WERA89: Potato Virus and Virus-Like Disease Management

(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

WERA89: Potato Virus and Virus-Like Disease Management

Duration: 10/01/2016 to 09/30/2021

Administrative Advisor(s):

NIFA Reps:

Non-Technical Summary

Statement of Issues and Justification

Viral pathogens and virus-like pathogens of potato are costly to control, requiring limited generation seed programs and the targeted control of virus vectors, like insects and nematodes, with pesticides and other methods to reduce their spread and minimize their impact. Potato diseases caused by viral pathogens result in hundreds of seed acres and/or their tuber product being rejected from seed certification and also result in commercial losses due to reductions in yield and quality leading to huge financial losses to the producer. Some of the more prevalent viruses of potatoes include alfalfa mosaic virus (AMV), potato mop-top virus (PMTV), tobacco rattle virus (TRV), tomato spotted wilt virus (TSWV), potato leaf roll virus (PLRV), potato virus M (PVM), potato virus S (PVS), potato virus X (PVX) and, most importantly, potato virus Y (PVY) and its various strains. Additionally, the causal agents of purple top disease and zebra chip, which are not viruses but are epidemiologically similar to viruses, have recently become established in western potato production areas.

Release of new cultivars highly susceptible to PVY, but asymptomatic when infected, has dramatically increased issues with PVY throughout the western potato growing regions. PVY is of particular concern because insecticides have not been effective for reducing PVY spread. Other management options, such as removal of symptomatic plants, are not practical for managing this virus at a large scale. Additionally, multiple strains of PVY have been found to occur throughout the western growing region creating difficulties for disease diagnosis and further exacerbating the efforts to reduce the impact of PVY. Of major concern is the fact that new strains are supplanting the common strain of PVY (PVYO) resulting in milder symptoms on the plants, greater spread throughout the crop, and potentially significant tuber necrosis injury. Some of the newer cultivars which are resistant to the common strain of PVY have been found to be very susceptible to some of the newer strains.

Established and emerging virus strains pose a constant threat to certified seed and commercial potato production. In the last decade, PVA and PVM were not known to occur in the West. PVM seems to have been contained by continued efforts of certification programs, while PVA has become endemic in some regions. New strains of PVY, particularly those that produce internal tuber necrosis and reduced yield, were not known in the US until recently but are now commonly found and becoming more prevalent in most production areas. It is particularly important to identify the PVY strains found in each region to quantify their impact on the crop and evaluate the performance of new cultivars currently being released from the potato breeding programs. In the past, TSWV has been a sporadic problem in the western region but is currently becoming a significant problem in areas where it has become endemic. Finally, soil borne viruses such as PMTV, which is vectored by Spongospora subterranean f. sp. subterranean, and TRV, spread by the stubby root nematode, are serious issues in many western production regions with increasing economic losses due to tuber necrosis and downgrading of raw potatoes. As soil borne viruses increase in prevalence, they are likely to become one of the most significant limitations to potato production that producers will face in the next few years. A large effort in the form of another USDA/ARS Specialty crops grant is currently underway to help understand and develop management techniques for pathogens causing potato tuber necrotic disease. Emerging virus threats are always on the horizon and pose a wider risk to the potato industry as a whole because many more new cultivars are being developed with little information on their reaction to all viruses as well as the industry moving more seed each year from more diverse areas to answer production needs.

There are public and environmental concerns surrounding the use of pesticides on potatoes. Potato growers are faced with the potential loss of key pesticides because of cancellation of registration. In addition, difficulties in developing new information for re-registration or development of new pesticides are becoming more difficult each year. Lastly, pest resistance to current pesticides is always of concern. Pesticides targeting the vectors of some viral pathogens and virus-like pathogens have been useful in the management of diseases like potato leaf roll and zebra chip. Certainly, the loss of pesticides or loss of effectiveness will reduce yield and increase quality losses if alternative solutions for vector management are not developed.


Related, Current and Previous Work

In 2009-2014, a major effort funded by the USDA-SCRI program focused on PVY. This effort resulted in the development of PVY strain typing tools, serological and molecular, in new potato cultivars displaying resistance to recombinant PVY strains and in the development of recommendations for managing PVY vectors. In FY14, this research team was successful in obtaining a large Federal grant through the NIFA-SCRI program for 2015-2020, to enhance management of viral pathogens causing potato tuber necrotic disease.

