NC1040: Metabolic Relationships in Supply of Nutrients for Lactating Cows (NC-1009)

(Multistate Research Project)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports

Annual/Termination Reports:

[01/21/2009] [12/31/2009] [12/01/2010] [12/01/2011] [11/01/2012] [12/18/2013]

Date of Annual Report: 01/21/2009

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 10/20/2008 - 10/21/2008
Period the Report Covers: 09/01/2007 - 10/01/2008


Participants present: Armentano, Louis ( - University of Wisconsin; Bateman, Gale (; Beitz, Donald (  Iowa State University, Bequette; Brian ( - University of Maryland; Bradford, Barry ( Kansas State University; Donkin, Shawn ( - Purdue; Eun, Jong-Su (  Utah State University; Fadel, James ( - University of California - Davis; Firkins, Jeffrey (  The Ohio State University; Hanigan, Mark ( - Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Hippen, Arnold ( - South Dakota State University; Vandehaar, Michael ( - Michigan State University; Administrative Assistant: David Benfield (; USDA representative: Kirk-Baer, Charlotte (

Participants submitting a written report, but not present: Erdman, Richard ( - University of Maryland; Varga, Gabriella ( Pennsylvania State University; McNamara, John ( - Washington State University; Schroeder, J. W. ( - North Dakota State University; Stern, Marshall ( University of Minnesota; Cummins, Keith ( Auburn University; Schwab, Chuck ( University of New Hampshire;

Brief Summary of Minutes

Summary of Minutes of Annual Meeting (October 21-22, 2008):

A. Administration: Introductions and administrative details

1. Election of new officers.

Promotion of Current Secretary to Chair 2008-2009: Jim Fadel
New Secretary 2008-2009: Barry Bradford
Next years meeting for NC-1040: Chicago, near Ohare, October 26 and 27, 2009. If these dates are unavailable, October 19 and 20 will be considered. Gale Bateman will work with Jim Fadel to organize next years venue and meeting.

2. USDA representative, Charlotte Kirk-Baer
News from the US Department of Agriculture. The current budget is under continuing resolution. Under the new Farm bill, CSREES no longer exists, and will be replaced with the National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA). Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) now replaces the National Research Institute, and essentially combines the NRI and Initiative for Future Agriculture and Food Systems (IFAFS) programs into one. Funding under NIFA will be split 60% to fundamental and 40% to applied research. Authorization has been given for up to $700 M annual funding, with not less that 30% for integrated projects The new NIFA Agency head will be appointed by the President for a 6 year term. One advantage of this new funding organization is that applied, fundamental and extension research can be applied for as integrated or individual project proposals, which was not available before.

3. NC Administrative Advisor, David Benfield
NIFA replaces CSREES but ARS will remain as is for the present. Integrative proposals may get higher funding although funding is usually $350,000. In the NC annual report, it is recommended to add leverage or grant funds acquired outside of the project which support research conducted under project objectives.

B. Station Reports

1. Lou Armentano (University of Wisconsin, Objective 1)
Study One: Dry fractionation products. Dry milling ethanol plants where the endosperm is extracted for ethanol production, often leaves behind starch contamination in the bran and germ. Diets were formulated with high and low forage, and either corn or carn brad from the dry mills, and milk production and diet component digestibility estimated:
HFC, High forage corn
HFCB, High forage corn bran [HFC plus corn bran minus corn]
LFC, Low forage corn
LFCB, Low forage plus corn bran (minus corn) [LFC plus corn bran minus corn]
Diets were fed to cows and heifers in six Latin Squares (½ cows and ½ heifers). NFC (DM-cp-ash-fat-ndf) was lower with corn bran vs corn; ADF was higher with corn bran. Linear factors were used to determine digestibility, which assumes no associative effects, starch is low in corn bran. Digestibility estimates are not yet complete.
Study Two: Conducted to evaluate the effect of dietary supplementation of free vegetable oil with or without a commercial antioxidant. (Agrado plus). Used different plants with oil compositions. Lou would have liked to use pure oils. Treatments were: Linseed (LNSD) oil, palm (PALM), Corn oil (CORN), high-oleic safflower (OSAF); high-linoleic safflower (LSAF), control (CTRL) with and without the antioxidant. Cow performance: Fat yield decreased from CTRL to OSAF to LNSD to CORN to LSAF but not all significantly different. CORN and LSAF are the most fat depressing. No effect of anti-oxidant. No main effects.
Planned Research: We want to use in situ bags to predict flow of digestible protein and digestible lysine to small intestine. In the past others have selected the 16 hr time point to get a bag where total cp in bag represents RUP flow and digestible cp in bag (based on enzymatic digestion) is an estimate for digestible protein flow to small intestine. We questioned the use of 16 h based on NRC kp estimates and the effect of kd on what time bag would give a residue equal to the predicted RUP. The chart shows the relationship and is based on the equation that the time of equivalence for a bag residue to equal predicted RUP = (ln (kp/(kp+kd))/-kd which is derived from setting C+B*exp(-kd*t) = C + B (kp/kp+kd) and solving for time. The take home message is that the bag residue that gives a value the same as predicted RUP is always at a time less than 1/kp and is dependent on the kd of the sample. We plan to concentrate samples in the time periods that the range of kd and kp cover, which would be less than 20 h in most cases but to be able to adjust for time within this time range.

2. Gale Batemam (Akey, Objective 1)
Physically effective NDF (peNDF) is a physical property that (partially) defines the role of a feed in maintaining rumen function.
Objective: Develop a method for estimating peNDF that yields values that are comparable to those from Yang and Beauchemin (2006). In other words, develop a reference method to quantify peNDF. TMR samples (n = 26) from the Upper Midwest and New England states were evaluated. Particle size was determined using the Penn State Particle separator (PSPS) (4 screen, not 3 screen). DM content of each PSPS fraction was determined. peNDF was calculated from the Yang and Beachemin (2006) equations and this would be the response or dependent variable. Excel Solver was used to determine coefficients of multiple regressions. The 4 screen PSPS reduced the variation around the prediction of the peNDF over that when the 3 screen PSPS was used. The Z-box was not used because Akey only has data from one location and they used the PSPS because they have data across the US.

3. Jong-Su Eun (Utah State University, Objective 1)
Research focus: Investigate the impact of various ingredients and feed additives; Development of supplementary strategies, Use of low quality forage; Development of nutritional management plan to reduce nutrient excretion. Uses in vitro culture systems.
Study: Safflower seed for dairy cow diets. Safflower seed gas a higher digestibility than cottonseed. Nutrasaff is a new variety which has higher fat and lower fiber, and wsa used to substitute for cottonseed.
MUN was depressed by feeding the Nutrasaff, but no change in total tract protein digestibility was observed. Trans-11 18:1 percent in milk fat was increased by addition of safflower to the diet. A linear increase in CLA cis-9, trans-11 percent in milk was observed with safflower addition.
Current research: Effects of condensed tannins on microbial metabolism using continuous culture. Effects of Clinoptilolite zeolite on ruminal fermentation and lactation performance will be evaluated.

4. Jeff Firkins (The Ohio State University, Objective 1)
Protozoa Work: How much are actually in the rumen? Maybe just 20% of the total microbial mass compared to traditional literature values of 50%. Aim is to understand the mechanisms of chemotaxis by comparing Isotrichs (holitrichs) to entodinomorphs. Holotrichs vary chemotaxis towards gradients of glucose and amino acids via the phosphatidylinositol 3-P kinase (PI3K) signaling pathway which is well described in parasitic protozoa or environmental free-living ciliates. PI3K is also a component in insulin signaling. Thus, the chemotaxic mechanisms of protozoa functions similar to the insulin mediate mechanism of glucose uptake in eukaryotic systems. Wortmannin is an inhibitor to PI3K, and PI3K works through the TOR signaling pathway to stimulate transcription in protozoa.
Study One. The idea is that holotrichs possess this chemotactic mechanism whereby they rise to the top of the rumen, take up glucose and then descend to the bottom of the rumen. This mechanism would mean that the holotrichs stay in the rumen longer and that the entodinomorphs leave the rumen quicker. To test this mechanism, a substrate gradient system was developed using glass capillary tubes. Treatment tubes contain different concentrations of glucose, and protozoa swim into the tube where they are enumerated. As negative control, tubes contain only saline.
Both species of protozoa have the same opportunity to swim into the tube and holotrichs were much higher in number than entodinomorphs as the glucose levels were increased (to 100 mM). It is thought that the holotrichs take up the glucose so the entodinomorphs are left without substrate.
Study Two. Wortmannin was added as an inhibitor of PI3K to test the role of PI3K in the glucose sensing and transport of glucose by protozoa. Holotrichs (Isotrichs) have chemotaxic and stay in rumen longer and Entodinomorphs leave with the feed while Isotrichs migrate upward to feed on glucose and then sink ventrally. They preferentially stay in the rumen.
Study Three. Dose-response with Insulin to test recovery from Wortmannin inhibition.
Future Questions: Is chemotaxic mechanism really due to glucose? Could it be due to amino acids? What about maltose since it is similar to glucose?

5. Arnold Hippen (South Dakota University, Objectives 1 and 2)
Corn co-products and milk fatty acid responses. Comparison of oil availability on milk fatty acids. Treatments were: Control, corn germ, dry distillers grains with soluble, and corn oil. Feeding the corn germ at 21% of diet did not reduce milk fat compared to control. No differences in milk yield. For milk fatty acids, the CLA isomers t10, c12 and c9, t11 were progressively increased by feeding CG, DG, and oil compared with control. It was concluded that the lack of milk fat depression when corn germ was added may be attributed to the protection of the oil in the germ whereas a decrease in milk fat percentage for cows fed DG demonstrated a greater ruminal availability of oil in DG .
Corn germ from pre-distillation fraction of corn grain for ethanol production may be fed at 14% of diet DM without negative effects on milk fat and minimal production of milk trans and CLA isomers. Feeding equivalent amounts of oil in distiller grains or as free oil will decrease milk fat production and increased trans and CLA isomerization of fatty acids.
Replacing starch from corn with fiber and fat from corn distillers grains in diets of lactating dairy cows did not effect milk yield or milk components. An increase in feed efficiency was noted when dietary starch was decreased from 29 to 20% of DM and inclusion of DG increased proportionally.

6. Shawn Donkin (Prudue, Objectives 1 and 2)
Objective 1: Determine the feeding value of wet distillers grains (WDGS) for lactating dairy cows when co-ensiled with corn silage or haycrop silage. Co-ensiling appeared to work well but was difficult to do because of mixing issues.
Objective 2 Studies. Identification of a glycerol transporter in rumen epithelium. Urea is not dependent on a transporter but glycerol has a transporter. Some glycerol appears to be transported across the rumen wall but the proportion transported across the membrane without a transporter is unknown.
Effects of propionate supply in vivo on PEPCK expression. The role of propionate in regulation of PEPCK gene expression in the liver was investigated. Using heifer calves, either acetate, propionate, phlorizin, or saline was infused into the jugular vein.
Role of Vitamin D in insulin resistance and adipose tissue metabolism of transition dairy cows.

7. Donald Beitz (Iowa State University  Objective 2)
Genetic regulation of the healthfulness of beef and dairy cow milk fatty acid composition. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in the thioesterase (TE) domain of fatty acid synthetase (FAS) and in diglycerol acyltransferease-1 (DGAT1) were found to relate to fatty acids and profiles that have healthful benefits. Future work will try to identify SNPs that could be used in a breeding program to change the genetic profile and hence the fatty acid profile of milk fat.
8. Brian Bequette (University of Maryland, Objective 2)
Determine methionine and choline methyl group metabolism in lactating dairy cows supplemented with or without the protected choline product Reashure@. Question: Does supplemental dietary choline spare methionine by increasing homocysteine methylation to reform methionine, and thus increase the net supply of methionine for milk protein synthesis. Results: Not much methyl-group labeling of methionine from infused labeled choline. Remaining Questions: How much methionine gets remethylated? How much of methionine methyl groups derive from choline?
Determine the limiting factors the prevent urea N recycling and capture of N in the rumen.

9. Barry Bradford (Kansas State University, Objectives 1 and 2)
Objective 1 Study. Determine if molasses can prevent milk fat depression when added to distillers grains (with solubles) diets. Milk fat % increased with molasses substitution, but milk yield was not affected. Short and medium chain fatty acid milk yields increased but no difference in yields on C16 and long chain fatty acids were observed. Molasses addition appears to enhance ruminal biohydrogenation because trans 10-C18:1, and total trans C18:1 were decreased. Milk protein, milk lactose and MUN were decreased with molasses addition.
Objective 2 Study: Understanding the mechanisms that lead to fatty liver formation. Effects of exogenous tumor necrosis factor (TNF) alpha on hepatic nutrient metabolism. Why do animals with higher triglycerides in livers have lower glucose production? Fatty livers are associated with lower glycogen. Is TNF a factor causing or involved in initiating bovine fatty liver? TNF is a cytokine that is released from the adipose and acts on the liver. To investigate these questions, 15 late-lactation Holstein cows were infused IV with TNF or saline. TNF did not cause lipolysis. TNF did cause increase in lipid accumulation in liver. In the liver of TNF infused cows, gene expression of CD36 increased 220%, CPT1 decreased 30%, AGPAT increased 550%, and PEPCK decreased by 40%; all are consistent with an increase in liver triglyceride storage and decreased gluconeogenesis. Measurement of glucose turnover showed a non-significant decrease of 18% with TNF infusion. Preliminary data supports the idea that inflammatory pathways can lead to fatty liver.

10. Mike VandeHaar (Michigan State University, Objectives 2 and 3)
Sustainable agriculture. Sabbatical at Wageningen University. Learned about life cycle analysis and optimization for sustainability. Conventional dairies were just as environmentally sustainable per kg milk as organic farms and used less land.
Objective 2 Study. The MSU station has done some work on trying to understand the molecular controls of the efficiency of N use in lactating cows. Samples of liver tissue from cows fed 11, 15, or 19% CP diets for 12 days in a replicated 3 x 3 Latin square were analyzed with the bovine metabolism focused microarray and by Q-PCR for transcripts of 20 different proteins. No changes in transcripts, even for the urea cycle enzymes, were seen, despite major changes in the efficiency of protein use. The MSU station would next like to determine if some cows use protein more efficiently than others and if this is a heritable trait. For the past 50 years, MSU has mostly selected cows for high milk production in an environment where protein is almost never the limiting nutrient. The group is looking for other stations who would be interested in partnering in this effort. Methods would be to feed low protein diets to determine which cows were more efficient. Most semen companies have started using SNP chips for early selection of sires. SNP chips would enable us to also select for animals that use protein efficiently if protein efficiency is a heritable trait. Bioinformatics likely will be an important part of this project.
Objective 3 Work. Spartan Dairy 3 program is a stand-alone database program that has been used in classes for past year but is not yet released. A decision was made to have a linear program and this will delay release. The program is based on an excel model that includes the complete NRC feed library, NRC nutrition model accompanied by edits to the NRC model (both can be viewed), and a working linear program. Among some of the changes to the NRC model are lower digestibility discount at high intakes, a lower energy value for digestible protein, adjustments to NDF digestibility that are independent of lignin concentration, lower digestibility of fat for most feeds, a smaller fat-correction for TDN in estimating microbial protein synthesis, a lower RDP requirement, and lysine and methionine supply based on the sum of microbial and RUP supplies. In most cases, the original 2001 NRC calculations can also be observed. Additions to the model include tracking of Forage NDF, Effective NDF, carbohydrate fractions, lipid fractions for saturated, mono-, and poly-unsaturated fatty acids and biohydrogenation potential, estimated N and P excretion, environmental adjustments, and the 1989 NRC energy and protein system.
Some of the equations in the NRC 2001 have not been thoroughly investigated and little support is given for them. The excel model format allows easy comparison of different systems. For example, the N-potential MCP yield in NRC 2001 is simply 0.85*RDP Supply. In the 1989 NRC, it was 0.9*(RDP supply + 0.15*CPSupply. Thus, the 1989 NRC essentially did a double counting for RDP, presumably to account for recycling of N to the rumen. Consequently, the RDP requirement in NRC 2001 is Energy-potential MCP/0.85, whereas in NRC 1989 it was Energy-potential MCP/0.9-0.15*CPsupply. This results in a substantial increase in the RDP requirement of the NRC 2001 system, from 1.75 kg/d to 2.40 kg/d for a cow producing 40 kg of milk.
The Spartan Excel spreadsheet is now in its 200th iteration and would be available for the NC-1040 group as a resource for testing new ideas. Maybe we can find cows that use protein more efficiently. We have never selected for protein efficiency.
Need to feed low protein diets to determine which cows were more efficient and maybe over long period of time&maybe six weeks. In Netherlands they are using SNP chips to choose sires. Bioinformatics will be important in the future.

11. Mark Hanigan (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, Objectives 2 & 3)
Objective 2 Study. Effects of insulin and essential amino acid on protein synthesis signaling. Energy efficiency does not seem to work as you increase CP intake. NRC over predicts response to MP intake. When MP intake is suboptimal, cows lose milk but not as much as the NRC predicts. Cows will respond to energy intake even when they are deficient in protein which is not consistent with the single limiting nutrient paradigm used in the NRC and most other requirement models.
Mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) seems to be central in amino acid utilization (Ruis et al., 2008). Cell culture work has been conducted to examine the effects of individual amino acids and insulin on mTOR and S6 phosphorylation in MAC-T Cells. These in vivo results are similar to in vitro in that the phosphorylation state of protein synthesis initiator complex proteins are phosphorylated in response to insulin even when a single AA is clearly limiting.
Objective 3 Work. Added better representation of gestation in the Molly model and a better way to represent hormones. Prediction errors for Molly 2007 after fitting to an extended Lactation data set (Hanigan et al., 2007). High slope bias for glucose and high RMSPE for Blood NEFA.
Molly, no reproductive tract per se and used only energy but not amino acids. Hormonal representation in Molly is a ratio of current glucose concentration to reference value.
Revised forms: H anab1 = Cgl/Kanb1 ^Theat1
H cat2= Kcat1/Cgl^Theat2
Subtract off uterus and fetus.
Gestation equations based on Koong et al., 1975 and used Alan Bells data, then adjusted amino acid equations by subtracting the costs from fetus. This required re-estimation of some of parameters. Better improvement but mainly from the hormone improvement not from fetal development.
Insulin sensitivity of adipose tissue. Now you just need to change the sensitivity over lactation or over time because it does not stay the same over the lactation. John has been doing something like this. Maybe we need to use a dataset to measure the new sensitivity over time in adipose.
Ruminal starch, fiber, and protein digestion parameter estimates for Molly. Objective was to derive better rate constants in model. Problem of having different vectors for to account for experiment to experiment variation to account for different experiments as St-Pierre suggested in his meta-analyses.
1) Find out bias for input and then correct input for model; decreased in bias by about 50% with NRC data
2) Then determine bias from duodenal flow
3) Kd = 24/RRT * ln(F_RuNut,Fd/F_Nut,Fd)+Adjk
RRT = 8 hours for concentration and 18 hours for forages
Problem is a huge mean bias in pH. Used the readjusted pH, but this resulted in large slope bias in pH. The ruminal VFA concentration predictions were much better. So the pH prediction is apparently due to an inadequate representation of pH.

12. Jim Fadel (University of California  Davis, Objective 3)
Two areas of research were undertaken during the last year related to this project. We are trying to develop better partitioning of maintenance using new ATP yields based on several datasets. The current progress in this project is mainly working with a software company to develop a method to do global sensitivity analyses using acslXtreme. Much progress has been made over the last 6 months and hopefully within the next year a beta version will be out. The global sensitivity analyses will be one of the first steps in identifying important parameters prior to working with the various datasets to estimate new parameters. This tool will be a valuable asset for anyone modeling in acslXtreme and hopefully will help detect important parameters that will aid in the direction of future research. Different versions of Molly will be evaluated during the process of incorporating the new ATP yields.
The second area of research is a follow up to what was presented last year. Ammonia emissions were measured from flux chambers where the manure was from a previous animal experiment. We found ammonia N emissions increased linearly as CP in the diet increased. Also, milk urea nitrogen concentration was a good predictor of maximal ammonia N emissions. Surprisingly, urine specific gravity was not a good predictor for urine urea N concentration unless the diets were evaluated separately. Jeff Firkins suggested to plot this as a three dimensional graph to see the importance of crude protein in the diet. Mike VandeHaar questioned why NH3 N/UUNg (g/g) decreases as crude protein in the diet increased. One would expect this to be more constant. The reason for this is unknown but possibly the amount of NH3 + NH4+ in the slurry is increasing but there is not a direct increase in NH3 emitted. Several asked about the effects of pH and although the pH was taken it was not included in this report.


NC 1040 5-year Accomplishments and Impact:<br /> <br /> The need as indicated by stakeholders. Over 55% of the calcium, 17% of the protein, and 15% of the energy in the US diet are supplied by dairy products; thus, the US consumer is a major stakeholder for the NC-1040 committee. Consumers want dairy products that are safe and inexpensive, but increasingly they also want an environmentally friendly dairy industry that promotes animal well-being. Recently, attention has been given to bioactive molecules in milk (in addition to Calcium) such as conjugated linoleic acids (CLA). Yet at its core the NC-1040 committee functions to do basic and applied research on the feeding and nutritional biology of dairy cattle. Major stakeholders include other scientists, practicing nutritionists, veterinarians, and farmers. The needs of these stakeholders have been addressed by the Food Animal Integrated Research group in the FAIR 2002 document. The goals of FAIR 2002 are to strengthen global competitiveness, enhance human nutrition, protect animal health, improve food safety and public health, ensure environmental quality, and promote animal well-being. Because feed inputs are a major determinant of milk yield, cow health, feed efficiency, profitability, and waste output, the work of the NC-1040 committee is critical for most of these goals. <br /> The concentration of dairy animals into larger units is an established and continuing trend. This concentration makes some waste management issues more prominent but also more manageable.<br /> The importance of our work. Natural resources are used efficiently when milk production per unit feed and per cow is high. To efficiently produce milk, a cow must have a well-developed mammary gland and be able to supply the gland with the nutrients it needs. Nutrition in the first year of life affects mammary gland development, and nutrition around the time of calving and throughout lactation has a major effect on the health, productivity, and efficiency of cows. Feeding for optimal nutrient intake requires not only the provision of the necessary nutrients for milk production but also consideration to the effects of diet on mammary capacity and on appetite, health, and metabolic regulation of the cow. Because feed costs account for half of all costs on a dairy farm, nutrition also significantly impacts farm expenses. The NC-1040 committee considers all of these factors for optimal feeding. For example, if we could maintain current milk production while feeding diets with 4 percentage units less total protein, we would decrease N losses to the environment in the US by 470,000 metric tons per year and save US dairy farmers $1 billion per year in feed costs. This type of progress only can be made if we take an integrated approach, with the use of mechanistic bio-mathematical models that accurately describe metabolism and production of cows. <br /> Integration of results. This committee has a proven track record of making significant impacts in our knowledge dairy cattle nutrition and metabolism and in the way that dairy cattle are fed and managed nationwide. We use the same approach that has proven effective in the past: that is to challenge and refine our models of dairy nutrition and metabolism. Computer-based, mechanistic, and quantitative metabolic models are useful in two ways: first, they help us determine critical needs in research and second they enable practical improvements in dairy cow feeding. Critical research needs are determined by using existing data from NC-1040 members or conducting new experiments to test model predictions of physiological responses to experimental diets. Examples of such responses include, rumen pH, microbial growth and function; alterations in gene expression and hormonal release of organs such as the adipose tissue; and alterations in milk fatty acid compositions. By challenging our working models in this way, we identify shortcomings that then become the basis for developing new testable hypotheses for further experimentation. Results from new experiments are incorporated into the models, and they are challenged again for further refinement. Thus, we continue to build our models so they are more mechanistic, quantitative, and accurate. These qualities enable us to improve practical feeding recommendations for dairy cattle in a variety of environmental and feeding conditions.<br /> Need for Cooperative Work. Important and complex problems require coordinated effort of many personnel. Considerable progress has been made in dairy nutrition, but practical problems remain and no single research group has the skills and resources needed to solve them alone. Only through cooperation can State Experiment Stations address the complex interactions among feed supply, nutrient use, genetic capability, and milk composition. Our committee is comprised of dairy scientists with a broad base of specialties that encompass feed analysis, feeding management, ruminal microbial metabolism, intestinal digestion, physiology and metabolism of splanchnic, adipose, muscle, and mammary tissues, endocrine regulation, molecular and cellular biology, and mathematical modeling. Furthermore, in testing and refining nutrition models for the whole country, we must consider the variation in forages and environment that exist among regions. Thus, we have scientists from every dairy region in the country. In addition, the explosion of new information in genomics, gene expression, gene array work, metabolomics and proteomics requires that we integrate this knowledge into our understanding of metabolic efficiency. Cooperation among stations is required to deal with this information and to solve problems, and will have a national impact in understanding the complex interrelationships of nutrient digestion and metabolism in lactating dairy cows and to apply this knowledge.<br /> Impacts on Science and Other Impacts. This project exemplifies the proven effectiveness of the cooperative regional approach. As detailed in the "Related Current and Previous Work" section below, results of this cooperative effort have become benchmarks of scientific progress and have led to practical feeding recommendations used worldwide. Project Leaders for the NC-1040 regional project have received numerous awards for research, both basic and practical, from the American Dairy Science Association, the American Society of Animal Sciences, and industry groups. Most of the Project Leaders are in continuous demand as speakers for scientific and industry conferences in nutrition. The impact on basic and practical nutrition from Project Leaders has been profound in the areas of starch and protein chemistry and nutrition, feed processing, nutrient metabolism, and lactation biology. This group provided a major contribution to the 2001 version of the National Research Councils (NRC's) Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle. Four of the 10 scientists on the NRC panel were from the NC-1040 committee (IL, MD, NH, PA), and a significant portion of the data used in the latest edition came from NC-1040 committee members. In 2005, the group presented a symposium at ADSA/FASS on regulation of nutrient use in dairy cattle. Thus, this committee has had a major impact on improving the biological, economical, and environmental efficiency of the US dairy industry. <br /> <br /> <br /> D. Summary of Progress:<br /> <br /> Funds Leveraged to Support Work on Project in 2008. The research conducted year-on-year of this project could not be possible without significant funding support from various avenues. Members of the committee have a long history of acquiring competitive funds from federal and state agencies, and indeed, not a year has gone by over the last 20 years that at least one member of the project has not held a USDA-NRI grant. In 2008, members of the committee leveraged a total of $2,297,892 from various agencies and private industry to support research activities. This total breaks down into the categories of:<br /> Federal funds: $1,299,232<br /> State funds: $279,491<br /> College funds: $139,286<br /> International agencies: $9,000<br /> Boards/Councils/Association funds: $77,300<br /> Private Industry funds: $493,583<br /> <br /> Research Activities and Progress. One overriding goal in feeding cattle is to find the optimal combination of chemical and physical properties of feeds that provides the proper amount and balance of absorbed nutrients to match the ability given by the genotype of the cow or herd. This is a major challenge because of the tremendous variety of feedstuffs available, their complexity of interactions among feed particles, nutrients and organisms in the rumen, genetic variance within and among herds, and the rapidly changing nutrient requirements of a cow around the time of parturition. The amount and profile of absorbed nutrients in dairy cattle are a function of rumen bacterial fermentation and intestinal digestion. Feed particles and microbes that escape the rumen can be digested in the small intestine to produce amino acids, monosaccharides, and lipids for absorption. <br /> The chemical and physical properties of feeds determine the rumen bacterial and protozoal populations and the end-products they produce, and, relatedly, the availability of nutrients critical to the production of milk and milk components in a variety of ways. For example, the chemical composition (including total protein, nonprotein nitrogen, amino acid balance, organic acids, lipids, fiber, and non-fiber carbohydrate) dictates directly the availability of nutrients to support rumen microbial growth and the absorbed nutrients available to the animal to support milk synthesis. The physical properties of feeds, either inherent in the plant structure or altered by various processing methods, alters degradability in the rumen, and thus determines the proportion of feed fermented and used for rumen microbial growth and the proportion that passes to the small intestine. The cow is a fully integrated metabolic system in which one, even minor, change in nutrient input may lead to a variety of downstream events that alters function at the tissue and whole animal levels. Since the last revision, we now understand more fully that this also includes changes in gene expression, and endocrine responses that were unknown or just discovered 5 years ago (IGF-1, leptin, perilipin, cytokines and ghrelin from the adipose tissue, for example). (KS, MI, WA) <br /> Dietary carbohydrate fractions differ in the profiles of glucogenic and lipogenic metabolites they yield upon rumen bacterial metabolism and intestinal absorption. The amount and types of carbohydrates also impact rumen pH, which, in turn, alters fermentation and can alter the yield of nutrients, even amino acids, for absorption. Thus the various carbohydrate fractions have differential effects on the yield and composition of milk. Recent improvements in methods will allow more accurate prediction of optimal amounts and ruminal availability of non-fiber carbohydrates for efficient production of milk and milk components. More importantly, because of the integrative modeling approach of this committee, we have a quantitative knowledge of the maximal percentage contribution of these fractions to overall yield and efficiency on different diets, and can move on to further work. <br /> The amount and balance of absorbed amino acids also helps determine milk yield, not just milk protein synthesis. This availability of amino acids, in turn, is a function of the amount of feed protein which passes undegraded through the rumen and the amount of ruminally synthesized microbial protein that reaches the small intestine. Because microbial protein has a better amino acid profile than many feed proteins, this remains an important area of study. Microbial protein yield is also a function of the amount and type of organic matter fermented. Thus, microbial protein yield varies by source of carbohydrate and protein, and rate of fermentation. This is a classic example of the need for an integrated approach to dairy cattle nutrition-we must continue to design experiments across state lines that allow a full scope of study of the key variables. We need to continue to build a comprehensive model that explicitly includes these types of interactions. <br /> Synthesis of milk and milk components is a function of both the synthetic potential of the mammary gland and the supply of metabolites to the mammary gland. Supply of metabolites comes from dietary components, some of which are modified in other tissues, and from mobilization of body lipids and amino acids. There is an interaction between metabolism of body tissues, the supply of dietary nutrients and the milk production potential of the cow (as well as other animals) which has been recognized for quite some time which provide an extreme range of response of animals to even the same diet. While many dairy scientists have been slow to recognize the importance of these interactions, several stations in this project have been studying these interactions across a range of diets, genetic potentials, and stages of lactation (AL, CA, IA, IN, KS, MI, PA,WA and more recently OH, MD, VA). Data has been used to refine our feeding recommendations on a wide variety of feedstuffs.<br /> New concepts on the interactions of nutrition and gene expression is exemplified with work from several stations: At IN new information on molecular control of enzymes that modulate hepatic gluconeogenesis reveal specific differences between the cow and other animals. At WA, work with supplemental chromium, a nutrient known to be required for many years, a positive feed intake and milk production response was obtained with supplemental chromium, along with a reduction in lipolysis and an increase in lipogenesis in adipose tissue, removing the negative effects of fatty acid mobilization on feed intake in early lactation. <br /> Many nutritionists have now recognized that we cannot do relevant nutritional research without integrating this work with genetics and gene expression. Many nutrients are now known to affect gene expression in several organs, which then alters the animal response to the diet or further changes in the diet. Newer additions to the committee (KS) as well as adapting previous members (AL, IA, IN, MD, MI, OH, VA, WA) have begun serious efforts in identifying genetic responses to diet and to lactation. This work falls presently into the basic aspect-providing hard data to other scientists and advanced professionals on the key interactions of genetics and diet. This holds future promise in even more efficient feeding management and breeding programs. <br /> Major advancements have occurred in our knowledge of the interaction of metabolism and the endocrine system. Studies at AL, IN, and MI, in collaboration with other NC-1040 members, have illustrated the role of nutrition in the IGF-I system of dairy cattle. At IA, the role of glucagon in lipid metabolism has shown its potential for treatment for fatty liver while recent work at KS has begun to provide a mechanistic basis for the involvement of adipose derived cytokines in initiation of fatty liver. Work has also been done on the role of leptin in mammary gland development and regulation of feed intake (MI).<br /> If we are to improve the accuracy and precision of predicting nutrient use, we must continue to improve mechanistic, dynamic models of metabolism. The newer Dairy Nutrient Requirements book (NRC, 2001) was based in large part on data from this committee. In the 7 years since its publication, it has gained great respect in the industry. However, the process of revision of this document, and the model within it, also pointed out many of the shortcomings in our current knowledge base. The new version is limited especially in predicting dietary nutrient interactions, which consequently hamper our ability to predict rumen microbial metabolism and microbial protein yield and therefore responses to rumen-undegraded protein, carbohydrate, and fat supplements. Other significant limitations are the ability to predict short term versus long-term nutritional responses and changes in body fat and protein use. More mechanistic modeling of the metabolism of the lactating dairy cow will allow for evaluation of these interactions. <br /> The most comprehensive mechanistic and dynamic model of metabolism in the dairy cow is called 'Molly', developed at CA with inputs from most NC-1040 members. Members of this project (IL, MD, NH, PA) also have been instrumental in developing the new NRC model (NRC, 2001), which serves as the standard for dairy ration formulation and evaluation in the US. These different computer nutrition programs are currently in use for predicting nutrient requirements and productivity of lactating dairy cows. While all of these systems are soundly based on available data, all have weaknesses in the areas defined by Objectives 1 and 2. The rate of degradation of feedstuffs, the effect of various dietary carbohydrates on rumen fermentation <br /> and microbial protein synthesis, and quantitative data on metabolic interchanges among nutrients and body tissues limit the accuracy of these systems. New collaborative efforts by the NC-1040 project are needed to remove these inaccuracies. <br /> Molly is limited in its ability to describe the rapid changes in nutrient use that occur in early lactation and in predicting physiological responses to high feed intakes or diets with atypical amino acid, fiber, or starch contents. This is not surprising, given the paucity of these types of data when the model was originally constructed in the 1970 and 1980s. The modeling work done spurred new research into getting those data. Work done by several members of the committee (VA, MD, OH) is being used to challenge Molly for its description of energy use in the viscera and mammary gland. Visceral metabolism can account for the majority of maintenance requirements and can be highly variable. Errors in the model reflected a lack of knowledge of visceral metabolism in early and mid lactation. Using data generated, challenges and improvements to the model describing energy use have been made, further increasing its utility in research and application (McNamara, 2005, 2006). <br /> Quantitative data are still needed on the supply of milk component precursors available under different metabolic and nutritional conditions, such as early lactation. Data also are needed on the metabolic interconversions of nutrients, such as the use of amino acids for gluconeogenesis and thus milk lactose synthesis (MD, VA), and the partitioning of body fat and fat derived from the diet or lipogenesis for milk fat synthesis (WA). These data will enable further refinement of current nutrition recommendations and aid in interpretation of feeding experiments.<br /> <br /> E. Other Specific accomplishments:<br /> <br /> Reductions in feeding levels for ruminally degradable protein would reduce nitrogen losses in manure and improve animal efficiency (VA). As ammonia emissions from manure are driven by the amount of urinary N deposited in manure, such changes would lead to reduced ammonia emissions from animal and manure storage facilities. Improved knowledge of the mechanisms that regulate milk protein synthesis will allow development of models that better predict the requirements for milk protein synthesis. This in turn will allow more refined estimates of N requirements and reduced safety margins in feeding systems. Such an outcome will also work to reduce ammonia emissions from animal and manures storage facilities. Phosphorus availability in the digestive tract is an important determinant of the amount that must be fed and the amount that is lost in feces. Model development has helped identify key aspects of P digestion that warrant further examination and must be considered in requirement models to achieve greater reductions in P feeding levels (VA).<br /> This research evaluates the relationships between milk urea nitrogen, plasma urea nitrogen and urine urea nitrogen. Milk urea N can be a used to predict UUN excretion and may be extended to estimate NH3 emissions from dairy cattle manure because there is a strong relationship between UUN excretion and NH3 emissions. The information from this research is being used to test metabolic models for urine urea excretion (CA).<br /> Greater use of flax in the nutrition of dairy cattle can supplement lactation diets with not only protein and energy, but compliment the growing interest in designer foods with milk enriched with omega-3 and omega-6 from such grains as flax seed. Furthermore, preliminary evidence suggests that dairy cow fed flax also have improved reproductive health with improved pregnancy rates. It has been estimated that if dairy cow pregnancy rates could be increased, an estimated cost savings to the dairy enterprise of $8.73 per cow per year could be realized for every percentage unit gained (ND).<br />


