NCAC16: Biological and Agricultural Engineering
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Active
SAES-422 Reports
Annual/Termination Reports:
[04/16/2003] [12/11/2003] [12/27/2005] [05/01/2006] [11/11/1111] [11/11/1111] [11/11/1111] [11/11/1111] [05/03/2013] [11/11/1111] [12/20/2016] [02/10/2017] [05/07/2018] [02/08/2019] [04/10/2020] [03/12/2023] [02/28/2024]Date of Annual Report: 04/16/2003
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2001 - 09/01/2002
Participants: Dale Vanderholm (AA, NCA-16), Loren Bode (IL), Vincent Bralts (IN), Glenn Hoffman (NE), Kevin A. Janni (MN), Ramesh Kanwar (IA), Van Kelley (SD), James Koelliker (KS), Ron Schuler (WI), Don Slack (AZ), Ajit Srivastava (MI), Earl Stegman (ND), Jinglu Tan (MO), K.C. Ting (OH), Mike Walter (NY), Fredrick Wheaton (MD), Roy Young (PA)William H. Brown (AA, SRAC-5), Ronald L. Elliott (OK), Clifford A. Flood, Jr. (AL), Richard S. Gates (KY), Godfrey A. Gayle (NC), Jerome A. Gilbert (MS), Wendy D. Graham (FL), Daniel L. Thomas (LA), E. Dale Threadgill (GA), Lalit R. Verma (AR), Ronald E. Yoder (TN), James H. Young (NC)
Ivan Graff (CSREES), Richard Hegg (CSREES), Melissa Moore (ASAE), Brad Rein (CSREES), Daniel Schmoldt (CSREES), Bryan Shaw (on leave from Texas A&M at CSREES), Lyle Stephens (ASAE)
Brief Summary of Minutes
Roy Young: NCA-16 needs to review a number of NC projects. We may review several of them together with SRAC-05 before breaking up.NCR-101 Controlled Environment Technology and Use reported by Ramesh Kanwar.
Discussion: This is one of the best run projects including participants from experiment stations, industry, and NASA. They met in England in 2001 and will meet in Australia in 2004. They received a $10,000 funding from USDA and seven travel grants from NASA. They have submitted a $35,000 grant proposal to NSF. There are a good number of engineers participating on the project. The website is good.
Recommendation: To approve/continue.
NCR-197 Agricultural Safety and Health Research reported by Jim Koelliker.
Discussion: The participants consist of equal number of researchers and Extension specialists. They have received a $20,000 grant from USDA to develop research agenda for agricultural safety and health. The report is still in draft form. The concern is that research should be important activities but most participants are not researchers. Historically, agricultural safety and health has a strong Extension emphasis. There is a need to work with academic department heads to discuss how to carry out research in this area. Most participants were not used to multi-state committee research programs. The agricultural and biological engineering group is the group for safety and health; therefore, we should support the work in this area. This work is important to Iowa State. It is more than just the tractor safety. It also includes biosecurity. They train the first responder to the biosecurity events. Ohio State has a very strong group already assigned to be the contact for biosecurity for the college. The project committee needs to be broadened to address homeland security and biosecurity. Texas A&M endorses this project very strongly. This project is to be rewritten for another five years starting October 1, 2004; therefore, there will be another opportunity to review this project. Ergonomics should be included. There are opportunities to increase visibility of this project. Educational delivery is an important issue in biosecurity. Extension is not excluded in multi-state projects depending on the topic and activities. The health side of the activities needs to be added. We should make a suggestion to include other important issues, especially research areas, and bring new people in. A different committee needs to be started on rural health and not to try to make this project open up for non-traditional people.
Recommendation: To continue the project with revision. Kevin Janni, Loren Bode, Ramesh Kanwar, and Vince Bralts have been appointed to draft opinions for revision of the project.
NC-213 Marketing and Delivery of Quality Cereals and Oilseeds reported by K.C. Ting.
Discussion: A formal report of the review is needed. A renewal project proposal (for October 2003-September 2008) entitled Management of Grain Quality and Security for World Markets was reviewed.
Recommendation: To approve/continue.
NC-136 Improvement of Thermal and Alternative Processes for Food reported by Kevin Janni.
Discussion: A formal report on the mid-term review is needed. There are four general objectives. They have good publications, good research, and good project reports.
Recommendation: To approve/continue.
NC-94 Impact Climate and Soils on Crop Selection and Management reported by Loren Bode.
Discussion: They had a series of papers for ASAE meetings. They have been a data collection group for a long time and are getting ready to do something about the data.
Recommendation: To approve/continue.
NCR-9 Midwest Plan Service reported by Ron Schuler.
