OLD SCC33: Cooperative Variety Testing Programs
(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)
Status: Inactive/Terminating
Date of Annual Report: 08/16/2016
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2105 - 09/30/2106
Todd Vincent VINCENTT@ALMACO.COMKathryn Glass glasskm@auburn.edu
Josh Mayfield josh.mayfield@bayer.com
Brad Stancil bstanci@clemson.edu
Tamra Boucher tamra.boucher@haldrup.net
Ryan Moses ryanm@junipersys.com
Jim Rouse rouse@iastate.edu
Chad Arnold chadar@iastate.edu
Andrew Blubaugh blubaugh@kincaidequipment.com
Rick Mascagni hmascagni@agcenter.lsu.edu
Tom Plote tplote@midcoglobal.com
Brad Burgess Brad.Burgess@msstate.edu
Steve Sick steve.sick@nutechseed.com
J D Bethel bethel.37@osu.edu
Matthew Hankinson hankinson.18@osu.edu
Michael Flowers mike.flowers@oregonstate.edu
Austin Kort ack11@psu.edu
Jim Breining jab94@psu.edu
Hanna Wells hlw5004@psu.edu
Bill Boone WEB17@psu.edu
Marty Hale mhale@terralseed.com
Ronnie Schnell ronschnell@tamu.edu
Debra Ahrent dahrent@uark.edu
Clarence Watson cwatson1@uark.edu
Joshua Still jas20@uark.edu
Richard Bond rbond@uark.edu
Gerrit Hoogenboom Gerrit@UFL.edu
Kurtis Schroeder kschroeder@uidaho.edu
Darin Joos joos@illinois.edu
Claire Venard cvenard@uky.edu
Teshome Regassa tregassa2@unl.edu
Ryan Blair rblair2@utk.edu
Ryan Higginbotham rhigginbotham@wsu.edu
Brandon Jorgensen brandon@winterst
Brief Summary of Minutes
SCC- 33 Meeting
Feb 8-10, 2016
Sirata Beach Resort
St Pete Beach, FL
Feb 8, 2016 Mediterranean Palm Room 2nd Floor
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM Client and Vendor will set up materials in the Mediterranean Room
5:00 PM - 6:00 PM On Site Registration and name tag pick up (2nd Floor – Queen Palm)
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM Reception - Cash bar (Networking Session) (2nd Floor – Queen Palm)
Feb. 9, 2016 Mediterranean Palm Room 2nd Floor
7:30 AM - 8:00 AM On Site Registration and name tag pick up/Networking
8:00 AM - 8:30 AM Welcome and Introductions - John Gassett, Darin Joos and Todd Vincent
8:30 Am - 9:15 AM 2016 Survey of Crop Variety Testing Procedures in the US - Joshua Still
9:15 AM - 10:00 AM Wintersteiger - Research Equipment - Brandon Jorgenson
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Break in display area for table top exhibitors/Networking
10:30 AM - 11:00 AM Bayer Crop Science - Research Trials, the use of OVT Data and soil moisture monitoring - Josh Mayfield
11:00 AM - 11:30 AM LSU- Evaluation of Maturity Traits in Hybrids in Louisiana Grain Sorghum OVT’s at Two Planting Dates - Rick Mascagni
11:30 AM - 12:00 PM Oregon State- Procedures of the Cereal Grains Variety Testing- Michael Flowers
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Lunch on your own
1:00 PM – 1:45 PM Harvest master Products - Ryan Moses
1:45 PM – 2:30 PM 1) How to handle RIB Testing - Steve Sick
2) How to handle multiple trait testing in Soybeans - Steve Sick
2:30 PM – 3:00 PM OVT – Individual State Reports
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM Break in display area for table top exhibitors/Networking
3:30 PM - 4:15 PM Kincaid Equipment - Operated with Mirus Software by Harvest Master – Andrew Blubaugh
4:15 PM - 5:00 PM Texas A&M crop testing program- Discuss trial structure, fees, logistics, data handling, analysis and reporting- Ronnie Schnell
5:00 PM Adjourn for the day and Dinner on your own
Feb. 10, 2016 Mediterranean Palm Room 2nd Floor
7:30 AM - 8:00 AM Networking prior to the meeting
8:00 AM - 9:00 AM Haldrup Equipment - Tamra Boucher
9:00 AM - 10:00 AM ALMACO - New Research Equipment for 2016 - Todd Vincent
