W1170: Chemistry, Bioavailability, And Toxicity Of Constituents In Residuals And Residual-Treated Soils
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
W1170: Chemistry, Bioavailability, And Toxicity Of Constituents In Residuals And Residual-Treated Soils
Duration: 10/01/2004 to 09/30/2009
Administrative Advisor(s):
NIFA Reps:
Non-Technical Summary
Statement of Issues and Justification
Disposal of residual waste products is a problem that requires practical scientific information to determine if the residual constituents can be safely reused without harming the environment or unfavorably impacting nutrient and trace element pathways. Land application of a variety of residual materials is known to be an effective means of recycling organic matter and plant nutrients, but must be done prudently to avoid degradation of the soil as a medium for plant growth. W-170 committee members are proposing to enhance ongoing research through the evaluation of biogeochemical cycling of plant nutrients, the movement of trace elements into the food chain, the potential toxicity of pollutants in residuals to the soil and water ecosystem, and the long-term bioavailability of trace elements in residuals and residual-amended soils. Research will continue to focus on information related to the EPA 503 rules in order to provide support for risk assessment of land-applied biosolids. In addition, research will look at issues surrounding other residuals added to soils and the data needs associated with those residuals (e.g. manures, water treatment residuals). Numerous long-term studies by W-170 members have been, and are currently being, conducted to address the hypothesis that sequestered metals will be released as the biosolids organic matrix is mineralized. Residual materials will be emphasized in the W-170 continuation project so that waste utilization is done in a manner that protects the sustainability of U.S. agriculture. Importance of chemistry, bioavailability, and toxicity of waste constituents in soils In 1935 C.E. Marshall assessed the current understanding of the behavior of phosphorus in soils: In view of the importance of the phosphates in plant nutrition it might be expected that some exact knowledge of their mode of occurrence in soils would have accumulated during their eighty years of ever widening use of fertilizers. It is not so. The agriculturist has determined the response of phosphatic manures of every conceivable crop on every type of soil. He has encouraged the chemists in the invention of a multiplicity of empirical methods for the detection of phosphatic deficiency in soils. And now from a prodigious mountain of literature one may cull only a few crude surmises, a mere thimbleful of facts which approach the heart of the matter. It can now be argued that our understanding of the behavior of plant nutrients in soils has greatly improved, providing that the appropriate exceptions are made. These exceptions might include all forms of nitrogen, and the behavior of nutrients in different matrixes including manures and municipal biosolids. Even in these instances, substantial progress has been made in understanding the plant available fraction of total nutrient concentration. However, as progress has been made to understand the relationship between total nutrient content and plant available nutrient content with sufficiency as a focus, research has been redirected towards cases of excess. Here excess is defined for a much broader range of compounds and receptors. For xenobiotic compounds and certain contaminants, excess can be defined as anything above background. It is also possible to define excess as the quantity capable of causing harm to a specified human or ecological receptor. As the focus has switched from potential deficiency to potential excess, the definition of receptor has also been altered from agronomic crops to ecosystems. For nutrients, excess amounts of a range of nutrients can severely compromise ecosystems. Examples of this include excess quantities of N and P in surface waters as a result of non-point source pollution from agricultural fields. For contaminants, excess can lead to chronic or acute toxic effects for a range of receptors. A recent National Research Council report stated that bioavailability processes are already embedded in our regulatory and decision making processes (National Research Council, 2003). However, it noted that very often, the concept of bioavailability is hidden in risk assessment and rule making processes. The panel encouraged broad recognition of this concept and research to understand it more fully. The potential implications for use of bioavailability in decision making extends from remedial options at hazardous waste clean up sites to fertilizer recommendations on agricultural fields W-170 members are proposing to use the initial task of the group and approach taken by the group: understanding the chemistry and bioavailability of waste constituents in soils, to address issues relating to the chemistry, bioavailability, and toxicity of chemical and biological constituents in soils, residuals