SERA38: Biobased Energy Research and Information Exchange Committee

(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SERA38: Biobased Energy Research and Information Exchange Committee

Duration: 03/01/2008 to 09/30/2013

Administrative Advisor(s):

NIFA Reps:

Non-Technical Summary

Statement of Issues and Justification

The US is currently dependent on foreign sources for petroleum and other vital energy products. These materials are in short supply and are often located in unstable areas of the world. The development of a sustainable bioeconomy an economic system in which biological resources provide not just food and feed, but also fuel, has the potential of reducing our dependence on foreign oil sources while addressing climate change and other environmental issues

The US has established ambitious specific goals for increased production of biobased energy and other bio-based products. The transition to a bio-economy has significant implications for agriculture and rural communities. This transition is a complex process involving agronomic, engineering, economic, environmental and social issues. More research is required to increase our understanding of the fundamentals of the key mechanisms of biomass production and conversion and to develop an infrastructure that allows biofuels and biobased industrial products to become economically viable and cost-effective. Questions regarding commercialization, infrastructure, adequate workforce, and consumer acceptance of these new products also need to be addressed. Impacts on other aspects of the food and fiber system, biodiversity, balanced ecosystems, and the quality of soil and water are also critically important.

Research and extension efforts addressing these issues are currently fragmented. There is an urgent need to coordinate efforts and to develop a network of specialists who can coordinate their specific contributions while developing an understanding of the broader framework of issues. The proposed informational exchange committee will promote and coordinate timely bio-energy related research and provide interaction between research, outreach and industry professionals across the U.S.


  1. The objectives of the Biobased Energy Research and Information Exchange Committee are: a.) to exchange information, strengthen partnerships and facilitate the coordination of research and educational efforts relating to renewable and bio-based energy; and b) to strengthen partnerships between research and extension professionals, industry partners, end users, government agencies, policy makers and other effected parties. The committee will be open to individuals in any region. The committee will have a multidisciplinary focus encompassing extension and research professions in fields of agronomy and plant science, agricultural and biosystems engineering, agricultural economics and agribusiness, animal and poultry science, environmental science, family and consumer science and other related disciplines to examine the social, scientific, technical and economic issues associated with using biological sources for energy.

Procedures and Activities

(1) Create a clearinghouse of bio-based energy information and resources on topics including but not limited to production, harvesting, transportation and storage of bio-based energy feedstocks, conversion technology, infrastructure development and industry evolution and risk factors, end use application, co-product utilization, energy efficiency, environmental and economic impacts, global impacts and other related issues.

(2) Coordinate bio-based energy research efforts, pilot and demonstrational projects and regional conferences. This coordinated effort will address a number of topics including biofuel feed stock production, harvesting, storage and transformation, technical efficiency, economic feasibility and economies of scale of bio-based energy production processes, end product and co-product distribution system and infrastructure constraints, regional comparative advantages in bio-based energy production and projections for the long-term structure of the bio-based energy industry, business models for bio-based energy enterprises, projected shift in cropland use, and other related topics. Because the ultimate success of a biobased energy system will depend on its profitability relative to the current carbon based systems, economic feasibility will remain an important focus.

(3) Strengthen partnerships between research and extension professionals, industry partners, end users, government agencies, policy makers and other effected parties

(4) Coordinate information on economic incentives and constraints to the development of bio-based energy industries including capital market considerations and intellectual property rights issues.

(5) Disseminate existing informational resources to extension professionals to enhance their respnse capability to issues associated with using biological sources of energy and coordinate the development of additional bio-based energy related extension and educational material

(6) Provide a forum to identify and discuss important issues relating to bioenergy

Expected Outcomes and Impacts

  • Facilitation of networking and interaction among land-grant research and extension profession and outside partners. An annual meeting, list serv and e-newsletter will facilitate this interaction
  • The coordination of new research activities and demonstrational projects and the dissemination of results from existing research and demonstrational project. This coordination will be achieved through the web-site, listserv and e-newsletter. Another primary means of coordination will be the annual meeting. The annual meeting features reports of current research and extension programs from all participants. These reports will be compiled and published for distribution to the participating institutions. The annual meeting will also provide time for discussion of current issues facing the bio-based energy industry and research priorities in addressing these issues. This planning session will result in coordination of research across the participating institutions and the integration of the most current research into coordinated producer education programs in the region.
  • The development and maintenance of a website which will serve as a clearinghouse of bio-based energy information. Proceedings from annual meetings, electronic versions of presentations, working papers, proceedings papers and other material from the committee members will be posted. Links to participating institutions and resources will also be posted. It is anticipated that this information will include educational material for producers and extension professionals on a variety of bio-based energy topics including: (1) feedstock production (2) feedstock harvesting and transportation, (3) " bioenergy production processes, (4) feasibility, scale economies and risk assessments of bioenergy enterprises, (5) bioenergy processing business models, (6) co-product utilization methods and their economic feasibility, and environmental impacts, (7) market outlook information for bioenergy feedstocks and bioenergy products and co-products (8) an inventory of state and national incentives and policies on biofuels and carbon credits and other bioenergy issues (9) answers to frequently asked questions relating to biodenergy (10) a regional list of resources and contacts
  • The creation of a Bio-Based Energy Community of Practice in eXtension for the distribution of bio-based energy related educational materials and training modules
  • Identification of issues and research and extension needs related to the bio-based energy economy. Discussions at the annual meeting and communications through the committee listserv will be used to identify and prioritize social, scientific, technical and economic issues associated with using biological sources for energy. Planning sessions at the annual meeting will also be used to prioritize research priorities and to develop a research agenda which will be published on the committee web site.
  • Expected Impacts Coordination or research and exchange of information on environmental issues related to biobased energy including global warming, CO2 and Nitrogen pollution and land use changes, Effective exchange of information and educational resources related to bio-based energy and related topics. Better coordination of bio-based energy related research Regular interaction between committee members

Projected Participation

View Appendix E: Participation

Educational Plan

This coordination will be achieved through the development and maintenance of a web-site, listserv, e-newsletter and annual meeting.

The website will serve as a clearinghouse of bio-based energy information. Proceedings from annual meetings, electronic versions of presentations, working papers, proceedings papers and other material from the committee members will be posted. Links to participating institutions and resources will also be posted. It is anticipated that this information will include educational material for producers and extension professionals on a variety of bio-based energy topics

The committee listserv and e-newsletter will be used to identify and prioritize social, scientific, technical and economic issues associated with using biological sources for energy. The listserve and e-newsletter will also be used to coordinate research across the participating institutions to integrate the most current research into coordinated producer education programs in the region.

Another primary means of coordination will be the annual meeting. The annual meeting features reports of current research and extension programs from all participants. These reports are compiled and published for distribution to the participating institutions. The annual meeting also provides time for discussion of current issues facing the bio-based energy industry and research priorities in addressing these issues. This planning session results in coordination of research across the participating institutions and the integration of the most current research into coordinated producer education programs in the region.


In accordance with the recommended standard governance for multistate coordinating committees for education/extension and research activities, a Chair, a Chair-elect, and a Secretary are elected at the annual meeting. All officers are elected for at least two-year terms to provide continuity. Administrative guidance will be provided by an assigned Administrative Advisor and a CSREES Representative.

Literature Cited


Land Grant Participating States/Institutions


Non Land Grant Participating States/Institutions

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