Refereed publications of NC-1040 Committee members during 2008 reporting year (does not include papers in press or abstracts)<br /> <br /> Project collaborative Publications:<br /> <br /> Bateman, II, H.G., M. D. Hanigan, and R.A. Kohn. 2008. Sensitivity of two metabolic models of dairy cattle digestion and metabolism to changes in nutrient content of diets. Anim. Feed Sci. Tech. 140:272-292.<br /> <br /> Cyriac, J., A. G. Rius, M. L. McGilliard, R. E. Pearson, B. J. Bequette, and M. <br /> D. Hanigan. Lactation performance of mid-lactation dairy cows fed ruminally degradable protein at concentrations lower than NRC recommendations. J. Dairy Sci. 91: 4704-4713.<br /> <br /> El-Kadi, S.W., McLeod, K.R., Elam, N.A., Kitts, S.E., Taylor, C.C., Harmon, D.L., Bequette, B.J., and Vanzant, E.S. (2008) Nutrient net absorption across the portal-drained viscera of forage-fed beef steers: Quantitative assessment and application to a nutritional prediction model. J. Anim. Sci. 86: 2277-2287.<br /> <br /> Huang, Y., J.P. Schoonmaker, B.J. Bradford, and D.C. Beitz. 2008. Response of milk fatty acid composition to dietary supplementation of soy oil, conjugated linoleic acid or both. J. Dairy Sci. 91:260-270. <br /> <br /> Individual station publications<br /> <br /> Bach, A., M. Ruiz Moreno, M. Thrune and M. D. Stern. 2008. Evaluation of fermentation dynamics of soluble crude protein from three protein sources in continuous culture fermenters. J. Anim. Sci. 86:1364-1371.<br /> <br /> Beauchemin, K. A., J.-S. Eun, and L. Holtshausen. Enzymes as additives to improve feed usage by cattle. 2008. Pages 261-280 in Recent Research Developments in Food Biotechnology: Enzymes as Additives or Processing Aids. R. Porta, P. D. Pierro, and L. Mariniello, ed. Research Signpost, Kerala, India. <br /> <br /> Bharathan, M., D. J. Schingoethe, A. R. Hippen, K. F. Kalscheur, M. L. Gibson, and K. Karges. 2008. Conjugated linoleic acid increases in milk from cows fed condensed corn distillers solubles and fish oil J Dairy Sci. 91:2796-2807. <br /> <br /> Bhatti SA, Bowman JG, Firkins JL, Grove AV, Hunt CW. (2008) Effect of intake level and alfalfa substitution for grass hay on ruminal kinetics of fiber digestion and particle passage in beef cattle. J Anim Sci. 86: 134-45.<br /> <br /> Bionaz, M., C. R. Baumrucker, E. Shirk, J. P. Vanden Heuvel, E. Block, and G. A. Varga. 2008. Characterization of Mardi-Darby bovine kidney cell line for PPARs: temporal response and sensitivity to fatty acids. J. Dairy Sci. 91:2802-2813. <br /> <br /> Bobe, G., V.R. A min, A.R. Hippen, P. She, J.W. Young, and D.C. Beitz. 2008. Non-invasive detection of fatty liver in dairy cows by digital analyses of hepatic ultrasonograms. J. Dairy Res. 75:84-89.<br /> <br /> Bobe, G., J.A. Minick Bormann, G.L. Lindberg, A.E. Freeman, and D.C. Beitz. 2008. Short Communication: Estimates of genetic variation of milk fatty acids in U.S. Holstein cows. J. Dairy Sci. 91:1209-1213.<br /> <br /> Broderick, G. A., N. D. Luchini, S. M. Reynal, G. A. Varga, and V. A. Ishler. 2008. Effect on production of replacing dietary starch with sucrose in lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 91: 4801-4810. <br /> <br /> Carriquiry, M., W. J. Weber, L. H. Baumgard, and B. A. Crooker. 2008. In vitro biohydrogenation of four dietary fats. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol.141:339-355.<br /> <br /> Carriquiry, M., W. J. Weber, and B. A. Crooker. 2008. Administration of bovine somatotropin in early lactation: A meta-analysis of production responses by multiparous Holstein cows. J. Dairy Sci. 91:2641-2652.<br /> <br /> Chung, Y.-H., M. M. Pickett, T. W. Cassidy, and G. A. Varga. 2008. Effects of prepartum dietary carbohydrate source and monensin on periparturient metabolism and lactation in multiparous cows. J Dairy Sci. 91: 2744-2758. <br /> <br /> Davis Rincker, L.E., M.S Weber-Nielsen, L.T. Chapin, J.S. Liesman, and M.J. VandeHaar, M.J. (2008) Effects of feeding prepubertal heifers a high-energy diet for three, six, or twelve weeks on feed intake, body growth, and fat deposition. J Dairy Sci 91: 1913-1925.<br /> <br /> Davis Rincker, L.E., M. S. Weber-Nielsen, L. T. Chapin, J. S. Liesman, K. M. Daniels, R. M. Akers and M. J. VandeHaar (2008) Effects of feeding prepubertal heifers a high-energy diet for three, six, or twelve weeks on mammary growth and composition. J. Dairy Sci. 91:1926-1935.<br /> <br /> Dekking, L., F. Koning, D. Hosek, T.D. Ondrak, S.L. Taylor, J.W. Schroeder, and M.L. Bauer. 2008. Intolerance of celiac disease patients to bovine milk is not due to the presence of T cell stimulatory epitopes of gluten. Nutr. 25: 122  123. <br /> <br /> Eun, J.-S., and K. A. Beauchemin. 2008. Assessment of the potential of feed enzyme additives to enhance utilization of corn silage fibre by ruminants. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 88:97106.<br /> <br /> Firkins JL, Oldick BS, Pantoja J, Reveneau C, Gilligan LE, Carver L. (2008) Efficacy of liquid feeds varying in concentration and composition of fat, nonprotein nitrogen, and nonfiber carbohydrates for lactating dairy cows. J Dairy Sci. 91: 1969-84.<br /> <br /> Firkins, J.L., S.K.R. Karnati, and Z. Yu. 2008. Linking rumen function to animal response by application of genomic function. Aust. J. Exp. Agr. 48:711-721.<br /> <br /> Galbreath, C.W., E.J. Scholljegerdes, G.P. Lardy, K.G. Odde, M.E. Wilson, J.W. Schroeder, K.A.Vonnahme. 2008. Effect of feeding flax or linseed meal on progesterone clearance rate in ovariectomized ewes. Domest. Anim. Endocrinol. 35:164-169.<br /> <br /> Hazelton SR, Koser SL, Bidwell CA, Donkin SS. (2008) Translational efficiency of bovine pyruvate carboxylase 5' untranslated region messenger ribonucleic acid variants. J Anim Sci. 86:3401-8.<br /> <br /> Hazelton SR, Spurlock DM, Bidwell CA, Donkin SS. (2008) Cloning the genomic sequence and identification of promoter regions of bovine pyruvate carboxylase. J Dairy Sci. 91: 91-9.<br /> <br /> Hill, T.M., H. G. Bateman, II, J. M. Aldrich, R. L. Schlotterbeck, and K. G. Tanan, 2008. Optimal concentrations of lysine, methionine, and threonine in milk replacers for calves less than five weeks of age. J. Dairy Sci. 91: 2433-2442.<br /> <br /> Hill, T.M., H. G. Bateman, II, J. M. Aldrich, and R. L. Schlotterbeck. 2008. Effects of the amount of chopped hay or cottonseed hulls in a textured calf starter on young calf performance. J. Dairy Sci.91: 2684-2693.<br /> <br /> Hill, T.M., H. G. Bateman, II, J. M. Aldrich, and R. L. Schlotterbeck. 2008. Effects of feeding different carbohydrate sources and amounts to young calves. J. Dairy Sci. 91: 3128-3137. <br /> <br /> Hill, T. M., H. G. Bateman, II, J. M. Aldrich, and R. L. Schlotterbeck. 2008. Oligosaccharides for dairy calves. Prof. Anim. Sci. 24: 460-464.<br /> <br /> Hill, T. M., H. G. Bateman, II, J. M. Aldrich, and R. L. Schlotterbeck. 2008. Effects of using wheat gluten and rice protein concentrate in dairy calf milk replacers. Prof. Anim. Sci. 24: 465-472. <br /> <br /> Hill, S. R., Knowlton, K. F., Kebreab, E., France, J., and Hanigan, M. D. 2008. A model of phosphorus digestion and metabolism in the lactating dairy cow. J Dairy Sci. 91:2021-2032. <br /> <br /> Hollmann, M., K. F. Knowlton, and M. D. Hanigan. 2008. Evaluation of solids, nitrogen, and phosphorus excretion models for lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 91:1245-1257.<br /> <br /> Kadegowda, A.K.G., Piperova, L.S., Delmonte, P. and Erdman, R. A. (2008) Abomasal infusion of butterfat increases milk fat in lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 91:2370-2379.<br /> <br /> Kadegowda, A.K.G., Piperova, L.S., and Erdman, R. A. (2008) Principal component and multivariate analysis of milk long-chain fatty acid composition during diet-induced milk fat depression. . Dairy Sci. 2008. 91:749-759.<br /> <br /> Kebreab, E., N. E. Odongo, B. W. McBride, M. D. Hanigan, and J. France. 2008. Phosphorus utilization and environmental and economic implications of reducing phosphorus pollution from Ontario dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 91:241-246.<br /> <br /> Markantonatos, X., M.H. Green, and G.A. Varga. 2008. Use of compartmental analysis to study ruminal volatile fatty acid metabolism under steady state conditions in Holstein heifers. Anim. Feed Sci. Techn 143:70-88.<br /> <br /> Osman, M.A., P.S. Allen, N.A. Mehyar, G. Bobe, J.F. Coetzee, K.J. Koehler, and D.C. Beitz. 2008. Acute metabolic responses of postpartal dairy cows to subcutaneores glucogan injections, oral glycerol, or both. J. Dairy Sci. 91:331-3322.<br /> <br /> Riasi, A., M. Danesh Mesgaran, M. Ruiz Moreno, M. D. Stern. 2008. Chemical composition, in situ ruminal degradability and post-ruminal disappearance of dry matter and crude protein from the halophytic plants Kochia scoparia, Atriplex dimorphostegia, Suaeda arcuata and Gamanthus gamacarpus Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. Vol. 141/3-4:209-219.<br /> <br /> Sasikala-Appukuttan, A. K., D. J. Schingoethe, A. R. Hippen, K. F. Kalscheur, K. Karges, and M. L. Gibson. 2008. The feeding value of corn distillers solubles for lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 91:279-287.<br /> <br /> Socha, M. T., C. G. Schwab, D. E. Putnam, N. L. Whitehouse, B. D. Garthwaite, and G. A. Ducharme. 2008. Extent of methionine limitation in peak-, early-, and mid-lactation dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 91:1996-2010.<br /> <br /> Silva, L.F.P., B.E. Etchebarne, M.S. Weber-Nielsen, J.S. Liesman, M. Kiupel, and M. J. VandeHaar (2008) Intramammary infusion of leptin decreases proliferation of mammary epithelial cells in prepubertal heifers. J. Dairy Sci. 91: 3034-3044.<br /> <br /> Toshniwal, J. K., C. D. Dechow, B. G. Cassell, J. A. D. R. N. Appuhamy, and G. A. Varga. 2008. Heritability of electronically recorded daily body weight and correlations with yield, dry matter intake and body condition score. J Dairy Sci. 91:3201-3210.<br /> <br /> Wilcox, C. S., M. M. Schutz, S. S. Donkin, D. C. Lay, Jr. and S. D. Eicher. 2008. Short Communication: Effect of Temporary Glycosuria on Molasses Consumption in Holstein Calves. J Dairy Sci. 91:3607-3610.<br /> <br /> White HM, Richert BT, Radcliffe JS, Schinckel AP, Burgess JR, Koser SL, Donkin SS, Latour MA. (2008) Feeding CLA partially recovers carcass quality in pigs fed dried corn distillers grains with solubles. J Anim Sci. 91: 3607-10.<br /> <br /> <br /> Conference Proceedings, Theses and Popular Press articles:<br /> <br /> Beauchemin, K. A., L. Holtshausen, and J.-S. Eun. 2008. Use of enzymes in beef and dairy cattle diets. Pages 60-71 in Proc. 44th Eastern Nutrition Conf., University of Guelph, Guelph, ON, Canada.<br /> <br /> Bobe, G., S. Zimmerman, E.G. Hammond, G. Freeman, P.A. Porter, C.M.Luhman, and D.C. Beitz. 2008. Butter composition and texture from cows with different milk fatty acid compositions fed fish oil or roasted soybeans. A.S. Leaflet R2302. <br /> <br /> Bobe, G., G.L. Lindberg, and D.C. Beitz. 2008. Regulation of periparturient milk composition in Jersey cattle. A.S. Leaflet R2307. <br /> <br /> Bobe, G., G.L. Lindberg, J. Young, and D.C. Beitz. 2008. Changes in milk protein and amino acid composition of dairy cows in response to fatty liver and intravenous glucagon. A.S. Leaflet R2308. <br /> <br /> Boucher, S. E. 2008. Evaluation of In Vitro Methods to Estimate Digestibility of Amino Acids in the Rumen Undegraded Protein Fraction of Feedstuffs. Ph.D. thesis. University of New Hampshire, Durham. 244 p.<br /> <br /> Garcia, A., K. Kalscheur, A. Hippen, D. Schingoethe, and K. Rosentrater. 2008. Mycotoxins in Corn Distillers Grains: A concern in ruminants? South Dakota State University, Cooperative Extension Service. ExEx4038. <br /> <br /> Mpapho, G. S. 2008. Feeding wet corn distillers grains to transition and lactating cows. Ph.D. Dissertation, South Daktoa State University, Brookings. 105 pp.<br /> <br /> Ranathunga, S.D. 2008. Replacement of starch from corn with non- forage fiber from distillers grains in diets of lactating dairy cows. M.S. Thesis, South Dakota State University, Brookings. <br /> <br /> Varga, G. A. 2008. Use of metabolizable protein in ration formulation. Ontario Bovine Practioners Conference, Guelph, Ontario.<br />

Impact Statements

  1. 1. Mechanisms for the reducing in plasma NEFA with feeding of ruminally-protected choline and increased milk yield with the feeding of dry glycerin are being elucidated (PA)
  2. 2. Dry glycerin was fed at 250 g/d as a top dress (corresponding to 162.5 glycerol/d) from parturition to 21 d postpartum tended to increase milk yield for glycerin supplemented cows during wk 6 of lactation (52 vs. 46 kg/d) after the supplementation period. (PA)
  3. 3. An in vitro model for study of PPAR in bovine liver has been developed for use in experiments describing energy metabolism in transition dairy cows. (PA)
  4. 4. Linoleic acid appears to be the most detrimental fatty acid to milk fat production when in free oils fed to dairy cattle, with oleic and linolenic roughly equal in detrimental effects and palmitic acid actually promoting higher fat yields. (WI)
  5. 5. Corn bran was not an adequate replacement for corn grain at either high or low levels of forage in lactating cows due to insufficient digestibility, however a combination of lowering forage and substitution of corn bran for corn grain is probably feasible.(WI)
  6. 6. As much as 2.5% of diet DM in the form of oil from corn germ can be added to lactating cow diets with no adverse effects on milk fat production or percentage. (SD)
  7. 7. Corn in dairy cow diets may be replaced by greater inclusion of corn distillers grains without affecting milk or milk component production. (SD)
  8. 8. Inclusion of flaxseed in dairy diets exhibits excellent storage characteristics and requires minimal processing, and has the advantage of supplying omega-3 fatty acids to enrich and improve the healthy attributes of milk (ND)
  9. 9. Co-ensiling wet distillers grains with solubles (WDGS) along with whole corn plant, or mixing WDGS in the diet at the time of feeding has no effect on intake, milk production or milk composition. Mixing WDGS with haycrop forage at the time of feeding, however, reduced feed intake and milk production compared to co-ensiling WDGS with haycrop forage. (IN)
  10. 10. Refined methods for in-situ and in-vitro estimations of protein digestibility have been demonstrated to more fully characterize protein fractions of feedstuffs. (MN)
  11. 11. Sugar supplementation might require urea to support microbial protein synthesis in corn silage diets balanced for moderate CP, especially if monensin is fed. (OH)
  12. 12. The role of ruminal protozoa and methanogen inhibitors in biohydrogenation of fatty acids has been described, allowing refinement of methods for feeding to increase milk CLA content. (OH)
  13. 13. Leafy and nutrient dense corn varieties have similar value to conventional hybrids when fed to lactating dairy cows. (IL)
  14. 14. Dietary molasses included at 5% of dry matter can partially alleviate diet-induced milk fat depression. (KS)
  15. 15. Equation developed to allow for rapid on-farm evaluation of total ration particle size as related to rumen health, milk fat concentration, and minimizing sorting. (Akey)
  16. 16. Establishment of a preliminary database of digestibility of amino acids in the bypass protein fraction of feeds commonly fed to lactating dairy cows, and identification of methods that can be used for routine analysis of feeds to estimate digestibility of amino acids in the ruminant animal. This database will allow for improvement in ration formulation and diet evaluation models that will more accurately predict amino acid supply to the lactating cow and allow for more efficient use of dietary protein for milk production. (NH)
  17. 1. The role of substrates and enzyme gene expression in regulation of carbon flux into gluconeogenic pathways is being characterized. (MD)
  18. 2. Studies of urea cycling demonstrate the relative impacts of GIT transfer and rumen microbial N capture on nitrogen efficiency in ruminants. (MD)
  19. 3. Principle component analysis and microarray have been demonstrated as viable techniques for characterization of effects of CLAs and other fatty acids on milk fat synthesis in dairy cows (MD)
  20. 4. The role of ruminally-protected choline in methionine metabolism and the potential to spare methionine for milk protein synthesis and reduce dietary levels of protein. (MD)
  21. 5. Genetic polymorphisms in the thioesterase domain of fatty acid synthetase and in diacylglycerol acyltransferase-1 are proving to be good markers for selecting breeding stock that have a healthier milk fatty acid composition. (IA)
  22. 6. The molecular mechanisms and nutrients that control expression of liver enzymes rate-limiting for gluconeogenesis and ultimately milk lactose synthesis (phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase and glucose-6-phosphatase) have been described in dry and lactating dairy cows. (IN)
  23. 7. Identification of skeletal muscle proteins that are up- or down-regulated with onset of lactation have been identified and fall into the categories of structural protein fragments energy metabolism enzymes. (AL)
  24. 8. Identification of cows that exhibit increased efficiency of nitrogen use by genotype is a subject of ongoing research that could have a tremendous impact on the emissions of ammonia from dairy farms. (MI)
  25. 9. The potential role of inflammatory cytokines in development of fatty liver in early lactation dairy cows has been demonstrated. (KS)
  26. 10. Mechanisms of controlling lipid metabolism in dairy cattle across a range of parities, feed intakes, milk production rates and genetic merit are being identified. (WA)
  27. 1. Revisions to the representation of mammary activity in the Molly cow model have improved its ability to predict milk yield in response to varying nutritional states and to predict body weight loss and gain. (VA)
  28. 2. The global sensitivity analyses, when implemented, will be used by modelers worldwide and has implications for identifying important parameters relative to given output responses in our project. The ammonia N emission experiment will provide information in modeling maximal ammonia N emissions and shows the relationship between ammonia N emissions and milk urea N (CA)
  29. 3. A model was developed to adequately describe and integrate ruminal VFA production and glucose kinetics, resulting in accurate quantification of VFA and glucose metabolism. (PA)
  30. 4. Evaluation of protein requirements for lactating cows indicates that current NRC RDP requirements may be overstated. (VA)
  31. 5. A nutrition model in excel was developed for comparing new systems with the current NRC model. (MI)
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Date of Annual Report: 12/31/2009

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 10/26/2009 - 10/27/2009
Period the Report Covers: 11/01/2008 - 10/01/2009


Participants Present:;

Armentano,Louis( - University of Wisconsin;
Bequette,Brian( - University of Maryland;
Bradford,Barry( Kansas State University;
Donkin,Shawn( - Purdue;
Firkins,Jeffrey( - The Ohio State University;
Hanigan,Mark( - Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University;
Hippen,Arnold( - South Dakota State University; Hristov,Alex( - Pennsylvania State University;
Rossow,Heidi( - Representing University of California - Davis;
Schroeder,J. W.( - North Dakota State University;
Stern,Marshall( University of Minnesota;
Vandehaar,Michael( - Michigan State University;
Administrative Assistant: David Benfield (;
Participants submitting a written report, but not present:;

Beitz,Donald( - Iowa State University;
Cummins,Keith( Auburn University;
Erdman,Richard( - University of Maryland;
Eun,Jong-Su( - Utah State University;
Fadel,James( - University of California - Davis;
Varga,Gabriella( Pennsylvania State University;
McNamara,John( Washington State University;
Romagnolo,Donato( - The University of Arizona;
USDA representative:;

Brief Summary of Minutes

A. Administration: Introductions and administrative details

1. Election of new officers.

Promotion of Current Secretary to Chair 2009-2010: Barry Bradford
New Secretary 2009-2010: Alex Hristov
Next years meeting for NC-1040: Chicago, near OHare, October 25 and 26, 2010. Additional members to invite would be someone from Cornell, Ferguson and Galligan from University of Pennsylvania to strengthen a possible NRC update contribution from this committee. Invitations will be done by Barry Bradford in the coming year.

2. NC Administrative Advisor, David Benfield (also includes summary from Adele Turzillo)
The National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) replaces CSREES and the Agriculture and Food Research Initiative (AFRI) now replaces the National Research Institute (NRI), and essentially combines the NRI and Initiative for Future Agriculture and Food Systems (IFAFS) programs into one. NIFA is being organized into 4 institutes to address 5 primary areas of emphasis. The institutes are food production, environment, food safety, youth and community development.

Dr. Benfield suggested people that have not at least turned in a report in the past 3 years should be dropped from the group, because they are not contributing. The final agreed upon protocol is that at least one report is expected from each experiment station. After one year without a report, a warning will be sent by Dr. Benfield to the investigator as well as their experiment station director. After 2 years without a report, Dr. Benfield will be contacted to remove the person from the committee. This will be instituted with initial warnings in 2009, with the first potential removals in 2010. The group decided that there will be no repercussions for lack of attendance, given potential conflicts with schedules that may be a problem every year, although there were mixed feelings on this. The downside is that those who never attend do not likely contribute to the overall goals of coordinating research. The group decided to try the required reports first and re-evaluate in coming years.

B. Station Reports

1. Mike VandeHaar (Michigan State University, Obj. 2, 3)
An NRC-based formulation spreadsheet (Spartan Dairy 3) was developed and is a stand-alone program. Ease of use of this model and similarity to NRC 2001 suggests that this model would be more useful in the field and in research than the NRC model. Some important differences from NRC are: (1) Requirements are based on body weight adjusted for body condition and gestation; (2) Rumen undegradable protein can contribute to ruminal N by recycling; (3) dietary fat has less negative impact on microbial protein yield; (4) In cases where NRC used a combination of formulas and fixed values for nutrient columns, equations were derived to approximate NRC; (5) fat and carbohydrate fractions can be monitored; and (6) the energy value of protein is lower because Spartan, unlike NRC, assumes most protein is deaminated. The model predicts N and P waste output. An excel file of the model was distributed to all NC-1040 participants.
Other work: Studies were completed on intensified calf feeding and productivity/profitability and the role of transforming growth factor- 1in remodeling of mammary tissue during the dry period.
Future work: Plan is to better characterize and model depression in digestibility that occurs with increased feed intake, develop better methods to estimate the energy value of protein, and examine effects of specific fatty acids on immune function. Collaborations are planned with OH, WI, VA, and KA.

2. Lou Armentano (University of Wisconsin, Obj. 1)

Study 1:
Intraruminally infusing branched chain volatile fatty acids had relatively little effect on milk fatty acid composition but isovalerate and anteisovalerate severely depressed feed intake compared to isomolar propionate or acetate.

Study 2: Treatments were: Linseed, palm, corn, high-oleic safflower; high-linoleic safflower oil and control. Linoleic acid appeared to be the most potent fatty acid for reducing short chain fatty acid yield. The PALM diet reversed the effect on total fat yield by specifically raising C16 by providing preformed C16.

Study 3: Evaluated the effects of corn bran replacing all corn grain in a digestibility study with 24 animals. The digestibility of nutrient fractions (starch, NDF, non-starch NFC) was not greatly affected by diet, except NDF digestibility was decreased in the corn grain, low-forage diet, However, because of increased NDF content in the high corn bran diets, apparent TDN concentration of these diets was lower than those containing corn grain. NRC under-estimated the digestibility of corn grain and over-estimated the digestibility of corn bran.

Study 4: Effect of fresh forage composition and protected soy protein supplement to dairy ewes. As the amount of alfalfa in the forage increased the milk, fat, and protein yield increased and the milk urea nitrogen increased.

Planned Research: Future work will include measuring blood VFA in Study 1. For Study 2, we have designed, and are conducting, an experiment to specifically test oleic acid vs. linoleic acid that accounts for non-linearity and possible oleic*linoleic interactions. Statistical analyses will be done for Study 4.

3. Gale Batemam (Akey, Obj 1, 3)

Study 1: Empirical model development of enteric methane production and comparison to other published models. Current models of methane production are insensitive to dietary effects. Collected 156 observations from 36 trials and put diets into Akeys formulation model. Nutrient densities were fit to published data, and digestibilities were adjusted to make the model correctly predict milk production. Using actual nutrient values is uncommon in most published methane models. Data were evaluated by testing all combinations of predictive models with up to 9 independent variables, then predictive equations were compared and evaluated by using residuals, AIC, and BIC values. Determining the best predictive model without over-parameterization is difficult; AIC can be improved by adding factors, and Hanigan suggested a Chi-square test to evaluate the significance of step-by-step increases in variables included. A variance inflation factor can also be used as well as a traditional step-down multivariate analysis and test significance of individual factors in the total predictive model. The proposed model with 7 factors was considered over-parameterized and many factors had almost no influence on predicted output of methane relative to total production. Discussion also focused on whether beef vs. dairy data needs to be specified in the model, and whether interactions should be evaluated in a greatly reduced model.

Planned Research: Future work will include further development of the model in Study 1.

4. Alex Hristov (Pennsylvania State University, Obj. 1)

Study 2:
The goal of this experiment was to investigate the effect of yeast culture product (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) on rumen fermentation, nutrient utilization, and ammonia and methane emission from manure in dairy cows. Overall, the yeast culture tested had little effect on ruminal fermentation, digestibility, and N losses, but tended to reduce rumen ammonia concentration and increase microbial protein synthesis and decreased ammonia and methane emissions from manure.

Study 2: In a continuous culture experiment, glycerin increased propionate and butyrate concentrations and also increased NDF digestibility by up to 10 units (68% vs. 57%). Under present experimental conditions, replacement of starch with dry glycerin seemed to have positive effects, as shown by increased total VFA production, decreased acetate to propionate ratio, and higher DM digestibility.
Other Studies: Coconut oil and lauric acid are very effective defaunating agents. However, both also reduce dry matter intake and milk yield, but, due to modified fatty acid profile, may have potential health benefits (i.e. cancer, cholesterol). Decreasing dietary crude protein from 16% to 14% decreased both ammonia emissions from manure and milk yield in dairy cows. Manure from this project was used in an agronomy experiment with growing barley for measurement of ammonia release from manure-amended soil, and even in this situation, the high crude protein diet caused greater ammonia emissions.

