NCCC_old308: Nutrition and Management of Feedlot Cattle to Optimize Performance, Carcass Value and Environmental Compatibility
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
Date of Annual Report: 07/12/2019
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 06/01/2018 - 05/31/2019
Participants:Brake, Derek – University of Missouri
DiCostanzo, Alfredo – University of Minnesota
DiLorenzo, Nicolas – University of Florida
Foote, Andrew – Oklahoma State University
Hansen, Stephanie – Iowa State University
McCann, Josh – University of Illinois
Oltjen, James – University of California-Davis
Rust, Steve – Michigan State University
Samuelson, Kendall – West Texas A&M
Schoonmaker, Jon – Purdue University
Swanson, Kendall – North Dakota State University
Karen Beauchemin – Lethbridge Research and Development Centre
Tim McAllister – Lethbridge Research and Development Centre
Sean McGinn – Lethbridge Research and Development Centre
Gabriel Ribiero – University of Calgary
Abby Redman – Lethbridge Research and Development Centre
Karen Schwartzkopf-Genswein – Lethbridge Research and Development Centre
Brief Summary of Minutes
Brief Summary of Minutes of Annual Meeting:
· May 13th, Okotoks, Alberta: Participants met at Feedlot Health Management Services and learned about research and services the company provides. Participants also toured a commercial feedyard that used Feedlot Health Management Services.
· Welcome, introductions, agenda review: the meeting started with a general welcome to the group. Introductions were done with the whole group, which included not only NCCC-308 members but also students and guests who were in attendance.
· Administrative Update: Steve Smith provided an administrative update on the proposed changes & reorganization to the AFRI program, as well as staffing/hiring status at USDA.
· Administrative Update: John Lawrence provided an overview of NC Multistate Administration and an update on reporting guidelines. John Lawrence will be stepping down as NCCC-308 advisor and Steve Loerch will assume this role.
· Meeting planning for 2020: meeting will be hosted by Tara Felix at Penn State May 12 to 14, 2020
· State report highlights: updates regarding progress towards committee objectives were provided by members
· Lethbridge Research and Development Centre researchers provided research updates
· Members toured Lethbridge Research and Development Centre facilities
<p><strong>Accomplishments:</strong> Cattle are being fed to larger weights much more efficiently. However, public concern over the use of traditional technologies such as growth promotants and antibiotics has challenged the beef industry. Members of the NCCC-308 multistate group are investigating the role that stress and digestive processes play in disease prevention and are developing new feeding strategies and feed additives that improve animal health, increase growth, and enhance meat quality.</p><br /> <p><strong>Short-term outcomes:</strong> None to report.</p><br /> <p><strong>Outputs:</strong> Members of the NCCC-308 multistate group have organized 38 meetings that discuss feedlot nutrition and management, presented 25 scientific presentations, and published 35 peer reviewed journal articles. Important findings include:</p><br /> <ul><br /> <li>Trucking stress decreases cattle growth performance and compromises immunity. Overcoming the oxidative stress induced by trucking may result in less days cattle must be in the feedlot to reach desired end body weights. (IA)</li><br /> <li>Copper status of cattle may influence growth response to beta agonists and anabolic implants. (IA)</li><br /> <li>Antibody titers to BVDV Type I linearly improved with vitamin E supplementation (IA)</li><br /> <li>Cattle exhibited similar physiologic and immunologic responses to stress (exposure to CRH+VP) regardless of whether exposure was for 1 day or 4 consecutive days (WTAMU).</li><br /> <li>Selective use of antibiotic at feedlot entry based on white blood cell count decreased antibiotic usage and was as effective as metaphylaxis at decreasing morbidity (MI)</li><br /> <li>Aspirin induces leaky gut and can be used as a model to study gastrointestinal tract barrier dysfunction in feedlot cattle (IN).</li><br /> <li>Fructose supplementation to neonatal Holstein calves increased small intestinal mass and glucoamylase activity but not influence lactase, isomaltase, and maltase in different segments of the small intestine (NDSU).</li><br /> <li>Leucine supplementation did not influence N balance, increased serum leucine concentration, linearly decreased serum methionine and alanine concentration, and linearly increased pancreas weight (NDSU).</li><br /> <li>Parasite control of cows and calves during the pre-weaning phase improved carcass quality of calves. (IA)</li><br /> <li>Despite concerns that monensin efficacy has diminished in recent years, it was demonstrated to still increase daily gain and end-weight of stocker cattle, while providing gain and efficiency advantages when provided during the finishing phase (OK)</li><br /> <li>Feeding either the DFM-Enzyme blend improved gain and feed conversion efficiency after 28 d but not after 49 d on feed (MN).</li><br /> <li>Inclusion of <em>Bacillus subtilus </em>during the feedlot receiving period improves cattle health and performance (WTAMU).</li><br /> <li>Administration of a DNA immunostimulant did not mitigate viral (IBRV) recrudescence following stress challenge with dexamethasone (WTAMU).</li><br /> <li>Steers fed at restricted intake gained less and converted feed dry matter to gain less efficiently than those that were fed ad libitum. However, cattle fed ad libitum used intake above that achieved by restricted-fed cattle at a poorer feed conversion efficiency (MN).</li><br /> <li>The 2016 NASEM model under predicts performance of lightweight beef steers by as much as 29%. (IL)</li><br /> <li>Collecting rumen fluid through a suction strainer via the rumen cannula is preferred for conducting in vitro dry matter disappearance assay to predict ruminal degradation of various feedstuffs. (IL)</li><br /> <li>The USDA yield grad equation to predict cutability of beef carcasses does not accurately evaluate the Jersey breed of cattle (OH).</li><br /> <li>The Fukutsuru line of Wagyu cattle have a similar feed efficiency to Angus cattle and has greater growth and less marbling than the Yasufuku line of Wagyu cattle (OH).</li><br /> <li>Nutrient restriction during gestation reduced pancreatic digestive enzyme activities, whereas nutrient restriction during mid-gestation followed by realimentation increased small intestinal lactase activity (NDSU).</li><br /> <li>Dietary omega-3 fatty acids in cow diets alters cow conception rates and influences progeny muscle gene expression (IN).</li><br /> </ul><br /> <p><strong>Activities:</strong></p><br /> <ul><br /> <li>Conducted over 22 nutrition and management studies.</li><br /> <li>Organized 38 meetings that discuss feedlot nutrition and management.</li><br /> <li>Presented 25 scientific presentations.</li><br /> <li>Published 35 peer reviewed journal articles.</li><br /> </ul>Publications
<p><strong>Publications:</strong></p><br /> <p>Abdelmegeid, M. K., A. A. Elolimy, Z. Zhou, V. Lopreiato, J. C. McCann, and J. J. Loor. 2018. Rumen-protected methionine during the peripartal period in dairy cows and its effects on abundance of major species of ruminal bacteria. J. Anim. Sci. Biotechnol. 9:17. doi:10.1186/s40104-018-0230-8</p><br /> <p>Andresen, C.E., D.D. Loy, T.A. Brick and P.J. Gunn. 2018. Case Study: Effects of extended-release eprinomectin on cow-calf performance and reproductive success in a fall-calving beef herd. The Professional Animal Scientist 34:2 (223-229).</p><br /> <p>Andresen, C. E., D. D. Loy T. A. Brick, L. L. Schulz and P. J. Gunn 2018. Effects of extended-release eprinomectin on productivity measures in cow-calf systems and subsequent feedlot performance and carcass characteristics of calves. Translational Animal Sci. 3 (1):273-287.</p><br /> <p>Brake, D. W., and K. C. Swanson. 2018. RUMINANT NUTRITION SYMPOSIUM: Effects of postruminal flows of protein and amino acids on small intestinal starch digestion in cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 96:739-750.</p><br /> <p>Camacho, E., K. C. Swanson, Dorsam, S., and K. A. Vonnahme. 2018. Effects of maternal nutrient restriction followed by realimentation during early and mid-gestation in beef cows. II. Placental development, umbilical blood flow, and uterine blood flow responses to diet alterations. Theriogenology. 116:1 – 11.</p><br /> <p>Cantalapiedra Hijar, G., Abo-Ismail, M., Carstens, G. E., Guan, L.L., Hegarty, R., Kenny D. A., McGee, M., Plastow, G., Relling, A., Ortigues-Marty, I. Animal: An International Journal of Animal Bioscience. Biological determinants of between-animal variation in feed efficiency of growing beef cattle.</p><br /> <p>Carmichael, R. N., O. N. Genther-Schroeder, C. P. Blank, E. L. Deters, S. J. Hartman, E. K. Niedermayer, and S. L. Hansen. 2018. The influence of supplemental zinc and ractopamine hydrochloride on mineral and nitrogen retention of beef steers. J. Anim. Sci. 96(7):2939-2948.</p><br /> <p>Carranza Martin A.C, D. N. Coleman, L. Garcia, C. Furnus, and A. E. Relling. 2018. <a href="https://www.researchgate.net/publication/327445434_Prepartum_fatty_acid_supplementation_in_sheep_III_Effect_of_eicosapentaenoic_acid_and_docosahexaenoic_acid_during_finishing_on_performance_hypothalamus_gene_expression_and_muscle_fatty_acids_compositi?_sg=zitFa1RWInc5o5beRDvvGXl2hVr0nxBKeOXd0MCD1ZpKejtomA5Gxjo5-rnqhLOcmyoQ2DbeTI0gYWy4mpqdKC3ZYtF7EWxHiFu-dTBy.irKGr0CNJ8b6RW_ooXBjiX0w2IYsmyyrr5y0sSgECROtLb4OJkpyviKsWr7VjcaFDNtjeza4xXH3tcpPOI8kZw">Prepartum fatty acid supplementation in sheep III: Effect of eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid during finishing on performance, hypothalamus gene expression and muscle fatty acids composition in lambs</a>. <em>Journal of animal science, </em>in press<em>. </em>DOI: <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jas/sky360">10.1093/jas/sky360</a></p><br /> <p>Carvalho, J. R. R., K. M. Brennan, M.M. Ladeira, and J. P. Schoonmaker. 2018. Performance, insulin sensitivity, carcass characterisitcs, and fatty acid profile of beef from steers fed microalgae. J. Anim. Sci. 96:3433-3445.</p><br /> <p>Casey, T.M., J. Walker, K. Bhide, J. Thimmapuram, and J.P. Schoonmaker. 2018. Global transcriptome difference in myokine and inflammatory genes in muscle of mature steer progeny is related to maternal lactation diet and muscle composition. Physiol. Genomics. 50:884-892.</p><br /> <p>Caton, J. S., M. S. Crouse, L. P. Reynolds, T. L. Neville, C. R. Dahlen, A. K. Ward, and K. C. Swanson. 2018. Maternal nutrition and programming of offspring energy requirements. Transl. Anim. Sci. doi:10.1093/tas/txy127.</p><br /> <p>Coleman, D. N., Murphy, K. D., Relling, A. E. 2018. Prepartum fatty acid supplementation in sheep. II. Supplementation of eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid during late gestation alters the fatty acid profile of plasma, colostrum, milk and adipose tissue, and increases lipogenic gene expression of adipose tissue. <em>Journal of animal science, 96</em> (3), 1181-1204. doi:10.1093/jas/skx013</p><br /> <p>Coleman, D. N., Rivera-Acevedo, K. C., Relling, A. E. 2018. Prepartum fatty acid supplementation in sheep I. Eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acid supplementation do not modify ewe and lamb metabolic status and performance through weaning. <em>Journal of animal science, 96</em> (1), 364-374. doi:10.1093/jas/skx012</p><br /> <p>Crane, A. R., R. R. Redden, M. S. Crouse, J. D. Kirsch, P. P. Borowicz, J. E. Held, K. C. Swanson, and C. S. Schauer. 2018. Influence of distiller’s dried grains with solubles on ram lamb growth and reproductive traits. J. Anim. Sci. 96:1484–1494.</p><br /> <p>Desantadina, R., Quintana, S., Recavarren, M. I., Relling, A. E. 2018. Effect of time of gestation on fatty acid transporters mRNA expression in bovine placenta. <em>Bioscience Journal, 34</em> (1), 180-185. doi:10.14393/BJ-v34n1a2018-36825</p><br /> <p>Deters, E. L., R. S. Stokes, O. N. Genther-Schroeder, and S. L. Hansen. 2018. Effects of Original XPC in receiving diets of newly weaned beef steers I: Growth performance and antioxidant defense. J. Anim. Sci. 96(9):3897-3905.</p><br /> <p>Deters, E. L., R. S. Stokes, O. N. Genther-Schroeder, and S. L. Hansen. 2018. Effects of Original XPC in receiving diets of newly weaned beef steers II: Digestibility and response to a vaccination challenge. J. Anim. Sci. 96(9):3906-3915. </p><br /> <p>Elolimy, A. A., E. Abdel-Hamied, L. Hu, J. C. McCann, D. W. Shike, and J. J. Loor. 2019. Residual feed intake in beef cattle is associated with differences in protein turnover and nutrient transporters in ruminal epithelium. J. Anim. Sci. doi:10.1093/jas/skz080</p><br /> <p>Genther-Schroeder, O. N., M. E. Branine, S. L. Hansen. 2018. Effects of increasing supplemental dietary Zn concentration on growth performance and carcass characteristics in finishing steers fed ractopamine hydrochloride. J. Anim. Sci. 96(5):1903-1913.</p><br /> <p>Hartman, S. J., O. N. Genther-Schroeder, and S. L. Hansen. 2018. Comparison of trace mineral repletion strategies in feedlot steers to overcome diets containing high concentrations of sulfur and molybdenum. J. Anim. Sci. 96(6):2504-2515.</p><br /> <p>Keomanivong, F. E., M. C. Ruch, M. A. Rodenhuis, M. S. Crouse, J. D. Kirsch, M. L. Bauer, M. S. Borhan, S. Rahman, and K. C. Swanson. 2018. Influence of grain source and dried distiller’s grain with solubles oil concentration on rumen pH, ammonia and volatile fatty acid concentration, in vitro methane and carbon dioxide production and enzyme activity. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 99:160-167.</p><br /> <p>Ladeira, M.M., J.P. Schoonmaker, K.C. Swanson, S.K. Duckett, M.P. Gionbelli, L.M. Rodrigues, and P.D. Teixeira. 2018. Review: Nutrigenomics of marbling and fatty acid profile in ruminant meat. Animal. 12:s282-s294.</p><br /> <p>Loy, D. D., E. L. Lundy. 2018. Nutritional Properties and Feeding Value of Corn and Its Coproducts. In: Corn: Chemistry and Technology. Third Edition. S. O. Serna-Salvidar, Editor. Elsevier Inc. in cooperation with AACC International, Cambridge, MA</p><br /> <p>Mattioli, G. A., Rosa, D. E., Turic, E., Relling, A. E., Galarza, E., Fazzio, L. E. 2018. Effects of Copper and Zinc Supplementation on Weight Gain and Hematological Parameters in Pre-weaning Calves. <em>Biological trace element research, </em></p><br /> <p>Niedermayer, E. K., O. N. Genther-Schroeder, D. D. Loy and S. L. Hansen. 2018. Effect of varying trace mineral supplementation of steers with or without hormone implants on growth and carcass characteristics. J. Anim. Sci. 96(3):1159-1170. </p><br /> <p>Olsen, K. M., S. A. Gould, C. L. Walk, N. V. L. Serão, S. L. Hansen, and J. F. Patience. 2018. Evaluating phosphorus release by phytase in diets fed to growing pigs that are not deficient in phosphorus. J. Anim. Sci. 97(1):327-337.</p><br /> <p>Prezotto, L. D., J. F. Thorson, P. P. Borowicz, J. L. Peine, M. Bedenbaugh, S. M. Hileman, C. A. Lents, J. S. Caton, and K. C. Swanson. 2018. Influences of maternal nutrient restriction and arginine supplementation on visceral metabolism and hypothalamic circuitry of offspring. Dom. Anim. Endocrin. 65:71-79.</p><br /> <p>Pukrop, J.R., K.M. Brennan, B.J. Funnell, and J. P. Schoonmaker. 2018. Effect of a hydrolyzed mannan and glucan rich yeast fraction on performance and health status of newly received feedlot cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 96:3955-3966.</p><br /> <p>Rodenhuis, M. A., F. E. Keomanivong, M. L. Bauer, and K. C. Swanson. 2018. Effect of grain type and distillers grains with solubles oil concentration on site of digestion. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 98:368–375. </p><br /> <p>Sarker, N. C., F. Keomanivong, M. Borhan, S. Rahman, and K. Swanson. 2018. In vitro evaluation of nano zinc oxide (nZnO) on mitigation of gaseous emissions. J. Anim. Sci. Tech. 60:27.</p><br /> <p>Shee, C.N., R.P. Lemenager, and J.P. Schoonmaker. 2018. Feeding dried distillers grains with solubles to lactating beef cows: Impact of excess protein and fat on post-weaning progeny performance, glucose tolerance and carcass. Animal. 12:750-756.</p><br /> <p>Spiehs, M. P. J. P. Jaderborg, K. E. Hales, A. DiCostanzo, G. I. Crawford, D. B. Parker. 2018. Effect of corn processing and wet distiller’s grains with solubles on odorous volatile organic compound emissions from urine and feces of beef cattle. App. Eng. Agr. 34(3): 591-598.</p><br /> <p>Swanson, K. C., J. J. Gaspers, F. A. Keomanivong, T. C. Gilbery, G. P. Lardy, M. L. Bauer, and G. L. Stokka. 2018. Influence of feeding direct-fed microbial supplementation on growth performance and feeding behavior in naturally- and conventionally-fed finishing cattle with different dietary adaptation periods. J. Anim. Sci. 96:3370-3380.</p><br /> <p>Turiello, P., Larriestra, A., Bargo, F., Relling, A., Weiss, W. 2018. Sources of variation in corn silage and total mixed rations of commercial dairy farms. <em>The Professional Animal Scientist, 34</em> (2), doi:10.15232/pas.2017-01704</p><br /> <p>VanValin, K. R., O. N. Genther-Schroeder, Carmichael, R. N., C. P. Blank, E. L. Deters, S. J. Hartman, E. K. Niedermayer, S. B. Laudert and S. L. Hansen. 2018. Influence of dietary zinc concentration and supplemental zinc source on nutrient digestibility, zinc absorption, and retention in sheep. J. Anim. Sci. 96(12):5336-5344.</p>Impact Statements
- Impacts: Member of the NCCC-308 multistate group have identified management strategies and effective alternatives that decrease the use of traditional growth technologies. Judicious use of traditional technologies and discovery of new methods to combat disease and promote growth means that feedlot operators are better equipped to meet the challenges of beef production in an era where mitigating consumer concern is central to success. Further, these new technologies to promote efficient growth will better enable producers to meet consumer demands for safe, affordable nutritious beef.