Discussion: Many Extension directors decided not to fund this project. The Board of Directors of MWPS developed a proposal to go to the Extension directors with three options: (1) asking for 50% of the original funding based on number of farmers in each state, (2) only four states pay, since every state, except four states, has indicated not to support, (3) stop operation on June 30, 2005, and (4) stop operation on June 30, 2006.
Recommendation: A motion was made by Vince Bralts and seconded by Loren Bode to continue support with option 1 using resources from Extension directors. The result of voting is nine for, two against, and five abstention.
NCR-180 Site Specific Management reported by Glenn Hoffman.
Discussion: The project is eight years old. There were 12 industry representatives at the 2003 meeting at the University of California-Davis. A publication Application of GIS in Agriculture is to be formulated. The North Carolina State University has a web based course material with contributions from at least a dozen of schools.
Recommendation: To approve/continue.
Note: A new administrative advisor will be needed to replace Glenn Hoffman for this project. NCA-16 can recommend or express interest.
NCR-189 Air Quality Issues Associated with Animal Facilities reported by Jinglu Tan.
Discussion: The project was recently renewed. They had a meeting with S-291 and it was not well attended. No report from their meeting yet. The group is not active to show vitality. This group will struggle a little bit until Federal funding becomes available. This project started with a big ban (over 100 participants at its first meeting), but has been fading down.
Recommendation: To approve/continue.
NCS-5 Water Quality Research Strategy and Coordination reported by Earl Stegman.
Discussion: There was no activity in 2002. There is a role for this committee to play but it needs right people to take the leadership. There were a lot of activities during earlier days, such as developing guidelines and conducting briefings with congressional aids. The core group is still there, but there is just no real task at this time. (note: They were given a February 2002 deadline to rewrite.) To continue the committee needs to develop a vision. Another water quality committee is going to get underway. NCT-193, formerly NCR-195, Watershed Nutrient Sources and Management as Related to Water Quality will meet in Kansas City on April 4-5, 2003.
Recommendation: It was moved by Glenn Hoffman and seconded by Earl Stegman, that NCS-5 be terminated and a new NCT committee formed to study what needs to be addressed and write a proposal within one year. The motion was passed by voice vote.
NCA-16 officer election results (moved by Roy Young, seconded by Loren Bode, and passed by voice vote): Ron Schuler, Chair; K.C. Ting, Vice Chair; and Kevin Janni, Secretary.
Next meeting date and site (moved by Jim Koelliker, seconded by Vince Bralts, and passed by voice vote): October 2003 in Wisconsin.
Loren Bode moved to approve NCA-16 October 2001 meeting minutes as corrected. It was seconded by Ajit Srivastava and passed by voice vote.
Dale Vanderholm noted that NCA-16 will need a new administrative advisor.
Accomplishments and Impacts: The committee reviewed nine North Central multi-state projects, including a renewal proposal and a mid-term review, and made recommendations. The committee also discussed interests, concerns, and collaborative opportunities among all participating states. This annual meeting had very informative presentations from various Federal agencies including CSREES, EPA, NIH (NIBIB), NSF, NASA, DOE, NIST, and USDA-NRE. NASULGC also made a presentation at the meeting.Publications
Not applicable.Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 12/11/2003
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2002 - 09/01/2003
Les Backer (ND), Loren Bode (IL), Vincent Bralts (IN), Margaret Dentine, Associate Dean UW-Madison (substitute administrative advisor), Kevin Janni (MN), Ramesh Kanwar (IA), Van Kelley (SD), James Koelliker (KS), Derrel Martin (NE), Ron Schuler (WI), Ajit Srivastava (MI), Jinglu Tan (MO), K.C. Ting (OH), Roy Young (PA)Melissa Moore (ASAE), Brad Rein (CSREES), Daniel Schmoldt (CSREES), Jerry Wille (ASAE),
Brief Summary of Minutes
Committee Chair, Ron Schuler welcomed committee members and guests. Introductions were made. The agenda was reviewed.Dean Elton Aberle, College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (CALS), UW-Madison and Rick Klemme, Associate Dean, Ag & Natural Resources Education, Cooperative Extension and CALS, gave welcomes and brief updates.
Dean Elton Aberle reported on the proposed taxonomy of fields and sub fields for the NRC rating system.
Ajit Srivastava, Department Head, Michigan State Universiy reviewed departmental changes and plans at Michigan State University.
Margaret Dentine, Associate Dean and Executive Director, UW-Madison CALS Research Division, presented the Administrator report for Wendy Wintersteen, who was not able to attend.
Daryl Lund, Executive Director of the North Central Regional Association of Agricultural Experiment Stations, reviewed the regional association organization.
Jerry Wille, President-Elect of ASAE, reported on ASAE Board of Trustee activities. Chemical and Biological Engineering
Dr. Thomas Kuech, Professor and Chair of Chemical and Biological Engineering at UW-Madison, discussed the role of biology in chemical engineering at UW-Madison.
