W1173: Stress Factors of Farm Animals and Their Effects on Performance
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
W1173: Stress Factors of Farm Animals and Their Effects on Performance
Duration: 10/01/2006 to 09/30/2011
Administrative Advisor(s):
NIFA Reps:
Non-Technical Summary
Statement of Issues and Justification
Environmental and management stressors erode efficiency and cost livestock production enterprises billions of dollars annually in lost potential profitability. For example, in the absence of heat abatement measures, total losses across all animal classes averaged $2.4 billion annually (St-Pierre et al., 2003). Of the total, reduction in milk production potential represented a major portion of the losses to the dairy industry, averaging $897 to $1500 million (St-Pierre et al., 2003). Moreover, adverse weather conditions including both the effects of hot and cold climatic conditions are particularly difficult for confinement beef cattle feeding enterprises. Over the past 10 yr, Mader (2003) reported that harsh climatic conditions cost the beef feedlot industry between $10 million to $20 million annually. Both enteric and viral diseases of pigs, particularly in the nursery and grow-finish phase, erode performance efficiency costing the swine industry millions as a result of production inefficiency, and many of these diseases are exacerbated by management stressors (Dritz et al., 2002; Neumann et al., 2005). Finally, thoroughly understanding stress-associated mechanisms of immune system function and increased susceptibility of livestock to disease is now more important than ever in that the majority of emerging animal diseases have proven to be zoonotic diseases, and therefore threaten public health. Clearly, the objectives outlined in the current proposal address both critical aspects of responses of livestock to environmental and management stressors, and examine viable management interventions and alternatives to mitigate the detrimental effects of these challenges. This collaborative group of scientists spans a broad range of disciplinary training, and the group proposes cross-station experiments that run the gamut from very basic cellular/molecular questions to very applied investigative aims. Thus, outcomes of this multi-state project can reasonably be expected to broadly impact production practices and improve profitability across diverse livestock commodity sectors.
Related, Current and Previous Work
Related Current, and Previous Work: The W-173 project formulated two primary objectives which were the focus of research and collaborative interactions during the previous 5 yr (2001 2006): (1) Identify appropriate measures of animal stress and well-being and characterize factors affecting the biology of the stress response; and (2) Evaluate management strategies that minimize the detrimental effects of animal stress. Working under these two objectives, the W-173 research group has contributed greatly to an enhanced understanding of stressors that impact animal performance, factors that act as intermediaries to stress responses, and how current and alternative management practices can influence the impact or manifestation of stress within the production environment. Detailed below by objective are specific examples and highlights of directed accomplishments from the previous 5 years (which is by no means all-inclusive), and demonstrates both the collaborative nature of this research group and the commitment to project objectives aimed at elucidating and alleviating the impact of stress in livestock production-management systems. 5.1. Collaborative Accomplishments Summary: Objective 1. Identify appropriate measures of animal stress and well-being and characterize factors affecting the biology of the stress response. The response to stress among animals within and across different livestock species, as well as among individuals of a given breed, can be highly variable, and can impact a number of physiological processes (e.g., neuroendocrine, immune, thermoregulatory, etc.). A central theme of the W-173 research group is to identify relevant and appropriate measures of animal stress and well-being, and to more clearly define stress responses to mitigate the adverse effects of stress on production performance (Morrow-Tesch, 2001). Cortisol is frequently used as a hormonal indicator of stress, and understanding the relationships between plasma cortisol (free and total) and cortisol-binding globulin (CBG) are being investigated (swine and equine) to establish indices which take into account shifts in CBG/CBG mRNA in relation to free cortisol as influenced by stress events (USDA-ARS-TX; USDA-ARS-IN; TN; CA; Lay et al., 2004). This research provides fundamental information for discerning how cortisol is regulated under various physiological conditions and as a means to estimate the amount of cortisol that is biologically active. Collectively, these data will help researches in determining which endocrine responses (free/total