SERA38: Biobased Energy Research and Information Exchange Committee

(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports

Annual/Termination Reports:

[12/19/2008] [08/25/2009] [02/09/2011]

Date of Annual Report: 12/19/2008

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 10/15/2008 - 10/16/2008
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2000 - 09/30/2008


Phil Kenkel Oklahoma State University;
Jim Trapp Oklahoma State University;
Cam Thraen Ohio State University;
Burt English The University of Tennessee;
Tom riley University of Arkansas;
Benjamin Legendre Louisiana State University;
Tony Windham Ohio State University;
Joe Outlaw Texas A&M University;
Edward Evans University of Florida;
Subbu Kumarappan Michigan State University;
Michael Salassi Louisiana State University;
Cole Gustafson North Dakota State University;
Steve Fransen Washington State University;
Pat Hipple USDA;
James Wooten Mississippi State University;
Mark Hall Auburn/ACES;
Alan Taylor Cornell University;
Hong Liu Oregon State University;
Kelly Zering North Carolina State University;
Ted Funk University of Illinois;

Brief Summary of Minutes

SERA 38 Bio-Based Energy Research and Information Exchange Committee Minutes of Annual Meeting 10-16-2008 In Attendance: Phil Kenkel, Jim Trapp, Cam Thraen, Burt English, Tom Riley, Benjamin Legendre, Tony Windham, Joe Outlaw, Edward Evans, Subbu Kumarappan, Michael Salassi, Cole Gustafson, Steve Fransen, Pat Hipple, James Wooten, Mark Hall, Alan Taylor, Hong Liu, Ted Funk, Kelly Zering. 1:00 Call to order by interim chair Phil Kenkel Jim Fischer, Senior Scientific Advisor, USDA Research, Economics and Education Mission Area reported on the USDA Energy Council strategic plan. Among the topics mentioned were: " The bioenergy awareness day (BEAD III) set for the summer solstice. " E-extension received $100,000 D.O.T. funds for residential energy education. " Memorandums of agreement formed with Rural Electric Cooperatives and NREC and Alliant Energy. " Sungrant is forming a 1 stop web-based resource center on bioenergy Pat Hipple, National Program Leader for Sustainable Biobased Economies in the Economic and Community Systems unit of the CSREES, USDA reported on programs including " energy assistance, " integrated water quality program, " NRI programs under the Integrated Energy Work, Ag Food Resource and Renewable Resources Education titles.
Possible activities for SERA 38 were discussed Help define priorities for RFPs NC506 has formed a rapid response team for sustained biorefining of corn. SERA 38 could focus a similar effort on another feedstock Burt English suggested SERA 38 develop media response information Jim Trapp discussed the need to fill the gap between research and extension in the bioenergy area. Goal 2- Action 3 of the USDA strategic plan is to develop an educational plan for bioenergy SERA could develop a web site sharing presentation material List of resource people by institution- Eric Young and Rob Brown could help start the list Pat Hipple indicated that she would distribute the publication Extensions Role in Growing Sustainable Biobased Economies to the SERA-38 group. The publication has a link to the Southern Inventory of Bioenergy resources. North Carolina State also has a national inventory of state incentives for renewable energy at Tennessee has 16 articles on bioenergy resources Possible SERA 38 publication- Economic information for analysis and feasibility SERA 38 could fulfill a role of advocacy on Capitol Hill Could provide information for communities faced with requests to provide incentive to bioenergy projects. Example: Economic Issues With___ or So You Want to Build an ___Plant Phil Kenkel volunteered to help edit a SERA publication on Econ Information for Analysis and Feasibility of Bioenergy Burt English agreed to take the lead on a policy paper. He also indicated he would lead an effort to survey informational needs on the topic of bioenergy Pat Hipple suggested the effort should be coordinated with E-Extension Ted Funk also suggested the effort could coordinate with Market Maker that helps coordinate marketing of ag products. Market Maker would need information on the property of the bioenergy materials that need to be traded.
An election of officers was conducted. Kelly Zering, NC State was elected Chair Burt English, U. of Tennessee was elected vice-chair Phil Kenkel, Oklahoma State was elected Secretary All of the participants provided a discussion of bioenergy related projects in their state or institution. The next meeting of the committee was set in conjunction with Farm Foundations conference The Role of Extension in the Emerging Bioeconomy scheduled to be held in Little Rock Arkansas in late June, 2009. Pat Hipple, Joe Outlaw, Janie Hipp, Richard Nelson, Steve Klose, and Michael Popp are part of the committee planning the conference. The meeting adjourned at 4:00 p.m.


Compiled list of bio-based energy resource people by institution <br /> Compiled information resources relating to Bio-based Energy <br /> Shared presentation material on bio-based energy which could be used by SERA-38 members with extension appointments <br /> Began design on a SERA-38 web site which will serve as a <br /> Began work on a publication on Economic Information for Analysis of Feasibility of Bio-based Energy Systems <br /> Two feasibility templates on biodiesel and cellulosic ethanol production were developed and distributed via the Ag Marketing Resource Center web site ( <br />


