NC1022: The Chemical and Physical Nature of Particulate Matter Affecting Air, Water and Soil Quality. (NCR174)
(Multistate Research Project)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
Date of Annual Report: 09/09/2005
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 06/20/2005
- 06/21/2005
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2005 - 09/01/2005
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2005 - 09/01/2005
Beyrouty, Craig, Purdue Univ.; Bleam, William, Univ. Wisconsin; Bloom, Paul, Univ. Minnesota; Illman, Barbara, USDA-Forest Service, Madison, WI; Loeppert, Richard, Texas A&M Univ.; Schulze, Darrell, Purdue Univ.; Shea, Patrick, Univ. Nebraska; Sparks, Donald, Univ. Delaware; Steenhuis, Tammo, Cornell Univ.; Strawn, Daniel, Univ. Idaho; Taylor, Robert, Alabama A&M Univ.; Teppen, Brian, Michigan State Univ.Brief Summary of Minutes
Meeting Agenda, Monday, June 20Morning: Technical Presentations
Afternoon: Tour of the Advanced Photon Source & Discussion
Meeting Agenda, Tuesday, June 21
Morning: Election of officers and development of plan for coming year
Elected Officers:
Chair: Dean Hesterberg (North Carolina State Univ.)
Vice-Chair: Brian Teppen (Michigan State Univ.)
Secretary: Will Bleam (Univ. Wisconsin)
CARS-Representative: Will Bleam (Univ. Wisconsin)
CARS-Representative: Darrell Schulze (Purdue Univ.)
NC-1022 Objective for 2006
NC-1022 members decided to seek funding of a large, multi-investigator project by the National Science Foundation or Department of Energy. Listed below are specific specific tasks for 2006.
NC-1022 Tasks for 2006
1. Develop a one-page white paper by the federal funding agency visiting group (Sparks, Taylor, Strawn) and meet with program officers at NSF and other agencies. Goal is to prepare one-page white by late summer 2005 by executive committee, review and comments by NC1022 members.
2. Attend Oct. 24-25 meeting at Univ. Delaware, follow up with program officers, meet with potential collaborators from air quality, health sciences, toxicology.
3. NC1022 members write up research objectives designed for developing a large collaborative project proposal.
4. NC1022 members identify potential collaborators from different scientific fields after preparation of white paper mentioned above.
5. Meeting of NC1022 members attending the ASA-CSA-SSSA Annual Meeting at Salt Lake City, scheduled by Vice-Chair. Report by agency-visiting group. Develop plan for submitting proposal(s). Invite Ron Turco & Nancy Cavallaro to meeting.
6. Explore funding of either a Bouycous or Gordon conference or some other source for planning. Bring in potential collaborators.
Currently being compiled.Publications
Currently being compiled.Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 07/09/2006
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 07/09/2006
- 07/09/2006
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2005 - 09/01/2006
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2005 - 09/01/2006
* Bertsch, Paul, Univ. of Georgia* Cavallaro, Nancy, USDA Representive
* Gimenez, Daniel, Rutgers Univ.
* Harsh, James, Washington State Univ.
* Hesterberg, Dean, NC State Univ.
* Loeppert, Richard, Texas A&M Univ.
* Mairelis, Gedi, Rutgers Univ.
* Schlautmann, Mark, Clemson Univ.
* Schulze, Darrell, Purdue Univ.
* Smucker, Alvin, Michigan State Univ.
* Strawn, Daniel, Univ. Idaho
* Teppen, Brian, Michigan State Univ.
* Turco, Ron, Purdue Univ.
Brief Summary of Minutes
NC1022 : The Chemical and Physical Nature of Particulate Matter Affecting Air, Water and Soil Quality. (NCR174)<br /> <br /> Annual/Termination Reports (SAES-422): [10/10/2006]<br /> Date of Annual Report: 10/10/2006<br /> <br /> Report Information:<br /> Annual Meeting Date: 07/09/2006<br /> Period the Report Covers: 10/2005 to 09/2006<br /> <br /> Brief Summary of Minutes of Annual Meeting<br /> Sunday, July 9, 2006<br /> Constitution Room (2nd Floor)<br /> Crowne Plaza Philadelphia<br /> <br /> Business meeting was held Sunday, July 9, 2006 in conjunction with the World Congress of Soil Science in Philadelphia, PA, Dean Hesterberg presiding.<br /> <br /> No technical presentations were given because many member presented papers at the WCSS symposium Synchrotron Spectromicroscopy of Particulate Matter Affecting Air, Water organized by Will Bleam and Paul Bertsch. Fifteen papers were submitted.<br /> <br /> NC-1022 Tasks for 2007<br /> <br /> 1. Formally request that the Undersecretary of Agriculture (CSREES) restore funding for soils in the USDA-NRI competitive grants program.<br /> 2. Try some preliminary spatial-statistical analyses on micro-scale x-ray absorption maps of heavy metals in soil, and report back to the committee.<br /> <br /> 3. Prepare and submit a Bouyoucos Conference proposal for gathering soil scientists specializing in synchrotron radiation techniques and atmospheric scientists who would benefit from these advanced technologies.