cortisol to CBG ratios) are useful indicators of stress (Heo et al., 2003; Roberts et al., 2003). Studies have also addressed endocrine-immune cross-talk during critical periods of host responses to disease by evaluating (1) how cortisol influences cytokine production in swine (KS; Balaji et al., 2002; Skjolaas et al., 2001); (2) the impact of stress from bacterial infection on immunological and physiological responses (KS, MO; Hambach et al., 2002; Turner et al., 2002ab); and (3) the use of antibiotics on the stress response during live bacterial challenges (MO; Carroll et al., 2003; Fangman et al., 2002). Moreover, the influence of environment on host-pathogen relationships are being studied which suggest that alterations in immune pathogen recognition (e.g., via Toll-like receptors 2 and 4) are altered during environmental stress (e.g., heat stress) that can lead to exacerbated disease states (USDA-ARS-IN). Novel gene products (from mesenteric lymph nodes using microarray technologies) associated with immunoregulatory processes in swine have also been identified which have lead to a greater understanding of the time-course of host pathogen interactions (AL and KS). These studies will enable a greater understanding of host-pathogen interactions and their effects on animal well-being, as well as provide new insight into the use of antibiotics within a production environment. Monitoring physiological responses to stressors has been another focus area for W-173 members through the development of bioinstrumentation systems. To this end, significant efforts have been directed toward the development of methods for monitoring core body temperature in livestock. Specifically, telemetry systems for measuring core body temperature in livestock and poultry have been developed (USDA-MARC; KY; NE; Brown-Brandl et al., 2001; 2003), as well as technologies for body temperature measurements in beef cattle (NE; KY; Davis et al., 2003; 2004), dairy cattle (NY; HI; MS; MO; Spain et al., 2001ab; Hillman et al., 2003), horses (KY) and poultry (KY; Brown-Brandl et al., 2003), using various tympanic, vaginal, venal, ruminal (bovine), gut (equine) and rectal temperature probe modifications to characterize and standardize body temperature measures within and among species. In addition, body surface measures of thermal responses to the ambient environment and heat load have been similarly quantified using infrared thermography (AZ; MS; Bowers et al., 2004; Schmidt et al., 2003; 2004), and equipment for accurately measuring heat transfer (NY; Hillman et al., 2001a) and evaporation rates (AZ; Pollard et al., 2004) across hair coats in cattle have been developed. In association with body temperature measures, heat stress is one area of concentrated investigation among many W-173 participants. For example, retrospective analyses of heat wave events and the evaluation of different modeling principles have provided specific recommendations for improved management to reduce the impacts of heat waves and heat stress in feedlot cattle and other intensive production systems (NE; USDA-ARS-MARC; MO; Hahn et al., 2001). Models have been further developed to address thermoregulatory responses and feed intake patterns in beef cattle and interactions associated with cattle genetics, hide color and hair coat thickness, and production performance characteristics investigated (NY; USDA-MARC; HI; NE; Hillman et al., 2001; Parkhurst et al., 2002; Lan et al., 2002; Brown-Brandl et al., 2003; Kerek et al., 2003; Jiang et al., 2004). Heat stress response of cattle to climate variables of temperature, humidity, wind speed, and solar radiation have also been collected and an algorithm developed to represent animal response in the form of respiration rate (USDA-MARC; Eigenberg et al., 2003; Hahn et al., 2003; Borwn-Brandl et al., 2003). Heat stress events that may negatively influence fertility in pasture-bred beef cows have also been defined, in which average ambient temperatures reaching 2 oC above normal may decrease pregnancy rates by 7% in Bos taurus beef cattle during a 60 day breeding season (NE; Freetly et al., 2003). Furthermore, the impact of heat stress in dairy cattle is also being addressed at multiple levels, including studies evaluating novel fan-sprinkler configurations (e.g., NY; HI; MS: free stall cooling, Hillman et al., 2005; AZ; HI; MO: effectiveness of commercial misters and fans; Oetting et al., 2002; Spurlin et al., 2002a; Collier et al., 2003), quantification of the solar radiation contribution to heat stress (AZ; MO; NY; Pollard et al., 2004), the effects of management practices on heat load and heat dissipation (e.g., AZ: bST administration; HI: calf vaccination programs; Collier et al., 2001; Keister et al., 2001), the modeling of heat stress responses to environmental modifications (NE; AZ; NY; HI), and proteomic (e.g., HI: antioxidant superoxide dismutase) and genomic variations among tissues of dairy cattle exposed to thermoneutral and heat stress