WERA20: Virus and Virus-Like Diseases of Berries, Fruit and Nut Trees, and Grapevines.
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
WERA20: Virus and Virus-Like Diseases of Berries, Fruit and Nut Trees, and Grapevines.
Duration: 10/01/2016 to 09/30/2021
Administrative Advisor(s):
NIFA Reps:
Non-Technical Summary
Statement of Issues and Justification
The membership of WERA-0020 represents plant virologists and pathologists focused on diseases of major specialty crops that occupy a significant portion of U.S. agriculture. Specialty crops, defined as “fruits and vegetables, tree nuts, dried fruits, and horticulture and nursery crops (including floriculture),” comprise a major part of U.S. agriculture. In 2012, the value of farm-level specialty crop production totaled nearly $60 billion, representing about one fourth of the value of U.S. crops (CRS from USDA, 2012 Census of Agriculture, Table 2, Market Value of Agricultural Products Sold). The impact of this production on the U.S. economy is further amplified by the multiplier effect through agriculture-related industries such as spray, fertilizer, equipment, transportation, marketing and processing. The weight of growing medical evidence demonstrates that fruit consumption helps prevent nutrient deficiencies and reductions in the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer has influenced the expansion of all aspects of the fruit industry.
One of the primary concerns of the specialty crop industry is a group of systemic pathogens for which there are no effective remedies once plants are infected. These pathogens include viruses, viroids, phytoplasmas and systemic bacterial pathogens that cost producers and consumers billions of dollars (is there a reference to billions as above?). Additionally, these pathogens and diseases require expensive management and control procedures at nurseries and by producers locally and nationally.
For some crops such as berries, fruit and nut trees and grapevine, historical records provide accounts of the disastrous results and great expense of introducing new pathogens into plant propagation material. Plants infected with systemic pathogens exhibit phenotypes ranging from asymptomatic to severe decline and death. Symptoms depend on a multitude of factors, including pathogen strain, host genotype, environment, and presence of mixed infections with other pathogens. Infected hosts may be asymptomatic as plants grown in optimal conditions in nurseries, but when exposed to field stresses, the plants may establish poorly, decline, or not produce lower quantity and quality fruit. Importantly, monitoring of visual symptoms may lead to misdiagnosis, as different virus species or virus complexes often cause identical symptoms.
Infected, asymptomatic plants may be selected for cultivation inadvertently or deliberately by breeders and nurseries. Whereas these tolerant selections provide a potential means of circumventing the effects of infection, their use is problematic as they may display symptoms during field growth and production, induce a synergistic response when infected with other pathogens or serve as a reservoir of infection that may be transmitted to other, less tolerant genotypes. It is important to note that mixed infections by two or more viruses that are latent in single infections may lead to severe symptoms or even plant mortality.
In addition to transmission via vegetative propagation and grafting, systemic pathogens may also be transmitted by vectors, including arthropods (aphids, mites, thrips, beetles, hoppers, psyllids, mealybugs and whiteflies), nematodes, and plasmodiophorids. A vector usually transmits a pathogen with a high degree of specificity, and thus vector control strategies can frequently be implemented as an effective means of disease management. Some epiphytotics have resulted from the introduction of a new vector into a region where the pathogen is already present. For example, citrus tristeza virus (CTV) became an economically important pathogen in South America after the introduction of an efficient aphid vector, Toxoptera citricida (Kirkaldy). Little cherry virus 2 eliminated sweet cherry production from important growing areas of British Columbia after the introduction of the apple mealybug (Phenacoccus aceris Signoret). Similarly, Pierce’s disease, caused by the bacterium Xylella fastidiosa, became more prevalent in California vineyards after the introduction of the glassy-winged sharpshooter (Homalodisca vitripennis (Germar)) whereas grapevine leafroll spread more rapidly in California after the introduction of the vine mealybug (Planococcus ficus Signoret) due to its rapid, proliferative reproduction in comparison to native mealybug species. Vector exclusion or control on a regional or national level can be an important consideration when managing the spread of vector-transmitted pathogens in nurseries and production fields.
