NCERA212: Soybean Diseases
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
NCERA212: Soybean Diseases
Duration: 10/01/2009 to 09/30/2014
Administrative Advisor(s):
NIFA Reps:
Non-Technical Summary
Statement of Issues and Justification
Mission The mission of the NCERA-137 Soybean Disease Committee is to provide researchers (university and federal), producers, soybean commodity groups, consultants, breeders and other soybean industry members with research accomplishments, educational information and management tools that will contribute to a better understanding of soybean diseases and their management options in the north central region. This coordinated, multistate research will assist soybean breeders, seed companies and fungicide manufacturers in developing improved germplasm lines, varieties and integrated pest management programs that will ultimately enhance the profitability of soybean production while protecting the environment and sustainability of soybean production in the north central region. . Statement of Issues and Justification General Background Information Processed soybeans are the largest source of protein feed and the second largest source of vegetable oil in the world and the U.S. is the world's leading soybean producer and exporter. In 2008, U.S. soybeans were planted on a total of 75.7 million acres with a total yield of nearly 3 billion bushels. The average price paid to farmers was $9.25 per bushel, giving the 2008 crop a value exceeding $27.3 billion. The north central region produces 80% of the soybeans grown in the U.S on approximately 60.7 million acres. Nature and Significance of Issue for Which Multistate Coordination is Proposed Soybean production in the north central region has increased due to changes in management systems, improved genetics, and expanded soybean acreage. From 1996 through 2007, yield losses to soybean diseases were estimated at 13.5% (23). There are numerous opportunities for plant pathologists to work together to reduce yield losses caused by diseases through both improved cultivar resistance and best management practices. Best management practices include the reemphasis of integrated pest management principles whereby fungicide applications are made only when economic thresholds are reached. One of the major strengths of NCERA-137 is the ability for its members to discuss and respond to new and reemerging diseases in the north central region. For example, soybean rust was discovered for the first time in the fall of 2004 near Baton Rouge, Louisiana (22). Numerous members of this committee were at the forefront of the national response prior to the creation of the NCERA-208 Soybean Rust Committee. While over the past four growing seasons, soybean rust has not caused the feared catastrophic losses predicted by some, the disease has spread in a decidedly different pattern each year, leaving pathologists unable to predict what the long term impact of the disease may be. As a result, its introduction has resulted in major increases in the use of fungicides, even in areas where rust does not occur. For example, according to data from the National Agriculture Statistics Service (NASS), very little fungicide usage occurred on soybeans prior to 2006. In 2006, over 362,000 pounds of fungicides were applied to soybeans, with that number continuing to increase in 2007 and 2008 ( There are numerous questions regarding the efficacious use of foliar fungicides that still need to be addressed. Additionally, breeders continue to expend a large amount of their time in efforts at finding sources of resistance to the rust fungus. In addition, the soilborne disease Phytophthora root and stem rot, has remained an important limitation on soybean yields and the importance of Sclerotinia stem rot and sudden death syndrome have increased due to climatic trends (warmer and wetter) and altered management practices (no-till and reduced till). NCERA 137 collectively serves as a forum to address these concerns, and plan research. In spite of the fact that a great deal of emphasis has been put forth both in research and Extension efforts to manage soybean cyst nematode, there is increasing evidence that some populations of the nematode are now able to overcome the major source of resistance to the disease. This poses many questions on long term management of SCN, as well as the continued need for extension and outreach efforts to better educate stakeholders on the importance of SCN resistance and field sampling. Research continues to be needed on the development of molecular techniques to diagnose pathogens that have spread from south to north. For example, the successful development of PCR techniques to confirm the existence of symptomatic and asymptomatic forms of the brown stem rot pathogen, Phialophora gregata, has provided new evidence that this pathogen is much more widespread than previously thought (14). Charcoal rot, frogeye leaf spot, and bean pod mottle virus, diseases that were historically southern problems have continued to spread and have had negative production impacts in the north central region. Additionally, over the past several years, there are many