conditions (e.g., MO; AZ: skin; AZ: mammary cell cultures; MO: white blood cells, liver, ovarian follicles and muscle; Kolath et al., 2003; Collier et al., 2003; Rhoads et al., 2004). These results are being used to identify cattle that are resistant or sensitive to thermal stress, and genomic analyses applied toward understanding the time-course of tissue responses to thermal stress. Finally, thermal stress has been characterized in pullets and layers before, during and after molting, which is useful in determining supplemental heat and ventilation requirements for layer houses (KY; Yanagi et al., 2002a). Studies of partial surface wetting to relieve heat stress of poultry and the development of a thermal discomfort index for laying hens subjected to acute thermal stress has been assessed, along with studies characterizing the feeding behavior of laying hens that will help to better quantify the welfare of birds (KY; IN; Puma et al., 2000; Xin et al., 2002; Yanagi et al., 2002b; Chepete et al., 2004). 5.2. Collaborative Accomplishments Summary: Objective 2. Evaluate management strategies that minimize the detrimental effects of animal stress. To implement technologies or management practices that might mitigate the effects of stress in production-management environments, there is a need to understand the influence of existing practices as well as design and test new strategies. This requires expertise in areas of nutrition, animal health, engineering, physiology, economics and a broad range of other disciplines to identify where changes are required, or not required, to maximize animal production performance while maintaining animal well-being within varying management systems. The W-173 research group is uniquely positioned to address these issues. Studies have been initiated which investigate the effects of nutritional and/or additive supplementation in swine (e.g., USDA-ARS-MO: fish oil, beta-glucan, and vitamin C; McKee et al., 2001; Gaines et al., 2003; Carroll et al., 2003) and cattle (e.g., FL: sulfur and selenium; CO: copper; MO, TX: seaweed extract; Arthington, 2003a; Dorton et al., 2003; McVicker et al., 2003) on immune system responses, production performance, stress physiology (USDA-ARS-MO; FL; MO; TX; Touchette et al., 2002; Carroll et al., 2003) and thermal biology (MO; Al-Haidary et al., 2001; Burke et al., 2001). In addition, hormonal therapies (e.g., dexamethasone) during specific periods of development have been investigated for improving overall production performance and well-being in swine (USDA-ARS-MO; Gaines et al., 2003; Seaman-Bridges et al., 2003). In relation to specific nutrition x stress interactions, both rodent and bovine models of fescue toxicosis are also being used to successfully evaluate the negative effects of fescue toxicosis on production performance and the safety of a novel endophyte associated with tall fescue, which provides benefit to the plant with no harm to the animal (MO; Roberts et al., 2001; Al-tamimi et al., 2002). Through these studies, a greater understanding of the genes that are up or down regulated as a result of intake of ergovaline (the active compound in endophyte-infected fescue), to elucidate some of the problems associated with fescue toxicosis (e.g., genes that influence gene transcription and translation, metabolism of fescue toxins, and feed intake; MO; Robert et al., 2002; Al-tamimi et al., 2003). Systems for monitoring feeding behavior in feedlot and pasture systems for beef cattle have also been developed using several novel methodologies. For example, the use of a GPS system with GIS analysis for grazing beef cattle on pasture has helped to develop and demonstrate a new system for monitoring cattle behavior on pasture (KY; Turner et al., 2000), and another system has been developed using radio frequency identification technology (RFID) to monitor feeding behavior of feedlot cattle (USDA-MARC) and water intke in grazing cattle (KY). The findings from this research are directly applicable for the design of seasonal monitoring systems for use in the rotational grazing of livestock. Routine management practices (e.g., castration, dehorning, beak trimming) that have often been accepted as industry standards have been scrutinized in relation to their effects on animal welfare, yet objective, science-based evidence is needed which addresses whether such practices constitute stress on the animal. To this end, studies by W-173 participants have investigated dehorning of 3-month-old calves using heat cauterization and found that it did not appear to be sufficiently stressful to warrant prior administration local anesthesia (TN; Forehand et al., 2001). Similarly, studies have been investigating beak trimming effects and induced moulting procedures on bird well-being (USDA-ARS, IN; Persyn et al., 2002; 2003) using a combination of behavioral, endocrine, neuroendocrine, immune and health measures. Studies examining the growth and development of swine have also addressed the impact