5. Jeff Firkins (The Ohio State University, Obj. 1)
One hypothesis is that increasing passage rate from the rumen increases outflow of protozoa without promoting so much autolysis. With increasing outflow rate, their growth rate presumably increases to maintain rumen population densities such that they increase efficiency of growth and promote less intraruminal recycling of protozoal and bacterial proteins. If increasing feed intake increases protozoal passage while increasing nutrient supply, as they sense more nutrients, they should up-regulate protein synthesis and cell division. Entodiniomorphs exhibit chemotaxis toward peptides, with no clear differences between various sources of peptides (bacterial, soy, etc.). It is possible binding of nutrients (cellular receptors) activates an intracellular signaling cascade which results in release of NO, subsequent activation of cGMP and altered cilial beating (i.e. movement).
Actual engulfment of particles using fluorescent beads is being currently investigated. The hypothesis is that PI3K activation during chemotaxis is involved in moving digestive vacuoles toward cytoproct via intracellular calcium and calmodulin gradients altering cytoskeletal trafficking.
In the micronucleus, protozoa have approximately 5 chromosomes of which one chromosome contains genes encoding ribosomal synthesis and function. Multiple copies of these chromosomes are copied into numerous fragments in the macronucleus, with ribosomal DNA having thousands of copies per cell. The relative abundance of rDNA chromosomal fragments with different diets / nutrients is being studied.
Planned Research:
1. Study protozoal chemotaxis to integrate with growth response in a working model (collaborating with J. Knapp). Specifically evaluating Ca++-mediated signaling and integrating chemotaxis with uptake of inert, COO--charged beads (about the size of bacteria and with a similar charge).
2. Use pulsed-field electrophoresis and cDNA libraries to characterize the genomes of two prominent rumen ciliates (with S. Karnati and Z. Yu).
3. Determine efficiency of bacterial amino acid incorporation/biosynthesis in mixed continuous cultures (working with B. Bequette).
4. Development of a model to integrate protozoal predation of bacteria, protozoal growth rate, and protozoal lysis rates (collaborating with B. Bequette and plan to consult with M. Hanigan and J. Knapp).

6. Arnold Hippen (South Dakota University, Obj. 1 and 2)
Study 1: The hypothesis for this research was feeding a source of unsaturated fat, distillers grains (DC), in combination with highly fermentable starch, high moisture corn (WC), will create a ruminal environment leading to incomplete biohydrogenation of fatty acids and milk fat depression. The experiment was a 2x2 factorial assessing effect of fat from distillers grains versus ruminally inert fat and fermentability of starch from high moisture corn versus dry corn. Diets including 20% alfalfa hay and 30% corn silage. There were no effects on DMI. Distillers grains decreased acetate to propionate ratio in the rumen, but did not did alter milk yield. Milk fat concentrations were decreased with DG. The WC decreased milk yield, and WC and DG interacted to cause a dramatic decrease in milk fat concentrations. The elsewhere reported relationship of trans-10 C18:1 to milk fat depression was observed and there were indications of the relationship of trans-10, cis-12 C18:2 to milk fat depression, but statistical significance was not obtained.
Research Planned: Ruminal degradability of protein and lipid in oilseeds processed with alternative methods of heat treatment in dairy cow diets. Effects on lactation performance.

7. Shawn Donkin (Purdue, Obj. 1 and 2)

Study 1 (Obj. 1): Mixtures of 25, 50, or 75% WDG were evaluated for pH, stability, and acetate concentration in 30 day re-ensiled haylage or corn silage. WDG increased stability of haylage, but decreased stability of corn silage.

Study 2 (Obj. 2): When propionate is added to hepatocytes, portions of the PEPCK promoter region become protected from DNase I digestion, suggesting binding of transcription factors.

Study 3 (Obj. 2): Heat stressed bovine hepatocytes have increased expression of PC, consistent with responses in vivo. Bovine PC is expressed as 6 transcriptional variants, and luciferase reporter constructs for each were transfected into rat hepatoma cells. Promoter 3 appeared to increase (not significant), while promoter 1 significantly decreased during heat stress in these cells; net mRNA abundance of rat PC is decreased in heat-stressed rat hepatoma cells. This response does not appear to be consistent between the in vitro models.

Study 4 (Obj. 2): Identification of the propionate response sequence for bovine PEPCK. The genomic sequence of the bovine PEPCK promoter was cloned by PCR and the resulting sequence analyzed. Collectively these data demonstrate potential regulation of hepatic propionate metabolism by induction of specific transcription factor binding sites in the PEPCK promoter.
Planned Research: Work related to objective 1 and 2 will continue by continuing and extending the research outlined above.

8. J. W. Schroeder (North Dakota State University, Obj. 1)
The objective was to determine the effect of processing method on digestibility, ruminal fermentation, in situ degradation of alfalfa hay and rate of passage of flaxseed in diets of Holstein steers fed a lactating dairy cow diet. Four ruminal and duodenal cannulated Holstein steers were used in a 4 x 4 Latin square design to determine the effect of processing on ruminal fermentation and digestibility of nutrients in dairy cattle fed whole, rolled, or ground flax. Steers were fed conventional corn and forage diets that contained 50% concentrate (DM basis). Treatments included: 1) no flaxseed, 2) whole flaxseed, 3) rolled flaxseed, and 4) ground flaxseed. The control diet contained linseed meal at proportions equal to the amount of protein contributed by flaxseed, and chromic oxide at 0.25% of the DM to determine digesta flows at the duodenum. Feed, ruminal, duodenal, and fecal samples were collected for determination of effects on ruminal fermentation parameters including ammonia, pH, and volatile fatty acids, as well as ruminal and total tract digestibilitys of dry matter, crude protein, NDF, ADF, and fat.

Planned Research: (1) To determine if the direct dietary supplementation of dry field peas can replace protein and energy supplements in the diets of calves (CSREES/CSFL). (2) Replace soybean meal with ethanol byproducts and locally grown pulse crops in the diets of lactating dairy cattle (NDSFC).

9. Marshall Stern (University of Minnesota, Obj. 1)

Study 1: Effects of two halophytic plants (Kochia and Atriplex) on fermentation by ruminal microbes in vitro were examined. Results showed no differences in dry matter and crude protein digestibility between the plants. Atriplex had higher organic matter (OM) digestibility compared with Kochia. Neutral detergent fiber digestibility of Atriplex (41.1%) was higher than Kochia (34.8%), however acid detergent fiber digestibility was higher in Kochia (40.6 vs 23.4%). There were no differences between plants in molar proportion of acetate and propionate, but butyrate and valerate in Kochia were two fold of Atriplex. Protein synthesis was higher with Kochia compared with Atriplex (5.96 vs 4.85 g of N/kg of OM digested).

Study 2: Effects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on ruminal pH and microbial fermentation in cows and continuous culture were evaluated. Yeast tended to decrease total ruminal VFA (mM) and increased ruminal pH (6.3 vs 6.5). In continuous culture, yeast decreased ammonia N concentration and flow, but had no other effects. Beneficial effects of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on rumen pH and NH3-N concentration appear to be dependent upon diet type.

Planned Research:
1. To quantify ruminal and post-ruminal distribution of protected trace minerals (Cu, Zn, Mn) in purified diets with or without lignosulfonate.
2 To determine the interaction between dietary sulfur and dietary roughage on microbial fermentation.

10. Brian Bequette (University of Maryland, Obj. 2)

Study 1:
Lactating dairy cows were used to determine whether dietary choline (Reashur@) spares Met by increasing Met re-methylation. [1-13C] and [13CH3] Met tracers were infused to determine Met de- and re-methylation. Based on plasma [1-13C]homocysteine as precursor pool, methyl group flux was 2-fold higher than carboxyl group flux. Dietary choline reduced methyl flux, thus reducing Met catabolism.

Study 2. We showed that GIT tissues of sheep possess enzymes of the urea cycle and that ammonia detoxification to urea is activated in these isolated cells by N-carbamoylglutamate (NCG). This study aimed to demonstrate that NCG improves urea-N capture in ruminants. Wether sheep were given continuous intravenous infusions of either saline or NCG for 10 d. Plasma arginine and urea were increased by NCG, while gluconeogenesis from non-glucose sources was reduced (25%) by NCG.

Planned Research: We plan to determine if de novo fatty acid (FA) synthesis is the primary factor limiting milk triglyceride (TG) synthesis. Two experiments will test this hypothesis under CLA induced down-regulation of mammary TG synthesis. The 1st study in lactating mice will use Rosiglitazone, an inducer of lipid synthetic pathways, to rescue milk fat during CLA induced milk fat depression. A 2nd study in lactating cows will test whether post-ruminal infusion of short and medium chain FA can rescue milk fat TG synthesis when CLA is given.

11. Barry Bradford (Kansas State University, Obj. 1 and 2)

Study 1:
Continued work investigating the potential for molasses to help prevent milk fat depression. Molasses replaced corn grain at 5% of diet DM in a very low-fiber / high-starch diet. Molasses increased milk fat content but effects on milk fat yield were not significant. Molasses decreased yield of trans-10 C18:1 and increased yield of trans-11 C18:1, consistent with increased use of the normal biohydrogenation pathway. Molasses decreased total ruminal VFA concentration and increased ruminal pH.

b>Study 2: The effects of postruminal niacin infusion were evaluated in 6 growing steers. Feed intake dropped dramatically over 4 days of infusion. Tissues were analyzed for abundance of GPR109a, the niacin receptor. Unlike in humans and rodents, the receptor was found in liver and muscle tissue in addition to adipose tissue. In a separate study, the effects of encapsulated niacn (EN) were tested in 22 transition cows. EN was top-dressed at 24 g/day from 21 days before calving through 21 days in milk. EN decreased postpartum NEFA and BHBA, but also decreased feed intake of multiparous cows in the week prior to calving. Depression of intake by niacin may be related to the broad distribution of its receptor in the bovine.
Planned Research:
1. Evaluate effects of VFA infusions on expression of ANGPTL4 by ruminal epithelial cells.
2. Determine whether TNF alpha decreases hepatic glucose production in lactating cows.

12. Mark Hanigan (Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University, Obj. 2 & 3)

Study 1 (Obj. 2).
The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of essential amino acids (EAA) and acetate on the phosphorylation status (PS) of mammalian target of rapamycine (mTOR), and ribosomal protein S6 (rpS6) in MAC-T cells. Extracellular EAA availability appeared to have a stronger effect on protein synthesis signaling in MAC-T cells than extracellular acetate.

Study2 (Obj. 2). The objective of this study was to investigate the total and individual effects of essential amino acid (EAA) on protein synthesis signaling inMAC-T cells. Essential amino acid deprivation, particularly Arg, Phe, Trp, and branched chain amino acids significantly reduced signaling for translation initiation via mTOR and rpS6 in MAC-T cells.

Study 3 (Obj. 3). Cell Signalling Model: The objective of this work was to develop a mathematical representation of mTOR dependent insulin and EAA signaling. This mathematical model included six protein pools representing phosphorylated and unphosphorylated forms of Akt, mTOR, and 4EBP1. The model was built in AcslXtreme. Mass action equations were used to represent phosphorylation (FUP,P) and dephosphorylation (FP,UP) fluxes.

Other model development: Derivation of rate parameters for ruminal digestion of nutrients and microbial growth have been derived from the data set used to parameterize the digestive elements of the 2001 NRC model.

Planned research:
1. Evaluate mammary signaling pathway responses to methionine, lysine, leucine, and combinations of these amino acids in vivo.
2. Complete the cell signaling model and incorporate it into an existing mammary tissue model with the objective of testing whether it improves predictions of milk protein synthesis.

13. Heidi Rossow for Jim Fadel (UCD, Obj. 3)

Study 1:
Improve Molly energy prediction by updating ATP constants in some pathways. Global sensitivity analysis assists in understanding the effects of changes in model and effects on basal metabolic rate predictions. Some stoichiometries were updated. The adjusted model predicts slight increase in daily milk yield compared to previous model, but effect on blood FA is dramatic, and indicates instability due to lack of adequate energy. Body fat is especially sensitive to model estimate of ATP yield from glucose.

Study 2: Measure ammonia emissions from manure over 24 hours and correlate results with MUN from animal or herd. Specific gravity and dietary CP can be used to predict urine urea N (UUN) with reasonable accuracy, but at very high dietary CP, relationship between specific gravity and UUN is different than in lower CP diets. Data from 1521% CP diets showed that higher CP diets led to higher manure pH, greater ammonia release, and lower proportions of ammonia N to total N in urine.

Study 3: Develop N kinetics in manure slurries, incorporating composition of manure, time effects, and storage volume effects. Data from in vitro will be used to parameterize this model.
Planned Research:
Collaboration with Hanigan, McNamara, and Johnson in global sensitivity analyses, model development, and better maintenance partitioning using new ATP yields, work on in vitro data collection of NH3 with modeling, and develop an optimization model for diary.

C. Station Report Summaries for members not at the meeting
1. Donald Beitz (ISU, Obj. 2).

Feeding viable-NP51®, not HK-NP51®, increases production of anti-inflammatory cytokine IL-10 in non-infected mice only. This attribute has significant implications on treatment of autoimmune diseases. Interestingly, when administered to mice challenged with MAP, NP51® behaves differently as illustrated by decrease of the MAP-specific IL-10 production (anti-inflammatory) and increase of the MAP-specific IFN-³ (pro-inflammatory) (Figures 1 and 2). Noteworthy, for tissue dissemination of MAP, high concentrations of IL-10 and low concentrations of IFN-³ are required.
Planned Research:
Will examine the performance of periparturient dairy cows fed the NP51 during early and mid lactation periods. Milk quality, udder health and immune competence will be closely evaluated during the NP51-feeding time.

2. Keith Cummins (Auburn University, Obj. 2).
This year gels were run continuing proteomics evaluation of muscle tissue with the onset of lactation. The gels run provided the following protein sets: Set 1: Acidic to neutral proteins and housekeeping cytosolic proteins. Most soluble proteins such as cytosolic p. Set 2: Intermediate solubility proteins. Some overlap with set 1. Set 3: Membrane proteins. Generally insoluble in reagents to obtain first two sets. These are generally highly expressed proteins.
The gels have been run. Waiting on protein identification from colleagues at UAB and proteomics lab that does sequencing and identification via MALDI-TOF. Visually gels are very different and various subsets were run to identify any proteins that were potentially covered up by actin and myosin of our previous gels.
Planned research: Intend to sequence and identify exposed proteins and will do statistical analysis of effects of lactation on the proteins identified. Then the research will be broadened to include the effects of lactation onset on hepatic proteins and will be done using serial biopsies of livers of mature lactating dairy cows at -14, +7 and + 28 days in milk.

3. Erdman, Richard (University of Maryland) See report under B (10).

4. Eun, Jong-Su (Utah State University, Obj. 1).

Study 1:
To test magnesium zeolite as source of ruminal buffer additive, thirty lactating Holstein cows were assigned equally to one of 3 dietary treatments: control diet (TMR), TMR diet with 1.4% sodium bicarbonate (SBD), and TMR diet with 1.4% zeolite (ZLD). DM intake and milk yield did not differ across treatments. Ruminal pH increased with ZLD compared to the control and was similar to cows fed SBD. Economically, zeolite could replace sodium bicarbonate as a ruminal buffer in lactating dairy diet.

Study 2: Assess effect of replacing alfalfa hay (AH) with birdsfoot trefoil (BFT) on fermentation in vitro with three dietary treatments: 100% AH; 50% AH +50% BFT (AHBFT); and 100% BFT. Methane production was not influenced by treatments. NH3-N concentration decreased in cultures offered AHBFT compared with AH, and decreased in cultures receiving BFT compared with AH and AHBFT. Total VFA was not affected by diet. Feeding BFT altered the metabolic pathways of in vitro ruminal fermentation with beneficial modification of N use and cultures fed BFT did not have any negative impact on ruminal fermentation.
Study 3: Objectives were to determine if supplementing commercial tannic acid (CT) extract affected N utilization and CH4 production, and to assess if CT supplementation would prevent in vitro ruminal acidosis when mixed cultures offered a barley-based high concentrate diet. Methane production increased in response to increasing CT, whereas NH3-N concentration decreased. Total VFA increased with increasing CT. Supplementation of CT resulted in accelerated microbial production.

Planned Research:
Continued research with CT. Lactational performance of dairy cows fed brown mid-rib corn silage-based diet or conventional corn silage and nonforage fiber sources diets.

5. James Fadel (UC, Davis) See report under B (13).

6. Gabriella Varga (Pennsylvania State University) See report under B (4).

7. John McNamara, (Washington State University, Obj. 2 and 3).
Primary inadequacies in Molly are in description of subtle metabolic pattern differences in the most efficient animals. Work has improved: 1) interaction of genetic merit and dietary energy on efficiency of dairy cattle; 2) transcriptomic analysis of adipose tissue as it relates to control of energy efficiency, 3) use of metabolic modifiers to improve efficiency and 4) improvement of the model to describe control of reproductive efficiency by nutrients. The collaborator is on sabbatical leave to work on the model and the gene transcription array analyses, cooperation with from CA, MD and VA.

Planned Research: 1) to improve inadequacies in estimation of the energetic cost of visceral and muscle protein turnover, ion transport and the energetic cost of increased feed intake (and rapidly changing feed intake. 2) Integration transcriptional control of energy use. A data set of 48 gene transcriptions arrays in adipose tissue from 21 d prepartum to 56 d postpartum will be used. 3) Integration of reproductive processes to extend the overall description of efficiency from just nutrient use to reproductive efficiency
There will be collaboration with members at CA, MD and VA on these works

8. Donato Romagnolo, (The University of Arizona, Obj. 2)
This study investigated the mechanisms of transcriptional activation of COX-2 by the AhR and the reversal effects of dietary aromatic hydrocarbon receptor (AhR) antagonists. Small-interfering RNA (siRNA) for the AhR prevented TCDD-induced binding of the AhR to the COX-2 and CYP1A1 promoter regions. The binding of the AhR to COX-2 oligonucleotides from the COX-2 promoter was repressed by cotreatment with the synthetic AhR antagonists, 3-methoxy-4-naphthoflavone (3M4NF), and dietary agents DIM and resveratrol. Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays revealed that the treatment with TCDD induced the time-dependent association of the AhR, the histone acetylase p300, acetylated histone-H4, and phosphorylated H3-Ser10 with the COX-2 promoter. In contrast, in ChIP assays we observed that the cotreatment with DIM antagonized the recruitment of the AhR and phosphorylated H3-Ser10 to the COX-2 promoter.

Planned Research: The association of the AhR to xenobiotic responsive elements (XRE) harbored in the BRCA-1 promoter region contributed to repression of BRCA-1 transcription and reduced BRCA-1 protein levels. These changes were associated with loss of histone-4 acetylation, increased recruitment of histone deacetylase-1 and methyl-binding proteins. Dietary antagonists of the AhR with antagonistic effects comprise the phytoalexin resveratrol and 3,3-diindolylmethane (DIM). Resveratrol reduced AhR recruitment in a dose-dependent fashion and restored BRCA-1 expression. Chromatin modifications induced by the AhR at the BRCA-1 gene were reversed by resveratrol. These studies suggest that AhR antagonists such as resveratrol may be useful in the prevention of epigenetic silencing induced by AhR agonists in mammary epithelial cells.


<b>D. NC 1040 5-year Accomplishments and Impact:</b><br /> <br /> <b>The need as indicated by stakeholders.</b> Over 55% of the calcium, 17% of the protein, and 15% of the energy in the US diet are supplied by dairy products; thus, the US consumer is a major stakeholder for the NC-1040 committee. Consumers want dairy products that are safe and inexpensive, but increasingly they also want an environmentally friendly dairy industry that promotes animal well-being. Recently, attention has been given to bioactive molecules in milk (in addition to Calcium) such as conjugated linoleic acids (CLA). Yet at the core the NC-1040 committee functions to do basic and applied research on the feeding and nutritional biology of dairy cattle. Major stakeholders include other scientists, practicing nutritionists, veterinarians, and farmers. The needs of these stakeholders have been addressed by the Food Animal Integrated Research group in the FAIR 2002 document. The goals of FAIR 2002 are to strengthen global competitiveness, enhance human nutrition, protect animal health, improve food safety and public health, ensure environmental quality, and promote animal well-being. Because feed inputs are a major determinant of milk yield, cow health, feed efficiency, profitability, and waste output, the work of the NC-1040 committee is critical for most of these goals. <br /> The concentration of dairy animals into larger units is an established and continuing trend. This concentration makes some waste management issues more prominent but also more manageable.<br /> <b>The importance of our work.</b> Natural resources are used efficiently when milk production per unit feed and per cow is high. To efficiently produce milk, a cow must have a well-developed mammary gland and be able to supply the gland with the nutrients it needs. Nutrition in the first year of life affects mammary gland development, and nutrition around the time of calving and throughout lactation has a major effect on the health, productivity, and efficiency of cows. Feeding for optimal nutrient intake requires not only the provision of the necessary nutrients for milk production but also consideration to the effects of diet on mammary capacity and on appetite, health, and metabolic regulation of the cow. Because feed costs account for half of all costs on a dairy farm, nutrition also significantly impacts farm expenses. The NC-1040 committee considers all of these factors for optimal feeding. For example, if we could maintain current milk production while feeding diets with 4 percentage units less total protein, we would decrease N losses to the environment in the US by 470,000 metric tons per year and save US dairy farmers $1 billion per year in feed costs. This type of progress only can be made if we take an integrated approach, with the use of mechanistic bio-mathematical models that accurately describe metabolism and production of cows. <br /> <b>Integration of results.</b> This committee has a proven track record of making significant impacts in our knowledge dairy cattle nutrition and metabolism and in the way that dairy cattle are fed and managed nationwide. We use the same approach that has proven effective in the past: that is to challenge and refine our models of dairy nutrition and metabolism. Computer-based, mechanistic, and quantitative metabolic models are useful in two ways: first, they help us determine critical needs in research and second they enable practical improvements in dairy cow feeding. Critical research needs are determined by using existing data from NC-1040 members or conducting new experiments to test model predictions of physiological responses to experimental diets. Examples of such responses include, rumen pH, microbial growth and function; alterations in gene expression and hormonal release of organs such as the adipose tissue; and alterations in milk fatty acid compositions. By challenging our working models in this way, we identify shortcomings that then become the basis for developing new testable hypotheses for further experimentation. Results from new experiments are incorporated into the models, and they are challenged again for further refinement. Thus, we continue to build our models so they are more mechanistic, quantitative, and accurate. These qualities enable us to improve practical feeding recommendations for dairy cattle in a variety of environmental and feeding conditions.<br /> <b>Need for Cooperative Work.</b> Important and complex problems require coordinated effort of many personnel. Considerable progress has been made in dairy nutrition, but practical problems remain and no single research group has the skills and resources needed to solve them alone. Only through cooperation can State Experiment Stations address the complex interactions among feed supply, nutrient use, genetic capability, and milk composition. Our committee is comprised of dairy scientists with a broad base of specialties that encompass feed analysis, feeding management, ruminal microbial metabolism, intestinal digestion, physiology and metabolism of splanchnic, adipose, muscle, and mammary tissues, endocrine regulation, molecular and cellular biology, and mathematical modeling. Furthermore, in testing and refining nutrition models for the whole country, we must consider the variation in forages and environment that exist among regions. Thus, we have scientists from every dairy region in the country. In addition, the explosion of new information in genomics, gene expression, gene array work, metabolomics and proteomics requires that we integrate this knowledge into our understanding of metabolic efficiency. Cooperation among stations is required to deal with this information and to solve problems, and will have a national impact in understanding the complex interrelationships of nutrient digestion and metabolism in lactating dairy cows and to apply this knowledge.<br /> <b>Impacts on Science and Other Impacts.</b> This project exemplifies the proven effectiveness of the cooperative regional approach. As detailed in the "Related Current and Previous Work" section below, results of this cooperative effort have become benchmarks of scientific progress and have led to practical feeding recommendations used worldwide. Project Leaders for the NC-1040 regional project have received numerous awards for research, both basic and practical, from the American Dairy Science Association, the American Society of Animal Sciences, and industry groups. Most of the Project Leaders are in continuous demand as speakers for scientific and industry conferences in nutrition. The impact on basic and practical nutrition from Project Leaders has been profound in the areas of starch and protein chemistry and nutrition, feed processing, nutrient metabolism, and lactation biology. This group provided a major contribution to the 2001 version of the National Research Councils (NRC's) Nutrient Requirements of Dairy Cattle. Four of the 10 scientists on the NRC panel were from the NC-1040 committee <b>(IL, MD, NH, PA)</b>, and a significant portion of the data used in the latest edition came from NC-1040 committee members. In 2005, the group presented a symposium at ADSA/FASS on regulation of nutrient use in dairy cattle. Thus, this committee has had a major impact on improving the biological, economical, and environmental efficiency of the US dairy industry. <br /> <br /> <br /> <b>E. Summary of Progress:</b><br /> <br /> Funds Leveraged to Support Work on Project in 2009. The research conducted year-on-year of this project could not be possible without significant funding support from various avenues. Members of the committee have a long history of acquiring competitive funds from federal and state agencies, and indeed, not a year has gone by over the last 20 years that at least one member of the project has not held a USDA-NRI grant. In 2009, members of the committee leveraged a total of $1,987,096 from various agencies and private industry to support research activities. This total breaks down into the categories of:<br /> Federal funds: $1,142,168<br /> State funds: $99,632<br /> College funds: $16,375<br /> International agencies: $9,000<br /> Boards/Councils/Association funds: $127,000<br /> Private Industry funds: $592,921<br /> <br /> <b>Research Activities and Progress.</b> One overriding goal in feeding cattle is to find the optimal combination of chemical and physical properties of feeds that provides the proper amount and balance of absorbed nutrients to match the ability given by the genotype of the cow or herd. This is a major challenge because of the tremendous variety of feedstuffs available, their complexity of interactions among feed particles, nutrients and organisms in the rumen, genetic variance within and among herds, and the rapidly changing nutrient requirements of a cow around the time of parturition. The amount and profile of absorbed nutrients in dairy cattle are a function of rumen bacterial fermentation and intestinal digestion. Feed particles and microbes that escape the rumen can be digested in the small intestine to produce amino acids, monosaccharides, and lipids for absorption. <br /> The chemical and physical properties of feeds determine the rumen bacterial and protozoal populations and the end-products they produce, and, relatedly, the availability of nutrients critical to the production of milk and milk components in a variety of ways. For example, the chemical composition (including total protein, nonprotein nitrogen, amino acid balance, organic acids, lipids, fiber, and non-fiber carbohydrate) dictates directly the availability of nutrients to support rumen microbial growth and the absorbed nutrients available to the animal to support milk synthesis. The physical properties of feeds, either inherent in the plant structure or altered by various processing methods, alters degradability in the rumen, and thus determines the proportion of feed fermented and used for rumen microbial growth and the proportion that passes to the small intestine. The cow is a fully integrated metabolic system in which one, even minor, change in nutrient input may lead to a variety of downstream events that alters function at the tissue and whole animal levels. Since the last revision, we now understand more fully that this also includes changes in gene expression, and endocrine responses that were unknown or just discovered 5 years ago (IGF-1, leptin, perilipin, cytokines and ghrelin from the adipose tissue, for example). <b>(KS, MI, WA)</b> <br /> Dietary carbohydrate fractions differ in the profiles of glucogenic and lipogenic metabolites they yield upon rumen bacterial metabolism and intestinal absorption. The amount and types of carbohydrates also impact rumen pH, which, in turn, alters fermentation and can alter the yield of nutrients, even amino acids, for absorption. Thus the various carbohydrate fractions have differential effects on the yield and composition of milk. Recent improvements in methods will allow more accurate prediction of optimal amounts and ruminal availability of non-fiber carbohydrates for efficient production of milk and milk components. More importantly, because of the integrative modeling approach of this committee, we have a quantitative knowledge of the maximal percentage contribution of these fractions to overall yield and efficiency on different diets, and can move on to further work. <br /> The amount and balance of absorbed amino acids also helps determine milk yield, not just milk protein synthesis. This availability of amino acids, in turn, is a function of the amount of feed protein which passes undegraded through the rumen and the amount of ruminally synthesized microbial protein that reaches the small intestine. Because microbial protein has a better amino acid profile than many feed proteins, this remains an important area of study. Microbial protein yield is also a function of the amount and type of organic matter fermented. Thus, microbial protein yield varies by source of carbohydrate and protein, and rate of fermentation. This is a classic example of the need for an integrated approach to dairy cattle nutrition-we must continue to design experiments across state lines that allow a full scope of study of the key variables. We need to continue to build a comprehensive model that explicitly includes these types of interactions. <br /> Synthesis of milk and milk components is a function of both the synthetic potential of the mammary gland and the supply of metabolites to the mammary gland. Supply of metabolites comes from dietary components, some of which are modified in other tissues, and from mobilization of body lipids and amino acids. There is an interaction between metabolism of body tissues, the supply of dietary nutrients and the milk production potential of the cow (as well as other animals) which has been recognized for quite some time which provide an extreme range of response of animals to even the same diet. While many dairy scientists have been slow to recognize the importance of these interactions, several stations in this project have been studying these interactions across a range of diets, genetic potentials, and stages of lactation <b>(AL, CA, IA, IN, KS, MI, PA,WA</b> and more recently <b>OH, MD, VA)</b>. Data has been used to refine our feeding recommendations on a wide variety of feedstuffs.<br /> New concepts on the interactions of nutrition and gene expression is exemplified with work from several stations: At <b>IN</b> new information on molecular control of enzymes that modulate hepatic gluconeogenesis reveal specific differences between the cow and other animals. At <b>WA</b>, work with supplemental chromium, a nutrient known to be required for many years, a positive feed intake and milk production response was obtained with supplemental chromium, along with a reduction in lipolysis and an increase in lipogenesis in adipose tissue, removing the negative effects of fatty acid mobilization on feed intake in early lactation. <br /> Many nutritionists have now recognized that we cannot do relevant nutritional research without integrating this work with genetics and gene expression. Many nutrients are now known to affect gene expression in several organs, which then alters the animal response to the diet or further changes in the diet. Newer additions to the committee <b>(KS)</b> as well as adapting previous members <b>(AL, IA, IN, MD, MI, OH, VA, WA)</b> have begun serious efforts in identifying genetic responses to diet and to lactation. This work falls presently into the basic aspect-providing hard data to other scientists and advanced professionals on the key interactions of genetics and diet. This holds future promise in even more efficient feeding management and breeding programs. <br /> Major advancements have occurred in our knowledge of the interaction of metabolism and the endocrine system. Studies at <b>AL, IN, and MI</b>, in collaboration with other NC-1040 members, have illustrated the role of nutrition in the IGF-I system of dairy cattle. At <b>IA</b>, the role of glucagon in lipid metabolism has shown its potential for treatment for fatty liver while recent work at <b>KS</b> has begun to provide a mechanistic basis for the involvement of adipose derived cytokines in initiation of fatty liver. Work has also been done on the role of leptin in mammary gland development and regulation of feed intake <b>(MI)</b>.<br /> If we are to improve the accuracy and precision of predicting nutrient use, we must continue to improve mechanistic, dynamic models of metabolism. The newer Dairy Nutrient Requirements book (NRC, 2001) was based in large part on data from this committee. In the 7 years since its publication, it has gained great respect in the industry. However, the process of revision of this document, and the model within it, also pointed out many of the shortcomings in our current knowledge base. The new version is limited especially in predicting dietary nutrient interactions, which consequently hamper our ability to predict rumen microbial metabolism and microbial protein yield and therefore responses to rumen-undegraded protein, carbohydrate, and fat supplements. Other significant limitations are the ability to predict short term versus long-term nutritional responses and changes in body fat and protein use. More mechanistic modeling of the metabolism of the lactating dairy cow will allow for evaluation of these interactions. <br /> The most comprehensive mechanistic and dynamic model of metabolism in the dairy cow is called 'Molly', developed at <b>CA</b> with inputs from most NC-1040 members. Members of this project <b>(IL, MD, NH, PA)</b> also have been instrumental in developing the new NRC model (NRC, 2001), which serves as the standard for dairy ration formulation and evaluation in the US. These different computer nutrition programs are currently in use for predicting nutrient requirements and productivity of lactating dairy cows. While all of these systems are soundly based on available data, all have weaknesses in the areas defined by Objectives 1 and 2. The rate of degradation of feedstuffs, the effect of various dietary carbohydrates on rumen fermentation <br /> and microbial protein synthesis, and quantitative data on metabolic interchanges among nutrients and body tissues limit the accuracy of these systems. New collaborative efforts by the NC-1040 project are needed to remove these inaccuracies. <br /> Molly is limited in its ability to describe the rapid changes in nutrient use that occur in early lactation and in predicting physiological responses to high feed intakes or diets with atypical amino acid, fiber, or starch contents. This is not surprising, given the paucity of these types of data when the model was originally constructed in the 1970 and 1980s. The modeling work done spurred new research into getting those data. Work done by several members of the committee <b>(VA, MD, OH)</b> is being used to challenge Molly for its description of energy use in the viscera and mammary gland. Visceral metabolism can account for the majority of maintenance requirements and can be highly variable. Errors in the model reflected a lack of knowledge of visceral metabolism in early and mid lactation. Using data generated, challenges and improvements to the model describing energy use have been made, further increasing its utility in research and application (McNamara, 2005, 2006). <br /> Quantitative data are still needed on the supply of milk component precursors available under different metabolic and nutritional conditions, such as early lactation. Data also are needed on the metabolic interconversions of nutrients, such as the use of amino acids for gluconeogenesis and thus milk lactose synthesis <b>(MD, VA</b>), and the partitioning of body fat and fat derived from the diet or lipogenesis for milk fat synthesis <b>(WA)</b>. These data will enable further refinement of current nutrition recommendations and aid in interpretation of feeding experiments.<br /> <br /> <b>F. Other Specific accomplishments:</b><br /> <br /> Reductions in feeding levels for ruminally degradable protein would reduce nitrogen losses in manure and improve animal efficiency <b>(VA)</b>. As ammonia emissions from manure are driven by the amount of urinary N deposited in manure, such changes would lead to reduced ammonia emissions from animal and manure storage facilities. Improved knowledge of the mechanisms that regulate milk protein synthesis will allow development of models that better predict the requirements for milk protein synthesis. This in turn will allow more refined estimates of N requirements and reduced safety margins in feeding systems. Such an outcome will also work to reduce ammonia emissions from animal and manures storage facilities. Phosphorus availability in the digestive tract is an important determinant of the amount that must be fed and the amount that is lost in feces. Model development has helped identify key aspects of P digestion that warrant further examination and must be considered in requirement models to achieve greater reductions in P feeding levels <b>(VA)</b>.<br /> This research evaluates the relationships between milk urea nitrogen, plasma urea nitrogen and urine urea nitrogen. Milk urea N can be a used to predict UUN excretion and may be extended to estimate NH3 emissions from dairy cattle manure because there is a strong relationship between UUN excretion and NH3 emissions. The information from this research is being used to test metabolic models for urine urea excretion <b>(CA).</b><br /> Greater use of flax in the nutrition of dairy cattle can supplement lactation diets with not only protein and energy, but compliment the growing interest in designer foods with milk enriched with omega-3 and omega-6 from such grains as flax seed. Furthermore, preliminary evidence suggests that dairy cow fed flax also have improved reproductive health with improved pregnancy rates. It has been estimated that if dairy cow pregnancy rates could be increased, an estimated cost savings to the dairy enterprise of $8.73 per cow per year could be realized for every percentage unit gained <b>(ND).</b><br /> <br /> <br />