Date of Annual Report: 07/01/2021
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 06/01/2020 - 05/31/2021
Ale Relling, Ohio State UniversityAlfredo Dicostanzo, University of Minnesota
Tara Felix, Pennsylvania State University
Galen Erickson, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Steve Loerch, Pennsylvania State University
Jon Schoonmaker, Purdue University
Zach Smith, South Dakota State University
Nicolas DiLorenzo, University of Florid
Kendall Swanson, North Dakota State University
Jerad Jaborek, Michigan State University
James Oltjen, University of California- Davis
Pedro Carvalho, University of California- Davis
Josh McCann, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Kendall Samuelson, West Texas Agriculture and Mechanical University
Andrew Foote, Oklahoma State University
Stephanie Hansen, Iowa State University
Dan Loy, Iowa State
Deb Hamernik, USDA University
Dan Schaefer, University of Wisconsin m-Madison
Brief Summary of Minutes
The meeting was held virtually due to the ongoing COVID pandemic. The previous meeting, 2020 annual meeting, had been canceled due to the same pandemic and the committee felt it prudent to abbreviate the usual meeting and hold it virtually to avoid another year lost.
May 18, ZOOM: Participants were “welcomed” to the host institution by Dr. Adele Turzillo, Department Head, Animal Sciences, Penn State. Dr. Steve Loerch reminded the committee of the history and mission of USDA NCCC committees, welcoming new and returning members to the committee.
Special discussions: The Journal of Animal Science has requested a collection of history from the committee. Kendall Swanson has agreed to chair a subcommittee to pull together the collection.
Station reports took up the remained of the time on May 18.
May 19, ZOOM: The committee welcomed a new USDA representative, Deputy Director Deb Hamernick. The Deputy Director shared a copy of the NIFA report and stated she will remain the representative for the foreseeable future.
The committee readdressed questions regarding the JAS special issues requests and formalized a path forward.
Station reports took up the remained of the time on May 19.
The 2022 meeting was proposed to be in person May 17-18, 2022 in State College, PA. Future meetings will be hosted in 2023 in El Centro by UC Davis, 2024 in Gainesville by University of Florida, and 2025 in Lincoln by University of Nebraska.
<p>Accomplishments: Cattle continue to be fed to larger weights, in part due to packer access issues in the industry. Concerns over the length of time on feed and the shortage of a qualified work force have challenged the beef industry. Members of the NCCC-308 multistate group are investigating the role or corn processing and forage inclusion in feedlot cattle diets as well as alternative supplements to improve animal health, increase growth, and enhance meat quality.</p><br /> <p>Short term outcomes: New facilities were designed at more than 3 locations. Projects are being initiated.</p><br /> <p>Outputs: Key finding from the years review included:</p><br /> <ul><br /> <li>Animal variation early in a feeding period can be useful to predict feeding outcomes and thus aid precision management in a feedlot.</li><br /> <li>Regardless of hormone implant strategies chosen in calf-fed Holstein steers, implant combinations should be selected to optimize hormone release before the onset of high heat load for cattle.</li><br /> <li>When feedlot cattle are fed dry rolled corn instead of whole shelled corn, they have a grater average daily gain, and greater feed intake, which produce heavier hot carcass weight, and more <em>Longissimus dorsi </em>area, but similar marbling score and back fat thickness.</li><br /> <li>Bedding applications should be considered to improve growth performance and feed efficiency by reducing maintenance energy requirements in beef steers during the feedlot receiving and finishing phase.</li><br /> <li>Grain-milling byproducts improve performance and increase ruminal pH, high-risk cattle do not require a high-roughage receiving diet at arrival, and that aggressive implant strategies are beneficial in long-fed cattle.</li><br /> <li>Increasing ruminal propionate has the ability to alter feed intake and feeding behavior in steers fed a finishing diet.</li><br /> <li>We observed that beef x Holstein steers were more likely to grade USDA Choice or above while yielding greater ribeye area and backfat than their Holstein counterparts.</li><br /> <li>Alfalfa haylage has the potential to substitute a portion, if not all, of the forage proportion of finishing diets.</li><br /> <li>Trace mineral nutrition of cattle has a marked impact on cattle response to growth promoting technologies such as beta agonists and anabolic implants.</li><br /> <li>Transit stress causes oxidative stress in cattle and cattle antioxidant capacity at time of trucking may dictate their post-transit performance response to additives that enhance antioxidant status.</li><br /> <li>Intentionally induced leaky gut using aspirin decreases growth and re-partitions carcass components from lean to fat in feedlot cattle.</li><br /> <li>By increasing gastrointestinal butyrate concentrations, a molasses based liquid supplement improves gut health, intake, and gain in stressed newly-weaned, receiving feedlot cattle.</li><br /> <li>Processing grain helps ensure optimum gain and efficiency while minimizing ruminal acidosis.</li><br /> <li>Rolling corn when processed as high-moisture corn lead to 5% better feed use efficiency as compared to a common hammer-mill method, likely due to less fines or small particles at time of ensiling.</li><br /> </ul><br /> <p>Activities</p><br /> <p>Members of the NCCC-308 multistate group have organized meetings that discuss feedlot nutrition and management, presented scientific presentations, and published peer reviewed journal articles. These included:</p><br /> <ul><br /> <li>Conducted over 25 nutrition and management studies.</li><br /> <li>Organized 36 extension meetings or products that discuss feedlot nutrition and management.</li><br /> <li>Presented 66 scientific, poster, and oral presentations.</li><br /> <li>Published 82 peer reviewed journal articles.</li><br /> </ul><br /> <p>Grant funding obtained by the committee members included:</p><br /> <ul><br /> <li>Evaluating the cost of feeding hay or soyhulls as roughage sources in sheep. OSWP. ($8,713.6; 100% Award). PI: Relling, Alejandro</li><br /> <li>USDA-NIFA $191,938 Smith (SDSU), Loy (ISU), Swanson (NDSU), DiCostanzo (U of M). Characterization of corn harvested at high moisture in cattle feeding yards in the Upper Midwest. 10/1/2020—9/30/2023</li><br /> <li>USDA-NAFA $93,076 DiCostanzo. Energy and economic value of alfalfa, harvested as haylage, in growing cattle diets. 3/1/2021—2/28/2023</li><br /> <li>Obtaining funding has been challenging at times for many of the production-based applied feedlot management questions we have generated.</li><br /> </ul><br /> <p>Milestones: None to report</p>Publications
<p> </p><br /> <ol><br /> <li><em>Winders, T. M., B. M. Boyd, F. H. Hilscher, R. R. Stowell, S. C. Fernando, and G. E. Erickson. 2021. Evaluation of methane production manipulated by level of intake in growing cattle and corn oil in finishing cattle. Transl. Anim. Sci. 4:1-11 </em><em>org/10.1093/tax/txaa186 </em></li><br /> <li>Andreini, E.M., S.M. Augenstein, C.S. Fales, R.D. Sainz and J.W. Oltjen. 2019. Effects of feeding level on efficiency of high and low residual feed intake beef steers. In: Energy and Protein Metabolism and Nutrition (M.L. Chizzotti, Ed.) pp. 133-134. European Assoc. for Anim. Prod. Publ. No. 138. Doi: 10.3920/978-90-8686-891-9_10.</li><br /> <li>Fernandez, E.E., J.W. Oltjen and R.D. Sainz. 2019. Mitochondrial abundance and function inmuscle from beef steers with divergent residual feed intakes. In: Energy and Protein Metabolism and Nutrition (M.L. Chizzotti, Ed.) pp. 225-226. European Assoc. for Anim. Prod. Publ. No. 138. Doi: 10.3920/978-90-8686-891-9_10.</li><br /> <li>Fernandez EE, Oltjen JW, Sainz RD. 2020. Mitochondrial abundance and function in muscle from beef steers with divergent residual feed intakes. Animal. 2020 14:560-565. doi: 10.1017/S1751731119002209</li><br /> <li>Dykier KC, Oltjen JW, Robinson PH, Sainz RD. 2020. Effects of finishing diet sorting and digestibility on performance and feed efficiency in beef steers. Animal. 14:59-65. doi: 10.1017/S1751731119001988</li><br /> <li>Carvalho, P.H.V., B.C. Latack, L. Buenabad, and R.A. Zinn. 2021. Influence of implant hormone strategy on growth performance of calf-fed Holstein steers. Applied Anim. Sci. 37: 199-206. <a href="https://doi.org/10.15232/aas.2020-02123">https://doi.org/10.15232/aas.2020-02123</a></li><br /> <li>Nickles K. R., A. E. Relling, L. E. Moraes, and A. J. Parker. 2020. The effect of a social facilitator cow on the distance walked and time spent walking by abruptly weaned beef calves. Animal Production Sciences. doi: /10.1071/AN20434</li><br /> <li>Freitas, T. B., T. L. Felix, C. Clark, F. L. Fluharty, and A. E. Relling. 2020. Effect of feeding dry-rolled corn or whole shelled corn during the finishing phase on growth performance and carcass characteristics. Translational Animal Science. doi: 10.1093/tas/txaa228</li><br /> <li>Rosa-Velazquez, R., F. Batistel, J. M. Pinos-Rodriguez, and A. E. Relling. Effects of maternal dietary omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids and methionine during late gestation on fetal growth, DNA methylation, and mRNA relative expression of genes associated with the inflammatory response, lipid metabolism, and DNA methylation in placenta and offspring’s liver in sheep. J. Anim Sci. and Biotechnology. Accepted. doi: 10.1186/s40104-020-00513-7.</li><br /> <li>Menichetti, B. T., J, M, Piñeiro, A. A. Barragan, A. E. Relling, A. Garcia-Guerra, and G. M. Schuenemann. Association of prepartum lying time with nonesterified fatty acids and stillbirth in prepartum dairy heifers and cows. J. Dairy Sci. 103: 11782-11794. (Data interpretation)</li><br /> <li>Sears, A., O. Gonzalez, A. Alberto, J. De Souza, A. Young, A. E. Relling, and F. Batistel. 2020. Impact of feeding a palmitic acid-enriched supplement on production responses and nitrogen metabolism of mid-lactating Holstein and Jersey cows. J Dairy Sci. 103: 8898-8909. doi: 10.3168/jds.2020-18232</li><br /> <li>Carranza Martin, A. C., A. J. Parker, C. Furnus, and A. E. Relling. 2020. Ghrelin antagonist overrides the mRNA expression of NPY in hypothalamus in feed restricted ewes. Plos one 15: e0238465. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0238465</li><br /> <li>Roque-Jiménez J. A., G. D. Mendoza-Martı́nez, A. Vázquez-Valladolid, M. L. Guerrero-González, R. Flores-Ramı́rez, J. M. Pinos-Rodriguez, J. J. Loor, A. E. Relling, and H. A. Lee-Rangel. Supplemental herbal choline increases 5-hmC DNA 3 on whole blood from pregnant ewes and offspring. Animals. 10:1277. 10.3390/ani10081277</li><br /> <li>Duff, A., L. Bielke, and A. E. Relling. 2020. Technical Note: Fluorescein as an indicator of enteric mucosal barrier function in pre-ruminant lambs. J Anim Sci. 98:1-6. doi: 10.1093/jas/skaa198</li><br /> <li>Relling, A. E., D. D. Clevenger, and F. L. Fluharty. 2020. Effect of oscillating feeding time and corn processing on performance and carcass characteristics in feedlot steers. Translational Animal Science. 4: taxx103. doi: 10.1093/tas/txaa103</li><br /> <li>de Assis, R. G., J. S. Biava, D. M. Polizel, T.T. de Souza, T.U. Sturion, A. V. Pires, A. E. Relling, and E. M. Ferreira. 