NCCC_OLD210: Regulation of Adipose Tissue Accretion in Meat-Producing Animals (NCR97)
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
NCCC_OLD210: Regulation of Adipose Tissue Accretion in Meat-Producing Animals (NCR97)
Duration: 10/01/2009 to 09/30/2014
Administrative Advisor(s):
NIFA Reps:
Non-Technical Summary
Statement of Issues and Justification
Needs NCCC097, Regulation of Adipose Tissue Growth in Meat Animals, a multi-State project, has been established to meet needs of stakeholders including consumers, food animal producers, and scientists. The Project Committee is composed of scientists with broad interests and expertise of factors affecting development and composition of adipose tissue in meat-producing animals. The need to control excessive adipose tissue growth, as well as modify fatty acid composition of tissue, provides consumers with meat and meat products with the greatest quality and/or nutritional value possible with correlated enhanced efficiencies of conversion of feed to food and ultimately economic profitability. Importantly, scientists will benefit from advances in techniques and methodology that arise from the Project Committees efforts to move forward in their quest for advanced knowledge in the field of adipose biology. Indeed, adipose tissue provides a dynamic metabolic paradigm as knowledge of its composition, biochemistry, molecular biology, endocrinology, and morphology steadily advances. Importance of work The Project Committee meets annually to report on research conducted by individual members and there are significant collaborations among Project Committee members throughout the year. The primary importance of activities of Project Committee members is development of ideas and strategies, and critique of planned studies so subsequent research is conducted in a manner that provides data worthy of interpretation and importance to advancement of adipose tissue biology. If these activities are not accomplished, or if the Project Committee does not meet to participate in these activities and develop camaraderie, scientific knowledge from individual scientist research projects and interactions with collaborative scientists on these projects are stifled and ultimately progress in addressing needs of consumers and food animal producers is hampered. Members of NCCC097 continue to be dedicated to understanding regulation and mechanisms for control of adipose tissue (fat) deposition in animals raised for meat production. Adipose tissue is necessary for survival to supply and store energy and as an endocrine organ. Excess fat is costly from a fiscal perspective to produce and is unwanted by consumers of lean meat. However, the deposition of intramuscular (marbling) adipose tissue must be promoted to achieve maximum carcass/product quality (for the producer) as well as often times a desired eating experience (for consumers). Animal growth can be modified to decrease fat production by nutritional, pharmacological, and physiological control of intrinsic or extrinsic processes, but this must be balanced with maintaining marbling deposition. Project Committee members have been the primary multistate and Land Grant University contributors in the area of adipose tissue biology for over 30 years. The present scope of NCCC097 Project Committee members is national and includes academic participants from throughout the USA and USDA/ARS. Different industry representatives are invited to each meeting to provide a unique perspective on adipose tissue biology. Dr. Shih-Torng Ding, of National Taiwan University and former postdoctoral research associate of Dr. Harry Mersmann (retired NCCC-097 member), continues to provide the committee with an international perspective through his guest participation. Dr. Ding is a highly prolific publisher with considerable use of modern techniques and his expertise always adds to the quality of the annual Project Committee meeting. Project Committee members represent most of active researchers focusing on regulation of fat accretion in meat-producing animals in the USA. This inclusiveness provides for great awareness of and supports integration of research. No other multi-state project includes the objectives/goals of those proposed for NCCC097 providing for the true uniqueness and justification of this project. Thirty-five years ago, members of NCCC097 were major publishers of papers related to carcass composition, adipocyte anabolic and catabolic lipid metabolism, and fatty acid composition. A landmark publication at the time was Biology of Fat in Meat Animals, published by the Project Committee members in 1976 (College of Agriculture, University of Wisconsin). Twenty-five years ago, members focused on nutritional/pharmacological treatment to change body composition, and 15 years ago, mechanisms controlling adipocyte hyperplasia, differentiation, and growth (hypertrophy) and effects of somatotropin and beta-adrenergic agonists were emphasized. An important outcome of the latter research was publication of The Biology of Fat in Meat Animals: Current Advances, by Project Committee members in 1995 (ASAS Press). Currently, members address problems in adipose tissue biology by using modern techniques in molecular biology and immunology. For example, project objectives are achieved through members studying control of adipocyte differentiation by using DNA and immunological technologies to probe chronology of adipocyte gene expression. Project Committee members made additional contributions to objectives through cloning full or partial sequences for many porcine and bovine genes associated with adipocyte differentiation. Effect of various hormones, growth factors and nutrients on differentiation continues to be of primary focus of several project members in contributing to project objectives. Project Committee members cloned the porcine