S1001: Development of Plant Pathogens as Bioherbicides for Weed Control (S268)
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
S1001: Development of Plant Pathogens as Bioherbicides for Weed Control (S268)
Duration: 10/01/2001 to 09/30/2006
Administrative Advisor(s):
NIFA Reps:
Non-Technical Summary
Statement of Issues and Justification
Project's Primary website is at http://plantpath.ifas.ufl.edu/s1001/main.htm (direct link can be found under LINKS)
There is a clear need for the proposed research. Weed control is required to sustain and maximize agricultural productivity. Crop losses due to weeds in the United States are estimated to be nearly $6 billion per annum, which is up from an estimate of $ 4.1 billion about a decade ago (Bridges, 1992). Losses due to weeds in major crops in the United States, such as wheat, maize, rice, and soybean are estimated at 11% to 21% of the attainable yields (Oerke et al., 1994). In the Southern Region, losses due to weeds are said to exceed $1.7 billion. In the absence of weed control, it is estimated that crop losses in the United States would amount to $19.6 billion. These figures do not include the loss of productivity encountered in livestock production due to invasive weeds, the costs of weed control in natural areas (e.g., waterways and rangelands), recreational areas (e.g., golf courses and parkland), or urban and home landscapes.
Chemical herbicides and cultivation are used as the primary means of weed control in the United States. Based on pesticide sales figures, more herbicides are used than any other type of pesticide (Kearney, et al., 1988; USDA-ERS, 1988). Worldwide, chemical herbicides account for approximately 44% of the chemical pesticides used, compared with 29%, 21%, and 6% for insecticides, fungicides, and other pesticides (i.e., nematicides, plant growth regulators, etc.), respectively (Klassen, 1995). The pesticide production figures in the United States also generally support these figures since the proportion of the acreage treated with herbicides or insecticides in 1988 were, respectively, 96% and 40% for corn, 95% and 4% for soybean, and 94% and 63% for cotton (USDA-ERS, 1988). It is estimated that cessation of all pesticide use in the United States would reduce agricultural output by 30% (Fernandez-Cornejo et al., 1998). Furthermore, the economic benefit to the growers from the use of traditional chemical pesticides has steadily declined during the last four decades. For example, it is estimated that whereas in 1949 every $ 1.00 spent on pesticides returned $ 7.96 in benefits, the returns in 1991 amounted to only $ 4.16 per $ 1.00 spent (Teague and Brorsen, 1995).
Recently there has been a notable reduction in the amounts of chemical pesticides used, but the rate of decline for chemical herbicides use has been less than that for other chemical pesticides (Gianessi and Anderson, 1993). This decrease in pesticide use is likely to continue in the United States partly due to economic realities of global agricultural production and marketing as well as the national initiative for the reduction in the use of chemical pesticides. For instance, the passage of the Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA) in 1996 has mandated sweeping changes in the way pesticides are registered and re-registered by the EPA. When fully in force, the FQPA will initiate a progressive review of existing pesticides and in this process several older classes of herbicides (including several important herbicide chemistries) are likely to be phased out either due to environmental and human health considerations or voluntary withdrawal from the markets by companies. The FQPA also requires that incentives be developed for nonchemical alternatives, reduced-risk pesticides, and for greater implementation of integrated pest management (IPM) (EPA-OPP, 2001), thus providing a powerful incentive to develop bioherbicides, for example.
The use of herbicide-tolerant transgenic crops is also expected to drastically change the way weeds are managed, in spite of the fact that this new technology has limitations. Among the major unknowns of this technology are the general uncertainties about acceptance of transgenic crops by the public and the high cost of transgenic seeds that small farmers may not be able or willing to afford. There is also the possibility of escape of the herbicide tolerance trait to desirable relatives of the weeds (e.g., canola and wild rape, among Lolium spp., and others.) Thus, the use of herbicide-tolerant transgenic crops is not a panacea.
Weed control becomes even more complicated when considering management of invasive weeds in natural and urban areas, where economic, environmental, or human risk concerns may entirely preclude the use of chemical herbicides.
