WERA103: Nutrient Management and Water Quality

(Multistate Research Coordinating Committee and Information Exchange Group)

Status: Inactive/Terminating

SAES-422 Reports

Annual/Termination Reports:

[06/10/2016] [08/15/2017] [04/23/2018] [05/16/2019]

Date of Annual Report: 06/10/2016

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 04/11/2016 - 04/13/2016
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2015 - 09/30/2016


Bauder, Troy (Troy.Bauder@ColoState.EDU) - Colorado State University;
Blaylock, Alan (Alan.Blaylock@agrium.com) - Alan Blaylock, Agrium Inc.;
Bremer, Eric (ericbremer@westernag.ca) - Western Ag Innovations;
Cardon, Grant (grant.cardon@usu.edu) - Utah State University;
Davenport, Joan Davenport (jdavenp@wsu.edu) - Washington State University;
Deenik, Jonathan Deenik (jdeenik@hawaii.edu) - University of Hawaii;
Dellavalle, Nat (ndellavalle@dellavallelab.com) - Dellavalle Labs;
Fernandez, Fabian (fabiangf@umn.edu) – University of Minnesota
Flynn, Robert (rflynn@nmsu.edu) - New Mexico State University;
Hartz, Tim (tkhartz@ucdavis.edu) - University of California Davis;
Hopkins, Bryan (hopkins@byu.edu) - Brigham Young University;
Ippolito, James (Jim.Ippolito@ARS.USDA.GOV) – USDA/ARS, Kimberly Idaho
Jones, Clain (clainj@montana.edu) - Montana State University;
Koenig, Rich (richk@wsu.edu) - Washington State University;
Mikkelsen, Rob (RMikkelsen@ipni.net) – International Plant Nutrition Institute;
Miller, Robert (rmiller@lamar.colostate.edu) - Colorado State University;
Mooso, Galen (galen.mooso@Simplot.com) - J.R. Simplot;
Moore, Amber (amberm@uidaho.edu) - University of Idaho;
Nelson, Dan (dan@soiltestlab.com) - Soiltest Farm Consultants, Inc.;
Roger, Ondoua (roger.ondoua@montana.edu) – Montana State Univ.
Norton, Jay (jnorton4@uwyo.edu) - University of Wyoming;
Petrie, Steve (steve.petrie@yara.com) - YARA International;
Pettigrove, Stu (gspettygrove@ucdavis.edu) - University of California Davis;
Tarkalson, David (David.Tarkalson@ARS.USDA.GOV) - USDA-ARS, Kimberly Idaho;
Tindall, Terry (Terry.Tindall@simplot.com) - J.R. Simplot;
Sullivan, Dan (dan.sullivan@oregonstate.edu) - Oregon State University;
Walsh, Olga (owalsh@uidaho.edu) - University of Idaho;
Walworth, Jim (walworth@ag.arizona.edu) - University of Arizona;

Brief Summary of Minutes

Brief Summary of Minutes of Annual Meeting

Officer Succession – Current officers: Chair: Joan Davenport; Vice Chair: James Walworth; Secretary: Troy Bauder; Effective at end of meeting:  Chair:  James Walworth; Vice Chair: Troy Bauder; Secretary Nominee for 2015: Olga Walsh, All approved.

Report from WERA-103 Advisor Rich Koenig, (WERA-103 Administrative Advisor) provided the committee an update. He noted that NIMSS.org is now functional and has past reports, projects online. The proposal for reauthorization of WERA-103 was approved through September 2020. Most of the reviews were positive, but we need to highlight more involvement of students from K-12 to graduate.  Rich reviewed the process of becoming an official member of WERA 103. Having ‘official’ status is important to show diverse participation on the committee. Rich noted that regional committees are open to people outside of the Western region, but funding comes from home institution. He reminded the group that federal funding is always an issue for the programs and changes are likely at NIFA. Getting increases for capacity funding is unlikely, but no huge crisis on the horizon that Rich noted.

State and Industry Reports

State and industry representatives provided updates on significant changes and activities in their states. Emphasized was the increasing scrutiny that is being placed on plant nutrients and water quality. For example, the Des Moines lawsuit may change how agriculture, particularly tile drainage is treated in terms of point vs. NPS sources. Regulations in California now requires soil and water testing in nutrient management planning. Also, Washington has banned phosphorus in turf fertilizer and the lawsuit against dairies in the Yakima Valley has Idaho producers taking nutrient management much more seriously than before. These changes will bring both opportunities to educate producers and crop advisers about improving their management practices but raise many technical questions and research needs. The WERA-103 committee objectives dovetail well with these needs.

Lab certification and testing programs are growing. Soil health indicator testing procedures were discussed, particularly around whether the protocols have been properly established and consistently followed, and what they really predict in terms of crop response and interpretation.

Breakout sessions by Objective

Committee members then divided up by objective to review progress and plan for work in 2016-2017. Representatives reported back to the full committee and discussion followed.

Planning for 2015 Western Nutrient Management Conference

Date: March 2-3 with WERA committee meeting the previous day. Discussion started with a review of the evaluations. In general, the comments were good and the committee used the evaluations to consider topics for 2017. Jim Ippolito assumed conference chair responsibilities for 2017 and will schedule a conference call with session chairs to iron out the ideas below. Possible topics/sessions for 2017 Conference:

  • Water and nitrogen management

  • Groundwater protection and economic crop production

  • Advances in nutrient use efficiency


    • Nitrogen management tools and tests

  • Soil Health


On Wednesday, April 13th the WERA group toured the Colorado State University research farm near Ft. Collins, Colorado. Robert Miller and Troy Bauder hosted the tour. The participants learned about joint USDA/ARS and CSU research conducted there on tillage, crop rotation and fertilization practices and their impact on greenhouse gas emissions. They visited a precision irrigation pivot that is utilized to study soil water variability. Later that morning the group toured an ethanol plant in Windsor, Colorado and learned about the ethanol fermentation process and the various byproducts produced. After lunch, they visited Celestial Seasonings tea plant near Boulder, Colorado.


  • Planning is underway for the 2017 Western Nutrient Management Conference to be held again in Reno, Nevada with many of the committee members will serve as session chairs, speakers or both. This conference serves a key educational venue where researchers can share the latest work with each other, certified crop advisers (CCA’s), producers, extension personnel, students and others in the agricultural industry. An emphasis this year will be to increase student involvement and presentation delivery skills by having student poster presenters provide three minute “flash and dash” summaries of their posters to generate more interest and attendance at the poster sessions.

  • Two articles for Crops and Soils Magazine are planned for February and April 2017.

  • Southern Idaho Nutrient Management Mini-Field Day, July 26, Kimberly, Idaho will cover the response of sugar beets and potatoes to dairy manure applications, corn N fertilizer rate studies, cover crop/manure/corn, barley irrigation and N management, and dairy manure management techniques.

  • The subcommittee identified a need for a more standardized template for WERA-103s state reports. This will aid the secretary in pulling out the more useful accomplishments, impacts and indicators.  

  • The subcommittee for Objective 2 indicated that Mehlich III P levels and their interpretation broadly in the western US should be addressed.


<p><strong>Accomplishments by objective</strong></p><br /> <ul><br /> <li><em>Develop and/or improve nutrient recommendations for diverse cropping systems based on soil, water and plant analysis results and management strategies in the Western Region.</em></li><br /> </ul><br /> <ol><br /> <li><em>Provide nutrient correlation and calibration data for crops in the region. </em></li><br /> <li><em>Work toward uniformity of nutrient use recommendations for similar crop production systems in the region. </em></li><br /> <li><em>Evaluate and apply new nutrient analytical and interpretive methodologies.</em></li><br /> <li><em>Evaluate the efficacy of new fertilizers and formulations.</em></li><br /> </ol><br /> <ul><br /> <li>Recommendations: Utah State is updating N credits for corn grown after alfalfa and evaluating fruit tree tissue testing recommendations for their conditions. Idaho is updating fertilizer recommendations for sugar beets, industry is very supportive and looking forward to the data. California is expanding the CropManage on-line decision support tool to include processing tomato irrigation and fertilization recommendations. Oregon is releasing new guide for nutrient management for snap peas.</li><br /> <li>Sub-committee is discussing how to best analyze data sets and evaluate N recommendations around both agronomic response and environment risk. The challenge is to balance these two perhaps competing needs.</li><br /> <li>Bryan Hopkins at BYU is building a meta-analyses on AVAIL, a phosphorus fertilizer enhancement product. Getting all the basic soil and agronomic data can help explain whether a product caused a yield response or not. Data repositories like these are really useful to evaluate for other researchers.</li><br /> <li>&nbsp;</li><br /> </ul><br /> <ul><br /> <li><em><em>Promote effective use of soil, water, plant, manure and compost analytical information</em></em></li><br /> <li><em><em>Integrate analytical test results into nutrient management software </em></em></li><br /> <li><em><em>Maintain and update the Western States Soil Plant and Water Reference Methods Testing Manual </em></em></li><br /> <li><em><em>Review status of soil/plant/water analysis Extension guides and summarize interpretive guidance</em></em></li><br /> <li><em><em>Explore method for internet distribution of methods manual, analytical interpretation guides etc. Website would be for clientele outreach.</em>The committee is going to revisit objective (2a) as a feasible goal given their resources. The Soil, Plant and Water Reference Methods (2013 edition) for the Western Region Western Soil Methods manual is going to be posted on the WERA-103 website, which is hosted by IPNI soon. The group is addressing soil testing regarding metals in soil, particularly around California Public Health Dept. provisional standards on total Cd in soil and tissue levels in spinach.&nbsp;&nbsp;</em></li><br /> <li><br /> <ol><br /> <li>An ALP research project has completed assessing the effects of soil pulverizing on dry soil CO<sub>2</sub> Solvita burst. Results show the issues associated with optimization of O<sub>2</sub> and effects of texture. This information will potential help standardize a methodology that is being put forward as an indicator of soil health without significant calibration and standardization.</li><br /> <li>The subcommittee reviewed the lack of good soil testing labs in Oregon and Hawaii and discussed alternatives.</li><br /> <li>&nbsp;</li><br /> </ol><br /> </li><br /> </ul><br /> <ul><br /> <li><em>Provide education on the principles of soil-plant-animal-water system management and the tools and practices that lead to sustainable agricultural production</em></li><br /> <li><em>Facilitate regional education among government agencies, private industry and universities through conferences, websites, extension publications, newsletters, and other appropriate media. </em></li><br /> <li><em>Disseminate information within the Western Region to extension educators, private agencies (e.g., Certified Crop Advisors) and other interested parties (e.g., K-12 teachers) through conferences, training the trainer opportunities, and access to published interpretive materials. </em></li><br /> <li><em>Conduct direct education to agricultural producers through conferences, grower meetings, and published interpretive materials.</em></li><br /> </ul><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p><br /> <ul><br /> <li>Members of the WERA-103 committee submitted two articles to date to the Crops and Soils Newsletter in 2016.</li><br /> <li>University of California delivers a two day nitrogen management training program for CCA&rsquo;s to be certified to sign off on farm management plans required under water quality regulations. Six of these training courses have been delivered to date, to a total of &gt;600 CCAs.</li><br /> <li>The Western Nutrient Digest was published three times in 2015-2016 and features guest editors and authors from the different sectors on the WERA-103 committee. Amber Moore is the editor in chief. Articles cover a wide range of soil and nutrient-related topics in brief, newsletter style prose. Several states circulate the digest to extension and producer groups for wide readership.</li><br /> <li>Robert Flynn led an effort with James Walworth and Joan Davenport to obtain a grant from Western Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) program to produce educational videos, scientific visualizations, demonstrations and animations on soil properties, processes, sampling and analyses. This series of time-lapse videos can be used as a model for soil-related demonstrations in a classroom&mdash;or to illustrate soil processes such soil erosion, runoff, and infiltration. Potential audiences include K12, master gardeners, CCA&rsquo;s, undergraduates and others. (<a href="http://aces.nmsu.edu/aes/artesia/soilsampling/index.html">http://aces.nmsu.edu/aes/artesia/soilsampling/index.html</a>).</li><br /> </ul>


<p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><br /> <p>Anderson, N., Chastain, T., Garbacik, C. (2015). Enhancing Nitrogen Efficiency and Seed Yield in Perennial Ryegrass Crops with Urease Inhibitors. Minneapolis, MN: 2015 International Annual Meeting Abstracts. ASA, CSSA, SSSA. <a href="https://scisoc.confex.com/scisoc/2015am/webprogram/Paper93436.html">https://scisoc.confex.com/scisoc/2015am/webprogram/Paper93436.html</a></p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Archer, S. R., &amp; McIntyre, C. (2015). Report: Biocrusts, grass establishment, and restoration of working rangelands: Annual Report. Western Sustainable Agricultural Research &amp; Education Program.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Badr, G., Hoogenboom, G., Davenport, J.R., &amp; Smithyman, J. (2015). Estimating growing season length using vegetation indices based on remote sensing: A case study for vineyards in Washington state. Transactions of the ASABE. 58, 551-564.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Barnes, P. W., Throop, H. L., Archer, S. R., Breshears, D. D., McCulley, R. L., &amp; Tobler, M. A. (2015). Sunlight and soil&ndash;litter mixing: Drivers of litter decomposition in drylands. Progress in Botany, 76, 273-302.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Bertagnolli AD, Meinhardt KA, Pannu M, Brown S, Strand S, Fransen SC &amp; Stahl DA (2015) Influence of edaphic and management factors on the diversity and abundance of ammonia-oxidizing thaumarchaeota and bacteria in soils of bioenergy crop cultivars. <em>Env Microbiol Rep</em> 7: 312-320.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Blaser, G.E., J.C. Stark, J.M. Marshall, D. Eggett, and B.G. Hopkins. 201x. Yield response of potato to N following alfalfa, alfalfa-maize or alfalfa-wheat rotations. <em>Agron. J.</em></p><br /> <p>Blaser, G.E., J.C. Stark, and B.G. Hopkins. 201x. Nitrogen use efficiency of potato to N following alfalfa, alfalfa-maize or alfalfa-wheat rotations. <em>Agron. J.</em></p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Bronson, K., Norton, E. R., Hunsaker, D., &amp; Andrade Sanchez, P. (2015). Improving Nitrogen Fertilizer Management for Overhead Sprinkler-Irrigated Cotton in the Western US. In 2015 Beltwide Cotton Conference (pp. 403-410). San Antonio, TX: National Cotton Council.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Bronson, K., Norton, E. R., Hunsaker, D., &amp; Lidell, E. (2015). Updating Petiole Nitrate-Based N Fertilizer Recommendations for Arizona Cotton. In 2015 Beltwide Cotton Conference (pp. 392-397). San Antonio, TX: National Cotton Council.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Bruner, E.A., P.A. Okubara, R. Abi-Ghanem, D.J. Brown, and C.L. Reardon, 2015. Use of pressure cycling technology for cell lysis and recovery of bacterial and fungal communities from soil. BioTechniques 58(4): 171-U123. DOI: 10.2144/000114273</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Bryla, D.R. and Strik, B.C. 2015. Fertilizer and soil management practices for improving the efficiency of nutrient uptake and use in northern highbush blueberry. HortTechnology 25:464-470.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Buck, R.L., B.L. Webb., V.D. Jolley, B. Roundy, and B.G. Hopkins. 2016. Comparing traditional soil extraction with ion exchange resin capsules for determining sulfur bioavailability in semiarid, low-fertility soils. <em>Soil Sci</em> 181:39-43. DOI:10.1097/SS.0000000000000137</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Buck, R.L., B.G. Hopkins, B.L. Webb., and V.D. Jolley. 2016. Depth of ion exchange resin capsule placement impacts on estimation of nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur bioavailability in semi-arid, low fertility soils. <em>Soil Sci</em> (<em>Accepted October 2015</em>)</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Burghelea, C., Zaharescu, D. G., Dontsova, K., Maier, R., Huxman, T., &amp; Chorover, J. (2015). Mineral nutrient mobilization by plants from rock: influence of rock type and arbuscular mycorrhiza. Biogeochemistry, 124(1-3), 187-203.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Butnan, S., J.L. Deenik, Banyon, T., M.J. Antal, Jr, and P. Vityakon. 2016. Biochar properties influencing greenhouse gas emissions in tropical soils differing in texture and mineralogy. Journal of Environmental Quality. Accepted.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Buss, J., N. Hansen, and B.G. Hopkins. 201x. Polymer-Coated Urea rate in turfgrass. <em>Agron. J.</em></p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Buss, J., N. Hansen, and B.G. Hopkins. 201x. Polymer-Coated Urea timing in turfgrass. <em>Agron. J.</em></p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Castro Bustamante, S. and T.K. Hartz. 2015. Nitrogen management in organic processing tomato production: nitrogen sufficiency prediction through early-season soil and plant monitoring. HortScience 50:1055-1063.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Cendrero-Mateo, M. P., Moran, M. S., Papuga, S. A., Thorp, K. R., Alonso, L., Moreno, J., et al. (2015).&nbsp;Plant chlorophyll fluorescence: active and passive measurements at canopy and leaf scales with different nitrogen treatments.&nbsp;<em>Journal of Experimental Botany</em>,&nbsp;<em>67</em>(1), 275-286.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Collins, D.P., C.A. Benedict, A. Bary, C. Cogger. 2015. Soil mapping and ad hoc power analysis to increase blocking efficiency prior to establishing a long-term field experiment. Scientific World Journal. 2015: 1-8.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Creech, E., G. E. Cardon, J. Barnhill, J. Gale, C. Israelsen, B. Kitchen, M. Nelson, and M. Pace. 2015. The Potential for Reducing N Fertilizer Inputs for Corn Production in the First Year Following Alfalfa. Utah State University Extension Fact Sheet, AG/Crops/2015-01pr.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Crow, S.E, M. Reeves, O.S. Schubert, and C.A. Sierra. 2015. Optimization of method to quantify soil organic matter dynamics and carbon sequestration potential in volcanic ash soils. Biogeochemistry 123(1):27-47.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Deenik, J. L. and M.J. Cooney. 2016. The potential benefits and limitations of corn cob and sewage sludge biochars in an infertile Oxisol. Sustainability 8(2):131-149.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Del Moro, Sarah K. 2015. Ammonia Volatilization from Nitrogen Fertilizers and Wastewater Reuse in the Columbia Basin. Scholars Archive. Oregon State University. &nbsp;<a href="http://hdl.handle.net/1957/56356">http://hdl.handle.net/1957/56356</a>.</p><br /> <p>Desta, K., Fransen, S.C., Okwany, R., Peters, R.T., Pan, W.L., Collins, H., &amp; Davenport, J.R. (2015). Soil profile nitrogen under different biofuel feedstock grasses and irrigation regimes in the irrigated arid Pacific Northwest. Soil Science Society of America Journal.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Dixon, E.K., Strik, B.C., and Bryla, D.R. 2016. Weed management, training, and irrigation practices for organic production of trailing blackberry: II. Soil and plant nutrient concentrations. HortScience 51:36-50.</p><br /> <p>Dixon, E.K., Strik, B.C., and Bryla, D.R. 2016. Weed management, training, and irrigation practices for organic production of trailing blackberry: III. Accumulation and loss of biomass, carbon, and nutrients. HortScience 51:51-66.</p><br /> <p>Downing, T. W. (2015). Calibrating dairy manure nutrient application rates (vol. EM 8768). Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University Extension Service.</p><br /> <p>Downing, T. W., Valencia, M. (2015). El C&aacute;lculo de las Tasas de Aplicaci&oacute;n de Esti&eacute;rcoles Nutrientes de Granja Lechera (vol. EM 8768-S). Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University Extension Service.</p><br /> <p>Ehret, D.L., Frey, B., Forge, T., Helmer, T., and Bryla, D.R. 2015. Age-related changes with drip irrigation in highbush blueberry. HortScience 50:486-490.</p><br /> <p>Engel, R., Gravens, E., Towey, B. D. 2015. Degradation of the urease inhibitor NBPT as affected by soil pH. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J<em> 79:</em>1674-1683.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Engel, R. and C. Jones. 2015. Ammonia loss from surface-applied urea to cold soils: A second look. Montana Fertilizer eFacts. No. 70. June 2015. MSU Extension. 3 p. <a href="http://landresources.montana.edu/fertilizerfacts"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">http://landresources.montana.edu/fertilizerfacts</span></a>.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Engel, R., Towey, B. , Gravens, E. 2015 Soil pH Affects Degradation of the Urease Inhibitor NBPT. ASA, CSSA &amp; SSSA International Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, November 18, 2015.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Engel, R., Miller, P., McConkey, B. Wallander, R., Feddema, R. 2015. Soil Organic C Changes in Response to 10-Yr of Increasing Cropping System Intensity in Montana. ASA, CSSA &amp; SSSA International Annual Meeting, Minneapolis, MN, November 18, 2015.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Espe, M.B., E. Kirk, C. VanKessel, W.H. Horwath and B.A. Linquist. 2015. Indigenous nitrogen supply of rice is predicted by soil organic carbon. Soil Sci. Soc. Amer. J. 79:569-576.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Evans, M A, Skinner, DZ, Koenig, RT, Hulbert SH, and Pan, WL. 2015. Effect of phosphorus, potassium and chloride on cold tolerance of winter canola (Brassica napus L.). J. Plant Nutr. DOI:10.1080/01904167.2014.990095.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Ewing, S, W. Sigler, Jones, C., Jackson-Smith. D. 2015. Judith Basin Nitrogen Project Research Update. Newsletter #4: Sources of nitrate in shallow groundwater. July 2015. 2 p. <a href="http://waterquality.montana.edu/judith/images-files/Newsletter4.pdf"><span style="text-decoration: underline;">http://waterquality.montana.edu/judith/images-files/Newsletter4.pdf</span></a><span style="text-decoration: underline;">.</span></p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Faber, B., Walworth, J. L., Giraud, D. D., &amp; Silva, D. (2015). Soil and Fertilizer Management. In California Master Gardener Handbook, Second Edition (pp. 37-82). Richmond, CA: University of California Agriculture and Natural Resources.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Falinsky, K. Predicting Sediment Export into Tropical Environments to Support Ridge to Reef Management. November 2015.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Fernandez-Salvador, J., Strik, B.C., and Bryla, D.R. 2015. Liquid corn and fish fertilizers are good options for fertigation in blackberry cultivars grown in an organic production system. HortScience 50:225-233.</p><br /> <p>Fernandez-Salvador, J., Strik, B.C., and Bryla, D.R. 2015. Response of blackberry cultivars to fertilizer source in an organic fresh market production system. HortTechnology 25:277-292.</p><br /> <p>Flynn, Robert. NMSU Circular 676: Interpreting Soil Tests: Unlock the Secrets of Your Soil. By Robert Flynn, <a href="http://aces.nmsu.edu/pubs/_circulars/CR676.pdf">http://aces.nmsu.edu/pubs/_circulars/CR676.pdf</a>.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Flynn, R. P. (2015). <em>Test Your Garden Soil</em>. <em>Guide A-114: NMSU, Cooperative Extension Service. </em><a href="http://aces.nmsu.edu/pubs/_a/A114.pdf"><em>http://aces.nmsu.edu/pubs/_a/A114.pdf</em></a><em>.</em></p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Flynn, R. P., Idowu, O. J. (2015). Nitrogen Fixation by Legumes. <em>Guide A-129</em>. NMSU, Cooperative Extension Service. aces.nmsu.edu/pubs/_a/A129.pdf.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Flynn, R. P. (2015).<em>: Inoculation of Legumes</em>. <em>Guide A-130. NMSU, Cooperative Extension Service. http://aces.nmsu.edu/pubs/_a/A130.pdf.</em></p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Gasch, C.K., T. Hengl, B. Gr&auml;ler, H. Meyer, T. Magney, D.J. Brown, 2015. Spatiotemporal interpolation of soil moisture, temperature, and electrical conductivity in 3D+T:</p><br /> <p>the Cook Farm data set. 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Bary. 2015 (Revised). Fertilizing with biosolids. Pacific Northwest Extension Publication 508. Oregon State University Extension Service, Corvallis, OR.</p><br /> <p>Sullivan, D.M., A. Heinrich and E. Peachey. Enhanced efficiency fertilizer technologies for improved production in sweet corn (2015). Report to Oregon Processed Vegetable Commission. <a href="http://horticulture.oregonstate.edu/content/enhanced-efficiency-fertilizer-technologies-improved-production-sweet-corn-2015">http://horticulture.oregonstate.edu/content/enhanced-efficiency-fertilizer-technologies-improved-production-sweet-corn-2015</a></p><br /> <p>Sullivan, D.M., B.C. Strik, and Bryla, D.R. 2015. Evaluation of alternative mulches for blueberry over five production seasons. Acta Hort. 1076:171-178. <a href="https://www.researchgate.net/publication/282265205_Evaluation_of_alternative_mulches_for_blueberry_over_five_production_seasons">https://www.researchgate.net/publication/282265205_Evaluation_of_alternative_mulches_for_blueberry_over_five_production_seasons</a></p><br /> <p>Summerhays, J.S., B.G. Hopkins, V.D. Jolley, M.W. Hill, and C.J. Ransom. 201x. Enhanced phosphorus fertilizers (Carbond P&reg; and AVAIL&reg;) supplied to maize in hydroponics. <em>J. Plant Nutr. </em></p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Taysom, T.T., J.C. Stark, and B.G. Hopkins. Polymer-coated urea in potato production. <em>Agron. J.</em></p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Tsai, E. 2015. Validation of Tissue Nutrient Status for Tart Cherry (Prunus cerasus) and Peach (Prunus persica) In Utah. Utah State University, MS Thesis.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Tsai, E., G.E. Cardon and B. Black. Tissue Nutrient Sufficiency Levels and Sample Timing for Optimal Nutrition Management of Tart Cherry (Prunus cerasus) in Utah.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Tsai, E., G.E. Cardon and B. Black. Tissue Nutrient Sufficiency Levels and Sample Timing for Optimal Nutrition Management of Peach (Prunus persica) in Utah.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Vargas, O.L. and Bryla, D.R. 2015. Growth and fruit production of highbush blueberry fertilized with ammonium sulfate and urea applied by fertigation or as granular fertilizer. HortScience 50:479-485.</p><br /> <p>Vargas, O.L., Bryla, D.R., Wieland, J.E., Strik, B.C. and Sun, L. 2015. Fertigation with drip and alternative micro irrigation systems in highbush blueberry: a comparison of point and area supply of water and nitrogen. HortScience 50:897-903.</p><br /> <p>Walworth, J. L. (2015). Soil-Applied Zinc-EDTA: Growth and Nutrient Acquisition of Non-bearing Pecan Grown on an Alkaline and Calcareous Soil. In 29th International Horticulture Congress (Vol. Acta Horticulturae). Brisbane Australia: International Society for Horticultural Science.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Walworth, J. L., Nunez-Moreno, H., &amp; Pond, A. (2015). Soil Zinc Fertilization in One-Year-Old Potted 'Wichita' Pecan Trees in Alkaline Soil. In International Symposium on Pecans and Other Carya in Indigenous and Managed Systems. International Society for Horticultural Science.</p><br /> <p>&shy;</p><br /> <p>Wardle, E. Bauder, T, and C. Pearson. 2015. Guidelines for Using Conservation Tillage Under Furrow Irrigation (Second Edition). Colo. Ag. Expt. Station Bulletin TR15-10.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Wayman, S., C. Cogger, C. Benedict, D. Collins, I. Burke, and A. Bary. 2015. Cover crop effects on light, nitrogen, and weeds in organic reduced tillage. Agro. and Sust. Food Sys. 39 (6): 647-665.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Wells, J.M., S.E. Crow, R. Ogoshi, B. Turano, and A. Hashimoto. 2015. Optimizing feedstock selection for biofuel production in Hawaii: CuO oxidative lignin products in C-4 grasses. Biomass and Bioenergy 83:511-515.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Wenz, J.*, H.N. Storteboom, and J.G. Davis. 2015. Effects of enhanced mixing and minimal CO2 supplementation on biomass and nitrogen concentration in a nitrogen-fixing Anabaena sp. cyanobacteria biofertilizer production culture. Proc. of the Western Nutrient Management Conference. March 5-6, 2015; Reno, NV.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Wickham, A.*, and J.G. Davis. 2015. Effect of liquid organic fertilizers and seaweed extract on Daucus carota var. sativus growth characteristics. Proc. of the Western Nutrient Management Conference. March 5-6, 2015; Reno, NV.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Wright, G. C. (2015). Citrus Fertilization Chart for Arizona. CALS Extension Publication #az1671. <a href="http://extension.arizona.edu/pubs/citrus-fertilization-chart-arizona">http://extension.arizona.edu/pubs/citrus-fertilization-chart-arizona</a></p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Wright, G. C. (2015). Evaluation of Nitrogen Fertilization Practices for Surface-Irrigated Lemon Trees &ndash; 2012. Commodity Research Report. <a href="http://extension.arizona.edu/pubs/evaluation-nitrogen-fertilization-practices-surface-irrigated-lemon-trees-2012">http://extension.arizona.edu/pubs/evaluation-nitrogen-fertilization-practices-surface-irrigated-lemon-trees-2012</a></p><br /> <p>Yeo, J.R., Weiland, J.E., Sullivan, D.M., and Bryla, D.R. 2016. Susceptibility of highbush blueberry cultivars to phytophthora root rot. HortScience 51:74-78.</p><br /> <p>Zhu-Barker X., Horwath W.R., Burger M. 2015. Knife-injected anhydrous ammonia increases yield-scaled N<sub>2</sub>O emissions compared to broadcast or band-applied ammonium sulfate in wheat. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 212:148-157.</p>