<br /> <br /> Election of new officers: Brian Teppen (Chair), Dan Strawn (Vice-Chair)<br /> <br /> (See attached copy of full minutes)<br /> <br /> Accomplishments<br /> <br /> A USDA-NRI Conference grant proposal submitted by members of this group was awarded $10,000 for a conference titled Conference on Synchrotron Characterization of Airborne Soil Organic and Mineral Particulates Originating from Agricultural and other Modified Ecosystems. To develop a future proposal for a Bouyoucos Conference grant, we determined the following focus areas for the conference:<br /> 1. Determining effects of airborne particulate microstructure on viability of microbes and pathogens.<br /> 2. Characterizing organic functional group content of airborne particulates in relation to transport of organic contaminants and viability of microbes and pathogens.<br /> 3. Characterizing trace and rare element composition of airborne particulates for aerosol source apportionment and transport of potentially-toxic metals.<br /> <br /> <br /> Committee members submitted abstracts and presented papers at the WCSS in a symposium focusing on the subject area of this committee (spectromicroscopy). This symposium served as an outlet to a broader scientific audience for new research developments from members of NC-1022.<br />Publications
Impact Statements
- By merging disciplines of soil science and atmospheric science, the proposed conference will identify specific types of airborne particulates that control the formation and transformation of organic, heavy metal, and microbial pollutants, and identify prospects for analyses of such mineral-organic complexes by x-ray spectromicroscopy. The conference will also promote interactions among scientists from industry, government, and academia and ideally lead to developing multidisciplinary teams who will generate research proposals for federal and state funding agencies. A strategy will be developed for supporting atmospheric research at synchrotron facilities, particularly the Advanced Photon Source (APS) at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL).
- Funding from USDA (NRI Competitive Grants Program in Soil Processes)
Date of Annual Report: 12/22/2009
Report Information
Annual Meeting Dates: 11/02/2009
- 11/03/2009
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2008 - 09/01/2009
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2008 - 09/01/2009
Strawn,Dan dgstrawn@uidaho.edu; Harsh,Jim harsh@wsu.edu; Loeppert,Richard r-loeppert@tamu.edu; Turco, Ron rturco@purdue.edu; Cavallaro, Nancy NCAVALLARO@csrees.usda.gov; Smucker,Alvin smucker@msu.edu;Gimenez, Daniel gimenez@envsci.rutgers.edu; Kang, Xia KXia@mscl.msstate.edu; Bloom, Paul prb@umn.edu; Prunty, Lyle lyle.prunty@ndsu.edu Sparks, Don dlsparks@udel.eduBrief Summary of Minutes
NC 1022 Annual Meeting NotesNovember 3, 2009
Philadelphia Convention Center
Dan Strawn, Jim Harsh, Dick Loeppert, Ron Turco, Nancy Cavallaro, Alvin Smucker, Daniel Gimenez, Xia Kang, Paul Bloom, Lyle Prunty, Don Sparks.
Jim Harsh gave introduction:
Purpose of meeting was to discuss proposal objectives, elect leadership, and assign task for proposal writing to be completed by Dec. 1, 2009.
Jim Harsh was nominated Chairman of the group. Daniel Gimenez was nominated vice-chair. Dan Strawn was nominated secretary.
Objectives were edited. Post-meeting Jim Harsh circulated an e-mail of revised objectives and asked for feedback. Principal changes to objectives were to eliminate the active pursuit of a synchrotron facility and broaden the focus of the group of to promote all advanced analytical methods of particles related to agricultural activities. Dan Strawn suggested that the purpose of forming a multi-state group is two-fold: 1) advise analytical instrument developers and operators of the needs of our discipline, and 2) educate and help each other to utilize advanced analytical tools.
Large national facilities include PNNL, APS, SSRL and NSLS II. However, many labs (University-based and federal) have specialized analytical expertise that could be incorporated into group activities.
There was some discussion of using a Web-based editing program to work on proposal. As the time is short, unless the web-based editing is implemented very soon, Strawn suggested using Word to track changes.
All participants need to complete Appendix E and submit to AES by November 15.
Proposal Assignments:
Gimenez agreed to work on project outcomes.
Bloom, Bertsch, Strawn, Sparks were assigned to lead methods.
Harsh is coordinating the effort.
Strawn worked on Accomplishments
Within proposal, Working Groups section from old proposal will be removed.
A discussion of the need for the group to exist needs to be developed. This should follow the two-fold purpose suggested above by Strawn.
There are funds for a conference to be held. Target was summer 2010, however concern over the conflict with WSSC and noted short planning time were raised. It was proposed to request an extension to 2011. Alvin Smuckers is organizing the conference.
All attendees paid $5.00 to Ron Turco to pay for meeting facility.