and residual-treated soils. Justification: Although the agronomic benefits of organic residuals have been clearly demonstrated, concern over the behavior of contaminants in the residuals has been the focus of public concern, regulation and a large body of scientific research. Much of the research has centered on the behavior of metals and organics in biosolids amended soils. This research formed the basis for the EPA Part 503 sludge rule. This rule was recently recognized as one of the only rules to include bioavailability assessments in the development of appropriate limits for a range of contaminants (National Research Council, 2003). In addition, the scientific basis for this rule and the approach used have been the focus of two National Research Council panels, both of which concluded that the approach used for rule development was valid. The most recent panel suggested that the limits set out in the rule be revisited based on recent developments in risk assessment and that the risk assessment approach used to set metal limits in biosolids be expanded to set pathogen limits. Members of the W-170 group, and its predecessor, W-124 have been extensively involved in the development of this regulation and continue to be involved in the promulgation of risk assessment for other residuals (i.e., the EPA risk assessment for land application of cement kiln dust) and for other elements not initially regulated in Part 503 (i.e., Molybdenum). The scientific approach that was initially used in the development of the 503 regulations has been utilized by members of the group as their research focus has expanded to include a range of residuals, contaminants and receptors. As the understanding of bioavailability has broadened, the group has also broadened its focus to develop linkages between a quantitative understanding of the form of the contaminant and its bioavailability. Research has also been altered to measure effects of contaminants on a range of receptors. Two examples illustrate the altered focus of the group and its suitability for research on these broadened topics: metal and phosphorus bioavailability. In the initial development of the 503 regulations the difference between total and bioavailable metal concentration was clearly illustrated through field studies that used metals added in biosolids rather than metals added to soils as salts to determine appropriate metal loading limits. With this research as a starting point, cooperative work within the group has altered its focus to develop a quantitative understanding of the behavior of metals in biosolids amended and other soil systems. In recent studies, the role of organic and inorganic components of biosolids in metal binding has been defined through a combination of laboratory incubations, greenhouse studies, and the use of x ray adsorption spectroscopy (Brown et al., 2003a; Hettiarachchi et al., 2003; Ryan et al., 2003,2004; Scheckel et al., 2004). Biosolids and other soil amendments have been used to reduce the bioavailability of metals in contaminated systems (Brown et al 2003b; DeVolder et al., 2003; Hettiarachchi and Pierzynski, 2002). Extracts to assess bioavailability for a range of receptors have been developed and linkages between mineral form of inorganic contaminants and bioavailable fraction have been made (Basta et al., 2003; Brown et al., 2004; Ryan et al., 2004; Schroder et al., 2003). As the potential for metals to affect a range of receptors is more fully understood, research has broadened to encompass a range of measurement endpoints. The goal of this research is to evaluate function of the restored ecosystem and utilizes tools such as in vivo and in vitro assays, toxicity assays, and measures of microbial function (Alexander et al., 2003; Basta et al., 2003; Brown et al., 2004b; Schroder et al., 2003). As a result of cooperative research conducted by members of W-170, alternative in situ remedial options have been included on a number of EPA Superfund National Priority List (NPL) sites. These include use of biosolids to restore metal contaminated ecosystems. The tools developed for this research have also been applied to gain a fuller understanding of the functioning of biosolids amended soils. The sustainability of biosolids application to agricultural lands has been demonstrated by evaluating the effect of biosolids application on soil function. Potential receptors have included earthworms and soil microorganisms. While important initial research has been done in this area and implications of this research are being recognized in the remediation of contaminated sites, this type of work is still at an early, developmental state. Initial work on biosolids and nutrients focused on determining the plant available fraction of total N. Work was done to predict the mineralization rate of organic N over time, under different management practices, and in different soils and climate regimes (Gilmour and Skinner, 1999) Application rate recommendations for agronomic crops were based primarily on meeting the N needs of the crop. Determination of the plant available N (PAN) based