NC2172: Household financial and health decision-making under economic uncertainties

(Multistate Research Project)

Status: Active

SAES-422 Reports

Annual/Termination Reports:


Date of Annual Report: 06/24/2024

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 04/18/2024 - 04/19/2024
Period the Report Covers: 08/01/2023 - 06/15/2024


Bidisha Mandal – Washington State University; Brandan Wheeler, Secretary – Mississippi State University; Congrong Ouyang – Kansas State University; Elizabeth Kiss – Kansas State University; Jiyun Kang – Purdue University; Lorna Wounded Head - South Dakota State University Extension; Nilton Porto – University of Rhode Island; Rui Yao – University of Missouri; Sharon DeVaney – Purdue University, Emeritus; Sheri Worthy– University of Georgia; Soo Hyun Cho, Chair – California State University, Long Beach; Swarn Chatterjee—University of Georgia; Tim Griesdorn – University of the Incarnate Word; Wookjae Heo, Vice Chair – Purdue University; Yi Liu - St. John Fisher University; Yilan Xu - University of Illinois; Yu Zhang – Kansas State University;

Brief Summary of Minutes


<p><strong>Activities</strong></p><br /> <ol><br /> <li>Monthly meetings were held via Zoom and in-Person (hybrid).</li><br /> </ol><br /> <ol start="2"><br /> <li>Oral and poster presentations were given based on research conducted by this group:<br /> <ol><br /> <li>Diaz, J. &amp; Cho, S. H. (2024). Elaborating on the relationship between financial self-efficacy and life satisfaction; The mediating role of financial stability. Oral presentation at the Annual Conference of the American Council on Consumer Interests, May 21-23, Milwaukee, WI.</li><br /> <li>DeVaney, S. A. &amp; Porto, N. (2024). <em>Journals in Consumer and Family Sciences</em>. <em>Consumer Interests Annual</em>, Volume 70. Handout at 2024 conference and in Consumer Interests Annual.</li><br /> <li>Cho, S. H. &amp; DeVaney, S. A. (2023). <em>ACCI Then and now</em>. <em>Consumer Interests Annual</em>, Volume 69.</li><br /> <li>Griesdorn, T. S., DeVaney, S. A., Cho, S. H., &amp; Chung, S. R. (2023). Optimism, financial trust, resilience, and life satisfaction during COVID-19 pandemic. <em>Consumer Interests Annual</em>, Volume 69.</li><br /> <li>Kim, J., Chatterjee, S., DeVaney, S. A., Griesdorn, T. S., White, K. J., Russell, M., Saboe-Wounded-Head, L., &amp; Chung, S. R. (2023). <em>Impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on low-to-moderate income households and people of color.</em> <em>ACCI Annual Conference</em>. Clearwater Beach, FL. Poster.</li><br /> <li>Saboe-Wounded Head, L. &amp; DeVaney, S. A. (2023). How American Indians and Alaskan Natives managed financially during COVID-19. <em>ACCI Annual Conference</em>. Clearwater Beach, FL Poster.</li><br /> </ol><br /> </li><br /> </ol><br /> <ol start="3"><br /> <li>The following are several ongoing projects utilizing the Wells Fargo and COVID datasets that were collected as a part of NC 2172 collaboration.<br /> <ol><br /> <li>Qi, J., Zhang, Y., &amp; <strong>Worthy, S. L.</strong> (revise &amp; resubmit). Social Determinants of Health and desirable financial behaviors: The mediation effect of financial knowledge. <em>Financial Services Review</em>.</li><br /> <li>Qi, J., Zhang, Y., &amp; <strong>Worthy, S. L.</strong> (in progress). From financial self-efficacy to financial behaviors: The role of financial advice seeking and stress. <em>Journal of Financial Services Research</em>.</li><br /> </ol><br /> </li><br /> </ol><br /> <p><strong>Milestones</strong></p><br /> <ol><br /> <li>Discussion started on household health decision making. Several secondary datasets were identified, and subgroups were formed to focus on health issues such as food insecurity, healthcare access, and holistic health.</li><br /> </ol><br /> <ol start="2"><br /> <li>Subgroups are formed and working on analyzing data sets that this group collaborated in producing during the COVID-19 pandemic:<br /> <ol><br /> <li>2020 RAND American Life Panel omnibus 2300 survey</li><br /> <li>2021 COVID-19 dataset</li><br /> <li>2021 Wells Fargo data</li><br /> </ol><br /> </li><br /> </ol><br /> <ol start="3"><br /> <li>North Central Regional Center for Rural Development (NCRCRD) collected a dataset included APR Financial Stress scale in their survey, which were developed by two members of the NC 2172 group.</li><br /> </ol><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p>


