OLD_SERA6: Methodology, Intepretation, and Implementation of Soil, Plant, Byproduct, and Water Analyses (SERA-IEG-6 revised)
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
Date of Annual Report: 08/21/2008
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 06/22/2008
- 06/25/2008
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2007 - 09/01/2008
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2007 - 09/01/2008
In Attendance:1. Administrative:
Hailin Zhang, Chairman (Hailin could not make the SERA6 breakout session. The session was chaired by the vice-chair);
Rao Mylavarapu, Vice-chair;
Frank Sikora, secretary;
David Kissel, Administrative Advisor, Extension ;
Charles Mitchell, Gobi Huluka, Steve Phillips, Cindy Herron, Morteza Mozaffari, Robert Miller, Leticia S. Sonon, Rodney Henderson, Keith Crouse, Larry Oldham, Manjula V. Nathan, David Hardy, Brenda Cleveland, J. Benton Jones, Jr., Paul Denton, Debbie Joines, Gary Lessman, Hugh Savoy, Don Tyler, Tony Provin, J. Leon Young, Mervalin Morant;
2. Local host: Deborah Joines and Hugh Savoy
3. State Representatives: See Participants Listing
4. Sponsorship: a. Spectro Analytical Bob Dussich; b. Labfit - Bob Isaac and Matthew Prentice
Brief Summary of Minutes
June 22, 2008, Sunday-Registration and Social
Presentations by Spectro and Labfit representatives
June 23, 2008, Monday (joint session with NEC-17 and NCRA-13)
8:00 AM. Hugh Savoy invited everyone to the meeting. Dr. John Wilkerson (Interim Dean for Agricultural Research) gave a presentation outlining future directions for agricultural research at the University of Tennessee.
8:30 AM. Mervalin Morant (national program leader for USDA-CSREES) gave a presentation on the changes occurring in CSREES. Changes are occurring with names of agencies and research directions. Two new initiatives that relate to work in the group are Ecosystem Services and Specialty Crops. Discussion took place on how Universities can get funding on the important work of soil fertility calibration and long term fertility trials. Dr. Morants suggested working at the state representative level to stress the importance of this work.
9:15 AM Jan Kotuby-Amacher
NAPT update/PAP program
-- Jan presented an update on NAPT and PAP. Newsletters on the web are going to be updated. She presented some ideas on workshops for lab personnel. Some data in the NAPT reports were summarized. An update on PAP program was provided. The PAP program was developed for NRCS. The PAP program is operating like state regulatory programs. Jan collects the data and provides a summary to NRCS. A grade is also evaluated for the laboratories in PAP.
10:30 AM Morteza Mozaffari, University of Arkansas
Presidedress soil nitrate test and other efforts to improve corn N fertility management in Arkansas.
-- Morteza presented research on the presidedress nitrate test (PSNT) and chlorophyll meter for help in N management for corn.
11:15 AM Kelly Tiller, University of Tennessee
Overview of the Biofuels Initiative in Tennessee
-- Kelly gave a presentation on the Biofuels project at University of Tennessee. Efforts are underway to develop a biofuel production facility in eastern Tennessee using switchgrass as the feedstock. The facility is anticipated to begin producing ethanol from switchgrass in 2012.
12:00 Lunch sponsored by Spectro Analytical and Perkin Elmer Corporation
1:00 PM Quirine Ketterings, Cornell University
Illinois soil N test: New York experiences
-- Quirine presented research on the Illinois soil N test (ISNT). The critical value for ISNT is dependent on soil organic matter. ISNT is a good indicator of N availability if soil sampling after manure application or during sidedress time is avoided. ISNT is not a good indicator at these times because of the abundance of nitrate which is not detected in the ISNT.
1:30 PM Robert Miller, Colorado State University and David Kissel, University of Georgia
-- The influence of salts on the determination of soil:water pH
Bob presented information on obtaining soil pH in 0.01 M CaCl2 highlighting advantages in its use over water such as matrix matching with calibration standards, quicker response time, and less variability in pH from fields with varying salt content throughout the season.
2:00 PM Antonio Mallarino, Iowa State University
Long term soil test P and K trends in relation to nutrient removal
-- Antonio presented field research on quantifying changes in P and K removals using grain concentrations of these elements and yield. Short term changes in soil test values should not be a concern because of year-to-year variability observed.
2:30 PM Donald Tyler, University of Tennessee
Fertility issues in switchgrass production
-- Don presented agronomic research on switchgrass production. Switchgrass can withstand very low soil fertility. Phosphorus and K recommendations are only required if soil test levels are in the low range. No lime is recommended with pH 5 and above.
June 24, 2008, Tuesday (joint session with NEC-17 and NCRA-13)
8:00 AM Tour of Highland Rim Research and Education Center (HREC), Springfield, TN
Barry Sims gave a presentation of the research activities at the Research and Education Center.
8:30 AM Forage Fertility/Irrigation, Dr. Leib, Hugh Savoy, and Deborah Joines
Dr. Leib gave a presentation on irrigating bermudagrass. Hugh gave a field presentation on K fertility of bermudagrass. Debbie gave a presentation on S fertilization on bermudagrass.
11:00 AM Conservation Tillage, Donald Tyler, University of Tennessee
Don gave on overview of conservation tillage in Tennessee
12:00 Lunch
1:30 PM Soil Plant and Pest Center, Deborah Joines
A tour of the Soil Plant and Pest Center was provided.