One dramatic historical example can be illustrated by the sweet cherry industry on the west coast. In the 1940s, severe disease problems plagued Washington and California growers. Serious virus diseases affected 7.1% of all sweet cherry trees in Washington State and 35% of these trees were removed each year in an attempt to stop disease spread and to restore production. This level of tree removal translates to a loss to growers of more than 50% of the total farm gate value of production arising from the cost of tree removal, replanting and lost fruit yield. The unsustainable level of income loss was addressed by the creation of clean plant programs, and by research projects that provide a better understanding of the pathogens and the vectors that transmit them. These programs significantly reduce damage by viruses. It is estimated that the loss of value of the sweet cherry crop due to viruses was down to approximately 1.9% in 2003.
Diseases caused by virus and virus-like organisms continue to be significant factors affecting berries, fruit and nut trees and grapevine industries in the United States and Canada and new disease threats continue to emerge. The principal means of long-distance spread of these pathogens is through movement of infected propagation material. Once these pathogens are introduced into a new area, they can spread within a field and region by naturally occurring or invasive vectors. Further efforts are needed to help the affected industries remain competitive in the international market place. This project contributes to that goal by providing a forum for information exchange at annual meetings and by establishing contacts that encourage communication and collaboration for containing the spread of debilitating diseases.
WERA-0020 is uniquely positioned to provide rapid access to expertise to address the changing landscape of diseases caused by viruses and virus-like agents. WERA-0020 brings together research, extension, and state and federal regulatory activities on economically important fruit crops so these activities are sustained despite a critical mass of researchers that is woefully insufficient for the needs of the industries. WERA-0020 is effective in providing information and solutions to disease problems and transferring technologies between states and across provincial borders. Many of the solutions for the detection, identification, and management of viral diseases are similar in all of the crops represented by WERA 0020. Open discussion between members and guests of all facets of virus disease control generate and stimulate appropriate approaches for solving disease management problems. The Farm Bill - H.R. 6124 Food, Conservation, and Energy Act of 2008 established the National Clean Plant Network (NCPN), a partnership among clean plant centers and state and federal regulatory agencies to provide propagation material of perennial specialty crops throughout the U.S. Thus, the goals of WERA-0020 and the NCPN are parallel and assist specialty crop management to reduce the economic impact of virus threats. WERA-0020 is assisting the NCPN by locating and maintaining voucher samples of many diseases in research collections and by identifying pathogens of regional concern for consideration by the NCPN. The research produced by the WERA-0020 membership contributes directly to improved diagnostic capabilities of clean plant centers functioning within the NCPN and developing strategies for mitigating the negative impacts of virus and virus-like diseases.
Related, Current and Previous Work
Crop loss due to virus-induced disease is dynamic: management strategies are developed for some diseases while other diseases emerge. The worldwide movement of plant products exposes specialty crop production areas to new disease pressures. Rapid changes in disease pressure are also being imposed by changes in populations of the insects that transmit disease. Transient or long term changes in weather patterns and changes in horticultural practices are resulting in vector population shifts, and the rapid movement of goods around the globe can quickly disseminate insect vectors into new production areas. This is exemplified by some examples of disastrous introductions over the past twenty years. Globally, the aphid-transmitted plum pox virus is the most economically important virus of stone fruits. The discovery of this virus in North America for the first time in the U.S. in 1999 and in Canada in 2000 had an immediate impact on the tree fruit and nursery industries. As of 2010, more than $120 million and $180 million have been spent in the U.S. and Canada, respectively, in attempts to detect, eradicate, and/or manage the virus. Yet the source of the introduction into North America remains unknown. The accidental introduction of the glassy winged sharp shooter into California in 1990 caused devastation of the grape industry in the southernmost counties of the state by transmitting the bacterial agent causing Pierces disease that existed in the area. Citrus greening is one of the more serious diseases of citrus. The vector of this disease, Asian citrus psyllid, was introduced into the southeast U.S. in 1998 and is now present in more than a dozen states. The bacterial pathogen that causes citrus greening was detected in 2005 and action is being aggressively pursued to prevent the psyllid vector from spreading the disease beyond its current limits. Other disease issues evolved over many years. CTV is a major limitation to citrus production worldwide and efforts to control this disease in California and Arizona have been critical to maintaining the viability of this fruit tree industry in the western United States. Raspberry bushy dwarf virus causes serious yield and quality losses in Rubus spp. and Blueberry scorch carlavirus is emerging as a major disease problem for blueberry production in the Pacific Northwestern and Northeastern U.S. Western X disease, pear decline, and peach yellow leafroll are diseases caused by phytoplasmas and seriously reduce the production of stone and pome fruits in the western region of the U.S. These and other phytoplasmas cause diseases that are also associated with the eastern peach industry (yellows, rosette, and red suture). They occur erratically but are devastating when present. In Europe, the geographic range of the leafhopper vector of the phytoplasma that causes Bois noir disease of grapevines has expanded northward dramatically and increased incidence of the disease quickly followed. Disease caused by phytoplasma may spread in the new world following a similar course as global climatic conditions shift.