2020. Use of narasin in diets for lactating ewes. Small Ruminant Research. 187:106108. doi: 10.1016/j.smallrumres.2020.106108</li><br /> <li>Roque-Jimenez, J. A., M. F. Oviedo-Ojeda, M. Whalin, H. A. Lee-Rangel, and A. E. Relling. 2020. Eicosapentaenoic and docosahexaenoic acid supplementation during early gestation modified relative abundance on placenta and fetal liver tissue mRNA and concentration pattern of fatty acids in fetal liver and fetal central nervous system of sheep. Plos ONE 15: e0235217. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0235217</li><br /> <li>Carranza-Martin A. C., A. J. Parker, C. C. Furnus, and A. E. Relling. 2020. Ghrelin antagonist regulates metabolic hormone receptors in the hypothalamus of ewes. Small Ruminant Research. doi: 10.1016/j.smallrumres.2020.106091</li><br /> <li>Wagner, B. K., A. E. Relling, J. D. Kieffer, L. E. Moraes, and A. J. Parker. 2020. Short communication: pharmacokinetics of oxytocin administered intranasally to beef cattle. Domestic Animal Endocrinology. 71:106387. doi: 10.1016/j.domaniend.2019.106387</li><br /> <li>Wagner, B. K., A. E. Relling, J. D. Kieffer, and A. J. Parker. 2020. Intranasal oxytocin treatment does not attenuate the hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal axis in beef heifers subjected to isolation stress or restraint and isolation stress. Domestic Animal Endocrinology. 70:106379. doi: 10.1016/j.domaniend.2019.07.007</li><br /> <li>Jaborek, J. R., A. E. Relling, F. L. Fluharty, S. J. Moeller, and H. Zerby. 2020. Opportunities to improve the accuracy of the United States Department of Agriculture beef yield grade equation through precision agriculture. Translational Animal Science. 4: txaa033. doi: 10.1093/tas/txaa033</li><br /> </ol><br /> <p> </p><br /> <ol start="22"><br /> <li>Jaborek, J. R., and A. E. Relling. 2020. Short communication: Effects of low antioxidant mineral concentrations in the growing diet on marbling deposition in feedlot cattle. Applied Animal Science. 36:249-255. doi: 10.15232/aas.2019-01903</li><br /> </ol><br /> <p> </p><br /> <ol start="23"><br /> <li>Freitas, T. B., T. L. Felix, W. Shriver, F. L. Fluharty, and A. E. Relling. 2020. Effect of corn processing on growth performance, carcass characteristics, and plasma glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide and metabolite concentrations in feedlot cattle.Translational Animal Science. 4: txaa009. doi: 10.1093/tas/txaa009</li><br /> <li>Pisoni, L., and A. E. Relling. 2020. The effects of supplementing yeast fermentation products on gut permeability, hormone concentration, and growth in newborn dairy calves. Translational Animal Science. 4: txaa004. doi: 10.1093/tas/txaa004</li><br /> <li>Jaborek, J. R., H. N. Zerby, S. J. Moeller, F. L. Fluharty, and A. E. Relling. 2019. Evaluation of feedlot performance, carcass characteristics, carcass retail cut distribution, Warner-Bratzler shear force, and fatty acid composition of crossbred Jersey steers and heifers. Applied Animal Science. 35:615-627. doi:10.15232/aas.2019-01895</li><br /> </ol><br /> <p> </p><br /> <ol start="26"><br /> <li>Buckhaus, E.M.; Smith, Z.K. Effects of Corn Silage Inclusion Level and Type of Anabolic Implant on Animal Growth Performance, Apparent Total Tract Digestibility, Beef Production per Hectare, and Carcass Characteristics of Finishing Steers. Animals 2021, 11, 579. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani11020579</li><br /> <li>Buckhaus, E.M.; Rusche, W.C.; Smith, Z.K. Effect of Complete Replacement of Dry-Rolled Corn with Unprocessed Rye on Growth Performance, Efficiency of Dietary Net Energy Use, and Carcass Traits of Finishing Heifers. Animals 2021, 11, 99. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani11010099</li><br /> <li>Rusche, W.C.; Walker, J.A.; Smith, Z.K. Effect of inclusion rate of silage with or without alpha-amylase trait on finishing steer growth performance, carcass characteristics, and agronomic efficiency measures, <em>Translational Animal Science</em>, Volume 4, Issue 2, April 2020, Pages 942–949, https://doi.org/10.1093/tas/txaa056</li><br /> <li>Rusche, W.C.; Walker, J.A.; Sexton, P.; Brattain, R.S.; Smith, Z.K. Evaluation of hybrid rye on growth performance, carcass traits, and efficiency of net energy utilization in finishing steers, <em>Translational Animal Science</em>, Volume 4, Issue 3, July 2020, txaa173, https://doi.org/10.1093/tas/txaa173</li><br /> <li>Smerchek, D.T.; Smith, Z.K. Bedding Application to Feedlot Steers: Influence on Growth Performance, Estimated Maintenance Coefficient, Carcass Characteristics, and Circulating Metabolites in Beef Steers. Animals 2020, 10, 1766. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani10101766</li><br /> <li>Munoz, V. I., K. L. Samuelson, D. J. Tomczak, H. A. Seiver, T. M. Smock, and J. T. Richeson. 2020. Comparative efficacy of metaphylaxis with tulathromycin and pentavalent modified-live virus vaccination in high-risk, newly received feedlot cattle. Appl. Anim. Sci. 36:799-807.</li><br /> <li>Smock, T., K. Samuelson, J. E. Wells, K. E. Hales, J. Hergenreder, W. Rounds, and J. Richeson. 2020. Effects of Bacillus subtilis PB6 and/or chromium propionate supplementation on serum chemistry, complete blood count, and fecal Salmonella spp. count in high-risk cattle during the feedlot receiving and finishing periods. Transl. Anim. Sci. 4:1-11.</li><br /> <li>Smock, T., K. Samuelson, J. Hergenreder, W. Rounds, and J. Richeson. 2020. Effects of Bacillus subtilis PB6 and/or chromium propionate supplementation on clinical health, growth performance, and carcass traits of high-risk cattle during the feedlot receiving and finishing periods. Transl. Anim. Sci. 4:1-12.</li><br /> <li>Trotta, R. J., and K. C. Swanson. 2021. Prenatal and postnatal nutrition influence pancreatic and intestinal carbohydrase activities of ruminants. Animals. 11:171.</li><br /> <li>Trotta, R. J., K. R. Maddock-Carlin, and K. C. Swanson. 2021. Influence of ractopamine hydrochloride supplementation on pancreatic digestive enzyme activity in finishing steers. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 101:191-195.</li><br /> <li>Trotta, R. J., F. E. Keomanivong, J. L. Peine, J. S. Caton, and K. C. Swanson. 2020. Effects of maternal nutrient restriction and rumen-protected arginine supplementation on post-ruminal digestive enzyme activity of lamb offspring. Livest. Sci. 241:104246.</li><br /> <li>Trotta, R. J., C. O. Lemley, K. A. Vonnahme, and K. C. Swanson. 2020. Effects of nutrient restriction and melatonin supplementation from mid- to late-gestation on maternal and fetal small intestinal carbohyrdrase activities in sheep. Dom. Anim. Endocrin. 74:106555.</li><br /> <li>Trotta, R. J., Ward, A. K., and K. C. Swanson. 2020. Influence of dietary fructose on visceral organ mass, carbohydrase activity, and mRNA expression of genes involved in small intestinal carbohydrate assimilation in neonatal calves. J. Dairy Sci. 103:10060-10073.</li><br /> <li>Tanner, A. R., M. L. Bauer, V. C. Kennedy, F. E. Keomanivong, J. D. Kirsch, L. P. Reynolds, G. L. Stokka, A. Rodas-Gonzalez, A. K. Ward, C. R. Dahlen, B. W. Neville, K. H. Ominski, K. A. Vonnahme, and K. C. Swanson. 2020. Influence of corn</li><br /> <li>supplementation to beef cows during mid- to late-gestation: Maternal feed intake, body condition, plasma metabolites, and calf growth. Livest. Sci. 240:104142.</li><br /> <li>Knutson, E. E., A. C. B. Menezes, X. Sun, A. B. P. Fontoura, J. H. Liu, M. L. Bauer, K. R. Maddock Carlin, K. C. Swanson, and A. K. Ward. 2020. Effect of feeding a low vitamin A diet on carcass and production characteristics of steers with a high or low propensity for marbling. Animal 11:2308-2314.</li><br /> <li>Bunma, T., M. A. Vasquez-Hidalgo, K. C. Swanson, S. T. Dorsam, C. Navanukraw, K. A. Vonnahme, and A. Grazul-Bilska. 2020. Nuclear and membrane progesterone receptors (PGR) expression in placenta from early to late pregnancy in sheep: Effects of restricted nutrition and re-alimentation. Theriogenology 148:95-102.</li><br /> <li>Trotta, R. J., M. A. Vasquez-Hidalgo, K. A. Vonnahme, and K. C. Swanson. 2020. Effects of nutrient restriction during mid- to late-gestation on maternal and fetal post-ruminal carbohydrase activities in sheep. J. Anim. Sci. 98:skz393.</li><br /> <li>Trotta, R. J., L. G. Sitorski, S. Acharya, D. W. Brake, and K. C. Swanson. 2020. Duodenal infusions of starch with casein or glutamic acid influence pancreatic and small intestinal carbohydrase activity in cattle. J. Nutr. 150:784-791.</li><br /> <li>Harmon, D. L., and K. C. Swanson. 2020. Review: Nutritional regulation of intestinal starch and protein assimilation in ruminants. Animal 14(S1): s17-s28.</li><br /> <li>Trotta, R. J., and K. C. Swanson. 2020. Effects of dietary supplement source on rate and extent of in vitro ruminal degradation from alfalfa-based diets for cattle. Can. J. Anim. Sci. 100:244-252.</li><br /> <li>Freitas, T. B., T. L. Felix (Co-Author; 25% contribution), C. Clark, F. L. Fluharty, and A. E. Relling. 2020. Effect of corn processing during the finishing phase on growth performance and carcass characteristics. Trans. Anim. Sci. DOI: 10.1093/tas/txaa228 (Collaboration with Ohio State)</li><br /> <li>Carvalho, P.H.V., M.F. Westphalen, J.A. Campbell, and T.L. Felix. (Supervised Student Author; 40% contribution). 2020. Effects of coated and non-coated steroidal implants on feedlot performance, carcass characteristics, and serum estradiol-17β concentrations of finishing Holstein steers. Trans. Anim. Sci. 4:txaa190 DOI: 10.1093/tas/txaa190</li><br /> <li>Chishti, G.C., and T.L. Felix. (Supervised Student Author; 40% contribution). 2020. Effects of supplemental calcium butyrate on lamb growth, plasma metabolites, and hepatic gluconeogenic and inflammatory gene expression changes. Anim. Feed. Sci. Tech 270:1-9. DOI: 10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2020.114678</li><br /> <li>Carvalho, P.H.V., and T.L. Felix. (Supervised Student Author; 40% contribution). 2020. Effects of cattle breed and corn processing on ruminal pH and volatile fatty acid concentrations, and apparent digestibility. Anim. Feed. Sci. Tech 269:1-8. DOI: 10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2020.114659</li><br /> <li>Sales Silva, F. A., Valadares Filho, S. C., Costa e Silva, L., Fernandes, J., Lage, B., Chizzotti, M., and Felix, T. (Supervised Student Author; 25% contribution). 2020. Nutrient requirements and evaluations of equations to predict chemical body composition of dairy crossbred steers. Asian-Australasian J. Anim. Sci. p. 1-27 DOI: 10.5713/ajas.19.0829</li><br /> <li>Carvalho, P.H.V., Pinto, A.C.J., Millen, D.D., and T.L. Felix (Supervised Student Author; 40%). 2020. Effect of cattle breed, Holstein or Angus, and basal diet, grain or forage, on diet digestibility, rumen bacterial communities, and eating and rumination activity. J. Anim. Sci. 98: 1-10. DOI: 10.1093/jas/skaa114</li><br /> <li>Chishti, G. A., Salfer, I. Nedelkov, K., and Felix, T.L. (Supervised Student Author; 40%). 2020. Impacts of abruptly changing wethers from forage to grain diets on plasma metabolites, rumen histology, and mRNA expression of hepatic enzymes. Animals. 10: 686. DOI: 10.3390/ani10040686.</li><br /> <li>Sales Silva, F.A., Valadares Filho, S. C., Godoi, L.A., Silva, B.C., Pacheco, M.V.C, Zanetti, D., Benedeti, D.B., Silva, F.F., Felix, T.L. (Supervised Student Author; 30%). 