SAC7: Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Active
SAC7: Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology
Duration: 08/01/1987 to 09/30/2030
Administrative Advisor(s):
NIFA Reps:
Non-Technical Summary
Statement of Issues and Justification
This Advisory Committee is dedicated to the single discipline or subject matter area: "Agricultural Economics and Rural Sociology". Membership consists of Department Heads/Chairs or similar administrators who are appointed by their respective Directors, usually one member per southern SAES. Advisory Committees have several important functions related to planning, implementation and review of research activities in the Southern Region. These include:
- Identify new research needs and opportunities - Advisory Committees provide the Association a perspective of emerging issues and opportunities that have implications for future research in the region. They are asked to develop specific proposals for new activities, which may be submitted by the
- Evaluate the total Southern Multistate Research Portfolio - Advisory Committees are asked to maintain an ongoing evaluation of the portfolio of the SAAESD activities and to review and evaluate summaries of the total research project portfolio as drawn from the CRIS database.
- Review requests for new and continuing activities - Advisory Committees are asked to review and make recommendations for disposition of proposals for new and continuing activities of the Association. This review should include an analysis of the disciplinary mix needed in the activity. Advisory Committee recommendations are considered by the Executive Committee and are presented for consideration and action by the Association.
- Interact individually with local director - Committee members, acting as individual administrators, interact with their Director regarding the discussions and recommendations of the Committee to which they are appointed.
To identify priority areas for multistate research.
Perform critical evaluation of ongoing multistate research.
To exchange information, coordinate, and make plans according to matters of common concern.