beta-adrenergic receptors (BAR) and found that porcine adipocytes have mostly B1AR and not B3AR, as in rodents. Cloned receptors allow researchers to understand unique adrenergic biology of porcine adipocytes. Other Project member contributions have been the role of adenosine receptors in modulating catabolic porcine adipocyte lipid metabolism. Members continue to delve into signal transduction mechanisms for regulation of adipocyte lipid metabolism and growth. The role of fatty acid oxidation in young pigs and development and function of brown adipose tissue in newborn cattle and sheep are ongoing interests of other members of the committee. Seven Project Committee members study mechanisms for conjugated linoleic acid modification of growth, and another member studies development of omega-3 fatty acids in adipocytes of grass-fed beef, and yet another member provides scientific knowledge in satisfying program objectives through studying promotion of enrichment of monounsaturated fatty acids in differentiating adipose tissue, as regulated by expression of the stearoyl-CoA desaturase gene with all of these contributing in significant ways to satisfying the objectives of our multistate project. Recently, nine members of the Project Committee have shared authorship of a review article, The Biology and Regulation of Preadipocytes and Adipocytes in Meat Animals, to appear in the Journal of Animal Science. Molecular biological and immunological methodologies are very important for the continued progress of Project Committee members such as array techniques for DNA or protein expression studies. For example, these approaches allow for studies of cytokine gene expression by adipose tissue. These approaches will extend the DNA expression results of previous studies of Project Committee members (Hausman, Odle, Adams, Smith, and Rule). An example of progress made with these approaches is the advanced understanding of the role of fatty acids such as CLA, omega-3 and monounsaturated fatty acids. Adiponectin receptors have been cloned and the biology of adiponectin and the receptors studied and reported by former committee members and associates (Dr. Michael Spurlock and Dr. Shih-Torng Ding, independently).Members provide expertise and major contributions to the knowledge base for regulation of adipocyte differentiation and growth, as well as metabolism and composition of lipid. Classical measurements of enzyme activities, fatty acid composition, as well as adipocyte size and number are used but are supplemented by new technologies such as immunological and nucleic acid methods, cellular signal transduction measurements, and microdialysis (to measure metabolites and blood flow in vivo). Molecular, cellular, tissue, organ, or whole animal experimental designs are used depending on the type of question being addressed. The group has a very strong publication record to disseminate results globally. Over the last 4 plus years, there have been hundreds journal articles and abstracts, along with several book chapters, books, and many technical reports resulting from contributions of Program Committee members many of which would not have occurred or that were enhanced as a consequence of committee member interactions, particularly at our annual meeting. A symposium, "Alternative Aspects of Adipocyte Function" was organized and presented by members of NCCC097 at ASAS-2003. Members have hundreds of thousands of dollars in grants each year from USDA/NRI, commodity groups, industry, and state funds. They serve on multiple journal editorial boards (J. Anim. Sci., J. Nutr., Dom. Anim. Endocrin., Exp. Biol. Med.), serve as Editor and section editors for J. Anim. Sci., review multiple grants, present numerous seminars and symposium talks, and organize and chair meeting sessions and symposia. With the greatly enhanced focus on obesity in humans from developed countries, research results from members impact the biology of adipose tissue growth with some results being extrapolated to humans or used as a foundation knowledge base for using the pig or other species as biomedical models. Technical feasibility of the research The research of Committee individuals is greatly enhanced because of the interaction at the meeting with detailed discussion, critique and trouble-shooting of experimental design, methods, results and interpretation. Members with little expertise in a specific area or sub-discipline have access to input by other members with demonstrated expertise. Thus, detailed presentation and discussion of research design, methodologies and results at the meeting greatly increases the feasibility of the projects and the probability of success. As research approaches and methodologies continue to advance and evolve, Program Committee member contributions are markedly improved because of these interactions. Advantages of doing the work as a multi-state effort Advantages of collaboration as a multistate effort are best defined as diversity of efforts emphasized by members from the individual states. The diversity includes species, discipline, and technical emphasis. This diversity allows the Committee to span needs of consumers and industry more completely. Species diversity is partially dictated by species concentration in specific regions. For example, faculty at the University of Wyoming focus on sheep and cattle, those in Texas focus primarily on beef cattle, and faculty working with swine are represented by a large number of Committee members. Moreover, other members of the Committee emphasize cell and tissue culture to accomplish goals consistent with those of NCCC-097. Likely impacts of successful collaboration Outcomes of collaboration among Project Committee members are not limited to the confines of the annual meeting. Individuals and collaborators who are a part of this Project Committee have been and continue