2020. Effect of duration of restricted-feeding on nutrient excretion, animal performance, and carcass characteristics of Holstein × Zebu finishing steers. Anim. Prod. Sci. 60:535-544. DOI: 10.1071/AN18300.</li><br /> <li>Freitas, T. B., T. L. Felix (Co-Author; 25% contribution), W. Shriver, F. L. Fluharty, and A. E. Relling. 2020. Effect of corn processing on growth performance, carcass characteristics, and plasma glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide and metabolite concentrations in feedlot cattle. Trans. Anim. Sci. 4. DOI: 10.1093/tas/txaa009 (Collaboration with Ohio State)</li><br /> <li>Carvalho, P. H. V., Perry, G. and Felix, T.L. (Supervised Student Author; 50% contribution). 2020. Effects of steroidal implants on feedlot performance, carcass characteristics, and serum and meat estradiol-17b concentrations of Holstein steers. Trans. Anim. Sci. 4:206-213. DOI: 10.1093/tas/txaa025</li><br /> <li>Dawson, C., P. Henley, A. Schroeder, C. Hayes, T. Felix, D. W. Shike, J. C. McCann. 2021. Effects of rubber matting on cattle performance and carcass characteristics in slatted facilities. J. Anim. Sci., 98(Supplement 3) doi: 10.1093/jas/skaa054.015 (Collaboration with UIUC)</li><br /> <li>Pittaluga, A. T.L. Felix, A. Relling. 2020. Late-Breaking Abstract: Effect of increasing levels of soy hulls in finishing diets of feedlot cattle offered free-choice hay on performance, roughage intake and carcass characteristics. J. Anim. Sci 98(Supplement 4) DOI: 10.1093/jas/skaa278.619 (Collaboration with Ohio State)</li><br /> <li>Westphalen, M. F., Oh, J., Hristov, A. N., and Felix, T. L. (Supervised Student Author, 40%). 2020. Effects of rumen-protected Capsicum oleoresin on growth performance and immune response in growing beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci., 98(Supplement 3).doi: 10.1093/jas/skaa054.078</li><br /> <li>Carvalho, P. H., Perry, G. A., and Felix, T. L. (Supervised Student Author, 40%). 2020. Effects of steroidal implants on feedlot growth performance, carcass characteristics, and serum and meat estradiol-17 concentrations of Holstein steers. J. Anim. Sci., 98 (Supplement 3). doi: 10.1093/jas/skaa054.060</li><br /> <li>Reiter, A. S., A. DiCostanzo, M. Webb, J. Zeltwanger, C. C. Sheaffer, A. Jaqueth, and K. L. Martinson. 2020. Forage quality and beef cow preference is affected by wrap type of conventional and reduced-lignin alfalfa round bales stored outdoors. Trans. Anim. Sci. <a href="https://doi.org/10.1093/tas/txaa167">https://doi.org/10.1093/tas/txaa167</a></li><br /> </ol><br /> <p> </p><br /> <ol start="62"><br /> <li>Lourenco, J. M., T. R. Callaway, T. J. Kieran, T. C. Glenn, J. C. McCann, and R. L. Stewart, Jr. 2019. Analysis of the rumen microbiota of beef calves supplemented during the suckling phase. Front. Microbiol. 10:1131. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2019.01131</li><br /> <li>Henley, P. A., G. Podico, E. Garrett, C. Kaplan, W. T. Meteer, J. C. McCann, I. Canisso, and D. W. Shike. 2020. Influence of distillers grains with solubles on bull growth and reproductive traits. Trans. Anim. Sci. 4: 229–241. doi: 10.1093/tas/txz189</li><br /> <li>Wu, J. X., C. Zong, T. Shao, Y. S. Liang, J. C. McCann, Z. H. Dong, J. F. Li, and Q. H. Liu. 2020. Clarifying the relationships among bacteria, lipid-related enzymes, main polyunsaturated fatty acids and fat-soluble vitamins in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) silage using various sugar supplementations. Anim. Sci. Feed. Technol. 272:114799. doi: 10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2020.114799</li><br /> <li>Hanlon, K. E., J. C. McCann, M. F. Miller, M. M. Brashears, C. L. Smith, J. C. Brooks, J. F. Legako. 2021. Microbial profile evaluation of beef steaks from different packaging and retail lighting display conditions. (in press)</li><br /> <li>Harsh, B. N., B. J. Klatt, M. J. Volk, A. R. Green-Miller, J. C. McCann. 2021. Effects of ractopamine hydrochloride on nutrient digestibility and nitrogen excretion of finishing beef cattle. Trans. Anim. Sci. (in press)</li><br /> <li>Pittaluga, A. P., S. Yu, W. Li, and J. C. McCann. 2021. Effect of exogenous glucoamylase inclusion on in vitro fermentation and performance of feedlot steers fed a dry-rolled corn-based diet. Trans. Anim. Sci. (in press)</li><br /> <li>Radke, S. L., S. M. Ensley, and S. L. Hansen. 2020. Inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry determination of hepatic copper, manganese, selenium, and zinc concentrations in relation to sample amount and storage duration. J. Vet. Diagn. Inv. 32(1):103-107. (Approximate percentage contribution-15%).</li><br /> <li>Jackson, T. D., R. N. Carmichael, E. L. Deters, E. M. Messersmith, K. R. VanValin, D. D. Loy, and S. L. Hansen. 2020. Comparison of multiple single-use, pulse-dose trace mineral products provided as injectable, oral drench, oral paste, or bolus on circulating and liver trace mineral concentrations of beef steers. Applied Animal Science. 36:26-35. (Approximate percentage contribution-40%).</li><br /> <li>Deters, E. L., and S. L. Hansen. 2020. Invited review: Linking road transportation with oxidative stress in cattle and other species. Applied Animal Science. 36(2): 183-200. (Approximate percentage contribution-20%).</li><br /> <li>Deters, E. L., and S. L. Hansen. 2020. Pre-transit vitamin C injection improves post-transit performance of beef steers. Animal. 14(10):2083-2090.</li><br /> <li>Heiderscheit, K. J., and S. L. Hansen. 2020. Effect of rumen-protected lysine on growth performance, carcass characteristics, and plasma amino acid profile in feedlot steers. Trans. Anim. Sci. 4(3):txaa128</li><br /> <li>VanValin, K. R., O. N. Genther-Schroeder, R. N. Carmichael, C. P. Blank, E. L. Deters, S. J. Hartman, E. K. Niedermayer, and S. L. Hansen. 2020. Trace mineral metabolism and nutrient digestibility in lambs supplemented with zinc sulfate during an adrenocorticotropic hormone challenge. Livestock Sci. 241:104197.</li><br /> <li>Carmichael-Wyatt, R. N., O. N. Genther-Schroeder, and S. L. Hansen. 2020. The influence of dietary energy and zinc source and concentration on performance, trace mineral status, and gene expression of beef steers. Trans. Anim. Sci. https://doi.org/10.1093/tas/txaa207</li><br /> <li>Clemmons, B. A., L. G. Schneider, E. A. Melchior, A. K. Lindholm-Perry, K. E. Hales, J. E. Wells, H. C. Freetly, S. L. Hansen, M. E. Drewnoski, S. J. Hartman, and P. R. Myer. 2020. The effects of feeding ferric citrate on ruminal bacteria, methanogenic archaea and methane production in growing beef steers. Access Microbiology. https://doi.org/10.1099/acmi.0.000180</li><br /> <li>Boerman, J. P., W. C. Hornback, D. E. Beever, P. H. Doane, M. J. Cecava, A. L. Lock, S. L. Hansen, M. Drewnoski, M. R. Murphy, and J. K. Drackley. 2020. Effects of physical preparation of diets and inclusion rate of modified wet distillers grains with solubles on production and rumen measurements of lactating dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 104:1680-1695.</li><br /> <li>Briggs, N.G., K.M. Brennan, B.J. Funnell, G.T. Nicholls, and J.P. <strong>Schoonmaker</strong>. 2020. Use of aspirin to intentionally induce gastrointestinal tract barrier dysfunction in feedlot cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 98(9):skaa264. https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skaa264</li><br /> <li>Ladeira, M.M., Oliveira, D.M., J.P. <strong>Schoonmaker</strong>, M. L. Chizzotti, H.G. Barreto, L.V. Paiva, T.C. Coelho, O.R. Machado Neto, M.P. Gionbelli, A. Chalfun-Junior. 2020. Expression of lipogenic genes in the muscle of beef cattle fed oilseeds and vitamin E. Agri Gene. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aggene.2019.100097</li><br /> <li>Lancaster, N.A., C.R. Muegge, J.R.R. Carvalho, R.C. Lopes, R.S. Narumiya, F. Pinese, A.N. Baird, and J.P. <strong>Schoonmaker</strong>. 2020. Effect calcium oxide and soybean hull addition to feedlot diets containing dried distillers grains and corn stover on steer performance, carcass characteristics, and digestibility. Transl. Anim. Sci. 4:txaa105. https://doi.org/10.1093/tas/txaa105</li><br /> <li>Oliveira, C.V.R., J.P. <strong>Schoonmaker</strong>, D.R. Casagrande, O.R. Machado Neto, V.A.A. Reis, P.D. Teixeira, L.R. Santos, and M.M. Ladeira. 2020. Effect of soybean meal versus processed whole soybean diets on the performance of young bulls and the fatty acid composition of intramuscular fat. Anim. Prod. Sci. 60:1435-1441. https://doi.org/10.1071/AN19384</li><br /> <li>Rodrigues, L.M., J.P. <strong>Schoonmaker</strong>, F.D. Resende, G.R. Siqueira, O.R. Machado Neto, M.P. Gionbelli, T.R. Santos Gionbelli, and M.M. Ladeira. 2020. Effects of protein supplementation on Nellore cows’ reproductive performance, growth, myogenesis, lipogenesis, and intestine development of the progeny. Anim. Prod. Sci. 61:371-380. https://doi.org/10.1071/AN20498</li><br /> <li>Silva, B.dC., M.V.C. Pacheco, L.A. Godoi, H.M. Alhadas, J.M.V. Pereira, L.N. Renno, E. Detmann, P.V.R. Paulino, J.P. <strong>Schoonmaker</strong>, and S.dC. Valadares Filho. 2020. Reconstituted and ensiled corn or sorghum grain: Impacts on dietary nitrogen fractions, intake, and digestion sites in young Nellore bulls. PLoS One. 15:e0237381. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0237381</li><br /> </ol>Impact Statements
- Although technologies, and alternative technologies, continue to emerge and be tested, general husbandry and management practices are still influencing cattle growth and production and should not be ignored.
Date of Annual Report: 01/01/1970
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 05/20/2021 - 05/19/2022
Adele Turzillo, Pennsylvania State UniversitySteve Loerch, Pennsylvania State University
Tara Felix, Pennsylvania State University
Ale Relling, Ohio State University
Jim Oltjen, UC Davis
Pedro Carvalho, UC Davis
Ben Williamson, PSU
Zachary Smith, SDSU
Jon Schoonmaker, Purdue University
Josh McCann, University of Illinois
Jerad Jaborek, MSU
Nicolas DiLorenzo, University of Florida
Kendall Swanson, NDSU
Derek Brake, Missouri
Vinicius Gouvea, TX A&M
Pablo Loza, UNL
Bailey Basiel, PSU
Camren Maierle, PSU
Cheryl Fairbairn, PSU
Brief Summary of Minutes
Committee members arrived on May 17. A dinner organized by the host was offered so old and new members had time for introductions and socializing. On May 18, the meeting started at the Ag Sci & Ind Building at Penn State University. After a welcome meeting with Dr. Adele Turzillo (Department head of the Animal Science program at PSU) and Dr. Steve Loerch (Senior associate dean at the College of AG at PSU). The day's first meeting was to address comments and plans for 2022. The committee decided that UC Davis will host the 2023 meeting at the Desert Research and Extension Center. After a meeting with Angelica VanGoor, the NIFA National Program Leader for NCCC308 presented the NIFA report. The group finished the first morning with the experiment station report. In the afternoon, the group visited Penn State Facilities such as Meat Science Lab (Heather Hunt), the Beef/Sheep Center, and the Armsby Respiration Calorimeter. The group also visited the P.A. Dept of Ag Livestock Eval Center. On May 19, the day was filled with a long list of experiment station reports. Total reports from 13 different universities and experimental stations were presented during the 2 days of the meeting. Part of what was covered in the meeting, such as research publications, meetings attended, extension work, and grants, is listed in the accomplishment section of the current document.