Impact Statements

  1. The regional Western SARE technology transfer project referenced above will improve technology transfer regarding soil properties and processes to a wide variety of audiences, many of whom may not have been exposed to these concepts before viewing. Since the videos were only recently posted, a view count is not available at this time, but should be in future reports.
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Date of Annual Report: 08/15/2017

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 03/01/2017 - 03/03/2017
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2016 - 09/30/2017


Robert Flynn (rflynn@nmsu.edu);
Robert Miller (rmiller@colostate.edu);
Jim Walworth (Walworth@ag.arizona.edu);
Troy Bauder (troy.bauder@colostate.edu);
Jim Ippolita (jim.ippolito@colostate);
Stephanie Kulesza (steph@idahodairymens.org);
Galen Mooso (galen.mooso@simplot.com);
Alan Blaylock (alan.blaylock@agrium.com);
Terry Tindall (terry.tindall@simplot.com);
Dan Nelson (dan@soiltestlab.com);
John Lawley (john.lawley@usu.edu);
Grant Cardon (grant.cardon@usu.edu);
Jen Moore Kucera (Jennifer.kucera@por.usda.gov);
Eric Bremer (ericbremer@westernag.ca);
Jay Norton (jnorton4@uwyo.edu);
Jonathan Deenik (jdeenik@hawaii.edu);
Bryan Hopkins (Hopkins@byu.edu);
Shannon Andrews (shannon.andrews@oregonstate.edu);
Amber Moore (amberm@uidaho.edu);
Ken Greer (kengreer@westernag.ca);
Nat Dellawalle (ndellauallecdellauallelab.com);
Brent Thyssen (brent@soiltestlab.com);
Jason Ellsworth (jellsworth@wilburellis.com);
John Davenport (jdavenp@wsu.edu)

Brief Summary of Minutes

March 1, 2017

Reno, NV

Introductions and opening remarks: Cindy Smith was introduced as Phyllis’s replacement as IPNI coordination for the conference.

Administrative Update: Rich Koenig was absent so there was no administrative update.

Phyllis Pates gave the treasurer’s report. The registration is similar to past years and may by close to last year at 125-130. Jim W. noted that attendance has been good since moving to Reno. Estimated balance is about $20k. Some discussion around if this was the appropriate balance or if any of this could be used for other investments (e.g., student travel awards, poster board replacement, speakers). The thought was that the appropriate balance might be enough to cover a conference expenses if a storm or other event forced low participation. This topic should be on the agenda for the 2018 meeting.

Many states seeing fewer faculty work in soils and nutrient management and are finding challenges in recruiting students. Lots of retirements and/or people close to retirement. Concern for where new ag workers are coming from is real. Several states revisiting alfalfa credits, especially Utah which is finding the alfalfa credit recommendation is ridiculously low. Emphasis for Wyoming is student numbers as is Colorado State.

Industry: Western Ag 163 PRS probes projects around the world. Using probes in nitrogen bands treat with urease inhibitors. Agrium and Potash Corp are merging this summer. Some industry reduced earnings and losses in 2016. Generally speaking R&D are around ‘biostimulants’ for new product development. Food companies are pushing, even dictating, production practices that are deemed sustainable. Some third-party entities, e.g. field to market, are trying to develop more science-based metrics.  

2017 Conference: Jim Ippolito discussed this year’s conference. The agenda is pretty good. Two slots could be open with speakers Brook Dale and Charlie Sanchez being absent due to family emergency. A new section on “Flash and Dash” fast advertisements for graduate student posters will debut in 2017. Jim stated that the earlier planning is the better for getting speakers. Conversation occurred around the value of the proceedings and recruiting speakers. Many speakers don’t want to submit papers for reasons such as time and how much credit you get for submitting proceedings. The requirements for proceedings should be on the agenda for the 2018 meeting. Since the conference is in a new venue, we should note the benefits and disadvantages of the Silver Legacy compared to the Grand Sierra. Some discussion occurred around how to better advertise, especially with CCA lists. Past registrants are in the database to get notifications. We do advertise in ASA publications. Potentially contact Rebecca Polk in Madison to explore advertising options through the ASA networks.

Crops and Soils News: WERA committee typically contributes four articles per year. Eric Bremer has already written one for the winter 2017 issue; Bryan Hopkins volunteered for June; Bob Miller for September and Jay Norton for winter. Jim Walworth will send them information about style and coordination. Nat Dellavalle mentioned that most Crops and Soils rarely have information that is relevant to California, particularly on explaining the proper way to interpret base saturation on soil test reports. Nate and Jim W. might submit an article on this.

Executive Committee: Eric Bremer volunteered to be the incoming secretary. Olga Walsh will be the vice-chair and Troy Bauder the chair.

Location for 2018: Several options were presented. Decision: 2018 meeting in the central valley of California, specifically Fresno, with Nat Dellavalle as host. March 12 – 15, 2018. Many diverse agricultural tour options in the area.

Website: What do we want on the site – group business, search engine, links to programs? Reports to the project need to be on the site. Phyllis said that since the page is going to the main office in Atlanta, Cindy will have connections to more resources to make upgrades, improvements, etc. Need to get the .pdf’s prior to 2011 to move to IPNI. Currently these are somewhere online at OSU.

Conference venue: Some discussion around moving the conference to another city or location during the week. Ken Greer brought up the Pepper Mill in Reno as an alternate venue. It is less smoky and the casino side is separate. The question was raised as to how big we really want to be and most folks thought we are around the right size. Past evaluations suggest Reno is ok, but smoky, casino environment could be better.

Refund policy: Jim W. asked about our refund policy, particularly after the end of the registration period. Should this be a percentage or after the date of paying for the conference venue. The committee decided that refunds after the venue bills have been paid are not paid.



<p><strong>Accomplishments</strong><strong> by objective</strong></p><br /> <p><em>1)&nbsp; </em>Develop and/or improve nutrient recommendations for diverse cropping systems based on soil, water and plant analysis results and management strategies in the Western Region.</p><br /> <p><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; a. Provide nutrient correlation and calibration data for crops in the region. </em></p><br /> <p><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; b. W</em><em>ork toward uniformity of nutrient use recommendations for similar crop production systems in the region. </em></p><br /> <p><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; c. </em><em>Evaluate and apply new nutrient analytical and interpretive methodologies.</em></p><br /> <p><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; d. </em><em>Evaluate the efficacy of new fertilizers and formulations.</em></p><br /> <p>Individual projects across states dovetail, e.g. nitrogen credits after alfalfa, phosphorus application techniques&hellip;need process to mine big data across states. Pool resources to hire person to write NSF big-data project. For example, Bryan has recently done a meta-analyses on phosphorus studies that showed that many crops are not all that different. Discussion: can any one person in the group have the time to be project leader on such an effort? Topics that perhaps cross all state boundaries might start by focusing on a nutrient such as P, a crop such as alfalfa or a rotation.</p><br /> <p>2)&nbsp; Promote effective use of soil, water, plant, manure and compost analytical information</p><br /> <p><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; a. Integrate analytical test results into nutrient management software </em></p><br /> <p><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; b. </em><em><em>Maintain and update the Western States Soil Plant and Water Reference Methods Testing Manual </em></em></p><br /> <p><em><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; c. </em></em><em><em>Review status of soil/plant/water analysis Extension guides and summarize interpretive guidanced. </em></em></p><br /> <p><em><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; d. </em></em><em><em>Explore method for internet distribution of methods manual, analytical interpretation guides etc. Website would be for clientele outreach.</em></em></p><br /> <p>Had similar idea about the concept in group one. Potentially partnering with ARS with a work group. Develop online system to collect field level data from companies and growers to validate outputs. Also discussed and numerous labs testing soil health parameters. Develop manual standardizing methods, recommendations, interpretation and communication around soil health.</p><br /> <p>So how do we take action on this meta-data concept since it has been discussed many times over the years. Jonathan suggested phosphorus since Bryan Hopkins has already started a meta-analysis on P. Develop working group(s) and seek resources to start with one topic. Perhaps look for NIFA planning grant(s) for this concept. Could be a sabbatical project? We need a better membership list of expertise and topics of interests. Grant Cardon volunteered to develop a survey of our group to develop this list.</p><br /> <p><em><em>3) </em></em>Provide education on the principles of soil-plant-animal-water system management and the tools and practices that lead to sustainable agricultural production</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; a. <em>Facilitate regional education among government agencies, private industry and universities through conferences, websites, extension publications, newsletters, and other appropriate media. </em></p><br /> <p><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; b. Disseminate information within the Western Region to extension educators, private agencies (e.g., Certified Crop Advisors) and other interested parties (e.g., K-12 teachers) through conferences, training the trainer opportunities, and access to published interpretive materials. </em></p><br /> <p><em>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; c. Conduct direct education to agricultural producers through conferences, grower meetings, and published interpretive materials.</em></p><br /> <p>Dellavalle Lab has developed classes to bridge gap between what learned in school and what the job is. Calibration, Saline Sodic Soils and Waters, and other topics. Relationships between soil analysis and fertilizer recs - sufficiency levels, cation ratios, base saturation, others. Consider making webinars and/or recordings for websites. Ask IPNI about hosting webinars. Also talk with NMSU about cost for recording. Website for recordings. Start with the base saturation/cation ratio/etc. Other topics include C:N ratios - materials you apply vs what is in the soil; Nutrient and salt management - particularly with organic amendments; How water moves in soils; Using hardware store test kits - Caitlin Youngquist, Nat Dellavalle - what works and what doesn&rsquo;t (on farm testing);</p><br /> <p>Nutrient Digest - Jay Norton taking over as the editor, will use the guest editor approach.</p><br /> <p>Discussed that we have branding for the WERA 103 logo and should use it when putting out materials, etc. Joan Davenport will check on status of logo and possible next steps.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p>