to be successful in obtaining extramural research grants because of the research conducted, in part, in conjunction with input and involvement of Project Committee members. The Project Committee members continue to conduct symposia focusing specifically on regulation of adipose tissue accretion in food producing animals at national scientific meetings, as well as to publish proceedings and books on this topic. Advancements realized by Project Committee members also positively impact the biomedical community because of the direct link to human nutrition and human adipose tissue biology that has relevance to disease states such as obesity, inflammation, and the metabolic syndrome. The greatest impacts of the NCCC097 multistate project are: 1) Enhanced quality of research in making the whole greater than the sum or the parts through collegial collaborations, particularly at the annual meeting that is held preceding the Experimental Biology meetings; 2) The broad utilization of the knowledge base that is communicated through Project Committee member publications that result under the auspices of the NCCC097 Multistate Project Committee; and 3) NCC097 Project Committee member stimulation of graduate student and postdoctoral fellow creativity as a result of their interactions through and often times collaborations with the leading adipose tissue biologists in the USA contributing to food animal production research.
Share and critique new techniques, experimental designs, and recent unpublished data regarding adipocyte biology through the interactive process at the annual Project Committee meetings to improve experimental designs and to develop mutual interests toward joint research projects to include application to human obesity, as well as appropriate in vitro models for use in clinical applications of tissue regeneration/reconstruction
Plan a symposium presented by members of the Project Committee that focuses on our studies pertaining to the following areas of current relevance to adipose tissue biology (see attachment for more details)
The Project Committee has published two volumes of Biology of Fat in Meat Animals, first in 1976 and again in 1995. The Project Committee plans to compile in text form an appendix of methods of specific relevance to adipose tissue biology to encompass morphology, chemistry, biochemistry, and molecular biology of this tissue.
Members of the Project Committee plan to develop research proposal(s) for coordinated study of one or more of the areas of relevance listed above in Objective 2. The annual interaction of all members, as well as more frequent interaction of select members will enhance the opportunities for extramural funding shared between our institutions to further research and discovery in the biology of adipose tissue in meat animals and humans.
Develop continued coordination of the Project Committee through planning based on outcomes of the current renewal tenure.
Procedures and Activities
NCCCC97's renewal will continue to provide expertise and national leadership for research in modern concepts of adipocyte biology and animal growth. This is expressed in the contribution of members to review panels such as the USDA NRI Animal Growth and Nutrient Utilization grant program review. In addition, under this renewal, we will prepare an adipocyte/lipid metabolism methods booklet for use by members, graduate students, and postdoctoral fellows, including those not associated with NCCC097. There is a need because many new approaches are being used by various members and because journal publications do not provide the detail necessary to execute most procedures. The last methods booklet was published about 1992. Moreover, the group plans to prepare a catalog of research materials available for sharing among members. With the abundance of genes/proteins being studied by members, a catalog (kept current) will provide a reference source for available and tested gene probes, proteins and antibodies. This will greatly reduce duplication of effort and aborted efforts to save time and enhance research progress. This activity is ongoing and is expected to be functional by 2010. Also, participants will create a syllabus for an adipocyte biology course. An extensive outline plus figures, tables, charts, flow diagrams, micrographs, and drawings contributed by multiple members, will provide a valuable resource for all members to use in teaching and lecturing about adipocyte biology. Individual members have unique materials resulting from their research and teaching. Several members currently teach a course in lipid metabolism that includes much information on adipocyte biology. A renewal of NCCC97 will allow the group to continue maintaining and updating our project's website. This site provides a list of the membership, a synopsis of individual expertise, a summary of the annual meeting, a listing of relevant new books and reviews, selected special data, etc. Finally, this committee plans on organizing a symposium to present new concepts in adipocyte biology and lipid metabolism. This activity is planned for 2009. Project Milestones and Dates for Completion of the Objectives: Members of this committee conduct research in the areas described within the Objectives. Progress within any specific Objective is directly associated with the amount of funding each member obtains to develop appropriate experiments. There is no possible means to establish timelines or milestones because the funding sources are inconsistent and grants are obtained by individuals rather than the committee as a group. It is our ongoing goal to develop collaborative research; however, the uncertainty with which funding occurs under our Committees established framework does not allow for discrete timelines or for accomplishment of any specific Objective with the exception of Objective number one.