During 2013-14, the Northwestern Potato Research Consortium supported the creation of a team of researchers in the PNW. This team includes most of the researchers involved in virus management projects in three states, ID, WA, and OR; it is now expanded to address new, emerging virus problems. Additionally in FY14, this research team successfully leveraged support through several small block grants through the Idaho and Washington departments of agriculture.

This success highlights the value of a joint, comprehensive approach to address virus problems in the PNW. Members of this team will continue to cooperate on various types of federal grant proposals to be submitted to USDA, NSF, and other programs.


  1. To provide a regional forum for the exchange of ideas through cooperation and collaboration among those involved in potato virus and virus-like disease research for the long term goal of improving plant health and crop sustainability. Inherent in this is the pursuit of shared grant funding opportunities, where appropriate by WERA-089 participants.
  2. To assist participants in the identification, transfer and utilization of knowledge, methods and resources. Additionally, resources will be directed toward dissemination of information to concerned parties for implementation of potato disease and vector control strategies.
  3. To act in an advisory capacity with regional and national organizations for the purpose of evaluating concerns, recommending policies and reviewing quarantine and seed certification issues, and other matters pertinent to management of potato viruses, or virus-like organisms.

Procedures and Activities

<p><strong><em>Annual meeting.</em></strong> The WERA-089 executive committee will arrange for an annual meeting site where participants can come together to discuss current concerns of virus and virus-like disease (VLD) occurring in potato crops. This forum will also include the presentation of on-going research on potato viruses and VLD, their vectors and alternate hosts. In addition participants will have the opportunity to consider research priorities for the upcoming years.</p>
<p><strong><em>Committee projects.</em></strong> Subgroups of the participants will be formed to work on specific projects throughout the year including educational materials, presentations, and reference sheets.</p>

Expected Outcomes and Impacts

  • Identification of priority research issues and development of cooperative strategies to obtain funding, conduct the research and publish the results.
  • Identification and characterization of new virus problems, new virus strains and virus-like organisms with dissemination of this information to WERA-089 members and the potato industry.
  • Maintaining strong relationships with state certification programs and encouraging the standardization of testing methods for potato viruses and phytoplasmas.
  • Cooperation with WCC-027 to identify reactions of new clonal selections to specify virus diseases affecting the potato crop in the west.
  • Exchanging ideas and information through the use of annual meetings and brief publications specifically directed at interested clientele, and routine communication.
  • Acting as a resource group which would provide advice and recommendations to impact policy relating to: a) germplasm importation, b) development of new transgenic potato cultivars, c) utilization of transgenic resistance and germplasm, d) seed certification issues dealing with potato virus diseases and e) other pertinent potato virus or phytoplasma related issues.

Projected Participation

View Appendix E: Participation

Educational Plan

In the short-term, we plan to extend our findings to the researchers/scientists participating in WERA 089 as well as other scientific colleagues with interest in potato virus and virus-like diseases and associated management strategies. Participants in WERA 089 regularly interact with these potato researchers throughout the year as part of the active potato research community in the U.S. Through these interactions, results will be disseminated to all U.S. potato researchers at meetings among breeding programs, through meetings of the Potato Association of America (http://potatoassociation.org/), American Phytopathological Society, and via peer reviewed publication.

Through longer-term interactions with members of the potato production and processing industry, we will transfer information developed by WERA 089 participants to the grower community with the goal of increasing the adoption of new farming technologies, cultivars, and disease management strategies. Effective communication between researchers and producers/processors will lead to more relevant research outcomes and faster adoption of results by stakeholders.

Various participants have active Web presences through which publications and news can be disseminated.

We also help plan and participate in major outreach events and field days:

Washington/Oregon Potato Conference, WSU Potato Field Day, Hermiston Farm Fair, OSU HAREC Potato Field Day, Idaho Potato Conference, ID field day(s) and etc.

Various WERA 089 participants are highly integrated into the producer-led industry organizations and research-oriented outreach channels. Outcomes of the WERA 089 meetings will be efficiently communicated to all who are interested in potato production.


The committee will utilize a three-officer system containing a Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary and general membership. Each year a new Secretary shall be elected at the annual meeting. At the end of the annual meeting, the previous year’s Secretary will move into the Vice Chair position and the Vice Chair will move into the Chair position. There will be an effort made to spread the officer duties around the western region so that no one state or area will have all of the officer functions at any given time. In addition, a subcommittee will be established each year for the purpose of handling the annual meeting details. Annual meetings will be rotated around the Western Region.

Literature Cited

The literature cited is meant to convey the broad scope of publications members of this group have attributed to discussions held at the annual meetings in the previous period. In many cases, the research conducted and shown in this listing was greatly aided by those involved in being able to discuss this work in advance of beginning the project, during its progress, and prior to final publication.