Dr. David Bohnhoff, Professor in Biological Systems Engineering, UW-Madison, outlined a vision for refocusing curricula in the structures and environment area to cover agri-industrial facility design and management.
Brad Rein, National Program Leader, USDA CSREES, made a report on USDA funding.
NCA-16 Chair Ron Schuler took some time prior to the Biological Systems Engineering tour to describe the departments phase II construction plans. Neal Martin, Center Director, led a tour of the USDA ARS Dairy Forage Research Center. Following that a tour of the Biological Systems Engineering lab building was conducted.
NCA-16 Business Meeting
NCA-16 Chair Ron Schuler called the business meeting to order. It was moved and seconded that the 2002 minutes as submitted be accepted. The motion passed.
Midterm Reviews of NC Committees
Ramesh Kanwar reported on the midterm review of NCR-101, Controlled Environment Technology and Use. Ramesh reported that NCR-101 was a highly effective and productive committee. It had 40 to 50 people attending its annual meeting. Membership includes people from industry and outside of the U.S. Members brought graduate students and poster presentations. The committee is planning to meet in Brisbane, Australia in March 2004. A motion was made, seconded and passed that NCA-16 recommends continuation of NCR-101.
Loren Bode reported on NCR-197 (NC-temp 1099), Agricultural Safety and Health Research. The committee has requested a one-year extension. Loren noted that the committee was formed in 2000 and has published a National Land Grant Research and Extension Agenda for Agricultural Safety and Health. A motion was made and seconded that NCA-16 recommend approval of the one-year extension for NCR-197 (NC-temp 1099). The committee discussed the growing importance of agricultural safety and health issues. NCA-16 members feel that there are many engineering needs dealing with biosecurity, biosensors, and agro terrorism. NCA-16 members feel that NCR-197 has developed a good list of researchable topics. NCR-197 is encouraged to bring in additional researchers to develop a critical mass to address the issues they have identified in their National Agenda for Action. The motion passed. NCA-16 Chair Ron Schuler will report to the NCRA by October 31.
Ron Schuler reported on the NCR-09 (NC-temp 1090) request for renewal for five years, 2004 to 2009. He reviewed changes in funding for the Extension portion of NCR-09. Loren Bode noted that this is one of the best examples of regional cooperation, but it does not seem to be financially sustainable. NCR-09 is investigating cooperation or a partnership with ASAE and international opportunities with AID. Some NCA-16 members thought that NCR-09 might have opportunities to cooperate with researchers that need to have outreach and extension programs. Some NCA-16 members questioned where the research component was in the committee proposal. Others wondered if communications was key to the committee why were there no communications departments represented on the committee. It was moved and seconded that NCA-16 recommend approval for renewal of NCR-09 (NC-temp 1090). Discussion continued about the desire to strengthen the research component of the project, to integrate research and outreach more clearly. A motion was made and seconded to amend the motion to recommend that NC-temp 1090 be converted to a NCT committee with a two-year appointment. The two-year appointment would give the committee time to strengthen the project proposal. Discussion continued. NCR-09 publishes research results in an applied format; the committee converts discovery results into applied information. A vote on the amendment failed. Discussion on the original motion continued. NCR-09 (NC-temp 1090) members are encouraged to build relations between research and the publications they produce. The motion that NCA-16 recommends approval for renewal of NCR-09 (NC-temp 1090) was passed. Ron Schuler will prepare a draft of the appropriate NCRA form and circulate it among K. C. Ting, Kevin Janni, and Ramesh Kanwar before submission to NCRA.
K. C. Ting reported on the mid term review of NCR-180, Site Specific Management. He reported that it was a very good committee that was very active. Attendance has been good, 57 people attended the last meeting, which is greater than the 22 people listed as NCR-180 members at the NCRA website. The theme format for the meetings was believed to be a positive for attendance. The website for their upcoming annual meeting is www.fse.missouri.edu/ars/ncr-180/. He noted that state progress reports were not available through NIMSS. It was moved and seconded that NCA-16 recommend continuation of NCR-180. The motion passed.
Jinglu Tan reported on the mid term review of NCR-189, Air Quality Issues Associated with Animal Facilities. He reported that the committee was marginally active recently. It had one meeting last October (2002) and it had poor attendance. He also reported that there appears to be a need to clarify the NCR-189 leadership. Several NCA-16 members noted that this is a very active area of research in their states and this project needs to continue. It was noted that there was a recent air quality conference sponsored by ASAE that many NCR-189 members attended and made presentations. It was moved and seconded, that NMA-16 recommend that NCR-189 be continued and that the project leadership be clarified so that the committee can implement its plan. The motion passed.