6:00 PM Dinner sponsored by Labfit
June 25, 2008, Wednesday (breakout session for SERA-IEG-6 chaired by Rao Mylavarapu)
8:20 AM Business Meeting
Dave Kissel and Leticia Sonon spoke some words in remembrance of Paul Vendrell who passed away this past year.
David Hardy was nominated and elected to the position of secretary.
Frank Sikora is serving his last year as SERA6 representative on the NAPT board. Tony Provin and Jim Wang were both nominated to the position as the next representative. Through a hand vote, Tony was elected to the position.
Next years meeting is at Texas A&M University hosted by Tony Provin. The dates set for the meeting were June 22, Monday through June 24, Wednesday.
The national soil test manual effort headed up by the S889 committee of the SSSA was discussed. Bryan Hopkins is the current chair of this committee. There was confusion on the contents of the national manual and the role SERA6 has in its development. Opinions were raised that SERA6 should have a greater role in its development.
Charlie Mitchell presented the progress of the cotton publication entitled Research Based Soil Test Interpretations and Recommendations for Cotton on Coastal Plain Soil.
Dave Kissel reported no progress on the CEC fact sheet. This topic was decided to be moved of the list of publications until some future date.
Debbie Joines indicated she would put together a fact sheet on copper deficiency in cattle that would summarize what she learned in her graduate research project.
Hugh Savoy indicated he still has not received an ISBN number for the Southern Coop Series 190 revision.
Frank Sikora proposed the work on the ICP vs color-P fact sheet be developed into a research publication.
9:00 AM Technical Session Oral Presentations
1. Comparison between ICP-P and Colorimetric-P Analysis in Mehlich Extracts, Frank Sikora
Data from the interlaboratory study involving several labs was reviewed and presented. The data from this study along with data from NCR-13 and NAPT was proposed to be combined into a research paper to be submitted to Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis.
2. Immediate and Residual Nitrogen Availability from Pelleted Poultry Manure and Urea for Corn, Morteza Mozafferi
Morteza presented field research on pelleted poultry litter which showed the same N availability as non-pelleted poultry litter. About 50% of total N is available the first year and 10 to 20% residual N is available the following year.
3. Fertility of Vinifera Grapes in NC, David Hardy
David presented soil fertility work on grapes.
4. Rapid Determination of the pH Buffering Capacity of Soils, David Kissel.
David presented laboratory research on quantifying the pH buffer capacity of soil using calcium hydroxide additions. Longer reaction times of up to 4 days were found to be needed to achieve pH equilibrium.
10:30 AM Facilitated Discussions
1. Internal Support for State Laboratories, David Kissel
David led a discussion on the importance of state funded soil test laboratories. Advantages discussed were unbiased fertility recommendations and the close ties with research activities. The University of Georgia laboratory recently went through an exercise to justify the existence of the laboratory at the University.
Action Plan Dave Kissel will chair a subcommittee to develop a white paper on the importance of public soil test laboratories. Members of the subcommittee are Morteza Mozafferi, Hugh Savoy, Larry Oldham, Gobena Huluka, Charlie Mitchell
2. Calibration/correlation for biomass crops, Larry Oldham
Larry led a discussion on agronomic research needed in soil fertility for biomass crops.
Action Plan Larry Oldham will chair a subcommittee to develop an outline on how best to move forward to coordinate activities in this area. Member of the subcommittee are Morteza Mozafferi, Charlie Mitchell, Don Tyler, and Hailin Zhang.
3. Nutrient management for specialty crops, Tony Provin
The grant proposal soon to come from NRI for funding research in Specialty Crops was discussed. The proposal was thought to emphasize tree nuts and horticultural crops. Tony indicated Texas A&M was developing something for pecans and Rao indicated a group of faculty met at Univ. of Florida to discuss the proposal.
Action Plan Tony will send out an email soliciting interest in this area.