<p><strong><span style="text-decoration: underline;">ARIZONA</span></strong></p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Journal Articles</span></p><br /> <p>Brown, P. W., Poro, J., &amp; Ebdon, J. S. (2017). Effects of Mowing Height of Cut and Nitrogen on FAO-56 PM Crop Coefficients for Recreational Turf in the Cool-Humid Region. Crop Science, 57:1.</p><br /> <p>Cendrero-Mateo, M. P., Moran, M. S., Papuga, S. A., Thorp, K. R., Alonso, L., Moreno, J., Ponce-Campos, G., Rascher, U, and Wang, G. (2016). Plant chlorophyll fluorescence: active and passive measurements at canopy and leaf scales with different nitrogen treatments. Journal of Experimental Botany, 67(1), 275&ndash;286.</p><br /> <p>Fitzsimmons, K., &amp; da Silva Cerozi, B. (2016). The effect of pH on phosphorus availability and speciation in an aquaponics nutrient solution. Bioresource Technology, 219, 778&ndash;781.</p><br /> <p>Fitzsimmons, K., &amp; da Silva Cerozi, B. (2016). Use of Bacillus spp. to enhance phosphorus availability and serve as a plant growth promoter in aquaponics systems. Scientia Horticulturae, 211, 277&ndash;282.</p><br /> <p>Gebhardt, M., Fehmi, J. S., Rasmussen, C., &amp; Gallery, R. E. (2017). Soil amendments alter plant biomass and soil microbial activity in a semi-desert grassland. Plant and Soil.</p><br /> <p>Ghilishli, Fatemeh, Seydeh Zohreh Mirdeilami, Ezatolla Moradi, and Mohammad Pessarakli. 2016. Effects of Fertilizers on Plant Diversity, Density, and Uniformity in Golestan Rangelands. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 39(10): 1441&ndash;1448. <a href="http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/01904167.2015.1109118">http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/01904167.2015.1109118</a></p><br /> <p>Gleadow, R. M., Ottman, M. J., Kimball, B. A., Wall, G. W., Pinter, Jr, P. J., LaMorte, R. L., &amp; Leavitt, S. W. (2016). Drought-induced changes in nitrogen partitioning between cyanide and nitrate in leaves and stems of sorghum grown at elevated CO<sub>2</sub> are age dependent. Field Crops Research, 185, 97&ndash;102.</p><br /> <p>Haghighi, M., Nikbakht, A., &amp; Pessarakli, M. (2016). Effects of Humic Acid on Remediation of the Nutritional Deficiency of Gerbera in Hydroponic Culture. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 39(5), 12.<a href="http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/01904167.2015.1087560">http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/01904167.2015.1087560</a></p><br /> <p>Haghighi, M., Sheibanirad, A., &amp; Pessarakli, M. (2016). Effects of Selenium as a Beneficial Element on Growth and Photosynthetic Attributes of Greenhouse Cucumber. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 39(10), 6. <a href="http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/01904167.2015.1109116">http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/01904167.2015.1109116</a></p><br /> <p>Haghighi, Maryam and Mohammad Pessarakli. 2016. Copper (Cu) and Zinc (Zn) uptake by celery plants grown on acidic soil amended with biosolids. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 39(5): 655&ndash;665. DOI:10.1080/01904167.2015.1087029. <a href="http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/01904167.2015.1087029">http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/01904167.2015.1087029</a></p><br /> <p>Heerema, R. J., VanLeeuwan, D., Potter, M. T., Sherman, J. D., Comeau, M. J., &amp; Walworth, J. L. (2016). Leaf Photosynthesis of Immature "Wichita" Pecan Trees is Improved by Soil-Application of Zinc-EDTA. Journal of the American Society for Horticultural Science. 142(1):27-35.</p><br /> <p>Hewins, D. B., Sinsabaugh, R. L., Archer, S. R., &amp; Throop, H. L. (2016). Soil-litter mixing and microbial activity mediate decomposition and soil aggregate formation in a sandy shrub-invaded Chihuahuan Desert grassland. Plant Ecology, DOI 10.1007/s11258-017-0703-4.</p><br /> <p>Motamedi, A., Jafarpour, M., Askari-Khorasgani, O., &amp; Pessarakli, M. (2016). Assessing the Potential of Pomegranate Meal and Potato Waste as New Organic Amendments for Vermicompost. Communications in Soil Science &amp; Plant Analysis Journal, 47(15), 11. <a href="http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/00103624.2016.1206924">http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/00103624.2016.1206924</a></p><br /> <p>Saeidnejad, Amir Hossein, Mohammad Kafi, and Mohammad Pessarakli. 2016. Interactive Effects of Salinity Stress and Zn Availability on Physiological Properties, Antioxidants Activity and Micronutrients&rsquo; Content of Wheat (Triticum Aestivum) plants. Communications in Soil Science &amp; Plant Analysis, 47(8): 1048&ndash;1057. <a href="http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/00103624.2016.1165831">http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/00103624.2016.1165831</a></p><br /> <p>Sanchez, C. A., Zerihun, D., Subramani, J., Badaruddin, M., &amp; Bronson, K. (2017). Fertigation uniformity under sprinkler irrigation: evaluation and analysis. Irrigation and Drainage Engineering Systems.</p><br /> <p>Walworth, J. L., Comeau, M. J., &amp; Heerema, R. J. (2016). Soil-Applied ZnEDTA: Vegetative Growth, Nut Production and Nutrient Acquisition of Immature Pecan Trees Grown in an Alkaline, Calcareous Soil. HortScience. 52(2):301&ndash;305.</p><br /> <p>Xu, C., W, Z., J, H., &amp; Van Leeuwen, W. J. (2016). Prediction of Soil Moisture Content and Soil Salt Concentration from Hyperspectral Laboratory and Field Data. Remote Sensing, 8(42).</p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Proceedings</span></p><br /> <p>Heerema, R., &amp; Walworth, J. L. (2016). Soil-Applied Zinc-EDTA: Photosynthesis in "Wichita" Pecan Grown on an Alkaline and Calcareous Soil. In 29th International Horticulture Congress (Vol. Acta Horticulturae). Brisbane Australia: International Society for Horticultural Science.</p><br /> <p>Kacira, M., Jensen, M., Robie, T., Tollefson, S., &amp; Giacomelli, G. A. (2016).&nbsp;Use resources wisely: waste management and organic liquid fertilizer use in greenhouse production system. In&nbsp;<em>III International Symposium on Organic Greenhouse Horticulture</em>.</p><br /> <p>Kroggel, M., &amp; Kubota, C. (2016). Controlled environment strategies for tipburn management in greenhouse strawberry production. In ISHS International Strawberry Symposium. ISHS (Acta Horticulturae).</p><br /> <p>Walworth, J. L. (2016). Soil-Applied Zinc-EDTA: Growth and Nutrient Acquisition of Non-bearing Pecan Grown on an Alkaline and Calcareous Soil. In 29th International Horticulture Congress (Vol. Acta Horticulturae). Brisbane Australia: International Society for Horticultural Science.</p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Extension Publications</span></p><br /> <p>Davenport, J., Flynn, R., &amp; Walworth (2016). The Olsen Test for Phosphorus. New Mexico State University. <a href="https://youtu.be/zAJxcOLExW8">https://youtu.be/zAJxcOLExW8</a></p><br /> <p>Farrell-Poe, K. L., Walworth, J. L., &amp; Pabedinskas, V. (2016). Backyard Composting. In Arizona Master Gardener Manual (p. 11). Arizona Cooperative Extension.</p><br /> <p>Flynn, R. &amp; Walworth, J. L. (2016). Unavailability of Water in Saline Soils. New Mexico State University. <a href="https://youtu.be/zJ_zi53UjF8">https://youtu.be/zJ_zi53UjF8</a></p><br /> <p>Ottman, M. J., Sheedy, M. D., &amp; Ward, R. W. (2016). Late season N application method effect on grain protein, 2016. College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, University of Arizona, Tucson. <a href="http://uacals.org/64d">http://uacals.org/64d</a></p><br /> <p>Walworth, J. L. &amp; Flynn, R. (2016). Understanding the Sodium Adsorption Ratio (SAR). New Mexico State University. <a href="https://youtu.be/83qEk0sH8qo">https://youtu.be/83qEk0sH8qo</a></p><br /> <p>Walworth, J. L. &amp; Flynn, R. (2016). Visualizing Soil Properties: Dispersion and Flocculation. New Mexico State University. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLaJawbMrT0&amp;feature=youtu.be">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tLaJawbMrT0&amp;feature=youtu.be</a></p><br /> <p>Walworth, J. L., &amp; Flynn, R. (2016). Visualizing Soil Properties: Gypsum and Sodic Soils. New Mexico State University. <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NztGRuzgYsA&amp;feature=youtu.be">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NztGRuzgYsA&amp;feature=youtu.be</a></p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>CALIFORNIA</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><br /> <p>Adviento-Borbe, M.A. and B.A. Linquist. (2016) Assessing fertilizer N placement strategies for lower CH4 and N2O emissions in irrigated rice systems. Geoderma 266:40-45.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Baram, S., V. Couvreur, T. Harter, M. Read, P.H. Brown, J.W. Hopmans, and D.R. Smart. 2016. Assessment of orchard N losses to groundwater with a vadose zone monitoring network. Agric. Water Manage. 172:83-95.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Burger, M., V.R. Haden, J. Six and W.R. Horwath. 2016. Stand age affects emissions of N2O in flood-irrigated alfalfa: a comparison of field measurements, DNDC model simulations and IPCC Tier 1 estimates. Nutr. Cycl. Agroecosyst. 106:335-345.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Geisseler, D. and G. Miyao. 2016. Soil testing for P and K has value in nutrient management for annual crops. California Agriculture 70:152-159.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Hartz, T. 2016. California certified crop advisor exam study guide. Available at <a href="http://cacca.org/files/file_gallery/CCA%20study%20guide%20master%20Revised%20June%2015%202016.pdf">http://cacca.org/files/file_gallery/CCA%20study%20guide%20master%20Revised%20June%2015%202016.pdf</a></p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Lagomarsino, A., A.E. Agnelli, B. Linquist, M.A.A. Adviento-Borbe, Agnelli, A., Gavina, G., and M. Ravaglia. (2016). Alternate wetting and drying of rice reduced CH4 but triggered N2O peaks in a clayey soil of central Italy. Pedosphere 26:533-548.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>LaHue, G.T., M.A. Adviento-Borbe, B.A. Linquist, C. van Kessel, and S.J. Fonte. (2016). Residual effects of N fertilization history increase N2O emissions from zero N controls: Implications for estimating fertilizer-induced emission factors. Journal of Environmental Quality 45:1501-1508.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Lazcano, C., A. Tsang, T.A. Doane, G.S. Pettygrove, W.R. Horwath and M. Burger. 2016. Soil nitrous oxide emissions in forage systems fertilized with liquid dairy manure and inorganic fertilizers. Agric., Ecosyst. Environ. 225:160-172.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Saa, S., E. Peach-Fine, P.H.Brown, Themis Michailides, S. Castro, R. Bostock and E. Laca. 2016. Nitrogen increases hull rot and interferes with the hull split phenology in almond (Prunus dulcis). Scientia Horticulturae. 199:41-48</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Smith, R., M. Cahn, T. Hartz, P. Love and B. Farrara. 2016. Nitrogen dynamics of cole crop production: implications for fertility management and environmental protection. HortScience 51:1586-1591.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Ye, R., Espe, M., Linquist, B., Parikh, S.J., Doane, T.A., Horwath, W.R. (2016) A soil carbon proxy to predict CH4 and N2O emissions from rewetted agricultural peatlands. Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 220:64-75.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Conference Proceedings </span></p><br /> <p>24th Annual Fertilizer Research and Education Program Conference Proceedings. California Dept. of Food &amp; Agriculture. October 26-26, 2016. Modesto, CA. 94 pages. https://www.cdfa.ca.gov/is/ffldrs/frep/pdfs/2016_Proceedings_FREP.pdf .</p><br /> <p>California Plant and Soil Conference, 2016 Conference Proceedings, Feb. 2-3, Visalia, CA. 195 pages. California Chapter American Society of Agronomy. http://calasa.ucdavis.edu/files/250178.pdf .</p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Web resources</span></p><br /> <p>FREP Database:</p><br /> <p>The California Department of Food &amp; Agriculture&rsquo;s Fertilizer Research and Education Program (FREP) has created a searchable database of its projects funded since its inception in 1990. http://www.cdfa.ca.gov/is/frep/default.aspx.</p><br /> <p>Additionally, FREP has added additional crop modules to its crop fertilization modules, summarizing crop-specific research on nutrient management. http://apps.cdfa.ca.gov/frep/docs/Guidelines.html .</p><br /> <p>CCA study guide:</p><br /> <p>Tim Hartz created a study guide for aspirants to the California Certified Crop Advisor program</p><br /> <p>http://cacca.org/files/file_gallery/CCAStudyGuideOct15.pdf</p><br /> <p>UC Cooperative Extension Specialist Mark Lundy participated in the creation of a website on nutrient management and water quality issues. http://agwaterstewards.org/index.php/practices/nutrient_management</p><br /> <p>UC Cooperative Extension Farm Advisor Michael Cahn has created a web-based decision tool to aid vegetable and strawberry growers in irrigation and nutrient management. Currently modules for lettuce, broccoli, cabbage, cauliflower, spinach and strawberry are functional. http://ucanr.edu/blogs/CropManage/</p><br /> <p>Powerpoint presentations and other material is available at the UC website developed as part of our CCA nitrogen training program.</p><br /> <p>http://ciwr.ucanr.edu/NitrogenManagement/</p><br /> <p>Lastly, The UC Agricultural Sustainability Institute has created the &lsquo;Solutions Center&rsquo;, a website developed as a clearinghouse for nutrient management information.</p><br /> <p>http://ucanr.edu/sites/Nutrient_Management_Solutions/stateofscience/Nitrogen_management_in_California_agriculture/</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>COLORADO</strong></p><br /> <p>Barminski, R., H. Storteboom, and J.G. Davis. 2016. Development and evaluation of an organically-certifiable growth medium for cyanobacteria. J. Appl. Phycol. 28:2623-2630. DOI 10.1007/s10811-016-0819-2.</p><br /> <p>Barbarick, K.A., J.A. Ippolito, and J. McDaniel. 2016. Path Analysis of grain P, Zn, Cu, Fe, and Ni in a biosolids-amended dryland wheat agroecosystem. J. Environ. Qual. 45:1400-1404.</p><br /> <p>Elzobair, K.A., M.E. Stromberger, and J.A. Ippolito. 2016. Stabilizing effect of biochar on soil extracellular enzymes after a denaturing stress. Chemosphere. 142:114-119.</p><br /> <p>Elzobair, K.A., M.E. Stromberger, J.A. Ippolito, and R.D. Lentz. 2016. Contrasting effects of biochar versus manure on soil microbial communities and enzyme activities in an Aridisol. Chemosphere. 142:145-152.</p><br /> <p>Ippolito, J.A., M.E. Stromberger, R.D. Lentz, and R.S. Dungan. 2016. Hardwood biochar and manure co-application to a calcareous soil. Chemosphere. 142:86-91.</p><br /> <p>Ippolito, J.A., T.F. Ducey, K.B. Cantrell, J.M. Novak, and R.D. Lentz. 2016. Designer, acidic biochar influences calcareous soil characteristics. Chemosphere. 142:184-191.</p><br /> <p>Novak, J.M., J.A. Ippolito, R.D. Lentz, K.A. Spokas, C.H. Bolster, K. Sistani, K.M. Trippe, and M.G. Johnson. 2016. Soil health, crop productivity, microbial transport, and mine spoil response to biochars. Bioenerg. Res. 9:454-464.</p><br /> <p>Toonsiri, P., S.J. Del Grosso, A. Sukor, and J.G. Davis. 2016. Greenhouse gas emissions from solid and liquid organic fertilizers applied to lettuce. J. Environ. Qual. 45:1812-1821. DOI:10.2134/jeq2015.12.0623</p><br /> <p>Tsekeke, A., T. Degefu, E. Wolde-Meskel, and J. Davis. 2016. The effect of pond depth and lining plastic color on nitrogen fixing capacity of cyanobacteria, Anabaena strain E3. African Journal of Biotechnology 15: 1442-1451. DOI: 10.5897/AJB2015.15173.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>HAWAII</strong></p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Journal Publications </span></p><br /> <p>Berek, A.K. and N.V. Hue. 2016. Characterization of biochars and their use as an amendment to acid soils. Soil Science 181(9/10):412-418</p><br /> <p>Hue, N.V and A. Ahmad. 2017. Arsenic reactions and brake fern (Pteris vittata L.) uptake in tropical soils. Plant, Soil and Environment. <em>In Press</em>.</p><br /> <p>Long, M.S., C.M. Litton, C.P. Giardina, J. Deenik, R.J. Cole, and J. Sparks. 2017. Impact of nonnative feral pig removal on soil structure and nutrient availability in Hawaiian tropical montane wet forests. Biol Invasions <em>In Press</em></p><br /> <p>Paudel, C. Chan, J. Halbrendt, S.E. Crow, and G. Norton. 2016. Bioeconomic optimization of conservation agriculture production systems (CAPS) for smallholder tribal farmers in the hill region of Nepal. J. Soil and Water Conser. 71(2):102-117.</p><br /> <p>Quintanolla-Tornel, M.A., K.H. Wang, J. Tavares, and C.R.R. Hooks. 2016. Effects of mulching on above and below ground pests and beneficials in a green onion agroecosystem. Ag Agroecosys Env. 224:75-85.</p><br /> <p>Shuai, X., X. Li, R.S. Yost, and O. Wentworth. 2016. State-Space Estimation of the Intrinsic Soil Phosphorus Pools from the Mehlich-3 Test. Comm. Soil Sci. Plant Anal. 47(8):1058</p><br /> <p>Wang, P., Z. Hu, R.S. Yost, F. Shao, J. Liu, and X. Li. 2016. Assessment of chemical properties of reclaimed subsidence land by the integrated technology using Yellow River sediment in Jining, China. Environmental Earth Sciences 75:1046</p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Extension Publications</span></p><br /> <p>Fukumoto, G.K., M.S. Thorne, J.H. Silva, J. Deenik, and M.H. Stevenson. 2016. Suitability Map for Forage-Finished Beef Production Using GIS Technology: Kauai County. Cooperative Extension Service Publication, CTAHR, PRM-10, pp. 6.</p><br /> <p>Fukumoto, G.K., M.S. Thorne, J.H. Silva, J. Deenik, and M.H. Stevenson. 2016. Suitability Map for Forage-Finished Beef Production Using GIS Technology: Maui County. Cooperative Extension Service Publication, CTAHR, PRM-9, pp. 8.</p><br /> <p>Fukumoto, G.K., J. Deenik, M. Hura, and M. Kostka. 2016. Piggery Impacts to Water Quality of Streams in Pohnpei,Federated States of Micronesia. Cooperative Extension Service Publication, CTAHR, WI-3, pp. 9.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>IDAHO</strong></p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Research</span></p><br /> <p>Walsh O.S., and K. Girma. 2016. Environmentally Smart Nitrogen Performance in Northwestern Great Plains&rsquo; Spring Wheat Production Systems. <em>International Journal of Agriculture.</em> doi:10.1155/2016/8969513.</p><br /> <p>Pishchik V.N., N.I. Vorobyov, O.S. Walsh, V.G. Surin, and Y.V. Khomyakov. 2016. Estimation of Synergistic Effect of Humic Fertilizer and Bacillus Subtilis on Lettuce Plants by Reflectance Measurements. 2016. <em>Journal of Plant Nutrition.</em> doi: 10.1080/01904167.2015.1061551.</p><br /> <p>Samborski S. M., D. Gozdowski, E.S. Dobers, M. Stępień, O.S. Walsh, and E. Leszczyńska. 2016. On-Farm Evaluation of an Active Optical Sensor Performance for Variable Nitrogen Application in Winter Wheat. <em>European Journal of Agronomy</em>. (74):56&ndash;67.</p><br /> <p>Tarkalson, D.D., and Bjorneberg, D.L. 2016. Effect of phosphorus placement methods and rates on sugarbeet production under strip tillage in southern Idaho. Crop, Forage, &amp; Turfgrass Management. Vol. 2. doi:10.2134/cftm2015.0183.</p><br /> <p>Tarkalson, D.D., &nbsp;Bjorneberg, D.L., Moore, A. 2016. Fall and spring tillage effects on sugarbeet production.&nbsp; Journal of Sugar Beet Research.&nbsp; 52:30-38.</p><br /> <p>Tarkalson, D.D., Bjorneberg, D.L., Camp, S., Dean, G., Elison, D., and Foote, P. 2016. Improving nitrogen management in Pacific Northwest sugarbeet production. Journal of Sugar Beet Research. Journal of Sugar Beet Research.&nbsp; 53:14-36.</p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Extension publications</span></p><br /> <p>Brown B. and O.S. Walsh. 2016. Planting Dates in Wheat Production. Bulletin 906. University of Idaho. 10 pp.</p><br /> <p>Walsh O.S. 2016. Recap of the Nitrogen Use Efficiency Conference. CSA News Magazine. 61. pp. 28-29.</p><br /> <p>Walsh O.S. 2016. Unmanned Aerial Imagery and Ground-Based Crop Sensors for Improved Nitrogen Management in Wheat. Crops &amp; Soils. pp. 30-33.</p><br /> <p>Tarkalson, D.D., Bjorneberg, D., Camp, S., Dean, G., Elison, D., and Foote, P. 2016.Improving nitrogen recommendations in Pacific Northwest sugarbeet production.&nbsp; Crops and Soils. 49:4-7.</p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Proceedings and Abstracts</span></p><br /> <p>Walsh O.S., J. R. McClintick-Chess, and S.M. Blanscet. 2016. Evaluation of NZone Max Nitrogen Aid in Corn. <em>Proc. of the ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual meetings</em><em>.</em></p><br /> <p>Walsh O.S., J. Marshall, C. Jackson, J.R. McClintick, S.M. Blanscet, C. Thompson, and K. Swoboda. 2016. UAV - Based Scouting for Precision Nitrogen Management in Wheat. <em>Proc. of the ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual meetings</em><em>.</em></p><br /> <p>Walsh O.S., J.A. Torrion, X. Liang<sup>, </sup>J. R. McClintick-Chess, and S.M. Blanscet. 2016. Sensor-Based Technologies for Improving Water and Nitrogen Use Efficiency. <em>Proc. of the ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual meetings</em><em>.</em></p><br /> <p>Walsh O.S., J. R. McClintick-Chess, and S.M. Blanscet. 2016. Evaluation of Micro Carbon Technology&reg; -Based P Fertilizer, Super Phos&reg; in Spring Wheat. <em>Proc. of the ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual meetings</em><em>.</em></p><br /> <p>Walsh O.S., J. R. McClintick-Chess, and S.M. Blanscet. 2016. Potential of Silicon Amendment for Improved Wheat Production. <em>Proc. of the ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual meetings</em><em>.</em></p><br /> <p>Walsh O.S., J. R. McClintick-Chess, and S.M. Blanscet. 2016. Foliar Application of Agxplore Prevent Phosphorus Aid in Winter Wheat. <em>Proc. of the ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual meetings.</em></p><br /> <p>Walsh O.S., J. R. McClintick-Chess, and S.M. Blanscet. 2016. Evaluation of Seed Coating Treatments in Soft White Winter Wheat. <em>Proc. of the ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual meetings.</em></p><br /> <p>Xi Liang, Olga Walsh, Jessica A Torrion, Hossein Sadeghi and Howard Neibling. 2016. Developing Efficient Deficit Irrigation and Nutrient Management Strategies for Spring Wheat Grown in Southeastern Idaho, USA.<em> Proc. of the ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual meetings.</em></p><br /> <p>Walsh O. S., K. Belmont, J. McClintick-Chess. 2016. Sensor-Based Technologies for Improving Water and Nitrogen Use Efficiency. <em>Proc. International Conference on Precision Agriculture. </em></p><br /> <p>Walsh O. S., K. Belmont, J. McClintick-Chess, J. Marshall, C. Jackson, C. Thompson, and K. Swoboda. 2016. UAV-Based Crop Scouting for Precision Nutrient Management. <em>Proc. International Conference on Precision Agriculture. </em></p><br /> <p>Samborski S. M., D. Gozdowski, O. S. Walsh, D. W. Lamb, M. Stępień, E. S. Gacek, T. Drzazga. 2016. Winter Wheat Genotype Effect on Canopy Reflectance: Implications for Using NDVI for In-Season Nitrogen Topdressing Recommendations. <em>Proc. International Conference on Precision Agriculture. </em></p><br /> <p>Samborski S. M., D. Gozdowski, M. Stępień, O. S. Walsh, E. Leszczyńska. 2016. On-Farm Evaluation of an Active Optical Sensor Performance for Variable Nitrogen Application in Winter Wheat. <em>Proc. International Conference on Precision Agriculture. </em></p><br /> <p>Walsh O.S., J. Marshall, C. Jackson, J.R. McClintick, S.M. Blanscet, C. Thompson, and K. Swoboda. 2016. UAV - Based Scouting for Precision Nitrogen Management in Wheat. <em>Proc. of the Western Crop Science Society Conference. </em></p><br /> <p>Walsh O.S., K.M. Belmont, J.R. McClintick-Chess. 2016. Improving Water and Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Wheat. <em>Proc. Idaho Nutrient Management Conference.</em></p><br /> <p>Tarkalson, D.D., Bjorneberg, D., Hines, S., and Moore, A. Adjusting nitrogen requirements for sugarbeet. 2016. <em>In:</em> A. Moore (ed.) Proceedings of the 2016 Idaho Nutrient Management Conference, Twin Falls, ID, March 10, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>MINNESOTA</strong></p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Publications</span></p><br /> <p>Corn Nitrogen Management Influences Nitrous Oxide Emissions in Drained and Undrained Soils. Fernandez F.G., R.T. Venterea, and K.P. Fabrizzi. Journal of Environmental Quality.</p><br /> <p>Nitrogen Management for Corn Groundwater Quality in Upper Midwest Irrigated Sands. Struffert A.M., J.C. Rubin, F.G. Fernandez, and J.A. Lamb. Journal of Environmental Quality.</p><br /> <p>Maize Yield and Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Upper Midwest Irrigated Sandy Soils. Rubin J.C., Struffert A.M., F.G. Fernandez, and J.A. Lamb. Agronomy Journal.</p><br /> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>MONTANA</strong></p><br /> <p>Anderson E.K., E. Aberle, C. Chen, J. Egenolf, K. Harmoney, V.G. Kakani, R. Kallenbach, M. Khanna, W. Wang, and D.K. Lee. 2016. Impacts of management practices on bioenergy feedstock yield and economic feasibility on conservation reserve program grasslands. GCB Bioenergy.&nbsp; doi: 10.1111/gcbb.12328</p><br /> <p>Huang J.W., R. Keshavarz Afshar, C. Chen. 2016. Lentil response to nitrogen application and rhizobia inoculation. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 47:2458-2464. DOI:10.1080/00103624.2016.1254786. <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00103624.2016.1254786">http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00103624.2016.1254786</a>.</p><br /> <p>Keshavarz Afshar R., Y.A. Mohammed, and C. Chen. 2016. Enhanced efficiency nitrogen fertilizer effect on camelina production under conventional and conservation tillage practices. Industrial Crops and Products. 94: 783&ndash;789. <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2016.09.043">http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2016.09.043</a></p><br /> <p>Mohammed Y.A., C. Chen, and T. Jensen. 2016. Urease and nitrification inhibitors impact on winter wheat fertilizer timing, yield, and protein content. Agron. J. 108:1-8. doi:10.2134/agronj2015.0391.</p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Extension publications</span></p><br /> <p>Jones, C., and K. Olson-Rutz. 2016. Soil Nutrient Management for Canola. EB0224. 12 p. <a href="http://landresources.montana.edu/soilfertility/documents/PDF/pub/CanolaEB0224.pdf">http://landresources.montana.edu/soilfertility/documents/PDF/pub/CanolaEB0224.pdf</a></p><br /> <p>Jones, C., and K. Olson-Rutz. 2016. Plant Nutrition and Soil Fertility. MSU 4449-2. 12 p. Extensive revision. <a href="http://landresources.montana.edu/nm/documents/NM2.pdf">http://landresources.montana.edu/nm/documents/NM2.pdf</a></p><br /> <p>Engel, R., and C. Romero. Nitrogen Recovery from Broadcast Urea is Affected by Application Timing and Agrotain. Editors C.A. Jones K. Olson-Rutz. Fertilizer e-Fact 71. February 2016. MSU Extension. Bozeman MT. 2 p. <a href="http://landresources.montana.edu/FertilizerFacts/">http://landresources.montana.edu/FertilizerFacts/</a>.</p><br /> <p>The Soil Scoop, found at http://landresources.montana.edu/soilfertility/thesoilscoop.html, all are 2 pages.</p><br /> <p>Jones, C., and R. Kurnick. Fertilizer rate calculations.</p><br /> <p>Jones, C., and K. Olson-Rutz. Reducing N fertilizer loss to air.</p><br /> <p>Jones, C., and K. Olson-Rutz. Nitrogen management for grain protein.</p><br /> <p>Jones, C., and K. Olson-Rutz. Nitrogen management for grain yield.</p><br /> <p>Jones, C., and K. Olson-Rutz. Soil fertility for pulse crops.</p><br /> <p>Jones, C., and K. Olson-Rutz. Canola: nitrogen &amp; sulfur.</p><br /> <p>Jones, C., and K. Olson-Rutz. Canola: P, K, and micronutrients.</p><br /> <p>Jones, C., and K. Olson-Rutz. Soil acidification: problems, causes, &amp; testing.</p><br /> <p>Jones, C., and K. Olson-Rutz. Soil acidification: management.</p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Proceedings, Abstracts and presentations</span> (* - presenter)</p><br /> <p>Jones, C.*, P. Miller, M. Housman, S. Tallman, and C. Zabinski. 2016. Cover crop diversity: how important is it for soil quality and the subsequent crop? American Society of Agronomy Annual Conference Abstracts. Phoenix, AZ. Nov 6-9, 2016.</p><br /> <p>Jones, C.*, A. John, S. Ewing, P. Miller, and W.A. Sigler. 2016. Nitrate leaching and economic benefits of pulse crops as fallow replacement on shallow soils in central Montana. Great Plains Soil Fertility Conference Proceedings. Denver, CO. Mar 1-2, 2016. 16: 56-61.</p><br /> <p>Jackson-Smith, D.*, S. Ewing, C. Jones, and W.A. Sigler. 2016. The Road Less Travelled: Assessing the impacts of in-depth farmer and stakeholder participation in nitrate pollution research. Annual Meetings of the Rural Sociological Society. Toronto, Canada. Aug 7-10, 2016.</p><br /> <p>McVay, K.A. 2016. Malt Barley Response to Nitrogen Fertilizer. Southern Agricultural Research Center Field Day, June 28, 2016, Huntley, MT.</p><br /> <p>McVay, K.A. 2016. Effect of Mixed Cover Crop Functional Groups on Barley Yield and Quality. Southern Agricultural Research Center Field Day, June 28, 2016, Huntley, MT.</p><br /> <p>Miller, P.*, R. Engel, J. Holmes, M. Housman, C. Jones, S. Tallman, and C. Zabinski. 2016. Cover crops in Montana &ndash; buying land. Proc. Great Plains Soil Fertility Conf. Denver, CO. Mar 1-2, 2016. 16:89-95.</p><br /> <p>Romero, C., R. Engel, C. Chen, and R. Wallander. 2016. Great Plains Soil Fertility Conference, "Fertilizer15N recovery in semiarid no-till winter wheat", Denver, CO. Mar1-2, 2016. 16:214-221.</p><br /> <p>Sigler, W.A.*, S. Ewing, R. Payn, C. Jones, J. Brookshire, J. Klassen, D. Jackson-Smith, and G. Weissmann. 2016. Connecting soil water to groundwater to streams: understanding controls of nitrate losses from a dryland agricultural landscape in the upper Missouri River watershed. American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting. San Francisco, CA. Dec 12-16, 2016.