H. Publications of NC-1040 Committee members during 2009 reporting year (does not include papers in press or abstracts)<br /> <br /> <br /> Project Collaborative Refereed Publications:<br /> Bobe, G., A. R. Hippen, P. She, G. L. Lindberg, J. W. Young, D. C. Beitz. 2009. Effects of glucagon infusions on protein and amino acid composition of milk from dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 92:130-138. <br /> Bobe, G., J. C. Velez, D. C. Beitz, and S. S. Donkin. 2008. Glucagon Increases Hepatic mRNA Levels of Gluconeogenic and Ureagenic Enzymes in Early Lactation Dairy Cows. J. Dairy Sci. 92:5092-5099<br /> Cyriac, J., A. G. Rius, M. L. McGilliard, R. E. Pearson, B. J. Bequette, and M. D. Hanigan. 2008. Lactation performance of mid-lactation dairy cows fed ruminally degradable protein at concentrations lower than NRC recommendations. J. Dairy Sci. 91:4704-4713. (Impact Factor: 2.361).<br /> Hanigan, M. D., J. France, S. J. Mabjeesh, W. C. McNabb, and B. J. Bequette. 2009. High rates of mammary tissue protein turnover in lactating dairy goats are energetically costly. J. Nutr. 139:1118-1127. <br /> <br /> Individual Station Refereed Publications:<br /> Abdelqader, M. M., A. R. Hippen, K. F. Kalscheur, D. J. Schingoethe, K. Karges, and M. L.Gibson. 2009. Evaluation of corn germ from ethanol production as an alternative fat source in dairy cow diets. J. Dairy Sci. 92:1023-1037.<br /> Allen, M. S., B. J. Bradford, and M. Oba. 2009. BOARD-INVITED REVIEW: The hepatic oxidation theory of the control of feed intake and its application to ruminants. J Anim Sci. 87(10):3317-34.<br /> Araujo, R.C., A.V. Pires, I. Susin, C.Q. Mendes, G.H. Rodrigues, I.U. Packer, and M.L. Eastridge. 2008. Milk yield, milk composition, eating behavior, and lamb performance of ewes fed diets containing soybean hulls replacing coastcross (Cynodon species) hay. J. Anim. Sci. 86:3511-3521.<br /> Autken, S.K., Karcher, E.L., Rezamand, P., Gandy, J.C., VandeHaar, M.J., Capuco, A.V., and Sordillo, L.M. 2009. Evaluation of antioxidant and proinflammatory gene expression in bovine mammary tissue during the periparturient period. J Dairy Sci 92: 589-598.<br /> Bach, A., M. Ruiz Moreno, M. Thrune and M. D. Stern. 2008. Evaluation of fermentation dynamics of soluble crude protein from three protein sources in continuous culture fermenters. J. Anim. Sci. 86:1364-1371. <br /> Baik, M., B.E. Etchebarne, J. Bong and M. J. VandeHaar. 2009 Gene Expression Profiling of Liver and Mammary Tissues of Lactating Dairy Cows. Asian-Aust. J. Anim. Sci. 22: 871-881.<br /> Bateman, II, H. G., T. M. Hill, J. M. Aldrich, and R. L. Schlotterbeck. 2009. Effects of corn processing, particle size, and diet form on performance of calves in bedded pens. J. Dairy Sci. 92:782-789.<br /> Bionaz, M., C. R. Baumrucker, E. Shirk, J. P. Vanden Heuvel, E. Block, and G. A. Varga. 2008. Characterization of mardi-darby bovine kidney cell line for ppars: temporal response and sensitivity to fatty acids. J. Dairy Sci. J. Dairy Sci. 91:2802-2813.<br /> Bobe, G., G. L. Lindberg, L. F. Reutzel, and M. D. Hanigan. 2009. Effects of lipid supplementation on the yield and composition of milk from cows with different ²-lactoglobulin phenotypes. J. Dairy Sci. 92:197-203. (Impact Factor: 2.361).<br /> Bradford, B. J., L. K. Mamedova, J. E. Minton, J. S. Drouillard, and B. J. Johnson. 2009. Daily injection of tumor necrosis factor alpha increases hepatic triglycerides and alters transcript abundance of metabolic genes in lactating dairy cattle. J Nutr. 139(8):1451-1456.<br /> Broderick, G. A., N. D. Luchini, S. M. Reynal, G. A. Varga, and V. A. Ishler. 2008. Effect on production of replacing dietary starch with sucrose in lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 91:4801-4810.<br /> Chang E, S.S. Donkin, and D. Teegarden. 2009. Parathyroid hormone suppresses insulin signaling in adipocytes. Mol Cell Endocrinol. 307:77-82.<br /> Chaves, A. V. C., Mao Long M.L. He, W. Z. Yang, A. N. Hristov, T. McAllister, and C. Benchaar. 2008. Effects of essential oils on proteolytic, deaminative and methanogenic activities of mixed ruminal bacteria. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 88:117-122.<br /> Chung, Y.-H., Pickett, M.M., T. W. Cassidy, and G. A. Varga. 2008. Effects of prepartum dietary carbohydrate source and monensin on periparturient metabolism and lactation in multiparous cows. J. Dairy Sci. J. Dairy Sci. 91:2744-2758. <br /> Clark, J. H., R. A. Christensen, H. G. Bateman, II and K. R. Cummings. 2009. Effects of sodium sesquicarbonate on dry matter intake and production of milk and milk components by Holstein cows. J. Dairy Sci. 92:3354-3363.<br /> Degner SC, Papoutsis AJ, Selmin O, Romagnolo DF. Targeting of aryl hydrocarbon receptor-mediated activation of cyclooxygenase-2 expression by the indole-3-carbinol metabolite 3,3'-diindolylmethane in breast cancer cells. J Nutr. 2009 Jan; 139(1):26-32.<br /> Dekking, L., F. Koning, D. Hosek, T. D. Ondrak, S. L. Taylor, J. W. Schroeder, and M. L. Bauer. 2009. Intolerance of celiac disease patients to bovine milk is not due to the presence of T cell stimulatory epitopes of gluten. Nutr. 25:22-23.<br /> DeVuyst E. A., M. L. Bauer, F. C. Cheng, J. Mitchell, D. Larson. 2008. The impact of a leptin gene SNP on beef calf weaning weights. Anim Genet. 39:284-286.<br /> Diaz, H.L., A.M. Stalford, and J.L. Firkins. 2009. Differential chemotaxis by entodiniomorphids and isotrichids toward peptides of bacterial, protozoal, and soy origin. Microb. Ecol. 57:567-568.<br /> Donkin, S. S., S. Koser, H. White, P. H. Doane, and M. J. Cecava. 2009. Feeding value of glycerol as a replacement for corn grain in rations fed to lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 92:5111-5119.<br /> Eastridge, M.L., P.B. Bucci, and C.V.D.M. Ribeiro. 2008. Feeding equivalent concentrations of forage neutral detergent fiber from alfalfa hay, grass hay, wheat straw, and whole cottonseed in corn silage based diets to lactating cows. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 150:86-94.<br /> El-Kadi, S.W., Baldwin. R.L. VI, McLeod, K.R., Sunny, N.E., and Bequette, B.J. (2009) Glutamate is the major anaplerotic substrate in the tricarboxylic acid cycle of isolated rumen epithelial and duodenal mucosal cells from beef cattle. J. Nutr. 139: 869-875.<br /> Fae, G.S., R. M. Sulc, D.J. Barker, R.P. Dick, M.L. Eastridge, and N. Lorenz. 2009. Integrating winter annual forages into a no-till corn silage system. Agron. J. 101 (5):1286-1296. <br /> Hanigan, M. D., C. C. Palliser, and P. Gregorini. 2009. Altering the representation of hormones and adding consideration of gestational metabolism in a metabolic cow model reduced prediction errors. J. Dairy Sci. 92:5043-5056.<br /> Hill, T. M., H. G. Bateman, II, J. M. Aldrich, and R. L. Schlotterbeck. 2008. Crude Protein for Diets Fed to Weaned Dairy Calves. Prof. Anim. Sci. 24: 596-603.<br /> Hill, T. M., H. G. Bateman, II, J. M. Aldrich, and R. L. Schlotterbeck. 2009. Effects of Consistency of Nutrient Intake from Milk or Milk Replacer on Dairy Calf Performance. Prof. Anim. Sci. 25: 85-92.<br /> Hill, T. M., H. G. Bateman, II, J. M. Aldrich, and R. L. Schlotterbeck. 2009. Effects of Changing the Essential and Functional Fatty Acid Intake of Dairy Calves. J. Dairy Sci. 92:670-676.<br /> Hill, T. M., H. G. Bateman, II, J. M. Aldrich, and R. L. Schlotterbeck. 2009. Roughage for diets fed to weaned dairy calves. Prof. Anim. Sci. 25: 283-288.<br /> Hill, T. M., H. G. Bateman, II, J. M. Aldrich, and R. L. Schlotterbeck. 2009. Optimizing nutrient ratios in milk replacers for calves less than five weeks of age. J. Dairy Sci. 92:3281-3291.<br /> Hill, T. M., H. G. Bateman, II, J. M. Aldrich, and R. L. Schlotterbeck. 2009. Effects of fat concentration in a high-protein milk replacer on calf performance. J. Dairy Sci. 92:5147-5153.<br /> Hill, T. M., H. G. Bateman, II, J. M. Aldrich, and R. L. Schlotterbeck. 2009. Effect of weaning age of dairy calves fed a conventional or more optimum milk replacer program. Prof. Anim. Sci. 25: 619-624.<br /> Horn NL, Donkin SS, Applegate TJ, Adeola O. 2009. Intestinal mucin dynamics: response of broiler chicks and White Pekin ducklings to dietary threonine. Poult Sci. 88:1906-1914.<br /> Hristov, A.N., C.E. Basel, A. Melgar, A.E. Foley, J.K. Ropp, C.W. Hunt, and J.M. Tricarico. 2008. Effect of exogenous polysaccharide-degrading enzyme preparations on ruminal fermentation and total tract digestibility of nutrients in lactating dairy cows. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 145:182-193.<br /> Hristov, A.N., J.K. Ropp, S. Zaman, and A. Melgar. 2008. Effect of essential oils on ruminal fermentation and ammonia release in vitro. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 144:55-64. <br /> Kadegowda A.K.G., M. Bionaz, L.S. Piperova, R. A. Erdman, and J. J. Loor. 2009 Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma activation and long-chain fatty acids alter lipogenic gene networks in bovine mammary epithelial cells to various extents J. Dairy Sci. 92: 4276-4289.<br /> Kadegowda. A. K. G., M. Bionaz, B. Thering, L. S. Piperova, R. A. Erdman, and J.J. Loor. 2009. Identification of Internal Controls for Quantitative PCR in Mammary Tissue of Lactating Cows Receiving Lipid Supplements J. Dairy Sci. 92:2007-2019. <br /> Karnati, S.K.R., J.T. Sylvester, C.V.D.M. Ribeiro, L.E. Gilligan, and J.L. Firkins. 2009. Investigating unsaturated fat, monensin, or bromoethanesulfonate in continuous cultures retaining ruminal protozoa. I. Fermentation, biohydrogenation, and microbial protein synthesis. J. Dairy Sci. 92:3849-3860.<br /> Karnati, S.K.R., Z. Yu, and J.L. Firkins. 2009. Investigating unsaturated fat, monensin, or bromoethanesulfonate in continuous cultures retaining ruminal protozoa. II. Interaction of treatment and presence of protozoa on prokaryotic communities. J. Dairy Sci. 92:3861-3873.<br /> Kozelov, L.K., F. Iliev, A.N. Hristov, S. Zaman, and T.A. McAllister. 2008. Effect of fibrolytic enzymes and an inoculant on in vitro degradability and gas production of low-dry matter alfalfa silage. J. Sci. Food Agric. 88:2568-2575.<br /> Lardy, G. P., B. A. Loken, V. L. Anderson, D. M. Larson, K. R. Maddock-Carlin, B. R. Ilse, R. Maddock, J. L. Leupp, R. Clark, J. A. Paterson, and M. L. Bauer. 2009. Effects of increasing field pea (Pisum sativum) level in high-concentrate diets on growth performance and carcass traits in finishing steers and heifers. J Anim Sci. 87:3335-3341.<br /> McPhee, M. J., J. W. Oltjen, J. G. Fadel, D. G. Mayer and R. D. Sainz. 2009. Parameter estimation and sensitivity analysis of fat deposition models in beef steers using acslXtreme. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation. 79:2701-2712.<br /> Mikolayunas-Sandrock, C., L. E. Armentano, D. L. Thomas, and Y. M. Berger. 2009. Effect of protein degradability on milk production of dairy ewes. J Dairy Sci 92: 4507-4513.<br /> Mullins, C. R., K. N. Grigsby, and B. J. Bradford. 2009. Effects of alfalfa inclusion rate on productivity of lactating dairy cattle fed wet corn gluten feed based diets. J Dairy Sci. 92(7):3510-3516.<br /> Mulrooney, C. N., D. J. Schingoethe, K. F. Kalscheur, A. R. Hippen. 2009. Canola meal replacing dried distillers grains with solubles in lactating dairy cow diets. J. Dairy Sci. 92:5669-5676.<br /> Ndegwa, P.M., A.N. Hristov, J. Arogo, and R.E. Sheffield. 2008. A Review of Ammonia Emissions Mitigation Techniques for Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations. Biosystems Engineering, 100:453  469.<br /> Oelker, E.R., C. Reveneau, and J.L. Firkins. 2009. Interaction of molasses and monensin in alfalfa hay- or corn silage-based diets on rumen fermentation, total tract digestibility and milk production by Holstein cows. J. Dairy Sci. 92:270-285.<br /> Oliver, C. E., B. K. Magelky, M. L. Bauer, F. C. Cheng, J. S. Caton, H. Hakk, G. L. Larsen, R. C. Anderson, D. J. Smith. 2008. Fate of chlorate present in cattle wastes and its impact on Salmonella Typhimurium and Escherichia coli O157:H7. J Agric Food Chem. 56:6573-6583.<br /> Riasi, A., M. Danesh Mesgaran, M. Ruiz Moreno, M. D. Stern. 2008. Chemical composition, in situ ruminal degradability and post-ruminal disappearance of dry matter and crude protein from the halophytic plants Kochia scoparia, Atriplex dimorphostegia, Suaeda arcuata and Gamanthus gamacarpus Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. Vol. 141/3-4:209-219.<br /> Siddiqui SM, Chang E, Li J, Burlage C, Zou M, Buhman KK, Koser S, Donkin SS, Teegarden D. 2009. Dietary intervention with vitamin D, calcium, and whey protein reduced fat mass and increased lean mass in rats. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol. 112:122-126.<br /> Singh, K., R. A. Erdman, K. M. Swanson, A. J. Molenaar, N. J. Maqbool, T. T., J. Arias, E. Quinn-Walsh, and K. Stelwagen. 2009. Epigenetic Regulation of Milk Production in Dairy Cows. J. Mammary Gland Biol. Neoplasia. 14 (In Press).<br /> Sylvester, J.T., S.K.R. Karnati, B.A. Dehority, M. Morrison, G.L. Smith, N.R. St-Pierre, and J.L. Firkins. 2009.Rumen protozoa decrease generation time and adjust 18S rDNA copies to adapt to decreased transfer interval, starvation, and monensin. J. Dairy Sci. 92:256-269.<br /> Tabe E. S., J. Oloya, D. K. Doetkott, M. L. Bauer, P. S. Gibbs, M. L. Khaitsa. 2008. Comparative effect of direct-fed microbials on fecal shedding of Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella in naturally infected feedlot cattle. J Food Prot. 71:539-544.<br /> Taylor, M. S., K. F. Knowlton, M. L. McGilliard, W. S. Swecker, J. D. Ferguson, Z. Wu, and M. D. Hanigan. 2009. Dietary calcium has little effect on mineral balance and bone mineral metabolism through 20 weeks of lactation in Holstein cows. J. Dairy Sci. 92:223-237. (Impact Factor: 2.361).<br /> Teegarden D and S. S. Donkin. 2009. Vitamin D: emerging new roles in insulin sensitivity. Nutr Res Rev. 22:82-92.<br /> Teegarden D., and S.S. Donkin. 2009. Vitamin D: emerging new roles in insulin sensitivity. Nutr Res Rev. 22:82-92.<br /> Thorson, J. F., B. J. Karren, M. L. Bauer, C. A. Cavinder, J. A. Coverdale, and C. J. Hammer. 2009. Effect of Selenium Supplementation and Dietary Energy Manipulation on Mares and Their Foals: Foaling Data. J. Anim. Sci. (Accepted)<br /> Thrune, M., A. Bach, M. Ruiz-Moreno, M.D. Stern and J.G. Linn. 2009. Effects of saccharomyces cerevisiae on ruminal pH and microbial fermentation in dairy cows. Livestock Sci. Vol. 124:261-265.<br /> Toshniwal, J. K., C. D. Dechow, B. G. Cassell, J. A. D. R. N. Appuhamy, and G. A. Varga. 2008. Heritability of electronically recorded daily body weight and correlations with yield, dry matter intake and body condition score. J Dairy Sci. 91:3201-3210.<br /> Vander Pol, M., A. N. Hristov, S. Zaman, N. Delano, C. Schneider. 2008. Effect of inclusion of peas in dairy cow diets on ruminal fermentation, digestibility, and nitrogen losses. Anim. Feed Sci. Technol. 150:95105.<br /> Vyas, D., and R. A. Erdman. 2009. Meta-analysis of milk protein yield responses to lysine and methionine supplementation. J Dairy Sci. 92:5011-5018. <br /> Zeng, R., Bequette, B.J., Vinyard, B.T., and Bannerman, D.D. (2009) Determination of milk and blood concentrations of lipopolysaccharide-binding protein in cows with naturally acquired subclinical and clinical mastitis. J. Dairy Sci. 92: 980-989.<br /> <br /> Conference Proceedings, Theses, and Popular Press Articles:<br /> Abdelqader, M. 2008. Evaluation of Feeding Fat from Corn Coproducts on Performance of Lactating Dairy Cows. Ph.D. Dissertation, South Dakota State University, Brookings. 132 pp. <br /> Appuhamy, J.A.D.R.N., A.L. Bell, J. Escobar, and M. D. Hanigan. 2009. Effects of essential amino acid deprivation on protein synthesis signaling in bovine mammary epithelial cells in-vitro. Pp424-425 in XIth International Symposium on Ruminant Physiology (Chilliard, Y. Glasser, F. Faulconnier, Y., Bocquier, F., Veissier, I., and Doreau, M., eds.). Wageningen Academic Publishers, Wageningen<br /> Gale Bateman. 2009. Plot your course, but know where the exits are located. Progressive Dairyman. Issue 9, June 12, 2009. pp 46-47<br /> Garcia, A. D., A. R. Hippen. 2008. Alimentación de las vacas lecheras para condición corporal. SDSU Extension Extra, EXEX4040s, June. <br /> Garcia, A. D., A. R. Hippen. 2008. Feeding dairy cows for body condition score. SDSU Extension Extra. ExEx. 4040, June. <br /> Garcia, A. D., A. R. Hippen. 2008. Preventative feeding of the dairy cow in transition Dairy Star,12/27, pg. 16<br /> Garcia, A. D., A. R. Hippen. 2009. Alimentación preventiva de la vaca lechera en transición. Albeitar. No. 125. 10-12.<br /> Garcia, A. D., A. R. Hippen. 2009. Preventative feeding of the dairy cow in transition. Progressive Dairyman, Issue 4. Pp. 13-15. <br /> Garcia, A. D., K. F. Kalscheur, A. R. Hippen, and K. Rosentrater. 2009. O problema resultante da presença de micotoxinas em grãos de destilaría destinados a rumiantes. Albeitar: publicacion veterinaria independendiente, Portugal, March/April, No. 2. pp. 48-53.<br /> Garcia, A. D., K. F. Kalscheur, A. R. Hippen, D. J. Schingoethe, K. Rosentrater. 2008. Mycotoxins in corn distillers grains: a concern in ruminants? SDSU Extension Extra, ExEx4038, March <br /> Garcia, A. D., K. F. Kalscheur, A. R. Hippen, K. Rosentrater. 2008. Micotoxinas en granos de destileria. Una preocupacion en rumiantes? SDSU Extension Extra, ExEx4038-S, April <br /> Garcia, A. D., K. F. Kalscheur, A. R. Hippen, R. Schafer. 2008. High priced corn and dairy cow rations. Progressive Dairyman. 11:1-3. <br /> Schingoethe, D. J., A. D. Garcia, K. F. Kalscheur, A. R. Hippen, and K. Rosentrater. 2009. El azufre en los granos de destilería para el ganado lechero. South Dakota State University, Cooperative Extension Service. ExEx4039S.<br /> Schroeder, J.W. 2009. Cold Temps Hinder Silage Production. Hay & Forage Grower. October 29. <br /> Schroeder, J.W. 2009 Cold Temps Hinder Silage Production. Hay & Forage Grower. Dairy Today magazine and E-moo Dairy Newsletter. October 12.<br /> Schroeder, J.W. 2009. Preservatives make wet hay useable. September 14. Feedstuffs Vol 81, No 40, p 25<br /> Schroeder, J.W. 2009. Organic acids help protect corn. December 14. Feedstuffs Vol 81, No 51, p 11-12.<br /> Schroeder, J.W. 2009. Surviving in a down economy. MaxYield Cooperative. February 10.<br /> Schroeder, J.W. 2009. Dont let pre-weaned dairy calves go hungry. MaxYield Cooperative. February 17.<br /> Schroeder, J.W. 2009. Proper harvesting, storage impacts silage quality. MaxYield Cooperative. July 7.<br /> Schroeder, J.W. 2009. Watch for signs of depression. MaxYield Cooperative. August 4.<br /> Schroeder, J.W. 2009. Heifer synchronization programs can be cost effective. MaxYield Cooperative. August 11.<br /> Schroeder, J.W. 2009. Dairy farm managers dare to compare. MaxYield Cooperative. September 8.<br /> Schroeder, J.W. 2009. Stop feed loss to birds. MaxYield Cooperative. October 6.<br /> Schroeder, J.W. 2009. Stop feed loss to birds. MaxYield Cooperative. Dairy Today. September 21.<br /> Schroeder, J.W. 2009. Preservatives make wet hay useable. MaxYield Cooperative. October 6.<br /> Schroeder, J.W. 2009. Feed Frozen 'Silage' Carefully. Hay & Forage Grower and eCornSilage Newsletter. November 24. index.html <br /> Sumner, J. M., C. Schachtschneider, A. Hutjens, A. Youngquist, G.Duncan, S. Rocco, S., J. Miller, J. L Vierck and J.P. McNamara. 2009. Regulation of dairy cattle adipose tissue metabolism by adrenergic control systems and gene transcription mechanisms dictating increased overall efficiency. International Society of Ruminant Digestion and Physiology, Clermont-Ferrand, France, September 2009.<br /> Schactschneider, C., Youngquist, A., Rocco, S. M., Vierck, J. L. and J. P. McNamara. 2009. Using a dynamic metabolic model to investigate patterns of nutrient flux in the most efficient dairy animals and to integrate gene expression data into metabolic control. 7th International Workshop on Modeling Nutrient use in Farm Animals, Paris, France,<br /> Williams, C. M., C. M. Dschaak, J.-S. Eun, A. J. Young, and J. W. MacAdam. 2009. Ruminal metabolism during continuous culture fermentation when replacing alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) hay with birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus corniculatus L.) hay. Pages 148-151 in Proceedings, Western Section, American Society of Animal Science, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO.<br />

Impact Statements

  1. <b>Objective 1</b> Intake of milk replacer powder impacts digestibility of nutrients both during the milk fed and early post weaning periods. (Akey)
  2. 2. Fat content (or possibly energy to protein ratio) of milk replacer powders impacts dry (starter) feed intake and has a negative relationship to nutrient digestibility in milk fed calves. (Akey)
  3. 3. Yeast culture had tended to reduce ammonia concentration and increase microbial protein synthesis in the rumen and decreased ammonia and methane emissions from dairy manure.(PA)
  4. 4. Replacement of starch with dry glycerin in the diet of lactating dairy cows resulted in increased total VFA production, decreased acetate to propionate ratio, and higher DM digestibility. (PA)
  5. 5. The fermentability of starch can impact milk fatty acid synthesis in the presence of unsaturated fat from distillers grains in diets of dairy cows. Awareness of this will allow dairy producers to formulate diets with distillers grains and maintain milk fat production. (SD)
  6. 6. Experiments with co-ensiling of distillers with corn silage and haylage provide an alternative storage for small and mid-sized dairy producers to use biofuels co-products in rations. Co-ensiling with previously ensiled forage provides a mechanism to preserve wet distillers grains that is flexible and can be used in west distillers grains are favorably priced. (IN)
  7. 7. Use of flaxseed in the nutrition of dairy cattle can supplement lactation, grower, and starter diets with not only protein and energy, but also compliment the emerging interest in properties that may offer human health benefits as well as advance designer foods such as milk enriched with omega-3 fatty acids. If flaxseed is used at just two pounds per head per day for 200 days of lactation in just one-half of all lactating dairy cattle in the US, then approximately 1.2 million acres of flaxseed would be required producing 28 bushels per acre. (ND)
  8. 8. Dietary molasses may serve as a simple tool to help prevent milk fat depression. (KS)
  9. 9. Encapsulated niacin is a commercially-available ingredient that can be used to limit postpartum lipolysis and ketogenesis, although effects on feed intake must also be considered.(KS)
  10. Objective 2. 1. Experiments on control of PEPCK and G-6-Pase expression contribute to an understanding the basic biology of hepatic nutrient metabolism in dairy cattle. This information will enable further investigation of the mechanism of propionate in induction of PEPCK and relationship to milk production and health. (IN)
  11. 2. Encapsulated niacin is a commercially-available ingredient that can be used to limit postpartum lipolysis and ketogenesis, although effects on feed intake must also be considered. (KS)
  12. 3. The role of substrates and enzyme gene expression in regulation of carbon flux into gluconeogenic pathways is being characterized. (MD)
  13. 4. Studies of urea cycling demonstrate the relative impacts of GIT transfer and rumen microbial N capture on nitrogen efficiency in ruminants. (MD)
  14. 5. The role of ruminally-protected choline in methionine metabolism and the potential to spare methionine for milk protein synthesis and reduce dietary levels of protein. (MD)
  15. 6. Protein synthesis would be better represented as a function of energy supply, hormonal signals, and individual amino acid availability at the mammary glands. These signaling pathways will result in variably efficiencies of conversion of post-absorptive N to milk N. Such a system is not consistent with the current single-limiting nutrient paradigm encoded in requirement models. Use of the single-limiting nutrient approach will prevent selection of dietary inputs that result in greater animal efficiency due to over-predictions of production losses associated with a single nutrient deficiency. (VA)Identification of skeletal muscle proteins that are up- or down-regulated with onset of lactation have been identified and fall into the categories of structural protein fragments energy metabolism enzymes. (AL)
  16. 7. A safe preventative for Johnes disease can be developed in dairy cattle that does not affect the quality of milk intended for human consumption. (IA)
  17. Objective 3. 1. A nutrition model in excel was developed for comparing new systems with the current NRC model. This model will soon be released and has field and research applications. (MI)
  18. 2. A model to predict enteric methane production was developed and compared with other published models for applicability of use in field evaluations. (Akey)
  19. 3. Mathematical representation of mTOR dedendent insulin and essential amino acid signaling was developed and will serve as a framework for development of a more comprehensive cell signaling model. This model can be used to derive the information required to support inclusion of an equation set in whole animal models that represents variable post-absorptive N efficiency. Such an outcome will allow feeding of lower protein diets while maintaining animal productivity which will improve animal efficiency and reduce N release to the environment. (VA)
  20. 4. The global sensitivity analyses, when fully implemented, will be used by modelers worldwide and has implications for identifying important parameters relative to given output responses in our project. The ammonia N emission experiment will provide information in modeling maximal ammonia N emissions and shows the relationship between ammonia N emissions and milk urea N. (CA)
  21. 5. The Molly model effectively described the efficiency of conversion of absorbed nutrients, synthetic ability of the mammary gland, and metabolic flux in body tissues, the model can describe key differences in patterns of energy and nitrogen use between lesser and more efficient cows. (CA, VA, WA)
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Date of Annual Report: 12/01/2010

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 10/25/2010 - 10/26/2010
Period the Report Covers: 11/01/2009 - 10/01/2010


Participants present: Armentano, Louis ( - University of Wisconsin; Bateman, Gale (; Bradford, Barry ( Kansas State University; Donkin, Shawn ( - Purdue; Erdman, Richard ( - University of Maryland; Eun, Jong-Su ( - Utah State University; Fadel, James ( - University of California - Davis; Firkins, Jeffrey ( - The Ohio State University; Hanigan, Mark ( - Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Hippen, Arnold ( - South Dakota State University; Hristov, Alex ( - Pennsylvania State University; Kebreab, Ermias ( - University of California - Davis; McNamara, John ( Washington State University; Vandehaar, Michael ( - Michigan State University; Waldron, Matthew ( - University of Missouri; USDA representative: Smith, Steven (;

Participants submitting a written report, but not present:

Beitz, Donald ( - Iowa State University; Bauer, Marc ( - North Dakota State University; Bequette, Brian ( - University of Maryland; Crooker, Brian ( - University of Minnesota; Cummins, Keith ( - Auburn University; Harvatine, Kevin ( - Pennsylvania State University; Romagnolo, Donato ( - The University of Arizona; Schroeder, J. W. ( - North Dakota State University; Stern, Marshall ( - University of Minnesota; Varga, Gabriella ( - Pennsylvania State University; Administrative Assistant: David Benfield (

Brief Summary of Minutes

The following includes a summary of minutes of the Annual Meeting (October 25-26, 2010), additional information from the station reports, and information about accomplishments and progress of NC-1040.:

A. Administration

1. Election of new officers and 2011 meeting schedule.

Promotion of Current Secretary to Chair 2010-2011: Alex Hristov
New Secretary 2010-2011: Jun-Su Eun
Next years meeting for NC-1040: Chicago, near O'Hare, October 24 and 25, 2011.