Baker, J.S., R.B. Jackson, B.A. McCarl, and B.C. Murray, "Bioenergy, Economics and the environment", Presented at Ecological Society of America Meeting on Ecological Dimensions of Biofuels, Washington DC, March, 2008.<br /> <br /> Catallo, W.J. and T.F. Shupe. 2008. Hydrothermal treatment of mixed preservative-treated wood waste. /Holzforschung/ Vol. 61; 62(1):119-122, 2007.<br /> <br /> Catallo W. J. and J. L. Comeaux*. *Comprehensive Hydrothermal treatment of municipal sewage sludge. /Waste Management/ ,doi:10.1016/j.wasman.2007.10.005, 2007.<br /> <br /> Catallo W. J., T. F. Shupe, and D. H. Eberhardt. Hydrothermal Processing of Biomass from Invasive Aquatic Plants^. /Biomass and Bioenergy/ (Elsevier) Vol. 7(9), 32(2):140-145, 2007.<br /> <br /> Hauser, R.J. Corn-Based Ethanol in Illinois and the U.S.: A Report from the Department of Agricultural and Consumer Economics, University of Illinois<br /> <br /> Kenkel, P. and R. Holcomb. Feasibility of On-Farm or Small Scale Oilseed Processing and Biodiesel Production in Integration of Agricultural and Energy Systems, B.C. English, R.J. Menard and K.Jenson, editors, Farm Foundation, Oak Brook, Illinois. Proceeding of conference Atlanta Georgia, Feb 12-13, 2008.<br /> <br /> Kenkel, P. and H.R. Bunt. The Impact of Biofuel Production on Crop Production in the Southern Plains Biofuels, Food and Feed Tradeoffs Outlaw. J.L., J. a, Duffield and D.P.Ernstes, editors, Farm Foundation, Oak Brook, Illinois, ISBN 978-0-615-20005-7, 2008.<br /> <br /> McCarl, B.A., "Bioenergy in a greenhouse mitigating world", Choices, 23(1), 31-33, 2008.<br /> <br /> McCarl, B.A., "Food, BioFuel, Global Agriculture and Environment: Discussion", Review of Agricultural Economics, Volume 30, Issue 3, Pages 530-532, 2008.<br /> <br /> McCarl, B.A., "Adaptation to Climate Change: Issues and Modeling", Presented at Methodology Pre-Workshop for Vulnerability to CC BMZ Project IFPRI, Washington DC, March 19, 2008.<br /> <br /> McCarl, B.A., "Agriculture, Climate Change Mitigation and Biofuels: Economic Explorations", Invited Keynote Presented at Belly Klepper Lecture During Annual Joint Meeting of Geological Society of America, Soil Science Society of America, American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies, October, Houston, TX, 2008.<br /> <br /> McCarl, B.A., "Bioenergy in a Greenhouse Gas Mitigating World", Presented at AAEA Meeting on Environmental Choices: Outlook and Investigation on Climate Change as it Relates to Agriculture and Natural Resources Washington DC, ERS, April 1, 2008.<br /> <br /> McCarl, B.A., "BioEnergy Lifecycle Carbon Footprint, and Leakage", Presented at Farm Foundation meeting on Lifecycle Carbon Footprint of Biofuels, National Press Club, Washington, DC April 8, 2008.<br /> <br /> McCarl, B.A., "BioEnergy Sorghum, Lifecycle Carbon Footprint, Market Impacts and Leakage", Presented at International Workshop/Conference On Sorghum For Biofuels, Houston, TX August 19, 2008.<br /> <br /> McCarl, B.A., "Bioenergy: A View of the Economic Future", Presented at The Academy of Medicine, Engineering, and Science of Texas and TAMU conference on The Business of Fueling the Future - Earth, Wind, and Sun, March, 2008.<br /> <br /> McCarl, B.A., "Bioenergy: How strong will the future market be?", Presented at TAMU Sigma Xi Meeting, Biofuels: Do they have a future? March, 2008.<br /> <br /> McCarl, B.A., "Biofuels and Greenhouse Gasses: Economics of Offsets and Leakage", Presentation at University of Illinois, May, 2008.<br /> <br /> McCarl, B.A., "Biofuels in a GHG Mitigating World: LCA, Leakage and Indirect Land Use", Presented at 3rd Annual Midwest Ag Energy Network Summit: Policies to Prosper in the New Carbon Economy, Crowne Plaza, Chicago OHare, Dec 15, 2008.<br /> <br /> McCarl, B.A., "Biofuels, Climate Change and Agricultural Research: Opportunities and Challenges", Paper given at the NC-1034 symposium on "Energy and Agriculture: Emerging Policy and R&D Issues", Washington, DC, March 7-8, 2008.<br /> <br /> McCarl, B.A., "Biofuels: A View of the Economic Future", Presented at the meeting The business of fueling the future, College Station, TX, March, 2008.<br /> <br /> McCarl, B.A., "Lifecycle Carbon Footprint, Bioenergy and Leakage", Presented at Farm Foundation and USDA meeting on The Lifecycle Carbon Footprint of Biofuels Miami, Fl, January 29, 2008.<br /> <br /> McCarl, B.A., "Lifecycle Footprint, Bioenergy and Leakage: Some Considerations", Invited paper Presented at 29th Annual Agricultural Law Symposium, Minneapolis, MN, October, 2008.<br /> <br /> McCarl, B.A., "Linking Economic and Biophysical Models for Climate Change and Biofuel Analysis", Invited Paper at Meeting Biophysical and Economic Models of Biofuel Production and Environmental Impacts, Chicago, Nov. 13-15, 2008.<br /> <br /> McCarl, B.A., "OR Modeling for Government Policy Analysis: Agricultural related energy, climate change and farm policy", INFORMS Conference Applying Science to the Art of Business April 13-15, 2008 Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Baltimore, Maryland, 2008.<br /> <br /> McCarl, B.A., "Pyrolysis, Biochar, and Crop Residues: Is this an Economic Proposition?", Invited Paper Presented at Annual Joint Meeting of Geological Society of America (GSA), Soil Science Society of America (SSSA), American Society of Agronomy (ASA), Crop Science Society of America (CSSA), and the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies, Houston, October, 2008.<br /> <br /> McCarl, B.A., "US Bioenergy: Potential, Policy and Economic/Climate Change Concerns", Invited paper presented at Transatlantic Climate and Energy Cooperation: The Way Forward A German-U.S. Dialogue, Washington, DC, November 17, 2008.<br /> <br /> McCarl, B.A., "Will Bioenergy be Profitable: Markets, Lifecycle Carbon Footprint, Commodity Prices and Leakage", Invited paper presented at GROW III - Oklahoma Conference on Biofuels, Oklahoma City, OK November 12, 2008.<br /> <br /> McCarl, B.A., and B.L. Sohngen, "Climate Change Squeeze: Impacts, Adaptation, and Mitigation in Agriculture and Forestry", Presented at National Coalition for Food and Agriculture Research, 2008 Hill Seminar Series Washington DC, March 31, 2008.<br /> <br /> McCarl, B.A., C. Peacocke, R. Chrisman, C-C. Kung, and R.D. Sands, "Economics of Biochar Production, Utilisation and GHG Offsets pr", Presented at International Biochar Initiative Conference, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK September 9, 2008.<br /> <br /> Smith, P., D. Martino, Z. Cai, D. Gwary, H.H. Janzen, P. Kumar, B.A. McCarl, F. O'Mara, C. Rice, R. Scholes, O. Sirotenko, M. Howden, T. McAllister, S.M. Ogle, G. Pan, V. Romanenkov, U.A. Schneider, S. Towprayoon, M. Wattenbach, and J.E. Smith, "Greenhouse gas mitigation in agriculture", Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, B, 363(1492), 789-813, 2008.<br /> <br /> Selected Papers<br /> Baker, J.S., B.A. McCarl, and others, "GHG Pricing versus Quantity Restrictions: The Relative Environmental Impacts of Multiple Policies Supporting Biofuel Expansion", Presented at the WAEA annual meeting at Big Sky Montana, June 25-27, 2008.<br /> <br /> Maung, T., and B.A. McCarl, "Economics of Biomass Fuels for Electricity Production: A Case Study with Crop Residues", Selected paper presented at 2008 AAEA Annual Meetings, Orlando, FL, July, 2008.<br /> <br /> Zhu, E., and B.A. McCarl, "Sensitivity of the US Agriculture and Forest Sectors to Climate Change Policies and Adaptation", Presented at the United States Association for Energy Economics Meeting, New Orleans, Dec, 2008.<br /> <br /> Posters<br /> Baker, J.S., R.B. Jackson, B.A. McCarl, and B.C. Murray, "Land Conservation in an Evolving Agricultural Era: Trade-Offs to Consider", Presented at American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting: San Francisco, CA - 15-19 December, 2008.<br /> <br /> Web-sites and Software Developed<br /> <br /> Website developed at CABER <br /> <br /> <br /> Kenkel P. and R. Holcomb. Feasibility Assessment Template for an Enzymatic Hydrolysis Lignocellulosic Ethanol Plant Ag Marketing Resource Center, <br /><br /> <br /> Kenkel P. and R. Holcomb OSU Biodiesel Feasibility Template, Sept. 2008,<br />

