, <strong>Zhang G</strong>. Regulation of host defense peptide synthesis by polyphenols. <em>Antibiotics</em> 2023; 12: 660.</li><br /> <li>Lyu W, Deng Z, <strong>Zhang G</strong>. High-throughput screening for epigenetic compounds that induce human β-defensin 1 synthesis. <em>Antibiotics </em>2023; 12: 186<em>.</em></li><br /> <li>Pi Y, Wu Y, Lu D, Han D, Zhao J, Zheng X, Zhang S, Ye H, Lian S, Bai Y, Wang Z, Tao S, Ni D, Zou X, Jia W, <strong>Zhang G</strong>, Li D, and Wang J. Gut microbiota-derived ursodeoxycholic acid alleviates low birth weight-induced colonic inflammation by enhancing M2 macrophage polarization. <em>Microbiome </em>2023; 11: 19<em>.</em></li><br /> <li>Arango M, Forga A, Liu J, <strong>Zhang G</strong>, Gray L, Moore R, Coles M, Atencio A, Trujillo C, Latorre JD, Tellez-Isaias M, Hargis B, Graham D. Characterizing the impact of <em>Enterococcus cecorum</em> infection during late embryogenesis on disease progression, cecal microbiome composition, and early performance in broiler chickens. <em>Poult Sci.</em> 2023; 102: 103059.</li><br /> <li>Han D, Wu Y, Lu D, Pang J, Hu J, Zhang X, Wang Z, <strong>Zhang G</strong>, and Wang J. Polyphenol-rich diet mediates interplay between macrophage-neutrophil and gut microbiota to alleviate intestinal inflammation. <em>Cell Death Dis.</em> 2023; 14: 656.</li><br /> <li>Hu J, Wu, Y, Kang L, Liu Y, Ye H, Wang R, Zhao J, <strong>Zhang G</strong>, Li X, Wang J, Han D. Dietary D-xylose promotes intestinal health by inducing phage production in<em> Escherichia coli</em>. <em>NPJ Biofilms Microbiomes </em>2023; 9: 79<em>.</em></li><br /> </ol>Impact Statements
- Coronaviruses such as PEDV, PDCoV, and BCoV are responsible for respiratory and gastrointestinal illnesses in pigs, cattle, and humans. The progresses from three groups have led to a better understanding of the influence of Vitamin A on the gut-mammary gland-secretory IgA axis during pregnancy, as well as the pathogenesis of PDCoV and BCoV. These findings will facilitate the development of more effective vaccines.
- ETEC bacteria are a leading cause of diarrhea in newly-weaned pigs, children in developing countries, and international travelers. A newly-improved vaccine demonstrates superior efficacy in protecting piglets from post-weaning diarrhea, potentially saving hundreds of millions of dollars annually for US swine producers. By incorporating an additional antigen into MecVax to target second-tier ETEC strains, protection of the vaccine will be broadened against children’s and travelers’ diarrhea.
- Zoonotic and foodborne pathogens like Campylobacter, Salmonella, APEC, Clostridium perfringens, and C. difficile pose serious risks to animal and human health. Several groups have developed novel vaccines, small-molecule compounds, and microbiome-based approaches to reduce their colonization in animals and the risk of transmission to humans.
- L. intracellularis is an economically significant pathogen causing hemorrhagic enteritis in pigs. A significant progress has been made in understanding its cellular entry mechanism. Clathrin has been identified for the first time to play a crucial role in the bacteria's endocytosis, potentially paving the way for novel treatment approaches.
- Poultry and swine organoids have been developed by two groups, serving as invaluable tools for studying host-pathogen interactions and the pathogenesis of enteric diseases.
- Several groups have developed and validated tools for monitoring antimicrobial resistance at the population level and SARS-CoV-2 prevalence in wildlife, contributing to characterizing and quantifying the magnitude of these public health challenges.