<p><strong>Journal Articles</strong></p><br /> <p>Chawla, I., Russell, M. B., White, K. J., and DeVaney, S. A. (2023), 31(2 &amp; 3). Fear and Trust in Financial Institutions: A Thematic Analysis. <em>Financial Services Review</em>.</p><br /> <p>DeVaney, S. A. &amp; Lee, J. M. (2023). A Review of Housing Articles in FCSRJ: 2008-2022. <em>Family and Consumer Sciences Research Journal</em>, 50(3).&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>Heo, W., </strong>Moon, K., &amp; Ahn, S. Y. (2024). Unmasking the phantoms of generations: A comparative study of financial responsibility and stress across generational divides. <em>Journal of Financial Therapy, 15</em>(1), 2. doi:10.4148/1944-9771.1382</p><br /> <p><strong>Heo, W., </strong>Yao, R., &amp; Cho, S. H. (2024). Perceived mental health and physical health during the pandemic: The role of financial stress. <em>Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning</em>, Advanced online. doi:10.1891/JFCP-2022-0108</p><br /> <p>Yi, L., <strong>Heo, W.</strong>, &amp; Pearson, B. (2024). How do personality traits relate to financial satisfaction during the COVID-19 pandemic? <em>Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning</em>&nbsp;(in the publishing process)</p><br /> <p><strong>Heo, W</strong>., Kim, E., Kwak E. J., &amp; Grable, J. E. (2024). Identifying hidden factors associated with household emergency fund holding: A machine learning application. <em>Mathematics, 12</em>(2), 182. doi: 10.3390/math12020182</p><br /> <p>Moon, K., <strong>Heo, W.</strong>, Lee, J. M., &amp; Grable, J. E. (2023). Financial stress and COVID-19: A comprehensive analysis of the factors associated with the pandemic. <em>Risks, 11</em>, 218. doi: 10.3390/risks11120218</p><br /> <p>Lee, J. M., Rabbani, A., &amp; <strong>Heo, W</strong>. (2023). Examining financial anxiety focusing on interactions between financial knowledge and financial self-efficacy. <em>Journal of Financial Therapy, 14</em>(1), 2. doi: 10.4148/1944-9771.1279</p><br /> <p>Kim, K. T., <strong>Cho, S. H.</strong>, and Xiao, J. J. (2023). Is ignorance bliss? Use of alternative financial services, financial literacy, and financial anxiety. <em>Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 44, </em>956-967<em>. </em><a href=""></a> [SSCI]</p><br /> <p>Gallardo, J.E., MacDonald, M., Lim, H.N., and Kiss, D.E. (2024). An examination of student loan debt, financial threats, and financial anxiety. <em>Journal of Personal Finance, 23</em>(1), p.47</p><br /> <p>Preece, G. L., &amp; D. E. Kiss (2023). Development of a responsible financial behaviors index. Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, 34(2). Doi: 10.1891/JFCP-2022-0046</p><br /> <p>Kim, K. T., Xiao, J. J., &amp; Porto, N. (2024). Financial inclusion, financial capability and financial fragility during COVID-19 pandemic.&nbsp;<em>International Journal of Bank Marketing</em>,&nbsp;<em>42</em>(3), 414-436.</p><br /> <p>Porto, N. &amp; Xiao, J. J. (2024) &ldquo;Life Skills: Teaching Personal Finance to College Students during a Pandemic.&rdquo; Invited book chapter for Effective Methods for Teaching Business Related Topics During and Post Crisis. Vol.2.&nbsp;Edited by Dr. James Blair and Dr. Marcel Robles. National Business Education Association. Reston, VA</p><br /> <p>Mandal, B., Porto, N., Kiss, D. E., Cho, S. H., &amp; Head, L. S. W. (2023). Health insurance coverage during the COVID‐19 pandemic: The role of Medicaid expansion.&nbsp;<em>Journal of Consumer Affairs</em>,&nbsp;<em>57</em>(1), 296-319.</p><br /> <p>Leedahl, S. N., Pascuzzi, E., McCurdy, K., &amp; Porto, N. (2023). Beyond Employment: Lower Income Participants' Experiences in a Healthcare Training Program for Medical Assistants, Pharmacy Technicians, and Certified Nursing Assistants.