2. Steve Smith (National Program Leader, Animal Production Systems USDA-NIFA) shared thoughts about the new NIFA:
o Dr. Catherine Woteki - Sworn in, October 4, 2010 as Under Secretary of Agriculture for Research, Education & Economics. Formerly Global Director of Scientific Affairs for Mars, Incorporated.
o Refocusing NIFA priorities: Climate change, Bioenergy, Food safety, Nutrition and childhood obesity, Global food security
o New Organizational Structure: Two Deputy Directors - Career-level immediate executive staff.
o Four Institutes - Multi-disciplinary, outcome-based teams. Each Institute will be co-lead by a Principal Scientist and an Assistant Director
o Institutes will: Be led by scientists + effective administrators with experience in USDA policies; Look to examples of best practices for operations of the institutes, and Seek advice and input from external groups of stakeholders and expert scientists.
o NIFA structure - institute of food production and sustainability (probably most related to NC1040).
° Main Goal: Enhancing global food security through productive and sustainable agricultural systems.
o AFRI request for proposals: RFAs for FY2011 are currently being developed and will be released by the end of the year.
o Discussed NIFA budget -budget probably Jan-Feb'11.
o Discussion on attracting students into agriculture (graduate and undergraduate).
3. Discussed participation by group members in Experimental Biology meetings and American Society for Nutrition activities within those meetings. Considered ideas for increasing interest among animal scientists.


Refer to Summary of Minutes section, attachment "copy of minutes", for full Annual Report.<br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />


Refer to Summary of Minutes section, attachment "copy of minutes", for full Annual Report.

Impact Statements

  1. Refer to Summary of Minutes section, attachment "copy of minutes", for full Annual Report.
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Date of Annual Report: 12/01/2011

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 10/24/2011 - 10/25/2011
Period the Report Covers: 12/01/2010 - 10/01/2011


Participants present:

; Boisclair, Yves ( - Cornell University; Bateman, Gale (; Donkin, Shawn ( Purdue University; Eun Jong-Su ( secretary, Utah State University; Firkins, Jeffrey ( The Ohio State University; Hanigan, Mark ( - Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Hristov, Alex ( Chair, Pennsylvania State University; Kebreab, Ermias ( and Fadel, James ( University of California, Davis; Stern, Marshall ( - University of Minnesota; Vandehaar, Michael ( - Michigan State University; Administrative Assistant: David Benfield (; Steve Smith ( NIFA-USDA (on conference call).

Participants submitting a written report, but not present:;Armentano, Louis ( - University of Wisconsin; Harvatine, Kevin ( and Varga, Gabriella ( State University; Crooker, Brian ( - University of Minnesota; Schroeder, J. W. ( and Bauer, Marc ( - North Dakota State University; Bradford, Barry ( Kansas State University; Beitz, Donald ( Iowa State University; Rossow, Heidi ( University of California Davis; Bequette, Brian ( and Erdman, Richard ( - University of Maryland; and Cummins, Keith ( Auburn University.

Participants not present and not submitting a written report:;Donato, Romagnolo ( - University of Arizona; McLeod, Kyle ( - University of Kentucky; Waldron, Matthew ( - University of Missouri; Lambert, Barry ( - Texas AgriLife Research; Drackley, James ( - University of Illinois.

Brief Summary of Minutes

Minutes of the Annual Meeting (October 24-25, 2011):

Monday, October 24: The Administrative Assistant, Dr. David Benfield, talked about NRSP-9 (National Research Support Project) National Animal Nutrition Program, organized by NIFA. An important topic of discussion was the NC1040 rewrite, due Sept 2012. Dr. Benfield provided deadline dates and guidelines for the rewrite.

Dr. Steve Smith, USDA-NIFA participated in the meeting via a conference call. Dr. Smith provided NIFA structure, personnel, and funding update. Seven RFA have been released: Foundational Program - Released 1/7/2011; Childhood Obesity Prevention - Released 1/26/2011; Climate Change - Released 09/21/2011; Global Food Security - Released 09/29/2011; Food Safety Released 05/25/2011; Sustainable Bioenergy 09/21/2011; NIFA Fellowships Grant Program - Released 09/21/2011. Opportunities with joint NIH-NIFA, NSF, NIH, and UK programs were presented.

The following station reports were presented: Cornell University (Yves Boisclair); Virginia Tech University (Mark Hanigan); University of California, Davis (Ermias Kebreab); Michigan State University (Michael VandeHaar), Dr. VandeHaar presented a recently awarded NIFA grant (Genomic selection and herd management to improve feed efficiency of the dairy industry); Purdue University (Shawn Donkin); University of Minnesota (Marshall Stern); Ohio State University (Jeff Firkins); University of California, Davis (Jim Fadel); and Pennsylvania State University (Alex Hristov).

Extensive discussion on NC1040 rewrite took place. First, the objectives of the project were discussed and modifications proposed. The following modified objectives were agreed upon by the Committee:

1. To quantify supply, availability, and interaction of nutrients and bioactive compounds utilized for efficient milk production while reducing environmental impact.

2. To identify and quantify molecular, cellular, and organismal signals that regulate partitioning and efficient conversion of nutrients to milk.

3. To integrate nutrient flow, regulation, and genomic information using a systems approach to improve dairy herd efficiency and sustainability.

Tuesday, October 25

First, the Committee elected new officers and a venue for next year's meeting: Chair and Secretary for the 2012 meeting: Jong-Su Eun (Utah State University) and Yves Boisclair (Cornell University), respectively. It was decided that the 2012 meeting will be held in Salt Lake City, UT, October 22 - 23.

Discussion on NC1040 Objectives and Title continued. It was decided that the title will remain unchanged: Metabolic Relationships in Supply of Nutrients for Lactating Cows.

The following dates for the project rewrite were specified (dates start in the fall, one year prior to the project's expiration date):

September 15: Deadline to submit a request to write a proposal in NIMSS and upload the Issues and Justifications section.

October 15: Deadline to upload the Objectives section in NIMSS. Please contact the NCRA office when this is complete and we will send out the national request for participation.

November 15: All participants and their AES offices should have submitted completed Appendix E forms into NIMSS.

December 1: Completed proposal is due in NIMSS in its entirely. Failure to meet this deadline may result in the project not being reviewed and renewed this round.

December 15: AA review forms due in NIMSS.

Mid-late December: All proposals are sent to NC regional review committees (NCACs) and multistate research committee (MRC)

Late March/Early April: Final project reviews and decisions made at the NCRA Spring meeting. The NCRA office will notify project Administrative Advisors (AAs) of results and send any requested revisions to project AAs by mid-April.

June 1: All proposal revisions must be completed in NIMSS.

Mid-July: the NCRA reviews all revisions and makes any remaining project decisions. When your project is approved, it will be assigned a new NC number unless a request to retain the old designation was submitted with the proposal.

September 30: Old projects expire.

October 1: New projects begin.

March 31: Termination reports for expired projects due in NIMSS.

The following Committee was selected to coordinate the project rewrite:

Chair: Dr. John McNamara

Coordinator for Objective 1: Dr. Jeff Firkins (Assistants: Dr. Alex Hristov and Dr. Lou Armentano)

Coordinator for Objective 2: Dr. Barry Bradford (Assistants: Dr. Yves Boisclair and Dr. Shawn Donkin)

Coordinator for Objective 3: Dr. Mark Hanigan (Assistants: Dr. Ermias Kebreab and Dr. Jim Fadel)

Coordinator on Logic Model: Dr. Mike VandeHaar

There was a discussion on how to deal with committee members who do not come to committee meetings and/or do not submit annual reports. It was decided that Dr. Benfield will ask these members if they would continue their membership in NC1040.

The meeting adjourned.


<b>Mike VandeHaar (Michigan State University, Obj. 2 and 3):</b> Studies with calves conducted at Michigan State University showed that supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids tended to decrease the expression of the pro-inflammatory cytokine TNF± and reduce the temperature increase in response to a Pasteurella vaccine. Results indicate that supplementation may affect the ability of the calves to respond to a disease challenge. Several studies were conducted in collaboration with Wageningen University investigated the effect of long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids on the expression of lipogenic genes, including acetyl-CoA carboxylase (ACC), fatty acid synthase (FAS) and stearoyl-CoA desaturase 1 (SCD1), in the bovine mammary gland. Results demonstrate that acetate upregulates the expression of ACC and SCD1 in MAC-T cells, which indicates that acetate may increase de novo synthesis and desaturation of fatty acids in the bovine mammary gland. In another study, 12 cows in mid-lactation were fed diets with varying concentrations of protein (11, 15, and 19% CP with added CP mostly from expeller soybean meal) for 11-day periods in a Latin square design. Biopsies of mammary and liver tissues were collected on day 11. Milk protein output was decreased about 15% in the low protein diets. Cows fed low protein compensated for low protein intake by improved efficiency of protein use and by decreased body N balance. Liver genes were previously reported with some genes of protein catabolism and ureagenesis being down-regulated by low protein. In mammary tissue, we found that low protein increased expression of aminopeptidase N (ANPEP), a peptide transporter, and cationic amino acid transporter 1 (CAT1). The work on the Spartan Dairy Ration Evaluator/Balancer 3.0 program was completed and was released for sale in October 2011 with an update to fix minor bugs this past summer. We anticipate coding for an optimizer module in the next year.<p><br /> <br /> <b>Louis Armentano (University of Wisconsin, Obj. 2): </b>Data from three experiments were used to evaluate the relationship between milk C17:0 to C15:0 and plasma NEFA concentrations. The PROC REG procedure of SAS was used to evaluate data from all 3 studies (n = 205 observations). The concentration of plasma NEFA was regressed on the ratio of milk C17:0 to C15:0 and milk C18:0 to C14:0 using the stepwise procedure to select the best model, evaluating if there was a relationship. The effects of trial, period, treatment, and cow were ignored and therefore the model was not adjusted. The ratio of C18:0 to C14:0 was dropped from the model since it did not meet the P < 0.15 significance level for entry. The R2 = 0.54 (P < 0.001) for C17:0 to C15:0 and this was not improved by adding C18:0/C14:0. When C18:0 to C14:0 was used alone, the R2 = 0.40 (P < 0.001). C17:C15 did not appear related to C18:C14. Results from observing this relationship suggest that using the ratio of milk C17:0 to C15:0 in experiments may assess a loss of body weight and mobilization of adipose stores as indicated by increased plasma NEFA concentrations.<p><br /> <br /> <b>Alex Hristov, Kevin Harvatine, and Gabriella Varga (Pennsylvania State University, Obj. 1 and 2):</b> A study was conducted to investigate the effect of rumen-protected Met (RPMet) supplementation of LowCP diets on dairy cow performance. Results showed that reduced CP diets (LowCP), supplemented with rumen-protected amino acids maintained milk production similar to the high-CP diet, except that protein concentration was significantly decreased without RPMet supplementation. Nitrogen losses and ammonia emissions from manure were dramatically decreased with the LowCP diets. Another experiment investigated the effect of dietary CP level and rumen-protected Lys (RPLys) and RPMet supplementation on apparent total tract digestibility (ATTD) of amino acids (AA) and recovery in milk protein in dairy cows. Results showed that supplementation of LowCP with RPLys and RPMet increased ATTD of total intake Lys and Met, respectively. Supplementation, however, reduced the apparent efficiency of utilization of total intake Lys and Met for milk protein secretion. The apparent efficiency of utilization of all dietary AA for milk protein secretion was increased by decreasing dietary protein intake. The effects of dietary supplementation with Origanum vulgare L. leaves (OL) on production and milk fatty acid (FA) composition was investigated in an experiment with 8 ruminally-cannulated Holstein cows. Oregano leaves fed at 250 to 750 g/d decreased linearly DMI and tended to quadratically increase milk yield in dairy cows. Feed efficiency was increased with all OL inclusion levels. Oregano leaves tended to decrease methane production in the rumen and milk fatty acid composition. The effect of timing of feed intake on the pattern of milk synthesis was studied in a crossover design trial with 20 Holstein cows. Milk yield was different by time (P<0.001) with peak yield at 0200 h and 2000 h and a nadir at 1400 h. There was a treatment by time interaction for milk fat percent, but 4x fed resulted in higher milk fat percent at all time points compared to 1x fed (0.22 to 0.45% higher; P<0.05). Daily fat yield was increased 0.13 kg/d by 4x feeding (P< 0.001). However, milk protein percent and daily yield were higher in 1x fed (0.1% and 0.05kg/d; P<0.001). This study found that dairy cows have a circadian pattern of milk synthesis that is responsive to the timing of feed intake. Two experiments tested the effect of fatty acid supplements on milk production and composition. Results showed that Ca-FA (Megalac) decreases milk fat content relative to free FA high in palmitic acid in high producing cows but not in low producing cows. Under some circumstances, free FA high in palmitic acid can increase yield of milk and of milk components.<p><br /> <br /> <b>J.W. Schroeder and Marc Bauer (North Dakota State University, Obj. 1):</b> A study with 40 lactating cows was conducted to evaluate the effects of combining regionally grown byproducts into supplements on milk yield and composition. The control diet was composed of corn silage, alfalfa haylage, alfalfa hay, soybean meal, corn gluten meal, blood meal, vitamins, and minerals and fed in a total mixed ration. The treatment-fed cows received a diet replacing soybean meal with canola meal, reducing the portion of corn gluten meal, and adding field peas, beet pulp pellets, corn distillers grains with solubles, wheat middling, and soybean hulls in place of cracked corn. The inclusion of the byproducts to the treatment diet did not alter DMI, body condition score, or weight gained when compared to cows fed the control diet during the experimental period. Results showed that dairy cow lactation diets supplemented with 16% of DM as byproduct resulted in similar production outcomes for actual milk yield and milk composition. <p><br /> <br /> <b>Shawn Donkin (Purdue University, Obj. 1 and 2):</b> A replicated 4x4 Latin square design study investigated the effect of supplying different levels of lysine to dairy cows on gene expression in the liver and mammary gland. The study also evaluated effects on milk production and composition and fecal and urinary nitrogen concentrations. The study is the first to encompass production, nitrogen balance, and gene expression data with increased supply of lysine through by-passing the rumen. These results may aid in understanding the mechanisms by which liver responds to alteration of lysine supply. Another experiment with 30 multiparous early lactation Holstein cows examined the effect of protein balance in early lactating dairy cattle on expression of AASS, a committing step in lysine catabolism by liver, and ornithine transcarbamoylase (OTC), a general indicator of protein utilization and ureagenesis. No significant correlations between gene expression and positive protein balance were observed. The data indicate that expression of lysine catabolism and ureagenic genes in the liver are responsive to protein balance in early lactating dairy cattle and suggest enhanced sensitivity when protein is limiting. The objectives of a 3rd experiment were to clone the promoter region of bovine PEPCK-M, to determine the transcription factor binding sites within the proximal promoter region and determine the response of bovine PEPCK-M to nutrients and hormones. Data from this experiment suggest that PEPCK-M may be regulated by propionate supply to kidney which may serve to enhance the capacity for mitochondrial phosphoenolpyruvate flux and gluconeogenesis.<p><br /> <br /> <b>Barry Bradford (Kansas State University, Obj. 1 and 2):</b> A study evaluated the effects of supplementing commercial rumen-protected amino acids in a diet that was predicted to have marginally deficient lysine and methionine supply. Ninety-six lactating Holstein cows (33 first lactation; 63 second or greater lactation), averaging 186 days in milk, were enrolled in this study. <br /> Results demonstrated little response to the supplementation of the rumen-protected amino acids lysine and methionine. Given the results, it is likely that the diet fed to control cows was not deficient in these amino acids or the supplemental amino acid products that were used did not efficiently escape ruminal degradation. Another study with 32 Holstein transition cows investigated the effects of monensin on metabolic profile and feeding behavior of transition dairy cows. As expected, intake was noticeably different pre- and postpartum; however, the dramatic decrease in meal duration for postpartum cows compared with prepartum cows likely reflects differences in feeding behavior of cows in tie-stall vs. pen housing rather than a true stage of production effect. Milk production and concentrations of fat, protein, lactose, and solids-non-fat did not differ between dietary treatments. Monensin decreased plasma ²-hydroxybutyrate on day 4 postpartum. The increase in liver TG concentration was significantly greater for the control compared to monensin. Results suggested that monensins ability to limit BHBA concentrations in postpartum cow may be related to its effects on feeding behavior and/or hepatic fatty acid oxidation.<p><br /> <br /> <b>Donald Beitz (Iowa State University, Obj. 2):</b> A study with 48 late lactation dairy cows (24 Holsteins and 24 Jerseys) were used in a study designed to examine how feeding probiotic Bovamine® to dairy cows in late lactation might transform their ruminal microbiome to improve nutrient digestibility and procure energy for efficient productivity. Results from the study suggested that feeding Bovamine® to lactating dairy cows during late lactation favorably transforms their digestive system microbiome to maintain the Firmicutes:Bacteroides ratio elevated in the rumen. The Firmicutes genus has been closely associated with improved nutrient digestibility and enhanced energy capture. These data suggest significant implications to transition and early lactation high producer dairy cows. <p><br /> <br /> <b>Mark Hanigan (Virginia Tech University, Obj. 2):</b> An in vitro study investigated the effects of acetate and essential amino acids (EAA) on ATP levels and phosphorylation of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK). There were no significant interactions between acetate and EAA on the ATP content or the phosphorylation of AMPK. ATP concentrations were highly correlated (r = - 0.90) with AMPK phosphorylation. In MAC-T cells, AMPK phosphorylation was responsive to ATP concentrations as observed in other cell types. Essential AA were much more potent in eliciting an ATP and AMPK response suggesting that these cells have limited ability to metabolize acetate. An experiment with 14 multiparous and 10 primiparous Holstein cows and 24 multiparous Holstein x Jersey crossbred cows (used in a Youden square design consisting of 8 treatments and 3 periods) investigated if the typical reduction in milk yield associated with feeding a low protein diet to lactating dairy cows could be avoided by dietary supplemention with one or more ruminally protected (RP) AA (Met, Lys, Leu). Results suggested that supplementation of individual AA or combinations of 2 AA, but not a combination of all 3, prevented a reduction in milk yield when dietary protein levels were reduced to 14% of dietary dry matter. In vitro experiments studied the effects of nitrate, ionophores, sulphate, and corn gluten feed on methane production from hay and TMR diets. Total gas production was reduced when nitrate was present in study 1, but the reduction was not significant in study 2. These results suggest that nitrate can be used as a strategy to reduce methane production in cattle. Eight lactating cows with similar milk production but varying MUN levels were used in a study to test the hypothesis that on a common diet, MUN concentrations would be inversely correlated with gastrointestinal entry rates (GER) of urea. Contrary to our hypothesis, MUN was not correlated with GER (P = 0.42). GER variation may be driven more by fermentable carbohydrate supply, than by urea concentrations in blood. Thus MUN was driven by urea synthesis (UER) and urinary urea excretion was driven by blood urea concentrations as reflected by MUN. MUN was not an indicator of GER.<p><br /> <br /> <b>Jeff Firkins (The Ohio State University, Obj. 1):</b> A continuous culture experiment was conducted to study the effects of feeding Rumensin and Cinnagar® (essential oil from cinnamon and garlic) in diets on ruminal fermentation characteristics. Results showed that Rumensin and Cinnagar tended (P = 0.06) to interact for methane production. Under the conditions of this study, there was no additive response for Rumensin® and Cinnagar® to decrease protozoal counts or methane production. Two experiments studied phagocytosis on Entodinium caudatum and Epidinium caudatum as affected by the concentration of fluorescent beads, glucose and feeding regime. It was demonstrated that as protozoa ingest their feed/substrate, they tend to take up less bacteria (as represented by bacteria-sized beads). Isotrichids are far more prone to migration and chemorepellence (as to GTP, a universal protist signal for lysed cells) compared with entodiniomorphids. The model developed suggests that entodiniomorphids more continuously sense and pass from the rumen with particles while integrating chemotaxis with cell growth to maintain population density as cells pass the rumen.<p><br /> <br /> <b>Keith Cummins (Auburn University, Obj. 2):</b> Work continued on 2-D gel proteomics of muscle from cows before and just after the onset of lactation. Current research focuses on separating proteins of differing solubility. Preliminary evaluation of the data indicates that eliminating the low solubility actin and myosin from the 2-D gels will allow identification of more proteins in muscle that are altered by the onset of lactation.<p><br /> <br /> <b>Brian Bequette and Rich Erdman (University of Maryland, Obj. 2): </b>An experiment with 4 rumen fistulated lactating Holstein cows was conducted to test the hypothesis that increased availability of short and medium chain fatty acids (SMCFA) might rescue conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) induced MFD in lactating dairy cows. Results showed that SREBP-1 rather than PPAR-³ was a more likely regulator of mammary lipogenic gene expression. It was also concluded that CLA induced MFD was due to a general down-regulation in mammary gene expression and not simply a deficiency in SMCFA precursors for mammary TG synthesis. Another study tested the hypothesis that the perceived need for inclusion of alfalfa in corn silage based diets for lactating dairy cows is due to differences in minerals (K and Ca) and DCAD effects rather than alfalfa hay per se. A feed efficiency response with the CS-DCAD diets was observed, which was consistent with other published results where dietary K was used to increase DCAD. A series of experiments are planned for the next year that will examine the effects of DCAD on feed efficiency using either added dietary K or Na to increase DCAD. Another experiment with wether sheep aimed to determine the effect of butyrate on urea recycling by infusion of butyrate into the rumen. [15N2]Urea was continuously infused IV for the last 5 d, and all urine and feces were collected. The results suggest that butyrate does not increase urea recycling to the gut compared to acetate. However, the reduction in urea synthesis coupled with increased capture of recycled urea-N by gut microbes suggests that butyrate enhanced overall capture of feed and urea derived ammonia by microbes. The aim of a 4th study was to determine whether ruminal propionate increases urea recycling, gluconeogenesis or both in growing sheep. Under the conditions of the experiment, infusion of propionate into the rumen did not affect urea synthesis and recycling compared to the isoenergetic control (acetate), despite the fact that plasma urea concentration was higher with propionate infusion. The increase in gluconeogenesis with propionate infusion increased the supply of glucose for peripheral tissue metabolism and likely spared amino acids for protein synthesis. In another study, a metabolomics profiling strategy was used to investigate metabolic transitions of the rat (CD-1) from mid-pregnancy to early lactation. Analysis of the metabolomics data detected 445 plasma and 517 liver components. However, many of these were found to be false-positives. Therefore, there is a need to further standardize the automation for high-throughput metabolomics data generation.<p><br /> <br /> <b>Gale Bateman (Provimi, Obj. 1 and 3):</b> The impact of feeding various fats and fatty acids on castrated Holstein calf performance was evaluated in 3, 56-d trials. Results showed that addition of soy oil to starter and grower feeds reduced ADG while adding NeoTec4 fatty acids to milk replacers, starter and grower feeds increased ADG and hip width change. A series of studies was conducted with the objective to determine the effect of supplementing milk replacer (MR) with 1% NeoTec4, a commercially available blend of butyric, coconut, and flax oil, on calf growth, feed efficiency, and indices of immune function when the calves were fed 28% CP MR at a high rate of intake (powder fed at 2% of BW). Supplementation of MR with NeoTec4 improved some immune responses, which may partly explain the reduction in scours and concurrent improvements in growth rate and feed efficiency. A data set was constructed from individual calf means gathered in the Nurture Research Center and used in a meta-analysis to parameterize an empirical model predicting growth measures for neonatal calves. The dataset contained 993 observations from 20 research trials conducted in all seasons of multiple years. The final model for total ADG indicated that increasing total starter intake or total milk replacer intake improved calf growth. Also increasing milk replacer CP % or fat % increased growth. Increased sickness (as measured by increased abnormal fecal scores) or increased BW at day 0 decreased ADG. Growth of neonatal dairy calves appears more controlled by nutrient intake and their interactions than surrogates for health status of the calves (abnormal fecal scores and serum protein concentration) or environmental temperature.<p><br /> <br /> <b>Marshal Stern (University of Minnesota, Obj. 1):</b> A continuous-culture study was conducted to evaluate effects of lignosulfonate and polysaccharide-protected minerals on in vitro rumen fermentation, ruminal and post ruminal partition of Cu, Zn and Mn. Results showed that addition of lignosulfonate induced major changes in ruminal fermentation. Protected minerals decreased rumen soluble Cu and increased bacterial Cu and Zn without affecting predicted post ruminal release of minerals. An in vitro study investigated the effect of dietary roughage and sulfur concentration on hydrogen sulfide production from corn-based diets containing dried distillers grains. Results from this experiment indicated that distillers grains inclusion generally increased batch culture pH, and compared with control, sulfur addition increased total ¼g H2S production and concentration in rumen gas. Another in vitro rumen experiment assessed the effect of 5 levels of bismuth subsalicylate on H2S release and rumen metabolism during 2 consecutive 24-h periods. All levels of bismuth subsalicylate increased (P < 0.05) valeric acid molar proportion compared with 0% BSS. Compared with the control, gas production decreased (P < 0.05) with the addition of 2 and 4% bismuth subsalicylate by 12 and 25%, respectively. All concentrations of BSS reduced (P < 0.05) H2S production by 18, 24, 82 and 99% for 0.5, 1, 2 and 4% BSS, respectively. Results indicate that bismuth subsalicylate can markedly decrease H2S production.<p><br /> <br /> <b>Ermias Kebreab, James Fadel, and Heidi Rossow (University of California, Davis; Obj. 1, 2, and 3):</b> A study evaluated extant volatile fatty acid (VFA) stoichiometric models for their capacity to predict VFA molar proportion and CH4 using independent data sources. Results showed that variation among stoichiometric models in predicting VFA production will have a major influence on the accuracy of estimated enteric CH4 production. Currently, CH4 inventory is usually based on IPCC Tier 2 approach, which compared to other models showed a higher prediction error in estimating CH4 emissions. There may be a need for more mechanistic approaches that consider nutritional and microbial factors rather than empirical models that relate VFA molar proportions to nutritional factors. The objective of another study to estimate and assess trends in enteric CH4 emissions from the beef cattle population in Manitoba (Canada) using mathematical models. Results indicated that enteric CH4 estimates and emission trends in Manitoba were influenced by the type of model and beef cattle population. As such, it is necessary to use appropriate models for reliable estimates for enteric CH4 inventory. A more robust approach may be to integrate different models by using mechanistic models to estimate regional Ym values which are then used as input for IPCC Tier-2 model. In a 2nd study of these series, mechanistic and empirical models were used to predict enteric CH4 emissions from 2 summer pasture systems and 4 winter feeding strategies for cow calf production in the western Canadian Parkland. It was concluded that a more comprehensive assessment is required to determine the net contribution of extended grazing or drylot feeding programs to greenhouse gas mitigation strategies for beef production. A study was conducted to investigate the effect of forage proportion in the diet on efficiency of utilization of energy for milk production using a database containing energy balance observations on 600 individual dairy cows was assembled from 35 calorimetry studies conducted in the UK. The analysis demonstrated that as the forage proportion in the diet increases by 0.01, the efficiency of utilization of ME for milk production decreases by 0.32%. However, the efficiency of utilization of ME for growth and efficiency of utilizing body stored for milk production were not affected by forage to concentrate ratio. Another study evaluated dynamic, mechanistic, thermal balance models for Bos indicus and Bos Taurus. The Thompson model (2011), a mathematical heat balance model, was evaluated through the use of two local and one global sensitivity analyses and tested against independent datasets. The sensitivity analyses show that only six parameters require precise estimates, while the others require only reasonable estimates. A field study investigated if the rations fed to milking dairy cows supply the same nutrient profile as the rations formulated by the nutritionist. In October-January of 2010-2011, TMR ration and residual feed samples were collected for 7 weeks at 3 dairies in the Tulare area. Data showed that dairies are fairly good at loading the intended mix of ingredients however, there is a wide range associated with loads indicating that large deviations do occur. Based on these preliminary results, feeding recommendations have been made. Data from 4 more dairies are being collected. Once the error associated with feeding and its impact on milk production has been assessed, the next step is to examine nutrient balance across the cow and pen for nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus.<p> <br /> <br /> <b>Jong-Su Eun (Utah State University; Obj. 1 and 2):</b> A lactation trial with 9 multiparous Holstein cows was conducted to determine the effects of supplementing whole safflower seeds (SS) on ruminal fermentation, lactational performance, and milk fatty acid (FA) profiles. Results showed that supplementing diets with whole SS at 3% of dietary DM can be an effective strategy of fat supplementation to lactating dairy cows without negative impacts on lactational performance and milk FA profiles. In a dual-flow continuous culture system study, the effects of of ruminal temperature and forage-to-concentrate ratio in lactation dairy diets on in vitro fermentation characteristics were investigated. Results suggested that during high ruminal temperature as experienced by cows under heat stress nutrient digestion, energy utilization, and microbial protein synthesis are altered.<p><br /> <br /> <b>Yves Boisclair (Cornell University; Obj. 2): </b>Regulation of the fibroblast growth factor-21 (FGF21) system in periparturient dairy cows was studied. Plasma FGF21 was measured in cows over the last 4 weeks of pregnancy and the first 8 weeks of lactation. Data suggested that liver and white adipose tissue are the major FGF21 target tissues during the transition from late pregnancy to early lactation. It was concluded that the FGF21 system is dynamically regulated at the level of the ligand in early lactating dairy cows and could be involved in regulating oxidative capacity of the liver and lipid mobilization from white adipose tissue.<br /> <br />