on characteristics of the residual being applied is still a focus of research with better approximations potentially existing for different biosolids in comparison to manures (Andraski et al., 2000; Gilmour et al., 2003; Van Kessel et al., 2000) Initially, there was very limited research on the availability of P in biosolids amended soils as the Part 503 regulations based agronomic loading solely on N needs and utilization potential of a crop (McLaughlin and Weil, McLaughlin). With the understanding that excess soil P can negatively impact natural waters, there is a growing body of research and regulation that considers P solubility and potential for runoff from different P sources. Several states are moving towards P based loading limits for manures, biosolids, and fertilizers. In addition, the recently promulgated Confined Animal Feeding Operations (CAFO) regulations, and Natural Resource Conservation Service Code 590 Practice standards for Nutrient Management require consideration of P as well as N for utilization of manures and biosolids. A large body of cooperative research, both in communication of information and collaborative laboratory and field studies is currently underway with members of the W170 group to evaluate characteristics of biosolids and how they alter the phytoavailable fraction of soil P, use of residuals to reduce P availability in soils, and appropriate tools to measure excess P in soil and water systems. The effect of chemical characteristics of biosolids on P availability and evaluating P availability in a range of biosolids and biosolids amended soils has been an area of emphasis within the group (Brandt et al., 2004; Elliot et al., 2003; O'Connor et al., 2004; Sakar and O?Connor; 2004). Use of residuals to reduce the availability and leachability of excess P in soils has also been a focus of the groups research (Codling et al., 2000; Dayton et al., 2003; Ippolito et al., 2003). This research has shown that characteristics of particular biosolids including high Fe and Al concentrations are able to reduce the solubility of biosolids P over both commercial fertilizers and animal manures. In some cases this reduction is sufficient to limit the utility of biosolids as a P source, even when applied to meet the N needs of a crop. In addition, other waste water residuals including water treatment residuals have a very high capacity to adsorb P and thereby reduce its potential to run off a soil surface or leach through a soil profile. These results suggest that tools are available to reduce the environmental hazards associated with excess P in soils and that nutrient management plans need to take into account the source of P in developing land application recommendations. It is still necessary to develop a fuller understanding of the longevity of the P sorption mechanisms and the role of soil properties in altering P availability. Additionally, the likelihood of loss of soil particulate matter under different tillage operations and management controls is required to determine the likelihood of runoff on a site specific basis. Both these examples illustrate the change in the focus of the group to concerns on the bioavailability of inorganic and organic compounds in soils where excess or potential detrimental affects, rather than deficiencies are the focus. They also reflect the change in emphasis from a plant to an ecosystem focus. It is also clear that this type of research is in its early stages. In addition to the cooperative research areas described above, there are emerging concerns on the fate of new classes of organic chemicals in soils. Classes of organic compound that are now the focus of concern include estrogenic compounds, personal care products, and pharmaceuticals (Topp and Clucci, 2004; Xia and Pillar, 2004)). A recent report by USGS noted the presence of a wide range of organic compounds in streams in the vicinity of waste water treatment plants and confined animal feeding operations. The fate and persistence of these compounds during biosolids stabilization processes or following land application of biosolids or manure is not known. Persistence in soils and potential for ecosystem effects as result of land application of residuals containing these materials is a topic that will require research. In the recent NRC report on biosolids, the panel recommended that a risk based approach be used to set acceptable pathogen loading limits for land applied biosolids. The potential to understand the fate of pathogens following land application has increased with the development of new scientific methodology. Recent studies have focused on aerial transport of organisms from land application sites (Rusin et al., 2003). For both of these areas, large knowledge gaps exist. The methodology to answer these research questions falls within the context of the bioavailability/pathway based approach that was initially utilized in the W-170 group and remains a central theme of the groups? current research endeavors. Accordingly, the next five year W-170 project proposes to address these issues as well as other emerging concerns.