of stressors from the prenatal period through weaning and harvest (USDA-ARS-IN; USDA-ARS-MO; MO; Toscano et al., 2002; Sterle et al., 2003), and environmental modifications as they relate to management practices in dairy and swine have similarly been investigated; with some studies addressing the use of rubber flooring for reducing lameness in primiparous heifers on confinement dairies (USDA-ARS, IN; FL; NE), and in swine operations examining the effects of flooring type on animal growth, performance and welfare (USDA-ARS-IN). Other collaborations have evaluated the influence of early calf weaning on subsequent performance of primiparous cows and calves (Arthington and Minton, 2004). Studies of lameness in dairy cattle have also been completed to elucidate early indicators of lameness of dairy cows and develop predictive equations for lameness based on behavioral and physiological measures (e.g., cow speed; USDA-ARS-IN; NE; OCallaghan, 2002, Hirst et al., 2002). Lameness decreases survival of cows within a herd (Booth et al., 2004), significantly impacts milk production (Green et al., 2002), and increases the calving interval and number of services required for conception (Hernandez et al., 2001). Previous work with lameness (NE and IN) correlations has shown only time required to traverse a given distance to be related to lameness. Presently, a number of groups are focusing on lameness in the U.S. and Canada (FL, NY, WI, NE, IN, and Ontario and Vancouver). The interaction between genetics and environment has been investigated in laying hens (genetic differences in selected lines on behavior, physiology and immune parameters; USDA-ARS-IN), swine (genetic differences in immune function in response to transportation and handling; USDA-ARS-IN) and beef cattle (performance, physiology and genomic expression patterns of tropically-adapted versus temperate-reared animals Angus and Romosinuano cattle; FL; MO; AR; OR). This research contributes to our understanding of the complex interactions between genetics and the environment (Freetly et al., 2003; e.g., in beef cattle, microarray technology will be used to identify the differentially expressed genes unique to resistant animals; FL), and how the stress imposed upon an animal during production affects its health and well-being. Studies are also addressing the relationship between beef cattle temperament and production performance using temperament scoring and exit velocity measures in conjunction with thermography, gene expression profiles and measures of production performance (ADG, live animal body composition, reproductive function; MS; USDA-ARS-TX). Establishment of selection criteria and indices of animal temperament in relation to genotype will provide an additional tool for selection of animals for optimal growth performance in relation to their production-management environment. Moreover, genetics may also greatly impact the ability of an animal to adapt to different environmental housing strategies, and are being investigated in pigs reared in hot environments. In one study, high-lean growth pigs were found to deposit more fat and less protein than those raised in a thermoneutral environment and fed similar amounts (KY; Bridges et al., 2001; Brown-Brandl et al., 2001), and in another study the use of 8% added fat or reduced dietary crude protein content (2.3%) improved finishing pig growth rates in hot environments, and fat inclusion improved gain-to-feed ratio and meat quality regardless of crude protein level (MO; Spencer et al., 2001; Kerr et al., 2003). These results suggest that alternative feeding approaches may be possible to help compensate for heat stress effects on finishing pigs. Transportation stress in livestock has been the focus of several W-173 participants, and can manifest as a result of handling, animal crowding, environmental effects (e.g., trailer temperature, ventilation) and the duration of travel. Collaborating stations have addressed issues related to these factors by modeling trailer designs and monitoring physiological responses to transportation in accordance with guidelines currently established or proposed for the transportation of livestock. Specifically, studies of the benefit or detriment of a rest-stop (lairage) for pigs (USDA-ARS-IN) and lambs (TX) have been conducted which address immune responses to long- and short-term transport with and without lairage, which may assist producers and regulatory agencies determine if a lairage is beneficial during long transportation of livestock. Strategies are also being evaluated to minimize effects of transport stress on non-domestic species (Williams and Friend, 2003; Nevill and Friend, 2003; Nevill et al., 2004), cattle (FL; Arthington et al., 2003b; 2005) and horses (KY; TX), with transport of slaughter horses (TX) and performance horses (KY; Green et al., 2003; 2004) being studied via the development of on-board watering systems for horses transported on semi-trailers (TX) and the modeling of air circulation