&nbsp;<em>Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practice</em>,&nbsp;<em>21</em>(3), 24.</p><br /> <p>Xiao, J., Kim, K. T., &amp; Lee, S. (2024). Consumer Financial Capability and Financial Well-being: Multi-year analyses, <em>Applied Research in Quality of Life 19</em>(1), 547-580 [SSCI] <a href=";;sdata=Xe2EzwU6vyViQFepjQ5jAl8TSxhIaY7Z120Rno%2Ba5BI%3D&amp;reserved=0"></a></p><br /> <p><strong>Wheeler, B. E.</strong>, &amp; Brooks, C. (2024). Financial safety nets or rescue fantasies? A moderating view of the relationship between usage of alternative financial services and financial anxiety among college students. <em>Journal of Family and Economic Issues</em>. Advanced Online Publication. <a href=";;sdata=yrxkypMl1uEcpQuPyzCPq3ZPbNMWW0xAQgApT%2FvCiDw%3D&amp;reserved=0"></a></p><br /> <p>Yorgason, J. B., Segel-Karpas, D., Ermer, A., Weller, H., Owens, S., &amp; <strong>Wheeler, B. E</strong>. (2024). What are we worried about? Mid-life couples&rsquo; financial concerns about their retirement. <em>Family Relations</em>. Advanced Online Publication. <a href=";;sdata=J2l%2B7bkwgYSPMnx8%2B9s6DHjMaCkMU6k2FFpXfJsJZbI%3D&amp;reserved=0"></a></p><br /> <p><strong>Wheeler, B. E., </strong>Wilmoth, J. D., Phillips, T. M., &amp; Brooks, C. (2024). What factors within the context of a romantic relationship and the couples&rsquo; finances are related to the level of religiosity among contemporary emerging adults? <em>Journal of Human Sciences and Extension, 12</em>(1), 1. <a href=";;sdata=5pZ4%2BLG%2BWeuOG2Qs7mEIbgAvQ8x222utxtxwIWttWLs%3D&amp;reserved=0"></a></p><br /> <p>Li, X., <strong>Wheeler, B. E.</strong>, James, S., LeBaron-Black, A. B., Holmes, E. K., &amp; Yorgason, J. B., &amp; (2024). For richer, for poorer: Financial behaviors, marital power, and relational aggression among newlyweds. <em>Family Process, 63</em>(1), 176-191. <a href=";;sdata=cjeECXjR%2Bm1n1Ja%2BalmnRtOwyf363TclKQ4M%2BX3fE1Q%3D&amp;reserved=0"></a></p><br /> <p>LeBaron, A. B., Saxey, M. T., Totenhagen, C. J., <strong>Wheeler, B. E</strong>., Archuleta, K. L., Yorgason, J. B., &amp; James, S. (2023). Financial communication as a mediator between financial values and marital outcomes. <em>Family Relations, 72</em>(4), 1974-1992. <a href=";;sdata=FROvivuNqtPNCSYByOuh8WPAuk2T6j9vxML35fFmrJU%3D&amp;reserved=0"></a></p><br /> <p><strong>Wheeler, B. E.</strong>, &amp; Brooks, C. (2023). Financial socialization, financial identity, and financial well-being among university students taking a consumer economics course. <em>Journal of Family and Economic Issues</em>. Advanced Online Publication. <a href=";;sdata=qN2bu9CQw1XT22S1qJM6eDO6BmdueqMlQ3v0YXEWqcs%3D&amp;reserved=0"></a></p><br /> <p>Phillips, T. M., Smith, J. R., Long, A. C., <strong>Wheeler, B. E.</strong>, Marks, L. D., Goodman, M., Hatch, T., &amp; Wall, S. K. (2023). Family Home Evening as a model for promoting family health. <em>International Journal of Latest Research in Humanities and Social Sciences, 6</em>(11), 98-103.</p><br /> <p><strong>Wheeler, B. E.</strong>, &amp; Brooks, C. (2023). Financial concerns, relationship happiness, and financial management behaviors: A moderating relationship among married and cohabiting participants. <em>Journal of Family and Economic Issues, 44</em>(2), 325-341. <a href=";;sdata=bYZSz%2BxB%2BSENKjEEr2l0w9XKsdGYWFOdN9u4iivat1E%3D&amp;reserved=0"></a></p><br /> <p>Phillips, T. M., Wilmoth, J. D., <strong>Wheeler, B. E.</strong>, Long, A. C., Pylate, L., &amp; Brink, J. (2023). Religiosity and well-being in emerging adults. <em>Religion and Education, 50</em>(1), 70-81. <a href=";;sdata=pYJQNnUXL6clnqUx6%2F5IyA7XgTLdI6WMz1k%2F10IFsEA%3D&amp;reserved=0"></a></p><br /> <p><strong>Worthy, S</strong>. &amp; Lee, H. (in press). Healthy lifestyle and well-being through the lens of family and consumer sciences, <em>Journal of Family and Consumer Sciences.