Related, Current and Previous Work
Objective 1: Evaluate the risk posed by residual application to uncontaminated (e.g. baseline) soils on chemistry, bioavailability, and toxicity of nutrients and contaminants Early work on the effect of residuals application to agricultural or undisturbed soils focused on changes in total metal concentration and plant available metal concentration as result of residuals application. As our understanding of ecosystem function and nutrient cycling becomes more developed, additional measures that include a wider range of endpoints are being included in research efforts. Work utilizing a wide range of biosolids and soils is currently underway at Purdue University. Endpoints included in this research include earthworm toxicity and reproduction and in vitro extractable metals following biosolids application. Additionally, work is underway at the University of Washington to evaluate the effect of biosolids application on N fixation by Frankia in Alder. A better understanding of the affects of land application of residuals may also include demonstration of addition and previously unrecognized benefits, such as increasing soil carbon reserves. As our understanding of ecosystem functioning increases, the importance of this type of research will also increase. Demonstrating both the sustainability of land application of residuals and benefits associated with this practice is essential to assure the continuance of this practice. Objective 2: Evaluate the ability of in situ treatment of contaminated soil with residuals to reduce chemical contaminant bioavailability and reduce toxicity Initial research on land application of municipal biosolids focused on the potential for biosolids metals to have a negative impact on human and ecosystem health. With increased regulation and efforts on the part of POTW operators, metal concentration in biosolids has decreased. Information from initial research suggests that biosolids have the capacity to reduce metal solubility in contaminated soils. As bioavailability becomes recognized in the regulatory and remedial arenas, the potential to use biosolids and other soil amendments such as P or Water Treatment Residuals to reduce metal availability and restore contaminated sites into functional ecosystems becomes greater. Current research in the group includes work on Pb contaminated soils (Hettiarachchi et al., 2003; Brown et al 2004 a,b; Basta and McGowen, 2004) Work is also being done on ecosystem restoration and on other types of contaminants. (Basta et al., 2003; Schroder et al., 2003) In addition, components of residuals that were initially considered as beneficial, such as P are now viewed as potential contaminants due to excess loading rates of commercial fertilizers, manures and biosolids in certain soils. As our definition of contaminants has been altered, the research focus on nutrients in biosolids and other residuals has also shifted focus. New research centers on understanding the bioavailability of nutrients in residuals and on tools to reduce the bioavailability of nutrients in soils with high potential for transfer of nutrients to surface waters (Dayton et al., 2003; Ippolito et al., 2003; O'Connor et al., 2004) Objective 3: Predict the long-term bioavailability and toxicity of nutrients, trace elements, and organic constituents in residual-amended agricultural and contaminated soils. Bioavailability has traditionally been measured through plant assays or a range of soil extractions. Sequential extractions have been conducted to evaluate the distribution of contaminants into various fractions. These extractions provide information on operationally defined fractions of metals in soils. Recent research has detailed problems with these extractions when they are used to evaluated in situ soil amendments (Scheckel et al., 2003). They also do not provide a quantitative understanding of the speciation of contaminants in soils. More recent research has focused on the use of x-ray adsorption spectroscopy to both define mineral form of the contaminants of concern and to link the knowledge on mineral form with associated measures of bioavailability (Ryan et al., 2004; Devolder et al., 2003, Hesterberg et al., 2003). In addition to spectroscopic techniques, the use of radio isotopes is gaining acceptance as an alternative to conventional extractions. This has been utilized on biosolids amended soils to evaluate metal availability (Chaney, personal communication). As ability to measure the actual form of the contaminant in soils improves, more accurate assessment of the long-term fate and bioavailability of the contaminants can be made. Related Regional Research Projects Regional Research Projects with complementary objectives will be monitored for applicable results, and coordination with these projects will be fostered by exchange of annual reports and by invitation of representatives to our annual meetings. The following projects are the most closely related to our proposed project. Sewage Sludge/Manure S-275: Animal Manure and Waste Utilization, Treatment, and Nuisance Avoidance for a Sustainable Agriculture NE-1001 Application of Sewage Biosolids to Agricultural Soils in the Northeast: Long-term Impacts and Benefit Uses Contaminants/Nutrients S-280: Mineralogical Controls on Colloid Dispersion and Solid-phase Speciation of Soil Contaminants SERA-17 : Minimizing Phosphorus Losses from Agriculture Trace Elements W-184: Biogeochemistry and Management of Salts and Potentially Toxic Trace Elements in Arid-zone Soils, Sediments and Waters