Impact Statements

  1. 1. Mechanisms for coordinating and sharing resources on bio-based energy are being created
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Date of Annual Report: 08/25/2009

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 07/01/2009 - 07/02/2009
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2008 - 09/01/2009


Lorrie Barr, University of Arkansas
Jorge Horacio Atiles, University of Georgia
William Batchelor, Mississippi State University
Juerg Blumenthal, Texas A&M University
Gary Breitenbeck, Louisiana State University
Ronald A. Brown, Mississippi State University
James Catallo, Louisiana State University
Nancy M. Cox, University of Kentucky
Tim L. Cross, University of Tennessee
Lawrence E. Datnoff, Louisiana State University
Burt English, University of Tennessee
Edward A. Evans, University of Florida
Steve Fransen, Washington State University
Ted Funk, University of Illinois
Clark Garland, University of Tennessee
Richard S. Gates, University of Kentucky
Wayne M. Gauthier, Louisiana State University
Cole Gustafson, North Dakota State University
Steve Halbrook, Farm Foundation
Mark Hall, Auburn University
Sue Hawkins, University of Vermont
John P. Ignosh, Virginia Tech University
Martha W. Keel, University of Tennessee
Thomas C. Keene, University of Kentucky
Phil Kenkel, Oklahoma State University
Subodh Kulkarni, University of Arkansas
Bill Lazarus, University of Minnesota
Benjamin Legendre, Louisiana State University
Mike Mailander, Louisiana State University
Sudhagar Mani, University of Georgia
Paul L. Mask, Auburn University
Bruce McCarl,Texas A&M University
John McKissick, University of Georgia
Sue E. Nokes, University of Kentucky
Joe L. Outlaw, Texas A&M University
John Payne, University of Arkansas
Charity Pennock, Southern Growth Policies Board
Bruce Pinkerton, Clemson University
Jim Riddell, Virginia Tech University
Tom Riley, University of Arkansas
Gregory Roth, Pennsylvania State University
Michael E. Salassi, Louisiana State University
Robin Shepherd, University of Wisconsin
Ray S. Smith, University of Kentucky
Roland Smith, Texas A&M University
Jay Solomon, University of Illinois
Charles E. Stampler, University of Kentucky
Steven Taylor, Auburn University
Chandra Theegala, Louisiana State University
Daniel L. Thomas, Chair, Louisiana State University
Kelly Tiller, University of Tennessee
Jim Trapp, Oklahoma State University (Administrative Advisor)
Matthew W. Veal, North Carolina State University
Lalit Verma, University of Arkansas
Martha A. Walker, Virginia Tech University
Stanley T. Windham, University of Alabama Extension
James Wooten, Mississippi State University
John W. Worley, University of Georgia
Eric Young, North Carolina State University
Kelly Zering, North Carolina State

