NECC29: Northeastern Corn Improvement Conference
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
Date of Annual Report: 05/27/2011
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 02/18/2010
- 02/19/2010
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2008 - 09/01/2009
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2008 - 09/01/2009
Name Organization EmailJames Haldeman Dow Agro Sciences jfhaldeman@dow.com
Gregory W. Roth Penn State gwr@psu.edu
Chris Houser Penn State cdh13@psu.edu
John A. Shaffer Penn State jas11@psu.edu
Robert Kratochvil University of Maryland rkratoch@umd.edu
James A. Breining Penn State University jab94@psu.edu
Robert A. DeWaine Monsanto bob.dewaine@monsanto.com
Dennis Cronkhite Crop Production Service/Dyna-Gro dennis.cronkhite@cpsagu.com
Thomas K. Barber, Jr. Crop Production Service/Dyna-Gro tom.barber@cpaagu.com
Richard Darling Crop Production Service/Dyna-Gro dennis.cronkhite@cpsagu.com
Moynul Islam University of Maryland moynulislam09@yahoo.com
Patrick j forrestal University of Maryland patrickf@umd.edu
Jared R Bruckhart Chemgro Seeds jaredb@chemgro.com
Erik L. Stromberg Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University elstrom@vt.edu
David Whitaker Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. David.Whitaker@Pioneer.com
Ken Rice TA Seeds krice@taseeds.com
Tecle Weldekidan University of Delaware tecle@udel.edu
Peter Thomison The Ohio State University Thomison.1@osu.edu
Taylor A. Doebler TA Seeds taylor@taseeds.com
Adrienne Kleintop University of Delaware adrienne@udel.edu
Christopher R. Boomsma Dow AgroSciences CRBoomsma@dow.com
Polly S Longenberger Pioneer Hi-Bred Polly.Longenberger@pioneer.com
Ronald Nelsen Cornell University rn35@cornell.edu
Andre Belo University of Delaware/DuPont andbelo@gmail.com
Margaret Smith Cornell University mes25@cornell.edu
McDonald Jumbo University of Delaware jumbo.mcdonald@gmail.com
Timothy Lovell Doebler's PA Hybrids, Inc. timlovellcsr@gmail.com
William R. Camerer III Doebler's PA Hybrids, Inc. wrcamerer@doeblers.com
Douglas Messersmith Doebler's PA Hybrids, Inc. dmesser@doeblers.com
Arthur S. Graves II Mycogen agraves@dow.com
Brief Summary of Minutes
Business Meeting Minutes, 19 February 201064th Northeastern Corn Improvement Conference
Willow Valley Resort, Lancaster, PA
President Jim Haldeman called the meeting to order at 11.00 am. The following were in attendance: Jim Haldeman, Tecle Weldekidan, Margaret Smith, Jim Breining, Bob Kratochvil, John Shaffer, Jared Bruckhart, Chris Houser, Taylor Doebler, Greg Roth, Doug Messersmith, and Polly Longenberger.
Old Business:
Approval of minutes: Jim Breining moved and Margaret Smith seconded a motion to approve the minutes of the 2008 business meeting. The motion carried. The 2009 conference was cancelled due to the economic downturn which has created very tight travel budgets for many of us and resulted in lower numbers of participants for the conference. The 2010 Conference was agreed by the participants to be called the 64th instead of 65th. Jim Haldeman reminded the speakers to send an abstract of their presentation.
State and Industry reports followed. State and Industry reports were received from the following persons (see attachments):
1. Margaret Smith, Cornell University
2. Jim Breining, The Pennsylvania State University
3. Bob Kratochvil, University of Maryland
4. Peter Thomison, The Ohio State University
5. Yaylor Doebler, T.A. Seeds
6. Tecle Weldekidan, University of Delaware
7. Polly Longenberger, Pioneer Hi-bred
New Business:
Treasury: The excess amount of about $2019.27 will stay at the University of Delaware since Delaware is hosting the 2011 meeting.
Election of officers: The nominating committee approached Polly Longenberger to determine her willingness to serve as Secretary in 2011 and as President-Elect for 2012. Polly Longenbergers name was placed in nomination. After a brief discussion and no further nominations, she was elected unanimously. The usual progression is for the current secretary to ascend to President for next years conference. Therefore, secretary Tecle Weldekidan will become President for the 2011 conference.
2011 Conference Discussion: It was agreed that President-Elect, Tecle Weldekidan, will arrange a meeting place for the conference at the University of Delaware campus. The participants agreed that we will meet February 17 and 18, 2011 for the 65th NECIC.