K.C. Ting reported on NC-213, Marketing and Delivery of Quality Cereals and Oilseeds. He reported that this is a very good project. It is celebrating its 25th year. It is a unique project because it has an Anderson endowment that provides funding for the project. They have moved to team funded projects. The committee meets twice a year, an annual meeting with technical reports and a summer workshop. The project has an industrial advisory committee. No action was needed.
Kevin Janni reported on NC-136, Improvement of Thermal and Alternative Processes for Food. He reported that the committee met earlier in October. Draft minutes indicate 26 people attended. The committee has several ad hoc committees that work on collaborative tasks. The committee has been very productive in the past. The draft minutes did not include information on current accomplishments. Some NCA-16 members thought that this committee needed to expand its scope to include food safety. No action was needed.
Loren Bode reported on NC-94, Impact of Climate and Soils on Crop Selection. He reported that this committee has had several administrative advisors and that the midterm review had been problematic. The committee is in the process of developing a new proposal. Ramesh Kanwar, James Koelliker, and Loren Bode volunteered to review the proposal after December 1. No action was needed at this time.
Ideas for new NC committees were discussed. Several topics were discussed including nanotechnology, biosensors, bioprocessing, and biobased products. It was moved and seconded that NCA-16 endorse initiating a nanotechnology and biosensor NCT project. This would give the members two years to meet and develop a project proposal. Margaret Dentine indicated that proposals need letters of support from two Agricultural Experiment Stations and that the NCT proposal should be submitted by January 1, 2004 to be included in the March NCRA meeting agenda. Instructions for submitting NCT proposals are on the NCRA web site. Melissa Moore noted that Norm Scott is discussing opportunities for a nanotechnology conference with ASAE. The motion passed. Vince Bralts - chair, Ajit Srivastava, Roy Young and Ramesh Kanwar volunteered to prepare the NCT proposal.
It was moved and seconded that NCA-16 endorse initiating a biobased energy and products NCT project. The motion passed. Ajit Srivastava - chair, K.C. Ting, Vince Bralts, and Loren Bode volunteered to prepare the NCT proposal.
ASAE President-elect, Jerry Wille, provided an update on the Name Change Task Force. NCA-16 members discussed possible actions we could take. Many felt that it was important that ASAE members be encouraged to become aware of the issues and vote. Concerns were raised that if people became advocates that it would encourage efforts against the name change and the issue could become divisive and harm ASAE.
ASAE was interested in establishing a process to develop research priorities. Derrel Martin, Ramesh Kanwar, Brad Rein and Loren Bode volunteered to serve as a committee to develop the process for soliciting and developing research priorities.
Roy Young moved, seconded by Van Kelley, that Ramesh Kanwar be elected secretary for NCA-16 by acclimation. The motion passed. NCA-16 officers for 2003-2004 are:
K.C. Ting, Chair
Kevin Janni, Vice-chair
Ramesh Kanwar, Secretary
It was moved and seconded that the 2004 NCA-16 meeting be held in Columbus, OH, in October 2004. The motion passed.
It was moved and seconded that the name of NCA-16 be changed from Agricultural Engineering to Biological and Agricultural Engineering. The motion passed. A letter requesting the name change needs to be sent to NCRA.
NCA-16 Chair, Ron Schuler reminded people about the proposed Biological and Agricultural Department Chairs/Heads Retreat in March 2004 in Florida. Specific date and agenda information is not available yet. Several agenda topics were discussed.
Margaret Dentine requested that everyone review the NCA-16 membership information on the NRCA web site and submit changes needed.
NCA-16 members expressed appreciation to Ron Schuler for chairing and organizing the 2003 NCA-16 meeting.
The NCA-16 business meeting was adjourned.
