WDC54: Social and Economic Sustainability of Rangeland-based Operations and the Communities that Rely on Them
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
Date of Annual Report: 09/17/2021
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 09/10/2021
- 09/10/2021
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2020 - 09/30/2021
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2020 - 09/30/2021
See attachedBrief Summary of Minutes
see attached
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 04/13/2022
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 04/07/2022
- 04/08/2022
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2021 - 09/30/2022
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2021 - 09/30/2022
John Ritten, University of WyomingGreg Torell, New Mexico State University
JD Wulfhorst, University of Idaho
Katie Lee, University of Idaho
Sheri Spiegal, USDA ARS
Brief Summary of Minutes
Discussed updated timeline (the WDC54 was approved for another year). Will be able to meet once more after 10/1/2022, but the final proposal needs to be submitted for review prior to January 2023.
We spent most of the meeting completing the proposal based on the existing outline.
We also discussed various modelling strategies, including model structure and software/language, that will result in user friendly model that will be useable beyond members of this group.
We drafted a list of potential participants to recruit for full W group.