Alemu, A.W., J. Dijkstra, A. Bannink, J. France and E. Kebreab. 2011. Rumen stoichiometric models and their contribution and challenges in predicting enteric methane production. Anim. Feed Sci. Tech. 166-167:761-778.<br /> <br /> Alemu, A.W., K. Ominski, and E. Kebreab. 2011. Trends of enteric methane emissions from Manitoba beef cattle. Can. J. Anim. Sci., 91:305-321.<br /> <br /> Appuhamy, J. A. D. R. N*, J. R. Knapp, O. Becvar, J. Escobar, and M. D. Hanigan. 2011. Effects of jugular infused lysine, methionine, and branched-chain amino acids on milk protein synthesis in high producing dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 94:1952-1960.<br /> <br /> Appuhamy, J. A. D. R. N., A. L. Bell, W. A. D. Nayananjalie, J. Escobar, and M. D. Hanigan. 2011. Essential amino acids regulate both initiation and elongation of mRNA translation independent of insulin in MAC-T cells and bovine mammary tissue slices. J. Nutr. 141:1209-1215.<br /> <br /> Aschenbach J.R., N. B. Kristensen, S. S. Donkin, H. M. Hammon, G. B. Penner. 2011. Gluconeogenesis in dairy cows: the secret of making sweet milk from sour dough. IUBMB Life. 62:869-877.<br /> <br /> Bauman, D.E., K,J. Harvatine, and A.L. Lock. Nutrigenomics, rumen-derived bioactive fatty acids, and the regulation of milk fat synthesis. Annu Rev Nutr. 2011 Aug 21;31:299-319.<br /> <br /> Bedgar, S.E., J.W. Schroeder, M.L. Bauer, and W.L. Keller. 2011. Intake, duodenal flow, and ruminal biohydrogenation of fatty acids. J. Dairy Sci. (submitted).<br /> <br /> Brown, K. L., B. G. Cassell, M. L. McGilliard, M. D. Hanigan, and F. C. Gwazdauskas. 2011. Hormones, metabolites, and reproduction in Holsteins, Jerseys, and their crosses. J. Dairy Sci. (in press). <br /> <br /> Carlson, D.B., J.W. Schroeder, and W.L. Keller. 2011. Canola or sunflower seed fed to lactating dairy cows increases conjugated linoleic acid in milk fat. Prof. Anim. Sci. (submitted).<br /> <br /> Carvalho, E. R., N. S. Schmelz-Roberts, H. M. White, and S. S. Donkin 2011. Replacing corn with glycerol in diets for transition dairy cows. J Dairy Sci. 94:908-916.<br /> <br /> Casey, T., H. Dover, J. Liesman, L. De Vries, M. Kiupel, M. VandeHaar, and K. Plaut. 2011. Transcriptome analysis of epithelial and stromal contributions to mammogenesis in three week prepartum cows. PLoS ONE 6(7): e22541. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0022541.<br /> <br /> Davis Rincker, L.E., M.J. VandeHaar, C.A. Wolf, J.S. Liesman, L.T. Chapin, and M.S. Weber Nielsen. 2011. Effect of intensified feeding of calves on growth, pubertal age, calving age, milk yield, and economics. J Dairy Sci. (accepted). <br /> <br /> De Vries, L.D., T. Casey, M. VandeHaar, and K. Plaut. 2011. Efects of TGF-b on mammary remodeling during the dry period of dairy cows. J Dairy Sci. (accepted). <br /> <br /> Diaz, H.L., K. Barr, K. Godden, and J.L. Firkins. 2011. Phagocytosis of Entodinium caudatum and Epidinium caudatum as affected by the concentration of fluorescent beads, glucose and feeding regime. Congress on Gastrointestinal Function, Chicago, IL, Apr. 18-20 (Not paginated).<br /> <br /> Dschaak, C. M., C. T. Noviandi, J.-S. Eun, V. Fellner, A. J. Young, D. R. ZoBell, and C. E. Israelsen. 2011. Ruminal fermentation, milk fatty acid profiles, and productive performance of Holstein dairy cows fed 2 different safflower seeds. J. Dairy Sci. (in press)<br /> <br /> Eastridge, M.L., A.H. Lefeld, A.M. Eilenfeld, P.N. Gott, W.S. Bowen, and J.L. Firkins. 2011. Corn grain and liquid feed as nonfiber carbohydrate sources in diets for lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 94:3045-3053.<br /> <br /> Erdman, R. A., L.S. Piperova, and R.A. Kohn. 2011. Corn silage versus corn silage:alfalfa hay mixtures for dairy cows: Effects of dietary potassium, calcium, and cation-anion difference. J. Dairy Sci. 94:5105 5110. doi: 10.3168/jds.2011-4340 <br /> <br /> Fokkink, W. B., T. M. Hill, H. G. Bateman, II, J. M. Aldrich, R. L. Schlotterbeck, and A. F. Kertz. 2011. Case study: Effects of high- and los-cereal-grain starters on straw intake and rumen development of neonatal Holstein calves. Prof. Anim. Sci. 27:357-364.<br /> <br /> French, E. A., M. He, and L. E. Armentano. 2010. Response to High-Lysine Proteins to Supplement Diets Based on Distillers Dried Grains plus Solubles for Lactating Cows Professional Animal Scientist 2010 26:273-284.<br /> <br /> French, E. A., S. J. Bertics, and L. E. Armentano. Rumen and Milk Odd and Branched-Chain Fatty Acid Proportions were Minimally Influenced by Ruminal Volatile Fatty Acid Infusions. J. Dairy Sci. (Accepted).<br /> <br /> Gressley, T. F., M. B. Hall, and L. E. Armentano. 2011 Productivity and health responses to hindgut acidosis in ruminants. J. Animal Science. Invited Review at FASS 2010, electronic publication. J. Dairy Sci. E-2010-3460.<br /> <br /> Grünberg W, S. S. Donkin, P. D. Constable. 2011. Periparturient effects of feeding a low dietary cation-anion difference diet on acid-base, calcium, and phosphorus homeostasis and on intravenous glucose tolerance test in high-producing dairy cows. J Dairy Sci. 94:727-745.<br /> <br /> Harvatine, K.J., and D.E. Bauman. Characterizatin of the acute lactational response to tran-10, cis-12 conjugated linoleic acid. J. Dairy Sci. In Press.<br /> He, M. and L.E. Armentano. 2011. Effect of fatty acid profile in vegetable oils and antioxidant supplementation on dairy cattle performance and milk fat depression. J. Dairy Sci. 94:2481-2491<br /> <br /> He, M., K. L. Perfield, H. B. Green, and L. E. Armentano. 2011. Effect of dietary fat blend and monensin supplementation on dairy cattle performance, milk fatty acid profiles and milk fat depression. J. Dairy Sci. (Accepted).<br /> <br /> Hill, T. M., H. G. Bateman, II, J. M. Aldrich, and R. L. Schlotterbeck. 2011. Comparison of housing, bedding, and cooling options for dairy calves. J. Dairy Sci. 94:2138-2146.<br /> <br /> Hill, T. M., H. G. Bateman, II, J. M. Aldrich, and R. L. Schlotterbeck. 2011. Effect of various fatty acids on dairy calf performance. Prof. Anim. Sci. 27:167-175.<br /> <br /> Hill, T. M., H. G. Bateman, II, J. M. Aldrich, and R. L. Schlotterbeck. 2011. Roughage amount, source, and processing for diets fed to weaned dairy calves. Prof. Anim. Sci. 27:181-187.<br /> <br /> Hill, T. M., M. J. VandeHaar, L. M. Sordillo, D. R. Catherman, H. G. Bateman, II, and R. L. Schlotterbeck. 2011. Fatty acid intake alters growth and immunity in milk-fed calves. J. Dairy Sci. 94:3936-3948.<br /> <br /> Hill, T. M., M. J. VandeHaar, L. M. Sordillo, D. R. Catherman, H. G. Bateman, II, and R. L. Schlotterbeck. 2011. Fatty acid intake alters growth and immunity in milk-fed calves. J. Dairy Sci. 94:3936-3948.<br /> <br /> Hristov, A. N. 2011. Contribution of ammonia emitted from livestock to atmospheric PM2.5 in the United States. J. Dairy Sci. 94:3130-3136.<br /> <br /> Hristov, A. N., C. Domitrovich, A. Wachter, T. Cassidy, C. Lee, K. J. Shingfield, P. Kairenius, J. Davis, and J. Brown. 2011. Effect of replacing solvent-extracted canola meal with high-oil traditional canola, high-oleic acid canola, or high-erucic acid rapeseed meals on rumen fermentation, digestibility, milk production, and milk fatty acid composition in lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 94:4057 4074.<br /> <br /> Hristov, A. N., M. Hanigan, A. Cole, R. Todd, T. A. McAllister, P. M. Ndegwa, A. Rotz. 2011. Ammonia emissions from dairy farms and beef feedlots: A review. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 91:1-35.<br /> <br /> Janovick, NA, Y.R. Boisclair, and J.K. Drackley. 2011. Prepartum dietary energy intake affects metabolism and health during the periparturient period in primiparous and multiparous Holstein cows. J. Dairy Sci. 94(3):1385-1400.<br /> <br /> Jarrett, J. P., K. F. Knowlton, K. L. Pike, C. Blatcher, S. I. Arriola Apelo, and M. D. Hanigan. 2011. Barley protein meal for lactating dairy cows: effects on production, intake, and nutrient excretion. Prof. Anim. Sci. (in press).<br /> <br /> King, C. C., C. M. Dschaak, J.-S. Eun, V. Fellner, and A. J. Young. 2011. Quantitative analyses of ruminal fermentation characteristics under normal or high fermentative temperature in continuous cultures. Prof. Anim. Sci. 27:319327.<br /> <br /> Kraft, G., I. Ortigues-Marty, D. Durand, D. Remond, T. Jarde, B. Bequette, and I. Savary-Auzeloux. 2011. Adaptations of hepatic amino acid uptake and net utilisation contributes to nitrogen economy or waste in lambs fed nitrogen- or energy-deficient diets. Animal 5: 678-690 DOI: 10.1017/S1751731110002302<br /> <br /> Lacasse, P, V. Lollivier, R.M. Bruckmaier, Y.R. Boisclair, G.F. Wagner, and M. Boutinaud. 2011. Effect of the prolactin-release inhibitor quinagolide on lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 94(3):1302-1309.<br /> <br /> Lee, C., A. N. Hristov, K. S. Hyler, T. W. Cassidy, M. Long, B. A. Corl, and S. K. R. Karnati. 2011. Effects of dietary protein and coconut oil supplementation on nitrogen utilization and production in dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. (in press).<br /> <br /> Lee, C., A. N. Hristov, T. Cassidy and K. Heyler. 2011. Nitrogen isotope fractionation and origin of ammonia nitrogen volatilized from cattle manure in simulated storage. Atmosphere 2:256-270; doi:10.3390/atmos2030256.<br /> <br /> Legesse, G., J. A. Small, S. L. Scott, G. H. Crow, H. C. Block, A. W. Alemu, C. D. Robins and E. Kebreab. 2011. Evaluation of enteric methane emissions from alternative cow-calf production systems. Anim. Feed Sci. Tech. 166-167:678-687.<br /> Martel, C. A., E. C. Titgemeyer, L. K. Mamedova, and B. J. Bradford. 2011. <br /> Dietary molasses increases ruminal pH and enhances ruminal biohydrogenation during milk fat depression. J Dairy Sci. 94:3995-4004.<br /> <br /> Mathew, B., M.L. Eastridge, E.R. Oelker, J.L. Firkins, and Karnati, S.K. 2011. Interactions of monensin with dietary fat and carbohydrate components on ruminal fermentation and production responses by dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 94:396-409.<br /> <br /> Mikolayunas-Sandrock, C., D. L. Thomas, L. E. Armentano , and Y. M. Berger. 2011. Effect of rumen-undegradable protein supplementation and fresh forage composition on nitrogen utilization of dairy ewes1. J. Dairy Sci 94:416-425.<br /> <br /> Morey, S. D., L. K. Mamedova, D. E. Anderson, C. K. Armendariz, E. C. Titgemeyer, and B. J. Bradford. 2011. Effects of encapsulated niacin on metabolism and production of periparturient dairy cows. J Dairy Sci. 94:5090-104.<br /> <br /> Morvay, Y., A. Bannink, J. France, E. Kebreab and J. Dijkstra. 2011. Evaluation of models to predict the stoichiometry of volatile fatty acid profiles in rumen fluid of dairy cattle. J. Dairy Sci., 94:3063-3080.<br /> <br /> Ndegwa, P. M., A. N. Hristov, and J. A. Ogejo. 2011. Ammonia Emission from Animal Manure: Mechanisms and Mitigation Techniques. in press, In Z. He, ed. Environmental Chemistry of Animal Manure. Nova Science Publishers, Hauppauge, NY. ISBN: 978-1-61209-222-5.<br /> <br /> Olson, K. M., B. G. Cassell, M. D. Hanigan, and R. E. Pearson. 2011. Interaction of energy balance, feed efficiency, early lactation health events, and fertility in first lactation Holstein, Jersey, and reciprocal F1 crossbred cows. J. Dairy Sci. 94:507-511.<br /> <br /> Osman, M. A., J. Stabel, J. Hostetter, D. Nettleton, and D. C. Beitz. 2011. Probiotic Lactobacillus acidophilus strain NP51 curtails the progression of Mycobacterium avium subspecies paratuberculosis (MAP) infection in Balb/c mice. Animal Industry Report A.S. Leaflet R2597.<br /> <br /> Rius, A.G., Weeks, H.A., Cyriac, J., Akers, R.M., Bequette, B.J., and Hanigan, M.D. 2011 Effect of milk replacer composition and amount on metabolism and cell signaling in liver and muscle of growing dairy heifers. J. Dairy Sci. (submitted).<br /> <br /> Schoenberg, K. M., K. L. Perfield, J. K. Farney, B. J. Bradford, and T. R. Overton. 2011. Effects of prepartum 2,4-thiazolidinedione on insulin sensitivity, plasma concentrations of tumor necrosis factor alpha and leptin, and adipose tissue gene expression. J Dairy Sci. (in press).<br /> <br /> Schoenberg, K.M., K. L. Perfield, J. K. Farney, B. J. Bradford, Y. R. Boisclair, and T. R. Overton. 2011. Effects of prepartum 2,4-thiazolidinedione on insulin sensitivity, plasma concentrations of tumor necrosis factor-± and leptin, and adipose tissue gene expression. J. Dairy Sci. (In press).<br /> <br /> Schoenberg, K.M., S.L. Giesy, K.J. Harvatine, M.R. Waldron, C. Cheng, A. Kharitonenkov, and Y.R. Boisclair. 2011. Plasma FGF21 is elevated by the intense lipid mobilization of lactation. Endocrinology (In press).<br /> <br /> Singh, K., K.M. Swanson, A.J. Molenaar, J.A. Arias, B. Gudex, R.A. Erdman, K. Stelwagen. 2011. Epigenetic Mechanisms: Acute and Transgenerational Role in Regulating Milk Production in Dairy Cows. Animal (submitted). <br /> <br /> Sparks, J. A., J. Arogo Ogejo, J. Cyriac, M. D. Hanigan, K. F. Knowlton, S. W. Gay, and L. C. Marr. 2011. The effects of dietary protein content and manure handling technique on ammonia emissions during short-term storage of dairy cow manure. Transactions of the ASABE 54:675-683.<br /> <br /> Storm, A. C., M. D. Hanigan, and N. B. Kristensen. 2011. Effects of ruminal ammonia and butyrate concentrations on reticuloruminal epithelial blood flow and volatile fatty acid absorption kinetics under washed reticulorumen conditions in lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 94:3980-3994.<br /> <br /> Suarez-Mena, F. X., T. M. Hill, A. J. Heinrichs, H. G. Bateman, II, J. M. Aldrich, and R. L. Schlotterbeck. Effects of including corn distillers dried grains with soluble in dairy calf feeds. J. Dairy Sci. 94:3037-3044.<br /> <br /> Tekippe, J. A., A. N. Hristov, K. S. Heyler, T. W. Cassidy, V. D. Zheljazkov, J. F. S. Ferreira, S. K. Karnati, and G. A. Varga. 2011. Rumen fermentation and production effects of Origanum vulgare L. in lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 94:5065 5079.<br /> <br /> Thompson, V. A., J. G. Fadel, and R. D. Sainz. 2011. Meta-analysis to predict sweating and respiration rate for Bos indicus, Bos taurus and crossbred cattle. Journal of Animal Science. Accepted. doi:10.2527/jas.2011-3913.<br /> <br /> Titgemeyer, E. C., K. S. Spivey, L. K. Mamedova, and B. J. Bradford. 2011. Effects of pharmacological amounts of nicotinic acid on lipolysis and feed intake in cattle. Int J Dairy Sci. 6:134-41.<br /> <br /> Titgemeyer, E. C., L. K. Mamedova, K. S. Spivey, J. K. Farney, and B. J. Bradford. 2011. An unusual distribution of the niacin receptor in cattle. J Dairy Sci. 94:4962-7.<br /> <br /> Vyas, D. A.K.G. Kadegowda, and R.A. Erdman. 2011. Dietary conjugated linoleic acid and hepatic steatosis: Species specific effects on liver and adipose lipid metabolism and gene expression. J. Nutr. & Metab. Volume 2012 Article ID 932928, 13 pages. doi:10.1155/2012/932928.<br /> <br /> White H. M., S. L. Koser, S. S. Donkin. 2011. Bovine pyruvate carboxylase 5' untranslated region variant expression during transition to lactation and feed restriction in dairy cows. J Anim Sci. 89:1881-1892.<br /> <br /> White H.M., S. L. Koser, S. S. Donkin. 2011. Characterization of bovine pyruvate carboxylase promoter 1 responsiveness to serum from control and feed-restricted cows. J Anim Sci. 89:1763-1768.<br /> <br /> White H.M., S. L. Koser, S. S. Donkin. 2011. Differential regulation of bovine pyruvate carboxylase promoters by fatty acids and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-± agonist. J Dairy Sci. 94:3428-3436.<br /> <br /> Ye, D., S.K.R. Karnati, J.L. Firkins, M.L. Eastridge, and J.M. Aldrich. 2011. Essential oil and Rumensin affect ruminal fermentation in continuous culture. J. Dairy Sci. 94(E-Suppl. 1):393-394.<br /> <br /> Zheljazkov, V. D., T. Astatkie, and A. N. Hristov. 2011. Lavender and hyssop productivity, oil content, and bioactivity as a function of harvest time and drying. Ind. Crops Prod. doi:10.1016/j.indcrop.2011.09.010 <br /> <br /> <br /> <b>List of Abstracts Published by NC-1040 Committee members during 2011 reporting year:</b><p><br /> <br /> Agarwal, U., K. Somers, K. Bailey, Q. Hu, and B. J. Bequette. 2011. Effect of propionate on urea and glucose kinetics in sheep. J. Dairy Sci. 94(E-Suppl.1):143.<br /> <br /> Agarwal, U., Somers, K., Bailey, K., Hu, Q., and Bequette, B.J. 2011. Butyrate regulates urea metabolism and nitrogen use in sheep. FASEB J. 25:lb194.<br /> <br /> Aguilar, M., M. E. Van Amburgh, W.A.D. Nayananjalie and M.D. Hanigan.. 2011. Effect of cow variation on the efficiency of nitrogen recycling to the rumen in dairy cattle. J. Dairy Sci. 94(E-Suppl. 1): 122.<br /> <br /> Arriola Apelo, S. I., E. C. Titgemeyer, and M. D. Hanigan. 2011. Redefinition of N metabolism representation in Molly. Can. J. Anim. Sci.<br /> Bell, A. L., M. J. de Veth, T. R. Wiles, O. Becvar, and M. D. Hanigan. 2011. Effects of reduced dietary protein and supplementing rumen protected amino acids on the nitrogen efficiency of dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 94(E-Suppl. 1): 133-134.<br /> <br /> Boucher, S. E., S. Calsamiglia, M. D. Stern, C. M. Parsons, H. H. Stein, C. G. Schwab, K. W. Cotanch, J. W. Darrah, and J. K. Bernard. 2011. Method evaluation for determining digestibility of rumen undegraded amino acids in blood meal. J. Dairy Sci. 94 (E. Suppl.). E-388.<br /> <br /> Davis, C., S. Ghimire*, T. R. Wiles, Z. Wen, M. A. McCann, M. D. Hanigan. 2011. Effect of nitrate, sulfate, monensin, and corn gluten feed on in-vitro ruminal methane production. J. Dairy Sci. 94(E-Suppl. 1): 291.<br /> <br /> Diaz, H.L., and J.L. Firkins. 2011. Integration of cyclic GMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG) and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI3K) on rumen protozoal chemotaxis to glucose and soluble peptides. J. Dairy Sci. 94(E-Suppl. 1):688.<br /> <br /> Donkin, S. S. & S. L. Koser. 2011. Expression of bovine cytosolic phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase is regulated by glucagon, glucocorticoids, and propionate to control gluconeogenic capacity in bovine liver. 2011 International Congress On Farm Animal Endocrinology-ICFAE, Bern.<br /> Donkin, S.S. 2011. Carbon cycles, pyruvate carboxylase, and the potential for chaos in liver of dairy cows during the transition to lactation..EAAP 62nd Annual Meeting, Stavanger.<br /> <br /> Dschaak, C. M., C. T. Noviandi, J.-S. Eun, V. Fellner, A. J. Young, D. R. ZoBell, and C. E. Israelsen. 2011. Ruminal fermentation characteristics and lactational performance of Holstein dairy cows fed whole safflower seeds. J. Dairy Sci. 94 (E-Suppl. 1):178. (Abstr.)<br /> <br /> Eun, J.-S., C. M. Williams, and A. J. Young. 2011. A meta-analysis on the effects of supplementing exogenous fibrolytic enzyme products in dairy diets on productive performance in early lactation. J. Dairy Sci. 94 (E-Suppl. 1):625. (Abstr.).<br /> <br /> Gregorini, P, M. D. Hanigan, I. J. Lean, J. McNamara and T. Tylutki. 2011. Recent updates to, and comparisons between, mechanistic models of the dairy cow. Can. J. Anim. Sci.<br /> <br /> Harrison, J. H., R. James, C. Stallings, E. Whitefield, M. Hanigan, K. Knowlton. 2011. 2010 national survey of barriers related to precision phosphorus feeding. J. Dairy Sci. 94(E-Suppl. 1): 736.<br /> <br /> Hill, T. M., H. G.Bateman II, J. M. Aldrich, and R. L. Schlotterbeck. 2011. Impact of feeding various fats and fatty acids on dairy calf performance, health, and markers of immunity. J. Dairy Sci. 49 E-suppl 1:263<br /> <br /> Hill, T. M., M. J. VandeHaar, L. M. Sordillo, H. G. Bateman II, and R. L. Schlotterbeck. 2011. Effect of fatty acid intake by dairy calves on performance, health, and markers of immunity. J. Dairy Sci. 49 E-suppl 1:263<br /> <br /> Hill, T. M., M. J. VandeHaar, L. M. Sordillo, H. G. Bateman, and R. L. Schlotterbeck. 2011. Effect of fatty acid intake by dairy calves on performance, health, and markers of immunity. J. Anim. Sci. 89 (Suppl 1):263.<br /> <br /> Hristov, A. N. 2011. Diet formulation as an effective tool for mitigating the environmental impact of dairy and beef cattle operations. J. Dairy Sci. 94(Suppl. 1):448 (Abstr.).<br /> <br /> Hristov, A. N., M. Hanigan, A. Cole, R. Todd, T. A. McAllister, P. M. Ndegwa, A. Rotz.. 2011. Nutrition - an effective tool for mitigating ammonia emissions from dairy and feedlot operations. Midwest ADSA Nutrition Conference.<br /> <br /> Hristov, A. N., C. Domitrovich, A. Wachter, T. Cassidy, C. Lee, K. J. Shingfield, P. Kairenius, J. Davis, and J. Brown. 2011. Effect of replacing solvent-extracted canola meal with high-oil traditional canola, high-oleic acid canola, or high-erucic acid rapeseed meals on milk production and milk fatty acid composition in lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 94(Suppl. 1):200 (Abstr.).<br /> <br /> Hristov, A. N., C. Lee, T. Cassidy, K. Heyler, J. A. Tekippe, G. A. Varga, and B. Corl. 2011. Effect of Origanum vulgare L. leaves on production and milk fatty acid composition in lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 94(Suppl. 1):131 (Abstr.).<br /> <br /> Jacobs, A. A. A., J. S. Liesman, M. J. VandeHaar, J. Dijkstra, A. M. van Vuuren, and J. van Baal. 2011. Effects of short- and long-chain fatty acids on expression of lipogenic genes in bovine mammary epithelial cells. J. Anim. Sci. 89 (supply 1):750.<br /> <br /> Jarrett, J.P., M.D. Hanigan, R. Ward, P. Sirois, and K.F. Knowlton. 2011. Total and inorganic phosphorus content of an array of feedstuffs. J. Dairy Sci. 94(E-Suppl. 1): 606.<br /> <br /> Karcher, E. L., T. M. Hill, N. Vito, L. M. Sordillo, H. G. Bateman, R. L. Schlotterbeck, and M. J. VandeHaar. 2011. The effect of omega-3 supplementation on the immune response of Holstein calves. J. Anim. Sci. 89 (Suppl 1):746.<br /> <br /> Karcher, E. L., T. M. Hill, N. Vito,L. M. Sordillo, H. G. Bateman, R. L. Schlotterbeck, and M. J. VandeHaar. 2011. The effect of omega-3 supplementation on the immune response of Holstein calves. J. Dairy Sci. 49 E-suppl 1:746.<br /> <br /> Kebreab E., A.B. Strathe, J. Dijkstra, A. Bannink, J. Ellis, T. Yan and J. France. 2011. Forage proportion of diet affects efficiency of energy utilization for milk production in lactating dairy cows. Advances in Animal Biosciences. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on the Nutrition of Herbivores. p. 258.<br /> <br /> King, C. C., C. M. Dschaak, J.-S. Eun, V. Fellner, and A. J. Young. 2011. Assessment of ruminal fermentation characteristics under normal or high fermentative temperature in continuous cultures. J. Dairy Sci. 94 (E-Suppl. 1):212. (Abstr.)<br /> <br /> Lee, C., A. N. Hristov, C. J. Dell, G. W. Feyereisen, J. Kaye, and D. Beegle. 2011. Effect of dietary protein level on ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions from dairy manure. J. Dairy Sci. 94(Suppl. 1):609 (Abstr.).<br /> <br /> Lee, C., A. N. Hristov, H. Lapierre, T. Cassidy, K. Heyler, G. A. Varga, and C. Parys. 2011. Effect of dietary protein level and rumen-protected amino acid supplementation on dietary amino acid apparent digestibility and recovery in milk in lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 94(Suppl. 1):689 (Abstr.).<br /> <br /> Lee, C., A. N. Hristov, K. Heyler, T. Cassidy, H. Lapierre, G. A. Varga, and C. Parys. 2011. Effect of dietary protein level and rumen-protected amino acids supplementation on ruminal fermentation and nitrogen utilization in lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 94(Suppl. 1):131 (Abstr.).<br /> <br /> Lee, C., A. N. Hristov, T. Cassidy, and K. Heyler. 2011. Evaluation of acid-insoluble ash and indigestible neutral-detergent fiber as total tract digestibility markers. J. Dairy Sci. 94(Suppl. 1):645-646 (Abstr.).<br /> <br /> Lee, C., A. N. Hristov, T. Cassidy, K. Heyler, H. Lapierre, G. A. Varga, and C. Parys. 2011. Effect of dietary protein level and rumen-protected methionine supplementation on performance of lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 94(Suppl. 1):181 (Abstr.).<br /> <br /> Lyman, V. S., M. L. Bell, W. A. D. Nayananjalie, E. M. England, J. A. D. R. N. Appuhamy and M. D. Hanigan. 2011. Essential amino acids significantly contribute to the energy status in short-term Mac-T cell cultures. J. Dairy Sci. 94(E-Suppl. 1): 75.<br /> <br /> M. Hussein, K. J. Harvatine, W. M. P. B. Weerasinghe, L. A. Sinclair, D. E. Bauman. 2011. Conjugated linoleic acid-induced milk fat depression in lactating ewes is accompanied by reduced expression of genes involved in mammary lipid synthesis. J Dairy Sci. 94(E-Suppl. 1):M195.<br /> <br /> Mabjeesh, S.J., A. Sahmay, N. Argov-Agrman, C. Sabastian, and B. J. Bequette. 2011. Expression of PEPCK isoforms in the mammary gland of dairy goats is regulated by insulin status. J. Dairy Sci. 94(E-Suppl. 1):77.<br /> <br /> McCann, M.A., J. M. Scheffler, S.P. Greiner, M.D. Hanigan, G.A. Bridges, S.L. Lake, J.M. Stevenson, H. Jiang, T.L. Scheffler and D.E. Gerrard. 2011. Early metabolic imprinting events increase marbling scores in fed cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 89)E-Suppl. 1): 24.<br /> <br /> Moallem, U., D. Vyas, B. B. Teter, P. Delmonte, and R. A. Erdman. 2011. Effects of abomasal infusion of linolenic acid on milk fat synthesis and composition in dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 94(E-Suppl.1):379.<br /> <br /> Molenaar, A. H-M. Seyfert, R. Murney, J. Biet, R.A. Erdman, K. Oden, H. Henderson, M. Rijnkels, K. Stelwagen, and K. Singh. 2010. Compaction of the alpha-S1-casein and opening of a defensin promoter occurs during S. uberis infection of the bovine mammary gland and after cessation of milking, the casein promoter begins to close up after 24 hours. International Mammalian Genomics and Human Health Conference, October 22-24, 2010 Davis, CA. <br /> <br /> Nayananjalie, W. A. D., M. Bell, J. M. Scheffler, H. Jiang, M. A. McCann, D. E. Gerrard, J. Escobar and M. D. Hanigan.. 2011. Effect of early grain feeding on ADG and signaling proteins for protein synthesis in the muscle tissues of beef animals. J. Anim. Sci. 89 (E-Suppl. 1): 113.<br /> <br /> Nayananjalie, W. A. D., T. R. Wiles, S. Arriola, M. Aguliar, J. Escobar, M. A. McCann, D. E. Gerrard, M. L. McGilliard and M. D. Hanigan. 2011. Acetate clearance rates and postabsorptive capacity to utilize acetate by beef steers. J. Anim. Sci. 89(E-Suppl. 1) : 114.<br /> <br /> Ray, P. P., M. D. Hanigan, and K. F. Knowlton. 2011. Fate of total phosphorus in large intestine of large ruminants. J. Dairy Sci. 94(E-Suppl. 1): 130.<br /> Rico, D. E. and K. J. Harvatine. 2011. Effect of a high palmitic acid fat supplement on ruminal fermentation and milk production in high- and low-producing dairy cows. J Dairy Sci. 94(E-Suppl. 1):133.<br /> <br /> Rossow, H.A., R.J. van Hoeij, G. Acetoze. 2011. Differences in nutrients formulated and nutrients supplied on three California Dairies. J. Dairy Sci. (Abstr.).<br /> <br /> Rottman, L. W., Y. Ying, and K. J. Harvatine. 2011. Effect of timing of feed intake on circadian pattern of milk synthesis. J Dairy Sci. 94(E-Suppl. 1):830.<br /> Ruiz-Moreno, M., E. Seitz, and M. D. Stern. 2011. In vitro mitigation of rumen hydrogen sulfide. J. Dairy Sci. 94 (E. Suppl.). E-259.<br /> <br /> Ruiz-Moreno, M., E. Seitz, M. D. Stern, and J. Garrett. 2011. In vitro modification of ruminal and post ruminal metabolism by lignosulfonate and polysaccharide protected microminerals. J. Dairy Sci. 94 (E. Suppl.). E-388.<br /> <br /> Seitz, E., A. Carpenter, M. Ruiz-Moreno, M.D. Stern, G.I. Crawford. 2011. Effect of dietary roughage and sulfur concentration on hydrogen sulfide production from cornbased diets containing dried distillers grains. J. Dairy Sci. 94 (E. Suppl.). E-390-391.<br /> <br /> Swanson, K. M., K. Stelwagen, R. A. Erdman, and K. Singh. 2011. Acute DNA methylation changes are associated with involution and re-initiation of lactation in dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 94(E-Suppl.1):433.<br /> <br /> Tindell, S. I., S. L. Koser, and S. S. Donkin. 2011. Propionate increases mitochondrial phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase mRNA in Madin-Darby bovine kidney epithelial cells. J. Anim. Sci. 89: E-Suppl. 1: 338.<br /> <br /> Tucker, H.A., S. L. Koser, P. H. Doane, and S. S. Donkin. 2011. Protein balance alters expression of key genes for protein and lysine catabolism in liver of lactating dairy cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 89: E-Suppl. 1: 620.<br /> <br /> Vyas, D., U. Moallem, B. B. Teter, P. Delmonte, and R. A. Erdman. 2011. Abomasal infusion of butterfat during CLA induced milk fat depression in lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 94(E-Suppl. 1):202-203.<br /> <br /> Vyas, D., U. Moallem, B. B. Teter, P. Delmonte, and R. A. Erdman. 2011. The effects of PPAR-gamma agonist and conjugated linoleic acid on mammary and hepatic lipid metabolism in lactating mice. J. Dairy Sci. 94(E-Suppl.1):207.<br /> <br /> White, H. M., S. S. Donkin, M. C. Lucy, T. M. Grala, and J. R. Roche. 2011. Genetic differences between New Zealand and North American dairy cows alter milk production and gluconeogenic enzyme expression. J. Anim. Sci. 89: E-Suppl. 1: 28.<br /> <br /> Zhao, C., J. Song, B. Bequette, and M.S. Updike. 2011. Carcass and production characteristics of grass-fed Angus cattle through spring, summer, winter and fall. J. Anim. Sci. 89(E-Suppl.1):489.<br /> <br /> <br />