patterns on semi-trailers (TX) and four-horse trailers (KY; Purswell et al., 2004ab). These studies suggest the need for improvements in trailer designs for transportation of livestock both for commercial and pleasure (e.g., performance horse) purposes. Cattle that have been shipped are subjected to varying degrees of stress which can result in increased susceptibility to respiratory tract and other infectious diseases (Hutcheson and Cole, 1986). Morbidity and mortality rates can often be high in these animals, despite vaccination against respiratory diseases, thus decreasing overall profitability (due to increased morbidity rates) of animal production (Griffin et al., 1995; Gardner et al., 1996). Several researchers monitoring ranch-to-rail programs have reported net return differences among cattle that have remained healthy throughout the feeding period vs. morbid cattle (McNeill, 1992-1998; McNeill et al., 1996; Griffin et al., 1995; Gardner et al., 1996; Gardner et al., 1999; Roeber et al., 2001).
Identify strategies for developing and monitoring appropriate measures of animal stress and well-being.
Assess genetic components, including genomics and proteomics, of animal stress and well-being.
Develop alternative management practices to reduce stress and improve animal well-being and performance.
The following are collaborative research efforts proposed to address the second objective (item 6.2 above). KS and AL will collaborate to evaluate the effects of disease on regulation of food intake and the interactive effects of genes regulating metabolism, growth and immune function in the weaned pig. To this end, KS has developed a model of Salmonella enterica serovar Choleraesuis (SC)-induced growth retardation that is accompanied by chronic depression of food intake. At the BL-2 animal facility at Kansas State University, weaned crossbred pigs, typical of genotypes used in contemporary swine production will be fed corn-soybean meal-based diets that are free of in-feed antibiotics or growth promoting levels of copper or zinc. After a period of adjustment, pigs are then fed approximately 108 CFU SC in dough balls. Bacteria are fed every 72 to 96 h for 14 d. At the conclusion of the experiment, pigs will be euthanized. Hypothalami, liver, spleen, mesenteric lymph node, skeletal muscle, and segments of jejunum, ileum, and spiral colon will be obtained and rapidly frozen. Total RNA will be isolated and forwarded to Auburn where the samples will be further prepared for microarray analysis using swine specific array reagents. Following the initial experiment, groups of genes of interest identified to affect food intake, metabolism, skeletal muscle growth or immune defense will be selected for further study using an identical or modified SC protocols. USDA-ARS-IN I will provide bovine sequences or cDNA for toll-like receptors (2 and 4) to other members of the project. They have shown some modulation of these TLRs in swine in acute heat stress (an integral part of transport) and have been used extensively in cattle following transport and challenge stressors. Additionally, a dairy calf / disease stress study planned in 2006-2007. In this study control and disease challenged calves will be fed with control or immune stimulating diets. Immune tissues from these calves will be collected for microarray analysis. AZ, MO, USDA-ARS-IN, MS, and KS will collaborate on the development of bovine EST libraries to provide ESTs for microarray printing. These will be available to all committee members at cost. Currently, two bovine arrays exist that include 19,000 and 4600 genes respectively. Work will include identification of genes specific to the stress response which might be used to develop a stress specific array. AZ, MO, USDA-ARS-IN, MS, AL, and USDA-ARS-NE will collaborate on studies that include whole animal models with collection of tissues by biopsy or at animal harvest. In vitro studies will be conducted where possible to minimize whole animal studies. In some cases specific genetic groups (e.g. Gir x Holstein, Romosinuano, Senepol x Holstein) will be utilized. These studies will involve use of microarrays to identify candidate genes to be evaluated using more specific designs with real-time polymerase chain reaction measurement of gene expression. Genes that appear to be involved in either thermal tolerance or thermal sensitivity will then be sequenced to identify single nucleotide polymorphisms which might serve as markers in genetic selection studies. AZ, MO, RS, MS, and USDA-ARS-NE will collaborate in survey studies conducted on large numbers of beef and dairy animals obtaining physiological responses to thermal environments as well as DNA samples. Among the physiological parameters to be measured are sweating rate, respiration rate, core temperature and skin temperature. Large variability between animals in sweating rate has been identified. One primary objective will be to identify those genes associated with regulation of sweating rate in cattle. These samples will then be evaluated for nucleotide polymorphisms in candidate genes. 