Although chemical pesticides are an integral part of modern food production, there has been a significant cost to the society and the environment associated with the widespread use of these chemicals (Pimentel and Greiner, 1997). Thousands of cases of accidental poisonings and numerous accidental deaths from chemical pesticides, including some herbicides, are reported each year (Ecobichon, 1998). Extensive use of herbicides and other pesticides has resulted in groundwater contamination (Abdalla and Libby, 1987), and the use of certain herbicides has been linked to some types of cancer (Hoar et al., 1986). Other preventable problems, mainly from misuse of chemical herbicides can result, such as nontarget damage from spray drift and carry-over problems in soil and produce.
Finally, despite the extensive use of herbicides, many weed species continue to cause losses in agriculture, and the current strategies for control of these weeds are inadequate. One reason for this is the emergence of herbicide-resistant weeds (Holt and LeBaron, 1990). Many present-day herbicides have single-site modes of action and therefore are prone to promote rapid development of resistance among weeds. It took approximately 25 years for the first atrazine resistant weeds to be identified, but weeds resistant to sulfonylurea and imidazolinone appeared in less than 10 years after these herbicide chemistries were introduced and widely used. The intensive cultivation of herbicide-tolerant crops is likely to further accelerate the emergence of herbicide-resistant weeds consisting of mutant weed biotypes as well as naturally resistant weeds, the latter due to weed-shifting.
A different problem exists in some situations, such as vegetable crops (i.e., minor crops) and range lands, where the economic realities of the marketplace preclude the development and/or use of conventional chemical herbicides. Organic farming is gaining a foothold in the mainstream American agriculture, but this industry suffers from the general lack of biologically based weed control options. Foods consumed by infants, children, and elderly and commodities that rely on a few classes of herbicide chemistries for weed control are particularly vulnerable in this regard. Problems related to the current restrictions in the use of certain chemical herbicides and the impending loss of methyl bromide as a broad-spectrum soil fumigant will further exacerbate weed problems in crops such as vegetables, strawberry, and many others. Development of herbicide-tolerant crops, along with the consolidation of major agrochemical companies and increasing globalization of agricultural production and marketing further limit the choices available to manage weeds on local and regional scales. Many of these developments disproportionately constrain small and mid-sized farmers, especially given the recent depressed prices for commodities.
Invasive weeds are emerging as another major threat to agricultural and natural areas and to the long-term health and biodiversity of our nations land and water resources. Weed problems become more complicated in natural and urban areas, where economic, environmental, or human-health risks may entirely preclude the use of chemical herbicides. Lastly, weeds such as pigweeds (Amaranthus spp.), nutsedges (yellow nutsedge [Cyperus esculentus] and purple nutsedge [C. rotundus]), purslanes (Portulaca spp.), spurges (Euphorbia spp.), kudzu (Pueraria lobata), and various grasses and invasive weeds are not controlled effectively by available methods. Therefore, development of newer weed-management agents and technologies, including biologically based approaches, is of greater importance now than ever before.
Importance of the proposed multistate research and the consequences of not undertaking this cooperative endeavor are as follows. As explained above, the need for developing diversified weed management tools and strategies is more acute than ever. One of the alternatives to chemical weed control is biological control by using plant pathogens (Charudattan and Walker, 1982; TeBeest, 1991; Rosskopf et al., 1999). "Biological control" is defined as "management of natural enemies (predators, parasites, and pathogens of pests) and selected beneficial organisms (antagonists, competitors, and allelopaths) and their products to reduce pest populations and their effects" (USDA-ARS, 1988). Plant pathogens used in an augmentative or inundative, biopesticide mode are referred to herein as bioherbicides.
In 1995, the S-268 Regional Research Project was initiated to evaluate and develop plant pathogens for biological control of weeds. S-268 succeeded two previous projects, S-136 and S-234, and collectively these cooperative projects served as the foundation for research and evaluation of nearly two dozens of pathogens as potential bioherbicides. These projects also helped to develop epidemiological and risk-analysis models to understand the performance and safety of two previously registered and commercialized bioherbicidal pathogens, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides f. sp. aeschynomene (Collego.), used for the control of northern jointvetch (Aeschynomene virginica), and Phytophthora palmivora (DeVine.) used for the control of stranglervine (Morrenia odorata) in Florida, understand some aspects of the genetics of these fungi, and develop systems to integrate their use in rice and citrus production (Bowers, 1986; Kenney, 1986; Ridings, 1986; Smith, 1986; TeBeest, 1982, 1988; TeBeest and Dickman, 1989; Cisar et al., 1996). It also provided a forum to develop scientific and technical concepts helpful in the registration but not commercialization of Puccinia canaliculata as Dr. BioSedge. (Phatak, 1992).
