W1170: Chemistry, Bioavailability, And Toxicity Of Constituents In Residuals And Residual-Treated Soils
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
Date of Annual Report: 04/07/2005
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 01/16/2005
- 01/18/2005
Period the Report Covers: 01/01/2004 - 12/01/2004
Period the Report Covers: 01/01/2004 - 12/01/2004
Husein Ajwa, UC Davis, haajwa@ucdavis.edu; Ken Barbarick, Colorado State U, Ken.Barbarick@coloState.edu; Nick Basta, Ohio State University, basta.4@osu.edu; Bob Brobst, USEPA, Brobst.bob@epa.gov; Sally Brown, U WA, slb@u.washington.edu; Rufus Chaney, USDA-ARS, Rufus.Chaney@USDA.gov; Andrew Chang, UC Riverside, Andrew.chang@UCR.edu; Eton Codling, USDA-ARS, codlinge@ba.usda-ars.gov; Albert Cox, MWRD-Chicago, coxa@mwrd.org; David Crohn, Univ California, Riverside, David.Crohn@ucr.edu; Libby Dayton, Ohio State, dayton.15@osu.edu; Robert Dowdy, Minnesota, b.dowdy@umn.edu; Chip Elliott, Penn State, hae1@psu.edu; Greg Evanylo, VA Tech, gevanylo@vt.edu; Thomas Granato, MWRDGC, thomas.granato@mwrdgc.dst.il.us; Ellen Harrison, Cornell, EZH1@cornell.edu; Stan Henning, Iowa State University, sjhenning@iastate.edu; Chuck Henry, UWB, clh@u.washington.edu; Kokoasse Kpomblekdu-A, Tuskegee University, KKA@Tuskegee.edu; Shiou Kuo, Washington State University, Skuo@wsu.edu; George O'Connor, University Florida, GAO@UFL.edu; Lola Olabode, WERF, lolabode@werf.org; Al Page, UC Riverside, albert.page@ucr.edu; Tony Palazzo, ERDC-CCREL, apalazzo@crrel.usace.army.mil; Gary Pierzynski, Kansas State U, gmp@ksu.edu; Kirk Scheckel, USEPA, Scheckel.Kirk@epa.gov; Paul Schwab, Purdue, pschwab@purdue.edu; John Sloan, Texas A&M Univ - Dallas, j-sloan@tamu.edu; Lee Sommers, Colorado State U, Lee.Sommers@colostate.edu; Dan Sullivan, Oregon State, Dan.Sullivan@oregonstate.edu; Michael Thompson, Iowa State University, thompsonm@iastate.edu; Ed Topp, Agriculture & Agi-food Canada (London), toppe@agri.gc.ca; Dawn Whitaker, Purdue, dwhitaker@purdue.edu; Hailin Zhang, Oklahoma State Univ, hailin.zhang@okstate.eduBrief Summary of Minutes
Leadership: Nick Basta is stepping down after 5 years. Sally Brown nominated Schwab as replacement. Seconded, passed by voice vote. Evanylo nominated as new secretary. Seconded, passed by voice vote.Venue for 2006: Request for suggestions for meeting location. Al Page indicated he will not be the person to make arrangements next year. Sally Brown will take over arrangements.
Administrative Adviser Lee Sommers - Extended appreciation to Nick and Sally for doing an excellent job in putting the project proposal together. Seven National Support Projects are funded nationally and these projects are being subject to more rigorous review. First in-depth review this year with some budget reductions. (These projects support various efforts such as National Atmospheric Deposition Program; drugs for minor livestock; etc). Other items discussed were: Homeland Security - university centers of excellence; Federal budget - flat; Farm bill will be debated in 2007. Federal funding for research will likely decrease next year.
Sommers reviewed the Danforth Task Force Report. It was published and proposed to create a National Institute for Food and Agric. (NIFA), patterned after NIH, separate from current USDA competitive grant programs and reporting to Secy. Of Ag. The mission will be research to increase international competitiveness, foods to improve health, create new products, improve food safety and security, enhance sustainability and environment, strengthen rural economies, and decrease dependence on foreign petroleum. Program will involve competitive, peer reviewed grants with a goal of $1 billion per year budget in 5 years.
Sommers presented list of who's currently listed on NIMSS for W-1170.
Interaction with Northeast Group and W-1170 - Sally Brown summarized the discussion from Florida (2004 meeting). Ellen Harrison attended the meeting to pursue possible ongoing interactions with W-1170. Harrison said that their group decided to continue as a Coordinating Committee. Harrison requested to be on the W-1170 email list and Sally indicated that she would make it so.
Meeting Authorization: O'Connor requested that the registration fee be specified in the authorization email to facilitate reimbursement. Sommers agreed.
Meeting Format: The sign-up sheet that was distributed suggested that we have more presentations than time would allow. We'll stress topics/themes and de-emphasize having a stream of reports; not everyone in attendance will give a report. We also agreed to start presentations on Sunday afternoon. This will be a better use of time on Sunday and will allow for us to cover more during the course of the meeting. It wasn't decided if we would start with general reports on Sunday or with the more focused section of the meeting.
Objective 1: Evaluate the risk-based effects of residual application to uncontaminated (e.g. baseline) soils on chemistry, bioavailability, and toxicity of nutrients and contaminants<br /> <br /> Much of the group's work focused on the bioavailability of nutrients in manure or biosolids amended soils has focused on phosphorus availability in residuals amended soils. For example, the University of Florida working in cooperation with Penn State University has found that total P content (Pt) and several soil test measures of 'plant available' P have proven to be unreliable measures of bioavailable or environmentally relevant P in biosolids and manures and in soils amended with the materials, especially when WTR is present. Water-extractable P, however, appears promising as a means of distinguishing the inherent P solubility differences of biosolids and manures and in amended soils. Water-soluble P in wastes correlated well with runoff-P in rainfall simulation studies.<br /> <br /> Cooperators in Virginia also found discrepancies between total P and available P: Total (EPA 3050) P concentrations were similar in the biosolids compost and the poultry litter, which were 3-4X greater than in the yard waste-poultry litter compost. The water soluble P was 0.2%, 11%, and 21% of the total P for the biosolids compost, yard waste compost, and poultry litter, respectively, likely due to the significantly higher concentrations of Fe, Al, and Ca in the biosolids compost than in the yard waste compost than in the poultry litter. The available soil P concentration, as determined by the increase in Mehlich 1 and 3 P, was strongly related to the amount of water soluble, rather than total, P applied. At Penn State, rainfall simulation studies were conducted on residuals amended soils: Field and indoor rainfall simulation studies, following the National Phosphorus Research Project protocol, were conducted with multiple types of biosolids and manures to evaluated P runoff losses. When P-sources were applied at the same total P loading rate, manures tend to cause greater P runoff losses than biosolids. A notable exception is biosolids produced via biological P removal (BPR) wastewater treatment that caused P losses equal to or greater than livestock manures. These BPR biosolids tend to have higher fraction of total runoff P in a dissolved form than manures and other biosolids. Biosolids and manures containing high Al and/or Fe content produce runoff P levels not significantly different from control (soil only) treatments. Addition of water treatment residuals high in Al and Fe also caused significant reduction in runoff P losses. Results suggest that application of some P sources high in Al/Fe can increase P-sorbing capacity of the soil, actually reducing P losses below control levels. Total dissolved P levels from numerous rainfall studies were correlated (R2=0.85) to the water extractable P (WEP) content of the applied P source. The WEP of P sources was, in turn, a function of their total Al + Fe content. Greenhouse studies indicate that most biosolids are roughly 50% as effective as mineral fertilizers in supplying P to plants. <br /> <br /> Work was also carried out in Chicago by the MWRDGC using P deficient soils from FL. The results here were consistent with other cooperators: The data collected from this study so far, indicate that phytoavailability of biosolids P is much lower than inorganic fertilizer P and that water-soluble P is probably a better indicator of phytoavailable P than the more conventional soil test methods.<br /> <br /> The consensus from these studies appears to be that both total and extractable (here using extractants designed to evaluate potential deficiencies in soils) P are unreliable measures of P availability in residual amended soils. To determine if manure or biosolids application has the potential to provide excess P into the system, water extractable P is a more appropriate index. <br /> <br /> There was also work carried out at Oregon State University, Penn State, CSU, and WSU to evaluate metal availability in biosolids and other residual amended soils. At Penn State, using long-term biosolids amended plots it was concluded that: Trace elements in various fractions were poorly correlated with crop tissue concentrations. Cumulative loading of biosolids Mo was found to be a poor predictor of crop Mo uptake. Soil pH and hot 0.01 M CaCl2 extractable soil Mo were much better predictors of Mo uptake, but the relationship did not hold for all crops and biosolids types<br /> <br /> <br /> Objective 2: Evaluate the ability of in situ treatment of contaminated soil with residuals to reduce chemical contaminant bioavailability and reduce toxicity<br /> <br /> Work for this objective fell into two broad categories: ways to reduce P availability and amendments to reduce metal availability. At Ohio State work was done to evaluate the potential for water treatment residuals (WTR) to reduce P availability. This work added WTR to both biosolids and poultry manure amended soils:<br /> <br /> Six Al-based WTR were used to examine potential application strategies to reduce P solubility (transport) in soil and organic soil amendments. A simulated rainfall study was used to determine reductions in runoff P as a result of WTR applications of 0, 5, 10, or 20 Mg ha-1. WTR were incorporated into a soil with a high soil P-test (Mehlich III P, 315 mg kg-1) at 0, 1, 2.5, or 5% and incubated for 21 days. WTR were co-blended with a biosolid and a poultry litter at 0, 10, 25, 50, or 75% (by weight) and incubated for 90 days.<br /> <br /> Mean runoff P reduction ranged from 0, 18.4, 36.3, and 66.6% for 0, 5, 10, or 20 Mg ha-1 WTR applications, respectively. When WTR was incorporated into a soil (Mehlich III P, 315 mg kg-1), mean Mehlich III extractable P reduction ranged from 0, 10.2, 19.1, 34.7, and 54.7% and mean 0.01 M CaCl2 extractable P, reductions from 0, 63.7, 78.2, 84.8. and 91.0% for 0, 1, 2.5, or 5% WTR applications, respectively. When WTR was co-blended with a biosolids mean Mehlich III extractable P reduction ranged from 0, 51.3, 65.3, 79.0, and 87.1%, and mean 0.01 M CaCl2 extractable P reduction from 0, 39.3, 63.9, 77.0, and 85.5% for 0, 10, 25, 50 and 75 % WTR application, respectively. When WTR was co-blended with a chicken litter mean Mehlich III extractable P reduction ranged from 0, 32.7, 64.3, 80.6, and 87.6%, and mean 0.01 M CaCl2 extractable P reduction from 0, 62.7, 87.9, 93.6, and 93.9% for 0, 10, 25, 50 and 75% WTR application, respectively. Long term studies with alum-treated poultry litter showed runoff P reductions of 70% when compared with untreated litter. <br /> <br /> Results from the OSU studies were consistent with results from work at FL and PA. <br /> <br /> Work was done on As and Pb availability in contaminated soils at UWA and Ohio State. At U of WA, addition of high Fe biosolids compost was sufficient to reduce Pb extractability as measured by the PBET test in lab incubated samples collected from smelter impacted and orchard soils. However, there was no consistent observed reduction in As availability. High Fe biosolids compost is now curing in preparation for a field trial of these amendments on an orchard impacted site. Work at Ohio State also focused on reducing As availability:<br /> We evaluated the solubility and bioacessibility of arsenic sorbed to a model Fe oxide (e.g., ferrihydrite) in a simulated human digestive system. The ferrihydrite was analyzed for the following properties: surface area, PZC, sorption envelope, and sorption maximum. An In Vitro assay was employed modified slightly from that proposed by Rodriguez. Samples were taken at various times during the gastric and intestinal phases. The samples were then analyzed using ICP-OES for arsenic and Fe. A sub-sample was taken prior to the assay and solids remaining were collected for EXAFS analysis. <br /> <br /> The availability of arsenic was greatest in the intestine. During this time arsenic was released at higher surface loadings. This may have to do with the formation of surface precipitates. At low surface loadings arsenic was sorbed directly to the surface of the oxide, but as the surface loading was increased a surface monolayer forms. At higher arsenic loading rates multiple layers of arsenic are sorbed to the surface (surface precipitate). Results suggest that a surface precipitate may have formed at the higher surface coverages. The arsenic released during the intestinal phase is the arsenic not in direct contact with the Fe Surface (monolayer). Future research using advanced spectroscopic methods (e.g.,EXAFS) will be conducted to determine the relationship between surface complexation, solubility, and bioaccessibility.<br /> <br /> <br /> Objective 3: Predict the long-term bioavailability and toxicity of nutrients, trace elements, and organic constituents in residual-amended agricultural and contaminated soils.<br /> <br /> Work for this objective has focused on understanding the mechanisms that control availability for both nutrients and metals in a range of soil systems. For example, work done in FL in cooperation with Michigan State University found that P in WTR amended soils remained stable over time:<br /> We continued efforts to artificially age soil/residuals mixtures to determine the long-term stability of P immobilized by WTR additions to soils. Aging was encouraged in long-term incubations of residuals-amended soils at elevated temperatures. We are also examining samples from various field studies, including a long-term study by W-170 cooperators in Michigan (Jacobs), where WTRs were applied in 1998 to two sites with long manure application histories to control soluble P levels. We have used a variety of chemical (sequential, oxalate, and various soil tests) and spectroscopic techniques to characterize changes in P forms and solubility over time, with the intent of relating these changes to changes in bioavailability.<br /> <br /> Phosphorus extractability with 5 mM or 200 mM oxalate, or Bray-1, or CaCl2 extraction methods did not increase even 5.5 years after WTR application, and mirrored changes in extractable P concentrations of control soils. The data, suggest, but do not prove, that WTR-immobilized P is stable in the long-term. Water extraction was the only test that identified soluble P reduction with time. Specifically, concentrations were significantly reduced (i.e. 50% of those for the control plots) in the presence of WTR in both sites. The WTR was more efficient (less time to stabilize WSP levels) at site 1 than site 2, because site 2 contained twice the soil test P. Two and a half and 4.5 yrs were necessary for the water-soluble P values to stabilize in the WTR-amended plots of site 1 and 2, respectively.<br /> <br /> Work on metal contaminated sites (US EPA) has shown that amendments alter the form of the Pb in soil and that this altered form is related to reductions in bioavailability. At the long-term field site in Joplin, MO, cooperators from KSU, UWA, US EPA, USDA and Ohio State have worked together to both evaluate changes and persistence of the changes in bioavailabilty in a Pb, Zn and Cd contaminated soil as a result of amendment addition and to use these findings at other sites.<br />Publications
Lu, Jianhang, A. C. Chang, and Laosheng Wu. 2004. Distinguishing sources of groundwater nitrate by 1H NMR of dissolved organic matter. Environmental Pollution 132:365 374. <br /> <br /> Escudey, Mauricio, G. Galindo, M. Breceno, and A. C. Chang. 2004. Influence of Particle size on 31P NMR analysis of extracts from volcanic ash-derived soils in Chile. J. Chil. Chem. Soc. 49(1):5 9. <br /> <br /> Margarita Briceño, Mauricio Escudey, Gerardo Galindo, Dan Borchardt and Andrew Chang. 2004. Estudio de la distributcion de las forms de P en suelos y lodos. Simposio Internacional Manejo Sustantable de Suelos Chilenos, 18 19 y 20 de Junio del 2003 Chillan, Chile<br /> <br /> Chang, A. C., D. E. Crowley, and A. L. Page. 2003. Assessing bioavailability of metals in biosolids-treated soils. Water Environment Research Foundation. IWAP ISBN 1-84339-679-3<br /> <br /> Anonymous. 2004. Evaluation of heavy metals and dioxin in inorganic commercial fertilizers and California Cropland soils. California Department of Food and Agricultre, Division of Inspection Services, Agricultural Commodities and Regulatory Branch. December, 2004.<br /> <br /> Chang, A. C., Weiping, Chen, B. Bar-Yosef, A. L. Page and Seongju Kim. 2004. A generalized trace element mass balance model for cropland soils: arsenic and cadmium. Final report submitted to California Department of Food and Agriculture. April, 2004. 87pp. <br /> <br /> Chang, A. C., A. L. Page, and N. J. Krage. 2004. Role of fertilizers and micronutrient applications on arsenic, cadmium, and lead accumulation in California cropland soils. Final report submitted to California Department of Food and Agriculture. April, 2004. 124pp. <br /> <br /> Chang, A. C. 2004. managing dairy manure in the Central Valley of California. Report prepared for California Regional Water Quality Control Board, Region 5. University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Committee of Consultants. July, 2004. 116pp. <br /> <br /> Chang, A. C. and A. L. Page. 2004. Trace Elements in Fertilizers and Micronutrient Supplements Historical Perspectives. 2004 Annual Meeting, Soil Science Society of America, Seattle, WA, October 30 November 2, 2004. <br /> <br /> Chang, A. C., W. Chen, A. L. Page, B. Bar-Yosef, S. Kim, and M. Khosravifard. 2004. A Generalized Trace Element Mass Balance Model fro Cropland Soils: Arsenic and Cadmium. 228th American Chemical Society Meeting, August 22 26, 2004, Philadelphia, PA<br /> <br /> Barbarick, K.A., K.G. Doxtader, E.F. Redente, and R.B. Brobst. 2004. Biosolids effects on microbial activity in shrubland and grassland soils. Soil Sci. 169:176-187.<br /> <br /> Meyer, V.F., E.F. Redente, K. A. Barbarick, R.B. Brobst, M.W. Paschke, and A.L. Miller. 2004. Plant and soil responses to biosolids application following forest fire. J. Environ. Qual. 33:873-881.<br /> <br /> Barbarick, K.A., J.A. Ippolito, and G.A. Peterson. 2004. Biosolids application to no-till dryland crop rotations: 2002 results. Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Report. TR04-4<br /> <br /> Ippolito, J., K.A. Barbarick, and T. Gourd. 2004. Application of anaerobically digested biosolids to dryland winter wheat. Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Report. TR04-6.<br /> <br /> Green, C.H. 2004. Phosphorus Impact on Vegetative Filter Strips and Water Treatment Residuals. Ph.D. thesis, Colorado State University.<br /> <br /> Barbarick, K.A., and J.A. Ippolito. 2004. An Infiltration Exercise for Introductory Soil Science. Agronomy Abstracts. American Society of Agronomy. Madison, WI.<br /> <br /> Barbarick, K.A., J.A. Ippolito, and G.A. Peterson. 2004. Biosolids application to no-till dryland cropping systems. Sustainable Land Application Conference. Lake Buena Vista, FL. January 4-8, 2004.<br /> <br /> Bayley, R.M., J.A. Ippolito, M.E. Stromberger, and K.A. Barbarick. 2004. The Effect of Long-Term Water Treatment Residuals-Biosolids Co-Applications on Native Rangeland Soil Phosphorus. Agronomy Abstracts. American Society of Agronomy. Madison, WI.<br /> <br /> Brobst, R.B., V.F. Meyer, E.F. Redente, K.A. Barbarick, M.W. Paschke, A.L. <br /> Miller. 2004. Ecosystem responses to biosolids application following forest fire. Sustainable Land Application Conference. Lake Buena Vista, FL. January 4-8, 2004.<br /> <br /> Brobst, R.B., V.F. Meyer, E.F. Redente, K.A. Barbarick, M.W. Paschke, A.L. <br /> Miller. 2004. Vegetation Responses to Biosolids Application Following Forest Fire. <br /> 18th Annual Residuals and Biosolids Management Conference. Water Environment <br /> Federation. Salt Lake City, UT, USA. February 22-25, 2004.<br /> <br /> Freeman, C.L., J.A. Ippolito, K.A. Barbarick. 2004. Mobility and Fate of Metals in Long-Term biosolids Field Experiments. Agronomy Abstracts. American Society of Agronomy. Madison, WI.<br /> <br /> Ippolito, J.A., and K.A. Barbarick. 2004. Effects of Long-Term Biosolids Application on soil carbon and nitrogen dynamics. Agronomy Abstracts. American Society of Agronomy. Madison, WI.<br /> <br /> Ippolito, J., R. Bayley, M. Stromberger, and K. Barbarick. 2004. The Effect of Long-Term Water Treatment Residuals/Biosolids Co-Application on Rangeland Soil Phosphorus RMSAWWA/RMWEA Joint Annual Conference. Grand Junction, CO. Sept. 12-15, 2004. Grand Junction, CO.<br /> <br /> Ippolito, J.A., K.A. Barbarick, and M.E. Stromberger. 2004. Effects of Long-Term Biosolids Applications on Soil Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics. Agronomy Abstracts. American Society of Agronomy. Madison, WI.<br /> <br /> Brandt, R.C., H.A. Elliott, and G.A. OConnor. 2004. Water extractable phosphorus in biosolids: implications for land-based recycling. Water Environ. Res. 76:121-129.<br /> <br /> OConnor, G.A., D. Sarkar, S.R. Brinton, H.A. Elliott, and F.G. Martin. 2004. Phytoavailability of biosolids-P. J. Environ. Qual. 33:703-712<br /> <br /> Makris, K. C., H. El-Shall, W. G. Harris, G. A. OConnor, and T.A. Obreza. 2004. Intraparticle P diffusion in a drinking water residual at room temperature. J. Colloid Interfac. Sci. 277:417-423.<br /> <br /> Makris, K.C., W.G. Harris, G.A. OConnor, T.A. Obreza. 2004. Properties Controlling Phosphorus Retention by Drinking-Water Treatment Residuals. SSSA Abstracts. 2004.<br /> <br /> Sims, J.T. and G.M. Pierzynski. 2005. The Chemistry of Phosphorus in Soils. In Chemical Processes in Soils, SSSA Book Series No. 8. SSSA, Madison, WI.<br /> <br /> Ferreira, K.L., D.R.Ownby, G.M.Pierzynski, M.J. Lydy, and M.A. Schneegurt. 2004. Evaluation of chemical and biological assays as indicators of toxic metal bioavailability in soils. Abstracts of the General Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, New Orleans, LA. (May 2004)<br /> <br /> Novak, A., G.M. Pierzynski, and W. Fick. 2004. Zinc phytotoxicity thresholds in native plan species in the Tri-State Mining region. Abstracts of the Soil Science Society of American annual meetings, Seattle, WA. (November 2004)<br /> <br /> Pierzynski, G.M., T. DeSutter, and P.A. Barnes. 2004. Poultry litter application timing effects on runoff losses of nutrients, sediments, and bacteria. Abstracts of the Soil Science Society of American annual meetings, Seattle, WA. (November 2004)<br /> <br /> Pierzynski, G.M., and K.A. Gehl. 2004. Plant nutrient issues for sustainable land application. Abstracts of the Sustainable Land Application Conference, Orlando, FL. (January 2004)<br /> <br /> Ekenier, M and Tabatabai, M.A. 2004. Arylamidase and amidohydrolases in soils as affected by liming and tillage systems. Soil Tillage Res. 77:157-168.<br /> <br /> Ekenier, M and Tabatabai, M.A. 2004. B-Glucosamiadase activity as an index of nitrogen mineralization in soils. Communications in Soil Science Plant Analysis 35:1081-1094<br /> <br /> Granato, T. C., R. I. Pietz, G. J. Knafl, C. R. Carlson, P. Tata, and C. Lue-Hing. 2004. Trace Element Concentrations in Soil, Corn Leaves, and Grain after Cessation of Biosolids Applications, Journal of Environmental Quality 33: 2078-2089.<br /> <br /> Cox, A. E, T. C. Granato, C. Carlson, and R. I. Pietz. 2004. Reclamation of the St. David, Illinois, Coal Refuse Pile with Biosolids and Other Amendments: Effects on Chemical Composition of Coal Refuse, Forage and Surface Runoff Water. Report 04-13, Research and Development Department, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago.<br /> <br /> Granato, T. C., A. E. Cox, O. Dennison, and R. I. Pietz. 2004. An Investigation of Salinity in Biosolids Generated by the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago. Report 04-3, Research and Development Department, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago.<br /> <br /> Granato, T. C., O. Dennison, and G. Knafl. 2004. Determination of Phytotoxic Zinc Thresholds in Leaves of Grasses and Food and Fiber Crops. Report 04-23, Research and Development Department, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago.<br /> <br /> Khalique, A., A. E. Cox, T. C. Granato, and R. I. Pietz. 2004. Radioactivity in Biosolids-Amended Soil and Uptake by Corn. Report 04-22, Research and Development Department, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago.<br /> <br /> Lindo, P., A. E. Cox, and T. C. Granato. 2004. Biosolids Chemical Characteristics. Report 04-21, Research and Development Department, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago.<br /> <br /> Pietz, R. I., Z. Abedin, T. C. Granato, and C. Carlson. 2004. Corn Yields and Nutrient Composition during Long-Term Biosolids Applications to Calcareous Strip-Mine Soil. Report 04-12, Research and Development Department, Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago.<br /> <br /> Cox, A. E. and T. C. Granato. 2004. Phosphorus Release in Chicago Biosolids and Biosolids Amended Soil. In Proceedings of the Sustainable Land Application Conference, Lake Buena Vista, FL. Jan 4-8, 2004.<br /> <br /> Granato, T. C. 2004. Beneficial Use Of Class A Biosolids From Low Tech PFRP Equivalent Processing, In Proceedings of Central States Water Environment Association Annual Education Seminar, Madison, WI.<br /> <br /> Granato, T. C., A. E. Cox, and L. S. Hundal. Successful Uses of Biosolids in Urban Reclamation in Metropolitan Chicago. ASA/SSSA/CSSA Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA., 31 Oct-4 Nov 2004.<br /> <br /> Hundal, L. S, T. C. Granato, and R. I. Pietz. 2004. Could Dioxins Accumulate in Biosolids-Amended Soil? In Proceedings of the Sustainable Land Application Conference, Lake Buena Vista, FL. Jan 4-8, 2004.<br /> <br /> Hundal, L. S., T.C. Granato, R.I. Pietz, and Use of Biosolids as a Topsoil Substitute for Greening-up a Steel Mill Slag Brownfield in Metro Chicago. ASA/SSSA/CSSA Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA., 31 Oct-4 Nov 2004.<br /> <br /> Lindo, P.V., T.C. Granato, R.I. Pietz, and C. Carlson, Jr., Monitoring Improvement in Water Quality Following Reclamation of Acidic Coal Refuse with Biosolids, In Proceedings of Soil Sediments and Water Abstracts. 2004.<br /> <br /> Tian, G., T. C. Granato, R. I. Pietz, and C. Carlson. 2004. Surface Water Quality during 31 Years of Biosolids Application to Mine Spoil Soils for Land Reclamation. In Proceedings of the Water Environment Federation 18th Annual Residuals and Biosolids Management Conference, Salt Lake City, UT.<br /> <br /> Tian, G., T.C. Granato, R.I. Pietz, and A.E. Cox, Long-Term Effect of Biosolids Application on Soil Microbial Biomass and Potentially Mineralizable N. ASA/SSSA/CSSA Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA., 31 Oct-4 Nov 2004.<br /> <br /> O'Connor, G.A., H. A. Elliott, N. T. Basta, R. K. Bastian, G. M. Pierzynski, R. C. Sims and J. E. Smith, Jr. 2005. Sustainable land application: An overview. J. Environ. Qual. 34: 1-6. <br /> <br /> Basta, N.T., J.A. Ryan, and R. L. Chaney. 2005. Trace element chemistry in residual-treated soil: Key concepts and metal bioavailability. J. Environ. Qual. 34: 49-63. <br /> <br /> Zhang, H., J.L. Schroder, J.K. Fuhrman, N.T. Basta, D. Storm, and M.E. Payton. 2005. Path and multiple regression analyses of phosphorus sorption capacity as affected by soil properties. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 69:96-106.<br /> <br /> Lanno, R., J. Wells, J. Condor, K. Bradham, and N. Basta. 2004. The bioavailability of chemicals in soil for earthworms. Ecotoxicol. Environ. Safety 57:39-47.<br /> <br /> Goldberg, S., D.L. Suarez, N.T. Basta, and S.M. Lesch. 2004. Predicting boron adsorption isotherms by Midwestern soils using the constant capacitance model. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 68:795-801. <br /> <br /> Schroder, J.L., N.T. Basta, S.W. Casteel, T.J. Evans, M.E. Payton, and J. Si. 2004. Validation of the in vitro method to estimate bioavailable lead in contaminated soils. J. Environ. Qual. 33:513-521.<br /> <br /> Basta, N.T., and S.L. McGowen. 2004. Evaluation of chemical immobilization treatments for reducing heavy metal transport in a smelter-contaminated soil. Environ. Pollut. 127(1):73-82. <br /> <br /> Basta, N.T. 2004. Ecological risk frameworks and beneficial land application of by-products. Great Lakes Management By-Products Association Annual Conference, Chicago, IL, Dec 1-3, 2004. http://www.glbma.org/registration/program.html <br /> <br /> Brown, S.L., and N. T. Basta. 2004. Field test of in situ soil amendments at the Tar Creek National Priorities Superfund site. The 2nd International Conference on Soil Remediation (SOILREM 2004), Nanjing, P.R. China, November 9-12, 2004. <br /> <br /> Basta, N.T., D.M.Janz, J.L.Schroder, J.A.Wilson, R.I.Carlson, and R.L.Lochmiller. 2004. Ecotoxicological risks associated with land treatment of petrochemical wastes. Soil Science Society of America and Canadian Soil Science Meeting, Seattle, WA, Oct. 31-Nov 4, 2004.<br /> <br /> Basta, N.T., E.A. Dayton, J.M. Novak, P.A. Moore, D.W. Watts. Immobilization of Phosphorus and Manure Using Al-Based Treatments and Byproducts 4th International Phosphorus Workshop in Wageningen, The Netherlands (16-19 August, 2004).<br /> <br /> Basta, N.T. 2004. Heavy metal and trace element chemistry in residual-treated soil: Implications on metal bioavailability and sustainable land application. Plenary presentation to be presented at Sustainable Land Application Conference, Lake Buena Vista, FL., Jan. 4-8, 2004.<br /> <br /> Mathews-Williamson, M. 2004. M.S. Thesis. Decrease in calcium chloride extractable and bioaccessible arsenic from CCA-contaminated soil by treatment with poorly crystalline iron or aluminum oxides. The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH.<br /> <br /> Sullivan, D.M. T.J. Nartea, A.I. Bary, C.G. Cogger and E.A. Myhre. 2004. Nitrogen Availability and Decomposition of Urban Yard Trimmings in Soil. Soil Science 169:697-707.<br /> <br /> Cogger, C.G., A.I. Bary, D.M. Sullivan and E.A. Myhre. 2004. Biosolids processing effects on first and second year available nitrogen. Soil Sci. Soc. Am J. 68: 162-167.<br /> <br /> Sullivan, D.M. Supplying nutrients for crop production from municipal biosolids. 2004. A-9. American Society of Agronomy. Seattle, WA.<br /> <br /> Sullivan, D.M., E.S. Gale, D. Hemphill, C.G. Cogger, A.I. Bary. Beyond book values: predicting plant-available N release from organic amendments. 2004. A-9. American Society of Agronomy. Seattle, WA.<br /> <br /> Larney, F.J., D.M. Sullivan, K.E. Buckley and B. Eghball. 2004. The role of composting in recycling manure nutrients. Symposium S-4, A-9 and C-2. Soil Science Society of America annual meeting. Seattle, WA.<br /> <br /> Gale,E.S., D.M. Sullivan, D. Hemphill, C.G. Cogger, A.I. Bary and E.A. Myhre. 2004. Predicting nitrogen availability from organic amendments: laboratory, field and computer simulation. S-4. Soil Science Society of America annual meeting.<br /> <br /> Kusonwiriyawong, C., D. Sullivan, C. Cogger, A. Bary and E. Myhre. 2004. How dairy solids application affects soil nitrogen mineralization. p. 43. In: W. Snyder and C. Miles (eds). Getting the bugs to work for you: biological control in organic agriculture. Symposium proceedings. 12 Nov 2004. Washington State University Center for Sustaining Agriculture and Natural Resources. <br /> <br /> Brandt, R.C., H.A. Elliott, G.A. OConnor. 2004. Water-extractable phosphorus in biosolids: Implications for land-based recycling. Water Environ. Research. 67: 121-129.<br /> <br /> OConnor, G.A., D. Sarkar, S.R. Brinton, H.A. Elliott, and F.G. Martin. 2004. Phytoavailability of biosolids-phosphorus. J. Environ. Qual. 33:703-712.<br /> <br /> Stehouwer, R.C., and K.E. Macneal. 2004. Effect of alkaline stabilized biosolids on alfalfa molybdenum and copper content. J. Environ. Qual. 33:133-140.<br /> <br /> Stehouwer, R.C. 2004. Soil Science Fundamentals: Part IV. The biology of soils. BioCycle: Journal of Composting and Recycling. 45(6):46-52.<br /> <br /> Stehouwer, R.C. 2004. Soil Science Fundamentals: Part III. Soil chemistry and the quality of soil humus. BioCycle: Journal of Composting and Recycling. 45(4):41-48.<br /> <br /> Logan, J. 2004. Runoff phosphorus losses from surface-applied biosolids and manures during simulated rainfall. MS Thesis. Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA., 68pp <br /> <br /> Parrish, Z.D., M.K. Banks, and A.P. Schwab. 2004. Effectiveness of phytoremediation as a secondary treatment for polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in composted soil. International Journal of Phytoremediation 6:119-137.<br /> <br /> Parrish, Z.D., M.K. Banks, and A.P. Schwab. 2004. Effect of Root Death and Decay on Dissipation of Polycyclic Hydrocarbons in the Rhizosphere of Melilotus officinalis and Festuca arundinacea. J. Environ. Qual.<br /> <br /> Schwab, A.P., Y. He, and M.K. Banks. 2004. Influence of Citrate on Adsorption of Zinc in Soils. J. Environ. Eng. 130:1180-1187<br /> <br /> Sonon, L. and A.P. Schwab. 2004. Transport and persistence of nitrate, atrazine, and alachlor in large, intact soil columns under two levels of water saturation. Soil Sci. 169:541-553<br /> <br /> Schwab, A. P. and M. K. Banks, Lead Stabilization in Transportation Impacted Soils, Final Report, JTRP, Indiana Department of Transportation, 2004.<br /> <br /> Banks, M. K. and A. P. Schwab, The Use of Phytoremediation for Department of Transportation Sites, Final Report JTRP, Indiana Department of Transportation, 2004.<br /> <br /> Cofield, N., A.P. Schwab, and M.K. Banks. 2004. Integration of Toxicity Tests into Remediation Studies. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Annual Meetings, Seattle, Wash. Nov. 1-3, 2004.<br /> <br /> Euliss, K, Shalabi, J., Ho, C. H., Schwab, A.P., and M. K. Banks, Phytoremediation of PAHs at the Indiana Harbor, Poster presented at the EPA/ORD-HSRC Superfund Research on Risk Characterization and Monitoring Conference, Las Vegas, NV, 2004.<br /> <br /> Euliss, K.W., A.P. Schwab, and M.K. Banks. 2004. Using Plants to Dewater and Remediate Contaminated Dredged Sediments. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. Annual Meetings, Seattle, Wash. Nov. 1-3, 2004.<br /> <br /> Humphreys, M. T., Banks, M. K., Schwab, A. P., Johnston, C., Schulz, D., and Gaodong, X., Immobilization of Heavy Metals in Soil, Poster presented at the Partners in Environmental Technology Technical Symposium and Workshop, Annual SERDP Meeting, Washington, DC, 2004. <br /> <br /> Broadhurst, C.L., R.L. Chaney, J.S. Angle, T.K. Maugel, E.F. Erbe and C.A. Murphy. 2004. Simultaneous hyperaccumulation of nickel, manganese and calcium in Alyssum leaf trichomes. Environ. Sci. Technol. 38:5797-5802.<br /> <br /> Brown, S.L., R.L. Chaney, J.G. Hallfrisch, Q. Xue, J.A. Ryan and W.R. Berti. 2004. Use of soil amendments to reduce the bioavailability of lead, zinc and cadmium in situ. J. Environ. Qual. 33:522-531. <br /> <br /> Chaney, R.L., J.S. Angle and Y.-M. Li. 2004. Method for phytomining of nickel, cobalt and other metals from soil. US Patent No. 6,786,948 (Sept. 7, 2004).<br /> <br /> Chaney, R.L., P.G. Reeves, J.A. Ryan, R.W. Simmons, R.M. Welch and J.S. Angle. 2004. An improved understanding of soil Cd risk to humans and low cost methods to remediate soil Cd risks. BioMetals 17:549 553.<br /> <br /> Chekol, T., L.R. Vough and R.L. Chaney. 2004. Phytoremediation of polychlorinated biphenyl-contaminated soils: The rhizosphere effect. Environ. Int. 30:799-804.<br /> <br /> Kukier, U. and R.L. Chaney. 2004. In situ remediation of Ni-phytotoxicity for different plant species. J. Plant Nutr. 27:465-495.<br /> <br /> Kukier, U., C.A. Peters, R.L. Chaney, J.S. Angle and R.J. Roseberg. 2004. The effect of pH on metal accumulation in two Alyssum species. J. Environ. Qual. 32:2090-2102.<br /> <br /> Reeves, P.G. and R.L. Chaney. 2004. Marginal nutritional status of zinc, iron, and calcium increases cadmium retention in the duodenum and other organs of rats fed a rice-based diet. Environ. Res. 96:311-322.<br /> <br /> Ryan, J.A., W.R. Berti, S.L. Brown, S.W. Casteel, R.L. Chaney, M. Doolan, P. Grevatt, J.G. Hallfrisch, M. Maddaloni and D. Mosby. 2004. Reducing childrens risk from soil lead: Summary of a field experiment. Environ. Sci. Technol. 38:18A-24A. <br /> <br /> Whiting, S.N., R.D. Reeves, D. Richards, M.S. Johnson, J.A. Cooke, F. Malaisse, A. Paton, J.A.C. Smith, J.S. Angle, R.L. Chaney, R. Ginocchio, T. Jaffre´, R. Johns, T. McIntyre, O.W. Purvis, D.E. Salt, H. Schat, F.J. Zhao and A.J.M. Baker. 2004. Research priorities for conservation of metallophyte biodiversity and their potential for restoration and site remediation. Restor. Ecol. 12:106-116.<br /> <br /> Angle, J. S., A. J. M. Baker, R. R. Reeves, R. L. Chaney, and M. S. McIntosh. 2004. Promise and limitations of phytoremediation under tropical conditions. Phytoremediation Technology Symposium, Cha-Am, Thailand.<br /> <br /> Angle, J. S., R. L. Chaney, A. J. M. Baker, R. R. Reeves, and M. S. McIntosh. 2004. Phytomining - Use of plants to extract valuable metals metals from soil. Phytoremediation Technology Symposium, Cha-Am, Thailand.<br /> <br /> Chaney, R.L. 2004. Use and abuse of Part 503 requirements: Improved risk assessment for contaminants innon-biosolids by-products. Abstracts for Great Lakes Byproduct Management Association (Chicago, IL. Dec. 2004<br /> <br /> Chaney, R.L., J.S. Angle, M.S. McIntosh and E.C. Synkowski. 2004. Using hyperaccumulator plants to phytoextract soil Ni and Cd. Abstract Book for OECD Phytoremediation Workshop (Matrahaza, Hungary; Sept. 9-12, 2004)<br /> <br /> <br /> Chaney, R.L., J.S. Angle, R.D. Reeves, A.J.M. Baker and M.S. McIntosh. 2004. Phytoextraction to remediate metal contaminated soils. Abstract Book for TEDCO Lower Eastern Shore Workshop, Salisbury, MD (March 23, 2004).<br /> <br /> Chaney, R.L., P.G. Reeves, U. Kukier, J.A. Ryan and C.E. Green. 2004. Food chain transfer and bioavailability of Cd and other elements in plants grown on biosolids amended soils. p. 22. In Proc. Sustainable Land Application Conference (Buena Vista, FL, Jan 4-8, 29004).<br /> <br /> Chaney, R.L., P.G. Reeves and J.A. Ryan. 2004. Risk assessment for cadmium in phosphate fertilizers. Am. Chem. Soc. (228th ACS National Meeting, Philadelphia, PA, August 22 26, 2004). Abstract AGRO-114.<br /> <br /> Chaney, R.L. 2004. Cadmium in fertilizers: Risks to food-chain? Agron. Abstr 2004:3673. Symposium at Am. Soc. Agron. Annual Meeting (Oct. 31-Nov. 3, Seattle, WA.)<br /> <br /> Kester, G.B., R.B. Brobst, A. Carpenter, R.L. Chaney, A.B. Rubin, R.A. Schoof and D. Taylor. 2004. Risk characterization, assessment, and management of organic pollutants in beneficially used residual products. p. 39. In Proc. Sustainable Land Application Conference (Buena Vista, FL, Jan 4-8, 29004).<br /> <br /> McNear, D.H., Jr., E. Peltier, J. Everhart, D.L. Sparks, R.L. Chaney, S. Sutton and M. Newville. 2004. Use of novel synchrotron-based techniques to explore the connection between metal speciation in soils and plants. Am. Chem. Soc. (April, 2004; Los Angeles, CA), Div. Geochem. Abstract 722254.<br /> <br /> Ryan, J.A., G.M. Hettiarchchi, K.G. Scheckel and R.L. Chaney. Effects of biosolids application on soil metal chemistry and phytoavailability. p. 70. In Proc. Sustainable Land Application Conference (Buena Vista, FL, Jan 4-8, 29004).<br /> <br /> Tappero, R., E. Peltier, D.H. McNear, R.L. Chaney and D.L. Sparks. 2004. Metal interaction and localization in nickel hyperaccumulator Alyssum murale: a synchrotron- based micro-XRF and tomography study. Abstracts of the International Congress RHIZOSPHERE 2004 Perspectives and Challenges A Tribute to Lorenz Hiltner, Munich Germany September 12-17, 2004.<br /> <br /> Wang, S., J.S. Angle, T.A. Delorme and R.L. Chaney. 2004. Changes in the soil biological activities under reduced soil pH during Zn and Cd phytoextraction. Agron. Abstr. 2004:NE_04-wang610867.<br /> <br /> Wang, S., J.S. Angle, R.L. Chaney and C. Green. 2004. Effect of soil pH and cultivation of Thlaspi caerulescens on the Redistribution of Zn and Cd in Five Operationally Defined Fractions. Agron. Abstr. 2004:4710.<br /> <br /> Zhang, L., J.S. Angle, T. Delorme and R.L. Chaney. 2004. Degradation of Alyssum murale biomass in Soil. Agron. Abstr. 2004:4556.<br /> <br /> Chaney, R. L., Kukier, U. and Siebielec, G. Risk assessment for soil Ni, and remediation of soil-Ni phytotoxicity in situ or by phytoextraction. Proc. Sudbury-2003 (Mining and the Environment III.) May 27-31, 2003. Laurentian University, Sudbury, Ontario, Canada. 2003. http://www.sudbury2003.ca/English/RufusChaney.pdf [ARS-148666]<br /> <br /> Delorme, T. A., Gagliardi, J. V., Angle, J. S., van Berkum, P. and Chaney, R. L. Phenotypic and genetic diversity of Rhizobia isolated from nodules of clover grown in a zinc and cadmium contaminated soil. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 67:1746-1754. 2003. [ARS-127893]<br /> <br /> Synkowski, E.C. 2004. Breeding considerations for improving cadmium hyperaccumulation in two French Thlaspi caerulescens J.&C. Pres. populations. M.S. Thesis. University of Maryland, College Park (Major Professor, Dr. Marla S. McIntosh).<br /> <br /> Sukkariyah, Beshr F. 2004. Recovery and distribution of biosolids-derived trace metals in a Davidson clay loam soil. Ph.D. Dissertation. Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. (Major Professor, Dr. Gregory Evanylo).<br /> <br /> <br /> Peters, C.A. 2004. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Maryland, College Park. (Major Professor, Dr. Marla S. McIntosh).<br /> <br /> Wang, S. 2004. pH effects on distribution and Thlaspi caerulescens uptake of Zn and Cd and effect on soil microbial ecology. Ph.D. Dissertation. University of Maryland, College Park. (Major Professor, Dr. J. Scott Angle).<br /> <br /> Evanylo, G.K., W.L. Daniels, and S. Nagle. 2004. Suitability of fresh and aged paper sludge as soil amendments. Journal of Residuals Science and Technology 1(1): 27-34.<br /> <br /> Palumbo, A.V., J.F. McCarthy, J.E. Amonette, L.S. Fisher, S.D. Wullschleger and W.L. Daniels. 2004. Prospects for enhancing carbon sequestration and reclamation of degraded lands with fossil-fuel combustion by-products. Advances in Env. Research 8 (2004) 425-438.<br /> <br /> Orndorff, Z.W. and W.L. Daniels. 2004. Evaluation of acid-producing sulfidic materials in Virginia highway corridors. Environmental Geology 46:209-216.<br /> <br /> Beck, M.A., L.W. Zelazny, W.L. Daniels and G.L. Mullins. 2004. Using Mehlich-1 to estimate soil phosphorus saturation for environmental risk assessment. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 68:1762-1771. <br /> <br /> Fanning, D., M. Rabenhorst, C. Coppock, W. Daniels and Z. Orndorff. 2004. Upland active acid sulfate soils from construction of new Stafford County, Virginia, USA, Airport. Australian Journal of Soil Res. 42:527-536. <br /> <br /> Evanylo, G.K. and G.L. Mullins. 2004. Managing N and P in manures and biosolids in Virginia. USDA-CSREES National Water Quality Conference: Integrating Research, Extension, and Education. Clearwater, FL. Jan. 11-15.<br /> <br /> Orndorff, Z.W. and W.L. Daniels. 2004. Reclamation of disturbed sulfidic coastal plain sediments using biosolids at Stafford Regional Airport in Virginia. p. 1389-1407: In: R.I. Barnhisel, (ed.) Proc., 2004 National Meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation, Morgantown, WV, April 18-24, 2004. Published by ASMR, 3134 Montavesta Rd., Lex,, KY, 40502<br /> <br /> Sukkariyah, B., G. Evanylo, and L. Zelazny . 2004. Availability and mobility of Cd, Cu, Ni, and Zn in biosolids-amended soil. Sustainable Land Application Conference. Lake Buena Vista, FL. Jan. 4-8.<br /> <br /> Evanylo, G.K. 2004. Managing nitrogen in organic wastes. In Proceedings of the 2004 Conference of the American Forage and Grassland Council: Nutrient Management Symposium. Roanoke, VA. June 12-16. (CDROM)<br /> <br /> Daniels, W.L., G. Evanylo and S. Nagle. 2004. Prediction and management of nitrate leaching under lands reclaimed with biosolids. Annual Meeting Program and Abstracts, 2004 National Meeting of Soc. Mining, Met. And Engineering, Feb. 23-25, Denver. SME, Littleton, CO.<br /> <br /> Daniels, W.L., G. Evanylo and R.S. Li. 2004. Utilization of hard rock mining by-products for marketable topsoil. Annual Meeting Program and Abstracts, 2004 National Meeting of Soc. Mining, Met. And Engineering, Feb. 23-25, Denver. SME, Littleton, CO.<br /> <br /> Daniels, W.L. and Z.W. Orndorff. 2004. Surface water quality effects of revegetation of acid-sulfate soils with lime-stabilized biosolids in Virginia. Program and Abstracts, Sustainable Land Application Conference, Jan. 4-8, Orlando. University of Florida, IFAS, Gainesville. <br /> <br /> Bowden, C. and G. Evanylo. 2004. Effect of Organic Amendments on Soil Humic Substances Content and Physiological Properties of Water-Stressed Zea mays and Glycine max. ASA, CSSA, SSSA Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA. Oct. 31-Nov. 5.<br /> <br /> Spargo, J., G.K. Evanylo, and C.L. Bowden. 2004. P availability from composted biosolids and poultry litter. ASA, CSSA, SSSA Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA. Oct. 31-Nov. 5.<br /> <br /> Zhang, X., C. Sherony, E.H..Ervin, and G. Evanylo. 2004. The impacts of soil organic amendments on tall fescue drought tolerance. ASA, CSSA, SSSA Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA. Oct. 31-Nov. 5. <br /> <br /> Huang, B., S. Kuo, and R. Bembenek. 2004. The availability of cadmium in some phosphorus fertilizers to field grown lettuce. Water, Air, Soil Poll. 158:37-51.<br /> <br /> Kuo, S., B. Huang, and R. Bembenek. 2004. The availability of zinc and cadmium in a zinc fertilizer. Soil Sci. 169:363-373.<br /> <br /> Kuo, S., B. Huang, And R. Bembenek. 2004. Effects of long-term phosphorus fertilization and winter cover cropping on soil phosphorus transformation under continuous corn production system. Biol. Fertil. Soil. Online First December 10, 2004.<br /> <br /> Kuo, S., M. E. Ortiz-Escobar, N. V. Hue, and R. L. Hummel. 2004. Composting and compost utilization. Recent Res. Devel. Environ. Biol. 1: 415-513.<br /> <br /> Brown, S., M. Sprenger, A. Maxemchuk and H. Compton. 2005. An evaluation of ecosystem function following restoration with biosolids and lime addition to alluvial tailings deposits in Leadville, CO. J. Environ. Qual. 34:139-148.<br /> <br /> Brown, S. and P. Leonard. 2004. Biosolids and global warming: Evaluating the management impacts. Biocycle August issue<br /> <br /> Brown, S., and P. Leonard. 2004. Building carbon credits with biosolids recycling: Part II Biocycle September :25-29<br /> <br /> Brown, S.L., W. Berti, R.L. Chaney J Halfrisch and J Ryan. 2004. In situ use of soil amendments to reduce the bioaccessibility and phytoavailibility of soil lead. J. Environ Qual.33:522-531.<br /> <br /> Ryan, J.A., W.R. Berti, S.L. Brown, S.W. Casteel, R.L. Chaney, M. Doolan, P. Grevatt, J. Hallfrisch, M. Maddaloni, D. Moseby, and K. Scheckel. 2004. Reducing childrens risk to soil lead: summary of a field experiment. Environ. Sci. and Tech. 38:19a-24a.<br /> <br /> Scheckel, K.G., E. Lombi, S.A. Rock, and M.J. McLaughlin. 2004. In vivo Synchrotron Study of Thallium Speciation and Compartmentation in Iberis intermedia. Environ. Sci. Technol. 38: 5095-5100.<br /> <br /> Scheckel, K.G. and C.A. Impellitteri. 2004. Kinetics of Dissolution. Encyclopedia of Soil Science. Vol. 1. (D. Hillel, ed.) Elsivier, Oxford, UK. pp. 400-409.<br /> <br /> Scheckel, K.G. and J.A. Ryan. 2004. Spectroscopic Speciation and Quantification on Chemical Alterations of Pb in Phosphate Amended Soils. J. Environ. Qual. 33: 1288-1295.<br /> <br /> Scheckel, K.G., C.A. Impellitteri and J.A. Ryan. 2004. Lead Sorption on Ruthenium Oxide: A Macroscopic and Spectroscopic Study. Environ. Sci. Technol. 38: 2836-2842.<br /> <br /> Porter, S.K., K.G. Scheckel, C.A. Impellitteri, and J.A. Ryan. 2004. Toxic Metals in Soils: Thermodynamic Considerations for Possible Immobilization Strategies for Pb, Cd, As, and Hg. Crit. Rev. Environ. Sci. Technol. 34: 495-604.<br /> <br /> Ryan, J.A., W.R. Berti, S.L. Brown, S.W. Casteel, R.L. Chaney, M. Doolan, P.Grevatt, J. Hallfrisch, M. Maddaloni, D. Mosby, and K.G. Scheckel. 2004. Reducing Childrens Risk to Soil Pb: Summary of a Field Experiment. Environ. Sci. Technol., 38: 18A-24A.<br />Impact Statements
- Research in this area will provide information so that P based regulations have to potential to be based on available P rather than total P in biosolids and manure amended systems.