Brief Summary of Minutes

The SERA-38 Biobased Energy Research and Information Exchange Committee met in Little Rock Arkansas on July 2, 2009 in conjunction with the Farm Foundation Conference The Role of Extension in Energy. SERA-38 participants discussed current activities and discussed collaboration with the director of the Southeast Agriculture and Forestry Energy Resources Alliance. Results of a survey of SERA-38 member needs in bioenergy were discussed. The committee established priorities for activities in 2009 which included
(1) Contracting for bio-energy crops and bio-energy projects,
(2) Feasibility of biofuel crops and conversion,
(3) Bioenergy crop logisitics and handling.
(4) The committee also made plans to coordinate with the ESCOP Bio Century Initiative and investigate funding opportunities.
(5) A effort to develop youth education material on bioenergy topics was also planned.


Developed and administered a survey of informational needs relating to biofuels in the SERA-38 member institutions. <br /> Compiled list of bio-based energy resource people by institution <br /> Compiled information resources relating to Bio-based Energy <br /> Began work on a publication on Economic Information for Analysis of Feasibility of Bio-based Energy Systems <br /> Completed two feasibility templates, one on on-farm oilseed processing and biodiesel production and one on sweet sorghum ethanol production which were distributed via the Ag Marketing Resource Center web site ( <br />