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM Break in display area for table top exhibitors/Networking
10:30 AM - 11:15 AM University of Florida- Gerrit Hoogenboom
11:15 AM - 12:00 PM Midco Global - Tom Plote
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Lunch on your own
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM University of Chicago- Hot and dry (and sometimes very wet): Risks and Opportunities from climate change and water resources in
North America- Joshua Elliott
3:00 PM - 3:30 PM Break in display area for table top exhibitors/Networking
3:30 – 4:00 PM Business meeting
- 2016Leadership award was presented to Dr. Fred Allen (Univ. Tennessee)
- Co-Chairs elected for 2017:
- Ryan Higginbotham, Washington State University
- Darin Joos, University of Illinois
- Brandon Jorgenson, Wintersteiger
- Co-Chairs will conduct a survey to select the location of the 2017 meeting
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 02/22/2017
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2016 - 09/30/2017
Brett Dallman, ALMACOLance Eipperle, ALMACO
Kathryn Glass, Auburn University
Charlie Faggard, Bayer CropScience
Monty Malone, Bayer CropScience
Brad Stancil, Clemson University
Jerry Johnson, Colorado State University
Tamra Boucher, HALDRUP USA Corp
Evan Tortel, HarvestMaster
Chad Arnold, Iowa Crop Improvement Assn.
Ryan Frasch, Iowa Crop Improvement Assn.
Jim Rouse, Iowa Crop Improvement Assn.
Doug Warters, Kincaid Equipment
Ryan Heiniger, North Carolina State University
Chad Deplazes, North Dakota State University
Darin Eisinger, North Dakota State University
Michael Flowers, Oregon State University
Hanna Wells, Penn State University
Marty Hale, Terral Seed
Debra Ahrent, University of Arkansas
Richard Bond, University of Arkansas
John Carlin, University of Arkansas
Joshua Still, University of Arkansas
Keith Ames, University of Illinois
Darin Joos, University of Illinois
Bill Bruening, University of Kentucky
Cam Kenimer, University of Kentucky
Brandon Roberts, University of Kentucky
Jason Wight, University of Maryland
Michael Grissum, University of Missouri
Teshome Regassa, University of Nebraska
Virginia Sykes, University of Tennessee
Adam Roth, University of Wisconsin
Ryan Higginbotham, Washington State University
Sam Maddox, Wintersteiger, Inc.
Jens Wolfarth, ZURN Harvesting
Todd Vincent, ALMACO
Tamra Boucher, HALDRUP USA Corp
Doug Warters, Kincaid Equipment
Samuel Maddox, Winterstieger, Inc.
Jens Wolfarth, ZURN Harvesting
Brief Summary of Minutes
SCC-33 Annual Meeting
San Diego, CA
Feb 5-7, 2017
Sunday Feb. 5 Suite #200 (Gardenia Suite, near the pool)
3:00 PM - 8:00 PM Registration, Super Bowl Party, Social (hosted)
Monday Feb. 6 Boardroom
7:00 AM Continental Breakfast
8:00 AM Welcome and Introductions
8:30 AM WSU Variety Testing Program - Ryan Higginbotham
9:15 AM Decision trees for making variety selections - Jerry Johnson
9:30 AM Private testing in a public program - Jim Rouse
10:00 AM Break (drinks)
10:30 AM Almaco - Lance Eipperle
11:15 AM State Reports
Business Meeting:
Presiding: 2017 University chair, Ryan Higginbotham, Washington State University
Registration Fees and Membership Dues:
When asked, no one had issues using PayPal to pay registration fees and all enjoy the convenience.
Topic of Registration cost concluded with keeping fee at $300, which is common for most current meetings.
Discussion of having Membership Dues to encourage a commitment to the group. Tabled until Administrative Advisor can make input.
Discussion of group name, specifically is the “Southern” in Southern Coordinating Committee necessary? Is it possible to change the name to be more inclusive of the Northern OVT programs?