Impact Statements

  1. Fatty acid supplements can improve immune functioning of calves and application of nutrition models to user-friendly software.
  2. Using the ratio of milk C17:0 to C15:0 in experiments may assess a loss of body weight and mobilization of adipose stores as indicated by increased plasma NEFA concentrations.
  3. Metabolizable protein (MP)-deficient diets, supplemented with rumen-protected Lys and Met can maintain milk production similar to a MP-adequate diet; protein concentration may be significantly decreased without the supplementation of ruminally-protected Met. Nitrogen losses and ammonia emissions from manure are dramatically decreased with the MP-deficient diets.
  4. The apparent efficiency of utilization of all dietary amino acids for milk protein secretion is increased by decreasing dietary protein intake.
  5. In a short-term study, oregano leaves decreased linearly DMI, tended to quadratically increase milk yield, increased feed efficiency, and decreased ruminal methane production.
  6. Dairy cows have a circadian pattern of milk synthesis that is responsive to the timing of feed intake.
  7. High palmitic acid fat supplements increase milk yield in high producing cows without the risk in reduced milk fat synthesis.
  8. There is a potential to add value and demand to locally-grown (ND) feed grains and crop by-products, with the intent to supply a global market with affordable nutrients for lactating cattle derived from selected crops.
  9. Experiments to examine the effect of lysine infusion provided a basis for examining the physiological changes in liver and mammary tissue in response to lysine supply.
  10. Experiments to examine hepatic gene expression and dietary protein supply provided information on the relative sensitivity of transcripts that code for general protein catabolism and those that are specific to lysine catabolism. These data suggest a potential sparing of essential amino acids relative to general amino acids catabolism.
  11. Experiments using MDBK cells provided insight to the control of gluconeogenesis in kidney and based on comparison with other experiments using H4IIe cells the response to propionate in kidney is very different form liver.
  12. Monensin may be an effective tool to promote more consistent feed intake patterns and to prevent liver lipid accumulation in transition dairy cows.
  13. Feeding Bovamine® to lactating dairy cows during late lactation favorably transforms their digestive system microbiome to maintain the Firmicutes (genus closely associated with improved nutrient digestibility and enhanced energy capture):Bacteroides ratio elevated in the rumen.
  14. In addition to the previously determine effects of insulin and essential amino acids on mTOR signaling in mammary tissue, it has now been demonstrated that acetate affects AMPK phosphorylation which has been shown to also impinge on mTOR phosphorylation.
  15. As demonstrated in other laboratories, feeding nitrate significantly reduces methane production.
  16. There is diversity in urea recycling to the rumen that is correlated with MUN concentrations. When fed a common diet, cows at similar production levels with high MUN had reduced gut urea clearance rates and the reverse for those with low MUN. Thus, cows with high MUN may be more susceptible to ruminally degradable protein deficiencies.
  17. Work at Ohio State University demonstrated the need to mechanistically study protozoal metabolism and their interaction with other microbes to manipulate microbial populations in order to sustainably decrease N excretion or methane emission on dairy enterprises.
  18. CLA-induced changes in lipogenic gene expression correspond with decreases in milk fat. SREBP-1 rather than PPAR-³ is a more likely regulator of mammary lipogenic gene expression. CLA-induced milk fat depression is likely due to a general down-regulation in mammary gene expression and not simply a deficiency in SMCFA precursors for mammary triglyceride synthesis.
  19. Butyrate does not increase urea recycling to the gut compared to acetate. Reduction in urea synthesis coupled with increased capture of recycled urea-N by gut microbes suggests that butyrate enhances overall capture of feed and urea derived ammonia by microbes.
  20. The increase in gluconeogenesis with ruminal propionate infusion increases the supply of glucose for peripheral tissue metabolism and likely spares amino acids for protein synthesis.
  21. Factors that are influencing growth in young calves and the immune status in the neonatal calf have been identified. By better identifying the factors that influence early calf hood growth, the potential for improved milk production efficiency may be unlocked.
  22. In vitro data demonstrated that bismuth subsalicylate can markedly decrease H2S production in the rumen.
  23. Use of mechanistic models improved the prediction potential for methane emissions. Therefore, the US should consider moving to Tier 3 system for national inventory of methane emissions.
  24. The use of global analyses is a technique that will help model development and guide research in complex systems.
  25. Supplementing dairy diets with whole safflower seeds can be an effective strategy of fat supplementation to lactating dairy cows without negative impacts on lactational performance and milk fatty acid profiles.
  26. It was demonstrated that fibroblast growth factor-21 is dynamically regulated by the transition from pregnancy to lactation in dairy cows. This regulation is consistent with a role in regulating lipid mobilization from white adipose tissue and hepatic oxidative capacity.
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Date of Annual Report: 11/01/2012

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 10/21/2012 - 10/23/2012
Period the Report Covers: 11/01/2011 - 10/01/2012


Participants present:

;Armentano, Louis (, University of Wisconsin; Boisclair, Yves (, Secretary, Cornell University; Bateman, Gale (, Provimi; Bradford, Barry (, Kansas State University; Davidson, Jill (, Purina Feed; Donkin, Shawn (, Purdue University; Eun, Jong-Su (, Chair, Utah State University; Erdman, Richard (, University of Maryland; Firkins, Jeffrey (, Ohio State University; Hanigan, Mark (, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University; Harvatine, Kevin (, Pennsylvania State University; Fadel, James (, University of California, Davis; Rossow, Heidi (, University of California  Davis; Waldron, Matt (, University of Missouri; Vandehaar, Michael (, Michigan State University; Benfield, David (, Administrative Advisory; Smith, Steve (, NIFA-USDA (on conference call).

Participants submitting a written report, but not present:;
Bequette, Brian (, University of Maryland; Kebreab, Ermias (, University of California, Davis; Hristov, Alex (, Pennsylvania State University; Schroeder, J. W. (, North Dakota State University.

Brief Summary of Minutes

A. Minutes of the Annual Meeting (October 22-23, 2012):

Monday, October 22

The Administrative Advisory, Dr. David Benfield, talked about the following items:

  • Rewrite year for NC-1040

  • Current project will end Sep. 30, 2013

  • Objectives for renewal already submitted

  • Participating members must submit appendix E by Nov. 15, 2012

  • Complete project must be submitted by Dec. 1, 2012

  • New project will start Oct. 1, 2013 (if approved)

  • Other administrative tasks to complete: yearly report due Dec. 1, 2012; 6-yr report due Dec. 1, 2013

  • Dr. Steve Smith, USDA-NIFA participated in the meeting via a conference call. Dr. Smith provided the following information:

  • New Director appointed (Dr. Sonny Ramaswamy)

  • Funding update

  • ✓  NIFA is operating with a continuing budget (no budget approved for 2013)

    ✓  AFRI Budget for FY2013: either flat or slight increase

    ✓  RFA released for programs supported by both executive/legislative branches

    ✓  Funding success for AFRI foundational programs on Animal health/products

    ✓  Success rate below 10% for most

    ✓  Needs for our continued input to increase funding

    Dr. Mark Hanigan introduced National Research Project-9 (NRSP-9) and its progress: two groups formed involving Dairy, Beef, Swine, and Poultry Nutritionists (one group on feed composition and another one on modeling).

    The following station reports were presented: University of Wisconsin (Louis Armentano), Kansas State University (Barry Bradford), Utah State University (Jong-Su Eun), University of Missouri (Matt Waldron), Provimi (Gale Bateman), Purdue University (Shawn Donkin), Purina Feed (Jill Davidson), University of Maryland (Rich Erdman), and UC Davis (Jim Fadel).

    Tuesday, October 23

    First, the Committee elected new officers and a venue for next years meeting: Chair and Secretary for the 2013 meeting: Yves Boisclair (Cornell University) and Kevin Harvatine (Penn State University), respectively. It was decided that the 2013 meeting will be held in either Chicago, IL or Detroit, MI on October 21  22.

    The following station reports were presented: Ohio State University (Jeff Firkins), Virginia Tech (Mark Hanigan), Penn State University (Kevin Harvatine), UC Davis (Heidi Rossow), and Michigan State University (Michael Vandehaar).

    Dr. Mike Vandehaar discussed with committee members to make initial draft of NC-1040s logic model. The meeting adjourned.


    <b>B. Summary of Station Reports:</b><br /> <br /> <b>Louis Armentano (University of Wisconsin, Obj. 1):</b> It was assessed to determine if detectable and repeatable differences in units of bulk tank remained. The parlor in which the data was collected is a Westfalia-Surge double 16 parallel with 2 rapid exit gates and 2 possible exit lanes per side (8 cows each). There were significant correlations found between milking time within period (AM vs. PM) and for the same milking time across periods (P<0.01). Cows occasionally did visit the same unit, in 20 milkings per cow, 50% of cows visited a different unit each time, 5% of cows visited the same unit 4 or more times; and 1 % visited the same unit 6 or more times. Range of units in a given milking was 47.0 to 51.6 and 49.5 to 51.7 lbs. for AM; and 37.9 to 42.8 and 37.7 to 43.4 for PM. Coefficient of variation ranged from 2.21 to 2.75%. </b><br /> <br /> <b>Barry Bradford (Kansas State University, Obj. 1 and 2):</b? Meta-analysis technique was used to assess the effects of dietary sugar on DMI and milk production and composition responses in lactating dairy cows. The combined results of the 18 treatment comparisons included in this study suggested that supplemental sugar tended to increase DMI by 0.38 kg/d, with a 95% likelihood that the true mean response lies somewhere between a decrease of 0.04 kg/d and an increase of 0.80 kg/d. Despite the finding that DMI tends to increase with sugar supplementation, there was no evidence that dietary sugar increased milk production, protein content, or ECM production. However, the meta-analysis did identify a tendency for supplemental sugar to increase milk fat content by 0.085 percentage units. This finding is consistent with recent reports suggesting that sugar can help to mitigate milk fat depression. <br /> We recently conducted a study to evaluate responses to oral delivery of the NSAID sodium salicylate (SS) during the first week of lactation. The purpose of this investigation was to determine if oral SS treatment during the first 7 days in milk has sustained impacts through the entire lactation. No overall treatment effect (P = 0.16) was observed for 305-d milk yield, but there was an interaction of treatment and parity (P < 0.01). Salicylate administration increased (P = 0.05) 305-day milk yield in 3P cows by 4,384 ± 1,552 lb, but decreased it in 1P cows by 2,155 ± 824 lb. Estimated 305-day milk fat yield was increased by 13% in SS cows (P < 0.001). A treatment by parity interaction was observed, where 3P SS cows produced 318 ± 55 lb more fat over the lactation than 3P CON (34% increase, P < 0.001). 305-d protein yield was not impacted by treatment (P > 0.50), but there was a treatment by parity interaction where 3P SS cows tended to have greater protein yield than 3P CON (14% increase, P = 0.06). </b><br /> <br /> <b>Jong-Su Eun (Utah State University, Obj. 1):</b> An experiment was conducted to test a hypothesis that lactating dairy cows fed 35% brown midrib (BMR) corn silage and 25% alfalfa hay (DM basis) would consume more DM around peak lactation compared to those fed convention corn silage (CS), resulting in longer peak milk production. Twenty-eight multiparous Holstein cows were used starting at the onset of lactation through 180 DIM. Through peak lactation (1-60 DIM), DM intake was not different between dietary treatments, whereas DM intake post peak lactation (61-180 DIM) tended to increase (P = 0.07) by feeding the BMR diet compared with the CCS diet (25.8 vs. 24.7 kg/d). Cows fed the BMR diet tended to lose less body weight (P = 0.09) through peak lactation compared with those fed the CCS diet (-0.22 vs. -0.52 kg/d). While milk yield was not different between dietary treatments through peak lactation, milk yield post peak lactation increased by feeding the BMR diet compared with the CCS diet (41.0 vs. 38.8 kg/d). Overall milk protein concentration was similar between dietary treatments throughout the experiment (2.96% on average), whereas milk protein yield tended to be higher (P = 0.10) for the BMR diet post peak lactation compared with the CCS diet (1.19 vs.1.13 kg/d).<br /> Another experiment was conducted to determine the effects of corn silage (CS) hybrids and quality of alfalfa hay (AH) in high forage dairy diets on N metabolism and ruminal fermentation by early lactating dairy cows. Eight multiparous Holstein cows were used in a duplicated 4 × 4 Latin square experiment with a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement of treatments. Intake of DM did not differ because of CS hybrids and AH quality. While feeding BMRCS-based diets decreased urinary N output by 32% (P < 0.01), it did not affect fecal N output. Feeding high quality AH decreased urinary N output by 18% (P = 0.01), but increased fecal N output by 14.5% (P = 0.01). Nitrogen efficiency (milk N (g/d)/intake N (g/d)) was similar across treatments. Ruminal ammonia-N concentration was lower for cows fed BMRCS-based diets than those fed CCS-based diets (P = 0.02), but was not affected by quality of AH. Significantly decreased MUN by feeding BMRCS or high quality AH suggests improved whole-body N utilization efficiency.<br /> <br /> <b>Matthew Waldron (University of Missouri, Obj. 2):</b> A lactation dairy trial has been conducted to determine the effects of Diamond V XP yeast culture and a next generation probiotic (LAC) on blood glucose kinetics, metabolism, health and productive variables of the dairy cow. The animal phase of an experiment to study the mode of action, productive, metabolic, and immunological effects of commercially available and experimental feed additives was completed. One-hundred and sixty primiparous (30%) and multiparous (70%) Holstein cows were fed one of four different treatments (n = 40 animals per treatment) from 42 d before expected calving through 85 d postpartum. Laboratory and statistical analyses have been initiated; publication submission is expected by summer of 2013.<br /> <br /> <b>Gale Bateman (Provimi North America, Obj. 3):</b> A trial was performed to determine if tail skin temperatures could be used as a proxy for core body temperature in neonatal Holstein male calves in order to have continuous measurements of body temperature over multiple days. A total of 79 calves were used in 3 measurement periods (7+ d each). Thermocron® (Maxim Integrated Products, Inc, Sunnyvale, CA) was attached to the underside of the tail immediately proximal to the observable vein using expandable tape (Vetrap", 3M, St. Paul, MN). Day of trial was found to be non-significant and removed from the model. All other terms remained significant at P < 0.05. The final model adjusted for calf, period, and time of day. Rectal temperature (°C) was best predicted as tail temperature (°C) * 0.4964±0.02551 + 19.9177±0.9869. This equation has an R2 of 0.6120 and a variance inflation factor of 2.57. Tail skin temperature is related to rectal temperature in neonatal male calves and can be used as a noninvasive proxy for core body temperature. <br /> An experiment was designed to determine the extent that ambient temperatures influenced body temperature in neonatal male Holstein calves housed in a non-temperature controlled calf nursery. A total of 78 calves were used in 3 measurement periods (7+ d each). Each calf had Thermocron® (Maxim Integrated Products, Inc, Sunnyvale, CA) attached to the underside of the tail immediately proximal to the observable vein using expandable tape (Vetrap", 3M, St. Paul, MN). Calves were initially 2 d old and were monitored for 56 d. The model has log likelihood R2 of 0.32 and a variance inflation factor of 1.46. Body temperature in neonatal calves had a circadian rhythm and was partially related to ambient temperatures indicating that they may have troubles thermoregulating in periods of extreme temperature swings. <br /> Research published after the Dairy NRC (2001) relating to protein needs of calves and heifers was reviewed and compared with requirements from NRC (2001). The experiments reviewed varied intakes or concentrations of CP or varied fraction or fractions of CP in the diet relative to an energy measure. Animal requirements were reviewed in 4 categories to identify advances in understanding of nutritional requirements since publication of NRC (2001). Categories included 1) calves less than 2 mo of age fed milk or milk replacer and starter, 2) calves to approximately 4 mo of age fed starter with limited forage, 3) pre-breeding age heifers, and 4) post breeding age heifers. For calves in category 1, data estimating optimum ratios of amino acids for the milk-fed calf were identified. For calves in categories 1 and 2, data estimating optimum ratios of CP to ME were identified. For heifers in category 3, optimum diet CP:ME appeared similar to NRC (2001) but other differences existed. No experiments found tested the 70% RDP of CP recommendation for calves in category 3, however, approximately 65% RDP supported more typical dairy heifer ADG than lower amounts. Few differences from NRC (2001) were found for heifers in category 4. Precision or limit-feeding vs. more conventional ad lib fed programs appears to offer utility to save costs and reduce nutrient and fecal outputs with dietary adjustments to maintain protein intake relative to energy and DMI. The presentation will cite the literature since NRC (2001) found in the search. The new literature includes experiments measuring growth, rumen and whole animal metabolism, digestibility, tissue harvest, blood chemistries, and hormones.<br /> <br /> <b>Shawn Donkin (Purdue University, Obj. 1 and 2):</b> We compared the effects of supplying amino acids via postruminal casein infusion on gene expression in the liver and mammary gland of early lactation dairy cattle. A replicated crossover design was utilized for this study using six rumen cannulated lactating Holstein cows (35 ± 8 DIM). The study utilized two treatments; the control treatment (CON) consisted of water infused into the abomasum of the animal at an equal rate and volume to the other treatments, whereas the protein treatment (PRO) consisted of milk protein isolate (MPI) infused at a rate of 600g/d. Increasing protein supply post-ruminally appears to have a significant effect on protein, as a percent of milk, in addition to altering milk production. When milk protein is expressed relative to total milk production (kg/kg) as well as dry matter intake (kg/kg) there is a significant effect of lysine infusion. Contrasts show that there is a linear effect of infusion on protein, as a percent of milk, as well as milk urea nitrogen. <br /> Forty eight Holstein cows were fed diets containing either corn silage (no glycerol, 10% food-grade glycerol, or 10% biodiesel glycerol) or a CDS-stover (ensiled mix, fresh mix, and CaO treated) blend as the primary forage for 35 d. CDS-stover blend diets replaced high moisture corn with biodiesel glycerol. The objective of this study was to determine the value of blended corn residue as an alternative to corn silage for lactating dairy cattle. Milk yield was 65.2, 66.2, 65.3, 64.8, 61.2, and 62.1 ± 3.6 lb/d and overall did not differ between treatments. Feed intake was 53.4, 47.6, 51.8, 54.3, 48.6, and 45.9 ± 2.35 lb/d, where the control and ensiled mix groups ate the most and cows on the CaO-blend ate the least, respectively. Also a difference in change of body weight was observed, where cows fed the CaO mix lost weight. These results conclude that treated stover, biodiesel glycerol, and other biofuels products can be included in mid-lactation dairy cattle diets to partially replace corn silage and corn without an effect on milk yield or DMI.<br /> Glucose-6-phosphatase (G6Pase) is a rate-limiting enzyme in gluconeogenesis and catalyzes the release of glucose from liver. The objective of this experiment was to clone bovine G6Pase promoter and determine the effects of cyclic AMP (cAMP) and dexamethasone (Dex) on G6Pase promoter activity. Basal luciferase activities of G6Pase promoter constructs were not different from pGL3-Basic (P0.05), but were induced (P0.05) with exposure to cAMP as well as the combined cAMP and Dex. Dex alone had no effect on promoter activity (P0.05). The responsiveness of G6P promoter to cAMP was decreased as the 5 end was truncated (P0.05). The data demonstrate a synergistic role of cAMP and Dex in regulating bovine G6Pase expression through promoter activation. Furthermore, the data indicate the sequence TTACGTAA located from -161 to -154 bp upstream of the TSS is essential for the induction of G6Pase promoter activity by cAMP or the combination of cAMP and Dex.<br /> <br /> <b>Rich Erdman (University of Maryland, Obj. 1):</b> We have been looking at effects of dietary DCAD on feed efficiency (FE) expressed as 3.5% FCM/DMI. In a principal components analysis of earlier work with DCAD, we found that both Na and K were positively associated with milk fat percent, FCM, and FE. However, Na was positively associated with DMI while K had no effect, suggesting a greater FE response to K supplementation. A feeding study conducted last spring tested the effect of DCAD on FE in 20 Holstein cows (8 primiparous, 12 multiparous) fed a basal diet containing 60% corn silage, 18% ground shell corn, 19% soybean and 3% vitamin/mineral supplement with a DCAD of 277 meq/kg DM (Na + K  Cl). Treatments consisted of the basal or the basal supplemented with 50, 100, or 150 meq/DM added K using potassium carbonate as the cation source. There was no effect of DCAD on DMI and milk production which averaged 22.0 and 38.8 kg/d respectively across treatments. DCAD had a significant linear effect on milk fat percentage (P = 0.014) and fat yield (P = 0.013). Milk fat percentage was very low (2.58%) in the 250 DCAD group and increased up to 2.89% in the 400 DCAD treatment. Corresponding fat yield increased from 987 to 1,108 g/d. As expected the greatest response fat percent and yields came with the first two increments of DCAD (300 and 350) with a smaller increment in the 400 meq/kg DCAD treatment. Surprisingly, DCAD had a negative effect on milk protein concentration which decreased linearly (P = 0.047) from 3.03 to 2.97% with increasing DCAD. Therefore, an optimal DCAD for maximal FE could not be determined. Thus, we concluded that diets needed to contain at least 406 meq/kg DCAD (K+Na-Cl equation).<br /> <br /> <b>Jim Fadel (UC Davis, Obj. 3): </b>The objectives were to evaluate extant VFA stoichiometric models for their capacity to predict VFA molar proportion and CH4 using independent data sources. Model comparison was based on mean square prediction error (MSPE), concordance correlation coefficient and regression analysis. In general, models showed different prediction performance with respect to the type of VFA in rumen fluid with root MSPE (RMSPE, % observed mean) values from 5.2 to 43.2. Among the 4 models evaluated, that of Murphy et al. (1982, MUR) had the highest RMSPE value for propionate (25.7%) with 19.6% MSPE being random error. The model of Bannink et al. (2006, BAN) had the lowest RMSPE (10.7%) for butyrate with 97.8% MSPE being random error. Similarly, the model of Nozière et al. (2010, NOZ) had the lowest RMSPE (5.2%) for acetate with 83.0% MSPE being random error. <br /> The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of forage proportion in the diet on efficiency of utilization of energy for milk production. A database containing energy balance observations on 600 individual dairy cows was assembled from 35 calorimetry studies conducted in the UK. A meta-analytical approach based on Bayesian methods was used to analyze the data as the conclusion reached is valid across studies. There was a significant effect of forage proportion on parameters for NEM (P = 0.015) and kl (P = 0.004). However, kg and kt were not significantly different (P = 0.39 and 0.14, respectively) in cows fed various proportions of forage. Net energy for maintenance was estimated to be 0.25 MJ/(kg0.75 d) (SD=0.024), where SD is the standard deviation. The overall equation that describes the effect of forage proportion in the diet on efficiency of energy utilization for milk production was kl = 0.52 (SD = 0.016)  0.032 (SD = 0.096) × (F:C  0.64) (when centered on the mean of the observations). The results agreed with Strathe et al. (2011) who reported that kl was linearly related to metabolizability (i.e. ME/gross energy) of the diet, and predicted a 0.012 change in efficiency per 0.1 unit change in metabolizability. However, the magnitude of change in kl was higher when the analysis was conducted based on forage proportion compared to metabolizability. This may be because the calculated metabolizability had a narrow range in the dataset (0.42 and 0.76) compared to a wider range in forage proportions because of the nature of diet formulation to meet energy requirements.<br /> <br /> <b>Jeff Firkins (Ohio State University, Obj. 1):</b> In pilot studies, we screened and evaluated dose-responsiveness of various compounds used to study motility of non-rumen ciliates. The current objectives were to evaluate effects and potential interactions among wortmannin (200 ¼M, indirectly decreasing energy availability by blocking phosphoinositide signaling), insulin (countered wortmannins inhibition of cell growth, potentially through a receptor tyrosine kinase, RTK), genistein (RTK blocker, potentially inhibiting chemotaxis), U73122 (100 ¼M, inhibitor of phospholipase C, PLC, potentially disrupting Ca++ gradients needed for swimming and turning), and sodium nitroprusside (SNP, 500 ¼M, protein kinase G activator to enhance turning toward a chemoattractant) preloaded for 3 h in ruminal fluid that was flocculated and maintained anaerobically at 39°C. Chemoattractants were glucose, peptides, and their combination; peptides also were combined with guanosine triphosphate (GTP, a universal chemorepellent to protists). Isotrichids increased chemotaxis to glucose, but wortmannin decreased this response. Peptides were strongly chemorepellent to isotrichids, even in the presence of glucose and especially when preloaded with genistein or SNP. GTP had no effect on peptide repellence, although it reduced chemoattraction to glucose in a previous study. For entodiniomorphids, U73122 increased random swimming into saline controls. Wortmannins opposite results for entodiniomorphids versus isotrichids appear to be mediated through differences in vacuolization or receptor signaling mechanisms. For entodiniomorphids, motility toward chemoattractants appears to be sensitized by energy deprivation (wortmannin). Turning toward gradients is mediated through PKG; however, we could not support a direct PLC role.<br /> <br /> <b>Mark Hanigan (Virginia Tech, Obj. 2 and 3):</b> We hypothesized that dairy cattle may be able to maintain performance when fed a combination of sub-NRC requirement levels of RUP and RDP. Thirty-six mid-lactation dairy cows (24 Holstein and 12 Jersey × Holstein cross-breds) were fed diets containing sufficient or deficient amounts of RDP and RUP in a 2 × 2 factorial arrangement within a 4 × 4 Latin Square design with 3-wk periods. Diets were formulated to contain 16.5, 15.75, or 15.0 % CP (DM basis) with RUP and RDP balances of +57 and +58 g/d (High-RUP/High-RDP, 16.5% CP); +42 and -209 g/d (High-RUP/Low-RDP, 15.75% CP); -133 and +61 g/d (Low-RUP/High-RDP, 15.75% CP); or -182 and -186 g/d (Low-RUP/Low-RDP, 15.0% CP), respectively. Treatment had no effect on DMI, milk production, milk protein, lactose, or fat yield. Diets containing low levels of RUP had significantly reduced MUN and urinary urea N levels as compared to diets with higher RUP levels. Urinary N excretion was significantly reduced in the Low-RUP/Low-RDP diet. Microbial N flow, calculated from urinary purine derivatives, was not significantly affected by treatment. Reduced levels of dietary RUP and RDP reduced N excretion and improved N efficiency without altering microbial outflow. <br /> The objective of the present work was to extend that model to represent individual EAA effect on mTOR phosphorylation and fractional protein synthesis rates (SR(Pr)) in the mammary gland. The model was fitted against mTOR phospho:total ratios standardized to the observed mean of the complete Dubelcco Modified Eagle Medium treatment (QP(mTOR)) and SR(Pr) (% h-1). Intracellular Leu concentration explained 67 % of the variation observed in mTOR phosphorylation. No mean or slope bias were observed for QP(mTOR) predictions. Intracellular concentrations of Ile and Met together explained 63 % of the variation observed in protein synthesis with no mean or slope bias. Regression of SR(Pr) residuals on intracellular Leu concentration and QP(mTOR) showed no remaining effect explained by these two variables. In conclusion, the model indicated that protein synthesis was inhibited when the cell sensed a shortage of Ile and Met, but this signal was not mediated by the mTOR pathway.<br /> <br /> <b>Kevin Harvatine (Penn State University, Obj. 1 and 2):</b> Our objective was to determine if inhibition of milk fat synthesis during diet-induced milk fat depression occurred to a higher degree during certain phases of the day. In Experiment 1, 9 multiparous cows were arranged in a 3x3 Latin Square design. Treatments were control TMR, control TMR plus 3 d intravenous infusion of 7.5 g/d of trans-10, cis-12 conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), and a low forage and high fat diet for 10 d. In Experiment 2, 10 multiparous ruminally cannulated cows were arranged in a replicated design and milk samples were collected during a control period or after 5 d of abomasal infusion of 10 g/d of CLA. In Experiment 1, there was a significant effect of treatment and milking for milk fat concentration and yield (P < 0.001 and P < 0.05, respectively), but no interaction of milking time and treatment. In Experiment 2, there also was an effect of treatment and milking time on milk fat concentration (P < 0.05) and no treatment by milking time interaction. There was a treatment, but no milking time or treatment by milking time interaction on milk fat yield. Milk fat percent was 0.48 and 0.28 percentage units lower at the morning milking than the afternoon milking in Exp. 1 and Exp. 2, respectively. A daily rhythm of milk fat concentration and yield can be observed in cows milked three times a day. However, diet-induced milk fat depression decreases milk fat yield equally over the day. <br /> The variation in milk composition within a milking was studied in high producing cows. Eight multiparous Holstein cows (54.86 ± 6.8 kg milk/d; mean ± SD) fed a 31.5% NDF and 17.0% CP diet were used in the experiment. There was an effect of milking (AM vs. PM) on total milk yield and milk protein, lactose, and fat concentration. There also was an interaction of milking time (AM vs. PM) and milking fraction, and a quadratic effect of milking fraction on milk fat, protein and lactose concentration (P < 0.001). Milk fat concentration exhibited the most marked change during milking and the best fit predictions for the AM and PM milkings were 1.43 + 1.65*MF + 2.71*MF2 and 1.89 + 1.42*MF + 2.7124*MF2, respectively. Milk fat content increased quadratically over the course of milk let down in high producing dairy cows, while much smaller changes were observed in protein and lactose. This pattern is consistent with previous results in lower producing dairy cows and reflects the dynamic nature of milk fat secretion from the mammary gland.<br /> <br /> <b>Heidi Rossow (UC Davis, Obj. 1, 2, and 3):</b> Two year study of variability in nutrients and ingredients and the impact of variability on milk production have just been completed and data is currently being analyzed. Data was collected from 5 commercial dairies in CA with feed management systems (EZFeed or FeedWatch). Variability can be incorporated in ration formulation models to refine nutrients supplied to a pen of cows rather than the average cow in a pen and add a factor representing precision of feed management practices to current formulation systems. In collaboration with John Deere and EZFeed (DHI Provo), equations have been developed to predict DM changes with rain for short term DM adjustments to silage. <br /> Weekly blood samples from 150 lactating Holstein cows were collected over a lactation cycle and analyzed for glucose, BHBA and NEFA. Variability in this data will be compared to milk production and components data and nutrient intake data to determine if there is a relationship between blood nutrients and milk components and if variability in feed nutrient intake is reflected in blood nutrient levels. Sample collection and lab analyses have just been completed. In collaboration with Kirk Klasing, John Ramsey, and Gabriela Acetoze, we have just finished a study in poultry examining effects of an immune challenge and Zn or Cu supplementation on feed and mitochondrial efficiency. We are planning on using these methods to examine the relationship between feed efficiency and mitochondrial efficiency in commercial dairy cows. We have just completed another study to determine if we can measure feed efficiency in individual cows on a commercial dairy. Samples are currently being analyzed.<br /> <br /> <b>Michael Vandehaar (Michigan State University, Obj. 1, 2, and 3):</b> We have been assembling a database to assess feed efficiency in lactating cows. To date, about 1600 Holstein cows from the US (WI and ISU are main contributors, along with MSU cows, as well as some from VT and FL) and another 3000 from Europe (Scotland and Netherlands) are included. The following data is based on 840 cows at UW, ISU, and MSU. On average, as cows eat more as a multiple of maintenance (MM) and produce more milk, feed energy is captured more efficiently. However, the marginal increase in efficiency is expected to decrease with increasing MM, especially with the decrease in digestibility predicted by NRC. The current data support this diminishing return and suggest a digestibility discount that is intermediate as illustrated by the trend lines (primiparous in red; multiparous in black). We suggest that once cows are above 3X maintenance on a lifetime basis, further increases in MM from more milk or smaller BW will return little gain in gross efficiency. Our best estimate at predicting DMI accounted for 77% of the variation in observed DMI across this dataset. Metabolic BW, BCS, and their interaction influenced NE captured (P<0.05). Efficiency decreased for fat cows, but not thin cows, as mBW increased. NE captured was not correlated with BCS and BW (R2<0.02). Across all BCS, heavier cows, especially those with mBW >140 (750 kg BW), were less efficient; this is reflected in greater RFI if mBW is not included in the RFI calculation. The increase in RFI matches the increase in DMI expected with increased mBW in NRC predictions. Including mBW in the RFI calculation removes any benefit to smaller BW, and therefore a penalty of 0.1 kg feed DM /mBW for mBW >140 (750 kg BW) should be considered. <br /> <br /> <b>Yves Boisclair (Cornell University, Obj., 2):</b> Recently, a novel hormone known as Fibroblast Growth Factor-21 (FGF21) was shown to regulate lipid mobilization in laboratory animals but nothing is known about its regulation and role in lactating dairy cattle. The two major goals of our work on FGF21 are, first to assess the relationship between plasma FGF21 on one hand and indices of lipid metabolism, productivity and diseases on the other; and second to determine whether FGF21 administration can improve productivity, lipid metabolism and metabolic well-being in transition dairy cows. Regarding the first objective, we have undertaken development of polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies so that we can develop a completely homologous bovine assay (either a radioimmunoassay or an enzyme-linked immunoassay). Specifically, we have raised 4 independent rabbit polyclonal antibodies against bovine FGF21. These antibodies have been evaluated in 2 independent fashions. First, all 4 recognized bovine FGF21 when diluted between 1:5000 and 1:20000 in a modified enzyme-linked immunoassay format setting where bovine FGF21 is captured with an anti human FGF21 monoclonal antibody. They were also tested in a radioimmunoassay format and we showed that binding of radiolabelled bovine FGF21 was competed by excess bovine FGF21 for each of the 4 antibodies. These data suggest that these antibodies adequately recognize bovine FGF21. Regarding the second FGF21 objective, we have obtained over 1 gram of recombinantly produced bovine FGF21 to allow infusion in early lactating dairy cows. After refolding and purification, we have analyzed the protein on polyacrylamide-sodium dodecyl sulfate gels and established that it is over 99% pure. Finally, we have documented that it has a minimum level of endotoxins and that it is biologically active in two different bioassays (ability to stimulate glucose uptake and ability to stimulate ERK signaling in adipocytes). This material is therefore ready and suitable for infusion in dairy cows.<br /> <br /> <b>J.W. Schroeder (North Dakota State University, Obj. 1):</b> The objective of this feeding study is to determine 1) the S-methyl-cysteine sulfoxide content in mustard bran; 2) the rate of conversion of S-methyl-cysteine to the toxic S-methyl cysteine dimethyl disulfide in the rumen; 3) the nutrient digestibility of mustard bran (in vitro): RDP, RUP, NDF, and IVDMD, as well as to determine milk production, milk composition, rumen fermentation, and DMI responses of lactating Holstein cows fed a diet containing 4 different levels of mustard bran (0, 2.5, 5, and 8%) based on the S-methyl-cysteine sulfoxide content. While the optimum dietary intake of conventional feeds for dairy cattle is well accepted, novel combinations of grains and oilseeds with currently available co-products has presented opportunities to explore unique sources of supplemental nutrients. The effects of drought and high feed prices have dairy producers demanding alternative feeds that promote dairy efficiency, food production and environmental stewardship.<br />