<p> </p><br /> <p> Even though the pandemic may have slowed down research projects in specific cases, this committee has been extremely active in the past year. Our group has produced over 100 extension publications, over 90 scientific publications, and over 75 abstracts presented in conferences accros the country. Content in the format of extension articles, newsletters, podcasts, videos, producers' reports, and invited talks all over the country and internationally was produced by researchers in the NCCC308 committee. Examples of this work can be illustrated by the 12 virtual meetings organized in Michigan by Dr. Jaborek to talk about beef production. Dr. Felix from Penn State has organized over 25 events to share knowledge with producers. Dr. Carvalho from UC Davis has a weekly podcast (CattleCal Podcast) to share knowledge and career advice to people who wants to work in the Ag Industry, several people from the committee have participated in the podcast, and many are going to in the next coming year, all of the content produced in the CattleCal podcast it is also available in a monthly newsletter format. The Iowa State beef team also has a very complete and informative newsletter (Growing Beef Newsletter). The BeefWatch Podcast is produced by the University of Nebraska to share knowledge with producers. The I-BELIEF program is being developed by the University of Illinois in partnership with the USDA and other universities in Illinois to train future leaders in beef cattle nutrition research.</p><br /> <p> In March of 2022, our group, led by Dr. Swanson and Dr. Relling, organized a ruminant nutrition symposium at the American Society of Animal Science (ASAS) Midwest Meetings in Omaha – NE, where participants from our group had the opportunity to form groups and present topics related to ruminant nutrition and beef production. Our group is also working with the ASAS to launch in the fall of 2022 a special edition of the Journal of Animal Science, where research projects and review papers will be published in JAS.</p><br /> <p> Our goal as a group is to address questions that beef producers and the general public raise. Examples of current research topics being addressed by our group are Environmental issues in raising beef cattle in confined systems; the Use of emerging technologies in the beef cattle industry; Use of byproducts in beef cattle diets, in particular in the current scenario where corn prices are greater; Use of beef semen in the dairy herd and its impact in the beef supply chain.</p><br /> <p> Most of the research produced by the group has been funded by University internal funding sources, private companies' partnerships, and state and federal funding sources, for example:</p><br /> <ul><br /> <li>Felix, T. (Principal Investigator), Grant, "Breeding beef on Holstein: producing crossbred calves that are profitable from the dairy to the meat packer. (Fellowship: Bailey Lauren Basiel)," USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture, Federal Agencies. Total requested: $169,755.00. December 15, 2021 - December 14, 2024.</li><br /> <li>Felix, T. (Principal Investigator; Project Correspondent), Dechow, C. D., and Harvatine, K. J. "Enhancing the value of beef sired progeny from dairy cattle," USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture. Total requested: $299,566.00. (Funded: April 1, 2020 - March 31, 2023).</li><br /> <li>Felix, T. (Principal Investigator), Grant, "Nutritional management strategies for improving growth and carcass composition of beef x dairy crossbred calves," Connecticut, University of, Universities and Colleges. Total requested: $60,003.00. Total awarded: $34,931.00. March 1, 2021 - February 28, 2023</li><br /> <li>Relling, A. (P.I.) – An innovative approach to improve nitrogen utilization in ruminants (USDA/NIFA AFRI $468,923) 2020-2023.</li><br /> <li>Relling, A. (P.I.) – Effect of native rumen microbes supplementation on growth, feed efficiency, and methane emission in feedlot cattle (Ascus Bioscience AWD-109727 $98,271) 2020- 2021.</li><br /> <li>Buskirk, D. D., Jaborek, J. R., Schweihofer, J. P., McKendree, M. G. S. 2021. Value Determination of an Emerging Beef × Holstein Production System: Phase 1 – Feedlot Performance and Carcass Characteristics. $149,996. Michigan Alliance for Animal Agriculture.</li><br /> <li>Jaborek, J. R., Buskirk, D. D., Schweihofer, J. P., Garmyn, A. J. 2022. Evaluation of Feedlot Performance, Carcass Traits, and Sensory Characteristics of SimAngus × Holstein Steers and Heifers, Holstein Steers, and SimAngus Beef Steers. $456,478. Holstein Association USA and JBS USA.</li><br /> </ul><br /> <p>There was also a collaboration between different organizations in the group, such as Iowa State and Illinois are working together in a study to evaluate the effects of vitamin E injection on early-weaned calf response to shipping. </p><br /> <p>This summary of our work shows how active and informative this group has been in the beef industry. Plus, all of the mentorship and guidance that are being passed from the older generation to the younger.</p>Publications
<p><strong><em>Published Written Works: </em></strong></p><br /> <ul><br /> <li>Gubbels, E. R., J. J. Block, R. R. Salverson, A. A. Harty, W. C. Rusche, C. L. Wright, K. M. Cammack, Z. K. Smith, J. K. Grubbs, K. R. Underwood, J. F. Legako, K. C. Olson, and A. D. Blair. 2021. Influence of Maternal Carbohydrate Source (Concentrate-Based vs. ForageBased) on Growth Performance, Carcass Characteristics, and Meat Quality of Progeny. Foods 10(9):2056.</li><br /> <li>Hamilton, T. G., W. C. Rusche, C. L. Wright, J. A. Walker, and Z. K. Smith. 2021b. Evaluation of a Low-Moisture, Molasses-Based Block Containing Organic Sources of Trace Minerals and a Saccharomyces cerevisiae Fermentation Culture during the Feedlot Receiving Phase on Growth Performance, Efficiency of Dietary Net Energy Utilization, and Liver Trace Mineral Status in Newly Weaned Steer Calves. Ruminants 1(2)doi: 10.3390/ruminants1020011</li><br /> <li>Rusche, W. C., E. J. Blom, A. DiConstanzo, G. E. Erickson, W. W. Gentry, Z. K. Smith, A. J. VanDerWal, T. M. Winders, and J. P. Cassady. 2021. Heat stress mitigation strategies used by midwestern cattle feeders. Applied Animal Science 37(5):614-625. doi: https://doi.org/10.15232/aas.2021-02187</li><br /> <li>Smerchek, D. T., and Z. K. F. Smith. 2021. The Influence of Bedding Application in Feedlot Cattle: A Review. . Am J Anim Vet Sci 16(1):62-70. doi: <a href="https://doi.org/10.3844/ajavsp.2021.62.70">https://doi.org/10.3844/ajavsp.2021.62.70</a></li><br /> <li>Lima Junior, A.S.; Meschiatti, M.A.P.; <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Gouvêa, V.N.</span>; MacDonald, J.C.; Erickson, G.E.; Dantas, V.G.V.; Santos, F.A.P. 2021. Effects of wet distillers bran plus solubles and corn oil in diets containing flint corn grain and citrus pulp for finishing Nellore bulls. Livestock Science, 255, 104774.<a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.livsci.2021.104774"> https://doi.org/10.1016/j.livsci.2021.104774.</a></li><br /> <li>Mobiglia, A.M., Camilo, F.R., Couto, V.R.M., Castro, F.G.F., Drouillard, J.S., <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Gouvêa,</span> <span style="text-decoration: underline;">N.</span>, Fernandes, J.J.R. 2021. Effects of grain adaptation programs and antimicrobial feed additives on performance and nutrient digestibility of Bos indicus cattle fed whole shelled corn. Transl. Anim. Sci. v.5:1-10.<a href="https://doi.org/10.1093/tas/txab119"> https://doi.org/10.1093/tas/txab119.</a></li><br /> <li>Colombo, E.A.; Cooke, R.F.; Brandão, A.P.; Wiegand, J.B.; Schubach, K.M.; Sowers, C.SA.; Duff, G.C.; Block, E.; <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Gouvêa, V.N.</span> Performance, health, and physiological responses of newly received feedlot cattle supplemented with pre-and probiotic ingredients. Animal, 15, 100214. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.animal.2021.100214.</li><br /> <li><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Gouvêa, V.N.</span>; Duff, G.C.; Sowers, C.C.; Barnes, M.L. 2021. Effects of supplemental phytomolecules on growth performance, carcass characteristics, and liver abnormalities of finishing beef steers. Journal of Applied Animal Research, v.49, 324-329. https://doi.org/10.1080/09712119.2021.1960841.</li><br /> <li>Zhai, C., S. P. Suman, S. Li, M. N. Nair, C. M. Beach, B. M. Edenburn, D. D. Boler, A. C. Dilger, T. L. Felix. 2022. Ractopamine-induced remodeling in the mitochondrial proteome of postmortem longissimus lumborum muscle from feedlot steers. Livestock Sci. 260: 104923. DOI: 10.1016/j.livsci.2022.104923.</li><br /> <li>Basiel, B.L., and T.L. Felix. 2022. Board Invited Review: Crossbreeding beef × dairy cattle for the modern beef production system. Trans. Anim. Sci. doi:10.1093/tas/txac025</li><br /> <li>Carvalho, P.H.V., M.F. Westphalen, F.A. Sales Silva, and T.L. Felix. 2021. Effects of forage inclusion and cattle breed on apparent digestibility and ruminal pH of steers fed a whole shelled corn-based diet. Anim. Sci. 5:txab221 DOI: 10.1093/tas/txab221</li><br /> <li>Carvalho, P.H.V., and T.L. Felix. Effects of dry-rolled corn or whole shelled corn on feedlot performance, carcass characteristics, and eating behavior fed during the finishing phase of Holstein steers. App. Anim. Sci. 37:132-139. DOI: 10.15232/aas.2020-02069</li><br /> <li>Westphalen, M.F. P. H. V. Carvalho, J. Oh, A. N. Hristov, W. B. Staniar, and T. L. Felix. 2021. Effects of feeding rumenprotected Capsicum oleoresin on growth performance, health status, and total tract digestibility of growing beef cattle. Anim. Feed. Sci. Tech. 271:114778 DOI: 10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2020.114778</li><br /> <li>Petzel, E. A., S. Acharya, E. A. Bailey, and D. W. Brake. 2020. Effects of polymerization of casein and sources of lysine on amino acid bioavailability among calves fed liquid-based diets J. Dairy Sci. 2021 Mar 16:S00220302(21)00427-6. doi: 10.3168/jds.2020-19461. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 33741162.</li><br /> <li>Petzel, E. A., S. Acharya. J. M. Zeltwanger, E. A. Bailey, and D. W. Brake. 2021. Effects of corn processing and cattle size on total tract digestion and energy and nitrogen balance. J. Anim. Sci. 99:skab349. doi:10.1093/jas/skab349.</li><br /> <li>Plascencia, A., B. C. Latack, P. H. V. Carvalho, and R. A. Zinn. 2022. Feeding Value of Supplemental Fat as a Partial Replacement for Steam-Flaked Corn in Diets for Holstein Calves during the Early Growing Phase. <em>Translational Animal Science</em></li><br /> <li>Montano, M. F., P. H. V. Carvalho, J. O. Chirino, B. C. Latack, J. Salinas-Chavira and R. A. Zinn. 2022. Influence of supplemental condensed tannins on initial 112-d feedlot growth-performance and characteristics of digestion of calf-fed Holstein steers. <em>Translational Animal Science. </em><a href="https://doi.org/10.1093/tas/txac024">https://doi.org/10.1093/tas/txac024</a></li><br /> <li>Carvalho, P.H.V., B.C. Latack, R.F. Avalos, M.F. Montano and R.A. Zinn. 2022. Interaction of early metabolizable protein supplementation and virginiamycin on feedlot growth-performance and digestive function of calf-fed Holstein steers. <em>Translational Animal Science. </em><a href="https://doi.org/10.1093/tas/txab228">https://doi.org/10.1093/tas/txab228</a></li><br /> <li>Carvalho, P.H.V., M.F. Westphalen, F.A.S. Silva and T.L. Felix. 2021. Effects of forage inclusion and cattle breed on apparent digestibility and ruminal pH of steers fed a whole shelled corn-based diet. <em>Translational Animal Science. </em><a href="https://doi.org/10.1093/tas/txab221">https://doi.org/10.1093/tas/txab221</a></li><br /> <li>Latack, B.C., L. Buenabad, P.H.V. Carvalho, M.F. Montano, and R.A. Zinn. 2021. Influence of timing of liver abscess control and early metabolizable amino acid supplementation on feedlot growth-performance and digestive function of calffed Holstein steers. <em>Applied Animal Science</em>, 37: 533-542. <a href="https://doi.org/10.15232/aas.2021-02184">https://doi.org/10.15232/aas.2021-02184</a> </li><br /> <li>Klopatek, S.C., E. Marvinney, T. Duarte, A. Kendall, X. Yang and J.W. Oltjen. 2021. Grassfed vs. grain-fed beef systems: performance, economic, and environmental trade-offs. Journal of Animal Science, skab374, https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skab374</li><br /> <li>Rosa-Velazquez, M., J. M. Pinos-Rodriguez, A. J. Parker, and A. E. Relling. Maternal supply of a source of omega-3 fatty acids and methionine during late gestation on the offspring's growth, metabolism, carcass characteristic, and liver's mRNA expression in sheep. J. Anim. Sci. doi:<a href="https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skac032">10.1093/jas/skac032</a></li><br /> <li>Pittaluga, A. M., C. Chris, and A. E. Relling. 2021. Effect of protein source and nonroughage NDF content in finishing diets of feedlot cattle fed free-choice hay on growth performance and carcass characteristics. Translational Animal Science. txab224 doi: <a href="https://doi.org/10.1093/tas/txab224">1093/tas/txab224</a></li><br /> <li>Nickles, K. R., A. E. Relling, and A. J. Parker. 2021. Intranasal oxytocin treatment on the day of weaning does not decrease walking behavior or improve plasma metabolites in beef calves placed on pasture. Translational Animal Science. txab191. Doi: <a href="https://doi.org/10.1093/tas/txab191">1093/tas/txab191</a></li><br /> <li>Pittaluga, A. M.; T. L. Felix, L. E. Moraes, and A. E. Relling. 2021. Effects of increasing levels of soybean hulls in finishing diets of feedlot cattle fed free-choice hay on performance, roughage intake, and carcass characteristics. Applied Animal Science. 37:525-532. doi: <a href="https://doi.org/10.15232/aas.2021-02173">15232/aas.2021</a><a href="https://doi.org/10.15232/aas.2021-02173">-</a><a href="https://doi.org/10.15232/aas.2021-02173">02173</a></li><br /> <li>Sánchez, N., H. A. Lee-Rangel, I. Martínez-Cortés, G. D. Mendoza, P. A. Hernández, E. Espinoza, Enrique; A. Vazquez-Valladolid, R. Flores Ramírez, A. Roque-Jimenez, M. Campillo-Navarro, and A. E. Relling. A polyherbal phytogenic additive improved growth performance, health, and immune response in dairy calves. Food and Agricultural Immunology. 32:482-498. Doi: <a href="https://doi.org/10.1080/09540105.2021.1967296">10.1080/09540105.2021.1967296</a></li><br /> <li>Wagner, B. K., A. E. Relling, J. D. Kieffer, and A. J. Parker. 