- Work with water treatment residuals shows the potential to reduce P availability in situ with applicability to biosolids application sites and other sites with excess soil P.
- Work on long-term sites continues to provide data on the suitability of many residuals as soil amendments. There is also additional information indicating that it is possible to use different amendments to reduce long-term availability of contaminants, ranging from nutrients to metals.
Date of Annual Report: 02/28/2006
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 01/15/2006
- 01/17/2006
Period the Report Covers: 01/01/2005 - 12/01/2005
Period the Report Covers: 01/01/2005 - 12/01/2005
Brief Summary of Minutes
Objective 1: Evaluate the risk-based effects of residual application to uncontaminated (e.g. baseline) soils on chemistry, bioavailability, and toxicity of nutrients and contaminants.<br /> <br /> Many of the participants actively performed research relevant to this objective. In Michigan, a seven-year field study evaluated amendments of alum water treatment residuals (WTR) to soils having high to very high soil test P levels. Bray P1soil test levels in surface soils have declined with time at all sites, and alum WTR contributed to this decrease at most sites. Alum WTR amendments also significantly decreased CaCl2-extractable soil P levels in surface soils (0 to 20 cm) and in 0 to 30 cm depth samples compared to unamended control soils. In Washington, a multi-laboratory (10 labs) extraction study was implemented to quantify error associated with WEP protocols on 20 manures and biosolids. A supplemental runoff study was conducted with 15 of the manures and biosolids to assess whether protocol changes affect the prediction of dissolved P in runoff. A 10:1 extraction ratio had the highest variability when extract P was determined by colorimetry and was too low to obtain uniform suspensions and sufficient extract volumes for some dairy manures and biosolids. Results of the runoff study showed WEP to be correlated with dissolved P in runoff for all methods, whether derived from a single laboratory (r = 0.79 to 0.93) or multiple laboratories (r = 0.56 to 0.83). As the strongest correlations with dissolved P in runoff were associated with a 100:1 extraction ratio and the fewest laboratory complaints were associated with this ratio, this study points to a single recommended protocol for measuring WEP in manures and biosolids.<br /> The effects on soil quality attributes of long term (since 2000) annual applications of various organic residuals to a Virginia highly weathered, Piedmont soil has continued to be investigated. The effects of various compost types (yardwaste-poultry litter, biosolids-woodchips) and rates (0.3x and 1x agronomic N rate), poultry litter (1x annual agronomic N rate), and commercial fertilizer (annually applied according to soil testing laboratory recommendations) on soil C and humic substances, bulk density, and water-holding capacity and soybean physiological function (as an indicator of environmental stress amelioration) were measured. Total soil C, humic substances, and water-holding capacity was higher and bulk density was lower in the soils that received composts than poultry litter at estimated agronomic N rates, but yields were similar for fertilizer, poultry litter, and composts when applied at rates estimated to supply recommended N rates. A Virginia Piedmont soil that received five rates (up to 210 Mg/ha) of a high metal-containing biosolid in 1984 began exhibiting Al and/or Zn toxicity and/or Fe deficiency and yield depression in corn as soil pH declined to <5 ten years after biosolids application. Following liming of the soil to pH >6 in 1999, no effect of biosolid rate on Cd, Cu, Ni, and Zn phytotoxicity using radish and lettuce as bioassay crops were evident, even as soil pH dropped to between 5.2 and 5.4 in 2005. Lime stabilized biosolids were employed in a large (16 plots, 0.5 ha/plot) mine soil reconstruction project in central Virginia designed to evaluate soil reconstruction strategies for prime farmlands disturbed by mineral sands mining. First-year yields (Zea mays) from 2005 indicated that 78 Mg/ha biosolids combined with deep tillage treatments were superior to topsoil (15 cm) return. <br /> <br /> Rainfall simulations in Florida, with soil samples from field studies begun in 1998 (Jacobs and Tippen MI cooperators) will address WTR impacts on P mobility and the long-term stability of WTR-immobilized P. Soil samples from the Michigan plots were subjected to various measures of P-lability, including extraction with various common soil extractants and a 32P-based technique. All data collected to date suggest that WTR-immobilized P is a stable, long-term product. Thus, the lab data suggest that WTRs can serve as permanent immobilizers of P in high P soils, and that the immobilized-P remains stable unless the soil pH falls below 4. Laboratory studies, including small column leaching studies, also demonstrate the usefulness of WTRs (an Al-WTR) in controlling P leaching from a Spodosol surface horizon highly impacted with P from years of manure application. The studies clearly show, however, that the WTR must be placed in close proximity to the soluble-P source to be effective. <br /> The Colorado State University members examined the effects of gypsum, acidic gypsum, sulfuric acid, and elemental S with and without 90 Mg woodchips ha-1 on the removal of excess Na and pH depression in a bauxite residue (Al-processing waste; pH = 10.0). Materials were placed in 32-L PVC containers and then leached with 8 separate pore volumes of water. The acidic gypsum and acidic gypsum plus woodchips significantly lowered the pH, resulted in the greatest Na, Ca, and Mg leaching, and had a lower sodium adsorption ratio (SAR) compared to all other treatments.<br /> <br /> Greenhouse experiments at Penn State with manufactured topsoil blends containing three types of spent foundry sand, three types of composted organic materials, and high clay subsoil showed growth of ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) was better on manufactured soils than natural topsoil. Trace elements in ryegrass tissue from manufactured soils were less than or not different from those grown in natural soil. Composts had much greater effects than foundry sands on leaching loss of nutrients and trace elements. Acidic coal refuse was mixed with composted manure (3 rates) and fresh manure plus paper mill sludge to adjust C:N ratio from 7:1 (manure only) to 40:1. Switchgrass (Panicum virgatum) did not survive on un-amended refuse, and growth was very poor with limestone and fertilizer. Growth increased with compost application and increased even more with paper mill sludge amendment. Almost no nitrate was lost in leachates from compost treatments and large amounts of nitrate (>180 mg per column) were lost from manure only treatments. Paper mill sludge reduced nitrate loss with a C:N ratio of 30:1 giving the least loss (25 mg per column). Leaching of P was largest from manure only and was greatly reduced by composting or addition of paper mill sludge. When applied at a common total P rate, P losses generally decreased in the order: poultry and swine manures > dairy manure and BPR biosolids > non-BPR biosolids. The P concentrations in runoff from biosolids-amended soils depend on the types of wastewater and solids processing methods used to generate the biosolids. Some biosolids types (e.g., BPR products) resulted in higher runoff P concentrations than dairy manure applied at the same plant available N rate. Other biosolids, because of additions of Al and/or Fe during wastewater treatment, or through solids processes like heat drying, produced runoff P losses indistinguishable from un-amended soil treatments.<br /> <br /> <br /> Objective 2: Evaluate the ability of in situ treatment of contaminated soil with residuals to reduce chemical contaminant bioavailability and reduce toxicity.<br /> <br /> At Ohio State University, arsenate or lead sorbed to ferrihydrite, corundum, and birnessite model soil oxide minerals were used to simulate possible effects of ingestion of soil contaminated with As(V) or Pb(II) sorbed to oxide mineral surfaces. Arsenate or lead sorbed to ferrihydrite, corundum, or birnessite were placed in a simulated gastrointestinal tract (in vitro) to ascertain the bioaccessibility of As(V) or Pb(II) and changes in As(V) or Pb(II) surface speciation caused by the gastrointestinal system. The speciation of As or Pb was determined using Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) analysis and X-ray Absorption Near Edge Spectroscopy (XANES). Results for As(V) sorbed to ferrihydrite and corundum suggest that the bioaccessibility of As(V) is related to the As(V) concentration, and the As(V) adsorption maximum. The results for As(V) sorbed birnessite suggest that birnessite can reduce the bioaccessibility of As(V) in contaminated soil and the desorption of the As(V) from the birnessite surface is the mode of bioaccessibility. Sorption of Pb(II) was significant for all the model oxides used. Caution should be used before using these materials to remediate a soil where incidental ingestion is an important exposure pathway. <br /> <br /> The Virginia contingent has continued to work at a large (200 ha) acid sulfate soil remediation site in northern Virginia, where one-time applications of lime stabilized biosolids at rates ranging from 100 to 225 Mg/ha have maintained soil pH > 6.0 for three full years following application to soils of pH 3.0. Water quality monitoring indicates that N losses to surface waters were negligible beyond the application year (2002).<br /> Biosolids increased the percent seedling survival in Arkansas soil contaminated with 5% crude oil for pearl millet and sudangrass. Compared to the Milorganite® treatment and the unamended control, biosolid addition increased shoot and root biomass. Root length, surface area, volume, and diameter were also increased when crude oil contaminated soil was amended with biosolids. Evaluation of the influence of crude oil and organic amendments on soil chemical properties is currently underway.<br /> <br /> Greenhouse studies are underway in Florida to evaluate the phytoavailability of biosolids-P to a representative pasture grass. The studies are similar to previously completed studies with multiple biosolids representing national biosolids-processing methods. The current studies focus on biosolids produced and/or marketed in FL, and emphasize those materials with high values of water-extractable P (WEP), especially biological nutrient removal (BPR) materials. Biosolids-P phytoavailability is being compared to fertilizer-P phytoavailability. In a related study in Ohio, large amounts of amorphous aluminum or iron oxide in drinking water treatment residuals (WTR) can result in a large phosphorus (P) sorption capacity (Pmax). The strong relationship between amorphous Al (Alox) and Langmuir P sorption capacity (Pmax) in WTR was shown to be a useful tool for determining Pmax without the onus of the multipoint batch equilibrations necessary for the Langmuir model. A new method was developed that accurately determines WTR Pmax from Alox. <br /> <br /> A cooperative study among members at University of Washington and US EPA examined changes in As and Pb bioavailability after the addition of high-iron compost. Following a lab study, field plots were established on orchard soils at the Washington State University Experiment station in Wenatchee, WA. Iron, in the form of Fe grit and ferric chloride were added to biosolids prior to composting. The study was set up in May, 2005. No changes were seen in Pb availability, however, there was a reduction in As availability with the addition of high Fe compost at higher application rates. The failure of the amendments to reduce Pb availability in the field study contrasted with the reductions in availability observed in the lab incubation. In the lab incubation, addition of 10% high Fe biosolids compost from Philadelphia reduced Pb availability for all soils tested. <br /> <br /> In an attempt to determine why field composts were less effective than those used in a lab study, an additional lab incubation was conducted using a Philadelphia compost along side high Fe composts from the field study. Soils from the control plots of the field study were used. Again, a significant reduction in Pb availability with the addition of Philadelphia compost was observed. We hypothesized that the different reactivates of the materials was related to the form of iron in the composts. A soil extract to assess the reactive or amorphous Fe oxides showed that a significantly higher fraction of the total Fe in the Philadelphia compost fell into this fraction. As part of the lab incubation, compost samples were analyzed using Mossbauer spectroscopy by Kirk Scheckel at US EPA NMRML. Here the Fe in both the Philadelphia compost and a low Fe biosolids compost were found to consist at least in part of amorphous oxides, potentially associated with organic matter. This, in combination with our field results suggest that the alternating aerobic and anaerobic stages of wastewater treatment produces a highly reactive adsorptive surface. This type of surface was not reproducible in field tested composts.<br /> <br /> In Indiana, a team of researchers has been evaluating the addition of various amendments to soils to reduce bioavailability of metals in highly contaminated soils. Included in these amendments are manganese oxides, phosphates, and biosolids. Bioavailability is being evaluated using indicator species including earthworms, plant seedlings, and microbes (respiration). Bioaccessibility is being determined by water solubility, in vitro gastrointestinal (IVG) test, and physiologically based extraction test (PBET). Sites being evaluated include military bases and former industrial locations. <br /> <br /> Objective 3: Predict the long-term bioavailability and toxicity of nutrients, trace elements, and organic constituents in residual-amended agricultural and contaminated soils.<br /> <br /> A field study established in Michigan investigating the environmental fate of various pollutants (primarily 503 pollutants) contained in two N-Viro alkaline-stabilized products made from East Lansing biosolids cake (N-Viro Soil) and swine manure (NureSoil) was completed in spring, 2005, with final sampling of soils with depth. Yields of soybeans decreased significantly 2002 and 2003 at the highest N-Viro Soil application rate compared to the control and other treatments, but corn yields were not significantly different between treatments. The decreased soybean yields were attributed to toxic levels of B added by the very high, non-agronomic rate of N-Viro Soil, based on high B test levels found in surface soils.<br /> <br /> A new Florida project was funded by EPA to evaluate the Fate of Triclocarban (TCC) in Sludge-Amended Soils. The project is joint effort between UF personnel and researchers at Proctor and Gamble (Cinn. Lab). Triclocarban is anti-microbial (similar to triclorsan, TCS), and is a common ingredient in various bar soaps. About 300,000 to 500,000 kg of the compound is used each year in the US, and limited data suggest that TCC concentrations in some activated sludges can reach ~40 mg/kg. Environmentally-relevant concentrations are expected to persist in sludge-amended soils even after dilutions associated with soil application at agronomic rates. The study will examine a variety of fates and potential pathways for human, environmental, and soil microbial impacts of TCC. <br /> <br /> Researchers in Colorado studied the long-term effects of biosolids land application to a dryland winter wheat agroecosystem on barium accumulation and vertical movement. Littleton/Englewood, CO biosolids were applied every other year from 1982 through 2002 at rates from 0 to 26.8 dry Mg ha-1. Extractions with 4M HNO3 and AB-DTPA were used from 1988 through 2003; on 2003 soils, a sequential extraction procedure was employed to determine identify labile through resistant Ba fractions and utilized scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS) to identify Ba mineral phases. The 4 M HNO3 extractable Ba increased while AB-DTPA extractable Ba decreased in the soil surface, but biosolids did not affect the subsurface. The SEM-EDS results verified soil surface Ba-S associations, most likely BaSO4. Sequential extraction results suggested increasing BaCO3 precipitation in the subsoil, indicating that biosolids-borne or natural Ba may be transported vertically.<br />Publications
Impact Statements
- The use of soil amendments, including biosolids, to immobilize metals has the potential to preserve soil resources while remediating a contaminated site. Time, money, and productivity will be preserved while simultaneously addressing a serious environmental problem.
- Water-based bentonitic mud can be safely applied to well-drained soils using controlled rates. This allows the industries using drilling fluids to establish natural gas, oil, or water wells a means of recycling their waste fluids. Biosolids-borne Ba did not significantly move below the plow layer. Consequently, Ba may not pose the threat that is implied by its USEPA designation as a candidate pollutant.
- Phosphorus impacts on water quality are of national concern and are of special concern in FL where soils and hydrology allow easy P mobility through soils to ground and surface waters. Our work is demonstrating that even vulnerable FL soils can be managed/amended to control soluble P and that immobilized-P is stable in the long-term.
- Amending crude oil contaminated soil with biosolids may enhance phytoremediation and enhance biodegradation of the organic contaminant.
- VA results indicate that much lower amounts of organic amendment are required for successful re-creation of hydric soil conditions in constructed wetlands than had been commonly assumed by consultants and regulators. Application of our results would cut organic amendment costs at these sites by as much as $2000 per ha. Our combined wetland restoration research results were utilized by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Norfolk District and the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality.
- Adding chemical sorbents to arsenic contaminated soil may serve as an inexpensive remediation method. OH results show that inexpensive Fe and Al oxide minerals can sorb arsenic strongly and reduce the bioavailability and risk associated with ingestion of oxide treated arsenic contaminated soil. However, Mn oxides are the best treatment to reduce risk associated with ingestion of Pb treated soil.
Date of Annual Report: 05/20/2007
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 01/28/2007
- 02/01/2007
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2005 - 09/01/2006
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2005 - 09/01/2006
Husein Ajwa-UC Davis(haajwa@ucdavis.edu); Ken Barbarick-Colorado State U(Ken.Barbarick@coloState.edu); Nick Basta-Ohio State University(basta.4@osu.edu);Bob Brobst-USEPA(Brobst.bob@epa.gov); Sally Brown-U WA(slb@u.washington.edu); Rufus Chaney-USDA-ARS(Rufus.Chaney@USDA.gov); Andrew Chang-UC Riverside(Andrew.chang@UCR.edu); Eton Codling-USDA-ARS(codlinge@ba.usda-ars.gov); Albert Cox-MWRD-Chicago(coxa@mwrd.org); David Crohn-Univ California, Riverside(David.Crohn@ucr.edu); Libby Dayton-Ohio State (dayton.15@osu.edu); Robert Dowdy-Minnesota(b.dowdy@umn.edu); Chip Elliott-Penn State(hae1@psu.edu); Greg Evanylo-VA Tech (gevanylo@vt.edu); Thomas Granato-MWRDGC (thomas.granato@mwrdgc.dst.il.us ); Ellen Harrison-Cornell (EZH1@cornell.edu); Stan Henning-Iowa State University (sjhenning@iastate.edu); Chuck Henry-UWB (clh@u.washington.edu); Kokoasse Kpomblekdu-A-Tuskegee University (KKA@Tuskegee.edu); Shiou Kuo-Washington State University (Skuo@wsu.edu); George O'Connor-University Florida (GAO@UFL.edu); Lola Olabode-WERF (lolabode@werf.org); Al Page-UC Riverside (albert.page@ucr.edu); Tony Palazzo-ERDC-CCREL (apalazzo@crrel.usace.army.mil); Gary Pierzynski-Kansas State U (gmp@ksu.edu); Kirk Scheckel-USEPA (Scheckel.Kirk@epa.gov); Paul Schwab-Purdue ( pschwab@purdue.edu); John Sloan-Texas A&M Univ Dallas (j-sloan@tamu.edu); Lee Sommers-Colorado State U (Lee.Sommers@colostate.edu); Dan Sullivan-Oregon State (Dan.Sullivan@oregonstate.edu); Michael Thompson-Iowa State University (thompsonm@iastate.edu); Ed Topp-Agriculture & Agi-food Canada (London) (toppe@agri.gc.ca); Dawn Whitaker-Purdue (dwhitaker@purdue.edu); Hailin Zhang-Oklahoma State Univ (hailin.zhang@okstate.edu)
Brief Summary of Minutes
Meeting location for 2008: After a short discussion, it was moved and seconded that we return to Las Vegas next year and meet over the Martin Luther King holiday. This will accommodate the travel arrangements of the most number of people. The motion was passed by voice vote.Chairs: Sally Brown announced that 2006 was her last year to serve as chair. She suggested that Greg Evanylo replace her to serve with Paul Schwab as co-chair. The motion was made from the floor, seconded, and carried as a voice vote.
Old Business: Dr. Brown reviewed our objectives from last year: (1) A letter to the editor of an on-line journal had been suggested to discuss the land application of biosolids. This goal was not completed and; (2) We requested of NE 1001 that they let W-1170 respond to their draft report on biosolids. Dr. Brown solicited comments from some members of W-1170, and the comments that were received were forwarded to NE 1001.
New Business: Suggestions were taken from the floor concerning means to be taken by W-1170 to stress the developments in the land application of biosolids. Recommendations included: a. Emphasize emerging aspects, such as the strong potential for biosolids to make a positive contribution to carbon sequestration. Dr. Brown informed the group that she has taken an initial step in this direction with a recent article Biocycle; b. Biosolids are logical sources plant nutrients in the development of biofuels; c. W-1170 should strongly emphasize the impacts of biosolids application; d. Emphasis should be kept on the science only. In this regard, the best approach is not to attack potentially poor science that emerges but to continue to publish strong, solid science; e. We should look for partnering opportunities. An example would be a recent NIEHS initiative examining science and public health; f. Some of the members were suggesting that we should not abandon the fundamental approach to the science. We should avoid focusing on a specific waste product. However, another member felt that a lack of focus was a drawback.
Reports: In lieu of having the membership present station reports, this years agenda was, instead, in the format of a symposium. Greg Evanylo arranged for us to meet at the USDA-CSREES National Water Conference in Savannah, Georgia. After our business meeting, we held a formal symposium in conjunction with the conference. The symposium was entitled, 'Availability, Transport, and Fate of Land-Applied Waste Constituents' and was to be chaired be Dr. Evanylo. (Dr. Evanylo was ill and unable to attend; Drs. Brown and Schwab assumed duties as chair.) The symposium was developed by the members of W-1170 to summarize the research that members of this workgroup have conducted with biosolids, manures, water treatment residuals, and other waste products subjected to a variety of treatment processes. The constituents addressed in the symposium were traditionally-studied nitrogen, phosphorus, and trace inorganic elements as well as pathogens and emerging organic pollutants. The speakers were selected from the membership as well as one invited guest (Ian Pepper). They presented data to demonstrate the relationship between the content, availability, and management of these constituents and their impact or potential impact on water quality.
The agenda:
Part I: Nutrients, trace elements, and pathogens
1:35 Metal interactions in biosolids and biosolids-amended soils: Sorption mechanisms to remediation applications. K.G. Scheckel*, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency; M. Chappell; A.G.B. Williams; and J.A. Ryan.
1:55 Application of water treatment residuals to agricultural land to reduce contamination of surface and ground water: W-1170 research efforts. N. Basta*, Ohio State University; J. Ippolito; H. Elliott; and G. O'Connor.
2:15 Predicting and managing nitrate-N leaching from biosolids applied to sand & gravel mined lands. W. Lee Daniels*, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; and Greg Evanylo.
2:35 Influence of twenty years of land application of Class B biosolids on soil microbial properties. Huruy Zerzghi and Ian Pepper*, University of Arizona.
Part II: Emerging contaminants
3:20 Fate of pharmaceuticals and personal care products following land application of municipal biosolids. Edward Topp*, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada; Karim Abbaspour; Andrew Beck; Alistair Boxall; Peter Duenk; Kathrin Fenner; David Lapen; Mats Larsbo; Hongxia Li; Chris Metcalfe; Sara Monteiro; and Michael Payne.
3:40 The fate and transport of biosolids-borne TCC. Elizabeth Hodges and George O'Connor*, University of Florida.
4:00 Degradation of nonlyphenol in biosolids amended soil. Dana Devin-Clarke, Mike Dubrava, and Sally Brown*, University of Washington.
4:20 Mobility, chemical lability, and bioavailability of PAHs in contaminated soils amended with biosolids. Paul Schwab*, Purdue University; Kathy Banks; Naressa Cofield; and Zakia Parrish.
A discussion session followed, after which the meeting was adjourned.