Cating, R.A., Funke, C.N., Kaur, N., Hamm, P.B., and K.E. Frost. (2015) A multiplex reverse transcription (RT) high-fidelity PCR protocol for the detection of six viruses that cause potato tuber necrosis. The American Journal of Potato Research 92 :850-864.

DeBlasio, S.L., Johnson, R., Mahoney, J., Karasev, A., Gray, S.M., MacCoss, M.J., and Cilia, M. (2015) Insights into the polerovirus-plant interactome revealed by co-immunoprecipitation and mass spectrometry. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions. 28: 467-481.

Fulladolsa, A.C., F.M. Navarro, R. Kota, K. Severson, J.P. Palta, and A.O. Charkowski. (2015) Application of marker assisted selection for Potato virus Y resistance in the University of Wisconsin Potato Breeding Program. Am. J. Pot. Res. 92:444-450.

Rowley, J.S., Gray, S.M., and Karasev, A.V. (2015) Screening potato cultivars for new sources of resistance to Potato virus Y. American Journal of Potato Research. 92: 38-48.



Chikh-Ali, M., Gray, S.M., and Karasev, A.V. (2014) A multiplex RT-PCR assay for the detection and accurate identification of the complex strains and recombinants of Potato virus Y. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Pacific Division of the American Phytopathological Society, July 9-11, 2014; Bozeman, MT. Phytopathology. 104: S3.180.

Chikh-Ali, M., Gray, S.M., and Karasev, A.V. (2014) A multiplex IC-RT-PCR assay distinguishes fourteen recombinant structures of Potato virus Y. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Potato Association of America, July 27-31, 2014; Spokane, WA. American Journal of Potato Researc.h 92: 180.

Chikh-Ali, M., Rowley, J.S., Kuhl, J.C., Gray, S.M., and Karasev, A.V. (2014) Evidence of a monogenic nature of the Nz gene conferring resistance against Potato virus Y strain Z (PVYZ) in potato. American Journal of Potato Research. 91: 649-654.

Dahan, J., Thompson, B., Wenninger, E.J., Olsen, N., and Karasev, A.V. (2014) Monitoring prevalence of Liberibacter solanacearum and haplotypes of its insect vector Bactericera cockerelli in Idaho potato fields. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Pacific Division of the American Phytopathological Society, July 9-11, 2014; Bozeman, MT. Phytopathology. 104: S3.180.

Fageria, M., X. Nie, A. Gallagher, and M. Singh. (2014) Mechanical Transmission of Potato Virus Y (PVY) Through Seed Cutting and Plant Wounding. American Journal of Potato Research. 92(1):143-147.

Karasev, A.V. (2014) Potato virus Y: a new problem in potato. Abstracts of the European Association of Potato Research, Pathology Section Meeting, November 17-21, 2013, Jerusalem, Israel. Potato Research. 57: 164-165.

Karasev, A.V. (2014) Recombinant strains of Potato virus Y – a new problem in potato. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Pacific Division of the American Phytopathological Society, July 9-11, 2014; Bozeman, MT. Phytopathology.104: S3.182.

Lin, Y.H., J.A. Abad, C.J. Maroon-Lango, K.L. Perry, and H.R. Pappu. (2014) Molecular characterization of domestic and exotic potato virus S isolates and a global analysis of genomic sequences. Achrives of Virology. 159(8):2115-2122.

Lin, Y.H., D.A. Johnson, and H.R. Pappu. (2014) Effect of Potato Virus S Infection on Late Blight Resistance in Potato. American Journal of Potato Research. 91(6):642-648.

Murphy, A.F., R. Cating, P.B. Hamm, and S.I. Rondon. (2014) Evaluating sources of aphid vectors and Potato Virus Y in eastern Oregon and Washington. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Potato Association of America, July 27-31, 2014; Spokane, WA. American Journal of Potato Research 92: 64.

Murphy, A.F., A. Moreno, A. Fereres, and S.I. Rondon. (2014) International endeavors in investigating Potato Virus Y trasnmission. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Potato Association of America, July 27-31, 2014; Spokane, WA. American Journal of Potato Research. 92: 37.

Naveed, K., N. Mitter, A. Harper, A. Dhingra, and H.R. Pappu. (2014) Comparative analysis of virus-specific small RNA profiles of three biologically distinct strains of Potato virus Y in infected potato (Solanum tuberosum) cv. Russet Burbank. Virus Research. 191(1):153-160.