2021. Brief communication: Plasma cortisol concentration is affected by lactation, but not intra-nasal oxytocin treatment, in beef cows. Plos one,16,7,e0249323. doi: <a href="https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0249323">1371/journal.pone.0249323</a></li><br /> <li>Carranza-Martín, A. C., N. Nikoloff, J. P. Anchordoquy, J. M. Anchordoquy, A. E. Relling, and C. C. 2021. Ghrelin antagonist D-Lys3-GHRP-6 counteract ghrelin effects in bovine cumulus-oocytes complexes matured in vitro. Reproduction in Domestic Animals,56,9,1235-1242. doi: <a href="https://doi.org/10.1111/rda.13982">10.1111/rda.13982</a></li><br /> <li>Cifuentes-Lopez, O., H. A. Lee-Rangel, G. D. Mendoza, P. Delgado-Sanchez, L. GuerreroGonzalez, A. Chay-Canul, J. M. Pinos-Rodriguez, R. Flores-Ramírez, J. A. Roque- Jiménez, A. E. Relling. 2021. Effects of Dietary Calcium Propionate Supplementation on Hypothalamic Neuropeptide Messenger RNA Expression and Growth Performance in Finishing Rambouillet Lambs. Life.11, 566. doi: <a href="https://doi.org/10.3390/life11060566">3390/life11060566</a></li><br /> <li>Roque-Jiménez, J. A., M. Rosa-Velázquez, J. M. Pinos-Rodríguez, J. G. Vicente-Martínez, G. Mendoza-Cervantes, A. Flores-Primo, H. A. Lee-Rangel, and A. E, Relling. 2021. Role of Long Chain Fatty Acids in Developmental Programming in Ruminants. Animals. 11, 762. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani11030762</li><br /> <li>Rosa-Velazquez, M., J. R Jaborek, J. M Pinos-Rodriguez, and A. E. Relling. 2021. Maternal Supply of Fatty Acids during Late Gestation on Offspring's Growth, Metabolism, and Carcass Characteristics in Sheep. Animals 11, 719. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani11030719</li><br /> <li>Oviedo-Ojeda, M. F., J. A. Roque-Jiménez, M. Whalin, H. A. Lee-Rangel, and A. E. Relling. 2021. Effect of supplementation with different fatty acid profile to the dam in early gestation and to the offspring on the finishing diet on offspring growth and hypothalamus mRNA expression in sheep, Journal of Animal Science, skab064,</li><br /> <li>Galarza, E. M., R. M. Lizzarraga, G. A. Mattioli, A. J. Parker, and A. E Relling. 2021. Effect of pre-shipment preconditioning and injectable antioxidant trace elements (Cu, Mn, Se, Zn) and vitamins (A, E) on plasma metabolite and hormone concentrations and growth in weaned beef cattle, Translational Animal Science. txaa233, doi:10.1093/tas/txaa233</li><br /> <li>Batalha, C. D. A., Tedeschi, L. O., de Araújo, F. L., Branco, R. H., Cyrillo, J. N. dos S. G., & Bonilha, S. F. M. (2021). Animals selected for postweaning weight gain rate have similar maintenance energy requirements regardless of their residual feed intake classification. <em>Journal of Animal Science</em>, <em>99</em>(3). <a href="https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skab067">https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skab067</a></li><br /> <li>Cappellozza, B. I., Bohnert, D. W., Reis, M. M., Swanson, K. C., Falck, S. J., & Cooke, R. F. (2021). Influence of amount and frequency of protein supplementation to steers consuming lowquality, cool-season forage: intake, nutrient digestibility, and ruminal fermentation. <em>Journal of Animal Science</em>, <em>99</em>(6). https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skab112</li><br /> <li>Cappellozza, B. I., Bohnert, D. W., Reis, M. M., van Emon, M. L., Schauer, C. S., Falck, S. J., & Cooke, R. F. (2021). Influence of amount and frequency of protein supplementation to ruminants consuming low-quality cool-season forages: Efficiency of nitrogen utilization in lambs and performance of gestating beef cows. <em>Journal of Animal Science</em>, <em>99</em>(6). https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skab122</li><br /> <li>Cappellozza, B. I., Cooke, R. F., & Harvey, K. M. (2021). Omega-6 fatty acids: A sustainable alternative to improve beef production efficiency. In <em>Animals</em> (Vol. 11, Issue 6). MDPI AG. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani11061764</li><br /> <li>Carstens, G., Wottlin, L., R Johnson, J. R., Daigle, C. L., Madrid, K. S., Osorio, A. M., Ciriaco, F. M., Gomes Fávero, I., Tonelli Nardi, K. T., Scaranto Silva, K. G., Raudales, A. A., Coello, K. D., Onorino Sarturi, J. O., DiLorenzo, N., & Henry, D. D. (n.d.). 311 Effects of Interactive Activity at the Feedbunk on Performance, Feed Efficiency and Feeding Patterns in Feedlot Cattle 313 Effects of Bismuth Subsalicylate on Ruminal Fermentation of Cattle Consuming a Feedlot Diet. In <em> Anim. Sci</em> (Vol. 99, Issue S3). https://academic.oup.com/jas/article/99/Supplement_3/167/6384168</li><br /> <li>Colombo, E. A., Cooke, R. F., Brandão, A. P., Wiegand, J. B., Schubach, K. M., Sowers, C. A., Duff, G. C., Block, E., & Gouvêa, V. N. (2021). Performance, health, and physiological responses of newly received feedlot cattle supplemented with pre- and probiotic ingredients. <em>Animal</em>, <em>15</em>(5). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.animal.2021.100214</li><br /> <li>Dias Batista, L. F., Norris, A. B., Adams, J. M., Hairgrove, T. B., & Tedeschi, L. O. (2021). Technical Note: The comparison of pH and redox potential in different locations in the reticulorumen of growing beef steers supplemented with different levels of quebracho extract. <em>Journal of Animal Science</em>, <em>99</em>(10). https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skab260</li><br /> <li>Dias Batista, L. F., Rivera, M. E., Norris, A. B., Muir, J. P., Fonseca, M. A., & Tedeschi, L. O. (2021). The influence of extended supplementation of quebracho extract to beef steers consuming a hay diet on digestion, ruminal, and blood parameters. <em>Journal of Animal Science</em>, <em>99</em>(5). https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skab074</li><br /> <li>Durst, L. S., Harvey, K. M., Yankey, K. C., Whipple, L. M., Russell, J. R., & Cooke, R. F. (2022). Validation of a portable, self-contained individual feeding unit for monitoring supplement intake of grazing cattle. <em>Applied Animal Science</em>, <em>38</em>(2), 150–156. https://doi.org/10.15232/aas.2021-02239</li><br /> <li>Harvey, K. M., Cooke, R. F., Colombo, E. A., Rett, B., de Sousa, O. A., Harvey, L. M., Russell, J. R., Pohler, K. G., & Brandão, A. P. (2021a). Supplementing organic-complexed or inorganic Co, Cu, Mn, and Zn to beef cows during gestation: physiological and productive response of cows and their offspring until weaning. <em>Journal of Animal Science</em>, <em>99</em>(5). https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skab095</li><br /> </ul><br /> <ul><br /> <li>Harvey, K. M., Cooke, R. F., Colombo, E. A., Rett, B., de Sousa, O. A., Harvey, L. M., Russell, J. R., Pohler, K. G., & Brandaõ, A. P. (2021b). Supplementing organic-complexed or inorganic Co, Cu, Mn, and Zn to beef cows during gestation: Postweaning responses of offspring reared as replacement heifers or feeder cattle. <em>Journal of Animal Science</em>, <em>99</em>(6). https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skab082</li><br /> <li>Harvey, K. M., Cooke, R. F., & Marques, R. da S. (2021). Supplementing trace minerals to beef cows during gestation to enhance productive and health responses of the offspring. In <em>Animals </em>(Vol. 11, Issue 4). MDPI AG. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani11041159</li><br /> </ul><br /> <ul><br /> <li>Harvey, K. M., Cooke, R. F., & Moriel, P. (2021). Impacts of Nutritional Management During Early Postnatal Life on Long-Term Physiological and Productive Responses of Beef Cattle. <em>Frontiers in Animal Science</em>, <em>2</em>. https://doi.org/10.3389/fanim.2021.730356</li><br /> <li>Kayser, W. C., Carstens, G. E., Parsons, I. L., Washburn, K. E., Lawhon, S. D., Pinchak, W. E., Chevaux, E., & Skidmore, A. L. (2021). Efficacy of statistical process control procedures to identify deviations in continuously measured physiological and behavioral variables in beef heifers resulting from an experimentally combined viral-bacterial challenge. <em>Journal of Animal Science</em>, <em>99</em>(9). https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skab232</li><br /> <li>Lancaster, P. A., Tedeschi, L. O., Buessing, Z., & Davis, M. E. (2021). Assessment of milk yield and nursing calf feed intake equations in predicting calf feed intake and weaning weight among breeds. <em>Journal of Animal Science</em>, <em>99</em>(2). https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skaa406</li><br /> <li>Lockard, C. L., Lockard, C. G., Smith, W. N., Karr, K. J., Holland, B. P., Word, A. B., Foster, J. L., & Jennings, J. S. (2021). Effects of roughage type on particle separation, rumination, fiber mat characteristics, in situ degradation, and ruminal fermentation parameters in beef steers. <em>Journal of Animal Science</em>, <em>99</em>(11). https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skab214</li><br /> <li>Marques, R. da S., & Cooke, R. F. (2021). Effects of ionophores on ruminal function of beef cattle. In <em>Animals</em> (Vol. 11, Issue 10). MDPI. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani11102871</li><br /> <li>Shreck, A. L., Zeltwanger, J. M., Bailey, E. A., Jennings, J. S., Meyer, B. E., & Cole, N. A. (2021). Effects of protein supplementation to steers consuming low-quality forages on greenhouse gas emissions. <em>Journal of Animal Science</em>, <em>99</em>(7). https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skab147</li><br /> <li>Tedeschi, L. O., Bureau, D. P., Ferket, P. R., & Trottier, N. L. (2021). 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Jackson, J. M. Peschel, A. K. Johnson, S. L. Hansen. 2021. Dietary zinc concentration and lipopolysaccharide injection affect circulating trace minerals, acute phase protein response, and behavior as evaluated by an ear-tag based accelerometer in beef steers. J. Anim. Sci. <em>99(10):skab278</em>. doi:10.1093/jas/skab278.</li><br /> <li>Deters, E. L., A. J. VanDerWal, K. R. VanValin, A. M. Beenken, K. J. Heiderscheit, K. G. Hochmuth, T. D. Jackson, E. M. Messersmith, J. L. McGill, S. L. Hansen. 2021. Effect of bis-glycinate bound zinc or zinc sulfate on zinc metabolism in growing lambs. J. Anim. Sci. <em>99(9):skab252</em>. doi:10.1093?jas/skab252.</li><br /> <li>Messersmith, E. M., M. E. Branine, O. N. Genther-Schroeder, J. L. McGill, S. L. Hansen. 2021. Initial liver copper status in finishing beef steers fed three dietary concentrations of copper affects beta agonist performance, carcass characteristics, lipolysis response, and muscle inflammation markers. 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N. Genther-Schroeder, C. P. Blank, R. N. Carmichael, S. J. Hartman, E. M. Messersmith, K. R. VanValin, M. E. Branine, and S. L. Hansen. 2021. Investigating the effects of a novel rumen-protected folic acid supplement on feedlot performance and carcass characteristics of beef steers. Transl. Anim. Sci. 5(2):txab093. doi:10.1093/tas/txab093.</li><br /> <li>Schulte, M. D., K. G. Hochmuth, E. M. Steadham, K. J. Prusa, S. M. Lonergan, S. L. Hansen, and E. Huff-Lonergan. 2021. The influence of supranutritional zinc and ractopamine hydrochloride supplementation on early postmortem pH decline and meat quality development of beef. Meat and Muscle Biology. 5(1), p.37, 1–15. doi: https://doi.org/10.22175/mmb.12250</li><br /> <li>Beenken, A. M., E. L. Deters, and S. L. Hansen. 2021. The effect of injectable vitamin C and road transit duration on inflammation, muscle fatigue and performance in preconditioned beef steer calves. J. of Anim. 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Effect of flint corn processing methods on intake, digestion sites, rumen pH, and ruminal kinetics in finishing Nellore bulls. Anim. Feed Sci. Tech. 271:114775. <a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2020.114775">https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anifeedsci.2020.114775</a></li><br /> <li>Mohan, S., A. Pascual-Garrigos, H. Brouwer, D. Pillai, J. Koziol, A. Ault, J.P. Schoonmaker, T. Johnson, and M. Verma. 2021. Loop-mediated isothermal amplification for the detection of Pasteurella multocida, Mannheimia haemolytica, and Histophilus somni in bovine nasal samples. Ag. Sci. Tech. 1:100-108 <a href="https://doi.org/10.1021/acsagscitech.0c00072">https://doi.org/10.1021/acsagscitech.0c00072</a></li><br /> <li>Pascual-Garrigos, A., M.K. Maruthamutha, A. Ault, J. Davidson, G. Rudakov, D. Pillai, J. Koziol, J. Schoonmaker, T. Johnson, and M.S. Verma. On-farm colorimetric detection of <em>Pasteurella multocida</em>, <em>Mannheimia haemolytica</em>, and <em>Histophilus somni</em> in crude bovine nasal sample. Vet. Res. 52:126 <a href="https://doi.org/10.1186/s13567-021-00997-9">https://doi.org/10.1186/s13567-021-00997-9</a> </li><br /> <li>Tuell, J., H.W. Kim, J. Guedes, J.K. Seo, J.P. Schoonmaker, and Y.H.B. Kim. 2021. Arginine supplementation may improve color stability and redox stability of beef loins through delayed onset of mitochondria-mediated apoptotic processes. Food Chemistry. 343:128552. <a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2020.128552">https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2020.128552</a></li><br /> <li>Carlson, Z E., C. A. Coulson, D. J. Jordon, R. J. Cooper, T. L. Scott, S. J. Bundy, B. L. Nuttelman, G. I. Crawford, W. T. Nichols, M. N. Streeter, L. J. Walter, J. P. Hutcheson, and G. E. Erickson. 2021. Effects of revalor-XH, revalor-200, and combination revalor-IH/revalor-200 on yearling beef heifer growth performance and carcass characteristics for 138 days on feed. Appl. Anim. Sci. 37:470-478. <a href="https://doi.org/10.15232/aas2020-02116">https://doi.org/10.15232/aas2020-02116</a></li><br /> <li>Homolka, M. N., G. E. Erickson, and R. K. Koelsch. 2021. Predicting nitrogen and phosphorus balance in beef open lots. Appl. Anim. Sci 37:641-653. <a href="https://doi.org/10.15232/aas2020-02126">https://doi.org/10.15232/aas2020-02126</a></li><br /> <li>Ohnoutka, C. A., R. G. Bondurant, B. M. Boyd, F. H. Hilscher, B. L. Nuttelman, G. I. Crawford, M. N. Streeter, M. K. Luebbe, J. C. MacDonald, Z. K. Smith, B. J. Johnson, and G. E. Erickson. 2021. Evaluation of coated steroidal combination implants on feedlot performance and carcass characteristics of beef heifers fed for constant or varying days on feed. Appl. Anim. Sci. 37:41-51 <a href="https://doi.org/10.15232/aas.2020-02013"><em>org/10.15232/aas.2020-02013</em></a></li><br /> <li>Rusche, W. C., E. J. Blom, A. DiCostanzo, G. E. Erickson, W. W. Gentry, Z. K. Smith, A. J. VanDerWal, T. M. Winders, and J. P. Cassady. 