Several other bioherbicide candidates were developed through regional trials, notably Alternaria cassiae (Charudattan et al., 1986), although registration and commercialization did not materialize. While in some cases this was simply be due to a lack of consistency of the bioherbicide agent or technical feasibility, the availability of efficacious chemical alternatives, coupled with the lack of coordinated efforts by researchers and commercial enterprises were also contributory factors. Nonetheless, it has been amply demonstrated that bioherbicide products are practical and economically sustainable in the marketplace. Moreover, their use over the past 25 years has not led to any risks to human health or the environment. The basic and applied research done through these cooperative projects have helped to develop and validate the concept of inundative biological control of weeds by the bioherbicide strategy (TeBeest, 1991; Rosskopf et al., 1999; Charudattan, 2000).
The success of the S-268 project and its predecessors can be measured also in terms of the scientific and technical knowledge gained. The members of this group have written two books, hundreds of refereed papers, reviews, and popular articles on the subject of biological control of weeds with plant pathogens. About twenty-five graduate students have been trained since the inception of the first cooperative project on this topic, S-136. Three bioherbicides have been registered and a classical biocontrol introduction of a rust fungus has resulted during this period. Several prospective bioherbicides have been patented.
Just during the last five years, under S-268, three pathogens have been cooperatively developed: Colletotrichum truncatum (COLTRU) for control of hemp sesbania (Sesbania exaltata), Alternaria destruens (Smolder) for dodders (Cuscuta spp.), and Pseudomonas syringae pv. tagetis for control of several weeds in the Asteraceae. Smolder and Mallet (Colletotrichum gloeosporioides f.sp. malvae) are currently under EPA review for registration. In addition, these regional projects have also helped to stimulate research on the use of novel materials for formulation, or as surfactants and spray adjuvants to improve the efficacy (Boyette, 1994) and host range of bioherbicide agents (Zidack et al., 1992; Boyette and Abbas, 1994), improve production methods (Chandramohan and Charudattan, 1998; Connick et al., 1991; Daigle and Cotty, 1994; Jackson, 1994; Jackson et al., 1994; Jackson and Schisler, 1994; Shabana et al., 1997; Quimby et al., 1994; Wyss et al., 1999; Yandoc and Charudattan, 1998), and develop effective delivery systems (Rosskopf et al., 1996; DeValerio et al., 2000). During this period, 97 refereed papers, 19 book chapters, 33 papers in conference proceedings, 51 abstracts, and 9 patents, and several miscellaneous publications were produced by the members and other participants of S-268 project. These contributions would not have been possible without the facility to engage in cooperative regional research under the auspices of S-268. In addition, the project has enabled the discovery of numerous new pathogens or pathogen records on weeds and clarification of weed and pathogen taxonomies, understanding of the epidemiology of several diseases, development of methods for microbial fermentation, formulation, and delivery, risk assessment, and molecular biology of host-pathogen relationships. Moreover, the development Smolder and Mallet as possible commercial products, methods development for COLTRU, and cooperative testing of several other agents have been greatly facilitated by this cooperative research endeavor. Given this history, the consequences of not undertaking this proposed multistate research project include:
- Further development of potentially useful bioherbicides will be abandoned because no single SAES has all the resources necessary to develop a pathogen from its discovery to the status of a commercial product.
- The concept of regional research (i.e., multistate research project) will be key to the development and registration of bioherbicides in the next 5- to 10-year term.
- There are many common weed problems throughout the continental United States, especially the Southern Region. Our ability to develop and register bioherbicides will be greatly aided by testing candidate pathogens in different states and regions, in North America. Also, strains of candidate pathogens may be distributed in several locations in the United States that differ in virulence, fitness, and other traits. Hence, bioherbicides can be developed more quickly more efficiently if scientists from several states cooperate toward common goals.