</p><br /> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>NEW MEXICO</strong></p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Theses:</span></p><br /> <p>Evaluation of Organic Fertilizers on the Growth and Yield of New Mexico Green Chile (<em>Capsicum annuum </em>L.) / by Laura Johnson.</p><br /> <p>Assessment of water table and water quality variations with respect to river flow along the Rio Grande between Garfield and Canutillo, New Mexico / by Benjamin Nana O. Kuffour.</p><br /> <p>Assessment of spatiotemporal groundwater level changes throughout New Mexico / by Spencer E. Willman.</p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Research Publications</span></p><br /> <p>Singh, Sukhbir, Sangamesh V. Angadi, Kulbhushan Grover, Sultan Begna, Dick Auld. 2016. New Drought response and yield formation of spring safflower under different water regimes in the semiarid Southern High Plains. Agriculture Water Management 163:354-362</p><br /> <p>Baath, Gurjinder S.; Manoj K. Shukla; Paul W. Bosland; Robert L. Steiner; Stephanie J. Walker. 2016. Irrigation water salinity influences at various growth stages of <em>Capsicum annuum</em>. Agricultural Water Management. Agricultural Water Management 179:246-253.</p><br /> <p>Harmandeep Sharma, Manoj K. Shukla, Paul W. Bosland, Robert Steiner. 2017. Soil moisture sensor calibration, actual evapotranspiration, and crop coefficients for drip irrigated greenhouse chile. Agricultural Water Management, 179:81-91.</p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Extension Guides</span></p><br /> <p>Guide H-707: Landscape Water Conservation: Principles of Xeriscape, Revised by Bernd Leinauer (Extension Turfgrass Specialist, Dept. of Extension Plant Sciences)</p><br /> <p>Guide M-112: Water Quality for Livestock and Poultry (Revised). Rossana Sallenave (Extension Aquatic Ecology Specialist, Dept. of Extension Animal Sciences and Natural Resources)</p><br /> <p>Guide H-509: Turfgrass Establishment. Revised by Bernd Leinauer (Extension Turfgrass Specialist, Dept. of Extension Plant Sci.)</p><br /> <p>Guide H-110: Backyard Composting. Revised by John Allen (County Program Director, Hidalgo County Extension Office)</p><br /> <p>Guide H-508: Turfgrasses for New Mexico. Bernd Leinauer (Extension Turfgrass Specialist, Dept. of Extension Plant Sciences)</p><br /> <p>Guide H-164: Vermicomposting. Revised by John Allen (County Program Director, Hidalgo County Extension Office)</p><br /> <p>Guide H-258: Field Production of Organic Chile. By Charles Havlik (Senior Research Assistant, Ag. Sci. Center at Los Lunas), Kulbhushan Grover (Associate Professor, Dept. of Extension Plant Sciences), Paul W. Bosland (Regents Professor, Dept. of Plant and Environmental Sciences), and Stephanie J. Walker (Extension Vegetable Specialist, Dept. of Extension Plant Sciences).</p><br /> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>OREGON</strong></p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Research</span></p><br /> <p>Anderson, N.P., T.G. Chastain and C.J. Garbacik.&nbsp; 2016.&nbsp; Enhancing fertilizer efficiency in perennial ryegrass seed crops with urease inhibitors.&nbsp; In N. Anderson, A. Hulting, D. Walenta, M. Flowers, and C. Sullivan (ed.) Seed Production Research. Crop Sci. Ext. Rep. 152:12-14.</p><br /> <p>Barcelos, C., Machado, R.M., Alves-Pereira, I., Ferreira, R., Bryla, D.R. 2016. Effects of substrate type on plant growth and nitrogen and nitrate concentration in spinach. International Journal of Plant Biology. 7:44-47.</p><br /> <p>Bryla, D.R. 2016. A comparison between fertigation and granular fertilizer applications on yield and leaf nitrogen in red raspberry. Acta Horticulturae. 1133:527-531.</p><br /> <p>Bryla, D.R. 2016. Suitable sources of nitrogen and potassium fertilizer for fertigation of northern highbush blueberry. HortScience. 51(9): S329-S330.</p><br /> <p>Dixon, E.K., Strik, B.C., and Bryla, D.R. 2016. Weed management, training, and irrigation practices for organic production of trailing blackberry: II. Soil and plant nutrient concentrations. HortScience 51:36-50.</p><br /> <p>Dixon, E.K., Strik, B.C., and Bryla, D.R. 2016. Weed management, training, and irrigation practices for organic production of trailing blackberry: III. Accumulation and loss of biomass, carbon, and nutrients. HortScience 51:51-66.</p><br /> <p>DuVal, A.S., T.G. Chastain, and C.J. Garbacik. 2016. Effects of applied nitrogen on yellow mustard seed production in the Willamette Valley.&nbsp; In N. Anderson, A. Hulting, D. Walenta, M. Flowers, and C. Sullivan (ed.) Seed Production Research. Crop Sci. Ext. Rep. 152:39-43.</p><br /> <p>Ferguson, B.T., T.G. Chastain, C.J. Garbacik, B.T. Chastain, and D.J. Wysocki. 2016. Spring nitrogen and cultivar affect seed production in winter canola (Brassica napus L.).&nbsp; Agron. J. 108:1124&ndash;1131.</p><br /> <p>Machado, R.M., Bryla, D.R. 2016. Nitrogen requirements at bulb initiation for production of intermediate-day onions. Acta Horticulturae. 1142:67-73.</p><br /> <p>Strik, B.C. 2016. A review of optimal systems for organic production of blueberry and blackberry for fresh and processed markets in the northwestern United States. Scientia Hort. 208:92-103.</p><br /> <p>Strik, B.C., Vance, A., and Bryla, D.R. 2016. Organic production systems research in blueberry and blackberry &ndash; A review of industry driven studies. Acta Horticulturae. 1117:139-148.</p><br /> <p>Yang, F., Bryla, D.R. 2016. Evaporative cooling with sprinklers to reduce heat-related fruit damage in northern highbush blueberry. HortScience. 51(9): S331.</p><br /> <p>Yeo, J., Sullivan, D., Bryla, D.R., Weiland, G.E. 2016. Fighting phytophthora in blueberries. American Fruit Grower. April 2016. <a href="http://www.growingproduce.com/fruits/berries/fighting-phytophthora-in-blueberries/">http://www.growingproduce.com/fruits/berries/fighting-phytophthora-in-blueberries/</a>.</p><br /> <p>Yeo, J.R., Weiland, J.E., Sullivan, D.M., and Bryla, D.R. 2016. Susceptibility of highbush blueberry cultivars to phytophthora root rot. HortScience 51:74-78.</p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Extension publications</span></p><br /> <p>Arispe, S. A., Estill, C., Downing, T. W. (2016). Veterinary Feed Directive: Questions and Answers for Oregon Livestock Producers (EM 9151, pp. 3). OSU EESC. https://catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/search/content/veterinary%20feed</p><br /> <p>Bary, Andy I., Dan M. Sullivan, and Craig George Cogger. 2016. Fertilizing farmland with yard trimmings from landscape maintenance. FS222E. Washington State University Extension Service, Pullman, WA.</p><br /> <p>Brewer, Linda J., Dan M. Sullivan, Pukhraj Deol, Sam D. Angima. 2016. Reducing Lead Hazard in Gardens and Play Areas. EC 1616. Oregon State University Extension Service, Corvallis, OR.</p><br /> <p>Heinrich, Aaron, Alex Stone, Dan M. Sullivan, James Myers, Ed Peachey. 2016. Integrated Clubroot Control Strategies of Brassicas: Nonchemical Control Strategies. EM 9148. Oregon State University Extension Service, Corvallis, OR.</p><br /> <p>Heinrich, Aaron, Dan M. Sullivan, Ed Peachey. 2016. Snap Bean&mdash;Western Oregon, Nutrient Management Guide. EM 9154. Oregon State University Extension Service, Corvallis, OR.</p><br /> <p>Kaiser, C., Horneck, D., Koenig, R., Porter, L., Brewer, L. (2016). Green Pea Nutrient Management Inland Northwest &mdash; east of the Cascades (vol. EM 9140, pp. 4). Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University Extension Service. <a href="https://catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/sites/catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/files/project/pdf/em9140.pdf">https://catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/sites/catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/files/project/pdf/em9140.pdf</a></p><br /> <p>Lutcher, L. K., Sullivan, C., Flowers, M. D., Mundt, C. C., Wysocki, D. J., Rhinhart, K. E. L., Marshall, J. M. (2016). <em>Performance of Hard Red Winter Wheat in Late-Planted Fallow</em>. PNW 645. <a href="https://catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/sites/catalog/files/project/pdf/pnw635_3.pdf">https://catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/sites/catalog/files/project/pdf/pnw635_3.pdf</a></p><br /> <p>Pirelli, G. J., Anderson, N., Craig, A. M., Young, C. A. (2016). <em>Endophyte Toxins in Grass and Other Feed Sources: Risks to Livestock</em>. EM 9156. Oregon State University Extension Service, Corvallis, OR. <a href="https://catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/sites/catalog/files/project/pdf/em9156.pdf">https://catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/sites/catalog/files/project/pdf/em9156.pdf</a></p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Agricultural Experiment Station &amp; Commodity Commission Reports</span></p><br /> <p>N.P. Anderson, T.G. Chastain, and C.J. Garbacik. 2016. Enhancing Fertilizer Efficiency in Perennial Ryegrass Seed Crops with Urease Inhibitors. Oregon State University Department of Crop and Soil Science Seed Research Report. <a href="http://cropandsoil.oregonstate.edu/system/files/u1473/Anderson_urea.pdf">http://cropandsoil.oregonstate.edu/system/files/u1473/Anderson_urea.pdf</a></p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Proceedings/Webinars/Abstracts/Other publications</span></p><br /> <p>Arispe, S. A., Estill, C., Downing, T. W. (2016). <em>Veterinary Feed Directive: Questions and Answers for Oregon Livestock Producers</em> (vol. July/August). Oregon Beef Producer/Oregon Cattlemen's Association.</p><br /> <p>Bohle, M. G., Gerth, W. J., Hulting, A., Sullivan, D. M., Hannaway, D. B., Horneck, D. (2016). <em>Organic Alfalfa Fertility Trials in Central Oregon</em> (pp. 4).</p><br /> <p>Bohle, Mylen G. 2016. <em>Organic Alfalfa Fertility Trials in Central Oregon</em>. Proceedings of the 2016 Idaho Hay Conference Proceedings. 4 pages.</p><br /> <p>Kaiser, Clive. 2016. <em>Effects of three different rates of nitrogen fertilizer on season variations of leaf mineral concentrations of &lsquo;Summerred&rsquo; apple trees in a Nordic Climate</em>. VIII International Symposium on Mineral Nutrition of Fruit Crops, International Society for Horticultural Sciences. October, 2016. Antalya, Turkey.</p><br /> <p>Shewmaker, G., Bohle, M. G., Fransen, S. (2016). <em>Pasture and Grazing Management Extension Programing in Northwestern USA</em> (pp. 589-590). Saskatoon, SK: 10th International Rangeland Congress. <a href="http://2016canada.rangelandcongress.org/">http://2016canada.rangelandcongress.org</a>.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Wilson, Tracy M. 2016. <em>Nitrogen Management for Carrot Seed Production</em>. Presented at ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ. 9 November.</p><br /> <p>Wysocki, Donald J. 2016. <em>Brassica Nutrition: Fine Tuning Your Nutrient Bill. Washington State University Oilseed Workshop</em>. Dayton WA. January 2016. wysockid/present/Dayton Canola 2016-1.pdf.</p><br /> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>UTAH &ndash; Utah State University</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; </strong>No publications to report</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>UTAH &ndash; Brigham Young University</strong></p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Peer Reviewed Journal and Extension Publications: </span></p><br /> <p>Hunter, B., G.E. Cardon, S. Olsen, D.G. Alston and D. McAvoy. 2016. Preliminary screening of the effect of biochar properties and soil incorporation rate on lettuce growth to guide research and educate the public through Extension. J. Agric. Ext. and Rural Devel. Vol.9(1), pp. 1-4, January 2017. DOI: 10.5897/JAERD2016. 0787</p><br /> <p>Maughan, Tiffany, Grant Cardon and Brent Black. 2016. Calculating Fertilizer for Small Areas. USU Extension Publication. Horticulture/Fertilizers/2016-01.</p><br /> <p>Maughan, Tiffany, Grant Cardon and Brent Black. 2016. Calculating Fertilizer for Small Areas &ndash; Excel Workbook. USU Extension Publication. All Current Publications. Paper 1582. http://digitalcommons.usu.edu/extension_curall/1582</p><br /> <p>Thomsen, Esther, Diane Alston, Jennifer Reeve, Grant Cardon and Brent Black. 2016. Improving Organic Peach Orchard Fertility with Nitrogen-Fixing Ground Covers in Capitol Reef National Park: A Case Study. USU Extension Publication. Horticulture/Fruit/2016-04.</p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">In Press:</span></p><br /> <p>Buck, R.L., B.G. Hopkins, B.L. Webb, and V.D. Jolley. 2016. Depth of ion exchange resin capsule placement impacts on estimation of nitrogen, phosphorus, and sulfur bioavailability in semi-arid, low fertility soils. <em>Soil Sci.</em> 181: 216&ndash;221 DOI:10.1097/SS.0000000000000165</p><br /> <p>Buck, R.L., B.L. Webb, V.D. Jolley, B. Roundy, and B.G. Hopkins. 2016. Comparing traditional soil extraction with ion exchange resin capsules for determining sulfur bioavailability in semiarid, low-fertility soils. <em>Soil Sci.</em> 181: 39-43. DOI:10.1097/SS.0000000000000137</p><br /> <p>Jones, C.D., M.R. Stevens, V.D. Jolley, B.G. Hopkins, S.L. Jensen, D. Turner, and J.M. Stettler. 2016. Evaluation of thermal, chemical, and mechanical seed scarification methods for four Great Basin Lupine species. <em>Native Plants Journal.</em> 1: 5-18 DOI:10.3368/npj.17.1.5</p><br /> <p>Katseanes, <a href="http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0301479716304807">C.K.</a>, <a href="http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0301479716304807">M.A. Chappell</a>, <a href="http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0301479716304807">B.G. Hopkins</a>, <a href="http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0301479716304807">B.D. Durham</a>, <a href="http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0301479716304807">C.L. Price</a>, <a href="http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0301479716304807">B.E. Porter</a>, and <a href="http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0301479716304807">L.F. Miller</a>. 2016. Multivariate functions for predicting the sorption of 2,4,6-trinitrotoluene (TNT) and 1,3,5-trinitro-1,3,5-tricyclohexane (RDX) among taxonomically distinct soils. <em>J. Environ. Manage.</em> 182: 101&ndash;110. DOI:org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2016.07.043&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>LeMonte, J.J., V.D. Jolley, J.S. Summerhays, R.E. Terry, and B.G. Hopkins. 2016. Polymer coated urea in turfgrass maintains vigor and mitigates nitrogen&rsquo;s environmental impacts. <em>Plos one </em>11: e0146761. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0146761</p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Conference Proceedings: </span></p><br /> <p>Hopkins, B.G. 2016. Polymer Coated Urea: Mitigating Nitrogen Loss to the Environment. International Nitrogen Initiative Conference. Melbourne, Australia. Dec. 4, 2016. Available at: www.ini2016.com/pdf-papers/INI2016_Hopkins_Bryan.pdf</p><br /> <p>Professional Meetings with Abstracts:</p><br /> <p>Bartholomew, S., J. Buss, N. C. Hansen, and B. G. Hopkins. 2016. Polymer coated urea in Kentucky bluegrass. <em>In </em>Abstracts, 14th Annual Nitrogen Use Efficiency (NUE) Conference; 2016 Aug. 8-10; Boise, ID. Moscow, ID: University of Idaho.</p><br /> <p>Bartholomew, S., K. Russell, N.C. Hansen, and B.G. Hopkins. 2016. Syringing Kentucky bluegrass: frequency impacts canopy temperature and growth. <em>In </em>Abstracts, ASA&bull;CSSA&bull;SSSA International Annual Meetings; 2016 Nov. 6-9; Phoenix, AZ. Madison, WI: ASA-CSA-SSSA.</p><br /> <p>Campbell, C. S., N.C. Hansen, B.G. Hopkins, S.R Evans, L.D. Rivera, D.R. Cobos, and G.S. Campbell. 2016. In situ moisture release curves to determine soil water characteristics. <em>In </em>Abstracts, ASA&bull;CSSA&bull;SSSA International Annual Meetings; 2016 Nov. 6-9; Phoenix, AZ. ASA-CSA-SSSA, Madison, WI.</p><br /> <p>Cooper, R.L., J.D. Williams, and B.G. Hopkins. 2016. Effects of Mosaic Aspire compared with MOP and boron blended fertilizer on alfalfa yield and quality. <em>In </em>Abstracts, ASA&bull;CSSA&bull;SSSA International Annual Meetings; 2016 Nov. 6-9; Phoenix, AZ. Madison, WI: ASA-CSA-SSSA.</p><br /> <p>Evans, S.R., C.S. Campbell, B.G. Hopkins, and N.C. Hansen. 2016. The effects of water use in turfgrass using sensor-driven decisions. <em>In </em>Abstracts, ASA&bull;CSSA&bull;SSSA International Annual Meetings; 2016 Nov. 6-9; Phoenix, AZ. Madison, WI: ASA-CSA-SSSA.</p><br /> <p>Harding, C., J.D. Williams, and B.G. Hopkins. 2016. Comparison of ESN and urea on potato petiole nitrate and yield in southeast Idaho. <em>In </em>Abstracts, ASA&bull;CSSA&bull;SSSA International Annual Meetings; 2016 Nov. 6-9; Phoenix, AZ. Madison, WI: ASA-CSA-SSSA.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>WASHINGTON</strong></p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Research Publications</span></p><br /> <p>Chi, J., S. Waldo, S.Pressley, P. O&rsquo;Keeffe, D. Huggins, C. St&ouml;ckle, W. L. Pan, E. Brook, and B. Lamb. 2016. Assessing carbon and water dynamics of no-till and conventional tillage cropping systems in the inland Pacific Northwest US using the eddy covariance method. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 218&ndash;219 (2016) 37&ndash;49</p><br /> <p>Keller, M., P. M. Shresthra, G. E. Hall, B. R. Bondada, and J. R. Davenport. 2016. Arrested sugar accumulation and altered organic acid metabolism in grape berries affected by the berry shrivel syndrome. AJEV 67: 398 - 406. DOI: 10.5344/ajev.2016.16048</p><br /> <p>Long, D., F. Young, W. Schillinger, C. Reardon, J. Williams, B. Allen, W. Pan, D. Wysocki. 2016. Ongoing development of dryland oilseed production systems in northwestern region of the United States. Bionenergy 9:412-429. DOI 10.1007/s12155-016-9719-1.</p><br /> <p>Maaz, T., W.L. Pan and A.H. Hammac. 2016. Influence of soil nitrogen and water supply on canola nitrogen use efficiency of canola. Agronomy Journal 108: 2099-2109.</p><br /> <p>Pan, W.L. I.J. Madsen, L. Graves, T. Sistrunk, R. Bolton. 2016. Ammonia/ammonium toxicity of root meristems and root hairs as influenced by inorganic and organic fertilizer sources and placement. Agronomy Journal 108: 2485-2492.</p><br /> <p>Pan, W.L., T. M. Maaz, W.A. Hammac, V.A. McCracken, R.T. Koenig. 2016. Mitscherlich-modeled, semi-arid canola nitrogen requirements influenced by soil N and water. Agronomy Journal 108: 884-894.</p><br /> <p>Pan, W.L., FL Young, T.M. Maaz,D. R. Huggins,. 2016. Canola Integration into semi-arid wheat cropping systems of the inland Pacific Northwestern USA. Crop and Pasture Science 67(4) 253-265</p><br /> <p>Waldo, S. J. Chi, S. Pressley, P. O&rsquo;Keeffe, W.L. Pan, E. Brooks, D. Huggins, C. Stockle, and B. Lamb. 2016. Assessing carbon dynamics at high and low rainfall agricultural sites in the inland Pacific Northwest US using the eddy covariance method. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 218&ndash;219 (2016) 25&ndash;36.</p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Extension publications</span></p><br /> <p>Beard, T., K. Sowers, and W. Pan. 2016. Physiology Matters: Adjusting Wheat-based Management Strategies for Oilseed Production (Oilseed Series). FS244E Washington State University Extension.</p><br /> <p>Davenport, J. R. 2016. Soils for producing premium grapes (Video Publication). In Moyer, M.M. and G.A. Hoheisel (eds). Vine to Wine: Successfully Establishing a Vineyard and Winery. WSU Extension Publication OM41. Washington State University. http://pubs.wpdev.cahnrs.wsu.edu/pubs/om41/#soils</p><br /> <p>Davenport, J. R. 2016. Nutrient management for new and existing vineyards (Video Publication). In Moyer, M.M. and G.A. Hoheisel (eds). Vine to Wine: Successfully Establishing a Vineyard and Winery. WSU Extension Publication OM41. Washington State University. <a href="http://pubs.wpdev.cahnrs.wsu.edu/pubs/om41/">http://pubs.wpdev.cahnrs.wsu.edu/pubs/om41/</a></p><br /> <p>Hoheisel, G., Moyer, M.M., Daniels, C.H., Miller, T.W., Walsh, D., Zasada, I., Rayapati, N.A., and Davenport, J.R. (2016). 2016 Pest Management Guide for Grapes in Washington. 2016 Pest Management Guide for Grapes in Washington</p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Published Abstracts, Presentations</span></p><br /> <p>Hammac, W.A., W.L. Pan, R.T. Koenig, A. Fortuna, B.K. Lamb, J.P. Reginald. 2016, Cropping system, agroecological zone, and nitrogen use efficiency effect on greenhouse gas mitigation for biodiesel feedstock production" (MS #1118). AgroEnviron 2016: 10th International Symposium on Agriculture and the Environment - May 23-27, 2016, Purdue University, W. Lafayette, IN.</p><br /> <p>Maaz T.M., D.J. Brown, D. R. Huggins, E. Brooks, J. U.H. Eite, K. A. Sanguinet, Lee A Vierling. and W. L. Pan. 2016. Managing Chlorosis in Waterlogged, Dryland Winter Wheat. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings, Phoenix, AZ.</p><br /> <p>Maaz T.M., W. L. Pan. 2016, Rotational Nitrogen Use Efficiency: Beyond Single Season Estimates. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings, Phoenix, AZ.</p><br /> <p>Maaz T.M., W.L. Pan. 2016. Overwinter Nitrogen Cycling in Winter Canola. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings, Phoenix, AZHammac, W.A., W.L. Pan, R.T. Koenig, A. Fortuna, B.K. Lamb, J.P. Reginald. 2016, Cropping system, agroecological zone, and nitrogen use efficiency effect on greenhouse gas mitigation for biodiesel feedstock production" (MS #1118). AgroEnviron 2016: 10th International Symposium on Agriculture and the Environment - May 23-27, 2016, Purdue University, W. Lafayette, IN.</p><br /> <p>Madsen, I.J. and W.L. Pan. 2016. Canola Seedling Root Damage Caused by Ammonium Fertilizers. <em>In</em>&nbsp;2016 Dryland Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences Tech Report 16-1, WSU, Pullman, WA.</p><br /> <p>McCracken, V. and J. Connolly. 2016. Cropping Systems: Economic Returns to Canola Rotations in Eastern Washington. <em>In</em>&nbsp;2016 Dryland Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences Tech Report 16-1, WSU, Pullman, WA.</p><br /> <p>Pan, W.L., T.M. Maaz, W.A. Hammac, V.A. McCracken, and R.T. Koenig. 2016. Semi-Arid Canola Nitrogen and Water Requirements. <em>In</em>&nbsp;2016 Dryland Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences Tech Report 16-1, WSU, Pullman, WA.</p><br /> <p>Pan, W., M. Reese, T. Beard, I. Madsen, and T. Maaz. 2016. Subsoil Quality: Do our subsoils provide wheat and canola roots with ample water and nutrients during grain filling? <em>In</em>&nbsp;2016 Dryland Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences Tech Report 16-1, WSU, Pullman, WA.</p><br /> <p>Pan, W.L., F.L. Young, T.M. Maaz, and D.R. Huggins. 2016. Canola-Wheat Integration in the Inland Pacific Northwestern U.S. &nbsp;<em>In</em>&nbsp;2016 Dryland Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences Tech Report 16-1, WSU, Pullman, WA.</p><br /> <p>Ramphisa, P.D., Jones, C.A., Davenport, J. 2016. Corn response to conventional versus alternative phosphorus fertilizer sources in five different soils. Poster presented at: &nbsp;Resilience emerging from scarcity and abundance.&nbsp; ASA, CSSA, SSSA Annual Meetings, Phoenix AZ. 6-9 Nov. Poster 478-428.</p><br /> <p>Sowers, K., D. Roe, B. Pan, F. Young, A. Esser, and B. Schillinger. 2016. Extension and outreach: Getting oilseed information in the hands of stakeholders. p. 32-33. <em>In</em> Dryland Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences Tech. Report 16-1, WSU, Pullman, WA.</p><br /> <p>Stacey, N., Davenport, J., Stahnke, G. 2016. Compost as nutrient substitute for golf course fairways.&nbsp; Oral presentation at: Resilience emerging from scarcity and abundance.&nbsp; ASA, CSSA, SSSA Annual Meetings, Phoenix AZ. 6-9 Nov. Oral 198-7.</p><br /> <p>Young, F., L. Port, and W. Pan. 2016. Best Management Practices to Improve Low Rainfall Oilseed Production. <em>In</em>&nbsp;2016 Dryland Field Day Abstracts: Highlights of Research Progress. Dept. of Crop and Soil Sciences Tech Report 16-1, WSU, Pullman, WA.</p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>WYOMING</strong></p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Research Publications</span></p><br /> <p>Okeyo J, J Norton, S Koala, B Waswa, J Kihara, A Bationo. 2016. Impact of reduced tillage and crop residue management on soil properties and crop yields in a long-term trial in western Kenya. Soil Research 54: 719-129. 2016.</p><br /> <p>Aboukila EF, IN Nassar, M Rashad, M Hafez, JB Norton. 2016. Reclamation of calcareous soil and improvement of squash growth using brewers&rsquo; spent grain and compost. Journal of the Saudi Society of Agricultural Sciences 2016.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Lamb JN, KM Moore, J Norton, EC Omondi, R Laker-Ojok, DN Sikuku, DS Ashilenje, J Odera. 2016. A social networks approach for strengthening participation in technology innovation: lessons learnt from the Mount Elgon region of Kenya and Uganda. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 14 (1), 65-81 2016.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Hurisso TT, U Norton, JB Norton, J Odhiambo, SJ Del Grosso, GW Hergert, DJ Lyon. 2016. Dryland soil greenhouse gases and yield-scaled emissions in no-till and organic winter wheat&ndash;fallow systems. Soil Science Society of America Journal 80 (1), 178-192. 2016.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Ghimire R, U Norton, P Bista, AK Obour, JB Norton. 2017. Soil organic matter, greenhouse gases and net global warming potential of irrigated conventional, reduced-tillage and organic cropping systems. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 107: 49&ndash;62. 2016.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Ghimire R, U Norton, P Bista, AK Obour, JB Norton. 2017. Soil organic matter, greenhouse gases and net global warming potential of irrigated conventional, reduced-tillage and organic cropping systems. Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems 107: 49&ndash;62. 2016.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Norton, U., J. Odhiambo, J. Norton. Conservation agriculture practices in smallholder farming of western Kenya: nutrient cycling and greenhouse gas fluxes. In review by co-authors. For submission to Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems. 2017.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Extension Publications, Proceedings, and Other Publications</span></p><br /> <p>Rooney EC, M Badu, J Norton, U Norton, E Creech. 2016. Compost carryover and cover crop effects on soil quality and profitability in dryland wheat. Proceedings of the Great Plains Soil Fertility Conference, March 1-2, 2016, Denver. 2016.&nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Rooney EC, JB Norton. 2016. Cover Crops and Compost Carryover Effects on Phosphorus Cycling in Calcareous Soils. Abstracts, Meeting of the American Society of Agronomy. November 7, 2016, Phoenix. 2016.</p><br /> <p>Norton, JB, and OK Ng&rsquo;etich. 2017. N and P rates for sugarbeet under sprinkler irrigation and conservation tillage. UW Ag Exp. Station Field Days Bulletin.</p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Workshops and Meetings hosted</span></p><br /> <p>3<sup>rd</sup> annual High Plains Organic Farming Conference, February 22-23, 2016, Cheyenne</p><br /> <p>4<sup>th</sup> annual High Plains Organic Farming Conference, February 21-22, 2017, Cheyenne</p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Presentations </span></p><br /> <p>Rooney EC, JB Norton. 2016. Cover Crops and Compost Carryover Effects on Phosphorus Cycling in Calcareous Soils. American Society of Agronomy, November 7, 2016, Pheonix.</p><br /> <p>Rooney EC, M Badu, J Norton, U Norton, E Creech. 2016. Compost carryover and cover crop effects on soil quality and profitability in dryland wheat. Great Plains Soil Fertility Conference, March 1-2, 2016, Denver. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Urszula Norton; Judith Odhiambo; Jay Norton. 2016. Conservation Agriculture Practices in Smallholder Farming of Western Kenya: Nutrient Cycling and Greenhouse Gas Fluxes. Tropentag Conference on Tropical Agriculture, September 21, 2016, Vienna, Austria. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Norton JB, U Norton, D Ashilenje. 2016. Conservation Agriculture in the Mt Elgon Highlands of Kenya and Uganda: Successes and Limitations. Tropentag Conference on Tropical Agriculture, September 21, 2016, Vienna. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Urszula Norton; Prakriti Bista; Rajan Ghimire; Jay Norton. 2016. Greenhouse gas fluxes and global warming potential in three winter wheat systems during drought in eastern Wyoming, USA. International Conference on Agrophysics in Lublin, Poland, 28th September, 2016. &nbsp;&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Urszula Norton; Ada Harris; Susan Schmidt; Jay Norton. 2016. Terrestrial carbon and nitrogen eight years after large scale beetle-caused forest mortality. International Conference on Agrophysics, Lublin, Poland; September 28th, 2016. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Norton JB. 2016. Wyoming soils and their reconstruction following extraction of energy resources. November 7, 2016, Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Institute of Soil Science and Environmental Protection, Wroclaw, Poland. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Norton JB. 2016. Soil Health and Gardening Basics in Wyoming. Wyoming Gardening Conference, April 2, 2016, Riverton. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Norton JB. 2016. Soil health and fertility for home gardens. Laramie Local Foods Conference, April 30, 2016, Laramie. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Norton JB, OK Ngetich, J Vardiman. 2016. Conservation tillage, soil quality, and N and P fertilizer requirements under sprinkler irrigated sugar beet-bean-barley rotations. Mini Field Day, June 21, 2016, Powell Research &amp; Extension Center.</p><br /> <p>Norton JB. 2016. Soil Fertility Options in Organic Dryland Crop Production. 3rd Annual High Plains Organic Farming Conference, February 23-24, 2016, Cheyenne.</p><br /> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><br /> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>&nbsp;</strong></p>