Following are descriptions of three diseases of fruit crops (plum pox, citrus tristeza and huanglongbing) to illustrate the devastating socio-economic consequences that systemic pathogens can inflict on fruit industries. The costs include: i) direct crop loss realized by producers and ii) disease management strategies that may include surveillance, quarantine, eradication and replanting, vector control, production and maintenance of healthy planting stock, and research. Numerous additional examples of epiphytotics caused by systemic pathogens can be found in the literature.
Plum Pox. The consequences of the introduction and subsequent eradication of an economically important virus are well illustrated in the response to PPV, which causes one of the most devastating viral diseases of stone fruits in the world. Plum pox disease, also known as “sharka,” was limited to Europe for most of the 20th century, but has since spread to Africa, South America, Asia and North America, where it causes disease on several species of stone fruits. The virus was first reported in North America in Pennsylvania and later in Canada. PPV reduces fruit quality and increases fruit drop in certain plum cultivars. Infected trees serve as permanent reservoirs of the virus and the major source of inoculum for local and long-distance spread of the virus by several species of aphid vectors. Long-distance dispersal of PPV occurs primarily through host propagation material. Although the geographic route of PPV introduction into the U.S. has never been determined, it is assumed that the virus was introduced on such material. The virus is primarily transmitted through grafting during nursery production. The virus is also transmitted by several aphid species and by pollen, making eradication efforts particularly problematic. Cambra estimated that the costs associated with sharka management worldwide exceeded 10 billion Euros ($12.6 billion) prior to 2006, and the cost of PPV eradication in Pennsylvania in the decade following its first observation in 1999 has been estimated at $53 million which included the destruction of 648 hectares of stone fruit orchards. The steps taken to eradicate PPV in the U.S. are well documented. The five factors that contributed to the successful eradication in Pennsylvania were: (i) prompt detection after introduction, (ii) ready availability of reliable diagnostic tests, (iii) a rigorous disease eradication plan supported by local growers, (iv) extensive crop surveys conducted over several years to ensure the absence of PPV, and (v) optimal management of resources through coordinated efforts among regulatory agencies with strong support from producers, nurseries, the local land grant universities and Extension educators.
Citrus tristeza causes the most important virus disease of citrus. There are many strains, which cause different symptoms depending on the cultivar and the scion/rootstock combination. The virus has killed more than 100 million trees propagated on the widely used sour orange rootstock during the last 80 years in South America, the U.S., Spain, and Israel (67). In other citrus crops, some virus strains do not kill but cause significant economic losses because of tree decline and yield reductions (32). Long-distance spread occurs by the movement of infected propagation material or movement of viruliferous aphids. Several aphid species are responsible for local spread and transmit CTV with varying efficiency. The brown citrus aphid (BrCA), Toxoptera citricida (Kirkaldy), is the most efficient vector, and its introduction into areas where CTV is present has accelerated virus spread. Devastating epidemics of citrus tristeza have occurred in association with BrCA presence in Brazil and Venezuela, and the introduction of BrCA into regions where CTV is present, such as the central valley of California, is likely to accelerate virus dispersal in that region.