new researchers and Extension specialists who have joined the ranks of the soybean disease research community. NCERA-137 has had a 25-year history of success and the benefits of new faculty participating in NCERA-137 are critical for effectively fostering new collaborations and communication of results for these new researchers. How the Proposed Activity Addresses National and/or Regional Priorities Meetings. Since its inception in 1984, the annual meetings of NCERA-137 have had near perfect attendance from member states plus Ontario, Canada and commodity groups. Participants place a high value on the interpersonal exchanges and it shows in the attendance rate and lively discussions. The annual meeting is routinely aligned with meetings of other groups interested in the health and productivity of soybean. For example, it is held every third year in conjunction with the Soybean Breeders Workshop and occasionally with the Southern Soybean Disease Workers Meeting. Collaborations. Collaborations within NCERA-137 are the basis for numerous regional research projects and multistate grant proposals funded by groups such as the North Central IPM Center and the North Central Soybean Research Program (NCSRP) (see Collaborative Grant Proposals, below). In recent years, these coordinated regional projects have included regional research on Sclerotinia stem rot, Phytophthora root rot, brown stem rot, and sudden death syndrome and most recently a new soybean cyst nematode project. Surveys. A regional disease loss survey of NCERA-137 researchers and Extension specialists provides annual yield loss estimates for the North central region (23). A joint effort of the United Soybean Board and NCERA-137 membership, this survey is a comprehensive assessment of soybean yield losses to plant diseases. Information from this survey is used to determine the relative importance of soybean diseases in order to prioritize research and guide breeding efforts. Associations with other groups. NCERA-137 members maintain a close association with the NCERA-208 Soybean Rust and the NCERA-200 Soybean Viruses Committees in order to coordinate research on soybean rust and soybean viruses, emerging pathogens that are at the forefront of NCERA-137 members research and extension programs. NCERA-137 members also work closely with state and regional soybean commodity organizations. Technology transfer and training. NCERA-137 members are extensively involved in technology transfer via traditional and electronic media. In addition to traditional state Extension publications, multi-state regional efforts are also ongoing. The Soybean Plant Health Initiative (PHI) ( is a collaborative effort between the NCSRP and north central region soybean researchers and is accessible to producers, consultants, and researchers. Its website is a centralized source of soybean disease research and disease management information. Links to similar systems in each state extend the reach and content of the PHI. NCERA-137 members, working collaboratively with the NCERA-208 Soybean Rust Committee, have played an important role in the development of the IpmPIPE (Integrated Pest Management Pest Information Platform for Extension and Education) that allows soybean producers, Extension educators and soybean industry personnel to follow the spread of soybean rust on a real-time basis. NCERA-137 membership, as stakeholders in the activity of the committee, has influenced research directions on soybean diseases important in the north central region to the benefit of soybean producers, the ultimate customer for their efforts. The continued success of NCERA-137 is contingent on our ability to actively train the next generation of researchers, teachers and Extension workers. Even though funding for graduate students and postdoctoral associates has become more difficult to obtain, we need to continue to seek new opportunities for graduate students and postdoctoral associates to study soybean diseases and to actively participate in activities associated with NCERA-137.
Foster collaborative research and information exchange on soybean diseases among scientists in the north central region including soybean breeders and entomologists that will lead to improved disease screening protocols, additional sources of disease resistance genes and ultimately, improved host plant resistance
Evaluate the impacts of changing production practices such as earlier planting dates, new sources of host plant resistance, increased use of fungicide seed treatments and foliar fungicides, and other new or improved crop production technologies on soybean diseases.
Develop research projects to study the ecology and epidemiology of soybean diseases important in the north central region.
Improve knowledge transfer about soybean diseases and their management in the North Central Region to researchers, Extension faculty, producers and the agribusiness community through the use of web sites, podcasts and other new technologies as they are developed.
Continue to monitor for any new or reemerging pathogens of soybean in the north central region and develop appropriate responses to their emergence as they occur.