NCA-16 reviewed eight multi-state projects, including three mid-term reviews and two extensions/renewals. NCA-16 recommended that two new committees be established and identified people to prepare NCT proposals. Numerous pressing issues and topics of common interest were discussed. A name change for NCA-16 was recommended.Publications
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 12/27/2005
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2004 - 10/01/2005
Tom Beans (OH; Leslie Backer (ND; Vincent Bralts (IN); Bernie Engel (IN); Bob Gustafson (ASAE, OH); Kevin Janni (MN); Ramesh Kanwar (IA); Van Kelley (SD); Jim Koelliker (KS); Brad Rein (USDA-CSREES); Ajit Srivastava (MI); Patrick Walsh (WI); Mike Walter (NY); Wendy Wintersteen (IA-Administrative Advisor); K.C. Ting (OH/IL); Ron Yoder (NE/TE); and Roy Young (PA).Brief Summary of Minutes
NCA-16 reviewed two multi-state projects (NCR136 and NCR197) in detaila and provided recommendations to the MRC. In addition, the committee review the progress of NCR101, NCR180, NCR207 and NCT201.Publications
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 05/01/2006
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 11/01/2004 - 02/01/2006
NCAC-16 MembersK.C. Ting, University of Illinois;
Tom Bean, Ohio State University;
Bernie Engle, Purdue University;
Ramesh Kanwar, Iowa State University;
Gary Clark, Kansas State University;
Ajit Srivastava, Michigan State University;
Kevin Janni, University of Minnesota;
Jinglu Tan, University of Missouri;
Ron Yoder, University of Nebraska;
Mike Walter, Cornell University;
Leslie Backer, North Dakota State University;
Van Kelley, South Dakota State University;
Pat Walsh, University of Wisconsin;
Roy Young, Penn State University;
Daryl Lund, Wisconsin, Administrative Advisor;
SAC-05 members
Steve Taylor, Auburn University;
Lalit Verma, University of Arkansas;
Wendy Graham, University of Florida;
Dale Wesson, Florida A&M University;
E. Dale Threadgill, University of Georgia;
Richard Gates, University of Kentucky;
Dan Thomas, Louisiana State University;
Ghasem Shahbazi, North Carolina A&T University;
Jim Young, North Carolina State University;
Ron Elliott, Oklahoma State University;
John (Ike) Sewell, University of Tennessee;
Gerald Riskowski, Texas A&M University;
Saied Mostaghimi, Virginia Tech;
Richard Hegg, CSREES;
Roland Mote, Tennessee Agricultural Experiment Station (Advisor);
Other attendees:
Don Slack, University of Arizona;
Richard Cavaletto, California Polytechnic & State University;
William Ritter, University of Delaware;
Andy Baldwin, University of Maryland;
James Hassett, SUNY-CESF;
Bruce Miller, Utah State University;
Otto Loewer, President of ASABE;
Melissa Moore, ASABE Executive Vice-President;
Hongda Chen, USDA;
Sarah Burke, USDA;
Brief Summary of Minutes
Nineteen Mult-state Projects were reviewed by SAC-05 & NCAC-16<br /> <br /> Project # Title Reviewer<br /> S1000 Animal Manure and Waste Utilization, Treatment and Nuisance Avoidance for a Sustainable Agriculture (S275). Committee Recommendation: Continue project. Gerald Riskowski<br /> <br /> S1002 New Technologies for the Utilization of Textile Materials (S272)<br /> Committee Recommendation: No Engineers are on this project, continue project. Daniel Thomas<br /> <br /> SDC 318 Textile Materials and Technologies Addressing Energy, Health and other National Security Issues (S1002)<br /> Committee Recommendation: No Engineers are on this project, continue project. Daniel Thomas<br /> <br /> S1004 Development and Evaluation of TMDL Planning and Assessment Tools and Processes (S273)<br /> Committee Recommendation: Project looks pretty good, continue project Ron Elliott<br /> <br /> S1007 The Science and Engineering for a Biobased Industry and Economy<br /> Committee Recommendation: Continue project Richard Gates<br /> <br /> S1010 Dynamic Soybean Pest Management for Evolving Agriculture Technologies and Cropping Systems (S-281)<br /> Committee Recommendation: Project is up for review next year, continue project Dale Threadgill<br /> <br /> S1018 Irrigation Management for Humid and Sub-Humid Areas<br /> Committee Recommendation: Project is new, continue project Daniel Thomas<br /> <br /> SERA 017 Minimizing Agricultural Phosphorus Run-off Losses for Protection of the Water Resource<br /> Committee Recommendation: No Engineers are on this project, continue project. Saied Mostaghimi<br /> <br /> SDC321 Water Quality Issues in Poultry Production (from W195)<br /> Committee Recommendation: Focus on one issue, which in the committees opinion should be water quality. Continue project. Lalit Verma<br /> <br /> NC1017 Carbon Sequestration and Distribution in Soils of Eroded Landscapes (formerly NCT199 and NC174)No Report <br /> <br /> NC1018 Impact of Climate and Soils on Crop Selection and Management (NC094 Renewal) Committee Recommendation: Project is ok, continue project. Daniel Thomas<br /> <br /> NC1020 Beef Cattle Grazing Systems that Improve Production and Profitability While Minimizing Risk and Environmental Impacts (NC225)<br /> Committee Recommendation: There is no engineering on this project, the committee recommend not to track this project. Steve Taylor<br /> <br /> NC1022 The Chemical and Physical Nature of Particulate Matter Affecting Air, Water and Soil Quality. (NCR174)<br /> Committee Recommendation: There are no engineers on this project, continue project. James Young<br /> <br /> NC1023 Improvement of Thermal and Alternative Processes for Foods<br /> Committee Recommendation: This is a very productive project, continue project. James Young<br /> <br /> NCDC201/NCDC_Temp 201 (MRF) Nanotechnology and Biosensors<br /> Committee Recommendation: Approve permanent project. Ajit Srvastava<br /> <br /> NCERA 089/NCERA_Temp89(CC/ERA) Swine Management Research Committee<br /> No Report <br /> <br /> NCERA 180/NCERA_Temp180(CC/ERA) Site-Specific Management<br /> Committee Recommendation: Continue project. Ron Yoder<br /> <br /> NCERA 192/<br /> NCERA_Temp<br /> 192(CC/ERA) North Central Regional Turf Grass Research<br /> Committee Recommendation: No Engineers are on this project, continue project. Steve Taylor<br /> <br /> NCR 101/NCR_Temp101(CC/ERA) Controlled Environment Technology and Use<br /> Committee Recommendation: Continue project. Mike Walters<br /> <br /> W1128 Reducing Barriers to Adoption of Microirrigation<br /> Committee Recommendation: No changes, continue project. Dale Threadgill<br /> <br /> W_Temp1622 (MRF) Stress Factors of Farm Animals and their Effects on Performance (From W173)<br /> Committee Recommendation: Continue to track, continue project. Richard Gates<br />Publications
Impact Statements
- Multi-state committee NCDC-210, Nanotechnology and Biosensors was approved after being proposed by NCAC-16 at the 2003 NCAC-16 meeting. This is an exciting field for important new developments.