Publications<br /> Baker, J.S., R.B. Jackson, B.A. McCarl, and B.C. Murray, "Land Conservation in an Evolving Agricultural Era: Trade-Offs to Consider", Presented at American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting: San Francisco, CA - 15-19 December, 2008.<br /> Baker, J.S., R.B. Jackson, B.A. McCarl, and B.C. Murray, "Bioenergy, Economics and the environment", Presented at Ecological Society of America Meeting on Ecological Dimensions of Biofuels, Washington DC, March, 2008.<br /> Baker, J.S., B.A. McCarl, and others, "GHG Pricing versus Quantity Restrictions: The Relative Environmental Impacts of Multiple Policies Supporting Biofuel Expansion", Presented at the WAEA annual meeting at Big Sky Montana, June 25-27, 2008.<br /> Bates, Gary, Pat Keyser, Craig Harper, and John Waller, Using Switchgrass for Forage, University of Tennessee Biofuels Initiative, University of Tennessee Extension Publication (SP701-B).<br /> Bates, Gary, Jon Walton, Adjusting and Calibrating a Drill for Planting Switchgrass for Biofuels, University of Tennessee Biofuels Initiative, University of Tennessee Extension Publication (SP701-C).<br /> Beach, R.H., A. Daigneault, and B.A. McCarl, "Modeling Alternative Policies for Forestry and Agricultural Bioenergy Production and GHG Mitigation", Presented at at AERE Workshop Energy and the Environment, Washington, DC, June 18-20, 2009.<br /> Beach, R.H., and B.A. McCarl, Agricultural Impacts of the Energy Independence and Security Act: FASOM Results and Model Description, Prepared for U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Transportation and Air Quality, 2008.<br /> Boadu, F.O., and B.A. McCarl, "US Bioenergy: Potential, Policy, and Economic/Climate Change Concerns", Drake Law Review, forthcoming, 2009.<br /> Burton C. English, R. Jamey Menard, and Kim Jensen. Farm Foundation, Available at , February, 2008<br /> Day, D.F., DeQueiroz, G.A. and Legendre, B.L. Turning sugarcane cellulose into ethanol: Energy for the future? Louisiana Agric. (Spring 2008) 51(2):12-13. 2008.<br /> Drapcho, CM, TH Walker and N Nghiem, 2008, Bioprocess Engineering for Biofuels Production. McGraw-Hill, New York. ISBN: 0071487492.<br /> English, Burton C., R. Jamey Menard, and Kim Jensen Risk, Infrastructure and Industry Evolution. Proceedings of a conference held June 24-25, 2008, in Berkeley, California. Edited by Burton C. English, R. Jamey Menard, and Kim Jensen., Farm Foundation, Available at, June 2008.<br /> English, Burton C., R. Jamey Menard, and Kim Jensen. Integration of Agricultural and Energy Systems. Proceedings of a conference held February 10-12, 2008, in Atlanta, GA. Edited by <br /> English, Burton C., Daniel G. De La Torre Ugarte, R. Jamey Menard, and Tris West. Economic and Environmental Impacts of Biofuels Expansion: The Role of Cellulosic Ethanol. Integration of Agricultural and Energy Systems. Edited by English, Menard, Jensen. Farm Foundation, Available at , February, 2008, Pages 81-88<br /> English, B.C., J.A. Larson, D.M. Mooney. Switchgrass Harvest and Storage Costs and Bale Quality, pp.11-12. In 25th Milan No-Till Crop Production Field Day Tour Report. Knoxville, TN: UT AgResearch, 2008.<br /> Garland, Clark D., Growing and Harvesting Switchgrass for Ethanol Production in Tennessee, University of Tennessee Biofuels Initiative, University of Tennessee Extension Publication (SP701-A).<br /> Goel, A.B., et al, Economic Feasibility of Supplementing Corn Ethanol Feedstock With Fractionated Dry Peas: A Risk Perspective, Transition to a Bioeconomy: Risk, Infrastructure & Industry Evolution, Farm Foundation, Berkely, CA, June 24, 2008, 19pgs. Forth coming <br /> Gustafson, C. Financing Growth of Cellulosic Ethanol Transition to a Bioeconomy: Environmental and Rural Development Impacts, Farm Foundation, St. Louis, MO Oct 15-16, 2008. Forth coming <br /> Gustafson, C. Where Will Future Acres Come From? Crop Insurance Today, National Crop Insurance Today, (41)2, May 2008, p. 12-14. <br /> Gustafson, C. Risks Facing the Ethanol Industry? Crop Insurance Today, National Crop Insurance Today, (40)4, November 2007, p. 4- 7. <br /> Harper, Craig A., and Patrick D. Keyser, Potential Impacts on Wildlife of Switchgrass Grown for Biofuels, University of Tennessee Biofuels Initiative, University of Tennessee Extension Publication (SP704-A).<br /> <br /> He, R., X.P. Ye, F. Harte, and B.C. English. 2008. Effects of High-Pressure Homogenization on Physicochemical Properties and Storage Stability of Switchgrass Bio-Oil. Fuel Processing Technology. Published online December 21, 2008. doi:10.1016/j.fuproc.2008.11.003. (Impact factor 2007: 1.883)<br /> Holcomb. R. and P. Kenkel. Sensitivity Analysis Using the Lignocellulosic Ethanol Feasibility Template. Agricultural Resource Marketing Center.<br /> Holcomb, R. and P. Kenkel. Enzymatic Hydrolysis Ethanol Plant Feasibility Template Agricultural Resource Marketing Center. October 2008. <br /> Ignosh, John, Kurt Stephenson, Matthew Yancey, Bill Whittle, Mark Alley, Landowners Guide to the Carbon Market, Virginia State University, Cooperative Extension Publication.<br /> Jackson, Samuel, Ethanol: A Primer, University of Tennessee Biofuels Initiative, University of Tennessee Extension Publication (SP700-B).<br /> Jackson, Samuel, Biodiesel: A Primer, University of Tennessee Biofuels Initiative, University of Tennessee Extension Publication (SP700-C).<br /> Joshi HC, BR Mosur, TH Walker*, Preparation and fuel properties of biodiesel prepared from soybean oil using mixtures of methanol and ethanol, Biomass Bioenergy, (in review).<br /> Joshi HC, J Toler and T Walker*, 2009, Biodiesel from canola oil using a 1 : 1 molar mixture of methanol and ethanol, Eur. J. Lipid Sci. Technol. 2009, 111, 464473.<br /> Joshi HC, Toler J and Walker T, 2008, Optimization of Cottonseed Oil Ethanolysis to Produce Biodiesel High in Gossypol Content, JAOCS, 85, 357-363.<br /> Kenkel, P. and R. Holcomb, Conditions Necessary for Private Investment in the Ethanol Industry, Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, (Vol. 42, No. 2, August 2009, pp. 455-464).