Procedures and Activities
Procedures and Activities The strength of NCERA-137 has been: 1. Its ability to successfully bring together colleagues from different institutions to plan and coordinate research on important soybean diseases that affect all or portions of the north central region. i) Recently completed work on soybean check-off funded projects including Phytophthora root and stem rot and Sclerotinia stem rot. ii) On-going collaborative funded projects include research on charcoal rot, frogeye leaf spot, and sudden death syndrome. iii) A new project on soybean cyst nematode has been initiated and has a large outreach component. In this project, members of NCERA-137 are working together with their nematology counterparts (NC 1035: Practical Management of SCN and Other Nematodes of Regional Importance) to increase the awareness of the yield losses caused by soybean cyst nematode each year in the region and to stress the importance of resistance management tactics. 2. White paper. In 2007, NCERA-137 members completed a white paper identifying research gaps on important soybean diseases ( This paper is serving as a road map in developing new grant proposals for region wide research projects. 3. Joint meetings. In order to continue coordination and development of collaborative projects, the NCERA-137 members will need to meet annually to plan, discuss, evaluate and report on new and ongoing research projects and educational initiatives. In recent years, additional summer meetings in Wisconsin have been held to further increase the exchange of research information and discuss the development of future projects. The annual and summer meetings also serve as a venue to discuss critical emerging issues occurring in the region. One such issue is the increased use of foliar fungicides on soybean within the region following the introduction of soybean rust to the U.S. in 2004. New marketing tactics by the chemical companies now encourage producers to use fungicides for reasons other than disease control (i.e. plant health). NCERA-137 members have pooled their soybean fungicide trial data, and a combined meta-analysis is being conducted to determine the benefits, if any, of the use of foliar fungicides on soybeans in the absence of disease. As an outcome of these discussions, plans are under development to produce a fungicide efficacy table for soybean diseases (similar to that produced by the NCERA-184 Wheat Disease Committee).
Expected Outcomes and Impacts
- Development and coordination of new (soybean cyst nematode) and continuing collaborative research projects (charcoal rot, frogeye leafspot, sudden death syndrome) among NCERA-137 members and associated scientists that address stakeholder needs.
- Develop mechanisms to measure the effect (increased productivity) and impact (economic benefit) of new management practices on soybean diseases.
- Release of soybean germplasm lines (e.g. Rps8 gene for Phytophthora resistance and a recently released charcoal rot tolerant line) and cultivars with improved resistance to diseases of importance in the north central region
- Publication of collaborative research results and management recommendations in various formats including electronic media for use by producers, Extension agents, consultants and interested industry personnel (see Literature Published section for examples from the previous five years).
- Regular interaction among NCERA-137 members to exchange ideas and/or information/data on current pathogens/diseases.