The economic impact of the virus on the citrus industry worldwide results from the cost of: (i) loss of trees through death and decline; (ii) maintenance of quarantines in CTV-free areas; (iii) destruction of infected trees; and (iv) implementation of virus, vector and disease management strategies. The latter may include quarantine and certification programs to avoid importation and propagation of severe strains, the use of disease-tolerant rootstocks, nursery stock production in aphid-free screenhouses to minimize infection during propagation, use of certified virus-tested budwood, and pre-inoculation of trees with mild strains to protect them from infection by severe strains.
Huanglongbing (HLB), also known as citrus greening, has severely affected citrus production in East Asia for more than a century and now threatens the citrus industry in the U.S. The disease is associated with a phloem-limited bacterium, Candidatus Liberobacter asiaticus, which is vectored by the Asian citrus psyllid, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama. Economic losses are due to tree decline, premature fruit drop, and the production of small misshapen fruit that produces bitter juice. HLB was first detected in the U.S. in Florida in 2005, and has since spread throughout the commercial production areas of the state. The disease has impacted Florida’s citrus industry and threatens citrus production in the other citrus-producing states where it has been reported. Since 2006, HLB has cost the citrus industry in Florida an estimated $3.63 billion in lost revenue and more than 6,600 jobs. The present and anticipated impact of HLB on the U.S. citrus industry is reflected in the $24 million appropriated to fight HLB in the 2014 Fiscal Year Federal Omnibus Spending Bill. Management strategies for HLB include the use of certified, pathogen-free nursery stock, rogueing of infected trees, and chemical or biological suppression of vectors. In California where the psyllid vector is not endemic, local occurrences of psyllid populations have triggered regional quarantines and aggressive pesticidal treatments to prevent the establishment of the vector.
A recent proof of concept of the objectives of WERA-020 involved a new grapevine pathogen. The National Clean Plant Network (NCPN) supported a new Foundation Vineyard, “Russell Ranch” at Foundation Plant Services, University of California-Davis, setting the highest standard for disease by testing for over 30 viruses and virus-like organisms. To qualify for planting in Russell Ranch, vines must be treated with microshoot tip culture to eliminate viruses. In 2012, grapevine red blotch-associated virus (GRBaV, ‘red blotch’) was discovered using technologies supported by NCPN (51, 88) and later found to be distributed throughout the U.S. (50). The grape growers and wine makers of the U.S. are very concerned about this virus because it is believed to have a significant negative effect on wine grape quality. Because of the foresight of NCPN and the willingness of nursery industry stakeholders to move forward with this new G1 planting stock, at least a large part of the solution to this crisis was already at hand. None of the 1,823 vines planted at Russell Ranch were positive when tested for GRBaV even though the virus had not yet been discovered when the vineyard was first propagated. Grape nurseries across the country are planting new G2 blocks from the G1 vines at Russell Ranch in sites isolated from any commercial vineyards. NCPN funding made the vineyard planting possible; scientists from WERA-020 did the research that discovered the virus.
Members of WERA-020 frequently collaborate on research and often write jointly authored manuscripts. The ‘Literature cited’ section of this project proposal shows the high publication productivity of our members during the previous project term 2011-2015. This multi-state activities success is evidenced by the frequency with which more than one WERA-020 member is included in authorship of a single manuscript. We draw the attention of the reader to the 2015 Plant Disease article ‘Safeguarding Fruit Crops in the Age of Agricultural Globalization’ by Gergerich et al. as illustrative of the close working relationships and shared objectives of members of our multi-state team. This comprehensive review is a strong overview of our shared work and contributed much to the writing of this project.