The participants at the business meeting suggested that the minutes and proceedings of the conference should be put on a website, so that it can get publicity. There was also a discussion on how to attract more people to the conference and was suggested to get mailing list and invite Foundation Seeds, USDA (Maryland), Southern States (North Carolina), University, and the Canadian group. Some of the topics of interest targeted for the 2011 meeting were optimum N rate, Plant Pathology (fungicide use), entomology, breeding, physiology, and agronomy. It was also mentioned to have a tour to see facilities at Dupont, Monsanto (Galena, MD) or invite speakers from there to tell about their work. The group was also interested to hear from EPA/USDA regarding trait approval and import/export process. The participants are interested to have a discussion on conventional hybrids (organic products). It was suggested to have a joint panel discussion with the Northeast Corn Growers Association and agronomists from seed industries.
The group suggested, the president to send the first notice regarding the 2011 meeting in early September and a second notice to follow with targeted topics for the conference.
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 05/27/2011
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 02/17/2011
- 02/18/2011
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2009 - 09/01/2010
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2009 - 09/01/2010
Name Organization EmailGregory D. Binford University of Delaware binfordg@udel.edu
Michael Blanco USDA-ARS Plant Introduction michael.blanco@ars.usda.gov
Eric Bohnenblust Penn State University ewb14@psu.edu
James Breining Penn State University jab94@psu.edu
Herb Brown Premier Seed Group hmbrown@msn.com
Jared Bruckhart Chemgro Seeds jaredb@chemgro.com
Bill Camerer Doeblers dwarner@doeblers.com
William Cissel University of Delaware bcissel@udel.edu
Michelle Der Bedrosian University of Delaware micheled@udel.edu
Bob DeWaine Monsanto bob.dewaine@monsanto.com
Galen Dively University of Maryland galen@umd.edu
Taylor Doebler T.A. Seeds taylor@taseeds.com
Erick Erickson U.S. Grains Council eerickson@grains.org
Lindsey Flexner DuPont Agricultural Biotechnology lindsey.Flexner@cgr.dupont.com
Patrick J. Forrestal University of Maryland patrickforrestal@hotmail.com
Nate Glenn Premier Seed Group nate@glennseeds.com
Arvydas Grybauskas University of Maryland arvydas@umd.edu
James Haldeman Dow AgroSciences jfhaldeman@dow.com
David Huffman T.A. Seeds LLC huffy@taseeds.com
Mark Jung DuPont Ag Biotech Mark.T.Jung@cgr.dupont.com
Robert Kratochvil University of Maryland rkratoch@umd.edu
Polly Longenberger Pioneer Hi-Bred Polly.Longenberger@pioneer.com
Tim Lovell Doeblers dwarner@doeblers.com
Bao-Luo Ma Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada baoluo.ma@agr.gc.ca
Charles Mason University of Delaware mason@udel.edu
David Mayonado Monsanto david.j.mayonado@monsanto.com
Craig McManus Premier Seed Group cmmcmanus@gmail.com
Bob Mulrooney University of Delaware bobmul@udel.edu
William Patzoldt DuPont Crop Protection william.l.patzoldt@usa.dupont.com
Pierce A. Paul The Ohio State University paul.661@osu.edu
Keith Payne Cornell University krp6@cornell.edu
Jan Antoni Rafalski Pioneer HiBred Intl. j-antoni.rafalski@cgr.dupont.com
Lana Reid Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada lana.reid@agr.gc.ca
Greg Roth Penn State gwr@psu.edu
Margaret Smith Cornell University mes25@cornell.edu
Stephen Srachan DuPont stephen.d.strachan-1@usa.dupont.com
Richard W. Taylor University of Delaware rtaylor@udel.edu
John Tooker Penn State University tooker@psu.edu
Bob Uniatowski University of Delaware bobuni@udel.edu
Tecle Weldekidan University of Delaware tecle@udel.edu
Joanne Whalen University of Delaware jwhalen@udel.edu
Dave Whitaker Pioneer Hi-Bred Int. David.Whitaker@Pioneer.com
Mark Williams DuPont AgBiotech mark.e.williams@cgr.dupont.com
Randall Wisser University of Delaware rjw@udel.edu
Xiaoyang Zhu Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada xiaoyang.zhu@agr.gc.ca
Brief Summary of Minutes
NEC-29 business meeting 65th NECICMeeting Minutes
February 18, 2011
I. Call to order
Tecle Weldekidan called to order the regular meeting of the NECIC committee at 11:30 am on February 18, 2011 in Newark, DE.