Objective 1: Evaluate the risk-based effects of residual application to uncontaminated (e.g. baseline) soils on chemistry, bioavailability, and toxicity of nutrients and contaminants<br /> <br /> In Florida, greenhouse column studies continue to evaluate the phytoavailability of biosolids-P to a representative pasture grass. The studies are similar to previously completed studies with multiple biosolids representing national biosolids-processing methods. The current studies focus on biosolids produced and/or marketed in FL, and emphasize those materials with high values of water-extractable P, especially biological nutrient removal materials, but also include a few materials with high total Fe + Al concentrations. Biosolids-P phytoavailability is being compared to fertilizer-P phytoavailability. The study is being continued to access residual value of biosolids-P, especially the low RPP materials.<br /> <br /> Additional greenhouse studies (pots) with a high and a moderate soluble P biosolids amended at P-based and N-based rates and cropped repeatedly, confirmed expected differences in RPP. The same materials and rates were used in a field study, and field-measured RPP values were consistent with greenhouse values.<br /> <br /> With the Virginia group, a Virginia Piedmont soil that received five rates (up to 210 Mg/ha) of a high metal-containing biosolid in 1984 began exhibiting Al and/or Zn toxicity and/or Fe deficiency and yield depression in corn as soil pH declined to <5 ten years after biosolids application. Following liming of the soil to pH >6 in 1999, no effect of biosolids rate on Cd, Cu, Ni, and Zn phytotoxicity using radish and lettuce as bioassay crops were evident, even as soil pH dropped to between 5.1 and 5.3 in 2006. Biosolids rate increased uptake of Cd, Cu, Ni, and Zn, but uptake responses were usually quadratic or linear and plateau. Uptake coefficients were similar or lower than those employed by USEPA in the Part 503 Risk Assessment Methodology.<br /> <br /> Lime stabilized biosolids were employed in a large (16 plots, 0.5 ha each) mine soil reconstruction project in central Virginia designed to evaluate soil reconstruction strategies for prime farmlands disturbed by mineral sands mining. The experiment was constructed in the fall of 2004. Treatments include (1) a fertilized and limed control on mine tailings without topsoil, (2) 15 cm of topsoil returned over limed and P-fertilized tailings, (3) 78 Mg/ha lime stabilized biosolids incorporated into tailings with conventional tillage management, and (4) 78 Mg/ha biosolids incorporated into tailings with minimum tillage management. First-year row crop yields (Zea mays) from 2005 indicated that 78 Mg/ha biosolids combined with deep tillage treatments was superior to topsoil (15 cm) return, but produced significantly lower yields than nearby parallel plots on undisturbed prime farmland soil. However, corn yields on the biosolids treatments exceeded long-term county (Dinwiddie and Sussex Co.) average yields by 20%. Winter wheat (Triticum aestivum) yields in June 2006 on biosolids treated plots also exceeded long-term county average yields, but were still approximately 30% lower than nearby prime farmland soils. Detailed rooting studies in July of 2006 revealed that subsoil densic layers were most likely responsible for the reduced row crop yield potentials in these reconstructed mine soils. Regardless, the fact that the mine soils equaled or exceeded long-term county average yields for both corn and wheat through application and incorporation of the biosolids is seen as a very positive and somewhat surprising result.<br /> <br /> In a second study in a constructed tidal freshwater wetland (installed fall 2003) experiment, yardwaste compost applications (80 and 160 Mg/ha wet weight as compost) are being compared with topsoil return, and pit-and-mound microtopography was formed in all plots. The experimental wetland was constructed out of sandy dredge spoil materials from the adjacent James River at Shirley Plantation in James City County. Continued monitoring in 2006 indicates significant deposition of an organic rich muddy layer in the upper 2.5 cm of these soils above the underlying sands which appears to support continued development of soil redoximorphic features. Taxodium distichum seedlings responded favorably upon the low (15 cm) mounds in the 2004 growing season, while in 2005 and 2006; trees growing in the slightly depressed pits outperformed those on mounds. Mini-rhizotron tubes were installed under selected seedings in pits, on mounds, and in areas of the plots without micro-topography in the winter of 2005 and 2006 and are being utilized to document rooting interactions with applied treatments (compost and topsoil). <br /> <br /> <br /> Objective 2: Evaluate the ability of in situ treatment of contaminated soil with residuals to reduce chemical contaminant bioavailability and reduce toxicity<br /> <br /> Rainfall simulation studies were conducted on a Florida sand amended with selected biosolids (from Objective # 1) and with treatments including water treatment residuals (WTRs) to control soluble P leaching. Rainfall simulations were also conducted with soil samples from field studies begun in 1998 to address WTR impacts on P mobility and the long-term stability of WTR-immobilized P. Soil samples from the MI plots were subjected to various measures of P-lability, including extraction with various common soil extractants and a 32P-based technique. All data suggest that WTR-immobilized P is stable, long-term. Thus, WTRs can serve as permanent immobilizers of P in high P soils, and the immobilized-P remains stable unless the soil pH falls below 4. Treatment with an Al-WTR reduced water extractable P in the MI soils by 60-70% and labile P in runoff by at least 50%. Results with the Florida sand similarly showed WTR amendment to reduce P loss, even when leaching was the important P loss mechanism.<br /> <br /> A field study on the Florida sand confirmed rainfall simulation results. The local Al-WTR used reduced P losses in runoff and leaching (shallow and deeper groundwater wells) without increasing water soluble Al concentrations and without causing Al phytotoxicities. P-sources and Al-WTRs differ because of treatment and conditioning processes, and the amount of Al-WTR needed to control soluble P should not be determined a priori at a fixed mass ratio, as has been suggested by some. Rather, the oxalate-extractable P, Fe, and Al concentrations of the P-sources, the Al-WTR, and the amended soil should be considered and used to calculate the necessary Al-WTR to attain a Soil Phosphorus Storage Capacity of zero.<br /> <br /> In Pennsylvania, field experiments were established in three locations comparing natural topsoil with manufactured soils containing spent foundry sand, composted organic materials, and high clay subsoil. In the first year growth of ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) was better on manufactured soils than on natural topsoils. Trace elements in ryegrass tissue from manufactured soils were less than or not different from those grown in natural soil. Leaching losses of nutrients from manufactured soils were not greater than from natural topsoils. Leachate trace element concentrations were very low for all elements analyzed and no significant differences could be measured between manufactured soils and natural soils. No phenolic or PAH compounds were detected in any leachates. Another field experiment was established this year to investigate the potential for use of composted or fresh poultry layer manure for mine reclamation and bioenergy production. Five reclamation treatments were applied to an abandoned coal mine site: conventional (lime plus fertilizer), composted layer manure (67 and 135 Mg/ha) and fresh manure (at an N equivalent to the lower compost application) plus paper mill sludge to adjust C:N ratio to 20: and 40:1 and the experiment was planted with switchgrass (Panicum virgatum). Vegetation establishment was most rapid on the conventional treatment and slowest on the co-application treatments. Once established, growth was greatest on co-application treatments and least on the conventional treatment. Extreme variability in nutrient leaching precludes any conclusions on nutrient and C leaching at this early stage. A method was developed for estimating phosphorus source coefficients (PSCs) based on the water extractable P (WEP) content of the applied amendment. Assuming amendments with WEP ³ 10 g/kg behave as highly soluble P sources and have a maximum PSC of 1.0, an empirical equation was developed for computing source-specific PSCs from laboratory-determined WEP values [PSC = 0.102 ×WEP^0.99]. Correlations between RDP loss and P source loading rate were improved when loading rates were multiplied by the computed (r squared = 0.73-0.86) versus generic (r squared = 0.45-0.48) PSCs. <br /> <br /> Research in Washington in the past year has focused on developing a broader understanding of the effect of municipal biosolids application on ecosystem function for both disturbed and natural systems. We tested the effect of both agronomic and high loading rates of biosolids on nitrogen fixation in red alder. The results indicated that N fixation was increased with biosolids application in comparison to conventional fertilizer addition. This was potentially the result of a significantly higher growth rate which subsequently increased N demand. High application of historic, high metal biosolids also did not decrease N fixation in comparison to either control soil or soil amended with high rates of biosolids compost. <br /> <br /> In contaminated systems, we have worked with both different types of limestone as well as different rates of carbonaceous materials in order to optimize both neutralization of subsoil acidity and encourage establishment of a native plant community. Highly reactive limestone in combination with biosolids was able to increase the pH of high metal, acidic mine tailings in subsurface horizons in a greenhouse study. In a field study, conducted on the same tailings deposit in Leadville, CO where tailings were collected for the greenhouse study, adding woody debris to biosolids to bring the amendment C:N ratio to 30:1 increased species diversity.<br /> <br /> Objective 3: Predict the long-term bioavailability and toxicity of nutrients, trace elements, and organic constituents in residual-amended agricultural and contaminated soils.<br /> <br /> Researchers in Colorado studied the effects of single (1991) or repeated (2002) co-applications of biosolids (10 Mg ha-1) and drinking water treatment residuals (WTR; 5, 10, and 21 Mg ha-1) on a shortgrass steppe ecosystem. Increasing WTR rates led to a slight increase in the number of annual forbs present, and repeated applications slightly decreased the number of plant taxa present. Increases in plant N and Cu content were attributed to repeated biosolids application, and decreases in plant Mo and P content were attributed to sorption on to the WTR fraction. Soil N and Cu were present mainly in the soil surface, while Mo and P were transported downward most likely due to their adsorption to WTR particulate phases. Biogeochemical P cycling research showed WTR as the major P sink. Phosphorus did not readily desorb from these soils under a pH range of 4 to 6. Between pH 7 and 8 some desorption occurred as soil Ca phases competed for P with WTR.<br /> <br /> The effects of different biosolids rates (0 to 11.2 Mg ha-1 per application) were examined over 12 years on the plant-nutrition status in a dryland wheat-fallow agroecosystem. We showed that the nitrogen first-year-mineralization rates for biosolids applied to dryland wheat-fallow rotations were reduced from 28 to 24% in 6 dry years that followed 6 wetter years. We also could predict surface total trace-element concentrations just based on initial soil levels plus quantities added with biosolids application. Biosolids provided an excellent source of Zn, which is commonly deficient in eastern Colorado soils.<br /> <br /> A new project in Florida funded by EPA to evaluate the Fate of Triclocarban (TCC) in Sludge-Amended Soils is underway with considerable cooperation from researchers at Proctor and Gamble (Cinn. Lab). Triclocarban is anti-microbial (similar to triclosan, TCS), and is a common ingredient in various bar soaps. About 300,000 500,000 kg of the compound is used each year in the US, and limited data suggest that TCC concentrations in some activated sludges can reach ~40 mg/kg. Preliminary surveys of various biosolids from around the country suggest that anaerobically digested biosolids are likely to contain TCC in the 25-40 mg/kg range, but that other biosolids may contain much less. Our study will examine a variety of fates and potential pathways for human, environmental, and soil microbial impacts of TCC. Little is known about TCC chemistry, so only rough estimates of TCC fate in biosolids and biosolids-amended soils are currently possible. Much of the information available on TCC is unverifiable, so early research efforts will focus on basic TCC chemical and physical characterization and fundamental soil sorption and persistence studies.<br />Publications
Colorado:<br /> <br /> Blecker, S.W., Ippolito, J.A., Barrett, J.E., Wall, D.H., Virginia, R.A., and Norvell, K.L.<br /> 2006. Phosphorus fractionation implications in soils of Taylor Valley, Antarctica. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 70:806-815.<br /> <br /> Ghasemi-Fasaei, R., Maftoun, M., Ronaghi, A., Karimian, N., Yasrebi, J., Assad, M.T., and Ippolito, J. 2006. Kinetics of Copper Desorption from Highly Calcareous Soils. Comm. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 37:797-809.<br /> <br /> Ippolito, J.A., and Barbarick, K.A. 2006. Biosolids affect soil Ba in a dryland wheat agroecosystem. J. Environ. Qual. 35: 2333-2341.<br /> <br /> Ippolito, J.A., and Barbarick, K.A. 2006. Phosphorus extraction methods from water treatment residual-amended soil. Comm. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 37:859-870.<br /> <br /> Barbarick, K.A., Ippolito, J.A., and Hansen, N.C. 2006. Biosolids application to no-till dryland crop rotations. Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Report. TR06-7.<br /> <br /> Ippolito, J., Barbarick, K.A., and Gourd, T. 2006. Application of anaerobically digested biosolids to dryland winter wheat. Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Report. TR06-8.<br /> <br /> Ippolito, J., Stromberger, M., Barbarick, K., and Bayley, R. 2006. Water residuals and biosolids: Effect of co-application on soil phosphorus. Awwa Research Foundation, Denver, CO. 49 p.<br /> <br /> Assefa-Mulisa, Y., Borch, T., Ippolito, J.A., Hansen, N.C., and Jones, J. 2006. Fate and transport of phosphorus in manure, biosolids and water treatment residual amended soils under cyclic redox conditions. Paper #307-5. Agronomy Abstracts. American Society of Agronomy. Madison, WI.<br /> <br /> Freeman, C.L., Hansen, N., Ippolito, J., and Shurson, G. 2006. Soluble and Mehlich-III extractable phosphorus from swine manure applied soils. Paper #10-2. Agronomy Abstracts. American Society of Agronomy. Madison, WI.<br /> <br /> <br /> Ippolito, J., Barbarick, K., and Paschke, M.. 2006. Long-term water treatment residuals-biosolids co-application affects rangeland soils and plants. Paper #124-11. Agronomy Abstracts. American Society of Agronomy. Madison, WI.<br /> <br /> Ippolito, J., Barbarick, K., and Norvell, K. 2006. Biosolids impact soil phosphorus recovery, fractionation and potential risk. Paper #307-1. Agronomy Abstracts. American Society of Agronomy. Madison, WI.<br /> <br /> Ippolito, J., Barbarick, K., and Paschke, M.. 2006. Long-term composted biosolids affects rangeland soils and plants. Paper #127-8. Agronomy Abstracts. American Society of Agronomy. Madison, WI.<br /> <br /> Lagae, H., Barbarick, K., Davies, S., and Lybecker, D. 2006. Municipal biosolids Their economic value in dryland winter wheat-fallow cropping rotation. J. Soil Water Cons. 61(3): 191.<br /> <br /> Florida:<br /> <br /> Silveira, M.L., M.K. Miyattah, and G.A. OConnor. 2006. Phosphorus release from a manure-impacted Spodosol: effects of a water treatment residual. J. Environ. Qual. 35:529-541.<br /> <br /> Silveira, M.L., L.R.F. Alleoni, G.A. OConnor, and A.C. Chang. 2006. Heavy metal sequential extraction methods: a modification for tropical soils. Chemosphere 64: 1929-1938.<br /> <br /> Van Alstyne, R., L.R. McDowell, P.A. Davis, N.S. Wilkinson, L.K. Warren, and G.A. OConnor. 2006. Effects of dietary aluminum from an aluminum water treatment residual on bone density and bone mineral content of feeder lambs. The Professional Animal Scientist 22:153-157. <br /> <br /> Makris, K.C. and G.A. OConnor. 2007. Land application of drinking water treatment residuals as contaminant-mitigating agents. In Sarkar, D., Datta, R., and Hannigan, R. (Ed) Current Perspectives in Environmental Geochemistry. Geological Society of America Press, Denver, CO, (In press).<br /> <br /> Agyin-Birikorang, S., G.A. OConnor, L.W. Jacobs, K.C. Makris, and S.R. Brinton. 2007. Long-term P immobilization by a drinking water treatment residual. J. Environ. Qual. 36: (In press).<br /> <br /> Elliott, H.A., and G.A. OConnor. 2007. Phosphorus management for sustainable biosolids recycling in the United States. Soil & Soil Biol. (In press).<br /> <br /> Agyin-Birikorang, Sampson. 2006. Lability of drinking-water treatment residuals (WTR) immobilized phosphorus: implications for long-term stability. PhD dissertation. University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.<br /> <br /> Oladeji, Olawale. 2006. Management of phosphorus sources and water treatment residuals (WTR) for environmental and agronomic benefits. PhD dissertation. University of Florida, Gainesville, FL.<br /> <br /> Penn State:<br /> <br /> Elliott, H.A., R.C. Brandt, P.J.A. Kleinman, A.N. Sharpley, and D.B. Beegle. 2006. Estimating source coefficients for phosphorus site indices. J. Environ. Qual. 35: 2195-2201.<br /> <br /> Kleinman, P.J.A., A.N. Sharpley, A.M. Wolf, D.B. Beegle, H.A. Elliott, J.L. Weld, and R.C. Brandt. 2006. Developing an environmental manure test for the phosphorus index. Comm. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 37:2137-2155.<br /> <br /> Stehouwer, R.C., R.L. Day, and K.E. Macneal. 2006. Nutrient and trace element leaching following mine reclamation with biosolids. J. Environ. Qual. 35:1118-1126.<br /> <br /> Hindman, Jennifer. 2006. Use of spent foundry sand and compost as components of manufactured soils. M.S. Thesis. The Pennsylvania State University. Univ. Park, PA. 117 pp.<br /> <br /> Stehouwer, R.C. 2006. Nutrient leaching from coal refuse amended with reclamation rates of composted or fresh poultry layer manure. 18th World Congresss of Soil Science, Philadelphia, PA. July 9-15, 2006.<br /> <br /> Virginia:<br /> <br /> Evanylo, Gregory, Beshr Sukkariyah, Martha Anderson Eborall, and Lucian Zelazny. 2006. Bioavailability of heavy metals in biosolids-amended soil. Plenary Paper, 9th International Symposium on Soil and Plant Analysis. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 37 (15-20):2157-2170.<br /> <br /> Spargo, J.T., G.K. Evanylo, and M.A. Alley. 2006. Repeated compost application effects on P runoff in the Piedmont. J. Environ. Qual. 35(6): 2342-2351<br /> <br /> Daniels, W.L., Beck, M. and Eick, M. 2006. Guidance for the beneficial use of fly ash on coal mines in Virginia. p. 75-82 In: Z. Agioutantis and K. Komnitsas, Eds., 2nd International Conf. Advances in Mineral Resources Management and Geotechnics, 25-27 Sept., 2006, Hania, Crete, Heliotopos Conferences, LTD, http:heliotopos.conferences.gr<br /> <br /> Orndorff, Z.W. and Daniels, W.L. 2006. Predicting depth to sulfidic sediments in the Coastal Plain of Virginia. p. 1453-1472 In: R.I. Barnhisel (ed.), Proc., 7th International Conference on Acid Rock Drainage (ICARD), March 26-30, 2006, St. Louis MO. Published by the American Society of Mining and Reclamation (ASMR), 3134 Montavesta Road, Lexington, KY 40502.<br /> <br /> Zhang, X., E. Ervin, G. Evanylo, and K. Haering. 2006. Auxin-Boosted Biosolids Impact on Drought Resistance in Kentucky Bluegrass. ASA, CSSA, SSSA Annual International Meetings, Indianapolis, IN. http://crops.confex.com/crops/2006am/techprogram/P25370.HTM<br /> <br /> Bowden, C. L. 2006. Effects of organic amendments on soil humic substances content and physiological properties of Zea mays and Glycine max grown on a droughty Piedmont soil. M.S. Thesis, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. <br /> <br /> Washington:<br /> <br /> Svendson, A., C. Henry, and S. Brown. 2007. Restoration of high zinc and lead tailings with municipal biosolids and lime: greenhouse study. J. Environ. Qual. In press.<br /> <br /> Brown, S., H. Compton and N. Basta. 2007. Field Test of In Situ Soil Amendments at the Tar Creek National Priorities List Superfund Site. J. Environ. Qual. In press. <br /> <br /> Brown, S., P. DeVolder, and C. Henry. 2007. Effect of amendment C:N ratio on plant diversity, cover and metal content for acidic Pb and Zn mine tailings in Leadville, CO. Environ. Pollution. In Press. <br /> <br /> Chaney, R.L., E. Filcheva, C.E. Green and S. L. Brown. 2006. Zn Deficiency Promotes Cd Accumulation by Lettuce from Biosolids Amended Soils with High Cd:Zn Ratio. J. Residuals Sci. Tech V3:2<br /> <br /> Gaulke, L. S., C.L. Henry, and S. L. Brown. 2006. Nitrogen fixation and growth response of Alnus Rubra following fertiliztion with urea or biosolids. Sci. agric. (Piracicaba, Braz.), 63, 4:.361-369. ISSN 0103-9016.<br /> <br /> Gaulke, L. S., C.L. Henry, and S. L. Brown. 2006. Nitrogen fixation and growth response of Alnus rubra amended with low and high metal content biosolids. Sci. agric. (Piracicaba, Braz.), 63, 4:351-360. ISSN 0103-9016.<br /> <br /> <br /> Maryland:<br /> <br /> Abou-Shanab, R.A.I., J.S. Angle and R.L. Chaney. 2006. Bacterial inoculants affecting nickel uptake by Alyssum murale from low, moderate and high Ni soils. Soil Biol. Biochem. 38:2882-2889.<br /> <br /> Chaney, R.L., E. Filcheva, C.E. Green and S.L. Brown. Zn deficiency promotes Cd accumulation by lettuce from biosolids amended soils with high Cd:Zn ratio. J. Residual Sci. Technol. 3:68-75.<br /> <br /> Everhart, J.L., D. van der Lelie, R.L. Chaney and D.L. Sparks. 2006. Assessing nickel bioavailability in smelter-contaminated soils. Sci. Total Environ. 367:732-744.<br /> <br /> Filcheva, E., R.L. Chaney, S.L. Brown and C.E. Green. 2006. Effect of Fe, Mn, and Zn enriched municipal sludge composts on Cd uptake by lettuce from three different Cd-contaminated soils. Bulg. J. Ecol. Sci. 4:27-34.<br /> <br /> Li, Y.-M., R.L. Chaney, R.D. Reeves, J.S. Angle and A.J.M. Baker. 2006. Thlaspi caerulescens sub_species for Cd and Zn recovery. US Patent 7,049,492; pp. 1-8. Granted May 23, 2006. <br /> <br /> Lucena, J.J. and R.L. Chaney. 2006. Synthetic iron chelates as substrates of root ferric chelate reductase in green stressed cucumber plants. J. Plant Nutr. 29:423-439.<br /> <br /> Miller, J.F., C.E. Green, Y.-M. Li and R.L. Chaney. 2006. Registration of three low cadmium (HA 448, HA 449, and RHA 450) confection sunflower genetic stocks. Crop Sci. 46:489-490.<br /> <br /> Siebielec, G. and R.L. Chaney. 2006. Mn fertilizer requirement to prevent Mn deficiency when liming to remediate Ni phytotoxic soils. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 37:163_179.<br /> <br /> Wang, A.S., R.L. Chaney, J.S. Angle and M.S. McIntosh. 2006. Using hyperaccumulator plants to phytoextract soil Cd. pp 103-114. In M. Macková, D.N. Dowling and T. Macek. (eds.) Phytoremediation and Rhizoremediation. Springer Verlag.<br /> <br /> Wang, A.S., J.S. Angle, R.L. Chaney, T.A. Delorme and R.D. Reeves. 2006. Soil pH effects on uptake of Cd and Zn by Thlaspi caerulescens. Plant Soil 281:325-337.<br /> <br /> Wang, A.S., J.S. Angle, R.L. Chaney, T.A. Delorme and M. McIntosh. 2006. Changes in soil biological activities under reduced soil pH during Thlaspi caerulescens phytoextraction. Soil Biol. Biochem. 38:1451-1461.<br /> <br /> Wood, B.W., R.L. Chaney and M. Crawford. 2006. Correcting micronutrient deficiency using metal hyper accumulators: Alyssum biomass as a natural product for nickel deficiency correction. HortScience 41:1231_1234.<br /> <br /> Angle, J.S., L. Zhang and R.L. Chaney. 2006. Degradation of Alyssum biomass in soil. Abstract booklet for International Conference on Serpentine Ecology, Sienna, Italy (May, 2006). Abstract pg. 6. <br /> <br /> Chaney, R.L. 2006. In Situ Remediation and Ecosystem Restoration on Toxic Mine and Smelter Contaminated Soils Using Soil Amendments. pp. In Proc. Workshop Novel Alternatives for Remediation of Metal Polluted Soils (Dec 6-12, 2006. Montecillo, Mexico).<br /> <br /> Chaney, R.L., L.C. Broadhurst, M.S. McIntosh, R.D. Reeves and J.S. Angle. 2006. Phytoextraction of heavy metals with hyperaccumulator plants. International Bioavailability Workshop, Seville, Spain (Sept. 11-14, 2006). pp. 65-66.<br /> <br /> Chaney, R.L., H. Kim and A.P. Davis. 2006. The significance of heavy metals, trace elements and toxic organic compounds in compost products. Proc. Annual Conf. U.S. Composting Council, Albuquerque, NM Jan 22-25, 2006).<br /> <br /> Chaney, R.L. and P.G. Reeves. 2006. The Role of Crop Cd Bioavailability in Potential for Transfer of Soil Cd Risk to Humans and Wildlife. pp. In Proc. Workshop Novel Alternatives for Remediation of Metal Polluted Soils (Dec 6-12, 2006. Montecillo, Mexico).<br /> <br /> Codling, E.E., C.E. Green, A.K. Piri and R.L. Chaney. 2006. Total and extractable lead and arsenic concentration in US long-term orchard soils and potential accumulation by vegetable crops. pp. World Congress of Soil Science 2006: Abstract 14384.<br /> <br /> Craig, A.M., J.M. Duringer, D.J. Smith, M.J.M. DeLorme and R.L. Chaney. 2006. Absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination of [14C]-2,4,6-trinitrotoluene in sheep after a 30-day exposure to Dietary unlabeled 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene. Environmental Restoration Poster Number 124 Page E109. Partners in Environmental Technology Technical Symposium & Workshop, Nov. 28-30, 2006. Washington, D.C. <br /> <br /> McNear, D.H., Jr., R.L. Chaney and D.L. Sparks. 2006. The influence of soil Ni speciation on the phytoremediation potential of soils surrounding an historic Ni refinery in Port Colborne, Ontario, Canada. pp. World Congress of Soil Science 2006: Abstract 17158.<br /> <br /> Tappero, R., R.L. Chaney and D.L. Sparks. 2006. Spectromicroscopic investigation of Co speciation in a ni/co hyperaccumulator plant used for phytoremediation and phytomining. pp. World Congress of Soil Science 2006: Abstract 12480.<br /> <br /> Indiana:<br /> <br /> Schwab, A.P., P. Splichal, and M.K. Banks. 2006. Adsorption of atrazine and alachlor to aquifer material and soil. Water Air Soil Pollution 177:119-134.<br /> <br /> Schwab, A. P., M. K. Banks, and W. Kyle. 2006. Heritability of phytoremediation potential for the alfalfa cultivar riley in petroleum contaminated soil. Water, Air and Soil Pollut. 177:239-249.<br /> <br /> Banks, M. K., Schwab, Cofield, N., A. P., Alleman, J. A., Switzenbaum, M., J. Shalabi, and P. Williams. 2006. Biosolids amended soils: Part I. Effect of biosolids application on soil quality and ecotoxicity. Water Environment Research. 78:2217-2230.<br /> <br /> Schwab, A. P., Lewis, K., and M.K. Banks. 2006. Biosolids amended soils: Part II. Chemical lability as a measure of contaminant bioaccessability in biosolids amended soils. Water Environment Research 78:2231-2243.<br /> <br /> Banks, M.K., A.P. Schwab, and C. Henderson. 2006. Leaching and reduction of chromium in soil as affected by soil organic content and plants. Chemosphere 62:255-264. <br /> <br /> Banks, M. K., and A. P. Schwab. 2006. Ecotoxicity of pentachlorophenol in contaminated soil as affected by soil type. J. Environ. Sci. Health 41:117-128.<br /> Schwab, A.P., Lewis, K., and M.K. Banks. 2006. Lead stabilization by phosphate amendments in soil impacted by paint residue. Journal of Environmental Science and Health. Part A. 41:359-368.<br /> <br /> Schwab, A.P., Hickey, J., Hunter, J. G., and M. K. Banks. 2006. Characteristics of blast furnace slag leachate produced under reduced and oxidized conditions. Journal of Environmental Science and Health. Part A. 41:381-395.<br /> <br /> Schwab, A. P., Splichal, P. A., and M. K. Banks. 2006. Persistence of atrazine and alachlor in groundwater aquifers and soil. Water Air Soil Pollut. 171:203-235.<br /> <br /> Schwab, AP, X. Gao, MK Banks, D Schulze, C. Johnston. Soil Amendments to Reduce Bioavailability of Metals in Soils: Experimental Studies and Spectroscopic Verification. SERDP-ESTCP Technology Conference. Washington DC. November, 2006.<br />Impact Statements
- Research is demonstrating that organic sources of P can be applied to vulnerable FL soils if managed appropriately. In particular, biosolids or manure applications need not be restricted to the very low rates (based on crop P requirements) to protect water quality. The environmental hazard of p can be minimized by careful selection of biosolids or manures with low or moderate P solubility, or by co-applying the organic sources of P with water treatment residuals.
