SDC100: New generation advanced fibrous materials from agricultural-based renewable resources and their application in interdisciplinary engineering
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
SDC100: New generation advanced fibrous materials from agricultural-based renewable resources and their application in interdisciplinary engineering
Duration: 10/01/2018 to 09/30/2020
Administrative Advisor(s):
NIFA Reps:
Non-Technical Summary
Statement of Issues and Justification
This multi-institution proposal seeks to enable interdisciplinary research in the development of advanced fibrous materials from agriculture-based renewable resources for use in a host of applications including composites, textiles, biomedical, automotive, aerospace, packaging, healthcare, defense, wearables and other relevant sectors. The project, if successful, will add immense value to agriculture-based by- and co-products, especially those from biorefinery including alternatives such as lignin, polysaccharides, extractives, lipids, and proteins. Although the science advancement enabled in this project will utilize major U.S. crops as feedstocks, such as corn, wheat, soy, flax, sorghum, and rice, the developed pathways will have the potential to be translated to other generic and engineered crops. Using interdisciplinary and complementary expertise of faculty from 12 states, multiple colleges and departments, the project will strive to achieve the following objectives:
Related, Current and Previous Work
To develop and evaluate biobased products for health, packaging, coatings, commodity plastics, crop protection other engineering and safety applications
Comments: (NE, TX, WI, TN, WA, CA, GA, ND, MT, NY, IA, CO, MS and SC) -
To develop and evaluate eco-friendly methods to remove dyes and finishing chemicals from textile waste water
Comments: (WI, GA, NE, CA and MT) -
To develop biocarbon from agricultural residue and embrace its use in advanced composites development
Comments: (SC) -
To develop novel unidirectional renewable fibrous tapes and facilitate their application in advanced high-performance composites for automotive and aerospace applications
Comments: (SC and NY)