Evaluate the risk posed by residual application to uncontaminated (e.g. baseline) soils on chemistry, bioavailability, and toxicity of nutrients and contaminants
Evaluate the ability of in situ treatment of contaminated soil with residuals to reduce chemical contaminant bioavailability and reduce toxicity
Predict the long-term bioavailability and toxicity of nutrients, trace elements, and organic constituents in residual-amended agricultural and contaminated soils
Objective 1: Laboratory and field studies will be conducted (KS, OH, WA, UW, MI, USDA-MD, IN, IA, OR, FL, PA, VA, CA, CO, MWRDGC, TX, USEPA) to evaluate the changes in soils and soil ecosystems as a consequence of residuals addition. Although phytoavailability of nutrients and contaminants will continue to be a focus of research (FL, PA, OR, KS, CO), additional endpoints will also be utilized to evaluate ecosystem impact. Microbial function in forest soils will be evaluated at WA. IN will examine a range of parameters including earthworm reproduction as a consequence of biosolids application. Soil quality research will also measure impacts of residual application on soil quality parameters including total C and water holding capacity (WA, OR). Continued monitoring on long-term field sites will also provide important information related to this objective as well as to Objective 3 (MWRDGC, USDA-MD, CA, WA). Objective 2: Studies will be conducted in both lab and field settings to evaluate the ability of in situ amendments to reduce the bioavailability of contaminants in situ. Lead and As availability will be evaluated (WA, UW, OH, KS, US EPA, IN) using the in vitro assay that has been the focus of previous research and development (OH, USEPA, USDA-MD,WA, KS, IN) in contaminated treated and control soils. Longevity of observed reduction in contaminant availability as a result of amendments will be evaluated using a range of tools including advanced synchrotron X-ray spectroscopies, and toxicological assays (US EPA, OH,WA, IN) . Work will focus on both organic and inorganic contaminants (CA, OH, IN). Work will be done on both soils contaminated by traditional contaminants of concern such as heavy metals and toxic organics as well as on soils that pose an environmental threat due to excess fertilization. For soils with excess P, the ability of a range of residuals to reduce the availability of P and the duration of this observed reduction has, and will continue to be a focus of research for many groups (FL, PA, VA, KS, OR, MI, CO, AR, PA). Objective 3: The long-term bioavailability of nutrients, trace elements and organic constituents in residual amended soils will be evaluated through measures at long-term field sites (CA, MWRDGC, US EPA, USDA-MD, WA, UW, CO, FL, IN, IA, MI, PA, TX, USEPA, VA), with studies using historic residuals, or with studies done under controlled conditions to simulate aging processes. One technique that shows potential for this type of work is the use of radioisotopes to investigate metal partitioning in residual amended soils. This technique has showed that the metal binding properties of biosolids amended soils persist in long-term land application sites (USDA-MD). In addition, field surveys of application sites will be used to evaluate changes in soil quality including total carbon over multiple applications (WA, OR). Advanced synchrotron-based X-ray adsorption spectroscopies are another tool that provides information on the species of the element of concern that is pertinent for its long-term bioavailability and stability (OH, KS, US EPA, WA, IN). Specific Regional Experiments A strength of the W-170 committee is the participation of scientists from Hawaii to New England representing a wide range in climatic conditions, agricultural production systems, and natural ecosystems. This diverse base allows W-170 to design and participate in robust regional experiments. For example, many members have long-term plots where residual materials such as biosolids have been land applied. W-170 scientists will perform regional experiments where topics from project objectives 1, 2, and 3 are studied at long-term plots of W-170 members. These will include long-term availability and impact (water quality, toxicity) of nutrients (N, P) from animal waste, biosolids. Other planned regional experiments will focus on use of residual to remediate contaminated land and restore damaged ecosystems. A variety of materials, with one or more common materials, will be used to remediate metal and organic contaminated soils. Other regional experiments will likely include (i) development of new techniques and use of simulation models to develop a