Promote and improve communication and cooperation among entomologists, plant pathologists, horticulturists, and other professionals concerned about plant health to determine the vectors of virus and virus-like diseases and to investigate the role of vector biology in the epidemiology of diseases.
Encourage, facilitate, and enhance collaborative research on the cause and control of newly detected diseases and disorders by increasing contacts and communication on newly discovered problems likely to be caused by viruses or virus-like agents.
Facilitate rapid adoption and proper use of newly developed techniques and information that aid in the characterization and detection of virus and virus-like plant pathogens.
Provide information and expertise (research and extension) for the acquisition, development and distribution of planting stock free of pathogens.
Provide a source of research information and service to quarantine and certification agencies, germplasm repositories, experiment station and government administrative agencies and perennial specialty crop industries nationwide.
Procedures and Activities
<p>Annual meetings are conducted so that participants and others of diverse interests can be made aware of the most current research and issues in the field of virus and virus-like diseases of berries, fruit and nut trees and grapevines. Participants include researchers, state and federal regulatory agents, private sector scientists, and extension personnel to promote effective transmission of ideas and issues. Meetings are held in different regions of the country to provide greater opportunity for participants to interact with local and regional parties.</p>
<p>The meeting structure fosters the reporting of preliminary observations and work early in its development. This encourages development of collaborative projects to address specific issues associated with emerging disease situations. Reports of research from the participants are presented in a venue that promotes development of solutions for recalcitrant problems.</p>
<p>By bringing together individuals representing diverse agricultural sectors and from theoretical to applied research, opportunities are presented for cross-fertilization of ideas to advance research. Data and results addressing the challenges of existing technologies and new developments in disease diagnosis are communicated.</p>
<p>Programs engaged in the development of virus-tested material were recently embodied in the National Clean Plant Network. The WERA-0020 provides a forum to address specific topics related to appropriate disease diagnosis and elimination. Current activities involve the identification of diseases of regional importance that will be included in certification testing requirements across North America. Critical discussions focus on rationalizing disease lists. Researcher collections are being canvassed to identify and characterize pathogens and as research material to support translational research to aid in diagnosis. Disease names for which voucher samples are no longer relevant will be suspended. The entire membership is invited to engage in discussion through the annual meeting and through an established email exchange list. The diverse membership of this group assists in maximizing the distribution of information to all sectors of the specialty crop industry. Formal and informal participation of all groups (research, extension, and industry) in this project is encouraged.</p>
<p>This group represents the programs from across the U.S. and Canada involved in the development of propagation material of vegetatively propagated perennial crops. Meetings enhance the exchange of information between research and regulatory professionals insuring that all participants are aware of developing disease situations. Representation from all regions insures that diverse ecological regions of North America are engaged in discussion. Meetings involve a visit to view local disease symptoms in the field allowing those who are new to the subject to become familiar with newly reported diseases, to expose participants to problems that are of restricted distribution, and also to show localized industries with special problems and solutions. Some memorable examples include a visit in 2001 to peach orchards in Pennsylvania where symptoms of Plum pox virus were observed, and exclusion survey methodology explained; a visit in 2009 to a Michigan research facility to observe blueberry shock virus in a blueberry planting and the 2014 visit on Oahu, Hawaii, to a transgenic papaya orchard, planted with a cultivar developed by one of our former members, which has saved the Hawaii papaya industry because it is resistant to papaya ringspot virus. One recent and striking example of the impact of the WERA-20 multistate group is the July 2015 national meeting. The 2015 meeting was hosted by members who are USDA-APHIS scientists stationed in Beltsville. The venue allowed substantial participation by our regulatory community with the research leadership, which resulted in a special workshop on High Throughput Sequencing technology and its potential to improve pathogen detection protocols. That workshop has already resulted in substantial changes in phytosanitary permit requirement for the scientists, improving the ability of our NCPN centers to move valuable cultivars more quickly through State and Federal quarantines.</p>
Expected Outcomes and Impacts
- Identify and develop control programs for berry, fruit and nut tree and grapevine viruses and phytoplasmas vectored by insects and nematodes. The membership includes entomologists, nematologists and plant pathologists. Coordination of objectives and the development of a systems approach to the solution and implementation of plant disease control programs is facilitated by the diversity of participants.
