NECC29: Northeastern Corn Improvement Conference
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
Participant List
Participant Name | Is Head | Contact Info |
Thomison, Peter R. thomison.1@osu.edu |
Yes |
Ohio - Ohio State University Horticulture & Crop Science 614-292-2373 |
Smith, Margaret E. mes25@cornell.edu |
Yes |
New York -Ithaca : Cornell University Plant Breeding and Genetics 607-255-1654 |
Robertson, Alison alisonr@iastate.edu |
Yes |
Iowa - Iowa State University Plant Pathology and Microbiology |
Chopra, Surinder sic3@psu.edu |
Pennsylvania - Pennsylvania State Plant Science 814-865-2025 |
Roth, Greg gwr@psu.edu |
Yes |
Pennsylvania - Pennsylvania State Plant Science 814-863-1018 |
Hutchison, William hutch002@umn.edu |
Yes |
Minnesota - University of Minnesota Entomology 612-624-1767 |