Impact Statements

  1. The conference provides students opportunities to present, and gain experience, especially ahead of the national meetings and thesis defense.
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Date of Annual Report: 04/23/2018

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 03/13/2018 - 03/15/2018
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2017 - 09/30/2018


Robert Flynn (rflynn@nmsu.edu)
Kevin Bronson (Kevin.Bronson@ars.usda.gov)
Robert Miller (rmiller@colostate.edu)
Troy Bauder (troy.bauder@colostate.edu)
Jim Ippolito (jim.ippolito@colostate.edu)
Alan Blaylock (alan.blaylock@agrium.com)
Terry Tindall (terry.tindall@simplot.com)
Eric Bremer (ericbremer@westernag.ca)
Jay Norton (jnorton4@uwyo.edu)
Urzula Norton (unorton@uwyo.edu)
Jonathan Deenik (jdeenik@hawaii.edu)
Dan Sullivan (dan.sullivan@oregonstate.edu)
Amber Moore (amber.moore@oregonstate.edu)
Nat Dellawalle (ndellauallecdellauallelab.com)
Joan Davenport (jdavenp@wsu.edu)
Haiyang Tao ( haiying.tao@wsu.edu)
David Tarkalson (David.Tarkalson@ ars.usda.gov)
Olga Walsh (owalsh@uidaho.edu)
Christopher Rogers (cwrogers@uidaho.edu)
Rob Mikkelson (RMikkelsen@ipni.net)

Brief Summary of Minutes

Executive Committee: Jay Norton volunteered to be the incoming secretary. Eric Bremer will become the vice-chair and Olga Walsh will become the chair at the conclusion of the meeting.

State Reports:   See appendix.

IPNI Conference Support: Rob M. asked whether IPNI is needed to support the conference, if IPNI involvement is meeting the needs of the group, and whether the committee would be willing to take on registration and other tasks associated with conference that IPNI has provided a person to facilitate in previous years. The consensus was that IPNI support is very valuable and that we would be willing on more of the on-site tasks required for the conference

Motion to Make Past WNMC Proceedings Searchable: Past WNMC proceedings to be made searchable by IPNI with monetary support of up to $3000 from WERA 103. Motion was passed.

Crops and Soils Articles: With various co-authors, Roger Ondoua submitted four articles in 2017. Commitments were obtained for articles in all six issues of coming year.

Planning for 2019 Conference

Chair: Jim I. with assistance from David T. and Rob M.

Dates: March 6 (WERA meeting), March 7 and 8 (conference)

Venue: Eldorado in Reno, NV

Proposed Plenary Talks and Sessions (Chair, CCA Focus)

  1. Opening plenary talk on biostimulants (Rob M., CCA)

  2. Biostimulation products and relation to nutrient efficiency (Rob M., CCA)

  3. Rhizosphere and nutrient/drought interactions (Urzula N.)

  4. Specialty crop session, e.g., K and hort crop quality, SE Asian veggies, tree crops, blueberry (Amber M., CCA)

  5. Resilient Ag systems, e.g., nutrients and soil health, air quality, manure legacy, Pacific agroforestry (Jay N. and Kevin B.)

  6. Soil pH and salinity/sodicity management (Bob Miller, CCA)

  7. Managing nutrients and water/fertigation (Terry Tindall, CCA)

  8. Closing plenary talk on yield-based N fertilizer recommendations: pro and con, where useful/used (David T., CCA)

  9. Encourage poster presentations on active sensors and N management

Motion for Conference Exhibitors: delegate to executive plus Rob Mikkelson (as chair) to develop exhibitor policy for the 2019 WNMC meeting.  Motion was passed.