- Our work has demonstrated that the bioavailability of Cd, Cu, Ni, and Zn from high biosolids loadings did not increase 21 years after biosolids application to a fine-textured, Piedmont soil ceased. Plant metal uptake from high application rates of a high-metal containing biosolid was well below critical concentrations, and phytotoxicity due to previously low soil pH was ameliorated by routine liming practices.
- Wetland restoration research results were utilized by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Norfolk District and the Virginia Department of Environmental Quality as their primary technical support for the development of wetland soil reconstruction guidance that was published in a joint agency memo in July of 2004. This is the first formal regulatory guidance with respect to wetland soil reconstruction in the USA to date.
Date of Annual Report: 10/10/2008
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 01/20/2008
- 01/22/2008
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2006 - 09/01/2007
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2006 - 09/01/2007
Ken Barbarick, Colorado State University, Ken.Barbarick@coloState.edu;Nick Basta, Ohio State University, basta.4@osu.edu;Bob Brobst, USEPA, Brobst.bob@epa.gov;Sally Brown, U WA, slb@u.washington.edu; Andrew Chang, UC Riverside, Andrew.chang@UCR.edu;Albert Cox, MWRD-Chicago, coxa@mwrd.org;W. Lee Daniels, VA Tech, wdaniels@vt.edu;Chip Elliott, Penn State, hae1@psu.edu;Greg Evanylo, VA Tech, gevanylo@vt.edu;Thomas Granato, MWRDGC, thomas.granato@mwrdgc.dst.il.us ;Stan Henning, Iowa State University, sjhenning@iastate.edu;Ganga Hettiarachchi, Kansas State University, ganga@ksu.edu;N.V. Hue, University of Hawaii, nvhue@hawaii.edu;Kokoasse Kpomblekdu-A, Tuskegee University, KKA@Tuskegee.edu;Shiou Kuo, Washington State University, Skuo@wsu.edu;George O'Connor, University Florida, GAO@UFL.edu;Al Page, UC Riverside, albert.page@ucr.edu;Tony Palazzo, ERDC-CCREL, apalazzo@crrel.usace.army.mil;;Kirk Scheckel, USEPA, Scheckel.Kirk@epa.gov;Paul Schwab, Purdue University, pschwab@purdue.edu;John Sloan, Texas A&M Univ - Dallas, j-sloan@tamu.edu;Lee Sommers, Colorado State University, Lee.Sommers@colostate.edu;Rick Stehouwer, Penn State University, rcs15@psu.edu;Dan Sullivan, Oregon State, Dan.Sullivan@oregonstate.edu;Ed Topp, Agriculture & Agi-food Canada , toppe@agri.gc.ca;Hailin Zhang, Oklahoma State Univ, hailin.zhang@okstate.eduBrief Summary of Minutes
George O'Connor - mentioned Mike Myers has a request to the group for assistance in reviewing a Technical Practice Update on MicroconstituentsBob Brobst - (1) gave EPA update on the molybdenum standard. EPA still needs data on fate and transport, concentration, human endpoints, ecological endpoints. He requested that individuals should send available references to him and he will ensure that they get into literature review. He will need this by mid February 2008. Unpublished data is OK also. For each reference, we should indicate what important points should be drawn from the articles. Bob will send a letter to explain the request. EPA would run new data in the probalistic model. (2) The effort on PCPs involved only an inventory on what was present in biosolids. Bob thinks that this list will be high priority timeline. One task is to evaluate the various methods to select a recommended EPA method (3) Bob will mail out copies of report within the next two weeks.
Ian Pepper - (1) National survey of pathogen and indicators will be completed summer 2008. Pathogen counts are down since Part 503. (2) Where is EPA going with biosolids in light of hot issues in various states? Evaluate every 3 years, but not involved in issues. Method is available from WERF for download.
Support for Work on Biosolids - it was noted that EPA continued funding for biosolids is not available. Trace organics are becoming important. Mention was made on Halden's presentation on the safety of the land application practice.
Nick Basta - Toledo Study - (1) Ohio water environment association asked OSU for advise on how to approach the addressing the potential long-term impact of this report. Nick mentioned that this article is the most distributed article of that journal. (2) Nick is requesting reviewers to comment on the outcome of the study. Nick thinks that this will lead to more incineration in the state. A thorough review and comment on this paper might need expertise beyond that of the W-1170 group. Andrew mentioned that he thinks that Marilyn Yates should assist with review. We should inform Nick of anyone from our institution that we would like to suggest as reviewer. It was suggested that we should consider bringing this up at some other time.
2009 Meeting Venue - Sally Brown suggested meeting in conjunction with either the NWBMA (September)or NEBRA meetings. George thinks that the National Water of Quality Conference is good. Greg suggest that the venue rotate among member states. 2009 meeting will be held in Las Vegas from January 18-20.
Objective 1: Evaluate the risk-based effects of residual application to uncontaminated (e.g. baseline) soils on chemistry, bioavailability, and toxicity of nutrients and contaminants<br /> <br /> In Virginia, lime stabilized biosolids were employed in a large mine soil reconstruction project (16 plots, 0.5 ha each) in central Virginia designed to evaluate soil reconstruction strategies for prime farmlands disturbed by mineral sands mining. The experiment was constructed in the fall of 2004. Treatments include (1) a fertilized and limed control on mine tailings without topsoil, (2) 15 cm of topsoil returned over limed and P-fertilized tailings, (3) 78 Mg/ha lime stabilized biosolids incorporated into tailings with conventional tillage management, and (4) 78 Mg/ha biosolids incorporated into tailings with minimum tillage management. First-year row crop yields (Zea mays) from 2005 indicated that 78 Mg/ha biosolids combined with deep tillage treatments was superior to topsoil (15 cm) return, but produced significantly lower yields than nearby parallel plots on undisturbed prime farmland soil. However, corn yields on the biosolids treatments exceeded long-term county (Dinwiddie and Sussex Co.) average yields by 20%. In 2007, the experiment was again cropped to corn, but no N was added to the biosolids plots in an effort to estimate long-term residual N supply. Fertilizer N was applied to the control and topsoil plots and they were significantly higher (50%) in corn yield in 2007 than the biosolids treatments. Mine soils equaled or exceeded long-term county average yields for both corn and wheat in 2005 and 2006 through application and incorporation of the biosolids.<br /> <br /> Water treatment plants in Iowa that use calcium oxide or calcium hydroxide produce water-treatment lime sludge that is mostly calcium carbonate combined with very small amounts of grit. Methods used to evaluate the effective calcium carbonate equivalent (ECCE) values needed to determine acid neutralization potential rely on drying before sieve and chemical analyses. Although chemical analysis is very reproducible, sieve analyses are not and often dominated by the greater than 60-mesh fraction. This lowers the ECCE-value and actually results in over-liming acid soils such that soil pHs increase above target values. A method of sample preparation prior to sieve analysis was tested that would be equally applicable to crushed, quarried limestone and water-treatment lime sludge. Shaking 100-gram lime samples from either water treatment or quarry source with 500 mL of water in a one-liter wide-mouth poly bottle resulted in constant but much greater ECCE values for the lime sludge. Values for ECCEs of quarried lime samples remained equal to those obtained by conventional sieve procedures that simply washed 100-gram samples on nested sieves for two minutes.<br /> <br /> Past applications of arsenical pesticides might have resulted in elevated levels of arsenic (As) in surface soils of many former sugarcane lands in Hawaii. This hypothesis was tested by measuring total As in 28 Hawaii soils, representing 5 soil orders: Andisols (mainly on the island of Hawaii, mostly sugarcane), Oxisols and Ultisols (Kauai, Maui, and Oahu Islands, sugarcane), and Inceptisols (Kauai, lowland areas, mostly taro), Mollisols/Vertisols (Oahu, mostly vegetables, pasture). Total As averages 124, 70, 63, 24, 22 mg Kg-1, for the 5 above-mentioned soil orders, respectively. On the other hand, bioaccessible As, as extracted with HCl, pH 1.5 at 37 oC, accounts for only 5 to 20 % total soil As. Next, an Andisol containing approximately 450 mg As kg-1 was used for chemical evaluations: (a) Adding phosphate fertilizer (50 450 mg P kg 1) released more (nearly double) As into the soil solution, (b) Adding colloidal Fe(OH)3 (0.5 3% by weight) decreased bioaccessible As by half. <br /> <br /> Risk assessment in California is used for examining the potential harms of toxic trace elements accumulation in cropland soils through fertilizer application and setting safe levels for toxic elements present in fertilizers. In this regard, the solid-solution partition coefficient, Kd, and plant uptake factor, PUF, are employed to depict the fate and transport of trace elements in the cropland soils. Both are linear transfer coefficients for steady state conditions. The trustworthiness of risk assessments depends on the reliability of the parameters used. In this study, Kd and PUF were examined for As, Cd and Pb based on soils and plant tissues obtained from 70 crop production fields in California. California participated in a nationwide survey of trace elements in cropland soils conducted by the Soil Survey, Natural Resources Conservation Service, USDA. (data provided by R. L. Chaney, USDA ARS). No single consistent Kd and PUF exists for cropland soils. Instead, the Kd and PUF for cropland soils are probabilistic in nature and follow log-normal distributions. <br /> <br /> In Colorado, A soil P fractionation study where biosolids had been added for 20 years to a dryland wheat-fallow agroecosystem showed that the Fe oxide-P fraction dominated the surface soil. The addition of ferric sulfate to the biosolids digester to reduce hydrogen sulfide emissions caused this effect. Subsoil P was primarily in a Ca-P phase because the subsoil was calcareous.<br /> <br /> The long-term (residual) value of biosolids-borne P has been the subject of continued study in Florida. Initial greenhouse studies (4 months of growth) involved Bahia grass grown in columns (15 X 45 cm) of a P-deficient Spodosol amended with a variety of biosolids at multiple rates. The initial studies were continued for an additional 14 months to access long-term bioavailability. Biosolids-P phytoavailability is being compared to fertilizer-P phytoavailability (relative P phytoavailability RPP). The 12th, and final, harvest was recently obtained, and analysis of plant tissue and soil is underway. Preliminary results suggest that long-term relative biosolids-P bioavailability is similar to that accessed in short-term studies, but mass balance has not been confirmed as yet so definitive statements cannot be made. Additional greenhouse studies (pots) with a high and a moderate soluble P biosolids amended at P-based and N-based rates and cropped repeatedly, confirmed expected differences in RPP. The same materials and rates were used in a field study, and field-measured RPP values were consistent with greenhouse values. In general, conventionally produced biosolids have P phytoavailabilities only about 40% of fertilizer-P, and biosolids with high (e 4-5%) total Fe + Al concentrations have even lower (~25%) relative phytoavailabilities. Biosolids produced via biological P removal (BPR) processes, however, have short- and long-term phytoavailabilities that mimic fertilizer-P. <br /> <br /> Research in Washington in the past year has focused on developing a broader understanding of the effect of municipal biosolids application on ecosystem function for both disturbed and natural systems. The effect of both agronomic and high loading rates of biosolids was tested for effects on nitrogen fixation in red alder. Nitrogen fixation increased with biosolids application in comparison to conventional fertilizer addition. This was potentially the result of a significantly higher growth rate which subsequently increased N demand. High application of historic, high metal biosolids also did not decrease N fixation in comparison to either control soil or soil amended with high rates of biosolids compost. In contaminated systems, different types of limestone as well as different rates of carbonaceous materials have been used to optimize both neutralization of subsoil acidity and encourage establishment of a native plant community. Highly reactive limestone in combination with biosolids was able to increase the pH of high metal, acidic mine tailings in subsurface horizons in a greenhouse study. In a field study, conducted on the same tailings deposit in Leadville, CO where tailings were collected for the greenhouse study, adding woody debris to biosolids to bring the amendment C:N ratio to 30:1 increased species diversity.<br /> <br /> In a study in Ohio, Pb was sorbed to a model soil mineral, birnessite, and was placed in a simulated gastrointestinal tract (in vitro) to simulate the possible effects of ingestion of a soil contaminated with Pb. The changes in Pb speciation were determined using extended X-ray absorption fine structure and X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy. Birnessite has a very high affinity for Pb with a sorption maximum of 0.59 mol Pb kg-1 (approximately 12% Pb sorbed by mass) in which there was no detectable bioaccessible Pb (<0.002%). Surface speciation of the birnessite Pb was determined to be a triple corner sharing complex in the birnessite interlayer. Lead sorbed to Mn oxide in contaminated media will have a very low (»0) Pb bioaccessibility and present little risk associated with incidental ingestion of soil. These results suggest that birnessite and other Mn oxides would be powerful remediation tools for Pb-contaminated media because of their high affinity for Pb.<br /> <br /> In Illinois in January 2007, a pilot project was started at the District's John E. Egan water reclamation plant in which the treatment was dosed with 38% ferric chloride (3.3gal/hr/MGD) to attain a target effluent concentration of 0.5 mg P L-1. Centrifuge cake biosolids were collected before (Pre) and following (Post) the start of ferric chloride treatment to evaluate the impact of chemical P removal of the chemistry and phytoavailability of biosolids P. An Immokalee sand was amended the Pre and Post ferric chloride biosolids and triple superphosphate fertilizer P (TSP) at five total P rates. The treated soils were moistened, left to equilibrate and then placed in pots in the greenhouse. Ryegrass (Lolium perene.var. Pleasure) was grown in the pots and the foliage clipped every 30 days and allowed to regrow. The chemical P removal process decreased biosolids total P content from 23.3 g kg-1 to 32 g kg-1, but decreased water-extractable P (WSP) from 11.7 g kg-1 to 8.2 g kg-1. The magnitude of the response slope for Mehlich 3 extractable soil P to total P applied was 0.78,0.48, and 0.29 for the TSP, Pre, and Post P sources, respectively. For WSP magnitude of the response slope was 0.33, 0.04, and 0.02 for the TSP, Pre, and Post P sources, respectively. In the first foliage harvest, plant P uptake response to total P rate, used as an index of P phytoavailability, was in the order TSP»Pre>Post. The data collected from this study so far, indicate that although the chemical P removal process increase total P content of biosolids, it decreased the extractability and phytoavailability of the chemical removal biosolids. <br /> <br /> Objective 2: Evaluate the ability of in situ treatment of contaminated soil with residuals to reduce chemical contaminant bioavailability and reduce toxicity<br /> <br /> Essential amino acids used in human food production and livestock and poultry rations are produced by fermentation processes. They are purified by ion exchange technologies. The exchange media itself is flushed of amino acid and regenerated with anhydrous ammonia and either hydrochloric or sulfuric acid. After regeneration, another flushing is done that yields ammonium chloride or sulfate, respectively. The second flushing is transferred to a storage tank with spent fermentation broth. This by-product material has agronomic value as nitrogen fertilizer for corn and grass hay lands. When using either by-product as the sole nitrogen source for a crop, chloride or sulfate applications far exceed crop needs. A field study in Iowa supplied a constant amount of nitrogen to a corn crop with mixtures of conventional 28 percent nitrogen solution (composed of urea and ammonium nitrate-UAN) with various amounts of a by-product. Soil and plant analyses were conducted as the corn crop grew. Yield data and corn stalk tissue were collected at harvest. An analysis of corn grain yields indicated that increasing the amount of either chloride or sulfate did not affect the amount of grain harvested. Electrical conductivity of soil samples collected at pollination for the various treatments showed significantly greater values than pre-application and post-harvest samplings. A field research project began in the spring of 1998 with the application of water treatment residuals (WTR) to two field sites having high to very high soil test P levels. WTR was applied to two additional high STP sites each year in the springs of 1999 and 2000. Crops and soils were monitored for five years and surface soils sampled at each site from 1998 through 2004, and analyses were completed in 2007. The applied WTR reduced water soluble P and Bray P1 in soil, but neither plant dry matter yields nor P concentrations in plant diagnostic tissue samples were reduced at any of the six sites. Phosphorus concentrations in corn and soybean, sampled from the six sites during this study, were within sufficiency range irrespective of WTR rate applied. Concentrations of other plant nutrients were also not significantly affected by the applied WTR and fell within the normal range of values for corn and soybean plant tissue. <br /> <br /> Beginning in 1977, Michigan researchers repeatedly applied sewage sludges with high concentrations of heavy metals at three rates (plus an untreated control) for 10 years. Concentrations of several heavy metals (Zn, Ni, Pb, Cu, Cr, and Cd) in soils were significantly increased by 1986 with repeated sewage sludge applications. These treatments increased bioavailable Zn on one set of replicated plots to phytotoxic levels for various crops grown between 1986 and 2007. Zinc toxicity reduced the yield of crops grown for over 20 years (between 1986 and 2007). A followup study in Michigan to investigate the use of industrial wastes as amendments to reduce bioavailability of Zn was initiated in 2007. Evaluation of Fe-rich residuals and flue gas desulfurization (FGD) ash was proposed for land application to these metal-impacted plots to stabilize the excessive Zn and reduce the phytoavailability. However, only FGD was able to be land applied for the 2007 growing period. Following the FGD application, soybeans were planted. Yield of soybean in FGD-treated soils was greater than in untreated Zn-impacted plots. The surface soil (0-15 cm), and soybean diagnostic leaf and grain samples were also taken in 2007 for analysis.<br /> <br /> Field experiments in Pennsylvania were continued in three locations comparing natural topsoil with manufactured soils containing spent foundry sand, composted organic materials, and high clay subsoil. In the first two years of growth, ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) was better on manufactured soils than on natural topsoils. Trace elements in ryegrass tissue from manufactured soils were less than or not different from those grown in natural soil. Leaching losses of nutrients from manufactured soils were not greater than from natural topsoils. Leachate trace element concentrations were very low for all elements analyzed, and no significant differences could be measured between manufactured soils and natural soils. No phenolic or PAH compounds were detected in any leachates. 2007 was the second year of a field experiment investigating the potential for use of composted or fresh poultry layer manure for mine reclamation and bioenergy production. Five reclamation treatments were applied to an abandoned coal mine site: conventional (lime plus fertilizer), composted layer manure (67 and 135 Mg/ha) and fresh manure (at an N equivalent to the lower compost application) plus paper mill sludge to adjust C:N ratio to 20:1 and 40:1, and the experiment was planted with switchgrass and annual ryegrass. Abundant ryegrass growth impeded switchgrass establishment in year one, but mowing and re-seeding resulted in some switchgrass establishment in year two. Soil carbon accumulation and nitrate leaching was greatest in paper mill sludge plots. A field study was conducted to evaluate the ability of buffer strips enhanced with drinking water treatment residuals (WTRs) to control runoff P losses from surface-applied biosolids characterized by high water extractable P (4 g/kg). Simulated rainfall (62.4 mm/hr) was applied to grassed plots (3 m ´ 10.7 m including a 2.67 m downslope buffer) surface amended with biosolids at 102 kg P/ha until 30 min of runoff was collected. With buffer strips top-dressed with WTR (20 Mg/ha), runoff total P (TP = 2.5 mg/L) and total DP (TDP = 1.9 mg/L) were not statistically lower (a = 0.05) compared to plots with unamended grass buffers (TP = 2.7 mg/L; TDP = 2.6 mg/L). Although the applied WTR had excess capacity (Langmuir P maxima of 25 g P/kg) to sorb all runoff P, kinetic experiments suggest that sheet flow travel time across the buffers (~30 sec) was insufficient for significant P reduction. <br /> <br /> The effects of different biosolids rates (0 to 11.2 Mg ha-1 per application) over 12 years on the soil extractability of P, Zn, Cu, and Fe with ammonium bicarbonate-DTPA within a dryland wheat-fallow agroecosystem in Colorado. Several regression models were compared. The best prediction occurred with models that include the total elemental amount added plus the number of applications. Graphically, this model represents a planar regression.<br /> <br /> Numerous studies in Florida, including lab, greenhouse, rainfall simulations, and field studies, confirm the effectiveness of an Al-WTR in reducing the off-site loss of P from all P-sources without detrimental effects on pasture grass yields. Tissue P concentrations remained adequate if WTR rates were d 1% by weight (~22 Mg ha-1). There was no Al accumulation in plant tissue in WTR-amended soils, either in greenhouse or field studies. Cooperative work with Animal Science colleagues confirmed a lack of Al toxicity (induced P deficiency) in sheep (feeding study, 15% by weight of diet = WTR) and in cattle grazing fields amended with up to ~75 Mg WTR ha-1 over two years. A field study on a Florida Spodosol documented that the Al-WTR reduced P leaching (shallow groundwater wells) without increasing water soluble Al concentrations and without causing Al phytotoxicities. The Al-WTR-immobilized P is essentially irreversibly bound, barring environmental conditions (pH < 4) that can destroy (dissolve) the WTR. The collective data clearly demonstrate that P risk assessment (P-Index determinations) should account for differences in P-source lability. With P-sources, or rates, expected to result in large off-site P losses, Al-WTR should be co-applied. There is minimal risk of the applied Al to plants grown, animals grazing the amended pastures, or water quality. Even N-based application rates of waste-P sources can be safely land-applied if sufficient WTR is applied. Applying P-sources and/or WTRs to attain a soil P storage capacity (oxalate extractable P/oxalate Fe + Al) of zero ensures adequate P for agronomic purposes and minimizes environmental risk.<br /> <br /> Laboratory bioassays and soil chemical analyses were performed on Ohio soils that received a one-time application of biosolids in 1992. Field plots at Ohio State University's Waterman farm in Columbus, OH, were established by Dr. Terry Logan. The experimental design featured 10 rates of biosolids ranging 0 to 300 Mg/ha and 4 replications of each application rate. Results showed that trace element bioavailability to Lolium perenne (i.e., perennial ryegrass) and Eisenia andrei (i.e., earthworms) was low in the biosolids-treated soils. Biosolids increased soil Cd, Cr, Cu, Mo, Pb, and Zn content. Soil metal levels at the high biosolids application rate (300 Mg/ha) were well below the U.S. EPA Part 503 limits but were at or slightly above the Canadian regulatory limits. Biosolids application affects soil properties important in metal bioavailability to ecological receptors (i.e., soil pH, organic carbon content, reactive Fe oxide). Biosolids increased plant nutrients in soil including N, P, Fe, Cu, and Zn. Sustained increase of plant nutrients after 14 years shows this is a long-term benefit associated with land application of biosolids. Cd levels in earthworms (Lumbricus rubellus, L. terrestris) collected from the field plots were similar to those found in worms (Eisenia andrei) exposed to soils amended with biosolids (300 Mg/ha) at 56 days.