State Reports <br /> <br /> Texas (Tony Provin)<br /> Instrumentation<br /> The Soil, Water and Forage Testing Laboratory has either added or is in the process of adding the following instrumentation to enhance its analytical capacity:<br /> <br /> 1) Spectro Genesis Radial ICP<br /> 2) Spectro Arcos Axial ICP<br /> 3) Elementar LiquidTOX II soluble carbon/nitrogen analyzer<br /> 4) Lignin 10 cup pH and conductivity robot<br /> 5) Bruker Optics NMR Minispin spectrometer for oil seed analysis<br /> 6) Metrohm 882 Ion chromotography system for water anion analysis<br /> 7) soxhlet exctractor for oil analysis/extractions<br /> Sample analyses<br /> During calendar year 2007, the laboratory processed"<br /> 28940 soil, 1333 water, 6579 plant/forage, 1799 biosolid and 8738 research samples.<br /> <br /> Tennessee (Debbie Joines)<br /> <br /> The Soil, Plant and Pest Center in Nashville experienced a record breaking year in 2007. Plant disease and insect identification services were fee based for the first time ever. 377 producers and homeowners requested assistance with plant disease problems and insect identification was requested by 55 clients. The golf course problem diagnostic service proved a popular choice with 83 requests for assistance in that area. Three producers requested Endophyte analyses on their pastures. Our technician responded to these requests with recommendations for treatment by providing educational literature along with the diagnosis. The most common method of response was e-mail or by telephone.<br /> <br /> Forage and grain analysis at SPPC experienced enormous growth in 2007. Our staff processed 1536 forage and grain samples (65% increase over 2006) for producers across the state. Suffering from severe drought, farmers realized the importance of nutritional information especially due to low feed supplies. The drought also increased likelihood of nitrate poisoning in cattle, thus the Center implemented (first ever) nitrate testing free of charge. Over 1,100 samples were tested for nitrates with results being called back to the producer, in many cases within 24 hours. By fall, work was being done in the laboratory to implement a fee based nitrate analysis to be offered February 2008.<br /> <br /> In 2007, samples received for soil testing increased 9% over the previous year for a total of 23,417. This year, we added calcium and magnesium to the Basic soil test, providing more information at the same price of $6.00 per sample. Additional analyses were also added in terms of packages and individual analyses. Soil carbon analysis (Elantech CNS Analyzer purchased in 2007) was added in the fall to take place of Walkley-Black method used for measuring organic matter.<br /> <br /> South Carolina (Kathy Moore)<br /> <br /> JB Jones has been working with us to update our soil fertility recommendations. We're planning on putting the updated recs in place August 1.<br /> We purchased and installed (in April) a new Spectro ARCOS ICP (radial). We had some initial hardware problems, but it seems to be running smoothly now.<br /> We are 3 years into a 5 year plan to become totally self supporting. Each year, we've been given substantial cuts to our state salary and fringe money. So far, we've been able to handle our building and operating expenses and the state cuts with our lab testing revenue, but at this point, we can't take another cut without going into the red. We are working toward running more samples and we'll be reviewing our fee schedule. Time will tell what's going to happen at the end of the next 2 years.<br /> <br /> Oklahoma (Hailin Zhang)<br /> <br /> Sample volume increased to about 60,000 in 2007 due to mostly research sample increase. We tested 33,070 soil, 3,529 water, 3,323 forage, 1,021waste, and 18,752 various research samples during the year.<br /> We have 2 Spectro Ciros ICP, 2 Lachats and 2 LECO TruSpec C/N Analyzer in service. We added another FIA and it seems doing well. <br /> Several new positions in soils area (Nutrient management, soil physics, soil and water conservation and management) have been refilled after vacant for several years.<br /> <br /> North Carolina (David Hardy and Brenda Cleveland)<br /> <br /> The Soil Testing Section analyzed 333,512 soil samples and supplied lime and fertilizer recommendations through 39,155 reports, in an all-time record year. Sample volume was up 9% over FY2006 and surpassed the all-time record of 2001 by 4%. Turn-around time never exceeded 7 weeks and, for much of the peak testing period, samples were processed in about 4 weeks or less. <br /> The following crops accounted for sample volume: tobacco: 2.3%, corn- 17.4%, small grain- 5.3%, soybeans-6.9%, small grain soybean double-crop-2.5%, peanuts-1.1%, cotton-28.6%, pasture & hay- 6.9%sweet potato- 1.6%, Christmas tree-1.2%, managed turf- 6.9%, homegrounds- 13.7%. <br /> No new purchases were made for the lab; however, we are planning on purchasing a new ICP (Spectro- Arcos) this summer. A new lab supervisor was hired in October, 2007 but he did not make probation so this position is currently open. <br /> The lab is meeting compliance of USDA-APHIS with witchweed concerns by sterilizing soils from farms where infestation is known 5 southeastern counties. This requires segregation of samples by using a red soil box, the purchase of a new sterilization oven and disposal of sterilized soil in a different vessel into the landfill. <br /> <br /> We are currently conducting research on P and K recommendations for Leyland Cypress through a greenhouse study in cooperation with Dr. Eric Hinesley and are in our third year of work with studying fertility of vinifera grapes in the Piedmont region of the state in cooperation with Dr. John Havlin. We published our work on pH recommendations for Leyland Cypress in cooperation with Dr. Hinesley: Soil pH and Fertility Affect Growth of Leyland Cypress Christmas Trees (J. Environ. Hort. 26(1):48. March 2008). A new crop code was established for Leyland cypress based on this work. <br /> Our public access system for downloading reports and inquiries was revised in 2007. We are still in need of LIMS upgrades and are seeking funds to improve / rewrite LIMS. We have also made available our annual state soil test summary data on-line http://www.ncagr.com/agronomi/STdata2007.htm. <br /> <br /> Mississippi (Larry Oldham and Keith Crouse)<br /> <br /> The Mississippi State University Extension Service Soil Testing Laboratory ran 25,568 soil and 1,492 tissue samples in the fiscal year 2007-2008. Several new or updated soil fertility and/or soil testing related publications have been posted to MSUcares.com for Print-On-Demand by interested parties. Dr. Jac Varco assumed the duties of Interim Department Head, Plant and Soil Sciences, on April 1, 2008. The laboratory and soil-test based recommendations are Extension functions of the department. All MSU soil-test based recommendations have been incorporated into the nutrient management planning program "Manure Management Planner" which will be deployed in mid-2008 for use by NRCS and Technical Service Planners in a pilot for a national NRCS effort.