<br /> Kenkel P. and R. Holcomb OSU Biodiesel Feasibility Template, Sept. 2008., 2008<br /> <br /> Larson, James A., Burton C. English, and Lixia He. Economic Analysis of Farm-Level Supply of Biomass Feedstocks for Energy Production Under Alternative Contract Scenarios and Risk. Integration of Agricultural and Energy Systems. Edited by English, Menard, Jensen. Farm Foundation, Available at , February, 2008, Pages 75-80. <br /> Maung, T., and B.A. McCarl, "Economics of Biomass Fuels for Electricity Production: A Case Study with Crop Residues", Selected paper presented at 2008 AAEA Annual Meetings, Orlando, FL, July, 2008.<br /> McCarl, B.A., "Estimating the Intensive and Extensive Margins of Crop Land Yields in the United States", presented at AAEA Organized Symposium:, Global Land Use Impacts of Biofuels: Evidence on the Intensive and Extensive Margins, Milwaukee, July, 2009.<br /> McCarl, B.A., "Alternative Policy Approaches to Greenhouse Gas Control", Invited paper presented at Texas Ag Forum, Austin, June 22, 2009.<br /> McCarl, B.A., "GHG Mitigation Potential in Forestry and Agriculture", presented at National Academy of Science America's Climate Choice, Limiting Panel, Golden, CO May 27, 2009.<br /> McCarl, B.A., "International Conflict and Cooperation Related Economic issues regarding Biofuels, and Climate Change", Presented at meeting sponsored by Program on International Conflict and Cooperation, TAMU Political Science Department, College Station, May 7, 2009.<br /> McCarl, B.A., "Economic investigations on Water Impacts of Transportation Biofuels", Presented at U.S. Government Accountability Office and Texas AgriLife Research Discussion on Water Impacts from Transportation Biofuels, College Station, May 6, 2009.<br /> McCarl, B.A., "Climate Change and Energy Policy Landscape: Looking Ahead: Some Discussion Points", Presented at the 5th Forestry and Agriculture GHG Modeling Forum, Shepardstown, WV, April, 2009.<br /> McCarl, B.A., "Climate change/GHGs impacts legislation and other effects on the ag/biotech/food industry", Invited paper presented at UIC Spring Meeting, Austin, April 29, 2009.<br /> McCarl, B.A., and R. Srinivasan, "Linking Biophysical with Economic Models for Impact Assessments", Invited Paper at World Bank Water Week Session 26, Modeling Tools for Agricultural Water Management, Washington, Feb 18, 2009.<br /> McCarl, B.A., "Lifecycle Carbon Footprint, Biofuels and Leakage: An Empirical Investigation", The Lifecycle Carbon Footprint of Biofuels: Proceedings volume, Meeting in Miami, January 29, 2009.<br /> McCarl, B.A., "US Bioenergy: Potential, Policy, and Economic/Climate Change Concerns bc", Bioenergy In The United States And Germany, American Institute for Contemporary German Studies at Johns Hopkins University Policy Report #36, 2009.<br /> McCarl, B.A., T. Maung, and K.R. Szulczyk, "Could Bioenergy be used to Harvest the Greenhouse: An Economic Investigation of Bioenergy and Climate Change?", Handbook of Bioenergy Economics and Policy, Edited by Madhu Khanna, Jurgen Scheffran and David Zilberman Forthcoming, Springer, 2009.<br /> McCarl, B.A., C. Peacocke, R. Chrisman, C-C. Kung, and R.D. Sands, "Economics of Biochar Production, Utilisation and GHG Offsets", Biochar for Environmental Management: Science and Technology, Chapter 19, Edited by Johannes Lehmann and Stephen Joseph, Earthscan Publications, UK, 341-358, 2009.<br /> McCarl, B.A., and T. Plieninger, Bioenergy the the United States and Germany, American Institute for Contemporary German Studies Report #36, 2009.<br /> McCarl, B.A., and T. Plieninger, Trans Atlantic Cooperation on Sustainable Bioenergy Development, Bioenergy the the United States and Germany, American Institute for Contemporary German Studies Report #36, 2009.<br /> McCarl, B.A., "Bioenergy in a greenhouse mitigating world", Choices, 23(1), 31-33, 2008.<br /> McCarl, B.A., "Food, BioFuel, Global Agriculture and Environment: Discussion", Review of Agricultural Economics, Volume 30, Issue 3, Pages 530-532, 2008.<br /> McCarl, B.A., "Agriculture, Climate Change Mitigation and Biofuels: Economic Explorations", Invited Keynote Presented at Belly Klepper Lecture During Annual Joint Meeting of Geological Society of America, Soil Science Society of America, American Society of Agronomy, Crop Science Society of America, and the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies, October, Houston, TX, 2008.<br /> McCarl, B.A., "Bioenergy in a Greenhouse Gas Mitigating World", Presented at AAEA Meeting on Environmental Choices: Outlook and Investigation on Climate Change as it Relates to Agriculture and Natural Resources Washington DC, ERS, April 1, 2008.<br /> McCarl, B.A., "BioEnergy Lifecycle Carbon Footprint, and Leakage", Presented at Farm Foundation meeting on Lifecycle Carbon Footprint of Biofuels, National Press Club, Washington, DC April 8, 2008.<br /> McCarl, B.A., "BioEnergy Sorghum, Lifecycle Carbon Footprint, Market Impacts and Leakage", Presented at International Workshop/Conference On Sorghum For Biofuels, Houston, TX August 19, 2008.<br /> McCarl, B.A., "Bioenergy: A View of the Economic Future", Presented at The Academy of Medicine, Engineering, and Science of Texas and TAMU conference on The Business of Fueling the Future - Earth, Wind, and Sun, March, 2008.<br /> McCarl, B.A., "Biofuels and Greenhouse Gasses: Economics of Offsets and Leakage", Presentation at University of Illinois, May, 2008.<br /> McCarl, B.A., "Biofuels in a GHG Mitigating World: LCA, Leakage and Indirect Land Use", Presented at 3rd Annual Midwest Ag Energy Network Summit: Policies to Prosper in the New Carbon Economy, Crowne Plaza, Chicago OHare, Dec 15, 2008.<br /> McCarl, B.A., "Biofuels, Climate Change and Agricultural Research: Opportunities and Challenges", Paper given at the NC-1034 symposium on "Energy and Agriculture: Emerging Policy and R&D Issues", Washington, DC, March 7-8, 2008.<br /> McCarl, B.A., "Biofuels: A View of the Economic Future", Presented at the meeting The business of fueling the future, College Station, TX, March, 2008.<br /> McCarl, B.A., "Lifecycle Carbon Footprint, Bioenergy and Leakage", Presented at Farm Foundation and USDA meeting on The Lifecycle Carbon Footprint of Biofuels Miami, Fl, January 29, 2008.<br /> McCarl, B.A., "Lifecycle Footprint, Bioenergy and Leakage: Some Considerations", Invited paper Presented at 29th Annual Agricultural Law Symposium, Minneapolis, MN, October, 2008.<br /> McCarl, B.A., "Linking Economic and Biophysical Models for Climate Change and Biofuel Analysis", Invited Paper at Meeting Biophysical and Economic Models of Biofuel Production and Environmental Impacts, Chicago, Nov. 13-15, 2008.