</em></p><br /> <p>Qi, J., Chatterjee, S., <strong>Worthy, S. L.,</strong> Herndon, K., &amp; Wojdynski, B. (2024). Using an extended post-acceptance framework to examine consumer adoption of fintech. <em>International Journal of Bank Marketing.</em> <a href=""></a></p><br /> <p>Zhang, Y. (2024). ESG perceptions: Investigating investor motivations and characteristics. <em>Financial Services Review, 32</em>(2).</p><br /> <p>Zhang, Y., &amp; Fan, L. (2023). An examination of mobile fintech utilization from a stress-coping perspective. <em>Journal of Financial Counseling and Planning, 34</em>, 354&ndash;366.&nbsp;DOI: 10.1891/JFCP-2022-0061</p><br /> <p>Zhang, Y., &amp; Chatterjee, S. (2023). Financial literacy, financial stress, and financial well-being in the United States. <em>Sustainability, 15</em>(5), 4505. DOI: 10.3390/su15054505</p><br /> <p>Ma, Q., Ying, Y. &amp; Yao, R. (2024). The impact of Chinese public expenditures on household investment in risky financial assets: Evidence from a national survey. <em>Journal of Consumer Affairs, </em>forthcoming</p><br /> <p>Yao, R., Xu, Y. &amp; Zhang, J. (2023). Household financial resilience from a health perspective. <em>Journal of Consumer Affairs, 57</em>(3), 1258-1280. DOI:10.1111/joca.12525.</p><br /> <p>Yao, R.&nbsp;&amp; Zhang, J. (2023). Employment status and financial resilience during the COVID-19 pandemic. <em>International Journal of Bank Marketing</em>, DOI: 10.1108/IJBM-08-2022-0371.</p><br /> <p>Yao, R.&nbsp;&amp; J. J. Xiao. (2023). Financial capability and informal bankruptcy: Comparing student loan holders and non-holders. <em>International Journal of Bank Marketing, 41</em>(1), 34-51. DOI:10.1108/IJBM-05-2022-0207.</p><br /> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>Awards and Recognition</strong></p><br /> <p>Lorna Saboe-Wounded Head received the American Council on Consumer Interests (ACCI) Stewart M. Lee Consumer Education Award</p><br /> <p>KT Kim received the American Council on Consumer Interests (ACCI) Mid-Career Award</p><br /> <p>Sharon DeVaney and Jae Min Lee received the FCSRJ Best Paper Award in Housing and Interior Design for 2023. Awarded at the 2024 <em>AAFCS Annual Conference, </em>Minneapolis, Minnesota.</p><br /> <p>Sharon DeVaney and Jae Min Lee&rsquo;s article was recognized as <em>2024 Wiley Top Downloaded Article</em>, One of the most downloaded papers during its first 12 months of publication (January 1 2022-December 31 2022). Review of Best Papers in Personal Finance: 2008-2020.</p><br /> <p>Isha Chawla, Mia Russell, Ken White, and Sharon DeVaney received 2023 <em>Academy of Financial Services Conference</em> Best Paper Award for their paper titled, Fear of financial loss due to history, misunderstanding of banking, and trust issues: A thematic analysis.</p><br /> <p>Tim Griesdorn and Sharon DeVaney received 2023 Best Paper Award in its section in the Fall Conference, <em>Academy of Business Research</em> Fall Conference The health and wealth connection to financial wellbeing during COVID-19.</p>

Impact Statements

  1. NC2172 has spent the past year analyzing datasets that were collected as a result of this multi-state research group during the COVID-19.
  2. This research team is in a unique position to help answer some household health and economic questions related to the pandemic.
  3. Members collaborated in producing dozens of research outputs, including conference presentations and peer-reviewed publications.
  4. Several sub-groups started discussions regarding household health decision making, such as healthcare access and food insecurity.
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