<br /> <br /> Louisiana (Rodney Henderson)<br /> <br /> The LSU AgCenter Soil Testing and Plant Analysis Laboratory analyzed 20,488 routine soil samples, 3,539 plant samples and 237 irrigation water samples in 2007. For routine soil analysis, 91% of samples were submitted from producers and 9% from LSU AgCenter researchers and extension personnel. In addition, the lab also analyzed 6,613soil samples for optional tests. These numbers of soil samples reflected an increase of 20% in samples for routine tests submitted from producers but a decrease of 19% in samples for optional tests submission.<br /> The Lab acquired a AS3010 Dual pH Analyser from Labfit which replaced a Labtronics system. This has streamlined the pH measurement.<br /> The Lab evaluated measurements of biological oxygen demand (BOD) at different incubation time of suspension samples and their relations to carbon and nitrogen in the measured system. The purpose was to seek alternatives to speed up BOD measurements.<br /> The lab also evaluated residual interaction effects of liming and K fertilization on soybean growth in an acidic Gigger silt loam as well as nutrient uptake efficiency for selected corn and sugarcane varieties based on tissue test, soil test and crop yield.<br /> <br /> Kentucky (Frank Sikora)<br /> <br /> On July 1st, 2007 agricultural lime recommendations were modified. Lime recommendations used to be based on an average lime quality of 67% RNV (relative neutralizing value). Lime recommendations began being made on a 100% RNV basis with a calculation required to determine agricultural lime recommendation based on the RNV. The change was made to improve lime quality in the state through improved awareness of the value that measures lime quality.<br /> On September 1st, 2007 the Lexington laboratory started using an automated LabFit instrument for determining soil pH and buffer pH.<br /> The number of samples analyzed in 2007 were:<br /> Agriculture, 38,375; Home lawn and garden, 6,925; Commercial horticulture, 696; Greenhouse media, 41; Research, 6,922; Atrazine residue in soil, 12; Animal waste, 260; Nutrient solution, 30; Special research solutions, 1,933;<br /> TOTAL=55,194<br /> <br /> Florida (Rao Mylavarapu)<br /> <br /> As a part of recent re-structuring, starting October 2007, the research and extension labs have been placed under the newly formed, IFAS Analytical Services Laboratories (ASL). The ASL now comprises of four components- the Environmental Water Quality Laboratory (EWQL) for all NELAP certified analyses, the Analytical Research Laboratory (ARL) for all non-certified analyses, Extension Soil Testing Lab (ESTL) and the Livestock Waste Testing Lab (LWTL) for commercial and non-commercial producers. New space has been identified in the same building and renovated and upgraded, essentially doubling the space available for the labs. <br /> A new Astoria-Pacific autoanalyzer has been purchased in June, 2008 to replace the previous instrument running TKN. The new machine has two channels with two detectors, doubling throughput of the samples.<br /> Three auto-sampler units have been purchased in June 2008 to replace the older auto-samplers for TP/OP, and nitrate instruments. <br /> Due to budget reductions, the lab has picked up salaries of three analysts in the lab from the revenues. As a part of achieving self-sufficiency, it is projected that two more positions will be moved from state funding to lab revenues during the next two years, thereby reducing the state funded lines from 10 to 5.<br /> New test protocols and procedures for Bahiagrass pastures and commercial citrus producers have been developed and implemented<br /> Search for a new Lab Manager is on-going and is expected to be finalized by August, 2008. <br /> <br /> Georgia (Leticia Sonon, R. Hitchcock, D.E. Kissel)<br /> The sample testing programs at the University of Georgia is undertaken by the Agricultural and Environmental Services Laboratories (AESL) comprised of three labs: a) Soil, Plant, and Water Lab (SPW), b). Feed and Environmental Water Lab (FEW), and c). Pesticide and Hazardous Waste Lab (PHW). Soil numbers increased by about 8.5% and the overall sample volume increased by 10% in the current reporting period. The combined numbers of samples analyzed at AESL are shown in the table below for the period of May 2007 - April 2008.<br /> <br /> Agricultural and Environmental Services Labs Environmental <br /> Programs, Publications, and Personnel<br /> <br /> A. Development of Tools for Agents to Promote Soil Testing by Urban and Non-Farm Clientele in Georgia <br /> <br /> Soil Testing Video. Extramural funding provided a portion of the funds for production of education video to promote soil testing and environmental awareness on the effects of fertilizer nutrients in the environment. A full length video was produced for Georgia as well as six short subject videos for broadcast on Georgia Public Television. Efforts are underway to adapt Georgias video to other states in the Southern Region.<br /> Soil Test Kit. Soil test kits are available for purchase online. The target audience for this program are the urban clients who lack time to visit their local Extension office. Since its inception in September 2007, the lab has sold about 130 kits. <br /> Soil Testing in the Southern region Website. Along with the video and the soil testing kits is a webpage for ordering kits and as an information resource. <br /> <br /> B. Water Testing Education Tools<br /> <br /> UGA-Extension Drinking Water Team - The University of Georgias Extension Drinking Water Team was developed to design and oversee Extension educational programming and to address critical needs in the area of drinking water and human health in Georgia. As part of public education, oral and poster presentations were given at local, regional and national scientific meetings. The presentations were focused on water quality<br /> UGA Well-Cam, Education Video, Self Assessment Tool, Household Water Quality Circulars, Display/Posters on Water Quality and Testing, Water testing by the Ag and Environmental Services Labs, Database and statistical summary capability by county, Specialist support<br /> <br /> C. Analysis of Statewide Stream Monitoring Water Samples:<br /> <br /> The Agricultural and Environmental Services Laboratories (AESL) provides analytical services and expertise in water analysis to the Environmental Protection Division (EPD) Georgia Department of Natural Resources and the U.S. Geologic Survey (USGS). These services and expert consultation is to facilitate the Ambient Stream Monitoring Program in Georgia, entitled by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency through the Clean Water Act. Water samples are collected by EPD and USGS, delivered to the AESL, analyzed for various parameters (nutrients, metals, demand, and bacteria), and results reported back in the form of a database. Non-routine analytical methods have been developed for special projects such as Ultimate Biochemical Oxygen Demand and Chlorophyll analysis.