WERA97: Diseases of Cereals
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Active
Participant List
Participant Name | Is Head | Contact Info |
Murray, Timothy D. tim_murray@wsu.edu |
Yes |
Washington - Washington State University Plant Pathology 509-335-9541 |
Paulitz, Tim paulitz@wsu.edu |
Dill-Macky, Ruth ruthdm@umn.edu |
Yes |
Minnesota - University of Minnesota Plant Pathology 612-625-2227 |
Dyer, Alan adyer@montana.edu |
Montana - Montana State University Plant Science & Plant Pathology 406-994-6535 |
Burrows, Mary mburrows540@vt.edu |
Montana - Montana State University |
Nachappa, Punya punya.nachappa@colostate.edu |
Colorado - Colorado State University |
Roberts, Robyn Robyn.Roberts@colostate.edu |
Colorado State University |
Crutcher, Frankie frankie.crutcher@montana.edu |
Montana - Montana State University |
Mundt, Christopher C. mundtc@science.oregonstate.edu |
Yes |
Oregon - Oregon State University Botany and Plant Pathology 541-737-5256 |
McKelvy, Uta uta.mckelvy@montana.edu |
Montana Cooperative Extension |
DeWolf, Erick dewolf1@ksu.edu |
Yes |
Kansas - Kansas State University Plant Pathology 785-532-3968 |