Expected Outcomes and Impacts
- Exchange of ideas, information, techniques, experimental design, and data. The open and extensive exchange of information and ideas at the annual Project Committee meeting provides important suggestions to investigators about design of experiments and new approaches not previously considered. Input from multiple persons with expertise about experiments and data interpretation heightens the quality of scientific endeavors of Project Committee members. The annual Project Committee meeting that is held at the same venue and immediately preceding the Experimental Biology meetings is the primary and in many cases only venue through which all members of the committee work with each other in an interactive forum.
- Initiate new and relevant individual and collaborative research projects. Although much of the experimentation by members precludes exchange of materials because of sample fragility, co-operative projects arise from the high quality and thought provoking research discussions between members at the annual meeting.
- Publication of original research and review articles pertaining to adipocyte biology and lipid metabolism, including joint publications with other members. Members continue to be at the forefront of modern approaches to the biology of adipocyte growth, with emphasis on meat producing species.
- Authoritative presentation of concepts of adipocyte biology and lipid metabolism at lectures, symposia, and conferences. The publication record of NCCC097 has been superlative over the last 40 years. As the original members retire, they are replaced by equally prolific scientists. The publication of journal articles, symposium proceedings, reviews, book chapters, and books about adipocyte growth by members is expected to continue in the future.
- Continue to provide expertise and national leadership for research in modern concepts of adipocyte biology and animal growth. This is expressed in the contribution of members to review panels such as the USDA NRI Animal Growth and Nutrient Utilization grant program review.
Projected Participation
View Appendix E: ParticipationEducational Plan
Educational Plan The annual Project Committee meeting is enhanced by attendance of graduate students and postdoctoral fellows associated with members of the Committee. These young scientists are encouraged to actively participate and to present results to the group and several have been employed to tenure track positions and now contribute as state representative Project Committee members. Typically, a representative from industry is invited to participate/present at the meeting allowing members to make contacts and discuss funding opportunities. New members are solicited, as current members become aware of scientists doing research on adipose tissue growth. The results from the research of Project Committee members are disseminated in a multiplicity of reviewed journal articles coupled with numerous published symposia proceedings and book chapters.
Governance The Governance for NCCC097 includes the election of a Chair, a Chair-elect, and Secretary. All officers are elected for one year. The Chair-elect arranges the meeting for the subsequent year. Continuity is provided by the stable membership and excellent attendance. Administrative guidance is provided by an assigned Administrative Advisor and a CSREES Representative.
Literature Cited