    <b>Publications:</b><br /> <br /> <b>List of peer-reviewed journal articles published by NC-1040 committee members during 2012 reporting year (includes papers in press, accepted, or submitted)</b><p><br /> <br /> Aguilar, M., M. D. Hanigan, H. A. Tucker, B. L. Jones, S. K. Garbade, M. L. McGilliard, C. C. Stallings, K. F. Knowlton, and R. E. James (in press). Cow and herd variation in milk urea nitrogen concentrations in lactating dairy cattle. J. Dairy Sci.<br><br /> Alemu, A.W., J. Dijkstra, A. Bannink, J. France and E. Kebreab. 2011. Rumen stoichiometric models and their contribution and challenges in predicting enteric methane production. Anim. Feed Sci. Tech. 166-167:761-778.<br><br /> Alemu, A.W., K. Ominski, and E. Kebreab. 2011. Trends of enteric methane emissions from Manitoba beef cattle. Can. J. Anim. Sci., 91:305-321.<br><br /> Allen, M. S. and B. J. Bradford. 2012. Control of food intake by metabolism of fuels: a comparison across species. Proc Nutr Soc. 71(3):401-9.<br><br /> Appuhamy, J. A. D. R. N., N. Knoebel, J. Escobar, and M. D. Hanigan. 2012. Isoleucine and leucine independently regulate mTOR signaling and protein synthesis in MAC-T cells and bovine mammary tissue slices. J. Nutr. 142:483-91.<br><br /> Baldwin, R. L., R. W. Li, C. J. Li, J. M. Thomson, and B. J. Bequette. 2012. Characterization of the longissimus lumborum transcriptome response to adding propionate to the diet of growing Angus beef steers. Physiol. Genomics. 44:543-550. DOI: 10.1152/physiolgenomics.00144.<br><br /> Baldwin, R. L. VI, Wu, S., Li, W., Li, C., Bequette, B. J., and Li, R.W. (2012) Quantification of transcriptome responses of the rumen epithelium to butyrate infusion using RNA-seq technology. Gene Regulation and Systems Biology. 6:67-80.<br><br /> Bateman, H. G., II, T. M. Hill, J. M. Aldrich, R. L. Schlotterbeck, and J. L. Firkins. 2012. Meta-analysis of the effect of initial serum protein concentration and empirical prediction model for growth of neonatal Holstein calves through 8 weeks of age. J. Dairy Sci. 95:363-369.<br><br /> Bork, N. R., J. W. Schroeder, K. A. Vonnahme, and G. P. Lardy, 2012. Effect of physical form of flaxseed on digestibility when fed to Holstein steers. J. Dairy Sci. (in review).<br><br /> Bradford, B. J., and C. R. Mullins. 2012. Invited Review: Strategies for promoting productivity and health of dairy cattle by feeding non-forage fiber sources. J Dairy Sci. 95(9):4735-46.<br><br /> Brown, K. L., B. G. Cassell, M. L. McGilliard, M. D. Hanigan, and F. C. Gwazdauskas. 2012. Hormones, metabolites, and reproduction in Holsteins, Jerseys, and their crosses. J. Dairy Sci. 95(2):698-707.<br><br /> Carrillo, A. E., Flynn, M. G, Pinkston, C, Markofski, M. M., Jiang. Y, Donkin S. S., Teegarden, D. 2011.Vitamin D supplementation during exercise training does not alter inflammatory biomarkers in overweight and obese subjects. Eur J Appl Physiol. 2011 Dec 20. [Epub ahead of print].<br><br /> Faciola, A. P., G. A. Broderick, A. N. Hristov, and M. I. Leã. 2012. Effects of lauric acid on ruminal protozoal numbers and fermentation pattern and milk production in lactating dairy cows. J. Anim. Sci. (accepted).<br><br /> Fokkink, W. B., T. M. Hill, H. G. Bateman II, J. M. Aldrich, R. L. Schlotterbeck, and A. F. Kertz. 2011. Case Study: Effect of high-and low-cereal-grain starters on straw intake and rumen development of neonatal Holstein calves. Prof. Anim. Sci. 27:357-364.<br><br /> Ghimire, S., P. Gregorini, and M. D. Hanigan. (submitted). Evaluation of predictions of volatile fatty acid production rates by the Molly cow model. J. Dairy Sci.<br><br /> Hanigan. M. D., J. A. D. R. N. Appuhamy, and P. Gregorini. (submitted). Estimation of digestive parameters in the Molly cow model. J. Dairy Sci.<br><br /> Harvatine, K. J., and D. E. Bauman. 2011. Characterization of the acute lactational response to trans-10, cis-12 conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). J. Dairy Sci. 94:6047-56.<br><br /> Hill, T. M., H. G. Bateman II, J. M. Aldrich, and R. L. Schlotterbeck. 2011. Case Study: Effects of adding arginine and histidine to dairy calf milk replacers. Professional Animal Scientist 27:565-570<br><br /> Hill, T. M., M. J. VandeHaar, L. M. Sordillo, D. R. Catherman, H. G. Bateman II, and R. L. Schlotterbeck. 2011. Fatty acid intake alters growth and immunity in milk-fed calves. J. Dairy Sci. 94:3936-3948.<br><br /> Hill, T. M., H. G. Bateman II, J. M. Aldrich, and R. L. Schlotterbeck. 2012. Methods of reducing milk replacer to prepare dairy calves for weaning when large amounts of milk replacer have been fed. Professional Animal Scientist. 28:332-337.<br><br /> Hill, T. M., H. G. Bateman II, J. M. Aldrich, and R. L. Schlotterbeck.2012. High-starch, coarse-grain, low-fiber diets maximize growth of weaned dairy calves less than 4 months of age. Professional Animal Scientist. 28:325-331.<br /> Hill, T. M., H. G. Bateman II, J. M. Aldrich, and R. L. Schlotterbeck. 2012. Case Study: Effect of feeding rate and weaning age of dairy calves fed a conventional milk replacer during warm summer months. Professional Animal Scientist 28:125-130<br><br /> Holt, M. S., J.-S. Eun, A. J. Young, X. Dai, and K. E. Nestor Jr. 2012. Effects of feeding brown midrib corn silage with a high dietary concentration of alfalfa hay on lactational performance of Holstein dairy cows for the first 180 days of lactation. J. Dairy Sci. (manuscript accepted and in press)<br><br /> Hristov, A. N. 2012. Historic, pre-European settlement, and present-day contribution of wild ruminants to enteric methane emissions in the United States. J. Anim. Sci. 90:1371-1375.<br><br /> Hristov, A. N., C. Lee, R. Hrisova, P. Huhtanen, and J. L. Firkins. 2012. A meta-analysis of variability in continuous-culture ruminal fermentation and digestibility data. J. Dairy Sci. 95:5299-5307.<br><br /> Hristov, A. N., T. R. Callaway, C. Lee, and S. E. Dowd. 2012. Ruminal bacterial, archaeal, and fungal diversity of dairy cows with normal and reduced ruminal fauna. J. Anim. Sci. (in press).<br><br /> Lee, C., A. N. Hristov, K. S. Heyler, T. W. Cassidy, H. Lapierre, G. A. Varga, and C. Parys. 2012. Effects of metabolizable protein supply and amino acids supplementation on nitrogen utilization, production and ammonia emissions from manure in dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 95:52535268.<br><br /> Lee, C., A. N. Hristov, C. J. Dell, G. W. Feyereisen, J. Kaye, and D. Beegle. 2012. Effect of dietary protein concentration on ammonia and greenhouse gas emissions from dairy manure. J. Dairy Sci. 95:19301941.<br><br /> Lee, C., A. N. Hristov, T. W. Cassidy, K. S. Heyler, H. Lapierre, G. A. Varga, M. J. de Veth, R. A. Patton, and C. Parys. 2012. Rumen-protected lysine, methionine, and histidine increase milk protein yield in dairy cows fed metabolizable protein-deficient diet. J. Dairy Sci. (in press).<br><br /> Legesse, G., J. A. Small, S. L. Scott, G. H. Crow, H. C. Block, A. W. Alemu, C. D. Robins, and E. Kebreab. 2011. Evaluation of enteric methane emissions from alternative cow-calf production systems. Anim. Feed Sci. Tech. 166-167:678-687.<br><br /> Moallem, U., D. Vyas, B. B. Teter, P. L. Delmonte, and R.A. Erdman. 2012. Transfer rate of alpha-linolenic acid from abomasally infused flaxseed oil into milk fat and the effects on milk fatty acid composition in dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 95: 5276-5284.\<br><br /> Morvay, Y., A. Bannink, J. France, E. Kebreab, and J. Dijkstra. 2011. Evaluation of models to predict the stoichiometry of volatile fatty acid profiles in rumen fluid of dairy cattle. J. Dairy Sci., 94:3063-3080.<br><br /> Mullins, C. R., L. K. Mamedova, M. J. Brouk, C. E. Moore, H. B. Green, K. L. Perfield, J. F. Smith, J. P. Harner, and B. J. Bradford. 2012. Effects of monensin on metabolic parameters, feeding behavior, and productivity of transition dairy cows. J Dairy Sci. 95:1323-1336.<br><br /> Reveneau, C., S. K. R. Karnati, E. R. Oelker, and J. L. Firkins. 2012. Interaction of unsaturated fat or coconut oil with monensin in lactating dairy cows fed twelve times daily. I. Protozoal abundance, nutrient digestibility, and microbial protein flow to the omasum. J. Dairy Sci. 95:2046-2060.<br><br /> Reveneau, C., C. V. D. M. Ribeiro, M. L. Eastridge, and J. L. Firkins. 2012. Interaction of unsaturated fat or coconut oil with monensin in lactating dairy cows fed twelve times daily. I. Fatty acid flow to the omasum and milk fatty acid profile. J. Dairy Sci. 95:2061-2069.<br><br /> Rezac, D. J., K. N. Grigsby, N. M. Bello, and B. J. Bradford. 2012. Effects of varying rates of tallgrass prairie hay and wet corn gluten feed on productivity of lactating dairy cows. J Dairy Sci. 95(2):842-9.<br><br /> Rius, A. G., H. A. Weeks, J. Cyriac, R. M. Akers, B. J. Bequette, and M. D. Hanigan. 2012. Protein and energy intakes affected amino acid concentrations in plasma, muscle, and liver, and cell signaling in the liver of growing dairy calves. J. Dairy Sci. 95: 1983-1991.<br> <br /> Schoenberg, K. M., S. L. Giesy, K. J. Harvatine, M. R. Waldron, C. Cheng, A. Kharitonenkov, and Y. R. Boisclair. 2011. Plasma FGF21 is elevated by the intense lipid mobilization of lactation. Endocrinology. 152:4652-61.<br><br /> Singh, K., A. J. Molenaar, K. M. Swanson, B. Gudex, J. A. Arias, R. A. Erdman, and K. Stelwagen. 2012. Epigenetics: a possible role in acute and transgenerational regulation of dairy cow milk production. Animal. 6:375-381.<br><br /> Stewart, B. A., R. E. James, M. D. Hanigan, and K. F. Knowlton. 2012. Cost of reducing protein and phosphorus content of dairy rations. Prof. Anim. Sci. 28:115-119.<br><br /> Storm, A. C., N. B. Kristensen, and M. D. Hanigan. 2012. A model of ruminal VFA absorption kinetics and rumen epithelial blood flow in lactating Holstein cows. J. Dairy Sci. 95:2919-2934.<br><br /> Sullivan, M. L., K. N. Grigsby, and B. J. Bradford. 2012. Effects of wet corn gluten feed on ruminal pH and productivity of lactating dairy cattle fed diets with sufficient physically effective fiber. J Dairy Sci. 95:5213-20.<br><br /> Tekippe, J. A., A. N. Hristov, K. S. Heyler, V. D. Zheljazkov, J. F. S. Ferreira, C. L. Cantrell, and G. A. Varga. 2012. Effects of plants and essential oils on ruminal in vitro batch culture methane production and fermentation. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 92:395-408.<br><br /> Thompson, V. A., J. G. Fadel, and R. D. Sainz. 2011. Meta-analysis to predict sweating and respiration rate for Bos indicus, Bos taurus and crossbred cattle. J. Anim. Sci. Accepted. doi:10.2527/jas.2011-3913.<br><br /> Urschel, K. L., R. J. Geor, M. D. Hanigan, and P. A. Harris. 2012. Amino acid supplementation does not alter whole-body phenylalanine kinetics in Arabian geldings. J. Nutr. 142:461-469.<br><br /> Vyas, D., B. B. Teter, and R. A. Erdman. 2012. Milk fat responses to dietary supplementation of short-and medium-chain fatty acids in lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 95:5194-5202.<br><br /> White, H. M., S. L. Koser, and S. S. Donkin. 2011. Differential regulation of bovine pyruvate carboxylase promoters by fatty acids and peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-± agonist. J Dairy Sci. 94:3428-3436.<br><br /> White, H. M, S. S. Donkin, M. C. Lucy, T. M. Grala, and J. R. Roche. 2012. Short communication: Genetic differences between New Zealand and North American dairy cows alter milk production and gluconeogenic enzyme expression. J Dairy Sci. 95:455-459.<br><br /> White, H. M., S. L. Koser, and S. S. Donkin. 2012. Regulation of bovine pyruvate carboxylase mRNA and promoter expression by thermal stress. Anim. Sci. 90:2979-87.<br><br /> Zhao, C. P., F. Tian, Y. Yu, J. Luo, Q. Hu, B. J. Bequette, R. L. Baldwin, G. Liu, L. S. Zan, M. S. Updike, and J. Z. Song. 2012. Muscle transcriptomic analyses in Angus cattle with divergent tenderness. Mol. Biol. Rept. 39:4185-4193.<br><br /> Zheljazkov, V. D., T. Astatkie, and A. N. Hristov. 2012. Lavender and hyssop productivity, oil content, and bioactivity as a function of harvest time and drying. Ind. Crops Prod. 36:222 228.<br><br /> Zou M, E, J. Arentson, D. Teegarden, S. L. Koser, L. Onyskow, S. S. Donkin. 2012. Fructose consumption during pregnancy and lactation induces fatty liver and glucose intolerance in rats. Nutr Res. 32:588-98.<br><p><br /> <br /> <b>List of abstracts published by NC-1040 committee members during 2012 reporting year</b><br /> <br /> Agarwal, U., Hu, Q., and Bequette, B. J. 2012. Metabolomic profiling of changes in metabolism of CD1 rats from late gestation to early lactation using GC-MS. Metabolomics Society.<br><br /> Aguilar, M., S. D. McKinney, B. M. Burns, D. H. Sedlak, M. K Burton, M. L. Bell, S. Kadotani, K. E. Peacock, B. L. Trexler, and M. D. Hanigan. 2012. Effect of simultaneous reduction of ruminally degradable protein and ruminally undegradable protein below NRC requirements on milk production in dairy cattle. J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 95 (Suppl. 2): 488.<br><br /> Arentson, E.J., R. Potu, D. Ragland, K. K. Buhman, K. Ajuwon, S. S. Donkin. 2012. Excess pregnancy weight gain and early energy-rich environment in swine program offspring for indications of metabolic syndrome. FASEB J. 25.<br><br /> Arriola Apelo, S. I., J.A.D.R.N. Appuhamy, and M. D. Hanigan. 2012. Representation of protein synthesis regulation in mammary epithelial cells. <br>Can. J. Anim. Sci. (in press).<br /> Bateman, H. G., T. M. Hill, A. B. Chestnut, J. M. Aldrich, and R. L. Schlotterbeck.Use of tail skin temperature as a proxy for core body temperature in neonatal Holstein male calves. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 90, Suppl. 3/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 95, Suppl. 2 pp717<br><br /> Bateman, H. G., T. M. Hill, A. B. Chestnut, J. M. Aldrich, W. Hu, and R. L. Schlotterbeck.Body temperature of neonatal male Holstein calves is partially influenced by ambient temperature in the calf nursery. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 90, Suppl. 3/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 95, Suppl. 2 pp717<br><br /> Brown, D. E., C. D. Dechow, W. S. Liu, and K. J. Harvatine. Telomere length assessment of Holstein cows in 10 Pennsylvania dairy herds. J Dairy Sci. 95(E-Suppl. 2):225.<br><br /> Cook, K., D. E. Bauman, and K. J. Harvatine. 2012. CLA and diet induced milk fat depression reduces milk fat across the entire day. J Dairy Sci. 95(E-Suppl. 2):555.<br><br /> Diaz, H. L., J. L. Firkins, J. E. Plank, I. Zapata, and A. N. Schappacher. 2012. Using eukaryotic inhibitors or activators to elucidate differential responses to chemosensory compounds by ruminal isotrichids and entodiniomorphids. Proc. 8th INRA-Rowett Symposium on Gut Microbiology, Clermont-Ferrand, France. p. 47.<br><br /> Dolecheck, K. A., J. M. Vera, A. J. Young, A. H. Smith, V. Fellner, and J.-S. Eun. 2012. Effects of supplementing Propionibacteria in lactation dairy diets on ruminal fermentation in continuous cultures. J. Dairy Sci. 95 (Suppl. 2):215. (Abstr.)<br><br /> Donkin, S. S., and M. J. Cecava. 2012. Rethinking and expanding the role of co-products and crop residues as livestock feeds. J. Dairy Sci., 95 Suppl. 2:404<br /> Donkin, S. S., A. C. Headley, H. A. Tucker, P. H. Doane, and M. J. Cecava. 2012. Processed corn stover as a corn silage replacement feed for lactating dairy cattle. J. Dairy Sci., 95 Suppl. 2:606.<br><br /> Esselburn, K. M., K. M. Daniels, T. M. Hill, H. G. Bateman, J. M. Aldrich, and R. L. Schlotterbeck Fat and fatty acid sources affect growth and health of milk-fed calves. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 90, Suppl. 3/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 95, Suppl. 2 pp 717<br><br /> Esselburn, K. M. T. M. Hill, K. M. ODiam, V. A. Swank, H. G. Bateman, R. L. Schlotterbeck, and K. M. Daniels. Ultrasonographic monitoring of mammary parenchyma growth in preweaned Holstein heifers. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 90, Suppl. 3/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 95, Suppl. 2. Pp 417<br><br /> Ghimire, S., P. Gregorini, and M. D. Hanigan. 2012. Prediction of volatile fatty acid production rates by the Molly cow model. Can.J.Ani Sci.:in press.<br /> Hackmann, T. J., K. L. Backus, and J. L. Firkins. 2012. Mixed rumen microbes respond to excess carbohydrate by synthesizing glycogen and spilling energy. J. Dairy Sci. 95(Suppl. 2):no page (late-breaking abstract).<br><br /> Harvatine, K. J., M. Tanino, Y. R. Boisclair, and D. E. Bauman. 2012. Thyroid hormone responsive spot 14 null mice are acutely responsive to trans-10, cis-12 conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) in the mammary gland. J Dairy Sci. 95(E-Suppl. 2):416.<br><br /> Hill, T. M., H. G. Bateman, J. M. Aldrich, and A. J. Heinrichs. Revising protein requirements of calves and heifers. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 90, Suppl. 3/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 95, Suppl. 2 pp739<br><br /> Hill, T. M., H. G. Bateman, J. M. Aldrich, and R. L. Schlotterbeck.Methods of reducing milk replacer to prepare dairy calves for weaning when large amounts of milk replacer have been fed. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 90, Suppl. 3/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 95, Suppl. 2 pp717<br><br /> Holt, M. S., A. J. Young, J.-S. Eun, and K. E. Nestor. 2012. Effects of corn silage hybrids and quality of alfalfa hay on nitrogen metabolism and ruminal fermentation of early lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 95 (Suppl. 2):176. (Abstr.)<br><br /> Holt, M. S., A. J. Young, X. Dai, K. E. Nestor, and J.-S. Eun. 2012. Effects of feeding brown midrib corn silage with a high dietary concentration of alfalfa hay during early and midlactation on milk production of Holstein dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 95 (Suppl. 2):608. (Abstr.)<br><br /> Hristov, A. N., K. Heyler, E. Schurman, K. Griswold, P. Topper, M. Hile, V. Ishler, E. Wheeler, and S. Dinh. 2012. Reducing dietary protein decreased the ammonia emitting potential of manure from commercial dairy farms. J. Dairy Sci. 95(Suppl. 2):477.<br><br /> Hristov, A. N., C. Lee, R. A. Hristova, and P. Huhtanen. 2012. A meta-analysis of continuous culture rumen fermentation and digestibility data. J. Dairy Sci. 95(Suppl. 2):613.<br><br /> Hristov, A. N., K. J. Shingfield, P. Huhtanen, J. L. Firkins, and K. Harvatine. 2012. Relationships between ruminal volatile fatty acid concentrations, milk production, digestibility, and milk fatty acid composition in dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 95(Supp. 2):344.<br><br /> Isenberg, B. J., A. N. Hristov, D. M. Kniffen, C. Lee, K. S. Heyler, and T. W. Cassidy, and R. A. Fabin. 2012. Effect of temperature during drying and mechanical extrusion on soybean meal protein in situ degradability and in vitro digestibility. J. Dairy Sci. 95(Suppl. 2):216.<br><br /> Kallaway, L., N. Falcony, T. Meister, H. A. Rossow. 2012. Dry matter changes in corn silage with rain. American Dairy Science Assn, Phoenix, AZ, July 15.<br><br /> Kebreab E., A. B. Strathe, J. Dijkstra, A. Bannink, J. Ellis, T. Yan, and J. France. 2011. Forage proportion of diet affects efficiency of energy utilization for milk production in lactating dairy cows. Advances in Animal Biosciences. Proceedings of the 8th International Symposium on the Nutrition of Herbivores. p. 258.<br><br /> Lapierre, H., A. N. Hristov, C. Lee, and D. R. Ouellet. 2012. Applying knowledge of AA metabolism to maximize N-efficiency of the dairy cow: the case of histidine. EAAP Annual Meeting 2012, Bratislava, Slovakia.<br><br /> Lee, C., A. N. Hristov, T. Cassidy, K. Heyler, H. Lapierre, G. A. Varga, M. J. de Veth, R. A. Patton, and C. Parys. 2012. Effect of rumen-protected amino acid supplementation of a protein-deficient diet on performance of lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 95(Suppl. 2):179.<br><br /> Nayananjalie, W. A. D., T. R. Wiles, D. E. Gerrard, M. A. McCann, and M. D. Hanigan. 2012. Adipose tissue preference for acetate in finishing steers. J. Anim. Sci. 90(Suppl. 3): 366.<br><br /> Oh, J., A. N. Hristov, C. Lee, K. Heyler, T. Cassidy, and D. Bravo. 2012. Effect of post-ruminal supplementation of phytonutrients on total tract digestibility, nitrogen losses, and milk production and composition in dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 95(Suppl. 2):350.<br><br /> Oh, J., A. N. Hristov, C. Lee, K. Heyler, T. Cassidy, J. Pate, S. Walusimbi, E. Brzezicka, K. Toyokawa, J. Werner, and D. Bravo. 2012. Effect of post-ruminal supplementation of plant extracts on immune response, blood cell counts, and blood chemistry in lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 95(Suppl. 2):180.<br><br /> Oh, J., A. N. Hristov, C. Lee, K. Heyler, T. Cassidy, S. Dowd, and D. Bravo. 2012. Effect of post-ruminal supplementation of phytonutrients on bacterial diversity in feces of dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 95(Suppl. 2):345.<br><br /> Peters, R. R., S. W. Fultz, J. W. Semler, and R. A. Erdman. 2012. Body growth and first lactation milk production of pregnant Holstein heifers reared on pasture or conventional diets. J. Anim. Sci. Vol. 90, E-Suppl. 3/J. Dairy Sci. Vol. 95, E-Suppl. 2: 27.<br><br /> Rico, D. E., E. R. Marshall, and K. J. Harvatine. 2012. Changes in milk composition of Holstein dairy cows within a milking. J. Dairy Sci. 95(E-Suppl. 2):53.<br><br /> Rico, D. E., A. R. Clarke, Y. Ying, and K. J. Harvatine. 2012. The effect of ruminal adaptation on the time course of recovery from diet induced milk fat depression in dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 95(E-Suppl. 2):435.<br><br /> Rossow, H. A., R. J. van Hoeij, and G. Acetoze. 2011. Differences in nutrients formulated and nutrients supplied on three California Dairies. American Dairy Science Assn, New Orleans, LA, July 15.<br><br /> Rottman, L. W., Y. Ying, P. A. Bartell, and K. J. Harvatine. 2012. The effects of a two ration feeding regimen on intake, milk production, and rumen fermentation in dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 95(E-Suppl. 2):247.<br><br /> Shepherd, D.M., J.L. Firkins, and P. von Behren. 2012. Interactions in rumen pool characteristics by dairy cows fed two concentrations of a novel co-product from corn wet milling with different forage sources. J. Dairy Sci. 95(Suppl. 2):434.<br><br /> Tucker, H. A., M. D. Hanigan, J. Escobar, P. H. Doane, and S. S. Donkin. 2012. Genes for lysine catabolism in lactating dairy cows are responsive to postruminal lysine supply. J. Dairy Sci., 95 Suppl. 2: 46.<br><br /> Vargas, C. F., C. D. Reinhardt, J. L. Firkins, and B. J. Bradford. 2012. Meta-analysis of the effects of dietary sugar on intake and productivity of dairy cattle. J. Dairy Sci. 95(Suppl. 2):433.<br><br /> Viner, M. E., S. S. Donkin, and H. M. White. 2012. Hepatic patatin-like phospholipase domain-containing protein 3 mRNA expression is increased during feed restriction and in transition dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci., 95 Suppl. 2:77.<br><br /> Zhang, Q., S. Koser, and S. S. Donkin. 2012. Cloning and responsiveness of bovine glucose-6-phosphatase promoter to cyclic AMP and glucocorticoids. J. Dairy Sci., 95 Suppl. 2:567.<br /> <br />

    Impact Statements

    1. Supplementing dietary sugar at 3-5% of dry matter may promote increased intake of high-forage lactation diets.
    2. Sustained responses to sodium salicylate suggest that inflammatory signals early in lactation may have a programming effect on lactation performance.
    3. Feeding BMR silage in high forage diet with a high concentration of good quality AH maintained higher BW after parturition even though DMI was similar through peak lactation.
    4. Ruminal distention from gut fill did not appear to be a limiting factor for DMI during the early weeks of lactation.
    5. Feeding BMR silage in high forage diets can have beneficial effects to lessen body fat mobilization in fresh cows without limiting DMI around peak lactation, resulting in longer peak milk production, whereas feeding BMR silage with high quality alfalfa hay can reduce N excretion into urine.
    6. Experiments to examine the effect of protein infusion provide a basis for examining the physiological changes in liver and mammary tissue in response to amino acid supply.
    7. Experiments to examine hepatic and mammary gene expression and dietary protein supply provide information on the relative sensitivity of transcripts that code for general protein catabolism and those that are specific to lysine catabolism, suggesting a potential sparing of essential amino acids relative to general amino acids catabolism.
    8. Experiments to clone the glucose 6 phosphatase promoter provide insight to the control of glucose release in bovine and indicate the region of responsiveness to cAMP and Dex.
    9. Experiments to determine impact of fatty acids on PC expression indicate a prominent effect of C18:3 on PC gene expression.
    10. Diets needed to contain at least 406 meq/kg DCAD (K+Na-Cl equation) as an optimal DCAD.
    11. Use of mechanistic models improves the prediction potential for methane emissions. Therefore, the US should consider moving to Tier 3 system for national inventory of methane emissions.
    12. The use of global analyses is a technique that will help model development and guide research in complex systems.
    13. Although positive responses due to removal of protozoa often have improved the efficiency of microbial protein synthesis in the rumen or decreased methane output per animal, these benefits often were offset by depressed fiber digestibility, feed intake, or yields of milk protein or fat.
    14. There is a need to study protozoal metabolism mechanistically and their interaction with other microbes to manipulate microbial populations in order to sustainably decrease N excretion or methane emission on dairy enterprises.
    15. For cows eating and producing above 3X maintenance, increased productivity only slightly increased feed efficiency.
    16. Accurate measures of BW may not be critical to identifying efficient cows, but BW change estimates are necessary to ensure selection is not biased toward cows losing BW.
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    Date of Annual Report: 12/18/2013

    Report Information

    Annual Meeting Dates: 10/21/2013 - 10/22/2013
    Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2007 - 09/01/2013


    Brief Summary of Minutes

    Please see attached "Copy of Minutes" file below for NC1040's termination report.



    Impact Statements

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