Motion for Proceedings Format: No hard copy proceedings for 2019 WNMC, only online version. Motion was passed.

Motion for Proceeding Papers: Continue to request that presenters provide a paper for the proceedings, but if there is push back, to allow an extended abstract to be submitted. Motion was passed.


<p><strong>Accomplishments by objective</strong></p><br /> <p><em><em>1. Develop and/or improve nutrient recommendations for diverse cropping systems based on soil, water and plant analysis results and management strategies in the Western Region.</em></em></p><br /> <ul><br /> <li><em><em>Provide nutrient correlation and calibration data for crops in the region. </em></em></li><br /> <li><em><em>Work toward uniformity of nutrient use recommendations for similar crop production systems in the region. </em></em></li><br /> <li><em><em>Evaluate and apply new nutrient analytical and interpretive methodologies.</em></em></li><br /> <li><em><em>Evaluate the efficacy of new fertilizers and formulations.</em></em><br /> <ul><br /> <li>Wide-ranging discussion of options to obtain resources for updating multi-state soil nutrient recommendations. Recommendation to focus on corn fertility simply because it is a crop commonly grown in all western states.</li><br /> <li>Sub-committee selected to follow-up with Deanna Osmond (NCSU) and Hailan Zhang (OKState) on obtaining resources for broad regional soil test recalibration (Dan S., Chris R., Haiying T.)</li><br /> </ul><br /> </li><br /> </ul><br /> <p>2.&nbsp;<em>Promote effective use of soil, water, plant, manure, and compost analytical information</em></p><br /> <ul><br /> <li><em><em><em>Integrate analytical test results into nutrient management software </em></em></em></li><br /> <li><em><em>Maintain and update the Western States Soil Plant and Water Reference Methods Testing Manual </em></em></li><br /> <li><em><em>Review status of soil/plant/water analysis Extension guides and summarize interpretive guidance</em></em></li><br /> <li><em><em>Explore method for internet distribution of methods manual, analytical interpretation guides etc. Website would be for clientele outreach.</em></em></li><br /> <li><br /> <ul style="list-style-type: circle;"><br /> <li><em><em>Pro-actively do the following</em></em><br /> <ul><br /> <li><em><em>When making publications and/or presentations, promote use of data to make decisions</em></em></li><br /> <li>When developing programs such as the WNMC, include talks that include the use of data to make decisions</li><br /> <li>Demonstrate effective use of data</li><br /> <li>Point out or demonstrate how people make money by use of the data</li><br /> <li>These data lead to judicious use of nutrients</li><br /> </ul><br /> </li><br /> <li><em>Activities from 2017 that address this objective</em></li><br /> </ul><br /> <ul style="list-style-type: square;"><br /> <ul><br /> <li>2017 Western Nutrient Management Conference&nbsp;</li><br /> <li>Contributions to Crops &amp; Soils Magazine</li><br /> <li><em>Contributions to publications and presentations (see State Reports)</em></li><br /> <li><em><em>Email discussions among WERA-103 members on various subjects (e.g., carbonates)</em></em></li><br /> </ul><br /> </ul><br /> </li><br /> </ul><br /> <p><em><em>3. Provide education on the principles of soil-plant-animal-water system management and the tools and practices that lead to sustainable agricultural production</em></em></p><br /> <ul><br /> <li><em><em>Facilitate regional education among government agencies, private industry and universities through conferences, websites, extension publications, newsletters, and other appropriate media. </em></em></li><br /> </ul><br /> <ul><br /> <li><em><em>Disseminate information within the Western Region to extension educators, private agencies (e.g., Certified Crop Advisors) and other interested parties (e.g., K-12 teachers) through conferences, training the trainer opportunities, and access to published interpretive materials. </em></em></li><br /> </ul><br /> <ul><br /> <li><em>Conduct direct education to agricultural producers through conferences, grower meetings, and published interpretive materials.</em></li><br /> <ul><br /> <li>Increase exposure for the 15 videos produced from Western SARE Grants on western soils <a href="http://westernsoils.nmsu.edu/">http://westernsoils.nmsu.edu/</a></li><br /> <li>IPNI Webinar Series: Rob M. obtained volunteers for monthly webinars over the next year from WERA-103 group</li><br /> <li>Western Nutrient Management YouTube Website - Dave T. will create and share an unlisted video for our review</li><br /> <li>Bob Flynn Excel Spreadsheet for interpreting soil test &ndash; discussion on whether to make available online or developing it as an app</li><br /> <li>Resources for teachers - from webinars, add a descriptive paragraph, how to get the information out: Urzula N. will talk to Ag ed person at U Wyoming and Troy B. will ask the STEM Extension person at CSU.</li><br /> <li>Activities from 2017 that address this objective:</li><br /> <ul><br /> <li>Contributions to Crops &amp; Soils Magazine</li><br /> <li><em>2017 Western Nutrient Management Conference</em></li><br /> </ul><br /> </ul><br /> </ul><br /> <p>&nbsp;<strong>General Accomplishments </strong></p><br /> <ol><br /> <li>Biennial conference (previous: March 2 &amp; 3, 2017, next: March 7 &amp; 8, 2019)<br /> <ol><br /> <li>Attended by about 150 participants in 2017 from all western states, expect as many or more in 2019</li><br /> <li>CCA CEU credits in 2017: Nutrient Management - 5; Soil and Water - 6; Crop management &ndash; 3.5. Approximately 40 topics were offered as oral and poster presentations, similar number for 2019.&nbsp;&nbsp; The credits and information are valued by consulting and extension agronomists (based on conference evaluations and the number of credits requested), who all work with tens of crop producers or more.</li><br /> <li>Approximately 15 students gained experience in presenting research posters and short oral summaries, providing valuable feedback for future presentations at national meetings and thesis defense.</li><br /> <li>Proceedings are available online and often more useful than journal papers for consulting and extension agronomists.</li><br /> <li>Networking among attendees during conference is highly valued</li><br /> </ol><br /> </li><br /> <li>Annual meetings (March 13 to 15, 2018 and being planned for March 6, 2019)<br /> <ol><br /> <li>One-day meeting prior to biennial conference, 2.5 day meetings on alternate year</li><br /> <li>Allows for planning and delivery of biennial conferences, networking, updating of Methods Manual, and collaboration on joint projects (see below)</li><br /> </ol><br /> </li><br /> <li>Western States Methods Manual<br /> <ol><br /> <li>Provided on website and used by labs throughout region</li><br /> <li>Procedures and interpretation of methods included in manual are discussed and updated as appropriate (last published version: 2013)</li><br /> </ol><br /> </li><br /> <li>Articles for Crops and Soils magazine aimed at certified crop advisers, agronomists, and soil scientists<br /> <ol><br /> <li>Four articles provided in 2017, six articles committed for 2018</li><br /> </ol><br /> </li><br /> <li>Video series on soil sampling and interpretation at westernsoils.nmsu.edu<br /> <ol><br /> <li>Developed by members of WERA 103 at NMSU, promoted and used across region</li><br /> </ol><br /> </li><br /> <li>Twelve webinars to be made on range of relevant topics by WERA 103 members in 2018-19 and made available online through IPNI</li><br /> <li>List of multi-state projects currently being conducted by WERA 103 members</li><br /> <ol><br /> <li>Agricultural Laboratory Proficiency (ALP) program. R.Miller.</li><br /> <li>Development of Economically Viable Variable Rate P Application Protocols for Desert Vegetable Production Systems. S.A. Sanchez.</li><br /> <li>Field Evaluation and Demonstration of Controlled Release N Fertilizers in the Western United States. C.A. Sanchez.</li><br /> <li>Improved Assessment of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Fate and Transport for Irrigated Agricultural Watersheds in Semiarid Regions. M. Arabi, R. Bailey, and T. Gates.</li><br /> <li>Precision Nutrient and Water Management across Spatial Variable Landscapes for Enhancing Nutrient and Water Use Efficiencies, Farm Profitability and Environment Sustainability. R. Khosla, R.M.Reich, and L. Longchamps.</li><br /> <li>CropManage Hawaii &ndash; Adaptation of the CropManage online irrigation scheduling decision support tool to Hawaii, Guam and American Samoa vegetable crop lands. J. Deenik, Bateni , and M. Cahn.</li><br /> <li>Optimizing Water and Nitrogen Use for Sustainable Wheat Production (ID and MT). O. S. Walsh, X. Liang, and J.A. Torrion.</li><br /> <li>Cover Crops in the Southwest: Obtaining Ecosystem Services while Minimizing Water Use. USDA/NIFA EPPWS. E. Lehnhoff, S. Sonogo, Idowu, Schutte, Pietrasiak.&nbsp;</li><br /> </ol><br /> </ol>


<p><em>See linked appendix for full list of publications</em></p><br /> <p>Multistate research publications (peer-reviewed)</p><br /> <ol><br /> <li>Barbarick, K.A., J.A. Ippolito, and J. McDaniel. 2017. Meta-analysis of biosolids effect in dryland wheat agroecosystems. J. Environ. Qual. 46:452-460.</li><br /> <li>Bronson, K. F., Hunsaker, D. J., Mon, J., Andrade-Sanchez, P., White, J. W., Conley, M. M., Thorp, K. R., Bautista, E. and Barnes, E. M. (2017). Improving nitrogen fertilizer use efficiency in surface- and overhead sprinkler-irrigated cotton in the desert Southwest. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 81: 1401&ndash;1412.</li><br /> <li>Cowie, A. L., Novak, J., Ippolito, J.A. and Borchard, N. 2017. Biochar research activities and their relation to development and environmental quality. A meta-analysis. Agron. Sustain. Dev. 37:22.</li><br /> <li>Carroll, D.A., II., N.C. Hansen, B.G. Hopkins, and K.C. DeJonge. 2017. Leaf temperature of maize and crop water stress index with variable irrigation and nitrogen supply. Irrig. Sci. 35(6): 549-560.</li><br /> <li>Laird, D.L., J.M. Novak, H.P. Collins, J.A. Ippolito, D.L. Karlen, R.D. Lentz, K. Sistani, K. Spokas, R.S. van Pelt. 2016. Multi-year and multi-location soil quality and crop biomass yield responses to hardwood fast pyrolysis biochar. Geoderma 289:46-53.</li><br /> <li>Wade, J., S.W. Culman, T. T. Hurissoa, R.O. Miller, L. Baker, W.R. Horwath. 2018. Sources of variability that compromise mineralizable carbon as a soil health indicator. Soil Sci. Soc. Am. J. 82:243-252.</li><br /> </ol><br /> <p>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Multistate extension publications</p><br /> <p>Clark, N., Orloff, S., &amp; Ottman, M. (2017). Fertilizing high yielding alfalfa in California and Arizona. Better Crops with Plant Food, 101(4), 21&ndash;23. <a href="http://www.ipni.net/publication/bettercrops.nsf/0/B3D37D5A6F4A11C2852581D00057AA17/$FILE/BC-2017-4%20p21.pdf">http://www.ipni.net/publication/bettercrops.nsf/0/B3D37D5A6F4A11C2852581D00057AA17/$FILE/BC-2017-4%20p21.pdf</a></p>

Impact Statements

  1. Twelve webinars are to be made on a range of relevant topics by WERA 103 members in 2018-19 and made available online through IPNI
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Date of Annual Report: 05/16/2019

Report Information

Annual Meeting Dates: 03/06/2019 - 03/08/2019
Period the Report Covers: 10/01/2018 - 09/30/2019


1. Blaylock, Alan; Alan.Blaylock@Nutrien.com; Nutrien, Denver, Colorado;
2. Bremer, Eric; ericbremer@westernag.ca; Western Ag Innovations Inc. ;
3. Cardon, Grant E.; cardon@usu.edu; Utah State University;
4. Davenport, Joan R.; jdavenp@wsu.edu; Washington State University;
5. Deenik, Jonathan; jdeenik@hawaii.edu; University of Hawaii;
6. Dellavalle, Nat B.; n.dellavalle@dellavallelab.com; Dellavalle Laboratory, Inc;
7. Ellsworth, Jason; jellsworth@wilburellis.com; Wilber-Ellis, Inc.;
8. Fernandez, Fabian G; fabiangf@umn.edu; University of Minnesota;
9. Flynn, Robert P; rflynn@nmsu.edu; New Mexico State University;
10. Geisseler, Daniel; djgeisseler@ucdavis.edu; University of California, Davis;
11. Greer, Ken; kengreer@westernag.ca; Western Ag Innovations Inc.;
12. Hopkins, Bryan; hopkins@byu.edu; Brigham Young University;
13. Ippolito, James; Jim.Ippolito@ColoState.EDU; Colorado State University;
14. Jones, Clain; clainj@montana.edu; Montana State University;
15. Koenig, Richard; richk@wsu.edu; WERA-103 Administrative Advisor, Washington State Univ.;
16. Mikkelson, Rob; rmikkelson@ipni.net; International Plant Nutrition Institute, Atlanta, Georgia;
17. Miller, Robert; rmiller@lamar.colostate.edu; Manure, Compost & USGAPT Proficiency Programs;
18. Moore, Amber D.; amber.moore@oregonstate.edu; Oregon State University;
19. Mooso, Galen; galen.mooso@simplot.com; J.R. Simplot CO;
20. Nelson, Dan; dan@soiltestlab.com; Soiltest Farm Consultants, Inc;
21. Norton, Urszula; unorton@uwyo.edu; University of Wyoming;
22. Norton, Jay B.; jnorton4@uwyo.edu; University of Wyoming;
23. Rogers, Christopher W; cwrogers@uidaho.edu; University of Idaho;
24. Smith, Cindy; csmith@ipni.net; International Plant Nutrition Institute;
25. Sullivan, Dan; dan.sullivan@oregonstate.edu; Oregon State University;
26. Tao, Haiying; haiying.tao@wsu.edu; Washington State University;
27. Tarkalson, David; david.tarkalson@ars.usda.gov; USDA-ARS/Idaho;
28. Walworth, Jim; walworth@ag.arizona.edu; University of Arizona;

See photo of participants in Appendix 1

Brief Summary of Minutes

March 6, 2019, El Dorado Hotel, Reno, NV (see full minutes in Appendix 2)

Executive Committee Election

As of the end of the meeting, executive committee includes:

Eric Bremer, Chair

Jay Norton, Vice-chair

David Tarkalson, Secretary

Update and Discussion of IPNI Closure

IPNI will close at the end of May, 2019. Since IPNI has been handling the WERA-103 bank account, providing logistical support for the Western Nutrient Management Conference (WNMC), which is held every other year (odd-numbered years) by WERA-103, and publishing and housing on-line archives of WNMC proceedings, WERA-103 must identify alternatives for each of these activities as soon as possible. Many possible solutions were discussed and a subcommittee including the executive committee plus Cindy Smith, Jim Ippolito, Joan Davenport, Alan Blaylock, Grant Cardon, and Fabian Hernandez (as SSSA liaison) was formed with the charge of identifying a way to continue the WMNC by the end of 2019. The subcommittee will meet by teleconference on April 26.

Financial Report

Account balance is $20,814 as of 06-Mar-2019. This amount tends to be about how much WERA-103 spends prior to each conference and then brings in from registration. Total attendance held constant at 130 ±2 during the 2013, 2015, and 2017 WNMCs after increasing from 62 in 2009 to 90 in 2011. An urgent aspect of transitioning away from IPNI support is to find an alternative place for WERA-103 funds by the end of May. See full report in Appendix 3.

Contributions to Crops and Soils Magazine

Volunteers to provide ~800-word articles for the bimonthly publication:

  1. May 1: Nat, Gypsum requirements;

  2. June 1: Grant, N requirements following alfalfa;

  3. August 1: Christopher, CaCO3 testing;

  4. October 1: Joan, blueberries;

  5. December 1: Jim W., soil variability in pecan orchards;

  6. 1, 2020: Haiying Tao (Alternate: Jim I.)

2020 WERA-103 Meeting

Will be held in Hawaii. Executive committee will coordinate details with Jonathan Deenik.

Administrative Advisor Report

Rich Koenig reviewed procedures for submitting this annual report and for preparing and submitting the WERA-103 Renewal Proposal by the due date of January 15, 2020. Rich noted that this multi-state project must be renewed every five years based upon a proposal that makes a case for renewal. The Renewal Proposal will be prepared by the executive committee along with Urszula Norton and Amber Moore.

Rich reviewed the structure and procedures of multi-state projects like WERA-103, including submittal of the Appendix E to join and that universities are required to spend a percentage of USDA formula funds on this type of multi-state activity. He noted that there is no difference between WERA projects and multi-state research projects and that states that recognize them differently are mistaken. Extension programs and Ag Experiment Stations both need to invest formula funds in these multi-state extension and research activities.

Webinars Recorded by Rob Mikkelson

Rob is willing to continue recording these webinars and members signed up for each month in 2019. David Tarkalson has set up a YouTube channel and he encourages people to subscribe.


<h1>Accomplishments by Objective</h1><br /> <p><strong>Objective #1:</strong> Develop and/or improve nutrient recommendations for diverse cropping systems based on soil, water and plant analysis results and management strategies in the Western Region.</p><br /> <ul><br /> <li>Multi-State Extension Documents<br /> <ul><br /> <li>Moore, A. D., Pirelli, G. J., Filley, S. J., Fransen, S., Sullivan, D. M., Fery, M. A., &amp; Thompson, T. M. (2019). Nutrient Management for Pastures: Western Oregon and Western Washington (EM 9224, p. 16). Corvallis, OR, Benton: OSU Extension and Experiment Station Communications https://catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/em9224</li><br /> <li>Moore, A. D., Wysocki, D. J., Chastain, T. G., Wilson, T., Duval, A. S. (2019). Nutrient management guide: Camelina (PNW 718, pp. 5). Oregon State University Extension and Experiment Station Communications. https://catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/pnw718</li><br /> <li>Sullivan, D. M., Bary, A. I., &amp; Cogger, C. G. (2018). Worksheet for Calculating Biosolids Application Rates in Agriculture (PNW 511, p. 12). Oregon State University Extension Service. https://catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/pnw511</li><br /> <li>Sullivan, D. M., Bary, A. I., Miller, R. O., &amp; Brewer, L. J. (2018). Interpreting Compost Analyses (EM 9217, p. 10). Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University Extension Service. https://catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/em9217</li><br /> <li>Sullivan, D. M., Cogger, C., Bary, A. I., &amp; Brewer, L. J. (2018). Biosolids in Dryland Cropping Systems PNW 716, p. 11). Corvallis OR: Oregon State University Extension Service. https://catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/pnw716</li><br /> <li>Walsh O.S., D. Tarkalson, A. Moore, G. Dean, D. Elison, J. Stark, O. Neher, and B. Brown. 2019. Southern Idaho Fertilizer Guide: Sugar Beets. CIS 1174. University of Idaho. 15 pp.</li><br /> </ul><br /> </li><br /> </ul><br /> <p><strong>Objective #2:</strong> Promote effective use of soil, water, plant, manure and compost analytical information.</p><br /> <ul><br /> <li>Expansion of the multi-state Agricultural Laboratory Proficiency Program and the growing Manure and Compost Analysis Proficiency programs (Robert Miller, CSU)</li><br /> <li>North American Proficiency Testing (NAPT) Program (with the Soil Science Society of America) continues to be coordinated, supported and utilized by members of WERA-103</li><br /> </ul><br /> <p><strong>Objective #3</strong>: Provide education on the principles of soil-plant-animal-water system management and the tools and practices that lead to sustainable agricultural production</p><br /> <ul><br /> <li>Six articles published in Crops &amp; Soils Magazine with circulation of ~14,500;</li><br /> <li>SARE-funded videos from NMSU with collaboration with UA, OSU, others: 31,299 views in 2018;</li><br /> <li>Ten soil fertility presentations were posted during 2018-19 on WERA-103 YouTube channel; 9 to 160 views as of 4-Mar-2019; 12 more planned for 2019-20;</li><br /> <li>USU Dirt Diggers Digest (<a href="https://extension.usu.edu/dirtdiggersdigest/index">https://extension.usu.edu/dirtdiggersdigest/index</a>): six issues posted in 2018; reaches 10,000 students and educators;</li><br /> <li>2019 Western Nutrient Management Conference (March 7-8, 2019);<br /> <ul><br /> <li>129 attendees (132 in 2017, 130 in 1015);</li><br /> <li>28 oral presentations on biostimulants, specialty crops, pH and salinity, resilient ag systems, rhizosphere and fertigation;</li><br /> <li>Posters and flash-and-dash summaries presented by 15 students;</li><br /> </ul><br /> </li><br /> </ul><br /> <p>CCA CEU credits: 7 credits for Nutrient Management in three sessions.</p>