Journal Articles published by members of NCCC097 (2005-2008) 2005 Publications Adams, V.L., C.D.Gilbert, H.J. Mersmann, and S.B. Smith. 2005. Conjugated linoleic acid depresses [3-3H]thymidine incorporation into stromal-vascular cells of adipose tissue from postweanling pigs. Adipocytes 1, 1-9. Ametaj, B.N., B.J. Bradford, G. Bobe, R.A. Nafikov, Y. Lu, J.W. Young, and D.C. Beitz. 2005. Strong relationships between mediators of the acute phase response and fatty liver in dairy cows. Can. J. An. Sci. 85,165-175. Archibeque, S.L., D.K. Lunt, R.K. Tume, and S.B. Smith. 2005. Fatty acid indices of stearoyl Co-A desaturase activity do not reflect actual stearoyl Co-A desaturase enzyme activity in adipose tissues of beef steers finished with corn-, flaxseed-, or sorghum-based diets. J. Anim. Sci. 83, 1153-1166. Barb, C. R., G. J. Hausman, and K. Czaja. 2005. Leptin: a metabolic signal affecting central regulation of reproduction in the pig. Domest. Anim Endocrinol. 29, 186-192. Beitz, D.C. Contributions of animal products to healthy diets. 2005. Proc. Cornell Nutrition Conference for Feed Manufacturers, pp 117-126. Bergen, WG, and HJ Mersmann. 2005. Comparative Aspect of Lipid Metabolism: Impact on Contemporary Research and use of Animal Models, J Nutrition 135, 2499-2502. Dodson, M. V., M. E. Fernyhough, J. L. Vierck, and G. J. Hausman. 2005. Adipocytes may not be a terminally differentiated cell type: Implications for animal production. Animal Science 80, 239-240. Dodson, M.V., M.E. Fernyhough, J.L. Vierck, and G.J. Hausman. 2005. Adipocytes may not be a terminally differentiated cell type: Implications for animal production. Animal Science 80(3), 239-240. Ebert, A.R., A.S. Berman, R.J. Harrell, A.M. Kessler, S.G. Cornelius and J. Odle. 2005. Vegetable proteins enhance growth of milk fed piglets, despite lower apparent ileal digestibility. J. Nutr. 135, 2137-2143. Fernyhough, M. E., L. R. Bucci, G. J. Hausman, J. Antonio, J. L. Vierck, and M. V. Dodson. 2005. Gaining a solid grip on adipogenesis. Tissue Cell 37, 335-338. Fernyhough, M., L. Bucci, G. Hausman, J. Antonio, J. Vierck,and M.V. Dodson. 2005. Gaining a Solid Grip on Adipogenesis. Tissue and Cell 37(4), 335-338. Fernyhough, M.E., D.I. Helterline, J.L. Vierck, G.J. Hausman, R.A. Hill and M.V. Dodson. 2005. Dedifferentiation of mature adipocytes to form adipofibroblasts: More than a possibility. Adipocytes 1(1), 17-24. Fernyhough, M.E., J.L. Vierck, G.J. Hausman, P.S. Mir, E.K. Okine and M.V. Dodson. 2005. Primary adipocyte culture: Adipocyte purification methods may lead to a new understanding of adipose tissue growth and development. Cytotechnology 46,163-172. Foote, M.R., B.J. Nonnecke, M.A. Fowler, B.L. Miller, D.C. Beitz, and W.R. Waters. 2005. Effects of age and nutrition on expression of CD25, CD44, and L-selectin (CD62L) on T-cells from neonatal calves. J. Dairy Sci. 88, 2718-2729. Foote, M.R., B.J. Nonnecke, W.R. Waters, M.V. Palmer, D.C. Beitz, M.A. Fowler, B.L. Miller, T.E. Johnson, and H.B. Perry. 2005. Effects of increased dietary protein and energy on composition and functional capacities of blood mononuclear cells from vaccinated, neonatal calves. Int. J. Vit. Nutr. Res. 75, 357-368. Gatlin, L.A., M.T. See and J. Odle. 2005. Effects of chemical hydrogenation of supplemental fat on relative apparent lipid digestibility in finishing swine. J. Anim. Sci. 83, 1890-1898. Hargrave, K.M., M.J. Azain, and J.L. Miner. 2005. Dietary coconut oil increases conjugated linoleic acid-induced body fat loss in mice independent of essential fatty acid deficiency. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1737, 52-60. Hausman, G. J. and S. P. Poulos. 2005. A method to establish co-cultures of myotubes and preadipocytes from collagenase digested neonatal pig semitendinosus muscles. J. Anim Sci. 83, 1010-1016. House, R.L, J.P. Cassady, E.J. Eisen, M.K. McIntosh, and J. Odle. 2005. Conjugated linoleic acid evokes de lipidation through the regulation of genes controlling lipid metabolism in adipose and liver tissue. Obesity Reviews 6, 247-258. House, R.L., J.P. Cassady, E.J. Eisen, T.E. Eling, J.B. Collins, S.F. Grissom and J. Odle. 2005. Functional genomic characterization of the de lipidative effects of trans 10, cis12 conjugated linoleic acid (t10c12 CLA) in a polygenic obese line of mice. Physiol. Genomics. 