<br /> <br /> A large proportion of biosolids produced at the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago is utilized to fertilize farmland in Cook and other nearby counties and as a soil amendment in the Chicago area. In 2004, the District obtained the cooperation of two farmers to start a research and demonstration project on a silty clay loam soil in Will County and a sandy soil in Kankakee County to showcase the environmental safety and economic benefits of fertilizing com with biosolids. Plots were established at both sites to compare the effects of centrifuge cake Class B biosolids (0 to 2 times the typical agronomic rates) and conventional nitrogen (N) fertilizer (0 to 1.5 times the typical agronomic rates) on soil, water, and corn yield. Lysimeters were installed in some of the plots to monitor the potential for vertical movement of biosolids-borne constituents in soil. The soil samples were collected before application of the treatments and at the end of the growing season from both sites and were analyzed for nutrients and trace metals. In general, a greater proportion of the total residual inorganic N was found in the soil profile in biosolids treatments as compared to fertilizer treatments with the exception of 370 lbs N ac-l treatment in the silty clay loam soil. More than 50 percent of the total inorganic N was present in the surface soil layer (0 to 15 cm) indicating that N movement in the silty clay loam soil profile was minimal. On the contrary, in the sandy soil about 50 to 70 percent of the total residual inorganic N in the higher fertilizer (1 to 1.5 times the agronomic rate) and biosolids treatments (1.5 to 2 times agronomic rate) was found in the 60 to 120 cm layer. Except for Cu and Zn, the concentrations of trace metals in soil did not increase due to application of biosolids.<br /> <br /> Objective 3: Predict the long-term bioavailability and toxicity of nutrients, trace elements, and organic constituents in residual-amended agricultural and contaminated soils.<br /> <br /> Phytoavailability of P, B, and trace elements from alkaline-stabilized East Lansing (Michigan) biosolids cake N-Viro soil (ELNVS) and swine manure NureSoil (SNS) was investigated in this four year field study. The ELNVS and SNS were surface applied once (in fall 2001) at three rates each to a sandy loam soil. A treatment that received no amendment was included as control. The plot was split into two equal subplots and cropped with field corn (Zea mays L.) and soybeans (Glycine max L.) in the 2002, 2003 and 2004 growing seasons. Diagnostic leaf, grain, whole plant, and soil samples were taken each year. Analysis of plant and soil samples was completed in 2007. The SNS was shown to be a P-source, while the ELNVS was a P-sink, showing reduced P phytoavailability at the high rate. Medium and high rates of the ELNVS also raised soil B to phytotoxic levels, but the excessive soil B leached out within two years to values below 5 mg kg-1 hot water B, which is considered to be a critical phytotoxic level. Neither the ELNVS nor the SNS treatments showed any negative impact on the phytoavailability of soil micronutrients studied, and these amendments had minimal impact on trace and heavy metal accumulation in these two crops.<br /> <br /> A new fermentation process producing certain organic acids yields a highly acidic biomass-rich by-product that must be neutralized to a pH of 2 with caustic soda to enable general Iowa Department of Transportation approved liquid transport to a compost facility. This by-product contains spent fermentation residues that include proprietary microorganisms. Composting provides a cost effective means to destroy the microorganisms. This resulting compost contains significant amounts of sodium. Early attempts that used the compost in landscaping projects resulted in complete failure of grass seed germination on sports fields. This study was initiated to determine what application rates could be used and if adequate rainfall or irrigation would eventually correct the salinity problem created by the use of this compost. In a bench study, compost was applied at rates up to ten percent of the weight of the soil used. Chemical measurements were directly related to application rates and reduced with sequential leaching from saturated pastes. Biological conversion of organic nitrogen to ammonium nitrogen was nearly proportional to all application rates. Nitrate nitrogen content likewise increased with compost application rate two percent application rate. Beyond this rate, nitrate nitrogen release in the soil was nearly nil.<br /> <br /> Studies in southern California have shown that physical and chemical properties of soils may be significantly changed when they are subjected to long-term reclaimed water irrigation. However, it remains unclear how reclaimed water may affect the soil enzyme activities involved in the cycling of nutrients in soils. In this study, 17 soil enzymes including those associated with the C, N, P, and S cycles and two oxidoreductases (catalase and dehydrogenase) were assayed in soils obtained from five long-term reclaimed water irrigation sites in southern California. The soil enzyme activities varied widely with the sampling sites. Compared to their respective controls, the overall activities of enzymes involved in the cycling of the four elements in soil were enhanced by an average of 2.2- to 3.1-fold. Activities of catalase and dehydrogenase were enhanced by 1.8- and 7.2-fold, respectively. After long-term reclaimed water irrigation, soil enzyme activities were improved due to the biodegradable organic matter and nutrients added with reclaimed water. Principal component analysis and cluster analysis indicated that the soil microbial functional diversity may be evaluated based on activities of catalase, alkaline phosphatase, acid phosphatase, dehydrogenase and urease.<br /> <br /> A cooperative project between University of Florida, EPA, Proctor & Gamble, and UF (Fate of Triclocarban (TCC) in Biosolids-Amended Soils) continues. The effort was recently expanded to include another antimicrobial, triclosan (TCS), through funding provided by MWRDGC. Results of the analysis of ~20 biosolids indicate a representative mean TCC concentration of 20-25 mg kg-1 and about half that much for TCS. Mineralization of TCC in biosolids-amended soils was minimal (<4%) after 6 months of aerobic incubation. Although persistent, TCC appears to exist in a bound residue form in biosolids and biosolids-amended soils, and is expected to have minimal lability.<br />Publications
California<br /> <br /> Chang, Andrew C., Thomas Harter, John Letey, Deanne Meyer, Roland D. Meyer, Marsha Campbell Mathews, Frank Mitloehner, Stu Pettygrove, and Ruihong Zhang (University of California, Division of Agricultural and Natural Resources, Committee of Experts on Dairy Manure Management) 2007. Groundwater Quality Protection: Managing Dairy Manure in the Central Valley of California. University of California, Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources Publication 9004 (ISBN-13: 978-1-60107-447-8). 178pp. <br /> <br /> Chen W., N. Krage, A. C. Chang, L. Wu, A. L Page. 2007. Effect of Fertilizer Application on Trace Element Contents in Soils of Vegetable Production Region in California. Air, Water and Soil Pollution. (accepted)<br /> <br /> Chen W.P, L.Q. Li, A.C. Chang, L.S. Wu, S.I. Kwon and R. Bottoms. Modeling the uptake kinetics of cadmium by field-grown lettuce. Environmental Pollution. (Accepted: available online; 30 ms. pages).<br /> <br /> Chen W.P, L.Q. Li, A.C. Chang, L.S. Wu, S.I. Kwon and R. Bottoms. Cadmium uptake by lettuce in fields treated with Cd-spiked phosphorus fertilizers. Comm. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. <br /> <br /> Chen, W. P., A.C. Chang and L. S. Wu. 2007. Assessing long-term environmental risks of trace elements in phosphate fertilizers. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 67: 4858. <br /> <br /> Chen, W. P., A.C. Chang, L. S. Wu, L. Li, S. Kwon, and A. L. Page. 2007. Probability distribution of cadmium partitioning coefficients of cropland soils. Soil Science. 172 (2): 132-140. <br /> <br /> Chen, W., A. C. Chang, L. Wu, and Y.Zhang. 2007. Metal Uptake by Corn Grown on Media Treated with Particle-Size Fractionated Biosolids. Science of the Total Environment. (accepted)<br /> <br /> Chen, W., L. Wu, W. T. Frankenberger, Jr., and A. C Chang. 2007.Effect of Long-term Reclaimed Wastewater Irrigation on Soil Enzyme Activities. J. Environ. Qual. (accepted)<br /> <br /> Chen, W., N. Krage, L. Wu, G. Pan, M. Khosrivafard, A. C Chang, A. L Page. 2007. Arsenic, Cadmium, and Lead Concentrations of California Cropland Soils: Role of Fertilizers. J. Environ. Qual. (accepted)<br /> <br /> Chen, W., S. Haruta, L. Wu, J. Gan, J Simunek, A. C. Chang. 2007. Leaching Risk of N-Nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) in Soil Receiving Reclaimed Wasterwater. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. (accepted)<br /> <br /> Escudey, M., J. E. Forster, J. P. Becerro, M. Quinteros, J. Torres, N. Arancibia, G. Galindo and A. C. Chang. 2007. Disposal of domestic sludge and sludge ash on volcanic soils. J. Hazardous Material B139:550 555.<br /> <br /> Molina, R.M., R.O. Fuentes, R.A. Calderón, M. Escudey, K.C. Avendaño, M.C. Gutiérrez, and A.C. Chang. Impact of forest fire ash on surface charge characteristics of andisols. Soil Science 172 (10):<br /> <br /> Seveira, M. L., A. C. Chang, L. R. F. Alleoni, G. A. OConnor, and R. Berton. 2007. Matel-associated ormsand speciations in biosolids amended oxisols. Comm. Soil Sci Plant Anal. 38:851-869.<br /> <br /> World Health Organization. 2007. WHO guidelines for the safe use of wastewater, excreta and greywater. v. 1. Policy and regulatory aspects, v. 2. Wastewater use in agriculture, v. 3. Wastewater and excreta use in aquaculture v. 4. Excreta and greywater use in agriculture. World Health Organization (ISBN 92-4-154686-7). 702pp. (http://www.who.int/water_sanitation_health/wastewater/gsuww/en/index.html)<br /> <br /> Zhang, Yiqiang, W. T. Frankenberger, Jianhang Lu, Laosheng Wu, and A. C. Chang. 2007. Simultaneous Removal of Chlorothalonil and Nitrate by Bacillus cereus Strain NS1. Science of the Total Environment 382: 383 387 (R)<br /> <br /> Zhang, Yiqiang, Zahir A. Zahir, Christopher Amrhein, Andrew Chang, and W. T. Frankenberger. 2007. Application of redox mediator to accelerate selenate reduction of elemental selenium by Enterobactor taylorae. Agri. Food Chem 55:5714 5717 (R)<br /> <br /> Colorado<br /> <br /> Barbarick, K.A., and Ippolito, J.A. 2007. Nutrient assessment of a dryland agroecosystem after 12 years of biosolids application. Agron. J. 99:715-722.<br /> <br /> Barbarick, K.A., Ippolito, J.A., and Hansen, N.C. 2007. Biosolids application to no-till dryland crop rotations. Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Report. TR07-10.<br /> <br /> Ippolito, J., Barbarick, K.A., and Gourd, T. 2007. Application of anaerobically digested biosolids to dryland winter wheat. Colorado Agricultural Experiment Station Technical Report. TR07-12.<br /> <br /> Ippolito, J.A., Barbarick, K.A., and Norvell, K.L. 2007. Biosolids impact soil phosphorus accountability, fractionation, and potential environmental risk. J. Environ. Qual. 36:764-772.<br /> <br /> Florida<br /> <br /> Agyin-Birikorang, S., and G.A. OConnor. 2007. Lability of drinking-water treatment residuals (WTR) immobilized phosphorus: aging and pH effects. J. Environ. Qual. 36:1076-1085.<br /> <br /> Agyin-Birikorang, S., G.A. OConnor, and J.C. Bonzongo. 2007. Modeling solid phase control of drinking-water treatment residual (WTR) immobilized phosphorus solubility in soils. Commun. Soil Sci. Plt. Anal. (In press).<br /> <br /> Agyin-Birikorang, S., G.A. OConnor, L.W. Jacobs, K.C. Makris, and S.R. Brinton. 2007. Long-term P immobilization by a drinking water treatment residual. J. Environ. Qual. 36:316-323.<br /> <br /> Agyin-Birikorang, S., G.A. OConnor, O.O. Oladeji, T.A. Obreza, and J.C. Capeece. 2007. Drinking-water treatment (WTR) effects on the phosphorus status of field soils amended with biosolids, manure, and fertilizer. Commun. Soil Sci. Plt. Anal. (In press).<br /> <br /> Alleoni, R.F.L., S.R. Brinton, and G.A. OConnor. 2008. Runoff and leachate losses of phosphorus in a sandy Spodosol amended with biosolids. J. Environ. Qual. 37: (In press).<br /> <br /> Chinault, S.L., and G.A. OConnor. 2008. Phosphorus release from a biosolids-amended sandy Spodosol. J. Environ. Qual. 37:(In press).<br /> <br /> Elliott, H.A., and G.A. OConnor. 2007. Phosphorus management for sustainable biosolids recycling in the United States. Soil & Soil Biol. 39:1318-1327.<br /> <br /> Makris, K.C. and G.A. OConnor. 2007. Land application of drinking water treatment residuals as contaminant-mitigating agents. Pp609-636. In Sarkar, D., Datta, R., and Hannigan, R. (ed) Current Perspectives in Environmental Geochemistry. Elsevier, Amsterdam <br /> <br /> Oladeji, O.O., G.A. OConnor, and S.R. Brinton. 2007. Surface applied water treatment residuals affect bioavailable phosphorus losses in Florida sands. J. Environ. Mgt. 2007 Sep 12. Available online at http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j/envman.2007.08.001.<br /> <br /> Oladeji, O.O., G.A. OConnor, J.B. Sartain, and V.D. Nair. 2007 Controlled application rate of water treatment residual for agronomic and environmental benefits. J. Environ. Qual. 36:1715-1724.<br /> <br /> Oladeji, O.O., J.B. Sartain, and G.A. OConnor. 2007. Evaluation of soil test methods for Florida sand treated with different phosphorus sources and WTR. Commun. Soil Sci. Plt. Anal. (In press).<br /> <br /> Van Alstyne, R., L.R. McDowell, P.A. Davis, N.S. Wilkinson, and G.A. OConnor. 2007. Effects of an aluminum-water treatment residual on performance and mineral status of feeder lambs. Small Ruminant Res. 73:77-86.<br /> <br /> Illinois<br /> <br /> Granato, T.C. A. Khalique, and A. Cox. 2007. Assessment of radioactivity in Metropolitan Reclamation District of Greater Chicago biosolids and its transfer to soil and crops from term land application. WaterPractice: 1:1-12.<br /> <br /> Indiana<br /> <br /> Cofield N., Schwab A.P., Banks M.K. 2007. Phytoremediation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soil: Part I.Dissipation of target contaminants. International Journal of Phytoremediation.9:355-370.<br /> <br /> Cofield N., Schwab A.P., Williams P., Banks M.K. 2007. Phytoremediation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soil: Part II. Impact on ecotoxicity. International Journal of Phytoremediation. 9:371-384.<br /> <br /> Cofield, N., Banks, M.K., A.P. Schwab. 2007. Evaluation of hydrophobicity in PAH-contaminated soils during phytoremediation. Environmental Pollution. 145:60-67. <br /> <br /> Kang, D.H., Hong, L.Y., Schwab, A.P., and Banks, M.K. 2007. Removal of Prussian blue from soil in the rhizosphere of cyanogenic plants. Chemosphere 69:1492-1498.<br /> <br /> Lee, L.S., N. Carmosini, S.A. Sassman, H.M. Dion, and M.S. Sepulveda. 2007. Agricultural contributions of antimicrobials and hormones on soil and water quality. Adv. Agronomy 93:1-68.<br /> <br /> Liu J, Lee LS, L.F. Nies, C.H. Nakatsu, and R.F. Turco. 2007. Biotransformation of 8:2 fluorotelomer alcohol in soil and by soil bacteria isolates. Environ. Sci. Tech. 41:8024-8030.<br /> <br /> Liu, J.X., and L.S. Lee. 2007. Effect of fluorotelomer alcohol chain length on aqueous solubility and sorption by soils. Environ. Sci Techol. 41:5357-5362.<br /> <br /> Sassman, S.A., A.K. Sarmah, and L.S. Lee. 2007. Sorption of tylosin A, D and A-aldol and degradation of tylosin A in soils. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 26:1629-1635.<br /> <br /> Sassman, S.A., and L.S. Lee. 2007. Sorption and degradation in soils of veterinary ionophore antibiotics: monensin and lasalocid. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 26:1614-1621.<br /> <br /> Schwab, A.P., D. Zhu, and M.K. Banks. 2007. Heavy metal transport from mine tailings as affected by organic amendments. Bioresource Technology. 98:2935-2941.<br /> <br /> Smith, K.W., A.P. Schwab, and M.K. Banks. 2007. Phytoremediation of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)-contaminated sediment: a greenhouse feasibility study. J. Environ. Qual. 36:239-244.<br /> <br /> Von Kiparski, G.R., L.S. Lee, and A.R. Gillespie. Occurrence and fate of the phytotoxin juglone in alley soils under black walnut trees. J. Environ. Qual. 36:709-717.<br /> <br /> Michigan<br /> <br /> Jacobs, L.W. and O.O. Oladeji. 2007. Long term impact of aluminum water treatment residuals applied to P impacted soils on plants phosphorus and trace elements. In: 2007 Annual meeting abstracts [CD-ROM]. ASA, CSSA, SSSA, New Orleans, LA.<br /> <br /> Oladeji, O.O. and L.W. Jacobs. 2007. Phosphorus phytoavailability as affected by application of N-viro soil and NureSoil products to cropland. In: 2007 Annual meeting abstracts [CD-ROM]. ASA, CSSA, SSSA, New Orleans, LA.<br /> <br /> Ohio<br /> <br /> Basta, NT, J.N. Foster, E.A. Dayton, R.R. Rodriguez, and S.W. Casteel. 2007. The effect of dosing vehicle on arsenic bioaccessibility in smelter-contaminated soils. Invited manuscript for the special JEHS publication "Bioaccessibility and human bioavailability of soil contaminants." J. Environ. Health Sci. Part A. 42:1275-1281.<br /> <br /> Beak, Douglas G., Basta, Nicholas T., Scheckel, Kirk G., and Traina, Samuel J. 2008. Linking solid phase speciation of Pb sequestered to birnessite to Pb bioaccessibility and oral bioavailability. Environ. Sci. Technol. In press.<br /> <br /> Brown, S.L., H. Compton, and NT Basta. 2007. Field test of in situ soil amendments at the Tar Creek National Priorities List Superfund site. J. Environ. Qual. 36:1627-1634.<br /> <br /> Hurdzan, C.M. Basta, NT, Hatcher, P.G. and a.H. Tuovinen. 2008. Phenanthrene release from natural organic matter surrogates under simulated human gastrointestinal conditions. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. In press.<br /> <br /> Hurdzan, C.M., NT Basta, P.G. Hatcher, and a.H. Tuovinen. 2007. Revised BECT 344 screening of human enteric microorganisms for potential biotransformation of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. bulletin of environmental contamination and toxicology. 79:533-536.<br /> <br /> Meyers, S.K, S.P. Deng, NT. Basta, W.W. Clarkson ,and G.G. Wilber. 2007. Long-term explosive contamination in soil: Effects on soil microbial community and bioremediation. Soil and Sediment Contamination 16(1):61-77.<br /> <br /> Schroder, J.L., H. Zhang, D. Zhou, N. Basta, W.R. Raun, M.E. Payton, and A. Zazulak. 2008. The effect of long-term annual application of biosolids on soil properties, P, and metals. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. In press.<br /> <br /> Oregon<br /> <br /> Andrews, N. and J. Foster. 2007. Organic Fertilizer Calculator: A New Planning Tool for Comparing the Cost, Value and Nitrogen Availability of Organic Materials. Oregon State University Extension Publication EM 8936-E. Oregon State University. Corvallis, OR. http://smallfarms.oregonstate.edu/organic-fertilizer-calculator. <br /> <br /> Buamscha, M. G., J.E. Altland, D.M. Sullivan, D.A. Horneck, and J. Cassidy. 2007. Chemical and Physical Properties of Douglas Fir Bark Relevant to the Production of Container Plants. HortScience 42:12811286.<br /> <br /> Buamscha, M.G., J.E. Altland, D.M. Sullivan, and D.A. Horneck. 2007. Micronutrient availability in fresh and aged Douglas fir bark. HortScience 42:1-5.<br /> <br /> Cogger, C.G. and D.M. Sullivan. 2007. Worksheet for calculating biosolids application rates in agriculture. Pacific Northwest Extension Publ. 511-E. Washington State University Cooperative Extension, Pullman, WA.<br /> <br /> Downing, T., D. Sullivan, J. Hart and M. Gamroth. 2007. Manure application rates for forage production. EM8585-E. Oregon State Univ. Extension. Corvallis, OR. <br /> <br /> Hopkins, B.G., D.A. Horneck, R.G. Stevens, J.W. Ellsworth, and D.M. Sullivan. 2007. Managing Irrigation Water Quality for Crop Production in the Pacific Northwest. PNW 597-E. Oregon State Univ. Extension. Corvallis, OR. <br /> <br /> Horneck, D.A., J.W. Ellsworth, B.G. Hopkins, D.M. Sullivan, and R.G. Stevens. 2007. Managing Salt-Affected Soils for Crop Production. PNW 601-E. Oregon State Univ. Extension Service. Corvallis, OR.<br /> <br /> Kleinman, P. D. Sullivan, A. Wolf, R. Brandt, Z. Dou, H. Elliott, J. Kovar, A. Leytem, R. Maguire, P. Moore, A. Sharpley, A. Shober, T. Sims, J. Toth, G. Toor, H. Zhang, T. Zhang. 2007. Selection of a water extractable phosphorus test for manures and biosolids as an indicator of runoff loss potential. J. Envir. Qual. 36:1357-1367.<br /> <br /> McQueen, J.P.G. 2007. Estimating the dry matter production, nitrogen requirements and yield of organic farm-grown potatoes. M.S. thesis, Oregon State University, Corvallis.<br /> <br /> Moberg, D., R. Johnson, and D. Sullivan. 2007. Cool Season Mineralization of Recalcitrant organic nitrogen in undisturbed cores of manured soils. p. 147-152. In: J. Hart (ed) Western Nutrient Management Conference Proceedings Vol. 7. Mar 8-9 2007. Salt Lake City, UT. Potash and Phosphate Institute, Brookings, SD.<br /> <br /> Sullivan, D.M. 2007. Choosing organic amendments for blueberry beds. p. 73-81. In: B. Strik (ed). Blueberry Growers' Course Proceedings. 19-20 Mar. 2007. Oregon State University Extension Service. Corvallis, OR. <br /> <br /> Sullivan, D.M., C.G. Cogger, and A.I. Bary. 2007. Fertilizing with biosolids. Pacific Northwest Extension Publ. 508-E. Oregon State University Extension, Corvallis, OR.<br /> <br /> Sullivan, D.M.. J.P.G. McQueen, and D.A. Horneck. 2008. Estimating Nitrogen Mineralization in Organic Potato Production. EM8949-E. Oregon State University Extension, Corvallis, OR.<br /> <br /> Pennsylvania<br /> <br /> Elliott, H.A. and G.A. OConnor. 2007. Phosphorus management for sustainable biosolids recycling in the United States. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 39:1318-1327.<br /> <br /> Kleinman, P.A., D. Sullivan, A. Wolf, R.C. Brandt, Z. Dou, H.A. Elliott, J. Kovar, A. Leytem, R. Maguire, P. Moore, L. Saporito, A. Sharpley, A. Shober, T. Sims, J. Toth, G. Toor, H. <br /> Zhang, and T. Zhang. 2007. Selection of a water extractable phosphorus test for manures and biosolids as an indicator of runoff loss potential. J. Environ. Qual. 36:1357-1367.<br /> <br /> Shober, A.L., R.C. Stehouwer, and K.E. Macneal. 2007. Trace element fractionation and crop uptake correlation in soils receiving biosolids. Comm. Soil Sci. and Plant Anal. 38(7&8):1029-1048.<br /> <br /> Wagner, D.J. 2007. Best management practices for reducing runoff phosphorus losses from land applied biosolids. MS Thesis. The Pennsylvania State University, University Park, PA 59 p.<br /> <br /> Virginia<br /> <br /> Bailey, D.E., Perry J.E. and Daniels, W.L. 2007. Vegetation dynamics in response to organic matter loading rates in a created freshwater wetland in southeastern Virginia. Wetlands 27(4): 936-950.<br /> <br /> Bowden, C., J. Spargo, and G.K. Evanylo. 2007. Mineralization and N fertilizer equivalent value of organic amendments as assessed by tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea). Compost Science and Utilization 15(2):111-118.<br /> <br /> Burger, J.A., Mitchem, D. and Daniels, W.L. 2007. Red oak seedling response to different topsoil substitutes after five years. p. 132-142 In: R.I. Barnhisel (ed.), Proc., 2007 Nat. Meeting Amer. Soc. Mining and Reclamation, Gillette WY, June 2-7, 2007. Published by ASMR, 3134 Montavesta Rd., Lexington, KY, 40502, 980 p.<br /> <br /> Daniels, W.L., Orndorff, Z.W., Alley, M.M, Zelazny, L.W. and Teutsch, C.D. 2007. Sustainability Indicators for Mineral Sands Mining in Virginia, USA. p. 301-308. In: Z. Agioutantis Ed., Proc. 3rd Int. Conf. Sustainable Dev. Indic. In the Minerals Industry, 17-20 June, 2007, Milos Island Greece. Heliotopos Conf. Publishers. Santorini, Greece. <br /> <br /> Daniels, W.L., Whittecar, G.R. and Carter, C.H. 2007. Conversion of Potomac River dredge sediments to productive agricultural soils. p. 183-199 In: R.I. Barnhisel (ed.), Proc., 2007 Nat. Meeting Amer. Soc. Mining and Reclamation, Gillette WY, June 2-7, 2007. Published by ASMR, 3134 Montavesta Rd., Lexington, KY, 40502, 980 p.<br /> <br /> Stuczynski, T., G. Siebielec, W.L. Daniels, G. McCarty and R.L. Chaney. 2007. Biological aspects of metal waste reclamation with biosolids. J. Env. Qual. 36:1154-1162.<br /> <br /> Sukkariyah, B.F., G.K. Evanylo, and L.W. Zelazny. 2007. Distribution of copper, zinc, and phosphorus in coastal plain soils receiving repeated liquid biosolids applications. J. Environ. Qual. 36:1618-1626.<br /> <br /> Zhang, Xunzhong, Erik Ervin, Gregory Evanylo, and Kathryn Haering. 2007. Drought assessment of auxin-boosted biosolids. Proceedings of the WEF/AWWA Joint Residuals and Biosolids management Conference. pp. 150-165. Denver, CO. April 15.<br /> <br /> Washington<br /> <br /> JA Svendson, A., C. Henry, and S. Brown. 2007. Restoration of high zinc and lead tailings with municipal biosolids and lime: greenhouse study. J. Environ. Qual. In press.<br /> <br /> JA Brown, S., H. Compton and N. Basta. 2007. Field Test of In Situ Soil Amendments at the Tar Creek National Priorities List Superfund Site. J. Environ. Qual. In press. <br /> <br /> JA Brown, S., P. DeVolder, and C. Henry. 2007. Effect of amendment C:N ratio on plant diversity, cover and metal content for acidic Pb and Zn mine tailings in Leadville, CO. Environ. Pollution. In Press. <br /> <br /> JA Chaney, R.L., E. Filcheva, C.E. Green and S. L. Brown. 2006. Zn Deficiency Promotes Cd Accumulation by Lettuce from Biosolids Amended Soils with High Cd:Zn Ratio. J. Residuals Sci. Tech V3:2<br /> <br /> JA Gaulke, L. S., C.L. Henry, and S. L. Brown. 2006. Nitrogen fixation and growth response of Alnus Rubra following fertiliztion with urea or biosolids. Sci. agric. (Piracicaba, Braz.), 63, 4:.361-369. ISSN 0103-9016.<br /> <br /> JA Gaulke, L. S., C.L. Henry, and S. L. Brown. 2006. Nitrogen fixation and growth response of Alnus rubra amended with low and high metal content biosolids. Sci. agric. (Piracicaba, Braz.), 63, 4:351-360. ISSN 0103-9016.<br />Impact Statements
- Phosphorus impacts on water quality are of national concern and are of special concern in FL where soils and hydrology allow easy P mobility through soils to ground and surface waters. Our work demonstrated that organic sources of P can be applied to vulnerable FL soils if managed appropriately. In particular, biosolids or manure applications need not be restricted to the very low rates (based on crop P requirements) to protect water quality.