<br /> McCarl, B.A., "OR Modeling for Government Policy Analysis: Agricultural related energy, climate change and farm policy", INFORMS Conference Applying Science to the Art of Business April 13-15, 2008 Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Baltimore, Maryland, 2008.<br /> McCarl, B.A., "Pyrolysis, Biochar, and Crop Residues: Is this an Economic Proposition?", Invited Paper Presented at Annual Joint Meeting of Geological Society of America (GSA), Soil Science Society of America (SSSA), American Society of Agronomy (ASA), Crop Science Society of America (CSSA), and the Gulf Coast Association of Geological Societies, Houston, October, 2008.<br /> McCarl, B.A., "US Bioenergy: Potential, Policy and Economic/Climate Change Concerns", Invited paper presented at Transatlantic Climate and Energy Cooperation: The Way Forward A German-U.S. Dialogue, Washington, DC, November 17, 2008.<br /> McCarl, B.A., "Will Bioenergy be Profitable: Markets, Lifecycle Carbon Footprint, Commodity Prices and Leakage", Invited paper presented at GROW III - Oklahoma Conference on Biofuels, Oklahoma City, OK November 12, 2008.<br /> McCarl, B.A., C. Peacocke, R. Chrisman, C-C. Kung, and R.D. Sands, "Economics of Biochar Production, Utilisation and GHG Offsets pr", Presented at International Biochar Initiative Conference, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK September 9, 2008.<br /> Mercker, David, Short Rotation Woody Crops for Biofuels, University of Tennessee Biofuels Initiative, University of Tennessee Extension Publication (SP702-C).<br /> Murray, B.C., B.A. McCarl, and J.S. Baker, Commentary on Impacts of Carbon Prices and Energy Costs on Returns to Agricultural Producers, Nicolas Institute Policy Paper, 2009.<br /> Ogejo, Jactone Arogo, Zhiyou Wen, John Ignosh, Eric Bendfeldt, E.R. Collins, Jr., Biomethane Technology, Virginia State University, Cooperative Extension Publication.<br /> Rose, S.K., and B.A. McCarl, "Greenhouse gas emissions, stabilization and the inevitability of adaptation: challenges for agriculture", Choices, 23(1), 15-18, 2008.<br /> Rose, S.K., B.A. McCarl, B.C. Murray, and F. de la Chesnaye, "Potential for Agricultural and Forest GHG Mitigation in the U. S", EPRI Greenhouse Gas Emissions Offset Policy Dialogue, Workshop 4 February 19, 2009.<br /> Salanenka, Y. A and A. G. Taylor. 2009. Uptake of model compounds by soybean, switchgrass and castor seeds applied as seed treatments. Symposium Proceedings No. 83. Seed Production and Treatment in a Changing Environment. Brit. Crop Protect. Council, Alton, Hampshire, UK. p. 76-81.<br /> Salassi, Michael E., U.S. Biofuel Industry: Current Market Situation and Outlook, Proceedings of the 2009 Louisiana Natural Resources Symposium, Louisiana State University Agricultural Center, p. 1-11, July 2009.<br /> Salassi, Michael E., Current Status of U.S. Biofuel Industry and Opportunities for Louisiana Agriculture, LSU Agricultural Center, Dept. of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness, Staff Report No. 2009-01, January 2009.<br /> Shelby, M., J. Cole, B.A. McCarl, and others, Draft Regulatory Impact Analysis: Changes to Renewable Fuel Standard Program, EPA OTAQ Report, McCarl contributed domestic agricultural analysis, 2009.<br /> Smith, P., D. Martino, Z. Cai, D. Gwary, H.H. Janzen, P. Kumar, B.A. McCarl, F. O'Mara, C. Rice, R. Scholes, O. Sirotenko, M. Howden, T. McAllister, S.M. Ogle, G. Pan, V. Romanenkov, U.A. Schneider, S. Towprayoon, M. Wattenbach, and J.E. Smith, "Greenhouse gas mitigation in agriculture", Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, B, 363(1492), 789-813, 2008.<br /> Szulczyk, K.R., B.A. McCarl, and J.C. Cornforth, "Market Penetration of Ethanol", Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, forthcoming, 2009.Tyler, Mark, Paul Darby and Michael Salassi, Energy Cane Usage for Cellulosic Ethanol: Estimation of Feedstock Costs, Journal of Agricultural and Applied Economics, selected paper abstract, Vol. 41, No. 2, p. 547, August 2009.<br /> Taylor, Adam, Woody Biofuels: Past, Present and Future, University of Tennessee Biofuels Initiative, University of Tennessee Extension Publication (SP702-A).<br /> Taylor, Adam, and Larry Tankersley, Biomass Harvesting and Forest Stewardship: A Healthy Balance, University of Tennessee Biofuels Initiative, University of Tennessee Extension Publication (SP702-B).<br /> University of Tennessee Biofuels Initiative, Switchgrass for Biomass Contracting Materials Used in Tennessee Biofuels Initiative, University of Tennessee publication.<br /> University of Tennessee Biofuels Initiative, Switchgrass Request for a Contract, University of Tennessee publication.<br /> University of Tennessee Biofuels Initiative, Switchgrass Production Contract  University of Tennessee publication. <br /> Virginia Department of Environmental Quality, Virginia Biodiesel Environmental Compliance Primer, Presentation <br /> Virginia Tech/Extension, Switchgrass for Biomass Storage Contract, University of Tennessee Publication, Energy Resource Guide for Virginia. <br /> Virginia Tech/Extension, Green Energy & Byproduct Utilization Website .<br /> Virginia Department of Forestry, Virginia, Waste Solutions Forum: Agricultural and Environmental Solutions for the Shenandoah Valley newsletter, <br /> Virginia Department of Mines, Minerals, and Energy, Alternative Fuels & Renewable Energy, <br /> Wen, Zhiyou, Robert Grisso, Jactone Arogo, and David Vaughan, Biodiesel Fuel, Virginia State University, Virginia Cooperative Extension Publication.<br /> Wen, Zhiyou, Steve A. Bantz, Christopher G. Bachmann, Christie-Joy Brodrick, and Lisa A. Schweitzer, Scale Biodiesel Production: Safety, Fuel Quality, and Waste Disposal Considerations, Virginia State University, Cooperative Extension Publication . Virginia Energy Guide & Series, Cooperative Extension Publication <br /> Wen, Zhiyou, John Ignosh, and Jactone Arogo, Fuel Ethanol, Virginia State University, Cooperative Extension, Publication. <br /> Wen, Zhiyou, and Michael B. Johnson, Microalgae as a Feedstock for Biofuel Production, Virginia State University, Cooperative Extension Publication. <br /> Wilcox, Michael, Dayton Lambert and Kelly Tiller, Assistant Professors, Department of Agricultural Economics, Biofuels 101, University of Tennessee Biofuels Initiative, University of Tennessee Extension Publication (SP700-A).<br />