<h2><strong>Colorado&nbsp;</strong></h2><br /> <p>Askari-Khorasgani, O., Mortazaienezhad, F., Zeinali, H., &amp; Pessarakli, M. (2018). Interactive Effects of Saline Irrigation Water and Genotypes on Nutrient Composition of Chamomile (Matricaria recutita L.). Journal of Plant Nutrition, 41(1), 9.</p><br /> <p>Babaeian, E., Sadeghi, M., Franz, T. E., Jones, S., &amp; Tuller, M. (2018). Mapping Soil Moisture with the OPtical TRApezoid Model (OPTRAM) Based on Long-Term MODIS Observations. Remote Sensing of Environment, 211, 425&ndash;440.</p><br /> <p>Blankinship, J. C., Berhe, A. A., Crow, S. E., Druhan, J. L., Heckman, K. A., Keiluweit, M., Lawrence, C.R., Marin-Spiotta, E., Plante, A.F., Rasmussen, C., Schadel, C., Schimel, J.P., Sierra, C.A., Thompson, A., Wagai, R., Wieder, W. R. (2018). Improving Understanding of Soil Organic Matter Dynamics by Triangulating Theories, Measurements, and Models. Biogeochemistry, 140, 1&ndash;13.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Blankinship, J. C., McCorkle, E. P., Meadows, M. W., &amp; Hart, S. C. (2018). Quantifying the Legacy of Snowmelt Timing on Soil Greenhouse Gas Emissions in a Seasonally Dry Montane Forest. Global Change Biology, 24, 5933&ndash;5947.</p><br /> <p>Blankinship, J., &amp; Schimel, J. (2018). Biotic Versus Abiotic Controls on Bioavailable Soil Organic Carbon. Soil Systems, 2, 10.</p><br /> <p>Bonin, C. L., Fidel, R. B., Banik, C., Laird, D. A., Mitchell, R., &amp; Heaton, E. A. (2018). Perennial Biomass Crop Establishment, Community Characteristics, and Productivity in the Upper US Midwest: Effects of Cropping Systems Seed Mixtures and Biochar Applications. European Journal of Agronomy, 101, 121&ndash;128.</p><br /> <p>Boye, K., Herrmann, A., Schaefer, M., Tfaily, M., &amp; Fendorf, S. (2018). Discerning Microbially Mediated Processes During Redox Transitions in Flooded Soils Using Carbon and Energy Balances. Front. Environ. Sci.</p><br /> <p>Burghelea, C. I., Dontsova, K., Zaharescu, D. G., Maier, R. M., Huxman, T., Amistadi, M. K., Hunt, E., Chorover, J. D. (2018). Trace Element Mobilization during Incipient Bioweathering of Four Rock Types. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 234, 98&ndash;114.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Dai, Z., Su, W., Chen, H., Barberan, A., Zhao, H., Yu, M., Yu, L., Brookes, P.C., Schadt, C.W., Chang, S.X., Xu, J. (2018). Long-Term Nitrogen Fertilization Decreases Bacterial Diversity and Favors the Growth of Actinobacteria and Proteobacteria in Agro-Ecosystems across the Globe. Global Change Biology, 24(8), 3452&ndash;3461.</p><br /> <p>Duncan, C. M., &amp; Brusseau, M. L. (2018). An Assessment of Correlations between Chlorinated VOC Concentrations in Tree Tissue and Groundwater for Phytoscreening Applications. Science of the Total Environment, 616, 875&ndash;880.</p><br /> <p>Fehmi, J. S. (2018). Research note: A Rock Mulch Layer Supported Little Vegetation in an Arid Reclamation Setting. Arid Land Research and Management, 32(2), 253&ndash;256.</p><br /> <p>Frisvold, G. B., Sanchez, C. A., Gollehon, N., Megdal, S. B., &amp; Brown, P. W. (2018). Evaluating Gravity-Flow Irrigation with Lessons from Yuma, Arizona. Sustainability, 10(5), 27.</p><br /> <p>Gholoubi, A., Emami, H., Jones, S. B., &amp; Tuller, M. (2018). A Novel Shortwave Infrared Proximal Sensing Approach to Quantify the Water Stability of Soil Aggregates. Soil Science Society of America Journal, 82(6), 1358&ndash;1366.</p><br /> <p>Hammond, C. M., Root, R. A., Maier, R. A., &amp; Chorover, J. D. (2018). Mechanisms of Arsenic Sequestration by Prosopis Juliflora during the Phytostabilization of Metalliferous Mine Tailings. Environ. Sci. Technol., 52, 1156&ndash;1164.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Harden, J. W., Hugelius, G., Ahlstrom, A., Blankinship, J. C., Bond-Lamberty, B., Lawrence, C. R., Loisel, J., Malhotra, A., Jackson, R.B., Ogle, S., Phillips, C., Ryals, R., Todd‐Brown, K., Vargas, R., Vergara, S.E., Cotrufo, M.F., Keiluweit, M., Heckman, K.A., Susan E. Crow, S.E., Silver, W.L., DeLonge, M., Nave, L. E. (2018). Networking Our Science to Characterize the State, Vulnerabilities, and Management Opportunities of Soil Organic Matter. Global Change Biology, 24, e705&ndash;e718.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Heckman, K., &amp; Rasmussen, C. (2018). Role of Mineralogy and Climate in the Soil Carbon Cycle. In Developments in Soil Science (pp. 93&ndash;110). Elsevier.</p><br /> <p>Homyak, P. M., Blankinship, J. C., Slessarev, E. W., Schaeffer, S. M., Manzoni, S., &amp; Schimel, J. P. (2018). Effects of Altered Dry Season Length and Plant Inputs on Soluble Soil Carbon. Ecology, 99, 2348&ndash;2362.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Hu, E., Sutitarnnontr, P., Tuller, M., &amp; Jones, S. B. (2018). Modeling Moisture and Temperature Dependent Emissions of Carbon Dioxide and Methane from Drying Dairy Cow Manure. Frontiers of Agricultural Science and Engineering, 5(2).</p><br /> <p>Huskey, D. A., Curlango-Rivera, G., Root, R. A., Wen, F. S., Amistadi, M. K., Chorover, J. D., &amp; Hawes, M. C. (2018). Trapping of Lead (Pb) by Corn and Pea Root Border Cells. Plant and Soil, 430, 205&ndash;217.</p><br /> <p>Karimi, I. Y. M., Kurup, S. S., Salem, M. A. M. A., Cheruth, A. J., Purayil, F. T., Subramaniam, S., Pessarakli, M. (2018). Evaluation of Bermuda and Paspalum Grass Types for Urban Landscapes under Saline Water Irrigation. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 41(7), 15, 888&ndash;902.</p><br /> <p>Khan, M. A., Ding, X., Khan, S., Brusseau, M. L., Khan, A., &amp; Nawab, J. (2018). The Influence of Various Organic Amendments on the Bioavailability and Plant Uptake of Cadmium Present In Mine-Degraded Soil. Science of the Total Environment, 636, 810&ndash;817.</p><br /> <p>Marchus, K. A., Blankinship, J. C., &amp; Schimel, J. P. (2018). Environmental Controls on Extracellular Polysaccharide Accumulation in a California Grassland Soil. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 125, 86&ndash;92.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Olshansky, Y., Root, R. A., &amp; Chorover, J. D. (2018). Wet-Dry Cycles Impact DOM Retention in Subsurface Soils. Biogeosciences, 15, 821&ndash;832.</p><br /> <p>Predick, K. I., Archer, S. R., Aguillon, S. M., Keller, D. A., Throop, H. L., &amp; Barnes, P. W. (2018). UV-B Radiation and Shrub Canopy Effects on Surface Litter Decomposition in a Shrub-Invaded Grassland. Journal of Arid Environments, 157, 13&ndash;21.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Rasmussen, C., Heckman, K., Wieder, W. R., Keiluweit, M., Lawrence, C. R., Berhe, A. A., Blankinship, J.C., Hicks Pries, C.E., Marin-Spiotta, E., Plante, A.F., Sch&auml;del, C., Schimel, J.P., Sierra, C.A., Thompson, A., Wagai, R. (2018). Beyond Clay: Towards an Improved Set of Variables for Predicting Soil Organic Matter Content. Biogeochemistry, 137, 297&ndash;306.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Reynolds, L. L., Lajtha, K., Bowden, R. D., Tfaily, M. M., Johnson, B. R., &amp; Bridgham, S. D. (2018). The Path from Litter to Soil: Insights into Soil C Cycling From Long-Term Input Manipulation and High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences, 123(5), 1486&ndash;1497.</p><br /> <p>Sadeghi, M., Babaeian, E., Tuller, M., &amp; Jones, S. B. (2018). Particle Size Effects on Soil Reflectance Explained by an Analytical Radiative Transfer Model. Remote Sensing of Environment, 210, 375&ndash;386.</p><br /> <p>Sanchez-Canete, E. P., Barron-Gafford, G. A., &amp; Chorover, J. D. (2018). A Considerable Fraction of Soil-Respired CO<sub>2</sub> is not Emitted Directly to the Atmosphere. Sci. Rep., 8(13518).&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Schuch, U. K. (2018). Tree Irrigation Requirements in the Semiarid Southwestern United States. HortTechnology, 4(28), 427&ndash;430.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Sederholm, M. R., Schmitz, B. W., Barberan, A., &amp; Pepper, I. L. (2018). Effects of Metam Sodium Fumigation on the Abundance, Activity, and Diversity of Soil Bacterial Communities. Applied Soil Ecology, 124, 27&ndash;33.</p><br /> <p>Shepard, C., Schaap, M. G., Chorover, J. D., &amp; Rasmussen, C. (2018). Understanding Critical Zone Evolution through Predicting the Three-Dimensional Soil Chemical Properties of a Small Forested Catchment. Soil. Sci. Soc. Am. J., 82, 1538&ndash;1550.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Tadayyon, A., Naeimi, M. M., Pessarakli, M. (2018). Effects of Vermicompost and Vermiwash Biofertilizers on Fenugreek (<em>Trigonella</em> <em>foenum</em>) Plant. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis Journal, 49(19), 10:2396&ndash;2405.</p><br /> <p>Tadayyon, A., Pejman, P., Pessarakli, M. (2018). Effects of Drought Stress on Concentration of Macro and Micronutrients in Castor (<em>Ricinus communis</em> L.) Plant. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 41(3), 7:304&ndash;310.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Tavakoli Neko, H., Shirvany, A., Assareh, M. h., Naghavi, M. r., Pessarakli, M., Pourmeidani, A. (2018). Effects of NaCl on Growth, Yield and Ion Concentration of Various Populus Euphratica Oliv. Ecotypes in Iran. Desert, 23(2), 10 (189&ndash;198).</p><br /> <p>Tfaily, M. M., Hess, N. J., Koyama, A., &amp; Evans, R. D. (2018). Elevated [CO<sub>2</sub>] Changes Soil Organic Matter Composition And Substrate Diversity In An Arid Ecosystem. Geoderma, 330, 1&ndash;8.</p><br /> <p>Volkmann, T. H. M., Sengupta, A., Pangle, L. A., Dontsova, K. M., Barron-Gafford, G. A., Harman, C. J., Niu, G.-Y., Meredith, L.K., Abramson, N., Meira Neto, A.A., Wang, Y., Adams, J.R., Breshears, D.D., Bugaj, A., Chorover, J., Cueva, A., DeLong, S.B., Durcik, M., Ferre, T.P.A., Hunt, E.A., Huxman, T.E., Kim, M., Maier, R.M., Monson, R.K., Pelletier, J.D., Pohlmann, M., Rasmussen, C., Ruiz, J., Saleska, S.R., Schaap, M.G., Sibayan, M., Tuller, M., van Haren, J.L.M., Zeng, X., Troch, P. A. (2018). Controlled Experiments of Hillslope Coevolution at the Biosphere 2 Landscape Evolution Observatory: Toward Prediction of Coupled Hydrological, Biogeochemical, and Ecological Changes. <span style="text-decoration: underline;">In</span> Hydrology of Artificial and Controlled Experiments. Rijeka, Croatia.</p><br /> <p>Yao, Q., Li, Z., Song, Y., Wright, S. J., Guo, X., Tringe, S. G., Tfaily, M.M., Pa&scaron;a-Tolić, L., Hazen, T.C., Turner, B.L., Mayes, M.A., Pan, C. (2018). Community Proteogenomics Reveals the Systemic Impact of Phosphorus Availability on Microbial Functions in Tropical Soil. Nature Ecology &amp; Evolution, 2(3), 499&ndash;509.</p><br /> <p>Zhang, X., Johnston, E. R., Barberan, A., Ren, Y. i., Wang, Z., &amp; Han, X. (2018). Effect of Intermediate Disturbance on Soil Microbial Functional Diversity Depends on the Amount of Effective Resources. Environmental Microbiology, 20(10), 3862&ndash;3875.</p><br /> <p><strong>Research</strong></p><br /> <p>Archer, Steven, Fehmi, Jeffrey, Gornish, Elise, Howery, Larry, Lopez Hoffman, Laura, Mcclaran, Mitchel, Ruyle, George, Soto, Jose. Ecology, Management and Restoration of Rangelands, Arizona Ag Experiment Station</p><br /> <p>Archer, Steven. Can Biological Soil Crusts Inhibit Germination or Establishment of Invasive Grasses in Southwestern Rangelands, United States Department of Agriculture&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Barberan, Albert, Maier, Raina, Ogden, Kimberly, Troch, Peter, Neilson, Julia.&nbsp; The Arid Soil Microbiome: Connecting Functional Health to Phylogenetic Diversity, RDI - ASF&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Blankinship, Joseph, Phillips, Mary-Madison, Jones, Julia. Waste Diversion, Water Savings, and Carbon Sequestration via Biochar, University of Arizona Green Fund&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Blankinship, Joseph, Rasmussen, Craig, Fehmi, Jeffrey, Blowers, Paul. Using Biochar to Sequester Soil Carbon and Promote Sustainability in Arizona, RDI Start For Success Program&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Blankinship, Joseph, Thompson, Aaron, Heckman, Katherine, Lawrence, Corey, Crow, Susan, Keiluweit, Marco, Swanston, Christopher. Soil Organic Matter Data Synthesis and Visualization Working Group, USDA AFRI Foundational Program</p><br /> <p>Blankinship, Joseph. An Urgent Need for Improved Understanding of Soil Aggregate Dynamics in Arid Ecosystems, CALS Early Career Faculty Seed Grant</p><br /> <p>Blankinship, Joseph. Launching the Arizona Carbon Project: Soil Organic Carbon Accounting and Sequestration in the Sonoran Desert, CALS Innovation Venture Investment Program&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Blankinship, Joseph. What Lies Below? Improving Quantification and Prediction of Soil Carbon Stability, and Susceptibility to Disturbance, United States Geological Survey&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Brown, Paul, Sanchez, Charles, Brierley, Paul. Quantitative Assessments of Water and Salt Balance for Cropping Systems in Lower Colorado River Irrigation Districts, Yuma County Agricultural Water Coalition&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Brown, Paul, Walworth, James, Papuga, Shirley. Quantifying Variability in Arizona Pecan Water Use, United States Department of Agriculture; Arizona Department of Agriculture</p><br /> <p>Carini, Paul.&nbsp; Adaptive Strategies in a Cosmopolitan and Abundant Soil Bacterium: Genetic Microdiversity or Core Metabolic Flexibility, Joint Genome Institute&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Carini, Paul.&nbsp; Roles of Obligate Oligotrophic Bacteria from Arid Unclaimed Mine Tailings Sites. Center for Environmentally Sustainable Mining</p><br /> <p>Carini, Paul. Genomes, Transcriptomes and Metabolomes of Novel Actinobacteria from Oligotrophic Subsurface Soils, Joint Genome Institute</p><br /> <p>Carini, Paul. Illuminating Subsurface Microbial Dark Matter, University of Arizona College of Agriculture &amp; Life Sciences Early Career Faculty Seed Grant</p><br /> <p>Chorover, Jon, Brusseau, Mark, Maier, Raina. Upscaling Hydrobiogeochemical Mechanisms to Predict Reactive Transport and Site Remediation during Phytostabilization of Mine Tailings, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, NIH&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Chorover, Jonathan, Dontsova, Katerina. Stabilization of Organic Carbon Complexation with Iron Colloids Formed During Biogeochemical Weathering of Basalt, DOE - Environmental Molecular Sciences Laboratory (EMSL)&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Ferre, Paul, Barron-Gafford, Greg, Meixner, Thomas, Niu, Guo-Yue, Pelletier, Jon, Brooks, Paul, Chorover, Jonathan, Breshears, David, Rasmussen, Craig, Troch, Peter, Mcintosh, Jennifer, Schaap, Marcel, Papuga, Shirley, Rich, Virginia, Gallery, Rachel. Transformative Behavior of Energy, Water and Carbon in the Critical Zone II: Interactions between Long- and Short-Term Processes That Control Delivery of Critical Zone Services, National Science Foundation</p><br /> <p>Gallaher, Joanne, Artiola, Janic, Glenn, Edward. Reverse Osmosis Concentrate Management through Halophyte Farming &ndash; Halophyte Farming for the Management of Concentrates from Inland Reverse Osmosis Desalination Facilities, Bureau of Reclamation</p><br /> <p>Gallery, Rachel, Rasmussen, Craig, Fehmi, Jeffrey. Impact of Soil Biotic Community, Low Rainfall, and Amendments on Mineland Revegetation. Rosemont Copper Company&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Gerba, Charles, Bright, Kelly, Ravishanker, Sadhana. Control of Contamination of Organically Grown Foods</p><br /> <p>Gerba, Charles, Daun, Jeniifer&nbsp;&nbsp; Irrigation Sediments as a Reservoir for Pathogens, Arizona Department of Agriculture&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Gerba, Charles, Duan, Jennifer. Development of a Model to Predict the Impact of Sediments on Microbial Irrigation Water Quality, United States Department of Agriculture, Center for Produce Safety&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Lopez, Gerardo, Gerba, Charles, Bright, Kelly, Betancourt, Walter, Rivadeneira, Paula. Cyclospora: Potential Reservoirs and Occurrence in Irrigation Waters, United States Department of Agriculture, Center for Produce Safety&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Mcguire, Luk, Rasmussen, Craig, Youberg, Ann. From Source to Sink: Identifying Hot Spots for Debris Flow Hazards and Soil Carbon Sequestration Following Wildfire, WEES and UA RDI&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Moore, David. Ecosystem Water and Carbon Cycling Across the Semiarid Western U.S., Agricultural Research Service&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Niu, Guo-Yue, Chorover, Jonathan, Troch, Peter, Dontsova, Katerina. Collaborative Research: Coupled Hydrological and Geochemical Process Evolution at the Landscape Evolution Observatory, National Science Foundation</p><br /> <p>Norton, Elbert. Evaluation of Several Fertility and Soil Amendment Treatments, AgroDyne Solutions&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Ottman, Michael, Andrade Sanchez, Pedro. Tools for Nitrogen Management of Wheat (19-01), Arizona Grain Research and Promotion Council&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Ottman, Michael, Frisvold, George, Andrade Sanchez, Pedro, Brierley, Paul. Nitrogen Management and Water Footprint for Arizona Durum Production, Barilla USA</p><br /> <p>Papuga, Shirley, Walworth, James, Brown, Paul. Eddy Covariance System for Quantifying Water Use of AZ Pistachio Orchards, UA Water, Environmental, and Energy Solutions</p><br /> <p>Rock, Channah. Predicting the Quality of Surface Water Used for Irrigation Using Field-collected Hydrological Data, and Remotely-sensed Landscape and Meteorological Data in New York State and Arizona, Center for Produce Safety, Cornell University</p><br /> <p>Sanchez, Charle, Brierley, Paul. Quantitative Assessments of Water and Salt Balance for Cropping Systems in Lower Colorado River Irrigation Districts, Bureau of Reclamation&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Sanchez, Charles, Brierley, Paul. Evaluation of Soil Moisture Sensor Technologies in Desert Vegetable Cropping Systems, Western Growers Association</p><br /> <p>Sanchez, Charles, Brierley, Paul. Evapotranspiration from Desert Iceberg Lettuce Production Systems, Arizona Iceberg Lettuce Research Council</p><br /> <p>Sanchez, Charles, Brierley, Paul. Measuring Evapotranspiration of Desert Durum at Multiple Scales, Arizona Grain Research and Promotion Council&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Sanchez, Charles, Brierley, Paul. Measuring Evapotranspiration of Lemons, Arizona Citrus Research Council</p><br /> <p>Sanchez, Charles, Brierley, Paul. Satellite Measurement of Evapotranspiration (ET) from Desert Iceberg Lettuce Production Systems, Arizona Iceberg Lettuce Research Council&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Sanchez, Charles, Brierley, Paul. Spinach Water and Salt Management, United States Department of Agriculture, Arizona Department of Agriculture&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Sanchez, Charles, Brierley, Paul. Water and Salt Management for Melons, United States Department of Agriculture, Arizona Department of Agriculture</p><br /> <p>Sanchez, Charles. Continued Mitigation of Heavy Metals, United States Department of Agriculture, Arizona Department of Agriculture&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Sanchez, Charles. Efficient Water and Nitrogen Management Practices for Mixed Leafy Baby Green Vegetables in the Desert, California Department of Food and Agriculture&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Sanchez, Charles. Field Evaluation and Demonstration of Controlled Release N Fertilizers in the Western United States, California Department of Food and Agriculture&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Sanchez, Charles. Protocol Field Trials Fertigation Embedded GE/ X Factors in WSF, Everris NA Inc.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Sanchez, Charles. Zinc Nutrition of Desert Vegetables, United States Department of Agriculture, Arizona Department of Agriculture&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Schaap, Marcel. Colloid Mobility in Soils: Fundamental Pore-Scale Mechanisms, Simplifications and Practical Relevance for Risk Analysis, United States Department of Agriculture&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Tfaily, Malak. Illuminating the Pathways to Carbon Liberation: A Systems and Modeling Approach To Resolving the 'Consequential Unknowns' Of Carbon Transformation and Loss from Thawing Permafrost Peatlands, United States Department of Energy, Battelle Memorial Institute</p><br /> <p>Tfaily, Malak. Root Influences on Mobilization and Export of Mineral Bound Soil Organic Matter, United States Department of Energy, University of Massachusetts Amherst&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Tuller, Markus, Andrade Sanchez, Pedro. Novel Approaches to Remote Sensing of Earth Surface Properties and Processes Applicable to Agricultural and Natural Resources Management, CALS Innovation Venture Investment (iViP) Program</p><br /> <p>Tuller, Markus. Collaborative Research: Novel in Situ Measurement and Remote Sensing Techniques for Characterization of Near-Surface Soil Hydrology, National Science Foundation</p><br /> <p>Walworth, James, Sherman, Joshua.&nbsp; Nickel Nutrition of Arizona Pecans, United States Department of Agriculture, Arizona Department of Agriculture</p><br /> <p>Walworth, James. Arizona Pecans: Integrated Fertilizer Management, United States Department of Agriculture, Arizona Department of Agriculture</p><br /> <p>Walworth, James. Improved Nutrient Management for Arizona Pecans, United States Department of Agriculture, Arizona Department of Agriculture</p><br /> <p>Wright, Glenn, Walworth, James, Carriere, Yves, Pryor, Barry, Chorover, Jonathan, Abrell, Leif. Central Date Palm Laboratory Project, Omani Authority for Partnership for Development</p><br /> <h2><strong>HAWAII </strong></h2><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Journal Publications </span></p><br /> <p>Berek, A.K. Berek, Nguyen, N.V., Radovich, T.J.K., and Ahmad, A.A. 2018. Biochars Improve Nutrient Regulation of Highly Weathered Soils. Agronomy Journal: (In Press).</p><br /> <p>Gangaiah, C., Ahmad, A.A., Smith, C.M., and Radovich, T.J.K. 2018. Potassium Release Kinetics from Three Invasive Algae Mixed with Different Media in Leachate Column Studies. Journal of Applied Phycology (JAPH): (In Press)</p><br /> <p>Radovich, T.J.K 2018. Vegetable biology and Classification. In: Handbook of Vegetables and Vegetable Processing, 2nd edition. Wiley-Blackwell, Iowa.</p><br /> <p>Butnan, S., J.L. Deenik, B. Toomsan, and P. Vityakon. 2018. Biochar properties affecting carbon stability in soils contrasting in texture and mineralogy. Agriculture and Natural Resources <a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anres.2018.03.002">https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anres.2018.03.002</a></p><br /> <p>Pawlowski*, M., M.N. Meki, J. Kiniry, andS.E. Crow.2018. Carbon budgets of potential tropical perennial grass cropping scenarios for bioenergy feedstock production on Maui. Carbon Balance and Management13:17. doi:10.1186/s13021-018-0102-8</p><br /> <p>Crow, S.E.,L.M. Deem*, C.A. Sierra, J.M. Wells*. 2018. Belowground carbon dynamics in tropical perennial C4 grass agroecosystems. Frontiers in Environmental Science6: 1-18. doi:10.3389/fenvs.2018.00018</p><br /> <p>Yu, J., L.M. Deem, S.E. Crow, J.L. Deenik, C.R. Penton. 2019. Comparative Metagenomics Reveals Enhanced Nutrient Cycling Potential After Two Years of Biochar Amendment in a Tropical Oxisol. Applied and Environmental Biology (Accepted).</p><br /> <p>Langston, B. and N.K. Lincoln. 2018. The role of breadfruit in biocultural restoration and sustainability in Hawaii. Sustainability 10(11):3956.</p><br /> <p>Ladefoged, T.N, N. Thegn, A. Preston, P.M. Vitousek, O.A. Chadwick, J. Stein, M.W. Graves, and N. Lincoln. 2018. Soil nutrients and pre‐European contact agriculture in the leeward Kohala field system, Island of Hawai&lsquo;i. Archaeology in Oceania 53(1):28-40.</p><br /> <h2><strong>IDAHO</strong></h2><br /> <p>Research</p><br /> <p>Yang, R.,&nbsp; X. Liang, J. A. Torrion, O.S. Walsh, K. O&rsquo;Brien, and Q. Liu. 2018. The Influence of Water and Nitrogen Availability on the Expression of End-Use Quality Parameters of Spring Wheat. <em>Agronomy.</em>&nbsp; 8, 257; doi:10.3390/agronomy8110257.</p><br /> <p>Walsh O.S., S. Shafian, J.M. Marshall, C. Jackson, J.R. McClintick-Chess, S.M. Blanscet, K. Swoboda, C. Thompson, K.M. Belmont, and W.L. Walsh. 2018. Assessment of UAV Based Vegetation Indices for Nitrogen Concentration Estimation in Spring Wheat. <em>Advances in Remote Sensing.</em> Doi:10.4236/ars.2018.72006.</p><br /> <p>Walsh, O.S., S. Shafian, J.R. McClintick-Chess, K.M. Belmont, and S.M. Blanscet. 2018. Potential of Silicon Amendment for Improved Wheat Production. <em>Plants</em>. Special Issue. 7(2), 26; doi:10.3390/plants7020026.</p><br /> <p>Walsh O.S., S. Shafian, and R.J. Christiaens. 2018. Evaluation of Sensor-Based Nitrogen Rates and Sources in Wheat. <em>International Journal of Agronomy. </em>doi:10.1155/2018/5670479.</p><br /> <p>Pishchik V.N., Vorobyev N.I., Ostankova Yu.V.<sub>,</sub> &nbsp;Semenov A.V., Totolian Areg A., Popov A.A., Khomyakov Y.V.<sub>, </sub>Udalova O.R., Shibanov D.V.<sub>,</sub> Vertebny V.E., Dubovitskaya V.I., Sviridova O.V., Walsh O.S., and S. Shafian. 2018. Effect of Combine Use of Bacteria <em>Bacillus subtilis</em> and Humic Preparation on Physiological Characteristics of Tomato Plants. <em>International Journal of Plant and Soil Science.</em> 22(6): 1-12.</p><br /> <p>Rosen, C, N. Sun, N. Olsen, M. Thornton, M. Pavek, L. Knowles and N.R. Knowles. 2018. Impact of agronomic and storage practices on acrylamide in processed potatoes. <em>American Journal of</em> <em>Potato Research</em> 95:319-327.</p><br /> <p>Mahler, Robert L. 2018. Preferred Water Resource Information Sources and Learning opportunities in the Pacific Northwest. 2018. Natural Sciences Education. 47:180014. DOI:10.4195/nse2018.07.0014.</p><br /> <p>Borrelli, Kristy A., G. E. Roesch-McNally, J.D. Wulfhorst, S. D. Eigenbrode, Georgine G. Yorgey, Chad E. Kruger, Laurie L. Houston, Leigh A. Bernacchi and Robert L. Mahler. 2018. Farmers&rsquo; Trust in Sources of Production and Climate Information and their Use of Technology. Journal of Extension, Volume 56, number3, Article 3FEA7.</p><br /> <p>Tarkalson, D., Bjorneberg, D., and Lentz, D. 2018. Effects of manure history and nitrogen fertilizer rates on sugarbeet production in the Northwest US. Crop Management.&nbsp; Online. Crop Management. doi: 10.2134/cftm2017.11.0083.</p><br /> <p>Tarkalson, D.D., and Bjorneberg, D.L. 2018. Static nitrogen management for Northwest U.S. sugar production. Agriculture &amp; Environmental Letters. doi: 10.2134/ael2018.01.0001.</p><br /> <p>Extension publications</p><br /> <p>Rogers C.W., Dari B., and O.S. Walsh. 2019. Best Management Practices for Minimizing Ammonia Volatilization from Fertilizer Nitrogen Applications in Idaho Crops. Bulletin 927. University of Idaho. 10 pp. (In Print)</p><br /> <p>Dari B., Rogers C.W., and O.S. Walsh. 2019. Understanding Factors Controlling Ammonia Volatilization from Fertilizer Nitrogen Applications. Bulletin 926. University of Idaho. 8 pp. (In Print)</p><br /> <p>Walsh O.S., D. Tarkalson, A. Moore, G. Dean, D. Elison, J. Stark, O. Neher, and B. Brown. 2019. Southern Idaho Fertilizer Guide: Sugar Beets. CIS 1174. University of Idaho. 15 pp. (In Print)</p><br /> <p>Walsh O.S., Kathleen M. Painter, Jordan R. McClintick-Chess, and Steven M. Blanscet. 2019. A Grower&rsquo;s Guide to Successful On-Farm Research. Bulletin 914. University of Idaho. 11 pp. (In Print)</p><br /> <p>Walsh, O.S., R. Mahler, and T. Tindall. 2019. Soil Sampling. Bulletin 913. University of Idaho. 7 pp. (In Print)</p><br /> <p>Walsh, O.S., Morishita D., Wenninger, E., Woodhall, J., and S. Shafian. Quick Facts &ndash; Idaho Beans. CIS. University of Idaho. 2 pp. (Accepted)</p><br /> <p>Walsh, O.S. and S. Shafian. Nitrogen Management and Precision Agriculture Adoption in Idaho - Stakeholder Survey Results. BUL. University of Idaho. (Accepted)</p><br /> <p>Proceedings and Abstracts</p><br /> <p>UAV-Based Assessment of Nitrogen Response, Uptake, and Use Efficiency of Spring Wheat Cultivars. Walsh O.S., S. Shafian, J. Marshall, C. Jackson, J.R. McClintick-Chess. 2018. <em>Proc. of the ASA International Annual meetings</em><em>.</em></p><br /> <p>The Influence of Water and Nitrogen Availability on the Expression of End-Use Quality Parameters of Spring Wheat. Yang, R.,&nbsp; X. Liang, J. A. Torrion, O.S. Walsh, K. O&rsquo;Brien, and Q. Liu. 2018.<em> Proc. of the ASA International Annual meetings.</em></p><br /> <p>Walsh O.S., S. Shafian, J.R. McClintick-Chess. 2018. Silicon Amendment in Wheat Production.<em> Proc. Idaho Nutrient Management Conference.</em></p><br /> <p>Walsh O.S., S. Shafian, J. Marshall, J.R. McClintick-Chess. 2018. UAV-Based Vegetation Indices Can Accurately Estimate Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Nitrogen Content.<em> Proc. Idaho Nutrient Management Conference.</em></p><br /> <p>Walsh O.S., S. Shafian, J. Marshall, C. Jackson, J.R. McClintick-Chess. Assessment of Red Edge Based Vegetation Indices Derived from Unmanned Arial Vehicle for Plant Nitrogen Content Estimation. 2018. <em>Proc. International Conference on Precision Agriculture. </em></p><br /> <p>Popular Press/Trade Journals/Magazines</p><br /> <p>Marshall J., K. Schroeder, and O.S. Walsh. 2018. 2017 Idaho Spring Barley Variety Performance Tests and 2015-2017 Yield Summaries. Idaho Grain Magazine. Spring 2018. pp. 23-26.</p><br /> <p>Marshall J., K. Schroeder, and O.S. Walsh. 2018. 2017 Idaho Spring Wheat Variety Performance Tests and 2015-2017 Yield Summaries. Idaho Grain Magazine. Spring 2018. pp. 27-30.</p><br /> <h2>MONTANA</h2><br /> <p><strong>Journal publications</strong></p><br /> <p>Chen, Chengci, Reza Keshavarz Afshar, Bart Stevens, Abdelaziz Nilahyane, Ronald Brown, William Iversen, and Timothy Fine. Finding the right combination &ndash; How beets react to nitrogen inputs under different tillage systems. Sugar Producer, January 2018.22-24.</p><br /> <p>Jackson-Smith, D., S. Ewing, C. Jones, A. Sigler, and A. Armstrong. 2018. The road less traveled: Assessing the impacts of farmer and stakeholder participation in groundwater nitrate pollution research. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation. 73:610-622. doi: 10.2489/jswc.73.6.610</p><br /> <p>Keshavarz Afshar, R., R. Lin, Y.A. Mohammed, <strong>C. Chen</strong>. 2018. Agronomic effects of urease and nitrification inhibitors on ammonia volatilization and nitrogen utilization in a dryland farming system: Field and laboratory investigation. J. Cleaner Production. 172:4130-4139. <a href="http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.01.105">http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2017.01.105</a></p><br /> <p>Miller, P.R., E.C. Glunk, J.A. Holmes, and R.E. Engel. 2018. Pea and barley hay as fallow replacement for dryland wheat. Agron. J. 110: 833-841.</p><br /> <p>Sapkota, A., E. Meccage, R.N. Stougaard, J.P. Tanner, D.M Peterson, and J.A. Torrion (2018). Boron Fertilization of Irrigated Alfalfa in Montana. Crop, Forage &amp; Turfgrass Management, 4(1). doi:10.2134/cftm2017.11.0085</p><br /> <p>Sigler, W.A., S.A. Ewing, C.A. Jones, R.A. Payn, E.N.J. Brookshire, J.K. Klassen, D. Jackson-Smith, and G.S. Weissmann. 2018. Connections among soil, ground, and surface water chemistries characterize nitrogen loss from an agricultural landscape in the upper Missouri River basin. Journal of Hydrology. 556: 247-261. doi: 10.1016/j.jhydrol.2017.10.018</p><br /> <p>Yang, R., C. Liang, J.A. Torrion, O.S. Walsh, K. O&rsquo;Brien, and Q. Liu (2018). The Influence of Water and Nitrogen Availability on the Expression of End-Use Quality Parameters of Spring Wheat. Agronomy, 8(11), 257.&nbsp; https://doi.org/10.3390/agronomy8110257</p><br /> <p><strong>Extension publications</strong></p><br /> <ul><br /> <li>Jones, C., and K. Olson-Rutz. 2018. Minimizing Nitrate Leaching from Cropland. EB0226. MSU Extension. Bozeman, MT. 9 p.</li><br /> </ul><br /> <p>Miller, P., C. Jones, C. Zabinski, and J. Holmes. 2018. Mixed Cover Crop and Nitrogen Rate Effects on Wheat Yield and Protein after 6 Years. Fertilizer eFacts No. 76. MSU Extension, Bozeman, MT. 2 p.</p><br /> <ul><br /> <li>Mohammed, Y.A., and C. Chen. 2018. Micronutrient fertilizer application to increase pea yield and improve nutritional quality. Montana Fertilizer eFacts. No. 77, January 2018. MSU Extension, Montana Agricultural Experiment Station. Bozeman, MT. 2 p.</li><br /> </ul><br /> <p><strong>Proceedings, presentations, and Abstracts </strong>(* - presenter)</p><br /> <p>Chen, C., A, Nilahyane, and R. Keshavarz Afshar. 2018. Nitrogen and water management of sugarbeet under no-till. 2018 ASA and CSSA Meeting. Baltimore, MD. November 04-07,</p><br /> <p>Jones, C., P. Miller, A. Sigler, T. Rick and S. Ewing.&nbsp; 2018. Deep soil nitrate levels following four years of differing N rates and cropping systems. Great Plains Soil Fertility Conference. Denver, CO, March, 2018. 17:222-227.</p><br /> <h2><strong>New Mexico</strong></h2><br /> <p>New Mexico&nbsp; Peanut Production: Revised by Naveen Puppala, Natalie P. Goldberg, Leslie Beck,&nbsp; Soumaila Sanogo, Stephen Thomas, and Calvin Trostle.</p><br /> <p>Circular 586: Irrigated Pasture Management in New Mexico. Revised by L.M. Lauriault, M.A. Marsalis, and M.A. Ward</p><br /> <p>Guide M118: Monitoring Your Well Water. Rossana Sallenave, Kate Zeigler, and Amy Ganguli</p><br /> <p>Small Grain Forages for New Mexico. Circular 630. Mark Marsalis</p><br /> <p>Circular 690: Biochar for Arid and Semi-arid Agricultural Soils by John Idowu (Extension Agronomist, Dept. of Extension Plant Sciences) and Catherine E. Brewer (Assistant Professor, Dept. of Chemical Engineering).</p><br /> <p>Commercial Pumpkin Production for New Mexico. Guide H231 Revised by Stephanie Walker</p><br /> <p>Red Chile and Paprika&nbsp; Production in New Mexico, Revised by Stephanie J. Walker</p><br /> <p>Circular 660: Turfgrass Irrigation. Bernd Leinauer (Extension Turfgrass Specialist, Dept. of Extension Plant Sciences) and Dan Smeal (College Professor [retired], Agricultural Science Center at Farmington).</p><br /> <p>Guide H-320: Raspberries for the Home Garden. Shengrui Yao (Extension Fruit Specialist, Dept. of Extension Plant Sciences)</p><br /> <p>Guide H-325: Blackberry Production in New Mexico. Shengrui Yao.</p><br /> <p>Circular 687: Organic Matter in Farm and Garden Soils. Robert Flynn &amp; John Idowu</p><br /> <p>Webcast. IPNI. Managing High Soil pH issues in the Western U.S. (https://www.youtube.com /watch?v=hrxeoGxJZ1s</p><br /> <p><strong>Research Update</strong></p><br /> <p>Growth-Stage-Based Irrigation Management on Biomass, Yield, and Yield Attributes of Spring Canola in the Southern Great Plains. 2018. Krishna B. Katuwal, Sangamesh V. Angadi, Sukhbir Singh, Youngkoo Cho, Sultan Begna and M. R. Umesh. Crop Science 2018 110: 3: 939-949</p><br /> <p>Canopy Development of Annual Legumes and Forage Sorghum Intercrops and Its Relation to Dry Matter Accumulation. 2018. Murali K. Darapuneni, Sangamesh.V. Angadi, M. R. Umesh, Francisco E. Contreras-Govea, K. Annadurai, Sultan H. Begna, Mark A. Marsalis, N. A. Cole, Prasanna H. Gowda, G. Robert Hagevoort and Leonard M. Lauriault. Agronomy Journal 2018 110:3:939-949</p><br /> <p>Ganjegunte, Ulery, Niu, and Wu. 2018. Organic Carbon, Nutrient and Salt Dynamics in Saline Soil and Switchgrass Irrigated with Treated Municipal Wastewater. Land Degradation &amp; Development. 29(1):80-90.</p><br /> <p>Begna S., S. Angadi, M. Stamm, and A. Mesbah. 2017. Winter canola: a potential dual-purpose crop for the United States southern Great Plains. Agronomy Journal 109:2508-2520. doi:10.2134/agronj2017.02.0093</p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Dissertations</span></p><br /> <p>Singh, Lovepreet. Improving Biomass Productivity of Alfalfa (Medicago Sativa L.) Under Water Limited Environments. 2018.</p><br /> <p>Gioannini, Rachel. Plant Communities Suitable for Green Roofs in Arid Regions. 12/9/2017.</p><br /> <h2><strong>OREGON</strong></h2><br /> <p>Journal</p><br /> <p>Araujo, E., Strawn, D., Morra, M., Moore, A. D., Ferracciu Alleoni, L. (2019). Association between extracted copper and dissolved organic matter in dairy-manure amended soils. Environmental Pollution, 246, 1020-1026. <a href="https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2018.12.070">https://doi.org/10.1016/j.envpol.2018.12.070</a></p><br /> <p>Awale, R., Machado, S., &amp; Rhinhart, K. E. L. (2018). Soil Carbon, Nitrogen, pH, and Crop Yields in Winter Wheat-Spring Pea Systems, 110(4), 1523&ndash;1531. <a href="https://doi.org/10.2134/agronj2017.07.0371">https://doi.org/10.2134/agronj2017.07.0371</a></p><br /> <p>Downing, T. W. (2018). Documenting grass growth and productivity in a grass-based organic dairy in Oregon, 34, 144&ndash;147. The Professional Animal Scientist. Volume 34, Issue 2, April 2018, Pages 144-147</p><br /> <p>Ghimire, R., Machado, S., &amp; Bista, P. (2018). Decline in soil organic carbon and nitrogen limits yield in wheat-fallow systems, 422(1-2), 423&ndash;435. <a href="https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-017-3470-z">https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-017-3470-z</a></p><br /> <p>Kingston, P., Scagel, C., Bryla, D., &amp; Strik, B. C. (2018). Suitability of sphagnum peat moss, coir, and douglas fir bark as soilless substrates for container production of highbush blueberry, HortScience, 52(12): 1692-1699.</p><br /> <p>Lavely, E.K., Zhang, J., Adams, T.S., Bryla, D.R., DeForest, J.L., Marini, R.P., Crassweller, R., and Eissenstat, D.M. 2018. Root and mycorrhizal fungal foraging responses to fruit removal in apple trees.&nbsp; Plant Soil 431:401-416.