<br /> <br /> D. Adopt-A-Stream Volunteer Water Analysis and Database Management:<br /> <br /> The Ag & Environmental Services Labs has contracted with the Georgia Environmental Protection Division to develop an online database for Adopt-A-Stream, a citizen volunteer water quality monitoring and stewardship program. The database provides volunteers and citizens access to chemical and biological data for Georgia's streams, lakes, and wetlands. The database, along with the Adopt-A-Stream website, is hosted at the labs.<br /> <br /> E. Active Participation in Training Animal Operators and Planners Engaged in Comprehensive Nutrient Management:<br /> <br /> A laboratory representative provides yearly trainings to animal operators and planners on how and when to collect soil samples, manure, and water from monitoring wells. Soil and manure testing are needed to perform comprehensive nutrient management planning (CNMP). Utilization of manure or lagoon effluent within a CNMP requires soil and manure testing for measurement of plant available nutrients. Soil test reports give the level of available plant nutrients and provide recommendations for any additional lime and fertilizer nutrients needed to achieve optimum crop yields.<br /> <br /> Personnel:<br /> <br /> Dr. Paul Vendrell, program coordinator of the Feeds and Environmental Lab, unexpectedly passed away on March 22, 2008. Dr. Vendrell was the leader of the following programs: <br /> <br /> 1. Georgia Well Camera Team:<br /> <br /> Cameras are being used to inspect the well bores of drinking water wells and determine if well construction inadequacies or material failure are the causes for groundwater contamination. Training workshops on how to operate these cameras were conducted for Extension Agents and Health Department Sanitarians in the four Extension and two Health Department Districts.<br /> <br /> 2. Southern Region Well Camera Team:<br /> <br /> Acquisition of extramural funding through two grants expanded the well camera team throughout the Southern Region. Alabama, Kentucky, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Tennessee, and Texas were equipped with cameras and training workshops in Kentucky, Louisiana, and Texas. Representatives from Tennessee attended Extension Agent training in Georgia and Oklahoma was able to learn to operate on their own. A workshop for Alabama will be conducted in the summer of 2007. A web based network is operating for the purpose of sharing down-well camera videos and a more user friendly network is under construction. The objectives for this program are to develop a team of experts across the Southern Region that share experiences, wellhead-photos, case studies, and down-well videos identifying regional well construction and maintenance problems, and work together to produce Extension education curriculum.<br /> <br /> Arkansas (Nancy Wolf)<br /> <br /> The U of A Agriculture Diagnostic Service Laboratory located in Fayetteville analyzes plant tissue, manures, forages, research soils and plants as a fee based service.<br /> For calendar year 2007, the total number of samples analyzed was 21,968. A breakdown of the major sample groups are forages-1,343, manure-1,162, plant tissue-8,582, research soils-3,581, and partially prepared research samples at 7,185. The total number of samples is 4% less than last year. A strawberry monitoring program was started again and is in its second year. We received 11 kits for a total of 92 petiole and leaf tissue samples from growers in AR, MO, and IL. <br /> <br /> We are still running analysis on manures in the Euchi-Spavinaw Watershed and gathering data on water soluble phosphorus using the 1:10 method by Philip Moore as mandated by the courts involved in the poultry litter lawsuit. We are also running some samples at the 1:100 extraction ratio for comparison. <br /> We purchased a used Elementar Rapid N for analysis of Nitrogen on plant tissue and are happy with it. We are still using an Elementar Variomax for C/N analysis on soils, manures, and liquid manures, the Spectro CIROS ICP, and a Skalar SanPlus Autoanalyzer for ammonium and nitrate. <br /> <br /> Alabama (Gobena Huluka)<br /> <br /> Effective 13 August, 2007, Dr. Gobena Huluka became director for the AU Soil Testing lab in addition to his teaching and research responsibility in Department of Agronomy & Soils. <br /> The lab has purchased vario MACRO CHN analyzer from Elementar in November, 2008 that will support the existing Lico TruSpec CNS analyzer. <br /> Lab reports will be sent only electronically for those with an active e-mail address and requests to do so starting July 14, 2008.<br /> A Soil Testing Lab Advisory Committee that includes individuals associated with AU extension and research, USDA and farmers, was established by the College of Agriculture dean, Dr. Richard Guthrie, in June, 2008. The main purpose of the committee is to meet once in a while and discuss issues pertained to the soil analysis service the lab provides. At advisory capacity, this committee will make necessary suggestions to make soil test services affordable, timely and relevant to the people who will be using the service the lab. A similar AU Advisor Committee for Forage Analysis is also formed. Both committees will be permanent and it is expected to they will play some limited role in increasing the visibility of the services provided by the lab.<br /> The total number of routine soil samples is about what it was last year at this time (about 1000 samples more) and significantly more forage samples are analyzed mainly for researchers.<br /> <br /> <br />Publications
Plant Analysis Handbook, 2008, revised and edited by Owen Plank<br /> Soil Test Handbook For Georgia, 2008, revised and edited by David Kissel and Leticia Sonon<br />Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 10/15/2009
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 06/21/2009
- 06/23/2009
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2008 - 09/01/2009
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2008 - 09/01/2009
Participants: A list of SERA-IEG-6 members and participants in the 2009 meeting along with a record of the minutes from this meeting can be found at the following URL: http://www.clemson.edu/agsrvlb/sera6 - click on Participants. Address for the list-server is sera-ieg-6-L@clemson.edu.Project or Activity Leadership: Activity Leadership:
Chair Rao Mylavarapo, raom@ufl.edu;
Chair-elect Frank Sikora, fsikora@uky.edu;
Secretary David Hardy, david.hardy@ncagr.gov;
Past Chair Hailin Zhang, haz@mail.pss.okstate.edu;
Research Administrative Advisor Stephen Workman, sworkman@bae.uky.edu;
Extension Administrative Advisor David Kissel, dkissel@arches.uga.edu
Brief Summary of Minutes
Please refer to 2009 meeting minutes at the following URL: www.clemson.edu/agsrvlb/sera6The 2009 annual meeting was hosted by Texas A&M University. Tony Provin welcomed the group to College Station.