- Coordinated research will be conducted on pathogens that impact common crops grown in geographically diverse areas. Disease management strategies developed for one type of pathogen or crop in one geographical area are often applicable to managing the disease in other areas. Collaborative efforts would thus save considerable time and resources by completing the research in a timely fashion and avoiding unnecessary duplication of research efforts. Productive and significant research on the biology of virus vectors requires interdisciplinary collaboration.
- Identification and characterization of the phytopathogenic viruses, viroids, and phytoplasmas that impact berries, fruit and nut trees and grapevines production in North America and Hawaii. Pathogen isolates will be exchanged as necessary and with properly authorized permits. Newly developed diagnostic reagents and procedures that allow better characterization of diverse pathogens will also be distributed.
- Develop and evaluate techniques to produce and maintain pathogen-free planting materials. Provide scientific expertise to stakeholders, as well as state and federal programs that disseminate planting materials. Rationalization of the list of fruit tree diseases will facilitate the development of appropriate regionally needed testing programs for certification. The national effort will result in a joint publication and will provide the basis for future development of testing standards.
- Develop, optimize, and disseminate standard detection protocols to members, and participants in the National Clean Plant network as well as state and federal (APHIS and CFIA) regulatory agencies. Compare the accuracy and reliability of rapid pathogen detection/identification techniques with graft-indexing protocols currently used in clean stock and regulatory programs. The successful implementation and acceptance of rapid pathogen detection systems will save commercial nurseries and governmental agencies considerable money, space and time. In addition to providing protection against foreign, exotic pathogens, new diagnostic capabilities will expedite the introduction of new planting materials and keep American and Canadian growers competitive in the world marketplace.
Projected Participation
View Appendix E: ParticipationEducational Plan
Annual meetings and written progress reports provide important forums for members to become acquainted with the most recent research accomplishments and emerging disease situations. Minutes of annual meetings and reports are displayed on the internet for public access. A stable email address has been established to facilitate our ability to solicit assistance outside of the regularly scheduled annual meetings. Several members are participants in the National Clean Plant Network or federal and state regulatory agencies. Information presented at meetings is therefore rapidly assimilated and, where feasible, quickly integrated into these programs. The results of collaborations are transferred to clientele through participation in annual meetings that are held at locations that rotate around North America and through the publication of collaborative research efforts in refereed discipline oriented and popular press publications.
Governance positions include a Chair and a Secretary who are elected from membership at the annual meeting or through an email poll if necessary. A secretary is elected each year. The secretary serves a term of one year. Previous year's secretary moves to Chair position. The duties of the secretary include recording minutes and disseminating them to members by e-mail and submitting minutes to NIMMS system. The Chair serves a term of one year. Duties include organizing the annual meeting, chairing the meeting, and renewing the project on the year before its expiration. Meetings include individual State reports, special round-table discussions, and are normally followed by tours of the technical interest in the meeting location. The annual general meeting will alternate between east and west coasts.
Literature Cited
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Al Rwahnih, M., S. Daubert, D.A. Golino, C. Islas, and A. Rowhani. 2015. Comparison of Next Generation Sequencing vs. Biological Indexing for the optimal detection of viral pathogens in Grapevine. Phytopathology 105:758-763.
Al Rwahnih, M., Daubert, S., Golino, D., and Rowhani, A. Next-Generation Sequencing poised to replace Biological Indexing as the Gold Standard for Virus Detection in Grapevine. Proceedings of the 18th Congress of ICVG, Ankara, Turkey. September 7-11, 2015.
Al Rwahnih, M., Daubert, S., Golino, D., Durvasula, A., and Rowhani, A. 2015. Description and Detection of a novel Reovirus species in Cabernet grapevine in California. APS meeting, Pasadena CA, August 1-15, 2015.
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