&nbsp; <a href="https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-018-3773-8">https://doi.org/10.1007/s11104-018-3773-8</a></p><br /> <p>Luna, J., Sullivan, D. M., Garrett, A. M., &amp; Xue, L. (2018). Cover crop nitrogen contribution to organic broccoli production, (2018), 1&ndash;10. <a href="https://doi.org/doi:10.1017/S1742170518000236">https://doi.org/doi:10.1017/S1742170518000236</a></p><br /> <p>McKinney, C., Dungan, R., Moore, A. D., &amp; Leytem, A. (2018). Occurrence and abundance of antibiotic resistance genes in agricultural soil receiving dairy manure. FEMS microbiology ecology 94(3), 1&ndash;10. <a href="https://academic.oup.com/femsec/article/94/3/fiy010/4817531">https://academic.oup.com/femsec/article/94/3/fiy010/4817531</a></p><br /> <h3>Extension</h3><br /> <p>Moore, A. D., Pirelli, G. J., Filley, S. J., Fransen, S., Sullivan, D. M., Fery, M. A., &amp; Thompson, T. M. (2019). Nutrient Management for Pastures: Western Oregon and Western Washington (EM 9224, p. 16). Corvallis, OR, Benton: OSU Extension and Experiment Station Communications <a href="https://catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/em9224">https://catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/em9224</a></p><br /> <p>Moore, A. D., Wysocki, D. J., Chastain, T. G., Wilson, T., Duval, A. S. (2019). <em>Nutrient management guide: Camelina</em> (PNW 718, pp. 5). Oregon State University Extension and Experiment Station Communications. <a href="https://catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/pnw718">https://catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/pnw718</a></p><br /> <p>Sullivan, D. M., Andrews, N., Heinrich, A. L., Peachey, R. E., Brewer, L. J. (2019). Soil nitrate testing for Willamette Valley vegetable production (vol. EM9221, pp. 19). Corvallis OR: Oregon State University Extension Service..<a href="https://catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/em9221%20">https://catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/em9221 </a></p><br /> <p>Sullivan, D. M., Bary, A. I., &amp; Cogger, C. G. (2018). Worksheet for Calculating Biosolids Application Rates in Agriculture (PNW 511, p. 12). Oregon State University Extension Service. <a href="https://catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/pnw511">https://catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/pnw511</a></p><br /> <p>Sullivan, D. M., Bary, A. I., Miller, R. O., &amp; Brewer, L. J. (2018). Interpreting Compost Analyses (EM 9217, p. 10). Corvallis, OR: Oregon State University Extension Service.&nbsp; <a href="https://catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/em9217">https://catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/em9217</a></p><br /> <p>Sullivan, D. M., Cogger, C., Bary, A. I., &amp; Brewer, L. J. (2018). Biosolids in Dryland Cropping Systems PNW 716, p. 11). Corvallis OR: Oregon State University Extension Service. <a href="https://catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/pnw716">https://catalog.extension.oregonstate.edu/pnw716</a></p><br /> <p>&nbsp;<strong>Proceedings/Webinars/Abstracts/Other publications</strong></p><br /> <p>Anderson, N. P., Chastain, T. G., Moore, A. D., &amp; Garbacik, C. J. (2018). . Spring-Applied Nitrogen and Plant Growth Regulator Effects on Orchardgrass Seed Yield (pp. 12&ndash;14). Corvallis, Oregon: 2017 Seed Production Research Report at Oregon State University. <a href="https://cropandsoil.oregonstate.edu/sites/agscid7/files/2017_seed_anderson_n_pgrs_og.pdf">https://cropandsoil.oregonstate.edu/sites/agscid7/files/2017_seed_anderson_n_pgrs_og.pdf</a></p><br /> <p>Ates, S., Cicek, H., Gultekin, I., Yigezu, Y., Keser, M., &amp; Filley, S. J. (2018). Bio-economic analysis of dual-purpose management of winter cereals in high and low input production systems, <em>227</em>, 56&ndash;66. <a href="https://doi.org/https:/doi.org/10.1016/j.fcr.2018.08.003">https://doi.org/https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fcr.2018.08.003</a></p><br /> <p>Awale, R., Machado, S., &amp; Rhinhart, K. E. L. (2018). Soil Carbon, Nitrogen, pH, and Crop Yields in Winter Wheat-Spring Pea Systems, <em>110</em>(4), 1523&ndash;1531. <a href="https://doi.org/10.2134/agronj2017.07.0371">https://doi.org/10.2134/agronj2017.07.0371</a></p><br /> <p>Bryla, D., Orr, S., and Leon, D. 2018. Potassium fertigation and organic acids: improving soil and plant nutrition in highbush blueberry. The Fluid Journal 26:8-14. <a href="http://fluidjournal.org/all2017/Su17-A1.pdf">http://fluidjournal.org/all2017/Su17-A1.pdf</a></p><br /> <p>Filley, S. J., Wang, G., Hall, J., Pirelli, G. J., Bohle, M. G., Ates, S., &amp; Davis, T. Z. (2018). Selenium and fertiliser application schemes in hay fields. In Sustainable meat and milk production from grasslands (Vol. 23, pp. 185&ndash;187). Grassland Science in Europe.<a href="http://www.europeangrassland.org/printed-matter/proceedings.html">http://www.europeangrassland.org/printed-matter/proceedings.html</a>.</p><br /> <p>Moore, A. D., Chastain, T. G., Wysocki, D. J., Wilson, T., &amp; Duval, A. S. (2018). Camelina: A Nutrient Management Guide for Oregon, Washington, and Idaho., (Poster #1004). <a href="https://scisoc.confex.com/scisoc/2018am/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/111570">https://scisoc.confex.com/scisoc/2018am/meetingapp.cgi/Paper/111570</a></p><br /> <p>Moore, A. D., Rogers, C., Leytem, A., Marshall, J., Agronomy Society of America Meeting, "Wheat Grain Yield, Grain Protein, and Bread Quality Response to Repeated Dairy Manure Applications." Baltimore, MD.</p><br /> <p>Parke, J. L., Mallory-Smith, C. A., Dragila, M. I., Hill, B., Wada, N., Weidman, C.Buckland, K. (2018). Soil solarization &ndash; a potential tool for organic growers to manage weeds and improve soil health, p.12&ndash;18. In; Organic Farmer <a href="https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/fullscreen/62280511/organic-farmer-dec-jan-2019">https://www.yumpu.com/en/document/fullscreen/62280511/organic-farmer-dec-jan-2019</a></p><br /> <p>Qin, R., Anderson, N. P., Walenta, D. L., Lukas, S. B., 2018 ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, "Effects of Trinexapac-ethyl Plant Growth Regulator and Nitrogen on Kentucky Bluegrass Seed Production in the Columbia Basin," Baltimore, Maryland.</p><br /> <h2><strong>&nbsp;UTAH</strong></h2><br /> <p><em>Refereed Journal Publications - In Press:</em></p><br /> <p>Hopkins, B.G., K.J. Fernelius, N.C. Hansen, and D. L. Eggett. 2018. A response to the letter to the editor from Chien et al. (Comments on &ldquo;AVAIL phosphorus fertilizer enhancer: Meta-analysis of 503 field evaluations&rdquo; by B.G. Hopkins et al.) <em>Agron. J.</em> 110(4):1627-1630. DOI:&nbsp; 10.2134/agronj2018.03.0161</p><br /> <p>Hopkins, B.G., K.J. Fernelius, N.C. Hansen, and D.L. Eggett. 2018. AVAIL phosphorus fertilizer enhancer: Meta-analysis of 503 field evaluations. <em>Agron. J. </em>110: 389-398.</p><br /> <p>LeMonte, J.J., V.D. Jolley, T.M. Story, and B.G. Hopkins. 2018. Assessing atmospheric nitrogen losses with photoacoustic infrared spectroscopy: Polymer coated urea. <em>PLOS ONE</em>. 13(9): e0204090. DOI:org/10.1371/journal.pone.0204090</p><br /> <p><em>Professional Meetings with Abstracts:</em></p><br /> <p>Cole, D.L., A. Tyler, A. Lambert, S.V. Nelson, T. Billin and B.G. Hopkins. 2018. A new hydroponic system for testing mineral nutrient deficiencies in plants. &nbsp;In Abstracts, ASA&bull;CSSA International Annu. Meet.; 4-7 Nov 2018; Baltimore, MD. Madison, WI: ASA&bull;CSSA.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Hopkins, B.G. and T.J. Hopkins. 2018. Enhanced efficiency fertilizers in turfgrass: A review. In Abstracts, ASA&bull;CSSA International Annu. Meet.; 4-7 Nov 2018; Baltimore, MD. Madison, WI: ASA&bull;CSSA.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Hopkins, B.G. and T.J. Hopkins. 2018. Enhanced efficiency nitrogen fertilizers: Review. In Abstracts, ASA&bull;CSSA International Annu. Meet.; 4-7 Nov 2018; Baltimore, MD. Madison, WI: ASA&bull;CSSA.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Hopkins, B.G. and T.J. Hopkins. 2018. Enhanced efficiency phosphorus fertilizers: Review. In Abstracts, ASA&bull;CSSA International Annu. Meet.; 4-7 Nov 2018; Baltimore, MD. Madison, WI: ASA&bull;CSSA.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Hopkins, A.P., N.C. Hansen, B.G. Hopkins, and C.S. Campbell. 2018. &nbsp;Remote Sensing Approaches to Improve Water and Nitrogen Management of Kentucky Bluegrass. In Abstracts, ASA&bull;CSSA International Annu. Meet.; 4-7 Nov 2018; Baltimore, MD. Madison, WI: ASA&bull;CSSA.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Parkinson, M.E., M.D. Madsen, and B.G. Hopkins. &nbsp;2018. Use of phosphorus fertilizer as a seed coating enhance seedling growth of bluebunch wheatgrass. &nbsp;. &nbsp;<em>In</em> Abstracts, <em>Proc. of the 71st Society for Range Management (SRM) Annual Meeting</em>; 28 Jan.- 2 Feb. 2018; Sparks, NV. Littleton, CO: Society for Range Management.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Valencia, M.C., S.V. Nelson, R. Lawrence, N.C. Hansen, M.D. Madsen, V. Anderson, S.L. Petersen and B.G. Hopkins. 2018. Phosphorus fertilizer and hydrogel for rangeland seedling success. In Abstracts, ASA&bull;CSSA International Annu. Meet.; 4-7 Nov 2018; Baltimore, MD. Madison, WI: ASA&bull;CSSA.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Weigel, A.M., B.G. Hopkins, and T.G. Searle. 2018. Granulated homogenous potassium and boron fertilizer: Impact on alfalfa quality and yield. In Abstracts, ASA&bull;CSSA International Annu. Meet.; 4-7 Nov 2018; Baltimore, MD. Madison, WI: ASA- ASA&bull;CSSA.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Wilcox, M., C. Hollist, B.G. Hopkins, T.G. Searle, and J.D. Williams. 2018. Granulated homogeneous micronutrient fertilizers: Impact on potato yield and quality. In Abstracts, ASA&bull;CSSA International Annu. Meet.; 4-7 Nov 2018; Baltimore, MD. Madison, WI: ASA&bull;CSSA.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Wilcox, M., T. Rawlins, T.G. Searle, B.G. Hopkins, and J.D. Williams. 2018. Polymer coated and uncoated urea blends: Impact on Russet Burbank potato yield and quality. &nbsp;In Abstracts, ASA&bull;CSSA International Annu. Meet.; 4-7 Nov 2018; Baltimore, MD. Madison, WI: ASA&bull;CSSA.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Wilcox, M., B.G. Hopkins, T.G. Searle and J.D. Williams. 2018. Polymer coated urea impact on barley yield, flag leaf nitrogen, and protein. In Abstracts, ASA&bull;CSSA International Annu. Meet.; 4-7 Nov 2018; Baltimore, MD. Madison, WI: ASA&bull;CSSA.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Zeyer, S.M., J.D. Svedin, C.H. Porter, D.C. Cole, T.J. Hopkins and B.G. Hopkins. 2018. Struvite as an enhanced efficiency phosphorus fertilizer for sugarbeet and potato. In Abstracts, ASA&bull;CSSA International Annu. Meet.; 4-7 Nov 2018; Baltimore, MD. Madison, WI: ASA&bull;CSSA.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><em>Trade Journals/Popular Press:</em>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Hopkins, B.G. and N.C. Hansen. 2018. University turf researchers are working for you: Brigham Young University research update. <em>SportsTurf</em>. 34(6): 27-29. Available at: <a href="http://read.epgmediallc.com/i/987581-june-2018">http://read.epgmediallc.com/i/987581-june-2018</a>&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Hopkins, B.G. and T.J. Hopkins. 2018. Carbon: the next frontier in fertilization? <em>Crops &amp; Soils.</em> 51 (3) 36-38. Available at: https://dl.sciencesocieties.org/publications/cns/articles/51/3/36.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><em>Webcasts and Digital Education (Invited):</em></p><br /> <p>Hopkins, B.G. 2018. Enhanced efficiency nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers. <em>Western Region Nutrient Management Coordinating Committee</em>; 19 July 2018.</p><br /> <p>Presentations at Professional Meetings&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Crosland, M., B. Peacock, B. Geary, and B.G. Hopkins. 2018. Nitrogen and <em>Rhizoctonia solani</em> interactions in creeping bentgrass (<em>Agronstis stolonifera</em> L.). <em>Sports Turf Managers Association (STMA) Annu. Meet</em>; 16-19 Jan. 2018; Fort Worth, TX. Lawrence, KS: Sports Turf Managers Association.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Douglas, C., and B.G. Hopkins. 2018. Enhanced efficiency fertilizers in sports turf. <em>Sports Turf Managers Association (STMA) Annu. Meet</em>; 16-19 Jan. 2018; Fort Worth, TX. Lawrence, KS: Sports Turf Managers Association.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Hastriter A., K. Russell, and B.G. Hopkins. 2018. Nitrogen and water interactions in Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.). <em>Sports Turf Managers Association (STMA) Annu. Meet</em>; 16-19 Jan. 2018; Fort Worth, TX. Lawrence, KS: Sports Turf Managers Association.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Hopkins, B.G. 2018. Nitrogen management innovations. <em>Shoshone Bannock Tribe Grower&rsquo;s Meeting;</em> 16 March 2018; Fort Hall, ID.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Hopkins, B.G. 2018. Potato rotations and soil fertility/plant nutrition. <em>Lamb Weston meeting</em>; 22 Feb. 2018; Twin Falls, ID&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Hopkins, B.G., 2018. Advanced soil science for the sports turf Professional. <em>Sports Turf Managers Association (STMA) Annu. Meet</em>; 16-19 Jan. 2018; Fort Worth, TX. Lawrence, KS: Sports Turf Managers Association.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Pedigo, A., J. Svedin, and B.G. Hopkins. 2018. Polymer coated urea in Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.). <em>Sports Turf Managers Association (STMA) Annu. Meet</em>; 16-19 Jan. 2018; Fort Worth, TX. Lawrence, KS: Sports Turf Managers Association.&nbsp;</p><br /> <h4>Bryan Hopkins (BYU)</h4><br /> <h4>Refereed Journal Publications - In Press:</h4><br /> <p>Hopkins, B.G., K.J. Fernelius, N.C. Hansen, and D. L. Eggett. 2018. A response to the letter to the editor from Chien et al. (Comments on &ldquo;AVAIL phosphorus fertilizer enhancer: Meta-analysis of 503 field evaluations&rdquo; by B.G. Hopkins et al.) <em>Agron. J.</em> 110(4):1627-1630. DOI: 10.2134/agronj2018.03.0161</p><br /> <p>Hopkins, B.G., K.J. Fernelius, N.C. Hansen, and D.L. Eggett. 2018. AVAIL phosphorus fertilizer enhancer: Meta-analysis of 503 field evaluations. <em>Agron. J. </em>110: 389-398.</p><br /> <p>LeMonte, J.J., V.D. Jolley, T.M. Story, and B.G. Hopkins. 2018. Assessing atmospheric nitrogen losses with photoacoustic infrared spectroscopy: Polymer coated urea. <em>PLOS ONE</em>. 13(9): e0204090. DOI:org/10.1371/journal.pone.0204090</p><br /> <h3>Professional Meetings with Abstracts:</h3><br /> <p>Cole, D.L., A. Tyler, A. Lambert, S.V. Nelson, T. Billin and B.G. Hopkins. 2018. A new hydroponic system for testing mineral nutrient deficiencies in plants.&nbsp; In Abstracts, ASA&bull;CSSA International Annu. Meet.; 4-7 Nov 2018; Baltimore, MD. Madison, WI: ASA&bull;CSSA.</p><br /> <p>Hopkins, B.G. and T.J. Hopkins. 2018. Enhanced efficiency fertilizers in turfgrass: A review. In Abstracts, ASA&bull;CSSA International Annu. Meet.; 4-7 Nov 2018; Baltimore, MD. Madison, WI: ASA&bull;CSSA.</p><br /> <p>Hopkins, B.G. and T.J. Hopkins. 2018. Enhanced efficiency nitrogen fertilizers: Review. In Abstracts, ASA&bull;CSSA International Annu. Meet.; 4-7 Nov 2018; Baltimore, MD. Madison, WI: ASA&bull;CSSA.</p><br /> <p>Hopkins, B.G. and T.J. Hopkins. 2018. Enhanced efficiency phosphorus fertilizers: Review. In Abstracts, ASA&bull;CSSA International Annu. Meet.; 4-7 Nov 2018; Baltimore, MD. Madison, WI: ASA&bull;CSSA.</p><br /> <p>Hopkins, A.P., N.C. Hansen, B.G. Hopkins, and C.S. Campbell. 2018.&nbsp; Remote Sensing Approaches to Improve Water and Nitrogen Management of Kentucky Bluegrass. In Abstracts, ASA&bull;CSSA International Annu. Meet.; 4-7 Nov 2018; Baltimore, MD. Madison, WI: ASA&bull;CSSA.</p><br /> <p>Parkinson, M.E., M.D. Madsen, and B.G. Hopkins.&nbsp; 2018. Use of phosphorus fertilizer as a seed coating enhance seedling growth of bluebunch wheatgrass.&nbsp; .&nbsp; <em>In</em> Abstracts, <em>Proc. of the 71st Society for Range Management (SRM) Annual Meeting</em>; 28 Jan.- 2 Feb. 2018; Sparks, NV. Littleton, CO: Society for Range Management.</p><br /> <p>Valencia, M.C., S.V. Nelson, R. Lawrence, N.C. Hansen, M.D. Madsen, V. Anderson, S.L. Petersen and B.G. Hopkins. 2018. Phosphorus fertilizer and hydrogel for rangeland seedling success. In Abstracts, ASA&bull;CSSA International Annu. Meet.; 4-7 Nov 2018; Baltimore, MD. Madison, WI: ASA&bull;CSSA.</p><br /> <p>Weigel, A.M., B.G. Hopkins, and T.G. Searle. 2018. Granulated homogenous potassium and boron fertilizer: Impact on alfalfa quality and yield. In Abstracts, ASA&bull;CSSA International Annu. Meet.; 4-7 Nov 2018; Baltimore, MD. Madison, WI: ASA- ASA&bull;CSSA.</p><br /> <p>Wilcox, M., C. Hollist, B.G. Hopkins, T.G. Searle, and J.D. Williams. 2018. Granulated homogeneous micronutrient fertilizers: Impact on potato yield and quality. In Abstracts, ASA&bull;CSSA International Annu. Meet.; 4-7 Nov 2018; Baltimore, MD. Madison, WI: ASA&bull;CSSA.</p><br /> <p>Wilcox, M., T. Rawlins, T.G. Searle, B.G. Hopkins, and J.D. Williams. 2018. Polymer coated and uncoated urea blends: Impact on Russet Burbank potato yield and quality.&nbsp; In Abstracts, ASA&bull;CSSA International Annu. Meet.; 4-7 Nov 2018; Baltimore, MD. Madison, WI: ASA&bull;CSSA.</p><br /> <p>Wilcox, M., B.G. Hopkins, T.G. Searle and J.D. Williams. 2018. Polymer coated urea impact on barley yield, flag leaf nitrogen, and protein. In Abstracts, ASA&bull;CSSA International Annu. Meet.; 4-7 Nov 2018; Baltimore, MD. Madison, WI: ASA&bull;CSSA.</p><br /> <p>Zeyer, S.M., J.D. Svedin, C.H. Porter, D.C. Cole, T.J. Hopkins and B.G. Hopkins. 2018. Struvite as an enhanced efficiency phosphorus fertilizer for sugarbeet and potato. In Abstracts, ASA&bull;CSSA International Annu. Meet.; 4-7 Nov 2018; Baltimore, MD. Madison, WI: ASA&bull;CSSA.</p><br /> <h3>Trade Journals/Popular Press:</h3><br /> <p>Hopkins, B.G. and N.C. Hansen. 2018. University turf researchers are working for you: Brigham Young University research update. <em>SportsTurf</em>. 34(6): 27-29. Available at: http://read.epgmediallc.com/i/987581-june-2018</p><br /> <p>Hopkins, B.G. and T.J. Hopkins. 2018. Carbon: the next frontier in fertilization? <em>Crops &amp; Soils.</em> 51 (3) 36-38. Available at: https://dl.sciencesocieties.org/publications/cns/articles/51/3/36.</p><br /> <h3>Webcasts and Digital Education <em>(Invited):</em></h3><br /> <p>Hopkins, B.G. 2018. Enhanced efficiency nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers. <em>Western Region Nutrient Management Coordinating Committee</em>; 19 July 2018.</p><br /> <h3>Presentations at Professional Meetings</h3><br /> <p>Crosland, M., B. Peacock, B. Geary, and B.G. Hopkins. 2018. Nitrogen and <em>Rhizoctonia solani</em> interactions in creeping bentgrass (<em>Agronstis stolonifera</em> L.). <em>Sports Turf Managers Association (STMA) Annu. Meet</em>; 16-19 Jan. 2018; Fort Worth, TX. Lawrence, KS: Sports Turf Managers Association.</p><br /> <p>Douglas, C., and B.G. Hopkins. 2018. Enhanced efficiency fertilizers in sports turf. <em>Sports Turf Managers Association (STMA) Annu. Meet</em>; 16-19 Jan. 2018; Fort Worth, TX. Lawrence, KS: Sports Turf Managers Association.</p><br /> <p>Hastriter A., K. Russell, and B.G. Hopkins. 2018. Nitrogen and water interactions in Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.). <em>Sports Turf Managers Association (STMA) Annu. Meet</em>; 16-19 Jan. 2018; Fort Worth, TX. Lawrence, KS: Sports Turf Managers Association.</p><br /> <p>Hopkins, B.G. 2018. Nitrogen management innovations. <em>Shoshone Bannock Tribe Grower&rsquo;s Meeting;</em> 16 March 2018; Fort Hall, ID.</p><br /> <p>Hopkins, B.G. 2018. Potato rotations and soil fertility/plant nutrition. <em>Lamb Weston meeting</em>; 22 Feb. 2018; Twin Falls, ID</p><br /> <p>Hopkins, B.G., 2018. Advanced soil science for the sports turf Professional. <em>Sports Turf Managers Association (STMA) Annu. Meet</em>; 16-19 Jan. 2018; Fort Worth, TX. Lawrence, KS: Sports Turf Managers Association.</p><br /> <p>Pedigo, A., J. Svedin, and B.G. Hopkins. 2018. Polymer coated urea in Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.). <em>Sports Turf Managers Association (STMA) Annu. Meet</em>; 16-19 Jan. 2018; Fort Worth, TX. Lawrence, KS: Sports Turf Managers Association.</p><br /> <h2>WASHINGTON</h2><br /> <p><strong>Tao*, H.</strong>, T.F. Morris, P. Kyveryga, J. McGuire. 2018. Factors affecting nitrogen availability and variability in cornfields. Agron. J. 110:1974-1986.</p><br /> <p><strong>Tao*, H.</strong>, W.L. Pan, P. Carter, K. Wang. 2019. Addition of lignin to lime materials for expedited pH increase and improved vertical mobility of lime in no-till soils. Soil Use and Management. Accepted.</p><br /> <p>Peer-reviewed Extension publications</p><br /> <p><strong>Tao, H.</strong>, W.L. Pan, P. Carter, K. Wang. A wheat straw pulping co-product mixed with lime may address soil acidification in the PNW. <strong>&nbsp;</strong>WSU Extension Factsheet. Washington State University, Pullman, WA. Accepted with revision.</p><br /> <p><strong>Tao, H.</strong> and C.W. Rogers. Nitrogen inhibitors: how do they work to reduce N losses? A general introduction. WSU Extension Factsheet. Washington State University, Pullman, WA. Accepted with revision.</p><br /> <p><strong>Tao, H., </strong>G. Yorgey, D. Huggins, D. Wysocki. 2017. Crop residue management. Pages 125-162. In G. Yorgey and C. Kruger (eds). <em>Advances in Sustainable Dryland Farming in the Inland Pacific Northwest</em>. WSU Extension Bulletin EM108. Washington State University, Pullman, WA.</p><br /> <p>Borrelli, K., W.L., Pan, <strong>H. Tao</strong>, C. Paul, T. Maaz. 2017. Soil Fertility Management, Pages 237-283. In G. Yorgey and C. Kruger (eds). <em>Advances in Sustainable Dryland Farming in the Inland Pacific Northwest</em>. WSU Extension Bulletin EM108. Washington State University, Pullman, WA.</p><br /> <p>Magazine publications</p><br /> <p><strong>Tao, H.</strong> 2019. Factors affecting nitrogen availability and variability in cornfields. Crop &amp; Soil magazine. 52(1):4-9. Soil Science Society of America, Crop Science Society of America, American Society of Agronomy. Online ISSN: 2325-3606, Pring ISSN: 0162-5098. Madison, WI.</p><br /> <p><strong>Tao, H.</strong> 2019. Soil health assessment: what is it good for? Wheat Life. Ritzville, WA.</p><br /> <p><strong>Tao, H.</strong> 2018. Changing roles: from learner to thinker. CSA News Magazine. 63(7):32-34. Soil Science Society of America, Crop Science Society of America, American Society of Agronomy. Online ISSN: 2325-3584, Print ISSN: 1529-9163. Madison, WI.</p><br /> <p><strong>Tao, H.</strong> 2017. Reducing nitrogen loss-enhanced-efficiency fertilizer products may be the answer. Wheat Life. Ritzville, WA.</p><br /> <p>Workshop Hosted &amp; Extension Platform Created</p><br /> <p><strong>Tao, H. </strong>WSU Farmers Network.</p><br /> <p><strong>Tao, H.</strong> And Carol McFarland. Jan. 22, 2019. Management Matters for Soil Health. Pullman, WA. One-day workshop. 85 participants from universities, conservation districts, USDA-ARS, USDA-NRCS, industries, farms in the WA, ID, OR.</p><br /> <p><strong>Tao, H.</strong> Mar. 19-21, 2018. Digital Farming Workshop. Pullman, WA. Three-day workshop teaching decision-making using digital technologies. 18 participants from universities and industry agronomists.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>Tao, H.</strong> And Carol McFarland. Feb. 8, 2018. Managing for Healthy Soils-The Foundation of Healthy Farms Workshop. Pullman, WA. One-day workshop. 86 participants from universities, conservation districts, USDA-ARS, USDA-NRCS, industries, soil testing labs, farm organizations, high school, farms in the WA, ID, OR, MT.</p><br /> <p><strong>Tao, H.</strong> and Carol McFarland. Jan. 4, 2018. Soil Acidity on the Palouse-Digging Deeper Workshop. Pullman, WA. One-day workshop. 150 participants from universities, conservation districts, USDA-ARS, USDA-NRCS, industries, farms in the WA, ID, OR.</p><br /> <p>Bullock, D.,<strong> H. Tao, </strong>B. Maxwell. Dec. 15-18, 2017. A Workshop to Plan an International Cyber-infrastructure for On-farm Production Research. LA, CA. 50 Participants.</p><br /> <p>Abstracts and Presentations</p><br /> <p>Breslauer*, R.S., <strong>H. Tao</strong>, D.R. Huggins, and W.L. Pan. 2019. Do restrictive soils impact nitrogen needs in dryland wheat systems? SSSA International Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA.</p><br /> <p>Breslauer*, R.S., <strong>H. Tao</strong>, D. Brown, and W.L. Pan. How does reduced rooting depth in wheat impact use of stored soil water? SSSA International Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA.</p><br /> <p><strong>Tao., H.</strong>, K. Naasko, I. Madsen, and W.L. Pan. 2019. Soil health indicators for dryland production systems in the inland Pacific Northwest. SSSA International Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA.</p><br /> <p>Porter*, M., <strong>H. Tao</strong>, and I. Madsen. 2019. Winter canola nutrient uptake in the inland Pacific Northwest. SSSA International Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA.</p><br /> <p>Naasko*, K., I. Madsen, <strong>H. Tao</strong>, W.L. Pan, and D.R. Huggins. 2019. Dynamic topsoil properties of the inland Pacific Northwest. SSSA International Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA.</p><br /> <p>Naasko*, K., I. Madsen, <strong>H. Tao</strong>, W.L. Pan, and D.R. Huggins. 2019. Dynamic topsoil properties of the inland Pacific Northwest. Poster. SSSA International Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA.</p><br /> <p>Manuel*, J., K. Naasko, I. Madsen, W.L. Pan, and <strong>H. Tao</strong>. 2019. Landscpe and management effect on water infiltration as measured by the Cornell and single ring infiltration methods. SSSA International Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA.</p><br /> <p>Wills, S., M. Robotham, J. Nemecek, D. Osmond, J. Heitman, D. Presley, P. Tomlinson, <strong>H. Tao</strong>, P. DeLaune, K. Lewis, G. Liles, F. Arriaga, and L. Adams. 2019. Putting soil health indicators in context: a project using dynamic soil properties and soil survey to provide references and potentials. SSSA International Annual Meeting. San Diego, CA.</p><br /> <p>Porter*, M., <strong>H. Tao</strong>, I. Madsen. 2018. Influence of nitrogen application rate and timing on yield and quality of winter canola. ASA &amp; CSSA International Annual Meeting. Baltimore, MD. Poster.</p><br /> <p>Delwiche, S.R., S. Rausch., <strong>H. Tao</strong>. 2018. Wheat falling number as affected by field topography. AACC International Cereals &amp; Grains Association Annual Meeting, London, UK.</p><br /> <p>Fitria<strong>*</strong>, H. Ruan, S.C.&nbsp; Fransen, A.H. Carter, <strong>H. Tao</strong>, B. Yang. 2018. Selecting winter wheat for cellulosic ethanol production in the Pacific Northwest. Symposium of Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals. Clearwater Beach, FL.</p><br /> <p>Michel<strong>*</strong>, L., L. Carpenter-Boggs, N. Embertson, T. Sullivan, <strong>H. Tao</strong>. 2018. Establishing cover crops for soil health in low-rainfall eastern Washington. Pacific Northwest Direct Seed Association. 2018 Cropping Systems Conference. Kennewick, WA. Poster.&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Porter<em>*</em>, M., <strong>H. Tao</strong>, W.L. Pan, K. Sowers, and D. Roe. 2017. Improving nitrogen use efficiency for winter canola using 4R stewardship. ASA, CSSA, &amp; SSSA International Annual Meetings. Tampa, FL. Poster.</p><br /> <p>Breslauer<em>*</em>, R., <strong>H. Tao</strong>, D. Brown, and W.L. Pan. 2017. Impact of slope direction on winter wheat protein content in the Inland Northwest. ASA, CSSA, &amp; SSSA International Annual Meetings. Tampa, FL. Poster.</p><br /> <p>Breslauer<em>*</em>, R., <strong>H. Tao</strong>, D. Brown, and W.L. Pan. 2017. A hard place to farm: the impact of hydraulically restrictive layers on nitrogen use efficiency. ASA, CSSA, &amp; SSSA International Annual Meetings. Tampa, FL.</p><br /> <p>Lyon, D. and<strong> H. Tao</strong>. 2017. Teaming up for success: the wsu extension dryland cropping systems team. ASA, CSSA, &amp; SSSA International Annual Meetings. Tampa, FL. Poster.</p><br /> <p><span style="text-decoration: underline;">Invited Presentations</span></p><br /> <p>Porter, M., I. Madsen,<strong> and H. Tao</strong>. Nutrient management of canola. 2019 Washington Oilseed Cropping Systems Workshop. Clarkston. ~150 people.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Porter, M., I. Madsen,<strong> and H. Tao</strong>. Nutrient management of canola. 2019 Washington Oilseed Cropping Systems Workshop. Wilbur. ~100 people.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>Tao, H.</strong> 2019. Soil organic matter: small component, big impact. G.S. Long Winter Ag Academy Meets. Kennewick, WA. ~150 people.&nbsp;</p><br /> <p><strong>Tao, H.</strong> and R. Koenig. 2018. Chloride fertility in wheat. Far West Agrobusiness Association December Winter Conference. Kennewick, WA. 50 minutes presentation, ~60 people.</p><br /> <p>Pan, W.L. and <strong>H. Tao</strong>. 2018. A wheat straw pulping co-product mixed with lime may address acidified soil acidification in the PNW. Far West Agrobusiness Association December Winter Conference. Kennewick, WA. 50 minutes presentation, ~50 people.</p><br /> <p>Rogers, C.W. and <strong>H. Tao</strong>. 2018. Understanding the effectiveness of nitrogen inhibitors-two case studies. Far West Agrobusiness Association December Winter Conference. Kennewick, WA. 50 minutes presentation, ~60 people.</p><br /> <p><strong>Tao, H. </strong>2018. Protein and nutrient management in cereal grains. WSU Wilke Research &amp; Extension Farm Field Day. Davenport, WA, ~100 people.</p><br /> <p><strong>Tao, H. </strong>2018. Management strategies to alleviate the acceleration of soil acidification. McGregor Company Training Program. Colfax, WA. 50 minutes presentation, ~40 people.</p><br /> <p><strong>Tao, H. </strong>2018. Nitrogen fertility of winter canola. WSU Oilseed Workshops. Colfax &amp; Richland, WA. Joint 50-minute presentations, ~200 people.</p><br /> <p><strong>Tao, H.</strong> 2018. Management strategies to alleviate the acceleration of soil acidification. Soil Acidity on the Palouse-Digging Deeper Workshop. Pullman, WA. 50 minutes presentation, ~150 people.</p><br /> <p><strong>Tao, H.</strong> 2017. Large-scale On-farm research trials to support soil fertility. A Workshop to Plan an International Cyber-Infrastructure for On-farm Production Research. LA, CA. 50 people.</p><br /> <p><strong>Tao, H </strong>and Aaron Esser. 2017. Large-scale on-farm research trials to support soil fertility management. Wheat Academy, WA. 50 minutes presentation, 75 people.</p><br /> <p><strong>Tao, H. </strong>2017. Grazing early planted winter canola. WSU Oilseed Workshops. Hartline, Colfax, Odessa, WA. Joint 50-minute presentations, ~150 people.</p><br /> <p><strong>Tao, H. </strong>2017. Nitrogen rate &amp; timing in winter canola. WSU Irrigated Winter Canola Twilight Tour &amp; BBQ. Field Day in Odessa, WA, ~30 people.</p><br /> <p><strong>Tao, H. </strong>2017. Nitrogen rate &amp; timing in winter canola. WSU Winter Canola Tour. Field Day in Ralston, WA, ~30 people.</p><br /> <p><strong>Tao, H. </strong>2017. Nitrogen rate &amp; timing in winter canola. WSU Winter Canola Tour. Field Day in St. John, WA, ~30 people.</p><br /> <p><strong>Tao, H. </strong>2017. Nitrogen inhibitors and stabilizers for improved nitrogen use efficiency. Latah Soil &amp; Water Conservation District Board Meeting. Moscow, ID. 50 minutes presentation, ~20 people.</p><br /> <p><strong>Tao, H. </strong>2017. Organic fertilizer sources and mineralization: helping planners better estimate mineralization. Nutrient Management Planning Training-Virtual Day. Whatcom Conservation District. ~20 people.</p><br /> <p><strong>Tao, H., </strong>D. Granatstein, J. Davenport, T. Dupont. 2017. Soil health in perennial and annual cropping systems-Central WA Soils. Washington Soil Health Meeting. Ellensburg, WA. ~30 people.</p><br /> <p><strong>Tao, H. </strong>2017. Protein monitors as a tool to assess soils. Wilke Soil Health Workshop. Ritzville, WA. ~50 people.</p><br /> <h2>WYOMING</h2><br /> <p>Ghimire, R., J.B. Norton, and U. Norton. 2018. Soil organic matter dynamics under irrigated perennial forage &ndash; annual crop rotations. Grass and Forage Science 73: 907-917.</p><br /> <p>Cude, S.M., M.A. Ankeny, J. B. Norton, T.J. Kelleners, and C.F. Strom. 2018. Capillary barriers improve reclamation in drastically disturbed semiarid shrubland. Arid Land Research and Management 32:259-276.</p><br /> <p>Day, S.J., J.B. Norton, C.F. Strom, T.J. Kelleners, and E.F. Aboukila. 2018. Gypsum, langbeinite, sulfur, and compost for reclamation of drastically disturbed calcareous saline - sodic soils. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology https://doi.org/10.1007/s13762-018-1671-5.</p><br /> <p>Norton, J.B. 2018. How does fertilizer use affect soil health? Wyoming Livestock Roundup, November.</p><br /> <p>Kasten, Mike. 2018. Grazing Influence on Wetland Extent and Soil Organic Carbon Storage in the National Trails Management Corridor of Central Wyoming. MS Thesis.</p><br /> <p>Badu. Mavis.2018. Compost and fertilizer carryover effect on GHG emissions and crop yields in winter wheat fallow planted with cover crops. PhD Dissertation.</p><br /> <p><strong>Extension Materials </strong></p><br /> <p>Norton, J.B.: Wyoming Soil Management Web Site: <a href="https://soilmanagement.wordpress.com">https://soilmanagement.wordpress.com</a>. &nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Norton, J.B. and others: High Plains Organic Farming Conference Web Site: <a href="https://www.highplainsorganic.org">https://www.highplainsorganic.org</a>. &nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Norton, J. B. (in re vision) Alkaline soils in Wyoming: Formation, ecology, and management of calcareous, saline, and sodic soils. UW Extension Bulletin.</p><br /> <p>Norton, J.B. 2018. Garden soil health handbook: Measuring and managing soil properties for W yoming vegetable gardens. On-line Ext ension Bulletin: <a href="https://soilmanagement.files.wordpress.com/2019/01/garden-soil-health-handbook-012319.pdf">https://soilmanagement.files.wordpress.com/2019/01/garden-soil-health-handbook-012319.pdf</a>.</p><br /> <p>Norton, J.B. 2018. Rangeland soil health indicators: A Stepwise guide to assessing management effects on rangeland sustainability. On-line Extension Bulletin: <a href="https://soilmanagement.files.wordpress.com/2017/11/field-and-lab-soil-tests-for-rangeland-management2.pdf">https://soilmanagement.files.wordpress.com/2017/11/field-and-lab-soil-tests-for-rangeland-management2.pdf</a>. &nbsp;</p><br /> <p>Norton, U., Badu. M., J. Norton. 2018. Effect of high rate of compost or N fertilizer followed by cover crops on wheat yield and soil N. Agriculture Extension Field Days Bulletin.</p><br /> <p><strong>Presentations </strong></p><br /> <p>Norton, J.B., D. T. Booth, S.E. Cox, J. C. Likins. 2018. Grazing drives soil warming in herbaceous riparian wetlands. Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management, Sparks NV, January 31, 2018.</p><br /> <p>Booth, D.T., S.E. Cox, J.C. Likins, and J.B. Norton. 2018. Implications of Fall Grazing as Discussed in Riparian Area Management (BLM TR 1737 - 20). Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management, Sparks NV, January 31, 2018.</p><br /> <p>Kasten, M., J.B. Norton, K.L. Vaughan. 2018. Grazing management impacts on wetland soil carbon storage along the National Historic Trails Corridor in Wyoming. Annual Meeting, Society for Range Management, Sparks NV, January 31, 2018.</p><br /> <p>Norton, J.B. 2018. Build and maintain soil h ealth for sustainable dry land production: Using compost and cover crops in the High Plains. 5th Annual High Plains Organic Farming Conference, February 28, 2018, Cheyenne, Wyoming.</p><br /> <p>Norton, J.B. 2018. Basic soil science for master gardeners, Casper, WY, October 27, 2018.</p><br /> <p>Norton, J.B. 2018. Basic soil science for master gardeners, Rock Springs, WY, March 22, 2018.</p><br /> <p>Norton, J.B. 2018. Basic soil science for master gardeners, Cheyenne, February 17, 2018.</p><br /> <p>Norton, U., M. Badu, J. Norton. 2018. Compost and cover crops carry - over eff ect on soil N mineralization and plant performance. Annual ASA - CSSA meeting, Baltimore, MD;</p><br /> <p>Badu, M., U. Norton, J. Norton. 2018. Compost and N fertilizer followed by cover crops on crop yield and weed species competition in winter wheat fallow production. Fifth Annual Great Plains Organic Farming conference, Cheyenne, WY</p><br /> <p>Badu, M., U. Norton, J. Norton, 2018. Seasonal changes to soil N and GHG fluxes in winter wheat fall ow after compost and N fertilizer application. Fifth Annual Great Plains Organic Farming conference, Cheyenne, WY.</p><br /> <p>Norton, U., Badu. M., J. Norton. 2018. Effect of high rate of compost or N fertilizer followed by cover crops on wheat yield and soil N. Agriculture Extension Station Field Days, Lingle, WY .</p>

Impact Statements

  1. On-going multi-state USDA-funded research & extension projects 1. 2018-20 Integrating livestock and cover crops into irrigated crop rotations. USDA Western SARE Research & Education Grant. J. Norton and U. Norton, UWYO, and Clain Jones, Montana State. 2. 2017-19 Climate resilient irrigated crop rotations in Wyoming and Montana. Northern Plains Climate Hub Extension & Outreach grant, J. Norton and U. Norton, UWYO, and Clain Jones, Montana State. 3. 2014-19 (continued funding applied for) Compost carryover and cover crop effects on soil quality, profitability, and cultivar selection in organic dryland wheat. USDA-OREI, Jennifer Reeve, Earl Creech and others, Utah State; J. Norton, Urszula Norton, UWYO, Ian Burke, WSU, Pat Carr, MSU. 4. 2019-2021 Manure amendment to improve poor quality soils. J. Ippolito and J. Brumer, CSU; J. Norton, UWYO.
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