2021. Heat stress mitigation strategies used by midwestern cattle feeders. Appl. Anim. Sci. 37:614-625. <a href="https://doi.org/10.15232/aas2020-02187">https://doi.org/10.15232/aas2020-02187</a></li><br /> <li>Volk, S. M., H. C. Wilson, K. J. Hanford, J. C. MacDonald, and G. E. Erickson. 2021. Impact of feeding Syngenta Enogen feed corn compared to control corn in different diet scenarios to finishing beef cattle. Animals 11:2940 <a href="https://doi.org/10.3390/ani11102940">https://doi.org/10.3390/ani11102940</a></li><br /> <li>Wilson, H. C., V. R. Bremer, G. E. Erickson, T. P. Carr, K. J. Hanford, A. K. Watson, T. J. Klopfenstein, and J. C. MacDonald. 2021. Digestion characteristics and prediction of digestible energy and total digestible nutrients in beef cattle finishing diets containing traditional and by-product lipid sources. Appl. Anim. Sci. 37:377-387. <a href="https://doi.org/10.15232/aas2020-02131">https://doi.org/10.15232/aas2020-02131</a></li><br /> <li>Winders, T. M., E. M. Serum, D. J. Smith, B. W. Neville, G. K. Mia, S. Amat, C. R Dahlen, and K. C. Swanson. 2022. Influence of hempseed cake inclusion on growth performance, carcass characteristics, feeding behavior and blood parameters in finishing heifers. J. Anim. Sci. doi:10.1093/jas/skac159</li><br /> <li>Amat, S., K. C. Swanson, C. R. Dahlen, A. K. Ward, L. P. Reynolds, and J. S. Caton. 2022. Bovine animal model for studying the maternal microbiome, in utero colonization and their role in offspring development and fetal programming. Front. Microbiol. 13:854453.</li><br /> <li>Reiners, J. N., M. A. Steele, K. A. Vonnahme, K. M. Carlin, and K. C. Swanson. 2022. Effects of supplemental leucine on growth, nutrient use, and muscle and visceral tissue mass in Holstein bull calves fed milk replacer. Front. Anim. Sci. 3:817173.</li><br /> <li>Trotta, R. J., D. L. Harmon, J. C. Matthews, and K. C. Swanson. 2022. Nutritional and physiological constraints contributing to limitations in small intestinal starch digestion and glucose absorption in ruminants. Ruminants 2:1-26.</li><br /> <li>Reiners, J. N., T. W. Hoffman, S. E. Anderson, and K. C. Swanson. 2021. Effects of supplemental leucine in milk replacer on pre- and post-weaning growth, carcass characteristics, serum amino acids, and visceral tissue mass in lambs. Sheep & Goat Res. J. 36:26-34.</li><br /> <li>Trotta, R. J., and K. C. Swanson. 2021. Prenatal and postnatal nutrition influence pancreatic and intestinal carbohydrase activities of ruminants. Animals. 11:171.</li><br /> <li>Huizenga, K. A., and J. C. McCann. 2021. Investigating the effects of distillers grains on heifer feeding behavior in the finishing phase. Animals. 11:1-8. doi: 10.3390/ani11071905.</li><br /> <li>Shao, T., J. C. McCann, and D. W. Shike. 2021. Effects of Supplements Differing in Fatty Acid Profile to Late Gestational Beef Cows on Steer Progeny Finishing Phase Growth Performance, Carcass Characteristics, and mRNA Expression of Myogenic and Adipogenic Genes. Animals. 11:1-11. doi: 10.3390/ani11071904</li><br /> <li>Shao, T., F. A. Ireland, J. C. McCann, and D. W. Shike. 2021. Effects of supplements differing in fatty acid profile to late gestational beef cows on cow performance, calf growth performance, and mRNA expression of genes associated with myogenesis and adipogenesis. J. Anim. Sci. Biotechnol. 12:1-15. doi: 10.1186/s40104-021-00588-w</li><br /> <li>Myerscough, M. E., L. T. Neira, K. H. Sexton, L. S. Hofer, K. M. Trennepohl, W. T. Meteer, W. P. Chapple, J. C. McCann, and D. W. Shike. 2022. Effects of housing beef cow-calf pairs on drylot or pasture in the Midwest on production parameters and calf behavior through feedlot receiving. J. Anim. Sci. 100:1-13. doi: 10.1093/jas/skab357</li><br /> <li>Dawson, C. R., P. A. Henley, A. R. Schroeder, W. T. Meteer, C. A. Hayes, T. L. Felix, D. W. Shike, and J. C. McCann. 2022. Effects of rubber matting on feedlot cattle growth performance, locomotion, and carcass characteristics in slatted floor facilities, J. Anim. Sci. doi: 10.1093/jas/skac041</li><br /> <li>Huizenga, K. A., and J. C. McCann. 2021. Investigating the effects of distillers grains on heifer feeding behavior in the finishing phase. Animals. 11:1-8. doi: 10.3390/ani11071905.</li><br /> <li>Shao, T., J. C. McCann, and D. W. Shike. 2021. Effects of Supplements Differing in Fatty Acid Profile to Late Gestational Beef Cows on Steer Progeny Finishing Phase Growth Performance, Carcass Characteristics, and mRNA Expression of Myogenic and Adipogenic Genes. Animals. 11:1-11. doi: 10.3390/ani11071904</li><br /> <li>Shao, T., F. A. Ireland, J. C. McCann, and D. W. Shike. 2021. Effects of supplements differing in fatty acid profile to late gestational beef cows on cow performance, calf growth performance, and mRNA expression of genes associated with myogenesis and adipogenesis. J. Anim. Sci. Biotechnol. 12:1-15. doi: 10.1186/s40104-021-00588-w</li><br /> <li>Myerscough, M. E., L. T. Neira, K. H. Sexton, L. S. Hofer, K. M. Trennepohl, W. T. Meteer, W. P. Chapple, J. C. McCann, and D. W. Shike. 2022. Effects of housing beef cow-calf pairs on drylot or pasture in the Midwest on production parameters and calf behavior through feedlot receiving. J. Anim. Sci. 100:1-13. doi: 10.1093/jas/skab357</li><br /> <li>Dawson, C. R., P. A. Henley, A. R. Schroeder, W. T. Meteer, C. A. Hayes, T. L. Felix, D. W. Shike, and J. C. McCann. 2022. Effects of rubber matting on feedlot cattle growth performance, locomotion, and carcass characteristics in slatted floor facilities, J. Anim. Sci. doi: 10.1093/jas/skac041</li><br /> <li> </li><br /> </ul><br /> <p><strong><em>Abstracts and Presentations: </em></strong></p><br /> <ul><br /> <li>Buckhaus, E. M., and Z. K. Smith. 2021. 21 Effect of Corn Silage Inclusion Rate on Live Growth Performance, Carcass Characteristics, Net Energy Utilization and Beef Production Per Hectare in Feedlot Finishing Steers. J Anim Sci 99(Supplement_1):25-26. doi: 10.1093/jas/skab054.045</li><br /> <li>Buckhaus, E. M., and Z. K. Smith. 2021. PSIV-1 Effect of Corn Silage Inclusion Rate on Apparent Total Tract Digestibility of Dry Matter, Organic Matter, and Crude Protein in Finishing Steers. J Anim Sci 99(Supplement_1):213-213. doi: 10.1093/jas/skab054.350</li><br /> <li>Buckhaus, E. M., and Z. K. Smith. 2021. 116 Effect of Coated and Non-coated Steroidal Implants on Growth Performance, Dietary Net Energy Utilization and Carcass Traits of Feedlot Finishing Steers. J Anim Sci 99(Supplement_1):36-37. doi: 10.1093/jas/skab054.06</li><br /> <li>Buckhaus, E. M., W. C. Rusche, and Z. K. Smith. 2021. PSX-B-5 Effect of replacement of dry-rolled corn with un-processed rye on growth performance, efficiency of dietary net energy utilization, and carcass traits of finishing heifers. J Anim Sci 99(Supplement_3):458-459. doi: 10.1093/jas/skab235.813</li><br /> <li>Hamilton, T., J. Walker, W. C. Rusche, and Z. K. Smith. 2021a. 233 Effects of Harvest Maturity And/or Kernel Processing on Corn Silage Processing Score and Particle Size of Corn Silage. J Anim Sci 99(Supplement_1):11-12. doi: 10.1093/jas/skab054.019</li><br /> <li>Johnson, B. J., and Z. K. Smith. 2021. 219 Managing Beef Cattle Growth Amidst a Global Pandemic: Lessons Learned from 2020 and Strategies for the Future. J Anim Sci 99(Supplement_1):38-38. doi: 10.1093/jas/skab054.066</li><br /> <li>McDaniel, Z. S., Z. K. Smith, C. Wright, M. Gonda, H. Wickremasinghe, and G. Djira. 2021. 94 The Effects of Weather, Body Weight, and Dry Matter Intake on Total Daily Water Intake in Beef Steers. J Anim Sci 99(Supplement_3):49-50. doi: 10.1093/jas/skab235.088</li><br /> <li>Smith, Z. K., P. R. R. Broadway, K. Underwood, W. C. Rusche, J. Walker, N. C. B. Sanchez, J. A. Carroll, D. Lafleur, and J. Hergenreder. 2021. 159 Evaluation of Bacillus Subtilis PB6 Probiotic (CLOSTAT® 500) on Feedlot Phase Growth Performance, Efficiency of Dietary Net Energy Utilization, and Fecal and Subiliac Lymph Node Salmonella Prevalence. J Anim Sci 99(Supplement_1):119-120. doi: 10.1093/jas/skab054.198</li><br /> <li>Smith, Z. K., and M. Wilken. 2021. 256 Evaluation of Replacement of Dietary Corn with Corn Bran Plus Condensed Distillers Solubles on Growth Performance and Carcass Trait Responses in Finishing Beef Steers. J Anim Sci 99(Supplement_1):125-125. doi: 10.1093/jas/skab054.208</li><br /> <li>Smith, Z. K. 2021. Forages in the feedlot. U of M Nutrition Conference, Mankato, MN 11) K. Smith and W. C. Rusche. Research Update from South Dakota State University. Proceedings: Plains Nutrition Council Spring Conference 2022</li><br /> <li>McIntosh, M.M.; Stell, R.; Cibils, A.; Nyamuryekug's, S.; Duni, D.; Duff, G.C.; Spiegal, S.; Brandani, C.B.; Utsumi, S.; <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Gouvêa, V.N.</span> Late-Breaking: Conventional vs Heritage cattle supplement intake, weight-gains, and body condition scores on Chihuahuan desert pasture. In: 2021 Annual Meeting & Trade Show, ASAS, Louisville, KY, Abstract # PSX-A-6.</li><br /> <li>Smithyman, M.S.; <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Gouvêa, V.N.</span>; Oliveira, M.O.; Giacomelli, H.J.M.; Campbell, D.L.; Batistel, F.; Cooke, R.F.; Duff, G.C. Effects of supplemental fat and roughage level on intake, growth performance, and health of newly received feedlot calves. Transl. Anim. Sci. 2021.5:S25–S29. https://doi.org/10.1093/tas/txab186.</li><br /> <li>Campbell, D.C.; <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Gouvêa, V.N.</span>; Smithyman, M.S.; Batistel, F.; Cooke, R.F.; Duff, G.C. Effects of supplementation with a bioactive phyto-compound on intake, growth performance, and health of newly received feedlot calves. Transl. Anim. Sci. 2021.5:S16–S19. <a href="https://doi.org/10.1093/tas/txab149">https://doi.org/10.1093/tas/txab149</a></li><br /> <li><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Gouvêa, V.N.</span>; Smithyman, M.S.; Bagheri, N.; Batistel, F. Methionine supply during mid-gestation affects offspring birth weight in a sex-dependent manner in beef cattle. In: 2021 Annual Meeting & Trade Show, ASAS, Louisville, KY, Abstract # PSXIV-5.</li><br /> <li>Smithyman, M.S.; <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Gouvêa, V.N.</span>; Campbell, D.L.; Duff, G.C.; Branine, M.E. Effects of a supplemental water source and trace-mineral based electrolyte drinking solution on intake and blood cell count of newly received feedlot calves. In: 2021 Annual Meeting & Trade Show, ASAS, Louisville, KY, Abstract # PSI-11.</li><br /> <li>Nyamuryekung’e1, S.; Duff, G.C.; Estell, E.; Utsumi, S.A., Funk, M.; Cibils, A.F.; Cox, A.; Gong, Q.; Cao, H.; Spiegal, S.; <span style="text-decoration: underline;">Gouvêa, V.N.</span>; Brandani, C.B. 2022. Field testing of LoRa-WAN sensors for real-time tracking and biosensing of Brangus and Raramuri Criollo cattle grazing a small pasture. Society for Range Land, 74<sup>th</sup> International Annual Meeting, Albuquerque, NM.</li><br /> <li>Carvalho, Pedro H. V., T. L Felix, and J. R. Jaborek. Feeding and Managing Dairy Cattle Genetics for Beef. Proceedings of the ASAS Midwest Section Meeting. Omaha, Nebraska, USA. March 14-16. Abstract. </li><br /> </ul><br /> <ul><br /> <li>Basiel, B. L., C. D. Dechow, and T. L. Felix. 2021. A comparison of feedlot growth and performance of beef x Holstein crossbred steers and Holstein steers. J. Anim. Sci. 99 (Suppl. 3), 298-299. Abstract. doi.org/10.1093/jas/skab235.548.</li><br /> <li>Felix, T. 2021. What we think we "know" about beef x dairy crossbreds cattle in the feedlot. 2021 ASAS-CSAS-SSASAS Annual Meeting and Trade Show. Abstract.</li><br /> <li>Dawson, C., P. Henley, A. Schroeder, C. Hayes, T. Felix, D. W. Shike, J. C. McCann. 2021. Effects of rubber matting on cattle performance and carcass characteristics in slatted facilities. J. Anim. Sci., 98(Supplement 3) doi: 10.1093/jas/skaa054.015</li><br /> <li>Petzel, E.A., S. Acharya, S. Shiba, E. A. Bailey, and D.W. Brake. 2022. Effect of postruminal amino acid supply on organ mass of Holstein bull calves fed a starch-based milk replacer. J. Anim. Sci. 100(E-Suppl.).</li><br /> <li>Petzel, E.A., and D.W. Brake. 2021. Effects of corn processing and age on energy balance, nutrient digestion and rumination in cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 99(E-Suppl.).</li><br /> <li>Petzel, E.A., S. Acharya, E.A. Bailey, D. W. Brake. 2021. Effects of polymerization of casein and sources of lysine on amino acid bioavailability among calves fed liquid-based diets. J. Dairy Sci. 104(E-Suppl.).</li><br /> <li>Carvalho, P. H. V., B. C. Latack, and R. A. Zinn. 2021. Effect rumen temperature on the average daily gain of growing-finishing calf-fed Holstein steers in the feedlot. <em>American Society of Animal Science Meetings. </em></li><br /> <li>Pereira, J. M. V., M. I. Marcondes, P. H. V. Carvalho, N. Silva Del Rio, J. H. J. Bittar and F. C. Ferreira. Failure of transfer of passive immunity prevalence and its association with morbidity up to 30 days of life in beef-dairy crossbred calves. <em>American Society of Animal Science Meetings. </em></li><br /> <li>Latack, B. C., P. H. V. Carvalho, and R. A. Zinn. 2021. The effects of an Endovac-Beef on performance, carcass characteristics of growing-finishing calf-fed Holstein steers. <em>American Society of Animal Science Meetings. </em></li><br /> <li>Augenstein, Sheyenne M, Meredith A Harrison, Sarah C Klopatek, James W Oltjen. 2020. Heat stress alleviation and dynamic temperature measurement for growing beef cattle. Journal of Animal Science 98(Supplement 4):192–193, <a href="https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skaa278.354">https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skaa278.354</a></li><br /> <li>Dougherty, Holland C., Hutton Oddy, Mark Evered, James W Oltjen. 2020. A method for estimating the target for protein energy retention in sheep. Journal of Animal Science 98(Supplement 4):143, https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skaa278.260</li><br /> <li>Harrison, Meredith A., James W Oltjen. 2020. Sorting strategy and effect of variation on profitability of a pen of feedlot steers. Journal of Animal Science 98(Supplement 4):194– 195, https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skaa278.358</li><br /> <li>Harrison, Meredith A., James W Oltjen. 