WDC54: Social and Economic Sustainability of Rangeland-based Operations and the Communities that Rely on Them
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
Participant List
Participant Name | Is Head | Contact Info |
Wulfhorst, J. D. jd@uidaho.edu |
Yes |
University of Idaho Ag Economics & Rural Sociology 208-885-7645 |
Torell, Gregory gtorell@nmsu.edu |
Yes |
New Mexico - New Mexico State University |
Lee, Katherine katherinelee@uidaho.edu |
Idaho - University of Idaho |
Thayer , Anastasia awthaye@clemson.edu |
Yes |
South Carolina - Clemson University |
Coupal, Roger H coupal@uwyo.edu |
Yes |
Wyoming - University of Wyoming Agricultural & Applied Economics 307-766-5246 |
Ritten, John P jritten@colostate.edu |
Yes |
Colorado - Colorado State University |
Miller, Maryfrances franniem@nmsu.edu |
New Mexico - New Mexico State University |