II. Roll call
Tecle circulated a sign in sheet. The following persons were present:
Tecle Weldekidan U. of Delaware Tecle@udel.edu
Polly Longenberger Pioneer Hi-Bred polly.longenberger@pioneer.com
Keith Payne Cornell krple@cornell.edu
Xiaoyang Zhu Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada Xiaoyah.Zhu@agr.gc.ca
Lana Reid Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada Lana.Reid@agri.gc.ca
Margaret Smith Cornell mes25@cornell.edu
Bao Luo Ma Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada Baoluo.Ma@agr.gc.ca
Taylor A. Doebler III T.A. Seeds taylor@taseeds.com
Jared Bruckhart Chemgro Seeds jaredb@chemgro.com
David Hoffman T.A. Seeds huffy@taseeds.com
Greg Roth Penn State gwr@psu.edu
Jim Breining Penn State jab94@psu.edu
III. Approval of minutes from last meeting
Tecle read the minutes from the last meeting. The minutes were approved as read.
IV. Open issues
a) Margaret will look into posting conference information on the multistate information website.
b) State reports were shared and should be sent to Tecle to be included in 2011 NECIC proceedings.
c) Polly as 2012 president will investigate accepting treasury balance for us in 2012.
d) Margaret will contact Polly with information on who to contact regarding 2012 joint meeting with the North Central Corn Improvement Conference.
V. New business
a) Taylor asked that university researchers keep private industry aware of funding issues.
b) Margaret and Greg will follow up on renewing NECIC through the USDA since they use funding to attend the meetings.
c) Greg and Taylor suggested that we try to line up speakers from grower associations, Pacma, research directors, etc for our next conference.
d) Some Delaware Valley researchers had an interest in the conference but were not aware of it. Please share contact information for potential speakers/attendees.
e) Should a molecular biology session be added to the conference to encourage participation of molecular biologists?
f) Bau Luo Ma was nominated as Secretary and accepted.
VI. Adjournment
Tecle adjourned the meeting at 12:30pm.
Minutes submitted by: Polly Longenberger, Secretary
Minutes approved by: to be approved at 2012 business meeting
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 04/26/2012
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 02/16/2012
- 02/17/2012
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2010 - 09/01/2011
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2010 - 09/01/2011
Polly Longenberger (polly.longenberger@pioneer.com) - Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc.Taylor Doebler (taylor@taseeds.com) - T.A. Seeds
David Huffman (taylor@taseeds.com) - T.A. Seeds
Bill Cissel (bcissel@udel.edu) - University of Delaware
Justin Jantes (justin.jantes@pioneer.com) - Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc.
Dave Whitaker (david.whitaker@pioneer.com) - Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc.
Peter Thomison (thomison.1@osu.edu) - Ohio State University
James Breining (jab94@psu.edu) - Pennsylvania State University
Bao-Luo Ma (mab@agr.gc.ca) - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Lynne Evenson (lynne.evenson@agr.gc.ca) - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Stacy Martin (stacy.a.martin@pioneer.com) - Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc.
Eric Bohnenblust (ewb14@psu.edu) - Pennsylvania State University
James Haldeman (jfhaldeman@dow.com) - Dow AgroSciences
Tecle Weldekidan (tecle@udel.edu) - University of Delaware
Juliana Teixeira (juliana@udel.edu) - University of Delaware
Corrie Small (Corrie.L.Small@monsanto.com) - Monsanto
Sarah Burleson (sarah.burleson@monsanto.com) - Monsanto
Doug Messersmith (dmesser@doeblers.com) - Doeblers
Peter Horevaj (peter.horevaj@pioneer.com) - Pioneer Hi-Bred International, Inc.
Bob Kratochvil (rkratoch@umd.edu) - University of Maryland
Greg Roth (gwr@psu.edu) - Pennsylvania State University
Patrick Watkins (pwatkins@umd.edu) - University of Maryland
Xiaoyang Zhu (xiaoyang.zhu@agr.gc.ca) - Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
Jared Bruckhart (jaredb@chemgro.com) - Chemgro
Cory Chelko (taylor@taseeds.com) - T.A. Seeds
Brief Summary of Minutes
NEC-29 business meeting 66th NECICMeeting Minutes
February 17, 2012
Call to Order
Polly Longenberger called to order the regular meeting of the NECIC committee at 11:50 am on February 17, 2012 in Lancaster, PA.
Open Issues
Polly will ask Margaret Smith of Cornell (now serving as NECIC treasurer) to pass along our current balance to 2013 President Bao-lou Ma to facilitate his planning of the 2013 meetings.
State reports were shared as they appear in these proceedings.
New Business
The 2013 meeting will be held in Ottawa, ON Canada on February 13-15, 2013.
The 2014 meeting will be held in Columbus, OH and will be organized by 2014 President, Peter Thomison.
Polly Longenberger adjourned the meeting at 12:20 pm.
Minutes submitted by: Polly Longenberger