Date of Annual Report: 11/11/1111
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 11/11/1111 - 11/11/1111
Brief Summary of Minutes
No report available.
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 11/11/1111
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 11/11/1111 - 11/11/1111
Brief Summary of Minutes
No report available
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 11/11/1111
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 11/11/1111 - 11/11/1111
Brief Summary of Minutes
No report available
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 11/11/1111
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 11/11/1111 - 11/11/1111
Brief Summary of Minutes
No report available
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 05/03/2013
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2011 - 09/01/2012
Brief Summary of Minutes
NIFA NCAC16 AND SAC16 multi-state project review and ASABE administrative meetingsRoom 1410, Waterfront Centre, Washington, DC
January 30-31, 2013
Meeting notes and minutes
Paul Heinemann
Attendees: Brad Rein (NIFA), Mark Riley, John Nieber, Sreekala Bajwa, Dorota Haman, Dan Thomas, Robert Evans, Ajit Srivistava, Mary Leigh Wolfe, Paul Heinemann, Donald Slack, Bruce Miller, K.C. Ting, Saied Mostaghimi, Scott Shearer, Joe Harner, Raul Piedrahita, Tanju Karanfil, Beth Ahner, Richard Straub, Steve Taylor, Steve Mickelson, Steve Searcy, Jim Dobrowolski, Brad Rein, Clyde Ellis (NIFA), Bernie Engel, Effu Baldwin (NIFA), Camilla Bailey (NIFA), Eric Drumm, Darrin Drollinger
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
Meeting began with welcome by Brad Rein, NIFA Division Director, at 1:00 PM
Attendees were introduced
Updates from NIFA
Carmela Bailey, NPL Agricultural Materials, update on bioenergy and bio-based products programs
Jim Dobrowolski, NPL Environmental Systems, update on environmental systems programs
Presentation files will be distributed
Update on USAID HESN initiative
Ajit Srivistava (Ajit is one of the PIs on a USAID project)
UCD/ASABE follow-up discussion
Mark Riley
Dublin meeting - Presentations on several issues, differences in programs, educational systems in US and Europe. What is the benefit of getting together and collaborate? Challenges not a good mechanism to bring people together from US and Europe. Also, time, distance are challenges. Four main points came out of meeting: 1. How do we foster continued interaction between US and Europe? 2. Online meetings, in-person meetings 3. Developing coordinated initiatives. 4. Recognition & image
Dick Straub part of a global situation, should go further than Europe; Asia, Africa, and South America as well.
Ajit Srivistava identity: theme to bring us all together. Without it, ABEs becomes irrelevant in certain parts of the world. Creating a platform to start talking about this will help all regions. ABEs are custom-made profession for international development food, water, etc. Need to create this platform ASABE meetings, or some other meeting to begin this?
Dan Thomas Our ability to advertise and market what we do hasnt worked, particularly in Europe. We need to engage outside groups to market us. Perhaps request foundation funds need to invest. Push a marketing initiative.
KC Ting agree that we need to do this globally. China is already doing this. Large gathering in China, two day seminar - marketing of ABEs was focus. Bill Stout developing a plan, should work with him.
Sreekala Bajwa Department of State has objectives in international programs in food security, perhaps we could take advantage of these opportunities.
Ajit Srivistava scorecard idea similar to what Civil Engineers do. We could do something like this for food security. Perhaps we could produce some sort of metrics that measure food security; we have the expertise to do this.