7.3 The following are collaborative research efforts proposed to address the third objective (item 6.3 above). NE and USDA-ARS-NE will assess the benefits of providing shade to feedlot beef cattle using four genotypes assigned to 1 of 16 pens in one of two treatments (shade or no shade). Twice daily respiration rates and panting scores will be taken on 64 animals. Feeding behavior will be assessed using a bunk monitoring system using RFID technology. Weights, condition scores and temperament scores will be assessed every 28 days. Additionally, a risk assessment model will be developed for predicting an individual animals risk of being negatively affected by hot environmental conditions. Lastly, a website will be developed for predicting feedlot cattle heat stress using National Weather Service and forecast maps (temperature, humidity, wind speed, sky cover). Information will be downloaded, to provide the input for a predicted respiration rate equations (Eigenberg et al., 2005). The output will be a map of the predicted respiration rate (or stress level) for the central United States. USDA-ARS-IN, NE, MI, and FL will collaborate on studies aimed at evaluating lameness in dairy cattle. Studies will utilize heifers scored via 5 indicator locomotion scoring system recently used and validated by this laboratory (based on Sprecher et al., 1997, OCallaghan et al., 2003). Housing treatments will also be evaluated using rubber mats in front of the feed bunks in free-stall housing or free-stalls without the rubber mats. Hoof health, incidence of leg edema, and milk production records will be maintained by the dairy personnel. Lameness diagnosis will be determined by the herd veterinarian/dairy manager. Blood samples of cows that become lame will be analyzed retrospectively to determine acute phase proteins (haptoglobin and fibrinogen), peripheral blood granulocyte and lymphocyte counts and ratios, cortisol, substance P, and total RNA extraction for micro-array analysis (Michigan State University), followed by real-time RT-PCR of genes of interest indicated by the micro-array analysis. These procedures will be repeated during the second calving with sampling and scoring occurring at -30, + 60 and +180 days relative to parturition. TN, USDA-ARS-IN, and USDA-ARS-TX will collaborate on studies designed to examine circulating levels of total cortisol, porcine corticosteroid-binding globulin (pCBG), the free cortisol index (FCI; the ratio of total cortisol to pCBG) and measures of behavior and immune status in weaned pigs in response to novel methods for conditioning prior to transportation. Porcine CBG has a major influence upon the activity and availability of cortisol in the pig and, thus, is of relative importance in the animals biological response to a stressor. Regulation of CBG synthesis by the liver, the principal site of production in most species studied, is not well known. In general, glucocorticoids (both endogenous and synthetic) have been shown to have an inhibitory effect on CBG production, while growth hormone (GH) has a positive effect. A reduction in CBG levels can result in an increase in the FCI (a surrogate measure of biologically active cortisol) especially in the acute stress phase, and within a week subsequent to the elimination of the stressor. TN will examine the effects of exogenous porcine GH on plasma total cortisol, pCBG and FCI in weaned pigs subjected to transport. FL, CO, KS, and IN-USDA-ARS will collaborate on studies aimed at determining methods for decreasing stress responses associated with normal beef calf management at the time of weaning. These efforts will examine the influence of pre-weaning nutrition and age at weaning on post-weaning performance, inflammatory responses, and overall health status of receiving cattle. Further studies will evaluate the influence of mineral nutrition on subsequent measures of immune competence in weaned calves. Specific emphasis will be placed on the role of ceruloplasmin, a Cu-dependent acute-phase protein, on early inflammatory responses to normal calf management procedures.Measurement of Progress and Results
- The W-173 regional research project has enjoyed a long and productive history (established in 1985). Our project members have continued to expand their collaborations over the past five years since the previous project revision. Multiple new collaborations have evolved as well as expanded accomplishments from existing collaborative teams. The outputs of these efforts are documented through clear commitment to publication of research results. In the first four years of the current project, our members have published 97 peer-reviewed manuscripts and 144 other scientific papers in the form of abstracts, proceedings articles, book chapters, theses, dissertations and technical reports. Nearly all of these documents contain shared authorship among our participating project stations.