- Remediation of contaminated soils is costly but use of soil amendments will be <1% of the cost for using current remediation methods. Risk from ingestion of contaminated soil must be reduced for the technology to be adopted. Our results show that Mn oxide soil amendments can sorb Pb strongly and reduce bioavailability and risk associated with ingestion of Mn oxide-treated-Pb-contaminated soil.
- Synthetic soils made from spent foundry sand and compost functioned as well as natural topsoil for turf grass growth and showed no evidence of adverse environmental impact from trace metals or nutrients.
- A new tool for estimating available nitrogen in organic farming, the Organic Fertilizer Calculator, was released for public use by OSU Extension. The Calculator is based on research conducted in Oregon and Washington and compares the cost, nutrient value and nitrogen availability of organic fertilizers. The Calculator assists organic farmers in choosing a fertilizer source and rate that supplies sufficient N, saving dollars and protecting groundwater quality.
- Colloid- (especially organic matter) facilitated transport has been hypothesized as a key mechanism for the leaching of heavy metals in biosolids to groundwater. Work in Virginia with entrenched dewatered biosolids is showing that heavy metals applied in high masses have been largely immobilized in the biosolids during the first year after application and are not leaching to any extent through coarse-textured media toward groundwater.
Date of Annual Report: 05/03/2009
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 01/18/2009
- 01/20/2009
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2007 - 09/01/2008
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2007 - 09/01/2008
Ken Barbarick, Colorado State University, Ken.Barbarick@coloState.edu;Nick Basta, Ohio State University, basta.4@osu.edu;Bob Brobst, USEPA, Brobst.bob@epa.gov;Sally Brown, U WA, slb@u.washington.edu;Andrew Chang, UC Riverside, Andrew.chang@UCR.edu;Albert Cox, MWRD-Chicago, coxa@mwrd.org;Chip Elliott, Penn State, hae1@psu.edu;Greg Evanylo, VA Tech, gevanylo@vt.edu; Ganga Hettiarachchi, Kansas State University, ganga@ksu.edu;Lakhinde Hundal, Lakhwindar.Hundal@mwrdgc.dst.il.us;Kokoasse Kpomblekdu-A, Tuskegee University, KKA@Tuskegee.edu; Al Page, UC Riverside, albert.page@ucr.edu;Dave Parker, UC Riverside, david.parker@ucr.edu; Paul Schwab, Purdue University, pschwab@purdue.edu; Lee Sommers, Colorado State University, Lee.Sommers@colostate.edu;Dan Sullivan, Oregon State, Dan.Sullivan@oregonstate.edu; Duane Wolf, University of Arkansas, dwolf@uark.edu; Lee Jacobs, Michigan State University, jacobsl@msu.eduBrief Summary of Minutes
1. Update on status of new project, recruiting new members - Greg Evanylo-Greg Evanylo gave an update on the list of individuals who have signed up in NIMSS to participate in the new (i.e., 2009-2014) project. He encouraged attendees to sign up soon.
-Four external reviewers accepted to review the project proposal. Their comments will be submitted in February. Lee Sommers mentioned that an Experiment Station Committee will review proposal and the external reviews and comments will be available March 20, 2009. Lee commented also that the project has adequate participation and will be on track to begin in October 2009.
Recruiting - need individuals that bring relevant expertise to the project.
-Sally Brown mentioned that because the project scope is quite diverse, it might compete with the interest of other projects.
-The question was raised as to whether there is potential overlap of the scope of this project to that of other technical committees, such as NE 1082. Lee Sommers suggested based on comments he has seen on other projects, it seems unlikely that this will not be an issue.
-Nick Basta suggested that potential participants should be interested in working with by-products and not only on the constituents of interests.
-Dave Parker asked whether there are incentives for participation in the project, and what is the maximum amount of funding that can be expected. Lee Sommers mentioned that each experiment station has its individual guidelines or formula for supporting their respect project participants. Dave Parker urged participants to request their department heads to provide funding for traveling to the W-1170 meeting at minimum.
-Dr. Evanylo requested that attendees prepare a list of points that they intend to cover under each project objective. This will be used to determine the level of expertise available in the group and what additional expertise might be needed. Dr. Evanylo will then send out an email requesting leads for individuals to provide the required expertise.
2. Annual and final reports, impact statements - Paul Schwab
-Paul Schwab clarified that the state reports should not be extensive and should be submitted to him by the end of February. The final report is due to the Director within 90 days after the annual meeting.
-The impact statement of the final report that will be submitted is limited to two pages. A draft electronic copy will be sent to participants via listserv to make contribution. This is due to Paul Schwab in February.
-Dr. Evanylo mentioned that some members usually submit multiple versions of reports, some of which are too detailed and/or somewhat redundant. He suggested that we conform to the short format similar to George OConnors that is circulated every year. Lee Jacobs emphasized that the longer versions of the report containing more data has been useful over the years, as they help us to better understanding the individual projects and provide feedback. The group agreed that for next project cycle the short report format will be used, with the impact statement for each project included.
-The PowerPoint presentations will be put in pdfs and placed on the W-1170 website.
3. Directors message -- Lee Sommers
-Lee Sommers presented an overview of the new Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI), which covers the former NRI and IFAFS programs.
4. USEPA update: National sewage sludge survey and results, EPA data needs -- Bob Brobst
Bob Brobst suggested that there are three EPA projects on which the W-1170 could provide to assistance:
- A book chapter
- Fact sheets on nutrients in biosolids
- Review of risk assessment for additional pollutants
Al Page suggested that on the W-1170 group should focus on reviewing the inorganics
The group agreed to review the risk assessment document. It will be distributed via the listserv.
5. Virginia Biosolids expert Panel report - Greg Evanylo
-Greg gave a summary of the findings of the Virginia General Assembly Expert Report the safety of land application
6. Collaborative research projects - proposal by Tom Granato, MWRDGC
-Lakhwinder Hundal and Albert Cox gave an overview of Chicagos idea a collaborative project on the fate of micro-constituents in biosolids. The idea is for current and potential members of the group collaborate to develop a proposal and Chicago will lead the effort to look for support from other municipalities.
-Bob Brobst suggested that the group consider targeting compounds based on the results of the TNSS Survey.
-Kokoasse Kpomblekou suggested that Chicago setup research plots and provide samples to project participants
-Sally suggested that we design the project to use the existing land application fields or research plots and Chicagos Fulton County project site Plots and have different group members do separate parts of project
-Lee Sommers indicated that there are many opportunities for collaborative research under the AFRI programs and the group might be able to develop a micro-constituents project under one of the programs.
7. Website (manager, public and/or password protected: populating with material from meetings and for general consumption)
-Sally Brown mentioned that a website was not developed as recommended a few years ago.
-Paul Schwab offered to take the lead on developing and maintaining a website through Purdue. The website can be password protected, but could also contain some public outreach info.
-Dave Parker noted that maintaining a website could potentially mushroom into an overwhelming responsibility. Paul Schwab mentioned that he understands this but he can get sufficient assistance at Purdue to maintain the website. He mentioned also that W-1170 members should be prepared to contribute information to the website.
8. Listserv distribution list
Dr. Brown has maintained the listserv distribution list. The list of subscribers will be updated.
9. Dates and locations for future meetings
New meeting venues were proposed to make the meeting more convenient for participants to attend. It was noted that scheduling the meeting with other conferences tended to deemphasize the meeting. Greg Evanylo suggested that the meeting be scheduled to provide opportunities to visit relevant field projects. Future meetings will be schedule for late May. The future hosts are:
2010 - Chicago
2011 - Penn State
2012 - Seattle (tentative)
2013 - Denver (tentative)
Objective 1: Evaluate the risk-based effects of residual application to uncontaminated (e.g. baseline) soils on chemistry, bioavailability, and toxicity of nutrients and contaminants <br /> <br /> In Illinois, a large proportion of the Chicago area biosolids are utilized to fertilize farmland in Cook and other nearby counties and as a soil amendment in the Chicago area. In 2004, the District obtained the cooperation of two farmers to start a research and demonstration project on a silty clay loam textured soil in Will County and a sandy textured soil in Kankakee County to showcase the environmental safety and economic benefits of fertilizing corn with biosolids. Plots were established at both sites to compare the effects of centrifuge cake Class B biosolids (approximately 25% solids content) and conventional nitrogen (N) fertilizer on soil, water, and corn yield. The biosolids were applied at rates ranging from 0 to 2 times the typical agronomic rate (40 wet tons ac-1) and the fertilizer was applied at rates ranging from 0 to 1.5 times the typical agronomic rate. Lysimeters were installed in some of the plots to monitor the potential for leaching of biosolids-borne constituents. Soil samples were collected before application of the treatments and at the end of the growing season and analyzed for nutrients and trace metals. <br /> <br /> In general, a greater proportion of the total residual inorganic N was found in the soil profile in biosolids treatments as compared to fertilizer treatments, except in the 2 times agronomic rate fertilizer N treatment in the silty clay loam soil. More than 50 percent of the total inorganic N was present in the surface soil layer (0 to 15 cm) indicating that N movement in the silty clay loam soil profile was minimal. In the sandy soil about 50 to 70 percent of the total residual inorganic N in the higher fertilizer N (1 to 1.5 times the agronomic rate) and biosolids treatments (1.5 to 2 times the agronomic rate) was found in the 60 to 120 cm layer. <br /> <br /> In the silty clay loam soil, the mean NO3-N concentrations in subsurface water samples ranged from 21 to 72 mg L-1, and the highest value was observed in the agronomic bio-solids rate treatment followed by agronomic fertilizer N rate treatment. The mean inor-ganic N concentrations in the subsurface water samples from the 2 times agronomic rate biosolids treatment were considerably lower than those observed in the water samples from the agronomic rate biosolids treatment. Mean total P concentration in subsurface water was not affected by the treatments. In the sandy soil, the mean NO3-N concentra-tions in subsurface water samples ranged from 6.7 to 20.4 mg L-1 and the highest value was observed in the agronomic rate biosolids treatment, followed by the agronomic rate fertilizer N treatment. The mean trace metals concentrations observed in the subsurface water samples at both sites were very low and were either below or close to the analytical detection limits<br /> <br /> To study the effects of Colorado water-treatment residuals (WTR) and biosolids co-application on phophatase enzymes, three WTR rates (5, 10, and 21 Mg ha-1) and a single biosolids rate (10 Mg ha-1) were co-applied to semi-arid rangeland soils once in 1991 and then reapplied in 2002. Results for the top 5-cm of soil indicates phosphodiesterase and pyrophosphatase activity decreased while phosphatase and phytase activity increased in co-applied plots.<br /> <br /> Past applications of arsenical pesticides to many former sugarcane lands in Hawaii might have resulted in elevated levels of arsenic (As) in surface soils. A study to remove some soil As with brake ferns (Pteris vittata) was conducted in the greenhouse on an Andisol having 300 mg/kg total As. There were 4 treatments: control, 0.5% Fe(OH)3, 1.0% chicken manure-based compost, and 250 mg P/kg as treble super phosphate, each was replicated 3 times. Our results showed that the ferns took up considerable amounts of As: Their frond tissues contained approximately 30 mg As/kg at transplanting and over 500 mg As/kg 4 months later. <br /> <br /> In the state of Washington, concern over the persistence, fate and phytoavailability of microconstituents in biosolids amended soils is emerging as a potential barrier to land application. These microconstituents include a wide range of common household products such as antimicrobial compounds, flame retardants, and surfactants. Nonylphenol (NP) is a detergent metabolite with endocrine disrupting potential that is present in municipal biosolids in high concentrations (900 mg kg-1 in this study). We assessed the fate of NP in soils amended with biosolids at 17 Mg ha-1. Half of the columns were planted with Triticum aestivum L., red hardy winter wheat seeds, whereas the remaining columns were unplanted to access plant effects on NP fate. The degradation of total NP and eight NP isomers was monitored over 45 d. The half-life of NP in this soil system ranged from 16 to 23 d depending on treatment. After 45 d, 15% of the initial biosolids-NP remained in the planted columns, whereas ~30% remained in the unplanted columns, indicating enhanced degradation in the presence of plants. The 8 NP isomers exhibited different degradation rates, but minimal amounts of all isomers persisted after 45 d. Movement of NP below the zone of incorporation was slight (<2% of total NP present at any sampling interval) and no NP was detected in column leachates or in wheat above-ground tissue.<br /> <br /> Again in Illinois, samples of the biosolids, biosolids-amended soil and corn tissues from a field study were analyzed to determine concentrations and plant uptake of PBDEs. The mean concentration of total PBDEs in Stickney water reclamation plant (WRP) biosolids was 6,526 µg kg-1 (dry weight basis) and most (71%) consisted of the BDE-209 congener. The congeners BDE-206, 207 and 208 contributed approximately 5.8%, 1.9% and 0.87%, respectively. The mean PentaBDE concentration (sum of BDE-49 to 154) was 1,361 µg kg-1. In the silty clay loam soil, the concentrations of PBDEs increased linearly (r2= 0.87) with biosolids rate, reaching a maximum total PBDEs concentration of 565 µg kg-1 (dry weight). As observed in the biosolids, the major congener detected in biosolids-amended soil was BDE-209, constituting 67% to 100% of the total PBDEs. The maximum total PentaBDE (sum of constituent congeners) detected was 93.5 µg kg-1. Low (12.3 and 43.4 µg kg-1) levels of total PBDEs were also detected in the Control plots. The congeners observed consisted of >90% BDE-209.<br /> <br /> In the sandy soil, PBDEs tended to increase with biosolids rate, but were not highly correlated, probably due to field heterogeneity. The highest mean concentration of total PBDEs, 277 µg/kg, was observed at the 20 wet ton biosolids acre-1 rate. Overall, the major congener detected in the soils was BDE-209, constituting 67% to 100% of the total PBDEs detected. The maximum total PentaBDE-associated congeners detected in soil was 36.7 µg kg-1. No PBDEs were detected in the Control sandy soil plots that did not receive any biosolids. There were no detectable levels of PBDEs in the corn stover, roots and grain tissues. The data from this study show that BDE-209 is the primary (67% to 100%) PBDE congener in biosolids and it is not readily taken up in corn tissues.<br /> <br /> Spent molding sand is generated at about 2000 foundries in the U.S. when the sand can no longer be reclaimed within the foundry. Interest in beneficial use, rather than disposal of spent foundry sand (SFS), grew in recent years as the cost of landfilling increased and the potential benefit of using SFS in agriculture and horticulture became increasingly apparent. Thus, USDA-ARS, Ohio State University and the U.S. EPAs Office of Solid Waste cooperated to conduct a risk assessment for beneficial use of SFS, and to develop guidance for such use. The sample sets included 43 foundries which cast iron, steel, aluminum, or non-leaded brass, and generated SFSs which contained low levels of potentially toxic elements and xenobiotics except for the brass SFS. Data from these 43 SFSs were evaluated and it was concluded that 40 of them could be used beneficially with no significant risk to humans or the environment. Only one element was above the Soil Screening Guideline, As at 0.426 mg As kg-1 dry soil. However, the arsenic and trace element composition of SFS were within the 95th percentile of U.S. soils. Because there are no known adverse effects of the 95th percentile of trace elements in soils, the risk assessment determined that iron, steel, and aluminum SFSs may be safely applied to land or used in manufacturing topsoils or potting media with only the limits set by the need of the users, as a small fraction of sand is used in their products.<br /> <br /> Biosolids fertilization of dryland pasture was evaluated in Hermiston, Oregon. We worked with the City of Portland Bureau of Environmental Services to assess soil and plant tissue monitoring data collected from biosolids land application sites near Hermiston, Oregon. Forage monitoring showed a dramatic grass yield and quality benefit to biosolids application, even for dryland pasture with annual precipitation of 6 to 8 inches. The major factors probably responsible for increased productivity are probably increased nitrogen availability and increased soil water storage. With biosolids, the median annual grass yield was approximately 3000 lb/acre, with grass N uptake of 100 lb/acre. Without biosolids, the grass was not able to take advantage of years with above average precipitation. Without biosolids, median annual grass yield was approximately 670 lb/acre with grass N uptake of 7 lb N per acre. Soil fertility monitoring showed that biosolids increased plant available nutrients in soil as demonstrated by agronomic soil testing. Nutrient soil test values increased from 1.5 to 20 times when compared to nearby sites that have not been fertilized with biosolids or other fertilizers. Soil samples collected repeatedly from "index sites" and soil samples collected from across the whole farm (approx. 4000 acres) showed similar increases in soil nutrient availability over time. Long-term biosolids application resulted in doubling of surface soil organic matter from approximately 1% to 2% (0 to 6 inch depth). Organic matter content in biosolids-fertilized soil increased during the first years of biosolids application, and has now reached a new "equilibrium value" in balance with a regime of annual biosolids applications. This data suggests that carbon sequestration (fixation of carbon within soil organic matter) is more likely to occur on new biosolids application sites than on long-established application sites. Accumulation of excessive levels of soil nitrate-N does not appear to be an issue at these dryland pasture sites. Approximately a one-year supply of plantavailable N was present in the soil profile throughout the 2001 to 2007 monitoring period. <br /> <br /> W-1170 members in Virginia continued to collect soil water and air samples from the biosolids trenching study initiated in 2006 at the Iluka heavy mineral mine reclamation site in Dinwiddie and Sussex Counties, Virginia to determine whether we can use hybrid poplars (Populus deltoides L. OP367) to assimilate high amounts of deep row incorporated biosolids-applied nutrients with environmentally insignificant N and P leaching during the reclamation of coarse-textured soils. Hybrid poplar stem cuttings that were planted over each trench in March 2007 grew rapidly and had attained heights of 3 to 4.5 m the end of the 2008 growing season. The poplars did not prevent leaching of biosolids nitrogen during 2008, when the initially high concentrations of ammonium N resulted in nitrate N concentrations in the lysimeter leachate of 300 to 600 mg L-1 by mid summer upon nitrification. Ortho-P concentrations, which had risen as high as 0.15 mg L-1 in the lysimeters during 2007 did not reach 0.05 mg L-1 in the leachate during 2008. There were no differences in ortho-P leached among any of the treatments, but more total P was leached from the highest rates of both the anaerobically digested and the lime-stabilized biosolids than the unfertilized control. The amounts of nitrous oxide emissions decreased in the order anaerobically digested biosolids > lime stabilized biosolids > fertilizer > unfertilized control. Redox potentials in the biosolids were negative, which supported denitrification as the mechanism for N2O loss.<br /> <br /> Virginia researchers continued to monitor the prime farmland soil reconstruction experiment established in 2004 at the Iluka Mineral Sands mining site. The four primary treatments (lime and N-P-K fertilizer only; 15 cm topsoil return over limed and P-fertilized tailings; 75 Mg ha-1 lime stabilized biosolids with conventional tillage; 75 Mg ha-1 lime stabilized biosolids with minimum/no-tillage) were cropped with winter wheat followed by soybeans in 2008. Winter wheat yields in June of 2008 were approximately 150% of the 5-year county average, and yields on the two biosolids treatments were equal to the off-site prime farmland control. Our findings and results were disseminated to local landowners, farmers, politicians and regulators at two on-site field days in October and to the international scientific community in at the June annual meeting of the American Society of Mining and Reclamation in Richmond, Virginia.