Mississippi State University agreed to host the 2010 meeting. The meeting will be held June 13-15, 2010.
Tony Provin continues to serve on the North American Proficiency Testing (NAPT) programs board representing SERA6.
The work-group continues to be a forum for interaction of members concerning soil, plant, waste, and water analysis testing and appropriate recommendations given to agricultural producers and others as a result of such testing. Standardization and cooperative activities are encouraged whenever possible within the region. This strengthens national efforts to effectively and efficiently utilize our lime and fertilizer resources while protecting the environment and improving water quality by providing opportunities, if taken, for combining manpower and physical resources within the region wherever appropriate. <br /> <br /> The white paper, Public Agricultural Services/Soil Testing Laboratories: their value and contributions in the Land Grant University, developed by SERA was proving to be beneficial. Rao Mylavarapo utilized it with deans and county /district extension directors in FL. It was decided that the authors of the paper bring it to a final form and then forward it to the SERA-6 Research Administrative Advisor for comments with onward transmission to the Director-at-large at the Southern Region Directors office. The paper is found at http://www.clemson.edu/agsrvlb/sera6/announcements1.htm.<br /> <br /> Cooperative Research Projects/Bulletins: <br /> <br /> Dave Kissel discussed the need for a publication on calibration. In this effort, a Soil Test Calibration Subcommittee was formed to consist of membership from AL, GA, TN, TX, MS, NC, FL, and OK with Kissel leading the effort. <br /> <br /> Hugh Savoy mentioned that he still had not received a publication number for SCSB-#190D (Procedures used by State Soil Testing Labs in the Southern Region). He will contact the sub-regional office in NC for assistance. The bulletin has been revised as of August, 2009. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> Debbie Joines discussed the publication- DRAFT: Mineral Status of Forage in TN. A fact sheet would be developed by Debbie and Tony Provin; Charles Mitchell and Kathy Moore agreed to review it before a link is established from the SERA site for other states use. <br /> <br /> Charlie Mitchell passed out the DRAFT- Soil Testing and Recommendations for Cotton on Coastal Plains Soils. The regional cotton publication is to be reviewed this summer before seeking a publication number and placing it on-line. <br /> <br /> Frank Sikora proposed developing a soil testing methods manual to replace the original 1983 and supplemental 1992 publications. The group agreed on its need. A subcommittee (FL, MS, AL, AR, SC, LA, GA, TX) was developed to develop its contents and chapter assignments. The group would meet four times a year and Frank would lead the effort. <br /> <br /> Prepared by: David H. Hardy<br />Publications
Debbie Joines discussed the publication- DRAFT: Mineral Status of Forage in TN. A fact sheet would be developed by Debbie and Tony Provin; Charles Mitchell and Kathy Moore agreed to review it before a link is established from the SERA site for other states use. <br /> <br /> Charlie Mitchell passed out the DRAFT- Soil Testing and Recommendations for Cotton on Coastal Plains Soils. The regional cotton publication is to be reviewed this summer before seeking a publication number and placing it on-line. <br /> <br /> Frank Sikora proposed developing a soil testing methods manual to replace the original 1983 and supplemental 1992 publications. The group agreed on its need. A subcommittee (FL, MS, AL, AR, SC, LA, GA, TX) was developed to develop its contents and chapter assignments. The group would meet four times a year and Frank would lead the effort.Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 08/05/2010
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 06/13/2010
- 06/15/2010
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2009 - 09/01/2010
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2009 - 09/01/2010
A list of SERA-IEG-6 members and participants in the 2010 meeting along with a record of the minutes from this meeting can be found at the following URL: http://www.clemson.edu/agsrvlb/sera6 - click on Participants. Address for the list-server is sera-ieg-6-L@clemson.edu.
--Rao Mylavarapu, Chair
--Frank Sikora, Vice-chair
--David Hardy, Secretary
--David Kissel, Extension Administrative Advisor
--Steve Workman, Research Administrative Advisor
--Others Group Participants: Charles Mitchell, Gobi Huluka, Doug Carroll, Cindy Herron, Morteza Mozaffari, Robert Miller, William dAngelo, Leticia S. Sonon, Bob Issac, Uttam Saha, Jake Mowrer, Jim Wang, Keith Crouse, Larry Oldham, Manjula V. Nathan, Brenda Cleveland, Hailin Zhang, Kendall Henderson, Kathy Moore, Debbie Joines, Hugh Savoy, Tony Provin, J. Leon Young
Brief Summary of Minutes
Please refer to 2010 meeting minutes at the following URL: www.clemson.edu/agsrvlb/sera6The 2010 annual meeting was hosted by Mississippi State University. Keith Crouse and Larry Oldham welcomed the group to Starkville. The meeting began on Sunday evening with state reports being given. Mondays technical sessions represented a wide range of topics including a history of soil testing in the South, soil test summary data and service marketing aspects in Mississippi, comparison of lime buffer methods, nutrient reduction strategies in the Mississippi Basin, and blueberry N sources in North Carolina. On Tuesday, the group had concurrent sessions with one session focused on nutrient management issues while the other focused on laboratory concerns.