- The ongoing accomplishments of this group are a result of interactions among research scientists trained in a variety of disciplines (behavior, engineering, statistics, livestock management, endocrinology, immunology, etc.) with expertise in a broad range of livestock species. This comparative and multi-disciplinary approach among collaborating scientists is what facilitates the expansion of capabilities among individuals in the group which may not have been feasible by other means. Members of W-173 are regular participants and/or invited speakers in special sessions and symposia on the biology of stress in livestock at national and international meetings (e.g., 2002 ASAS/ADSA/CSAS National Meeting Environmental Stress on Livestock and Economic Implications; 2003 ASAS/ADSA/MAAP National Meeting Alternative Housing for Livestock, etc.). In addition, members of W-173 are working collaboratively on resource materials (AZ and MO: an environmental physiology text book entitled Thermal Biology of Domestic Animals) and have published collaborative review articles aimed at addressing updates and/or changes in guidelines for livestock (e.g., USDA ARS-MARC, IA and KY: a review of swine heat production was published in the Transactions of the ASAE establishing a need for updating values for modern genetics; Brown-Brandl et al., 2004).
- Moreover, the W-173 members routinely share resources and expertise in research aims which have included sabbaticals among project participant laboratories, multi-institutional research projects, and meeting jointly with other multi-state working groups with related focus areas (e.g., in 2001 and 2002 W-173 met jointly with NCR-131: Committee on Animal Care and Behavior). The collaborative interdependence among stations originally envisioned for multi-state projects is prominent in the W-173 research group. As a matter of routine agenda protocol, the annual meeting customarily ends with a summary of established collaborations for the coming year.
Outcomes or Projected Impacts
- Collectively, research directed toward the three objectives outlined in this proposal should advance the understanding of the biology of the stress response and important components and measures of animal well-being. In addition, these cooperative efforts will identify management practices that will improve animal environments and reduce animal stress responses to those practices. The animal response measurements provide a basis to develop response functions that can be used to predict outcomes and to optimize management of the thermal environment. Similarly, use of the dynamic response measurements has given us a basis to predict when an animal is under stress or distress and in need of attention to minimize detrimental effects. We expect this information to become more readily usable for direct application in animal production systems. Such application will reduce animal stress and increase animal productivity resulting in increases in net income for livestock enterprises.
(1):·Evaluation of genetic variation in cattle in response to weaning and transportation stress will be initiated. These efforts will identify inflammatory products, which may be used as indicators of stress events. ·Initial efforts will be completed to evaluate feedlot beef cattle stress responses via three key animal behavior indicators, including respiration rate, feeding behavior, and heat production. ·Multiple stations will coordinate efforts to organize the development of sequences for toll-like receptors 2 and 4 and EST libraries in cattle. ·Research will be summarized in feedlot cattle pertaining to the benefits (or lack thereof) of shade. ·Validation of a dairy cow lameness scoring system will be completed. Completion of this scoring system will act as a key milestone toward future studies that are planned for the evaluation of hoof health on dairy cow production and well-being. ·Initial studies aimed at better understanding how pre-weaning and pre-transport management impacts calf performance will be completed.(2):·Research efforts will be completed to investigate the physical properties of hair and skin from cattle. This initial research will act as a milestone for the development of further collaborative research efforts among participating stations. · Evaluation of digital infrared thermal cameras for determination of heat stress in dairy cattle will be completed. ·Validation of a reliable bacterial challenge model will be completed within studies aimed at the evaluation of disease on regulation of food intake in pigs. ·Collaborative efforts to quantify porcine corticosteroid-binding globulin will be completed. This effort will be an important milestone toward the development of the free cortisol index, which can ultimately be used to quantify stress in pigs. ·The project will host a Symposium addressing current research related to Animal Stress and Productivity at the 2007 ADSA/ASAS Joint Annual Meeting in Indianapolis, IN.