Impact Statements

  1. 1. A survey of informational needs in bioenergy was completed. This information is being used by the committee to establish priorities for research and information exchange
  2. 2. Mechanisms for coordinating and sharing resources on bio-based energy are being created.
  3. 3. The committee is effective collaborating with other groups including the Southeast Agriculture and Forestry Energy Resources Alliance, Agricultural Law Center at Arkansas and the Sustainable Ag Energy eXtension Community of Practice.
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Date of Annual Report: 02/09/2011

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 11/16/2010 - 11/18/2010
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2010 - 09/01/2011


Carmela Bailey, USDA (NIFA);
Burt English, University of Tennessee;
Edward 'Gilly' Evans, University of Florida;
Mark Hall, Auburn University;
Ray Huhnke, Oklahoma State University;
Sam Jackson, Genera Energy;
Benjamin Legendre, Louisiana State University;
Tim Rials, University of Tennessee-Center for Renewable Carbon;
James Wooten, Mississippi State University;
Kelly Zering, North Carolina State University

Brief Summary of Minutes

The SERA-38 Biobased Energy Research and Information Exchange Committee met in Knoxville, TN on November 16 in conjunction with the Farm Foundation/USDA Renewable Energy Field Days. Participants discussed current research activities and prospective projects with the group. Tim Rials opened the meeting, and gave a brief overview of the mission of the Center for Renewable Carbon. The Center for Renewable Carbon will seek to coordinate multi-disciplinary R&D related to lignocellulosic materials, carbon fiber, chemical coproducts, and pretreatment of biomass. Ray Huhnke spoke of the progress at Oklahoma State which included: possible use of CRP lands for biomass production, research related to switchgrass storage and feedstock development, thermochemical conversion technologies, and movement towards a more holistic approach with regards to production of ethanol and other alcohols. Burt English shared information on progress at the University of Tennessee including: the Bio-Based Energy Analysis Groups continued work with the 25x25 Alliance, informational materials on Flex-Fuel Vehicles to be distributed to local automobile dealerships, and development of educational materials for grades 5-8 related to biomass (Clark Garland). Kelly Zering shared that the first ethanol plant is online in North Carolina. Research at North Carolina State is currently focused on plant breeding, genetically modified trees for higher yields, models converting existing pulp mills to biomass neutroceuticals. Ben Legendre spoke of the potential for sugar cane bagasse for ethanol or pelletizing for European markets. Feedstock development (high-fiber energy cane, sweet sorghum, and miscanthus) is also a priority. James Wooten shared that Mississippi State is also involved in feedstock development (switchgrass, miscanthus, sweet sorghum, energy cane, and giant miscanthus producing upwards of 25 tons/acre). Research is also under way related to catalysts to produce high quality gasoline and diesel, pyrolysis of biomass to produce liquid hydrocarbons, extraction of sugars from cellulose, pelletizing of giant miscanthus and switchgrass, and conversion of waste treatment plant bacteria to produce oil. Mark Hall spoke about the increasing role of extension in biomass and suggested a framework to facilitate collaboration among problem-solvers in various disciplines. Carmela Bailey let the group know that NIFA has undergone internal reorganization from disciplines/programs-based departments to issues-based departments. As two central programs supporting biomass development, the Biomass Research and Development Initiative (BRDI) and the Agricultural and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) were discussed. Sam Jackson, discussed biomass sustainability standards created by the Council on Sustainable Biomass Production (CBSP). The mission of this group is to establish a tiered certification program for biomass so that producers are recognized in the biomass market for their efforts. The meeting continued with an open discussion on sustainability issues. In closing, Mark Hall was elected as the 2011 SERA-38 President, and James Wooten was elected as the 2011 secretary.


A spreadsheet was created of bio-based energy resource contacts by institution, and information was shared relating to bio-based energy by institution/state over the past year. Presentation material was shared on bio-based energy and sustainability which could be used by SERA-38 members. The group agreed that a SERA-38 website would facilitate communication and information exchange.


Impact Statements

  1. Mechanisms for coordinating and sharing resources on bio-based energy are being created and should be a priority.
  2. Collaboration amongst institutions to ensure an efficient and uniform biomass sustainability index is necessary.
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