North Carolina agreed to host the 2011 meeting. The meeting will be held June 19-21, 2011.
Tony Provin continues to serve on the North American Proficiency Testing (NAPT) programs board representing SERA6.
The Nomination Committee nominated Larry Oldham to serve as secretary for the next two years, so he will begin serving a 6-year term as he works through the rotation of offices.
Rao Mylavarapu completed his two-year term as Chair of SERA-IEG-6. Frank Sikora will be Chair for the next two years.
The work-group continues to be a forum for interaction of members concerning soil, plant, waste, and water analysis testing and appropriate recommendations given to agricultural producers and others as a result of such testing. Standardization and cooperative activities are encouraged whenever possible within the region. This strengthens national efforts to effectively and efficiently utilize our lime and fertilizer resources while protecting the environment and improving water quality by providing opportunities, if taken, for combining manpower and physical resources within the region wherever appropriate.<br /> <br /> Steve Workman, Research Administrative Advisor, was in attendance at this years meeting and commented on how pleased he was to see great activity on the listserve as participants discussed issues in soil testing. Accolades were given to the group for its well designed website and continued efforts to publish relative documents. <br /> <br /> David Kissel, Extension Administrative Advisor, announced the following two publications had received a number this year. <br /> <br /> Procedures Used by State Soil Testing Laboratories in the Southern Region of the United States(So. Coop. Ser. Bull. 409, 25 p. Revised)<br /> <br /> Research-based Soil Testing and Recommendations for Cotton on Coastal Plain Soils (So. Coop. Ser. Bull. 410)<br /> <br /> Cooperative Research Projects/Bulletins: <br /> The group shared concern over lack of soil testing method validation as related to potential recognition by EPA and USDA- NRCS as nutrient management plans are developed. A draft resolution was developed; the resolution calls for validation of regionally accepted and published soil test procedures by the Soil Plant Analysis Council and the two soil testing subcommittees of the Soil Science Society of America. Further discussion would occur via the listserve to finalize this resolution. <br /> <br /> Frank Sikora gave an update on the progress of developing the Soil Test Procedures for the Southeast Region of the United States manual. Since last years meeting, the subcommittee met three times by phone conference and the proposed manual is well underway but not complete. He revised deadlines for lead authors; all chapters are to be completed by December 1. A draft of the manual can be found at http://www.clemson.edu/agsrvlb/sera6/methods/. <br />Publications
Procedures Used by State Soil Testing Laboratories in the Southern Region of the United States (So. Coop. Ser. Bull. 409, 25 p. Revised)<br /> <br /> Research-based Soil Testing and Recommendations for Cotton on Coastal Plain Soils<br /> (So. Coop. Ser. Bull. 410)<br />Impact Statements
- Testing labs reported more than 800,000 samples were analyzed over the last year.
- A Methods Manual is being written by the group. A first draft is almost complete. Please see: http://www.clemson.edu/agsrvlb/sera6/methods/ for more details
Date of Annual Report: 07/22/2011
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 06/19/2011
- 06/21/2011
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2010 - 09/01/2011
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2010 - 09/01/2011
Participant list can be found at:http://www.clemson.edu/agsrvlb/sera6/participants1.htm
Brief Summary of Minutes
A methods manual is nearly complete with most chapters in final draft form.<br /> <br /> The group will begin updating the Bulletin 409 on Procedures used across the region. http://www.clemson.edu/agsrvlb/sera6/srbull409aug09versionupdatedISBNbull.pdfPublications
Impact Statements
- The scientists working with Land Grant laboratories frequently carry out research on soil and plant test calibration. Soil and plant test calibration data are the basis for the plant nutrient recommendations provided with the analysis results of soils and plants.
- All private agricultural services laboratories use procedures developed by public laboratories.