- Although this new project is proposed for the Southern Region, participation by states and institutions outside this region will be beneficial for two reasons: A) Expertise available in the different institutions listed herein will be essential for the success of this project. B) Bioherbicide agents proposed to be developed under this project will need to be tested for efficacy against the target weeds in several regions within and outside the Southern Region, under different climatic and edaphic conditions.
- A multistate research project organization, such as the one proposed, also offers a forum to develop new information and ideas. Recent annual meetings of S-268 have fostered participation by scientists from SAES, ARS, small colleges, and industry. Scientists from other countries (e.g., Canada, South Africa, and U.K.) have also frequently participated in the annual meetings.
The research proposed under this multistate project relates to national priorities established by the Experiment Station Committee on Organization and Policy (ESCOP), the Southern Region Strategic Plan (SAAESD, 2000), and the USDA-ARS. The Southern Region Strategic Plan has stressed the need to develop and integrate biological control with current pest control practices. Biologically based pest management has been recognized in this plan as the second most critical need for agriculture in the Southern Region. A similar emphasis on biological control has been also made by the National Research Councils Board on Agriculture (NRC, 1996) and the U.S. Congress Office of Technology Assessment (OTA, 1995). Several SAES and the USDA-ARS are committed to biological control of weeds as a top research priority. In 1984, a Research Planning Conference on Biological Control attended by a broad group of stakeholders identified targets for research in biological control (USDA-ARS, 1984). Weed species identified for research in biological control included: velvetleaf (Abutilon theophrasti), cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium), the morningglories (Ipomoea spp.), the nutsedges (Cyperus spp.), sicklepod (Cassia obtusifolia), johnsongrass (Sorghum halepense), prickly sida (Sida spinosa), and spurred anoda (Anoda cristata). Areas of research priority for biological control for the USDA-ARS also have been determined (USDA-ARS, 1988). These include: mass propagation, harvesting, packaging, storage, and distribution of biological agent populations, systematics, genetic improvement through biotype selection, conventional crosses, and genetic engineering, and exploration for new, more effective biological agents (USDA-ARS, 1988). A recent review of the USDA-ARS Weed Science program has further highlighted the need to increase efforts on biological control of weeds (USDA-ARS, 2001).
Related, Current and Previous Work
The first weed-control pathogens were discovered and deployed between 1969 and 1973 (Daniel et al., 1973; Smith, et al., 1973 a, b; TeBeest and Templeton, 1985; Ridings, 1986; Templeton et al., 1986). By 1982, 49 plant species were reported as targets for control by bacteria, fungi, nematodes, and viruses (Templeton, 1982). Recent analyses indicate that nearly 200 fungal pathogens have been screened as potential bioherbicides (Charudattan 1991, 2001). Of these, eight pathogens have been registered worldwide and about 50 are rated as having good to excellent potential for commercialization. About 46 different weeds have been identified as potential targets for bioherbicide research in different countries. About a third of these weeds are also the primary targets in the United States.
Several ongoing regional research projects address various aspects of biological control, including some in the Southern Region. However, only one other project, S-303, deals with biological control of weeds and complements this proposed multistate project on the development of plant pathogens as bioherbicides. The two projects are different in that the S-303 project deals with biocontrol of introduced insect pests and weeds through classical importation of biocontrol agents, while the proposed project is aimed at the use of indigenous plant pathogens in augmentative and inundative biocontrol strategies.
A CRIS search was done to see whether similar projects exist in other regions. Only one other multistate project related to weed biocontrol is in existence. This project, S-303, deals with classical biological control of arthropod pests and weeds through importation of natural enemies from abroad. This project has four objectives, including survey and importation of natural enemies of invasive pests; integration of exotic and indigenous natural enemies with other pest management approaches; evaluation of the effects of exotic natural enemies on nontarget organisms; and characterization of the role of indigenous natural enemies in suppressing pest and beneficial species. These objectives and the general aim and scope of this project do not conflict or duplicate the objectives proposed herein. The bioherbicide project proposed here deals exclusively with indigenous microbial plant pathogens used in the inundative biocontrol strategy. Accordingly, the proposed multistate project can compliment the S-303 project.