- Outcome/Impact 6; Evaluation and standardization of methods or techniques leading to the development of common protocols (e.g. work is currently in progress to develop improved screening protocols for Macrophomina phaseolina, the cause of charcoal rot). Outcome/Impact 7; Identification of critical/key research and education issues (e.g. the 2007 white paper will be used as a guide for developing new research and education projects). Outcome/Impact 8; Develop new soybean disease webcasts to be delivered through the Plant Management Networks Focus on Soybean section ( Current NCERA-137 members have already contributed seven soybean disease related presentations. Outcome/Impact 9; Develop a fungicide efficacy chart that can be used by soybean producers and the soybean industry in the North Central region. Outcome/Impact 10; Report soybean disease monitoring activities on a state-by-state basis through the IPM PIPE ( and provide state specific management guidelines. Outcome/Impact 11; Conduct a meta-analysis on data collected from multi-state foliar fungicide trials conducted on soybean in the North Central region and deliver the results of the analysis through a peer-reviewed journal article with lay information being delivered through the Plant Health Initiative. Outcome/Impact 12; As a result of the committees soybean disease research and outreach efforts, north central soybean producers will better manage their crops to reduce disease losses and increase profits
Projected Participation
View Appendix E: ParticipationEducational Plan
Todays producers are becoming more sophisticated in the ways in which they obtain research and crop management information. Many of them are increasingly using the internet as a source of information as well as podcasts and videocasts (e.g. YouTube). Because of this, information from NCERA-137 projects needs to be prepared for delivery in multiple formats. There are several examples of how the committee is adapting educational information for the modern soybean grower. Working with the Plant Management Network (, members of NCERA-137 have developed a series of webcasts in the Focus on Soybean section. Over ten soybean disease-related webcasts are available currently, and more are in development. NCERA-137 members will continue to update webcasts as needed and develop new webcasts as new issues arise. The Plant Health Initiative website ( continues to be an outlet for NCERA-137 members to report information on soybean diseases and disease detection and management. Current modules include Asian Rust, Bean Pod Mottle Virus, Brown Stem Rot, Charcoal Rot, Phytophthora Root and Stem Rot, Seedling Diseases, Soybean Cyst Nematode, Soybean Mosaic Virus, Stem Canker, Sudden Death Syndrome, Viruses, and White Mold. The site also provides links to state specific information where available. Soybean disease information on this site will continue to be updated as new information becomes available. NCERA-137 members participating in soybean rust monitoring through sentinel plots report results of the monitoring effort through the IPM PIPE website ( Although this is primarily a NCERA-208 Soybean Rust Committee activity, diseases other than soybean rust are monitored and reported through this site, and information regarding current disease levels in specific areas of specific states and disease management recommendations are provided. Monitoring of other soybean diseases will continue to be reported in this manner as long as IPM PIPE funding continues. Results of collaborative research projects will be reported at scientific meetings and be published in peer reviewed journals. Communication of these findings will also be made available to producers, commercial field managers and agriculture industry personnel through Plant Disease Management Reports, fact sheets, web site materials, field days, and educational offerings in traditional Extension meeting formats. Surveys of the impact of information delivered will occur, depending on funding availability.