21, 351-361. Kinkel, A.D., M.E. Fernyhough, D.L. Helterline, J.L. Vierck, K.S. Oberg, T.J. Vance, G.J. Hausman, R.A. Hill and M.V. Dodson. 2005. Oil red-O stains non-adipogenic cells: A precautionary note. Cytotechnology 46(1), 49-56. Lake, S. L., E. J. Scholljegerdes, R. L. Atkinson, v. Nayigihugu, L. I. Pailsley, D. C. Rule, G. E. Moss, T. J. Robinson, and B. W. Hess. 2005. Body condition score at parturition and postpartum supplemental fat effects on cow and calf performance. J. Anim. Sci. 83, 2908-2917. Lee, K., B. Li, X. Xi, Y. Suh, and R.J. Martin. The role of neuronal energy status in the regulation of AMP-activated protein kinase, orexigenic neuropeptides expression and feeding behavior. 2005. Endocrinology. 146(1), 3-10. [Corresponding author] Lin, X., R.L. House and J. Odle. 2005.Ontogeny and kinetics of carnitine palmitoyltransferase in liver and skeletal muscle of the domestic felid (Felis domestica). J. Nutr. Biochem. 16, 331-338. Lunt, D.K., K.Y. Chung, C.B. Choi, and S.B. Smith. 2005. Production characteristics and carcass quality of Angus and Wagyu steers fed to US and Japanese endpoints. J. Anim. Vet. Adv. 4, 949-953. Mimbs, K.J., T. D. Pringle, M. J. Azain, S. A. Meers, and T. A. Armstrong. 2005. Effects of Ractopamine on performance and composition of pigs phenotypically sorted into fat and lean groups. J. Anim. Sci. 83, 1361-1369. Nayigihugu, V., F. S. DAngieri, C. M. Murrieta, D. C. Rule, and B. W. Hess. 2005. Fatty acid composition of flame-broiled beef longissimus muscle. J. Food, Agric. Envir. 3, 39-42. Nevins, C.P., J.L. Vierck, N.S. Velotta, L. Bogachus, F. Castro-Munozledo and M.V. Dodson. 2005. A method for applying nitrogen evaporation to hexane-containing 24- or 96-well plates. Cytotechnology 49, 71-75. Odle, J., P. Lyvers Peffer, X. Lin. 2005. Hepatic fatty acid oxidation and ketogenesis in young pigs. In: Biology of metabolism in growing animals. (Eds D.G. Burrin and H.J. Mersmann) Elsevier Limited, New York. pp. 221-234. Oliver, W.T., K.J. Touchette, C.S. Whisnant, J.A. Brown, S.A. Mathews, J. Odle, and R.J. Harrell. 2005. Pigs weaned from the sow at 10 days of age respond to dietary energy source of manufactured liquid diets and exogenous porcine somatotropin (pST). J. Anim. Sci. 83, 1002-1009. Peffer, P.A., X. Lin and J. Odle. 2005. Hepatic ß oxidation and carnitine palmitoyltransferase I in neonatal pigs following dietary treatments of clofibric acid, isoproterenol and medium chain triglycerides . Am. J. Physiol. (Regul, Integr. Comp. Physiol.) 288, R1518-R1524. Poulos, S. P. and G. J. Hausman. 2005. Intramuscular Adipocytes- Potential to Prevent Lipotoxicity in Skeletal Muscle. Adipocytes 1[2], 79-94. Rhoades, R.D., D.A. King, B.E. Jenschke, J.M. Behrends, T.S. Hively, and S.B. Smith. 2005. Postmortem regulation of glycolysis by 6-phosphofructokinase in bovine M. sternocephalicus pars mandibularis. Meat Sci. 70, 621-626. Strat, A.L., T.J. Kokta, M.V. Dodson, A. Gertler, Z. Wu and R.A. Hill. 2005. Early signaling interactions between the insulin and leptin pathways in bovine myogenic cells. Biochemica et Biophysica ACTA (Molecular Cell Research) 1744(2), 164-175. 2006 Publications Atkinson, R. L., E. J. Scholljegerdes, S. L. Lake, V. Nayigihugu, B. W. Hess, and D. C. Rule. 2006. Site and extent of digestion and duodenal and ileal flow of total and esterified fatty acids in sheep fed a high-concentrate diet supplemented with high-linoleate safflower oil. J. Anim. Sci. 84, 387-396. Averette, G., L., M.T. See, D.K. Larick and J. Odle. 2006. Descriptive flavor analysis of bacon and pork loin from lean-genotype gilts fed conjugated linoleic acid and supplemental fat. J. Anim. Sci. 84, 3381-3386. Azain, M. J., J. R. Broderson, and R. J. Martin. 