Nikolaeva, O.V. and Karasev, A.V. (2014) Antigenic structure of Potato virus Y. Abstracts of the European Association of Potato Research, Pathology Section Meeting, November 17-21, 2013, Jerusalem, Israel. Potato Research. 57: 165.

Quintero-Ferrer, A., Evans, K.J., and Karasev, A.V. (2014) Genetic diversity of the NE-11 strain of Potato virus Y. Abstracts of the Annual Meeting of the Pacific Division of the American Phytopathological Society, July 9-11, 2014; Bozeman, MT. Phytopathology. 104: S3.183.

Quintero-Ferrer, A., Robles-Hernandez, L., Gonzalez-Franco A.C., Kerlan, C., and Karasev, A.V. (2014) Molecular and biological characterization of a recombinant isolate of Potato virus Y from Mexico. Archives of Virology. 159: 1781-1785.

Ramesh, S.V., G. Raikhy, C.R. Brown, J.L. Whitworth, and H.R. Pappu. (2014) Complete genomic characterization of a potato mop-top virus isolate from the United States. Archives of Virology. 159(12):3427-3433.

Tyler, D., B. MacKenzie, M.S. Fageria, X. Nie, and M. Singh. (2014) Effects of Crop Management Practices on Current Season Spread of Potato Virus Y. Plant Disease. 98(2):213-222.

Shrestha, D., E.J. Wenninger, P.J. Hutchinson, J.L. Whitworth, S. Mondal, S.D. Eigenbrode, N.A. Bosque-Perez. (2014) Interactions among potato genotypes, virus strains, and inoculation timing and methods in the Potato virus Y and green peach aphid pathosystem. Environmental Entomology. 43:662-671.

Swisher, K.D., Sengoda, V.G., Dixon, J., Munyaneza, J.E., Murphy, A.F., Rondon, S.I., Thompson, B., Karasev, A.V., Wenninger, E.J., Olsen, N., and Crosslin, J.M. (2014) Assessing potato psyllid haplotypes in potato crops in the Pacific Northwestern United States. American Journal of Potato Research. 91: 485-491.


Chikh Ali, M., Karasev, A.V., Furutani, N., Taniguchi, M., Kano, Y., Sato, M., Natsuaki, T., and Maoka, T. (2013) Occurrence of Potato virus Y strain PVYNTN in foundation seed potatoes in Japan, and screening for symptoms in Japanese potato cultivars. Plant Pathology 62: 1157-1165.

Crosslin, J.M. (2013) PVY: an old enemy and a continuing challenge. Am. J. Pot. Res. 90:2-6.

Frost, K.E., Groves, R.L., and A.O. Charkowski. (2013) Integrated control of potato pathogens through seed potato certification and provision of clean seed potatoes. Plant Disease 97(10):1268-1280.

Gray, S., Whitworth, J., Xu, H., Singh, R., and Karasev, A. (2013) ST 01: The current state (2012) of Potato virus Y (PVY) affecting potato grown in North America. NAPPO Science and Technology Documents, August 2013. NAPPO: North American Plant Protection Organization.

Karasev, A.V. and Gray, S.M. (2013) Continuous and emerging challenges of Potato virus Y in potato. Annual Review of Phytopathology 51: 571-586.

Karasev, A.V. and Gray, S.M. (2013) Genetic diversity of Potato virus Y complex. American Journal of Potato Research 90: 7-13.

Nelson, W.R., V. G. Sengoda, A.O. Alfaro-Fernandez, M.I. Font, J.M. Crosslin and J.E. Munyaneza. (2013) A new haplotype of Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum identified in the Mediterranean region. Eur. J. Plant Path. 135:633-639.

Quintero-Ferrer, A. and Karasev, A.V. (2013) First report of Potato virus Y in potato in Jalisco, Mexico. Plant Disease 97: 430-430.

Whitworth, J.L. and J.M. Crosslin. (2013) Detection of Potato mop top virus (Furovirus) on potato in southeast Idaho. Plant Dis. 97:149.

Wohleb, C.H. (2013) Development and impact of a sampling network and pest alert system for potato growers in the Columbia Basin of Washington. Abstracts of the Papers Presented at the 97th Annual Meeting of the Potato Association of America. Am. J. of Potato Res. 91(1):73.

Wohleb, C.H. (2013) A Sampling Network for Insect Pests of Potato in the Columbia Basin of Washington and “Potato Pest Alerts”. 2013 American Society for Horticultural Science Annual Conference. HortScience 48(9):S136.