Date of Annual Report: 11/02/2012
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 08/27/2012
- 08/29/2012
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2011 - 09/01/2012
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2011 - 09/01/2012
Robert Miller, Leticia Sonon, Uttam Saha, Larry Oldham, Jim Wang, Charles Mitchell, Gobena Huluka, Steve Heckedorn, Kathy Moore, Tony Provin, Rodney Henderson, Carl Crozier, Jake Mowrer, Hugh Savoy, Steve Phillips, Cindy HerronMorteza Mozaffari, Hailin Zhang, David Hardy, Steve Workman, Frank Sikora
Brief Summary of Minutes
Alabama Soils Lab analyzed 25,000 samples in 2011, which was about 3000 more than 2010 at the same time. <br /> <br /> Alabama Soils Lab has published, The Basis of Soil Testing in Alabama and Nutrient Recommendations Tables for Alabama Crops online and hardcopy. <br /> <br /> The Agricultural Diagnostic Laboratory located in Fayetteville, AR performed fee-based elemental analyses on a total of 26,653 samples including 1,032 forage, 283 plant and 198 soil (for diagnosis of nutrient deficiencies and/or toxicities), 1,355 dry- and 205 liquid-manure, 11,228 research plant, 2,376 research soil, and 9,446 prepared special samples during 2011. Additional samples were analyzed for the strawberry (386) and orchard (38) nutrient monitoring programs with clients from several states. Samples were submitted by growers, the general public, and researchers from various institutions and industries.<br /> <br /> <br /> For the 5th consecutive year the University of Arkansas-Marianna Soil Test Laboratory analyzed a record number of soil samples. The total number of soil samples analyzed in 2011 was 178,632. Of this total, 163,721 were samples submitted by clientele and the remaining 14,911 samples were standard check soils analyzed for quality assurance. The number of grid soil samples analyzed in 2011 was 110,784 (up from 84,763 in 2010), which is approximately 68% of client samples received. Grid soil samples have increased about 19,000 samples per year since 2006, whereas the number of field average samples has remained relatively constant (52,000 - 55,000). <br /> <br /> At the University of Florida, the number of samples analyzed, during FY11-12, at the Extension Soil Testing Lab increased by nearly 11% to 16,973 over FY10-11 and at the Analytical Research Lab the samples increased by nearly 6% to 23,089, during the same period. <br /> <br /> The Agricultural and Environmental Services Laboratories (AESL) of the University of Georgia analyzed 97,476 samples in 2011. <br /> <br /> The University of Kentucky analyzed a total of 55,200 samples in 2011. <br /> <br /> The LSU AgCenter Soil Testing and Plant Analysis Laboratory analyzed 15,393 routine soils samples in 2011, which reflected an increase of 17% over the previous year and was primarily due to the implementation of a box sampling kit for home consumers. In addition, the lab analyzed 6278 plant samples and 6557 optional soil tests. The lab has made progress in becoming a self-supported operation.<br /> <br /> The Mississippi State University-Extension Service Soil Testing Laboratory analyzed 24,406 soil and 2,517 tissue samples. These are 5.0 percent less soil samples and 32 percent less tissue sample than in 2011.<br /> <br /> A nutrient management manual was published in both hard copy and web versions: Nutrient management guidelines for agronomic crops grown in Mississippi. Mississippi State University Extension Service Publication 2647.<br /> <br /> A series of four 4-day trainings in nutrient and pest management was provided for all local and regional employees of the Natural Resource Conservation Service.<br /> <br /> The North Carolina Department of Agriculture Soil Testing Section, analyzed 373,532 soil samples and issued 43,409 reports with fertilizer and/or lime recommendations in FY2011. Workloads continue to increase by a few percent each year. <br /> <br /> The North Carolina Department of Agriculture Plant/Waste/Solution/Media Section (PWSM) Section analyzed 11,621 plant tissue samples; 16,943 waste samples; 2,235 solution samples; and 347 soilless media samples in FY2011. It issued a total of 12,439 reports. This workload exceeds that of the previous year by about 2,000 samples.<br /> <br /> Oklahoma State University Soil, Water and Forage Analytical Laboratory analyzed 60,279 samples in 2011, which included 33,846 soil, 4,787 water, 9,184 forage, 992 waste, 8 growth media, and 11,462 various research samples during the year.<br /> <br /> Clemson Soils Lab analyzed 57,609 soil, 3,058 plant 1,112 feed, 386 water, 1,961 waste, 146 compost, and 6,064 other samples in 2011.<br /> <br /> Over 24,400 soil tests were conducted and fertilizer/lime recommendations provided to Tennessee farmers and home owners during 2011 by the Tennessee lab. A plant analysis program is now available to Tennessee producers through the Soil, Plant and Pest Center in Nashville.<br /> <br /> Factual information to assist NRCS in interpreting Mehlich 3 soil data was provided in the form of a web fact sheet. Interpreting Mehlich 1 and 3 Soil Test Extractant Results for P and K in Tennessee.<br /> <br /> The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service Soil, Water and Forage Testing Laboratory processed 24,744 soil, 2259water, 4759 plant/forage, 1177 biosolid and 8288 research samples during the 2011 calendar year. <br /> <br /> The Virginia Tech Soil Testing Lab received about 50,000 soil samples, which is about 7% less than the year before. <br />Publications
Impact Statements
- The AESL of the University of Georgia developed a test package to measure soil salinity to help farmers and the general public diagnose and manage problems associated with soil salinity.
- Hybrid bermudagrass hay K fertilizer rates reduced in 2009, from results of ongoing fertility research on low testing soils. TN producers benefited with savings up to $96.00 per acre (at highest K prices in this period) or as much as 28.8 million dollars per year in K input costs. Benefits to the environment are also realized due to increased N efficiency with appropriate K fertility.
- Recommended P and K reduced in 2009 (verified correct by ongoing research) for row crops on high testing soils are potentially saving TN producers $64.00 (2008 prices) per acre or over 19.2 million dollars per year for corn grain alone (highest consumer).
- Continuing education and testing programs for Certified Crop Advisors in Tennessee have resulted in providing the agricultural industry and Extension with a more highly trained and professional work force (115 currently certified) to address the needs of Tennessee farmers and urban peoples.
- Nitrogen Rate demonstration data suggest the need to reduce yearly N inputs for hybrid bermudagrass hay production by one fourth of that currently recommended potentially saving producers on 17,000 acres across the state as much as $1,020,000 in production costs.