NC1022 : The Chemical and Physical Nature of Particulate Matter Affecting Air, Water and Soil Quality. (NCR174) <br /> Jim Harsh Presiding <br /> Officers elected: Jim Harsh- Chair, Daniel Gimenez- vice-chair, Dan Strawn- Secretary<br /> No technical presentations were given because members presented papers in the annual meetings of the Soil Science Society of America<br /> Developed objectives for new proposal and outline. Assigned task for writing new proposal.<br /> <br /> NC-1022 Tasks for 2010 <br /> 1. Finalize new Project proposal. <br /> 2. Organize Bouyoucos Conference gathering for soil scientists specializing in synchrotron radiation techniques to be held in 2011. <br /> (See attached copy of full minutes) <br /> <br /> Accomplishments:<br /> <br /> Members of the group used synchrotron spectroscopy and microscopy to better understand the biogeochemical reactions occurring on particulates in soils and air. Results from the groups research are providing better remediation strategies, improved agricultural practices, and protection of soil resources.<br /> Beamtime at the synchrotron facilities is obtained by peer-review of proposals. Group members have applied for beamtime and been allocated time at all of the major facilities. Utilizing the beamlines provides impetus for beamline scientists and engineers to design the capabilities of the beamlines to accommodate environmentally relevant samples. Publishing in highly regarded journals helps raise the stature of group members, making our beamtime request proposals more likely to be awarded.<br /> <br /> Group members have published numerous papers in international research journals on molecular speciation and transformation of chemicals associated with environmental particles. This work includes, but is not limited to, studies of metals, metalloids, and xenobiotics availability to plants and microorganisms as affected by particle-element interactions; toxicity and uptake of nanoparticles; bioavailability of plant; distribution and speciation of particle-associated elements in soil; transformations of metals and compounds on particle surfaces, adsorption of organics to soil minerals; mobility of colloids and nanoparticles in soils; and the role of soil particle surface on aggregation of soil particles and macro- and micro-porosity of soils.<br />Publications
Brown, T.T., R.T. Koenig, D.R. Huggins, J.B. Harsh, and R.E. Rossi. 2008. Lime effects on soil acidity, crop yield, and aluminum chemistry in direct-seeded cropping systems. Soil Science Society of America Journal 72:634-640<br /> <br /> <br /> Charles, S.M., B.J. Teppen, H. Li, and S.A. Boyd. 2008. Fractional availability of smectite surfaces in soils for adsorption of nitroaromatic compounds in relation to soil and solute properties. Soil Science Society of America Journal 72:586-594.<br /> <br /> <br /> Ginder-Vogel, M., G. Landrot, J.S. Fischel, and D.L. Sparks. 2009. Quantification of rapid environmental redox processes with quick-scanning x-ray absorption spectroscopy (Q-XAS). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 106:16124-16128.<br /> <br /> <br /> Hunger, S., J.T. Sims, and D.L. Sparks. 2008. Evidence for struvite in poultry litter: Effect of storage and drying. Journal of Environmental Quality 37:1617-1625.<br /> <br /> <br /> Kravchenko, A.N., M.A. Martin, A.J.M. Smucker, and M.L. Rivers. 2009. Limitations in Determining Multifractal Spectra from Pore-Solid Soil Aggregate Images. Vadose Zone Journal 8:220-226.<br /> <br /> <br /> Langell, M.A., E. Kadossov, H. Boparai, and P. Shea. 2009. Effect of sodium dithionite on the surface composition of iron-containing aquifer sediment. Surf. Interface Anal. 41:941-950.<br /> <br /> <br /> Ma, H.B., P.M. Bertsch, T.C. Glenn, N.J. Kabengi, and P.L. Williams. 2009. Toxicity of manufactured zinc oxide nanoparticles in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 28:1324-1330.<br /> <br /> <br /> Meyer, D., M. Curran, and M. Gonzalez. 2009. An examination of existing data for the industrial manufacture and use of nanocomponents and their role in the life cycle impact of nanoproducts. Environ. Sci. Technol. 43(5):1256-1263<br /> <br /> <br /> Peth, S., R. Horn, F. Beckmann, T. Donath, J. Fischer, and A.J.M. Smucker. <br /> 2008. Three-dimensional quantification of intra-aggregate pore-space features using synchrotron-radiation-based microtomography. Soil Science Society of America Journal 72:897-907.<br /> <br /> <br /> Seiter, J.M., K.E. Staats-Borda, M. Ginder-Vogel, and D.L. Sparks. 2008. XANES spectroscopic analysis of phosphorus speciation in alum-amended poultry litter. Journal of Environmental Quality 37:477-485.<br /> <br /> <br /> Strawn, D.G., and L.L. Baker. 2008. Speciation of cu in a contaminated agricultural soil measured by XAFS, mu-XAFS, and mu-XRF. Environmental Science & Technology 42:37-42. <br /> <br /> <br /> Strawn, D.G., and L.L. Baker. 2009. Molecular characterization of copper in soils using X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Environmental Pollution 157:2813-2821. <br />Impact Statements
- Members of this project have published research that is enhancing our ability to assess the impact of soil chemicals on agricultural and natural ecosystems productivity by elucidating links between particulate (physical, biological and chemical) properties and their role in the sustainability and productivity of those systems. Research activities coordinated under this project are resulting in a better understanding of physical and chemical properties of particulates related to agriculture production and of evaluations of the rate and transfer mechanisms of particulates through the environment. This will lead to the development a better understanding of the behavior of pollutant and nutrient elements and compounds associated with fine particles in soil, water and air.