2006. Effect of long-term somatotropin treatment on body composition and lifespan in aging obese Zucker rats. Experimental Biology and Medicine. 231, 76-83. Barb, C. R., G. J. Hausman, and R. Rekaya. 2006. Gene expression in the brain-pituitary adipose tissue axis and luteinising hormone secretion during pubertal development in the gilt. Reprod. Suppl. 62, 33-44. Barb, C. R., R. R. Kraeling, G. B. Rampacek, and G. J. Hausman. 2006. The role of neuropeptide Y and interaction with leptin in regulating feed intake and luteinizing hormone and growth hormone secretion in the pig. Reproduction. 131, 1127-1135. Baublits, R. T., A. H. Brown, F. W. Pohlman, D. C. Rule, Z. B. Johnson, D. O. Onks, C. M. Murrieta, C. J., Richards, H. D. Loveday, B. A. Sandelin, and R. B. Pugh. 2006. Fatty acid and sensory characteristics of beef from three biological types of cattle grazing cool-season forages supplemented with soyhulls. Meat Science 72,100-107. Baublits, R. T., F.W. Pohlman, A.H. Brown Jr., D.C. Rule, Z.B. Johnson, D.O. Onks, C.M. Murrieta, B.A. Sandelin, C.J. Richards, H.D. Loveday, and R.B. Pugh. 2006. Comparison of fatty acid and sensory profiles of beef from forage-fed cattle retain United States Department of Agriculture Choice and Select beef. J. Mus. Foods. 17, 311-329. Beitz, D.C. 2006. Dietary modification to improve beef quality. www.meatscience.org/pubs/rmcarchv/2006/index.html Beitz, D.C. and L.J. Boyd. 2006. The American Dairy Science Association: The fourth twenty-five years, 1981-2005. J. Dairy Sci. 89, 1122-1146. Chung, K.Y., C.B. Choi, H. Kawachi, H. Yano, and S.B. Smith. 2006. Trans-10, cis-12 conjugated linoleic acid antagonizes arginine-promoted differentiation of bovine preadipocytes. Adipocytes 2, 93-100. Chung, K.Y., D.K. Lunt,, C.V. Choi, S.H. Chae, R.D. Rhoades, T.L. Adams, B. Booren, and S.B. Smith. 2006. Lipid characteristics of subcutaneous adipose tissue and M. longissimus thoracis of Angus and Wagyu steers fed to U.S. and Japanese endpoints. Meat Sci. 73, 432-441. Deiuliis J.A., B. Li, P.A. Lyvers-Peffer, S.J. Moeller, and K. Lee. 2006. Alternative splicing of delta-like 1 homolog (DLK1) in the pig and human. Comp Biochem Physiol B Biochem Mol Biol. 145(1), 50-59. Dicklin, M.E., J.L. Robinson, X. Lin and J. Odle. 2006. Ontogeny and chain-length specificity of gastrointestinal lipases affect medium-chain triacylglycerol utilization by newborn pigs. J. Anim Sci. 84, 818-825. Fernyhough, M.E., J.L. Vierck and M.V. Dodson. 2006. Assessing a non-traditional view of adipogenesis: adipocyte dedifferentiation mountains or molehills? Cells, Tissues, Organs (formerly ACTA Anatomica) 182(3-4), 226-228. Hargrave, K.M. and J.L. Miner. 2006. 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Fiber but not conjugated linoleic acid influences adiposity in dogs. Veterinary Therapeutics 7, 78-85. Knight, T.J. and D.C. Beitz. 2006. Use of biotechnology to improve food production and quality. In: Nutritional Health Strategies for Disease Prevention, 2nd ed., pp. 37.-386, Humana Press, Totowa, NJ. Kronberg, S.L., G. Bercelo-Coblijn, J. Shin, K. Lee, and E.J. Murphy. Bovine muscle n-3 fatty acid content is increased with flaxseed feeding. 2006 Lipids. 41,1059-1068. Lake, S. L., E. J. Scholljegerdes, D. M. Hallford, G. E. Moss, D. C. Rule, and B. W. Hess. 2006. Effects of body condition score at parturition and postpartum supplemental fat on metabolite and hormone concentrations of beef cows and their suckling calves. J. Anim. Sci. 84, 1038-1047. Lake, S. L., E. J. Scholljegerdes, T. R. Weston, D. C. Rule, and B. W. Hess. 2006. 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