Officers are to include a chair and secretary who is the chair-elect. Officers will be elected for a one year term. Administrative guidance will be provided by an assigned Administrative Advisor and a CSREES Representative.
Literature Cited
Members of NCERA-137 regularly publish collaborative efforts in peer reviewed journals, disease management reports, Extension bulletins and on web sites. The following list highlights those citations that demonstrate collaborative efforts. Refereed Journal Articles 1. Diers, B.W., Kopisch-Obuch, F.J., Hoffman, G.L., Hartman, W.L., Pedersen, W.L., Grau, C.R., and Wang, D. 2006. Registration of AxN-1-55 soybean germplasm with partial resistance to Sclerotinia stem rot. Crop Sci. 46:1403. 2. Donald, P.A., Pierson, P.E., S. K. St. Martin, P. R. Sellers, G.R. Noel, A. E. MacGuidwin, J. Faghihi, V.R. Ferris, C. R. Grau, D.J. Jardine, H. Melakeberhan, T.L. Niblack, W.C. Stienstra, G.L. Tylka, T. A. Wheeler, and D.S. Wysong. 2006. Assessing Heterodera glycines-resistant and susceptible cultivar yield response. J. Nematol. 38:76-82. 3. Dorrance, A.E., Berry, S.A., Anderson, T.R., and Meharg, C. 2008. Isolation, storage, pathotype characterization and evaluation of resistance for Phytophthora sojae in soybean. Plant Health Progress doi:10.1094/PHP-2008-0118-01-DG 4. Dorrance, A.E., Mills, D., Robertson, A.E., Draper, M.A., Giesler, L.J. and Tenuta, A. 2007. Phytophthora root and stem rot of soybean. The Plant Health Instructor. DOI:10.1094/PHI-I-2007-0830-07. 5. Gao, X., Jackson, T. A., Hartman, G. L., and Niblack, T. L. 2006. Interactions between soybean cyst nematode and Fusarium solani f. sp. glycines based on greenhouse factorial experiments. Phytopathology 96:1409-1415. 6. Guzman, P.S., Diers, B.W. Neece, D.J., St Martin, S.K., LeRoy, A.R., Grau, C.R., Hughes, T.J., and Nelson, R.L.. 2007. QTL Associated with yield in three backcross-derived populations of soybean. Crop Sci. 47: 111-122 7. Harmon, C. L., Harmon, P. F., Mueller, T. A., Marois, J. J., and Hartman, G. L. 2006. First report of Phakopsora pachyrhizi telia on kudzu in the United States. Plant Disease 90:380. 8. Hill, J.H., Koval, N.C., Gaska, J.M., and Grau, C.R. 2007. Identification of field tolerance to Bean pod mottle and Soybean mosaic viruses in soybean. Crop Sci. 47: 212-218 9. Hobbs, H.A., Hill, C.B., Grau, C.R., Koval, N.C., Wang, Y., Pedersen, W.L., Domier, L.L., and Hartman, G.L. 2006. Green stem disorder of soybean. Plant Dis. 90:513-518 10. Hyten, D. L., Hartman, G. L., Nelson, R. L., Frederick, R. D., Concibido, V. C., and Cregan, P. B. 2007. Map location of the Rpp1 locus that confers resistance to Phakopsora pachyrhizi (soybean rust) in soybean. Crop Science 47:837-838. 11. Isard, S. A., Dufault, N. S., Miles, M. R., Hartman, G. L., Russo, J. M., De Wolf, E. D., and Morel, W. 2006. The effect of solar irradiance on the mortality of Phakopsora pachyrhizi urediniospores. Plant Disease 90:941-945. 12. Lynch, T. N., Marois, J. J., Wright, D. L., Harmon, P. F., Miles, M. R., and Hartman, G. L. 2006. First report of soybean rust caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi on Phaseolus spp. in the United States. Plant Disease 90:970. 13. Malvick, D.K. and Grunden, E. 2008. Association between genotypes of the brown stem rot pathogen Phialophora gregata and resistant and susceptible soybean cultivars in the north-central United States and Ontario. Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology 30:581-587. (several NCERA-137 members are cited in the acknowledgements) 14. Malvick, D. K. and A. E. Impullitti. 2007. Detection and Quantification of Phialophora gregata in Soybean and Soil Samples with a Quantitative, Real-Time PCR Assay Plant Dis.91:736-742. 