(3):·Experimental models for the evaluation of interactions among differing beef genotypes and inflammation will be developed. These accomplishments will facilitate development of further experimental models aimed at the evaluation of heat stress responses among beef genotypes. ·Previous variables developed to evaluate stress in feedlot cattle will be used to complete studies aimed at determining the impact of animal stress on heat stress tolerance, feed intake and animal performance. ·Herd management systems to improve hoof health and overall herd well-being and productivity will be developed. These efforts will be an important milestone of the projects research efforts directed toward dairy cow hoof health
(4):·Experimental models utilizing information derived from previous hair and skin evaluation studies will be used to advance ongoing heat stress management protocols in dairy and feedlot cattle studies. This research will investigate variation among hair coat properties across multiple beef and dairy cattle breeds. ·Use of a previously validated porcine bacterial challenge model will be used to complete studies aimed at better understanding the interactive effects of genes, which may be potentially responsible for the regulation of inflammation. ·A risk assessment model for determining an individual animals risk to be negatively impacted by a heat stress event will be developed. This model will be a milestone toward the development of a website which can be used by producers to predict heat stress in feedlot cattle. ·Pre-weaning beef calf management systems aimed at decreasing stress responses associated with normal management procedures, such as weaning and shipment will be completed.
(5):·A model will be developed to assist researchers to better understand how heat stress impacts the well-being of beef and dairy cattle. ·Digital infrared thermal camera technology will be used to complete further rese
Projected Participation
View Appendix E: ParticipationOutreach Plan
The collaborative efforts resulting from this project are expected to continue to produce multiple peer-reviewed scientific publications, as well as abstracts of research presented at national and international meetings, non-refereed research reports, extension publications and theses/dissertations. Additionally, many of the project participants hold appointments at land-grant institutions and have colleagues within their home departments who hold extension appointments. Data generated from the current project that appears to have practical application will be evaluated by extension personnel for appropriate dissemination at producer meetings. The committee has a long history of organizing and participating in scientific symposia. It is anticipated this activity will continue.
The organization and supervision of the regional project will be by the Regional Technical Committee that will consist of a research administrator from an Agricultural Experiment Station in the region to act as the Administrative Advisor, one or more representatives from each cooperating Agricultural Experiment Station or cooperative Agricultural Research Service Station, and an advisory member representing the Cooperative State Research Service, USDA. The Regional Technical Committee will prepare an annual report of the work being carried out under this regional project. In addition, it will be responsible for making periodic evaluations of the accomplishments of the project. It shall be the responsibility of the Executive Committee and Administrative Advisor to authorize, encourage, and assist in the preparation of suitable regional publications. The Executive Committee of the Regional Technical Committee shall consist of the Chair, Secretary, and immediate Past-Chair. A new Secretary will be elected each year by the voting members of the Technical Committee. The previous Secretary will become the Chair for one year and then will move to the Executive Committee for an additional year. The Executive Committee will have the authority to act on behalf of the Regional Technical Committee. If any member of the Executive Committee resigns, the remaining member shall, with the advice and consent of the Administrative Advisor, appoint a member of the Regional Technical Committee to fill the vacancy. The term of the office will end at the adjournment of the regular annual meeting. The new immediate Past-Chair will prepare the annual progress report and submit it to the Administrative Advisor. The new Chair (previous Secretary) will prepare a set of minutes of the annual meeting and send it to the Administrative Advisor for distribution to the Regional Technical Committee.
Literature Cited
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