<br /> <br /> Previous shorter-term (d1 growing season) studies in Florida successfully distinguished P phytoavailability differences among biosolids, but the longer-term (> 1 growing season) phytoavailability of biosolids-P is incompletely characterized. A 16-month greenhouse study was conducted to characterize the longer-term phytoavailability of biosolids-P and to identify a useful a priori measure of biosolids-P phytoavailability. Seven biosolids and triple super phosphate (TSP) were used as sources, and applied to an Immokalee fine sand A horizon at three application rates: 56 kg P ha-1 (P-based rate), 112 kg P ha-1, and 224 kg P ha-1 (N-based rate). Bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum Flugge) was grown continuously in soil columns, and bahiagrass tissue was harvested every 4-8 weeks to characterize P uptake. The longer-term relative P phytoavailability (RPP) of less soluble-P biosolids was ~50-80% that of TSP, but BPR and BPR-like biosolids-P was as phytoavailable as TSP-P. Phosphorus uptake was well correlated with the labile P load (biosolids P saturation index x total-P load), suggesting that biosolids P saturation index (PSI) is a useful a priori indicator of biosolids-P phytoavailability. Biosolids application rates should increase to account for the reduced relative P phytoavailability of less soluble-P biosolids, but no application rate adjustment is warranted for BPR and BPR-like biosolids. The environmental lability of biosolids-P also varied among sources, and was well correlated to the environmentally effective P load, equal to total P load times the percent of total biosolids-P that is water extractable. <br /> <br /> Objective 2: Evaluate the ability of in situ treatment of contaminated soil with residuals to reduce chemical contaminant bioavailability and reduce toxicity. <br /> <br /> In January 2007, an Illinois pilot project was started at the Districts John E. Egan Water Reclamation Plant (WRP) in which the secondary effluent was dosed with a 38% ferric chloride solution (3.3 gal/hr/MGD) to attain a target effluent concentration of 0.5 mg P L-1. Centrifuge cake biosolids were collected before (Pre) and following (Post) the start of the ferric chloride treatment to evaluate the impact of chemical P removal on the chemistry, phytoavailability and environmental significance of biosolids P. Treatments of 22.4 Mg ha-1 of pre- and post-biosolids were blended with soil and packed in metal trays. Three simulated rainfall events at intervals of days 1, 3, and 7 were applied to the trays at an intensity of 100 mm hr-1, and 30 minutes of runoff was collected. The runoff was analyzed for molybdate-reactive P (MRP), total soluble P, and total P. At the first rainfall event, the concentrations of all three forms of P in runoff were lower for the Post-biosolids than for the Pre-biosolids. At the second and third rainfall events, the trends were similar, but the differences between two biosolids sources were not statistically significant. The data indicate that although the chemical P removal process increases total P content of biosolids, the land application of the chemical P removal biosolids might decrease the potential for P losses and environmental impact compared to conventional biosolids. <br /> <br /> The bioavailability of Pb and Zn is linked to the solubility of solid phases and other soil chemical characteristics, which is associated with their environmental risk, suggesting that in situ stabilization of these elements can be accomplished by influencing their chemistry. A lab study was conducted to evaluate the effects of five different P amendments and time on Pb/Zn speciation in a contaminated soil using synchrotron-based techniques, while a field investigation studied the effects of composted beef manure on plant biomass production and the influence on microbial function, size, and community shifts. In the lab study, the Pb-phosphate mineral plumbogummite was found as an intermediate phase of pyromorphite formation, which has not been documented until now. Additionally, all fluid and granular P sources were able to induce Pb-phosphate formation, but fluid phosphoric acid (PA) was the most effective with time and distance from the treatment. However, acidity from PA increased the presence of soluble Zn species, which can have negative environmental consequences. <br /> <br /> Granular phosphate rock (PR) and triple super phosphate (TSP) reacted to generate both Pb- and Zn-phosphates, with TSP being more effective at greater distances than PR. In the field study, compost additions of 269 Mg ha-1 significantly decreased bioavailable Zn, while increasing estimated available water, plant nutrients, and plant biomass as compared to a contaminated control and low addition of compost (45 Mg ha-1) over three years. Additionally, compost additions of 269 Mg ha-1 significantly increased microbial enzyme activities, nitrification, and microbial biomass over the contaminated control through the duration of the study. Increases in microbial activity and biomass are related to increases in total C, available water, and extractable P, while negative relationships were found with electrical conductivity and with bioavailable Zn. The addition of lime or lime plus bentonite with compost did not further reduce metal availability, increase plant biomass, or improve the size or function of microbial communities. High compost additions caused a slight shift microbial community structure according to phospholipids fatty acid analysis. Increases in the mole percents of both Gram-positive (Gm +ve) and Gram negative (Gm ve) bacteria were found depending on site. Microbial biomass of Gm +ve, Gm ve, and fungi were also increased by high compost additions. Results indicate that large additions of compost are needed to increase microbial biomass, improve microbial activity, and re-establish a healthy vegetative community. This study proposes that organic matter and P amendments can be used to stabilize and reduce the bioavailability of heavy metals in soils and mine waste materials, but must be managed carefully and intelligently. <br /> <br /> Research in Ohio suggests that lead (Pb) sorption onto oxide surfaces in soils may strongly influence the risk posed from incidental ingestion of lead-contaminated soils. In this study, Pb was sorbed to a model soil mineral, birnessite, and was placed in a simulated gastrointestinal tract (in vitro) to simulate the possible effects of ingestion of a soil contaminated with Pb. The changes in Pb speciation were determined using extended X-ray absorption fine structure and X-ray absorption near edge spectroscopy. Birnessite has a very high affinity for Pb with a sorption maximum of 0.59 mol Pb kg-1 (approximately 12% Pb sorbed by mass) in which there was no detectable bioaccessible Pb (<0.002%). Surface speciation of the birnessite Pb was determined to be a triple corner sharing complex in the birnessite interlayer. Lead sorbed to Mn oxide in contaminated media will have a very low (H0) Pb bioaccessibility and present little risk associated with incidental ingestion of soil. These results suggest that birnessite and other Mn oxides would be powerful remediation tools for Pb-contaminated media because of their high affinity for Pb.<br /> <br /> Numerous studies in Florida, including lab, greenhouse, rainfall simulations, and field studies, confirm the effectiveness of an Al-WTR in reducing the off-site loss of P from various P-sources. Determining the appropriate application rate of WTR is complicated due to variation in chemical properties influenced by the source of water, treatment chemicals and processing used by drinking-water treatment plants. Soils, and P-sources co-applied with WTR, can also vary in physical and chemical properties. Thus, the compositional variability of soils, P-sources (if co-applied with WTR), and WTRs need to be considered when determining WTR application rate. A quantitative approach using WTRs to reduce P flux from P-amended soils should be based on ensuring sufficient reactive Al + Fe in the WTR to immobilize labile P in the soil. <br /> <br /> Nair and Harris (2004) developed a technique [soil phosphorus storage capacity (SPSC)] to predict the amount of P a soil can sorb before exceeding a threshold soil equilibrium concentration. The SPSC values are calculated from oxalate-extractable P, Fe, and Al concentrations of a soil as:<br /> <br /> SPSC(mg P/ kg) = (0.15 PSR)* (Alox + Feox)*31<br /> <br /> where PSR = Phosphorus sorption ratio = Pox/(Alox+Feox) <br /> <br /> Pox, Alox, and Feox are 0.2 M oxalate-extractable P, Al, and Fe concentrations of the soil respectively (expressed in mmoles).The SPSC values can indicate the risk arising from P loading as well as the inherent P sorption capacity of the soil. The SPSC values range from negative values (for highly P-impacted soils with no remaining P retention capacity) to positive values (for less P-impacted soils, excess P retention capacity). Oladeji et al. (2007) identified zero SPSC as an agronomic threshold above which yields and P concentrations of plants may decline and below which there is little or no yield response to increased plant P concentrations. The consensus among researchers is that soils can be managed to maintain soil test P for optimal economic crop yields while minimizing the risk of offsite P loss. Applying P sources at any rate, along with sufficient WTR to give a SPSC value of 0 mg/kg, enhances environmental benefits (reduced P loss potential) without negative agronomic impact. There was no excessive Al accumulation in plant tissue in WTR-amended soils, either in greenhouse or field studies. <br /> <br /> The typical biodegradation of recalcitrant organic compounds in soil begins with an extended acclimation period before degradation is initiated, a time of active degradation, and a final residual contaminant level. Environmental and management influences such as amending the soil with biosolids could enhance bioremediation and reduce the human health risk from exposure to PAHs. In Arkansas, the influence of biosolids addition on the biodegradation rate of pyrene was determined in two soils. preliminary data indicated that the Milorganite® amended soil appeared to exhibit a much greater acclimation time than the control treatment (Fig. 1). The pH of the Milorganite® amended soil was >1 unit lower than the pH of the control treatment. Also, NO3 N levels in the Milorganite® amended soils were greater than the control soil. The longer acclimation time for the pyrene degradation in the Milorganite® amended Roxana soil could be related to the lower pH and possible selection for a different degrader community than in the control treatment, or it could be related to reduced biosurfactant production. Additional organic C provided by the Milorganite® could also result in increased competition from heterotrophic microbes that reduced pyrene degrader numbers or activity.<br /> <br /> Objective 3: Predict the long-term bioavailability and toxicity of nutrients, trace elements, and organic constituents in residual-amended agricultural and contaminated soils. <br /> <br /> Researchers in Colorado studied the effects of different biosolids rates (0 to 11.2 Mg ha-1 per application) over 12 years on grain concentrations and the soil extractability of Ba, Cd, Cu, Mn, Mo, Ni, P, and Zn with ammonium bicarbonate-DTPA within a dryland wheat-fallow agroecosystem. We compared several regression models and found that the best prediction of grain concentration occurred with paraboloid models that include the ammonium bicarbonate-DTPA concentrations plus the number of applications. Graphically, this model represents a 3-dimensional quadratic equation.<br /> <br /> In Kansas, the Tri-State mining district is heavily impacted by years of Pb- and Zn-mining activities. The primary ecological concerns in large areas within the Tri-State mining region are the impacts of the movement soluble metals and metal-laden sediment moving from landscape to surface water by surface runoff on terrestrial organisms and effects on aquatic ecosystems. One of the preferred remedial alternatives that the USPEA has proposed for this area is the excavation and disposal of material in selected flooded subsidence pits followed by some engineering and agronomic controls to manage and protect the subsequently covered pits from the water infiltration. While studies have documented soil submergence can be accompanied by formation of insoluble sulfides and decreased metal bioavailability, this process(s) has not yet been adequately explored as a remedial strategy for various mine waste materials rich in Cd, Zn and Pb in the Tri-State mining area. This information would be critical for determining the long-term fate of these potentially toxic elements. Preliminary laboratory experiments were carried out to examine potential changes in Cd, Zn and Pb chemistry in multi-metal rich mine waste materials from Galena, KS following different wet and dry conditions. This was followed by wet chemical measurements and metal speciation measurements using spatially resolved synchrotron based micro-scale x-ray techniques. Submerged mine waste materials showed that after one month of incubation in an anaerobic chamber these materials were only moderately reduced. This could be an indication that organic C in these materials could be very critical in determining the rate of sample reduction. Further x-ray absorption data showed slight but apparent increase in Fe(II) concentration in comparison to the original air-dried material and to samples that had been submerged and were then allowed to dry. Experiments are underway to study the effect of C addition on redox transformations in mine waste materials.<br /> <br /> In Florida, developing an understanding of the role of different residuals management practices on greenhouse gas emissions is becoming an important tool in residuals management decision-making. A review was conducted by Washington researchers to assess the GHG balance of composting operations. This included an evaluation of the CH4 generation potential of compost feedstocks, energy emissions during the composting process, and fugitive GHG emissions from composting. This review has been used as a basis for a new protocol for methane avoidance credits for landfill diversion of food scraps, yard waste and biosolids that is currently in the pilot stage at the Chicago Climate Exchange.<br /> <br /> A cooperative project between EPA, Proctor & Gamble, MWRDGC, and UF [Fate and Transport of Biosolids-borne Triclocarban (TCC) and Triclosan (TSC)] is underway. Analysis of numerous biosolids (nationwide) have been tabulated and suggest a representative mean TCC concentration of ~20 mg kg-1 and about half that much for TCS. [The recently completed Targeted National Sewage Sludge Survey suggests mean values of TCC and TCS of ~40 and 16 mg kg-1, respectively.] <br /> <br /> Mineralization of TCC in biosolids-amended soils was minimal (<4%) after 7.5 months of aerobic incubation, with no evidence of metabolite formation. Although persistent (t1/2 ~ 7 to 20 y), TCC appears to exist in a bound residue form (combustible fraction) in biosolids and biosolids-amended soils, and is expected to have minimal lability. Column leaching studies (5.5. months) confirmed minimal (<0.2% of applied) TCC in leachates. Studies are underway to assess biosolids-borne TCC effects on earthworms, including bioaccumulation, and on general microbial community function.<br /> <br /> Mineralization of TCS in biosolids-amended soils was also small (<0.5% of TCS applied) over 4 months, but Me-TCS (a metabolite of TCS) appears within a few weeks, and much of the total 14C-TCS added converts to the combustible fraction with time. Thus, TCS and/or its major degradation product may also have limited lability. The TCS work has just begun and studies similar to those done with TCC are planned to assess environmental and human health risks.<br />Publications
Arkansas<br /> <br /> Thompson, O.A., D.C. Wolf, J.D. Mattice, and G.J. Thoma. 2008. Influence nitrogen addition and plant root parameters on phytoremediation of pyrene-contaminated soil. Water, Air, and Soil Pollut. 189:37-47.<br /> <br /> Markway, H.N., D.C. Wolf, K.J. Davis, and E.E. Gbur. 2008. Using biosolids to enhance phytoremedation of oil-contaminated soil. Discovery 9:50-56.<br /> <br /> Colorado<br /> <br /> Barbarick, K.A., and J.A. Ippolito. 2008. Predicting soil-extractable zinc, phosphorus, iron, and copper in a biosolids-amended dryland-wheat agroecosystem. Soil Sci.173:175-185.<br /> <br /> Bayley, R., Ippolito, J.A, M.E. Stromberger, K.A. Barbarick, and M.W. Paschke. 2008. Water treatment residuals and biosolids co-applications affect semi-arid rangeland phosphorus cycling. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 72:711-719.<br /> <br /> Bayley, R.M., J.A. Ippolito, M.E. Stromberger, K.A. Barbarick, and M.W. Paschke. 2008. Water treatment residuals and biosolids co-applications affect phosphatases in a semi-arid rangeland soil. Comm. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 39:2812-2826.<br /> <br /> Ippolito, J.A., and K.A. Barbarick. 2008. Fate of biosolids trace metals in a dryland wheat agroecosystem. J. Environ. Qual. 37:2135-2144.<br /> <br /> Mauch, K.J., J.A. Delgado, W.C. Bausch, K. Barbarick, and G. MacMaster. 2008. New weighing method to measure shoot water interception. Journal of Irrigation and Drainage Engineering (ASCE) 134:349-355.<br /> <br /> Pearson, C.H., S.M. Ernst, K.A. Barbarick, J.L. Hatfield, G.A. Peterson, and D.R. Buxton. 2008. Agronomy Journal turns 100. Agron. J. 100:1-8.<br /> <br /> California<br /> <br /> Hamon, R.E., D.R. Parker, and E. Lombi. 2008. Advances in isotopic dilution techniques in trace element research: A review of methodologies, benefis, and limitations. Advances in Agronomy. 99:289-343.<br /> <br /> Hamon, R.E., D.R. Parker, and E. Lombi. 2008. Uptake of perchlorate in higher plants. Advances in Agronomy. 99:101-123.<br /> <br /> Parker, D.R., A.L. Seyfferth, and B.K. Reese. 2008. Perchlorate in groundwater: A synoptic survey of pristine sites in the coterminous United States. Environ. Sci. Technol. 42:1465-1471.<br /> <br /> Seuffertj. A.L., M.K. Henderson, and D.R. Parker. 2008.Effects of common soil anions and pH on the uptake and accumulation of perchlorate in lettuce. Plant and Soil 302:139-148.<br /> <br /> Seyfferth, A.L., N.C. Sturchio, and D.R. Parker. 2008. Is perchlorate metabolized or re-translocated within lettuce leaves? A stable isotope approach. Environ. Sci. Technol. 42:9437-9442.<br /> <br /> Florida<br /> <br /> Agyin-Birikorang, S., and G.A., O'Connor. 2009. Aging effects on reactivity of an aluminum-based drinking water treatment residual as a soil amendment. Sci. Total Environ. 407:826-834.<br /> <br /> Agyin-Birikorang, S., G.A. O'Connor, O.O. Oladeji, T.A. Obreza, and J.C. Capeece. 2008. Drinking-water treatment (WTR) effects on the phosphorus status of field soils amended with biosolids, manure, and fertilizer. Commun. Soil Sci. Plt. Anal. 39:1700-1719. <br /> <br /> Agyin-Birikorang, S., G.A., O'Connor, and S.R. Brinton. 2008. Evaluating phosphorus loss from a Florida spodosol as affected by P-source application methods. J. Environ. Qual. 37:1180-1189. <br /> <br /> Alleoni, R.F.L., S.R. Brinton, and G.A. O'Connor. 2008. Runoff and leachate losses of phosphorus in a sandy Spodosol amended with biosolids. J. Environ. Qual. 37: 259-265.<br /> <br /> Chinault, S.L., and G.A. O'Connor. 2008. Phosphorus release from a biosolids-amended sandy Spodosol. J. Environ. Qual. 37:937-943. <br /> <br /> Felix, T., L. McDowell, G. O'Connor, N. Wilkinson, J. Kivipelto, M. Brennan, R. Madison, L. Warren, and J. Brendemuhl. 2008. Effects of dietary aluminum source and concentration on mineral status of feeder lambs. Small Ruminant Research. 80:1-7. <br /> <br /> O'Connor, G.A., H.A. Elliott, and R.K. Bastian. 2008. Degraded water reuse: an overview. J. Environ. Qual. 37:S-157-S-168.<br /> <br /> Oladeji, O.O., G.A. O'Connor, and S.R. Brinton. 2008. Surface applied water treatment residuals affect bioavailable phosphorus losses in Florida sands. J. Environ. Mgt. 88:1593-1600.<br /> <br /> Oladeji, O.O., J.B. Sartain, and G.A. O'Connor. 2008. Soil test methods for Florida sand treated with an Al-water treatment residual and various phosphorus sources. Commun. Soil Sci. Plt. Anal. 39:2619-2636. <br /> <br /> Oladeji, O.O., O'Connor, G.A., and Sartain, J.B. 2008. Relative phosphorus phytoavailability of different phosphorus sources. Commun. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 39:2398-2410. <br /> <br /> <br /> Hawaii<br /> <br /> Escobar, M.E.O. and Hue, N.V.. 2008. Temporal changes of selected chemical properties in three manure-amended soils of Hawaii. Bioresour. Technol. 99:8649-8654.<br /> <br /> Illinois<br /> <br /> Cox, A.E, T.C. Granato, J, Gschwind, O. Dennison, and Z. Abedin. 2008. Effect of Nu Earth Biosolids Application on Accumulation of Trace Metals in Edible Tissue of Garden Vegetables. Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago, Report No. 08-260. <br /> <br /> Hundal, L.S. T.C. Granato, A.E. Cox, Z. Abedin. 2008 Levels of Dioxins in Soil and Corn Tissues after 30 Years of Biosolids Application. J Environ. Qual. 37:1497-1500.<br /> <br /> Tian G., T.C. Granato, F.D. Dinelli, and A.E. Cox. 2008. Effectiveness of biosolids in enhancing soil microbial populations and N mineralization in golf course putting greens. Applied Soil Ecology 40: 381-386.<br /> <br /> Indiana<br /> <br /> Cofield, N., M.K. Banks, A.P. Schwab. 2008. Lability of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the rhizosphere. Chemosph. 70:1644-1652.<br /> <br /> Euliss, K, Chi-hua Ho, A.P. Schwab, S. Rock, M.K. Banks. 2008. Greenhouse and field assessment of phytoremediation for petroleum contaminants in a riparian zone. Bioresour. Technol. 99:1961-1971.<br /> <br /> Kang, D.H., L.Y.. Hong, A.P. Schwab, and M.K. Banks. 2008. Plant germination and growth after exposure to cyanide complexes. J. Environ. Sci. Health Part A 43:627-632.<br /> <br /> Kang, Dong-Hee, D. Tao, F. Wang-Cahill, S. Rock, A.P. Schwab, and M.K. Banks. 2008. Assessment of landfill leachate volume and concentrations of cyanide and fluoride during phytoremediation. Bioremed. J. 12:35-48.<br /> <br /> Keller, J., M.K. Banks, A.P. Schwab. 2008. Effect of soil depth on phytoremediation efficiency for petroleum contaminants. J. Environ. Sci. Health Part A. 43:1-9.<br /> <br /> Schwab, A.P., D.S. Zhu, and M.K. Banks. 2008. Influence of organic acids on the transport of heavy metals in soils. Chemosph. 72:986-994.<br /> <br /> Smith, K.E., A.P. Schwab, M.K. Banks. 2008. Dissipation of PAHs in saturated, dredged sediments: A field trial. Chemosph. 72:1614-1619. <br /> <br /> <br /> Maryland<br /> <br /> Chaney, R.L., K.Y. Chen, Y.M. Li. 2008. Effects of calcium on nickel tolerance and accumulation in Alyssum species and cabbate grown in nutrient solution. Plant and Soil. 311:131-140.<br /> <br /> Codling, E.E., R.L. Chaney. C.L. Mulchi. 2008. Effects of broiler litter management practices on phosphorus, copper, zinc, manganese, and arsenic concentrations in Maryland Coastal Plain soils. Communications Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 39:1193-1205.<br /> <br /> Grant, C.A., J.M. Clarke, S. Duguid, and R.L. Chaney. 2008. Selection and breeding of plant cultivars to minimize cadmium accumulation. Sci. Total Environ. 390:301-310.<br /> <br /> Reeves, P.G. and R.L. Chaney. 2008. Bioavailability as an issue in risk assessment and management of food cadmium: A review. Sci. Total Environ. 398:13-19.<br /> <br /> Smith, D.J., A.M. Craig, J.M. Duringer, and R.L. Chaney. 2008. Adsorption, tissue distribution, and elimination of residues after 2,4,6-trinitro [C-14]toluene administration to sheep. Environ. Sci. Technol. 42:2563-2569.<br /> <br /> Stuczynski, T. G. Siebielec, W.L. Daniel, and R.L. Chaney. 2008. Biological aspects of metal waste reclamation with biosolids. J. Environ. Qual. 37:738-748. <br /> <br /> Ohio<br /> <br /> Anderson, R.H., and N.T. Basta. Application of Ridge Regression to Quantify Marginal Effects of Collinear Soil Properties on Phytoaccumulation of As, Cd, Pb, and Zn. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. In press. Published Online: November 3, 2008. http://www.setacjournals.org/perlserv/?request=get-abstract&doi=10.1897%2F08-186.1 <br /> <br /> Anderson, R.H., N.T. Basta, and R.P. Lanno. 2008. Using a Plant Contaminant Sensitivity Index to Quantify the Effects of Soil Properties on Arsenate Phytotoxicity. J. Environ. Qual. 37:1701-1709.<br /> <br /> Anderson, R.H., N.T. Basta. Application of Ridge Regression to Determine the Effect of Soil Properties on Phytotoxicity of As, Cd, Pb, and Zn in Soil. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. In Press. Published Online: December 2, 2008. http://www.setacjournals.org/perlserv/?request=get-abstract&doi=10.1897%2F08-062.1<br /> <br /> Beak, Douglas G., Basta, Nicholas T., Scheckel, Kirk G., and Traina, Samuel J. 2008. Linking solid phase speciation of Pb sequestered to birnessite to Pb bioaccessibility and oral bioavailability. Environ. Sci. Technol. 42:779-785.<br /> <br /> Christopher M. Hurdzan, Nicholas T. Basta, Patrick G. Hatcher, and Olli H. Tuovinen. 2008. Phenanthrene Release from Natural Organic Matter Surrogates under Simulated Human Gastrointestinal Conditions. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 69(3):525-530. <br /> <br /> Schroder, J.L., H. Zhang, D. Zhou, N. Basta, W.R. Raun, M.E. Payton, and A. Zazulak. 2008. The effect of long-term annual application of biosolids on soil properties, P, and metals. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 72:73-82. <br /> <br /> Oregon<br /> <br /> Angima, S.D. and D.M. Sullivan. 2008. Reducing lead hazard in home gardens and landscapes. EC1616-E. 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- The WTR-biosolids co-application study on phosphatases in Colorado helps elucidate the organic P mineralization strategy that microorganism may employ when WTR adsorbs available P.
- The WTR-biosolids co-application study on phosphatases in Colorado helps elucidate the organic P mineralization strategy that microorganism may employ when WTR adsorbs available P.
- Large areas within the Tri-State Mining region (portions of Kansas, Oklahoma, and Missouri) have little or no vegetative cover because of activities associated with previous lead and zinc mining activities. Previous phytostabilization efforts for remediation of such areas have not had long-term success. This work may provide information that would ensure long-term success of phytostabilization efforts by studying fundamental soil processes that are essential for maintaining vegetative cover.
- Project outputs from Oregon are used to develop and/or refine nutrient or byproduct management plans and allow more precise land application of plant nutrients. This increases nutrient use efficiency, profitability, and protects surface and ground water quality.
- Using soil amendments for ecological restoration in Ohio is an attractive remediation method that may soon gain acceptance by regulatory agencies. Using soil amendment is an attractive technology when one considers that current technology of excavation and replacement of contaminated soil often ranges from 10 to 200 million dollars. Remediation costs using soil amendments will be <1% of the cost using current remediation methods.
- Studies in Florida are assessing the fate and transport of biosolids-borne microconstituents. Studies of organic chemicals simply spiked into soils likely do not reflect the risks associated with biosolids-borne chemicals. Studies are also required to address the long-term lability of bound residues that apparently characterize soil-retained microconstituents to counter concerns about an organics time bomb similar to that for metals.
- The net result of amending pyrene-contaminated soil with biosolids appeared to be soil specific and may either enhance or retard bioremediation processes.