15. Miles, M. R., Levy, C., Morel, W., Mueller, T., Steinlage, T., van Rij, N., Frederick, R. D., and Hartman, G. L. 2007. International fungicide efficacy trials for the management of soybean rust. Plant Disease 91:1450-1458. 16. Miles, M. R., Pastor-Corrales, M. A., Hartman, G. L., and Frederick, R. D. 2007. Differential response of common bean cultivars to Phakopsora pachyrhizi. Plant Disease 91:698-704. 17. Mueller, D. S., Bradley, C. A., Grau, C. R., Gaska, J. M., Kurle, J. E., and Pedersen, W. L. 2004. Application of thiophanate-methyl at different host growth stages for control of Sclerotinia stem rot in soybean. Crop Prot. 23:983-988. 18. Mueller, D. S., Dorrance, A. E., Derksen, R. C., Ozkan, E., Kurle, J. E., Grau, C. R., Gaska, J. M., Hartman, G. L., Bradley, C. A., and Pedersen, W. L. 2002. Efficacy of fungicides on Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and their potential for control of Sclerotinia stem rot on soybean. Plant Dis. 86:26-31. 19. Mueller, E. E., and Grau, C. R. 2007. Seasonal progression, symptom development, and yield effects of Alfalfa mosaic virus epidemics on soybean in Wisconsin. Plant Dis. 91:26 20. Mullen, J. M., E. J. Sikora, J. M. McKemy, M. E. Palm, L. Levy and R. Devries-Paterson. 2006. First Report of Asian Soybean Rust Caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi on Soybeans in Alabama. Plant Disease 90:112. 21. Pedersen, P., Grau, C., Cullen, E., Koval, N., and Hill, J.H. 2007. Potential for integrated management of soybean virus disease. Plant Dis. 91:1255-1259 22. R. W. Schneider, C. A. Hollier, H. K. Whitam, M. E. Palm, J. M. McKemy, J. R. Hernández, L. Levy, and R. DeVries-Paterson. 2005. First Report of Soybean Rust Caused by Phakopsora pachyrhizi in the Continental United States. Plant Disease 89: 774. 23. Wrather, J. A., and Koenning, S. R. 2009. Effects of diseases on soybean yields in the United States 1996 to 2007. Online. Plant Health Progress doi:10.1094/PHP-2009-0401-01-RS. 24. Tyler, B.M., Tripathy, S., Zhang, X., Dehal, P., Jiang, R.H.Y., Aerts, A., Arredondo, F.D., Baxter, L., Bensasson, D., Beynon, J.L., Chapman, J., Damasceno, C.M.B., Dorrance, A.E., Dou, D., Dickerman, A., Dubchak, I.L., Garbelotto, M., Gijzen, M., Gorgon, S.G., Govers, F., Grunwald, N.J., Huang, W., Ivors, K.L., Jones, R.W., Kamoun, S., Krampis, K., Lamour, K.H., Lee, M., McDonald, W.H., Medina, M., Miejer, H.G.G., Nordber, E.K., Maclean, D.J., Ospina-Giraldo, M.D., Morris, P.F., Phuntumart, V., 21. Putnam, N.H., Rash, S., Rose, J.K.C., Sakihama, Y., Salamov, A.A., Savidor, A., Schuering, C.F., Smith, B.M., Sobral, B.W.S. Terry, A., Torto-Alalibo, Win, J., Xu, Z., Zhang, H., Grigoriev, I.V., Rokhsar, D.S., and Boore, J.L. 2006. Phytophthora genome sequences uncover evolutionary origins and mechanisms of pathogenesis. Science 313:1261-1266. 25. Ziems, A.D., Giesler, L.J., Graef, George L., Redinbaugh, Margaret G., Vacha, Jean L., Berry, Sue Ann, Madden, Larry and Dorrance, Anne. E. 2006. Response of Soybean cultivars to Bean pod mottle virus Infection. Plant Disease. 91: 719-726. Extension Publications Dorrance, A.E., M.A. Draper and D.E. Hersham, Eds. 2007. Using foliar fungicides to manage soybean rust. Copyright © 2007 Land-Grant Universities Cooperating NCERA 208 and OMAF Mueller, D. S., and Bradley, C. A. 2008. Field crop fungicides for the North Central United States. North Central IPM Center Monograph. Mueller, D., Giesler, L., Bradley, C., Tenuta, A., and Brown-Rytlewski, D. 2007. Soybean Rust: What is Your Risk?. National circular printed by the ipmPIPE. Mueller, D., Robertson, A., Pederson, P., and Bradley, C. 2008. Soybean rust management with foliar fungicides. IPM PIPE Educational Circular. Plant Disease Management Reports Mueller, D. S., Bradley, C. A., Ames, K. A., and Pedersen, W. L. 2007. Evaluation of Folicur sensitivity and its effect on soybean yield in Iowa, Illinois, and North Dakota, 2006. Plant Disease Management Reports 1:FC067. Collaborative Grant Proposals Reducing the Impact of Fusarium Root Rot on Soybean Productivity in the U.S, 2007-2009, United Soybean Board, Malvick, Nelson and Kurle. Development of high-throughput DNA-based gene silencing technology for soybeans, 2008-2009, United Soybean Board, Malvick and Grau. Managing frogeye leaf spot and charcoal rot in the North Central region. 