New co-chairs will invite international variety testing groups to 2018 SCC-33 meeting.
Todd Vincent, ALMACO, received the 2017 SCC-33 Service Award.
2018 SCC-33 chairs:
Ryan Higginbotham, Washington State University
Tamra Boucher, HALDRUP USA
The new chairs will email a survey of potential meeting locations this spring. All agreed the first week of February is the best, most convenient for this meeting.
12:00 PM Catered Lunch
1:00 PM Journal of Crop Variety Testing - Bill Bruening
1:15 PM Social Media in Variety Testing - Cam Kenimer
1:45 PM Harvestmaster - Evan Tortel
2:30 PM Break (snacks and drinks)
3:00 PM Round-Table on VT Issues and Solutions
5:00 PM Adjourn--Dinner on your own
Tuesday Feb. 7 Boardroom
7:00 AM Continental Breakfast
8:00 AM Haldrup Equipment - Tamra Boucher
8:30 AM Variety Testing in Rice - Debbie Ahrent
9:15 AM Kincaid Equipment - Doug Warters
9:45 AM Break (drinks)
10:15 AM Wintersteiger - Sam Maddox
11:00 AM Zurn Harvesting - Jens Wolfarth
11:45 AM Wrap-up, 2018 meeting chairs, other business
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 03/12/2018
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 02/04/2018 - 03/06/2018
Brief Summary of Minutes
5 February 2019
Business Meeting
Presiding: 2018 University chair, Ryan Higginbotham, Washington State University
Debra Ahrent presented the Treasurer’s Report.
Darin Joos, University of Illinois, received the 2018 SCC-33 Service Award.
2019 SCC-33 chairs:
Cam Kenimer, University of Kentucky
Doug Warters, Kincaid, Inc.
2019 Meeting Discussion: A suggestion was made to schedule SCC-33 in conjunction with another meeting which may help increase attendance by industry and public institution representatives. Commodity Classic and ASA conventions were suggested. All agreed having the meeting during the first week of February was more important and/or convenient.
This spring, the new chairs will email a survey asking for topic/speaker ideas and potential locations for the 2019 meeting. Sites include: Key Largo, FL; Savannah, GA; Jekyll Island, GA; Hilton Head, NC; Charleston, SC; Fort Myers, FL.
<p>In the recent meeting of the SCC-33 group a number of informative presentations were given. With the growing interest in using drone technology a presentation was given by Darin Eisinger, North Dakota State University, on the use of drone technology in variety testing programs. The is current technology that many are considering adopting for their respective programs. Several other presentations were given on the latest technology available from industry for use in variety testing programs. These presentations included Kincaid Equipment Manufacturing, Doug Warters; <a href="http://www.uky.edu/Ag/wheatvarietytest/SCC-33/2018%20HarvestMaster%20SC%2033.pptx">HarvestMaster</a>, Evan Tortel; ARM Software, Kyle Kepner, Gylling Data Management; Wintersteiger, Brandon Jorgensen; Zurn Harvesting, Michael Bateman;</p><br /> <p>Another topic of discussion centered around data management and analysis. These presentations included <a href="http://www.uky.edu/Ag/wheatvarietytest/SCC-33/2018%20LSDscc33%20RT.pptx">LSD Errors, Spatial Analysis</a>, Jerry Johnson, Colorado State University; AGROBASE software, Ryan Higginbotham, Washington State University; A group discussion on Data Presentation/Communication Methods also took place. Additionally a presentation on <a href="http://www.uky.edu/Ag/wheatvarietytest/SCC-33/2018%20SCC-33%20Effective%20Protocols%20for%20Variety%20Trial%20Field%20Tours.pptx">Effective Protocols for Variety Trial Field Tours</a> was given by Bill Bruening, University of Kentucky. A presentation on <a href="http://www.uky.edu/Ag/wheatvarietytest/SCC-33/2018%20SCC-Bayer.pptx"> Industry Percpectives, was given by Monty Malone, Bayer CropScience;</a></p><br /> <p>A number of state programs were discussed including <a href="http://www.uky.edu/Ag/wheatvarietytest/SCC-33/2018%20ClemsonOVT_scc33_18.pptx">Clemson OVT Program</a>, Brad Stancil, Clemson University and NCSU Program Overview<br />Ryan Heiniger, North Carolina State University.</p>Publications
Impact Statements
- Proper variety selection is one of the most important decisions producers make. Official Variety Testing programs provide unbiased information for use by producers to choose the varieties that perform best in their environments. This increases productivity and profitability for agricultural crop producers.