KC Ting Deere, Monsanto, others have a World Harvest report every year; perhaps ASABE could partner on this, get our name on this report. Annual Borlaug ceremony, brings people from all over the world, many disciplines involved.
Scott Shearer we were going to have someone from the Global Harvest Initiative was to attend this meeting, but was unable to make it.
John Nieber this is very time-sensitive, institute at Minnesota gives world food forecast.
Scott Shearer Brought up Global Harvest Initiative at UCD meeting, European counterparts thought we may be selling out if we align with these industries.
Dan Thomas But it may be important to partner and be involved.
Scott Shearer At Ohio State, metrics for budget include international activities, so these efforts would help at the local levels too.
Steve Taylor need certain number of students to make program viable working together can help these programs succeed that otherwise may not happen.
Summarizing: 1. communications needed with ABE leaders across the globe. 2. Identity across the globe, ASABE should be involved in that. 3. Scorecard idea, foundation initiative, World Harvest initiative partnership. Mark Riley is willing to get things going. Ajit get group of active senior faculty to work on the partnership.
NCAC16 and SAC16 Multi-state project review organization
Richard Straub and Saied Mostaghimi, Administrative Advisors
Reviewed who was responsible for reviewing proposals (discussion on these will be Thursday morning).
Additional discussions
Richard Straub discussion on people who come in from outside to direct centers, getting appropriate level of rank and tenure, what is happening at other universities?
Raul Piedrahita losing many faculty in next couple of years, what challenges are being faced?
Thursday, January 31, 2013
Update on USAID HESN initiative
Ticora Jones, Senior Advisor, HESN program manager
NCAC16 AND SAC16 multi-state project reviews
Richard Straub and Saied Mostaghimi, Administrative Advisors
10 proposals reviewed
S1025, S1032, S1026 (S1054 new #), S1035, S1041, S1042,SERA038, SDC346, NC1023, NCERA197
It was recommended that SERA038 be discontinued and merged with S1041. The other nine were supported for continuation.
SDC345 listed but not reviewed
ASABE Executive Director Update
Darrin Drollinger
State of the Society is very good. Budget is met for 2012. $100,000 available for initiative funding. PE license name change (to Agricultural and Biological Engineering) study is progressing.
NCAC16/SAC16 Business Meeting
Scott Shearer, Chair
Succession and leadership of the committee, NCAC16/SAC16
Secretary/Vice chair nomination of Sreekala Bajwa, nominations closed
Approved by acclamation
Paul Heinemann will be chair for 2014 NCAC16/SAC16 meeting.
Thanks to Dick Hegg and Brad Rein for hosting this meeting.
Next years meeting places:
Should NCAC16/SAC16 have a meeting in the Fall? Possibly international meeting
Thailand a possibility, to meet with Asian counterparts? October/November timeframe, or January?
Latin/South America? Some universities participating in Science without Borders with Brazil
Straw poll voted in favor of Thailand, early January. Don Slack will investigate.
Motion that we organize a meeting in Thailand in January. Seconded and approved.
Washington is a backup plan, mid to late January.
Business meeting closed
Dick Hegg and Clyde Ellis: CSRIS classifications for engineering updates
Classifications for engineering have not been updated in decades, survey requested suggestions from department heads. Bioprocessing, ecological and natural resource engineering, agricultural air quality are suggested new knowledge areas. What is the purpose of these categories? Primarily for review process. Emissions could possibly be placed in another category since it is more specific. NIFA approach will be to simplify these categories.
Additional items
Mary Leigh Wolfe, Ph.D. credit requirement comparisons distributed. Discussion ensued on differences between programs.
Sonny Ramaswamy, Director, NIFA update
Meeting ended at 12:15 PM
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 11/11/1111
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 11/11/1111 - 11/11/1111
Brief Summary of Minutes
No report submitted
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 12/20/2016
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 01/01/2015 - 12/31/2015
Brief Summary of Minutes
These are the notes from the Review meeting in Texas in January 2016.
- NC1194 (NC_temp1194): Nanotechnology and Biosensors
Primary reviewer: Jinglu Tan; Secondary reviewer: Dorota Haman
Jinglu Tan summarized the project proposal and his comments and concerns. The group engaged in further discussion and provided additional commentary. The proposal was “Accepted with minor revision”. The project team was asked to address the following issues:
- Survey the capabilities of the group to perform risk analysis and expand membership if needed
- Update the literature review.
- Develop communication tool to facilitate group interaction, including plans to meet at conferences of mutual interest
- Develop a mechanism to establish and encourage collaborative activities across institutions. E.g. Share course materials
- NCERA101 (NCERA_temp101): Controlled Environment Technology and Use
Primary reviewer: K.C. Ting ; Secondary reviewer: Garry Grabow
KC Ting summarized the project proposal and his comments and concerns. The group engaged in further discussion and provided additional commentary. The proposal was “Accepted with minor revision”. The project team was asked to address the following issues:
- Strengthen and/or describe in more detail how the objectives of academic programs will be achieved.