2006-2009, NCSRP, (this involves several NCERA-137 members) Mitigating the effects of soybean virus disease in the North Central State, NCSRP, (this involves several NCERA-137 members) Improving Management of Soybean Cyst Nematode through Extension Demonstration and Outreach, 2008-2009, NCSRP, (this involves several NCERA-137 members) Sentinel plots to monitor the spread of Asian soybean rust in the United States, 2005-2009, NCSRP, (this involves several NCERA-137 members) Preparation for soybean rust: Evaluation of canopy coverage and effects of fungicides on midwestern soybean varieties, NCSRP, (this involves several NCERA-137 members) NCERA-137 Affiliations with NCSRP Working Groups: Limiting losses to Phytophthora sojae in the North Central region Illinois, (UIUC) D. Malvick, G. Hartman, Indiana, T.S. Abney; Iowa, S. Cianzo; Kansas, D. Jardine; Minnesota, J.E. Kurle, D. Malvick; Missouri, J. English, L. Sweets; Nebraska, L. Giesler; North Dakota, B.D. Nelson; Ohio A.E. Dorrance (Project Leader); Ontario, A. Tenuta, T. Anderson; Wisconsin C.R. Grau. Managing frogeye leaf spot and charcoal rot in the North Central region Illinois (UIUC), C. Bradley, G. Hartman; Kansas, D. Jardine, C. Little; Iowa X.B. Yang; Louisiana, R. Schneider. Improving Management of Soybean Cyst Nematode through Extension Demonstration and Outreach .Nebraska, L. Giesler (Project Leader); Missouri, L. Sweets; Illinois, C. Bradley; Minnesota, D. Malvick; Ohio, A. Dorrance; Wisconsin, P. Esker; Kansas, D. Jardine NCERA-137 Members active in NCERA-200: C. Grau, J. Kurle, B. Nelson, L. Giesler, G. Hartman, L. Sweets NCERA-137 Members active in NCERA 208: E. Sikora, L. Sweets, K. Wise, T. Chase, X.B. Yang, G. Hartman, C. Bradley, L. Giesler, J. Kurle, A. Dorrance, P. Esker, C. Grau, D. Jardine Collaborative Meetings NCERA-137. North Central Regional Committee for Soybean Pathology: Feb. 15-17, 2004, St. Louis, MO; Mar 2 -3, 2005, Scottsdale, AZ; Mar 7-8, 2006, Jackson, TN; Feb. 18-19, 2007, St. Louis, MO; Feb 20-22, 2008, St. Louis, MO North Central Regional Soybean Research Project on Phytophthora sojae: Sep 1-2, 2004, New Glarus, WI; June 28-29, 2005, Windsor, Ontario; Aug 28-29, 2006, New Glarus, WI; Jun 19, 2007, W. Lafayette, IN. Managing frogeye leaf spot and charcoal rot in the North Central Region: Nov 16-17, 2006, Carbondale, IL; Jun 14-15, 2007, St. Louis, MO; Nov 15-16, 2007, Champaign, IL, Nov 20-21, 2008, Ames, IA 2008 Soybean Pathology Meeting: Aug 27-28, 2008, University of Wisconsin Kemp Station, Woodruff, WI Collaborative Websites: The Plant Health Initiative webpage at: contains contributions from NCERA-137 members working on Phialophora (Cadophora ) gregata, Phytophthora sojae, Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, Fusarium solani f.sp. glycines (F. verguliforme), Phakopsora pachyrhizi, Cercospora sojina, Diaporthe phaseoloru, Bean Pod Mottle Virus, Soybean Mosaic Virus and Heterodera glycines. PIPE: Pest Information Platform for Extension and Education is a national warning system designed to help soybean farmers protect their crop from the devastating disease Asian Soybean Rust (ASR). Several NCERA 137 members oversee state sentinel plot systems and provide weekly commentary on the status of ASR and other soybean diseases in their states. Plant Management Network ( This site contains the peer reviewed journal Plant Health Progress, Plant Disease Management Reports and Focus on Soybeans