2021. Effect of a reduction in linear bunk space on feedlot steer performance and body composition. Translational Animal Science 5(Supplement S1):S34–S37, https://doi.org/10.1093/tas/txab174</li><br /> <li>Klopatek, Sarah C., Toni Duarte, Crystal Yang, James W Oltjen. 2020. Assessing the Performance of Multiple Grass-fed Beef Production Systems in California. Journal of Animal Science 98(Supplement 4):46–47, <a href="https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skaa278.085">https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skaa278.085</a></li><br /> <li>Klopatek, Sarah C., Elias Marvinney, Xiang Yang, Alissa Kendall, James W Oltjen. 2021. Assessing the Sustainability of Multiple Grass-fed and Grain-fed Beef Production Systems. Journal of Animal Science 99(Supplement 3):48–49, https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skab235.086</li><br /> <li>Klopatek, Sarah C., Xiang Yang, James W Oltjen, Payam Vahmani. 2021. Effects of multiple grass-fed and grain-fed beef systems on meat fatty acid composition. Journal of Animal Science 99(Supplement 3):324, https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skab235.595</li><br /> <li>Pittaluga, A, and A. E. Relling. 2021.PSIV-3 Effect of Protein Source and Soy Hulls Inclusion in Finishing Diets of Feedlot Cattle Fed Free-choice Hay, on Performance and Carcass Characteristics. Journal of Animal Science,99, Supplement_1,213-214</li><br /> <li>Nickles, K., A. E. Relling, A. Garcia-Guerra, F. L. Fluharty, and A. J. Parker. 2021. Muddy Environmental Conditions Cause Conceptus Free Live Weight Loss but Not a Decrease in Calf Birth Weight When Compared with Cows Housed on Wood Chips. Journal of Animal Science ,99,31-31.</li><br /> <li>Nickles, K., A. E. Relling, A. Garcia-Guerra, F. L. Fluharty, and A. J. Parker. 2021. Beef Heifers Housed in Muddy Environmental Conditions Lose Body Weight and Body Condition but Meet Gestational Requirements for Fetal Growth, Journal of Animal Science. 99, Supplement_3,46-46,2021</li><br /> <li>Relling, A. E. Effect of different levels of DMI on O<sub>2</sub> consumed, CO<sub>2</sub> released, growth and carcass characteristic in feedlot cattle. Journal of Animal Science, 99, Supplement_3,440-441.</li><br /> <li>Russi, J. P; A. E. Relling. 202. Late-Breaking: Lipid digestibility of a rumenprotected fatty acids product, Journal of Animal Science. 99, 366-366.</li><br /> <li>Russi, J. P; A. E. Relling. 202. Late-Breaking: Use of a rumen-protected fatty acid supplement on growth performance in feedlot heifers. . Journal of Animal Science, 99,365-365.</li><br /> <li>Loy, D.D., Awardee Talk: Midwest cattle feeding over the past 40 years. J. Anim. Sci. 99 Suppl. 3, November 2021, p. 197-198</li><br /> <li>Messersmith, E. M. and S. L. Hansen. Initial liver copper concentrations influence growth performance, carcass characteristics, and lipolytic rate of finishing beef steers fed increasing concentrations of copper and a beta agonist. 2021. International Conference of Trace Elements and Minerals.</li><br /> <li>Messersmith, E. M. and S. L. Hansen. 162 Increasing concentrations of supplemental zinc influence performance, carcass characteristics, and trace mineral status of nonimplanted and implanted steers. J. Anim. Sci. Volume 99, Issue Supplement_1, May 2021. doi:10.1093/jas/skab054.204.</li><br /> <li>Heiderscheit, K. J., A. M. Beenken, E. L. Deters, K. G. Hochmuth, T. D. Jackson, E. M. Messersmith, A. J. VanDerWal, K. R. VanValin, J. Peschel, S. L. Hansen. 257 Including Sweet Bran in the diet of growing feedlot steers increased body weight and influenced rate of feed disappearance. J. Anim. Sci. Volume 99, Issue Supplement_1, May 2021. doi:10.1093/jas/skab054.210.</li><br /> <li>Messersmith E. M. and S. L. Hansen. Supplemental copper influences copper status and performance of steers receiving ractopamine hydrochloride. 2021. Plains Nutrition Council.</li><br /> <li>Deters, E. L., A. J. VanDerWal, K. R. VanValin, and S. L. Hansen. 2021. Effects of supplemental Zn source (sulfate or bis-glycinate) on metabolism, apparent absorption, and retention of Zn by lambs. J. Anim. Sci. 99 (Suppl. 1) Abstract 161.</li><br /> <li>Deters, E. L., A. J. VanDerWal, K. R. VanValin, and S. L. Hansen. 2021. Relative bioavailability of bis-glycinate bound copper in beef steers fed a high antagonist growing diet. J. Anim. Sci. 99 (Suppl. 1) Abstract 163. Oral presentation.</li><br /> <li>Beenken, A. M., E. L. Deters, and S. L. Hansen. 2021. Injectable vitamin C prior to transit and transit duration effects on feedlot performance, inflammation, and muscle fatigue of beef steers. J. Anim. Sci. 99 (Suppl. 1) Abstract 160.</li><br /> <li>Rients, E., A. VanDerWal, M. Reynolds, D. Loy, S. Hansen. 2021. Survey of Feedlot Nutritionists Provides Insights on How Industry Professionals Gather Practical Information. J. Anim. Sci. 99 (Suppl. 1) Abstract 277.</li><br /> <li>Schulte, M. D., E.M. Steadham, S.M. Lonergan, S.L. Hansen, and E. Huff-Lonergan. 2021. Differences in early postmortem pH and tenderness values of beef longissimus thoracis muscle are influenced by metabolism and apoptotic pathways. The 74thReciprocal Meat Conference; Reno, Nevada.</li><br /> <li>Schulte, M. D., E.M. Steadham, S.M. Lonergan, S.L. Hansen, and E. Huff-Lonergan. 2021. Different metabolism pathways of beef longissimus thoracis muscle from steers supplemented supranutritional zinc and ractopamine hydrochloride could explain early postmortem pH decline and tenderness variations. The 74th Reciprocal Meat Conference; Reno, Nevada.</li><br /> <li>Ceja, G., J.P. Boerman, R.C. Neves, J.P. Schoonmaker, M.W. Jorgensen, R.N. Klopp, L.F. Martins, A.T. Richards, and J.S. Johnson. 2021. Effects of preweaning L-glutamine supplementation on growth performance and health measures in Holstein heifer calves. J. Dairy Sci. 104 (Suppl 1):103. <a href="https://www.adsa.org/Meetings/2021-Annual-Meeting">https://www.adsa.org/Meetings/2021-Annual-Meeting</a> Virtual oral presentation and the National American Dairy Science Association meetings. July 11-14, 2021</li><br /> <li>Schoonmaker, J.P. 2021. Bovine respiratory disease: sensor development. Indiana Beef Cattle Association annual meeting. June 5, 2021.</li><br /> <li>Schoonmaker, J.P. 2021. Liquid feed supplements for receiving cattle: effect on gut health and performance. American Feed Industry Association (AFIA) Liquid Feed Symposium. Chicago, IL. September 8, 2021</li><br /> <li>Adair, K., S. Fernando, G. E. Erickson, A. Bartenslager, and Z. E. Carlson. 2021. PSIV-6 Effect of a direct-fed microbial feed additive on finishing beef cattle performance and liver abscess rate. J. Anim. Sci. 99 (Suppl. 1):212 <a href="https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skab054.348">https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skab054.348</a></li><br /> <li>Coulson, C. A., B. Troyer, L. J. McPhillips, M. Norman, and G. E. Erickson. 2021. 254 Evaluation of different corn milling methods for high-moisture and dry corn on finishing cattle performance and carcass characteristics. J. Anim. Sci. 99 (Suppl. 1):124 <a href="https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skab054.206">https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skab054.206</a></li><br /> <li>Coulson, C. A., N. Wiota, T. Spore, H. Wilson, K. Butterfield, and G. E. Erickson. 2021. 255 Evaluation of different corn milling methods for high-moisture and dry corn on nutrient digestion. J. Anim. Sci. 99 (Suppl. 1):124 <a href="https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skab054.207">https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skab054.207</a></li><br /> <li>Gibbons, J., M. N. Streeter, B. L. Nuttelman, G. E. Erickson, and B. Dicke. 2021 275 Comparison of revalor-xh with a revalor ih/revalor-h/revalor-200 re-implant program on feedlot cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 99 (Suppl. 1):130 <a href="https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skab054.218">https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skab054.218</a></li><br /> <li>Gibbons, J., A. K. Watson, G. E. Erickson, T. Spore, H. Wilson, J. W. Wilson, and K. Butterfield. 2021. 278 Effect of feeding CARS on digestibility in finishing cattle diets. J. Anim. Sci. 99 (Suppl. 1):128 <a href="https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skab054.214">https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skab054.214</a></li><br /> <li>McPhillips, L. J., G. E. Erickson, J. C. MacDonald, and Z. E. Carlson. 2021. 37 Evaluation of methane and carbon dioxide production in growing and finishing cattle raised in conventional or confinement-based herds. J. Anim. Sci. 99 (Suppl. 1):35 <a href="https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skab054.061">https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skab054.061</a></li><br /> <li>Sperber, J. L., B. Troyer, M. Norman, L. J. McPhillips, A. K. Watson, and G. E. Erickson 2021. 41 Effect of biochar supplementation in beef cattle finishing diets on greenhouse gas emissions and carcass performance. J. Anim. Sci. 99 (Suppl. 1):33 <a href="https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skab054.058">https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skab054.058</a></li><br /> <li>Spore, T., M. L. Jolly-Breithaupt, N. Meier, G. E. Erickson, T. J. Klopfenstein, J. C. MacDonald, and A. K. Watson. 2021. 252 Effects of increasing urea in corn silage diets and duration of ensiling on the rumen degradable protein content of corn silage. J. Anim. Sci. 99 (Suppl. 1):125 <a href="https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skab054.209">https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skab054.209</a></li><br /> <li>Xiong, J., M. Norman, H. Wilson, C. Crabtree, and G. E. Erickson. 2021. 253 Impact of corn hybrid selection for fiber and starch traits on in vivo nutrient digestion in beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 99 (Suppl. 1):126 <a href="https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skab054.211">https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skab054.211</a></li><br /> <li>Wiseman, A., T. Spore, M. Norman, H. Wilson, J. C. MacDonald, A. K. Watson, and G. E. Erickson. 2021. 279 Evaluation of green grass inclusion on digestibility and fatty acid flow in finishing diets of beef cattle. J. Anim. Sci. 99 (Suppl. 1):129 <a href="https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skab054.217">https://doi.org/10.1093/jas/skab054.217</a></li><br /> <li>Dornbach, C. W., A. M. Beenken, D. W. Shike, S. L. Hansen, and J. C. McCann. 2021. Effects of injectable vitamin E prior-to or post-transit on receiving phase performance and blood metabolites of beef steers. Western ASAS Meeting. October 18-19. Poster presentation.</li><br /> <li>Gaffney, B., J. McNelis, Z. Buessing, H. Linder, K. Trennepohl, D. W. Shike, and J. C. McCann. 2022. Evaluating the effects of lactate adaptation in cannulated steers on fermentation characteristics in an ex vivo model of ruminal acidosis. Midwest ASAS Meeting. March 14-16. Oral Presentation.</li><br /> <li>McNelis, J., B. Gaffney, H. Linder, Z. Buessing, J. Earing, D. W. Shike, M. Bernardeau, and J. C. McCann. 2022. The effects of Propionibacterium acidipropionici P169 in an in vitro ruminal acidosis model. Midwest ASAS Meeting. March 14-16. Oral Presentation.</li><br /> <li>Pearl, A. M., K. P. Ewing, L. T. Neira, J. C. McCann, and D. W. Shike. 2022. Effects of two rotational grazing management systems on forage quality, forage availability, and cow performance. Midwest ASAS Meeting. March 14-16. Poster Presentation.</li><br /> <li>Meyer, G. E., K. P. Ewing, L. T. Neira, J. C. McCann, and D. W. Shike. 2022. Evaluating the relationships of puberty status at 10 months of age with heifer characteristics. Midwest ASAS Meeting. March 14-16. Poster Presentation.</li><br /> <li>Henderson, J. A, W. P. Chapple, W. T. Meteer, J. C. McCann, and D. W. Shike. 2022. Exploring the relationship between soil composition and forage characteristics in cool season grass/legume pastures. Midwest ASAS Meeting. March 14-16. Poster Presentation.</li><br /> <li>Angus, T. A., H. Linder, Z. Buessing, and J. C. McCann. 2022. Relationships between fecal characteristics, rumen pH, and intake during an acidosis challenge. Midwest ASAS Meeting. March 14-16. Poster Presentation.</li><br /> <li>Tondini, S. M., G. Jennings, A. R. Green-Miller, D. W. Shike, and D. D. Henry, and J. C. McCann. Effect of passage rate on rumen microbiome composition. Midwest ASAS Meeting. March 14-16. Poster Presentation.</li><br /> <li>Tondini, S. M., R. I. Mackie, and J. C. McCann. 2022. Polyclonal antibodies inhibit growth of key cellulolytic rumen bacterial species. Midwest ASAS Meeting. March 14-16. Oral Presentation.</li><br /> <li>Dornbach, C. W. and J. C. McCann. 2022. Assessment and prediction of acidosis risk in beef steers: Relationship to intake and feeding behavior during the finishing phase. Midwest ASAS Meeting. March 14-16. Oral Presentation.</li><br /> <li>Dornbach, C. W., B. Harsh, and J. C. McCann. 2022. Effects of injectable vitamin c immediately prior to transit before slaughter on meat color. Midwest ASAS Meeting. March 14-16. Poster Presentation.</li><br /> <li>Dawson, C., D. W. Shike, I. Condotta, and J. C. McCann. 2022. Hind leg angle and stride length measured by 3-D imaging account for variance of locomotion score and growth performance of cattle in slatted feeding facilities. Midwest ASAS Meeting. March 14-16. Oral Presentation.</li><br /> <li>McCann, J. C. and J. P. Schoonmaker. 2022. Interrelationships between the microbiome, gut health, and animal growth. Midwest ASAS Meeting. March 14-16. Invited Oral Presentation.</li><br /> <li>Tondini, S. M., R. I. Mackie, and J. C. McCann. 2022. Polyclonal antibodies inhibit growth of key cellulolytic rumen bacterial species. Congress of Gastrointestinal Function. April 11-13. Oral Presentation.</li><br /> </ul>Impact Statements
- Enhance the utilization of C from energy feeds to compete in an energy economy and improve national food security.
Date of Annual Report: 07/12/2023
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 05/18/2022 - 05/18/2023
See participants list in attached Collated final report file.Brief Summary of Minutes
<p>See accomplishments in attached Collated final report file. </p>Publications
<p>See publications in attached Collated final report file. </p>Impact Statements
- See impact statements in attached Collated final report file.