Alabi, O.J., J.M. Crosslin, N. Saidov, and R.A. Naidu. (2012) First report of Potato virus Y in potato in Tajikistan. Plant Dis. 96:1074.

Buchman, JL, TW Fisher, VG Sengoda, and JE Munyaneza. (2012) Zebra chip progression: from inoculation to potato plants with liberibacter to development of disease symptoms in tubers. American Journal of Potato Research 89: 159-168.

Crosslin, J.M., P.B. Hamm, J.E. Eggers, S.I. Rondon, V.G. Sengoda, and J.E. Munyaneza. (2012) First report of zebra chip disease and "Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum" on potatoes in Oregon and Washington State. Plant Dis. 96:452.

Crosslin, J.M., S.I. Rondon, and P.B. Hamm. (2012) Population dynamics of the beet leafhopper in northeastern Oregon and incidence of the beet leafhopper-transmitted virescence agent phytoplasma. Am. J. Pot. Res. 89:82-88.

Crosslin, J.M., N. Olsen, and P. Nolte. (2012) First report of zebra chip disease and "Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum" on potatoes in Idaho. Plant Dis. 96:453.

Galvino-Costa, S.B.F., Figueira, A.R., Rabelo-Filho, F.A.C., Moraes, F. H. R., Nikolaeva, O.V., and Karasev, A.V. (2012) Molecular typing of Potato virus Y isolates from Brazil reveals a diverse set of recombinant strains. Plant Disease 96: 1451-1458.

Galvino-Costa, S.B., Figueira, A., Camargos, V.V., Geraldino, P.S., Hu, X., Nikolaeva, O.V., Kerlan, C., and Karasev, A.V. (2012) A novel type of Potato virus Y recombinant genome, determined for the genetic strain PVYE. Plant Pathology 61: 388-398.

Goolsby, J.A., J. Adamczyk, J.M. Crosslin, N. Troxclair, J. Anciso, G. Bester, J. Bradshaw, E. Bynum, L. Carpio, D. Henne, A. Joshi, J.E. Munyaneza, P. Porter, P. Sloderbeck, J. Supak, C. Rush, F.J. Willett, F. Workneh, B. Zechmann, and B. Zens. (2012) Seasonal population dynamics of the potato psyllid (Hemiptera: Triozidae) and its associated pathogen Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum in potatoes in the southern Great Plains of North America. J. Econ. Entomol. 105:1268-1276.

Nikolaeva, O.V., Roop, D., Galvino-Costa, S.F.B., Figueira, A.R., Gray, S.M., and Karasev, A.V. (2012) Epitope mapping for monoclonal antibodies recognizing tuber necrotic strains of Potato virus Y. American Journal of Potato Research 89: 121-128.

Swisher, K.D., J.E. Munyaneza, and J.M. Crosslin. (2012) High resolution melting analysis of the cytochrome oxidase I gene identifies three haplotypes of the potato psyllid in the United States. Environ. Entomol. 41:1019-1028.

Wohleb, C.H., A. Jensen, and T.D. Waters. (2012) A regional sampling network for insect pests of potato in the Columbia Basin of WA. Proceedings of the 7th International IPM Symposium, pp. 104.


Buchman JL, Sengoda VG & Munyaneza JE. (2011) Vector transmission efficiency of liberibacter by Bactericera cockerelli (Hemiptera: Triozidae) in zebra chip potato disease: effects of psyllid life stage and inoculation access period. Journal of Economic Entomology 104: 1486-1495.

Buchman JL, Heilman BE & Munyaneza JE. (2011) Effects of Bactericera cockerelli (Hemiptera: Triozidae) density on zebra chip potato disease incidence, potato yield, and tuber processing quality. Journal of Economic Entomology 104: 1783-1792.

Cilia, M., C. Tamborindeguy, T. Fish, K. Howe, T. W. Thannhauser, and S. Gray, (2011) Genetics Coupled to Quantitative Intact Proteomics Links Heritable Aphid and Endosymbiont Protein Expression to Circulative Polerovirus Transmission. J. Virol., 85: 2148 - 2166.

Cilia, M., Howe, K., Fish, T., Smith, D., Mahoney, J., Tamborindeguy, C., Burd, J., Thannhauser, T., and Gray, S. M. (2011) Biomarker discovery from the top down: Protein biomarkers for efficient virus transmission by insects (Homoptera: Aphididae) discovered by coupling genetics and 2-D DIGE. Proteomics 11:2440-2458.