Date of Annual Report: 02/21/2019
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 01/01/2018 - 01/01/2019
Dieter Mulitze, Agronomix Software; Matt Steward, ALMACO; Monty Malone, BASF; Charlie Faggard, BASF; Brad Stancil, Clemson University; David Gunter, Clemson University; Jerry Johnson, Colorado State University; Sally Jones-Diamond, Colorado State University; Steve Sick, Farmers Business Network; Kyle Kepner, Gylling Data Management, Inc.; Juan Martiren; Haldrup USA; Evan Tortel, HarvestMaster; Jim Rouse, Iowa Crop Improvement Assn.; Graydon Marzen, Iowa Crop Improvement Assn.; Doug Warters, Kincaid EquipmentBrief Summary of Minutes
Business Meeting
Cam Kenimer and Doug Warters were re-elected to co-chair the 2020 meeting. Future meeting dates, locations, and costs were discussed. Cam Kenimer relayed information on the meeting costs and the SCC33 projected account balance based on information from SCC33 treasurer Debbie Ahrent Wisdom (not in attendance). The ending balance is expected to be similar to the previous years ending balance.
Bob Stougaard and Bill Bruening discussed the SCC33 project proposal. Jim Rouse and Ronnie Schnell volunteered to serve on the SCC33 project re-write committee with Bill Bruening. An effort to get SCC33 attendees to officially register via NIMSS for the SCC33 Multi-State Information Group is underway. Bill Bruening will send out updated instructions and info on how to register. Currently only approx. 10% of regular meeting attendees are registered.
Impact Statements
Date of Annual Report: 09/15/2020
Report Information
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2019 - 09/30/2020
Matt Gower, Brad Stancil, David Gunter, Kyle Stephens, Alex Coleman, Jerry JohnsonSteve Sick, Allister Holmes, Juan Martiren, Evan Tortel, Ryan Blubaugh, Todd Warner
Larry Gross, Christian Kapp, Ryan Heiniger, Angela Post, Chad Deplazes, Darin Eisinger
Joel Ransom, Shad Mallady, Marty Hale, Debra Ahrent, Richard Bond, Robert Gilbert
Daniel Mailhot, Cam Kenimer, Philip Shine, Bill Bruening, Jason Wight, Amanda Easterly
Ryan Blair, Tyson Raper, Adam Roth, Amy Pawlick, Nathaniel Lawton, Brandon Jorgensen
Jens Wolfarth
Brief Summary of Minutes
Business Meeting - 3 February 2020
Presiding: 2020 University chair, Cam Kenimer, University of Kentucky
Debra Ahrent Wisdom presented the Treasurer’s Report.
Jerry Johnson, Colorado State University, received the 2020 SCC-33 Service Award.
2021 SCC-33 chairs:
Ryan Heiniger, North Carolina State University
Evan Tortel, HarvestMaster
2020 Meeting Discussion: Bill Bruening will update the SCC33 website and maintain the SCC-33 contact directory.
The SCC-33 new administrative advisor is Dr. Robert Gilbert of University of Florida.
Bill Bruening gave an SCC33 project update, and stated that he believed that the project is currently in the renewal process. Pending approval for the next 5 years, active member will be receiving an email invite to re-join SCC-33 for the upcoming term. Bruening will forward the invite email to the group email list.
The new chairs will email a survey asking for topic/speaker ideas and potential locations for the 2021 meeting. Adjourn
Impact Statements
- Proper variety selection is one of the most important decisions producers make. Official Variety Testing programs provide unbiased information for use by producers to choose the varieties that perform best in their environments. This increases productivity and profitability for agricultural crop producers.