- Update web site with most recent annual report.
- Explore and explain reduction of participant group from 27 to 9.
- Review and correct discrepancy between 23 state research stations listed with only 9 members.
- Update the structure from multistate to regional project format
- NCERA180 (NCERA_temp180): Precision Agriculture Technologies for Food, Fiber, and Energy Production
Primary reviewer: Scott Shearer; Secondary reviewer: Mark Riley
Scott Shearer summarized the project proposal and his comments and concerns. The group engaged in further discussion and provided additional commentary. The proposal was “Accepted with minor revision”. The project team was asked to address the following issues:
- Address concerns about of update from previous project
- Perform rigorous editorial review for consistency and accuracy of terminology.
- Clarify the role of university researchers in cloud based storage and analytics.
- Develop strategy for engagement with trade and standard organizations – ISO, Ag Gateway,
- Include strategy to engage cloud based data services (beyond manufacturers – data collectors).
- Provide concrete examples of how participants work together for improved impact.
- g. create dataset that can be shared, co-author extension publications on regional level, define protocols for investigations, research.
- Explore and articulate synergies with NIFA projects
- Agronomist connection is good; encourage membership of ‘big data’ scientists.
- Missing some experiment stations, Reconcile dramatic reduction in participants list.
- Develop an outreach plan.
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 02/10/2017
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2016 - 09/30/2017
Doug ReinemannUniversity of Wisconsin-Madison
Paul Heinemann
Pennsylvania State University
Brad Rein
Julie Carrier
U of Tennessee
Joe Harner
Kansas State University
Bernie Engel
Purdue University
Richard Straub
University of Wisconsin-Madison
Peter Livingston
Cal Poly State University
Mark Riley
University of Nebraska
University of Illinois
Garry Fox
North Carolina State University
Sue Nokes
University of Kentucky
Sreekala Bajwa
North Dakota State
Tom Owino
Clemson University
Lalit Verma
University of Arkansas
Mary Leigh Wolfe
Virginia Tech
Bryan Jenkins
University of California-Davis
Steve Mickelson
Iowa State University
John March
Cornell University
Alan Hansen
University of Illinois
Archie Williams
Fort Valley State University
Shushil Adhikari
Auburn University
Brief Summary of Minutes
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 05/07/2018
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 02/01/2018 - 02/02/2018
Brief Summary of Minutes
<p>Research – open discussion on improving ASABE impact factor and publishing processing to increase value to other NCAC / SAC committees and communities of scientist and researchers<br /> </p><br /> <p>International – How to maximize outcomes of the October 3, 2018 joint academic administrators meeting during the Global Water Security Conference in Hyderabad, India. There will be 25 international attendees and 20 attendees from EOPD-210. Focus on format and content of that meeting, breakout sessions, limiting presentation times and highlighting senior design projects of North American Universities. <br /> </p><br /> <p>ABET - The new ABET curricular requirements 1-7 which replace A-K. A transition plan needs to be developed and reported to ABET. Faculty depth in all areas represented in the curriculum is necessary which might influence new faculty hires and program direction. <br /> </p><br /> <p>Advisory Councils - Advisory councils that consist of members of industry and are program benefits include involvement with senior design, mock interviews, program review, philanthropy, and political advocacy. Advisory councils provide linkages between academics and industry.<br /> </p><br /> <p>Federal Agencies – Discussions with federal agencies provided opportunity to learn how to engage new faculty with federal agencies and insights into new program initiatives. This interaction strengthens the linkages between federal agencies and academic communities. <br /> </p><br /> <p> </p>Publications
Impact Statements
- 5. There was a long discussion of Western and Northern projects which are not reviewed at this meeting. Searcy asked if other regions were missing opportunities in not being able to participate in these projects. Straub pointed out that projects have to ask to be reviewed and that the Western and Northern states have their own regional reviews that are long-standing. The experiment stations in those regions have not asked to be reviewed which Brad Rein (NIFA) clarified was necessary for them to be reviewed at this meeting.
Date of Annual Report: 02/08/2019
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 01/01/2018 - 01/01/2019
Brief Summary of Minutes
Please see attached file for NCAC16's 2019 meeting minutes.
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 04/10/2020
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 01/01/2019 - 01/01/2020
See minutesBrief Summary of Minutes
<p>See minutes</p>Publications
<p>None to report. Projects reviewed by this committee have reported publications.</p>Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 03/12/2023
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 01/31/2022 - 12/31/2022
Brief Summary of Minutes
Please see attached file below for NCAC16's annual meeting minutes/report.
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 02/28/2024
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 01/01/2023 - 12/31/2023