Crosslin, J.M. (2011) First report of Potato mop-top virus on potatoes in Washington State. Plant Dis. 95:1483.

Crosslin, J.M., L.L. Hamlin, J.L. Buchman, and J.E. Munyaneza. (2011) Transmission of potato purple top phytoplasma to potato tubers and daughter plants. Am. J. Pot. Res. 88:339-345.

Crosslin, J.M., and L.L. Hamlin. (2011) Standardized RT-PCR conditions for detection and identification of eleven viruses of potato and Potato spindle tuber viroid. Am. J. Pot. Res. 88:333-338.

Crosslin, J.M., H. Lin, and J.E. Munyaneza. (2011) Detection of 'Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum' in potato psyllids, Bactericera cockerelli Sulc, by conventional and real-time PCR. Southwest. Entomol. 36:125-135.

Karasev, A.V., Hu, X., Brown, C.J., Kerlan, C., Nikolaeva, O.V., Crosslin, J.M., and Gray, S.M. (2011) Genetic diversity of the ordinary strain of Potato virus Y (PVY) and origin of recombinant PVY strains.
Phytopathology 101: 778-785.

Kerlan, C., Nikolaeva, O., Hu, X., Meacham, T., Gray, S., and Karasev, A. (2011) Identification of the molecular make-up of the Potato virus Y strain PVYZ. Phytopathology 101:1052-1060.

Cavatorta, J., Perez, K., Gray, S., Van Ek, J., Yeam, I., and Jahn, M. (2011) Engineering virus resistance using a modified potato gene. Plant Biotech. J. 9:1014-1021.

Ibolya, E., Z. Acs, J.E. Munyaneza, J.M. Crosslin, and M. Kolber. (2011) Survey and molecular detection of phytoplasmas associated with potato in Romania and Southern Russia. European Journal of Plant Pathology 130: 367-377.

Ju, H.J., Van Eck, J., and Gray, S.M. (2011) Factors influencing plant regeneration from seedling explants of Hairy Nightshade (Solanum sarrachoides). Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult. 108:121-128.

McCue KF, Ponciano GP, Rockhold DR, Whitworth JL, Gray SM, Fofanov Y, Belknap WR. (2011) Generation of PVY coat protein siRNAs in transgenic potatoes resistant to PVY. Amer J Potato Res. 89:374-383.

Mello, A.F.S., Olarte, R.A., Gray, S.M., and Perry, K.L. (2011) Transmission efficiency of Potato virus Y strains PVYO and PVYN-Wi by five aphid species. Plant Dis. 95:1279-1283.

Lacey, L.A., T.X. Liu, J.L. Buchman, J.E. Munyaneza, J.A. Goolsby, and D.R. Horton. (2011) Entomopathogenic Fungi (Hypocreales) for Control of Potato Psyllid, Bactericera cockerelli (`ulc) (Hemiptera: Triozidae) in an Area Endemic for Zebra Chip Disease of Potato. Biological Control 56: 271-278.

Liu Q, C Jianchi, J.E. Munyaneza, and E.L. Civerolo. (2011) Endophytic bacterial in potato tubers affected by zebra chip disease. American Phytopathological Society 101: S108.

Munyaneza, J.E., A. Lemmetty, A.I. Nissinen, V.G. Sengoda, and T.W. Fisher. (2011) Molecular detection of aster yellows phytoplasma and 'Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum' in carrots affected by the psyllid Trioza apicalis (Hemiptera: Triozidae) in Finland. Journal of Plant Pathology 93: 697-700.

Munyaneza JE, Sengoda VG, Buchman JL & Fisher TW. (2012) Effects of temperature on 'Candidatus Liberibacter solanacearum' and zebra chip potato disease symptom development. Plant Disease 96: 18-23.

Munyaneza JE, Buchman JL, Sengoda VG, Fisher, TW & Pearson CC. (2011) Susceptibility of selected potato varieties to zebra chip potato disease. American Journal of Potato Research 88: 435-440.

Peng, L., J.T. Trumble, J.E. Munyaneza, and T.X. Liu. (2011) Repellency of a kaolin particle film to potato psyllid, Bactericera cockerelli (Hemiptera: Psyllidae) on tomato under laboratory and field conditions. Pest management Science 67: 815-824.


Grey, S. Charkowski, A., Groves, R., Hutchinson, P., Karasev, A., McIntosh, C., Nolte, P., Whitworth, J. Updated Yearly. Managing Potato Virus Y in Seed Potato Production. http://www.potatovirus.com.



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