OLD_SERA6: Methodology, Intepretation, and Implementation of Soil, Plant, Byproduct, and Water Analyses (SERA-IEG-6 revised)
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
OLD_SERA6: Methodology, Intepretation, and Implementation of Soil, Plant, Byproduct, and Water Analyses (SERA-IEG-6 revised)
Duration: 10/01/2007 to 09/30/2012
Administrative Advisor(s):
NIFA Reps:
Non-Technical Summary
Statement of Issues and Justification
Project's Primary Website is at http://cipm.ncsu.edu/ent/Southern_Region/SAAESD/cotton.html (direct link can be found under LINKS) The mission of the Southern Extension and Research Activities Information Exchange Group (SERA-IEG-6) is to increase the awareness, understanding, and interpretation of soil, plant, byproduct, and water analyses and their proper application to land and resource management in the Southern USA through unbiased, scientifically sound information. The SERA-IEG-6 is a cooperative effort among the Southern states to develop, modify, and document reference analytical procedures; encourage uniformity in the soil test correlation/calibration/interpretation process for the development of nutrient and resource management guidelines among geographic areas that share similar soils, climate, and environmental concerns; encourage both analytical proficiency and adequate quality assurance/quality control for laboratories in the Southern Region of the United States that perform nutrient analyses; provide unbiased scientific reasoning for the use and interpretation of soil, plant, byproduct, and water analyses and its application to resource management; and facilitate the dissemination of research data and educational materials among public institutions, laboratories, and other entities that use information generated from soil, plant, byproduct, and water analyses. These objectives are realized by the dissemination of information and identification of critical issues by use of annual technical meetings, committee involvement, task force development, publications, and personal communication among representatives and other interested parties. The need for accurate and timely analyses of soil, plant, byproduct, and water using appropriate analytical and interpretation procedures is unquestionable, given the current emphasis on nutrient management and its impact on the quality of life in both rural and urban areas. Nutrient management issues are of high priority at the local, regional, and national levels, and a number of institutions, organizations, and agencies cooperate to ensure the economic sustainability of production agriculture and industrial activities while striving to maintain a healthy environment. It is widely recognized that effective nutrient analysis programs serve not only commercial agriculture, but also the general public, by ensuring that soil amendments are used wisely. Continuous changes in technology dictate the need to continuously reevaluate analytical methods, information interpretation, and problem solving approaches for the betterment of society. Accomplishments: The work-group continues to be a forum for interaction of members concerning soil, plant, byproducts, and water analysis issues. Laboratory procedures and equipment are reviewed and major emphases are placed on recommendations. Uniform regional recommendations are agreed upon where appropriate. This has significant impact on national efforts to protect the environment, improve water quality, and preserve natural resources. The exchange group continues to emphasize electronic data transfer, which provides faster turn-around time and greater accuracy. Shared information on data collection, report generation and electronic transfer has significantly impacted the ability of participating laboratories/states to accomplish these tasks. Specific accomplishments the last five years include: 1. Four fact sheets and one extension publication have been published and are available on the SERA6 website. 2. Enhanced communication amongst scientists to develop several options for laboratories to move to safer less hazardous methods for determining lime requirement. 3. Cooperation amongst the group to develop a soil test video to educate the public on the importance of soil testing. 4. Regional fertilizer recommendations have been developed for Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana and Oklahoma (Im not sure about this but I thought this was true). 5. Do we have any peer reviewed journal articles with authors from more than institution? We should list these as accomplishments for this group because I think it is the enhanced communication from being a sanctioned group that lets this happen.
To develop, modify, and document reference analytical procedures for laboratories performing agricultural and environmental analyses in the Southern region.
To encourage uniformity in the soil test correlation/calibration/interpretation process for the development of nutrient and resource management guidelines among geographic areas that share similar soils, crops, climate, and environmental concerns.
To encourage analytical proficiency and adequate quality assurance/quality control among laboratories in the Southern region.
To provide unbiased scientific reasoning for the proper use and interpretation of soil, plant, byproduct, and water analyses and their application to resource management.
To facilitate the sharing and transfer of research data and educational materials among public institutions, laboratories, and other entities that use information generated from soil, plant, byproduct, and water analyses.
Procedures and Activities
An annual technical meeting will be held in rotation among all participating states. SERA-6 will join other regional groups once every 4 years. Committees and Task Forces will be established when necessary to conduct collaborative projects, develop procedures, and generate publications. A listserve and webpage (http://virtual.clemson.edu/groups/agsrvlb/sera6/) will be used to further foster communication among participants and the public.
Expected Outcomes and Impacts
- Existing procedures and fact sheets will be revised as necessary
- New procedures, and fact sheets or bulletins will be developed by participants as necessary
- More uniform testing and interpretation of agricultural and environmental samples in the Southern Region
- The public will be better informed about changes in agricultural testing, crop production and environment protection
- The labs in the Southern Region will play a more important role in agricultural production and environmental protection
Projected Participation
View Appendix E: ParticipationEducational Plan
The objectives are realized through research, experimentation, presentations at annual meetings, discussion at annual meetings and through the group's listserve, committee involvement, task force development, and publications. SERA-IEG-6 involves approximately 45 participants representing each of the Southern Region states/territories (except for the Virgin Islands) and two states outside the region (Missouri and Colorado). In addition, participants include ARS and State Department of Agriculture representatives. The set of stakeholders, customers, and/or consumers for which the program is intended is researchers, extension personnel, farmers, nursery and greenhouse managers, homeowners, turf managers, and other technical service providers. Information regarding services and research can be accessed through the web or from each state institution.
Officers of chair, chair-elect, and secretary are elected from the activity members.