capability to predict long-term bioavailability of residual materials, (ii) development of new analytical procedures for assessing bioavailability and other characteristics of residual materials, (iii) devising processing recommendations and management practices for use of waste materials on turf grass and ornamental plants, and (iv) development and validation of computer simulation models to predict the fate of applied nutrients from residual materials. Possible collaboration of W-170 scientists exist with a specific regional project directed by MWRDGC. This will be a large scale field study with sites being established on farms in Will and Kankakee Counties in Illinois. It will be initiated in Fall 2004/Spring 2005. The sites will have replicated (approximately 0.5-1.0 acre) plots that will receive biosolids loadings that bracket the N-based agronomic rate (max plot receiving approximately 2x agronomic rate). Applications will be made annually for at least three years but possibly for as many as five years. The study will focus on soil chemistry, crop (corn and/or winter wheat) performance and soil microbiology (including pathogens). Soil leachate quality (lysimeters will be installed in the plots). The two sites have been chosen to represent two different soil types (one very course textured sandy loam/loamy sand) and one has typical heavier texture (silty clay loam). The sites will be managed by the farmers. MEASUREMENT OF PROGRESS AND RESULTS Scientific-based findings such as those from the W-170 group are essential for regulatory purposes because they assist in developing scientifically-based workable and useful guidelines pertaining to the management of beneficial uses of residual products in a sustainable manner that is consistent with protecting our environment. In addition, the research is used by a range of stakeholders that manage residuals including municipal wastewater treatment plant operators and farmers, and project managers from US EPA and industry in charge of site remediation. The results of the research are directly applicable to land application sites as well as remedial sites. We expect output from this work will be useful to the following stakeholders: -State and national regulators -Residuals generators -Agricultural community -Environmental consultants -Remedial project managers -General members of the communityMeasurement of Progress and Results
- Nitrogen and phosphorus mineralization and availability in residual treated soils will be measured under controlled greenhouse and field conditions.
- Generate data to determine changes in physical properties including water holding capacity of residual treated soils will be determined from laboratory, greenhouse and field studies.
- Generate data to determine the bioavailability and toxicity of metal contaminants (i.e., Pb, As, Cd, Zn, Cu, etc) from land application of residuals. Develop soil tests that measure metal availability.
- Generate data to determine the ecotoxicity of occurrence and mobility of pharmaceutical and personnel care products (PPCPs) in residuals and residual-treated soil.
- Generate data to determine the ability of residual treatments to reduce metal contaminant (including Pb, As, Cd, and Zn) bioavailability and toxicity in contaminated soil.
- Output 6: Generate data to determine the longevity of residual treatments to reduce metal contaminant bioavailability and toxicity in contaminated soil. Output 7: Generate data to determine the ability of residual treatments to reduce excessive amount of phosphorus nutrient in excessively fertilized soil. Output 8: Generate data from long-term experiments to determine the long-term bioavailability and toxicity of nutrients, trace elements and organic constituents in residual amended soils.
Outcomes or Projected Impacts
- Information will be used to develop and/or refine nutrient management plans and allow more precise land application of plant nutrients. This will increase nutrient use efficiency, increase profitability, and protect surface and ground water quality from nitrogen and/or phosphorus contamination from over application of residuals to land.
- Information will be used to develop guidelines for land application of residuals to improve soil physical properties and soil quality. This information will allow beneficial use of residuals and provide economic benefits to residual-generators and society.
- Research results will provide information that identify hazards associated with metal application that is residual-specific. Bioavailability tests and measurements may be useful to screen the suitability of residuals for land application. Research on the bioavailability of contaminants in soils and sediments will provide appropriate tools to accurately evaluate the hazards posed by the contaminants to local and national regulators.
- Research results will provide information that identify hazards to surface and ground waters and ecotoxicity associated from PPCPs in land-applied residuals. Research on the will provide information to evaluate the hazards posed by PPCPs in residuals to local and national regulators.
- Research on soil residual treatments to reduce the bioavailability of contaminants will provide cost effective remedial options for remedial project officers, local and national regulators and environmental consultants
- Outcome 6: These results are necessary to select long-term remediation solutions for remedial project officers, local and national regulators and environmental consultants. Outcome 7: Research on residual treatments to reduce the phosphorus solubility and mobility will provide tools necessary for remediation of excessively fertilized sites and reduce the potential for water quality impacts. This information is critical to develop guidelines for appropriate use of residuals. Outcome 8: Research from long-term experiments will provide information necessary to evaluate the sustainability of land application and may also provide additional information as to the benefits associated with land application.
(0):4-2007: data generation from field and greenhouse studies 2008-2009: compilation of data to develop guidelines governing land application of residuals(0):4-2007: data generation from field and greenhouse studies 2008-2009: compilation of data to develop guidelines governing land application of residuals
(0):4-2007: data generation from field and greenhouse studies 2008-2009: identification of metal bioavailability tests
(0):4-2005: Development of methods to measure PPCPs in residuals and residual-amended soils. 2006-2008: Data generation from field and greenhouse studies 2008-2009: Compilation of information on PPCPs from W-170 member projects.
(0):4-2007: data generation from field and greenhouse studies 2008-2009: compilation of results to develop guidelines
(0):nes 6: 2004-2007: data generation from advanced spectroscopic synchrotron studies 2008-2009: compilation of results to identify treatment longevity Milestones 7: 2004-2007: Data generation from field and greenhouse studies 2008-2009: Compilation of information from W-170 member projects. Milestones 8: 2004-2007: Data generation from long-term field studies 2008-2009: Compilation of information from W-170 member projects.
Projected Participation
View Appendix E: ParticipationOutreach Plan
The W-170 group has traditionally included members of industry (such as MWRDGC and N VIRO). The group maintains close contact with other industrial entities such as the Water Environment Federation and the Northwest Biosolids Management Association. Through direct participation or through close contact, the research findings of the group are reported to industry cooperators. Many of the academic members of the group hold either part or full time extension appointments (PA, MI, VA, OR, WA) and their responsibility to stakeholders involve communication of the research conducted by the W 170 group. This is generally done through extension bulletins, field demonstration plots, or through direct contact with stakeholders. Members of the group also publish their findings in scientific journals and present results at national and international meetings. Recently, members of the group have participated in training sessions that have been organized by local wastewater treatment groups to provide information to members on important scientific issues. As the nature of the research that forms the basis for the W170 group is generally applied, communication of this work to stakeholders is a fundamental component of the groups mission. In addition to traditional outreach, W-170 will produce outreach materials that translate important and recent findings from research in various topical areas that would be of interest to "non-scientific" stakeholders to focus on the issues of public acceptance and sustainability of land application of residuals.
The W-170 technical committee will consist of project leaders for the contributing states, the administrative advisor, and CSREES representatives. Voting membership includes all persons with contributing projects; however, only one vote is permitted for each research location. Co-chairpersons, one from the western and one from the other regions, will be elected at the first authorized committee meeting after the renewal project has been accepted. The co-chairpersons will serve multiple years, if so desired by project participants, and will be responsible for meeting arrangements, the annual reports, coordination of research activities, compilation of regional research data, and preparation of the renewal proposal. One representative each from the western and the other regions and a secretary will be elected annually. Office terms for annually elected positions begin immediately after completion of the annual committee meeting. An Executive Committee, consisting of the co-chairs, the secretary, and the two regional representatives, will serve as a guidance body in matters such as new project participant additions and meeting agenda. A W-170 representative will be elected to act as a liaison with the NEC-1001 coordinating committee. In addition to the official project representatives, other researchers with activities that contribute to the project have been and will continue to be invited to participate on a regular basis. These include, among others: Dr. Chaney from USDA-ARS, Mr. Brobst, Dr. Ryan from EPA, Dr. Palazzo and Iskandar from the US Army, Dr. Granato from the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago, Dr. Logan from N-Viro, Dr. McAvoy from Proctor and Gamble and others from non-Agriculture Experiment Station Academic Institutions. Representatives of other regional research and coordinating committees, state and federal agencies, and other federations and organizations are invited to attend the annual meetings and will be sent W-170 annual reports.
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